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A19495 Heauen opened VVherein the counsaile of God concerning mans saluation is yet more cleerely manifested, so that they that haue eyes may come and se the Christian possessed and crowned in his heauenly kingdome: which is the greatest and last benefit we haue by Christ Iesus our Lord. Come and see. First, written, and now newly amended and enlarged, by Mr. William Cowper, minister of Gods word. Cowper, William, 1568-1619. 1611 (1611) STC 5920; ESTC S121914 411,827 530

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Abraham There is nothing colder than Ice yet saith Augustine it is melted and made warme by the help of fire A thorny ground saith Cyril being wel manured yet becomes fertile Ciril catec 2 Psal 107. and the Lord saith the Psalmist turneth a barren wildernes into a fruitfull land he rayses the dead he makes the blind to see and the lame to walke he causes the Eagle to renue Psal 103. his youth shall we then close his hands and thinke it impossible for him to make the sinner conceiued and borne in sinne to cast the ould slough of nature and become a new creature And this haue I marked to keepe vs from that presumptuous Iudge not rashly of any mans reprobation iudging as to conclude any mans reprobation because of this present rebellion thou knowest not what is in the councell of God though in regard of his conuersation for the present hee be a stranger from the life of God And againe for our selues that we may magnifie the mercie of the Lord our God who hath done that vnto vs by grace which nature could neuer haue done that is hath made our rebellious hearts subiect to his holy law and wee are sure he will also performe that good worke which he hath begunne in vs. The word which the Apostle vseth here to expresse The rebellion of the wicked against God exempts them not from his dominion mans natural rebellion 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 noteth such a rebellion of mans corrupt nature as is not subiect according to order we are not to thinke that any rebell were hee neuer so stubborne can exempt himselfe from subiection doe what he can he bides vnder the Lords dominion but a naturall man saith the Apostle giueth not orderly subiection vnto God Ieroboam shooke off the yoke of his lawfull Lord and Rehoboam was notable to controll him But let man repine as he will can he cast off the yoke of the Lord No no if man refuse to declare his subiection by an humble submission of his spirit to the Lords obedience the Lord for all that shall not lose his superioritie but shall declare his power vpon man by controling him he shal bruise him like an earthen pitcher with a scepter of iron that refuseth to bowe his heart vnder the scepter of his word Let the wicked cry in the pride of their nature wee will breake the bonds and cast off the y●ake of the Lord yet hath hee Psal 2. them fast bound in chaines goe where they will his hand is stretched ouer them and they shal not be able to eschew it O foolish and most vnhappie condition wherein man How miserable the wicked are who being subiect to God by necessitie refuse voluntary subiection Psal 18. liueth rebelling against the will of his Superiour and it profiteth him not for by no meanes can he exempt himselfe from his power surely all the vantage that the wicked reapes by repining against the Lord is that they multiply moe sorrowes vpon their owne head for with the froward the Lord will shew himselfe froward he wil walke stubbornly against them who walke stubbornly against him and adde seauen times more plagues vpon them As the Bird snared in the grin the more she struggleth to escape the more shee is fastned so the wicked the more they rebell the hardlier are they punished the faster they flie from the hand of Gods mercie the sooner they fall into the hand of his iustice It is further here to be obserued that the Apostle sayth carnall wisedome ●● 〈…〉 ties with God the word he vseth Nature vnregenerate doth not onely sin but multiply sins 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is in the plurall number otherwise it could not agree with the Substantiue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whereof we learne how our nature not renewed by grace doth not onely sinne but multiply sinnes and transgressions against the Lord. O how this should humble vs that we haue not onely sinned but also multiplyed sinnes If any one sinne be enough to condemne man in what estate doth he stand who hath gathered against himselfe such a heape of transgressions more in number then the haires of his head If Adam for one transgression Psalm 40. 12. fled away from Gods presence what meruaile if horrible feare and perturbation possesse the sonnes of Adam who haue multiplyed against the Lord so many transgressions If the earth once cursed for Adams sinne was cursed the second time for Caine his sinne how oft is it cursed Gen. Heb. 2. 2. now If iudgement grow like wormewood and euery disobedience and transgression hath it owne iust recompence of reward what a treasure of wrath hath man now stored vp against himselfe who hath multiplyed so many sins against the Lord An arme of the body once broken saith Augustine August de temp ser 58. is not restored without paine and dolour to the patient but if it be after broken it is hardlyer cured a Conscience once wounded is confounded at the light and presence of God what then shall be to them who haue wounded themselues so often to death and stabbed through their soules with innumerable transgressions Let no man therefore flatter himselfe because his sinnes Though our sins were neuer so small this should humble vs that they are many for in any thing many smales make a great are small but let him be humbled and mourne considering that they are many It may be thou art not guiltie of the grosest actuall sinnes shall this diminish thy contrition Is there any thing smaller then a pickle of sand yet many of them collected become a heauier burthen then man is able to beare and drops of water though they be small yet if they be multiplyed becomes great riuers It is not alwaies the great waues of the Sea that ouerturneth the ship but the drop that sipes in at the leake shall sinke her also if it be neglected let vs not then neglect to purge our soules because we are not stained with grosse sinnes considering that the smallest sinnes often multiplyed are waightie enough to presse downe our soules to the lowest hell if we goe not to Christ to be eased of our burden And last we learne here that the cause of inimitie between Cause of inimitie betweene God and man is in man God and man is not in God but in man who will not ranck himselfe in the roome of a subiect giue to the Lord the place of a commaunder there is no question betweene the Lord and man but this onely whose will should be done the Lord craues that man should subiect himselfe to the will of God but man aspires to make his owne will the rule of his actions In this miserable estate liues man not renewed by grace hee hath set vp within himselfe a will contrary to Gods most holy will Woe be to him that striueth Isay 45. 9. with his maker If the will of God be
they sit downe to their banquetting tables to refresh them or lyes downe in their beds to rest them The Apostle who suffered all sorts of affliction for the Gospell giues this for a reason that the loue of Iesus constrayned him Thus much concerning the effects of holy loue by which wee are to make sure our calling and consequently our election for our euerlasting comfort Euen to them that are called according to his purpose Hitherto the Apostle hath summarily set downe his third principall A confirmatiō of his third and last argument of comfort argument of comfort and now in the end of this verse he shortly breakes vp the confirmation thereof which is this they who loue God are called according to his purpose therfore all things must worke for the best vnto them The necessitie of this reason shall appeare if wee consider that the Lord cannot be frustrated of his end Those whom the Lord in his immutable purpose hath ordayned to glory and whom according to that purpose he hath called in time how can it be but all things must worke vnto their good for the vvorking prouidence of God vvhich is the executer of his purpose doth so ouer-rule all incidents which fall out in the world and doth so gouerne all secondary and inferiour causes that of necessitie they are directed to that end whereunto the supreame cause of all to wit the purpose and vvill of God hath ordayned them This is shortly set downe in these vvords and more largely explaned in the two verses following It is the last reason of comfort and the highest for now the Apostle leades vs out of our selues and sets vs vpon that rocke vvhich is higher than vve hee carries vs by the hand as it vvere out of the earth vp into heauen and lets vs see how our saluation is so grounded in Gods eternall purpose that no accident in the vvorld can change it Wee haue here then three things euery one of them depending Comfort that the ground of our saluation is in God the tokens thereof in our selues vpon another the loue of God flowing from the calling of God and the calling of God comming from the purpose of God vnto vvhich the Apostle here drawes vs that we casting our anchor with the vaile and resting in the Lords immutable purpose may haue comfort in all our present tentations It is most expedient for the godly to marke this that our manifolde changes doe not interrupt our peace let vs consider that the Lord hath in such sort dispensed our saluation that the ground thereof is laid in his owne immutable purpose but the markes and tokens thereof are placed in vs after our calling the markes and tokens are changeable like as wee our selues in vvhom they are are changeable but the ground holdes fast being laid in that vnchangeable God in whom falles no shadow of alteration Esay 46. Ioh. 10. 2 Tim. 2. I am God and am not changed My sheepe none can take out of my hand The counsell of the Lord shall stand and his foundation remaines sure It is true that the tokens of election cannot be sully taken away from any that is effectually called nay not in the greatest desertion yet haue they in vs their owne intention and remission And this should comfort vs against our daily vicissitudes and changes when wee feele that our Faith doth saint our life languishes our hope houers and vvee are like to sincke in the tentation vvith Peter and our feeble hands fall downe with Moses yet let vs not dispaire no change in vs can alter Gods vnchangeable purpose he who hath begun the worke in vs will also perfect it Because I am not changed saith Mal. 3. 