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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14216 The summe of Christian religion: deliuered by Zacharias Vrsinus in his lectures vpon the Catechism autorised by the noble Prince Frederick, throughout his dominions: wherein are debated and resolued the questions of whatsoeuer points of moment, which haue beene or are controuersed in diuinitie. Translated into English by Henrie Parrie, out of the last & best Latin editions, together with some supplie of wa[n]ts out of his discourses of diuinitie, and with correction of sundrie faults & imperfections, which ar [sic] as yet remaining in the best corrected Latine.; Doctrinae Christianae compendium. English Ursinus, Zacharias, 1534-1583.; Parry, Henry, 1561-1616. 1587 (1587) STC 24532; ESTC S118924 903,317 1,074

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that we cannot haue it without his singular mercy grace wherefore destruction commeth of those that perish as concerning the merit of punishment but this taketh not away the superiour cause that is Gods reprobation For the last cause taketh not away the first cause The same is aunswered to that of Isa Sinnes separate the chosen from God for a time the reprobate for euer but yet the diuine purpose and counsel of God going before by which God decreed to adioine those vnto him or to cast them from him whom it seemed good to him so to deale with Rom. 9.18 He hath mercie on whom he wil and whom he will he hardeneth 7 Obiection Hee that hath not libertie to doe good The woorde of god not without good cause declared to the vnregenerate and eschevve euil is in vaine pressed vvith precepts and doctrine but the vnregenerate haue not libertie to doe good vvoorkes and omit euill therefore obedience is in vaine commanded them Answere The Maior is to be denied for when god doth suffer his wil to bee denounced to the wicked either hee doth together lighten them and moue them within by his spirite to obay his voice or pricketh them with the prickes of conscience either to obserue externall order and discipline or not so much to persecute the knowen trueth or he doth discouer their hypocrisie madnes in oppugning it or hee maketh manifest their weakenesse and ignoraunce and at length maketh them inexcusable in this life and in the last iudgement Reply 1 Whose conuersion and obedience dependeth of the grace of god hee hath no neede of exhortations and precepts But in them also vvho are conuerted their conuersion dependeth of grace Therefore precepts are vaine and needelesse Wee make answere to the Maior by a distinction If conuersion depend of grace so that the spirite doth not adioine doctrine as an instrument whereby to teach their mindes and mooue their heartes let this verily bee graunted although as it hath beene before saide there remaine as yet other vses of Doctrine But when it hath pleased God by this instrument both to lighten and mooue or incline mens mindes to faith and obedience the Maior is false For it is written Romanes 1. The ghospell is the povver of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleeueth 2 Reply It is not mercie but crueltie to propound precepts and Doctrine to those vvho are denied the grace of obeieng and vvho are by it more hardened and more grieuouslie condemned God therefore doeth not this vvho is exceeding mercifull Wee deny againe the Maior 1 Because Gods exceeding mercy doth not take awaie his iustice 2 Because he so will haue them to bee made inexcusable by the preaching of his heauenlie Doctrine as that in the meane season he reioyceth not at their destruction and punishment But for the manifestation of his iustice whereof that greater regard shoulde bee had than of all the creatures euen Gods iustice it selfe requireth hee will that which otherwise hee abhorreth in his mercy and goodnes towardes all creatures as Ezechiel saith 21. I wil not the death of him that dieth 4 Readines of minde to receiue grace is not before conuersion but after 8 Obiection He that prepareth himselfe to receiue grace by which he maie doe good works he now doth woorkes pleasing to God But men prepare themselues to receiue grace Therefore also before regeneration they doe works pleasing to god We deny the Maior which yet these places seeme to proue 1. Sam. 7. Prepare your hart vnto the Lord. Act. 10. The praiers and almes of Cornelius before he was taught and baptized of Peter come vp into remembrance before god But in these and the like places to prepare or to haue in readines or to confirme the hart is not to doe works before the conuersion by which god maie bee inuited to bestowe the grace of regeneration vpon men but it signifieth that a readie and firme will of obeying god and persisting in true godlinesse is shewed of those which are already regenerated and conuerted For the people of Israell had repented when Samuell said this vnto them For there goeth before in the same place al the house of Israel lamented and followed the Lord Likewise Cornelius before he was taught of Peter that Iesus was the Messias is said to haue beene then godly and seruing god and so calling and inuocating on him that his praiers pleased God and were heard Albeit good woorks are said to be ours yet it followeth not that we are authors of them but the instruments whereby the author worketh them 9 Obiection The workes which are not in our power to performe are not our workes neither are truly and properly said to be done by vs But good woorks are said to bee ours and to be done by vs Therefore it is in our wil to do them or not to do them We deny the Maior For they are not therefore said to be ours or to be done by vs bicause they are of our selues but because God worketh them in vs as in the subiect and by vs as instruments and that so as our wil doth them of her owne proper motion although not except it be renewed raised and guided by the holy ghost For beeing regenerated and moued by him we are not idle but he working in vs we our selues also woorke wel and that freely without constraint For by regeneration the wil is not taken away but corrected as which before would onely that which is euil will now that which is good Eph. 2.10 We are his workmanshippe created in Christ Iesus vnto good works which god hath ordained that we should walk in them 10 Obiection God helpeth vs in working and yet beginneth our working in vs. He that is holpen by another in conuersion and in beginning good workes doth somewhat of them himselfe before he is holpen For he that hath help beginneth the action God helpeth vs wherefore it is of our selues to begin good works The Minor is proued Marc. 9. I beleeue Lord but help my vnbeliefe Rom. 8. The spirit helpeth our infirmity Aunswere Nothing cā folow in conclusiō of mere particular propositions For the Maior here is not vniuersall seeing not onely he may help who beginneth a work but he also in whom it is begun and accomplished by another Now so doth god help vs that himselfe doth first breede and engender in vs true knowledge of him and an inclination to obey him and the beginninges of good motions doth encrease also and perfect the same begun by him But he is therefore said to help vs because he doth so work in vs that we are not idle but work while he worketh and yet we are able no more to persist or to bring it to an end without him than to begin it And therefore we being inclined moued and gouerned by him wil also our selues of our owne accord and are able to work wel and do work wel that is because
witnesseth that it sufficeth for the libertie of the creature if the will be inclinable of it selfe to the contrarie of that which it chooseth and doth of it owne accord choose that which the minde either liketh or disliketh And hence also is that dissolued that they say that man is not iustlie punished of God if he coulde not auoide his fall For he that sinneth willingly or doth drawe on himselfe the necessitie of sinning is iustly punished his owne conscience accusing him neither is it vniust that hee is forsaken of God and depriued of the grace of the holy ghost who wittingly and willingly casteth it away and that hee suffer the punishment of this his ingratitude and contempt of God although he cannot God forsaking him doe otherwise For none is forsaken of God except he be willing to be forsaken As Math. 18. It must needes bee that offences shall come but woe be vnto that man by whom the offence commeth At length they say that God is made cruell enuious and far from bountie and mercie Gods denial of grace no crueltie but a way to greater mercie if hee did not bestow that grace vpon man without which he knew man could not stand or cōsist in temptation yet would haue him tempted of the Diuel But these and the like tauntinges and reprochinges of the woorkes and iudgementes of God out of doubt are ioyned with great impietie because they ouerturne that grounde and principle which is the first degree step to godlines reuerence towards God that is that whatsoeuer God doth it is good and iust not disagreeing from his nature and lawe whether the reason thereof bee knowen vnto vs or vnknowen Wherefore this aunswere should suffice that it disagreeth not from the mercie and goodnesse of god whatsoeuer hee doth But there is not want also of other answers As that that deniall of grace doth not disagree but verie well agreeth with the mercie and bountie of god when god will haue this to bee an occasion of bestowing a greater grace and benefite as it is apparant in the fall and restoring of man Againe that that is not disagreeing from mercie or any other vertue which doth appertaine to the manifesting of the glorie of the chiefe good which is god For although it bee mercy not to reioyce in the ruine or destruction of his creature yet mercie ought not to fight with iustice Now it is iust that more regarde shoulde bee had of the chiefe good that is god both by himselfe and by others than of all the creatures Wherefore very well doe agree together in god his mercie which will not the death of a sinner and his iustice which suffereth mankinde to fall that by his fall the seueritie and goodnesse of god may appeare The second degree is in man fallen into sinne The second degree of l●bertie after the fall in man not regenerate and being vnregenerate In this state the will verily doth worke freely but yet is carried to euill onely and can doe nought else but sinne except it bee regenerated by the holy ghost Or shorter It is the fitnes pronenesse in man after his fall beeing vnregenerate to choose onely euill The reason is because men by the first Parentes fall are destitute of the true knowledge of god and of all inclination to obey him Therefore no actions of the vnregenerate be they neuer so notable can please god seeing they are not referred to this end that god may bee honored by their obedience This blindnes and corruption of mans nature doth the scripture liuely depaint out in very many places Al the thoughts of man are euil Psalme 59.11 2. Cor. 3.5 Ephe. 2.3 Iere. 13.23 Math 7.18 We are not able of our selues to think any good thing We vvere by nature the sons of vvrath Can the black Moore change his skin Then may ye also doe good that are accustomed to doe euil An euil tree cannot bring forth good fruit Wherfore the wil ability to do good work● is no more in the vnregenerats power than their creation The libertie which is in man now after his fall and not yet regenerated and recouered is the very bondage of sinne This libertie of the vnregenerate is the most wretched seruitude of sinne and very death in sinnes whereof the scripture treateth in many places as Iohn 8.34 Whosoeuer committeth sinne is the seruant of sinne Rom. 6.16 Know yee not that to whomsoeuer ye giue your selues as seruants to obey his seruants ye are to whom ye obey whether it be of sinne vnto death or of obedience vnto righteousnes 2. Pet. 2 19. Promising vnto them libertie are themselues seruants of corruption Free will to outward good action without an inward faith and obedience is not freewill to good 1 Obiection Nothing more easie saith Erasmus than to keepe a mans hands from stealing Againe Socrates Aristides manie others haue shewed and exercised manie vertues Therefore they had free will to good before regeneration Aunswere 1. This is an ill definition of a good worke and of free wil to good which is a power of yeelding obedience pleasing to God The vnregenerat steale within by their lust and desire though not by outwarde fact That the vnregenerate contain their hands that is obserue outward Disciplin this is also Gods benefite who by his generall prouidence gouerneth also the heartes of the wicked and bridleth their inbred wickednes that it breake not forth and effect that which it would But hereof it foloweth not that it is easie to begin inwarde obedience or that to contain their hands from stealing is simply a good worke The outward actions good in themselues are made euill by want of an inward faith Neither are those good works before God that is pleasing vnto God which haue not ioined with them faith and inward obedience But faith and inwarde obedience coulde not be in them because they were not regenerated Replie 1. The workes of the law are good Heathen men did the workes of the lawe therefore the workes of heathen men were good And by consequence heathen men also or vnregenerate haue libertie of doing good Wee answere to the Maior by a distinction The works of the law are good true by themselues but they are made ill by an accident so are these workes of the lawe made ill by an accident of the vnregenerate because they are not done by them for that ende and after that sort which God commanded The remnants of spirituall life in the vnregenerat are not sufficient to make their workes good Replie 2. There remain also manie true notions in the minds of the vnregenerat concerning god and his will the right ordering of their life Wherefore the will working according to these notions and the direction of true reason doth not sinne but worketh well Answere first Those legal notions whether they belong to the first or to the second table of the Decalog they
al his waies And Act. 10. God is no accepter of persons Thirdly Gods diuine wil is the chiefe and perfectest rule and onely squire of vprightnesse And therefore God alone because he is exceeding good cannot of his owne nature wil or work anie vniust thing but the wils and actions of all creatures are so far iust as they are made by god conformable to his diuine wil. Men not able without the doctrine of the church to conceiue aright of Gods iustice and righteousnes Now although al confesse god to be righteous and iust because God hath imprinted this notion and knowledge of himselfe among other in the reasonable nature because hee is perfectly good and therefore is the rule of perfect righteousnesse because hee witnesseth by examples of punishmentes and rewardes that he hateth and punisheth vniust thinges and liketh the iust because hee is the iudge of the woorlde to whome it belongeth to compose or set and administer all thinges in a iust order because lastly hee oweth not any thing to any nature but by the right of a creatour it is laweful for him to dispose of all thinges at his will and therefore cannot be to any iniurious as it is saide Luc. 17. When ye haue done all saie we are vnprofitable seruants Rom. 11.35 Who hath giuen vnto him first and hee shall be recompenced Matth. 20.15 Is it not lawfull for mee to doe as I wil with mine owne Yet notwithstanding it is farre off that men shoulde iudge aright of the righteousnesse and iustice of God without the doctrine of the Church because they haue not the whole knowledge not so much as of the Lawe wherein God made knowen his iustice and can affirme nothing certaine concerning the euerlasting punishmentes of sinnes and are altogether ignoraunt of the punishment which the Sonne of God susteined for sinnes Moreouer mens mindes are troubled The causes which make men to conceiue amisse of Gods iustice so that they doubt whether all thinges be gouerned of God in a iust and vpright order First when they see it goe well with the bad and ill with the good And to this obiection the doctrine of the Church onely is able to make aunswere which sheweth that God differreth the punishmentes of the wicked and the rewardes of the good to another life inuiteth the vn-Godly by his mildnesse lenity to repentance proueth confirmeth the Godly by exercises and calamities punisheth and chastiseth many for their sins who seem in mens iudgements to be g●ltles It goeth therefore euil with the good but not finally Now as hee differeth the punishment of the wicked thereby to inuite them to repentance so he afflicteth the Godlie First Because they yet retain manie sinnes Secondlie To proue and trie them Thirdly To confirme their saith in them Obiection But iustice requireth that neuer any good should be done to the wicked they were presently to bee punished Aunswere Except there be a reasonable and iust cause why to differre their punishment Reply But yet no harme shoulde euer be doone to the good Aunswere Not to those which are perfectlie good But we in this life are not p●●fectlie good Reply Wee are perfect in Christ Aunswere And therefore we are not punished of God but onelie chastised proued and exercised that so at length we may be also perfect in our selues Secondly when men consider that God dooth not cause and bring to passe that no sinne be committed when yet he might most easily doe it but farther that he punisheth sinnes which went before with after-sinnes and passeth at his pleasure thinges from one to another as the Aegyptians goods to the Israelites Exod. 12. And yet these thinges to be forbidden vs by his Lawe it seemeth vnto them that God will dooth some things contrarie to his Lawe But these thinges are contrarie to his Lawe and iustice if they be done by men but if God doe them they are most iust and are most agreeable to his Lawe For creatures are bound one to another one to prouide for anothers safety whensoeuer hee can But God is bound to none Thirdly some when they heare that god dooth not giue alike and equallie to men who all are by nature equal that is the Sonnes of wrath when as he conuerteth and saueth some hardeneth and condemneth others they deeme that by this reason accepting of persons is laide vpon God But these men mark not that then it is vniust to giue vnequallie to those who are equall when a due and deserued rewarde is paide and that GOD doth giue his blessings vnto men not of due but of his free bountifulnesse Reply Those thinges which are doone according to iustice are doone as due But that good should be doone to those who are good the order of iustice requireth Therefore good is doone vnto the good as due Aunswere Al this is true if wee talke of creatures But if of God not so because the creatour is bound to none as the creatures are neither can the creatures deserue any thing of God as they may one of another Wherefore God punisheth of iustice but dooth good of grace and mercie according as it is saide When yee haue doone all say we are vnprofitable seruants wee haue doone that which was our dutie to doe And if any man reply that not men onelie but God also is bound by order of iustice to spare and doe well to the good out of those wordes of Abraham Gen. 8.23 Wilt thou also destroie the righteous with the wicked It is to bee obserued that this bond is not of any desert or right that may make the Creatour to stand answerable to the Creature but of gods promise and truth For God did most freely and of his exceeding goodnesse when hee ought nothing to any bind himselfe by promises endented to doe good vnto the godlie And this goodnesse of God and faithfulnesse in keeping his promises is often called iustice And therefore it is well saide that it agreeth not with God to afflict anie vndeseruedly not because hee should iniurie any though he destroied him not offending but because his mercie and bountifulnesse and trueth doe not admit this These thinges are necessarily to be ascribed of vs vnto the iustice of God that the cogitation thereof may ascertaine vs of the punishment of the wicked of the deliueraunce of the Godly from their iniuries after this life that so we may patiently beare whatsoeuer he will lay vpon vs as Dan. 9. it is said O Lord righteousnes belongeth vnto thee but vnto vs open shame GOD teacheth vs in the Scripture to knowe his trueth after this manner First How wee are taught the truth of God in scripture that his infinite Wisedome suffereth none but most true and certaine knoweledge of all thinges to bee in him Hebrues 4.13 There is no creature which is not manifest in his sight but all thinges are naked vnto his eies with whom wee haue to doe Secondly that hee neither
