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A25241 Looking unto Jesus a view of the everlasting gospel, or, the souls eying of Jesus as carrying on the great work of mans salvation from first to last / by Isaac Ambrose ... Ambrose, Isaac, 1604-1664. 1680 (1680) Wing A2957; ESTC R33051 999,188 563

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stepped in he will not leave man without hope he tells the Devil who begun this mischief I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel At the very instant when God was pronouncing judgment upon the several delinquents in the fall nay before judgment was pronounced on the persons tempted Jesus is hinred the Covenant of grace is proclaimed O the infinite riches of the mercy of God in Christ But you will say how comes Jesus in how carried he on the great work of our salvation in this dark time I answer 1. By assuming and taking upon him the form and shape of man and so discharging some special offices in that respect We read often of Christs apparition before his Incarnation and then especially when he had to do with this great Nego●iation of mans Eternal happiness Some think it not improbable that Christ assumed the form of man when he first created man and so he made man not only in his own image which he had as God In holiness and true righteousness but in respect of that form which he had assumed Howsoever this we find that after man had sinned Christ then appeared first to Adam then to Abraham then to Isaac then to Jacob then to Moses c. first he appeared to Adam in the garden and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day God as he is God hath neither voice to speak nor seet to walk but assuming the form and shape of a man he exercised both and so he was the first that published that first promise to the World It shall bruise thy head 2. He appeared to Abraham in the plain of Mamre where the Lord talked with Abraham and Abraham calls him the Judge of all the Earth which can be ascribed to none but Christ the Judge of quick and dead Some from that saying of Christ your Father Abraham rejoyced to see my day and he saw it and was glad do gather that Abraham saw Christ not only with the eyes of faith as all the rest of the Patriarchs and Prophets did but also in a visible shape which he assumed like unto that whereunto he was afterwards to be united And so it was Christ that renewed the Covenant with Abraham saying I will establish my Covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting Covenant to be a God unto thee and to thy seed after thee 3. He appeared to Isaac Gen. 26.2 and to Jacob Gen. 32.24 30. and to Moses Exod. 20.1 2 3. and to many others of which I shall comment in order And these apparitions of Christ were as praeludiums of his Incarnation But this is not the way I shall insist upon 2. Christ carried on the great work of our salvation in that dark time not by himself exhibited as when he was Incarnate but onely promised The great King would first have his Harbingers to lead the way before he himself would come in person As the Lord had observed this method in creating the World that first he would have darkness and then light and as still he observes this method in upholding the world that first he will have dawning and then clear day so in the framing and upholding of his Church he will first have Christ held forth in Ceremonies Rites Figures Types Promises Covenants and then like a glorious Sun or like the day-spring from on high he would visit the world to give light to them that sit in darkness To this purpose we read that as Christ so the Covenant of grace which applies Christ to us was first promised and then promulgated the Covenant of promise was that Covenant which God made with Adam and Abraham and Moses and David and all Israel in Jesus Christ to be Incarnate crucified and risen from the dead and it was meet that the promise should go before the Gospel and be fulfilled in the Gospel that so a great good might earnestly be desired before it was bestowed In a time of darkness men desire light as the morning-watch watcheth and longeth for the morning so the obscure revelation of Christ in a promise raised the hearts of the Patriarchs to an earnest desire of Christ his coming in the flesh But in this obscurity we may observe some degrees before the Law given by Moses the promise was more obscure the Law being given even to the time of the Prophets the promise was a little more clear in the time of the Prophets even to John the Baptist it was clearer yet as the coming of the messias did approach nearer and nearer so was the promise clearer and clearer still Just as the approach of the Sun is nearer or further off so is the light that goes before it greater or lesser In like manner was the Revelation that went before Christ more dim or clear as the rising of the Sun of righteousness was more remote or nigh at hand It was the good pleasure of God to manifest the riches of his grace by degrees and not all at once we see to this very day that God in his several approaches of mercy and goodness draws nearer and nearer to his Church Even now in this marvellous light of the Gospel we have our divine Ceremonies and Sacraments we see him afar off we know but in part but time shall come even before his second coming that we or our children shall see him more clearly perfectly immediatly My present businesse is to hold forth Jesus in the Covenant of grace as promised and because the promise receives distinction of degrees according to the several breakings out of it to the dark world we will consider it as it was manifested 1. From Adam till Abraham 2. From Abraham till Moses 3. From Moses till David 4. From David till the Babylonish Captivity or thereabout 5. From the Captivity or thereabout till Christ In every of these periods will appear some further and further discoveries of Gods mercy in Christ of the Covenant of grace of our Jesus carrying on the great work of mans Eternal salvation in that dark time You heard before of the Covenant betwixt God and Christ concerning our salvation but that was not the Covenant of grace which God immediately made with man as fallen but a particular Covenant with Christ to be the Mediator Or so far as it was a Covenant of grace it was then made betwixt God and Christ and after to be made betwixt God and us for a time we were hid in the womb of Gods Election and not being then capable to enter into Covenant with God Christ undertook for us but yet so that when we come to be regenerate we are then to strike Covenant our selves And hence we read expresly of Gods Covenanting with sundry particular persons as with Adam and Abraham and Moses and David c. Of which in
Devil and man as well as betwixt the Devil and the woman but because the woman had more tampered with Satan and being deceived by Satan was first in the transgression therefore is she onely named I will put enmity between thee and the woman 2. Betwixt Satans seed and the seed of the woman I will put enmity not onely between thee and the woman but also between thy seed and her seed q.d. This enmity shall not cease with the death of the woman but it shall continue to her seed and to her seeds seed even to the end of the World We see to this day how the Serpent and Serpents seed are striving and warring against the Church and a wonder it is considering the malice of the enemy that there is a Church upon Earth but onely that we have Christs promise The gates of Hell shall not prevaile against it and lo I am with you alwayes even to the end of the World 3. Betwixt Christ and the Serpent O this a bloody conflict on both sides he shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel 1. He shall bruise thy head Christ shall break thy power thy power i.e. the power of the Serpent or of the Devil himself he fights not so much with the seed as with the Serpent if Satan be overthrown his seed cannot stand 2. Thou shalt bruise his heel thou shalt afflict him and his thou shalt cast out of thy mouth a flood of persecutions thou shalt make warre with him Rev. 12.17 and all them which keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ I have held you a while in the explication of this first promise and the rather because of the darkness of it and the much sweetness that is contained in it it is full of Gospel-truths strike but the flint and there will fly out these glorious sparkles 1. That a Saviour was promised from the beginning of the world 2. That this Saviour should free all his Saints from sin death and hell the head and power of the Devil 3. That to this end this Saviour should be a Mediator for God would not grant an immediate pardon but the promised seed must first intervene 4. That this Mediator should be of the seed of the woman that is a man and yet stronger then the Devil indued with a Divine power and so he is God 5. That this Man-God should according to his Priestly office be a Sacrifice for sin the Serpent should bruise his heel he should suffer and dye for the people and yet accordingly to his Kingly office he should overcome Satan for he should bruise his head overthrow his Kingdom and make us more than Conquerors in him that loved us 6. That this promise of Christ and of our justification is free God of meer mercy and free-grace brings forth this promise there could be now after the fall no merit in man and even now he promiseth remission of sins and life Eternal in for and through the Lord Jesus Christ No question but in belief of this promise the Patriarchs and Fathers of old obtained life glory and immortality By faith the Elders obtained a good report by faith Abel obtained witness that he was righteous by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see Death by faith Noah became heir of the righteousness of Christ how should it but revive us in these last times to hear that the first thing that ever God did after the World was fallen it was this act of mercy to make a promise of Christ and to reconcile lost man to himself through the same Jesus Christ surely he began to do that soon which he meant to be alwayes a doing even to the end of the World Thus far of the promise as it was manifested from Adam to Abraham SECT III. Of the Covenant of promise as manifested to Abraham THe second breaking forth of this gracious Covenant was to Abraham and now it shines in a more glorious light then it did before at first it was propounded in very dark and cloudy termes not easie to be understood and most things sparingly expressed but in this second rise and manifestation we have it laid down in plainer termes I will establish my Covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generation Gen. 17 1● for an everlasting Covenant to be a God to thee and to thy seed after thee For the right understanding of this we shall examine these particulars 1. What a Covenant is 2. What is the establishing of this Covenant 3. Betwixt whom is the Covenant to be established 4. For what time is the established Covenant to endure 5. What are the priviledges of this Covenant 6. What is the condition of this Covenant 7. Who is the head both as undertaker and purchaser and treasurer upon whom this Covenant is established 1. What is a Covenant It is a contract of mutual peace and good will obliging parties on both hands to the performing of mutual benefits and offices Thus was the Covenant betwixt God and Abraham there was a mutual stipulation in it on Gods part to performe his promises of temporal spiritual and Eternal grace and on Abrahams part to receive this grace by faith and to performe due obedience and thankfulness to God Hence a little nearer we say the Covenant is a mutual compact or agreement betwixt God and man whereby God promiseth all good things especially Eternal happiness unto man and man doth promise to walk before God in all acceptable free and willing obedience expecting all good from God and happiness in God according to his promise for the praise and glory of his grace Others describing the Covenant of grace for with the Covenant of works we will not meddle they give it thus The Covenant of grace is a free and gracious compact which God of his meer mercy in Jesus Christ hath made with sinful man promising unto him pardon of sins and eternal happiness If he will but repent of sin and embrace mercy reached forth by faith unfeigned and walk before God in willing faithful and sincere obedience In this description many things are considerable As 1. That the Author of this Covenant is God not as our Creator but as our merciful God and Father in Christ Jesus 2. That the cause of this Covenant is not any worth or dignity or merit in man but the meer mercy love and favour of God 3. That the foundation of this Covenant is Jesus Christ in and through whom we are reconciled unto God for since God and man were separated by sin no Covenant can pass betwixt them no reconciliation can be expected nor pardon obtained but in and through a Mediator 4. That the party Covenanted with is sinful man the fall of our first Parents was the occasion of this Covenant and God was pleased to permit the fall that he might manifest the riches of his mercy in mans recovery 5. That the form of
as Rev. 20.12 1. The Book must be opened And I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the Books were opened and another Book was opened which is the Book of life It is spoken after the manner of men in whose publick Judgments are produced all the writings of the process informations depositions of witnesses to shew that all actions Aug. l. 20. de civitate Dei cap. 14. even the most secret ones shall then be rehearsed and made manifest Augustine thinks these Books to be the Books of the Old and New Testament wherein all things either to be done or omitted are prescribed by God and then shall these Books be opened Rom. 2.16 Orig. Com. ad Rom. 14. because according to them shall sentence be given In that day God shall Judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel Origen and all most all with him think these Books to be the Books of our consciences which now are shut up and concealed from men but then shall be made manifest to all the world whatever these Books are we find here one Book opened which is proper to the Saints called the Book of Life This Book contains in it the names of all that are elected from first to last Thou John and thou Joseph and thou Judeth and thou Mary and thou Elizabeth c. you are all Book'd down there is the particularity and there is the certainty Your names are written in Heaven rejoyce in it Oh what is the joy of Saints when once they see this book opened and their names inrolled engraven there in letters of glory This very Book clears it to me that God from all eternity made choice of a particular and determinate number of Persons to save them and that none other can be saved but those who were so elected and whosoever are so elected Rev. 13.8 17.8 they shall not fall away All that worship the Beast their names are not written in the Book of life of the Lamb from the foundation of the world On the other side Rev. 3.5 He that overcometh the same shall be written in the Book of life and I will not blot out his name but I will confess his name before my Father and before his Angels This is the day when that book of life shall be opened and Christ shall read the names of every elect person before God and Angels not that Christ needs a book or indeed reads a name but that his Election stands so firm that he knows every predestinated Saint as well as we know their names whom for our memories we commit unto our books and then he will so honour his Saints that he will publish their names to all the world 2. All the actions demeanours graces duties and it may be sins of Saints shall be produced and laid open the holy Ghost tells us that the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the Books It appears hence that not onely names but things were written and these things were produced and accordingly they were judged 1. As to evil things unfruitful works of darkness It is a question and I dare not be too positive in it viz. Whether the sins of God's People shall be manifest at the day of Judgment Some are for the negative because God in his promises speaks so expresly Isa 43.25 John 5.24 Of forgiving iniquities of remembring them no more of blotting them out of throwing them into the bottom of the Sea of casting them behind his back in which respect say they the Godly are said not to come into Judgement I suppose this last Text is ill urged for by Judgment is not meant discussion but condemnation and in our best Translations so it is rendred others are for the affirmative upon these grounds 1. Because many of the Godly and wicked men's sins are mingled together and there cannot be a Judgment of discussion preceding that of condemnation unless Godly men's sins are also produced 2. Because it is spoken generally in respect of all sorts that the Books were opened By which Books most understand the consciences of men and by the opening of those Books they understand the manifesting clearing and discovering of consciences at that general day 3. Because the Scriptures are express for the affirmative not but that those Texts are truths that sins are forgiven blotted out thrown away to be remembred no more i.e. as to condemnation but as for exploration or discussion the Lord speaks universally that of every idle word that men speak Mat. 12.36 they shall give an account thereof at the day of Judgment If the ballance weigh down on this side for my part I am not peremptory but shall easily submit to the spirits of the Prophets yet this manifestation shall not be for the shame grief trouble ignominy or confusion of the godly but only for the setting up of God's justice and that the goodness and free grace of God in Christ may be made more illustrious how will Christ then be exalted when all the world shall see his righteousness and goodness his truth and mercy now again meeting together and kissing each other it was so at his first coming and it will be so at his second coming then shall his justice and mercy his righteousness and goodness be manifested to all in that by his own merits notwithstanding their sins he will bring all his Saints to his heavenly glory 2. As for good things whether good works duties or graces there is no question but all these will be that day produced and laid open 1. We see Christ enumerating the good works of them on his right hand for I was an hungred and ye gave me meat I was thirsty and ye gave me drink I was a stranger and ye took me in naked Mat. 25.35 26. and ye cloathed me sick and ye visited me in prison and ye came unto me It is true in this catalogue we find nothing of faith but all of works but certainly faith is included as the life of the Tree is included in the fruit not only nor principally are works here mentioned for the goodness of the work considered in it self but as these works did express our faith and love to Jesus Christ in that by saith we could see Christ in a poor beggar or prisoner and could love Jesus Christ in these poor better than all our worldly goods or liberties I do not wonder that Paul adviseth his Corinthians See that ye abound in this grace of contribution to the Saints 2 Cor. 8.7 Phil. 1.9 1 Thes 1.12 and that he prayeth his Philipians And this I pray that your love may abound yet more And that he prayeth for his Thessalonians now the Lord make you to increase and to abound in love one towards another and towards all men and that he praiseth God in their behalf We are bound to thank God always for you brethren as it is
