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A16049 The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuers late translations, and for cleering the controversies in religion, of these daies: in the English College of Rhemes; Bible. N.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 2884; ESTC S102491 1,123,479 852

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to release IESVS ✝ verse 21 But they cried againe saying Crucifie crucifie him ✝ verse 22 And he the third time said to them Vvhy vvhat euil hath this man done I finde no cause of death in him I vvil correct him therfore and let him goe ✝ verse 23 But they vvere instant vvith loude voices requiring that he might be crucified And their voices preuailed ✝ verse 24 And Pilate adiudged their petition to be done ✝ verse 25 And he released vnto them him that for murder and sedition had been cast into prison vvhom they demaunded but IESVS he deliuered to their pleasure ✝ verse 26 And vvhen they led him they tooke one Simon of Cyréne comming from the countrie and they laid the crosse vpon him to carie after IESVS ✝ verse 27 And there folovved him a great multitude of people and of vvomen vvhich bevvailed and lamented him ✝ verse 28 But IESVS turning to them said Daughters of Hierusalem vveepe not vpon me but vveepe vpon your selues and vpon your children ✝ verse 29 For behold the daies shal come vvherein they vvil say Blessed are the barren and the vvombes that haue not borne and the pappes that haue not giuen sucke ✝ verse 30 Then shal they begin to say to the mountaines Fal vpon vs and to the hilles Couer vs. ✝ verse 31 For if in the greene wood they doe these things in the drie vvhat shal be done ✝ verse 32 And there vvere led also other tvvo malefactours vvith him to be executed ✝ verse 33 And after they came to the place vvhich is called Caluarie there they crucified him and the theeues one on the right hand and the other on the left ✝ verse 34 And IESVS said Father forgiue them for they knovv not vvhat they doe But they deuiding his garments did cast lottes ✝ verse 35 And the people stood expecting ' and the princes vvith them derided him saying Others he hath saued let him saue him self if this be Christ the elect of God ✝ verse 36 And the souldiars also mocked him comming to him and offering him vinegre ✝ verse 37 saying If thou be the king of the Ievves saue thy self ✝ verse 38 And there vvas also a superscription vvritten ouer him in Greeke and Latine and Hebrevv letters THIS IS THE KING OF THE IEVVES ✝ verse 39 And one of those theeues that vvere hanged blasphemed him saying If thou be Christ saue thy self and vs. ✝ verse 40 But the other ansvvering rebuked him saying Neither doest thou feare God vvhere as thou art in the same damnation ✝ verse 41 And vve in deede iustly for vve receiue vvorthie of our doings but this man hath done no euil ✝ verse 42 And he said to IESVS Lord remember me vvhen thou shalt come into thy kingdom ✝ verse 43 And IESVS said to him Amen I say to thee this day thou shalt be vvith me ″ in paradise ✝ verse 44 And it vvas almost the sixt houre and there vvas made darkenesse vpon the vvhole earth vntil the ninthe houre ✝ verse 45 And the sunne vvas darkened and the veile of the temple vvas rent in the middes ✝ verse 46 And IESVS crying vvith a loude voice said Father into thy handes I commend my spirit And saying this he gaue vp the ghost ✝ verse 47 And the Centurion seeing that vvhich vvas done glorified God saying In deede this man vvas iust ✝ verse 48 And al the multitude of them that vvere present together at that sight and savv the things that vvere done returned knocking their breasts ✝ verse 49 And al his acquaintance stoode a far of and the vvomen that had folovved him from Galilee seeing these things ✝ verse 50 * And behold a man named Ioseph vvhich vvas a senatour a good man and a iust ✝ verse 51 he had not consented to their counseil and doings of Arimathaea a citie of Ievvrie vvho also him self expected the kingdom of God ✝ verse 52 This man came to Pilate and asked the body of IESVS ✝ verse 53 And taking it dovvne vvrapped it in sindon and laid him in a monument hevved of stone ″ vvherein neuer yet any man had been laid ✝ verse 54 And it vvas the day of Parasceue and the Sabboth drew neere ✝ verse 55 And the women that vvere come with him from Galilee folovving after ″ savv the monument and hovv his body vvas laid ✝ verse 59 And returning they prepared spices and ointments and on the Sabboth they rested according to the commaundement ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXIII 34. Forgiue them A perfecte example of charitie in our Sauiour praying for his crucifiers vvhich the first martyr S. Steuen did folovv Act. 7 and the praiers of ●oth vvere heard Christs praier taking effecte in the Centurion and others Steuens in Paul 43. In Paradise Thou maist not herevpon differre thy conuersion or amendment presuming of grace at the last houre of thy life not looke to haue saluation by saith and confession of Christ vvithout good workes no● to goe straight to heauen vvithout satisfaction penance or punishment for thy former sinnes and life il spent nor chalenge securitie and certaine knovvledge of thy saluation for this good theeues case is not common but a rare example of mercie and prerogatiue but for the first point learne only not to despaire though thou hast been il to the last moment of thy life for the second that faith hope and charitie repentance and good vvil be sufficient and good vvorkes not required vvhere for vvant of time and opportunitie they cannot be had for the third that Christ gaue to this happy man for his ●elous confession of him and reprehending his fellovv not only remission of his sinnes but also by extraordinarie grace a pardon of al penance and satisfaction due either in this life or the next for the same euen as the holy Church by his examle and commission giueth pardons also to some of her zelous children of al punishment due for their offenses and such goe straight to heauen lastly that euery one hath not a reuelation of his saluation as this man had and therfore can not be so sure as he was ●3 Wherein neuer As in the wombe of MARIE none was conceiued before nor after him so in this monument none was laid before nor after him which prerogatiue no doubt was of Gods prouidence this Ioseph no lesse abstaining afterward to be buried in it then the other Ioseph from copulation with the mother of our Lord. S. Augustine ●● Saw the monument These good vvomen of great deuotion obserued the Sepulcher for the honour of the holy body Vvherevpon the deuotion of faithful folke vvatching and visiting on Good-Friday and Easter eue the sepulcher made in euery Church for memorie of our Lords burial is exceding good and godly specially the B. Sacrament for more signification sake being present in the same Sepulcher CHAP. XXIIII Deuout vvomen not finding his body in the Sepulcher 4 Angels tel
graffed into their ovvne oliue ✝ verse 25 For I vvil not haue you ignorant brethren of this mysterie that you be not vvise in your selues that blindnes in part hath chaunced in Israël vntil the fulnes of the Gentiles might enter ✝ verse 26 and also al Israël might be saued as it is vvritten There shal come out of Sion he that shal deliuer and shal auert impietie from Iacob ✝ verse 27 And this to them the testament from me vvhen I shal haue taken avvay their sinnes ✝ verse 28 ″ According to the Gospel in deede enemies for you but according to the election most deere for the fathers ✝ verse 29 for vvithout repentance are the giftes and the vocation of God ✝ verse 30 for ″ as you also sometime did not beleeue God but novv haue obteined mercie because of their incredulitie ✝ verse 31 so these also novv haue not beleeued for your mercie that they also may obteine mercie ✝ verse 32 For God hath ″ cōcluded al into incredulitie that he may haue mercie on al. ✝ verse 33 ″ O depth of the riches of the vvisedom and of the knowledge of God hovv incomprehensible are his iudgements and his vvaies vnsearcheable ✝ verse 34 for * vvho hath knovven the minde of our Lord or vvho hath been his coūseler ✝ verse 35 Or vvho hath first giuen to him and retribution shal be made him ✝ verse 36 For of him and by him and in him are al things to him be glorie for euer Amen ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XI 4. Seuen thousand The Heretikes alleage this place and example very impertinently to proue that the Church may be vvholy secrete hid or vnknovven for though the faithful vvere forced to keepe close in that persecution of Achab and Iezabel vvhich vvas onely in the kingdom of the ten tribes that is of Isaael yet at the very same time in Hierusalem and al the kingdom of Iuda the external vvorship and profession of faith vvas open to al the vvorld and vvel knovven to Elias the faithful so many that * the very souldiars only vvere numbered aboue ten hundred thousand besides that there is a great difference betvvene the Christian Church and the Ievves ours resting vpon better promisses then theirs And vve vvil not put the Protestants to proue that there vvere 7000 of their Sect vvhen their nevv Elias Luther began but let them proue that there were seuē or any one either then or in al ages before him that vvas in al pointes of his beleefe Heretikes there vvere before him as Iouinian Vigilantius Heluidius Vvicleffe c. and vvith him Zuinglius Caluin c. Vvho beleeued as he did in some things but not in al. 6. Not novv of vvorkes If saluation be attributed to good vvorkes done of nature vvithout faith Gods helpe the same can not be of grace for such vvorkes exclude grace fauour and mercie and chalenge onely of dette and not of gift Therfore take heede here of the Heretikes exposition that vntruely exclude Christian mens vvorkes from necessity or merite of saluation vvhich are done vvith and by Gods grace and therfore euidētly consist vvith the same and be ioyned vvith Gods grace as causes of our saluation Our Aduersaries are like if Potecaries euer taking quid pro quo either of ignorance or of intent to deceiue the simple ● God hath giuen It doth not signifie his vvorking or action but his permission Chris ho. 19 in ep Ro. And S. Augustine saith not by putting malice into them but by not imparting his grace vnto them and that through their ovvne deserts alvvaies and their ovvne willes euer properly working the same See Annot. Mat. c. 13 14. Ro. c. 1 24. 20. Because of incredulity He represseth the pride of the Gentils vaunting them selues of their receiuing and of the Ievves reiection namely in that they thought the Ievves to be forsaken for no other cause but that they might come into their roomes declaring that the direct and proper cause of their forsaking vvas their incredulity exhorting the Gentiles to bevvare of the same because they may fall as vvel as the other and that God is as like to execute iustice against them as against the Ievves as he hath done in many nations falling to heresie 28. According to the Gospel In respect or as concerning beleefe in Christ and receiuing the Gospel they are Gods enemies by occasion of vvhich their incredulity the Gentiles found mercie othervvise in respect of his special election of that nation and the promisses made to the Patriarches the Ievves are deere to him still for God neuer promiseth but he performeth nor repenteth him self of the priuileges giuen to that nation 30. For as you As the Gentiles vvhich before beleeued not found mercie and came to faith vvhen the Ievves did fall so the Ievves not novv beleeuing vvhen al the Gentils haue obtained mercie shal in the end of the vvorld by Gods disposition obtaine grace and pardon as the Gentiles haue done 32. Concluded al. That so God taking al Nations and al men in sinne vvhich they fell into not by his drift or causing but of their ovvne free vvil may of his mercie call and conuert vvhom and in vvhat order he vvill and the parties haue no cause to bragge of their deseruings but both countries and particular men may referre their eternal election and their first calling and conuersion to Christ and to his mercie only no vvorkes vvhich they had before in their incredulity deseruing any such thing though their vvorkes aftervvard proceding of faith and grace doe merite heauen 33. O depth The Apostle concludeth that no man ought to search further into Gods secrete and vnsearcheable counsels of the vocation of the Gentils and reiecting the Ievves othervvise then this that al vvhich be reiected for their sinnes be iustly reiected and al that be saued by Gods great mercie and Christs grace be saued And vvhosoeuer seeketh among the people to spred contagion of curiosity by seeking further after things 〈◊〉 mans Angels reache they ouerreache ouerthrovv them selues If thou vvilt be saued beleeue obey the Church feare God and keepe his commaundements that is thy part and euery mans els Thou maist not examine vvhether thou be predestinate or reprobate nor seeke to knovv the vvaies of Gods secrete iudgement tovvard thy self or other men It is the common enemy of our soules that in this vnhappy time hath opened blasphemous tongues and directed the proude pennes of Caluin Beza Verone and such reprobates to the discussing of such particulars to the perdition of many a simple man and specially of young Scholers in Vniuersities which with lesse studie may learne to be provvd and curious then to be humble wise and obedient CHAP. XII He exhorteth them to mortification of the body 2 to renouation of the minde 3 to keeping of vnitie by humilitie ● to the right vsing of their gifts and functions
that are in dispersion greeting ✝ verse 2 Esteeme it my brethren al ioy vvhen you shal fall into diuers tentatiōs ✝ verse 3 knovving that * the probatiō of your faith vvorketh patience ✝ verse 4 And let patience haue a perfect vvorke that you may be perfect entire failing in nothing ✝ verse 5 But if any of you lacke vvisedom let him aske of God who giueth to al men aboundantly and vp braideth not and it shal be giuen him ✝ verse 6 But * let him ● aske in faith nothing doubting for he that doubteth is like to a vvaue of the sea vvhich is moued caried about by the vvinde ✝ verse 7 therfore let not that man thinke that he shal receiue any thing of our Lord. ✝ verse 8 A man double of minde is inconsant in al his vvaies ✝ verse 9 But let the humble brother glorie in his exaltation ✝ verse 10 and the riche in his humilitie because * as the floure of grasse shal he passe ✝ verse 11 for the sunne rose vvith heate parched the grasse and the floure of it fel avvay and the beautie of the shape thereof perished so the riche man also shal vvither in his vvaies ✝ verse 12 Blessed is the man suffereth tentation for vvhen he hath been proued he shal receiue the crovvne of life vvhich God hath promised to them that loue him ⊢ ✝ verse 13 ″ Let no man vvhen he is tempted say that he is tempted no man ✝ verse 14 But euery one is tempted of his ovvne cōcupiscence abstracted and allured ✝ verse 15 Aftervvard ″ concupiscence vvhen it hath cōceiued bringeth forth sinne but ″ sinne vvhen it is consummate ingendreth death ✝ verse 16 Do not erre therfore my deerest brethren ✝ verse 17 Euery best gift and euery perfect gift is from aboue descending from the Father of lightes vvith vvhom is no transmutation nor shadovving of alteration ✝ verse 18 Voluntarily hath he begotten vs by the vvord of truth that vve may be some beginning of his creature ⊢ ✝ verse 19 You knovv my deerest brethren And * let euery man be svvift to heare but slovv to speake and slovv to anger ✝ verse 20 For the anger of man vvorketh not the iustice of God ✝ verse 21 For the vvhich thing casting avvay al vncleannesse and aboundance of malice in meekenesse receiue the engraffed vvord vvhich is able to saue your soules ⊢ ✝ verse 22 But * be doers of the vvord and not hearers only deceauing your selues ✝ verse 23 For if a man be a hearer of the vvord and not a doer he shal be compared to a man beholding the countenance of his natiuitie in a glasse ✝ verse 24 For he considered him self and vvent his vvay and by and by forgat vvhat an one he vvas ✝ verse 25 But he that hath looked in ″ the lavv of perfect libertie and hath remained in it not made a forgetful hearer but a doer of the vvorke this man shal be blessed in his deede ✝ verse 26 And if any man thinke him self to be religious not bridling his tong but seducing his hart this mans religion is vaine ✝ verse 27 ″ Religion cleane and vnspotted vvith God and the Father is this to visite pupilles and vvidovves in their tribulation to keepe him self vnspotted from this vvorld ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 6. Aske in faith nothing doubting The Protestants vvould proue by this that no man ought to pray vvithout assurance that he shal obtaine that vvhich he asketh Where the Apostle meaneth nothing els but that the asker of lavvful things may not either mistrust Gods povver and hability or be in diffidence and despaire of his mercie but that our doubt be onely in our ovvne vnworthinesse or vndue asking 13. Let no man say that he is tempted of God Vve see by this that vvhen the Scriptures as in the Pater noster and other places seeme to say that God doth sometimes tempt vs or leade vs into tentation they meane not that God is any vvaies the author causer or mouer of any man to sinne but onely by permission and because by his gratious povver he keepeth not the offender from tentations Therfore the blasphemie of Heretike making God the author of sinne is intolerable See S. August ser 9. de diuers c. 9. 13. God is not a tempter of euils The Protestants as much as they may to diminish the force of the Apostles conclusion against such as attribute their euil tentations to God for other tentations God doth send to trie mens patience and proue their faith take and translate the vvord passuely in this sense that God is not tempted by our euils Vvhere more consonantly to the letter and circumstance of the vvordes before after as agreably to the Greeke it should be taken actiuely as it is in the Latin that God is no tempter to euil for being taken passiuely there is no coherence of sense to the other vvordes of the Apostle 15. Concupiscence vvhen it hath conceiued Concupiscence vve see here of it self is not sinne as Heretikes falsely teach but vvhen by any consent of the minde vve do obey or yeld to it then is sinne ingendred and formed in vs. 15. Sinne consummate ingendreth death Here vve see that not al sinne nor al consent vnto concupiscence is mortal or damnable but vvhen it is consummate that is vvhen the consent of mans minde fully and perfectly yeldeth to the committing or liking of the acte or motion vvherevnto concupiscence moueth or inciteth vs. 25. The lavv of perfect libertie The lavv of the Gospel and grace of Christ is called the lavv of libertie in respect of the yoke and burden of the old carnal ceremonies and because Christ hath by his bloud of the nevv Testament deliuered all that obey him from the seruitude of sinne and the Diuel But not as the Libertines and other Heretikes of this time vvould haue it that in the nevv Testament euery man may follovv his ovvne liking and conscience may choose vvhether he vvil be vnder the lavves and obedience of Spiritual or Temporal Rulers or no. 27. Religion cleane True religion standeth not onely in talking of the Scriptures or onely faith or Christes iustice but in puritie of life and good vvorkes specially of charitie and mercie done by the grace of Christ This is the Apostolical doctrine and far from the Heretical vanitie of this time CHAP. II. Against acception of person 10 From al and euery sinne vve must absteine hauing in al our vvordes and deedes the Iudgement before our eies vvherein vvorkes of mercie shal be required of vs 14 and onely faith shal not auaile vs. 18 And that the Catholike by his vvorkes shevveth that he hath faith vvhereas the Heretikes hath no more faith than the Diuel talke he of faith neuer so much and of iustification thereby onely by the
and in others that are partakers of the merite as of a sacrifice vvhich name it hath by a Metaphore Col. 4 14 ` ●vvil deliuer 2 Timo. 1 16. c This Linus vvas coadiutor with vnder ● Peter so counted secōd in the number of Popes The Apostle prophecied of our nevv delicate preachers Esa 30. v. 10. Vvorkes meritorious How heauen is due both of iustice and mercie It is not of vs but of Gods grace that vvorkes be meritorious Mat. 20. To such good vvorkes heauē is due to say the contrarie is to derogate from Gods grace In Ps 100 2 Corinth 8. 2. Tim. 1 9. 1. Tim. 3 2. Epimenides ⸬ He speaketh not of the Churches abstaining from meates some times vvhich is not for any vncleannes in the creatures but for chastening their bodies but he meaneth the Ievvish superstition vvho novv being Christians vvould not cease to put difference of cleane and vncleane according to their old lavv See S. Augustine Cont. Faust li. 31. c. 4. Rom. 14 20. Priests must be consecrated by Bishops only The popular election of the Cleargie taken avvay The preeminēce of a Bishop aboue a Priest To put no differēce betvvene them is Aërius heresie Heret translation Bigami excluded from holy Orders and the causes thereof The notable men of both Testamēts that liued cōtinētly from vviues Only the Protestants complaine that they haue not the gift of chastitie c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 pudicos Eph. 6 5. Col. 3 22. 1. Pet. 2 18. The Epistle at the first Masse on Christmas day and vpon the Circumcision of our Lord. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Bishops must be stout and cōmaund in Gods cause and the people must in no vvise disobey or contemne them b The Epistle at the 2 Masse on Christmas day and in the Votiue Masse of our B. Lady betvvene Christmas and Candlemas c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Tim. 1 9. ⸬ As before in the Sacrament of holy Orders 1. Tim. 4. and 2 Tim. 1 so here it is plaine that Baptisme giueth grace that by it as by an instrumental cause we be saued 1 Tim. 4. 2. Tim. 2 23. ⸬ These admonitions or correptions must be giuen to such as erre by our Spiritual Gouernours and Pastors to vvhom if they yeld not Christian men must auoid them c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 praesse Vvho is proprely an Heretike vvho is not Description or markes hovv to knovv an Heretike vit Aug. c. 1● The former markes agree to the Protestants Their bookes seruice preaching must be auoided Ep. 52. nu 7. The Church seeketh the amendement of the most obstinate Heretikes Heretikes cut them selues frō the Church ⸬ Faith and charitie commēded alwais together both necessarie to make a complete Christiā man and to iustification saluation ⸬ The dueties of charitie and mercie done to Christes prisoners are exceding acceptable to God and al good men Col. 4 9. ⸬ Al Spiritual men ought to be exceding propense and ready to procure mens pardon and recōciliation to al penitents ⸬ The great debt duetie that vve owe to such as be our spiritual parents in Christ c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Faith and beleefe in Saincts 2. Tim. 1. 1. Tim. 2. 1. Pet. 1. * Yet vvas Christ head of the Gentils also So likevvise his vicar S. Peter notwithstādīg his more peculiar Apostleship ouer the Iewes Rom. 5. Heb. 1● Heretical corruption * In the English Bible of the yer● 2579. The Epistle to the Hebrues is S. Paules The Epistle at the third masse on Christmas day Sap. 7 26. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The excellencie of Christ aboue Angels Ps 2 7. 2. reg 7 14. Ps 96 8. Ps 103 4. Ps 44 7. Ps 101 26. Ps 109 1 1. Cor. 15 25. ⸬ The holy Angels saith S. Augustine to the societie of vvhom vve aspire in this our peregrination as they haue eternitie to continue so also facilitie to knovv and felicitie to rest for they do helpe vs vvithout al difficultie because vvith their spiritual motions pure and free they labour or trauel not De Ciuis li. 11. c. 31. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The B. Sacrament a figure and yet the true body The adoratiō of Christ in the B. Sacrament c As that vvhich runneth out of a broken vessel or that rūneth by is lost c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mar. 16 20. Ps 8 5. 1 Cor. 15 Eph. 1. P●ilip 2 8. ⸬ This proueth against the Caluinists that Christ by his Passiō merited his owne glorification which they would not for shame deny of Christ but that they are at a point to deny al meritorious workes yea euē in Christ also and therfore they translate also this sentēce heretically by transposing the wordes In the Bible printed the yere 1579. Ps 21 23 Ps 17 3. Es 8 18. Ose 13 14. 1 Cor. 15 54. c The dignitie of man in that Christ tooke our nature vnto his person in Deitie and not the nature of Angels The excellencie of Christ aboue Moyses Nu. 12 7 Ps 94 8 ⸬ Faith is the ground worke of our creatiō in Christ which if we hold not fast al the building is lost Nu. 14 37. 21 23. Ps 94 11 ⸬ If the Apostle had not euidētly here shewed that the Sabboths rest was a figure of the eternal repose in heauen who durst to haue applied that Scripture of Gods rest the seuenth day to that purpose Or hovv can our Aduersaries now reprehend the like applicatiō manifoldly vsed in al holy auncient writers to the like end Gen. 2 2. Heb. 3 7. c So Iosue is called in Greeke ⸬ Whatsoeuer God threateneth by his vvord concerning the punishment of sinne and incredulitie shal be executed be the offense neuer so secrete deepe or hidden in our harts because Gods speach passeth easily and searcheth throughly euery part power and facultie of mans soul The Epistle in a Masse for the election of the Pope Scripture abused against inuocation of Saincts The Epistle for a Bishop that is a Confessor and for S. Thomas of Canterburie 2 Par. 26 18. 1 Par. 23 13. Ps 2 7. Ps 109 4. The descriptiō of a Priest and his office 3 Reg. 13. 2 Par. 26. 1 Reg. 13. The Princes temporal authoritie how far it extendeth There is a peculiar order calling of Priests of the new Testament Priests and sacrifice necessarie in the new Testament nothing derogatorie to Christs priesthod or sacrifice The difference and excellencie of Christs Priesthod Al true priests and preachers must be lawfully called thereto The dignitie function of Priesthod is not to be vsurped Christ both Priest king but his Priesthod more excellent of the two Psal 2. 109. Christ a Priest as he is man not as he is God 〈◊〉 pag. 89. The sacrifice on the Crosse vvas the principal acte of Christs priesthod Luc. 23. 46. Priests praiers more effectual Christs Priestly actions Notorious Heretical