is the withdrawing of Gods grace Further that God doth in such sort permit sinne as that he doth not illighten their minds with the knowledge of his will or doth not bend their harts and wils which by his arcane and secrete efficacie he inclineth whither himself listeth vnto this as for the obeying of God to pursue or flie these or those obiectes that is doth not conforme the wils of sinning creatures to his will these sayinges of scripture witnes Rom. 14. Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Deut. 13. If there arise among you a Prophet or a dreamer of dreames saying let vs go after other gods thou shalt not hearken vnto the words of the Prophet for the Lord your god prooueth you Deut. 29.2 Yee haue seene all that the Lord did before your eies in the land of Aegypt c. Yet the Lorde hath not giuen you an heart to perceiue and eies to see and eares to heare vnto this daie 1. Sam. 24.14 Wickednes proceedeth from the wicked but mine hand be not vpon thee Lastly in the description of prouidence it was said God directeth all both good and euil vnto his glorie and his chosens saluation that it directeth all things both good and euil to gods glorie that is to the manifesting and magnifiyng of his diuine iustice power wisedome truth mercie and goodnes And to the safetie of his chosen that is to the life ioy wisedome righteousnes glorie and felicitie euerlasting of his Church And that to these ends euen to the glorie of god safetie of his chosē al the counsels works of God in them also the punishments of sinne are referred of God ought to be out of controuersie seeing in al of them is beheld the glorie of god his fatherly care towards his Church Psalm 19.1 The heauens declare the glorie of god and the firmament sheweth the work of his hands Isai 48.9 For my names sake wil I differre my wrath Rom 8.28 We know that all things worke together for the best vnto them that loue god Iohn 9 3. Neither hath this man sinned nor his parents but that the works of god should be shewed on him God vseth also sinne or corruption it selfe which yet himselfe worketh not but suffereth to concurre with his owne action in the wicked 1. To shew forth both his iustice in punishing it and his mercie in remitting it 2. To woorke in vs a hatred of sinne true humilitie and an imploring of gods grace and thankefulnes of our deliuerie from sinne and death Prou. 16.4 The Lorde hath made all things for his owne sake yea euen the wicked but not wickednes for the daie of euill Exod. 9.16 Rom. Ezech. Gal. 3. We are further to consider the degrees of gods prouidence The degrees of Gods prouidence whereby hee tendereth the whole world mankind his chosen For he respecteth indeede and gouerneth all his creatures but especiallie mankinde as being the chiefe and principall amongst his woorkes and which beeing created according to his image he hath adorned with verie manie benefites aboue all other creatures And in mankinde especiallie those whom he hath elected and chosen to eternal life whom with the blessed Angels he maketh one euerlasting Church that in them he may dwell as in his Temple and habitation and therefore doth so guide and rule them in the whole race of their life as that all things must serue for their safetie Now haue we explicated and made plaine the definition of gods prouidence The prouidence of God is the gouerning and guiding of euery particular thing whereout ariseth a Question greatly to be considered which is whether gods prouidence extendeth it selfe to all things Aunswere Yea to euery little thing dooth the prouidence of GOD extende it selfe And that all thinges both the greatest and the smallest of them are ruled by the prouidence of GOD and that his prouidence is extended to all actions and motions of all creatures euen of those that sinne so that all thinges whatsoeuer are done come not to passe but by the eternall counsell and purpose of GOD either woorking them as they haue a respect and qualitie of good in them or permitting them as they are sinnes but moderating and gouerning all thinges euen sinne it selfe and directing them to his glorie and the safetie of his chosen is confirmed both by verie manie testimonies of Scripture and also by reasons drawen from the nature of God Testimonies Of the testimonies which may be alleadged for confirmation hereof there are certaine orders and rankes For some are vniuersall and generall which teach that all euents vniuersally are subiect to Gods prouidence Some are particular which speake both of some particular and certaine euents as also of the whole specials and generals thereof For the Scripture doth often transferre that to the whole specials generals which it speaketh of particular singular examples Wherefore it will haue all the indiuiduals singulars of the whole specials generals to be subiect to the diuine prouidence of God Of particular testimonies some belong to reasonable creatures or such as haue a wil in working be they good or bee they bad some to those which are without reason whether they be thinges liuing or not liuing Some likewise intreat of thinges contingent fortuning and casuall which soothly are such in respect of vs Some speake of necessarie thinges Nowe to all these heades as it were and principals adde we some such testimonies as are most cleare and famous for there are infinite Gods general prouidence confirmed The vniuersal and generall prouidence of God is witnessed by these Eph. 1.11 Hee woorketh all thinges after the counsell of his owne will Actes 17.25 Hee giueth to all life and breath and all thinges Num. 23.19 Hath hee saide and shall hee not doe it And hath hee spoken And shall be not accomplish it Nehem. 9.6 Thou hast made heauen and earth and all things that are therein the seas and all that are in them And thou preseruest them all Esai 45.7 I forme the light and create darkenes I make peace and create euill I the Lord doe all these things Of the prouidence of God ouer reasonable creatures the historie of Ioseph yeeldeth vs notable testimonies Gene. 45.18 Gods particular prouidence ouer creatures indued with reason You sent not me hither but God Gene. 50.20 When ye thought euill against me God disposed it to good Likewise the indurating and hardening of Pharao Exodus Exodus 4.11 Who hath giuen the mouth to man or who hath made the dumme or the deafe or him that seeth Haue not I the Lord Therefore goe now and I will bee with thy mouth Iohn 9.3 it is saide that GOD woulde that hee shoulde bee borne blinde to whom CHRIST restored his sight Ios 11.6 The LORD saide vnto Iosua bee not afraide for them for to morrowe about this time will I deliuer them all slaine before Israel Iosua 21.45
worketh also in them to be warie and to take heed thereof Rom. 8.3 Whom hee predestinate them hee iustified They therfore doe amisse who thinke to receiue comfort without any desire of a good conscience Replie But if they must take heed and beware they are vncertaine Aunswere No because they haue this as a spur to goe forwarde and perseuere But To bee certaine and not to haue a desire of repentance amendment of life implieth a contradiction as if thou shouldest say I am certaine of my reward therefore I will not runne for a rewarde is not giuen but to him that runneth These propositions doe mutuallie one follow another To bee certaine of saluation and to haue a desire of conuersion and amendement of life 2 What Predestination is PRedestination differeth from prouidence The difference b●tweene predestination and prouidence as a speciall from the generall For prouidence is the eternall counsell of God concerning al creatures but Predestination is the eternall counsel of GOD concerning the sauing of men and Angels Wherefore Predestination is the eternal most iust and vnchangeable counsel of God of creating men of permitting their fal into sinne and eternal death of sending his Sonne into flesh that hee might bee a sacrifice and of conuerting some by the woorde and the holie ghost for the Mediatours sake and sauing them in true faith and conuersion and of leauing the rest in sinne and eternall death raising them vp to iudgement casting them into eternal paines Here is spoken of men which shall bee saued and not saued therefore to them onely and not to Angels doth this definition of Predestination agree Election The partes of Predestination are Election and Reprobation Election is the eternal vnchaungeable free and most iust decree of god whereby hee hath decreed to conuert some to Christ to preserue and keepe them in faith and repentaunce and by him to giue them eternall life Reprobation Reprobation is such a decree of god as whereby hee hath decreed to leaue some according to his most iust iudgement in their sinnes to punish them with blindnesse and damnation and to condemne them beeing not made partakers of Christ euerlastingly That Election likewise as also Reprobation are both the decree of god these and the like sayinges doe prooue John 13.18 I know whom I haue chosen 2. Tim. 1.9 His grace was giuen to vs before the worlde was Rom. 9.18 He hath mercy on whom he wil. Both therefore election and reprobation were made by counsell and therefore both are a decree and that eternal because there is no new thing in God but all from euerlasting and the Scripture doth manifestlie saie Ephes 1.4 That God hath chosen vs before the foundation of the worlde Seeing then hee hath chosen vs hee hath therefore reiected the rest That which the verie word of choosing doth shew For whatsoeuer is chosen the same is chosen other thinges beeing reiected This Election is of grace and free that is not in respect of anie good foreseene in vs. He hath mercie on whom he will that is He giueth freely what he giueth Joh. 15.16 You haue not chosen me 3 What the causes of Predestination or Election and Reprobation The efficient cause of our election Gods good pleasure not any thing in vs. THE efficient and motiue cause is the good pleasure of God Matth. 11.26 Jt is so O Father because thy good pleasure was such God hath not foreseene any thing in vs for which he should choose vs for there can be no good in vs as of our selues For if anie good bee found in vs that hee dooth worke wholy in vs and hee woorketh nothing in vs which hee hath not decreed to woorke from euerlasting Wherefore the alone gracious and most free good pleasure of God or the alone free mercy of God is the efficient and motiue cause of our Election Ephes ● 5. God hath predestinate vs to be adopted through Jesus Christ vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his wil. See further Roman 9.11 Coloss 1.12 2. Timot. 1.9.10 The cause of reprobatiō in God In like manner also the efficient cause of Reprobation is the most free good pleasure of God For wee beeing all by nature the children of wrath had al perished if sin were the cause of reprobation Wherefore the cause of reprobation is not in men themselues but that is in God his will of shewing foorth his iustice Therefore of particular men why this man is elected and he reprobated there can bee no other reason giuen but the good pleasure of God onely But the cause of damnation is altogether in men The cause of Damnation in men which is sinne The supreme final cause of Predestination is gods glorie and the last and proper final cause of Election is the manifestation of Gods goodnesse and mercie in freelie sauing the Elect. The next neerest finall cause of our Election is our Iustification when God dooth in his Sonne freely account vs for righteous Both which finall causes the Apostle compriseth in these wordes Ephes 1 6. He hath predestinate vs to the praise of the glorie of his grace wherewith he hath made vs freely accepted in his beloued Likewise of the contrarie The first final cause of Reprobation is the declaration of gods iustice seueritie and hatred against sinne in the reprobate 1 Obiection God did foreknowe our workes Therefore he choose vs for our woorks Aunswere He did foreknowe those good thinges which he purposed to woorke in vs as also he foreknewe the persons otherwise he could not haue foreknowen any good workes So could he not haue foreseene any euill except he had purposed to permit the same 2 Obiection Christs merite applied vnto vs by faith is the cause of our Election Therefore not the good pleasure of God Answere Christes merit is not the cause of election but is reckoned among the effects thereof 3 Obiection Euil workes are the cause of reprobation therefore good workes are the cause of election Aunswere Euil workes are not the cause of reprobation but of that which followeth reprobation that is of damnation Good workes go not before in him that is to be iustified muchlesse are they the cause of election but they followe in a man beeing iustified and draw their original and their perpetual efficacy and vertue from gods me●e grace 4 Wha● are the effects of Predestination THE effect of election is the whole woork of our saluation and al the degrees of our redemption 1. The creation and gathering of the church 2 The sending and giuing of Christ the Mediatour and his Sacrifice 3. Effectuall calling of men to his knowledge which is the conuersion of the Elect by the holie Ghost and the woorde 4. Faith iustif●cation regeneration 5. Good woorkes 6. Finall perseueraunce 7 Raising vnto glorie 8. The effects of Reprobation Glorification and eternal life The effects of Reprobation are the creation of the reprobate priuation
death is The euerlasting death of the wicked and is so called not because the reprobate by once dyeng shall fulfill it but because they shall die perpetuallie and shall feele perpetuall tormentes 2 Who giueth euerlasting life Euerlasting life the worke of all three Persons GOD alone giueth eternall life the Father giueth it by the son the holy ghost Of the Father it is said Ioh. 5.21 As the Father raiseth vp the dead and quickneth them so the son quickneth whom he will In which place the same is affirmed of the son also as in like maner in these folowing Ioh. 14. In him was life Isai 9.6 The Father of eternitie Iohn 10.28 I giue vnto them eternall life that is not by merit onely but also by power and working Of the Holy Ghost likewise it is saide Iohn 3.5 Except a man bee borne of water and the spirit hee can not enter into the kingdome of God Rom. 8.11 Hee that raised vp Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies by his spirit dwelling in you And this testimonie is to bee obserued for the confirmation of the Godhead of both Obiection But the ministers also giue life according to that of Paul 1. Cor. 4.15 In Christ Iesus J haue begotten you through the Gospel Aunswere Christ and the holy Ghost giue life by their owne power the ministers are onely instruments by whom Christ worketh through th● vertue of his spirite Replie But Christ giueth life by a communicated power Therefore not by his proper power Answere He giueth it by a power communicated but communicated from euerlasting as he was begotten from euerlasting Ioh. 5.26 As the Father hath life in himselfe so likewise hath he giuen to the Sonne to haue life in himselfe 3 To whom euerlasting life is giuen EVerlasting life is giuen to all the Elect All the Elect they alone are partakers of euerlasting life and to them onely Joh. 10.28 I giue vnto them eternal life that is to my sheepe who are his elect and chosen Iohn 17.9 I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast giuen me for they are thine and verse 12. Those that thou gauest me haue I kept and none of them is lost but the childe of perdition Againe faith and repentaunce are proper vnto the Elect only but these are part of eternal life Therefore eternal life belongeth to the Elect onely Rom. 11.7 The Elect haue obtained it and the rest haue beene hardened Wee must obserue in this place whereas the question is To whom euerlasting life is giuen that it is better to answere That eternal life is giuen to the Elect than to say it is giuen vnto the conuerted * As they are elected so the● are but chosen to eternall life as they are conuerted so they are in part admitted vnto it and begin to b● put in possession of it For conuersion and faith are the beginning of eternal life And to say Eternal life is giuen to the conuerted were all one as if you woulde say life is giuen to the liuing 4 For what cause euerlasting life is giuen THE impellent or motiue cause of euerlasting life giuen vnto vs is the alone free mercy of God For a good thing doth communicate it selfe and make others partakers of it and his loue towardes mankinde God of his ●ree mercy giueth vs for Christs sake euerlasting life that wee might praise and magnifie the same his mercy for euer And he will that euerlasting life bee giuen vs and himselfe giueth the same vnto vs for the alone intercession and merit of Christ imputed vnto vs by the comming and interposing whereof gods mercy is more illustrated and manifested than without it But no work of man either foreseene in vs or present is the cause of this eternall life whereunto notwithstanding wee are brought by many meanes Before the beginning of eternal life our woorkes merit eternall death after the beginning thereof all our woorkes are effectes thereof and nothing is cause of it selfe The final cause or end for which eternal life is giuen vs is that the mercy of God might be acknowledged and magnified of vs. Eph. 1.6 To the praise of the glorie of his grace wherewith hee hath made vs accepted in his beloued For the same cause God giueth vs eternall life for which hee chose vs. 5 When euerlasting life is giuen Euerlasting life is begu● here by conuersion IN this life is giuen the beginning of eternal life and that necessarily For vnto whom life euerlasting is not begunne to be giuen here that is who beginneth not here to feele a part of eternal life to wit faith and conuersion vnto him life euerlasting shal neuer be giuen after this life 2. Corinth 5.2 Therefore we sigh desiring to be clothed with our house which is from heauen Because that if we be clothed we shal not bee found naked It is consūmated in the worlde to come by glorification The consummation of euerlasting life is after this life for vnto whom euerlasting life is begunne to bee giuen here to them shal it be giuen finished compleate and consummated And of this consūmation ther are two degrees one when the soule is presently carried into heauen because by the death of the bodie we are freed from all infirmitie the other degree is greater higher and more glorious when in the resurrection of the bodies the soules shall againe be vnited to their bodies because after the resurrection we shal be made glorious and shall see God euen as hee is Iohn 5.24 He that heareth my word and beleeueth in him that sent mee hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life 1. Iohn 3.2 Nowe are wee the Sonnes of GOD but yet it dooth not appeare what wee shall bee and wee knowe that when hee shal appeare we shal bee like him for we shal see him as he is 6 How euerlasting life is giuen vnto vs. EVerlasting life is giuen vnto vs by the holy Ghost God giueth v● euerlasting ●i●● by the outw● ministerie 〈◊〉 th●●warde mi● of the spirit and the holy Ghost giueth it vs in this life by the ministerie of the word by the worde he worketh in vs the knowledge of God and his wil This knowledge hath following it a study and desire more and more to know God and to liue according to the prescript of his will It is giuen heere vnto infants so that they haue an inclination to repentaunce and faith But the consummation and accomplishment of euerlasting life shal be giuen vs after this life immediately Now that it is heere giuen vs mediately by the woorde is prooued by plaine testimonies of Scripture John 6.68 Whither shall wee goe say the Disciples Thou hast the words of life 1. Corint 4.15 Jn Christ Jesus J haue begotten you through the gospel Rom. 116. The gospell is the power of