6. the Lord therefore is it that yee O sonnes of Iacob are not consumed This purpose of God is called otherwise the will of God Our calling conuersion flowes from Gods purpose therefore all the praise of it belongs to the Lord. and the good pleasure of his Will In that the Apostle saith our calling is according to his purpose it teacheth vs to ascribe the whole praise of our saluation to the good pleasure of his will and not to our owne foreseene merits That poyson of pride vvhich Sathan poured into our first Parents and by vvhich they aspyred to be equall with God doth yet breake forth in their posterity the corrupt heart of man euer ayming at this to seeke vnto himselfe either in part or in whole the power and praise of his owne saluation This is to start vp into the roome of God and to vsurpe that glory which belongs to the Lord and he will not giue to any other than the which no greater sacriledge can be committed against the Lord. O man content thee with that which the Lord offers thee and let that alone vvhich hee reserues vnto himselfe My peace saith the Lord I giue to you my glory I will not giue to any other The first Preachers of the Gospell were Angels they proclaymed glory and peace but glory they gaue to God which is on high and peace they cryed to the children of his good will which are vpon earth It is enough that peace and saluation is giuen to be thine but as for the glory of saluation let it remain to the Lord. Hee is for this called the Father of mercie because mercie For this cause he is called the Father of Mercie and not of Iudgement 2 Tim. 1. 9. bred in his owne bosome Hee hath found many causes vvithout himselfe mouing him to execute iustice but a cause mouing him to shew mercie hee neuer found but the good pleasure of his will therefore the Apostle saith the Lord hath called vs with an holy calling not according to our workes but according to his purpose and grace Surely except the Lord had reserued mercy for vs wee had beene like to Sodome and Gomorrha but it pleased him of his owne good will of the same lumpe of clay to make vs vessels of honour vvhereof hee made others vessels of dishonour And who is able sufficiently to ponder so great a benefit and therefore howsoeuer the blinded Pharisee sacrifice to his owne net and make his mouth to kisse his hand as if his owne hand had done it yet let the redeemed of the Lord praise the Lord let them cry out with a louder voyce than Dauid did O Lord what are wee that thou art so mindfull of vs Not vnto vs O Lord not vnto vs but to thy name giue the glory for thy louing kindnesse and thy truth for our saluation comes from God that sits vpon the throne and from the Lambe To thee O Lord be praise and honour and glorie for euer Now as for the calling wee are to know that the calling Our calling is twofold and the inward calling is a declaration of our election of God is twofold outward and inward He speakes not here of the outward calling of which our Sauiour
vses this same similitude Iohn 15. And in it we haue these things to consider First who is the stock or root secondly who are the grafts or branches ingrafted thirdly what is the manner of the ingrafting fourthly some comforts and instructions arising hereof The root or stocke whereinto this ingrafting is made is Iesus Christ called by himselfe the true Vine by the Apostles 1 The stocke or roote Iohn 15. 1. Rom. 11. 17. Isaiah 11. 1. the true Oliue by the Prophets the roote of Iesse and the righteous branch this roote that great husbandman the eternall God prepared to be as a stocke of life wherein he ingrafts all of Adams lost posteritie whom he hath concluded to saue to the praise and glory of his mercie After that in the fulnes of time God had sent him into the world clad with our nature and he had done the work for which he came the Lord laid him in the graue and as it were set him in the graue but at once like a liuely roote he sprang vp and rested not till his branches spred to the vttermost ends of the earth and till his top mounted vp vnto heauen for there now he sits and raignes in life who before was humbled to death The branches or graftes ingrafted in him are of two 2 The branches whereof some are only externally ingrafted these may be cut off Rom. 11. 22. sorts first all the members of the Church visible who by externall Baptisme are entred to a profession of Christ baptised with water but not with the holy Ghost this kinde of ingrafting will suffer a cutting off if thou continue not in his bountifulnesse thou shalt also be cut off For they haue not the sap of grace ministred to them from the stocke of life but are as dead trees hauing leaues without fruit they haue 2. Tim. 3 5. a shew of Godlinesse but haue denied the power thereof These are no better then Esau who lay in the same wombe with Iacob borne and brought vp in the same Family of Isaac which was the Church of God marked also with the same sacrament of Circumcision Nam sicut ille ex legittima mater natus gratiam superbe spreuit reprobatus est ita qui in Aug. de bap cont Donatist lib. 10. cap. 10. vera Ecclesia baptizantur gratiam De● non amplectuntur cum Esauo reijciuntur For as hee being borne of a lawfull Mother proudely despised Grace and was cast off so they who are baptised into the true Church of God and embrace not the grace of God shall be reiected with Esau neyther shall it auaile them that by an externall kinde of ingrafting they haue beene adioyned to the fellowship of the visible Church The other sort are they who beside the outward ingrafting Others internally ingrafted and to these belongs this comfort whereof we haue spoken are also inwardly grafted by the holy Ghost in Iesus Christ in such sort that Christ is in them and they in Christ and can say with the Apostle Now I liue yet not I any more but Christ Iesus liueth in me these haue in them that same minde which was in Iesus the Gal. 2. 20. onely sure argument of our spirituall vnion with him for if any man haue not the spirit of Christ the same is not his and they who are quickned and ruled by his spirit are assuredly his As for the manner of the ingrafting it is spiritual wrought 3 The manner of the ingrafting it is made by the word spirit by the holy Ghost who creating faith in our heart by hearing of the Gospell makes vs to goe out of our selues transire in Christum so to relie vpon him that by his light we are illuminated by his spirit we are quickned by the continuall furniture of his grace we perseuere and increase in spirituall strength in a word so we liue that in our selues we dye Euery lampe of the golden candlesticke hath his Zach. 4. owne pipe through which these two oliues that stand with the ruler of the whole world emptie themselues into the gold that is euery member of the Church of Christ receiues grace from that fulnesse of Grace which is in him through the secret conduits of the spirit whereby he causeth vs to grow and preserueth our soules in life Though he be in heauen and we on earth no distance Distance of place staies not our vnion with him of place can stay this vnion for seeing the members of the body howsoeuer scattered through sundry parts of the world so farre that many of them haue neuer seene others in the face are notwithstanding knit together by the band of one spirit into one holy communion why should it be denyed but that the head and members of this mysticall body are also one by the same Spirit suppose the head be in heauen and the members on earth or what need is there to enforce for effecting of this vnion such a corporall presence of Christ in the Sacrament as cannot stand with the truth of Gods word Now the comforts that ariseth vnto vs of our communion 4 Comforts arising of this our vnion with Christ with Christ are exceeding great for first we haue with him a communion of natures he hath taken vpon him ours and hath communicated his nature vnto vs. Of the first after a sort all mankind may glory forasmuch as Christ tooke not on the nature of Angels but the nature 1 Communion of Natures of man yet if there be no more the comfort is small yea the condemnation of man is the greater that the Lord Iesus came vnto man in mans nature and man would not receiue him But as for the godly let them reioyce in this that the Lord Iesus hath not onely assumed our nature but also made vs pertakers of the diuine nature before he assumed 2. Pet. 1 4. our nature he sanctified it and now hauing by his owne spirit ioyned vs to himselfe we may be out of doubt hee shall not cease till he hath sanctified vs. It is a notable comfort that the worke of our perfect A notable comfort the Lord who sanctified our nature that he might assume it will also sanctifie vs seeing he hath vnited vs to himselfe Phil. 1. 6. sanctification is not left vnto vs to doe the Lord Iesus hath taken it into his owne hand to performe it what then shall hinder it I am perswaded that he who hath begunne this good worke in you will performe it against the day of Iesus Christ He who at his pleasure turned water into Wine he who made the bitter waters to become sweete he who makes the wildernesse a fruitfull land and the barren woman to become the mother of many children in a word he who calles things which are not and causeth them to be is hee notable to make sinners become Saints or shall hee not perfect that worke of the new creation
of Gods vengeance pearced him among the thousands of Israel all the pretences of men who work iniquity shall not in that last day saue them from that fearful sentence depart from me I know you not Let the carnall professors of this age hearken to their doom before hand which assuredly they shall heare at the last if they goe on still in their sins Let vs not be deceiued fearefull is that sentence No vncleane thing none that workes abhomination Reuel 21. 17. shall enter into that heauenly Citi●● and such haue we ben all but blessed are they who are washed sanctified and iustified 1. Cor. 6. 11. in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirit of our God The bastard Christians of our time haue learned by the light of the word to put good workes out of the chaire of merit and iustly for Iesus Christ onely should sit in that chaire but haue not yet set them down in their owne place for though they be not meriters of eternall life● yet must they be thy witnesses to prooue that thou art in Christ by thy workes not by thy words shal thou be iudged in the last day Of this hath our Sauiour ●orewarned vs and therefore doth the Apostle counsell vs Make sure your calling and 2. Pet. 1. 10. Election by well doing If any man be in Iesus let him become a 1. Cor. 5. 17. new creature For if we say that we haue fellowship with God 1. Iohn 1. 