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A26821 Truth's vindication, or, A gentle stroke to wipe off the foul aspersions, false accusations, and misrepresentations cast upon the people of God called Quakers, both with respect to their principle and their way of proselyting people over to them also An epistle to such of the Friends of Christ that have lately been convinced of the truth as it is in Jesus. Bathurst, Elizabeth, d. 1691. 1679 (1679) Wing B1137; ESTC R2590 87,826 120

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speaking to the Corinthiaens in his first Epistle chap. 6. 11. saith But ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the Name of our Lord Iesus and by the Spirit of our God But more of this in another place 5. Adoption as 't is written Ephes. 1. 5. Having predestinated us unto the Adoption of Children by Iesus Christ to himself according to the good Pleasure of his Will To the like purpose is that in Rom. 8. 29. For whom he did fore-know he also did predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son that he might be the First-born among many Brethren To which accords Iohn 1. 12. To as many as received him to them gave he Power to become the Sons of God even to as many as believe in his Name 6. A sixth Benefit is Forgiveness of and Redemption from all Sin as saith the Scripture Ephes. 1. 7. In whom we have Redemption through his Blood the Forgiveness of Sins according to the Riches of his Grace So Titus 2. 13 14. Looking for that blessed Hope and Glorious Appearing of the great God and our Saviour Iesus Christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar People zealous of good Works And 1 Iohn 3. 8 5. 't is said For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the Works of the Devil and ye know that he was manifested to take away our Sin 7. Victory over Satan Forasmuch as the Children are Partakers of Flesh and Blood he also took part of the same that through Death he might destroy him that had the power of Death that is the Devil see Hebr. 7. 14. So that his strength being broken and his power destroyed by the Captain of our Salvation if we resist him stedfast in the Faith he will flee from us as 't is written Iames 4. 7. 8. Another Benefit is Access to God by Faith as saith the Apostle Ephes. 3. 12. In whom we have Boldness and Access with Confidence by the Faith of him And as we have Access to God by him so likewise we find Acceptance with God in and through him 9. Through him we receive A sure Hope of Eternal Life as 't is recorded Hebr. 9. 15. And for this Cause he is the Mediator of the New Testament that by means of Death for the Redemptions of the Transgressions that were under the first Testament they which are called might receive the Promise of the Eternal Inheritance Thus 't is confest that in Christ Jesus we are Elected Called Reconciled to God Sanctified Justified Adopted by him we obtain Pardon and Redemption from all Sin through Faith in his Name we find Access to God and Acceptance with him in him we are made Victors over Satan and Heirs of Life Eternal Now Reader thou may'st see how falsly the Quakers have been accused in laying to their Charge They deny that Christ which came in the flesh with the Obedience he thereon performed by his Sufferings Death Resurrection from the Dead 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 also the Benefits that thereby are obtained which things never were by them denyed for they know that the Son of God is come and hath given them an Understanding that they know him that is true and they are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternal Life see 1 Iohn 5. 20. But for further satisfaction concerning their Faith herein if any do desire it they may see a Book put sorth by George Whitehead intitilled The Divinity of Christ and Vnity of the Three that hear Record in Heaven with the blessed End and Effects of Christ's Appearance Coming in the Flesh Suffering and Sacrifice for Sinners Confessed and Vindicated Now concerning Iustification by Faith in Jesus Christ and the Imputation of his Righteousness to Believe's Here also it may be seen how grosly this People have been abused how greatly their Principle hath been misrepresented For Justification by Faith they own as hath publickly been confessed by them according to these Scriptures By the deeds of the Law shall no Flesh be justified in his sight wherefore the Law was our School-Master to bring us unto Christ that we might be justified by Faith To declare I say at this time his Righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Iesus For by Grace are ye saved through Faith and that not of our selves it is the Gift of God not of Works lest any man should boast for we are his Wormanship created in Christ Iesus unto good Works not by Works of Righteousness which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us abundantly through Iesus Christ our Saviour that being justified by Grace we should be made Heirs according to the hope of Eternal Life But then it must be a living Faith according to the definition of the Apostle Iames in the second Chapter of his Epistle And it must be such a Faith as purifies the Heart and is held in a pure Conscience and is manifest in the Life by Works of love and gives Victory over the World For in Christ Iesus neither Circumcision availeth any thing nor Vncircumcision but Faith which worketh by Love saith Paul Gal. 5. 