reuerence him and declare our loue and thankefulnes towardes him by our good workes and obedience Rom. 12.1 J beseech you brethren by the mercies of God that ye giue vp your bodies a liuing sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God which is your reasonable seruing of God 1. Pet. 2.5 Yee are made an holie Priesthoode to offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god by Jesus Christ We are to doe good workes also in respect of our selues 1. That by our good workes we maie be assured of our faith Mat. 7.17 Euerie good tree bringeth forth good fruite Iames 2.20 That faith which is without workes is dead Phil. 1.11 Filled with the fruites of righteousnesse which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glorie and praise of god Now by our workes we must needes know that wee haue faith because the effect is not without his cause and wee must knowe the cause by his proper effect when as therefore we find not in our selues good works or newe obedience we are hypocrites neither haue we faith but an euil consciēce For true faith only which neuer wāteth al her fruites bringeth foorth as a fruitful tree good woorkes obedience amendment of life and these fruites likewise discerne and distinguish true faith from historical and temporary faith and so also from hypocrisie 2. That we maie be assured that we haue obtained remission of sinnes through Christ and are for Christes sake iustified before God for iustification and sanctification are benefites linked together which so cleaue together and that necessarily as they neuer can be seuered or pulled asunder For Christ obtained both for vs at once namely both remission of sinnes and the holy Ghost who stirreth vp in vs by faith the study and desire of good works and new obedience 3. That we maie be assured of our election and saluation 2. Pet. 1.10 Giue diligence to make your calling and election sure These proceede from the cause next going before For god hath chosen from euerlasting of his free mercy those onely which are iustified for the merit of his sonne Roman 8.30 Whom he predestinat them also hee called and them also he iustified Nowe that wee haue receiued from Christ iustification which is neuer giuen vnto the Elect without sanctification we knowe by faith And that we haue faith wee perceiue by the woorkes of faith true obedience and true conuersion 4. That by good woorkes our faith maie bee exercised cherished strengthned and aduaunced For they who giue themselues ouer to corrupt lusts against their conscience in them faith cannot be and therefore neither a good conscience neither a confidence and trust in god as beeing appeased and fauourable vnto them For wee haue through faith onelie a feeling of gods fauor towards vs a good conscience Rom. 8.13 Jf yee liue after the flesh yee shal die 2. Tim. 1.6 J put thee in remembrance that thou stirre vp the gift of god which is in thee by the putting on of my hands 5. That by good works we may shew forth and honest our life and calling Ephes 4.1 I praie you that yee walke worthie of the vocation whereunto yee are called 6. That wee maie escape temporal and eternal punishmentes Matth. 7.19 Euerie tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is cut off and cast into the fire Rom. 8.3 If ye liue according to the flesh ye shal die 7. That we maie obtaine corporall and spirituall rewardes which according vnto the promise accompanie good workes 1. Timot. 4.8 Godlines is profitable vnto al things which hath the promise of the life present and of that that is to come Except God woulde haue the hope of rewards and the feare of punishments to be motiue causes vnto good works he would not vse them in admonitions We must doe good woorkes also in respect of our neighbour 1. That wee maie bee profitable vnto our neighbours by our good example and so edifie them 1. Cor 15. All things are for your sakes that most plenteous grace by the thankes-giuing of manie maie redound to the praise of god Phil. 1.24 That I abide in the flesh is more needefull for you 2. That offences maie bee auoided Matth. 18.7 Woe bee to that man by whome offences come Rom. 2.24 The name of god is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you 3. That wee maie winne vnbeleeuers and by our woordes and deedes and example conuert them vnto Christ Luk. 22.32 When thou art conuerted strengthen thy brethren We see now then what are the causes for which we must necessariely doe good workes as also how or in what sense our workes are said to be necessarie for vs vnto saluation to wit not as a cause of our saluation but as mean or way without which wee come not vnto it And after the same sort also it maie be said That good woorkes are necessarie vnto iustice and righteousnes or vnto iustification or in them that are to be iustified namely as a consequent following iustification wherewith regeneration is vnseparably ioined But yet I would not vse these kindes of speaking 1. Because they are ambiguous doubtful 2. Because they breed contentiōs minister occasiō of cauilling vnto the aduersaries 3. Because the Scripture doth not vse them which must be followed of vs in speaking 6 Whether good woorkes merit any thing before God THIS sixt question ariseth out of the fift as the fourth did out of the thirde For when men heare that wee receiue rewardes by our woorkes they presently conclude that we merit somewhat by them Wherefore wee are to know that good workes indeede are necessarie and therefore are to bee doone also for the rewardes ensuing them but yet that they merit nothing no not the least of gods giftes either corporall or spirituall The reasons hereof are most true and most euident 1 Our woorkes are vnperfect wherefore we can merit nothing by them Gal. 5.17 The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrarie one to the other so that yee do not the same thinges that yee would 2 The good workes what euer we are able to doe are all due Luk. 17.10 When ye haue doone all those thinges which are commanded you say we are vnprofit●ble seruants 3 Our woorkes are impure and vitious how-euer they seeme most good Isay 64.6 Wee haue all beene as an vncleane thing and all our righteousnesse is as filthy cloutes Phil 3.8 J thinke all things but losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Jesus my Lord for whome I haue counted all thinges losse and doe iudge them to be dongue that J might winne Christ 4 If we doe any good woorkes they are not ours but are belonging to god onely Phil. 2.13 Jt is god which worketh in you both the will and the deede euen of his good pleasure 1. Corinth 4.7 What hast thou which thou hast not receiued We are euill trees if then we doe any good that must needes come from God onely Mat 20.15 Is it
as much as al mē haue sinned cap. 7. We know that the law is spiritual but I am carnal sold vnder sinne Eph. 2. We were by nature the children of wrath as wel as others Last of al seeing infantes also are subiect to sinne whereupon also they die and are to be baptised as before time they were circumcised and they cannot as yet sinne by imitation it must needs be that sinne is bred in them as it is said Genes 8. The cogitation of mans heart is euill euen from his youth And Isaie 48. I called thee transgressor euen from thy womb Against this doctrine it is obiected first Obiect Of the deriuation of the soule from the soul of the parents If sinne bee propagated from the Parents vnto their posterity either the soul stained with originall sinne is deriued by deduction out of the soule of the Parents or is created by God of nothing infected with sinne and is infused into the bodie or els being created pure by God it draweth corruption and naughtines of the body vnto which it is vnited But since that a spiritual substance may not be cut into parts soules are not propagated by deduction out of the soule of the Parentes neither are they created corrupt of God because God by this meanes should be made autor of sinne contrarie to that which hath beene said God saw al which he had made they were verie good neither are the soules depraued by the bodies partly for that it would be against both the end vnto which man was created euen to life euerlasting and also against the goodnes of god for a pure and innocent soul to be ioined with a bodie of which it should be depraued partlie for that sinne can not be propagated by the bodie which ● senseles neither exerciseth any action on the soule but by the soul Wherefore the children are not borne corrupt of corrupt parentes 1 Answere The souls are corrupted by the bodies To this the answeare is double First they can not proue that which in the third place in their Minor they affirme That the soules can not draw naughtines corruptiō from the bodies For our first Parentes also were created to eternall life and yet were depraued falling from god Wherefore as the creation of our first parentes and their triall by temptation and in temptation their falling away which being put their corruption was certainly to followe so also the vniting of the soules with their bodies in which certainlie they shall be corrupted is not contrarie to the goodnes of God partly because God is so good as also he will shew foorth his anger against sinne and his iustice togither with his mercie in his woorkes partly because he hath appointed a remedie in his sonne vnto the which who flie are deliuered from this hereditarie and necessarie corruption and from the danger of damnation neither is it disagreeing from his goodnes rather to saue men freed from sinne and death by the death of his onele begotten Son then if they had neuer fallen into these miseries Neither is it absurd that the nature or temperature of the bodie though it bee senseles yet should be prone to euill and no fit instrument for the good actions of the soule and that the soule not being established in that puritie in which it was made should follow the inclinations and corrupt temperature of the bodie and should fal from that integritie in which it was as soone as it is vnited vnto the bodie and seeing that the bodie proceeding from sinful and guiltie parentes is one part of a man that God should be offended with the whole man for that part of his which is guiltie and should withdraw the grace of his spirite that the other part also that is the soule being depriued of spiritual giftes may fall into wickednes and malediction But be it that they were able to prooue that Minor proposition 2 Answere The souls are togither created and vnited to their bodies yet there is another sufficient answere to the Maior so that wee haue no neede to enter into any doubtfull dispute about the deducting of the soule from the soule of the parentes by generation neither of the maner how Originall sinne is propagated For although wee graunt that the soules of all men as soone as they begin to liue are created of god yet it is not to be imagined that the soules haue a beeing some time before they are vnited to the bodies For at one and the same time they are both created and vnited to their bodies as it is said The soule of man is at the same time both created and vnited to the bodie Hee breathed in his face breath of life But as the substance also of bodies though it be taken out of the substance of the parentes yet is rightly said to be created of God that is framed by him and the substances both of men and diuels who both are sinfull are preserued of God neither is yet God the autor or maintainer of their sinne or malice so also the substance of the soules and their naturall faculties God togither both createth and bereaueth of his giftes which giftes hee gaue of that condition to Adam that hee would also giue them to his posteritie if himselfe did keepe them but would not giue them if hee by his vnthankfulnes should cast them away Now the soule being destitute of the spirite and spirituall light although it bee inclined to desires and operations yet is it blinde not inclined to such desires and actions as the law of God requireth And by this meanes the inclinations being despoiled of their rightnes are become of their owne accord euill and are repugnant to the lawe of God And those defectes in the minde and will and heart of our first parentes are the iust punishmentes of sin committed by our first parentes and by their seed in them as they are inflicted by God but the inclinations corrupted by these defectes and the defectes themselues because they are a cause that man neither is nor can bee conformable to the law of God they are sinnes as they are drawen by men sinning vpon themselues and their seede and as they haue from them and their seede their being 2 Obiection That which the Parents themselues haue not they cannot deriue vnto their posteritie Original sin is taken awaie from the godly Therefore at the leastwise these doe not deriue it to their posteritie Aunswere Original sinne is taken away from the godlie and saints of god as concerning the guilt of it that is so as it is remitted them for Christs sake But as it is a sinne repugnant to the Lawe so it abideth in them For although they be withal regenerated by the holie ghost vnto whomsoeuer their sinne is forgiuen yet that renewing is not perfected in this life Wherefore the godlie also doe deriue such a nature to their posteritie as themselues haue that is a corrupt one
death we answere that those were punished in Christ with a punishment which both for the grieuousnes of the punishment for the dignitie of the person who suffered it is equiualent to those eternall punishments which were to bee inflicted vpon vs for our sinnes As it is said Esa 53. He hath laid vpon him the iniquities of vs all Against that which we affirme that eternall death is the effect of al sinnes yea euen of the least The 1. Obiection is Why the during of punishment ought to be alike to al sinnes but not the degree of punishment Like is not to be giuen vnto things vnlike But sinnes are not alike Therefore al ought not to be punished with eternall death Aunswere There is more in the conclusion of this reason than was in the premisses For only this followeth to be concluded Therefore all sinnes ought not to bee punished with like punishment For all sinnes euen the least deserue eternall punishment because all sinnes offend against the eternall and infinite good Wherefore as concerning the lasting of the punishment all sinnes are punished with like punishment but not as concerning the degrees of punishments All sins are punished with eternall torments yet so as not with equal torments The seruaunt who knoweth the wil of his master and doth it not shall be beaten with manie stripes It shal be easier for them of the land of Sodom in the daie of iudgement than for thee Al sinnes are not equal Here the Stoicks obiect That al sinnes or vices are ioined with anie one vice and therefore all are alike and equall But neither is this consequence of force whereas also things vnlike and vnequal maie bee ioined together neither is the antecedent graunted That seemeth to be proued by the saying of Iames cap. 2. He that faileth in one is guilty of al. But Iames saith not that all sins or vices concur and are ioyned with one but first that in the breach of one point the whole law is violated as the whole bodie is said to be hurt when one part is harmed Then that there concurreth with euery sin the fountaine or cause of al other sins that is the contempt of God And this euil beeing seated in the hart doth violate the loue of God and so al other parts of our obedience towards God For no woork which proceedeth not from the perfect loue dread and reuerence of God can agree with the Law of God or please God And yet haue we experience that this hindereth not but that he which is infected with one vice may bee propense and prone to some sins more and to some lesse especially since vices themselues also are one opposite to another by the one of which contraries and not by both at one time euery man violateth vertue Neither are those principles also of the stoicall philosophers to be graunted That how farre soeuer thou goe in sinning after thou hast once past the line or middle which is vertue it is not material for the encreasing or augmenting the fault of passing beyond the line And that al vertues are alike and equall one to another so that no man is stronger than a strong man For whereas sin is a swaruing frō the middle it is manifest that how much greater the swaruing is so much is the sin more grieuous And that vertues are both in the same in diuers men otherwhile greater otherwhiles lesser euen as much as the qualities of the body are different in degrees experience doth witnes Wherfore in the iudgemēt of god also there are degrees put aswel of punishmēts as of sins 2 Obiect Gods great mercy his iustice neither impeached by other in punishing sin with eternal punishment Hee that is exceeding merciful doth not punish all sinne with exceeding and extreme punishment neither is to al eternitie angrie with sinne or looketh vpon the torments of his owne woorke For extreme iustice which doth strictly follow right and lawe in punishing admitteth no fauourable equity which yet mercie especially exceeding mercy doth vse and shewe But God is exceeding mercifull Therefore hee doth not punish all sinne with exceeding that is euerlasting punishment Or God punisheth all sinne with extreme punishment Therefore hee is not mercifull Auns First wee are to distinguish the ambiguitie of the Maior Hee that is exceeding mercifull doth not inflict exceeding and extreme punishment that is except his iustice require it But that God should punish all sinne with euerlasting punishment his exceeding iustice requireth which is Psal 5.5 earnestly and exceedingly to hate and punish all whatsoeuer is not agreeable to his Lawe So that except hee did punish it with sufficient punishment hee should not bee mercifull but light and cruell Secondly wee deny the consequence of the reason because it is a sophisme reasoning from that which is not the cause as beeing the cause For the iudge is not therefore vnmercifull for that hee executeth a robber on the wheel because he doth it according to iustice neither is delighted with the torment and death of a wretched man but had rather he were saued if so the Lawes permitted Right so God according to his infinit wisedome euen in inflicting extreme punishment on all sinne doth notwithstanding shewe immeasurable and manifould mercy and contrariwise in shewing exceeding mercy doth most straitly and exactly execute his iustice For 1. He punisheth our sinnes sufficiently and fullie not in vs but in his onely begotten sonne our guilt being translated on him 2. He offereth remission of sinnes and grace to al men who receiue his Son the Mediator with true faith and conuersion 3. Hee woorketh also that faith and conuersion by his spirit in the Elect. 4. Hee preserueth his elect in afflictions 5. At length he fully deliuereth them And all these things hee doth of his free mercy not bound or obliged thereto by any merite of ours 6. He is not delighted with the destruction of the reprobate who refuse that grace offered but by differring their punishment and by other great and diuers benefits he inuiteth them to repentaunce Wherefore the execution of Gods iustice is not repugnaunt to his mercy neither doth his mercie take away or make breach of his iustice but they are both coupled with a marueilous temperature in preseruing and sauing vs. How God is said remit nothing of his iustice and yet to be mercifull 3 Obiection is against this That god doth so exercise his mercy as he doth not thereby make breach of his iustice He that remitteth nothing of extreme iustice is not at all merciful but onely iust God remitteth nothing of extreme iustice because hee punisheth all with a sufficient punishment Therefore God is onely iust and not mercifull Aunswere We deny the Minor For god giueth vs his Sonne and punisheth him for vs of his meere mercie not of any right not bound thereunto by anie merites of ours Besides the Maior of the second Obiection is to be distinguished
be obiected that this honor is proper vnto Christ to be the image of god Coloss 1. and Hebr. 1. it is well knowen that Christ is after an other sort the image of god than other men For hee is in respect of his Diuinitie the image not of himselfe neither of the holy Ghost but of his eternall father coeternal and consubstantiall and coequall with his Father in essence essential properties and workes and is that person by which the Father doth immediatly reueal himselfe in creating and preseruing all thinges but chiefly in sauing the elect Secondly In respect of his humane nature he is the image of God that of the whole Trinitie because the three persons together bestowed on Christs humanity these giftes properties maiestie which are the image of God Now albeit this image of God is created finite not immense yet doth hee by many degrees and in number of gifts as in wisedome righteousnes power glorie far excell al Angels men after a peculiar maner resembleth the fathers nature and wil vnto vs in doctrine vertues actions because as the human nature which he took vnto him so all the properties actions thereof are proper vnto the Substantiall coeternall word of the eternall father Iohn 14. Philip hee that hath seene me hath seene my father Beleeuest thou not that I am in the father the father in mee The wordes that I speake vnto you I speake not of my selfe but the father that dwelleth in me he doth the workes Angels holy men are termed the image of god as wel in respect of the son the holy ghost as of the eternal father as it is said Let vs make man in our image according to our likenes that not for the likenes or identity of essence or some equality but for the agreeing of some properties not in degree or essence but in kind imitation which are essential infinit in god but in the creatures finite accidental that is qualities motions framed in thē by god to represent in some sort his nature They also who as in time past the Anthropomorphitae will haue the image of god to be the forme of mans body Adam not the image of God according to his bodie but according to his soule say that whole Adam was made to the image of God and therefore according to his body also But they perceiue not the vsual maner of speaking of a person composed of diuers natures which is called The communicating of properties when that is communicated to the whole person in the concrete which is onely proper to one of the natures as in the same place Adam was made a liuing soule Now as the scripture mentioneth the nature of the soule so also doth it mention such an Image of God as agreeth not vnto the bodie Again they obiect Christ is the image of god The faithfull not in al thinges like vnto the diuinitie in which they are like Christ because Christ himselfe in his body was not like vnto God but vnto man But the faithfull beare in their bodie the Image of Christ Heb. 2. 4. Philip. 4. Therefore the body also is the image of Christ There are 4. terms in this Syllogism because christ is not in his body but in his Diuinity the image of his father in soul or in the gifts or properties thereof actions he is the image of the whole Diuinity or godhead Wherefore the image of god is in the faithful the same which the image of god is in Christ neither are they in all thinges like vnto the godhead in which they are like Christ because there is somewhat in Christ besides his Diuinity the image of the Diuinity which is in the soul that is his body which hath an affinity not with the diuine nature but with the nature of our bodies Again they say The frame of mans body is made with admirable skil cunning wherefore there shineth in it is beheld as in an image the wisedom of the creator But it foloweth not hereof that the body is the image of god For so should al things be made to the image of god seing that in al gods works his power wisedome goodnes doe appeare which yet the scripture doth not permit which setteth out onely the reasonable creatures with this title commendation placeth the image of god in those things which belong not to the body but to the soul Here also question is made concerning the place of the Apostle 1. Cor. 11. Man is the image glory of god How man is said of S. Paul to be the image of god and not the woman but the woman is the glory of the man where Paul seemeth to attribute the image of god onely to man and to take it away from the woman But the Apostle meaneth that man only is the image of god not in respect of his nature being partaker of diuine wisedome righteousnes ioy neither in respect of his dominiō ouer other creatures for these are common to man woman but in respect of ciuil domestical ecclesiasticall order Gen. 3.1 Cor. 14. 1. Tim. 2. in which he wil haue the publick gouernmēt administratiō to belong vnto the man not to the womā Quest Seing that mā was made to the image of God it is demanded whence came this state in which now we see all things contrary Ans From the sinne of our first Parents OF THE FIRST SINNE Next vnto the place of the image of god is adioyned the place of the first sinne For seeing man was created to the imade of God that is perfectly wise perfectly righteous perfectly blessed the questiō hath been not without cause in all times whence this present estate of man commeth wherein he except he be born again by the holy ghost cannot do other than sin and be obnoxious to calamities of all sortes and at length to death it selfe To this question answere cannot be made but out of the doctrine of the Church onely which is that all this confusion and miserie floweth from the first sinne of our first Parents We must see therefore what that sinne is concerning which fower thinges especially come to bee considered 1 What it was 2 What the causes thereof 3 What the effectes 4 Why god permitted it 1 What that first sinne of Adam and Eue was The manifoldnes of the first sinne 1 In pride against God IT was diuers and manifolde and many and most grieuous sinnes are seene in that first sinne 1. Pride against god ambition and an admiration of himselfe For man not content with that state wherein god had placed him desired to bee eequal with God This doth God charge him with when he saith Behold the man is become as one of vs to know good and euill 2 In incredulitie contempt of Gods iustice 2. Incredulitie and vnbeliefe and contempt of Gods iustice and mercie because