6. and walke in darknesse we doe but lye Sathan hath two strong armes whereby he wrestles against Sathans two armes Desperation and Presumption man if with the one which is Desperation hee cannot thrust thee downe vnto hell then shall he prease with the other to mount thee on the chariot of presumption that so he may send thee away posting to damnation puft vp with a false conception of mercy when as in the meane time thou hast no warrant that the mercy of God in Christ doth appertaine to thee This presumption saith Bernard Commonly Sathan tempts with Presumption is infidelis f●ducia it seemes vnto them who are swelled therwith a strong Faith if you talke with them they will tell you they are most sure of saluation and that they neuer doubted thereof yet in very deed it is but a faithlesse confidence whereby Sathan doth miserably deceiue them for hee careth not suppose all thy dayes thou hould a generall conceit of mercy so that he finde by thy fruits that thou art not in Christ Let vs beware of this presumption let vs not proclaime peace to our selues when there is no peace neither blesse our selues in that state of life wherein God will curse vs but in feare and trembling worke out our owne saluation making our Faith manifest by good works for the best argument to prooue that we are in Christ is this that we walke not after the flesh And that we may yet more be mooued to flye the lusts They dishonour Christ highly who say they are in Christ and walke after the flesh of the flesh let vs consider how the Apostle oppones these two as contraries which cannot consist together to be in Christ and to walke after the flesh It cannot therefore but be a great dishonouring of Christ when they who professe by word that they are his doe by their wicked deeds deny him for the euill life of a professor in effect giues out this false testimonie against Christ that there is no power in his death no vertue in his resurrection no renuing grace to sanctifie those who are his Turkes and Pagans who plainely deny him do not derogate so much from the glory of Christ as doe profane professors of his name tolerabilius enim lingua quā vita mentitur the lye saith Augustine Aug. contra Pelag. lib. 3. cap. 21. which is made by the tongue is more tollerable then that which is made by the life where the tongue professes Christ and the heart is giuen to impiety this is not professio sed abnegatio Christi a profession but a denying of Christ It is a great sinne to beare false witnesse against our neighbour but a greater sinne to beare false witnesse against the Lord. Euery creature in their kinde giues a true testimonie vnto God the heauens declare his glory the earth and all that therein is sets forth his goodnesse yea the little Emmet proclaimes his prouidence he must be a prouident father that hath put so great prouidence in so small Onely apostate Angels men beare false witnesse against God a creature onely apostate Angels and men are false witnesses against the Lord. Sathan lies sometime against his mercy as when he sayes to the penitent and beleeuing man God will not forgiue him sometime against his iustice when he beares the wicked in hand that God will not punish him sometime against his prouidence when hee would perswade the afflicted that God cannot deliuer them And as for the Apostate man he is also a false witnesse against God he calleth himselfe the childe of God and behold he carrieth the image of Sathan as if the Lord begat children to another image and not to his owne Certainely An euill life of a professor sai●● in effect there is no vertue in Christ the sinfull life of one professing Christ is a publicke testimonie falsly proclayming to the world as I haue said that there is no vertue in Christ and that he is such a Sauiour as can neither sanctifie nor saue from sinne such as are his a fearefull blasphemie All Christians are not honoured with the second martirdome A godly life is the first martirdome without suffering for Christ which is the second martirdome is not acceptable to him that is to be Christs witnesses by suffering of death for his truths sake yet all are bound by a godly life to be witnesses of his sauing and renuing power shewing forth his meruailous vertue who hath translated vs from darknesse into his light Tota vita martyrium esse debet hoc est testimonium deo reddere c. the whole life of a Christian should be a martirdome that is a continuall witnessing of Cyp. de duplici martirio the truth of God and this is so necessarie that without it the second martirdome that is the testimonie which thou bearest to the truth of God by shedding of thy blood is worth nothing it auailes not to giue thy body to be burnt in the fire vnlesse that first thou mortifie thy earthly members and by reasonable seruice offer vp thy body a liuely and Col. 3 5. Rom. 12. 1. an acceptable sacrifice to God And hereunto also tendeth that which hee subioynes Efficacius est vitae quam linguae testimonium habent etiam opera suam linguam c. The testimonie of the life is more effectuall than the testimonie of the tongue workes haue also their owne language yea and their owne eloquence
own son Sonne to distinguish him from all others who are his sonnes by adoption onely Christ is the Sonne of God by nature by that diuine inutterable generation whereof Esay saith Who can expresse it Thus is hee Gods owne sonne that is Esay coeternall and coessentiall begotten of the Father before all time by the full communication of his whole essence vnto him in a manner that cannot be expressed And in the fulnesse of time he became man God being manifested in the flesh and in regard of his humane nature which was conceiued of the holy Ghost and vnited in a personall vnion with his diuine he stands in the title of Gods owne sonne after so singular a manner that he admits no companion The last of these two the Apostle makes the first point Christs diuine generation a great mysterie 1. Tim. 3. 16. of the misterie of Godlinesse God manifested in the flesh wherein he bridles our curiositie for if his manifestation in the flesh that is his incarnation be a mysterie that goes beyond our vnderstanding what shall we say of his diuine generation a mysterie to be indeed adored not to be enquired an article proposed to be belieued not to be disputed The Arrians seeking to search out this vnsearchable mysterie with naturall reason by infinite degrees more foolish then if they had presumed to number the starres of heauen or measure with their fist all the waters in the Sea they stumbled Mans curiosity restrained from searching it and fell being neuer able to comprehend how the son that was begotten should be coeternall and coessentiall to the Father who begot him therefore the worthy Fathers of the primitiue Church to represse the presumption of these arrogant spirits drew them down from the dangerous speculation of these high mysteries farre aboue their capacitie to consideration of things which are in nature Si in Creatura genitum inueniri potest coaeuum genitori an non aequum August est concedas posse ista in creatore coaeterna inueniri if in things created that which is begotten may be found equall in time to that which begat it why should it be denyed that in the Creator the begetter and begotten are equall in eternitie When a candle saith Augustine is first lighted at once there are two things the fire the splendor or light if it be enquired whether the fire come from the light or the light from the fire all men will agree that the splendor or light comes from the fire but if againe it be demanded which of them is first or last in time it cannot be determined But wherefore shall we vse these similitudes as the Creator is aboue the creature so is that mysterie aboue all the secrets of nature no similitude can be found in nature so much as shadow that most high and supernaturall mysterie yet is the endeuor of these godly fathers commendable who haue laboured to bring downe men to the exercising of their wits in things which are below like vnto themselues leauing curious inquisition of higher secrets which as I haue said are to be receiued with faith reuerenced with Rom 11. 20. silence not searched out by curiositie O man be not high minded but feare Christ came like a sinfull man but without sinne In the similitude of sinnefull flesh We must not so vnderstand these words as if Iesus had onely the similitude of a naturall bodie no he was very man made of the seed of Dauid he hath taken our flesh indeed yet was he not a sinfull man but separated from sinners A holy One from the first moment of his conception conceiued of the holy Ghost A stone cut out of the mountaine without hands The Dan. 2. 45. Cant. Flower of the field that groweth without mans labour or industry 1. Cor. 15. The second Adam very man as was the first but not begotten of man So then the word similitude is not to be ioyned with the word Flesh but with the word sinfull He tooke on mans nature without sin yet subiect to those infirmities mortalitie and death which sin brought vpon vs he appeared like a sinfull man being indeed without sinne in the shape of a Seruant content to be made inferiour not onely to Angels but to men of the vilest sort sold for thirtie pieces of siluer not so worthie to liue as Barrabas ranked with Theeues on the Crosse and reputed as a Worme of the earth thus being voyde of all sinne yet was hee handled as a sinner and most wicked malefactor Wherein we are to consider so farre as we may though How deerely the Lord loued vs perceiue by the price he hath giuen for our ransome we cannot comprehend it that wonderfull loue which the Lord hath shewed vs in this worke of our saluation how deere and precious our life hath beene in his eyes perceiue by the greatnesse of that price which he hath giuen for vs for who will giue much for that whereof hee esteemes but little it was not with gold nor siluer nor any corruptible thing that the Lord hath redeemed vs but with the precious blood of his owne Son Iesus as of a Lambe vnblemished and vnspotted If Dauid considering the goodnesse of God towards man in the work of creation fell out into this admiration O Lord what is man that thou art mindfull of him Psalm 8. or the Son of man that thou doest visite him how much more haue we cause so to cry out considering the riches of God his wonderfull mercies shewed vs in the worke of redemption It was a great kindnesse which Abraham shewed to Lot when he hazarded his owne life and the liues of his familie to recouer Lot out of the hands of Chedarlaomer but not comparable to that kindnesse which our kinsman the Lord Iesus hath shewed vnto vs who hath giuen his life to deliuer vs out of the hand of our enemies The Lord shed abroad in our hearts more and more abundantly the sence of that loue that we may endeauour to be thankfull for it by this threefold dutie first of thanksgiuing secondly of seruice thirdly of loue toward those who are beloued of him As for the first our life should be a continuall thanksgiuing Our thankfulnes againe should be testified by this threefold dutie and worshipping before him who hath loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his blood When the children of Israell had passed the red sea suppose they had a vast wildernesse betweene them and Canaan yet they praised 1 Continuall thanksgiuing God with a song of thanksgiuing and the Lord appointed an yeerely remembrance of that benefit If smaller mercies are to be remembred with thanksgiuing what shall we thinke of the greater As for the second which is seruice Zacharie teacheth 2 Seruice vs that for this end God hath deliuered vs from all our enimies that all our dayes we should serue him in righteousnesse Luke 1. 74.