6. And this is the Victory whereby we overcome the World even our Faith saith Iohn 1 Joh. 5. 4. Therefore say I without this real Faith 't is impossible we should please God or be justified in his sight Yet now because these my Friends have distinguished between Faith and Fancy therefore they have been calumniated and their Principle traduced by many So likewise as to the imputed Righteousness of Jesus Christ this they own according to the Scriptures even as David describeth the Blessedness of the man whose Transgression is forgiven and whose Sin is covered saying Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not Iniquity and in whose Spirit there is no Guile Psal. 32. 1 2. And Abraham being justified by Faith 't is said he received the sign of Circumcision a Seal of the Righteousness of the Faith which he had yet being Uncircumcised that he might be the Father of all them that believe though they be not Circumcised that Righteousness might be imputed to them also Rom. 4. 11. Wherefore this People believe acceptance with the Father is only in Christ and by his Righteousness made ours or imputed unto us by the inward Work and applicatory act of God's Gift of Grace whereby he is made unto the Soul Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption but because they deny the Righteousness of Christ to be imputed where it is not imparted and distinguish between Imagination and Imputation between reckoning or imputing that is real and reckoning or imputation that is not real but a fancy and dare not own the point in the
to inform them in the Principle of True Religion for the Principle of Truth is but One I shall therefore according to the Manifestation of the Spirit given unto me endeavour to signifie What this Principle is From whom it comes and Whereto it leads PART II. Concerning the Principle of Truth What it is From Whom it comes and Whereto it leads § I. IT is a Principle of Divine Light and Life of Christ Jesus placed in the Conscience which opens the Understanding enlightens the Eye of the Mind discovers Sin to the Soul reproves for it and makes it appear exceeding sinful quickens such as accept and believe in it though they were dead in Trespasses and Sins makes them alive to God ang bringeth up into Conformity to the Image of his Son Christ Jesus that he may be the First-born among many Brethren That this Description accords with Apostolical Doctrine see Ephes. 5. 23. All things that are reproved are made manifest by the Light for whatsoever doth make manifest is Light Therefore saith Christ Iohn 3. 20 21. Every one that doth Evil hateth the Light neither cometh to the Light lest his Deeds should be reproved But he that doth Truth cometh to the Light that his Deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God Ephes. 2. 4 5 6. But God who is rich in Mercy for his great Love wherewith he loved us when we were dead in Sins hath quickened us together with Christ c. Rom. 8.29 For whom he did fore-know he also did praedestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son that he might be the First-born among many Brethren Thus is general have I briefly described the Christian-Principle but that I may make it further intelligible unto you I feel it upon me to write more particularly that so when you shall read it by a familiar Demonstration you may the sooner be prevail'd upon to yield to its Operation § II. In the first place This Principle of which I am now writing 't is the Grace of God that brings Salvation and hath appeared to all men teaching us that denying Vngodliness and Worldly Lusts we should live Soberly Righteously and Godlily in this Present World as saith the Apostle Tit. 2. 11 12. Even that Word of his Grace which is able to build us up and to give us an Inheritance among all those that are Sanctified through Faith which is in Christ Iesus see Acts 2. 8. By which Grace we are Called Iustified and Saved That is If we believe in the same if we receive it and continue therein grounded and settled and be not moved away from the Hope of our Calling nor from the Hope of the Gospel which we have heard and which was preached to every Creature which is under Heaven according as it is written Col. 1. 23. But if we turn this Grace into Wantonness and so receive it in vain then indeed it will not save us However this Grace of God in it self is able and sufficient to save all to whom it appears and all that believe in it and are led by it are preserved because it was by this Grace of God that his Son Christ Jesus should taste Death for every man For there is no difference between the Iew and Greek but the same Lord over all is Rich unto all that call upon him For the Lord is Gracious and full of Compassion slow to Anger and of great Kindness The Lord is good to all and his tender Mercies are over all his Works as you may read Heb. 2. 9. Rom. 10. 12. Psal. 145. 8. 9. All which are clear proofs that the Grace of God is both Free and Universal which Grace of God is else where called the Light of Jesus he being that Gift of Grace given by God to enlighten the Children of Men as 't is written of him Joh. 1. 