way of judging our selves we see nothing but Hell and damnation in our selves but then we fling down our selves at God's gate of mercy we despair not in God though in our selves God in Christ is gracious and merciful forgiving iniquity transgression and sin and hence we make bold to intreat the Lord for Christ's sake to be merciful to us surely herein lies the difference betwixt nature and grace the natural man may see his sins and confess his sins and judge himself for his sins thus Saul did and thus Judas did but then they despaired in God and were damned indeed now the gracious man hath a conscience within that represents to him his damned estate but withal it represents to him the free grace of God in Jesus Christ and so he onely despairs in himself and not in his God now thus far good come Christians do we despair in our selves do we fling off all our own hopes and our own dependencies hangings holdings on duties purposes graces performances and do we go to God in Christ and tell him We hang upon nothing but the mere mercy the free grace of God in Christ and therefore Lord pardon Lord forgive for thy Names sake promise sake mercies sake and for the Lord Jesus sake O let free grace have his work Lord glorifie thy Name and glorifie the riches of thy grace in saving us Why this is the best hold in the World though the World cannot abide it surely if we thus judge our selves we should not be judged 4. Christ at his coming will be glorified in his Saints not onely in himself but in his Saints also whose glory as it comes from him so it will redound to him Oh let him now be glorified in us let us now in some high way conform to the image of his glory let us look on Christ till we are like Christ not onely in grace but in glory and this glory as it comes from him so let it redound to him I will not say that the Kingdom of Heaven and glory is in this life I leave this opinion to the dreamers of this time I mean to the Familists Quakers and such like but this I say that even in this life the Saints of God enjoy a begun and imperfect conformity to Christ's glory and this is that I would now press upon us let us so behold the glory of the Lord in the glass of the Gospel 2 Cor. 3.18 as that we may be changed into the same image from glory to glory from a lesser measure to an higher measure of glory The day is a coming that Christ will be glorified in himself and he will be glorified in his Saints O the glories that will then be accumulated and heaped upon Jesus Christ come now let us behold this glory of Christ till we are changed in some high measure into the same glory with Christ Christ's glory rightly viewed is a changing glory And herein the views of Christ surpass all creature-views if we behold the Sun we cannot possibly be changed into another Sun but if with the eye of knowledge and faith we behold Jesus Christ we shall be changed into the glorious image of Jesus Christ if the Sun of righteousness cast forth his golden beams upon us and we enjoy this light why then Cant. 6.10 Who is she that looketh forth as the morning as Aurora the first birth of the day fair as the Moon clear as the Sun I know this glorious change is but a growing change by degrees from glory to glory and yet who can deny but there is some conformity to Christ's glory even in this life do not these very Texts speak the self same thing These things have I spoken to you John 15.11 1 John 1.4 John 16.24 Isa 66.10 11. that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full And these things write we unto you that your joy may be full And ask and ye shall receive that your joy may be full And rejoyce with Jerusalem and be glad with her all ye that love her that ye may suck and be satisfied with the brests of her consolations that ye may milk out and be delighted with the abundance of her glory Rom. 5.13 And the God of all hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing Surely all joy and peace are synechdochically put for all other inchoations of glorification But how is a Saint in this life filled with all joy I answer 1. In regard of the obiect God and Christ 2. In regard of the degrees though not absolutely yet so far forth as the measure of ioy is in this life attainable I might instance in the joy of Mr. Peacock Mrs Brettergh and of some Martyrs who sung in the fires 3. In regard of duration rejoyce always Phil. 4.4 not onely in the calm of peace but in the storm of violent opposition A Saint may have his troubles but these troubles can never totally or finally extinguish his joy John 16.22 your joy no man taketh from you He rejoyceth always O that something of the glory of Christ might rest upon us oh that having this glory of Christ in our thoughts we could now feel a change from glory to glory Is it so that the Lord Jesus will be glorified in all his Saints and shall we have in-glorious souls base and unworthy affections and conversations or shall we content our selves with a little measure of grace O be we holy even as he is holy let our conversations be heavenly let us purifie our selves even as he is pure let us resemble him in some high measure of grace And lastly let us glorifie him in bodies and spirits all our glory is from him and therefore let all our glory redound to him let us now begin that Gospel-tune of the eternal song of free grace which one day we shall more perfectly chant in glory Allelujah and again Allelujah and Amen Allelujah salvation and glory and power and praise and thanksgiving and obedience be unto him that sits on the throne the Lamb blessed for ever and ever Amen The Conclusion And now my brethren I have done the errand which Christ sent me on I verily believe I have now delivered this work of the everlasting Gospel or of Christ's carrying on the great work of man's salvation hath been somewhat long in speaking but oh how long in acting may I give you a short view of what I have said and of what hath been acted from eternity and will yet be acted to eternity you may remember that God in his eternity laid a plot or design to glorifie the riches of his grace in saving sinners and to that purpose first he decreed a Christ 2. Presently after the fall he promised the Christ he had decreed 3. In fulness of time he exhibited the Christ that he had promised then it was that the same Christ took upon him out nature and joyned it to his God-head to
Cloaths against cold and nakedness House against wind and weather Riches against poverty Physick against sickness Friends against solitariness but God is an alsufficient good he is all in all both to the inner and outward man Are we guilty of Sin there is mercy in God to pardon us Are we full of infirmities there is Grace in God to heal us Are we strong in Corruptions there is power in God to subdue them in us Are we disquieted in Conscience there is that Spirit in God that is the Comforter that can fill us with Joy unspeakable and glorious And for our outward man all our welfare is laid up in God he is the God of our Life Psal 42.8 he is the strength of our Life Psal 27.1 he is a quickning Spirit 1 Cor. 15.45 Which though it be in regard of the inner man yet there it is spoken of the inward man which the Lord shall quicken after death and doth now keep alive by his mighty power for in him we live Acts. 17.28 and move and have our being O my Soul that thou wouldst but ruminate and meditate and consider this promise in all thy wants discontents when means fail and the streames run no more O that thou wouldest then go to the Fountain where the waters run sweeter and more sure Gen. 41.16 for as Joseph said to Pharaoh it is not in me God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace So may Silver and Gold and such things say to thee It is not in us God shall give enough out of himself have God and have all want God and there is no content in the enjoyment of all It was the Apostles case as having nothing and yet possessing all things 2 Cor. 6.10 Surely he lived to God and enjoyed God and he was an all-sufficient good unto him God may be enjoyed in any condition in the meanest as well as the greatest in the poorest as well as the richest God will go into a wilderness into a prison with his people and there he will make up all that they are cut short of Thy discontents therefore arise not from the want of outward means but from want of inward fellowship with God and if thou dost not find a sufficiency it is because thou dost not enjoy him who is thy all-sufficient good O stir up Faith and consider the Covenant think seriously on this promise I am God all-sufficient I am the Lord thy God 2. Here is the propriety of Saints the Lord thy God O what is this that God is thy God Heaven and Earth Angels and Men may stand astonished at it What that the Great and Mighty God God Almighty and God all-sufficient should be called thy God! Heb. 11.16 It is observable what the Apostle speaks God is not ashamed to be called their God Would not a prince be ashamed to take a Beggar a Runagate a base and adulterous Woman to be his Wife But we are worse than so and God is better than so sin hath made us worse than the worst of women and God is better holier higher than the best of Princes and yet God is not ashamed to own us nor ashamed that we own him as our own I am thy God It is as if the Lord should say use me and all my Power Grace Mercy Kindness as thine own go through all my Attributes consider my Almighty Power consider my Wisdom Councel Understanding consider my Goodness Truth Faithfulness consider my Patience Long-suffering Forbearance all these are thine as thus My Power is thine to work all thy works for thee and in thee to make passage for thee in all thy straits to deliver thee out of six troubles and out of seven my Wisdom is thine to counsel thee in any difficult cases to instruct thee in things that be obscure to reveal to thee the Mysteries of Grace and the wonderfull things contained in my Law my Justice is thine to deliver thee when thou art oppressed to defend thee in thy Innocency and to vindicate thee from the injuries of men what needs more O my Soul think of these all other Gods Attributes say in thy self all these are mine nay more think of God in Christ for otherwise what hast thou to do with God in a Covenant of grace and say in thy heart Jesus Christ is mine my Saviour my Redeemer my head my elder brother his doings are mine and his sufferings are mine his Life and his Death his Resurrection and Ascention his Session and Intercession all are mine nay more if Christ be mine why then all good things are mine in Christ I say in Christ for they come not immediatly but through the hands of a sweet Redeemer and though he be a man who redeemed us yet because he is God as well as Man there is more of God and Heaven and free-love in all our good things than if we received them immediately from God Ravens have their food and Devils have their being from God by creature-right but we have all we have from God in Christ by Covenant-right this surely this very promise is the main and principal promise of the Covenant it is the very substance Soul and life of all O then how careful shouldest thou be to improve the strength of thy mind thoughts and affections on this only subject 4. Consider Jesus in that promise made to David 1 Sam. 23.5 He hath made with me an everlasting Covenant ordered in all things and sure 1. An everlasting Covenant consider this in the eternal efficacy and not in the outward administration it is Christ that hath built and prepared a Kingdom that shall never fade a spiritual and an heavenly Kingdom which shall never cease and as he hath prepared it so if thou believest he hath entred into a Covenant with thy soul to bestow it on thee it is an everlasting Covenant and he will give thee everlasting Life 2. It is ordered in all things the Covenant of grace is so marshalled and ordered that it stands at best advantage to receive and repel all thy objections Many and many an objection hast thou raised how often have such thoughts been in thee Oh I am miserable I shall not live but die my sins will damn me I am lost for ever And again If God hath made with me a Covenant why then have I something to do on my part for this is the nature of the Covenant to bind on both parts but alas I have failed I can do nothing I can as well dissolve a Rock as make my heart of stone a heart of flesh I can as well reach heaven with a finger as lay hold on Christ by the hand of Faith Have not such arguings as these been many and many a time in thy heart O consider how the Covenant is ordered and marshalled in respect of the Author of it of the Persons interested in it of the parts of which it consists of the end and aim to which it refers
Spirit with a chearful Excitation Fear not q. d. Let those fear who know they are in Displeasure or know not they are gracious Thine happy Estate calls for Confidence and that Confidence calls for Joy What should they fear that are favoured of Him at whom the Devil 's Tremble O Mary How should Joy but enter into thy Heart out of whose Womb shall come Salvation I question not but these very words revived the Virgin What remote Corner of her Soul was there into which these Beams of Consolation did not shi●e Luke 1.31 32 33. 4. Here is the Foundation of her Comfort and our Happiness Behold thou shalt Conceive in thy Womb and bring forth a Son and shalt call His Name Jesus Never was Mortal Creature thus honoured that her VVomb should yield that Flesh which was personally united to the Godhead that she should bear Him that upholds the World There 's one VVonder in the Conception another in the Fruit both are marvellous but the latter I take it is more Mysterious and fuller of Admiration the Fruit of the VVomb is Jesus a Saviour the Son of the Highest a King God shall give Him a Throne and He shall Reign for ever for of His Kingdom there shall be no End Here was a Son and such a Son as the World never had before and here was the Ground of Mary's Joy How could she but rejoyce to hear what her Son should be before He was Surely never was any Mother so glad of her Son Born as this Virgin was of her Son before He was Conceived The Ground of this Joy lay more especially in that Name Jesus Here Christians Here is the Object that you are to Look unto The first Title that the Angel gives our Saviour it is Jesus a Saviour O come let us dwell a little here Without Jesus we had never known God our Friend and without Jesus God had never known us for any other than His Enemies This Name Jesus is better to us than all the Titles of God Indeed there is Goodness and Greatness enough in the Name Jehovah but we merited so little Good and demerited so much Evil that in it alone there had b●en small Comfort for us but in the Name Jesus there is Comfort and with the Name Jesus there is Comfort in the Name of God In old times God was known by His Names of Power and of Majesty and of His Nature but His Name of Mercy was reserved till now when God did purpose to pour out the whole Treasure of his Mercy by the Mediation of his Son And as this Name is exalted above all Names so are we to exalt his Mercy above all his Works O it is an useful Name In all Depths Distresses Miseries Perplexities we beseech God by the Name of Jesus to make good his own Name not to bear it for nought but as He is a Saviour so to save us And this is our Comfort that God will never so remember our wretched Sins as to forget His own Blessed Name and especially this Name Jesus O it is the Highest the Dearest the Sweetest Name to us of all the Names of God The reason of this Name was given by the Angel to Joseph Matth. 1 21. Thou shalt call his Name Jesus for He shall save His People from their Sins But why from their Sins We seem rather willing to be saved from Poverty Ignominy Plague Prison Death Hell the Devil Sin is a thing that troubles but a few O how few how very few be there that break their sleep for their Sins Alas alas Sin if we understand is the very worst of Evils There is no Poverty but Sin there is no Shame but Sin there is no Plague to that of Sin there is no Prison but that Prison is a Paradise without Sin there is no Death that hath any Sting in it but for Sin The Sting of Death is Sin saith the Apostle take out the Sting 1 Cor. 15.56 and you may put the Serpent in your Bosom Nay I 'le say more there is no Hell but for Sin Sin first kindled the Fire of Hell Sin fuels it take away Sin and that tormenting Flame goes out And for the Devil Sin is his Instrument whereby he works all mischief How comes a Man to be a slave to Satan but by Sin But for Sin the Devil had no Business in the World but for Sin he could never hurt a Soul What abundance of Benefits are here in one word He shall save His People from their Sins There is no Evil incident to Man but it ceaseth to be Evil when Sin is gone If Jesus take away Sin he doth bless our very Blessings and sanctifie our very Afflictions He fetcheth Peace out of Trouble Riches out of Poverty Honour out of Contempt Liberty out of Bondage He pulls out the Sting of Death puts out the Fire of Hell As all Evils are wrapt up in Sin so he that saves us from Sin he saves us from all Evils whatsoever But Is not Christ as precious a Name as Jesus is I answer No For 1. Christ is not the Name of God God as he is God cannot be anointed but Jesus is the Name of God and that wherein He more especially delights 2. Christ is Communicated to others Princes are called Christs but Jesus is proper to Himself There is no Saviour but He. 3. Christ is anointed To what End but to be a Saviour Jesus is therefore the End and the End is alwayes above the Means Why this is that Jesus the Son of God's Love the Author of our Salvation In whom alone God is well pleased and whom the Angel published afore He was Conceived Thou shalt Conceive and bring Forth a Son and shalt call His Name Jesus SECT II. Of the Conception of Christ 2. THe Conception of Christ was the Conclusion of the Angel's Message No sooner had the Virgin said Be it to me according to Thy Word but according to that Word it was immediately the Holy Ghost over-shadowed her and Forms our Saviour in her Womb. Now Christians Now was the Time of Love especially if we relate to His Conception and Birth Well may we say Now was it that the Day brake up that the Sun arose that Darkness vanished that Wrath and Anger gave place to Favour and Salvation Now was it that Free-Grace came down from Heaven Thousands of Angels waiting on her the very Clouds part as it were to give her way the Earth springs to welcom her the Flouds clap their Hands for Joy the Heavenly Hosts sing as she goes along Glory to God in the Highest Peace upon Earth Good Will towards Men Truth and Righteousness go before her Peace and Prosperity follow after her Pity and Mercy waits on either Hand and when she first sets Foot on the Earth she cryes a Jesus a Saviour Hear ye Sons of Men The Lord hath sent me down to bring you News of a Jesus Grace and Peace be unto you