Gal. 5. 22. 23. 24 Peace Long suffering Gentlenesse Goodnesse Faith Meeknesse Temperance If the Spirit of Christ dwell in vs and if wee liue in the Spirit let vs walke in the Spirit this is the conuiction of carnall professors that while they say the spirit of Christ is in them they declare none of his fruites in their conuersation but to insist somewhat more in this same purpose Operations of the spirit are two-fold We are to know that the effects and operations of the Spirit are twofold the one is generall and common operation which he hath in the wicked for hee illuminates euery 1 Externall common to all men Iohn 1. 1 Cor. 12. 3. one who commeth into the world Neyther can any man say that Iesus is the Lord but by the Spirit euery spark of light and portion of truth be it in whom it will flowes out of doubt from this holy Spirit That Caiaphas and Saul can Prophecie that Iudas can Preach all is from him but of this manner of operation is not here meant for this way he worketh in the wicked not for any good to them but for Intern 2 proper all and godly to the the aduancement of his owne worke The other kinde of the holy Ghosts operation is speciall and proper to the godly by the which he doth not onely illuminate their mindes but proceeds also to their hearts and workes this threefold effect in it Sanctification Intercession and Consolation First he is vnto them a spirit of Sanctification renuing Three effects wrought by the speciall operation of the spirit in the godly their hearts by his effectuall grace he first rebukes them of sinne he wakens their conscience with some sight of their iniquities and sense of that wrath which sinne hath deserued whereof arises heauinesse in their hearts sadnesse in their countenance lamentation in their speech and such an 1 Sanctification alteration in their whole behauiour that their former pleasures become painefull vnto them and others who knew them before wonders to see such a change in them From this he proceedes and leads them to a sight of Gods mercie in Christ he inflames their hearts with a hunger and thirst for that mercie and workes in their hearts such a loue of righteousnesse and hatred of sinne that now they become more afraid of the occasions of sinne then they were before of sinne it selfe this resistance made to the temptations this care to eschew the ocasions of sinne is an vndoubted token of the spirit of Christ dwelling in thee This is the first operation of the spirit but it is not all he proceeds yet further by degrees for the kingdome of God is as if a man should cast seed into the earth which growes vp and we cannot tell how first it sends out the blade secondly the eares and then the cornes so proceeds the kingdome of God in man by degrees In the second place the holy spirit becomes to the godly a spirit of Intercession so 2 Intercession long as wee are bound with the cords of our transgressions we cannot pray but from the time he once loose vs from our sinnes he openeth our mouth vnto God he teacheth vs to pray not onely with sighes and sobs that cannot be expressed but also puts such words in our mouths as we our selues who spake them are not able to repeat againe And thirdly he becomes vnto them the spirit of Consolation 3 Consolation if he be vnto thee a sanctifier and intercessor he shall not faile at the last to be thy comforter if at the first after that thou hast sent vp supplications thou find not his consolation descending vpon thee be not discouraged but be the more humbled for alas our sinnes shortens his arme Math. 26. and the hardnesse of our hearts holds out his comforts we must fall downe with Marie and lye still washing the feet of Christ with our teares before he take vs in his armes to kisse vs with the kisses of his mouth and if we finde these effects of his presence going before humiliation of our heart and the grace of prayer we may be out of all doubt that his consolations shall follow after Of this it is yet further euident against all those who That a Christian who hath Gods spirit knowes that he hath him deny that the Christian may be sure of his saluation that he who hath the spirit of Iesus knowes that he hath him as he who hath life feeles sensiblie that he hath it and is able truely to say I liue so he who hath the spirit of Iesus knowes by feeling that he hath him and is able to say in truth Christ liueth in mee Know yee not saith the Apostle Gal. 2. 20. 2 Cor. 13. 5. And therefore may be sure of saluation is proued by three names giuen to the holy spirit that Christ Iesus is in you except ye be reprobates This shall be further confirmed by considering those three names which are giuen to the holy spirit from his operation in vs he is the Seale the Earnest the witnesse of God the vse of a Seale is to confirme and make sure One of these two therefore must the Papists say that either none are sealed by the holy Spirit or else they must confesse that 1 He is Gods Seale they who are sealed are sure If they say that none are sealed by his Spirit they speake against the manifest truth of God grieue not the holy spirit by whom ye are sealed against Ephe. 4. 30. the day of redemption And if they deny that they who are sealed by him are sure of that saluation which God hath promised he hath sealed they blaspheme calling him such a seale as makes not them sure who are sealed by him he who hath the seale of a Prince rests assured of that which by the seale is confirmed to him and shall not the seale of the liuing God the Spirit of promise confirme that man in the assurance of saluation who hath receiued him Neither is he onely the seale of God but he is also the earnest of 2 Gods earnest 1 Iohn 5. 10. our inheritance and the witnesse of God hee that beleeueth in the sonne hath a witnesse in himselfe what will the aduersarie of Christian comfort say to this if yee say that there are none to whom Gods spirit witnesses mercie from God yee speake against the Apostle the spirit beares witnesse to our spirit that we are the sonnes of God or if yee say that those Rom 8. 16. who haue this testimonie of the spirit are not sure of mercy 3 Gods witnesse ye blaspheme as before and speake yet manifestly against the Apostle who sayes that the witnessing of this spirit vnto our spirit makes vs to cry Abba father But we will speake more of this hereafter But now to conclude this verse seeing hee who hath not the spirit of Christ is none of his
for the fourth it shall be the estate of the Saints of God in heauen Let not therefore the children of God be discouraged by Comfort our estate in this life is neither our last nor best estate looking either ●pon the remanents of sinne in their soule or the beginning of death in their body for why this estate wherein now we are is neither our last nor our best estate out of this we shall be transchanged into the blessed estate of glorious immortality our soules without all spot or wrinckle shall dwell in the body freed from mortality and corruption made like vnto Christs owne glorious body which the Lord our God who hath translated vs out of our second miserable estate into this third shall not faile to accomplish in his time Againe it comes to be considered here seeing by Iesus Christ life is restored to the soule presently why is it not also restored to the body vvhy is the body l●st vnder the Our soules being quickned yet our bodies are left vnder death for foure causes power of death to be turned into dust and ashes vvas it not as easie to the Lord to haue done the one as the other To this I answere that at any time life should be restored to our bodies is a mercy greater then wee are able to consider if wee will looke to our des●ruing that for a while hee will haue them subiected to the power of death the Lord in his wise dispensation hath thought it good for many causes First for performance of his truth 〈◊〉 but dust Gen. 3. 21. and to dust thou shalt returne If man had dyed no manner of way how should the truth of GOD appeare and if that death due to man had not beene inflicted vpon him how 1 F●r reconciliation of Gods mercy truth Ber. in annū Mar. ser 1. should his mercy beene manifested this controuersie God in his meruailous wisedome hath setled F●at mors bona habet vtraque qu●d petit let death become good and so both his mercy and his truth hath that which they craue for in the changing of the cursed nature of death and making that temporall which was eternall doth his mercy appeare and in the dissolution of mans body into dust for a time doth his truth appeare Secondly the Lord hath done it for manifestation of his 2 For the cleerer declaration of Gods power owne power accounting it a greater glory to destroy sinne by death then by any other meanes Death is the fruit of sinne and the weapon whereby Sathan intended to destroy mankinde and so deface the glory of the Creator but the Lord cutteth off the head of this G●liah vvith his owne sword hee turneth his vveapon against himselfe by death he destroyes that same sinne in his children which brought Chrisost in Mat. hom 2. forth death A meruailous conquest that Sathan is not onely ouercome but ouercome by the same meanes by vvhich before hee tyrannized ouer men And thirdly the Lord 3 For our instruction that wee may know what great mercy God hath shewed vpon vs. suffers our bodies to taste of death that we may the better consider that excellent benefite vvhich vve haue by Iesus Christ for if the death of the body notwithstanding that the nature thereof is changed be so fearefull as vve see in experience how miserable should vvee haue beene if the Lord had inflicted deserued death both of soule and body 4 For our conformitie with Christ vpon vs And last that we might be conformed to him who is the first borne among many brethren it behoueth vs by death also to enter into his kingdome For righteousnesse sake This righteousnesse that bringeth The life our soule hath flowes from Christs righteousnesse Rom. 5. 21 Hos 13. 9 Reu. 7. 