from that obedience by her owne proper and free motion if hope or shewe of any good to come by defecting were offered vnto it Or shorter thus Before the fall it was such a power in man as that he was able to will and yeeld perfect obedience to be cōformable to god to make choice of that cōformity And further was able if he listed to forsake that conformity Or to be yet shorter Man before his fall had perfect libertie either to continue good or to fall Before the fall there was a fitnes and aptitude in man to choose good or euill and man was perfectly conformed to god because hee was made to the Image of God Again All things which God made were very good Now that there was in our first Parentes some weakenes ioined with perfect knowledge and obedience of God which might bee ouercome by the greatnes and force of some temptation Man though most free yet not so strong but he might fall God not assisting him the euent it selfe doth euidently inough declare And that by the especial purpose of god there was not so much grace bestowed vpon our first Parentes as thereby they were not able to be seduced by the tentation of Satan and bee moued to sinne the Apostle witnesseth Rom. 11. when he saith God hath shut vp al in vnbeleefe that he might haue mercie on all Likewise Rom. 9. say●●g That the vessels of wrath are prepared of god to destruction ●e sheweth that god therefore suffered mankind to fall because it seemed good to him not onelie to declare his mercy towards his chosen but his anger also and power and iustice in punishing the reprobate Furthermore whereas nothing is done without the euerlasting most good purpose counsel of god the fall also of our first Parents may be so much the lesse exempted from it by how much the more god had precisely exactly determined from euerlasting concerning his chiefe work euen mankind what he would haue done Lastly the creature can by no meanes retaine that righteousnes and conformitie with God except God who gaue it keep it neither can he leese it if god will haue it kept according to these sayings Iames. 1. Euerie good giuing and euerie perfect gift is from aboue and commeth downe from the father of lights Iohn 1. In it was life and the life was the light of men which lighteth euery man that commeth into the world Psalm 51. Take not away thy holy spirite from me Psalm 104. If thou hide thy face they are troubled 2. Tim. 2. The foundation of god remaineth sure and hath this seale The Lord knoweth who are his And of our confirmation and establishment in the life to come Math. 22. In the resurrection they are as the Angels of god in heauen As then man could not haue fallen except god had withdrawen his hand and not so forceably and effectually affected his will ruled it in temptation so neither could he persist in integrity when hee was tempted except god had sustained and confirmed him euen as hee confirmed the blessed Angels that they shoulde not defect and fall away together with the other Apostataes Seeing therefore such was the first mans estate from which he wittingly and willingly fell the crime and fault of sinne neither can nor ought to be laid on God but on man only albeit notwithstanding he fell by the eternal counsell and will of God Humane reason fansiyng her owne wit in deriuing the blame of sinne from herselfe The causes of humane reason refuted which lay the fault of the first sinne on God when shee heareth these thinges is troubled and keepeth a stirre and faineth many absurdities to folow except such a libertie of doing well or euil be giuen to man that his perseuerance or falling depend of his own will alone First that God was the cause of that first sinne and by consequent of all other sinnes as which came all of the first fall Likewise that he was the cause of the sinne of the Diuel seducing man especiallie seeing the first sinne is not to bee accounted a punishment as other sinnes for no sin had gone before How the first sinne might be a punishment vnto t selfe to that end permitted of God which should be punished with that sinne and therefore seeing God coulde not will that as a punishment he may seem to haue willed it as a sinne But although there be nothing to the contrarie why sinne may not be the punishment euen of it selfe whereas in the same action both the creature depriuing himselfe of that conformitie which he had with God might sinne and god depriuing him of that good which hee of his owne accorde casteth away might punish as it is said of couetousnes Syrach 14. There is nothing worse than when one enuieth himselfe and this is a rewarde of his wickednes Yet notwithstanding there are other ends besides punishment for which it was conuenient for God to will the action both of the Diuell of man God woulde the temptation of man which was done by the Diuell as a tryal of man by which it might be made manifest Other endes and causes why God would the action though not the sinne both of Satan and Adam whether hee woulde perseuere in true pietie towardes God Euen as God himselfe doth tempt Abraham immediatly when hee commaundeth him to doe that which yet hee woulde not haue done God would that assent of man by which he did yeelde vnto the Diuell against the will of God as a manifestation of the weakenesse and feeblenesse of the creature which cannot keepe the giftes wherewith hee was adorned by God without Gods especiall instinct and aide Likewise He woulde haue this done as an occasion or a waie to manifest his iustice and seueritie in punishing and his mercie in sauing sinners As Exod. 9. Rom. 9. Nowe God respecting and willing these thinges in that perswasion and enticement of Satan and in mans assenting and yeelding thereunto did notwithstanding all this while hate the sinne of both and therefore did not wil it neither cause it but iustly permitted and suffered it to be done For first whatsoeuer things God doth they are alwaies iust 2. He was not bounde vnto man to preserue and confirme him in goodnes 3. He would haue man to be tempted and to fall that he might trie mans perseuerance in true pietie towards God 4. That he might manifest the weakenes of the creature 5. That this fall might be an occasion and way to manifest Gods iustice and mercie These things very well agree with the nature and law of God Now that they say That man did not fall of his owne free will except he had equall power as well to persist in obedience as to fal the consequence is not of force because they reason from an ill definition of mans libertie which they imagine cannot stand if it be determined and ruled by God But the whole scripture
of free grace and mercy Reply 4. But yet hee that commaundeth thinges vnpossible doeth in vaine commaund them vvhich is neither the part of a vvise man nor of a iust GOD in requiring good woorkes of those who through the corruption of their own nature haue no liberty or abilitie to doe them commandeth things vnpossible Therefore hee commandeth them in vain Answere The Maior is false if it be meant of him who in commanding things impossible doth withall make some able to perfourme them and who hath also other causes which hee respecteth in commaunding them besides the doing of that which he commaundeth But God doth so require obedience which vnto the vnregenerate is vnpossible to performe that in requiring it hee doth withall make it possible in his chosen to be perfourmed For in these by exhortation and precepts he woorketh 1. That they giue vnto him the praise of iustice and righteousnes 2. That they acknowledge their owne weaknes and impotency 3. That they know hat they ought chiefly to aske of God euen remission of sins and the grace of the holy ghost for the alone satisfaction of Christ 4. That they being reconciled vnto god and renued by the holie ghost receiue power and ability to obey god according to his whole Law here in part and beginning and in the life to come fully and perfectly Wherefore the requiring of an impossible obedience is in respect of the elect a great benefit because it is the waie to receiue a possibility Now in the reprobate God in commanding them that which they shal not be able to doe hath besides other vses also these 1 That they maie at leastwise obserue outwarde order and discipline 2. that their wickednes and stubburnnes may be opened 3. That they maie be left excuseles the iustice of god in punishing them made more conspicuous and manifest Wherefore god doth not in vaine require those things of the reprobate which they by their own power cannot perform Reply 5. But God seemeth to bee cruell who proposeth commaundementes whereby some being destitute of grace to obey maie bee the more hardned and more grieuouslie condemned Answere He is not cruell First because he is not delited with the frowardnes destruction and torment of the wicked Secondly because hee doth not owe that gace vnto anie so that if he had suffered al mankind to perish he could not therefore haue been accused of cruelty Thirdly because in his iust iudgement willing to shewe in some both the weakenes of the creature and also his iustice and power in punishing sinne he leaueth them in sinne and destruction into which he permitted them to run Rom. 9. And hereby we easily vnderstand in what sense those common sayings of Hierom are to be taken Let him bee accursed who saith that God commandeth things vnpossible And Let him be accursed who saith that the Law is possible without grace For it is vnpossible to the vnregenerate it is possible as concerning perfect obedience to man not yet fallen or wholy restored but to the regenerate which are not yet glorified wholy restored it is possible by the imputation of Christes satisfaction and by the inchoation or beginning of newnes of life which is wrought by the holy ghost in them in this life 4 Obiection That which cannot bee auoided is not sinne The ineuitablenes of an ill action doth not take away sinfulnes from it The vnregenerate cannot auoid sinne Therefore their woorks are not to be accounted sinnes Aunswere Wee deny the Maior For it is enough to make it sinne if it bee voluntary And how much the more necessarily men sinne with so much the greater wil they sinne They cannot therefore pretend necessity to cloake their fault This doth the example of the Diuel proue who sinneth so much the more grieuously how much the more necessarily he sinneth wittingly and willingly striuing against God and contumeliously despiting him But they doe vainly and wickedly cauil That the iustice of God doth not impute those sinnes to the Diuel which he necessarily doth commit after his corruption Likewise That the Diuel is now finally and without hope of pardon cast away of god but men haue power yet in this life either to persist in sinne or to forsake it and therefore those actions onely of theirs are sinnes in which sinne cannot be auoided For God is wrath with all sins of men Diuels and punisheth all sinnes with eternall paines or with equiualent punishment vnto eternal Neither doth therefore necessary and ineuitable or vnauoidable sinne cease to be sinne for that there is or is not hope of obtaining recouery and pardon For whatsoeuer is committed against the law of God that is sinne whether it can be auoided or not auoided whether he who sinneth forsaketh his sin or persisteth in it 5 Obiection They who cannot but sinne They who necessarily sinne are not vniustly punished be are vniustly punished But the vnregenerate cannot but sinne Therefore God doth vniustly punish them Aunswere They who necessarilie sin are vniustly punished except that necessity come voluntarily and by their own wil. But men haue drawen vpon them that necessity voluntarily in the first parentes and themselues also doe willingly sinne Therefore God doth iustly punish them 6 Obiection They who haue not equall and like abilitie to choose good or euill must needes be either all good or all euill The vnregenerate haue not like abilitie to choose good or euill but onelie libertie to choose euill Therefore they must needes bee all alike euill Answere If the argument bee vnderstood of humane nature as it is without the grace of the holie spirite it is wholy to bee graunted for it is certaine that all men before regeneration are alike and equally estranged from faith and conuersion yea neither would they obserue outward discipline and behauiour except God bridled them that they should not commit outrages Gen. 20. I kept thee that thou shouldest not sin against me But if they conclude that all must needes continue alike euill when the holie spirit moueth and inclineth their harts and minds to conuersion there is more in the conclusion than in the former propositions For as it is vnpossible that they should be cōuerted whom God mooueth not so is it not onely possible but also necessary that they whom he voutsafeth the grace of regeneratiō shold be cōuerted Ioh. 6.37 Al that the father giueth me shall come vnto me Reply It is said Hose 13. Thy destruction cōmeth of thy selfe Israel Isa 59.2 Your iniquities haue separated between you your god Therfore the cause of this difference that some are cōuerted some not is in the wil of mā not in the bestowing or withdrawing of Gods grace that is before the grace of regeneration is bestowed so are some better than others as that they take that grace which others refuse But Hose as addeth an answere In me onlie is thy helpe Hee sheweth that our safetie doth so depend of God
that the Maior is false in respect of him who for his wisedome knoweth means to mitigate punishmēts or to exercise mercy as that notwithstanding his iustice may remaine inuiolated and himselfe bee satisfied So god doth execute extreame and exquisite iustice in punishing our sinnes shewing neuerthelesse exceeding and maruelous equabilitie and lenity while hee punisheth them in his Sonne and not in vs. And therefore one degree of mercie denied doth not straight enforce the deniall of others God punisheth sinne in the reprobate with eternal punishments yet is he merciful while he is not delighted with the death of him that dieth but doth by differring and mitigating the punishment and by bestowing benefites inuite all men to repentance When a Iudge putteth a robber to death he executeth extreame iustice yet may he be mercifull withall if hee reioice not at the destruction of the man but had rather hee were saued if so the lawe permitted Temporal afflictions belong both to the wicked and the godly Temporall afflictions belong to both both vnto the godly and to the reprobate These are either punishments or the Crosse The punishment is either destruction or torment inflicted by order of iustice on the person giltie of sinne And this is proper vnto the reprobate because it is inflicted on them to this ende that Gods iustice may bee satisfied For the law bindeth all men either to obedience or to punishment In the wicked they are punishmentes in the godly the crosse Obiection But the euils which the wicked suffer in this life are lighter than that they shoulde satisfie Gods iustice Answere They are a part of their punishment though not their whole punishment Nowe as euerie part of the Aire is called Aire so euerie part of punishment is punishment The degrees therefore of the punishment and paines which the wicked suffer are to bee obserued The first degree is in this life For when the conscience of their misdeedes and wickednesse doth gnawe vexe and terrifie them then beginneth their hellish and infernall worme The second degree is in temporall death When they departing out of this life without comfort come into the place of torment and vexations Luke 16. The third degree is at the day of iudgement when againe to euerie of their bodies raised from the dead their soules shal bee reunited For then at length shall the paines of hell bee consummated and shall fall in troupes together on both bodie and soule The Crosse is the affliction of the godly The Crosse of the godly is of foure sortes For this is not properly a punishment because it is not inflicted that thereby Gods iustice shoulde bee satisfied for their sinnes Nowe the Crosse is of foure sortes which are drawen from the endes for which it is laid on the godly First the Chastisementes 1. Chastisements which GOD layeth on the godly for the remnaunts of sinne in them and oftentimes also for some peculiar sinnes committed by them that they may bee admonished of their vncleannesse and stirred to repentaunce and the studie of godlinesse and good workes least persisting in their sinnes they bee condemned For they are not according to iustice inflicted to bee any satisfaction or recompence for their sinnes but according to mercie for their amendment and saluation For by these chastisementes they are admonished of the anger of GOD against sinnes and of eternall punishment which GOD will inflict on them if they repent not Secondly 2. Tryals The proofes and tryals of their faith hope inuocation feare of GOD and patience that the elect may goe forwarde in these vertues and the same also bee made knowen to others Such was the affliction of Iob. Thirdly Martyrdomes 3. Martyrdomes which are testifications concerning their doctrine For when the godly are for the confession of true doctrine pressed with calamities or slaine these afflictions are no punishmentes of certaine transgressions but martyrdomes whereby they testifie and witnesse the doctrine of the gospell which they professe to bee true and doubt not to seale this with their bloud and whereby also they witnesse that they in exceeding tormentes and death feele and haue experience of that comfort which they did promise out of that doctrine in their teaching vnto others They witnesse also and testifie that there remaineth another life and an other iudgement after this life Fourthly lastly the Crosse is their Raunsome euen the obedience of Christ alone 4. Raunsome which is a satisfaction for our sinnes consisting of his whole humiliation from the very first point of his Conception in the wombe to his last agonie on the Crosse A briefe type or table of mans afflictions Afflictions are some Temporal In the wicked as punishmentes properly in speciall so called In the godly as the Crosse and that is 1 Chastisements 2 Trials 3 Martyrdome 4 Raunsome Eternal as the hellish torments of the damned 2 What are the causes of afflictions The impellent cause sinne SInne is the impellent cause because it is an euill merite and deserueth euill of punishmentes in the wicked and also of the Crosse in the godlie yet after a diuers maner and in diuers respects It is a cause of punishment in the wicked that sinne may bee recompensed with iust punishment In the godly the cause of the Crosse is not to satisfie Gods iustice but that sinne may be knowen and so relinquished and put off The impellent cause then of punishmentes in the wicked is their sin to be punished or recompensed The chiefe efficient Gods iustice The principall efficient cause is the iustice of god inflicting punishmēt for sin Instrumentall causes thereof are diuers Instrumental causes all creatures Angels and men both good and bad and all other creatures which are all armed against sinners and fight vnder GODS banner The finall cause is that the iustice of GOD may bee satisfied The causes of the crosse of the godly The causes of the crosse of the godlie are 1 The acknowledgeing and purging out of sin God doth not giue the bridle vnto the godly but by fatherly chastisementes restraineth recalleth and amendeth them 1. The acknowledging and relinquishing of sinne 1. Corin. 11.32 When wee are iudged wee are iudged of the Lord. Psalm 119.71 It is good for mee O Lord that thou hast humbled mee But hee giueth the raines to the wicked that they may gallop to destruction he endoweth them with the commodities of this life and suffereth them to enioy a short ioy thereby to shewe his loue towardes his creatures and to conuince them of vnthankfulnes and to take away al excuse from them 2. The hatred of the Diuell and the wicked 2. The hatred of the Diuel and wicked men Iohn 15.19 If ye were of the world the world would loue you The Diuel especially lieth in wait ambush against the church and assaulteth it both by tyrants and by heretiques to pul many from God 1. Pet. 5 8.