men nor the best Ministers under Heaven escape them Are they not all say they † I lately received a paper wherein the Quakers gave the Ministers of Christ these following names Conjurers Thieves Robbers Antichrists Witches Blind guides Devils Lyars Baal's Priests Sir-Simonds Dissemblers Vpholders of the seven headed and ten-horned beasts a Viperous and Serpentine generation bloody Herodians Blasphemers Scarlet-coloured beasts Babylons Merchants Busie-bodies Whited Walls Painted Sepulchres Ravening Wolves Persecutors Tyrants Greedy dogs Pharisees Wolves Dogs Hirelings Priests of Baal Covetous Carnal Damned and what not Are they not all say they as the Devil said of Joshua cloathed with filthy garments defiled totally utterly defiled with the pollutions of Babylon Christian when you hear this language learn you to conform to Christ go you first to God with the Lords own plea Now the Lord rebuke thee O Satan even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee Zach. 3.2 And then go on in vindication of their persons and their cause are they not precious gracious holy able shining and burning lights it may be some of their persons have been faulty but say of such Is not this a brand newly pluck'd out of the fire failings and humane frailties have been in the best yea in most of the Prophets and Apostles but shall we therefore condemn to hell the generation of God's dear Children or howsoever it may be with their persons yet is not their cause and office of Christ's own institution in this respect he that despiseth you despiseth me saith Christ and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me Luke 10.16 Are not the Ministers of Christ as stars in the right hand of Christ they that would do them any deadly harm must pluck them thence Christians conform you to Christ in this point you see how Satan stands at the right hand of our Joshua's to resist them now then plead you their cause and answer the Adversaries accusations 6. Christ by his intercession saves us to the uttermost Heb. 7.25 O let us serve him to the uttermost surely all we can do is too little to answer so great a love as this Oh Christians why should it be esteemed a needless thing to be most rigorously conscionable and exactly circumspect Christ payed our debt to the uttermost farthing drunk every drop of our bitter cup and now presents all unto his Father by way of intercession and saves us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 throughly to the uttermost why should not we labour to perform his service and to fulfil every one of his commandments throughly and to the uttermost also certainly there is a duty which concerns us Christians as to be hot in Religion Rev. 3.16 to be zealous of good works Tit. 2.14 to walk circumspectly or precisely as the word carries it Eph. 5.15 to be fervent in spirit Rom. 12.11 to strive to enter in at the strait gate Luke 13.24 to contend for the faith Jude 3. with an holy kind of violence to lay hold upon the Kingdom of heaven Mat. 11.12 Oh what ever men should be afraid of taking God's part too much or fighting too valiantly under the Colours of Christ of being too busie about the salvation of their own souls of being singular as they call it in the duties of Religion I observe men are content to be singular in any thing save in the service of God you desire and labour to be singularly rich and singularly wise and singularly valorous and singularly proud but you can by no means endure singularity or eminency in zeal and the Lord's service in matters of Religion you are resolved to do as the most do though in so doing you damn your own souls Mat. 7.13 O come and learn this lesson of Christ he saves us to the uttermost and let us serve him to the uttermost with all our hearts and with all our souls and with all our might Thus far we have looked on Jesus in his intercession our next work is our last work which is to look on Jesus as carrying on the great work of our salvation for us in his coming again the very end of time to all eternity he hath no more now to do but to judge the Saints and to lead them into glory and to deliver up his Kingdom to his Father and so to live with his redeemed ones for ever and ever and ever LOOKING UNTO JESUS In his Second Coming Book X. Part VII CHAP. I. Job 19.25 27. I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth Whom I shall see for my self and mine eyes shall behold and not another SECT I. Of Christ's preparing for Judgment AND is not yet all done O the unwearied patience love mercy free grace of Christ in carrying on this mighty work he begun it before the beginning of the world since then he hath been labouring in it about six thousand years and now the time of restoring being come he will perfect what he hath begun and bring on the other end of the Golden chain Moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called Rom. 8.30 and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified In this piece also as in the former we shall first lay down the object and then give directions how to look upon it The Object is Jesus carrying on the great work of our salvation in his coming again to earth and taking up with him all his Saints into Heaven In this work I shall set before you these particulars 1. Christ's preparing for judgment 2. Christ's coming to judgment 3. Christ's summons of the Elect to come under judgment 4. Christ and the Saints meeting at the judgment day 5. Christ's sentencing or judging the Saints for eternal glory 6. Christ and the Saints judging the rest of the world 7. Christ and his Saints going up into Heaven when shall be the end of this world 8. Christ surrendring and delivering up the Kingdom to God even the Father 9. Christ's subjection to the Father that God may be all in all 10. Christ notwithstanding this being all in all to his blessed saved redeemed Saints to all eternity 1. For his preparing for judgment When once the number of all his Elect shall be compleated and the work of his intercession shall be at an end then immediately will follow these particulars As Rev. 16.17 1. A great voice comes out of the Temple of Heaven saying it is done It comes out of the Temple of Heaven that we may understand it to be the voice of Christ And if this speech be directed unto God it is as if Christ had bespoke his Father thus And now John 17.12 O my Father I have done that office of the Priest-hood which by agreement we erected is now at an end here I have sate at thy right hand interceding for my Saints ever since my ascension and of all that thou hast given me by
be perswaded to set our hearts on Jesus Christ Christians do you not perceive that the heart of Christ is set upon you and that he is still minding you with tender love even when you forget both your selves and him Do you not find him following you with daily mercies moving on your souls providing for your bodies and preserving both doth he not bear you continually in the armes of love and promise that all shall work together for your good doth he not give his Angels charge over you and suit all his dealings to your greatest advantage and can you find in your hearts to cast him by can you forget your Lord who forgets not you Fie upon this unkind Ingratitude When the Lord speaks of his thoughts and respects to us he gives this language Can a woman forget her sucking-child Isa 49.15 16. that she should not have compassion on the Son of her Womb yea they may forget yet will not I forget Behold I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands thy walls are continually before me But when he speaks of our thoughts to him the case is otherwise Jer. 2 32. can a Maid forget her Ornaments or a Bride her Attire yet my People have forgotten me days without number q. d. you would not forget the cloaths on your backs you would not forget your braveries your Ornaments your Attires and are these of more worth than Christ yet you can forget me day after day 8. Consider it 's a command of Christ that we should look to Jesus Behold me behold me lo I lo I A command not only backt with Authority but accompanied with special Ordinances appointed to this end what is Baptism and what is the Lords Supper 1 Cor. 11.24 25. but the representation of Jesus Christ Is it not Christs command in his last Supper Do this in remembrance of me and this do ye as oft as ye drink in remembrance of me In this Ordinance we have Christ crucified before our Eyes and can we forget him Or can we hold our eyes off him can we see the Bread broken the Wine distinctly severed from the bread and not call to mind according to the Scripture Christs Agony in the Garden and on the Cross can we take and eat the bread and take and drink the cup and not apprehend Christ stooping down from Heaven to feed our souls At such a time if we forget the Lord Jesus Christ it will argue our disaffection our ingratitude our disobedience every way Psa 73.28 Psal 104.34 9. Consider it 's both work and wages to look up unto Jesus Hence David professed it is good for me to draw near to thee and my meditation of him shall be sweet the word imports a sweetness with mixture like compound spices or many flowers Every thought of Jesus is sweet and pleasant nay it 's better than wine Cant. 1.4 we will remember thy love more than Wine there is more content in contemplating on Christ more refreshing to the spirit than wine gives to the body How precious are thy thoughts unto me O God Psa 139.17 look in what kind soever you account a thing precious so precious are the thoughts of God and Christ to a man whose heart is in a right frame Such a one loves every glance of Christ and the more it sees the more it loves It is said of one Eudoxius that he wished he might be admitted to come near the body of the Sun to have a full view of it though it devoured him he was somthing rash in his wish but there is somthing proportionable in a godly spirit he so loves Christ that he could be content to be swallowed up in the beholding of him Certainly there is a blessing in this work when we are bid to look unto Jesus it is but to receive from Jesus is it any thing else but to call and invite us to look on the most pleasing and delightful object That in the beholding of it it may convey it self unto us and we be delighted and filled with it it is all one as if he should bid us sit down by a well of Life and drink or if he should bid us be as the Angels are who are blessed in the beholding of this Jesus why come then if this be a blessed work why will we unbless our selves If the work will exalt us why will we debase our selves in not closing with it If we might live above heaven why will we live below certainly when thoughts of Christ are moving in us Christ himself is not far off he will come and enter too and how sweet is it for Christ to come and take up his habitation in our souls 10. Consider how the Angels exceedingly desire to look on Jesus they stoop down and pry into the Nature Offices and graces of Jesus Christ which things saith the Apostle the Angels desire to look into He alludes to the manner of the Cherubims looking down into the Mercy-Seat this is the study 1 Pet. 1.12 yea this is the delight and recreation of the Elect Angels to look on Jesus and to look into the several scopes of our salvation by Jesus Christ to behold the whole frame and fabrick of it to observe all the parts of it from the beginning to the end to consider all the glorious Attributes of God his Wisdome Power Justice Mercy all shining and glittering in it like bright Stars in the Firmament this I say is their work yea this is their Festivity and Pastime And shall not we imitate the Angels shall not we think it our honour to be admitted to the same priviledge with the Angels 11. Consider that looking unto Jesus is the work of Heaven V●ta contemplativa incipit in hoc seculo proficitur in futu●o Bern. it is begun in this life saith Bernard but it is perfected in that life to come not only Angels but the Saints in glory do ever behold the face of God and Christ if then we like not this work how will we live in Heaven the dislike of this Duty is a bar against our entrance for the life of a blessedness is a life of Vision surely if we take no delight in this heaven is no place for us 12. Consider that nothing else is in comparison worth the minding or looking after If Christ have not your hearts who or what should have them O that any Christian should rather delight to have his heart among Thornes and Briers than in the Bosom of his dearest Jesus Why should you follow after drops and neglect the Fountain why should you fly after shadowes and neglect him who is the true substance if the mind have its currant from Christ toward other things these things are not only of less concernment but destructive they are gone far from me and have walked after Vanity Jer. 2.5 and are become vain How unworthy the world is of the look of Christians especially when it
Thy Heritage Thou retainest not Thy Anger for ever Jer. because Thou delightest in Mercy And I am the Lord which exercise Loving-Kindness Judgment Righteousness in the Earth for in th●se things I delight saith the Lord. 2. Because of that Delight which God hath to be actively glorified by His Creatures voluntary Service and Subjection John 10.18 Ezek. 33.11 Herein is My Father glorified if ye bear much Fruit and I have no Pleasure in the Death of the Wicked but that he turn from his Way and live He delighteth most in unbloody Conquests when by His Patience and Goodness and Forbearance He subdueth the Hearts Affections and Conscienc●s of Men unto Himself He esteemeth Himself more glorified in the Services than in the Sufferings of Men and therefore in this Eternity he resolves not to destroy all Men lest there should be no Religion upon the Earth When the Angels fell they fell not all many were still left to glorify Him actively in their Service of Him but when Adam fell all Mankind fell in him so that there was no Tree in all this Paradise lest to bring forth any Fruit unto God And this is most certain that God would rather have His Trees for Fruit than for Fewel Hence He resolves that Mankind notwithstanding Sin should not be utterly destroyed Hereupon the Trinity calls a Counsel and the Question is What is to be done with poor Man The Learned here frame a kind of Conflict in God's holy Attributes by a Liberty which the Holy-Ghost from the Language of Holy Scripture doth allow them they speak of God after the manner of Men as if he were reduced unto some Straits and Difficulties by the cross Demands of His several Attributes Justice calls upon Him for the Condemnation of a Sinful and therefore worthily Accursed Creature which Demand is seconded by His Truth to make good that Threatning In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the Death Mercy on the other side pleads for Favour and Compassion towards Man wofully seduced and overthrown by Satan and this Plea is seconded by Love and Goodness and the like Attributes at last when the Business comes to Determination Wisdom finds out a way which the Angels of Heaven gaze on with Admiration Astonishment how to reconcile these different Pleas of his Attributes together A Jesus is resolved on One of the same Blessed Trinity who by His Father's Ordination His own voluntary Susception and the Holy Spirits Sanctification should be fitted for the Business To this purpose this Jesus should be both a Surety and an Head over sinful Men a Surety to pay Mens Debts unto God and an Head to restore God's Image unto Man And thus in Him Mercy and Truth have met together Righteousness and Peace have Kissed each other Psal 83.10 This is the great Mistery of the Gospel this is that which the Angels as I tell you pry into nay this is that which the Angels and Saints too shall admire and bless God for to all Eternity this is that which set the infinit Wisdome of God on work from all Eternity If all the Angels in Heaven and all the Men in the World had been put to it to find out a way to answer this question how shall sin be pardoned the sinner reconciled and God glorify his justice they could never have done it this cost God dear it cost him the heart-blood of his own Son and that 's a sure sign that Gods heart was much in it and indeed we are not Christians until in some measure we see and have our hearts taken with the glory of God in this mistery O the wonder of Heaven and Earth here 's the case man is fallen through sin and ever since the fall man and sin are as inseparably joyned together as fire and heat yet God will have mercy on the man and he will take vengeance on the sin the Eternal Wisdome of God hath found out a way to translate this mans sins on another Person who is able to bear them and to interest this mans person in anothers Righteousness which is able to cover him so that now all 's one in regard of man as if the Law had been utterly abrogated and all 's one too in regard of God as if the creature had been utterly condemned And all this is done in our Jesus on him was executed the curse of the Law by him was fulfilled the righteousness of the Law for him was remitted the sin of man and through him were all things made new again the world was in Christ as in its Surety making satisfaction to the Justice of God and God was in Christ as in his Embassadour Rom. 11.33 reconciling the world unto himself again 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 O the depths of the riches both of the Wisdome and Knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgements and his ways past finding out You have seen the Project and the counsels of God for mans salvation before all worlds Rom. 11.34 it is but dimly for who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been his Counsellour SECT VI. The foreknowledge OF the knowledge of God in this respect we read in Scriptures Acts 2.23 Rom. 8.29 Rom. 11.2 1 Pet. 1.2 Christ is said to be delivered by the determinate Counsel and foreknowledg of God And it is said of Christs members the called according to his purpose whom he did foreknow and elsewhere in the same Epistle God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew And Peter writes to the strangers Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father Understand that foreknowledge is ascribed to God in respect of the creature properly but in respect of God there is nothing past nothing to come all things past and all things to come are present to him and therefore in that sense he cannot be said to foreknow any thing Now the Lord in respect of us is said in Scripture to foreknow things or persons two wayes Psal 139.16 1. Generally by a general knowledge of which Davids speaks thine eyes did see my substance yet being unperfect and in thy book all my members were written which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them 2. Specially by a more special foreknowledge which is a knowledge with love and approbation the very same which barely comprehendeth that we call Election Rom. 9.13 2 Tim. 2.19 Rom. 11.2 so Gods choosing is expressed by loving Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated And this is that which the Apostle speaks of the Lord knoweth who are his i.e. the Lord from everlasting knoweth his with love and with approbation hath God cast away his people which he foreknew i. which he before loved and approved hence we gather that after the Project was laid and the Councels of God were agreed upon it then God foreknew or foresaw whom to embrace in his eternal love as his own