10. life is the righteousnesse of Christ imputed to vs by Grace as i● euident out of that As sinne had raigned vnto death so might grace also raygne by righteousnesse vnto eternall life Sinne which causeth death is our owne but that righteousnesse which bringeth life is of Grace Our perdition is of our selues but our saluation commeth from the Lord and from the L 〈…〉 be that sitteth vpon the Throne No preseruatiue then against death but this righteousnesse it presently giues life vnto our soule and afterward shall restore our dodyes from the power of the graue such therefore as are the children of wisedome will be carefull in time to be partakers This righteousnesse is known by sanctificatiō of this Iewell This righteousnesse hath inseperably annexed with it Sanctification by thy sanctification try thy selfe and see whether or no thou hast gotten life through the righteousnesse of Christ deceiue not thine owne hart in the matter of saluation assure thy selfe so far forth thou doest liue as thou art sanctified As health is to the body so is holines to the Soule a body without health fals out of one paine into another till it dye and a Soule without holines is polluted with one lust after another till it dye As the Moone hath lightlesse or more according as it is in aspect with the Sunne so the Soule of man enioyes life lesse or more according as it is turned or auerted to or from the Lord thus let euery man iudge by his sanctification whether if or not hee be partaker of that righteousnesse of Iesus which bringeth life vnto the soule Miserable are those wicked ones who want it they are twise dead saith Saint Iude that is Iude. ver 12. both in soule and body not so much as a heauenly breath or motion is in them but wee ought to giue thankes vnto God who hath giuen a beginning of eternall life vnto vs. Last of all there is here a notable comfort for all the Comfort wee haue a life which no death can extinguish children of God that there is begun in vs a life which no death shall euer be able to extinguish albeit death inuade the naturall vitall powers of our bodies and suppresse them one after one yea though at the length he breake in vpon this lodging of clay and demolish it to the ground yet the man of God who dwels in the body shall escape with his life the Tabernacle is cast downe that is the most our enimie can doe but he who dwelt in it remoues vnto a better as the Bird escapes out of the snare of the Fowler so the The prison of the body being broken the soule that was prisoner doth escape soule in death slighters out and flies away with ioy to her maker yea dissoluing of the bodie to the man of God it is but the vnfolding of the net and breaking open the prison wherein hee hath beene detayned that he himselfe may be deliuered The Apostle knew this well and therefore Phil. 1. 21. desired to be dissolued that he might be with Christ As in the battell betweene our Sauiour and Sathan Sathans head
Gen. 3. was bruised and hee did no more but tread on the heele of our Sauiour so shall it be in the conflict of all his members with Sathan by the power of Lord Iesus wee shall be more then conquerours The God of peace shall shortly tread Rom. 16. 20. downe Sathan vnder our feete the most that Sathan can doe vnto vs Manducet terram meam dentem carni infigat Amb. de poen lib. 1. cap 13. conterat corpus let him lick the dust let him eate that part of mee which is earth let him bruise my body this is but to tread vpon the heele my comfort is that there is a seede of immortall life in my soule which no power of the enemie is able to ouercome It is true that so long as wee enioy this naturall life with Wicked men dye eyther vncertaine of comfort health of body the losse that comes by the want of the spirituall life is not perceiued no more then the defects of a ruinous house is perceiued in time of faire weather but when thy naturall life is wearing from thee if thou want the other how comfortlesse shall thy condition be when thou shalt finde in thine owne experience thou haddest neuer more then a silly naturall life which now is to depart from thee In this estate the wicked either dye being vncertaine of comfort or then most certaine of condemnation Those who are strangers from the life of God through the ignorance Ephes 4. 18. that is in them hauing no more but the light of nature the best estate wherein they can dye is comfortlesse if for want of light they know not that wrath vvhich is prepared for the vvicked and so are not greatly terrified yet farre lesse know they those comforts vvhich after death sustaines the Christian that they should be comforted The Emperour Hadrian when he dyed made this faithlesse lamentation Animula vagula blandula quae nunc abibis in loca O silly wandring Soule vvhere away now wilt thou goe and that other Seuerus proclaiming the vanitie of all his former glory cryed out 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I haue beene all things and it profits me nothing the one saith he found no comfort of things that were before him the other saith he found no comfort of things that were behind thus the wicked dye comfortlesse good things to come they neither know nor hope for good things past profit them Or most certaine of condemnation not Or if they haue beene such wicked men as by the light of the word haue knowne the will of their master and yet rebelled against their light they go out of the body not onely comfortles but certain of condemnation hauing receiued sentence within themselues that they shall neuer see the face of God and such was the death of Iudas let vs not therefore rest contented with the shadow of this vanishing life let vs prouide for that immortall seed of a better life within vs which receiues increase but cannot decay it waxeth stronger the weaker that the bodily life is but cannot be weakned far lesse extinguished by bodily death he that findes it within himselfe shall reioyce in death he shall dye in faith in obedience and in spirituall ioy Committing his Soule vnto 1 Pet. 4. 19. God as vnto a faithfull Creator he rests in him vvhom he hath beleeued being assured that the Lord will keepe that which he hath committed vnto him The Lord worke it in vs for Christs sake Verse 11. But if the spirit of him who raysed vp Iesus from from the dead dwell in you he that raysed vp Christ from the dead shall also quick●n your mortall bodies because that his spirit dwelleth in you IT is a comfortable saying of the Apostle If in 1 Cor. 15. 19. this life onely we had hope of all men wee were the most miserable for it doth teach vs that albeit in this life we haue great comforts through Iesus Christ yet greater abides vs in the life to come And therefore the Apostle contents not himselfe barely to make mention of such comforts as presently wee haue but hee proceedes now to acquaint vs with greater comforts which hereafter we shall enioy He hath shewed vs that the death whereunto we are subiect is not totall for it strikes He hath shewed our death is not totall now he shewes that it is not perpetuall onely vpon the basest part of man Now he shewes that it is not perpetuall the body shall not be kept for euer vnder the bands of death the spirit of Iesus who now dwels in it shall deliuer it from the bondage of corruption raise it from the dust and quicken it vnto glory But if the Spirit c. We haue here first of all to marke Euery promise of mercy is conditionall againe that the Apostles speech is not absolute but conditionall All the promises of comfort made in the booke of God are conditionall This is a great comfort the Lord shall quicken your mortall bodies but conditionally that his spirit dwell in you Whom hath the Lord promised to satisfie such as hungers for righteousnesse whom hath he promised to comfort not the carelesse nor wantons but such as mourne to whom hath he promised forgiuenesse of sinnes not to the licentious liuers but to the penitent to whom will he giue eternall life not to the Infidels but to such as If w● like gods comforts let vs take heed● to the condition on which they are promised beleeue If we esteeme any thing of the comforts of God let vs take heed to the condition for except the condition in some measure be wrought in vs the promise shall neuer be accomplished vpon vs. It were good for the men of this age to consider this more deepely who sleeping in presumptuous conceits of mercy thinke how euer they liue they shall be saued In all the whole Bible there is not one promise without an annexed condition In the couenant betweene God and man there is a mutuall stipulation as the Lord promiseth something to vs so he requireth another thing of vs with what face canst thou stand vp and seeke that mercy vvhich God hath promised who neuer endeuouredst to performe that dutie which God hath required Againe vve haue here occasion to consider those excellent The benefits we haue throgh the indwelling of the spirit in vs are further declared Gal. 2 20. benefits vvhich we haue by the spirit of Christ dwelling in vs beside that vvhich vve heard verse 10. As if those were too little he further doth vnto vs these great things first he giues life to the soule and makes it in the body to liue the life of Christ so that the Christian may say Now I liue yet not I but Christ liueth in me Secondly when Soule and body are sundred by death he leades the soule to liue with God in glory which is the second degree of eternall life and thirdly
