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A14032 An exposition vpon the canonicall Epistle of Saint Iames with the tables, analysis, and resolution, both of the whole epistle, and euerie chapter thereof: with the particular resolution of euerie singular place. Diuided into 28. lectures or sermons, made by Richard Turnbull, sometimes fellow of Corpus Christie Colledge in Oxford· now preacher and minister of the word of God and the holy Sacraments, in the citie of London. Turnbull, Richard, d. 1593. 1591 (1591) STC 24339; ESTC S118931 472,056 683

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worde what it worketh in the children of men 2 The remouing of certaine faults which hinder our attending to this worde so excellent 3 Against these faults he setteth downe certaine exhortations and admonitions flowing out of the worde and they are foure as shall appeare from the 21. verse to the ende Now touching these verses they are of this fourth and last part Wherein are two things set downe by the Apostle and to bee considered of vs. 1 The excellencie of the worde of God i● selfe 2 The remoouing of hinderances to the attending therunto and they are two 1 Babling and talking when we should heare 2 Wrath and anger when wee are taught and reprooued Touching the former of these the excellencie of the worde of God it selfe in speciall thereunto he discendeth by the former treatise Wherein disputing of the goodnes of God he here sheweth that his goodnes especially appeareth in the worke of our regeneration the instrumentall cause whereof is the worde of God whereof in this place he speaketh So then in this 18. verse the Apostle giueth vs as it were a taste of that which in generall he had spoken that God is the fountaine of all goodnes which as in sundrie other things appeareth so especially in the worke of our regeneration the most expresse testimonie of his goodnesse towardes vs which being apparant and manifest wee must needes confesse that all good giuings and all good giftes come from him so that wee can not say without blasphemie nor thinke without impietie that GOD is authour or cause of our euill temptations and in as much as GOD both first created man in perfect innocencie and afterwarde regenerated him to bee like the image of his owne sonne in excellent vertue his great goodnesse doeth so appeare to all men that it were incomparable iniquitie in any wise to make him cause of our wickednesse To come therefore to the excellencie of the worde which is the meane of our regeneration the Apostle setteth downe the other causes thereof also so that in this 18. verse there are three causes of our regeneration the most apparant testimonie of the goodnes of God towards man 1. the efficient 2. the instrumentall 3. the finall cause 2 The efficient cause of our regeneration is the free will of God Of his owne will sayth Iames begate he vs. The good will of God the gracious fauour and free purpose of God is the first and efficient cause of saluation and regeneration in men to the trueth whereof all the Scriptures of GOD beare witnesse The electing preferring and aduauncing the Iewes aboue all other people beeing as it were a figure and resemblaunce of the eternall election and regeneration of the Saints was not for any merite of man but of the onely mercie and loue of GOD towardes them as Moises witnessed But Saint Paul speaking not of a temporall Deut. 7. 9. calling as was that of the Iewes but of an eternall calling of Gods Saintes to regenerate them to eternall Ephes 1. 1. Iohn 12. 13. life maketh the onely true and efficient cause thereof the free-will and goodnesse of God whereof he sayeth God hath predestinate vs to be adopted through Iesus Christ in himselfe according to the good pleasure of his will Whereunto that is agreeable in another place all haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God and are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption Rom. 3. that is in Christ Iesus Thus of his owne will and freely hee electeth thus of his owne goodnesse hee iustifieth thus of his meere mercie hee regenerateth vs vnto life The holy Apostle noting this cause of all these wonderfull workes of God in man affirmeth that God worketh Philip. 2. in vs both to will and to doe according to his owne good pleasure To like sense soundeth that to his scholer and sonne Timothie God saith he hath saued vs called 2. Tim. 1. vs with an holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was giuen vnto vs in Iesus Christ before the worlde was Finally to Titus when the bountifulnesse and loue of God Tit. 3. our Sauiour towards man appeared not according to our workes but according to his mercie he saued vs. Thus in this place of regeneration he maketh the good will and free mercie of God the cause of our regeneration As God therefore freely and of his owne will worketh in all things So in the election iustification and regeneration Ose 14. of the Saints it is apparant Herence is it that God saith by his Prophet I will loue thee freely and of mine owne wil. The Prophet Dauid saith therefore vnto God Thou hast saued vs for naught what is that for naught saith Saint Augustine but this Thou foundest nothing in vs wherefore Psal De verbis Apost 15. John 15. thou shouldest saue vs yet hast thou saued vs Freely doest thou geue freely doest thou saue This our blessed Sauiour to expresse telleth his Disciples that hee chose them not they him because there was nothing in them wherefore he should choose them yet of his owne free wil he chose them Saint John subscribeth hereunto in that hee saith 1. John 4. Herein is loue not that we loued him but that he loued vs first and gaue his sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes Saint Paul to ouerthrowe all foreseen workes Rom. 11. merites in man and to shew that in election iustification predestination and sanctification God worketh all after his owne will freely he thus concludeth Who hath geuen him first he shal be recompenced for of him through him and for him are all things to him be glorie for euer Amen Thus his free will and fauour towardes man is the onely efficiencie as of al other his vnspeakeable graces so of regeneration in his children That therefore saith Beda which he said before that euery good geuing and ouery perfect gift commeth from aboue from the father S. Bede of light that doeth he consequently confirme by adding that not for our merites but by the benefite of his owne will through the water of regeneration he hath changed vs from the children of darcknesse to be the children of light In this place therefore not only plainly Saint Iames but agreeably to the Scripture reuerende Beda condemneth the doctrine of done or foreseene works held by the Papists and out of this Epistle as they dreame most specially concluded For if regeneration be through the free will of God if predestination election iustification and sanctification be from the mercie and fauour of God as from the first and efficient cause then are none of all these by-workes or deserts of men for there is a playne contrarietie betwixt fauour and merite grace and deseruing so that Paul reasoneth from the opposition thereof against workes in the matter of iustification To him that worketh the wages is not counted of fauour
but of debt Rom. 4 Rom. 11. And againe in the question of election If it be of grace it is no more of works els were grace no grace if of works it is no more of grace for then were workes no more works This contrarietie Saint Augustine confessing sheweth that grace fauour and free gift cannot be mingled Epist 120. with works and therefore concludeth and defineth what grace or free gift is Haec est gratia This is fauour free gift grace which is geuen freely not for the merites of the worker but by the mercie of the geuer Seeing therefore that wee which were all by nature the children of wrath the sonnes of Adam subiect to eternall death and Eph. 2. damnation replenished in minde heart and will with iniquitie and sinne compassed about with thick darke and mistie cloudes of error and wickednes loathing heauen and louing earth caried away of our owne desires to work wickednes with greedines are now not for our merites but of Gods meere mercie not by our workes but by his Eph. 4. grace not of our deserts but of his owne will begotten againe and regenerate We must referre this whole work to his good wil and account his goodnes for the only efficiēt cause of our regeneration Whereby it appeareth that he is the fountaine of all goodnes and that our wickednesse must not be imputed vnto him The regeneration then of Gods Saints a most manifest testimonie of his goodnes sheweth that he is ōly author of good not of euil which th'apostle here prouing addeth of his own wil begat he vs. 2 The good will and fauour of God being the first and efficient cause of regeneration The second cause which is the instrumentall cause and meane whereby wee are regenerate is the word of God which Saint James expresseth in this place in this manner of his owne will he hath begotten vs with the word of trueth In which place he slideth and falleth into the cōmendation of the worde of God the chiefe thing in this laste parte to be obserued Which words are as it were the circumscribing and setting foorth of the word of God and the gospell of Christ whereunto is attributed specially aboue all other wordes that it is the word of trueth Which addition the Prophet Dauid geueth to Gods word because therein onely is the Psal 86. sound trueth to be found and in no other In which word as in many other places he desirous to be instructed geueth that addition to the word that it is trueth Teach me thy waies O Lord saith the Prophet and I will walk in thy trueth And in another place calling the word of God by Psal 119. the name of trueth saith Thy word endureth for euer in heauen thy trueth is from generation to generation Our Sauiour Christ in his most holy praier to God hereunto subscribeth who desiring that the Disciples might be sanctified Iohn 17. with the trueth sheweth that by the trueth he meaneth the word and gospell Sanctifie them saith he with thy trueth thy word is trueth This name of excellencie this marke of difference S. Paul geueth vnto the gospell 2. Cor. 13. 3. Gal. C. 5. 7. 2. Cor. 6. 7. 1. Col. 5. Ephes 1. 13. Heb. 10. 16. Ephes 4. aboue other words whē he affirmeth he could do nothing against the trueth but for the trueth Who vpbraiding the Galathians for reuolting and sliding away frōthe gospell crieth out O you foolish Galathians who hath bewitched you that ye should not beleue the trueth To like purpose exhorting the Ephesians to be constant in the profession of the gospell calleth that the profession of trueth where fore he thus exhorteth Let vs folow the trueth in loue the gospel the profession of the trueth it is therfore an excellent ornament and an honourable addition in this place geuen to the word of God that it is the word of trueth And this addition to be called the word of trueth most fitly agreeth vnto the holy word and Gospell of Iesus Christ and that in foure respects and for foure chiefe considerations 1. in respect of God 2. in respect of Christ 3 in respect of the holy Ghost and spirite of God 4 in respect of the particular things them selues in the word contained 1 In respect of God the word and Gospell is the word of truth because it is Gods word and Gospell who is true and cannot lie therefore this his word is then the word of truth That this word is Gods word and Gospell it is euident 1. Rom. 1. Cor. 1. 