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A20917 A true discourse of the practises of Elizabeth Caldwell, Ma: Ieffrey Bownd, Isabell Hall widdow, and George Fernely, on the parson of Ma: Thomas Caldwell, in the county of Chester, to haue murdered and poysoned him, with diuers others Together with her manner of godly life during her imprisonment, her arrainement and execution, with Isabell Hall widdow; as also a briefe relation of Ma: Ieffrey Bownd, who was the assise before prest to death. Lastly, a most excellent exhortorie letter, written by her own selfe out of the prison to her husband, to cause him to fall into consideration of his sinnes, &c. Seruing like wise for the vse of euery good Christian. Beeing executed the 18. of Iune. 1603. VVritten by one then present as witnes, their owne country-man, Gilbert Dugdale. Dugdale, Gilbert.; Armin, Robert, fl. 1610. 1604 (1604) STC 7293; ESTC S110927 16,795 32

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to the good of our poore soules So by this meanes as I showed you before this Elizabeth Caldwell was still detained in prison till the next Assise following at what time Isabell Hall was indited as an actor in this murder and found guilty by the Iurie condemned and executed And Elizabeth Caldwell also receiued the death of execution at the same instant though my Lady Cholmsley very worshipfull and louingly made earnest sute vnto the Iudge for her depriue till the Assise following y ● which by no meanes would be granted And she seeing her sute would not take effert being very sorrowfull like a kind Ladie went vnto Elizabeth Caldwell her selfe and showed her she could not therein preuaile for her Indeede my Lady and others had an intent if they could haue got her repriue to haue vsed meanes to the King for a petition but seeing it would not be Elizabeth dutifully yéelded thanks vnto her Ladiship and said shée was very well content to receiue the death ordained for her My Lady departed and she practising her former exercises I meane prayer vntill such time as the Keeper came and told her the Shrieffe was come to the Glouersstone to receiue her and the rest of the prisoners appointed for death and she very chéerefully aunswered I trust in my God I am ready and farewell to the Lawe too long haue I béene in thy subiection so departing the castell taking leaue with euery one and from hence to the place of execution she some times sung Psalmes and vsed other godly meditations as was thought fitting for her by those Diuines and godly Preachers which accompanied her euen to her death A Letter written by Elizabeth Caldwell to her Husband during the time of her imprisonment ALthough the greatnes of my offence deserues neither pittie nor regarde yet giue leaue vnto your poore sorrowfull wife to speake vnto you what out of her owne wofull experience with aboundance of griefe and teares she hath learned in the Schoole of affliction it is the last fauour that I shall euer beg at your hands and the last office that euer I shall performe vnto you And therfore deere Husband if you haue any hope or desire to bee partaker of the ioyes of heauen let my speeches finde acceptance and doe not slightly esteeme what I write vnto you but reade these lines againe and againe and lay them vp in your hart where I beseech Almightie God they may take deepe roote and impression For my witnesse is in heauen that my harts desire and earnest prayer to GOD is that your soule may be saued And if the losse of my blood or life or to endure any torments that the world can inflict vpon me might procure your true conuersion I should esteeme it purchased at an easie rate but sith none can haue saluation without true Reformation both inward and outward amendement in changing the affection words and works from euill to good which till you feele in your soule conscience to be effectually wrought you haue not repented defer not time but call to God for grace of true Repentance which may be sound euen in this accepted time when the doores of Gods mercy are open that so he may haue mercie on you least he giue you ouer to hardnesse of hart that you cannot repent and so you knocke with the foolish virgins when the date of Gods mercies are out and then nothing but woe woe and vengeance therefore the longer you deferre the harder it will be for you to repent and delayes are most dangerous for what know you how suddenlie death may strike you and then as the tree falls so it lies that is as you die so shall you haue if in true repentance ioy if in your sinnes sorrow Therefore saith Salomon All that thy hand shall finde to doe doe it withall thy power for there is neither worke nor knowledge inuention nor wisedome in the graue whether thou goest O husband be not deceiued with the world thinke that it is in your power to repent when you will or that to say a fewe prayers from the mouth outward a little before death or to cry God mercie for fashion sake is true repentance No no