him wel fare thee good and faithful seruant because thou hast been faithful ouer a fevv things I vvil place thee ouer many things enter into the ioy of thy lord ⊢ ✝ verse 24 And he also that had receiued the one talent came forth and said Lord I knovv that thou art a hard man thou reapest vvhere thou didst not sovv and gatherest vvhere thou stravvedst not ✝ verse 25 and being afraid I vvent and hid thy talent in the earth behold loe here thou hast that vvhich thine is ✝ verse 26 And his lord ansvvering said to him Naughtie and sloughtful seruant thou didst knovv that I reape vvhere I sovv not gather vvhere I stravved not ✝ verse 27 thou oughtest therfore to haue committed my money to the bankers and comming I might haue receiued mine ovvne ● vvith vsurie ✝ verse 28 Take ye avvay therfore the talent from him and giue it him that hath ten talents ✝ verse 29 For to * euery one that hath shal be giuen and he shal abound but from him that hath not that also vvhich ● he seemeth to haue shal be taken avvay from him ✝ verse 30 And the vnprofitable seruant cast ye out into the vtter darknesse There shal be vveeping and gnashing of teeth ✝ verse 31 And vvhen the sonne of man shal come in his maiestie and al the Angels vvith him then shal he sitte vpon the seate of his maiestie ✝ verse 32 and al nations shal be gathered together before him and he shal ● separate them one from an other as the pastor separateth the sheepe from the goates ✝ verse 33 and shal set the sheepe at his right hand but the goates at his left ✝ verse 34 Then shal the king say to them that shal be at his right hand Come ye blessed of my father possesse you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the vvorld ✝ verse 35 for I vvas an hungred and ● you gaue me to eate I vvas a thirst and you gaue me to drinke ✝ verse 36 I vvas a stranger and you tooke me in naked and you couered me sicke and you visited me I vvas in prison and you came to me ✝ verse 37 Then shal the iust ansvve● him saying Lord vvhen did vve see thee an hungred and fed thee a thirst and gaue thee drinke ✝ verse 38 and vvhen did vve see thee a stranger and tooke thee in or naked and couered thee ✝ verse 39 or vvhen did vve see thee sicke or in prison and came to thee ✝ verse 40 And the king ansvvering shall say to them Amen I say to you as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren you did it to me ✝ verse 41 Then he shal say to them also that shal be at his left hand ● Get ye avvay from me you cursed into fire euerlasting vvhich vvas prepared for the Deuil and his angels ✝ verse 42 for I vvas an hungred and you ● gaue me not to eate I vvas a thirst and you gaue me not to drinke ✝ verse 43 I was a stranger and you tooke me not in naked and you couered me not sicke and in prison and you did not visite me ✝ verse 44 Then they also shall ansvver him saying Lord vvhen did vve see thee an hungred or a thirst or a stranger or naked or sicke or in prison and did not minister to thee ✝ verse 45 Then he shal ansvver them saying Amen I say to you as long as you did it not to one of these lesser neither did you it to me ✝ verse 46 And these shal goe into punishment euerlasting but the iust into life euerlasting ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXV 1. Virgi●s These virgins fiue wise and fiue foolish signifie that in the Church militant there be good and bad which bad shal be shut out at the later day although they haue lampes that is faith as the other because their lampes are out that is their faith is dead without charity and good workes to lighten them Greg. ho. 12. 1. Lampes These lampes lighted be good workes namely of mercy and the laudable conuersation which shineth before men Aug. ep 120 c. 33. 3. Oyle This oyle is the right inward intention directing our workes to Gods glorie and not to the praise of our selues in the sight of men Aug. ep 120 c. 33. 27. With vsurie Vsurie is here taken for the lawful gaine that a man getteth by wel employing his goods When God geueth vs any talent or talents he looketh for vsurie that is for spiritual increase of the same by our diligence and industrie 29. That which he seemeth to haue He is said to haue Gods gifts that vseth them and to such an one God wil increase his giftes He that vseth them not seemeth to haue rather then ●ath them and from him God wil withdraw that which before he gaue 32. Separate Lo here is the separation for in the Church militant they liued both together As for Heretikes they went out of the Church before and separated them selues and therfore are not to be separated here as being iudged already 34. Come ye 41 get ye away It is no incongruity that God should say Goe into euerlasting fire to them that by their free wil haue repelled his mercie and to the other Come ye blessed of my father take the kingdom prepared for them that by their free wil haue receiued faith and confessed their sinnes and done penance Aug. li. 2 act cum Fel. Manich. c. 8. 35. You gaue me Hereby we see how much almes-deedes and al workes of mercy preuaile towardes life euerlasting and to blot out former sinnes Aug. in Ps 49. 42. Gaue me not He chargeth them not here that they beleeued not but that they did not good workes For such did beleeue but they cared not for good workes as though by dead faith they might haue come to heauen Aug. defid op c. 15. ad Dulcit q. 2. to 4. CHAP. XXVI To the Councel of the Iewes Iudas by occasion of Marie Magdaelens ●intmēt doth sell him for litle 17 After the Paschal lambe 26 he giueth them that bread of life promised Io. 6. in a mystical Sacrifice or Separation of his Body and Bloud 31 And that night he is after his prayer 47 taken of the Iewes men Iudas being their captaine and forsaken of the other eleuen for feare 57 is falsely accused and impiously condemned of the Iewes Councel 67 and shamefully abused of them 69 and thrise de●ied of Peter Al euen as the Scriptures and him self had often foretold verse 1 AND it came to passe vvhen IESVS had ended al these vvordes he said to his Disciples ✝ verse 2 You knovv that after tvvo dayes shal be Pasche and the Sonne of man shal be deliuered to be crucified ✝ verse 3 Then vvere gathered together the cheefe Priestes and auncients of the people into the court of the high priest vvho
Immediatly therfore I sent to thee and thou hast done vvel in comming Novv therfore al vve are present in thy sight to heare al things vvhatsoeuer are commaunded thee of the Lord. ✝ verse 34 And Peter opening his mouth said In very deede I perceiue that God is not an accepter of persons ✝ verse 35 but in euery nation he that feareth him and vvorketh iustice is acceptable to him ✝ verse 36 The word did God send to the children of Israël preaching peace by IESVS CHRIST this is Lord of al. ✝ verse 37 You knovv the vvord that hath been made through al Ievvrie for * beginning frō Galilee after the baptisme vvhich Iohn preached ✝ verse 38 IESVS of Nazareth hovv God anointed him vvith the holy Ghost and vvith povver vvho vvent through out doing good and healing al that vvere oppressed of the Deuil because God vvas vvith him ✝ verse 39 And vve are vvitnesses of al things that he did in the countrie of the Ievves and in Hierusalem vvhom they killed hanging him vpon a tree ✝ verse 40 Him God raised vp the third day and ″ gaue him to be made manifest ✝ verse 41 not to al the people but to vs vvho did eate and drinke vvith him after he rose againe from the dead ✝ verse 42 And he commaunded vs to preach to the people and to testifie that it is he that of God vvas appointed iudge of the liuing and of the dead ✝ verse 43 To him al the prophets giue testimonie that al receiue remission of sinnes by his name vvhich beleeue in him ⊢ ✝ verse 44 As Peter vvas yet speaking these vvordes the holy Ghost fel vpon al that heard the vvord ✝ verse 45 And the faithful of the Circumcision that came with Peter vvere astonied for that the grace of the holy Ghost vvas poured out vpon the Gentiles also ✝ verse 46 For they heard them speaking with tonges and magnifying God Then Peter ansvvered ✝ verse 47 Can any man forbid vvater that these should not be ″ baptized vvhich haue receiued the holy Ghost as vvel as vve ✝ verse 48 And he commaūded them to be baptized in the name of our Lord IESVS CHRIST ⊢ Then they desired him that he vvould tarie vvith them certaine daies ANNOTATIONS CHAP. X. 2. Doing many almes deedes He knevv God creator of al but that his omnipotent Sonne vvas incarnate he knevv not and in that faith he made praiers and gaue almes vvhich pleased God and by vvel doing he deserued to knovv God perfectly to beleeue the mysterie of the Incarnation and to come to the Sacrament of Baptisme So saith Venerable Bede out of S. Gregorie And S. Augustine thus li. 1 de Bapt. c. 8. Because vvhatsoeuer goodnes he had in praiers and almes the same could not profite him vnles he vvere by the band of Christian Societie and peace incorporated to the Church he is bidden to send vnto Peter that by him he may learne Christ by him he may be baptized c. Vvhereby it appeareth that such vvorkes as are done before iustification though they suffice not to saluation yet be acceptable preparatiues to the grace of iustification and such as moue God to mercie as it might appeare also by Gods like prouident mercifulnes * to the Eunuche though al such vvorkes preparatiue come of grace also othervvise they could neuer deserue at Gods hand of congruity or any othervvise tovvard iustification 9. To pray about the sixt houre The houre is specified for that there vvere certaine appointed times of praies vsed in the Lavv vvhich deuout persons according to the publike seruice in the Temple obserued also priuately and vvhich the Apostles and holy Church aftervvard both kept and increased Vvhereof thus vvriteth S. Cyprian very notably In celebrating their praiers vve finde that the three children with Daniel obserued the third sixt and ninthe houre as in Sacrament or mysterie of the holy Trinitie c. And a litle after Which spaces of houres the vvorshippers of God spiritually or mystically determining long since obserued set times to pray and aftervvard the thing became manifest that it vvas for Sacrament or mysterie that the iust so praied For at the third houre the holy Ghost descended vpon the Apostles fulfilling the grace of our Lords promis and at the sixt houre Peter going vp to the higher roome of the house vvas both by voice and signe from God instructed that al Nations should be admitted to the grace of saluation vvhereas of cleansing the Gentiles he doubted before and our Lord being crucified at the sixt houre at ninthe vvashed avvay our sinnes vvith his bloud But to vs deerly beloued beside the seasons obserued of old both the times and sacraments of praying be increased for vve must pray in the morning early that the Resurrection of our Lord may be celebrated by morning praier as of old the holy Ghost designed in the Psalme saying In the morning early vvil I stand vp to thee early in the morning vvilt thou heare my voice Tovvard the euening also vvhen the sunne departeth and the day endeth vve must of necessitie pray againe S. Hierom also vvriting of Daniels praying three times in a day saith There are three times vvherein vve must bovv our knees to God The third the sixt and the ninthe houre the Ecclesiastical tradition doth vvel vnderstand Moreouer at the third houre the Holy Ghost descended vpon the Apostles at the sixt Peter vvent vp into a higher chamber to pray at the ninthe * Peter and Iohn vvent to the Temple Againe vvriting to Eustochium a virgin and Nonne ep 22. c. 16. Though the Apostle bid vs pray alvvaies and to holy persons their very sleepe is praier yet vve must haue distinct houres of praier that if perhaps vve be othervvise occupied the very time may admonish vs of our office or duety The third sixt ninthe houre morning early and the euening no man can be ignorant of And to Demetrias ep 8. c. 8. that in the Psalmes and praier she must keepe alvvaies the third sixt ninthe houre euening midnight and morning He hath the like ep 7 c. 5. And ep 27 c. 10. he telleth hovv Paula the holy Abbesse vvith her religious Nonnes sang the Psalter in order in the morning at the third sixt ninthe houre euening midnight by midnight meaning the time of Martins therfore called Nocturnes agreably to S. Cyprian de Orat. Do. num 15 and by the morning the first houre called Prime al correspondent to the times and houres of Christs Passion as in S. Matthevv is noted c 26. 27. By al vvhich vve see hovv agreable the vse of the Churches seruice is euen at this time to the Scriptures and primitiue Church and hovv vvicked the Puritan Caluinistes be that count al such order and set seasons of praier superstition and lastly hovv insufficient and vnlike the nevv pretended Church-seruice of
that abhorrest idols thou doest sacrilege ✝ verse 23 that doest glorie in the Lavv thou by preuatication of the Lavv doest dishonour God ✝ verse 24 For the name of God through you is blasphemed among the Gentiles as it is vvriten ✝ verse 25 Circumcision in deede profiteth if thou obserue the Lavv but if thou be a preuaricátour of the Lavv thy circumcision is become prepuce ✝ verse 26 If then the prepuce ″ keepe the iustices of the Lavv shal not his prepuce be reputed for circumcision ✝ verse 27 and shal not that vvhich of nature is prepuce fulfilling the Lavv iudge thee that by the letter and circumcision art a preuaricátour of the Lavv ✝ verse 28 For not he that is in open shevv is a Ievv not that vvhich is in open shevv in the flesh is circumcision ✝ verse 29 but he that is in secrete is a Ievv and the circumcision of the hart ″ in spirit not in the letter vvhose praise is not of men but of God ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. Thou that iudgest Such as by publike authoritie either spiritual or temporal haue to punish offenders be not forbidden to iudge or condemne any for their offenses though them selues be sometimes guilty in their conscience of the same or greater yet may it be matter of aggrauating sinnes before God vvhen they vvil not repent of those offenses them selues for the vvhich they punish others but if they be open offenders them selues in the same sort for vvhich they iudge other they giue scandal and thereby aggrauate their sinnes very much Proprely here he forbiddeth to charge an other falsely or truely vvith these crimes vvhereof him self is as farre guilty or more then the other as the Ievves specially did the Gentils to vvhom he speaketh here 4. Doest thou contemne This proueth that God offereth his grace and mercie to many and by long patience and sufferance expecteth their repētance differring their punishment of purpose that they may amend and that he is not delighted in their perdition nor is the cause of their sinne but contrarievvise that they harden their ovvne hartes and of their ovvne free vvil relect his grace and contemne his benignitie 6. According to his vvorkes Though the holy Apostles special purpose be in this Epistle to commend vnto the Gentiles that trusted so much in their moral vvorkes the faith in Christ yet lest any man should thinke or gather vntruely of his vvordes that Christian mens vvorkes vvere not meritorious or the cause of Saluation he expresly vvriteth that God giueth as vvel euerlasting life and glorie to men for and according to their good vvorkes as he giueth damnation for the contrarie vvorkes And hovv so euer Heretikes fondly flee from the euidence of these places yet S. Augustine saith Life euerlasting to be rendered for good vvorkes according to this manifest Scripture God shal render to euery man according to his vvorkes 13. Not the hearers This same sentence agreable also to Christes vvordes Mat. ● 21 is the very ground of S. Iames disputation that not faith alone but good vvorkes also do iustifie Therfore S. Paul hovvsoeuer some peruersly conster his vvordes in other place meaneth the same that S. Iames. And here * he speaketh not properly of the first iustification vvhen an Infidel or il man is made iust vvho had no acceptable vvorkes before to be iustified by of vvhich kind he specially meaneth in other places of this Epistle but he speaketh of the second iustification or increase of former iustice vvhich he that is in Gods grace daily procedeth in by doing al kind of good vvorkes vvhich be iustices and for doing of vvhich he is iust in deede before God and of this kinde doth S. Iames namely treate Vvhich is directly against the Heretikes of this time vvho not only attribute nothing to the vvorkes done in sinne and infidelitie but esteeme nothing at al of al Christian mens vvorkes tovvard iustification and saluation condemning them as vncleane sinful hy pocritical Pharisaical vvhich is directly against these other Scripture and plaine blaspheming of Christ and his grace by vvhose spirit and cooperation vve doe them 13. Shal be iustified Of al other Articles deceitfully handled by Heretikes they vse most guile in this of Iustification and specially by the equiuocation of certaine vvordes vvhich is proper to al contentious vvranglers and namely in this vvord Iustifie Vvhich because they finde sometime to signifie the acquiting of a guilty man of some crime vvhere of he is in deede guilty for vvhich he ought to be condemned as by mans iudgement either of ignorance or of purpose often a very malefactor is deemed or declared and pronounced innocent they falsly make it so signifie in this place and the like vvheresoeuer man is said to be iustified of God for his vvorkes or othervvise as though it vvere said that God iustifieth man that is to say imputeth to him the iustice of Christ though he be not in deede iust or of fauour reputeth him as iust vvhen in deede he is vvicked impious and vniust Vvhich is a most blasphemous doctrine against God making him either ignorant vvho is iust and so to erre in his iudgement or not good that can loue and saue him vvhom he knovveth to be euill And a maruelous pitieful blindnes it is in the Churches Aduersaries that they should thinke it more to Gods glorie and more to the commendation of Christes iustice merites and mercie to call and count an il man so continuing for iust then by his grace and mercie to make him of an il one iust in deede and so truely to iustifie him or as the vvord doth here signifie to esteeme and approue for iust in deede him that by his grace keepeth his lavv and commaundements For that the keepers or doers of the commaundements be iust and so reputed it is plaine by the correspondence to the former vvordes Not the hearers are iust but the doers Vvherevpon S. Augustine de Sp. lit c. 26. to ● hath these vvordes When it is said The doers of the Lavv shal be iustified vvhat other thing is said then The iust shal be iustified for the doers of the Lavv verily are iust 26. Keepe the iustices If a Gentile either novv since Christ by his grace and faith or any other before Christ not of the stocke of Abraham through the Spirit of God keepe the iustices of the Lavv he is iust no lesse then if he had been outvvardl● circumcised and shal condemne the circumcised Ievv not keeping the Lavv vvithout vvhich his outvvard Sacrament can not serue him but shal be much to his condemnation that hauing the Lavv and peculiar Sacraments of God he did not keepe the Lavv nor invvardly exercise that in his hart vvhich the outvvard signe did import And al this is no more but to insinuate that true iustice is not in faith only or knovvledge of the