1. Rom. Saint Paul calleth it therefore the power of God to saluation to al that beleue and in another place the preaching of the crosse is to them which perish foolishnes but vnto vs which are saued it is the power of God he saith in the beginning of his Epistle to the Romās that he was seperated to preach the Gospell of God and cleering him selfe from the surmised suspicious of his aduersaries 2. Cor. 11. he thus writeth haue I therefore offended because I abased my selfe that you might be exalted and that I preached freely the Gospell of God vnto you Saint Peter subscribeth thereunto the time is come that iudgement beginne first at the house of God if iudgement beginne first at vs what shal be the end of those that beleeue not 1. Pet. 4. the Gospell of God And this God who is the author of this word and Gospell is true and cannot lie Balam the Numb 23. prophet could say of God that he is not a man that hee should lie neither as the sonne of man that he should repente Moyses in his song beareth recorde to the truth of God perfect saith he is the worke of the mightie God for Deut. 32. all his waies are iudgements God is true and without wickednes iust righteous is he Samuel telleth King Saul that indeede the strength of Israell wil not lie nor repente 1. Kings 15. John 8. Rom. 3. for he is not a man that he should repent Our blessed Sauiour Christ speaketh of his father and saith I haue many things to say and iudge of you but he that sent me is true and the things that I haue hard of him those spoake I vnto the world Saint Paul defending Gods trueth saith Rom. 3. Let God be true and euery man a lier as it is written that thou maiest be iustified in thy words and ouercome when thou art iudged And for this cause holy Dauid calleth god Psal 31. the God of truth into thy hands I commende my spirite thou God of trueth Seing the Gospell is the word Gospell of God and God the God of trut hand cannot lie thē must needes this word be true and the word of truth 2 As in respect of God the author thereof the Gospell may rightly be called the word of truth so in respect of Christ who is the matter the very substance
thereby by God to be humbled whether it be by pouertie whether by contempt whether by calamitie whatsoeuer if we fixe and fasten not our eies vpon the present miseries but lift vp our hearts and cast our cogitations vpon the glorie whereof we shall be partakers we shall also be exalted so that we haue great and iust cause to reioice vnder the crosse whereunto the Apostle exhorteth Let the brother of lowe degree reioice when he is exalted Nowe as the crosse and afflictions are profitable to the poore brother and brother of lowe degree who thereby is exalted so also is this doctrine needfull and profitable to the rich Againe saith he He that is rich let him reioice in that he is made low wherein is taught how men which haue al things at wil should behaue themselues in wealth that they waxe not proud of their abundance and plentie neither trust too much to the frailtie of their cōdition but alwayes to looke to the crosse which followeth them which if it be laied on them therein they ought to reioice also When God then taketh away and remoueth the flattering and deceitfull baites of this world from rich men and so they become contemptible vnto others if he turne their wealth into wo their mirth into mourning their plentie into pouertie their abundance into want their worldly happinesse into miserie in this their humbling are they exhorted by the Apostle to reioice for thereby many occasions of many sinnes are remoued and therefore rich men by spoile of goodes losse of wealth decrease of riches or what other way soeuer tried in that they are humbled must reioice Seeing then in the state of this life there is great occasion ministred of impacience both in the poore and low degree of men and also in the rich and plenteous estate of men the onely salue of both their sores is in all changes and chaunces of this life to behaue themselues pacient vnder the crosse and thus is the doctrine here deliuered profitable for poore and rich as the Apostle teacheth Let the brother of lowe degree reioyce in that he is exalted and againe the rich in that he is humbled If any obiect here that Saint Iames willeth the brother of low degree to reioyce when he is exalted and the rich man when he is made low and humbled which seemeth contrarie to other Scriptures where we are exhorted Iere. 9. to reioyce onely in God as by the Prophet Ieremie men are commanded neither to reioice in their wisdome riches strength nor any other thing but in that they know God which executeth iudgement equitie and iustice on earth And by Saint Paul who aduiseth men to reioice in Philp. 4. the Lord onely Reioice in the Lord alway and againe I say reioice Hereunto the answere is easie 1. If we acknowledge whatsoeuer happeneth vnto vs to be from God who both woundeth and healeth casteth down and lifteth vp humbleth and exalteth then either in our low degree being 1. Kings 2. exalted or in our riches and plentie being humbled to reioice is to reioice in that God sendeth and so to reioice in the Lord. 2. If againe we looke into our owne wretched cōditiō who of our selues haue nothing but whatsoeuer we haue we haue receiued it thē in the things which we haue receiued from the hands of God moderately to 1. Cor. 4. reioice is also to reioice in the Lord who is the fountaine and well-head of all graces and blessings 3. Finally if we hold this as a ground and foundation that all good 1. Per. 5. gifts flowing vnto man grow of his meere fauour and mercy not from any merit or desert of ours then in the good blessings of God of exaltation aduauncement glorie or other whatsoeuer to reioice is godly christian and dutifull and thus men reioycing reioice in the Lorde The Apostle Saint Iames then in exhorting the brother of lowe degree to reioice when he is exalted and the rich in like maner when he is made lowe and humbled is in all points ansvverable vnto other Scriptures vvherein vve are required to reioyce in the Lord for thus for Gods sake and in the obedience of his commandements to reioyce is to reioyce in the Lord also These things thus set downe the Apostle geueth a A reason reason of the later doctrine that the rich must reioice whē he is made lowe Which reason is drawen from the nature of the things themselues for wealth riches and worldlie pompe are most vaine vncertaine transitorie and fraile so that when we enioy them and they flowe we must not be Psal 62. 1. Tim. 6. proud of them nor set our mindes vpon them if we be bereft of them we must not cast downe the head heart but rather reioice as the Apostle exhorteth For what should men put confidence in vain and transitory riches or why should they faint in hart for the losse of that which most easily pearisheth Touching the vanitie and vncertainetie of worldly wealth pompe and glorie how often and how carefully therof are we admonished in holy scripture Solomon the wiseman dissuading men from settling their eies and affections Pro. 23. vpon worldly wealth and riches reasoneth from their vncertainenes and vanitie wilt thou cast thy eie vppon that which is nothing riches taketh her to her wings as an egle and flieth away into the heauē Dauid his father through longe experience seeing that there was nothing Psal 37. more vaine then the riches and goods of this world Acknowledgeth that albeit the riche be strong and shoote vp like the greene bay tree yet are they cut downe from the earth like Grasse which withereth They passe away and are not if thou seeke their place thou shalt not finde it Solomon bringeth in the rich proude and couetous men of Wisd 5. the earth whose whole delight and happines was worldly pompe and glorie euen from the bottome of hell it selfe to confesse the vncertainty and vanitie of their condition wherein in their times they so greately gloried What say they hath pride profited vs or what profit hath the pomp of riches purchased vs all these paste away as a shadow and as a post that passeth by As a shipp in the water an arrow in the ayre a birde in the heauen and element our Sauiour Christ dissuading men from heaping and hurding Mat. 6. vp such vncertaine treasures willeth that men should not lay vp for them sealues treasure on earth where ruste and moath corrupteth and theeues breake through and steal To which purpose the Apostle giueth them epithites or additions and calleth them vncertaine charge them that are rich in this world that they bee not high minded and 1. Timo. 6. that they trust not in vncertaine riches therefore our Sauiour termeth him a fool that in the vanity of his minde Lu. 12. through confidence in vncertaine wealth plucked down his barnes and enlarged them and then
promiseth reward of happines only vnto them that endure temptations and then too only to be giuen when they are fully tried by affliction Wherefore as this blessing is promised only if we endure temptation so is it giuen also then when our triall is finished in the meane time to be looked for in a sound hope 3 To shew the excellencie and greatnes of this reward and of our heauenly happines in the kingdom of God the sacred scripture diuersly compareth it but most specially to a kingdom or to a crowne which is annexed ether to Luke 22. excellēt vertue either els to princely dignitie Our Sauior Christ compareth the happy estate of the Saints to a kingdom when to his disciples apostles who had abode with him in his afflictions and had bene partakers with him of suffering and therefore should also bee partakers of his glorious kingdom he saith you haue continued with me in my temptations therefore I appointe vnto you a kingdom as my father hath appointed vnto me that you may eate and drinke at my table in my kingdome and sit and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel And in another Euangeliste speakinge of the blessed rewarde of the Saints which should be geuen them at the generall iudgement he calleth it by the name of a kingdome Come ye blessed of Matt. 25. my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world Wherfore as vpon earth there seemeth nothing to be compared vnto a kingdom wherin are all things whereby worldly happinesse is made perfect so in the kingdome of Christ all things appertaining to happinesse and true felicitie being included and therefore aboue al things to be desired the holy Scriptures describing the most blessed and glorious estate of the saints and the reward wherewith their pacience and other vertues shall bee crowned compareth it sometimes vnto a kingdome And as to a kingdome so also to the crowne which is the rewarde of vertue or the ensigne or tokē of princely dignitie The holy scripture therefore teaching men both what shal be the reward of their vertue and also how excellent singular shall be their dignitie who by Christ 1. 