not euerie one that saith Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth the will of my Father which is in heauen saith our Sauiour Late repentance is sildome true true repentance is not so easie a matter to come by as the word doth iudge Doe not presume on it and so runne on in your sinfull course of life thinke to repent when you list you can not doe it for repentance is the rare gift of GOD which is giuen but to a verie fewe euen to those that seeke it with many teares and verie earnestlie with feruent prayers None can better speake of it for none better knowes it then my selfe my sorrowfull hart hath smarted for it and my soule hath beene sick to the gates of hell and of death to finde it and to haue it is more precious then all the world therefore cease not to pray day and night with the prophet Turne thou vs vnto thee ô Lord and we shall be turned and with Ephraim conuert thou mee ô Lord and I shall bee conuerted for except you be conuerted you shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen And because none can be conuerted nor come vnto Christ except the Father drawe him neuer leaue to solicite the Father of mercy to create a new hart and renewe a right spirit within you and call to remembrance the desolutenesse of your life I speake it not to lay any thing to your charge for I doe loue you more deerely then I doe my selfe but remember in what a case you haue liued howe poore you haue many times left me how long you haue beene absent from mee all which aduantage the deuill tooke to subuert mee And to further his purpose he set his hellish instruments a work euen the practise of wicked people who continuallie wrought vpon my weaknes my pouertie and your absence vntill they made me yeeld to conspire with them the destruction of your bodie by a violent suddaine death which God in his great mercy preuented and on the knees of my hart in the abundance of his compassion I beseech him to forgiue vs all wash our soules in the blood of his Christ and to open the eyes of your vnderstanding that you may see by my example which the prouidence of God for some secrete cause best knowne to him selfe hath appointed to come to passe How weake and wretched wee are and how vnable to stand of our selues when it shall please him to take his grace from vs and to leaue vs to our selues Therefore good husband as you tender the welfare of your soule goe no further on in your sinfull race but turne vnto the Lord so shall you saue your soule aliue If you continue in your abhominations and
to procéede out of her mouth neither did shée omit any time during her imprisonment in seruing of GOD and séeking pardon for her sinnes with great zeale and industrie continually meditating on the Bible excluding her selfe from all companie sauing such as might yéelde her spirituall comforts as learned Diuines and such the faithfull seruaunts of God There was many of all sorts resorted to sée her as no fewer some daies then thrée hundred persons and such as she thought were viciously giuen shee gaue them good admonitions wishing that her fall might be an example vnto them Thus the deceitfull deuill who hath sometime permission from GOD to attempt the very righteous as lob was now an instrument to her sorrow but her feeling faith the more increased and no doubt ●o her comfort though in our eyes terrible for indéede so it ought béeing sent from God as an example to thousands For where so many liue one or two pickt out by the hand of God must serue as an example to the rest to kéepe thousands in feare of Gods wrath and the worlds terror But sée her constancie All the time of her imprisonment she vsed all possible meanes both of herselfe and by those good members that did visit her to conuert all the rest of the prisoners which good worke begunne in her did take good effect for she sent some dayes a dozen Letters to seuerall Preachers to be resolued as touching her fayth and the want of a sound resolution that GOD had parsoned her offences Where the Lady Mary Cholmsly of Cholmsly amongst others together with the comfortable reliefe of one Maister Iohn Battie no doubt both Gods Children so relieued as want neuer grieued her conscience but that shee continued in zeale without griefe of the worldes offences both in soule and body nay not onely her but also to the rest of the prisoners For note that death neuer feared or daunted her but onely fearing shée was not fully purged from her sinnes till at the end as by her words at her execution appeareth This foresaide Maister Battie well deserues a due remembrance for his clemencie and charitie shewed to that distressed and deceased poore soule by whose good meanes which in méere compassion by him extended did not onely receiue comforts for her bodily reléefe but also great satisfaction for her soule hee oft imployed such industry to the Learned both to repare vnto her themselues as likewise daily in sending vnto her good and learned instructions Surely he deserues