God is WHen it is demanded who is the tru god Wee must acknowledge God to bee such as himselfe hath manifested himselfe to bee we are to hold most firmly and surely that he alone is the tru god who euen from the beginning of mankinde did not onely manifest himselfe in the nature of thinges by the steppes and prints of his diuinity shining therein but especially in the Church by his woord deliuered and other famous testimonies of miracles deliueries and consolations wherby he plainly teacheth whom what he will be acknowleged and published by vs to be and that he is not acknowleged or woorshiped of any but of them who thinke according to this word both of him and his will neither is the true knowledge of him founde else-where than in this worde The certaintie of this position is hereof most manifest for that all those who imagine GOD to bee other in essence or nature or will than hee hath testified himselfe to bee in his owne manifestations and reueilings doe not embrace and woorship at all the true GOD but an other thing of their owne framing in steede of the true GOD according to these sayings Iohn 4.22 Ye woorship that which ye knowe not we woorship that which wee knowe for saluation is of the Iewes And cap. 5. vers 23. He that honoreth not the sonne the same honoreth not the father which hath sent him Gal. 4.8 But then when ye knewe not GOD yee did seruice vnto them which by nature are not Gods Eph. 2.12 Ye were at that time without Christ were aliants from the common-wealth of Israell and were straungers from the Couenaunt of promise and had no hope and were without GOD in the world Act. 17.23 Whom yee then ignorantly worship him shew I vnto you 1. Iohn 2.23 Whosoeuer denieth the sonne the same hath not the father But against these thinges seemeth that to bee which Paul saith to the Rom. 1.19 That that which may bee knowen of GOD is manifest also in men estranged from christian Religion for that GOD hath shewed it vnto them For the inuisible thinges of him The glimse of nature not sufficient to shew who is the true God that is his eternall power and Godhead are seene by the creation of the world beeing considered in his woorkes to the intent that they shoulde be without excuse And Act. 17. That GOD in former ages did not leaue himselfe without witnesse and that out of the whole nature of thinges but chieflie by the minde of man and the difference of thinges honest and dishonest and by the punishments the of wicked it may in some measure bee gathered not onely that there is a GOD but also what hee is and therefore manie thinges are found to haue beene spoken truely by the heathen and others concerning the vnitie and nature of GOD. But to these obiections wee aunswere that there are indeede some true thinges concerning GOD manifested otherwise also than by the worde deliuered to the Church but by them notwithstanding who is the true GOD cannot bee shewed and that for two causes For first those thinges by themselues are not sufficient For to the knowing of the true God it is requisite that wee knowe and professe not some thinges onely but all thinges which hee openeth of himselfe and woulde haue knowen Moreouer these selfe same true testimonies of God also which remaine in mens minds and in nature all they by reason of a naturall blindnesse in them and prauitie doe manie waies corrupt who in weighing of them followe not the light and interpretation thereof drawen from the worde of God deliuered to the Church when as euen of these thinges which might bee knowen by the helpe of nature manie thinges they doe not knowe manie they faine of their owne which haue nothing agreeing with the nature and wil of God and those thinges which they do retaine in shewe of wordes professe they farre otherwise vnderstand than they are proposed of God and declared in his word and in the Church vnderstoode and so beholding and sounding in their mouth true sentences and sayinges concerning God conceiue neuerthelesse and foster false opinions of him in their mind This answere S. Paul himselfe expresseth Rom. 1. when he addeth That they are inexcusable because that when they knewe god they glorified him not as god Now albeit Philosophicall wisedome cannot therefore shew who is the true god for that concerning the essence nature wil and workes of god The voice of nature concerning god neither to bee reiected nor contemned either in respect of insufficiencie or of mens misconstring it so much as is necessary to bee knowen it doth not teach is diuersly depraued by men so that out of the Church remaineth no true knowledge of god yet neuertheles that voice of the nature of things concerning god ought not for these causes to bee reiected as false or contemned as fruitles For neither is that straight waies false in it selfe which is peruerslie constred of men neither fruitles for al things nor to al men which auaileth the reprobate nothing at all to euerlasting saluation For god will also out of the Church bridle the lewd dissolute by the testimonies which their conscience punishments giue of his will anger and iudgement and according to them will hee haue the life and manners of men ruled Hee will haue mans corruption and his iustice made more conspicuous and cleare in punishing them who stubburnely withstand the knowen truth He wil by natural testimonies mens conscience shewing the imperfection thereof haue men stirred vp to seeke the true God in the Church as it is said Act. 17. That men were therefore placed in the theater of the worlde that they should seeke the Lord if so be they might haue groaped after him and found him Hee will also haue them who are conuerted to him to be more confirmed by the consent of nature and the worde as the often alleadging of naturall testimonies in the Scriptures declareth Lastly he will the imperfection of naturall knowledge being considered haue mens ignorance concerning God acknowledged his mercy magnified who discouereth and openeth himselfe in his woorde God cannot bee defined 1. Because he is immense 2. Because his essence is vnknown vnto vs Yet some way hee may be described which description comprehendeth his attributes or properties the persons principal woorks and by these three is the true God discerned from all false Gods The description of God according to the rules of Diuinitie After this sort then is God Theologically described God is a spiritual essence intelligent eternall infinite other from all the creatures incomprehensible most perfect in it selfe vnmutable and of an immense power wisedome goodnesse true iust chast mercifull bountifull most free angry and wrath with sinne which essence is the eternal father who frō euerlasting begot the Sonne according to his Image and the Sonne who is the coeternall Image of the father
and will haue compassion on whome I will haue compassion Isay 43.25 I euen I am hee that putteth awaie thine iniquities for mine owne sake and will not remember thy sinnes Seuenthly That hee dooth these thinges towardes sinners who not onelie were vnwoorthie of them but also who were his deadlie enimies Romanes 5.10 When wee were enimies wee were reconciled to GOD by the death of his sonne They also of the wiser sort which are out of the Church are all compelled to attribute mercie vnto God beecause they see him so mercifullie to spare sinners whereupon Ieremie Lamentations chap. 3.22 saith It is the Lordes mercies that wee are not consumed because his compassions faile not But beecause the perfectnesse of Gods iustice and the priuitie of their owne sinnes doth not permit them to conceiue any firme persuasion of Gods mercie towardes them neither knowe they ought concerning the saluation of men by the death of his sonne therefore are they not able either constantly or wholy to agnise Gods mercie 1 Obiection Mercie is a kinde of griefe or sorrow therefore there is sorrow and griefe in God Aunswere The names of affections when they are attributed vnto God by an Anthropopathie they doe not signifie anie passion or change in God but an inspeakeable either dislike or liking of the obiects God therefore is said to be mercifull 1. Because he is against the destruction of his creature 2. Because hee doth those thinges which mercifull men are wont to doe 2 Obiection God seemeth sometimes to reioice in reuengement Isai 1. Prouerb 1. Aunswere He reioiceth not in reuengement or punishment but in the executing of his owne iustice 3 Obiection It seemeth in some places of scripture that Gods mercie doth not extend it selfe vnto the wicked Isai 27. Aunswere This is to be vnderstood of that degree of mercie wherewith he imbraceth his chosen And yet hee spareth also the wicked neither reioiceth at their destruction 4 Obiection But yet he saueth not all whereas he is able to do it Therefore hee is not exceeding mercifull neither mercifull towardes all Aunswere He doth not saue all for most iust cause For his mercie is so to bee exercised that it hinder not the execution of his iustice 5 Obiection He doth not take mercie on anie or receiue anie into fauour without the satisfaction of his sonne Therefore he doth it not freelie Aunswere That which is concluded doth not followe because God of his free grace giueth this satisfaction it selfe and applieth it vnto vs. Nowe hee giueth a thing freely who giueth the price of a thing for which the thing it selfe is giuen God is also called Bountifull 1. In what the bountifulnes of God is seene Because hee createth and gouerneth all things 2. He is the onely fountain of al good things 3. Which befall to all creatures 4. Yea to the wicked 5. Of his goodnes loue and free mercie towardes all creatures 6. But especiallie towardes mankinde which he hath made according to his image and for whose sake hee hath created all other things 7. But in them also chieflie toward his Church to whom hee hath opened himselfe and his will 8. And in this his Church toward his chosen Angels and men to whom by his sonne he giueth life and glorie euerlasting And further whom he is angry with and on whom he inflicteth punishment hee is not angrie with their substaunce or nature which himselfe created but with that corruption which came by other meanes to his diuine worke Rom. 1.18 The wrath of god is reueiled from heauen against all vngodlines Obiection No creature visible is subiect to so manie euils as man Therefore he is not bountifull towards men Aunswere Hee is subiect to these euils by an accident that is because of sinne but withall he is enriced abooue other creatures with great blessings euen when hee is out of the Church but is most happie and blessed if he repent God also alone is most free For what causes God is saied to bee most free because hee alone by nature is such that no fault or miserie can fall vpon him 2. Neither can hee bee constrained of anie 3. Neither is hee bounde to anie 4. Neither is hee subiect or tied to the rule or lore of an other Wherefore whatsoeuer he will and doth that hee will and doth of himselfe most freely when as much and in what maner he wil what he will that is most good iust But here chieflie is considered the freedome of will or libertie frō constraint which is the power abilitie whereby god without any necessitie hath from euerlasting decreed the whole order of the creatiō preseruatiō rule of al things and doth accomplish the same not beeing constrained or tied to other causes yet so that hee neuer swarueth from his rightnes To this beare witnes his miracles and many examples of deliueries and punishments and many places of scripture as Psalm 135.6 Whatsoeuer pleased the Lord that did hee in heauen and in earth in the sea and in all the depths 1. Sam. 14.6 It is not hard to the Lord to saue with manie or with fewe 1 Obiection That without which second causes which worke necessarilie can not worke doth it selfe also worke necessarilie Without the first cause which is God Second causes which necessarilie worke cannot worke therefore the first cause also which is God worketh together with them necessarilie Aunswere The Maior is true of such causes as woorke with absolute necessitie but it is false of such as worke onely of a conditionall necessitie that is because it so pleaseth God who notwithstanding could moue them otherwise or else at all not moue them or not so much as make them that they should worke and shoulde worke after that maner which they doe woorke Therefore all second causes depend on the first but not the first any way on the second 2 Obiection God is vnchangeablie good therefore not freelie good Aunswere This vnchangeablenes dooth not diminish but establish the libertie of Gods will For it is not the vnchangeablenes of a nature but constraint and coaction which is contrarie to libertie and so much the more freely the will chooseth with howe much the greater and surer force and motion it is carried vnto her obiect 3 Obiection It is said also of particular euents that God can onelie wil those thinges which are best but onelie those things which hee hath decreed are best therefore hee cannot will other things But aunswere is made to the Minor What things God hath decreed those are best not before but after his decree For Gods will being the rule and squire of rightnes therefore are thinges good because hee will them wherefore if hee woulde haue from euerlasting had anie other thing that then shoulde haue beene best As that Ioseph should be solde and made Lord of Aegypt and giue sustenance to his fathers familie was best because God would so Now if God would haue any other way
by the souldiers by reason of the vnchangeablenes of the decree prouidence of God contingent by reason of the liberty of his eternal and vnchangeable decree and the execution thereof euen those thinges which as concerning their owne nature haue second causes most vnchangeable as the motion of the sunne shadowes What contingencie is denied If therefore by contingency they meane the changeablenesse of effects which they haue by the nature of second causes or by the power and libertie of God it doth not follow that things are not contingent because of that necessity which they haue by the prouidence of God For this dooth not take away but preserueth rather the nature order maner of woorking in second causes ordeined by God But if by contingency they mean the changeablenes of second causes and effects so floting and wauering that they are not ruled and gouerned by Gods prouidence any such contingency the Scripture dooth not admit or approue Whether the motions of a creature are contingent or necessarie Hereby we also vnderstand when it is demanded concerning the motions effects of creatures whether they are to be termed necessarie or contingent that some verily are more rightly properly called contingent than necessarie though both contingent necessary are wrought by diuine prouidēce For they are rather to bee called such as they are of their own nature by the nature of their neerest causes than as they are in respect of Gods prouidence which is a cause more remoued farther off And nothing is more either certaine or manifest than that according to the nature of second causes some thinges should bee changeable some vnchangeable yet by the power of God though al things in the creatures may bee changed they are made notwithstanding vnchangeable because of the certaintie of his decree and diuine prouidence So likewise we answere concerning fortune chance What fortune and chaunce is denied For if by these names be vnderstood such causes or euents by accident as haue no cause which is proper and by it selfe a cause they ought to be far abandoned from the church of Christ But if wee vnderstand thereby a cause which is by it selfe a cause proper though vnknowen to our senses and reason or such causes by accident which haue notwithstanding some secret proper cause adioined nothing hindereth in respect of second causes which are causes by accidēt in respect of our iudgemēt whereby we attain not to the proper that which is by it selfe the cause of these euents that to be or to be a thing fortuning or don by chance which in respect of gods prouidēce commeth to passe by his most accurate and vnchangeable counsel decree according to those sayings Matth. 10.29 One sparowe shal not fal on the ground without your father And Pro. 16 33. The lot is cast into the lap c. The fifth Sophisme of the mutility or vnprofitablenesse of meanes THat which shal be vnchaungeably and necessarily God is effectual in working by meanes which himselfe hath freely ordained by the wil prouidence of god in vain to the furdering or hindering of that are means applied as the vse of the ministery the magistrate lawes exhortations promises threatnings punishmēts praier our study endeuors But al things are done by the decree of god vnchangeably neither can they which woorke by the prouidence of God worke otherwise than they doe Therefore al those means are vaine fruitlesse Ans It is not necessary that the first principal cause being put the second instrumētal cause should be remoued and taken away In vain are second causes means applied if god had determined to execute his decrees without meanes neither had commaunded vs to vse them But seeing god hath decreed by those means in some to worke faith conuersion some to bridle keep vnder some to leaue excuselesse hath for that cause commanded vs in his word to vse thē they are not in vain vsed and applied Yea when there commeth no profit by these meanes yet they profit to this that they leaue the wicked without excuse As therefore the sunne doth not in vaine daily rise and set neither are the fieldes in vaine sowed or watered with the raine neither bodies in vaine with foode refreshed though God createth light and darcknesse bringeth forth the corne out of the earth and is the life length of our daies so neither are men in vaine taught or study to conform their life vnto doctrine though all auaileable actions and euentes proceede not from any but from God For God from euerlasting decreeed as the endes so the meanes also and prescribed them vnto vs whereby it seemed good to him to bring vs vnto them Wherefore we vsing those meanes doe well and obtaine profitable and frutefull euentes but if wee neglect them either by our fault we depriue our selues or others of those blessings offered by God or if God euen in this contempt of his woorde haue mercie of vs or others yet our conscience accuseth vs of open and grieuous sinne Wherefore wee must vse meanes Why wee must vse meanes first that we may obay God therein who both hath decreed endes and ordained meanes to those ends and prescribed them vnto vs neither tempt him by contemning these to our owne peril and danger Secondly that we may obtaine those blessings decreed for vs according to his promise and that to our saluation Thirdly that we may retaine a good conscience in vsing the meanes although the expected euent doe not alwaies followe either in our selues or others The sixth Sophisme of the merit of good euill WHatsoeuer is necessarie doth not merit rewardes or punishmentes But all morall good and euill is doone necessarilie Therefore neither the good meriteth reward nor the euill punishment Aunswere This argument is handled by Aristotle in his Ethicks Lib. 3. Cap. 5. But the aunswere thereto is easie No good worke of the creature meriteth reward First the maior is either particular and so there is no consequence or sequele or beeing generally taken is false and that euen in morall or ciuil consideration to wit in respect of those thinges which are necessarie by supposition and yet are done freely as the actions of men Secondly we grant the reason in respect of the iudgement of god concerning good works For the creature cannot merit any thing no not by his best workes of God Because both they are due and are the effects of God in vs. And therefore the more good things God woorketh in vs so much the more he bindeth and endebteth vs to him Wherefore in the godly Eu●● workes merit punishment iustly God crowneth and rewardeth of his free bountifulnesse not their merites but his owne giftes But as touching euill woorkes we deny the reason for they merit punishment and that most iustly For although men forsaken of God cannot but sinne yet the necessity of sinning both