5. Reuel are made both Priestes and Kings vnto God compareth their happy and blessed estate to come to a crowne which is borowed from victorious conquerours who either in warres or bodily masteries ouercomming were crowned some with lawrell some with roses some with bayes some with oliues some with golde some with one thing some with another thereto the scriptures alluding giue the name of crowne to such as excell in vertue ouercome their affections and in the afflictions and miseries of this life are more then conquerours through Christ Saint Paul therefore disputing of the rewarde which shall bee giuen vs if we runne out our race with pacience and fight 1. Cor. 9. constantly vnder the displaied banner of the crosse promiseth an incorruptible crowne to our labours and afflictions and intreating of the reward of his owne trauaile constancie and endurance protesteth that since he had fought a good fight runne forth and finished his race 2. Tim. 4. kept the faith in great cōstancie and inuincible pacience there was therehence laid vp for him a crowne of righteousnesse Saint Iohn is commaunded to exhort the Church 2. Reuel of Smyrna to be pacient vnder the afflictiōs which should be laid vpon them and promiseth a crowne of life to their pacience be thou faithful vnto death and I will giue thee the crowne of life The holy Apostle according to the vse and maner of other Scriptures doth here also compare James 1. the happie reward of the Saints pacience to crownes Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receiue the crowne of life There is old heauing and shouing among men in the world for crownes and great strife cruell warres among princes who shall weare each others crowne and their labour trauell shouing is commonly vnlawful from their ambicious and couetous desires of their hearts and when all is done their crownes are corruptible and mortall Shall not the Saints striue with all Christian fortitude and courage against the miseries and calamities of this life that when they are tried they may receiue an immortall crowne of glorie All men naturally are desirous of life and they often seeke euill and vnlawfull meanes and wayes to prolong their life which yet is but momentanie And shall not the children of God in much affliction in manifold miseries in sundrie temptations in all the chaunges and chaunces of this world acquit themselues like men that paciently bearing the triall of their faith they may in fine receiue the crowne of eternall life 4 To which crowne men attaine not vnto for their worke of pacience as if our pacience deserued this reward but they enioy and receiue it by the promise of God The crowne of life is not then a due and deserued hire but a free reward of our labour from the bountie of God who regardeth not so much what we deserue as what of his liberalitie he hath promised Wherein he doth as a naturall father who promiseth his sonne that if he will do this or that hee will make him lorde and heire of all his lands and liuing which farre passeth that which the child hath deserued yet that done the father perfourmeth that he promiseth not looking so much to the obedience of his sonne as to his owne promise euen so doth God wherefore the Apostle here so much to note vnto vs saith that such as are tried shall receiue the crowne of life by promise Saint Paul in like maner speaketh I haue 2. Cor. 4. fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith henchforth is there laid vp for me a crowne of righteousnesse which least he might seeme arrogantly to haue chalenged for his worke he referreth the gift thereof vnto God which God saith hee shall giue me if it were giuen of God then not deserued of Paul So that the rewarde of our obedience and vertue is giuen vs not for the desert and merite of our workes but for the truth of Gods promise who as he truly promiseth so he faithfully performeth rewardes of righteousnesse to his saints and seruants and giueth eternall life to men of his free mercie Rom. 6. according to the doctrine of the Apostle eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lord. If the crowne of life be not purchased and deserued by our works but onely be giuen by promise and of grace why do so many scriptures promise happines life immortalitie and glorie so often rather mencioning works then faith vnto men It seemeth therefore that happinesse and eternall life are the hire and due reward of our workes of righteousnesse For answere whereof it is worthie the obseruation 1. That the holy Ghost in all the Scripture speaketh according to the
Euen as that was no liberalitie neither is it for a man to say to the hungrie go fill thy bellie and to the naked go warme thy selfe and yet to giue them nothing needefull for the bodie but rather a mocking both of the distressed and of GOD himselfe vppon whome the contumelies reproches iniuries redounde which are done to his Saints afflicted in this world and discussed For as the poore is after a manner mocked when in wordes wee seeme to moane him and for his case to bee mooued when notwithstanding we shewe no fruites of compassion so is God also after a manner mocked when we pretende wee haue fayth yet shewe foorth no good workes whereby our fayth in God might bee testified and the afflicted Saintes comforted and so our fayth is but deade in vs. For what the soule is to the bodie that is Charitie and the fruites of loue vnto fayth And wee knowe that the soule quickeneth and giueth life vnto the bodie whereby it is discerned and knowne from a dead bodie so charitie and the dueties of loue giue life vnto our faith and maketh it knowen to bee liuelie quicke and fruitfull So then as the bodie is dead without the soule so is faith deade without good workes which giue life as it were and quickeneth it in the sight of men And what health is to this bodily life the same are fruites of charitie and sanctification to the faith of each man and woman Nowe health giueth strength to the legges might to the armes power to the bodie conuenient abilitie to euerie member for the perfourmance of actions in this bodie and present state of life required euen so vnfeigned loue reformed life the fruites of sanctification the studie of vertue and good workes maketh our soules nimble and our fayth strong to perfourme those dueties which of the Saints iustified by faith in Iesus Christ are expected looked for and required If fayth and workes in Gods Saints be so necessarily ioyned and so inseparably vnited and knit together as that without good workes faith is here counted dead and iustification before GOD bee imputed to fayth as the Scripture teacheth Abraham beleeued and it was imputed Gene. 15. Rom. 4. vnto him for righteousnesse howe shall not iustification be imputed to workes also seeing they are inseparable It may be answered that faith and good workes in the Saints of God now iustified are inseparable but to the obtaining of iustification fayth without workes onely is required and all workes excluded from the worke of iustification Therefore Saint Paul sayth that by the workes of the lawe no flesh is iustified in the sight of Rom. 3. God and that all haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Iesus Christ whom God hath set foorth to bee a reconciliation through fayth in his blood A little after making an Antithisis and opposition Rom. 4. betwixt faith and workes so that they cannot any wise agree in the worke of our iustification he sayth to him that worketh the wages is not counted by fauour but by debt But to him that worketh not but beeleeueth on him that instifieth the vngodly his fayth is Rom. 11. counted for righteousnesse In the same Epistle long after hee reasoneth in like manner from things opposed one to the other whereof both cannot be causes of the same effects and so beateth flat to the ground all works from being either in whole or in part cause of our iustification if election and iustification be of grace then is it no more of workes for else were grace no more grace but if it bee of workes then is it not of grace for then were worke no more worke To the Church of Galatia Gal. 2. know that a man is not iustified by the workes of the lawe but by the fayth of Iesus Christ This doctrine hee published to his scholer Titus the Bishop of the Isle of Creta wherefore he saith in this wise when that bountifulnesse of that loue of God our Sauiour towards man appeared Tit. 3. not by the workes of righteousnesse which wee had done but according to his mercie he saued vs. Finally to the Church of Ephesus By grace are you saued Ephe. 2. through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of GOD not of workes least anie man should boast himsef e Whereby it is apparant that workes are excluded from the worke of iustification before God which is by faith only without works according to the scripture If our aduersaries replie that Paul speaketh of the ceremoniall law when he excludeth workes from iustifying vs I answere that hee speaketh not of the lawe ceremoniall onely but of the morall lawe also so that no workes iustifie vs but all are excluded from that worke before God And this may thus appeare 1 When Paul woulde Rom. 3. prooue that both Iewe and Gentile are vnder sinne and so neither by their workes iustified before God he alledgeth many testimonies out of the Prophets Dauid and Isai whereby all men are conuinced of sinne as there is none righteous no not one there is none that seeketh after God there is none that hath vnderstanding they haue all gone out of the way they haue beene made altogether vnprofitable there is none that doth good no not one There throte is an open sepulchre they haue vsed their tongues to deceyte the poison of Aspes is vnder their lippes and so forth from the 10. verse to the 19. verse In the twentieth verse vpon those former testimonies hee inferreth therefore by the workes of the lawe shall no flesh be iustified in his sight His conclusion must holde in the same workes whereof in the proofe and premises he spoke but his testimonies are touching the morall law not the ceremoniall law therefore speaketh he also of the moral law when he excludeth workes from iustifying vs in the sight of God 2 In that place why we nor any flesh can by any meanes be iustified by the workes of the lawe the reason Rom. 3. v. 20 of the Apostle is this for by the law commeth the knowledge of sinne Wherehence I draw this argument by those workes of the law whereby we haue knowledge of sinne no flesh is iustified before GOD. But by the works of the morall lawe we haue greatest knowledge of sinne therefore euen the workes of the lawe morall are excluded from the worke of iustification And that the moral lawe bringeth knowledge of sinne chiefly Saint Paul shewed to the Romanes VVho in another place repeating the Rom 7. same that knowledge of sinne commeth by the lawe he giueth instance not in the part ceremoniall but in the part morall of the lawe I knewe not sinne sayeth hee but by the lawe for I had not knowne lust except the lawe had saide thou shalt not lust If the workes of that lawe whereby the knowledge of sinne cōmeth iustifie
acceptable sacrifices vnto him whom they serue in holines John 4. Rom. 12. Luck 1. and righteuousnes al the dayes of their life do not alwaies vse it in vvord of mouth but giue the consent of their hearts there vnto And in all things and at all times to repeate the vvordes might seeme vaine superstition and babling follie But the spirite of God in this place is vehemently caried avvay vvith iuste condemnation against such as vvith out regard had to the good pleasure of God or respect had to the mortalytie of our nature vvould haue all times seasons things and euents to serue them at their wills for which cause in the pride of their hartes they determine presumtuously of things to come and say in their vaine confidence to day or to morow will we go into such a cittie and there continue a yeare by and sell and gaine which thing the Apostle condemneth and correcteth and in stead thereof teacheth vs to say If the Lord will and if we liue we will doe this thing or that thing 4 The Apostle hauing thus reproued the sinne and corrected this euil among mē in the fourth place he repeateth the same vice and mischiefe with reprehension although in other words yet to like purpose and therefore saith You reioyce in your boasting all such reioycing is euill you doe not onely conceaue such vaine confidence in your heartes but you also vtter it in your wordes neither doe you only vtter it in wordes and in your speaches but also you boast of your sayings you reioyce in your boastings all such reioycing is euill In presuming thus of your selues in the vaine confidence of your owne heartes in the lewde libertie of your tongues wherby you derogate from Gods prouidence and arrogate to your selues you reioyce but all such reioycing is euill And in that he saith not all reioycing is euill but all such reioycing is euill it is apparant that he condemneth not all reioycing but onely