the one no lesse then the other guilty of damnation for original sinne vvhich vvas alike in them both And therfore vvhere iustly he might haue reprobated both he saued of mercie one Vvhich one therfore being as il and as void of good as the other must hold of Gods eternal purpose mercie and election that he vvas preferred before his brother vvhich vvas elder then him self and no vvorse them him self And his brother Esau on the other side hath no cause to complaine for that God neither did nor suffered any thing to be done towards him that his sinne did not deserue for although God elect eternally giue his first grace vvithout al merites yet he doth not reprobate or hate any man but for sinne or the foresight thereof 14. Is there iniquitie● Vpon the former discourse that of tvvo persons equal God calleth the one to mercie and leaueth the other in his sinne one might inferre that God vvere vniust and an accepter of persons To vvhich the Apostle ansvvereth that God vvere not iust nor indifferent in deede so to vse the matter vvhere grace or saluation vvere due As if tvvo men being Christened both beleeue vvel liue vvel if God should giue heauen to the one should damne the other then were he vniust partial forgetful of his promisse but respecting or taking tvvo who both be vvorthy of damnation as al are before they be first called to mercie then the matter standeth on mere mercie and of the giuers vvil and liberalitie in vvhich case partialitie hath no place As for example 1 Tvvo malefactors ' being condemned both for one crime the Prince pardoneth the one and letteth the lavv procede on the other 2 The theefe that is pardoned can not attribute his escape to his ovvne deseruings but to the Princes mercie 3 The theefe that is executed can not chalenge the Prince that he vvas not pardoned also but must acknowledge that he hath his deseruing 4 The standers by must not say that he vvas executed because the Prince vvould not pardon him for that vvas not the cause but his offense 5 If they ask further vvhy the Prince pardoned not both or executed not both the ansvver it that as mercie is a goodly vertue so iustice is necessarie and commendable 6 But if it be further demaunded vvhy Iohn rather then Thomas vvas executed or Thomas rather then Iohn pardoned ansvver that the parties being othervvise equal it hangeth merely and vvholy vpon the Princes vvil and pleasure 1 So likevvise God seing al mankind and euery one of the same in a general condemnation and masse of sinne in and by Adam deliuereth some and not othersome 2 Al that be deliuered out of that cōmon damnation be deliuered by grace and pardon through the meanes and merits of Christ 3 Such as be left in the common case of damnation can not complaine because they haue their deseruing for sinne 4 Vve may not say that such be damned because God did not pardon them but because they had siaue and therfore deserued it 5 That some should be damned and not al pardoned and other some pardoned rather then al condemned is agreable to Gods iustice mercie both vvhich vertues in Gods prouidence tovvards vs are recommended 6 That Saul should be rather pardoned them Calphas I meane vvhere tvvo be equally euil and vnderseruing that is onely Gods holy wil and appointment by vvhich many an vnworthy man getteth pardon but no good or iust or innocent person is euer damned In al this mercie of God tovvards some and iustice tovvards other some both the pardoned vvorkes by their ovvne free vvil and thereby deserue their saluation and the other no lesse by their ovvne free vvil vvithout al necessitie vvorke vvickednes them selues and only of them selues procure their ovvne damnation Therfore no man may vvithout blasphemie say or can truely say that he hath nothing to doe tovvards his owne saluation but vvil liue and thinketh he may liue vvithout care or cogitation of his end the one vvay or the other saying If I be appointed to be saued be it so if I be one designed to damnation I can not helpe the matter come vvhat come may Al these speaches and cogitations are sinful come of the enemie and be rather signes of reprobation then of election Therfore the good man must vvithout searche of Gods secretes vvorke his ovvne saluation and as S. Peter saith make his election sure by good vvorkes vvith continual hope of Gods mercie being assured that if he beleeue vvel and doe vvel he shal haue vvel for example if a husband man should say If God vvil I shal haue corne ynough if not I can not make it and so neglect to till his ground he may be sure that he shal haue none because he wrought not for it An other man vseth his diligence in tilling and ploughing and committeth the rest to God he findeth the fruite of his labours 16. Not of the vviller If our election calling or first comming to God lay vvholy or principally vpon our ovvne vvil or vvorkes or if our vvilling or endeuouring to be good vvould serue vvithout the helpe and grace of God as the Pelagians taught then our election vvere vvholy in our selues vvhich the Apostle denieth and then might Pharao and other indurate persons vvhom God hath permitted to be obstinate to shevv his povver and iust iudgement vpon them be conuerted vvhen them selues lift vvithout Gods helpe and assistance vvhereas vve see the contrarie in al such obstinate offenders vvhom God for punishment of former sinnes visiteth not vvith his grace that by no threates miracles nor persuation they can be conuerted Vvherevpon vve may not vvith Heretikes inferre that man hath not free vvil or that our vvill vvorketh nothing in our conuersion or comming to God but this onely that our vvilling or vvorking of any good to our saluation commeth of Gods special motion grace and assistance and that it is the secondary cause not the principall 17. To this purpose haue I raised He doth not say that he hath of purpose raised or set him vp to sinne or that he vvas the cause of the same in Pharao or that he intended his damnation directly or absolutely or any othervvise but in respect of his demerits but rather as the Apostle saith straight after in this chapter of such hardened obstinate offenders that he vvith long patience toleration expected his conuersion and as S. Chrysostome interpreteth this vvord Excitaui preserued him aliue to repent vvhom he might lustly haue condemned before In the 9 of Exodus vvhence this allegation is vve reade Posui●e I haue put or set thee vp as here I haue raised thee that is to say I haue purposely aduanced thee to be so great a king and chosen thee out to be a notorious example both of the obdurate obstinacie that is in such vvho I haue for so great sinne forsaken and
other but not al that suffer persecution be holy as al malefactors The Church and Catholike Princes persecute heretikes and be persecuted of them againe as S. Augustine often declareth See ep 48. 13. Prosper Though heresies and the authors of them be after a while discouered by litle and litle forsaken generally of the honest discrete and men careful of their owne saluation yet their authors and other great sinners proceede from one errour and heresie to an other and finally to plaine Atheisme and al Diuelish disorder 16. Al Scripture Besides the Apostles teaching and tradition the reading of holy Scriptures is a great defense and helpe of the faithful aud specially of a Bishop not onely to auoid and condemne al heresies but to the guiding of a man in al iustice good life and vvorkes Vvhich commendation is not here giuen to the bookes of the new Testament onely vvhereof he here speaketh not as being yet for a great part not vvritten but to the Scripture of the old Testament also yea and to euery booke of it For there is not one of them nor any part of them but it is profitable to the end aforesaid if it be read and vnderstood according to the same Spirit vvherewith it vvas vvritten The Heretikes vpon this commendation of holy Scriptures pretend very simply in good sooth that therfore nothing is necessarie to iustice and saluation but Scriptures As though euery thing that is profitable or necessarie to any effect excluded al other helpe and vvere onely ynough to attaine the same By vvhich reason a man might as vvel proue that the old Testament vvere ynough and so exclude the new or any one peece of al the old and thereby exclude the rest For he affirmeth euery Scripture to haue the foresaid vtilities and they might see in the very next line before that he requireth his constant perseuêrance in the doctrine vvhich he had taught him ouer and aboue that he had learned out of the Scriptures of the old Testament vvhich he had read from his infancie but could not thereby learne al the mysteries of Christian religion therein Neither doth the Apostle affirme here that he had his knowledge of Scriptures by reading onely vvithout helpe of maisters and teachers as the Aduersaries herevpon to committe the holy Scriptures to euery mans presumption do gather but affirmeth onely that Timothee knevv the Scriptures and therfore had studied them by hearing good readers and teachers as S. Paul him self did of Gamaliel and the like and as al christian students doe that be trained vp from their youth in Catholike vniuersities in the studie of Diuinitie CHAP. IIII. He requireth him to be earnest vvhile he may because the time vvil come vvhen they vvil not abide Catholike preaching 5 and to fulfil his course as him self novv hath done 9 and to come vnto him vvith speede because the rest of his traine are dispersed and he dravveth novv to heauen verse 1 I Testifie before God and IESVS Christ vvho shal iudge the liuing and the dead and by his aduent and his kingdom ✝ verse 2 Preach the vvord vrge in season out of season reproue beseeche rebuke in al patience and doctrine ✝ verse 3 For ″ there shal be a time vvhen they vvil not beare ●ound doctrine but according to their ovvne desires they vvil heape to them selues maisters hauing itching eares ✝ verse 4 and from the truth certes they vvil auert their hearing and to fables they vvil be conuerted ✝ verse 5 But be thou vigilant labour in al things doe the vvorke of an Euangelist fulfil thy ministerie Be sober ✝ verse 6 For I am euen novv to be sacrificed the time of my resolutiō is at hand ✝ verse 7 I haue fought a good fight I haue consummate my course I haue kept the faith ✝ verse 8 Concerning the rest there is laid vp for me ″ a crovvne of iustice vvhich our Lord vvil render to me in that day a iust iudge and not only to me but to them also that loue his comming ⊢ ✝ verse 9 Make hast to come to me quickly ✝ verse 10 For Demas hath left me louing this vvorld and is gone to Thessalonica Crescens into Galatia Titus into Dalmatia ✝ verse 11 * Luke only is vvith me Take Marke and bring him vvith thee for he is profitable to me for the ministerie ✝ verse 12 But Tychicus I haue sent to Ephesus ✝ verse 13 The cloke that I left at Troas vvith Carpus cōming bring vvith thee and the bookes especially the parchement ✝ verse 14 Alexander the Coppersmith hath shevved me much euil our Lord vvil revvard him according to his vvorkes ✝ verse 15 vvhom doe thou also auoid for he hath greatly resisted our vvordes ✝ verse 16 In my first ansvver no man vvas with me but al did forsake me be it not imputed to them ✝ verse 17 But our Lord stoode to me and strengthened me that by me the preaching may be accomplished and al Gentiles may heare and I was deliuered from the mouth of the lion ✝ verse 18 Our Lord ● hath deliuered ' me from al euil vvorke and vvil saue me vnto his heauenly kingdom to vvhom be glorie for euer euer Amen ✝ verse 19 Salute Prisca and Aquila and * the house of Onesiphorus ✝ verse 20 Erastus remained at Corinth And Trophimus I left sicke at Milêtum ✝ verse 21 Make hast to come before vvinter Eubûlus and Pudens and Linus and Claudia and al the brethren salute thee ✝ verse 22 Our Lord IESVS Christ be vvith thy spirit Grace be vvith you Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 3. There shal be a time If euer this time come as needes it must that the Apostle foresavv and foretold novv it is vndoubtedly for the properties fall so iust in euery point vpon our nevv Maisters and their Disciples that they may seeme to be pourtered out rather then prophecied of Neuer vvere there such delicate Doctors that could so pleasantly clavv and so svveetly rubbe the itching eares of their hearers as these vvhich haue a doctrine framed for euery mans phamsie lust liking and desire the people not so fast crying Speake placentia things that please but the Maisters as fast vvarranting them to doe placentia 8. Acrovvne of iustice This place conuinceth for the Catholikes that al good vvorkes done by Gods grace after the first iustification be truely and properly meritorious and fully vvorthy of euerlasting life and that therevpon heauen is the due and iust stipend crovvne or recompense vvhich God by his iustice ovveth to the persons so vvorking by his grace for he rendreth or repaieth heauen as a iust iudge and not onely as a merciful giues and the crovvne vvhich he paieth is not onely of mercie or fauour or grace but also of iustice It is his merciful fauour and grace that vve vvorke vvel merite heauen it is his iustice for those merites to giue vs
in state of saluation and being chastised for their fault in the next life vvere deliuered by Christs descending thither and not they onely but al others in the like conditiō For the Apostle giueth these of Noes time but for an example 21. Of the like forme The vvater bearing vp the Arke from sinking and the persons in it from drowning vvas a figure of Baptisme that likewise saueth the vvorthie receiuers from euerlasting perishing As Nee saith S. Augustine vvith his vvas deliuered by the vvater and the vvood so the familie of Christ by Baptisme signed vvith Christs Passion on the Crosse Li. 12. Cont. Faustum c. 14. Againe he saith that as the vvater saued none out of the Arke but vvas rather their destruction so the Sacrament of Baptisme receiued out of the Catholike Church at Heretikes or Schismatikes hands though it be the same vvater and Sacrament that the Catholike Church hath yet profiteth none to saluation but rather vvorketh their perdition Vvhich yet is not meant in case of extreme necessitie vvhen the partie should die vvithout the said Sacrament except he tooke it at an Heretikes or Schismatikes hand Neither is it meant in the case of infants to vvhom the Sacrament is cause of saluation they being in no fault for receiuing it at the hands of the vnfaithful though their parents and frendes that offer them vnto such to be baptized be in no small fault S. Hierom to Damasus Pope of Rome compareth that See to the Arke them that communicate vvith it to them that vvere saued in the Arke al other Schismatikes and Heretikes to the rest that vvere drowned 21. The examination of a good conscience The Apostle seemeth to allude here to the very forme of Catholike Baptisme conceining certaine interrogatories and solemne promises made of the articles of the Christian faith and of good life and of renouncing Satan and al his pompes and vvorkes vvhich no doubt hovvsoeuer the Caluinists esteeme of them are the very Apostolike ceremonies vsed in the ministration of this Sacrament See S. Denys in fine Ec. hierarchia S. Cyril li. 12 in 〈◊〉 c. 64. S. Augustine ep 23. S. Basil de Sp. sancto c. 12 and 15. S. Ambrose de ijs qui mysterijs initiantur 6. 2. 3. 4. CHAP. IIII. That they arme them selues to sinne no more after Baptisme against the tentations of the Heathen considering that the general and novv approcheth 8 specially tovvard their euen-Christians to shevv their charitie hospitalitie and grace doing al to the glorie of God 1● And as for being persecuted because they are Christians to reioyce considering the revvard that they shal haue vvith Christ and damnation that they avoid thereby verse 1 CHRIST therfore hauing suffered in the flesh be you also armed vvith the same cogitation because he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sinnes ✝ verse 2 that novv not after the desires of men but according to the vvil of God he liue the rest of his time in the flesh ✝ verse 3 For the time past sufficeth to accomplish the vvil of the Gentiles them that haue vvalked in riotousnes desires excesse of wine banketings porations and vnlavvful seruices of Idols ✝ verse 4 Vvherein they maruel blaspheming you not concurring into the same confusion of riotousnes ✝ verse 5 vvho shal render account to him vvhich is ready to iudge the liuing and the dead ✝ verse 6 For for this cause also vvas it euangelized to the dead that they may be iudged in deede according to men in the flesh but may liue according to God in the Spirit ✝ verse 7 And the end of al ●shal approche ' ✝ Be vvise therfore and vvatch in praiers ✝ verse 8 But before al things hauing mutual charitie cōtinual among your selues because * ● charitie couereth the multitude of sinnes ✝ verse 9 * Vsing hospitalitie one tovvard an other vvithout murmuring ✝ verse 10 * Euery one as he hath receiued grace ministring the same one tovvard an other as good dispensers of the manifold grace of God ✝ verse 11 If any man speake as the vvordes of God if any man minister as of the povver vvhich God administreth that in al things God may be honoured by IESVS Christ ⊢ to vvhom is glorie and empire for euer and euer Amen ✝ verse 12 My deerest thinke it not strange in the feruour vvhich is to you for a tētation as though some nevv thing happened to you ✝ verse 13 but communicating vvith the passions of Christ be glad that in the reuelation also of his glorie you may be glad reioycing ✝ verse 14 * If you be reuiled in the name of Christ you shal be blessed because that vvhich is of the honour glorie and vertue of God and the Spirit vvhich is his shal rest vpon you ✝ verse 15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a theefe or a railer or a coueter of other mens things ✝ verse 16 But if as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorifie God in this name ✝ verse 17 for * the time is ● that iudgement begin of the house of God And if first of vs vvhat shal be the end of them that beleeue not the Gospel of God ✝ verse 18 And * ● if the iust man shal scarse be saued where shal the impious and sinner appeare ✝ verse 19 Therfore they also that suffer according to the vvil of God let them commend their soules to the faithful creator in good deedes ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 9. Charitie couereth Faith onely cannot iustifie seeing that charitie also doth cause remission of sinnes And saying charitie he meaneth loue and charitable vvorkes tovvard our neighbours vnto vvhich vvorkes of mercie the Scriptures do specially attribute the force to extinguish al sinnes See S. Augustine c. 69 E●chiridij and tract 1. in ep 1. Io. ● 1. and venerable Bede vpon this place And in the like sense the holy Scriptures commonly commend vnto vs almes and deedes of mercie for redemption of our sinnes Prouerb c. 10. Ecclesiastici 12. v. 2. Danielis ● 4. v. 24. 17. That iudgement begin In this time of the new Testament the faithful and al those that meane to liue godly specially of the Clergie must first and principally be subiect to Gods chastisement and temporal afflictions vvhich are here called iudgement Vvhich the Apostle recordeth for the comfort and confirmation of the Catholike Christians vvho vvere at the time of the vvriting hereof excedingly persecuted by the heathen Princes people 18. If the iust Not that a man dying iust and in the fauour of God can afterward be in doubt of his saluation or may be reiected of God but that the iust being both in this life subiect to assaults tentations troubles and dangers of falling from God and losing their state of iustice also oftentimes to make a straite count to
and is no doubt much more novv in al Haeretikes al being precursors of that great Antichrist vvhich shal come tovvards the later end 3. That dissolueth To dissolue loose or separate IESVS a sunder vvas proper to al those old Heretikes that taught either against his Diuinitie or Humanitie or the Vnitie of his person being of two natures as Cerinthus Ebion Nestorius Eutyches Manes or Manichaeus Cerdon Apelles Apollinaris and the like And this is one place by vvhich vve may see that the common Greeke copies be not euer authentical and that our old approued translation may not alvvaies be examined by the Greeke that novv is vvhich the Protestants onely folow but that it is to be presupposed vvhen our old Latin text differeth plainely from the Greeke that in old time either al or the more approued Greeke reading was othervvise and that often the said Greeke was corrupted then or since by Heretikes or otherwise For of the Greekes S. Irenaeus li. 3. c. 18 among the Latin fathers S. Augustine tract 6. in fine S. Leo ep 10. c. 5 and Venerable Bede did reade as we doe and this reading maketh more against the said Heretikes then that vvhich the common Greeke novv hath to vvit Euery spirit that confesseth not Christ to haue come in flesh is not of God vvhich is also in effect said before vers 2. And that therfore it vvas corrupted and altered by Heretikes see the vvordes of Socrates also a Greeke vvriter very agreable to this purpose Nestorius saith he being eloquent by nature vvhich is often in Heretikes accounted him self therfore learned disdained to study the old interpreters counting him self better then them all being ignorant that in S. Iohns Catholike epistle old Greeke copies had EVERY ONE THAT DISSOLVETH IESVS IS NOT OF GOD. So saith he adding moreouer that such as vvould separate the diuinitie from the dispensation of Christs humanitie tooke out of the old copies this sense for vvhich the old expositours noted that these which would loose IESVS had corrupted this Epistle See also the Tripartite li. 12. c. 4. 6. In this vve knovv This is the most sure general marke to knovv the true spirites and prophets from the false that those vvhich be of God wil heare and obey their Apostles and lavvful pastors succeding the Apostles and submit them selues to the Church of God the other that be not of God wil not heare either Apostle pastor or Church but be their ovvne iudges 17. That vve may haue confidence Confidence called in Latin Fiducia is neither alone with faith nor a persuasion infallible that maketh a man no lesse secure and certaine of his saluation then of the things that vve are bound to beleeue as the Protestants falsely teach but it is onely a hope wel corroborated confirmed and strengthened vpon the promises and grace of God and the parties merites And the vvordes both folowing going before proue also euidently against the Protestants that our confidence and hope in the day of iudgement dependeth not onely vpon our apprehension of Christs merites by faith or vpon his grace and mercie but also vpon our conformitie to Christ in this life in charitie and good vvorkes And that is the doctrine of S. Peter vvhen he said Labour that by good vvorkes you may make sure your vocation and election and S. Paules meaning vvhen he said I haue fought a good fight there is laid vp for me a crovvne of iustice vvhich our Lord vvil render to me in that day a iust iudge 18. Feare is not in charitie The Heretikes very falsly vnderstand this place so that Christian godly men ought to haue no doubt mistrust or feare of hel and damnation Vvhich is most euidently against the Scriptures commending euery where vnto vs the awe and feare of God and his iudgements Feare him saith our Sauiour Mat. 10 that can cast body and soul into hel And Psal 118. Pearse my flesh vvith thy feare Vvhich feare of Gods iudgements caused S. Paul al good men to chastise their bodies lest they should be reprobate and damned And the vvise man for this cause affirmeth him to be happie that is euer fearful And holy Iob faith I feared al my vvorkes And the Apostle Vvith feare and trembling vvorke your saluation Vvhich kinde of feare is euen in the iustest men and most ful of charitie consisting wel with the same vertue and is called Filialis is timer because it is such as the good childe ought to haue toward his father But there is a kinde of feare vvhich standeth not with charitie and is cleane against hope also that vvhich bringeth such perplexitie and auxietie of conscience that it induceth a man to mistrust or despaire of Gods mercies That seruile feare also vvhich maketh a man often to leaue sinning and to doe the external vvorkes of iustice not for any loue or delight he hath in God or his lawes but onely for feare of damnation though it be not il in it self but very profitable as that vvhich helpeth toward the loue of God yet it standeth not with charitie neither but is daily more and more lessened and at length quite driuen out by charitie Of these kinde of feares then the Apostle speaketh and as some expound of the feare of men also of vvhich our Sauiour saith Feare not them that kil the body CHAP. V. They that loue God must loue his natural sonne IESVS and his sonnes by adoption and keepe his commaundements vvhich to the regenerate are light 4 But not vnles they continue in the Catholike faith namely of this article that IESVS is the sonne of God and therfore able to giue vs life euerlasting 14 and al our petitions 16 and our praiers for al our brethren that sinne not vnto death dying in their mortal sinnes by impenitence Last of al he vvarneth them not to communicate vvith idols verse 1 WHOSOEVER beleeueth that IESVS is Christ is borne of God And euery one that loueth him vvhich begat loueth him also vvhich vvas borne of him ✝ verse 2 In this vve knovv that vve loue the children of God vvhen as vve loue God and keepe his commaundementes ✝ verse 3 For this is the charitie of God that vve keepe his commaundements * and ″ his commaundementes are not heauy ✝ verse 4 Because al that is borne of God ouercommeth the vvorld and this is the victorie vvhich ouercommeth the vvorld our faith ✝ verse 5 Vvho is he * that ouercōmeth the vvorld but he that beleeueth that IESVS is the sonne of God ✝ verse 6 This is he that came by vvater and bloud IESVS Christ not in vvater only but in vvater and bloud And it is the Spirit vvhich testifieth that Christ is the truth ✝ verse 7 For there be ″ three vvhich giue testimonie in heauen the Father the Vvord and the Holy Ghost and these three be one ✝ verse 8 And