in the actions of our life and vocation to be inclined to follow those thinges which are right and good and to perfourme the duties of loue and charity towardes god and our neighbour 5. To comfort Hee comforteth the Apostles amidst their afflictions The Apostles who were first flying awaie for feare of the Iewes now beeing erected by the comfort and solace of the holy ghost come forth into open place and reioyce when they are to suffer for the confession of the gospell Iohn 14.16 He wil giue you another comforter 6. To confirme He maketh the Apostles couragious and bold who were before timerous and wrapped and entangled with manie doubtes These thinges wee maie plainely see if wee compare that Sermon which Peter made at Whitsontide with their speech who went to Emaus who saie Luk 24.21 Wee trusted that it had beene he that should haue deliuered Israel The holy ghost then is the spirit of comfort and ioy Iohn 16.22 Your ioie shal no man take from you These are the chiefe and principall partes of the holy ghostes office vnto which maie bee referred all the giftes of the holie ghost as well those which are properlie bestowed on the godlie as also those which are common to them with the reprobate All those giftes we may briefly comprise in this diuision The giftes of the holie ghost either are common to the godly and vngodly or proper to the godly onely Those which are common to the godly and vngodly are giuen either to certaine men and at certain times or at al times and to all the members of the Church Those which are giuen at certaine times and to certaine men are these The gift of miracles of tongues prophecies the faith of miracles and these were necessarie for the Apostles the primitiue Church when the gospell was first to bee dispersed Those which are giuen at all times and to all the members of the church are these the giftes of tongues and of knoweledge and the gift of interpretation These are alwaies necessarie for the church and belong to the maintainaunce and preseruation of the Ministerie and are now also giuen to euery member of the church according to the measure of Christes gift as the calling and vocation of euery member needeth The giftes of the holy ghost proper vnto the godlie are iustifieng faith praier loue and other giftes profitable to saluation Obiection Many out of the church haue hadde tongues and sciences the tongues therefore and sciences are not the giftes of the holy ghost Aunswere The tongues and sciences out of the church are also the giftes of the holy ghost but by a general working of god which is without the true knowledge of him But in the church the tongues and sciences are the giftes of the holy ghost ioined with the true knowledge of god Moreouer al those giftes as wee saide are fitlie referred to those sixe principal partes before numbered of the holie ghosts office as the knowledge of tongues and of sciences to his function of teaching and that miraculous and extraordinarie gift of tongues partly to his function of ruling for the holy ghost did rule and gouerne their tongues partly to his function of teaching and confirming So also the gift of Prophecie and interpretation belongeth to his office of teaching For hee teacheth both by illightening the mindes within by his vertue and by instructing them without by the word The institution ordinance of the Sacramentes appertaineth to his office of teaching but chiefly to his office of confirming Faith and conuersion belong to his office of regenerating and conioyning vs with Christ That hee is the spirite of praier instructing vs how to praie belongeth to his office of ruling gouerning In like sort the rest of the gifts maie bee referred to certaine partes of the Holy Ghostes office Furthermore the holy ghost in respect of this his office hath diuerse titles of commendation in the Scripture For hereof hee is called 1. The spirite of adoption because hee assureth vs of the fatherly good wil of god towards vs and is a witnesse vnto vs of that free goodnesse mercy wherewith the father embraceth vs in his onely begotten sonne Therefore Rom. 8.15 By this spirit we crie Abba Father 2. He is called the earnest and seale of our inheritance because hee assureth vs our saluation 2. Cor. 1.21 It is god which stablisheth vs with you in Christ and hath annointed vs who hath also sealed vs hath giuē the earnest of the spirit in our hearts Eph. 1.13.14 In which gospell also after that yee beleeued yee were sealed with the holy spirite of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance 3. Hee is called Life because he quickneth vs or as the Apostle saith The spirite of Life who mortifieth the oulde man and quickneth the new Rom. 8.2 The Law of the spirite of life which is in Christ Jesus hath freed mee from the Lawe of sin and of death 4. He is called Water whereby he refresheth vs being almost dead in sinne and maketh vs fruitful that we may bring foorth fruit 5. Hee is called Fire because hee dooth daily burne vp and consume concupiscences and vices in vs and kindleth our heartes with the loue of God and our neighbour 6. He is called the Fountaine because all celestiall riches doe flow vnto vs from him 7. Hee is called the Spirite of praier 8. The Oile of gladnesse Heb. 1.9 Wherefore god euen thy God hath annointed thee with the Oile of gladnesse 9. He is called the Comforter because he worketh faith in vs and purifieth our consciences and so comforteth vs that we exult and reioice in afflictions 10. He is called Intercessour because Roman 8.26 The spirite maketh request or Intercession for vs with sighes which cannot bee expressed 11. Hee is called lastly the Spirite of truth of wisedom of ioie of gladnes of the fear of God of boldnesse and the like Obiection It was said before that the holy ghost is the earnest of our inheritance But Saul Judas had the holy ghost neither yet obteined they the inheritance but were reprobate Therefore the holy ghost is not the earnest of our inheritance Answere Saul and Iudas had the holy ghost as concerning some gifts of the holie ghost But they had not the spirit of adoption Reply But it is the same spirit It is the same spirit indeed but doth not worke the same thinges in all For he woorketh adoption and conuersion in the Elect only Obiect 2. Those parts of the spirits office before specified are not proper to the holie ghost but belong also to the Father and the sonne Therefore they are not well assigned to the Holy ghost as proper Aunsw They belong also to the father and the sonne but mediatlie by the holie ghost But vnto the holy ghost they belong immediately Reply But after the same maner also it seemeth that the preseruation of thinges the inuention of arts and sciences and the like
sufficient for all yet not applied to all doth not saue all Answere It must not onely be a sufficient ransome for al but must be also applyed vnto al receiuing it by faith but it is not applied vnto al because it is saide John 17.9 I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast giuen mee Replie A sufficient ransome ought to bee applied vnto all Christs ransome is sufficient Therefore it ought to bee applied vnto all That a sufficient ransome ought to bee applied vnto all is proued because this is a propertie of infinite mercy to doe good vnto all Aunswere We denie that infinite mercie consisteth herein It consisteth not in the number of those that are saued but in the manner howe they are saued Moreouer he will not giue this benefite vnto all because hee is withall most wise and iust Hee may together exercise both his mercie and his iustie Iohn 3.16 God so loued the world that he hath giuen his only begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternal life He that beleeueth not is condemned already 4 Obiection He that taketh a sufficient ransome for all yet doth not saue all is vniust because he taketh more than in equitie he should God taketh a sufficient ransome for all and yet doth not saue all Therefore he is vniust Answere He is vniust except himselfe giue the ransome But God gaue it Therefore he taketh of his own not of ours Secondly The sufficiencie of the ransome doth not bind god to the receiuing of al but the applying of it But he hath not entered into any bond that he will apply that ransome to all 5 Obiect He that afflicteth some for his own glories sake God not vniust though hee afflict some for his glories sake is an vniust God Answ This proposition is false being generally taken For though it be true in creatures yet is it false in god Because god is the chiefe good and greatest regard ought to be had of the chiefe good Nowe the chiefe good that is gods glorie did require that not only his mercy but his iustice also should be manifested Secondly We aunswere that he is vniust who afflicteth some and that without any trespasse or fault of their owne For God for his glories sake doth suffer some to perish while themselues willingly perish and fall away Thirdly God is bound to none to saue them as neither he was to create them He suffereth men to fall into sin but 1 Themselues willinglie falling 2 Himselfe not being bound to saue them 3 Being bound to haue more regard of his owne glorie than of mens saluation 6 Obiection He that destineth to the ende destineth also to the meanes whereby we come to the end God destineth some to the end that is damnation Therefore hee destineth them to the meanes also which are sinnes For that sinnes are the meanes to come to damnation is prooued because that is a meane without which we cannot come to the end as none can come to damnation without sinne Answere Means are of two sorts Some which goe howsoeuer before the end that is which he vseth who tendeth to the end and by the help whereof he obtaineth and accomplisheth the ende which hee intendeth Other meanes there are which come indeede vnto the ende but are not doone by him which intended the end Those hee maie suffer or admit but it followeth not that he wil them Wherefore I answere vnto the Maior He that wil the end will also the means which himselfe worketh and by which hee worketh to obtaine that end which he entendeth but not all meanes otherwise there shall bee more in the conclusion than in the premisses Neither will hee also those thinges which he permitteth that is hee hindereth them not from being done if they hinder not his end God in calling all yet sauing but some doth not dissemble 7 Obiection Hee that calleth all and yet will saue but some only dissembleth God doth so Therefore he dissembleth Answere Of meere particulars nought followeth Or there is a fallacy in putting that which is no cause for a cause Wherefore to the Maior we answere He doth not doe it to illude men but either to leaue all without excuse or to inuite them to repentance And furder if you vnderstand the Maior generallie it is to be denied because there may be another cause if it be so taken it is thus to be distinguished Hee that calleth all and yet will saue but some onely to illude men or to deceiue them hee dissembleth if hee call them indefinitely or with a mind not willing to woorke in them to obey But God neuer promised that hee woulde woorke this in all Wherefore there is no contradiction in these propositions All ought to doe it and I wil woorke in some to doe it because the same thing is not denied in the one which is affirmed in the other but a diuerse thing The secret counsell of God as touching our saluation is reueiled vnto vs. 8 Obiection They whose saluation dependeth on the secret counsel of god cannot haue comfort Our saluatiō dependeth on the secret counsel of God Therefore we cannot haue comfort Answer Wee can not haue comfort before it is reueiled vnto vs. But that secret counsell of God is opened vnto vs by the sonne and the Holy Ghost Likewise by the effects Rom. 5.1 1. Being iustified by faith wee haue peace towards God 2. Cor. 1. 22. and 5.5 Hee hath sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the spirit in our hartes Hee that hath created vs for this things is God ●ho also hath giuen vnto vs the earnest of the spirit Rom. 8.16 The same spirit beareth witnesse with our spirit that wee are the children of God 1. Iohn 3.24 Hereby wee know that hee dwelleth in vs and wee in him euen by the spirit which he hath giuen vs. 9 Obiection That which is done in vaine no man should endeuour But the reprobate doe in vaine repent because it is ●posible that they should bee saued Aunswere This is true if any knew that they were reprobate But God will haue no man so to determine of him-selfe 2. It is a contradiction to bee a reprobate and to shew repentaunce for if they did repent then were they not now reprobates Therefore there commeth no danger by this absurdity 10 Obiection That d●nger which is not The Elect 〈…〉 wary circumspect neede not to bee taken heede of But vnto the Ele●t there is no d●nger of c●nd●●nation Therefore they neede not take heede thereof Aunswere The Maior is true if there should be no danger whether heede bee taken or not taken But there is no danger vnto the elect that is being heedefull and bewaring of any danger that may come But all the elect are heedeful circumspect and warie and those who are not heedful are not elected For from whom God auerteth and turneth away this danger he
remission of sinnes is giuen REmission of sins is giuen by faith Remission of sinnes giuen by faith through the working of the Holy Ghost by which being wrought and kindled in vs by the holy Ghost wee receiue the same Therefore the purpose and decree of God of remitting sinnes is euerlasting but the executing and performance thereof is when by faith we applie remission of sins vnto vs. So also God doth alwaies loue his elect but that loue is not poured out in their hearts before their repentance For they haue that certain testimonie of consciēce by the gift of the holy Ghost that they are loued of god so haue their sins remitted who truly conuert and repent O● THE RESVRRECTION OF THE FLESH THE chiefe qu●stions 1 What the Resurrection is 2 The Errours concerning the Resurrection 3 Whence it may appeare that the Resurrection shall certainelie be 4 For what end the Resurrection shal be 5 By whom 6 How 7 When. 8 What bodies shall rise 9 Whether the soule be immortall 1 WHAT THE RESVRRECTION IS THE Word Resurrection signifieth sometime preseruation The resurrection of the flesh is a restoring of the substance of our bodies after death euen of the same matter whereof they now consist and a reuiuing and quickening of the same bodies with life immortall and incorruptible by the same immortall soule whereby they now liue which God will woorke by Christ in the ende of the woorlde by his diuine vertue and power which restoring also shal be of the elect vnto the eternall glorie of God but of the reprobate vnto eternall paines That is 1. There shal be a restoring of the same bodie which is a recollecting gathering together of the same matter which was scattered and seuered into al the Elementes 2. An vniting of it with the same soule and a reuiuing of it 〈◊〉 the same soule which also it had before 3. A putting off of al infirmities a putting on of immortality 2 The Errours concerning the Resurrection THE Errours helde of the resurrection are of three sortes Some haue vtterlie denied it and haue auouched the souls to die together with the bodies 2. Some haue granted the immortalitie of the soule but haue constred the resurrection to bee a resurrection in this life but the bodies they denied to rise at all although the soules of the godlie haue fruition after death of euerlasting happinesse 3. Some as Anabaptistes deny that the verie selfe same bodies which we now haue shal rise again but they saie that Christ at his second comming will make new bodies 3 Whence it maie appeare that the Resurrection shall certainlie be● IT maie be verily collected probably out of philosophie that there shal be sometime a resurrection Probable proofes of the Resurrection yeelded by philosophie but no necessarie demonstrance but no necessarie demonstration can bee yeelded thence that the Resurrection shall certainly bee For in philosophy are manie principles which accord not with the sacred writinges of Gods spirite Againe in philosophy the knowleege which it hath of Gods iustice and trueth is but a maimed reason But in the holie writ of God the reasons are firme true Hence alone therefore is demonstration giuen for the most certaine accomplishment of the Resurrection And this first by testimonies of scripture then by reasons drawn out of scripture The testimonies of Scripture The Testimonies of scripture for demōstrance of the Resurrection which confirme the certaintie of the resurrection hereafter to come are most euident and those taken both out of the olde and new Testament Iob 19.25 I am sure that my redeemer liueth and hee shall stand the last on the earth and though after my skin worms destroy this bodie yet shal I see God in my flesh Iohn 5.28 The hour shal come in the which all that are in the graues shall heare his voice And they shal come forth that haue doone good vnto the resurrection of life but they that haue doone euil vnto the resurrection of condemnation Iohn 6 40. I wil raise him vp at the last day 1. Corint 15.13 If there bee no resurrection of the deade then is Christ not risen And if Christ be not risen then is our preaching vaine and your faith is also vaine Reasons drawen out of the scripture for proofe thereof The reasons which are drawen also out of Scripture are diuerse 1. God promiseth eternall life not to the soule onelie but also to the bodie of the godly and contrarie to the vngodly hee threatneth eternall punishment and paines both of bodie and soule and these promises and threatninges of God must bee fulfilled For the certainty of them is vnchaungeable But they shal not bee fulfilled if the deade shal not rise Seeing therefore God dooth most certainelie in his good time accomplish that which hee promiseth to the godly and menaceth to the wicked it followeth of necessitie that the dead must rise againe 2. The mercie of God is perfect as which extendeth it selfe to the whole man and which will haue vs wholy saued Therefore our bodies also shal rise again 3. The mercie and loue of God towardes the godly is perpetuall and vnchaungeable so that what hee once will of his fatherly loue towardes them perfourme vnto them the same he euer will But he wil haue the godly saued both in soule and bodie therefore they must be both in soule and bodie euen whole saued and therefore that they maie bee whole saued they must needes rise againe 4. The perfect iustice of God requireth that the same wholie whereby they sinne should be punished with eternall paines But they sinne both in their whole bodie and in their soule Therefore their bodies also must be raised againe because they ought no lesse in body than in soule to suffer eternal pains 5. Christ is risen therefore wee also shall rise This sequele is most sure For first Christ therefore rose againe that hee might raise vs. Secondly Christ is our head and we his members Seeing then Christ our head is risen we also his members doubtles shal rise For the glorie of the head requireth this that he haue his members sutable in like condition with him Wherefore if the members should continue rotten the head should not be glorious Thirdly The same spirite is in vs which is in Christ raised he ioineth and vniteth vs with Christ and worketh the same in vs which he doth in Christ neither is at anie time not like himselfe But he hath raised Christ Therefore also hee will raise vs. 6. It is saide that Christ shall haue an euerlasting kingdome but this he should not haue if our bodies should alwaies continue in death for neither would it suffice that our soules are immortall or eternal without our bodies For that Christs kingdome may be eternall he must haue eternall subiects and those wholy eternall Therefore our bodies also shall rise that so wee whole may bee subiect eternally vnto Christ our king
1. Cor. 15.33 forbiddeth 110 What doth God forbid in the eight commaundement Not onely those f 1. Cor. 6 10. thefts g 1. Cor. 5.10 robberies which the magistrate punisheth but by the name of theft he comprehendeth whatsoeuer euil craftes fetches and deuises whereby we seek after other mens goods endeuour by force or with some shewe of right to h Luc. 3.14 1. Thes 4 6. conueie them ouer vnto our selues of which sort are false i Prou. 11.1 16.11 weightes false els vneuen k Ezech. 45.9 c. Deu. 25.13 c. measures deceitfull merchandise coūterfet coine l Psal 15.5 Luc. 6.35 vsurie or any other way or meanes of furthering our estate which God hath forbidden To these we may adde all m 1. Cor. 6.10 couetousnesse and the manifolde waste and n Prou. 5.16 abusing of Gods gifts 111 What are those thinges which God here commaundeth That to my power I help and further the commodities and profit of my neighbour and that I so deale with him as I would o Mat. 7.12 desire to be dealt with my selfe and that I doe my owne woorke painefully faithfully that I p Eph. 4.28 may thereby help others also who are distressed with any neede or calamitie 112 What doth the ninth commandement exact That I beare no false q Prou. 19.5 ● 21.28 witnesse against any man neither r Psal 15.3 falsifie any mans wordes neither backbite or ſ Rom. 1.29.30 reproch any man nor t Mat. 7.1 c. Luc. 6.37 condemne any man rashly or vnheard but auoid and u Joh. 8.44 shun with all carefulnesse all kind of lies and deceipts as the a Prou. 12.22 13.5 proper works of the Diuel except I mean to stir vp against mee the most grieuous wrath of god And that in iudgements and other affaires I follow the truth and freely and constantly b 1. Cor. 13.6 Eph. 4.25 professe the matter as it indeede is And moreouer defend and c 1. Pet. 4.8 encrease as much as in me lieth the good name and estimation of others 113 What doth the tenth commandement forbid That our hearts be not at any time moued by the least desire or cogitation against any commaundement of God but that continually and from our heart we detest all sinne and contrarily d Rom. 7.7 c. delight in all righteousnesse 114 But can they who are conuerted vnto God perfectly obserue and keepe these commaundementes No But euen the holiest men as long as they liue haue onely smale beginnings of this e c. Rom. 7.14.15 Eccle. 7.22 obedience yet so that they f Rom. 7.22 Jac. 2.10 begin with an earnest and vnfained desire and endeuour to liue not according to some onely but according to all the commaundements of God 115 Why will God then haue his law to bee so exactly seuerely preached seeing there is no man in this life who is able to keepe it First that al our life-time wee more and more g Joh. 1.9 Psal 22.5 acknowledge the great pronenes of our nature to sin and so much the more greedily h Rom. 7.24 desire remission of sinnes and righteousnesse in Christ Secondly i 1. Cor. 9.24 c. Phi. that wee be doing of this alwaies and alwaies thinking of that and implore and craue of the father the grace of his holy spirit whereby wee may daily more and more bee renewed to the image and likenesse of God vntill at length after wee are departed out of this life wee may ioyfully attaine vnto the perfection which is proposed vnto vs. OF PRAIER 116 Wherefore is praier necessarie for Christians Because it is the cheife part of that a Psal 50.14.15 thankfulnesse which God requireth of vs. And also because God giueth them onely his grace and holy spirit who with vnfained groninges begge them continually of him and b Mat. 7.7.8 Luc. 11.9.13 Mat. 13.12 Psal 50.15 yeelde him thankes for them 117 What is required vnto that praier which shal please God be hearde of him That we aske of the onely true God who hath c Joh. 4.22 c. manifested himselfe in his woorde all thinges which he hath commaunded to be d Rom. 8.26 1. Ioh. 5.14 asked of him with a true affection and desire of our heart and through an inwarde e Ioh. 4.23.24 Psal 145.18 feeling of our neede and miserie f 2. Par. 20.12 cast our selues downe prostrate in the presence of his diuine maiestie and g Psal 2.11 34.19 Is 66.2 builde our selues on this sure foundation that wee though vnworthily yet for Christes sake are certainely h Rom. 10.14 8.15.16 Iac. 1.6 c. heard of god euen as hee hath i Io. 14.13 15.16 16.23 Dan. 9.17.18 Mat. 7.8 Psal 143.1 promised vs in his worde 118 What are those thinges which hee commaundeth vs to aske of him All things k Iac. 1.17 Mat. 6.33 necessary both for soule and body which our Lorde Iesus Christ hath comprised in that prayer which himselfe hath taught vs. 119 What praier is that OVr l Mat. 6.9.10 c. Luc. 11.2 c. Mat. Luc. 11.12.13 Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name thy kingdome come thy will bee done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our daily bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as wee forgiue them that trespasse against vs And leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euil For thine is the kingdome the power and glorie for euer and euer AMEN 120 Why doth Christ teach vs to cal God our father That presently in the verie entraunce and beginning of the praier he might stir vp in vs such a reuerence and confidence in god as is meete for the sonnes of god which must bee the ground foundatiō of our praier to wit that god through Christ is made our father and will much lesse denie vnto vs those thinges which wee aske of him with a true faith than our earthly Parents a Mat. Luc. 11.11 denie vnto vs earthly things 121 Why is that ad●ed which art in heauen That we b Ier. 23.24 Act. conceiue not basely or te●●enely of gods heauenly maiestie And also that we c Rom. 10.12 looke for and expect from his omnipotencie whatsoeuer things are necessarie for our soule and bodie 122 What is the first petition Hallowed bee thy name that is graunt vs first to d Ioa. 17.3 Jer. 9.23.24 31.33.34 Mat. 16.17 Iac. 1.5 Psal 119.105 know thee aright to worship praise e Psal 119.137.138 Luc. 1.46 c. 68. c. Psal Exod. 34.6.7 Psal Ier. 31.3 33.11 20. Mat. 19.17 Rom. 3.3.4 11.22.23 2. Tim. 2.19 magnifie thy almightines goodnesse iustice mercie and truth shining in al thy works