vaine reioycing conceaued of the trust and confidence we haue in worldly thinges For otherwise God permitted yea willed and commaunded Deut. 12. his people to reioyce as the Scripture teacheth vs. By his seruant Moses he charged Israel his people that they should not eate their offeringes within their owne gates but in the place where the Lorde had appointed they their children their seruantes and the Leuite that was within their gates and so to reioyce before the Lord Deut. 16. their God in all they put their hands vnto To which end and purpose they were commanded to keepe the feast of weekes which was Whitsontide and therein also to reioice before the Lord through the viewe of the plentifull encrease which the Lorde God had geuen vnto the earth Other Feasts also as the Feast of vnleauēed bread the Feast of Tabernacles at the gathering in of their haruest wherein it was alowable and permitted them to reioyce Exod. 23. The Prophet Dauid often exhorteth to reioicing therfore he aduiseth the people to sing ioyfully vnto the Lord Psal 81. their strength and to sing laud vnto the God of Iacob to take the song to bring foorth the timbrell the pleasaunt Psal 122. harpe with the lute or viole Dauid himselfe was not void of this affection but rather therewithall rauished hee breaketh out I reioyced when the people said we wil go into the house of the Lord. To which affection as in some respects lawfull he stirreth vp his people and godly Subiects O come let vs sing vnto the Lord let vs heartelie Psal 95. reioyce in God the strength of our saluation The Sauiour of the world euen Iesus Christ the righteous commendeth Mat. 5. reioycing vnto his in miserie and exhorteth thē in the midst and among their greatest afflictions persecutions to reioyce Whose example the elect vessell of God Saint Paul imitating aduiseth the elect seruants of Christ in their Rom. 12. troubles to reioyce Which thing of himselfe and the rest of his brethren he freely and liberally confesseth When Rom. 5. 1. Cor. 4 Ephes 5 he speaketh vnto the Church and Saintes of Ephesus exhorting them to be filled with the spirite and to sing to themselues in psalmes hymnes and spirituall songs making melodie in their hearts vnto God Doeth he not cōmend vnto them the affection of reioysing When hee willeth the Saints of Philippi to reioyce in the Lord alwaies what els commendeth he then the affection of reioycing Philip. 4. What that the Prophet willeth that neither the wise man Ierem. 9. glorie and vainly reioyce in his wisdome neither the rich man in his riches nor the strong man in his strength but that he that reioyceth should reioyce and glorie in the Lord Doeth he not condemne one and commend another kinde of reioycing What that Christ willeth his not to reioyce that the deuils were subiecte vnto them but Luke 10. that they should reioyce that their names were written in the booke of life What that hee exhorteth the Church against the day of iudgement to lift vp their heads and to reioyce because their redemption approacheth Doeth he not commend the affection of ioy as lawfull in some Luke 11. measure in the Saints of God What that Paul beseacheth Philip. 2 the Saints of Philippi in Macedonia by their vnitie and religious consent to fulfill his ioy What that S. Iohn reioiceth Iohn 2. 3. Epist ouer the saints because they walked in the trueth argueth it not that there is a ioy and reioycing lawfull in the people of God To reioyce therefore in the aide and helpe of Gods spirite and in the presence of his power to reioyce in his gifts and graces either vpon our soules or bodies plentitifully poured moderately to reioice in our publicke peace and priuate quietnes in our obedient wiues and tractable children in our trustie seruants and faithfull friendes or the like tokens of Gods fauour towardes vs so that all confidence be wholy reposed in him that is the authour and fountaine of all graces and goodnes is not forbidden the mirth of their hearts proceading from a good conscience in the holy Ghost the ioy of their mindes lightened by assurance of the mercies of God in Iesus Christ the affection of reioycing stirred vp raysed in the inward parts of man through duetifull vew and thankfull remembrance of the blessings of God towardes vs as tokens of his loue is not condemned by S. Iames nor heere forbidden the Saints of God Which the very circumstance of the place doeth teach vs for inueying against the vaine confidence of proud persons who without regard had to the will of God and the shortnesse of their owne liues say within themselues and sometimes vtter their speaches vnto other To morrow we will goe to such a Citie and there continue a yeare and by and sell and gaine he inferreth this speach now you reioyce in your boasting all such reioycing is euill
finally and deceauing themselues in the power and prouidence of God towards the sonnes of mē Such a temptation is it when men continue in sinne wallow Ephes 4. and welter in iniquitie committing wickednes with greedines presuming vpon the mercie of God and say with themselues Haue not I sinned and what euill hath come vnto me The greater my sinne is the greater shall Ecclus. 5. his mercie be in forgeuing me the Lord hath mercie in store for vs all be we neuer so wicked In the last houre I will returne vnto him and I shal be receaued This is a temptation tending to presumption abusing the mercie and goodnes of the Lord. Such is that temptation whereby wee are sollicited to say I know the goodnesse of the Lord is great ouer all his creatures I know he hath a fatherly and prouident care ouer me and he will not see the worke of his owne hande to perish for lacke of sustinance God that giueth clothing Mat. 6. Psal 147. to the floures and lillies of the field and feedeth the yoong rauens that call vpon him will cloth me and feede me also what need I to wearie or waste my selfe with toilesome and troublesome labour I will rest vpon his prouidence such is the temptation of witlesse persons and very harebraines who say I know there shall not one haire of my head fall away without the knowledge of God I know that he is alwaies at hand present to helpe and succour at time of neede I will feare nothing therefore I vvill runne through fire and vvater I vvill not be terrified by the glittering and glistring svvorde or sheild I vvill passe through the pikes by svvord and famine cold and nakednesse perill and pestilence come on it vvhat vvill those are sollicited by satan to presume of Gods mercy povver prouidence and goodnesse Satan assailed Christ himselfe in this kinde solliciting him to cast himselfe Mat. 4. dovvne from the pinacle of the temple because God had giuen his Angels charge ouer him that he should not hurt his foote against a stone To sinne then because God is mercifull to loyter and be idle because God is liberall to cast our selues into present daunger rashly because he is able to deliuer vs to lie still in the ditch and not to helpe Psal 91. our selues because he is of povver and can rayse vs is a temptation and suggestion of satan vvhereby he mooueth vs to presumption 3 There is finally a temptation which is to deceiue and seduce men drawing them into error mouing them to euil stirring them forward to iniquitie and vngodlines aduenturing and enterprising any thing repugnant to the law and will of God Of this there are two kindes also 1 Temptation to deceiue externall 2 Temptation to deceiue internall Externall temptation whereby wee are drawen into any sinne is that temptation whose cause is externall and outward and the beginning therof without vs as when by Sathan by the world and the thinges which here compasse vs about though in some sence they are inward because they moue our hearts and inwarde parts yet in as much as the causes are without and the beginning of these temptatiōs from others then our selues they may be called outward Sathan tempteth vs by false doctrine which he moueth by offence which he causeth by occasiōs and allurements to euill which he ministreth and otherwise The cause of which temptations and the instrument also being without the temptation is called externall The world to deceiue vs tempteth by vanitie thereof by improbitie therein the vaine pompe of the world tickleth vs the corruptions therein inuade and assault vs with the examples of wickednesse dayly seene of vs these things often seduce deceiue and the temptation is outward The things wherewith we be compassed tempt men manifoldly power honour ambition pleasure on the one side feare daunger and perill famine nakednesse pouertie death on the other thus are men also outwardly tempted and drawen into the errours and corruptions of our common life and thereby deceiued and led into euill The temptations which seduce men and are internall are such whose immediate and next cause is in our selues as man is tempted to commit euill by his owne corruption and concupiscense mooued by his owne disordered appetite to commit sinne Thus haue we in our bosoms a domesticall tyrant originall sinne and natural corruption from Adam pulling haling drawing vs dayly to euill that sinne in all things might exercise power ouer vs. Hereunto though Satan helpe yet the cause is in our selues in as much as by him wee are not constrained but come and follow freely deceiued and seduced by our own concupiscense And of this kinde of temptation the Apostle chiefly speaketh when he saith If any man be tempted let him not say I am tempted of God God to proue men tempteth his seruāts but to cause them to presume or to deceiue and draw them to euil he doth not So that he is not the cause of such temptations neither may wee referre these euil temptations vnto him And this the proposition of this place teacheth vs Let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God If God tempt no man to euill why saith the Scripture that he hardeneth the heart of Pharao that he blindeth Exod. 4. 7. 10. 11. Esai 14. Psal 81. man and giueth him ouer into a reprobate minde As of Pharao in the booke of Exodus in many places and chapters is recorded of Israel the people of God as in Isai in Dauid and other Prophets is mencioned of the Gentiles thrise in the first chapter to the Romans is confessed of others in other places in like maner Hereunto it may bee answered first that God in his iudgements which are sometimes open sometimes secret but alwayes iust moueth and inclineth mens willes whither him lusteth wherein hee either with the latter sinne of man punisheth the former or else hee taketh away his grace from men whereof destitute they runne headlong into their owne destruction by committing sinne with greedinesse or finally hee bringeth to passe Ephes 4. his purpose by the wickednesse either of Satan or men as able to worke out that which is good by the iniquitie of men and thus he is alwayes iust So that we may say with the Apostle that hee is not the cause of our euill temptations Let no man say that when hee is tempted he is tempted of God God mooueth not men to euill hee driueth not men to euill affections hee instilleth wickednesse into no mans heart but partly in taking away his spirite from them partly in punishing one sinne with another partly by bringing to light the sinnes of men which before were couered partly in accomplishing his owne will and bringing to passe his determinate counsailes and purposes euen by euill meanes and instruments as ruling all thinges after his will he is saide to indurate and harden the hearts of men and to giue