al these things shal be giuen you besides ✝ verse 34 Be not careful therfore for the morovv For the morovv day shal be careful for it self sufficient for the day is the euil thereof ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 1. Iustice Hereby it is playne that good werkes be iustice and that man doing them doeth iustice and is thereby iust and Iustified and not by fayth only Al which iustice of a Christian man our Sauiour here compriseth in these three workes in Almes fasting and prayers Aug. li. perf iust ● ● So that to giue almes is to doe iustice and the workes of mercie are iustice Aug. in Ps 49. v. 5. 4. Repay This repaying and rewarding of good workes in heauen often mentioned here by our Sauiour declareth that the sayd workes are meritorious and that we may doe them in respect of that reward 5. Hypocrites Hypocrisie is forbidden in al these three workes of iustice and not the doing of them openly to the glorie of God and the profite of our neighbour and our owne saluatiō for Christ before c. 5. biddeth saying Let your light so shine before men c. And in al such workes S. Gregotles rule is to be folowed The worke so to be in publike that the intention remayne in secrete Ho. 11. in Euang. c. 10. 7. Much speaking Long prayer is not forbid for Christ * him self spent whole nights in prayer and he sayth * we must pray alwayes and * the Apostle exhorteth to pray without intermission and the holy Church * from the beginning hath had her Canonical houres of prayer but idle and voluntary babling either of the heathens to their goddes or of Heretikes that by long Rhetorical prayers thinke to persuade God wheras the Collects of the Churche are most breese and most effectual See S. Augustine ep 121 c. 8 9. 10. 11. Superstantial bread By this bread so called here according to the Latin word and the Greeke we aske not only al necessarie sustenance for the body but much more al spiritual foode namely the blessed Sacrament it self which is Christ the true bread that came from heauen and the bread of life to vs that eate his bodie Cypr. de orat Do. Aug. ep 121 c. 6. 11. And therfore it is called here Supersubstantial that is the bread that passeth and excelleth al creatures Hiero. in 2. Tit. in 6. Mat. Amb. li. 5. de Sacr. 6. 4. Aug. ser 22. de verb. Do. sec Mat. S. Germanus in Theoria 12. Dettes These dettes doe signifie not only mortal sinnes but also venial as S. Augustine often teacheth and therfore euery man be he neuer so iust yet because he can not liue without venial sinnes may very truly and ought to say this prayer Aug. cont du●s ep Pelag. li. 1. ● 14. li. 21 de Ciuit. 6. 27. 13. Leade vs not S. Cypr. readeth Ne patiaris nos induci Suffer vs not to be led as S. Augustine noteth li. de ho. perseu c. 6. and so the holy Churche vnderstandeth it because God as S. Iames sayth tempteth no man though for our sinnes or for our probation and crowne he permitte vs to be tempted Beware then of Bezaes exposition vpon this place who according to the Caluinists opinion saith that God leadeth them into tentation into whom him self bringeth in Satan for to fill their harts so making God the author of sinne 14. If you forgeue This poynt of forgeuing our brother when we aske forgiuenesse of God our Sauiour repeateth agayne as a thing much to be considered and therfore commended in the parable also of the seruant that would not forgiue his felow seruant Mat. 18. 16. Fast He forbiddeth not open and publike fasts which in the * Scriptures were commaunded and proclamed to the people of God and the Niniuires by such fasting appeased Gods Wrath but to fast for vaine glorie and praise of men and to be desirous by the very face and looke to be taken for a faster that is forbidden and that is hypocrisie 20. Treasures in heauen Treasures layd vp in heauen must needes signifie not fayth only but plentiful almes and deedes of mercie and other good workes which God keeping as in a booke wil reward them accordingly as of the contrarie the Apostle sayth He that soweth sparingly shal reape sparingly 2. Cor. 9. 24. Two Masters Two religions God and Baal Christ and Caluin Masse and Communion the Catholike Churche and Heretical Conuenticles Let them marke this lesson of our Sauiour that thinke they may serue masters al times al religions Agayne these two masters doe signifie God and the world the sles he and the spirit iustice and sinne 25. Careful Prudent prouision is not prohibited but to much doubtfulnes and feare of Gods prouision for vs to whom we ought with patience to committe the rest when we haue done sufficiently for our part CHAP. VII In this third and last Chapter of his Sermon because we know not mens endes he biddeth vs beware of iudging 6 and neuerthelesse to take open dogges so he calleth them as they be 7 If these workes of iustice seeme to hard we must pray instantly to him that giueth them 12 In the conclusion he giueth one short rule of al iustice 13 and then he exhorteth with al vehemencie to the straite way both of the Catholike fayth 21 and also of good life because only fayth wil not suffise verse 1 IVDGE ″ not that you be not iudged ✝ verse 2 For * in what iudgment you iudge you shal be iudged and in what measure you mete it shal be measured to you agayne ✝ verse 3 And why seest thou the more that is in thy brothers eye and the beame that is in thine ovvne eye thou seest not ✝ verse 4 Or how sayest thou to thy brother Let me cast out the more of thine eye and behold a beame is in thine owne eye ✝ verse 5 Hypocrite cast out first the beame out of thine owne eye and then shalt thou see to cast out the more out of thy brothers eye ✝ verse 6 Giue not that which is ″ holy to dogges neither cast ye your pearles before swine lest perhaps they treade them with their feete and turning al to teare you ✝ verse 7 * Aske and it shal be giuen you seeke and you shal finde knocke and it shal be opened to you ✝ verse 8 For ″ euery one that asketh receiueth and that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shal be opened ✝ verse 9 Or vvhat man is there of you vvhom if his childe shal aske bread vvil he reach him a stone ✝ verse 10 Or if he shal aske him fish vvil he reach him a serpent ✝ verse 11 If you then being naught knovv hovv to giue good giftes to your children hovv much more vvil your father vvhich is in heauen giue good things to them that aske him ✝ verse 12 Al
of the Apostles confessing the faith and receiuing these things in other mens names Where the holy Doctors meane only that these prerogatiues were not geuen to him for his owne vse but for the good of the whole Church and to be imparted to euery vocation according to the measure of their callings and that these great priuileges geuen to Peter should not decay or die with his person but be perpetual in the Church in his successors Therfore S. Hierom to Damasus taketh this Rocke not to be Peters person only but his successors and his Chaire I saith he folowing no cheefe or principal but Christ ioyne my self to the communion of Peters chaire vpon that rocke I know the Church was built And of that same Apostolike Chaire S. August saith That same is the Rocke which the proud gates of Hel do not ouercome And S. Leo Our Lord would the Sacrament or mysterie of this gift so to pertaine vnto the office of al the Apostles that he placed it principally in blessed S. Peter the cheefe of al the Apostles that from him as from a certaine head he might poure out his giftes as it were through the whole body that he might vnderstand him self to be an aliene from the diuine mysterie that should presume to reuolt from the soliditie or stedfastnes of Peter 1● Build my Church The Church or house of Christ was only promised here to be builded vpon him which was fulfilled Io. 21 1● the foundation stone and other pillers or matter being yet in preparing and Christ him self being not only the supereminent foundation but also the founder of the same which is an other more excellent qualitie then was in Peter for which he calleth it my Church meaning specially the Church of the new Testament Which was not perfectly formed and finished and distincted from the Synagogue til whitsunday though Christ gaue Peter and the rest their commissions actually before his Ascension 18. Gates of hel Because the Church is resembled to a house or a citie the aduersarie powers also be likened to a contrarie house or towne the gates wherof that is to say the fortitude or impugnations shal neuer preuaile against the citie of Christ And so by this promis we are assured that no heresies nor other wicked attempts can preuaile against the Church builded vpon Peter which the Fathers call Peters see and the Romane Church Count saith S. Augustine the Priests from the very See of Peter and in that order of fathers consider vvho to vvhom hath succeeded that same is the rocke vvhich the proud gates of Hel do not ouercome And in an other place that is it which hath obtained the toppe of authoritie Heretikes in vaine barking round about it 19. To thee In saying to thee vvil I geue it is plaine that as he gaue the keies to him so he builded the Church vpon him So saith S. Cyprian To Peter first of al vpon vvhom our Lord built the Church and from vvhom he instituted and shevved the beginning of vnitie did he geue this povver that that should be loosed in the heauens vvhich he had loosed in earth Wherby appeareth the vaine cauil of our Aduersaries which say the Church was built vpon Peters Confession only cōmon to him and the rest and not vpon his person more then vpon the rest 19. The keies That is The authoritie or Chaire of doctrine knowledge iudgement and discretion betwene true and false doctrine the height of gouernement the power of making lawes of calling Councels of the principal voice in them of confirming them of making Canons and holesom decrees of abrogating the contrarie of ordaining Bishopes and Pastors or deposing and suspending them finally the povver to dispense the goods of the Church both spiritual and temporal Which signification of preeminent power and authoritie by the vvord keies the Scripture expresseth in many places namely speaking of Christ I haue the keies of death and Hel that is the rule And againe I vvil geue the key of the house of Dauid vpon his shoulder Moreouer it signifieth that men can not come into heauen but by him the keies signifing also authoritie to open and shut as it is said Apoc. 3. of Christ who hath the key of Dauid he shutteth and no man openeth By which wordes we gather that Peters authoritie is maruelous to whom the keies that is the power to open and shut heauen is geuen And therfore by the name of keies is geuen that supereminent power which is called in comparison of the power graunted to other Apostles Bishops aud Pastors plenitude potestatis fulnes of power Bernard lib. 2. de considerat c. 8. 19. Whatsoeuer thou shal bind Al kind of discipline and punishment of offenders either spiritual which directly is here meant or corporal so farre as it tendeth to the execution of the spiritual charge is comprised vnder the word bind Of which sort be Excommunications Anathematismes Suspensions degradations and other censures and penalties or penances enioyned either in the Sacrament of Confession or in the exterior Courtes of the Church for punishment both of other crimes and specially of heresie and rebellion against the Church and the chee●e pastors therof 19. Loose To loose is as the cause and the offenders case requireth to loose them of any the former bandes and to restore them to the Churches Sacraments and Communion of the faithful and execution of their function to pardon also either al or part of the penances enioyned or what debtes so euer man oweth to God or the Church for the satisfaction of his sinnes forgeuen Which kind of releasing or loosing is called Indulgence finally this whatsoeuer excepteth nothing that is punishable or pardonable by Christ in earth for he hath committed his power to Peter And so the validitie of Peters sentence in binding or loosing whatsoeuer shal by Christes promis be ratified in heauen Leo Ser. de Transfig Ser. 2. in anniuers-assumpt ad Pontif. Hilar. can 16. in Matth. Epiph. in Ancherato prepe initium If now any temporal power can shew their warrant out of scripture for such soueraine power as is here geuen to Peter and consequently to his successors by these wordes whatsoeuer thou shal binde and by the very keies wherby greatest soueraintie is signified in Gods Church as in his familie and houshold and therfore principally attributed and geuen to Christ * who in the scripture is said to haue the key of Dauid but here cōmunicated also vnto Peter as the name of Rocke if I say any temporal potestate can shew authoritie for the like soueraintie let them chalenge hardly to be head not only of one particular but of the whole vniuersal Church 27. Workes He saith not to geue euery man according to his mercie or their faith but according to their workes August de verb. Apost Ser. 35. And againe How should our Sauiour reward euery one according to their workes if
And al this vvas done that the scriptures of the Prophers might be fulfilled Thē the disciples al leauing him fled ✝ verse 57 But they taking hold of IESVS led him to Caiphas the high Priest vvhere the Scribes and auncients vvere assembled ✝ verse 58 And Peter folovved him a farre of euen to the court of the high Priest And going in he sate vvith the seruants that he might see the end ✝ verse 59 And the cheefe Priestes and the vvhole Councel sought false vvitnes against IESVS that they might put him to death ✝ verse 60 and they found not vvhereas many false vvitnesses had come in And last of al there came tvvo false vvitnesses ✝ verse 61 and they said * This man said I am able to destroy the temple of God and after three dayes to reedifie it ✝ verse 62 And the high Priest rising vp said to him Ansvverest thou nothing to the things vvhich these do testifie against thee ✝ verse 63 But IESVS held his peace And the high Priest said to him I adiure thee by the liuing God that thou tel vs if thou be Christ the sonne of God ✝ verse 64 IESVS saith to him Thou hast said neuertheles I say to you hereafter you shal see * the Sonne of man sitting on the right hand of the povver of God and comming in the cloudes of heauen ✝ verse 65 Then the high Priest rent his garments saying He hath blasphemed vvhat neede vve vvitnesses any further behold novv you haue heard the blasphemie ✝ verse 66 hovv thinke you But they ansvvering said He is guilty of death ✝ verse 67 Then did they spit on his face and buffeted him and other smote his face vvith the palmes of their hands ✝ verse 68 saying Prophecie vnto vs O Christ vvho is he that strooke thee ✝ verse 69 But Peter sate vvithout in the court and there came to him one ● vvenche saying Thou also vvast vvith IESVS the Galilean ✝ verse 70 But he denied before them all saying I vvot not vvhat thou sayest ✝ verse 71 And as he vvent out of the gate an other vvenche savv him and she saith to them that vvere there And this felovv also vvas vvith IESVS the Nazarite ✝ verse 72 And againe he denied vvith an othe That I knovv not the man ✝ verse 73 And after a litle they came that stoode by and said to Peter Surely thou also art of them for euen thy speache doth bevvray thee ✝ verse 74 Then he began ● to curse and to svveare that he knevve not the man And incontinent the cocke crevve ✝ verse 75 And Peter remembred the vvord of IESVS vvhich he had said Before the cocke crovv thou shalt deny me thrise And going forth ″ he vvept bitterly ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXVI 1. This wast Cost bestowed vpon Christes body then aliue being to the same not necessary seemed to the disciples lost and fruitles so the like bestowed vpon the same body if the Sacrament vpon altars or Churches seemeth to the simple lost or lesse meritorious then if the same were bestowed vpon the poore 10. Good worke Cost bestowed for religion deuotion and signification is a meritorious worke and often more meritorious then to geue to the poore though both be very good and in some case the poore are to be preferred yea * in certaine cases of necessity the Church wil breake the very cōsecrated vessels and iewels of siluer and gold and bestow them in workes of mercy But we may remember very wel and our fathers knew it much better that the poore were then best releeued when most was bestowed vpon the Church 11. Haue not We haue him not in visible maner as he conuersed on the earth with his disciples needing releefe like other poore men but we haue him after an other sort in the B. Sacrament and yet haue him truly and really the self same body Therfore he saith they should not haue him because they should not so haue him but after an other maner as when he said Luc. 24 as though he were not then with them when I was with you 20. Twelue It must needes be a great mysterie that he was to worke in the institution of the new Sacrifice by the maruelous transmutatiō of bread and wine into his body and bloud Whereas he admitted none although many present in the citie but the twelue Apostles vvhich were already taught to beleue it without contradiction Io. 6 and were to haue the administration and consecration thereof by the Order of Priesthod which also was there geuen thē to that purpose Whereas at the eating of the Paschal lambe al the familie was wont to be present ●6 He tooke bread Here at once is instituted for the continuance of the external office of Christes eternal Priesthod according to the order of Melchisedec both a Sacrifice and a Sacrament though the Scriptures geue neither of these names to this action and our Aduersaries without al reason or religion accept in a sort the one and vtterly deny the other A Sacrifice in that it is ordeined to continew the memory of Christes death and oblation vpon the Crosse and the application of the general vertue thereof to our particular necessities by cōsecrating the seueral ●lemēts not into Christes whole person as it was borne of the virgin or now is in heauen but the bread into his body apart as betrayed broken and geuen for vs the wine into his bloud apart as shed out of his body for remission of sinnes and dedication of the new Testament which be conditions of his person as he was in sacrifice and oblation In which mystical and vnspeakable maner he would haue the Church to offer and sacrifice him daily and he in mysterie and Sacrament dyeth though now not only in heauen but also in the Sacramēt he be in deede per Concomitantia● as the Church calleth it that is by sequele of al his partes to ech other whole aliue and immortal Which point because ou● Aduersaries vnderstand not not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God they blaspheme and abuse the people to their damnation It is also a Sacrament in that it is ordeined to be receiued into our bodies and to feede the same to resurrection and immortality and to geue grace and saluation to our soules if we worthely receiue it 26. Blessed Our Aduersaries for the two wordes that are in Greeke and Latin benedixit and gratias egit he blessed he gaue thankes vse only the later of purpose to signifie that Christ blessed not nor consecrated the bread and the wine and so by that blessing wrought any effect vpon them but gaue thankes only to his father as we doe in saying grace But the truth is that the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth properly to blesse and is referred to the thing that is blessed as Luc. 9 of the fishes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 benedixit eis he blessed them and