At one act he foreknew whom he would choose and set apart of his own free love to life and salvation And here you have the cause of Gods predestinating his Saints to glory it was only the foreknowledge and free love of God the Lord from everlasting and before the foundation of the world fore-ordained or fore-appointed some to salvation nothing moving him thereunto but his own good pleasure and his own free love This is it that in order of nature and strictly goes before and is the cause of our Predestination Rom. 8.27 for whom he did foreknow he also did Predestinate first he foreknew and then he did Predestinate first he loved and then he Elected first he embraced them as his own in the Arms of his eternal love and then of his free love he set them apart to life and to salvation hence the Apostle calls it the Election of Grace Rom. 11.5 signifying that our Election springs out of the womb of love free love free grace is the cause of our Election Some Object that we are Predestinated and Elected according to fore-knowledge i.e. say they according to the fore-knowledge of our Faith and Repentance and Perseverance Rom. 8.29 but if that were Pauls fore-knowledge why then would he say that those whom he did fore-know he also did Predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son if God did fore-know them first conformed why did he then Predestinate them to be conformed And if that were Peters foreknowledg why then would he say that they were Elect according to the fore-knowledg of God the Father unto Obedience 2 Pet. 1 2 if God did fore-know them first Obedient how then did he fore-know them unto Obedience I know it is a question whether God in fore-sight of belief and perseverance in Faith and Holiness do choose us to Salvation For my part I am for the Negative upon these well-known grounds 1. Because Election on Faith foreseen makes God to go but of himself looking to this or that in the Creature upon which his will may be determined to Elect now this is against the all-sufficiency of Gods knowledge as if he should get knowledge from the things we know and against the all-sufficiency of Gods Will as if he must be beholding to something in us before the business of our Election can be determined 2. Because Election on Faith or Love fore-seen it makes God to choose us when we have chosen him and to love us when we have loved him first but this is contrary to Scripture 1 John 4.19 Verse 10. We love him because he loved us first and herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins 3. Because Election on faith fore-seen stands not with the freedom of Gods Will within himself Rom. 9.15 but God tells us plainly I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion * John Goodwins exposition on Rom. 9.15 16. I know some would not have this Text understood of Election from Eternity but of Justification Adoption Salvation and yet they grant the truth of it to be alike whether in reference to Election or Justification the words I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy are one and the same with those words spoken by God to Moses Exod. 33.19 I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious Now to be gracious as is confessed properly imports a propenseness of mind and will to do some signal good without any motive or engagement thereunto from without especially from the person or persons to whom this good is done or intended which is a plain Argument that I will have mercy is not of that kind of mercy the exercise whereof is drawn out or procured by any thing whatsoever in those to whom it is shewed but because it pleaseth it self or him in whom it resideth so to do and in this respect mercy differs very litle or nothing at all from grace the Apostle exchanging Moses his words was but his Interpreter 4. Because Election on Faith fore-seen is all one as to say we are ordained to Eternal Life because we believe Acts 13.48 but the Scripture speaks contrary as many as were ordained to Eternal Life believed and not as many as believed were Ordained to Eternal Life 5. Because a prime and Eternal cause cannot depend upon the self-same temporal effects which are thereby caused Now Election is the prime and eternal Cause whence our Faith Repentance and Perseverance were derived and therefore our Faith Repentance and Perseverance cannot be imagined antecedent Causes Conditions or Motives unto the Divine Election 6. Because Election on Faith fore-seen or Election of men believing and persevering in Faith and Holiness unto the last gasp brings with it many absurdities As 1. This is to Elect men not considered as in the State of Innocency nor of Misery but as in state of Grace contrary to their own Tenets 2. This is not to bring Faith Holiness Perseverance out of the gracious benefit of Election but to bring Election out of the foreseen Acts of believing E●cles 1.4 obeying persevering quite contrary to Scriptures he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the World that we should be holy and without blame before him in Love 3. This were to say that Election or Predestination affords no man any help at all in the way unto Eternal Salvation for how can that be the cause leading infallibly in the way unto Eternal Life which comes not so much as into consideration until a man have run out his Race at least in Gods fore-knowledge in Faith and Godliness and be arrived at Heavens Gates Such a falsely named Predestination might more truly and properly have been called a Post-destination But I have too long stood on this Controversie 1 Tim. 1.4 and indeed it is against my design which is not to minister questions but rather edifying which is in Faith I remember what I have Read and indeed I begin already to feel that these Controversal Points will but discompose our spirits and wast our zeal our love our delight in Jesus this lovely subject and object we are a viewing even by the interruption and diversion of our contemplations not a word more in that Kind SECT VII The Purpose OF the Purpose of God concerning mans salvation before all worlds we read in Scriptures we know that all things work together for good to them that love God Rom. 8.28 to them who are called according to his purpose And it is said of Jacob and Esau that being not yet born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to Election might stand And in Christ we are said to obtain an inheritance Rom. 9 11 being predestinate according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the
and God will not spare him that is the very word in the Scripture Rom. 8.32 he spared not his own Son this surely this declares Gods love to righteousness more than if all the World should be Damned 2. Suppose the sinner that is reconciled had been Damned then the justice of God had been but in satisfying and never had been fully satisfyed but in that way that God hath found out to save a sinner his justice is not onely satisfying but it comes fully to be satisfied to have enough As for instance suppose a man to be a creditor to one who owes him 100000 l. this man is poor and the utmost he can pay is but a penny a day suppose the creditor should lay him in the Goale until he had paid the utmost farthing it is true he would be receiving day after day but he would never be paid so long as the debtor lives now if another rich man should come and lay down an 100000 l. at once the creditor is presently satisfied Why here is the difference betwixt Gods satisfying his Justice upon sinners and upon Jesus Christ God comes upon the sinner and requires the debt of punishment because he did not pay the debt of obedience God casts him into Prison and the utmost he can pay is but as it were a penny a day and hence the poor sinner must still be paying and paying and paying to Eternity this is the ground of their Eternal punishment in Hell because in any finite time they can never pay enough But now comes Jesus Christ and he fully payes the debt at once so that justice saith I have enough I am satisfied Surely this is the greater Glory to the very justice of God These were the counsels of God from all Eternity how he should make way for his love and goodness and yet satisfie his Truth and Justice O my soul consider and wonder Jesus Christ was the Expedient and in Christ not only Gods mercy but his justice is Exalted yea more Exalted and more Glorified in thy salvation then ever it could have been in thy Damnation 3 Consider the fore-knowledge of God he knew from everlasting whom he would set apart for life and salvation All the Saints of God from first to last they were then present to him and before him and he did look on them in his Beloved Christ Before there was a World or a man or any creature in it he fore-knew Adam and Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the Patriarchs and all the Prophets and all the Apostles all the Disciples of Christ and Believers in Christ And O my soul if thou art one of Gods Elect he foreknew thee with a knowledge of love and approbation he had thee in his Eye Rom. 9.11 and Heart he had thoughts on Jacob when he was yet unborn and had done neither good nor evil Assure thy self the Lord works not without prevision or fore-knowledge of the things effected that cannot be in God which is not to be found in a wise and prudent man he that builds an house hath the frame of it first in himself and the Psalmist tells thee that the eyes of God did see thy substance yet being unperfect Psal 139.16 Rom. 9.13 in this Book of knowledge were all thy members written when as yet there was none of them yea he knew thee with a knowledge of singular love he embraced thee in his Eternal love as it is written Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated ● will not say that this love was actually bestowed on thee till due time yet it was prepared for thee from all Eternity and hence it is called an everlasting love The Lord hath appeared of old unto me Jer. 31.3 saying I have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee O muse and meditate and ponder on this love it contains in it these particulars as 1. The eternal good will of God what else is the love of God towards the Elect but his everlasting good will to shew them mercy to do them good and to save their souls hence the Angels sung that Antheam at Christs birth Glory to God in the highest Luk. 2.14 and on earth peace good will towards men 2. The Eternal pleasure and delight of God in the sons of men the greatest delight that God hath or ever had it is in communicating himself to his Son firstly and next unto his Saints nay such delight he takes in letting out his mercy to his Saints as that he was well-pleased with the death of his own Son as a means conducing thereunto O wonderfull one would think that the death of Christ should be the most abhorring to the heart of God of any thing in the world and yet saith the Scripture It pleased the Lord to bruise him Isa 53.10 he took a pleasure and delight in the very bruising of Jesus Christ the Lord saw this was the way for him to communicate himself in the fulness of his grace unto his Saints and therefore though it cost him so dear as the death of his own Son yet he was well-pleased with it 3. This love of God contains in it a fore-knowledg and approbation of all those effects of his love whether they be temporal concerning this life or Eternal concerning the life to come Concerning these effects of his love saith John 1 John 3.1 Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God q. d. Behold it stand amazed at it that children of wrath should become the sons of the most high God for a beggar on the dunghil a vagabond a runnagate from God a prodigal a stranger to God whom the Lord had no cause to think on to be made a Son of God Almighty O divine love Pause a while and muse on this O my soul that God should fore-know thee from all Eternity with a knowledg of love and approbation it is admirable to consider I say it is admirable to consider 4. Consider the purpose of God concerning thy salvation 1 Thes 5 9 God hath not appointed or purposed us wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ As when we have a will to do any thing there follows upon this in the mind a setled purpose to effect it so when God hath loved some to life there is in God a setled purpose of bringing them to it that the purpose of God according to Election might stand or be sure Rom. 9.11 it imports Gods stability and steadiness and constancy and firmness in saving souls There is much inconstancy and fickleness in the love of man or in the love of a woman but the love of God to his people is a steady love as the Bridegroom rejoyceth over the Bride Isa 62.5 so shall thy God rejoyce over thee not only so doth thy God but so shall thy God rejoyce over thee
for the Lord God will help me Heb. 2.13 Isa 50.7 8 9 Isa 59.5 therefore shall I not be confounded And behold the Lord will help me who is he that shall condemn me whereto agrees that other passage and my God shall be my strength 3. There was a promise of submission to his Fathers will in bearing the reproaches and injuries that should be done to him and to lay down his life for those that were given to him by the Father the Lord God opened my ear and I was not rebellious Isa 50.5 6 neither turned away back I gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair I hid not my Face from shame and spitting John 10.17 and therefore my Father loves me because I lay down my life Christ first thus Covenanted with his Father and then he was careful to discharge the same and at last he tells God John 17.4 I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do 4. There was an earnest expectation of that glory which the Father promised Christ and his members And now O Father glorifie thou me with thine own self John 17.5 John 17.24 with the glory which I had with thee before the World was And Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the Foundation of the World These were the Articles of the Covenant on Christs part and hence it is that God is called the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ viz. by reason of the Covenant Ephes 1.3 O my soul with what delight mayest thou consider muse and ponder on these Articles what that God should make a Covenant and enter into these and these Articles with his own Son for thy good and for thy Eternal good what that God should bring in the second person in the Trinity to be the head of the Covenant as on thy part what a mercy is this O run over and over this meditation a thousand and a thousand times O consider thy hope of Eternal life which God that cannot lye Tit. 1.2 promised before the world began If thy soul question what promise was there made before the World began to whom was the promise made who was there before the World began for God to make any promise to why now thou hast learned it was only to the Son of God the second person in the Trinity There was a most blessed transaction between God the Father and God the Son before the world began for thy everlasting good and upon that transaction depends all thy hope and all thy salvation O this is worthy of thy deep and sad and serious and inmost meditation I have been particular and large in this passage of Looking unto or considering Jesus but I shall be brief in the rest SECT III. Of desiring after Jesus in that respect 3. VVE must desire after Jesus carrying on the great work of our salvation in that Eternity It is not enough to know consider but we must desire Now desire is a passion looking after the attainment of some good which we enjoy not and which we imagine to be fitting for us In this respect we cannot desire after Jesus as now to carry on that work of our salvation before the World began for that work is already perfectly done But these things we may desire after as 1. After the manifestation of that work in us 2. After God and Christ the complotters and actors of that great work for us 3. After the full and utmost execution whereby God effectually works in time according to all his workings or decrees before time 1. We must desire after the manifestation of this work in us We have heard of marvellous excellent glorious things done by Jesus Christ for his Saints from all Eternity oh what desires now should be in us to know that we are of that number when I hear and consider that there was such a project and such counsels and such love and such a purpose and such decrees and such a Covenant betwixt God and Christ for salvation of souls and withal that they are but few in comparison concerning whom God and Christ hath all this care will not this whet on my desires and make me cry and cry again Oh that these loves were mine how happy were I if I had a share in these eternal thoughts of God Methinks we should not hear of such transactions but it should stir up our hearts in infinite desires methinks we should pant after assurance and still be wishing Oh what is truth and what is Christ and what did Christ for me before I was or before the World was I would I knew him I would I could enjoy him I would I were assured that he had one good thought of me in that Eternity Christians if you have any share in those transactions sooner or later you will feel these desires nay if my sinful heart deceive me not upon the very consideration of these things I feel my self another creature in my desires then I was before Tell me you that have took a full view of God Christ and of all these wonders of Eternity do you not sensibly differ from your selves in your affections Is not the world worldly pleasures worldly profits and worldly honours fallen too yea ten in an hundred with you have they not lost their price would you not rather be assured that your names are written in the Book of Life then to have all the world yours yea and all the Devils in Hell subject to your commands Certainly if these revelations work nothing in your hearts if your affections be so strong and hearty to the world and the vanities of it if your desires be so impure and strongly working downwards that Gods ancient loves and everlasting workings have no power on your hearts it is a very sad condition If David may have his wish it runs thus Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us he would have the manifestation of Gods Eternal love Psa 4.6 one smile of his countenance as an image of that countenance which God had towards him before the world began was more gladness to his heart then all that which the men of the world had in the time that their corn and their wine increased 2. We may and must desire after God and Christ the complotters and actors of that great work for us what hath the Gospel revealed this truth that before the Creation God and Christ were busied about our good yea and hath Christ especially that came out of the bosom of his Father brought the treasures of his Fathers counsel to the world discovered such love to men how then should our desires be after God in Christ Whom have I in heaven but thee Psa 73.35 there is none upon earth that I