them vp to reprobate mindes as the scripture speaketh The proposition of the holy Apostle standeth still for true Let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God Of this matter more may be seene vpon the first Epistle of Peter 3. Chap. v. 17. Rom. 9. 18. v. Thus their errour is refuted who holde that as good motions are inspired vs from God so euill suggestions are suggested by him also so that when men steale take away by violence commit adultery do iniurie to their brethren or any such like they must not say we are moued solicited and stirred vp thereunto by God Wherefore the Apostle here in his proposition giueth them admonition Let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God 2 This being the proposition in the second and next place followeth the confirmation of that proposition containing the arguments and reasons why men may not say they are tempted of God which reasons are three The first reason is drawen from the nature of God God is by nature and of himselfe pure simple holy righteous good neither doth he admit the darknesse of errour or deceite neither moueth or solliciteth hee any to errour or euill he falleth not himselfe neither casteth he any into wickednesse For he being in nature good pure holy cannot be moued to commit euill neither moueth he any thereunto wherefore hee is not authour of euill temptations in men 2 That God is good holy pure innocent righteous and one that hateth sinne the Scriptures in sundry places teach vs. For first in the booke of Leuiticus not once but often it is said that the Lorde is holy and therefore the people by like example ought in like maner to be holy Leuit. 11. 20. 2. Chron. 19. Iehosaphat the King exhorted his princes rulers officers magistrates and iudges to execute iudgement and iustice without partialitie or respect had of mens persons rendering this reason because they executed the iudgement of God with whom there is no respect of persons nor any iniquitie Dauid the princely prophet telleth men that the wicked shall not stande in Gods sight because Psal 5. GOD hateth all those that committe iniquitie In an other place hee beareth this recorde of God that Psal 145. he is true in all his sayings and holy in all his workes Siracides the sonne of Sirach would not men to impute Ecclus. 15. the cause of their sinnes vnto GOD because he hateth all sinne and wickednesse of man wherefore he thus exhorteth Say not thou it is through the Lorde that I turne backe for thou oughtest not to do the thing that hee hateth and say not thou hee hath caused mee to erre for hee hath no neede of the sinfull man for the Lorde hateth all abhomination of errour and they which feare him loue it not Many mo the like places are in scripture set downe which affirme of God that he is holy righteous iust and a hater of iniquitie which all confirme this place of the Apostle who disputing of the nature of God sheweth that hee neither is tempted to euill neither tempteth any for which cause men ought not to say when they are tempted they were tempted to euill by God Satan beeing a lyer from the beginning and not continuing in the truth Iohn 8. Ephes 6. mooueth men to falshoode and errour and not God the Diuell being the prince of the wickednesse and darknesse of this world stirreth and soliciteth men therein to wickednesse and tempteth many wayes to euill and mischiefe for which cause he is called the tempter because he alwayes tempteth men to commit iniquitie and sinne Matth. 4. So doth not God who is of a pure perfect holy righteous disposition and neither himselfe is tempted neither tempteth he any to euill Whereupon the Apostle as by his first reason here sheweth that when men are tempted they must not lay the euil vpon God neither say they were tempted of God because he neither can be tempted of any to euill neither tempteth he any 2 Another reason why when men are tempted to euil they may not say they are tempted of god is drawne from the setting downe of the verie true and perfect cause of temptations The true natural proper immediate cause of temptations is our owne concupiscense therefore not God For there cannot be two or many true naturall immediate proper efficient causes of one thing Therefore seeing of temptations to euill we haue the true naturall and proper cause in our selues euen concupiscence and carnall corruption which dwelleth in vs by original deprauation we may not make God but that the cause of our temptations to euill Saint Hierome therefore against Jouinian saieth that as in good things God is the Contra Jouinian Rom. 9. doer and perfecter for it is neither in the willer neither in the runner but in GOD which sheweth mercie and helpeth that we may come vnto the ende so euill things and sinnes the seede that is in vs is the prouocation and pricker forwarde but the diuell the perfecter of all euill The chiefe and immediate cause of euill temptations is our owne corruption and concupiscense which drawing vs away from the rule of reason and the right path of the commaundementes of God entiseth vs whereof Saint James here saith euery man is tempted when he is drawne away by his own concupiscense and is enticed The similitude of entising is taken either from beasts which hunting after their pray are oftentimes intangled by the baite of the taker and pursuite of the hunter or from birdes which seeking for meate spying corne or breade crummes or vvormes or the like baite in the snare or pitfolde or among lime tvvigges or vnder the net vvhich shall ouervvhelme them are taken entised and entrapped or from the fish vvhich greedily gaping and running after the baite of the angler svvallovveth dovvne both baite and hooke and so is deceyued Euen so men through their concupiscence are drawne avvay either the sweetnesse and pleasure either the gaine and profite either the easinesse and facilitie of a thing proposed and so are entised Our owne concupiscense therefore drawing vs away and intising to euill being the naturall and proper cause of euill temptations wee may not ascribe our temptations vnto God but vnto our selues and this is the second reason why when we are tempted we may not say that wee are tempted of GOD because our owne concupiscense not God is cause of these temptations 3 By occasion of this place before hee come to the The effests of lust and concupiscense third reason he setteth downe the effects of this concupiscense the cause of euill temptations which I noted for the third thing in this discourse This he doth by a kinde of gradation or slipping from one thing to another wherof thus saieth Saint James Then when lust hath conceiued it bringeth foorth sinne and sinne when it is finished bringeth forth death In which place he noteth first the
you seeme religious and refraineth not his tongue from these but deceiueth his ovvne harte this mans religion is in vaine Which thing being true how many men and womens religiō is now in vaine seeing so many haue their tōgues bent and their mouthes prepared to al vanitie of speech all counterfetting with God all rashnes of iudgement al flatterie of wordes all dissimulation with men all lying to their brethren all filthines of talke all slaunderous reproach all cursed execration all blasphemie and vaine swearing But let vs which feare God know that the word of God prescribeth rules vnto our tongues and teacheth to refraine our lips from all those euils whereby our religion may be defiled and let vs euermore holde fast this exhortation of Saint Iames If any man among you seeme religious and refraineth not his tongue but deceiueth his owne heart this mans religion is in vaine Which place forbiddeth not telling of a trueth reprouing of sinne reforming of the wickednes cōfessiō of faith defence of iustice admonishing our brethren counselling our neighbours instructing the ignorant comforting the feeble minded or such like dueties of loue perfourmed by speach and talke in men But those and like vices mentioned before are here reproued whereunto who is addicted is an hypocrite and his religion is vaine and vnprofitable before God And this is the summe of this exhortation The fourth and last admonition is touching the true seruice of God and pure religion Wherein he describeth 4. Admonition certaine effects or properties of that part of religiō which most condemneth hypocrites For many bearing a countenance of religion yet neither shewe foorth the fruites of loue vnto others neither are they pure and holy in thē selues wherefore worthely to be condemned as hypocrits Which thing the Apostle here concludeth Pure religion and vndefiled before God the Father is this To visite the fatherlesse and widowes in their aduersitie and to keepe our selues vnspotted of the world as if he would say Many make fare as they were religious many sette a face on it as if they were deuout many prerend that they performe seruice vnto God yet doe they neither walke in charitie to the poor-ward neither in innocēcy towards themselues therfore they are but halting hypocrites and counterfette Christians for this is onely true religion before God to visite the fatherles and widowes in their aduersitie and to keepe a mans selfe vnspotted of the world If wee will describe religion by her properties and effects howe it is iudged of men it consisteth in two things 1 Charitie to the poore 2 Innocencie and puritie of our owne liues so that all that is but superstition and dissimulation hypocrisie which is not testified by these two For which cause the holy Prophets the blessed Apostles our Sauiour Christ him selfe hath condemned that Religion for vaine and counterfeite which hath beene voyde of charitie and innocencie Now that the Apostle sayeth pure Religion and vndefiled before God the Father is this it plainely argueth that there is a Religion of hypocrites allowed and approoued with themselues and with others in the worlde but not with GOD and a Religion allowed and appooued with GOD though not with the worlde and this Religion is the Religion which the Saints must professe and the true Religion of God 1. Voca● Gen. c. 3. without which all other Religion is superstition idolatrie and hypocrisie For without the seruice of the true God the Religion wherein hee delighteth euen that which seemeth vertuous and good is sinne neither can any man please God without God himselfe saith saint Ambrose For which cause our Sauiour Christ condemned Luke 16. the glorious appearaunce of Religion because it was not accepted before GOD neither agreeing thereunto but in hypocrisie in the Pharisies you are they which iustifie your selues before men but God knoweth your hearts for that which is highly esteemed among men is abhominable before GOD. Let therefore hypocrites please themselues as much as they will yet is not their Religion the true Religion of God Wherefore to put a difference betwixt Gods true Religion and the Religion which pleaseth our selues and others the Apostle sayeth Pure Religion and vndefiled before God euen the father is this Of this pure religion there are two properties Charitie 1. propertie or effect of religion 1 Charitie therein he maketh mention but of one effect or worke of mercie visiting vnderstanding notwithstanding euerie worke effect or duetie of loue or mercie by the figure most vsuall in Scripture whereby a part is taken for the wholy as visiting for all the workes of mercie Senechdoche In like maner he specifieth and mencioneth two persons the fatherlesse and widowes meaning thereby all those our brethren and sisters which stand in need of our helpe and are to be succoured Specially the fatherlesse and widowes of whom God seemeth to haue the greater care because they are most oppressed despised wroong and thrust to the walles troden downe and kept vnder as most destitute of ayde and helpe of men in the worlde therefore by name commended in sundrie paths and dueties by almightie God in the Scripture As in the lawe Deut. 10. 18. In the Prophets Isai 1. 17. Zach. 7. 9. and 10. verse Ierem. 22. 3 the Apostle in this place Of whom not onely himselfe taketh speciall care as the princely Prophet recordeth He that is God is the father of the fatherlesse and iudge of the widowes Psal 68. euen GOD in his holy Temple and elsewhere the Lorde keepeth the straungers hee releeueth the fatherlesse Psal 146. and widowes but hee ouerthroweth the way of the wicked but also commendeth the care and defence of them to men sayeth Lactantius least any man should bee stayed and holden backe with the loue of his wife and children from sustayning death for righteousnesse Lib. 6. insti ca. 12. and for the faith of Christ but with willingnesse should suffer it knowing that he leaueth his deare vnto God from whom there shall neuer aide and succour bee wanting to them So then this place commendeth vnto vs Meaning wife and children the workes of mercie and loue to all that neede but specially towards the fatherlesse and widowes Charitie is so necessarie a propertie in religion as that where it is wanting there is not onely no true seruice of God but neither any loue of God at all abiding For the Apostle sayeth that who so hath this worldly goodes and seeth his brother haue neede and shutteth 1. Iohn 3. vp the bowels of compassion against him the loue of God abydeth not in him Saint Paul exhorteth thereunto as to a most necessarie 2. Cor. 8. effect of fayth and fruit of religion willing the Corinthians that as they abounded in euerie good worke in fayth in worde in knowledge in diligence in loue Rom. 15. so also they should abound in charitie VVhereof writing to the Church of Rome hee calleth it the fruite of