9. He is that true Light who lighteth every man that cometh into the World And this is he whom the Father promised by the Mouth of his Prophet saying I will give thee for a Covenant of the People for a Light of the Gentiles Isa. 42. 6. The same is again spoken of Chap. 49. 6. It is a light thing that thou shouldst be my Servant to raise up the Tribes of Jacob and to restore the Preserved of Israel I will also give thee for a Covenant to the Gentiles that thou may'st be my Salvation to the Ends of the Earth And the Prophet Isaiah speaking to the Church Chap. 60. 20. saith thus The Lord shall be thine Everlasting Light To which the Prophet David brings in his Experience The Lord is my Light and my Salvation saith he Psal. 27. 1. This is indeed the mighty Saviour he upon whom the Father hath laid help and who is able to save unto the uttermost all that come unto God by him whose appearance is Light whereby he Discovers and Reproves Sin in men see therefore that none reject him For this is he who hath the Key of David that openeth the Understandings of his People by which they understand the Scciptures when they read them This is he who hath discovered himself to be God manifest in the Flesh and also doth manifest himself in our Mortal Flesh in which we dwell This is he who when he was on Earth yielded both Active and Passive Obedience to his heavenly Father in Life Doctrine and Death which I firmly do believe was a Sacrifice acceptable unto God for the Sins of Men by believing in whom and yielding Obedience to him Pardon and Remission of Sins comes to be known and so the Creature finds Acceptance with the Father through the Son This is he who justifies by Faith in his own Name This is he which imputes his own Righteousness to the Children of men without whose applicatory act and gift of Grace in imputing his own Righteousness unto us all creaturely actings are but in vain This is he that hath laid down his Life for us and took it upon again for saith he I have Power so to do John 10. 18. And by the same Power that raised his own Body out of the Grave doth and will he raise up the Souls and Bodies of Believers to glorifie his great Name For this is he that Acquits his People of all Sin old as well as new taking away and cleansing them from the Sins of their first and fallen Natures as well as pardoning upon Repentance those Sins which some have at unawares or through weakness fallen into after they have received the Knowledge of the Truth For he who is called the Light of the World Iohn 8. 12. Iohn 1. 9. the same is called the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World vers 29. And therefore was his Name called Jesus a Saviour for it was said he should save his People from their Sins Mat. 1. 21. This is he who baptizeth his People with the Water of Life and Regeneration and sealeth up his
things were written afore time were written for our Learning that we through Patience and Comfort of the Scriptures might have Hope as 't is recorded Rom. 15. 4. So that it appears the Scriptures are owned of them and are believed by them and are practiced amongst them but they dare not ascribe them that Glory which is due to God nor exalt them above his Son Christ Jesus nor prefer them in his Spirit 's stead neither yet is it any Derogation from the Scriptures to exalt Christ and his Spirit more than they for Scriptures themselves exalt Christ and the Spirit above themselves so that it is not in any slight or disrespect they have to those holy Writings wherefore they do not call them the Word and the Rule of Faith and Life but as they have declared 'T is from that reverend regard they owe and ought to bear to Christ Jesus the great and eminent Word of God to whose Spirit all Scripture Directions in Matters of Salvation refer us as to an Infallible Rule and Guide They direct us thereunto that we may not live in them but in him who is the Author and Dispenser of them Thus though the Scriptures are granted to be a Righteous Rule and of Divine Dispensation for the Prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the holy Ghost even as the Apostle testified 2 Pet. 1. 21. and my Soul praises the Lord that he hath preserved the Records of so many Prophecies and Testimonies of his primitive Servants through so many Contingencies unto this present Age yet can I not think that the God of infinite Wisdom and Grace whose Mercy is over all his Works would leave Mankind in so great a Concern whereon their Eternal Salvation is depending to such a Rule alone for Guidance therein as is subject to concealing Mis-translation Mis-interpretation False Application as we find the Scriptures have been by Corrupters of them Muchless can I believe that he would suffer the greatest part of the World to live without them as they do were there no other means appointed for their Salvation Yea moreover I am very sensible that where the Scriptures are many occurrances may fall out in the course of our Lives about which the Scripture gives no particular Advice and yet it is necessary we should have a Guide near in all our Affairs But I well know many Cases there are where Scripture is altogether silent in the matter Admit then here that the Creature in such a streight not