affect an excellencie aboue others but to bee well contented with those gifts which God hath giuen vs and to employ all our gifts studies to the glorie of God the safetie of our neighbours euen those which are of the baser and vnwoorthier sort neither at anie time to murmour against GOD if wee faile of our hope or if wee bee despised but in all things to ascribe the praise of wisdome iustice vnto God 1. Cor 4.6 These thinges I haue figuratiuelie applied vnto mine owne selfe and Apollos for your sakes that yee might learne by vs that no man presume aboue that which is written that one swell not against another for anie mans cause For who separateth thee And what hast thou that thou hast not receiued 1. Pet. 5.5 God resisteth the proud and giueth grace to the humble Humble your selues therefore vnder the mightie hand of god that he may exalt you in due time Matth. 18.4 Whosoeuer shal humble himselfe as this title child the same is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen Phil. 2.3 Doe nothing through contention or vaine glorie but in meekenesse of minde euerie man esteeme other better than himselfe 4 Patience is the knowledge agnising of Gods Maiestie wisedome iustice goodnesse resoluing through a confidence in gods promises and so in hope of gods assistance deliuering to obey god in suffering those euils aduersities which he sendeth on vs willeth vs to suffer neither in respect of the griefe which they bring to murmur against God or to doe any thing against his commandements but in our dolor griefe to retaine still the confidence and hope of gods assistaunce and to aske deliueraunce of him and by this knowledge and ful persuasion of Gods will to mitigate and assuage our griefe and paines Humilitie and Patience belong vnto the first commaundement not onely because they are partes of that internall obedience which god requireth immediately to be performed vnto him but also because they follow and accompany the true knowledge confidence loue and fear of god as necessarie effects of the same 5 Hope is a sure and certaine expectation of euerlasting life freelie to be giuen for Christes sake and of a mitigation or assuagement of present euils and of a deliueraunce from the same euils of this life and lastly an expecting and looking for al blessinges necessarie vnto saluation according to the counsell and will of God Now hope springeth from faith Because he that is certain of the present wil of God towardes him hath also certaine and assured promises of the time to come For God is not changed and the giftes and calling of God are without repentance Moreouer Faith and Hope differ in these considerations Faith embraceth the present benefites of god and his wil towardes vs. Hope embraceth the effectes and fruites which are to come of this present and perpetual wil of god Heb. 11.1 Faith is that which maketh those things to be which are hoped for and which sheweth those thinges which are not seen Hope that is seene is not hope for how can a man hope for that which he seeth 6 The loue of god is to acknowledge God to bee exceeding good and exceeding bountifull and mercifull not only in himselfe but also in vs and towards vs and that therefore he dooth employ his power wisedome iustice mercy goodnes to our saluation so through the acknowledging of this his infinit goodnes towards vs to loue God as that we more couet and desire our conioyning and conformity with him and the execution of his will than all other things whatsoeuer and further had rather leaue and relinquish all thinges than be bereaued of his communion and fellowship or offend him in any thing and are ready to part with all other thinges which wee loue for his sake nothing is more cared for of vs than how we maie doe thinges acceptable and gratefull vnto him 7 The feare of God is to acknowledge the infinit anger of God towards sinne his great power to punish sinne his wisedome and iustice and that right and dominion which he hath ouer al creatures and of the contrary to acknowledge our owne corruption and infirmity and therefore to submit our selues to god according to all his commaundementes and to account for the greatest euil our offending of God and estranging from him and in respect thereof highly to hate and detest al sinne and to bee ready rather to suffer al other euils whatsoeuer than that we will offend god in any thing Leuit. 14 19. Thou shalt fear the Lord thy god because J am the Lord. Ier. 10.7 Who would not fear thee O King of natiōs For to thee appertaineth the dominion for among al the wise men of the Gentiles and in all their kingdomes there is none like thee The feare and loue of god differ For the loue of god ariseth from a knowledge of gods goodnesse The fear of god ariseth from a knowledge of gods iustice and of his power to punish sinnes and of that right which he hath ouer al creatures Againe Loue pursueth good to wit god and our coniunction with him wherefore the loue of god is not to abide to be bereaued of god who is the chiefe good But fear flieth euill to wit the displeasure and wrath of god and our separation from him Wherefore also the fear of god is to beware that we offend not god Moreouer the fear of god which was in the nature of man vncorrupt differeth from that which is now in the regenerate in this life and which is in the blessed Angels and Saintes in the celestial life The feare of god which is in the blessed in euerlasting life is a high detestation of sinne and punishmentes without griefe because neither anie sinne is in them or any punishment of sin and they are assured that they shall neuer sinne or be punished Jsa 25.8 Hee wil destroie death for euer and the Lord God wil wipe awaie the tears from al faces The feare of god which is in the regenerate in this life is an acknowledging of sinne and the wrath of god an earnest griefe for the sinnes committed for the offending of god and for those calamities which by reason of sinnes both we and others susteine and a feare of future sins and punishments and an earnest desire of flying and shunning these euils by reason of the knowledge of that mercy which is shewed vnto vs through Christ Matth. 10.28 Feare yee not them which kil the bodie but are not able to kil the soule but rather feare him which is able to destroie both soule and bodie in hell Luk. 23.40 Fearest thou not god seeing that thou art in the same condemnation This feare is commonly called Sonne-like feare because it is such as Sonnes beare towardes their parents who are sorrie for the anger and displeasure of their father and yet notwithstanding are alwaies persuaded of the loue and mind of their father
of their ancestours 5. He saith that he is a god which sheweth mercie vnto thousandes in them that loue him and keepe his commaundementes And heere hee extendeth his punishment vnto the fourth generation but his mercy vnto thousandes thereby to signifie that he had rather shewe mercy than anger and so by this meanes to allure vs the more to loue him But vnto this promise are opposed manie examples of the godlie whose children and posteritie haue perished Whereunto god himself answereth Eze. 18. That he wil blesse the posterity of the godly if they continue in the good cōuersation godlines of their auncestours but wil punish them if they depart from it If here it be demaunded why hee dooth not conuert their posteritie seeing without his mercy they are not able to follow the godlines of their parentes We answere first Because this promise is not vniuersal but indefinite and therefore God doth not therein bind his mercie vnto euerie particular one of the godlies posteritie but reserueth his Election free vnto himselfe So that as of the posteritie of the wicked he conuerteth and saueth some in like manner also he leaueth of the posterity of the godly some in their naturall corruption and in destruction which all by nature deserue and this he doth to shew that his mercy is free as wel in chusing the posterity of the godly as of the wicked Secondly because he bindeth not himselfe to perfourme the same benefites or all the benefites vnto all the posteritie of the godlie Wherefore he satisfieth this promise when he dooth euen vouchsafe of corporall benefites the wicked and reprobate posterity of the godly Thirdly because he promiseth this felicitie of the posteritie vnto them that loue him and keepe his commandmentes that is to those which are indeede godly and of good conuersation But because the loue of God obedience is euen in the holiest Saintes in this life vnperfect therefore the reward also promised vnto them is vnperfect and ioined with the crosse chastisements among which the wickednesse and vnhappinesse of their posteritie is not the last as maie appear in Dauid Salomon and Iosias Obiection They who keepe Gods commaundementes obtaine mercie Therefore we merit somewhat of God Aunswere God saith J wil shew the mercie Therefore it is not of merit or desert Therefore the obiection is a fallacy putting that for a cause which is no cause For when God addeth this promise that he will shewe mercie vnto the thousand generation of them that loue him and keepe his commaundements he sheweth that he had rather shew mercy than anger thereby to allure vs to loue him This promise and commination is belonging verily to the obedience of the whole Decalogue but is therefore especially annexed vnto this commaundement both that we might know the first and second commandement to be the foundation of al the rest also that God might shew that he is especially angry with the deprauers and corrupters of his worship and punisheth this kinde of sin both in them and in their posterity and contrarily doth blesse also the posterity of them which diligently regard and keepe pure religion or the true seruice and worship of God By this declaration and exposition of the woords of this commandement it appeareth that by the naming of one kind al false worships of God are condemned and contrariwise is commaunded the obseruation of the true and vncorrupt worshippe which is euery internal or external work commaunded of God doone in faith which is persuaded that both the person and the woork please God for the Mediatours sake the chiefe end where of is that due honour may be giuen vnto god whereby we may shew that we acknowledge him alone for the tru god who hath willed this worship to be thus done to him And then is this worship done vnto him when he is so worshipped as himselfe hath manifested in his word that he will be worshipped And these may suffice as touching the exhortation which is adioined to the commaundement nowe wil wee declare those things which belong vnto the commandement it selfe In this second commaundement is forbidden all false worship and the true worship of God is commaunded And this is the end or scope of this commaundement that the true god alone who commaundeth himselfe to bee worshipped in the first commaundement bee rightlie worshipped of vs namely with such worship wherewith it is right and meete he should be worshipped of intelligent or vnderstanding creatures and such as pleaseth him God therefore in this commaundement prescribeth the rule of true diuine worships He forbiddeth not only that creatures or Images be not reputed or woorshipped for God but also that himselfe be worshipped by Images and at Images and when he condemneth the chiefe and grossest and most euident kinde of false woorshippes namely the woorshipping of God at or by Images it is manifest that hee forbideth also the other kindes of false woorshippes seeing this is the heade and fountaine of all the rest Wherefore all woorshippes whatsoeuer are instituted by men not by God in which the same cause of prohibiting or forbidding appeareth are forbidden by the forbidding of this the grossest kinde of the rest and withall a rule is giuen that wee holily and religiously conteine and holde our selues within the lists and tarriers prescribed by God neither ad ought to that woorshippe which God himselfe hath instituted Ios 1.7 Prouer. 30.6 Reuel 32.1 nor maime the same so much as in the least point which also we are in other places expresselie enioyned by the Lorde This commaundement is different from others for that in others the parts of themselues or specialties of diuine woorship are rehearsed but in this al adding maiming and altering of them is forbidden and a rule prescribed that wee keepe our selues within the bonds by god appointed And this studie endeuour and care to worship God after that manner which himselfe hath commanded is the poper peculiar obedience of this commaundement Which is also required in these sayings Deut. 4 Ye shal put nothing to the word which I command you neither shal ye take ought therefrom that yee may keepe the commaundementes of the Lorde your God which I command you Deutr. 12. Whatsoeuer J command you take heed you do it thou shalt put nothing thereto nor take ought therefrom Now as concerning the wordes of the commandement wee are to obserue that there are two parts of this Second commandement The former part forbiddeth Jmages to bee made The second part forbideth to woorshippe them with diuine honour Of the first part we will first speake The first part of the second commandement where is intreated of Images The chiefe Questions concerning Images 1 How far Images may be allowed to be made 2 Why they are to be abolished in Christian Churches 3 How they are to be abolished 1 HOW FARRE IMAGES MAYBE ALLOWED TO BE MADE IMAGES or Pictures are not here simply forbidden because the
and which is belonging vnto the office and function of teaching in the church and whereof mention also is made in the fourth commaundement but this propagation of true doctrine is that instituting and instructing which appertaineth to euery one because euery one priuatly in his place is bound to bring others to the knowledge worship of God Deu. 4.9 Teach them thy Sonnes and thy Sonnes Sonnes Deut. 6 20. When thy Sonne shal aske thee in time to come saying what meane these testimonies and ordinaunces and Lawes which the Lorde our God hath commaunded you Then shalt thou saie vnto thy Sonne wee were Pharaohs bondmen in Aegypt but the Lord brought vs out of Aegypt with a mighty hand Deut. 11.19 Yee shal teach them your children speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house when thou walkest by the waie and when thou liest downe and when thou risest vp Luke 22.32 When thou art conuerted strengthen thy brethen Coloss 3.16 Let the woord of Christ dwel in you plenteouslie in al wisedome teaching and admonishing your owne selues in Psalmes Hymnes and spiritual Songs 1. Thess 5.11 Exhort one another and edifie one another 2 The celebration lauding or magnifieng of God which is a commemoration and recounting of Gods woorkes and properties ioyned with a liking and admiration of them before God and his creatures to this end that we may signifie and declare our liking or approbation and reuerence towardes God that God may excell aboue all thinges and that so our subiection vnto him may appeare and be manifested They therefore which ban and curse sinne against this commaundement because they sin against the praising and magnifieng of God when they speak impious things of God as if he forsooth were their executioner to reuenge their quarell and they sinne against praier and inuocation when they craue of god those thinges which are flat against his word Some man wil here reply Vnto whō God doth imprecate wish euil to thē we maie also wish euil Vnto this we answer 1. All imprecations or euil-wishinges which are made absolutelie without some prophecy or special reuelatiō are sins 2. They must be done without priuate hatred and desire of reuenge 3. They must be done in respect of gods glorie onlie and the preseruation of the true church 4. Wee must not imprecate or wish euill as it is an euill that is as it is the destruction of them against whom wee wish it 3 The confession of the truth which wee knowe concerning GOD which is the shewing of our iudgement and opinion concerning god and his will certainely knowen out of gods word because according as our duty bindeth vs we signifie and declare our minde and knowledge for the setting forth of gods glory for the furthering of the saluation of others Rom. 10.10 With the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth to saluation 1. Pet. 3.15 Bee readie alwaies to giue an aunswere to euerie man that asketh you a reasō of the hope that is in you with meeknes and reuerence And hence it appeareth that they who lead a vitious and bad life sinne against this commaundement because they sinne against the confession of the truth when as they boast themselues to bee Christians and shewe the contrarie in their life and maners These three partes or vertues of the right and lawful vsage of the name of god which haue bin now proposed agree in this that they are a commemoration of the truth concerning god again they differ in this that the doctrine or propagation of true doctrine tendeth to the instruction of others The celebration of God respecteth our liking and subiection The confession of the knowen trueth betokeneth the certainty of our opinion and iudgement 4 The zeale of god which is an ardent loue of god and a griefe for any reproch or contempt which is done to god and an endeuour to put awaie that reproch from the name of god and to auoide sinnes our selues and to banish them from others This zeale is required of euery one that euery one according to his place and calling and as hee is in duetie bound doe vindicate and maintaine the glorie of God 5 Jnuocation which is praier whereby we craue of the true God none other blessinges than God hath commanded vs to aske of him onely which praier and petition proceedeth from a desire in vs of gods bountifulnesse and liberality and is made in true conuersion and in a full persuasion of gods promises for the Mediatours sake Psal 105.1 Praise the Lord and cal vpon his name Matth. 7.7 Aske and it shal be giuen you seeke and yee shal find knocke and it shal be opened vnto you 1. Iohn 5.14 This is the assuraunce that wee haue in him that if we aske any thing according to his wil he heareth vs. 6 Thankes-giuing which is to acknowledge and confesse what and how great benefites blessings we haue receiued of god vnto what obedience towards god we are in respect of them bound and ready or prepared and that therefore we wil yeelde vnfaigned obedience vnto him to the vtmost of our power Colos 3.17 Whatsoeuer ye shall do in word or deed doe all in the name of the Lord Jesus giuing thanks to god euen the father by him 1. Thess 5.18 In all thinges giue thanks for this is the wil of God in Christ Jesus toward you Psal 107.1 Praise the Lord because he is good for his mercie endureth for euer 7 Right and lawful swearing which is comprehended vnder Inuocation as a special vnder the general The chiefe questions concerning an oath or swearing 1 What an oath is 2 By whom we are to sweare 3 Of what things we must sweare 4 Whether al oathes are to be kept 5 Whether a christian maie take a right lawful oath 1 WHAT AN OATH IS AN oath is an inuocating on god whereby is desired that god who is the viewer of the harts would bee a witnesse vnto him that sweareth that he wil not lie or deceiue in that matter whereof he sweareth and that God would punish him that sweareth if he doe lie or deceiue In this definition are the other foure questions also comprehended Furthermore an oath was ordained by God that it might be the bond of truth betweene men and a testimonie or recorde that god is the authour and defender of the truth An oath is oftentimes vnderstoode and taken for the whole worship of God because by whom a man sweareth the same himselfe professeth to account for god 2 By whom we must swear WE must sweare by god onlie 1. Because god hath commanded vs to sweare by him onlie as he alone is to bee feared and worshipped 2. God wil haue inuocation to be vsed vnto himselfe onelie Therefore hee will haue vs to sweare also by himselfe only because an oath is an inuocating on god 3. An oath doth giue and ascribe vnto him by whom wee sweare the inspection and
publicke seruice of God but rather furder foster and aduance the same So Matth. 12. Christ defendeth his Disciples pulling the eares of Corn on the sabboth day to driue awaie hunger and himselfe healeth a man hauing a dried hand Luk. 14. Christ saith that an Ox or any beast falling into a pit on the sabboth may be drawen out thence without any sin Macchabaeus fighteth on the sabboth day that there might be some preserued which should keep the sabboth 2. Mac. 15. And of the like actions there are two reasons giuen 1. Mac. 2.40 Jf wee all doe as our brethren haue done and fight not against the Heathen for our liues and for our Lawes then shall they incontinently destroy vs out of the earth Therefore they concluded at the same time saying whosoeuer shall come to make battle with vs vpon the Sabboth day wee will fight against him For the maintenance of their life and religion they say it is lawfull to fight euen on the Sabboth day By the same reasons doth Christ defend his Disciples and himselfe Mat. 12. citing a place of Hosea cap. 6. If yee knew what this is J will haue mercie and not sacrifice yee would not haue condemned the innocent And Mar. 2. The Sabboth was made for man and not man for the Sabboth that is ceremoniall woorks must giue place to morall woorkes so that rather the ceremonies must be omitted than such woorks of charity as our necessitie or the necessity of our neighbour requireth And Mat. 12.5 Haue ye not read in the Law how tha● on the sabboth daies the Priests in the Temple break the Sabboth are blamelesse But I saie vnto you here is one greater than the Temple Also Ioh. 7.22 Ye on the Sabboth daie circumcise a man If a mā on the Sabboth receiue circumcisiō that the Law of Moses should not be ye broken be angrie with me because J haue made a man euerie whit whole on the Sabboth daie By which words hee sheweth that such workes as hinder not the vse of the Sabboth but rather further establish it such as are the workes which appertaine so to the seruice of god or sacred ceremonies or to charity and loue towards our neighbor as that present necessitie will not suffer them to bee differred vntill another time do not breake or violate the Sabboth but are most of all required to the right and lawfull obseruation and keeping of the Sabboth Now we are furder here to obserue that there is a three-fold difference of forbidding works and sinnes 1. Labors are forbidden but in a respect only to wit as they hinder the ministery of the Church or as they giue offence to our neighbour But sinnes are simply forbidden 2. Labours are forbidden onlie to be vsed on the sabboth daie sinnes are forbidden at al times 3. The ceasing from labors is a type of ceasing from sinnes which is the thing signified by that type What things are remaining to bee knowen concerning the sabboth wee will now consequently goe forward to declare And because one part of this commandement is ceremonial we shall not vnfitly afterwards adioine the common place cōcerning ceremonies Lastly we wil annex in brief wise vnto these the common place concerning the ministery of the church because by this commaundment is the external publique seruice of god enacted and therefore also the ministery it selfe of the church and the vse honor thereof OF THE SABBOTH The chiefe Questions 1 How manifold the sabboth is 2 The causes for which the sabboth was instituted 3 How the sabboth is sanctified or kept holy 4 How the sabboth is broken or prophaned 5 How the sabboth belongeth vnto vs. 1 HOW MANIFOLD THE SABBOTH IS THE sabboth signifieth a quietnesse or rest or ceasing from labours 1. Because god rested on that daie namely from making any new or moe kindes of creatures though not from preseruing of the same which he had made or from continuing the generation of the singulars of euery kind 2. Because the sabboth is an image of the spiritual rest to come 3. Because wee also and our families and our cattel are to rest and cease from our woorkes on that daie not from al woorkes but from houshold and ciuil works and from others of the like kind that god may then shew and exercise in vs his works And this concerning the name of the sabboth Furthermore the sabboth is of two sorts Internal and external The Jnternal or Moral or spiritual is the studie of the knowledge of God and his works of auoiding sinnes and of worshipping God by confession and obedience To be short The spiritual sabboth or spiritual rest is a ceasing from sinnes and an exercising of the workes of God This sabboth although it bee continuall perpetual with the godly yet is it begun in them in this life and is called the sabboth both because this is that true rest from labours miseries and the consecration of vs to gods worship and also because it was in times past signified by the ceremonial sabboth And this spritual Sabboth shall be perfectly perpetuallie continued in the life to come wherein is a perpetual worshipping magnifieng of God al those labours being left and surceased wherein wee are now busied and occupied The external or ceremonial sabboth is a certaine time ordained and instituted by god in the church dedicated to a ceasing from workes and labours and giuen to the ministerie of gods word to the administration of the sacraments or to the external publick worship of god This ceremonial sabboth was necessary in the old Testament to be the seuenth day that on that day as also on other holy daies the Leuitical ceremonies should be obserued This selfesame ceremoniall sabboth is a thing Indifferent in the Newe Testament This Externall sabboth is also of two sortes Immediate and Mediate Immediate is that which was immediatelie instituted by god himselfe this was diuersly takē in the old Testament Namely 1. It signified daies as euery seuenth day which was in a more peculiar sense called the sabboth both in respect of Gods rest from the creation of the worlde and in respect of that rest which was commanded the people of God to bee kept on that day It signified also other festiual daies wherein the people were to rest as on the seuenth day So it is the first day of the Paschal feast called the sabboth Leuit. 23 and in the same place the feast of Trumpets is called a sabboth likewise the feast of Tabernacles 2 It signified also the whole seuen daies or the whole weeke was called by the name of the chiefe day the sabboth Matth 28. Now in the end of the sabboth when the first daie of the sabboth that is of the weeke began to dawne 3. It was taken for euerie seuenth yeare wherein the Iewes were commaunded to intermit the tillage of their fieldes The commaundement is giuen them in Leuit. 25 4 26.35 And hereof