vision in the temple And he made signes to them and remained dumme ✝ verse 23 And it came to passe after the daies of his office vvere expired ″ he departed into his house ✝ verse 24 And after these daies Elizabeth his vvife conceiued and hid her self fiue moneths saying ✝ verse 25 For thus hath our Lord done to me in the daies vvherein he had respect to take avvay my reproche among men ✝ verse 26 And in the sixt moneth the Angel Gabriel vvas sent of God into a citie of Galilee called Nazareth ✝ verse 27 * to a virgin despoused to a man vvhose name vvas Ioseph of the house of Dauid and the virgins name vvas MARIE ✝ verse 28 And the Angel being entred in said vnto her ″ HAILE ″ ful of grace our Lord is vvith thee blessed art thou among vvomen ✝ verse 29 Vvho hauing heard vvas troubled at his saying and thought vvhat maner of salutation this should be ✝ verse 30 And the Angel said to her Feare not MARIE for thou hast found grace vvith God ✝ verse 31 * Behold thou shalt conceiue in thy vvombe and shalt beare a sonne and thou shalt call his name IESVS ✝ verse 32 he shal be great and shal be called the sonne of the most High and our Lord God shal giue him the seate of Dauid his father ✝ verse 33 * and he shal reigne in the house of Iacob for euer and of his kingdom there shal be no end ✝ verse 34 And MARIE said to the Angel Hovv shal this be done ″ because I knovv not man ✝ verse 35 And the Angel ansvvering said to her The Holy Ghost shal come vpon thee and the povver of the most High shal ouershadovv thee And therfore also that vvhich of thee shal be borne Holy shal be called the sonne of God ✝ verse 36 And behold ″ Elisabeth thy cosin she also hath conceiued a sonne in her old age and this moneth is the sixt to her that is called barren ✝ verse 37 because there shal not be impossible vvith God any vvord ✝ verse 38 And MARIE said BEHOLD the handmaid of our Lord be it done to me according to thy word ⊢ And the Angel departed from her ✝ verse 39 And MARIE rising vp in those daies vvent vnto the hil countrie vvith speede into a citie of Iuda ✝ verse 40 and she entred into the house of Zacharie and saluted Elisabeth ✝ verse 41 And it came to passe as Elisabeth heard the salutation of MARIE the infant did leape in her vvombe and Elisabeth vvas replenished vvith the Holy Ghost ✝ verse 42 and she cried out vvith a loude voice and said ″ BLESSED art thou among vvomen and blessed is the fruite of thy vvombe ✝ verse 43 And vvhence is this to me that the ″ mother of my Lord doth come to me ✝ verse 44 For behold as the voice of thy salutation founded in mine eares the infant in my vvombe did leape for ioy ✝ verse 45 And blessed is she that beleeued because those things shal be accomplished that vvere spokē to her by our Lord. ✝ verse 46 And MARIE said MY SOVLE doth magnifie our Lord. ✝ verse 47 And my spirit hath reioyced in God my Sauiour ⊢ ✝ verse 48 Because he hath regarded the humilitie of his handmaid for behold from hence forth al generations ″ shal call me blessed ✝ verse 49 Because he that is mightie hath done great things to me and holy in his name ✝ verse 50 And his mercie from generation vnto generations to them that feare him ✝ verse 51 He hath shevved might in his arme he hath dispersed the proude in the conceit of their hart ✝ verse 52 He hath deposed the mightie from their seate and hath exalted the humble ✝ verse 53 The hungrie he hath filled vvith good things and the riche he hath sent avvay emptie ✝ verse 54 He hath receiued Israel his childe being mindeful of his mercie ✝ verse 55 As he spake to our fathers to Abraham and his seede for euer ✝ verse 56 And MARIE taried vvith her about three moneths and she returned into her house ✝ verse 57 And Elisabeths ful time vvas come to be deliuered and she bare a sonne ✝ verse 58 And her neighbours and kinsfolke heard that our Lord did magnifie his mercie vvith her and they did congratulate her ✝ verse 59 And it came to passe on the eight day they came to circumcise the childe and they called him by his fathers name Zacharie ✝ verse 60 And his mother ansvvering said Not so but he shal be called Iohn ✝ verse 61 And they said to her That there is none in thy kinred that is called by this name ✝ verse 62 And they made signes to his father vvhat he vvould haue him called ✝ verse 63 And demaunding a vvriting table he vvrote saying * Iohn is his name And they al marueled ✝ verse 64 And forthvvith his mouth vvas opened and his tonge and he spake blessing God ✝ verse 65 And feare came vpon al their neighbours and al these things vvere bruited ouer al the hil-countrie of Ievvrie ✝ verse 66 and all that had heard laid them vp in their hart saying what an one trovv ye shal this childe be For the hand of our Lord vvas vvith him ✝ verse 67 And Zacharie his father vvas replenished vvith the Holy Ghost and he prophecied saying ✝ verse 68 BLESSED BE OVR LORD God of Israel because he hath visited and vvrought the redemption of his people ⊢ ✝ verse 69 And hath erected the horne of saluation to vs in the house of Dauid his seruant ✝ verse 70 As he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets that are from the beginning ✝ verse 71 Saluation from our enemies and from the hand of al that hate vs ✝ verse 72 To vvorke mercie vvith our fathers and to remember his holy testament ✝ verse 73 * The othe vvhich he svvare to Abraham our father ✝ verse 74 that he vvould giue to vs That vvithout feare being deliuered from the hand of our enemies vve may serue him ✝ verse 75 In holines and ″ iustice before him al our daies ✝ verse 76 And thou childe shalt be called the Prophet of the Highest for * thou shalt goe before the face of our Lord to prepare his vvaies ✝ verse 77 To giue knovvledge of saluation to his people vnto remission of their sinnes ✝ verse 78 Through the bovvels of the mercie of our God in vvhich ″ the * Orient from on high hath visited vs ✝ verse 79 To illuminate them that sit in darkenes and in the shadovv of death to direct our feete into the vvay of peace ✝ verse 80 And the childe grew and vvas strengthened in spirit and vvas in the deserts vntil the day of his manifestatiō to Israel ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 3. Hauing diligently atteined Hereby vve see that though the
such grace and mercy as also on the other side to shevv hovv readily the Gentiles in so many Nations vvere conuerted by one Apostle onely vvho From Hierusalem euen to Illy●icum replenished the Gospel of Christ And this parting of the vvorke so made by S. Peter vvith the rest doth S. Paul him selfe touche That vve vnto the Gentiles and they vnto the Circuncision Neuerthelesse before his cōming to Rome not onely vvas the Church come to Rome as it is euident Act. the last chap. there plāted by S. Peter and others as likevvise by S. Peter it vvas planted in the first Gentils before that S. Paul began the taking of it avvay from the multitude of the Ievves and the translating of it to the multitude of the Gentils but also so not able vvas the same Church of Rome that S. Paul vvriting his Epistle to the Romanes before he came thither saith Your faith is renovvmed in the vvhole vvorld and therefore they vvith the rest of the Gentiles be that Nation vvhereof Christ told the Ievves saying The Kingdom of God shal be taken avvay from you shal be giuē to a Nation yelding the fruites thereof As before vve noted the Gospels as they are read both at Mattins and Masse through out the yere in their conuenient time and place so the bookes folovving as also the bookes of the old Testament are read in the said Seruice of the Church for Epistles and Lessons in their time place as hereafter shal be noted in euery of them See the very same order and custome of the primitiue Church in S. Ambrose ep 33. S. Augustine Serm. de Tempore 139 140 141 144. S. Leo Ser. 2 4 de Quadrag Ser. 13 19 de Pass Domini S. Gregorie in his 40 homilies vpon the Gospels THE ACTES OF THE APOSTLES CHAP. I. Christ novv ready to ascend biddeth the Apostles to expect the Holy Ghost vvhich he had promised foretelling vvhere being strengthened by him they should begin his Church and hovv far they should cary it 9 After his Ascension they are vvarned by tvvo Angels to set their mindes vpon his second comming 14 In the daies of their expectation 15 Peter beginneth to execute his vicarship giuing instruction and order by vvhich Mathias is elected Apostle in the place of Iudas verse 1 THE * first treatise I made of al things O Theophilus vvhich IESVS began to doe and to teache ✝ verse 2 vntil the day vvherein ″ giuing commaundement by the holy Ghost to the Apostles vvhom he chose he vvas assumpted ✝ verse 3 to vvhō he shevved also him self aliue after his passion in many arguments for fourtie daies appearing to them speaking of the kingdom of God ✝ verse 4 And eating vvith them * he commaunded them that they should not depart from Hierusalem but should expect the promisse of the Father vvhich you * haue heard saith he by my mouth ✝ verse 5 for Iohn in deede baptized vvith vvater but * you shal be baptized vvith the holy Ghost after these fevv daies ● ✝ verse 6 They therfore that vvere assembled asked him saying Lord whether at this time vvilt thou restore the kingdom to Israel ✝ verse 7 but he said to them ″ It is not for you to knovv times or moments vvhich the Father hath put in his ovvne povver ✝ verse 8 but you shal receiue the * vertue of the holy Ghost comming vpon you and you shal be vvitnesses vnto me in Hierusalem and in al Ievvrie and Samaria and euen to the vtmost of the earth ✝ verse 9 And * vvhen he had said these things in their sight he vvas eleuated and a cloud receiued him out of their sight ✝ verse 10 And vvhen they beheld him going into heauen behold tvvo men stoode beside them in vvhite garments ✝ verse 11 vvho also said Ye men of Galilee vvhy stand you looking into heauen This IESVS vvhich is ″ assumpted from you into heauen shal so come as you haue seen him going into heauen ⊢ ✝ verse 12 Then they returned to Hierusalem from the mount that is called Oliuet vvhich is by Hierusalem distant a Sabboths iourney ✝ verse 13 And vvhen they vvere entred in they vvent vp into an vpper chamber vvhere abode Peter Iohn Iames and Andrevv Philippe and Thomas Bartholomevv and Mathevv Iames of Alphaeus and Simon Zelótes and Iude of Iames. ✝ verse 14 Al these vvere perseuéring vvith one minde in praier vvith the vvomen and ″ MARIE the mother of IESVS and his brethren ✝ verse 15 In those daies ″ Peter rising vp in the middes of the brethren said and the multitude of persons together vvas almost an hundred and tvventie ✝ verse 16 You men brethren * the scripture must be fulfilled vvhich the holy Ghost spake before by the mouth of Dauid concerning Iudas vvho vvas the * captaine of them that apprehended IESVS ✝ verse 17 vvho vvas numbred among vs and obteined the lot of this ministerie ✝ verse 18 And he in deede hath possessed a * field of the revvard of iniquitie and being hanged he burst in the middes and al his bovvels gushed out ✝ verse 19 And it vvas made notorious to al the inhabitants of Hierusalem so that the same field vvas called in their tonge Hacel-dema that is to say the field of bloud ✝ verse 20 For it is vvritten in the booke of Psalmes Be their habitation made desert and be there none to dvvel in it And his Bishoprike let another take ✝ verse 21 Therfore of these men that haue assembled vvith vs al the time that our Lord IESVS vvent in and vvent out among vs ✝ verse 22 beginning from the baptisme of Iohn vntil the day vvherein he vvas assumpted from vs there must one of these be made a vvitnes vvith vs of his resurrection ✝ verse 23 And they appointed tvvo Ioseph vvho vvas called Barsabas vvho vvas surnamed Iustus and Mathias ✝ verse 24 And praying they said Thou Lord that knovvest the harts of al men shevv of these tvvo one vvhom thou hast chosen ✝ verse 25 to take the place of this ministerie and Apostleship from the vvhich Iudas hath preuaricated that he might goe to his ovvne place ✝ verse 26 And they gaue them ″ lottes and the lot fel vpon Mathias and he vvas numbered vvith the eleuen Apostles ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 2. Giuing commaundement He meaneth the power giuen them to preach to baptize to remit sinnes and generally the whole commission and charge of gouernement of the Church after him and in his name steede and right the which Regiment was giuen them together with the Holy Ghost to assist them therein for euer 7. It is not for you It is not for vs nor needful for the Church to know the times moment of the world the comming of Antichrist and such other Gods secretes This is ynough in that
to helpe the neede of the Christians in Hierusalem vvhereof he speaketh 1. Cor. 16 And concerning the collections that are made for the saincts as I haue ordeined to the Churches of Galatia so doe you also By vvhich vvordes also it is euident that the Corinthians had not at then made their gathering But vvhen he vvrote the Second to them vvhere in the 11 Chapter he maketh mention of 14 yeres not onely after his Conuersion as to the Galatians but also after his Rapte vvhich seemeth to haue bene vvhen he vvas at Hierusalem Act. 9. foure yeres after his Conuersion in a traunce as he calleth it Act. 22 17 then vvere they readie For so he saith 2. Cor. 8 You haue begone from the yere past and 2. Cor. 9 For the vvhich I doe glorie of you to the Macedonians that also Achaia is ready from the yere past hovvbeit it folovveth theire But I haue sent the brethren that as I haue said you may be ready lest vvhen the Macedonians come vvith me and find you vnready vve be ashamed But vvhen he vvrote to the Romanes then vvas he novv come to Corinth for the purpose and had receiued theire contribution and vvas readie to goe vvith it vnto Hierusalem For so he saith Rom. 15. Novv therfore I vvil goe vnto Hierusalem to minister to the saincts For Macedonia and Achaia haue liked vvel to make some cōtribution vpō the poore saincts that are in Hierusalem So then the Epistle to the Romanes vvas not the first that he vvrote But yet it is and alvvaies vvas set first because of the primacie of that Church for vvhich cause also he handleth in it such matters as perteined not to them alone but to the vniuersal Church and specially to al the Gentiles to vvit the very frame as it vvere of the Church of Christ Tanquam enim pro ipso Domino legatione fungens hoc est pro lapide angulari vtrumque populum tam ex Iudais quàm ex Gentibus connectis in Christo per vinculum gratiae so saith S. Augustine giuing vs briefly the arguments in english thus As being a legate for our Lord him self that is for the corner stone he knitteth together in Christ by the bād of Grace both peoples as vvel of the Ievves as of the Gentils Shevving that neither of them had in their Gentilitie or Iudaisme any vvorkes to bragge of or to chalenge to them selues iustificatiō or saluation thereby but rather sinnes they had to be sorie for and to humble themselues to the faith of Christ that so they might haue remission of them and strength to doe meritorius vvorkes aftervvard In vvhich sort because the Gentils did humble them selues therefore had they found mercy though they neuer vvist of the Lavv of Moyses But the Ievves because they stoode vpon their ovvne vvorkes vvhich they did by their ovvne strength vvith the knovvledge of the Lavv being therefore also called the vvorkes of the Lavv so would not humble themselues to beleeue in Christ crucified they missed of mercy and became reprobate excepting a few Reliquiae that God of his goodnes had reserued to himself Hovvbeit in the end vvhen the fulnes of the Gentils is come into the Church then shal the fulnes of the Ievves also open their eies acknowledge their errour and submit themselues to Christ and his Church in like maner In the meane time those that haue found the grace to be Christians he exhorteth to perseuerāce as it vvas specially needeful in those times of persecutions and to leade their whole life now after Baptisme in good workes and to be careful of vnitie bearing therefore one with an other both Iew and Gentil al that they may and geuing no offence to them that are weake Thus he disputeth and thus be exhorteth through the whole Epistle though if we wil diuide it by that which is principal in ech parte vve may say that vnto the 12 chapter is his disputation and from thence to the end his exhortation Novv in those points of faith and in al others as also in example of life the commendation that he giueth to the Church of Rome is much to be noted Your faith is renoumed in the vvhole vvorld and your obediēce is published into euery place I reioyce therfore in you And againe you haue obeied from the hart vnto that forme of doctrine vvhich hath been deliuered to you And therevpon againe I desire you brethren to marke them that make dissensions and scandals contrarie to the doctrine vvhich you haue learned and auoide them For such doe not serue Christ our Lord but theire ovvne belly and by svveete speaches ad benedictions seduce the harts of innocents Therfore to shunne Luther and Caluin and al their crewes vve haue iust reason and good vvarrant They make dissensions and scandals against the doctrine of the Romane Church Let no man therefore be seduced by their sugred vvordes THE EPISTLE OF PAVL THE APOSTLE TO THE ROMANES CHAP. I. The foundation of his Apostleship being laid 〈◊〉 he highly commendeth the Romanes and protesteth his affection tovvardes them and so cōming to the matter saith our Christian Catholike doctrine that teacheth al to beleeue to be the vvay to saluation 118 because the Gentiles first of al could not be saued by their Philosophie vvhereby they knevv God for so much as they did not serue him but Idol●● he therfore iustly permitting them to fall into al kind of most damnable sinne verse 1 PAVL the seruant of IESVS CHRIST called to be an Apostle * separated into the Gospel of God ✝ verse 2 vvhich before he had promised by his Prophets in the holy Scriptures ✝ verse 3 of his sonne vvho vvas made to him of the seede of Dauid according to the flesh ✝ verse 4 vvho vvas predestinate the sonne of God in povver according to the spirit of sanctification by the resurrectiō of our Lord IESVS CHRIST from the dead ✝ verse 5 by vvhom vve haue receiued grace and Apostleship for obedience to the faith in al Nations for the name of him ✝ verse 6 among vvhom are you also the called of IESVS CHRIST ⊢ ✝ verse 7 to al that are at Rome the beloued of God called to be saincts Grace to you and peace from God our father and our Lord IESVS CHRIST ✝ verse 8 First I giue thankes to my God through IESVS CHRIST for al you because ″ your faith is renoumed in the vvhole vvorld ✝ verse 9 For God is my vvitnes vvhom I serue ″ in my spirit in the Gospel of his Sonne that vvithout intermission I make ″ a memorie of you ✝ verse 10 alvvaies in my praiers beseeching if by any meanes I may sometime at the length haue a prosperous iourney by the vvil of God to come vnto you ✝ verse 11 For I desire to see you that I may imparte vnto you some spiritual grace to confirme you ✝
Lavv or in the name either of Ievv or Christian but in doing good vvorkes and keeping the Lavv by Gods grace 29. In spirit not letter The outvvard ceremonies Sacraments threates and commaundements of God in the Lavv are called the letter the invvard vvorking of God in mens hart and enduing him vvith faith hope and charitie and vvith loue liking vvil and abilitie to keepe his commaundements by the grace and merites of Christ are called the spirit In vvhich sense the carnal Ievv vvas a Ievv according to the letter and he vvas circumcised after the letter but the true beleeuing Gentil obseruing by Gods grace in hart and in Gods sight that vvhich vvas meant by that carnal signe is a Ievv according to the spirit and iustified by God Of the spirit and letter S. Augustine made a famous vvorke very necessarie for the vnderstanding of this Epistle CHAP. III. He graunteth that the Ievves did passe the Heathen Gentils in Gods benefits 9 but not in their ovvne vvorkes concluding that he hath shevved both Ievv and Gentil to be sinners 18 and therfore inferring that there must be some other vvay to Saluation indifferent to both vvhich is to beleeue in IESVS CHRIST that for his sake their sinnes may be forgiuen them verse 1 WHAT preeminence then hath the Ievv or what is the profit of circumcision ✝ verse 2 Much by al meanes First surely because the vvordes of God vvere cōmitted to them ✝ verse 3 for vvhat if certaine of them haue not beleeued Hath their incredulitie made the faith of God frustrate ✝ verse 4 God forbid but * God is true * euery man a lyer as it is vvritten That thou maiest be iustified in thy vvordes and ouercome vvhen thou art iudged ✝ verse 5 But ″ if our iniquitie commend the iustice of God vvhat shal vve say Is God vniust that executeth vvrath I speake according to man ✝ verse 6 God forbid othervvise hovv shal God iudge this vvorld ✝ verse 7 For if the veritie of God hath abounded in my lie vnto his glorie vvhy am I also yet iudged as a sinner ✝ verse 8 and not as vve are blasphemed and as some report vs to say let vs doe euil that there may come good vvhose damnation is iust ✝ verse 9 Vvhat then do vve excel them No not so For vve haue argued the Ievves and the Greekes al to be vnder sinne ✝ verse 10 as it is vvritten That ″ there is not any man iust ✝ verse 11 there is not that vnderstandeth there is not that seeketh after God ✝ verse 12 Al haue declined they are become vnprofitable together there is not that doeth good there is not so much as one ✝ verse 13 Their throte is an open sepulchre vvith their tonges they dealt deceitefully The venim of aspes vnder their lippes ✝ verse 14 Vvhose mouth is ful of malediction and bitternes ✝ verse 15 Their feete svvift to shede bloud ✝ verse 16 Destruction and infelicitie in their vvaies ✝ verse 17 and the vvay of peace they haue not knovven ✝ verse 18 There is no feare of God before their eies ✝ verse 19 And vve knovv that vvhatsoeuer the Lavv speaketh to them it speaketh that are in the Lavv that euery mouth may be stopped and al the vvorld may be made subiect to God ✝ verse 20 because * ″ by the vvorkes of the Lavv no flesh shal be iustified before him For by the Lavv is the knovvledge of sinne ✝ verse 21 But novv vvithout the Lavv ″ the iustice of God is manifested testified by the lavv and the Prophets ✝ verse 22 And the iustice of God by faith of IESVS CHRIST vnto al and vpō al that beleeue in him For there is no distinction ✝ verse 23 For al haue sinned and doe neede the glorie of God ✝ verse 24 Iustified gratis by his grace by the redemption that is in CHRIST IESVS ✝ verse 25 vvhom God hath proposed a propitiation ' by faith in his bloud to the shevving of his iustice for the remission of former sinnes ✝ verse 26 in the toleration of God to the shevving of his iustice in this time that he may be iust and iustifying him that is of the faith of IESVS CHRIST ✝ verse 27 Vvhere is then thy boasting it is excluded by vvhat lavv of deedes No but by the lavv of faith ✝ verse 28 For vve account a man to be iustified ″ by faith vvithout the vvorkes of the Lavv. ✝ verse 29 Is he God of the Ievves only is he not also of the Gentiles Yes of the Gentiles also ✝ verse 30 For it is one God that iustifieth circumcision by faith and prepuce by faith ✝ verse 31 Do vve then destroy the Lavv by faith God forbid but vve do establish the Lavv. ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 5. If your iniquitie No maruel that many novv a da●es deduce false and detestable conclusions out of this Apostles high and hard vvritings seeing that S. Peter noted it in his daies and him self here confesseth that his preaching and speaches vvere then falsely misconstrued as though he ●ad taught that the Ievves and Gentils il life and incredulity had been directly the cause of Gods more mercie and that therfore sinne commeth of God to the aduancement of his glorie and consequently that men might or should doe il that good might ensue thereof Vvhich blasphemous constructions they tooke of these and the like vvordes vvhere sinne abounded there did grace more abound and The Lavv entered in that sinne might abound and our our of the Psalme 50. That thou maiest be iustified in thy vvordes and ouercome vvhen thou art iu●ged As though he meant that men do sinne to the end that God may be iustified And at al these and the like places of the Apostle though forevvarned by S. Peter and by the Apostles ovvne defense and Protestation that he neuer meant such horrible things yet the vvicked also of this time do stumble and fall But the true meaning is in al such places that God can and doth vvhen it pleaseth him conuert those sinnes vvhich man committeth against him and his commaundements to his glorie though the sinnes them selues stand not vvith his vvil intention nor honour but be directly against the same and therfore may not be committed that any good may fall for vvhat good so euer accidentally falleth it procedeth not of the sinne but of Gods mercie that can pardon and of his omnipotencie that can turne il to good And therfore against those earnal interpretations S. Paul very carefully diligently giueth reason also in this place v. 6 that it is impossible because God could not iustly punish any man nor sit in iudgement at the later day for sinne vvithout plaine iniurie if either him self vvould haue sinne committed or man might doe it to his glorie Therfore let al sincere readers of the Scriptures and specially of S.