roots did not that immortal seed preserve them Of this sign we are sure if any of the former belongs to us but to this we cannot actually seal till the end of our life Come now are these O my soul the grounds of thy hopes hath Gods word come with power on thy heart hath the Lord so effectually called thee that thou hast left all to follow Christ dost thou believe on the Lord Jesus for life and for salvation art thou holy is thy life holy dost thou walk exactly as the grace of God which bringeth to salvation teacheth Canst thou with inlarged thankfulness amplifie the love and grace of God in thy election surely these effects are the very fuel of hope they are the blessed and clear evidences so thy souls election and therefore hope well take strong consolation it is clear as the Sun that God hath predestinated thee to life and that thy name is written in the Book of Life and that none in Heaven or on Earth or in Hell shall be able to blot it out again Away with all sad dumpish dejected thoughts Look unto Jesus hope in Christ that that very salvation concerning which that great transaction was betwixt God and Christ belongs even to thee and that one day thou shalt see it and enjoy the happiness of it to all Eternity SECT V. Of believing in Jesus in that respect 5. WE must believe in Jesus as carrying on that great work of salvation for us in that Eternity It is not enough to know and consider and desire and hope but we must believe Now this is the nature and property of faith to apply all these ancient and future doings and dealings of God to our selves as if they were now present Some difference there is betwixt hope and faith as hope hath respect to that which the Word pomiseth rem verbi but faith respects the word it self verbum rei hope eyes chiefly the mercy and goodness of the promise but faith eyes mainly the authority and truth of the promiser hope looks upon its object as future but faith only looks upon the object as present both make a particular application to themselves but hope in a waiting for it and faith in a way of now enjoying it Hence faith is called the substance of things hoped for it is the substance or confidence of things hoped for Heb. 11.1 as if we had them already in hand faith gives the soul a present interest in God in Christ in all those glorious things in the Gospel of Christ even in the things of eternal life Faith is an appropriating an applying an uniting grace it is a blessed thing to have the sight of God there is much power in it but to see God in his Glory as my God to see all the Majesty greatness and goodness of God as those things that my soul hath an interest in to see how the eternal counsels of God wrought for me to make me happy why this is of the nature of Faith And herein lies the sweetness of faith in that we believe not Christ only to be a Saviour and righteousness but my Saviour and my righteousness And therefore Luther affirmed that the sweetness of Christianity lay in pronounes when a man can say my Lord and my God and my Jesus I live by the faith of the Son of God Gal. 2.20 who loved me and gave himself for me O my soul believe for thy self believe and be confident of it that those Eternal projects counsels love purpose decree and covenant betwixt God and Christ were all for thee hast not thou a promise Nay was there not a promise before the world began and that very promise the promise of eternal life Mark the words Titus 1.2 in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the World began Here 's a promise and a promise of Eternal life and a promise of Eternal life made by God by God that cannot lie and that before there was a World or any man in the World If thou enquirest to whom then was this promise made Sweet soul it was made to Christ for thee many promises thou hast in Scripture made more immediatly to thy self but this was the grand promise and all the other promises they are but a draught of that grand promise that God the Father made to his Son before the World began O cries the Soul I cannot believe what is it possible that God in his Eternity should have any thought of me What of me being not yet born Rom. 9.11 neither having done any good or evil What of me born in these last times of the world the least of Saints the greatest of Sinners less then the least of all Gods mercies that of such a one the great God the Majesty of Heaven and Earth should have a thought a project a counsel a knowledge of approbation a purpose a decree Nay enter into a Covenant with his Son for my salvation I cannot believe it Alas What am I to God or what need hath God of me If all the Nations of the Earth are to him but as a drop of a bucket Isa 40.15 and as the small dust of the Ballance O what a minime am I of that drop or what a little little atome am I of that small dust and is it probable that the greatness of God the goodness of God the power of God the wisdom of God the Eternal Counsels of God should work for me to make me glorious blessed happy to make me one with himself and one with his Son and one with his Spirit what care take I of every dust of the Earth or of every sand one the Sea-shore and yet these are my fellow-creatures there 's a thousand times more disproportion betwixt God and me and would God take care of me before I was or before the World was what would he busie himself and his Son about such a worthless wretched worm would he decree Christ to come from the Father for me to be my Redeemer my Jesus my Saviour I cannot I dare not I will not believe O stay my soul and be not faithless but believing I 'le take thy argument in pieces As Jer. 29 11 1. Thou sayst hath God any thoughts of me Yes saith God I know the thoughts that I think towards you thoughts of peace and not of evil and before the World was my thoughts Prov. 8.3 and my delights were with the Sons of men 2. Thou sayst I have no thoughts no care of my fellow-creatures Isa 55.8 as of the dust or sand or atoms and what then my thoughts are not as your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the Lord for as the Heavens are higher than the Earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts What if thou hast no thoughts or care of the smaller creatures yet God extends his thoughts and care and providence not only to thee but
commands it but when I have made a promise to it then I command it and bind it upon my self 2. That our obedience might be more willing and free an absolute Law might seem to extort obedience but a Covenant and agreement makes it clearly to appear more free and willing This is of the nature of the Covenant of grace first God promiseth mercy to be our exceeding great reward and then we promise obedience to be his free and willing people thus we become gods not only by a property founded in his soveraign power love but by a property growing out of our own vo●untary consents we are not only his people but his willing people we give him our hand when we become his and enter into Covenant with him See the expression Ezek. 17.18 ●k 17.18 He dispised the oath by breaking the Covenant when loe he had given his hand We are his as the wife is her husbands ●k 16.8 I entred into Covenant with thee saith the Lord God and thou becamest mine now in marriages free and mutual consent you know is ever given and so it is here 3. That our consolations might be stronger that in all our difficulties and distresses we might ever have recourse to the faithfulness and love of God 1. To the faithfulness of God ●on 17.27 This was David's stay and this may be ours though friends be unfaithful and may deceive yet the Lord is faithful and cannot fail his people his promises are Yea and Amen ●r 1.20 we may build upon it 2. That we might have recourse to the love of God this indeed was the prim end why God delivered his Law in way of a Covenent that he might sweeten and indear hinself to us and so draw us to him with cords of love had God so pleased he might have required all obedience from us and when we had done all he might have reduced us into nothing or at least not have given us heaven for ●n inheritance or himself for a portion but his love is such that he will not only command but he will Covenant that he might further express and communicate his love how then should this but incourage us to go to God in all distresses O what thankful loving thoughts should we have of God that would thus infinitely condescend to Covenant with us 5. What are the good things Promised in this expressure of the Covenant not to reckon up the temporal Promises of riches honour victory peace and protection in a land of Oyle Olive and Honey the great mercies of God are expressed in these terms I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egypt out of the house of bondage This is the great Promise of the Covenant it is as great as God himself That we may better see it and know it I shall take it in pieces the gold is so pure that it is pity the least filing should be lost Here God describes himself by these notes 1. By his only eternal and Perfect Essence I am the Lord. 2. By the Plurality of persons in that one essence I am the Lord God Jehovah Elohim 3. By the propriety his people have in Jehovah Elohim I am the Lord thy God 4. By the fruit of that Propriety in reference to Israel which brought thee out of the land of Eygpt out of the house of bondage ●d 6.3 1. I am Jehovah we read that he appeared to Abraham Isaac and Jacob by the name of God Almighty but now he was known to the Israelites by his name Jehovah I am the Lord. Why was it not by that name that he appeared to Abraham Isaac and Jacob no no saith God by my name Jehovah was I not known to them This hath occasioned a question how can this be do we not read expresly that God said to Abraham I am the Lord that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees and again I am the Lord God of Abraham thy Father and the God of Isaac Gen. 15.7 Gen. 28.13 how then is it said that by his name Jehovah he was not known unto them This place hath perplexed many of the learned but the meaning seems to be this that though he was known to the Patriarchs by his name Jehovah as it consists of letters syllables and sounds yet he was not experimentally known unto them in his constancy to perform his promise in bringing them out of the land of Egypt until now This name Jehovah denotes both his being in himself and his giving of being or performance to his word and promise thus indeed he was not known or manifested to the Patriarchs they only were sustained by faith in Gods almighty power without receiving the thing promised it is said of Abraham that while he was yet alive Acts. 7.5 God gave him no inheritance in Canaan no not so much as to set his foot on yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession and to his seed after him and now when his seed came to receive the Promise and to have full knowledg and experience of his Power and goodness then they knew the efficacy of his name Jehovah So upon performance of further promises he saith they shall know him to be Jehovah Isa 49.2 3. Isa 52.6 and thou shalt know that I am the Lord. therefore my people shall know my name they shall know in that day that I am he that doth sepak behold it is I. 2. I am Jehovah Elohim this denotes the plurallity of Persons God in delivering of the law doth not only shew his being but the manner of his being that is the three manners of subsisting in that one simple and eternal being or the Trinity of persons in that Unity of Essence the word signifies strong potent mighty or if we express it plurally it signifies the Almighties or Almighty powers hence the Scriptures apply the general name God to the Persons severally the Father is God Heb. 1.1 2. the Son is God Act. 20.28 and the holy Ghost is God Act 5.3 4. Now God is said to be Author of these Laws delivered in a Covenant-way by Moses that so the greater authority may be procured to them and hence all Law-givers have endeavoured to perswade the people that they had their Laws from God 3. I am the Lord thy God herein is the propriety and indeed here is the mercy that God speaks thus to every faithful Soul I am thy God by this appropriation God gives us a right in him yea a possession of him 1. A right in him as the woman may say of him to whom she is Married this man is my husband so may every faithful soul say of the Lord he is my God 2. A possession of him God doth not only shew himself unto us but he doth communicate himself unto us in his holiness mercy truth grace and goodness hence it is said we have fellowship with the Father and with the
make you able Ministers not of the Letter but of the Spirit He is such a Prophet as teacheth inwardly clearly experimentally and sweetly no man in the world can say this or do this but Jesus Christ the great Prophet of the Church whom God hath raised up like unto Moses or far above Moses Oh my Soul consider if thou art thus taught of God 4. I will forgive their Iniquity and I will remember their Sins no more Rom. 4.7 Consider of this Blessed are they whose Iniquities are forgiven and whose Sins are covered Consider O my soul suppose thy case and thy condition thus As thou livest under Laws of men so for the transgression of those Laws thou art called to account the Judge weighs and gives an impartial and just judgment he Dooms thee to the Axe or Rack or Wheel and because of the aggravation of thy Crime he commands thee to be tortured leisurely that Bones Sinews Lights Joints might be pained for twenty thirty forty fifty years that so much of thy flesh should be cut off every day that such and such a Bone should be broken such and such a day and that by art the flesh should be restored and the Bone cured again that for so many years as is said thou mightest be kept every day dying and yet never die that all this while thou must have no Sleep nor Ease nor Food nor Cloathing convenient for thee that Whips of Iron Lashes and Scourges of Scorpions that Racks Wheels Cauldrons full of melted Lead should be prepared instruments of thy continual horrible terrible Torments in this case suppose a mighty Prince by an Act of free and special Grace should deliver thee from this Pain and Torture and not only so but should give thee a Life in perfect health should put thee into a Paradise of Pleasures where all the honour acclamations love and service of a world of Men and Angels should await thee and where thou shouldst be elivated to the top of all imaginable Happiness above Solomon in the highest Royalty or Adam in his first Innocency where not this mercy wouldest thou not thing it the highest Act of Grace and Love that any creature could extend to his fellow-creature and yet O my Soul all this is nothing but a shadow of grace in comparison of the love and rich grace of God in Christ in the justification of a sinner If thou hast a right to this promise I well forgive thy Iniquity and I will remember thy sin no more Thou art delivered from eternal Death and thou art entitled to an eternal Kingdom O know thy blessedness aright Consider how infinitly thou art engaged to God and Christ and mercy and free-grace This promise sounds forth nothing but grace and blessing grace from God and blessing on us it is grace because nothing but grace and mercy can forgive it is grace because God if he will hath power in his hand to Revenge he doth not pass by sin as men do offences when they dissemble forgiveness they may forgive because they have not power to avenge Dut 32.35 Exod. 36. ●4 it is otherwise with God To me belonges Vengeance and Recompence saith God He is able to destroy and yet he chuseth to forgive this is his Name strong and gracious O my Soul thou art apt to complain what will the Lord forgive my Sins What reason hath God to look on me to Pardon me to pluck me as a firebrand out of the Fire of Hell why should God forgive me But now consider if thy heart be humbled the Lord will do it 1. Because he delighteth in Mercy it is a pleasure to God to forgive Sins Micah 7.18 never did we take more pleasure nor so much pleasure in acting and committing of sin as he doth in the pardoning of sin he is the Father of Mercies 2 Co. 1.3 he delights in mercy as a Father in his Children it doth him good to see the Fruits of his own mercy in taking away the sins of his own people 2. Because it is his purpose which he hath purposed within himself from all Eternity this was the great design of God as you have heard to make his grace glorious in those whom he intends to save he will have the praise of the glory of his Grace Eph. 1.6 2 Thes 1.10 he will not lose his glory he will be admired in his Saints he will make the World to wonder when it shall be known what sin hath been committed by them Rom 9. ●● and pardoned by him And hence it is that Gods people are called Vessels of Mercy that he might make known the Riches of his Glory on the Vessels of Mercy for as Vessels are or may be filled up to the brims so the Vessels of Mercy shall be filled with Mercy up to the Brim that the Riches of his Glory in the pardon of Sin may be seen and known to the wonder of all the world 3. Because it is his Nature and Inclination to pardon Sin this appears 1. In the Proclaiming of his Name the Lord the Lord Merciful and Gracious Long-suffering Ex●d 34.6 abundant in Goodness and Truth keeping Mercy for Thousands forgiving Iniquity and Transgression and Sin Mat. 11.28 2. In his gracious Invitations Come unto me saith Christ if sin burden you I will ease you 3. In his patience and waiting for Repentance he waits to this very end that he might be gracious Isa 30.18 and that he may have mercy for the Lord is a God of judgment Isa 43.25 4. Because it is his promise to pardon sin I even I am he that blots out thy transgressions for my own sake and will not remember thy sins This promise of Pardon is one of the great blessings of the Covenant of Grace you hear the words in this very expressure of it Jet 31.34 I will forgive their Iniquity and I will remember their sins no more Now come consider O my soul of every particular in this gracious Covenant and O be serious in thy Consideration surely there is too much expence of thy spirit upon vain and transitory and worldly things alas alas thou hast but a short time to live and the strength of thy mind that I call for it is the most precious thing thou hast O then let the business and activeness of thy mind let thy inmost thoughts and deep affections be acted and exercised on this Subject be careful that none of these waters run besides the Mill. If God and Jesus and all thy good be included here why should not thy whole soul be intent on this Why shouldst thou spend it on the Creature why shouldst thou be so subject to carnal griefs and fears surely all these are fitter to be fixed on God in Christ on Jesus in a Covenant of Grace SECT III. Of Desiring Jesus in that respect 3. WE must desire after Jesus carrying on the great work of our Salvation in a way of