distinguished from that presentnes of minde and courage which through a cogitation and thinking on Gods wil ought to bee raised and stirred vp in al especially in gouernours 1. King 2.2 Bee strong and shew thy selfe a man Hither appertaineth the example of the spies of the land of Canaan and of the people being out of heart and despairing for euer compassing and possessing of it Numb 13. and. 14. Like vnto this vertue is warlike fortitude which is a defendres of iustice an vndertaking of the iust defence of our selues or others albeit it be not without peril and danger War is either a necessary defence against those that exercise robbery and outrages or cruelty against the people or a iust punishment for grieuous iniuries sustained which is vndertaken by force of armes Jndignation or zeale is a vertue iustly offended wrath for the reproch of Gods name the vniust hurting of our neighbor for some grieuous iniury which is done either against God or our innocent neighbor hauing moreouer a desire as ability and strength affordeth to repel and reuenge the iniury done against God or our neighbours according to Gods commaundement Judg. 8. Gideon said to Zebah Zalmunna The men that ye slue at Tabor were my brethren euen my Mothers children as the Lord liueth if ye had saued their liues I would not slaie you And Iud. cap. 20. The Israelites wage war against the Beniamites for the wickednes cōmitted against the Leuites wife As therfore vniust wars are forbidden by this commaundement so iust warre is allowed in the fift commaundement as a part of the Magistrates duty towardes his subiectes and in this commaundement as a defence both of his owne and others safety life and consisteth partly in iustice not hurting and punishing partly in fortitude and indignation For either it is as before was said a necessary defence against those that exercise robbery and violence or cruelty against the people or a iust punishment for grieuous iniuries which is vndertaken by ordinary autority with force of arms 1. Sam. 25.28 My Lord fighteth the battles of the Lord. Hither also belongeth the defence of their owne life and their neighbours which priuate men vse against vniust force and violence when necessity suffereth not the Magistrates aide to be required For when the Lawes and the Magistrate arme a priuate man against a robber or adulterer he vseth then the sword not vnaduisedly taken but iustly deliuered into his hand by the Magistrate as beeing the Magistrates deputy and minister So Moses slue the Aegyptian in defence of the Israelite The vertues benefiting or doing good which namely consist in doing good turns are these Humanity Mercy Amity Humanitie or the loue of man is a true sincere good will both in mind and wil and heart towards others and a declaration thereof in words behauiour and duties conuenient and possible This selfe same vertue in the Scriptures is called the loue of our neighbour which in Philosophy is termed Humanitie for by this vertue all men perfourme that vnto others which they woulde haue to bee doone vnto them-selues Roman 12.10 Bee affectioned to loue one another with brotherlie loue Galath 6.10 Let vs doe good vnto all men but especiallie vnto them which are of the house-holde of faith Mercie is a vertu which hath a fellow-feeling and taketh compassion of the calamities of good men or of those who sinne through ignorance or infirmity endeuoreth to take thē away or to assuage them as much as equitie gods glory permitteth neither reioiceth at the calamities of the very enemies themselues Or it is sorrow for the calamities of innocent men or such as fal through ignorance or infirmity a desire to asswage or take away their calamities by honest means Amity is a vertue cōprehended vnder humanity as a special vnder his general it is a mutual sincere good wil between good men wel known one to another performing mutual and possible duties or It is a vertue rendring mutual and sincere good wil and perfourming mutual duties such as are iust lawfull and possible kindled by the knowledge of vertue and by communication in both parties Jt is different from loue in that loue stretcheth both to the knowen and vnknowen but amity or frindship extendeth onely vnto those that are knowen one to another that for some vertues appearing in them The partes then of al that which is commanded vs in this commandement are 1. That our neighbour liue 2. That hee liue wel by our assistaunce and endeuor vnto the vtmost of our power The vices contrarie to the vertues of this sixt commaundement VNTO particular iustice hurting no man is opposed 1. Iniustice hurting men namely a wil to hurt men and al vniust endammaging hurting or iniuring 2. Remisnesse when they are not hurt who are to be hurt by them vnto whom the execution thereof belongeth Vnto mildnesse is repugnaunt 1. Vniust anger hastinesse grudging immoderate reuenge hatred and spite Anger is a short madnesse Hastinesse is angrinesse or a readinesse vnto anger 2. Remisnes when a man is not moued for grieuous iniuries Vnto equabilitie or equitie is repugnant 1. Jmmoderate Rigour when there is had no regard of circumstances whereof it is saide Extreme right is extreme wrong likewise cruelty and vniust seuerity 2. Remisnesse that is not to be moued at such things whereat we ought to be moued when god commandeth Likewise partiality accepting of persons Vnto peaceablenesse is opposed 1. Jn the excesse Remisnesse when as thou so couetest to keepe peace that thou doest not respect Gods glory neither thine owne and thy neighbours safety This is an vniust gratifieng 2. Jn the defect al vniust or vnnecessarie speeches Contentions backbitinges slanders whisperings Vnto iustice commutatiue in punishmentes is contrary 1. In the defect remisnesse when that is not punished which ought to bee punished 2. Jn the excesse cruelty vniust and ouer-great seuerity priuate reuenge false pretending of strict iustice Briefly vnto punishing iustice is repugnaunt iniustice which either doth not at al punish or doth vniustly punish Vnto fortitude is opposed In the defect timerousnesse the betraying of anothers safety when thou art able to vndertake his defence likewise a shunning of such daungers as God hath commanded vs to vndergoe 2. In the excesse rashnesse or fool-hardinesse which is to vndertake things vnnecessary or impossible Vnto indignation are contrary 1. Vniust anger 2. Remisnesse and slownesse when there is no sharpnesse or earnestnes shewed in being iustly offended with iniuries in reuenging them Likewise vnto this are the same repugnaunt which are vnto peaceablenes Vnto humanitie are opposed 1. Selfe-loue with a neglect of others 2. Jnhumanitie 3. Spitefulnes or hatred against others or a shewe hereof 4. Vniust pleasurings and gratifiengs Vnto mercie are contrary 1. In the defect vnmercifulnes crueltie hard-heartednesse not to haue compassion of those of whom we are to haue compassion
and accomplishing by them his owne work and counsel either he reueileth not at al his wil vnto them or moueth not their will to haue his reueiled will as the ende and leuill of their action This difference of the works of God the diuel euen Gods working of his iust work by the Diuel but permitting only the sinne of the Diuel is euidently confirmed by the story of Iob cap. 1. 2. where God purposeth to try Iob but the Diuell to destroie him The same is likewise confirmed by the story of Achab 1. King 22. and by that prophecy of the Apostle concerning Antichrist 2. Thessal 2. where the Diuel seduceth men to destroy them and God wil haue them to be seduced thereby to punish them and suffereth the Diuel by sinning to execute and fulfil his wil. 2 What is To lead into temptation WHEN god is said to lead vs into temptation it is meant that God according to his most iust will and iudgement trieth vs. Now to lead vs into temptation wherewith the Diuel tempteth vs is that God permitteth the diuel to solicite vs. Lead vs not into temptation that is Suffer vs not to be tempted aboue our power neither suffer the diuell so to tempt vs that either we sinne or wholy reuoult from thee Obiection Temptations which are good in respect of god are euil in respect of the diuel and yet notwithstanding into them doth god lead vs Therefore god is the cause of sinne Aunswere This reason conteineth a fallacy of the accident They are sinnes in respect of the diuell because hee will thereby allure vs to sins in respect of God they are not sinnes because they are a trial and a reclaiming of vs from sinnes as also because they are a confirmation and strengthening of our faith Wherefore as temptations are trials chastisementes martyrdomes they are sent of God but as they are euill and sins God wil them not because to wil them is to approoue and work them Now we here in this petition pray against both which also wee briefly touched before namely our trial allurement or soliciting to sinne For we desire first that God wil not tempt vs to try vs but yet with a condition of his wil pleasure if he do tempt vs yet that he wil not tempt vs aboue our strength that also he will giue vs strength Secondly we desire that he wil not suffer the Diuel or the world or our owne flesh to solicite vs to sinne or if he suffer them that yet himselfe wil bee present with vs that we fal not wholy into sinnes 3 What is To deliuer vs from euill BY the name of Euill some vnderstand heere the Diuell some sinne some death but the best is to comprehend in it al euils both of crime pain whether they be present or to come When as then we desire that God will deliuer vs from euil we desire 1. That he wil send no euil on vs but deliuer vs from al euils present and to come both of crime and paine 2. That if he send on vs any euils that he would mitigate them in this life and turne them vnto our saluation that they maie be good and profitable vnto vs. 3. That he wil at length in the life to come fully and perfectlie deliuer vs and wipe awaie euerie teare from our eies Wee must obserue that this petition is so the last of al the rest as that from this we return to the former from whence we began He is our perfect Sauiour but he shal not be a perfect Sauiour without this petition The later part of this petition being opposed by way of contrariety to the former part sheweth how the former part is to be vnderstood For when he saith But deliuer vs from euil it sheweth that we shall be lead into temptations and euils and that therefore we must subiect our will vnto the will of God pray that we fal not into euils if it be his wil or that he wil deliuer vs if we be fallen into euils 4 Why this petition is necessarie THIS petition is necessarie 1. In respect of the multitude and power of our enemies and the greatnes of euils and our owne weaknes and infirmitie 2. In respect of the former petition for the obteining thereof because our sinnes are not remitted except we persist in faith and repentance If then we wil that God remit and pardon vs our sinnes wee must stand stedfast in faith and repentaunce but steadfast wee shall not stand if we bee tempted aboue our strength if wee fal into sinnes if lastly we reuoult from God himselfe Obiection We are not to praie against such things as are good and profitable for vs. The temptations of god as trials diseases pouertie sending of false Prophetes are good things and profitable vnto vs wee are not therefore to praie against the temptations of god Aunswere The Minor conteineth a fallacy of the accident Wee are not to pray against such things as are good and profitable that is which are by themselues profitable or good But afflictions trials crosses and other temptations are by themselues euil and vnprofitable and not good But yet they are good and profite vs onely by an accident which accident is the mercie of God accompaning them without which they are not only not profitable but also a part of death a most present way to death both temporall and eternall Wherefore as afflictions and crosses are euil by themselues so farre foorth wee praie against them but as they are good and profitable vnto vs that beleeue so we praie not against them or wee praie not against that good which concurreth with afflictions the crosse but against the crosse it selfe afflictions which are by themselues euil because they destroie nature So also we pray against death as being euil by it selfe and christ himselfe also praied against it Matth. 26.39 Let this cup passe from me neuertheles not as I wil but as thou wilt As then death was a destruction a torment and euill so Christ praied against it and woulde it not yea neither woulde the Father himselfe it as it is so considered But as Christs death was a Raunsome on the crosse so both Christ and the Father would the same 2 Obiection What things God wil those things ought we not to refuse But God wil our temptations Therefore we maie not refuse them Answere What things God wil those we ought not to refuse that is in such respect as he wil that we suffer them with a submitting of our will vnto his diuine will or such things as he simply wil. But God wil not simplie temptations nether in this respect as they are a destruction but as they are exercises of faith and praier or martyrdomes or a trial of our conscience and in this respect and so farre we ought also to wish them but not simply And that we are not simply to wil or wish temptations or afflictiōs it
are not perfect and sufficient And therefore God cannot bee rightly worshipped according to these remaines or reliques of spirituall light except there come thereunto the knowledge of God and his diuine will out of the word of God which is deliuered vnto the Church Further Men not brought vp in the Church doe patch manie false thinges with these true imprinted notions of nature and doe heape sinnes vpon errors Thirdly Such is the frovvardnes of the vvill and affections euen against the iudgement of rightlie informed and ruled reason that they obeie not so much as those naturall notions much lesse those vvhich are to be adioined out of the vvoord of god Whence also are those complaints euen of the heathen I see the better and I like them but I follow the worse that accusation of the Apostle Rom. 1.18 The wrath of god is reueiled from heauen against all vngodlines and vnrighteousnes of men which withhold the truth in vnrighteousnes wherefore those notions without the grace of the holy ghost doe not ingender true godlines in them 2 Obiection God commendeth vs for good vvorkes The praise and commendation which is giuen of God to our good workes doth not proue that they proceed from our selues but rather are his giftes Therefore good vvorkes are in our povver and vvill Answere This is a fallacie concluding of that which is no cause as if it were a cause God commendeth our good workes not because they are or can bee performed of vs without our renewing by the holy ghost but because they are agreeable vnto his lawe and good and pleasing vnto him yea because they are his owne giftes and effectes in vs and wee his instrumentes vnto whom hee communicateth himselfe and his blessinges according as it is saide Romans 8. Whom he predestinate them also he called Replie Who doth not in such sort vvorke vvell as that it is in his ovvne povver to doe either vvell or ill hee deserueth neither commendation nor revvard but those good things vvhich men doe are not in their povver and arbiterment therefore they deserue not either commendation or revvardes for their vertues Aunswere If the question bee of desert wee graunt the whole Argument For it is true that no creature can deserue or merite ought at gods hand neither ought the praise or commendation or glorie bee giuen to vs as if the good which wee doe were of our selues it beeing god who worketh whatsoeuer is good in all But if they saie that neither rewarde nor commendation is iustly giuen more is in the conclusion than was in the premisses For God to testifie that righteousnesse pleaseth him and to shewe forth more and more his bountie and goodnesse doth adorne it with free rewardes How God is said to wish our conuersion and good workes and yet they not thereby proued to be in our power 3 Obiection What God doth wishe and will to bee done of vs that wee are able to performe by our selues but God doth wishe and will our conuersion and our good workes Deutronom 32.29 Luke 19.42 Therefore wee are able to performe them by our selues And so consequently wee neede not the operation and working of the holy Ghost Answere This reason is a fallacie deceiuing by the ambiguitie of the word Wish For in the Maior proposition it is taken as it vseth properly to signifie in the Minor not so God is saide to wish by a figure of speache called Anthropopathie making God to be affected after the order of men and therefore the kinde of affirmation is diuers in the Maior and in the Minor But God is said to wish in two respectes First In respect of his commaunding and inuiting Secondly In respect of his loue towardes his creatures and in respect of the torment of them that perish but not in respect of the execution of his iustice Replie 1. He that inuiteth others is delighted with their wel doing it foloweth thereof that their wel dooing is in their owne power not in his who inuiteth them But God inuiteth vs and is delighted with our well dooing Therefore it is in our selues to doe vvell Aunswere Wee denie the Minor because it is not inough that God inuiteth vs but our will also to doe well must bee adioyned which wee cannot haue but from god onely God therefore doth wish our conuersion and doth inuite all vnto it that is hee requireth obedience towardes his lawe of all hee liketh it in all and for the loue which hee beareth vnto his creature hee wisheth nothing more than that all performe it and all bee saued but yet a will to performe it they onely haue whom god doth regenerate by his spirite Deutronom 29.2 Yee haue seene all that the Lord did before your eies yet the Lorde hath not giuen you an heart to perceiue and eies to see and eares to heare vnto this daie Reply 2. Hee that commandeth thinges vnpossible to bee done is vniust GOD commaundeth such obedience as is vnpossible to be doone Therefore hee is vniust Aunswere The Maior is to be distinguished He is vniust that commaundeth thinges vnpossible except himselfe first gaue an abilitie to perfourme those thinges which hee commaunded and Secondly except hee vvho is commaunded to perfourme them hath lost that ability through his ovvne fault Lastly except there bee some other endes and vses of the commaundementes besides his obedience vvho is commaunded But God had made man such a one as was able to perfourme that obedience which hee requireth of him Wherefore man by his owne fault and folly leesing and of his owne accord casting away this ability God neuertheles hath not therefore lost his right to require obedience of him beeing dewe and by him owed vnto GOD his creator But rather hee doth in right require it of all First in respect of his glorie because hee is iust and therefore doth of right require no lesse nowe than before Adams fall our conformity and correspondence with the whole Lawe Secondly that wee may subiect and submit our selues vnto God and implore and craue his grace when wee see him of right to require that of vs which thorough our owne fault we are not able to perfourme Reply 3. But not vve but Adam receiued and lost this abilitie of perfourming obedience vnto GOD. Therefore the Lavv is not vnpossible vnto vs thorough our ovvne fault Aunswere Adam as hee receiued this ability for himselfe and his posterity so he lost it from both Wherefore God doth in right depriue both Adam and his posterity of his giftes and gtaces Euen as a noble man by his disobedience leeseth a Lorde-shippe in fee graunted him of the Prince not onelie from himselfe God commaunding thinges vnpossible doth yet commaund them for good causes and to good ends but also from his posterity neither doeth the Prince any iniurie to his Children if hee restore not vnto them the Lorde-shippe lost by their Fathers fault and disobedience And if hee doe restore it hee doeth it