knowing what to do betake it self to inquire of the Lord by Prayer alas what will that avail unless it receive an Answer which is already granted not to be found in Scripture neither can it now he had by the meer Literal Priesthood nor by their pretended Vrim and Thummim and say they who cry up solely Scripture to be the Rule of Faith and Life Neither must we expect Answer by Dream nor yet by Vision no nor by Revelation nor Inspiration for these say they are craft many Ages past Whom I ask What way then can the Creature come by Advice which till they can resolve me in I shall still retain my Opinion viz. That that inward Oracle which is a Measure of God's Spirit whereby we obtain access to him with Answer and Direction from him in all our Concerns about which we inquire of him undeniably is of greater Authority both to beget living Faith and order us therein and a more perfect Rule to guide our Lives than the outward Writings of the Scriptures which in many things leave us without either Counsel or Instruction And here I shall leave this Point which is in answer to an Accusation which is That we deny the Scriptures a thing often charged upon but never proved against the People called Quakers CHAP. II. Concerning the Humanity of Christ c. A Second Charge which I have heard brought in against the Quakers is That they deny the Humanity of Christ Iesus and the Obedience that he yielded in the dayes of his Flesh by his Sufferings Death Buriel Resurrection from the Dead together with all the benefits that thereby accrue unto Believers as also Iustification by Faith and the imputed Righteousness of Christ. Now that this hath been as falsly charged upon them as the former I shall undertake to prove by Scripture But first let me mind the Reader this I have observed viz. That there are many that have born false Witness against them yet they do not seem to accord in their Witness For first comes out a learned Doctor and he declares publickly though somewhat ambiguously that this People deny that Christ which dyed at Ierusalem to be God equal with the Father But when this was refuted so as not to be believed then comes out another and he would give the World to know as if they only deny the Son of God to have assumed Humane or man's Nature Thus their accusers contradict one another for both seem to grant we own a Christ which well they may do since they differ in Principles amongst themselves how ever they agree thus far like Herod and Pilate to unite against Jesus so have they against his Followers but I need not enlarge upon particulars since rather then they will want a Host to go out against the Quakers look but into the Muster and thou mayst see One and Twenty Divines as they give themselves the Stile enter the Lift together of whom I shall say no more here lest it should be taken for a Digression from the Answer 1 st Therefore to clear Truth from Slander both on the one hand and the other I do in the first place affirm and that upon certain Grounds viz. That all who may be rightly denominated Quakers such as Tremble at the Word of God they are of the Faith of one Substance which the ancient Christians so earnestly contented for and suffered such hard things in maintaining to wit that Christ the blessed Son of God as to his Divinity was of the same Eternal substance with the Father as may be read at large in George Bishop's Looking glass for the Times pag. 85 86. 2 dly I affirm they faithfully own the Scriptures And therefore what Iohn the Divine saw in his Revelations concerning him as 't is Recorded chap. 13.8 That he to wit Christ was the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World And what the Apostle said of him Phil. 2. 6. Who being in the Form of God thought it no Robbery to be equal with God Likewise Iohn the Evangelist in his first chapter 1.2 3. saith concerning Christ In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made for by him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in Earth Visible and
at liberty that Sin shall not have Dominion over you only obey his Voice and he will soon subdue your Enemies for you and remove that which letteth out of your way and that you may know when the time of Visitation is upon you I 'll leave this mark with you even then when you feel the Son of God knocking at the Door of your Hearts that he may come in and Sup with you then I say is the time when the Year of Jubile is approaching to you when those which are in Bondage may beset at liberty which if you refufe to accept of and will not be set free when the Year of Gods release is proclaimed unto you how can you expect any other but that your Spiritual Task-master will obtain leave to bore your Ears to the Posts of his Doors and make you his Servants forever Therefore bow down to Gods Power in you that he may come in and set up his Judgment-seat in every Heart For For Iudgment saith he am I come into this World John 9. 39. That so after you have felt his Righteous Judgments for every Unrighteous thing you may find him to be near which justifieth your Souls and that you may experience Christ's coming in your selves with Power and great Glory to work Redemption in you as well as that he hath purchased Redemption for you wait for him I exhort you in the way of his Judgments For the Lord is a God of Judgment and blessed are all they that wait for him as saith the Prophet Isaiah Chap. 30. 