strong temptations so many lusts that now he doubts O what will become of my poor Soul what will be the issue of this woful work why come now and desire after perseverance when Peter was ravished on the mount it is good being here sayes he let us build three Tabernacles Mat. 17.4 his desire was to have continued there for ever and it was the prayer of Christ in Peters behalf Luk. 22.3 I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not what was this Prayer but Christ's vehement desire of Peters continuing in the faith shall Christ desire and will not thou desire after thy own perfection O come with these Pantings and Breathings after God put forth thy desires in these or the like expressions O Lord thou hast said I will betroth thee unto me for ever Hosea 2.19 and what means this but that the conjugal love of Christ with a gracious soul shall never be broken what means this but that the bond of union in a believer to Christ is fastened upon God and the spirit of God holds the other end of it and so it can never be broken 2. O Lord thou hast discovered in thy Word that th s union is in the Father who hath laid a sure foundation 2 Tim 2.19 the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his John 13.1 and that this union is in the Son who loves his to the end and that this union is in the spirit who abides in the elect for ever 3. Thou hast discovered that the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed but my kindness shall not depart from thee Isa 54.10 neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee 4. Thou hast said that the Saints shall be kept by the Power of God q. d. The special Power I mean to put forth in this world 1 pet 1.5 it is to uphold the spirits of my saints the special work I have in the world to exercise my power about it is to keep Christ and the saints together it is through the power of God that heaven and earth is kept up but if God must withdraw his Power from the one of these sooner should heaven and earth fall in pieces than God would not uphold one gracious soul that hath Vnion with his Son Jesus Christ And if th●se be thy sayings why then Lord I desire the accomplishment O fulfil what thou hast said it would break my heart if ever the Covenant should be broken betwixt me and thee my desire is towards thee and the more I enjoy thee the more and more I desire and pant after thee my desires are like thy self infinite eternal everlasting desires 4. Desire after Jesus the great business or the all in all in a Covenant of Grace the most proper object of desire especia●ly to man fallen is Jesus Christ hence it is that a poor sinner under the sense of sin cryes out with the vehemency of desire Christ and none but Christ give me Christ or I dye I am undone I am lost for ever But what is Christ or Jesus to a Covenant of grace Ru●kers tryal of Faith I answer he is the great business he is the all in all Christ hath at least a Six-fold relation to the Covenant of grace 1. As he is more than a creature he is the Covenant himself 2. As he deals betwixt parties he is the messenger of the covenant 3. As he saw and heard and testifieth all he is the witness of the covenant 4. As he undertaketh for the parties at variance he is the surety of the covenant 5. As he standeth between the contrary parties he is the Mediator of the covenant 6. As he signifieth the covenant and closeth all the Articles he is the Testator of the covenant Oh here is abundance of fuel for thy desire to work upon 1. Consider the fuel and then set on the flame thy desire Isa 42.6 Isa 41.9 1. Christ is the covenant it self I gave thee for a covenant of the People for a light of the gentiles And I will preserve thee and give thee for a Covenant of the People Christ God and Man is all the Covenant 1. Fundamentally he is the original of the Covenant the Covenant of grace takes i●s being and beginning from Christ he is the covenant-maker undertaker manager dispatcher he doth every thing in the covenant 2. Materially the very substance of the covenant stands in this I will be their God and they shall be my People now Christ he is both these in himself he is God unto his People and he is the People representatively unto God and before God 3. Equivalently many branches or fruits of the Covenant are to be fulfilled to believers in their season but as soon as ever they are Justified Christ is said to be the Covenant as a present pawn or earnest delivered into the hands of a man at the very instant of his justification and this pawn is of equal value and worth with the whole Covenant when it is fulfilled to the uttermost Thus Christ in every of these respects is the Covenant it self he is very peace and reconciliation it self and this man shall be the Peace when the Assyrian shall come into our Land As fire is hot for it self and all other things hot for it Micah 5 5. as they participate of it so Christ is the Covenant it self and all we are so far in Covenant to Christ as we have any thing of Christ want Christ and want peace and want the Covenant of grace 2. Christ is the messenger of this Covenant The Lord whom ye seek shall suddainly come to his Temple Mal. 3.1 even the messenger of the Covenant whom ye delight in Christ travels with tydings between parties of the Covenant 1. He reports of God to us he commends his Father unto us Joh. 15.1 Joh. 6.29 Joh. 6.48 Joh. 8.12 Joh. 10.9 11. Prov. 1.20 Prov. 9.5 my Father is the husband man and this is the Fathers will which hath sent me that of all which he hath given me I shall lose nothing and he commends himself to us it became the Lord Jesus to commend himself I am the bread of Life I am the Light of the world I am the Door I am the good Shepherd It is a wonderful thing how Christ is a broker as I may say for Christ wisdom cryeth out she uttereth her voice in the streets come eat of my bread and drink of my wine which I have mingled Ministers cannot speak of Christ and of his Father as he can do himself O my Soul to excite thy desires come and hear Christ speak of Christ and of his Father and of Heaven for he saw all Joh. 17.25 2. He reports of us to God he commends us to his Father O righteous Father the world hath not known thee but I have known thee and
for God will magnifie his grace and therefore he will do this great thing all that thou hast to do and all that God requires of thee in this case is onely to believe indeed thou hast no part in Christ no part in the covenant of grace if thou wilt not believe faith is the condition of the covenant of grace and therefore either believe or no covenant I know it is not easie to believe nay it is one of the hardest things under heaven to perswade a soul into faith What Will the great God of heaven make a Covenant with such a wretch as I am I cannot believe it Why What 's the matter Ah my sins my sins my sins God is a consuming fire against such he cannot endure to behold iniquity little hopes that ever God should enter into a covenant with me But to help on or to allure a soul in consider O thou soul of these following passages 1. Consider of the sweet and gracious nature of God that which undoes broken hearts and trembling souls it is misconceivings of God we have many times low diminishing ex enuating thoughts of Gods goodness but we have large thoughts of his power and wrath now to rectifie these misapprehensions consider his name and therein his nature the Lord the Lord Merciful and Gracious Long-suffering and abundant in Goodness and Truth keeping mercy for Thousands forgiving Iniquity Transgressions Sins and will by no means clear the guilty visiting the Iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children and upon the Childrens Children unto the Third and Fourth Generation O terrible Text Exod. 34.6 7 sayes the Soul alas I am guilty of thousands of sins and if this be his Name I am undone woe to me and mine unto the Third and Fourth Generation But consider again and in this description of God we shall find an Ocean of Mercy to a Drop of Wrath a Sea of Oyl to an half drop of scalding Lead For 1. God doth not begin the Lord the Lord that will by no means clear the guilty but the Lord the Lord Merciful and Gracious Long-suffering this is the first and greatest part of his Name God is loath to speak in justice and wrath he keeps it to the last m●rcy lies uppermost in Gods heart if the sentence must come it shall be the last day of the Assize 2 Many words are used to speak his goodness Merciful Gracious Long-suffering and abundant in Goodness keeping Mercy for Thousands forgiving Iniquity Transgression and Sin here be six several phrases to shew the Riches of his Goodness but when he speaks his wrath what haste makes he over it there 's only two expressions of that it was a Theam he took no delight in Judgment is his Work his strange Work Isa 28.22 for he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the Children of Men. 3. There 's a difference in the expression when God speaks of mercy Lam. 3.33 he expresseth it thus abundant in Mercy keeping Mercy for Thousands But in visiting sins it is not to thousands but only to the Third or Fourth Generation Surely Mercy rejoyceth against Judgment God would shew Mercy to Thousands Jam. 2.13 rather than he would destroy three or four 4. What if by no means God will clear the guilty stubbornly guilty yet never will he destroy humble souls that lye at his feet and are willing to have mercy on his easie terms How shall I give thee up Ephraim how shall I deliver thee O Israel Hos 11.8 9. how shall I make thee as Admah How shall I set thee as Zeboim My heart is turned within me my repentings are kindled together I will not execute the fierceness of Mine anger I will not destroy Ephraim for I am God and not Man the Holy One in the middest of ●●ee O my soul why standest thou at a distance with God Why dost thou fancy a Lion in the way O b●lieve in God believe in Jesus and believe thy portion in this Covenant of grace have sweet and delightful thoughts of Gods nature and thou wilt not thou canst not sly from him some are of opinion that a soul may fetch more encouragements to believe from the consideration of Gods gracious and merciful nature than from the promise it self 2. Consider of the sweet and gracious nature of Jesus Christ our thoughts of God are necessarily more strange than of Jesus Christ because of our infinite distance from the Godhead but in Christ God is come down into our nature and so infinite goodness and mercy is incarnate art thou afraid O my soul at his name Jah and Jehovah O remember his name is Emanuel the Lyon is here disrobed of his garment of terrour his rough hair is turned into a soft wooll see thy God disrobed of his terrible Majesty see thy God is a man and thy Judg is a Brother mince Jehovah with Jesus and the Serpent wi●l be a rod O that Balsamy name Jesus that name that founds healing for every wound settlement for every distraction comfort for every sorrow but here 's the misery souls in distress had rather be poring on hell than heaven rather frighting themselves with the terrours of justice than staying themselves with the fl●ggons of Mercy O my soul how canst thou more contradict the nature of Christ and the Gospel-description of Christ than to think him a destroyer of men b●t wherein appears the gracious nature of Christ I answer in his being incarnate O how could Jesus have manifested more willingness to save than that the God-head should condescend to assume our nature surely this is ten thousand times more condescention than for the greatest King to become a sly or a toad to save such creatures as toads and flyes 2. In his tender dealing with all sorts of sinners he professed th t he came into the world not to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved He wept over Jerusalem saying O Jerusalem Je●usalem Mat. 23.37 how oft would I have gathered thee as an Hen gathereth her chickens under her wings but ye would not I would but ye would not And when his Disciples would have had fire come down from Heaven to consume tho●e that refused him he reproves them and tells them they know not of what spirits they were of 3. In his care of his own not caring what he suffered so they might be saved Alas alas that the Lord Jesus should pass through a life of misery to a death more miserable to manifest openly to the world the abundance of his love and yet that any soul should suspect him of cruelty or unwillingness to shew mercy Ah my soul believe never cry out my sins my sins my sins there is a gracious nature and inclination in Jesus Christ to pardon all 3. Consider of that office of saving and shewing mercy which Christ hath set up this is more than meerly a gracious inclination Christ hath undertaken and set up an office
call we this that the Father will not go but run If he would needs meet his Son might he not have walked towards him in a soft slow pace O no if a sinner will but come or creep towards Christ mercy will not go a foot-pace but run to meet him bowels full of mercy out-pace bowels pinched with hunger Gods mercy is over all his works and so it is over all our needs and over all our sins 5. He ran and fell on his neck i.e. he hugged and embraced him O wonder who would not have been loth to have touched him was he not in his loathsome stinking rags smelt he not of the hogs and swine he lately kept would not some dainty stomacks have been ready to have cast all up upon such embracements Ezek. 16.6 we see mercy is not nice When I passed by saith God I saw thee polluted in thy own blood and I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood live yea I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood live that very time of her blood was the time of love then the Lord spread his Spirit over her and covered her nakedness and swore unto her Ver. 8. and entred into a Covenant with her and she became his 6. He ran and fell on his neck and kissed him who would have brooked a person in so filthy a pickle what kiss those lips that have been so lately lapping in the hogs trough those lips that had so often kissed those base and beggarly and abominable Harlots one would think he should rather have kicked than kissed him there is a passage somewhat like this and Esau ran to meet Jacob Gen. 33.4 and he embraced him and fell on his neck and kissed him before he had thought to have killed him but now he kissed him it s not to tell how dear the Father was to his Prodigal Son when he ran and fell on his neck and embraced and kissed him The scope of the Parable is this that Christ is willing and glad to receive sinners Ezek. 33.11 Turn ye turn ye from your evil wayes for why will ye dye O house of Israel 2. Christ manifests this willingness in his practice really amongst many instances I shall insist only on one a notable instance of this year One of the Pharisees named Simon invited Christ to eat with him Luke 36.37 into whose house when he had entred a certain woman that was a sinner abiding there in the City heard of it a widow she was and prompted by her wealth and youth to an intemperate life she came to Jesus in the Pharisees house and no sooner come but she layes her burthen at Jesus's feet and presents him with a broken heart Ver. 38. and weeping eye and an Alabaster Box of Oyntment She stood at his feet behind him weeping and began to wash his feet with her tears and to wipe them with the hairs of her head and she kissed his feet and Anointed them with Oyntment 1. She stands at his feet a sign of her humility O what a change She that was before married to a Noble personage a Native of the Town Castle of Magdal from whence she had her name of Magdalen and she that now was a widow and therefore took her liberty of pride and lust who so proud and vile as Mary Magdalen at this time she comes in remorse and regret for her sins and throwing away her former pride she stoops and waits and humbly stands at Jesus feet 2. She stood at his feet behind him a blushing sign of faith it comprehends in it a Tacite confession of her Sins she knew her self unworthy of Christs presence she durst not look him in the face but believingly she waits behind him her shame speaks her repentance and her waiting on him and not flying from him bespeaks her faith 3. She stood at his feet behind him weeping her grief burst out in tears she heeds not the feast or feaster though usually they are accompanied with joy and mirth and musick and such feasts attended with such vanities she many a time had probably observed yet now she comes in trembling to this feast and falling down before Christ she weeps and weeps bitterly for her sins 4. She began to wash his feet with tears her tears were not feigned but fruitful she wept a shower of tears one considering her tears cries it out Terra rigat coelum the very earth bedews heaven her eyes that before were abused to lust are now fountains of tears she poures out a flood great enough to wash the feet of her blessed Jesus this was the manner of the Jews to eat their meat lying down John 13.23 and Leaning on their Elbows or if many eat together leaning in the bosoms of one another thus at the Passover it is said that there was leaning on Jesus bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved And in this posture Jesus sitting or lying at meat Mary had the convenience to weep on his feet which he had cast behind his fellow and O how she weeps a main the Tears so Trickle that she begins to wash Christs feet she not only waters them Jer. 6.1 but washes them that which Jeremy wished Oh that my head were waters and mine eyes a Fountain of Tears Mary fulfills for her head is waters and her eyes are fountains Rivers of Tears run down her eyes O she had pierced Christ with her sins and now she weeps over him whom she had pierced crying out as we may imagine O my sins and O my Christ O foul sins and O sweet Jesus 5. She wipes his feet with the Hairs of her Head her hair added to her beauty sometimes in curling rings or in seemly sheds she made it a snare for men but now she consecrates it to her Lord and makes it a Towel to wipe Christs feet withall O here 's a worthy fruit of serious repentance the Apostle calls it an holy revenge 6. She kissed his feet 2 Cor. 7.11 in token of her new chioce and new love and new affection her kisses had formerly been to wantons but now she bestows them on the feet of Christ 7. She anointed them with ointment which expression was so great an extasie of love and sorrow and adoration that to anoint the feet of the greatest Monarch was long unknown and in all the pomps of Roman prodigality it was never used till Otho taught it Nero. When Simon observed this sinner so busie in the expresses of her Religion he thought within himself that Christ was no Prophet that he did not know her to be a sinner for although the Jews Religion did permit harlots to live and to enjoy the priviledges of the Nation save that their oblations were refused yet the Pharisees who pretended to a greater degree of sanctity than others would not admit them to civil usages or to the benefits of ordinary society and hence Simon made an objection within