fought against them the Fire flashed out terrible flames into their faces the soft Water gushed out of the bowels of the clouds and was turned into hard stones to strike them who in the hardnesse of their hearts rebelled against God the Ayre became pestilentious to them and corrupted their bodies with Biles and Botches the vvaters beneath vvere turned into bloud the earth was poysoned with venemous flyes which made it rot abhominable Frogs made their land stinck for the lothsomnesse of their sinnes their sensitiue creatures which serued them were horribly plagued their Flockes by land consumed with murraine their Fish in the Sea rots and dyes their vigetatiue creatures are also destroyed their Vines and Fig-trees are blasted the flaxe that should haue clothed them the Barly that should haue fed them are smitten and there is nothing belonging to them were it neuer so small but the wrath of God seased vpon it This was but a temporall and particular iudgement yet doth it make vnto vs some representation of that vniuersall iudgement wherein all the creatures of God shall concurre and lend their helps to torment the wicked when the full cup of Gods wrath shall be powred out vpon them Not of the owne will This is as wee said before figuratiuely How a will is ascribed to the creature spoken of the creature that it is said to haue a will For the will of the creature is no other thing but the naturall inclination of the creature and the meaning is that the creature of the owne nature is not subiect to this vanitie but that it is subdued vnder it by the superiour power of God for the sinne of man Where if it be asked how stands this How stands it with iustice that the creature is punished for mans sinne with iustice that the creature which sinned not should be subiected to vanitie for the sinne of man The question is easily answered if wee consider that the creatures were not made for themselues but for the vse and seruice of man and that whatsoeuer change to the worse is come vpon them is not their punishment but a part of ours If earthly Kings without violation of iustice may punish their rebels not onely in their persons but by demolition of their houses or otherwise in their goods and substance how shall we be bold to reproue the Lords doing who hauing conuinced man of a notorious treason hath not onely punished himselfe but defaced the house wherein he set him to dwell seeing hee hath violated the band of his seruice vnto God what reason is it that Gods creatures should continue in the first course of their seruice to him surely it stands vvith the righteous iudgement of God that his creatures should become comfortlesse seruants to man seeing man of his owne free will is become an vnprofitable seruant to his God yea a wicked rebell against him And againe that the Apostle sayth the change which is The fall of Angels of man of the creature compared made in the creature is against the will of the creature it serues greatly for our humiliation The fall of Apostate Angels was a fall by sinne but with their will and without a Tempter to allure them and now is without any hope that euer they shall be restored The fall of man was also a fall by sinne of his owne free-will but not without the Tempt●r and now not without hope of recouerie and restitution But the fall of the creature was neither a fall of sinne nor of their owne will but a casting of them downe against their will from their originall state yet not without hope to be deliuered Miserable in the highest degree are Apostate Angels who of their owne free-will without an exteriour Tempter haue deserted their first habitation and cast themselues into remedilesse condemnation Miserable in the second degree are reprobate men who haue fallen of their owne free-will suppose prouoked by an exteriour Tempter and shall neuer be partaker of the restitution of the sonnes of God But herein hath the Lord magnified his mercy towards vs that where we fell with Angels and reprobate men yet we are restored without them The consideration of our fall should humble vs for in it we are worse than the creatures they haue fallen from their glory but not with their owne will we are fallen from ours and we cannot excuse our selues but it was with our will Againe the hope of our restitution should greatly comfort vs considering that the Lord hath vouchsafed that mercy vnto vs which hee hath denyed vnto others Further we are taught here so oft as wee are crossed by Wee should blame our selues when we are crossed by the creature the creature not to murmure against God nor to blame the creature but to complaine vpon our selues If the heauens aboue be as brasse and the earth as iron if the sea rage and the ayre waxe turbulent if the stones of the field be offences whereat wee stumble and fall if the beasts wee haue bought or hyred for our vse serue vs not at our pleasure let vs not foolishly murmure against them as Balaam did vpon his Asse what meruaile they keepe no couenant with vs seeing we haue not kept couenant with our God Vnder hope Herein hath the Lord wonderfully magnified Man and the creature for mans sake are restored to hope which neither Apostate Angels nor reprobate men haue his mercy toward vs that hee hath not onely giuen to our selues a liuely hope of full deliuerance but also for our greater comfort hath extended the same toward the creature for our cause The Apostate Angels are not partakers of this hope as we said before that restitution promised in the Gospell was neuer preached vnto them we read that sometime they haue giuen this confession that Iesus is the sonne of God but they neuer sent out a petition to him for mercy for they haue receiued within themselues an irreuocable sentence of condemnation and they know certainly that mercilesse iudgement abides their wilfull malicious Apostasie and reprobate men in like manner haue no hope of any good thing abiding them after this life and therefore we are so much the more to magnifie Gods mercy toward vs who by Grace hath put a difference betweene vs and them where there was none by Nature and hath not onely giuen to vs our selues a liuely hope of restitution but also for our sakes hath made the creatures that were cursed for our sinne partakers of the same deliuerance with vs. Verse 21. Because the creature also shall be deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God HEre followes the second reason wherefore the The second reason of the feruent desire of the creature taken from their better estate which is to come creature feruently desires the day of the reuelation of the sonnes of God and it is taken from that glorious estate into the which the creature
him For albeit the Lord rested God hath rested from the worke of creation not of gubernation Ioh. 5. 17. the seauenth day from the workes of creation so that hee made no new kinde of creature after that day yet did hee not rest from the vvorkes of prouidence or gubernation whereof our Sauiour saith my Father workes hitherto and I worke When man hath finished a vvorke hee resignes it to another to be gouerned as the Wright vvhen he hath builded a ship giues it ouer to the Marriner to rule it neyther is man able to preserue the vvorke of his hands neyther yet knowes hee vvhat shall be the end thereof It is not so with the Lord as by the vvorke of creation hee brought them out so by his prouident administration he preserues them and rules euen the smallest creatures directing them vnto such ends as he hath ordained them for in the counsell of his will How euer some Ethnicks haue beene so blinde as to His prouidence extends to the smallest things thinke that God did neglect the smaller things vpon earth scilicet is superis labor est and Epicures also vvhose false conceptions of the diuine prouidence are rehearsed by E●iphaz How should God know how should hee iu●ge through Iob. 22. 13. 14. the darke cl●ude the cloudes hide him that hee cannot see and hee walkes in the circle of heauen yet it is certaine hee rules Psal 113. not a part onely but all hee is not as they thought of him a God onely aboue the M●one No though he dwell on high yet he abases himselfe to behold the things that are on earth he is not onely a God in the mountaines as the Syrians deemed 1 King 20. but a God in the vallies also There is nothing so great nothing so small but it falles vnder his prouidence yea hee numbers our hayres and keepes them not one of them can fall to the ground without his prouidence Si sic custodumtur Augustine super fl●a tua in quanta securitate est anima tua if hee so keepe thy superfluities how much more will he keepe thy soule Let it therefore content vs in the most confused estate In greatest confusion of things let vs keepe our comfort the end of them shal be our good of things we can see fall out in the world that the Lord hath said All things shall worke for the best vnto vs. Let vs not question with Marie how can this be nor doubt with Sarah how can I conceiue nor with Moses where shall flesh be gotten for all this multitude but let vs sayth Augustine consider the Author and such doubts shall cease As he hath manifested his power and vvisedome in the tempering of this world making Elements of so contrary qualities agree together in one most pleasant harmonie so doth it appeare much more in gouerning all the contrary courses of men to the good of his owne children One notable example wherof wee will set downe for all Iacob sends Ioseph to Dothan Gen. 37. c. to visit his brethren his brethren casts him into the pit Reuben releeues him the Midianites buyes him and sels him to Potiphar his Mistresse accuses him his Maister condemnes him the Butler after long forgetfulnesse recommends him Pharaoh exalts him O what instruments are here how many hands about this one pooreman of God neuer a one of them looking to that end which God had proposed vnto him yet the Lord contrary to their intention makes them all worke together for Iosephs aduancement in Aegipt But now to the particulars There is nothing in the world The end of all the wayes of God is our good which works not for our weale all the works of God all the stratagems of Sathan all the imaginations of men are for the good of Gods children yea out of the most poysonable things such as sinne and death doth the Lord draw wholesome and medicinable preseruatiues vnto them who loue him All the wayes of the Lord saith Dauid are mercy Psal 25. 10. and truth marke what he saith and make not thou an exception where God hath made none All none excepted therefore be thou strengthened in the Faith and giue glory vnto God resoluing with patient Iob albeit the Lord would Iob. 13. 15. slay me yet will I trust in him Sometime the Lord seemes to walke in the way of anger against his children which hath moued many of them to Yea euen when he seemes to be most angry with his children hee is working their good Iob. 6. 4. poure out the like of these pittifull complaints the arrowes of the almightie are vpon me said Iob the venome whereof doth drinke vp my spirit and the terrours of God fight against me thou settest me vp as a marke against thee and makes me a burthen to my selfe Thy indignation lyes vpon me said Dauid yea from my youth I haue suffered thy terrours doubting of my life For felicitie I haue had bitter griefe said Ezekiah for Isa 38. 17. 13. 14. the Lord like a Lyon brake all my bones so that I did chatter like a Swallow and mourne like a Doue I am troubled on euery side said the Apostle hauing sightings without and terrours 2 Cor. 7. 5. within Yet in all this dealing the Lord hath a secret way of mercy in the which he walkes for the comfort of his children it is but to draw vs vnto him that he shewes himselfe to be angry with vs aduersatur tibi Deus ad tempus vt te secum Chrisost in Mat. hom 14 habeat in perpetuum the Lord is an aduersarie to thee for a while that he may for euer reconcile thee to himselfe And this albeit for the present we cannot perceiue and can see no other but that the Lord hath taken vs for his enemies yet in the end wee shall be compelled to acknowledge and confesse with Dauid it was good for me O Lord that euer thou Rom. 11. 13. correctedst me for the Lord is meruailous in his Saints O the deepenesse of the riches both of the wisedome and knowledge of God how vnsearchable are his iudgements and his wayes past finding out His glory is great when he workes by meanes his glory appeares greater when he works without meanes but then his glory shines most brightly when he works by contraries It was a great vvorke that hee opened the eyes of the For the working of God with his children is by contraries blinde man but greater that hee did it by application of spettle and clay meanes meeter to put out the eyes of a seeing man than to restore sight to a blind man So he wrought in the first creation causing light to shine out of darknesse so also in the worke of redemption for by cursed death he brought happy life by the crosse he conquered the crowne and through shame he went to glory And this same order the Lord still keepeth in