18. So shall you feel your Souls redeemed out of the Earth and out of the Earthly Nature after which you will witness the Peace of God to be extended towards you like a River But if you rebel against him you shall dwell in a dry Land and shall not see when good comes Howbeit when Calamity overtakes you then shall you know that you had a Time you had a Season you had a Day of Visitation in which you might have obtained Mercy would you have turned unto God he would have turned unto you and put his fear into your Hearts and blotted out your Transgressions for his own Name sake and became a Father to you and you should have become the Sons and Daughters of the Almighty And now once more I invite you all to turn in to the Principle of God which daily visits you in your inwards parts in order to bring you out of a state of Sin and Misery and to make you partakers of his Righteousness and Felicity Come taste and see that the Lord is gracious who long waiteth upon you that he may be gracious unto you because he delighteth in Mercy O! come come away haste out of Babylon while the Deliverer is near you so will he turn back your Captivity like Rivers in the South and conduct you to Canaan the Land of Everlasting Rest where Praises shall spring up in your Souls to the Glory of his Name even to all Eternity and with this I 'll leave you though much more might be said yet when all is said that can be 't is the feeling sense of the inward Operation of this Divine Principle that alone can satisfactorily inform ye which that you may Experience in your selves and to be happy is the hearty Desire of your Souls Friend who writes this unto you Thus having written my Experience of the QVAKERS Principle I shall write something to detect the Erronious and False Opinion that is got up in the Minds of many concerning the Way and Means by which People come to believe therein PART III. A Confutation of Peoples False Opinions concerning the Manner how we have been Convinced of the Principle of True Religion MAny and various are the Reports that have been rumored abroad relating to the Manner Practice of this People in gaining upon others to believe in the Principle of Truth which they bear witness of The Principle of Truth I call it for so my Soul doth witness it although I am not unsensible that such who do despise it will not stick to scandalize it and instead of calling it by its true and proper Name brand it with the opprobious Terms of Heresie and Schism Sullen Separation and the Effect of a Melancholly Brain some of whom not knowing the Way of the Spirit in themselves and yet seeing the evident Change which hath been wrought upon others by Vertue of the powerful Operation of this spiritual PRINCIPLE or POWER of GOD in their Consciences they have hereupon confidently affirmed the same to be effected by the Art of Witchcraft and Diabolical Inchantment which Affirmation though false yet may it truly be said to have been fixed as a Scare-Crow or Ghostly Apparition to affrighten people from so much a looking towards this Religion But albeit it hath been so intended yet through the Mercy of our God there is a Remnant who have not been so affrighted as to flee from but have been drawn near to see and feel whether there were any Substance in the same and such have found to their satisfaction That the Substance of Life hath lain hid under this dark Reflection which through the cloudiness of the Understanding and Prejudice that hath been in the Minds of people against the Principle of Light they have enviously cast upon the Profefsors of it as the Means whereby they Convert and Turn People to it alledging it as matter of Wonder that any should be so strangely altered both in Countenance Carriage and Communication and that on a suddain too as some have been observ'd to be unless it were by the Power of Sorcery or some Satanical Possession And hence have they mocked at and derided that Godly Fear and Holy Trembling that hath been made to appear in some when the Terrors of the Almighty took hold on them by reason of Sin as though this were occasion'd through some Frenzy Humor being the Product of Natural Weakness and Defect or else produced by the invincible force of Magick Art which the Creature can no wayes resist So that this hath been a main Argument why people should not adventure themselves so much as to go into a Quakers Meeting for fear of the great Danger that some suppose there is of being charmed into that Religion which Fear hath so much affrighted the Hearts of some that notwithstanding there are good Desires in them after Satisfaction in Matters of Religion and they have freely confest even in my hearing Thaet this seemeth to be the Way to attain the same yet they never were nor do they dare to come amongst this people to wit the Quakers for fear of being forcibly possest with the belief of their Principle which if they should receive and walk therein every one knows what will follow thereupon this would certainly expose them to the World's Hatred and Scorn which the Servants and People of the Lord in all Ages have born so that for these to be accounted Witches is no