judgment to come Acts. 24.25 and see what influence they have when Paul preached such a Sermon to Felix it is said that he trembled a Sermon of the chaffs burning with unquenchable fire is enough to make thy heart tremble if Powerfully delivered and affectionately received but see what effect doth it work on thy heart and life dost thou feel in thee a Spirit of mortification dost thou with the Baptist die to the world dost thou deny thy will of all its natural sinful desires dost thou abstain from pleasures and sensual complacencies that the Flesh being subdued to the Spirit both may join in the service of God dost thou kill the lusts of the flesh by taking away the fuel and incentives of Lusts this is the work of meditation it first employes the understanding in consideration of things and then the will in the reception of things and both these in order to Grace and a pious conversation that meditation which determines in notions or speculations of knowledg is like the winter Sun that shines but warms not O my Soul consider and so long consider on the preaching of this prodromus or forerunner of Christ till thou feelest this consideration to have some warmth in thy heart and influence on thy life in order to holiness self-denial and mortification 2. Consider of the Baptism of Christ he that never sinned was made sin for us and so it was proper enough for Christ to take upon him the Sacrament of sinners or of repentance for sin but especially he was baptised that in the symbole he might purifie our nature whose stains and guilt he had undertaken Consider of this O my soul and bring it home to thy self surely every soul that lives the life of Grace is born of water and the Spirit and to this purpose Christ who is our life went down into the waters of Baptism that we who descend after him might find the effects of it as pardon of Sin adoption into the Covenant of Grace and holiness of life Had not Christ been Baptised what vertue had there been in our Baptism As it became him to fulfil all righteousness Matth. 3.15 and therefore he must needs be baptized so he fulfilled it not for himself but for us Christ's obedience in fulfilling the Law is imputed to all that believe unto righteousness as if themselves had fulfilled so that he was Baptized for us and the vertue of his Baptism is derived unto us O the sweet of this meditation Christ was Baptized and when Baptized the Heavens were opened and the Holy Ghost descended and a voice from Heaven proclaimed him to be the Son of God and one in whom the Father was well pleased and the same ointment that was cast upon the head of our High Priest went unto his beard and thence fell to the borders of his garment for as Christ our Head felt those effects in manifestation so through Christ do we believe the like effects in our very Baptism the Heavens then as it were opened unto us and the holy Ghost then descended upon us and then were we consigned to the inheritance of Sons in whom the Father through his Son is also well pleased O my soul what a blessing is there in the Baptism of Christ and how mayest thou suck and be satisfied if thou wilt put thy meditation to the right use the Baptism of Christ is as a field of flowers wherein is a world of priviledges as justification adoption regeneration sanctification glorification O then fix thy soul at least on some of these flowers and leave them not without carrying some honey away with thee if thou art in Christ thou art Baptised into his death and Baptized into his Baptism thou partakest of the fruit and efficacy both of his death and life and baptism and all 3 Consider the fasting and temptation of Christ in the Wilderness Now we see what manner of adversary we have how he fights how he is resisted how overcome in one assault Sathan moves Christ to doubt of his Fathers providence in another to presume on his Fathers protection and when neither diffidence nor presumption can fasten upon Christ he shall be tryed with honour and thus he deales with us if he cannot drive us down to despair he labours to lift us up to presumption and if neither of these prevail then he brings out pleasures profits honours temptations on the right hand which are indeed most dangerous O my soul whilst thou art in this warfare here 's thy condition temptations like waves break one in the neck of another if the devil was so busie with Christ how shouldst thou hope to be free how mayest thou account that the repulse of one temptation will but invite to another well but here 's thy comfort thou hast such a Saviour as was in all things tempted in like sort yet without sin Heb. 4.15 16. how boldly therefore mayst thou go to the Throne of Grace to receive mercy and to find grace of help in time of need Christ was tempted that he might succour them that are tempted never art thou tempted O my soul but Christ is with thee in the temptation he hath sent his Spirit into thy heart to make intercession for thee there and he himself is in Heaven making intercession and praying for thee there yea his own experience of temptations hath so wrought it in his heart that his love and mercy is most of all at work when thou art tempted most As dear parents are ever tender of their Children but then especially when they are sick and weak and out of frame so though Christ be alwayes tender of his People yet then especially when their souls are sick and under a temptation O then his bowels yearn over them indeed 4 Consider Christs first manifestations by his several Witnesses we have heard of his Witnesses from Heaven the Father Son and holy Ghost and of his Witnesses on Earth the Baptist his Disciples and the works that he did in his Fathers Name and all these Witnesses being lively held forth in the preaching of the Gospel they are Witnesses to us even to this day is Christ manifested to us yea and if we are Christs even to this day is Christ manifested within us O my soul consider this above all the rest O it is this manifestation within that concerns thee most because ye are Sons Gal. 4.6 God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts if Christ be not manifested in thy heart by his blessed Spirit thou art no Son of God and therefore the Apostles puts thee seriously on this tryal Examine yourselves whether ye be in the Faith prove your selves know ye not your own selves how that Jesus Christ in you 2 Cor. 13.5 except ye be reprobates Is Christ manifested in thee surely this is more than Christ manifested to thee the bare history is the manifestation of Christ unto thee but there 's a mystery in
Solomon answers that white is the colour of joy Let thy garments be alwayes white and let thy head lack no ointment Eccles 9.8 Mark 9.3 Rev. 7.9 When Christ was transfigured his Rayment was all white no Fuller in the earth could come near it and the Saints in Heaven are said to walk in white Robes And here the Angels are in white to signifie the joy they had in Christ's resurrection from the dead But 4. Why are they one at the head and the other at the feet where the body of Jesus had layen Some answer that as Mary Magdalen had anointed his head and feet so at those two places the two Angels sit as it were to acknowledg so much for her sake Others think it speaks comfort to every one of us if we are but in Christ we shall go to our graves in white and lye between two Angels who are said to guard our Bodies even dead and to present them alive again at the day of the resurrection But in this apparition we see further a question and answer 1. The Angels question Mary Woman why weepest thou May I paraphrase upon these words it is as if they had said O Mary what cause is there for these tears where Angels rejoyce it agrees not that a woman should weep thou couldst before with a manly courage arm thy feet to run among swords when thou camest to the grave and art thou now so much a woman that thou canst not command thine eyes to forbear tears O woman why weepest thou If thy Christ were here in his grave under this Tomb-stone we might think thy sorrow for the dead enforced thy tears but now that thou findest it a place of the living why dost thou stand here weeping dead for if thy tears be tears of love as thy love is acknowledged so let these tears be suppressed if thy tears be tears of anger they should not here have been shed where all anger was buried if thy tears be tears of sorrow and duties to the dead they are bestowed in vain where the dead is now revived and therefore O woman why weepest thou would our eyes be dry if such eye-streames were behoveful for us did not Angels alwayes in their visible resemblances represent their Lords invisible pleasure shadowing their shapes in the drifts of his intentions As for instance when God was incensed they brandished swords when he was appeased they sheathed them in scabbards when he would defend they resembled Souldiers when he would terrifie they took terrible forms and when he would comfort they carried mirth in their eyes sweetness in their countenance mildness in their words savour and grace and comeliness in their presence why then dost thou weep seeing us to rejoyce dost thou imagine us to degenerate from our nature or to forget any duty whose state is neither subject to change nor capable of the least offence art thou more fervent in thy love or more privy to the counsel of our eternal God than we that are daily attendants at his Throne of glory O woman why weepest thou Thus for Paraphrase Iohn 20.13 2. For her answer She saith unto them because they have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid him Here was the cause of Mary's tears 1. They have taken away my Lord. 2. I know not where they have laid him q. d. He is gone without all hope of recovery for they but I know not who have taken him away but I know not whither and they have laid him but I know not where there to do him but I know not what O what a lamentable case is this she knows not whither to go to find any comfort her Lord is gone his life is gone his soul is gone his body is gone yea gone and carryed she knows not whither and do they ask her Woman why weepest thou why here 's the cause They have taken away my Lord i.e. the dead body of my Lord and I know not where they have laid him Where a little of Christ is left and that is lost it is a lamentable loss Mary had sometimes a possession of whole Christ she had his presence she heard his words she saw his divinity in his miracles and in casting seven devils out of her own Body but now she had lost all Christ his presence lost his preaching lost his divinity lost his humanity lost his soul lost and last of all his body lost O what lamentable loss was this Mary would now haven been glad of a little of Christ O ye Angels fill but her arms with the dead body of her Jesus and she will weep no more one beam of that Sun of righteousness would scatter all the clouds of Mary's grief Quest But doth Christ ever leave his totally Answ I answer not indeed but only in apprehension In desertions a Christian may to his own apprehension find nothing of Christ and this was the Case of Mary Magdalen or if Christ desert a soul indeed and truth for desertions are sometimes in appearance and sometimes real yet never doth he forsake his own both really and totally The Lord will not wholly forsake his people 1 Sam. 12.22 for his great Name sake the acts of his love may be withdrawn but his love is still the same it is an everlasting love those acts which are for well-being may be withdrawn Jer. 31.3 but his acts of love that are for being shall never be removed No such good things will God withhold from them that walk uprightly Or Christ may go away for a season Psal 84.11 Isa 54.7 8. John 14.18 but not for ever For a moment have I forsaken thee but with great mercies will I gather thee in a little wrath have I hid my face from thee for a moment but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer It was Christ's promise to his Disciples I will not leave you comfortless or as Orphans but I will come again Though his compassions may be restrained yet they cannot be extinguished as the Sun sets to rise again and as the tender Mother layes down her Child to take it up again so deals Christ with his only for the present it is a sad thing O it is a lamentable thing to lose all Christ though but in our own apprehensions To hear Maries pitiful complaints They have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid my Lord it would make a flint to weep methinks I hear her cryes O my Lord What 's become of Thee Time was that my Soul was an enclosed Garden and the chiefest of Ten Thousands did walk in the shadow of the Trees but now the Fence is down my Love is gone and Sharon is become a desart Time was that I sate at the Feet of my Lord and I received daily Oracles from his Mouth but now he hides himself and will not come at me I pray and he hears
obedience and death depends upon Christ's resurrection for then it was that Christ himself was justified and then he was justified as a common person representing us therein so that we were then justified with him and in him and we are said to be risen with him and to sit with him in heavenly places Burges one admirably judicious saith that justification is given to Christ's resurrection as a priviledge flowing from its efficient cause Indeed Christ's death is the meritorious cause of our justification but Christ's resurrection is in some sence saith he the efficient cause because by his rising again the Spirit of God doth make us capable of justification and th●n bestoweth it on us I know there is some difference amongst these Worthies but they all agree in this that the resurrection of Christ was for our justification and that by the resurrection of Christ all the merits of his death were made appliable unto us As there was a price and ransome to be paid by Christ for the redemption of man so it was necessary that the fruit effect and benefit of Christ's redemption should be applied and conferred now this work of application and actual collation of the fruit of Christ's death began to be in fieri upon the resurrection day but it was not then finished and perfected for to the consummation thereof the Ascension of Christ the Mission of the holy Ghost Apostolical preaching of the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles the Donation of Heavenly grace and Christ's Intercession at the right hand of God were very necessary 1 Cor. 15.17 O the benefit of Christ's resurrection as to our justification If Christ be not risen again ye are yet in your sins and your faith is in vain Remission of sin which is a part of our justification though purchased by Christ's death yet could not he applied to us or possibly be made ours without Christ's resurrection and and in this respect oh how desirable is it Eph. 2.5 6. 2. He rose again for our sanctification So the Apostle He hath quickened us together with Christ and hath raised up together with Christ Our first resurrection is from Christ's resurrection if you would know how you that were blind in heart uncircumcised in spirit utterly unacquainted with the life of God are now light in the Lord affecting heavenly things walking in righteousness it comes from this blessed resurrection of Jesus Christ we are quickened with Christ it is Christ's resurrection that raised our souls Rom. 6.11 being stark dead with such a resurrection as that they shall never die more Whence the Apostle Reckon your selves to be dead unto sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are dead to sin and alive unto God by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we may reckon thus for our selves that if we be in Christ there comes a vertue from Christ an effectual working of Christ by his Spirit into our hearts and it is such a work as will conform us to Christ dead and to Christ risen why reckon thus saith the Apostle go not by guess and say I hope it will be better with me than it hath been no no but reckon Rom. 6.4 conclude make account I must live to God I must live the life of grace for Christ is risen To the same purpose he speaks before Like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life Christ rose again to a new life and herein his resurrection differed from the resurrection of those others raised by him as of Lazarus Jairus Daughter the Widow of Naims Son for they were but raised to the same life which formerly they lived but Jesus Christ was raised up to a new life and according to this ex●mplar we should now walk in newness of life this is the end of Christ's resurrection that we should be new creatures of new lives new principles new conversations he rose again for our sanctification 3. He rose again for our resurrection to eternal life Christ is the patern and pledg and cause of the resurrection of our bodies for since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead for as in Adam all dye 1 Cor. 15.21 22 even so in Christ shall all be made alive There is a vertue flowing from Christ to his Saints by which they shall be raised up at the latter day as there is a vertue flowing from the head to the members or from the root to the branches so those that are Christ's shall be raised up by Christ 1 John 5.28 29. Not but that all the wicked in the world shall be raised again by the power of Christ as he is a judg for all that are in their graves shall hear his voice and they shall come forth yet with this difference they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation In this respect the Saints shall have a peculiar resurrection and therefore they are called the Children of the resurrection because they shall obtain a better resurrection Luke 20.36 Heb. 11.35 as the Apostle calls it And is not Christ's resurrection desirable in this very respect if we should think these bodyes of ours being dust must never return from their dusts it might discourage but here is our hope Christ is risen and therefore we must rise it is the Apostles own argument against those that held there was no resurrection of the dead why saith the Apostle if there be no resurrection of the dead 1 Cor. 15.12 13 16 20. then is not Christ risen If the dead rise not then is not Christ raised But now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first-fruits of them that sleep he argues plainly that Christs resurrection is the principal efficient cause of the resurrection of the just I am the resurrection and the life saith Christ i.e. I am the Author John 11.25 John 5.21 and worker of the resurrection to life As the Father raiseth up the dead and quickeneth them even so the Son quickeneth whom he will and hence it is that Christ is called a quickning Spirit Christ is the head and stock of all the Elect Christ is the Author procurer conveyor of life to all his off-spring by the communication of his Spirit Christ is a quickening Spirit quickening dead souls and quickening dead bodies 1 Cor. 15.45 the Author both of the first and second resurrection And is not this desireable He rose again for the assurance of our justification sanctification and salvation This is the reason why the Apostle useth these words to prove the resurrection of Christ I will give you the sure mercies of David Acts 13.34 none of Gods mercies had been sure to us if Christ had not risen again from the dead But now all is made sure his work of redemption being