the fayth of the Saints Which who so euer performeth not bereaueth himselfe not onely of the name of a Christian but of the verie nature of man sayeth Lactantius Lib. 6. c. 11. because it is a dutie of humanitie to helpe in the necessitie and perill of man To the excellent prayse whereof it pertaineth that the supplie of the Saints neede and the ministring to their want is called a sacrifice As Saint Paul calleth the beneuolence of the Philippians sent vnto Philip. 4. him by Epaphroditus their minister a sacrifice of a sweete smelling sauour vnto GOD and the authour to the Hebrues stirring the people thereunto willeth Heb. 13. them to bee mindefull of ministring to the necessitie of the Saintes because with such sacrifices GOD is pleased To the offring whereof vpon the aultar of the needy brethren many things might moue Christians and true professours of pure and vndefiled religion 1 That in his law and Gospel the Lorde requireth this duetie of loue and seruice to be done to whom seeing we are infinitly indetted we herein must be obedient Touching which duetie what commaundements haue we Leuit. 19. in the holy Scripture Did not Almightie God charge Israel that they should leaue the gleaning of their haruest and the remainder of their vintage that the poore might thereby bee releeued Gaue hee not to the same Deut. 15. people commaundement that when they came into the land of their inheritance if any of their brethren fell into pouertie they should giue vnto him and not bee grieued Isai 58. therewith that so they might be blessed from God Doth not God call the hypocrites who pretended religion to this point and propertie of seruice and holie worshippe to breake their bread to the hungrie to call againe the wanderer to cloath the naked and not to despise their owne flesh Doeth not our blessed Sauiour Luke 6. exhort men to this effect of religion and therein to imitate the example of God Doeth not Saint Paul perswade men to distribute to the necessitie of the brethren Rom. 12. Doth hee not desire the Church of Galatia to Gal. 6. doe good vnto all men but specially to the housholde of faith Doeth hee not will Timothie his scholer to 1. Tim 6. charge the riche men of the worlde to bee riche in good workes and readie to distribute Exhorteth not the Heb. 13. Apostle to the Hebrues to communicate and distribute to the poore and needie because thereby God is well pleased Doe not sundrie other Scriptures sounde to the same sense and purpose Seeing Almightie God in his lawe the Prophets in their writings our holie Sauiour in the Gospell the blessed Apostles in their Epistles haue hereunto mooued then no doubt the verie viewe and recording of this commaundement might mooue all such as professe pure Religion and vndefiled before God to this duetie of charitie 2 Neither this onely but also the remembrance of our frailtie and ficklenesse of our worldly condition must moue to charitie For such as are riche to day may be poore to morrowe our riches are vncertaine our state miserable our condition variable our selues may neede to morrowe who to day wallow in all wealth we may come to pouertie which now abound in plentie wee may bee pinched with penurie which nowe enioy prosperitie To the ende therefore that we may finde mercie in miserie let vs shewe pitie in our prosperitie knowing this that who so shutteth his eares to the crie of the poore shall crie himselfe and not bee heard Our Sauiour auoucheth that with what measure wee Prou. 21. Matt. 7. meete vnto other other shoulde meete with the same vnto as also if we meete in a plentifull measure of mercie wee shall haue plenteous mercie shewed vs againe if wee meete in a harde measure of senslesnesse and want of feeling our brethrens want wee our selues shall bee vnpityed in the time of our anguish This Apostle affirmeth that there should be condemnation James 2. mercilesse to him that sheweth no mercie For assuredly whosoeuer in censuring and rashly condemning his brother or not in relieuing and helping him in destresse sheweth himselfe cruell currish hard hearted and mercilesse shall finde Almightie God and men also hard seuere mercilesse and rough agaynst him It is good therefore men should thinke of themselues in their brethrens persons and recount that wee our selues in perill deserue not to bee deliuered if in daunger wee stretch not out our helping hande to others neither in necessitie to be pitied if we succour not in neede such as are destressed This frailtie and changeablenesse who so weigheth and considereth a right shall easily be moued to this propertie of religion and duetie of loue which Saint Iames commendeth 3 That we are members each of each other and all members of one bodie might it not moue vs to mutuall succour In the naturall bodie if one part be grieued the 1. Cor. 12. others are all disquieted if the hee le be pricked the head stowpeth the backe boweth the eyes looke the fingers feele the handes holde and euerie part endeuoureth to remooue the griefe and when our Christian brethren and sisters suffer shall we be senselesse When wee are full shall wee thinke no man emptie VVhen we are housed shal we thinke no man to be harbourlesse When we are clothed shall we perswade our selues that no man then is naked If we be whole is no man sicke If we be sound is no man sore If we be free is no man bonde If vvee bee vvarme is no man colde If vvee abound doeth no man lacke Shall nature teach our members mutually to helpe one another and shall not the bonde of spirituall incorporation teach vs one to suffer with another one to succour another The Pellican when hers are sicke with her owne blood succoureth them and shall we not helpe in their neede our needie brethren redeemed and raunsomed with the bloud of Christ Whome assuredly we haue not for our head neither yet are we his Saints nor felow members of this his misticall bodie vnlesse we bee carefull to succour them in the time of their neede 4 If wee require example God is rich in mercie and goodnesse hee giueth aboundantly to all men and reprocheth none vvhose example our Sauiour commendeth vnto vs to mooue vs thereby to the workes of mercie Be ye mercifull euen as your heauenly father Luke 6. is mercifull 5 If we looke for a president our Sauiour Christ is our patterne who laide downe his life for vs that wee should lay downe our liues much more our goodes for the brethren 1. Iohn 3. 16. 6 If reward may allure vs we haue not onely therefore promise of encrease and multiplying our store here as we see was performed to the widow of Sarepta whose meale in tubbe and oile in cruse though there of dayly were spent decreased not because in destresse she relieued 3. Kings 17. Pro.
sinne and translated into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of Rom. 8. God And here to bee iudged is to bee discharged quitte deliuered and absolued from death and damnation as the place it selfe may import vnto vs so doe and so speake as they which shall bee iudged by the lawe of libertie that is such as trust by the mercie of God to be deliuered from death and damnation The reason of this exhortatorie conclusion is there shall bee condemnation mercilesse vnto him that sheweth no mercie and mercie reioyceth agaynst condemnation Such as in disdayning and contemning the poore and preferring the rich beeing prophane and wicked shewe themselues mercilesse and voyde of loue shall themselues taste not of mercie but of iudgement not of loue but of the wrath of GOD but they which in this poynt fulfill the royall lawe of GOD commaunding men to loue their neighbours as themselues and so shevve themselues mercifull euen tovvardes the poore brethren they shall triumph ouer iudgement and condemnation vvhereunto they shal not be subiect This thing as in the proposed matter it is most true so in other officices and dueties it is no lesse manifest for generally vvho so is of an hard heart merlesse currish and cruell towarde men shall finde God seuere rough sharpe against himself For mercy shal be restrained from those which shew no mercie and iudgement or condemnation mercilesse shal be to them which shewe no mercie If in Christian assemblies men preferre the rich with mercilesse contempt of the poore brethren Almightie God in the assemblie of his Saints and in the meeting together of thousands and ten thousands of his angels shal neglect disdaine thē In the works of mercy who so is merciles shall finde no mercie for he that stoppeth Pro. 21. his eare to the crie of the poore shall crie himselfe and not be heard Wherefore the glutton in the Gospell Luke 16. neglecting the humble suite of poore Lazarus onely for the crummes which fell from his table crieth in hell fire for euer to haue the tippe of his tongue onely to be cooled and findeth no fauour Almightie God in his prophet sheweth himselfe angrie Isai 1. not fauourable to such as by their auarice vsurie oppression and extortion fraud deceite and crueltie in Psal 18. dealing haue beene without pitie Dauid the man of God protesting that God reiecteth them when they crie for helpe either in paine or in feare who reiecte the crie of the poore afflicted saith They cried but there was none to helpe them euen to the Lord but hee answered them not In mutuall pardoning and forgeuenes of sinne when we our selues are harde and straite laced wee finde God harde and seuere toward our selues for he shal find vengeance at the handes of God who seeketh vengeance Ecclus. 28. Mat. 18. Marke 11. 