to be registred in the harts of all well disposed persons and his demerits no doubt will finde restitution at the handes of him who is the Pay-Maister for all such charitable deserts It is also to be noted that after these thrée aforenamed persons had remained in prison all the whole Summer at Michelmas then ensuing the Assises were holden and Elizabeth Caldwell had her triall where shee openly before the Iudges and the rest of the Worshipfull Audience acknowledged her offence for the which shee first demaunded pardon at the hands of God then of her husband lastly of all the world and desiring as it was euer her prayer that she might be as a Looking-glasse to all that eyther did sée or heare of her fall that by her they might sée into theyr owne frailines and the infirmities which are subiect to the flesh And hauing as I said acknowledged her guiltines was condemned And by reason shee was not then deliuered of child still repriued and at y e same Assise Bownd was indited and whether by euill counsell giuen him or for his owne obstinacie I cannot truly report but he would not answer to the Articles obieced against him nor refer his cause to GOD and the Country but stoode mute though the Iudges very earnestly mooued him to put his cause to triall all which would not perswade him and therefore according to the Law he was adiudged to be prest receiuing his iudgement on the Saturday to be executed on Munday following And for Isabell Hall her matter that Assise was not called in question which yéelded her such incouragement that shee was altogether regardlesse of the good of her soule But Bownd euer before he perceiued how hee should spéede pleaded to euery one whom he had any communion with of his innocencie till he saw no hope of life then hée before two or thrée Preachers and others did manifest the whole truth and affirmed that flesh and blood was not able to endure the often assaults that Elizabeth Caldwell had of him and Isabell Hall and vppon the Munday about nine of the clocke was prest where to euery mans iudgement there present hee made a very penitent end béeing hartily sorrowfull for his offences and very deuoutly craued pardon of GOD and all the world and so died I trust the true seruaunt of Iesus Christ. Then that night next after his death Elizabeth Caldwell was deliuered of a boy which child is yet as I take it still liuing with another boy she had before her impresonment the which are at the keeping of Caldwell their father and as it was generally reported hee made sute to the Iudge to procure a warrant to haue his wife executed within a certaine time after her deliuerie but how true it was that he made such meanes I cannot truly affirme but sure I am a warrant was granted and sent the keeper for to haue her executed within 13 daies or thereabouts after she was deliuered the which was conuented by reason the Cunstable of the castle did mistake the deliuerie of the warrant to the Sheriffe till the date was out Though she a senight before the time had prepared her selfe only to receiue the mercy of God and terror of death yet it pleased God otherwise a while to prolong her daies which time giuen her she did not vainely spend but imploy her vttermost indeuors to obtaine mercie and forgiuenes in such rare sort as if I should discribe the perticulers thereof it would not only be endlesse and tedious but I doubt to the hearers and readers it would be though incredable for in her might be seene the true image of a penitent sinner as the like hath not often in these daies beene seene God showing his glory so aboundantlie working her penitency as to me and many more was most admirable For if she espied in any one of what calling or degree soeuer that they wilfully or carelesly abused Gods holy ordinaunces shee would reproue them for it and curtiously intreate them to amend such and such abuses though some disdained she should seeme so to doe in regard of her owne former offence though indeede none might better doe it then shee hauing smarted euen at her soule for her sinnes This is the frailnes of our flesh we only disdaine not our afflicted bretheren but also there good admonitions God of his mercy I beseech him giue vs grace that we may sée into our fickle estates and receiue willingly any reprofe that may tend