can wee but take vp a bitter lamentation for many of you whom in this time of grace wee see to be strangers from grace wee wish from our harts ye were not like the kinsmen of Lot they thought hee had but mocked when hee told them of an iminent iudgement and therefore for no request would goe out of Sodome but tarryed till the fire of the Lords indignation did consume them but that rather as Sarah followed Abraham from Caldee to Canaan so yee vvould take vs by the hand and goe with vs from hell to heauen but alas the lusts of the flesh hold you captiue or then the loue of the world doth bewitch you but all of them in the end shall deceiue you for all the labour vnder the Sunne is but vanitie and vexation of the Spirit vvhen you haue finished your taske you shall be lesse content than you were at the beginning you shall be as one vvakened out of a dreame who in his sleepe thought hee was a possessor of great riches but when hee awaketh behold he hath nothing or not vnlike that rich man who said in his securitie Now my Soule thou Luke 12. 19. hast much good for many yeares and euen vpon the next day redacted to such extreame necessitie vvith that other who despised Lazarus that he had not so much as a drop of cold water to coole his tongue vvithall then shall you lament Wisd 5. 7. and say We haue wearied our selues in the way of iniquitie and it did not profit vs. Miserable worldlings who take more paines to get and keepe any thing than Iesus Christ Alas how shall I learne you to be wise Is not this a pittifull blindnesse the Lord when hee created man made him Lord aboue all his creatures and now vnthankefull man sets euery creature in his heart aboue the Lord. O fearefull ingratitude Doe you so reward the Lord O ye foolish people and vnwise There is nothing which ye conceit to be good but when yee want it you are carefull to seeke it when you haue it you are carefull to keepe it onely you are carelesse of the Lord Iesus though hee be that incomparable iewell which bringeth light in darknesse life in death comfort in trouble and mercy against all iudgement ye should set him as a signet on your heart as an ornament on your head and put him on as that glorious attire which gets you place to stand before God But what paines doe ye take to seeke him what assurance haue yee that yee are in him or what mourning doe yee make for that yee do not possesse him can you say in truth that the tenth part of your thoughts or words haue been bestowed vpon him No no it is the shame of many that they haue taken more paynes to keepe a signet on their hand than euer they did to keepe Iesus in their heart they wander after vanitie and follow lyes they forsake the fountaine of liuing waters Oh Psal 50. 22. consider this yee that forget God least he teare you in peeces and there be none to deliuer you The last lesson wee obserue in this part of the Verse is How all things worke for the worst to the wicked this as all things workes for the best to them who loue the Lord so all things workes for the worst vnto the wicked there is nothing so cleane which they defile not nothing so excellent which they abuse not Make Saul a King and Balaam a Prophet and Iudas an Apostle their preferment shall be their destruction if they be in prosperitie they contemne God and their prosperitie becomes their ruine if they be in aduersitie they blaspheme him and like raging waues of the sea cast out their owne dirt to their shame yea what speake I of these things euen their table shal be a snare vnto them Iesus Christ is a rocke of offence vnto them the Gospell the sauour of death vnto them and their prayer is turned into sinne and vvhat more excellent things then these As a foule stomacke turnes most healthfull food into corruption so their polluted conscience turnes iudgement into gall and the fruit of righteousnesse into wormewood And all this should prouoke vs to an holy care to become good our selues or else there is nothing were it neuer so good can be profitable to vs. To them that loue God We haue heard the Apostles last The persons to whom the former comfort belongs are described to be such as loue God and are called by him argument of comfort vvhich is that the Lord so ruleth all things by his prouidence that those things which seemes to be against his children are made to worke together for the aduancement of their good Deus enim adeo bonus est vt nihil mali esse sineret nisi e●●am adeo esset potens vt ex quolibet malo possit elicere bonum for God is so good that he vvould suffer no euill to be were it not hee is also so powerfull that of euery euill he is able to draw out good Now vvee proceede to the persons to vvhom this comfort belongs who are first described to be such as loue God secondly as are Three things inseperably knit 1. Gods purpose concerning vs 2. his calling to vs 3. our loue toward him called according to his purpose Here are three things conioyned together euery one depending on another First the purpose of God which is no other thing but his eternall and immutable decree concerning our saluation Secondly our calling flowing from this purpose Thirdly a loue of God wrought in our hearts by this effectuall calling These three are so inseperably conioyned together that from the lowest of these we may goe vp to the highest of that vnfained loue of God which is in thee thou mayest know that he loued thee and in his vnchangeable purpose hath ordained thee to life This is the greatest comfort that can be giuen to men vpon earth to let them see that or euer the Lord laid the foundations of the earth he first laid the foundation of thy saluation in his owne immutable purpose which being secret in it selfe and obscured from vs is most manifested vnto vs by our effectuall calling But of this we vvill speake more God willing hereafter The loue of God then is set downe here as a principall None can loue God but such as he hath chosen and called effect and token of our calling As the Lord calles none effectually but those vvhom hee hath elected so none can loue him but those who are effectually called by him yea thou thy selfe vvho now loues the Lord before thy calling louedst him not thy heart went a whooring from God and thou preferedst euery creature before him and for the small●st pleasure of sinne thou caredst not to offend him It is thought among the multitude a common thing and an It is thought a common thing to loue God but no●e can loue him who
the proper subiect The righteousnesse of God because he onely in his meruailous wisedome found it out it is called the righteousnesse of Faith because Faith is the instrument by which wee apprehend it and it is called our righteousnesse because it is giuen vnto vs of God to be ours by imputation on Gods part by acceptation of it by Faith vpon our part for these two wayes that acquisite righteousnesse of Christ is made ours This wee haue to marke for our comfort against those The consideration that Christs righteousnes is ours stoppeth the mouth of all that impugnes our Faith obiections which eyther inwardly by Sathan or outwardly by men of a contrary opinion are obiected vnto vs. If they to trouble our peace and weaken our Faith aske how can yee be iustified by a righteousnesse which is not yours wee answere the righteousnesse of Christ is ours and ours by as great a right as any other thing that wee possesse is ours to wit by the free gift of God seeing it hath pleased God to giue vs a ga●ment who were naked and to giue vs who had none of our owne a righteousnesse answerable to his Iustice vvhat intrest can eyther man or Angell haue to resist it The euasions and obiections whereby the aduersarie Works not of the vnregenerate onely but of the regenerate also excluded from the act of Iustification impugnes this doctrine are chiefely these First the Apostle say they excludeth the works of nature not the works of Grace the workes of a man vnregenerate they confesse cannot iustifie him but the works of a man regenerate say they doe iustifie him but this is false as is proued first by examples for Abraham whose example the Apostle bringeth in to confirme the doctrine of Iustification was a regenerate man and effectually called yet as witnesseth both Moses and S. Paul his saith was counted to him for righteousnesse Proued by examples Dauid after hee had beene a regenerate man yet saith Lord enter not into iudgement with thy Seruant for in thy Psal sight shall no flesh be iustified The Apostle Paul protests of himselfe I haue in all good conscience serued God vnto this day neither know I any thing of my selfe yet am I not thereby iustified hee was more abundant in good workes than all the rest of the Apostles he did also beare in his bodie the markes of Iesus and was renowned through his manifold sufferings If euer any regenerate man could haue bin iustified by his good works it was this holy Apostle yet hee tels you himselfe for all that I haue done for all that I haue suffered yet am I not thereby iustified The same is proued by reason that which by order of The same proued by reason nature followes our Iustification before GOD cannot be said to iustifie vs in the presence of God but so it is good workes by order of nature followes our iustification before GOD Non praecedunt iustificandum sed sequuntur iustificatum Againe such vvorkes as are not Augustine perfectly agreeable to the rule of Legall iustice cannot iustifie vs but rather fall vnder that curse Cursed is hee who fulfilleth not euery iot of the Law but so it is that the workes euen of men regenerate are not able to answere the perfection of the Law There is no man saith Salomon iust Eccles 7. Iob. in the earth that doth good and sinneth not If I would dispute with God I could not saith Iob make answere vnto one of a thousand All our righteousnesse saith Ieremie is but like a Ierem. menstruous cloath and our Sauiour hath taught euen regenerate men to pray daily for the remission of their sinnes Quid ergo de peccatis nostris fiet quando ne ipsa quidem pro se Bern. in fest o 〈…〉 ū sanct serm ● respondere poterit iusti●●a nostra vvhat then shall become of our sinnes when our righteousnesse is not able to answere for it selfe Vae hominum iustitiae quantumuis laudabili si remota misericordia Dei iudicetur woe to the righteousnesse of man were it neuer so lowable if God setting aside mercy enter to iudge it But they insist the vvorkes of regenerate men are the How it is that workes of men regenerate doe not merit seeing they are workes done in vs by the spirit of Christ Heb. 1. 