2 in his owne priuate quarrels as Sirach recordeth The seruant who would not haue pitie vpon his felow for one hundred pence is dealt withall in seueritie til all the debt of tenne thousand talents be discharged in the Gospell Who therefore saith Cyprian lost that fauour which before was shewed him because he shewed not fauour to his fellow seruant In iudging of our brethren and all other Vpō the Lords praier dueties to be perfourmed vnto men wee must looke to receaue with the same measure whereby wee haue deliuered If we geue by hard measure of rash and cruel iudgement wee shall reape and receaue againe by the like Wherefore our Sauiour Christ exhorteth men not rashlie to iudge or condemne least they be likewise iudged and Mat. 7. condemned for with what measure we meate vnto other men it shall bee measured with the like vnto vs againe which is the iust iudgement of God against men in the whole course of their liues Such then as are mercilesse and nourish not loue shall not only not obteine mercie but cannot aske mercie at the hands of GOD or man For with what face what looke what countenance can they aske that which they haue denied to others Yea experience and vse of things doe plentifully teach vs that mercie shal be denied the mercilesse and condemnation without pittie shewed vpon them which shew no mercie Haue we not seene many pinched with pouertie bitten with famine eaten with noysome diseases spoiled of their wealth robbed of their riches vexed in their mindes tormented in their bodies afflicted on euerie side who in the daies of their flourishing wealth in the soundnes and health of their bodies and quietnes of their mindes haue beene merciles towardes such as in this wise were afflicted Hath not condemnation execution punishmēt been merciles towardes them for that they shewed no mercie This is therefore generally in al things particularly true in hauing the faith of our glorious Lord Iesus Christ in respect of persons that there shal be condemnation merciles shewed vnto them which shew no mercie The opposite and contrarie member hereunto is mercie reioyceth against condemnation for they which are mercifull shall finde fauour grace and mercie before the iudgement seate of God and reioyce ouer condemnation which through the grace of God they shal escape in as much as by their loue and fruites of mercie they shewe themselues truely inserted and ingraffed into the body of Rom. 8. Iesus Christ whereby they are exempted and freed from condemnation For there is now no condemnation vnto those that are in Iesus Christ which walke not after the flesh but after the spirite These being made by the mercy of God the liuely members of the body of Iesus Christ these being the children of the resurrection these beeing the heires of the grace of god these being the iointheires with Iesus Christ these by their vnfeined loue shewing themselues the faithfull and vndoubted Saints shall not come into condemnation neither see death neither feare they the seueritie of Gods iudgements as doe the wicked but reioyce and triumph ouer condemnation Wherefore seeing that iudgement shal be mercilesse towardes them which shewe no mercie and that mercie reioiceth against condemnation let vs not respecte the outward appearance of men and regarde the riche with disdainfull contempt of the poore and so appeare mercilesse least that we fall into mercilesse condemnation but let vs haue a right iudgement of the brethren that wee serue one another in the feare of GOD And so geuing testimony of the mercie wherof we are partakers through Christ by him may triumph and reioyce ouer condemnation This the GOD of all might maiestie and mercie graunt vnto vs To whom with the sonne and the holy Ghost be all praise honor and glorie both now and for euermore Amen Iames Chapter verses 14. 15. 16. 17 18. 19. Sermon 12. Verse 14. What auaileth it my brethren though a man saith he hath faith when he hath no workes Can his faith saue him 15 For if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of dailie foode 16 And one
with him against such as peruerted his doctrine and abused their libertie and free iustification to the wātonnesse of the flesh as men now do also who hearing iustification by faith onely thinke themselues thereby discharged and set at libertie from the practise of holines which is their errour in that they conceiue not that as we are freely iustified before God through faith without the helpe or respect of our works so are we knowen to be iust by workes before men whereby God for his mercie is glorified and therefore ought to be perfourmed of vs. Thus Paul disputeth against those which attributed too much to works as helping causes of saluation Saint Iames reasoneth against such as making too vile account of workes vtterly neglected them S. Paul had to doe with pharisaical hypocrites who swelled with the pride of their owne workes and righteousnes S. Iames with Epicuricall professours who boasting themselues of their historicall and bare faith and profession refuse to bring foorth the fruites of righteousnesse Seeing then these two speake of diuers kindes of faith seeing they speake in diuers sence of iustification seeing they speake of works diuersly and contend finally against diuers persons seeing Paul establisheth true Christian liuely faith S. James condemneth bare fruitelesse idle faith Seeing Paul speaketh of our iustification with God Iames how we are knowen for righteous before men Seeing Paul speaketh of works before faith denying them for causes of saluatiō Iames of works following faith allowing them for effects and fruites therof Seeing Paul denieth good works to goe before men to be iustified S. Iames confesseth them to follow men being iustified Seeing Paul contēdeth against such as too much preferred works S. James against those which too much neglected them therefore no controuersie but a perfect consent and harmonie in their doctrine Whereby it appeareth more cleare I hope then the Sunne at noon day how shamelesly our aduersaries abuse this place against free iustification by faith for the establishing of workes as causes of saluation and iustification with God And thus much of faith and works the cause and the effects necessarilie ioyned together in all those that are iustified in Iesus Christ To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost three persons in Trinitie one eternal and euerliuing God in Vnitie be rendered all praise dominion and maiestie now and for euer Amen The Analysis or resolution of the thirde Chapter of Saint Iames. 3. Chapter of S. Iames hath three partes 1 Is of not vsurping authoritie to iudge censure other men rigorously v. 1. and part of the second wherein there are two things 1 The exhortation it selfe Brethren be not many masters verse 1. 2 The reason thereof and it is double 1 From the iudgement of God vers 1. 2 From our owne imbecilitie ver 2. 2 Is of refraining the tongue From 2. ver to 13. vers Wherein two things are handled Namely 1 The proposition of the place verse 2. and part of 3. 2 The handling tractatiō which is double partly 1 From the profits thereof sette down in two similitudes 3. 4. part 5. ver 1 Of horses 2 Of the rudder of a ship 2 From the euils 1 Generally 2 part 5. v. 1. to 6 2 Particularly 2. part 6 7. to 13. 3 Is concerning gentlenes mekenesse of wisedome 13. to the end In which discourse 4. things are handled 1 An exhortation to gentlenes and and meekenesse of wisedome v. 13. 2 An opposing of the contrarie which is contention v. 14. 3 A distingnishing of wisdom wherby the doore and gate is shut to manie euils and mischiefes v. 15. 16. 17. 4 A reason from reward why gentlenesse and meekenesse of wisedome is to be followed v. 18. THE THIRD CHAP. OF S. IAMES THE FIRST VERSE AND PART OF THE SECOND THE XIIII SERMON 1 My brethren bee not manie maisters knowing that wee shall receyue the greater condemnation 2 For in manie things we sinne all THIS thirde Chapter of Saint James as by the Analysis and resolution appeareth contayneth three places or principall matters The first is Let no man vsurpe authoritie ambiciously to iudge and censure his brother in sharpenesse and rigour of iudgement in the first and part of the second verse contayned In which there are two things to bee noted 1 The exhortation it selfe My brethren bee not manie maisters 2 The reasons of the exhortation first from the iudgement of GOD secondly from our owne imbecilitie and weakenesse who our selues in manie things offending we ought not to be too seuere and rigorous against others The seconde place of this Chapter is concerning the gouernement and refrayning of the tongue beginning from the latter part of the seconde verse and continued to the thirteenth verse hereof In which part there are two things 1 The proposition it selfe 2 part 2. verse If anie man sinne not in his tongue or in worde he is a perfect man and able to bridle the whole bodie 2 The tractation and handling of the matter concerning the tongue which is double first from the commodities of moderating the tongue which Saint Iames expresseth by two similitudes the one of horses who are gouerned by the bitte and cheeke of the bridle 3. v. Then by the similitude of a Shippe which is guided by the sterne or rudder 4. 5. v. Then he handleth the matter of moderating the tongue from the euils of the tongue which hee setteth downe first generally in the seconde part of the fourth verse and in the first part of the sixt then particularly from the seconde part of the sixt verse to the thirteenth verse wherein he noteth three particular euils of the tongue 1 That it defileth the whole bodie 2 That it is a thing vntameable and vnbrideled 3 That it is reprochful contumelious and giuen to cursed bittereesse The thirde part and place is from the thirteenth verse to the ende concerning gentlenesse and meekenesse of wisedome In which discourse foure things are touched 1 An exhortation to meekenesse verse 13. 2 The opposition of the contrarie which is contention condemned and spoken against by the Apostle verse 14. 3 The distinguishing of wisedome which is either earthly or heauenly by the which the way to manifolde mischiefes is precluded and shutte vp 15. 16. and 17. verses 4 The last is a reason drawne from rewarde why the Saints of GOD shoulde embrace and followe meekenesse of wisedome verse 18. Because such as are peaceable gentle and meeke shall in the haruest of the worlde reape the fruites of righteousnesse which they haue sowen in peace And this is the Anatomic of this place or chapter These wordes in the first and part of the second verse of this third Chapter concerne the first part and place which is of not vsurping ambicious authoritie to iudge and censure the brethren sharpely and rigorously and why wee should not so doe as shall appeare 1. And part of the 2 ver 3. of S. Iames being concerning not vsurping
are void whom selfe-loue opinion of wisdome pride of heart hauing Iude 2. 2. Pet. 2. 10. puffed vp despise gouernment and speake euill of thē that are in authoritie to whom in the vanitie of their opinions in the fancies of their own braines in the conceits of their grene heads they wil not obey though they haue neither found ground nor sufficient reason nor euident proof to lead induce them to their false perswasions Wherefore they also are farre from this wisdome whose propertie it is easilie to be entreated 5 Another qualitie or propertie of this wisdome is Isai 55 1. John 2 mercy it is full of mercy and mercy is specially in two things 1. in pitying the bodily needes of our brethren in pouertie and distresse whereof is largely spoken 1. chapt verse 27. 