glorie any vvhit comparable yet they vvere meritorious or vvorthy of heauen so be ours And therfore to expresse the said cōparison here he saith They art not condigne to the glorie He saith not of the glorie as the Heretikes falsly trāslate though the Scripture speaketh so also vvhen it signifieth only a cōparison as Prou. in the greeke Omne pretiosum non est illa dignū S. Augustine i●●i dignum S. Hierom non valet huic comparari that is No pretious thing is vvorthie of vvisedom or to be compared vvith it See the like Eccle. 26 20. Tob. 9 2. But vvhen the Apostle vvil expresse that they are condigne vvorthy or meritorious of the glorie he saith plainely That our tribulation vvhich presently is moment●nie and light vvorketh aboue measure excedingly an eternal vveight of gloris in vs. The valevv of Christes actions riseth not of the leingth or greatnes of them in them selues though so also they passed al mens doings but of the vvorthines o● the person And so the value of ours also riseth of the grace of our adoption vvhich maketh those actiōs that of their natures be not meritorious nor ansvverable to the ioyes of heauen in them selues to be vvorthy of heauen And they might as vvel proue that the vvorkes of sinne do not demerite damnation for sintre in deede for the quantity and nature of the vorke is not ansvverable in pleasure to the paine of Hel but because it hath a departing or au auersion from God be it neuer so short it deserueth damnation because it alvvaies procedeth from the enemy of God as good vvorkes that be meritorious procede from the childe of God 24. By hope saued That vvhich in other places he attributeth to faith is here attributed to hope for vvhensoeuer there be many causes of one thing the holy vvriters as matter is ministred and occasion giuen by the doctrine then handled sometimes referre it to one of the causes sometime to an other not by naming one alone to exclude the other as our Aduersaries captiously and ignorantly do argue but at diuers times and in sundrie places to expresse that vvhich in euery discourse could not nor needed not to be vttered In some discourse faith is to be recommended in others charitie in an other hope sometimes almes mercies els vvhere other vertues One vvhile Euery one that beleeueth is borne of God 1 Io. ● 1. An other vvhile Euery one that loueth is borne of God 1 Io. 4 7. Sometimes faith purifieth mans hart Act. 15 9. And an other time Charitie remitteth sinnes 1 Pet. 4 ● Of faith it is said The iust liueth by faith Ro. 1 17. Of charitie We knovv that vve are transferred from death to life because vve loue c. 1 Io. 3 14. 27. The Spirit desireth Arîus and Macedonius old Heretikes had their places to contend vpon against the Churches sense as our nevv Maisters novv haue They abused this text to proue the Holy Ghost not to be God because he needed not to pray or aske but he might commaund if he vvere God Therfore S. Augustine expoundeth it thus The Spirit prayeth that is causeth and teacheth vs to pray and vvhat to pray or aske August de anima eius orig li. 4 c. 9. ep 121. c. 15. 30. Whom he hath predestinated Gods eternal foresight loue purpose predestination and election of his deere children and in time their calling iustifying glorifying by Christ as al other actes and intentions of his diuine vvil and prouidence tovvardes their saluation ought to be reuerenced of al men vvith dreadful humilitie and not to be sought out or disputed on vvith presumptuous boldnes and audacitie for it is the gulfe that many proud persons both in this age and alvvaies haue by Gods iust iudgement perished in founding thereon most horrible blasphemies against Gods mercie nature and goodnes and diuers damnable errours against mans free vvil and against al good life and religion This high conclusion is here set dovvne for vs that vve may learne to knovv of vvhom vve ought to depend in al our life by vvhom vve expect our saluatiō by vvhose prouidence al our graces giftes and vyorkes do stand by vvhat an euerlasting gratious determination our redemption vvhich is in Christ IESVS vvas designed to giue God incessable thankes for our vocation and preferment to the state vve be in before the Ievves vvho deserued no better then they before the light of his mercie shining vpon vs accepted vs and reiected them But this said eminent truth of Gods eternal predestination standeth as vve are bound to beleeue vnder paine of damnation vvhether vve vnderstand hovv or no so S. Augustiue in al his diuine vvorkes vvritten of the same De gratia lib arb De corrept gratia Ad articulos falsò impositos defendeth declareth proueth and conuinceth that it doth stand I say vvith mans free vvil and the true libertie of his actions and forceth no man to be either il or good to sinne or vertue to saluation or damnatiō nor taketh avvay the meanes or nature of merites and cooperation vvith God to our ovvne and other mens saluation 38. I am sure This speache is cōmon in S. Paul according to the latin translation vvhen he had no other assured knovvledge but by hope as Ro. 15 14 2 Tim. 1 5. Heb. 6 9 Vvhere the Greeke vvord signifieth only a probable persuasion And therfore except he meane of him self by special reuelation or of the predestinate in general in vvhich tvvo cases it may stand for the certitude of saith or infallible knovvledge othervvise that euery particular man should be assured infallibly that him self should be iustified and not that onely but sure also neuer to sinne or to haue the gift of perseuêrance and certaine knovvledge of his predestination that is a most damnable false illusion and presumption condemned by the Fathers of the holy Councel of Trent Sess ● c. 9. 12. 13. With a protestation of his sorow for it lest they should thinke him to reioyce in their perdition he insinuateth the Iewes to be reprobate although they come of Abrahams flesh 6 saying to be the sonnes of God goeth not by that but by Gods grace 19 considering that al vvere one damned masse 24 by which grace the Gentils to be made his people and so the prophess to haue foretold of them both 30 And the cause hereof to be that the Gentils submit them selues to the faith of Christ vvhich the Iewes vvil not verse 1 I SPEAKE the verity in Christ I lie not my conscience bearing me vvitnes in the holy Ghost ✝ verse 2 that I haue great sadnesse continual sorovv in my hart ✝ verse 3 For I vvished my self to be an ″ anáthema from Christ for my brethren vvho are my kinsmen according to the flesh ✝ verse 4 vvho are Israëlites vvhose is the adoption of sonnes and the glorie and the
testament and the lavv giuing and the seruice and the promisses ✝ verse 5 vvhose are the fathers of vvhom Christ is according to the flesh vvho is aboue al things God blessed for euer Amen ✝ verse 6 But not that the vvord of God is frustrate For ″ not al that are of Israël they be Israëlites ✝ verse 7 nor they that are the seede of Abrahā al be children ″ but in Isaac shal the seede be called vnto thee ✝ verse 8 that is to say not they that are the childrē of the flesh they are the children of God but they that are the childrē of the promisse are esteemed for the seede ✝ verse 9 For the vvord of the promisse is this According to this time vvil I come and Sarae shal haue a sonne ✝ verse 10 And not only she But * Rebecca also conceiuing ″ of one copulation of Isaac our father ✝ verse 11 For vvhen they vvere ″ not yet borne nor had done any good or euil that the purpose of God according to election might stand ✝ verse 12 not of vvorkes but of the caller it vvas said to her That the elder shal serue the yonger ✝ verse 13 as it is vvritten Iacob I loued but Esau I hated ✝ verse 14 Vvhat shal vve say then ″ Is there iniquitie vvith God God forbid ✝ verse 15 For to Moyses he saith I vvil haue mercie on vvhom I haue mercie and I vvil shevv mercie to vvhom I vvil shevv mercie ✝ verse 16 Therfore it is ″ not of the vviller nor the runner but of God that shevveth mercie ✝ verse 17 For the Scripture saith to Pharao That ″ to this very purpose haue I raised thee that in thee I may shevv my povver and that my name may be venovvmed in the vvhole earth ✝ verse 18 Therfore on vvhom he vvil he hath mercie and vvhom he vvil he doth indurate ✝ verse 19 Thou saiest therfore vnto me Vvhy doth he yet complaine for vvho resisteth his vvil ✝ verse 20 O man ″ vvho art thou that doest ansvver God Doth the vvorke say to him that vvrought it Vvhy hast thou made me thus ✝ verse 21 Or hath not ″ the potter of clay povver of the same masse to make one vessel vnto honour and an other vnto cōtumelie ✝ verse 22 And if God vvilling to shevv vvrath and to make his might knovven susteined in much patience the vessels of vvrath apte to destruction ✝ verse 23 that he might shevv the riches of his glorie vpon the vessels of mercie vvhich he prepared vnto glorie ✝ verse 24 Vvhom also he hath called vs not only of the Ievves but also of the Gentiles ✝ verse 25 as in Osee he saith I vvil call that vvhich is not my people my people and her that vvas not beloued beloued and her that hath not obteined mercie hauing obteined mercie ✝ verse 26 And it shal be in the place vvhere it vvas said to them you are not my people there they shal be called the sonnes of the liuing God ✝ verse 27 And Esaie crieth for Israel If the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea the remaines shal be saued ✝ verse 28 For consummating a vvord and abridging it in equitie because a vvord abbridged shal our Lord make vpon the earth ✝ verse 29 And as Esay foretold Vnles the Lord of Sabaoth had left vs seede vve had been made like Sodom and vve had been like as Gomorrha ✝ verse 30 What shal vve say then That the Gentiles vvhich pursued not after iustice haue apprehended iustice but the iustice that is of faith ✝ verse 31 But Israel in pursuing the lavv of iustice is not come vnto the lavv of iustice ✝ verse 32 Vvhy so Because not of faith but as it vvere of vvorkes for they haue stombled at the stone of stombling ✝ verse 33 as it is vvritten Behold I put in Sion a stone of stombling and a rocke of scandal and vvhosoeuer beleeueth in him shal not be confounded ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IX ● Anáthema Anáthema by vse of Scripture is either that vvhich by separation from profane vse and by dedication to God is holy dreadful and not vulgarly to be touched or contrarievvise that which is reiected seuered or abandoned from God as cursed and detested and therfore is to be auoided And in this later sense according as S. Paul taketh it 1 Cor. 16. If any loue not our Lord IESVS CHRIST be he Anathema that is to say Avvay vvith him Accursed be he Bevvare you company not vvith him the Church and holy Councels vse the vvord for a curse and excommunication against Heretikes and other notorious offenders and blasphemers Novv hovv the Apostle vvishing him self to be Anathema from Christ to saue his Countrie mens soules did take this vvord it is a very hard thing to determine Some thinke he desired onely to die for their saluation Others that being very loth to be kept from the fruition of Christ yet he could be con●ent to be so still for to saue their soules Others that he vvished vvhat inalediction or separation from Christ so euer that did not imply the disfauour of God tovvards him nor take avvay his loue tovvard God This only is certaine that it is a point of vnspeakable charitie in the Apostles breast and a paterne to al Bishops and Priests hovv to loue the saluation of their flocke As the like vvas vttered by Moyses vvhen he said Either forgiue this people or blot me out of thy booke 6. Not al of Israel Though the people of the Ievves vvere many vvaies honoured and priuiledged and namely by Christes taking flesh of them yet the promis of grace and saluation vvas neither onely made to them nor to al them that carnally came of them or their fathers Gods election and mercie depending vpon his ovvne purpose vvil and determination and not tied to any nation familie or person 7. But in Isaac The promisse made to Abraham vvas not in Ismael vvho vvas a sonne borne onely by flesh and nature but in Isaac vvho vvas a sonne obtained by promisse faith and miracle and vvas a figure of the Churches children borne to God in Baptisme 10. Of one copulation It is proued also by Gods choosing of Iacob before Esau vvho vvere not onely brethren by father and mother but also tvvinnes and Esau the elder of the tvvo vvhich according to carnal count should haue had the preeminence that God in giuing graces folovveth not the temporal or carnal prerogatiues of men or families 11. Not yet borne By the same example of those tvvinnes it is euident also that neither nations nor particular persons be elected eternally or called temporally or preferred to Gods fauour before others by their ovvne merites because God vvhen he made choise and first loued Iacob and refused Esau respected them both as il and
9 to many other good actions 17 and specially to louing of their enemies verse 1 I BESECH you therfore brethren by the mercie of God * that you exhibite your bodies ″ a liuing host holy pleasing God your reasonable seruice ✝ verse 2 And be not conformed to this vvorld but be reformed in the newnes of your minde * that you may proue vvhat the good and acceptable and perfect vvil of God is ✝ verse 3 for I say by the grace that is giuen me to al that are among you not to be more vvise then behoueth to be vvise but to be vvise vnto sobrietie * to euery one as God hath deuided the measure of faith ✝ verse 4 For as in one body vve haue many members but al the members haue not one action ✝ verse 5 so vve being many are one body in Christ eche one an others members ⊢ ✝ verse 6 And hauing giftes according to the grace that is giuen vs differēt either prophecie ″ according to the rule of faith ✝ verse 7 or ministerie in ministring or he that teacheth in doctrine ✝ verse 8 he that exhorteth in exhorting he that giueth in simplicitie he that ruleth in carefulnes he that shevveth mercie in cheerefulnes ✝ verse 9 Loue vvithout simulation Hating euil cleauing to good ✝ verse 10 Louing the charitie of the brotherhod one toward an other Vvith honour preuenting one an other ✝ verse 11 In carefulnes not slouthful In spirit feruent Seruing our Lord. ✝ verse 12 Reioycing in hope Patient in tribulation Instant in praier ✝ verse 13 Communicating to the necessities ' of the sainctes Pursuing hospitalitie ✝ verse 14 Blesse them that persecute you blesse and curse not ✝ verse 15 To reioyce vvith them that reioyce to vveepe vvith them that vveepe ✝ verse 16 Being of one minde one tovvard an other Not minding high things but cōsenting to the humble ⊢ Be not vvise in your ovvne conceite ✝ verse 17 To no man rendring euil for euil Prouiding good things not only before God but also before al men ✝ verse 18 If it may be as much as is in you hauing peace vvith al men ✝ verse 19 Not reuenging your selues my deerest but giue place vnto vvrath for it is vvritten Reuenge to me I vvil revvard saith our Lord. ✝ verse 20 but if thine enemie hunger giue him meate if he thirst giue him drinke for doing this thou shalt heape coales of fire vpon his head ✝ verse 21 Be not ouercome of euil but ouercome in good the euil ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 1. A liuing host Lest men should thinke by the former discourse of Gods eternal predestination that no reward were to be had of good life and workes the Apostle now earnestly recommendeth to them holinesse of life 1. A liuing host Man maketh his body a sacrifice to God by giuing it to suffer for him by chastising it vvith fasting vvatching and such like and by occupying it in workes of charitie and vertue to Gods honour whereby appeareth how acceptable these workes are to God and grateful in his sight being compared to a sacrifice which is an high seruice done to him 6. According to the rule of faith By this and many places of holy write we may gather that the Apostles by the holy Ghost before they were sundered into diuers Nations set downe among them selues a certaine Rule and forme of faith and doctrine conteining not onely the Articles of the Crede but al other principles groundes and the whole platforme of al the Christian religion Which Rule was before any of the bookes of the new Testment were written before the faith was preached among the Gentiles by vvhich not onely euery other inseriout teachers doctrine was tried but al the Apostles and Euangelistes preaching vvriting interpreting which is here called prophecying were of gods Church appointed and admitted or disproued and reiected This forme by mouth and not by Scripture euery Apostle deliuered to the countrie by them conuerted For keeping of this forme the Apostle before praised the Romanes and afterward earnestly warneth them by no man 〈◊〉 speache to be drawen from the same This he commendeth to Timothee calling it his 〈◊〉 For not holding this fast and sure he blameth the Galatians further also denouncing to him self or an Angel that should write teach or expound against that which they first receiued 〈…〉 and commanding alwaies to bevvare of them that taught otherwise For feare of missing this line of truth him self notwithstanding he had the Holy Ghost yet lest he might haue preached in vaine and lost his labour he went to conferre with Peter and the rest for tho fast keeping of this Rule of truth the Apostles held Councels and their successors by their example For the holding of this Rule and by the measure thereof were al the holy Scriptures written for and by the same al the glorious doctors haue made their sermons commendries and interpretations Gods vvork al vvritings and interpretatiōs no otherwise admitted nor deemed to be of God but as they be agreable to this Rule And this is the sure Analogies 〈◊〉 measure of faith set downe and commended to vs euery where for the Apostles tradition and not the phantastical rule or square that euery Sectmaister pretendeth to gather out of the Scriptures falsely vnderstood and wrested to his purpose by which they iudge of doctor Scripture Church and al. Arîus had by that meanes a rule of his owne Luther had his false weightes and Caluin his owne also According to which seueral measure of euery Sect they haue their expositions of Gods word and in England as in other infected Countries they kept of lare an apish imitation of this prophecying which S. Paul here and in other places speaketh of and which was an exercise in the primitiue Church measured not by euery mans peculiar spirit but by the former Rule of faith first set downe by the Apostles And therfore al this new phantastical Prophecying al other preaching in Caluins schoole is iustly by this note of the Apostle condemned for that it is not according to but quite against the Rule of faith CHAP. XIII To yeld obedience and al other duties vnto Potestats 8 to loue their neighbour vvhich is the fulfilling of the Lavv 11 and specially to consider that novv being the time of grace vve must doe nothing that may not beseeme day light verse 1 LET ″ euery soul be subiect to higher powers for there is ″ no povver but of God And those that are of God are ordeined ✝ verse 2 Therfore he that resisteth the povver resisteth the ordinance of God And ″ they that resist purchase to them selues damnatiō ✝ verse 3 for princes are no feare to the good worke but to the euil But wilt thou not feare the povver Doe good and thou shalt haue praise of the same ✝ verse 4
Christian religion should be perfectly established he would haue no restrainte made but that euery one should be borne vvithal in his ovvne sense yet so that they should not condemne one an other nor make necessitie of saluation in the obseruation of the Iudaical rites of meates daies c. 17. Not meate and drinke The substance of religion or the kingdom of God standeth not in meate or drinke and therfore the better might they vse indifferencie and toleration in that point for a time for peace sake and to auoid scandal but if the precept of Moyses Lavv had bound still as before then not for the meates sake but for the disobedience it had been damnable to haue eaten the vncleane meates 22. Haue it vvith thy self Thou that art perfect and bleeuest or knovvest certainely that thou art free from the Lavv concerning meates and festiuities yet to the trouble and hinderance of the feeble that can not yet be brought so far be discrete vtter not thy self out of season 23. He that discerneth If the vveake haue a conscience and should be driuen to eate the things vvhich in his ovvne hart he thinketh he should not doe he committeth deadly sinne because he doth against his conscience or against his ovvne pretensed knovvledge ●● Al this is not of faith The proper sense of this speach is that euery thing that a man doeth against his knovvledge or conscience is a sinne for so by the circumstance of the letter faith must here be taken though S. Augustine sometimes applieth it also to proue that al the actions of infidels meaning those vvorkes vvhich directly procede of their lacke of faith be sinnes But in any vvise take heede of the Heretikes commentarie vvho hereby vvould proue that the infidel sinneth in honouring his parents fighting for his countrie tilling his ground and in al other vvorkes And no maruel that they so hold of infidels vvho maintaine * that Christian men also offend deadly in euery good deede CHAP. XV. He procedeth to make peace betvvene the Christian Gentils and Ievves 8 vvith this resolution that the Ievves vocation is of promis in deede but the Gentils also of mercie and foretold by the Scriptures 14 Then dravving to his ende he excuseth him self to the Romanes for vvriting thus vnto them 21 hoping novv at length to see them after that he hath been at Hierusalem ●9 vvherevnto also he requesteth their praiers verse 1 AND vve that are the strōger must susteine the infirmities of the vveake not please our selues ✝ verse 2 Let euery one of you please his neighbour vnto good to edification ✝ verse 3 For Christ did not please him self but as it is vvritten The reproches of them that reproched thee fel vpon me ✝ verse 4 For vvhat things soeuer haue been vvritten to our learning they are vvritten that by the patience and consolation of the Scriptures vve may haue hope ✝ verse 5 And the God of patience and of comfort giue you to be of one minde one tovvard an other according to IESVS Christ ✝ verse 6 that of one minde vvith one mouth you may glorifie God and the Father of our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 7 For the vvhich cause receiue one an other as Christ also hath receiued you vnto the honour of God ✝ verse 8 For I say Christ IESVS to haue been minister of the circumcision for the veritie of God to confirme the promisses of the fathers ✝ verse 9 But the Gentils to honour God for his mercie as it is vvritten Therfore vvil I confesse to thee in the Gentils ô Lord and vvil sing to thy name ✝ verse 10 And againe he saith Reioyce ye Gētils vvith his people ✝ verse 11 And againe Praise al ye Gentils our Lord and magnifie him al ye peoples ✝ verse 12 And againe Esaie saith There shal be the roote of Iesse and he that shal rise vp to rule the Gentils in him the Gentils shal hope ✝ verse 13 And the God of hope replenish you vvith al ioy and peace in beleeuing that you may abound in hope and in the vertue of the holy Ghost ⊢ ✝ verse 14 And I my self also my brethren am assured of you that you also are ful of loue replenished vvith al knowledge so that you are able to admonish one an other ✝ verse 15 But I haue vvritten to you brethren more boldly in part as it were putting you in remembrance for the grace vvhich is giuen me of God ✝ verse 16 to be the minister of Christ IESVS in the Gētils sanctifying the Gospel of God that the oblation of the Gentils may be made acceptable and sanctified in the holy Ghost ✝ verse 17 I haue therfore glorie in Christ IESVS tovvard God ✝ verse 18 For I dare not speake any of those things vvhich Christ vvorketh not by me for the obedience of the Gentils by vvord and deedes ✝ verse 19 in the vertue of signes and vvōders in the vertue of the holy Ghost so that from Hierusalem round about vnto Illy●icum I haue replenished the Gospel of Christ ✝ verse 20 And I haue so preached this Gospel not vvhere Christ vvas named lest I should build vpon an other mans foundation ✝ verse 21 but as it is vvritten They to vvhom it hath not been preached of him shall see and they that haue not heard shal vnderstand ✝ verse 22 For the vvhich cause also I vvas hindred very much from comming vnto you ✝ verse 23 But novv hauing no longer place in these 〈◊〉 and hauing a desire to come vnto you these many yeares novv passed ✝ verse 24 vvhen I shal begin to take my iourney into a paine I hope that as I passe I shal see you and be brought thither of you if first in part I shal haue enioyed you ✝ verse 25 Novv therfore I vvil goe vnto Hierusalem to minster to the saincts ✝ verse 26 For Macedonia and Achaia haue liked vvel to make some contribution vpon the poore saincts that are in Hierusalem ✝ verse 27 For it hath pleased them and they are their detters For if the Gentiles be made partakers of their spiritual things they ought also in carnal things to minister vnto them ✝ verse 28 This therfore vvhen I shal haue accōplished and signed them this fruite I vvil goe by you into Spaine ✝ verse 29 And I knovv that comming to you I shal come in aboundance of the blessing of Christ ✝ verse 30 I beseeche you therfore brethren by our Lord IESVS Christ and by the charitie of the holy Ghost that you helpe me in your praiers for me to God ✝ verse 31 that I may be deliuered from the infidels that are in Ievvrie and the oblation of my seruice may become acceptable in Hierusalem to the saincts ✝ verse 32 that I may come to you in ioy by the vvil of God that I may be refreshed vvith you ✝ verse 33