in his first Sermon after the Spirits mission Act. 2.17 18. In which we read of two pourings of the Spirit one upon their sons and the other upon his servants the former concerned only the Jew they should have Prophesies Visions and Dreams the old way of the Jews but the latter concerns us we are not of their sons but of his servants to whom visions and dreams are left quite out and therefore if any now pretend to those visions and dreams we say with Jeremy Jer. 23.28 The prophet that hath a dream let him tell a dream but he that hath my Word let him speak my Word Faithfully what is the Chaffe to the wheat But of all the prophesies concerning the mission of the Holy Ghost our Saviour gives the clearest and the most particular two great Prophesies we find in the Bible the one is of the Old Testament and the other of the New that of the Old Testament was for the coming of Christ and this of the New Testament was for the coming of the Holy Ghost and hence we say that the coming of Christ was the fulfilling of the Law and the coming of the Holy Ghost is the fulfilling of the Gospel In this respect let us search and see those Prophesies of Christ the great Prophet in the New Testament I will pray the Father Joh. 14.16 17. John 15.26 Luke 24.49 John 16.7 and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever even the Spirit of truth But when the Comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the Father he shall testifie of me And behold I send the pr●mise of my Father upon you but tarry ye in the City of Jerusalem untill ye be endued with Power from on high It is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you Why it was of necessity that all these Prophesies and promises must be accomplished and therefore was the Holy Ghost sent amongst us 2. That the holy Apostles might be furnished with gifts and graces suitable to their estates conditions stations places To this purpose no sooner was the Spirit sent Acts 2.3 but they were filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance They were filled with the Holy Ghost not that they were before empty but now they were more full of the spirit than ever they were before and they speak with other tongues other than ever they had Learned probably they understood no Tongue but the Syriack till this time but now on a sudden they could speak Greek Latine Arabick Persian Parthian and what not the Wisdom and Mercy of God is very observable herein that the same means of diverse Tongues which was the destroying of Babel should be the very same means here conferred on the Apostles to work the building of Syon that the curse should be removed and a blessing come in place that confusion of Tongues should be united to God's Glory that this should be the issue of Tongues that neither Speech nor Language should be upon all the Earth but his praise and glory and the Gospel should be heard amongst them And here is something more observable in that they spake with other Tongues As the spirit gave them utterance the word utterance is in the Original 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 you have heard of Apothegmes i.e. wise and weighty sententious speeches now such as these the spirit gave them to utter magnalia Dei v. 11. as in the eleventh verse the wonderful works of God they spake of those singular benefits God offered to the world by the death of his Son they spake of the work of our Redemption of the merits of Christ of the glory and riches of his Grace of the praises due to his Name for all his Mercies others add that they spake of those admirable works of the Trinity as of our Creation Redemption and Sanctification and of whatsoever generally concerned the Salvation of mankind their speeches were not crudities of their own Brain trivial base or vulgar stuff but magnalia great and high Points Apothegmes or Oracles as the spirit gave them utterance But these reasons are remote to us 3. That he might fill the hearts of all the Saints and make them Temples and receptacles for the Holy Ghost 1 Cor. 6.19 know you not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which ye have of God and ye are not your own It is said here that after the mighty rushing Wind and cloven fiery Tongues Acts 2.4 they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to spake with other Tongues First they were filled with the Holy Ghost and then they spake with other Tongues the Holy Ghost begins inward and works outward it first alters the mind before it change the speech it first works on the Spirit before on the phraze or utterance this was the first work of the Spirit it filled them And thus for the daily ministration such must be appointed as were full of the Holy Ghost Acts 6.3 Acts 7.55 Acts. 11.24 and Stephen is said to be full of the Holy Ghost and Barnabas is called a good man and full of the Holy Ghost The Holy Ghost is usually said to fill the Saints only whether it be the person of the Holy Ghost or the impressions of the Holy Ghost is a very great question for my part I am apt to incline to their mind who say not only the impressions of the spirit the qualities of holiness the gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost or as some think habitual grace in a special manner but that the Holy Ghost himself doth fill and dwell and reign in the hearts of all regenerate men And this seems clear to me 1. By Scriptures 2. By Arguments 1. The Scriptures are such as these He that believeth on me as the Scripture saith out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but this spake he of the Spirit John 7.38 39 which they that believe on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified for those words out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water by living water is meant grace by rivers of living water is meant the manifold graces of the Spirit by the flowing of these rivers is meant the abounding and communicating of those graces from one to another and by the belly out of which those rivers should flow is meant the heart indued or filled with the Holy Ghost Now the spring and rivers the fountain and streams are diverse things and to be distinguished the one is the cause and the other the effect the one is the tree and the other the fruit it is the holy Ghost filling the hearts of beleivers that is the spring and fountain
were to mediate for the people and the people had experience that God would hearken to the cry of their Priest 1 Sam 12.18 19 23. Samuel called unto the Lord and the Lord sent thunder and rain that day And all the people said to Samuel Pray for thy servants unto the Lord thy God And Samuel said unto the people God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you Now such an High-Priest as this though with far more eminency is Christ to God he intercedes for his people God forbid that he should ever cease to pray for his people and he hath God's ear in especial manner if ever God lend his ear to any one it must needs be to this High-Priest because of his office to intercede betwixt God and his people Christ stands in the middle or indeed next to God as he is in these Gospel-times our great High-Priest and therefore he must needs prevail with God in every petition he puts up for us Heb. 5.4 5. 2. That Christ was called to this office by God Christ glorified not himself to be made an High-Priest no no but he was called of God as Aaron was it was God the Father that designed him to it and that furnished him for it and that invested him in it Psalm 110.4 The Lord hath sworn and will not repent thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedech Now to what purpose should God call him to this office but especially to intercede for them to whom God was willing to communicate salvation it was God's mind as well as Christ's mind to save his Elect and this was the way where on they agreed that an High-Priest should be appointed and an office of intercession should be erected and by that means the salvation purchased should be applied many times we are apt to conceive legal or law-thoughts of God the Father as that he is just and severe and that Christ his Son is more meek and merciful but this cannot be for there are not two infinite wills not two infinite mercies one in the Father another in the Son but one will and one mercy in both And to that purpose observe but the readiness of God the Father to receive Christ honourably into heaven that he might do the work of the High Priest there no sooner had Christ entred through the gates into the City but presenly sit thou down saith God at my right hand but to what end surely not only to rule as King of which we have spoken before but also to intercede as our great High Priest hence we find in Scripture that Christ's session and intercession his Kingly and Priestly office are joyned together Heb. 8.1 He is set on the right hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the Heavens he who why Christ our High Priest we have such an High Priest who is set down It is as if Christ at his enterance into heaven had said My Father I am come hither as the great High Priest having on his breast-plate the names of all the Elect and I come to intercede for poor sinners what shall I have welcome on these same terms to whom the Father replied Welcome my son my only Son on these very terms come sit thee down and interede for whom thou pleasest I have called thee on purpose to this very office and thou shalt prevail Surely the Father is engaged to purpose to hear the Son in that he is an High Priest to God and called to his office by God 3. That Christ is God's Son and that is more than God's High Priest he is his natural Son his beloved Son his Son that never gave him the least offence sure then when he comes and intercedes for a man he is most like to speed if a gracious child do but cry my Father my Father he may prevail very much especially with a Father who is tender-hearted Jesus Christ is the gracious precious Son of God the father and God the Father is a dear and kind-hearted Father how then should the intercessions of Christ but be most powerful with God hence some gather the prevalency of Christ's intercession because in many places of Scripture where this part of Christ's Priest-hood or intercession is laid down this Sonship is also expressed or set forth Heb. 4.14 Heb. 5.5 6. as we have a great High Priest entered into the heavens Jesus the Son of God And thou art an High Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedech But immediately before Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee O needs must the intercession of such a Son be very prevalent I say of such a Son for was ever any Son like this Son of God was ever any Son so like his Father or so equal with his Father we know he is a begotten Son and yet never begun to be a Son he is the Son of the Father and yet never begun to have a Father he is a branch of the King of ages and yet in all the ages past was never younger surely all the relations of Son and Father in the World are but a shadow of this relation betwixt God and Christ it is so near that though they are two as in all relations there must needs be relatum and correlatum yet Christ speaks of them as if they were but one I and my Father are one John 10.30 if then the Father should deny him any thing he should deny himself or cease to be one with his Son which can never be Christ is God's Son his natural Son his beloved Son Mat. 3.17 This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased saith God O then how prevalent must Christ's intercession be with God 4. That Christ is God himself not only God's Son but God himself how powerful in this respect must his intercessions be unto the Father it is true that Christ is another subsistence and person from the Father but Christ is one and the same God with the Father Christ is the very essential substantial and noble representation of God himself Christ is the very self of God both God sending and God sent Christ is the fellow of God Awake O sword against my shepherd and against the man that is my fellow Zach. 13.7 nay Christ is God and not another God but one God God of God light of light very God of very God begotten not made being of one substance with the Father by whom all things were made Can we imagine now that God himself should be denied any boon of God himself if God sometimes spoke to his servants Ask of me Isa 45.11 command ye me concerning all the work of mine hands will not God much more say to God Ask of me and I shall give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance Psal 2.8 and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession we have brought it now so near that if God be God
Covenant before his coming in the flesh It is not enough to know and consider but we must desire Thus is the order of Gods work no sooner hath his Spirit clearly revealed the goodness of the Promise that we come to know but the soul considers of it turns it upside down views it in all its Excellencies weighs it in the Ballance of its best and deepest meditation This done the Affections begins to stir and the soul begins thus to reason O happy I that I see the goodness of this gracious Promise but miserable I if I come to see this and never have a share in it O why not I Lord Why not my Sins Pardoned VVhy not my Corruptions Subdued VVhy not the Law Written in my Heart and put into my inward parts Why may not I say my Lord and my God or I am my Beloveds and my Beloved is mine VVhy not this Covenant established between God and me Now my Soul thirsts after this as a thirsty Land my affections hunger after Jesus in a Covenant of Grace Oh I would fain be in Covenant with God for this is all my Salvation and all my desire 2 Sam. 23.5 But here is an Objection The Object Object of this desire is apprehended as absent and distant we do not covet those things that we do enjoy if they are present we rather rest in them than move towards them or desire after them how then should David or any soul already in a Covenant of grace desire after the Covenant What is this He hath made with me an everlasting Covenant 2 Sam. 23.5 ordered in all things and sure for this is all my Salvation and all my Desire Answ It is true the Object of desire qua tale is something absent yet not alwayes absent in the whole but in the parts and degrees of it the very presence of a good thing doth in some sort quicken the desires towards the same thing so far forth as it is capable of improvements or augmentation As we see in external Riches of the Body none desire them more eagerly than those that possess them and the more gracious the Soul is the more is the heart enlarged in the appetition of a greater measure of Grace as the putting in of some water into a Pump doth draw forth more no man is so importunate in praying Lord help my unbelief as he that can say Lord I believe things may be desired in order to improvement and further degrees of them Again things present may be the Object of our desires unto continuance as he that delighteth in a good thing that he hath he desireth the continuance of that delight so the soul of a man having a reach as far as immortality it may justly desire as well the perpetuity as the presence of those good things it enjoyeth Come then O my soul and whet on thy desires in every of these respects as 1. Desire after thy interest in the Covenant 2. Desire after thy improvement of the Covenant 3. Desire after the continuance of thy Covenant-state 4. Desire after Jesus the great business or the all in all in a Covenant of Grace 1. Desire after thy interest in the Covenant O say in thy self is it thus prov 1.22 23 is the Lord willing to receive me to his Grace was that his voice in the streets how long ye simple ones will ye love simplicity turn ye at my reproof Isa 55.1 3. behold I will pour out my Spirit unto you was that his Proclamation Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters encline your ear and come unto me and I will make an everlasting Covenant with you even the sure mercies of David and are these the promises offered in the Covenant I will put my Law into their inward parts Jer. 31.33 and I will write it in your hearts and I will be your God and ye shall be my People Deut. 33.29 psal 144.15 Oh the Blessed condition of those People that are in Covenant with God! Blessed art thou O Israel who is like unto thee a People saved by the Lord Oh happy is the People that be in such a case yea happy is that People whose God is the Lord. But ah what can I say no sin like unto my sin no misery like unto my misery alas I am an alien to God I am separated from his People I am out of the Covenant like a poor Prodigal I dye for hunger whilst those that are in my Fathers house have bread enough Oh that I were in their condition never did David long more for the waters of the well of Bethlehem than my Soul now touched with the sense of Sin doth desire to be at peace with God and in Covenant with God O I thirst I pant I gasp after him I long for Communion and Peace with him Jsa 26 9 with my soul do I desire thee in the night yea with my Spirit within me do I seek thee early 2. Desire after the Improvement of the Covenant it may be God hath given thee an interest in it but alas thy hold is so weak that thou scarce knowest the meaning of it the Lord may answer but yet he speaks darkly as sometimes he spake to the woman go thy way and Sin no more it is a middle kind of expression John 8.11 neither assuring that her Sin was pardoned nor yet putting her out of hope but it might be pardoned so it may be God hath given thee some little ease but he hath not spoken full peace go on then and desire more and more after confirmation say in thine heart O Lord thou hast begun to shew grace unto thy Servant but oh manifest to me all thy goodness thou hast given me a drop and I feel it so sweet that now I thirst and long to enjoy the Fountain thou hast given me a kiss of thy mouth and now I pant to be united to thee in a more perfect and consummate marriage thou hast given me a taste Rom. 8.23 but my appetite and desire is not thereby diminished but enlarged and good reason for what are these drops and tastes but only the first fruits of the spirit and earnests of the spirit Ephes 1.14 oh then what are those harvests of Joy what are those treasures of wisdom and free grace hid in God I have indeed beheld a feast of fat things of fat things full of marrow of wines on the lees of wines on the lees well refined but O what a Famine is yet in my spirit O Lord I have longed for thy Salvation I am ready to swoon for further union and clearer manifestation of my share and interest in this Covenant of grace come Lord Jesus come quickly 3. Desire after continuance of the Covenant-state many a sweet soul cannot deny but that the Lord hath shewed mercy on him but he fears that he shall not hold out he feels within such a Power of corruption such