abhominable saying that if there were fortie and two children deuoured for mocking the Prophet Eliza what then shall befall of them that doe blaspheme the name of the great God of heauen prophane his holy Saboth speake euill of his word and abuse his faithfull Ministers Therefore she desired all to turne from their sinnes and to turne to the Lord by true and vnfained repentance praysing very earnestly for her husbands conuersion and that her two children might haue the feare of God before their eyes and that the glory of God might appeare in the conuersion of prisoners though it were with the losse of her owne life so infinite was her zeale Then shee prayed the Lord that hee would pardon all her grieuous and heynous sinnes in the bloodshed of Christ Iesus beséeching him to clense her from her secret sinnes praying that she might be a Doore-keeper in the house of God and receiue the meanest place of glory Then said shee that if the great and tall Ceaders of the Church of God haue fallen as Dauid Salomon and Manasses how then coulde shee stand béeing but a bramble and weake wretched woman Therefore shee exhorted euery one to depend onely vpon the Lord and not to stand vpon theyr owne strength as shee had doone And greatly then desiring all the people to pray vnto GOD for her shee called for her Prayer booke reading and praying zealouslie and deuotly to Almighty GOD with her eyes lift vp towards heauen which doone shee requested that they would sing a Psalme reading it her selfe singing with a good spirit that afterwards she vttered that shee felt the mercies of GOD and her soule was much comforted and hoped that in the blood of Christ Iesus her sinnes were pardoned and saide shee coulde not amend that which was past but was most hartily sorrowfull for her former sinnes saying that if shee shoulde liue yet many yeeres her desire would be in seruing the Lord therefore she desired him vpon the knees of her hart that hee would respect the will for the déede and accept her poore desires saying O suffer me yet once to recouer my strength before I goe hence and be séene no more Praying likewise for all those that ministred comforts vnto her in her misery and distresses that the Lord would blesse them and continue them faithfull vnto the end Then forgiuing and asking forgiuenes of all making her selfe ready saying her bodily death did not dismay her concluding with these her last words Lord Iesus receiue my spirit and so she left this miserable world and dyed the true seruaunt of Iesus Christ the xviij day of Iune 1603. ¶ Nowe yet againe remember our old beldame aforenamed that vncharitable creature Isabell Hall widdow béeing the onely instrument of this timelesse action who standing on the Ladder and ready to suffer for her fact did notwithstanding very stoutly denie euery thing that had beene doone in theyr late procéedings nay and abiurd it had not Elizabeth Caldwell with affirmation of all inserted her confession in that behalfe Who with an easie repentance to the worlds eye ended her life Whereby may be séene how strong the deuill in some actions is that shée by whose instigation all was doone both in the adulterie and murder would so impudently deny euery particuler notwithstanding the triall of the cause both manifested by Iudge and Iurie But thus we sée the boldnes of sinne and the coldnesse of the truth till God in mercie makes plaine the truth of the one and the wonder of the other All which tending to the example of others may moue vs to liuely repentance which not doone saluation cannot come but truly effected bréedes both the comfort of the soule and body To which comfort God in mercy bring vs for his sonne Iesus Christ his sake FINIS To the right honourable and his singuler good Lady the Lady Mary Chandois R. A. wisheth health and euerlasting happinesse MY honourable and very good Lady considering my dutie to your kind Ladiship remembring the vertues of your prepared minde I could doe no lesse but dedicate this strange worke to your view being both matter of moment and truth And to the whole world it may seeme strange that a Gentlewoman so vvell brought vp in Gods feare so well married so vertuous euer so suddainly wrought to this act of murder that when your Ladiship doth read aswell the Letter as the Booke of her owne indighting you will the more wonder that her vertues coulde so aptly tast the follies of vice and villanie But so it was and for the better proofe that it was so I haue placed my kinsmans name to it who was present at all her troubles at her comming to prison her beeing in prison and her going out of prison to execution That those Gentlemen to whom he dedicates his worke witnessed may also be pertakers in that kind for the proofe thereof that your Ladiship the world so satisfied may admire the deede and hold it as strange as it is true We haue many giddie pated Poets that coulde haue published this Report with more eloquence but truth in plaine attire is the easier knowne let fixion maske in Kendall greene It is my qualitie to adde to the truth truth and not leasings to lyes Your good Honor knowes Pincks poore hart who in all my seruices to your Late deceased kind Lord neuer sauoured of flatterie or fixion and therefore am now the bolder to present to your vertues the view of this late truth desiring you to so thinke of it that you may be an honourable mourner at these obsequies and you shall no more doe then manie more haue doone So with my tendered dutie my true ensuing storie and my euer wishing well I do humbly commit your Ladiship to the prison of heauen wherein is perfect freedome Your Ladiships euer in duty and seruice Robert Armin.