and iustly ansvvering to the time and vveight of his trauels and vvorkes in vvhich sense the Scripture saith Dignus est operarius mercede sua the vvorkeman is vvorthy of his hire rather then a free gift though because faithful men must acknovvledge that their merites be the giftes and graces of God they rather vse the vvord revvard then hire stipend or repaiment though in deede it be al one as you may see by diuers places of holy vvrite as * My merces revvard is vvith me to render to euery one * according to his vvorkes And Our Lord vvil ●ender vnto me according to my iustice Ps 1● And the very vvord it self merite equiualent to the Greeke is vsed thus Mercie shal make a place to euery one * according to the merite of workes Eccl●i 16 15. And If you doe your iustice before men you shal not haue reward in heauen Mat. 6 1. Vvhere you see that the revvard of heauen is recompense of iustice And the euasion of the Heretikes is friuolous and euidently false as the former and like vvordes do conuince for they say heauen is our Merces or revvard not because is is due to our vvorkes but to the promes of God vvhere the vvordes be plaine According to euery mans vvorkes or labours vpon vvhich vvorkes and for vvhich vvorkes conditionally the promes of heauen vvas made 12. Vpon this foundation The foundaion is Christ and faith in him vvorking by charitie The vppes building may be either pure and perfect matter of gold siluer and pretious stone vvhich according to the most authentical and probable exposition be good vvorkes of charitie and al Christian iustice done by Gods grace or els vvood hay stubble vvhich signifie the manifold actes of mans infirmitie and his venial sinnes Vvhich more or lesse mixed and medled vvith the better matter aforesaid require more or lesse punishmēt or purgation at the day of our death At vvhich day if by penance or other meanes in the Church the said venial sinnes be before hand cleansed there shal neede no purgiug at al but they shal straight receiue the reward due to them 13. Shal be manifest Vvhether our life and workes be pure and neede no cleansing novv in this vvorld is hard to iudge but the day of our Lord vvhich is at our death vvil make it plaine in vvhat termes euery mans life is tovvards God for then Purgatorie fire shal reueale and proue it for vvhosoeuer hath any impure matter of venial sinnes or such other dettes to Gods iustice paiable and purgable must into that fire and after due paiment and cleansing be saued through the same Vvhere the vvorkes of the perfect men and such as died vvith al dettes paied cleansed or forgiuen are quitted from the fire and neuer incurre damage paine or losse thereby The places of fathers expounding this for Purgatorie be very many most euident vvhich are cited in the last Annotation folovving 1● The day of our Lord shal declare That this purgation rather signifieth the place of Gods iustice after our death then any affliction in this life the Apostles precise specifying of fire declareth and of reuealing and notifying the difference of mens vvorkes by the same vvhich is not done euidently euer in this life and namely the vvord day of our Lord vvhich commonly and properly signifieth in Scripture and namely in this Apostle 1 Cor. 3 5. 2 Cor. 1 1● Philip. 1 10. 6. 1 Thes ● 2. 2 Thes 2 2. either the particular or the general iudgement and therfore that the trial spoken of is not properly nor litterally meant any affliction or aduersitie of this life as Caluin also cōfesseth coyning a folish nevv construction of his ovvne Vvhere you may note also in that mans Commentarie that this vvord dies Domini vvas so preiudicial against him and al other expositions of the trial to be made in this vvorld that he vvould gladly haue Domini ou● reading thus A day shal ●●me vvhich shal open c. Vvhere vnderstand that if it vvere only Dies as * in the Greeke yet thereby also the Scripture is vvont to signifie the self same thing as 2 Tim. 1 12. 28. and 2 Tim. 4 8. and Heb. 10 25 the day as in this place vvith the greeke article only vvhich is al one vvith Dies illa or Dies Domini 15. As by fire S. Augustine vpon these vvordes of the Psalme 37. Lord rebuke me not in thine indignation nor amend me in thy vvrath For it shal come to passe saith he that some be amended in the vvrath of God and be rebuked in his indignation And not al perhaps that are rebuked shal be amended but yet some there shal be saued by amending It shal be so surely because amending it ●amed yet so as by fire but some there shal be that shal be rebuked and not amended to vvhom he shal say Goe ye into euerlasting fire Fearing therfore these more greuous paines he desireth that he may neither be rebuked in indignation by eternal fire nor amended in his vvrath that is to say Purge me in this life and make me such an one as shal not neede the amending fire being for them vvhich shal be saued yet so as by fire Wherfore but because here they build vpon this foundation vvood hay stubble for if they did build gold siluer and pretious stones they should be secure from both fires not onely from that eternal vvhich shal torment the impious eternally but also from that vvhich shal amend them that shal be saued by fire for it is said he shal be safe yet so as by fire And because it is said he shal be safe that fire is cōtemned Yea verely though safe by fire yet that fire shal be more greuous then vvhatsoeuer a man can suffer in this life And you knovv hovv great euils the vvicked haue suffered and may suffer yet they haue suffered such as the good also might suffer for vvhat hath any malefactor suffered by the lavves that a Martyr hath not suffered in the confession of Christ These euils therfore that are here be much more easie and yet see hovv men not to suffer them doe vvhatsoeuer thou cōmaundest Hovv much better doe they that vvhich God commaundeth that they may not suffer th●se greater paines Thus far S. Augustine See S. Ambr. vpon this place 1 Cor. 3. Ser. 20 in Psal ●18 Hiero. li. 2 c. 13 adu Iouinianum Gieg. li. 4. Dialog c. ●9 in Psal 1. P●nit in principie Origen 〈◊〉 ● in c. 15. Exod. and b● 14 in c. 24. Leuit. CHAP. IIII. He requireth to be esteemed for his office but regardeth not to be praised of man for his vertue considering that neither his ovvne conscience is a sufficient iudge thereof but onely God vvho seeth al. 8 He toucheth them for contemning in their pride the Apostles them selues as miserable 18 threatening to come to those proude Falseapostles vvho vvere the
Let vs auoid those Nouelties of vvordes according to the Apostles prescript and keepe the old termes Penance Fasting Priest Church Bishop Masse Mattins Euensong the B. Sacrament Altar Oblation Host Sacrifice Alleluia Amen Lent Palme-Sunday Chrisimas the very vvordes vvil bring vs to the faith of our first Apostles and condemne these nevv apostates nevv faith and phrases 20. Falsely called knovvledge It is the propertie of al Heretikes to arrogate to them selues great knovvledge and to condemne the simplicitie of their fathers the holy Doctors and the Church but the Apostle calleth their pretended skill a knovvledge falsely so called being in truth high and deepe blindnes Such saith S. Irenaeus li. 5 c. 17. as forsake the preaching of the Church argue the holy Priests of vnskilfulnes not considering hovv far more vvorth a religious idiote is them a blasphemous and impudent sophister such as al Heretikes be And againe Vincentius Lirinensis speaking in the person of Heretikes saith Come ô ye folish and miserable men that are commonly called Catholikes and learne the true faith vvhich hath been hid many ages heretofore but is reuealed and shevved of late c. See his vvhole booke concerning these matters THE ARGVMENT OF THE SECOND EPISTLE OF S. PAVL TO TIMOTHEE THE cheefe scope of this second to Timothee is to open vnto him that his martyrdom is at hand Vvhich yet he doth not plainely before the end preparing first his minde vvith much circumstance because he knevv it vvould grieue him sore and also might be a tentation vnto him Therfore he talketh of the cause of his trouble of the revvard that the one is honorable and the other most glorious and exhorteth him to be constant in the faith to be ready alvvaies to suffer for it to fulfil his ministerie to the end as him self novv had done his Vvhereby it is certaine that it vvas vvritten at Rome in his last apprehension and emprisonment there as he signifieth by these vvordes Cap. 1 Onesiphorus vvas not ashamed of my chaine but when he was come to Rome carefully sought me c. And of his martyrdom thus For I am novv ready to be offered and the time of my resolution or death is at hand cap. 4. THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO TIMOTHEE CHAP. I. Vvith his praises he couertly exhorteth him not to be dismaied for his trouble 6 hauing grace giuen in Orders to helpe him 8 and knovving for vvhat cause he is persecuted and namely vvith the example of Onesiphorus verse 1 PAVL an Apostle of IESVS Christ by the vvil of God according to the promisse of the life which is in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 2 to Timothee my deerest sonne grace mercie peace from God the father and Christ IESVS our Lord. ✝ verse 3 I giue thankes to God vvhom I serue from my progenitours in a pure conscience that vvithout intermission I haue a memorie of thee in my praiers night and day ✝ verse 4 desiring to see thee mindeful of thy teares that I may be filled vvith ioy ✝ verse 5 calling to minde that faith vvhich is in thee not feined vvhich also dvvelt first ″ in thy grandmother Loïs and thy mother Eunîce and I am sure that in thee also ✝ verse 6 For the vvhich cause I admonish thee that thou resuscitate the grace of God vvhich is in thee by the imposition of my handes ✝ verse 7 For God hath not giuen vs the spirit of feare but of povver and loue and sobrietie ✝ verse 8 Be not therfore ashamed of the testimonie of our Lord nor of me his prisoner but trauail vvith the Gospel according to the povver of God ✝ verse 9 vvho hath deliuered and called vs by his holy calling * not according to our vvorkes but according to his purpose and grace vvhich vvas giuen to vs in Christ IESVS * before the secular times ✝ verse 10 But it is manifested novv by the illumination of our Sauiour IESVS Christ vvho hath destroied death illuminated life and incorruption by the Gospel ✝ verse 11 vvherein * I am appointed a preacher and Apostle and Maister of the Gentiles ✝ verse 12 For the vvhich cause also I suffer these things but I am not cōfounded For I know whom I haue beleeued I am sure that he is able to keepe my ″ depositum vnto that day ✝ verse 13 Haue thou ″ a forme of sound vvordes vvhich thou hast heard of me in faith in the loue in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 14 Keepe the good depositum by the holy Ghost vvhich dvvelleth in vs. ✝ verse 15 Thou knovvest this that al vvhich are in Asia be auerted from me of vvhom is Phigelus and Hermogenes ✝ verse 16 Our Lord giue mercie to * the house of Onesiphorus because he hath often refreshed me and hath not been ashamed of my chaine ✝ verse 17 but vvhen he vvas come to Rome he sought me carefully and found me ✝ verse 18 ″ Our Lord graunt him to finde mercie of our Lord in that day And how many things he ministred to me at Ephesus thou knovvest better ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 5. In thy grandmother Though God shevv mercie to many that be of incredulous heretical or il parents yet it is a goodly benediction of God to haue good education and to haue good faithful progenitors and Catholike parents And it is a great sinne to forsake the faith of our fathers that be Catholikes or contrarie to our education in the Church to folovv strange doctrines abandoning not onely our next natural parents faith but the aūcient faith and beleefe of al our progenitors for many hundred yeres together And if to folovv the faith of mother and grandmother onely the Christian religion being then but nevvly planted vvas so commendable euen in a Bishop hovv much more is it novv laudable to cleaue fast to the faith of so many our progenitors and ages that continued in the same Christian religion vvhich they first receiued Our Protestants in their great vvisedom laugh at good simple men vvhen they talke of their fathers faith But S. Hierom I am a Christian saith he and borne of Christian parents and carie the signe of the crosse in my forehead And againe ep 65. c. 3. Vntil this day the Christian vvorld hath been vvithout this doctrine that faith vvil I hold fast being an old man vvherein I vvas borne a child And the holy Scriptures set vs often to schole to our fathers Aske thy fathers and they vvil shevv thee thy auncetours and they vvil tel thee And againe Our fathers haue shevved vnto vs. And cōmonly the true God is called the God of the faithful and of their forefathers Dan. 2. 3. And false Gods and nevv doctrines or opinions be named Nevv and fresh such as their fathers vvorshipped not Deut. 32. Finally S. Paul both here and often els alleageth for his defense and commendation that he vvas of faithful progenitors
example of Abraham Ro. 4. Abraham in deede vvas iustified by vvorkes also 25 and likevvise Rahab verse 1 MY brethren Haue not the faith of our Lord IESVS Christ of glorie ″ in acception of persons ✝ verse 2 For if there shal enter into your assemblie a man hauing a golden ring in goodly appareil and there shal enter in a poore man in homely attire ✝ verse 3 you haue respect to him that is clothed vvith the goodly apparell and shal say to him Sitte thou here vvel but say to the poore man Stand thou there or sitte vnder my foote-stoole ✝ verse 4 do you not iudge vvith your selues and are become iudges of vniust cogitations ✝ verse 5 Heare my deerest brethren hath not God chosen the poore in this vvorld riche in faith and heires of the kingdom vvhich God hath promised to them that loue him ✝ verse 6 But you haue dishonoured the poore mā Do not the riche oppresse you by might and them selues dravv you to iudgements ✝ verse 7 Doe not they blaspheme the good name that is inuocated vpon you ✝ verse 8 If not-vvithstanding you fulfil the roial lavv according to the scriptures Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy self you doe vvel ✝ verse 9 but if you accept persons you vvorke sinne reproued of the Lavv as transgressours ✝ verse 10 And * vvhosoeuer shal keepe the vvhole Lavv but offendeth in one ″ is made guilty of al. ✝ verse 11 For he that said Thou shalt not commit aduoutrie said also Thou shalt not kil And if thou doe not commit aduoutrie but shalt kil thou art made a transgressour of the Lavv. ✝ verse 12 So speake ye and so doe as beginning to be iudged by the lavv of libertie ✝ verse 13 For ″ iudgement vvithout mercie to him that hath not done mercie And mercie exalteth it self aboue iudgement ✝ verse 14 ″ Vvhat shal it profit my brethren if a man say he hath faith but hath not vvorkes Shal faith be able to saue him ✝ verse 15 And * if a brother or sister be naked lacke daily foode ✝ verse 16 and one of you say to them Goe in peace be vvarmed filled but you giue them not the things that are necessarie for the bodie vvhat shal it profit ✝ verse 17 So faith also if it haue not vvorkes is dead in it self ✝ verse 18 But some man saith Thou hast faith and I haue vvorkes shevv me thy faith vvithout vvorkes I vvil shevv thee by vvorkes my faith ✝ verse 19 Thou beleeuest that there is one God Thou doest vvel the deuils also beleeue and tremble ✝ verse 20 But vvilt thou knovv ô vaine man that faith vvithout vvorkes is idle ' ✝ verse 21 ″ Abraham our father vvas he not iustified by vvorkes * offering Isaac his sonne vpon the altar ✝ verse 22 Seest thou that ″ faith did vvorke vvith his vvorkes and by the vvorkes the faith vvas consummate ✝ verse 23 And the Scripture vvas fulfilled saying Abraham beleeued God and it vvas reputed him to iustice and he vvas called ″ the freende of God ✝ verse 24 Do you see that by vvorkes a man is iustified ″ not by faith only ✝ verse 25 And in like maner also * ″ Rahab the harlot vvas not she iustified by vvorkes receiuing the messengers and putting them forth an other vvay ✝ verse 26 For euen as the bodie vvithout the spirit is dead so also ″ faith vvithout vvorkes is dead ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. In acception of persons The Apostle meaneth not as the Anabaptists and other seditious persons sometime gather hereof that there should be no difference in Commonvveales or assemblies betvvixt the Magistrate and the subiect the free man and the bond the riche and the poore betvvixt one degree and an other for God and nature and the necessitie of man haue made such distinctions and men are bound to obserue then But it is meant onely or specially that in spiritual giftes and graces in matters of faith Sacraments and saluation and bestovving the spiritual functions and charge of foule vve must esteeme of a poore man or a bond man no lesse then of the rich man and the free then of the Prince or the Gentleman because as Christ him self calleth all and endueth al sorts vvith his graces so in such and the like things vve must not be partial but count al to be fellovves brethren and members of one head And therfore the Apostle saith vvith a special clause That vve should not hold or haue the Christian faith vvith or in such differences or partialities 10. Is made guilty of al. He meaneth not that vvhosoeuer is a theefe is also a murderer or that euery murderer is an aduouterer also or that al sinnes be equal according to the Stoïkes and the Heresie of Iouinian much lesse that he shal haue as great damnation that transgresseth one commaundement as if he had offended against euery precept but the sense is that it shal not auaile him to saluation that he seemeth to haue kept certaine and not broken al the commaundements seeing that any one transgression of the Lavv proueth that he hath not obserued the vvhole vvhich he vvas bound to do so far as is required and as is possible for a man in this life S. Augustine disputing profoundly in his 29 Epistle to S. Hierom of this place of S. Iames expoundeth it thus that he vvhich offendeth in one that is against the general and great commaundement of loue or charitie because it is in maner al as being the summe of al the plentitude of the lavv and the perfection of the rest breaketh after a sort and transgresseth al no sinne being committed but either against the loue of God or of our neighbour 13. Iudgement vvithout mercie Nothing giueth more hope of mercie in the next life then the vvorkes of almes charitie and mercie done to our neighbours in this life Neither shal any be vsed vvith extreme rigour in the next vvorld but such as vsed not mercie in this vvorld August de pec merit li. 2. c. 3. Vvhich is true not onely in respect of the iudgement to euerlasting damnation but also of the temporal chastisement in Purgatorie as S. Augustine signifieth declaring that our venial sinnes be vvashed avvay in this vvorld vvith daily vvorkes of mercie vvhich othervvise should be chastised in the next See epist 29. aforesaid in sine and li. 21 de Ciu. Dei c. 17 in fine 14. What shal it profite if a man say he hath faith This vvhole passage of the Apostle is so cleere against iustification or saluation by onely faith damnably defended by the Protestants and so euident for the necessitie merite concurrence of good vvorkes that their first author Luther and such as exactly folovv him boldly after the maner of Heretikes vvhen they can make no shift nor false glose for the text deny the