3. workes of Christ for it is he who by his spirit workes them in them therefore they are meritorious and iustifies I answere the works of Christ iustifies it is true if yee vnderstand his personall works done by himselfe in his owne person as the Apostle teacheth vs He hath purged our sinnes by himselfe But as for those works which he works in vs by his spirit of grace he works them not for our iustification that as I haue said he hath done already by himselfe and in his owne person but for our sanctification Secondly the good works of men regenerate are so wrought by Christ in vs that they are also wrought by vs and we haue our working in them and therefore by reason of our imperfection cannot be perfect for as the fountaines of the actions are so must the actions be themselues the fountaines are mixed being partly good and partly euill for our minde is not so illuminated that there is no darknesse in it neither is our heart so sanctified that there is no vncleannesse in it and therefore the actions flowing from thence cannot be perfect works of light and sanctification They insist yet further and obiects if the Apostle say Faith works are not simply opponed to other for they are inseperable but opponed onely in the act of Iustification they in his conclusion we are iustified by Faith without the workes of the Law did vnderstand the workes of Grace then it would follow that he oppones things which are not to be opponed for workes and Grace vvorkes and Faith workes and Christ are not opposite but agrees very wel together as the cause and effect as the tree and the branch To this wee answere that Faith and vvorkes agrees well together but there is nothing in the vvorld vvhich agree so well the one with the other but in some things they may be opponed as for example the tree and the branch agrees very vvell together but if the question be moued whether the tree beares the branch or the branch the tree in this they are opponed that vvhich is affirmed of the one must be denied of the other Againe there is a very sweet harmony betweene a naturall Father and the sonne the one of them cannot be without the other for hee is not a Father who neuer had a sonne neither is he a sonne who neuer had a Father but if this be the question which of them gaue beginning to another here wee must oppone them affirming that of the one which we denie of the other In like manner there is a very sweet harmony and
456. How worthy to be honoured 108 Christian hath accesse to the chamber of the great King when he will 318. none but he knowes the misteries of the Gospel 320. he is sure of victorie 322. what is his best 337. when comes hee to it 338. 339. his vnion with Christ maruellous 24. Christian exempted from the threefold condemnation of the wicked 15. yet condemned by wicked men 9. sinne is in him but hee goes not after it See Sinne. Hee wants neuer enemies but they cannot hurt him 404. he is compared to a rock in the sea 448. hee wants not Canaanites to curse him 290. hee is subiect to perils 437 Christian his ingrafting in Christ see Ingrafting See Vnion Christian freed from wickednes not from weakenesse 296. why weakenes is left in him 299. A soueraigne rule whereby to try him 110. In the Christian are two men 315. God estimates him by the new man 316. the new man liues in the bodie like Lot in Sodome 317 Christian is not a single man standing by himselfe but a man incorporate in Christ 448 Church how deare to God 335 Creature how it waites sighes and groanes 250. threefold vse thereof to man ward 251. how punished for mans sinne 258. subiect to a two-fold vanity 255. three wayes abused 257. wee should blame our selues when wee are crossed by the creature 259. they shall concurre to plague the wicked 257. what creatures shall be restored 261. to what vse shal the creature serue in the last day 262. how will the creature be deliuered seeing the Psalmist sayes they shall perish 263. the creature complaines to God God complaines to the creature vpon man woe to man if hee complaine not on himselfe 264 Crosse how comfortable Worldlings can not know 330. small crosses are of Gods indulgence 430 Crosses which are not Christs are accursed 224 Crosses should not be sought by vs. 436 Courts of iustice holden by God on man are two in the first the sinnes of the elect was condemned in the second the persons of the wicked shall be condemned 72. 73 Couenant of grace the godly had it euen vnder the Law 190 Curse encreases as sin encreases 256. Christ hath a two-fold right to his fathers kingdom 21. 214. this deliuerance pertaines not to all and how miserable they are who are not in him 18. the prayse of our deliuerance belongs to him onely 55. how hee is Gods owne sonne 66. 408. his diuine generation a great mysterie 67. hee came like a sinfull man but not sinfull 68. he did his greatest workes when he was weakest 73. he is a powerfull Sauiour and our comfort therein 74 Christ is the first borne in three respects 376. miserable they who acknowledge not his prerogatiue 377. Christ and his Spirit are not sundred 117. his kingdome encreases by trouble whereby others are weakned 223. how the wicked giue him stil a scepter of reed● 353. Christ is the life and the way to the life 371. hee is the chiefe gift of God all other gifts are but pendicles 422. his exaltation 423. his sitting at the right hand of his Father 424. his intercession 425. how hee restores vs to a better estate then we lost in Adam 453. his loue to vs 379. onely Mediatour of intercession 425. his mediation should suffice vs 427. his resurrection most comfortable 422 D Day of death how it should be expected and waited for 274 Day of iudgement should be waited for as the yeare of Iubilie 275 Death first and second 61. Nature of the first death chaunged 62. to the Christian it is neither totall nor perpetuall 121. Second death hath three degrees 61 Death not presently destroyed for foure causes 136. Ethnickes comfort in death not like ours but their courage better 123. We are not only mortall but dead 124. bound already by the officers of death 124. yet haue wee in vs a life which is not subiect to death 138 Death not to be feared 144. It doth but breake the prison and let out the prisoner 138 Dead body of the Christian honoured by God 141. they haue a balme which preserues them to immortalitie 142 Death second why called a wrath to come 147. the place of it vniuersalitie and eternitie of it 175. Death to sinne restores life which death in sinne tooke away 179 Death comes to the wicked as Iehu to Iehoram 274. how it works good to the godly 331. compared to the red sea 332. 333. can not hurt the man of God 444 remembrance of it profitable 452. how in it we are conquerors 448. comfort in death 453 Death in the body should abate pride 125. Necessarie obseruations concerning it 363 Death of the wicked how miserable 138 Debt double lying vpon vs the one wee must pay the other we must seeke forgiuen 163. What helpes wee haue to pay the debt of obedience 164 Deliuerance from sinne begunne shall be perfected 60 Desertions spirituall no comfort in them 209. 210. Distinction of mankinde three fold 19. 20. Diseases and vncouth deaths come by vncouth sinnes 128 Dwelling of Gods Spirit in the christian 106. What it imports 108. how maruellous it is 107. the christian should be honoured for it 108. What benefits wee get by Claists dwelling in vs. 110. 111. 141. how carnall professors lodge him in a wrong place 114. E Election so sure that no creature can disannull it 370 Epistle to the Romanes why first placed 2. Enemies of the godly how they doe them good 332 F Faith and workes not simply opposit but in the act of iustification 339. See iustification Faith and hope compared 279 Faith compared by Christ to the fish 286. the right place of faith hope and loue in the worke of saluation 281. the fortresse of faith 391 Famine one of God his ordinarie plagues 433. miserable caterpillers are they who make gaine of famine 433. of a cursed rodde changed into a blessed crosse 434. how in famine God prouides for his children 434 First fruits of the Spirit tels what the fulnesse will be 397. 320. 270. First borne his priuiledges 376 Feare of fiue sorts 191. from what feares are the godly exempted 192. feare in the godly prepares a way to loue then it ceases but in the wicked it ●oes on to despayre 193. how wee should feare so long as we are in the body 124 Flesh vsed to expresse sinfull corruption for three causes 32. 33. M●●rable end thereof 46. 100. what it is to be in the flesh 101. falsely expounded by Syricius of the marryed 101 Foode should so be giuen to the body that sinne be not nourished in the body 168 G God how he is the father of mercie 66. not of iudgement 357. God both by word and deed declares that he craues not our death 169. What comfort haue we in that hee is our Father 203 God his goodnesse is extended to all his inheritance reserued onely to his children 212. His workes are not to be iudged by their beginnings but their ends 324.