other saith But it vvere vutruely said that she vvas saued either by onely faith as the Heretikes say or by onely good vvorkes as no Catholike man euer said But because some Ievves and Gentil Philosophers did affirme they that they should be saued by the vvorkes of Moyses lavv these by their moral vvorkes therfore S. Paul to the Romans disputed specially against both prouing that no vvorkes done vvithout or before the faith of Christ can serue to iustification or saluation 26. Faith vvithout vvorkes is dead S. Iames as the Protestants feine saith that faith vvithout good vvorkes is no faith and that therfore it iustifieth not because it is no faith for he saith that it is dead vvithout vvorkes as the body is dead vvithout the soule and therfore being dead hath no actiuity or efficacie to iustifie or saue But it is a great difference to say that the body is dead and to say that is no body euen so it is the like difference to say that faith vvithout vvorkes is dead and to say that faith vvithout vvorkes is no faith And if a dead body be notvvithstanding a true body then according to S. Iames comparison here a dead faith is notvvithstanding a true faith but yet not auailable to iustification because it is dead that is because it is onely faith vvithout good vvorkes And therfore it is a great impudencie in Heretikes and a hard shift to say that the faith of vvhich the Apostle disputeth al this vvhile is no true or proprely called faith at all It is the same faith that S. Paul defined and commended in al the 11 chapter to the Hebrues and the same vvhich is called the Catholike faith and the same vvhich being formed made aliue by charitie iustifieth Mary true it is that it is not that special faith vvhich the Heretikes feine onely to iustifie to vvit vvhen a man doth firmely beleeue as an article of his faith that him self shal be saued this special faith it is not vvhereof the Apostle here speaketh for neither he nor S. Paul nor any other sacred vvriter in al the holy Scriptures euer speake or knevve of any such forged faith CHAP. III. Against proud Maisters and authors of Sectes 5 Of the manifold sinnes of the vnbrideled tongue 13 The difference betvvixt proud cōtentious and vvorldly vvisedom and that vvisedom vvhich is heauenly peaceable modest and so forth verse 1 BE yee not ″ many maisters my brethren knovving that you receiue the greater iudgement ✝ verse 2 For in many things vve offend al. * If any man offend not in vvord this is a perfect man he is able also vvith bridle to turne about the whole body ✝ verse 3 And if vve put bittes into the mouthes of horses that they may obey vs vve turne about al their body also ✝ verse 4 And behold the shippes vvhereas they be great and are driuen of strong vvindes yet are they turned about vvith a litle sterne whither the violēce of the director vvil ✝ verse 5 So the tongue also is certes a litle mēber vaunteth great things Behold hovv much ' fire what a great vvood it kindleth ✝ verse 6 And the tongue is fire a vvhole vvorld of iniquitie The tongue is set among our members vvhich defileth the vvhole bodie inflameth the vvheele of our natiuitie inflamed of hel ✝ verse 7 For al nature of beastes foules and serpents of the rest is tamed hath been tamed by the nature of man ✝ verse 8 but the tongue no man can tame an vnquiet euil ful of deadly poison ✝ verse 9 By it vve blesse God the Father by it vve curse men vvhich are made after the similitude of God ✝ verse 10 Out of the self same mouth procedeth blessing cursing These things must not be so done my brethrē ✝ verse 11 Doth the fountaine giue forth out of one hole svveete soure water ✝ verse 12 Can my brethren the figge tree yeld grapes or tho vine figges So neither can the salt water yeld ' sweete ✝ verse 13 Vvho is vvise and hath knowledge among you Let him shevv by good conuersation his vvorking in mildenesse of vvisedom ✝ verse 14 But if you haue bitter zeale and there be contentions in your hartes glorie not and be not liers against the truth ✝ verse 15 for this is not vvisedom descending from aboue but earthly sensual diuelish ✝ verse 16 For vvhere zeale and contention is there is inconstancie and euery peruerse vvorke ✝ verse 17 But the vvisedom that is from aboue first certes is chast then peaceable modest suasible cōsenting to the good ful of mercie and good fruites not iudging vvithout simulation ✝ verse 18 And the fruite of iustice in peace is sovved to them that make peace ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 1. Many maisters He meaneth principally Sect-maisters that make them selues seueral Ringleaders in sundry sortes of new deuised doctrines euery one arrogating to him self to be maister and none so humble as to be a scholer either to Gods Church and true Pastors or to other guides and authors of the said sectes So did Zuinglius disdaine to be Luthers scholer and Caluin to be the folower of Zuinglius CHAP. IIII. By concupiscence and loue of this vvorld vve are made enemies to God but vve should rather humble vs to him punishing our selues for our sinnes 11 Against detraction and rash iudging 13 To remember alvvaies the vncertenti● of our life verse 1 FROM vvhence are vvarres contentions among you Are they not hereof of your concupiscences vvhich vvarre in your members ✝ verse 2 You couet and haue not you kil enuie and can not obtaine you contend and vvarre and you haue not because you aske not ✝ verse 3 You aske and receiue not because you aske amisse that you may consume it on your cōcupiscences ✝ verse 4 Aduouterers know you not that the * frendship of this vvorld is the enemie of God Vvhosoeuer therfore vvil be a frende of this vvorld is made an enemie of God ✝ verse 5 Or do you thinke that the Scripture saieth in vaine To enuie doth the spirit couet vvhich dvvelleth in you ✝ verse 6 And giueth greater grace For the which cause it saith God resisteth the proud giueth grace to the humble ✝ verse 7 Be subiect therfore to God but resist the Deuil and he vvil flee from you ✝ verse 8 Approche to God he vvil approche to you Cleanse your handes ye sinners and ″ purifie your hartes ye double of minde ✝ verse 9 Be miserable and mourne vveepe let your laughter be turned into mourning and ioy into sorovv ✝ verse 10 * Be humbled in the sight of our lord and he vvil exalt you ✝ verse 11 Detracte not one frō an other my brethrē He that detracteth from his brother or he that iudgeth his brother detracteth from the Law and iudgeth the
Holy Ghost 15 Exhorting them to liue also accordingly in al holines 15 considering the holines of God the vprightnes of his iudgement the price of their redemption by Christ 22 and the vertue of the seede in them ●hich is grace regeneratiue in Baptisme foretold by the Prophet also verse 1 PETER an Apostle of IESVS Christ to the electe strangers of the dispersion of Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia ✝ verse 2 according to the prescience of God the Father into sanctification of the Spirit vnto the obedience and sprinkling of the bloud of IESVS Christ Grace to you and peace be multiplied ✝ verse 3 Blessed be God and the father of our Lord IESVS Christ vvho according to his great mercie hath regenerated vs vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of IESVS Christ from the dead ✝ verse 4 vnto an inheritance incorruptible and incontaminate and that can not fade conserued in the heauens in you ✝ verse 5 vvho in the vertue of God are kept by faith vnto saluatiō ready to be reuealed in the last time ✝ verse 6 wherin you shal reioyce a litle novv if you must be made heauy in diuerse tentations ✝ verse 7 that the probation of your faith much more pretious then gold vvhich is proued by the fire may be found vnto praise and glorie and honour in the reuelatiō of IESVS Christ ⊢ ✝ verse 8 vvhom hauing not seen you loue in vvhom novv also not seing you beleeue and beleeuing you reioyce vvith ioy vnspeakable and glorified ✝ verse 9 receiuing the end of your faith the saluation of your soules ✝ verse 10 Of the vvhich saluation the Prophetes inquired searched vvhich prophecied of the grace to come in you ✝ verse 11 searching vnto vvhich or vvhat maner of time the Spirit of Christ in them did signifie foretelling those passions that are in Christ and the glories folovving ✝ verse 12 to vvhom it vvas reuealed that not to thē selues but to you they ministred those things vvhich novv are told you by them that haue euangelized to you the holy Ghost being sent from heauen on vvhom the Angels desire to looke ✝ verse 13 For the vvhich cause hauing the loines of your minde girded sober trust perfectly in that grace vvhich is offered you in the reuelation of IESVS Christ ✝ verse 14 as children of obedience not configurated to the former desires of your ignorance ✝ verse 15 but according to him that hath called you the Holy one be you also in al conuersation holy ✝ verse 16 because it is vvritten You shal be holy because I am holy ✝ verse 17 And if you inuocate the Father him vvhich * vvithout acception of persons iudgeth according to euery ones vvorke in feare conuerse ye the time of your peregrination ✝ verse 18 Knovving that * not vvith corruptible things gold or siluer you are redeemed from your vaine conuersation of your fathers tradition ✝ verse 19 but vvith the pretious bloud as it vvere of an immaculate and vnspotted lambe Christ ✝ verse 20 * foreknovven in deede before the constitution of the vvorld but manifested in the last times for you ✝ verse 21 vvhich by him are faithful in God vvho raised him from the dead and hath giuen him glorie that your faith and hope might be in God ✝ verse 22 Making your soules chaste in obedience of charitie in the sincere loue of the fraternitie from the hart loue ye one an other earnestly ✝ verse 23 borne againe not of corruptible seede but incorruptible by the vvord of God vvho liueth and remaineth for euer ✝ verse 24 For al flesh is as grasse and al the glorie thereof as the floure of grasse the grasse is vvithered and the floure thereof is fallen avvay ✝ verse 25 But the vvord of our Lord remaineth for euer and this is the vvord that is euangelized among you CHAP. II. Novv after their Baptisme vvhat must be their meate 4 and being come to Christ hovv happie they be abou● their incredulous brethren according to the Scriptures also 11 Wherevpon he beseecheth them to shine in good life among the Heathen so to procure their conuersion 13 to be obedient subiects to higher Povvers hovvsoeuer some misconster Christian libertie 14 and seruants to obey their Maisters 19 And so doing vvel though they suffer for it it is very meritorious 21 vvhereas Christ also not onely gaue them example 24 but also by his death hath made them able to liue iustly verse 1 LAYING avvay therfore al malice and al guile and simulations and enuies and al detractions ✝ verse 2 as infants euen novv borne reasonable milke vvithout guile desire ye that in it you may grovv vnto saluatiō ✝ verse 3 if yet you haue tasted that our Lord is svveete ✝ verse 4 Vnto vvhom approching a liuing stone of men in deede reprobated but of God elect and made honorable ✝ verse 5 be ye also your selues superedified as it vvere liuing stones spiritual houses ' a holy priesthod to offer ″ spiritual hostes acceptable to God by IESVS Christ ✝ verse 6 For the vvhich cause the Scripture conteineth Behold I put in Sion a principal corner stone elect pretious and he that shal beleeue in him shal not be confounded ✝ verse 7 To you therfore that beleeue honour but to them that beleeue not the stone vvhich the builders reiected the same is made into the head of the corner ✝ verse 8 and * a stone of offense and a rocke of scandal to them that stumble at the vvord neither doe beleeue wherin also they are put ' ✝ verse 9 But you are an * elect generation a kingly priesthod a holy nation a people of purchase that you may declare his vertues vvhich from darkenesse hath called you into his maruelous light ✝ verse 10 Vvhich sometime not a people but novv the people of God Vvhich not hauing obtained mercie but novv hauing obtained mercie ✝ verse 11 My deerest I beseche you as strangers pilgrimes * to refraine your selues from carnal desires which vvarre against the soule ✝ verse 12 hauing your conuersation good among the Gentiles that in that vvherein they misreport of you as of malefactors by the good vvorkes considering you * they may glorifie God in the day of visitation ✝ verse 13 * ″ Be subiect therfore to euery humane creature for God vvhether it be ″ to king as excelling ✝ verse 14 or to rulers as sent by him to the reuenge of malefactors but to the praise of the good ✝ verse 15 for so is the vvil of God that doing vvel you may make the ignorance of vnvvise men to be dumme ✝ verse 16 as free ″ not as hauing the freedom for a cloke of malice but as the seruants of God ✝ verse 17 Honour al men Loue the fraternitie Feare God Honour
to heauen 651. No sinne but in this life it may be remitted the contrarie is the heresie of the Caluinists 686. See Penance They are worse in this point then the Nouatians 613. Vvhat is in S. Iohns Epistle a sinne to death 687. Three degrees of sinnes signified by the three dead that Christ raised to life 100. Sinne the cause of sicknes and other plagues 132. Spirit To adore and serue God in spirit 228. Boasting of the spirit 684. Not to credit euery spirit and hovv to trie them 552. The Church onely hath to discerne spirites 684. The testimonie of the Spirit in vs. 402. Superioritie and difference of degrees not forbidden 57 marg 165 marg Superstition not allowed in the Catholike Church 344. 539 marg The Protestants falsely call deuotion superstition 344. Supremacie of temporal Princes in matters Ecclesiastical See Princes T Tithes due to God and his Priests 615. Giuen by the inferior to the superior ibid. Paied in the Law of nature Moyses ib. How due to the Priests of Christes Church 616. Tongues Praiers in an vnknovven tōgue See Praiers The 14 chap. of the first to the Corinthians explicated concerning tongues 460. The Protestants vaine boasting of tongues 457 marg The three principal tongues in the title of the Crosse of Christ 271 marg The holy Scriptures most conueniently preserued in them ibid. Traditions not written 559. at large 413. 414. 476. 612. 653. 279 marg 353. 451. 454. 43. 106. 464 marg 695. 591 marg Apostolical traditions 413. 414. 451. 476. 559. 560. 612. 464 marg Particular traditiōs of the Apostles the Lent 12. 145 marg the administration of the B. Sacrament 451. 454. a commemoration inuocation of Saincts in the Masse ibid. praier for the dead ibid. and 560. mingling water with wine ibid. Baptizing of infantes 559. the Apostles Creede 560. See other particular traditions pag. 454. 559. Pater noster in the Masse 567. keeping of Sunday Easter Vvhit-sontide c. 43. 467 mar How to know Apostolical traditions 560. 559. Ignatius booke of the Apostles traditions ib. The fathers estimation of traditions 559. The Protestants hatred of the very name and suppressing the same in the text of holy Scripture 559. 560 marg They are called Depositum 414. 581 mar descending from the Apostles by Bishop and Bishop vnto the end 584. The Protestāts can shew no such Depositum 584. Heretikes conuicted by traditiō 5. 559. Iewish and heretical traditions 43. 106. Translation of the Bible into Greeke called Septuaginta 633. cited of the Euangelistes and authentical in the Greeke Church ibid. The authentical Latin translation 633. Beza preferreth it before al the rest See the preface Translatours of holy Scripture must be exacte and sincere 221. See the preface V VIrginitie better then Mariage more meritorious and grateful to God fitter for his seruice 4. 55. 440. 725 m. 356. The contrarie was Iouinians old condēned heresie 582. Virginitie coūseled not commaunded 55. 440. 438 marg See Mariage Professed virgins may not marie See Vovv The state of virgins passeth the rest 725 m. Visions recorded in the Scriptures 315. 318. 319. 368. 492. Visions haue no credite with Heretikes specially with the Protestants 319 marg 492. Some haue been rapt to see the state of the next life 491 marg Extreme vnction See Extreme Vovv an acte of soueraine worship 169. Neuer true religion without vowes and votaries ib. The Protestants haue abandoned al vowes and votaries ib. Vow of monastical and religious life 169. 304. Vow of Virginitie or chastitie lawful possible c. 55. 580. 581. 582. Yong vvomen may vovv Religion 581. Our B. Ladie vowed virginitie 138. The daughters of Philip the Deacon were vowed virgins 356. The Apostles vowed pouertie and professed the religious state of perfection pag. 55. nu 21. 27. Breache of vowes damnable 304. 439. 440. It is to breake their first faith 580. It is to goe after Satan 581. It is the highest kinde of Sacrilege 304. It is worse then aduoutrie 582. Vvhat virgins widovves the Apostle allovveth to marie 440. 581. Iouinian for persuading Nunnes to marie is called of S. Augustine a monster of S. Hierom he and his folovvers Christian Epicures 582. The Protestants call Iouinians heresie Gods word 582. Vvhat vovves are unlavvful and not to be kept 361. Vsurie not to be vsed among Christians 255. Spiritual vsurie in the better sense 74. nu 27. W VVidovvhod 579 at large This state more blessed then the state of matrimonie 439 m. Their cōtinual praier continencie 578 m. The example of holy Anne 141. 142. S. Ambrose and S. Augustine wrote whole bookes in cōmēdation of the state of widowhod 579. The Churches widowes called Diaconissae and their office 579. They must haue had but one husband ibid. The Caluinists most absurd expositiō of these wordes The husband of one wife 580. The Apostle forbiddeth not al yong widowes to vow 581. See Continencie The vvord of God is not only that vvhich is written in the Scriptures 548. See Gospel Tradition Vvorkes meritorious of life euerlasting 17. 177. 387. 430. 593. 594. 613. 703 mar No workes of them selues vvithout faith and the grace of God are meritorious 378. 594. Such are the workes that S. Paul excludeth from iustification 378. 387. 390. 411. 385. 499 marg Vve presume not vpon our owne workes or merites as of our selues but as of Gods grace 516 marg 594. The Protestants make no difference betwene Christian mens workes done in grace and the workes of Ievves Pagans 411. They are iniurious to Gods grace vvhich maketh vorkes meritorious 594. The Scriptures which they falsely alleage answered 189. 402. Vve are iustified by vvorkes also and not by faith only 16. 643. 645 and 646 at large 153 marg 678 marg 510 m. 538. m. See faith Good workes before faith though not meritorious yet are preparatiues to the first iustification 320. 389 m. That euery man shal be rewarded according to his vvorkes is a cōmon phrase in Scripture 47. 386 marg 387. 430. 656 marg 744 marg not according to faith only or lacke of faith 741. nu 12. Al good workes rewarded in heauen 630 marg 413. nu 1. pag. 587. 524 marg 543 marg 191 marg Heauen is due for them according to Gods iustice 593. 594. 613. 553 mar They giue great confidence before God 630. 627 marg Vvorkes may be done in respect of reward 16. nu 4. pag. 631. marg pa. 444. The three workes of iustice 14. 15. 16. Vvorkes of mercie how acceptable to God 663. 317. m. 341 marg See Almes Vvorkes of perfection or supererogation 444. 485. 168 m. See C. Euangelical Counsels Vvorkes satisfactorie 143 m. See faith Iustification Merite Revvard Heauen prepared for them only that deserue it by good workes 58. nu 23. pag. 73 marg Vvithout good vvorkes a man shal be demned 143 marg 153 marg 739 marg The booke of euery mans workes opened in the day of iudgement 741.
Vvhich Iames vvrote this epistle I● 1. The Church readeth these Catholike or Canonical Epistles in order at Mattins frō the 4 Sūday after Easter vntil Vvhitsunday The Protestants abhorre the vvord Catholike Euseb li. 2. hist c. 22. The Epistle for a Martyr Ro. 5 3. Mat. 21 22. Mar. 11 24. Ps 102 15. Eccl. 14 18. Es 4 6 1 Pet. 1 24. The Epistle for a Martyr that is a Bishop Iob 5 17. ⸬ The groūd of tētation to sinne is our cōcupiscence not God The Epistle on the 4 Sunday after Easter Prou. 17 27. The Epistle on the 5 Sunday after Easter Mat. 7 21. Ro. 2 13. ⸬ Beatitude or saluation consisteth in vvel vvorking Vvhat faith is required in praier God is not author of euil Partial and vvilful translation * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Concupiscēce of it self no sinne Not euery sinne mortal Vvhat is the lavv of libertie in the Nevv Testament Good vvorkes a part of mans iustice Leu. 19 15. Deu. 1 16. Pro. 24 23. Eccl. 42 1. Leu. 19 18. Mat. 22 39. Rom. 13. Leu. 19 37. Deu. 1 18. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Io. 3 17 ⸬ He speaketh to al heretikes that say faith onely without vvorkes doth iustifie calling them vaine men and comparing them to Diuels ` dead Gen. 22 10. Gen. 15 6. Ro. 4 3. Gal. 3 Ios 2 1. 18. and 6 22. Scripture abused by the Anabaptistes to make no distinction of persons Vvhat the Apostle meaneth by acception of persons How he that offendeth in one commaundement is guilty of al. Vvorkes of mercie exceding grateful to God The proud impudent dealing of the heretikes against this Epistle because it is so plaine against only saith Only faith an old heresie S. Iames the rest inculcate good vvorkes against the errour of only faith falsely gathered of S. Paules vvordes Ioco citate S. Augustines vvhole disputation in this poīt very notable directly against only faith * Li. 83 q. q. 76. Heresies against good vvorkes Workes cōcurre vvith faith as cause of iustification Workes make vs iust in deede before God The Protestants say by faith only S. Iames cleane contrarie Not by faith only * Gal. ● * See the annot vpon the epistle to the Romans c. 2. v. 13. The manifold meaning of certaine fathers vvhen they say Only faith S. Paul nameth faith S. Iames vvorkes causes of iustification but neither the one faith only nor the other vvorkes only Faith vvithout vvorkes is a true saith but not auailable as the body vvithout the spirit is a true body though it be dead Vvhat faith the Apostle speaketh of that he knevv no special faith Mat. 23 8. Eccl. 14 1. 19 16. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ` litle ` can it yeld salt and svveete vvater ⸬ The difference betwixt the humane vvisedom specially of heretikes and the vvisedom of the Catholike Church her children Many maisters are many proud Sect-maisters 1. Io. 2 15. ⸬ The boldnes of Haeretikes adding here the vvord Scripture to the text thus And the Scripture giueth greater grace Prou. 3 35. 1 Pet. 5 5. c Free vvil mans owne endeuour necessarie in comming to God 1 Pet. 5 6. c He forbiddeth detractiō euil speaking slaundering c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ro. 14 4. ⸬ Al promises and purposes of our worldly affaires are to be made vnder condition of Gods good liking pleasure and it becommeth a Christian man to haue vsually this forme of speache in that case if God vvil if God otherwise dispose not Mans vvorking vvith Gods grace is no derogation therevnto ⸬ A feareful description of the miseries that shal befall in the next life to the vnmerciful couetous men ` condemned c He meaneth either fruite or raine ` is as hand Mt. 5 34 The Epistle in a votiue Masse for the sicke Mr. 6 13 b The Epistle in Maioribus Litanijs on S. Markes day and in the Rogation daies the heretikes translate Acknovvledge your sinnes c. So litle they can abide the very vvord of confession 3 reg 17. Eccl. 48. Lu. 4 25 3. reg 18 41. ⸬ He that hath the zeale of conuerting sinners procureth thereby mercie and remission to him self vvhich is a singular grace The sinnes crying to heauen Vvhat othes are lawful vvhat are not Heretical trāslation against Priesthod Neither their Elders so called nor their Ministers can be those vvhō the Apostle here calleth Presbyteros They haue no reason to call their Ministers by that name Their Deacōs should rather be called Ministers They should keepe the name Priest as vvel as deacon The Sacramēt of EXTREME VNCTION The heretikes ob●ections against the said Sacrament ansvvered and vvithal it is proued to be a Sacrament Remission of sinnes annexed to creatures Holy vvater Holy oile blessed by the Bishop The peoples deuotion tovvard such hallowed creatures The sacramētal vvordes The three effects of this Sacrament Priests and not Elders are the ministers of this sacrament * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In hunc locum Confession Truthes vnvvritten and knovven by tradition Conuerting of soules Our saluation attributed to men vvithout derogation to Christ ● 10. v. 2. 1 Pet. 1. 1 Pet. 5. * See the Annotation 1 Pet. 5. v. 13. 2 Pet. 3. 1 Pet. 5. * See the Annotatiō vpon S. Iames epistle c. 2. v. 21. The Epistle In Cathedra S. Petri. Roma Ian. 10. 2 Cor. 1 3. Eph. 1 3. The Epistle for many martyrs ⸬ Chastitie not onely of body but also of minde is required S. Bede vpon this place Leu. 11 19. 20 7 Deu. 10. c God vvil iudge men according to euery ones vvorkes and not by faith onely Ro. 2. Gal. 2. 1 Cor. 6 20. 7 23 ⸬ He meaneth the errours of Gentility or if he vvrite to the Iewes dispersed he meaneth the yoke of the Law vvith the fond and heauy additiōs of their later Maisters called Deuterôses The Heretikes to make it sound to the simple against the traditions of the Churche corrupt the text thus Which you haue receiued by 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 fathers Ro. 16 25. Col. 1 26. Tit. 1 2. Esa 40 6. The Epistle vpon Saturday in Easter weeke ` a spiritual house Es 28 16. Ps 117. Mt. 21. Act. 4. Es 8. ` vvhereto also they are ordeined Ro. 9 33. Exo. 19. c The Protestants can no more gather of this that al Christians be Priests then that al be kings as is most plaine Apocalyp 1 6. and 5 10. Thou hast made vs a kingdom or kings priests Apoc. 1. Ose 2. Ro. 9. Gal. 5 16. The Epistle vpō the 3 Sunday after Easter Mt. 5 16 ⸬ So is the Greeke but the Protest in fauour of temporal lawes made against the Cath. religion translate it very falsely thus to al maner ordināce of man thē selues boldly reiecting Ecclesiastical decrees as mēs ordinances c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ro. 13 1. c In this speache is often commēded the vnitie of al Christians among them selues The