2. In pitying the spirituall needs of the saints and of all men as when they lacke good councell to minister it when they run astray to call them home againe when they offend to tell them of it that they may be reclaimed to draw them by all meanes out of the snare of satan whereby they otherwise might be caried away to their destruction Whereence it appeareth that the wisdome frō aboue hath a mercifull regard both to the bodies and also to the soules of the saints of God whereof if wee become carelesse then haue wee not that wisedome which is full of mercie 6 The sixt propertie hereof is that it is full of good workes as constancie in profession paciēce in afflictions carefulnes in our vocation continuance in prayer mortification of the flesh renouation of the spirite reformation of our life and finally whatsoeuer tendeth to true sanctification 7 It is also without iudging which is either without respect of persons to regard the matter 2. chapt 1. Ether without ambition and rigour in iudging thy brethren 3. chapt 1. Either without greedie and busie inquiring seeking into other mens liues either iudging all in the worst part either vnaduisedly to iudge or condemne one another These kinds of iudgings either partially either ambitiously and rigorously either curiously either malitiously either rashly are here condemned Not taking away a right estimation and iudgement betwixt man and man thing and thing good and bad truth and falshood iustice and iniurie oppression equitie or any the like either ecclesiasticall or ciuill iudgement 8 Finally this wisdome from aboue is without hypocrisie This doth nothing colourably or counterfetly suttlely or guilefully this wisdome beareth not two faces vnder one hood this wisdome pretendeth not one thing openly and meaning another secretly this doth al things plainely and purely simply and sincerely as proceeding from God the God of truth to whome no dissembling no counterfetting no double dealing is or can be pleasant and these are the properties of heauenly wisedome By this distinguishing of wisedome he stoppeth the dore and gate to all impuritie to all contentiousnes to all rigorousnes and desire of reuenge to all stubbornnes to be corrected or informed to all irreconciliablenes and vntractablenes of men to all vnmercifulnes to all wickednes euill iudgement hypocrisie dissēbling before God and man Where vnto who so is giuē how so euer he haue that earthly sensuall diuelish wisedome yet hath he not this diuine wisedome which commeth from God These things being thus disposed the last thing in this treatise is why wee should shewe by good conuersation our workes in meekenes of wisedome because the fruites of righteousnes are sowen in peace of them which make peace a reason from reward in so much as they shal reape the fruites of righteousnes which they haue sowen in peace This place teacheth vs that whatsoeuer we do whether good or euill it is a seede sowen whose fruite hereafter is to be expected if the seede be good we shall receiue Gal. 6. Job 8 good if euill then shall we receaue euill things euen punishments Which saint Paul confirmeth be not deceiued God is not mocked for whatsoeuer a man soweth that shall he also reape if he sowe to the flesh hee shall of the flesh reape corruption if he sowe to the spirite he shal of the spirite reape life euerlasting That they may receiue pleasant and delectable fruite from the liberall hande of God the Apostle exhorteth them to sowe good seede euen the seede of peace that they may receiue and reape the reward of peace mentioned by our Sauiour which is Mat. 5. eternall blessednes and to be reckoned for the children of God And this reason is set downe to perswade the saints to embrace peace against the corrupt iudgement of the world who iudgeth them miserable foolish wretched that liue peaceably but the spirit of truth teacheth here the contrary that hovvsoeuer the vvorlde iudgeth of peaceable persons yet shall they assuredly in due time reape and receaue the reward of peaceable righteousnes Which reward ought to allure all men to meekenes of wisdom which ought of christians so far foorth to be folowed as a good conscience be retained vice and iniquitie suppressed vertue and godlines promoted loue and charitie in the holy feare of God cherished And this is peaceable wisdome by the Apostle commaunded This wisdome Christ Iesus our Lord who of GOD is for vs made wisdome and righteousnes sanctification and redemption graunt vnto vs that in all peace and quietnes of heart we may serue one another in loue and in one spirite and one trueth with one minde and one mouth maye glorifie God the God of peace To whom with Christ Iesus his sonne our Sauiour and the holy Ghost our comforter be praise in the great congregation of the Saints Amen The Analysis of the fourth Chapter of S. Iames. This fourth Chapter 〈◊〉 foure things or places 1 Is of contentions warres therein 5. thinges are to be marked from v. 1. to 7. 1 An interrogation or question concerning the beginnings and causes of contentions and warres among men verse 1. 2 An answeare to the question conteyning the assignment of the causes which are two 1 Vnruelie pleasures fighting in our members 2 Immoderate desire of increasing our priuate estate and wealth verse 1. 3 A condemning of those pleasures and desires of men which bring with them nothing but anguish and sorrow v. 2. former part 4 Why these desires are without effect or ineffectuall the causes are two 1 Because either men aske not those thinges at Gods hand part of the second verse 2 Or because if they aske thē yet aske they amisse v. 3 5 A sharp reproof of these things Wherein there are 3. things noted 1 The reproofe it selfe v. 4 first part 2 The reason of this reproofe v. 4. 2 part 3 The preuenting of an obiection v. 5. 6. 2 Place is of our duety to God consisting of two things namely 1 Submission to him wherin three things are to be noted v. 7. 1 What he commandeth to submitte our selues to God 2 The contrarie to resist the
to haue denied had bene mercie S. Augustine saith therof that God denieth sometimes Epist 121. things in mercie which in wrath he giueth If then wee aske euill things it is his louing kindnesse not to graunt them VVherein God dealeth with men as a tender father with his children if a childe aske an euill thing the father denieth it in loue if he aske a cole of burning fire a sharpe poynted or sharpe edged knife if hee aske poyson for honie a Scorpion for an egge for an Eele a Serpent or whatsoeuer other thing bee hurtfull if hee loue his childe hee will denie it euen so when wee not knowing what or howe to aske aright desire hurtfull things from God in mercie hee heareth not but denieth our praiers When Plato considered that men through ignoraunce oftentimes desire hurtfull In Alcebiade things which being graunted were euill to the parties hee protesteth this to bee the best forme of praier which he gathered out of the olde Poets Iupiter king giue vnto vs praying and not praying vowing and not vowing those things which are best and commaunde that euill things bee farre from vs though wee desire them Thus the heathenish Philosopher sawe that it was not good to be heard when men pray for or desire hurtfull things If the heathen desired not to bee heard when they prayed for euill things to their gods which indeede were no Gods shall not wee repute it a great mercie from the eternall and euerliuing God to haue our prayers denyed when wee desire things that are hurtfull Men therefore praying for things hurtfull to themselues are in mercie repelled and denied Which things if we should obtaine at the hands of God therein saith Chrysostom God should shew himselfe an enemie rather then a louing father Ho. 18. opere imperf Mat. 4 Sometimes we aske things vniust vnhonest vnlawfull would wee God to graunt our prayers Some men aske the liues of their enemies some men aske the goods of their brethren some men aske the vnlawfull vse of strange women some men aske their owne death some men the death of their children some aske agaynst charitie some agaynst equitie some against honestie manie against pietie and vertue And therefore they haue the repulse at the handes of God Wherefore it shall bee good and profitable for men throughly to determine in themselues to aske onely good things at the hands of God least they receyue the deniall For men asking vniust vnlawfull vnhonest things are not heard at the handes of God and there petitions are voide and of none effect When an importunate or rather impudent suter came to Agesilaus the king earnestly entreating him in a certaine matter and saide Sir might it please your grace you promised me such a thing Truth quoth the king so the thing were honest and iust that thou requirest otherwise I spoke it but promised it not The suter replied and vrged further It becommeth a King to perfourme euerie worde of his mouth yea if it were but a becke or nodde of his heade To whome the king answered no more sayeth hee then it becommeth him that will craue any thing of a king to aske onely that is rightfull and honest And thus the king cut off his shamelesse suter VVoulde God all Kings Queenes and Princes woudle denie all sutes vnhonest vniust vnlawfull or such as tende either to priuate hurt or publike harme in their kingdomes Shall a mortall man and earthly king shall a heathen which knewe not God aright denie sutes which are vniust and shall not GOD our heauenly King denie such sutes and petitions as are vncharitable vnhonest vnlawfull vniust when they are made vnto him God beeing righteous delighteth onely in righteousnesse and equitie VVherefore he will not admit wicked vniust and vngodly prayers made vnto him 5 As for these causes the prayers of men are put backe and repelled with God so also as Saint Iames toucheth when we aske amisse to consume and lay out these things vpon our vaine pleasures Thus when we pray it is no maruel that we be denied Wherby it appeareth that in euery prayer which we would to be of force and effectual wee must haue a chiefe regarde and respect to the ende vvherefore vve pray The endes of godly prayers are as I suppose three The endes of lawfull praypers 3 our owne neede the want of others the glorie of God VVhich endes if wee respect in the d●sires of our heartes to GOD wee shall bee heard according to his will If wee regarde other endes then in holy Scripture can bee iustifyed no maruaile that wee obtaine not 1 And first in prayer wee must respect our owne neede which either is in things inwardly and touching the soule which beeing the more excellent part ought first of all to bee considered and those things chiefly to bee sought which appertaine to the saluation thereof as the most excellent gift of fayth repentaunce loue good woorkes pardon of sinnes pacience in aduersitie lowlinesse in prosperitie peace of conscience assuraunce of hope ioy of the holie Ghost and the like whereof our Sauiour Christ aduertiseth vs first of all seeke the kingdome of GOD or of heauen and the righteousnesse thereof and all other things shall bee Matt. 6. ministred vnto you Of which things we shoulde haue speciall regarde in as much as wee are but straungers Heb. 13. here and haue no citie of abode but looke for another in the kingdome of Christ wherin is the dwelling of Gods Saints for euer Either else our neede is in things outwarde concerning our bodies for the competencie of things therevnto it is also lawfull to pray-Looking therefore vnto our bodily neede for the supplie of that our want wee may pray without offence to God Solomon the wise man respecting this ende prayed neither for much Prou 13. wealth neither to be pressed downe with pouertie but to haue mediocritie and a competencie to supplie all want Our Sauiour woulde for this ende that men Mat. 6. should dayly pray for their daylie breade whereunder all needefull things for this life are comprehended Thus may wee pray for meate for drinke for health of bodie deliueraunce out of prison prosperous successe in common affaires and all other the like according as our need shall be For our owne wants and needes therefore we may pray to God for temporall things 2 As the supplie of our owne wants is one ende in prayer respected so also may wee pray for temporall things that our brethren may by vs bee sustained VVherefore when I desire a competent state of liuing not onely to mainetaine my selfe and mine owne familie but that I also may haue whereby to releeue my needie neighbour I pray not amisse For if it be a blessed thing rather to giue then to receyue as Saint Paul Acts 20. gathered out of our Sauiour then to desire these temporall things to bee able to minister to the needes of our brethren is commendable And
1. Ioh. 1 Ephes 6. 2. Cor. 4 of lights in whom also there is no darcknes at al hath no communion with Sathan the prince of the darcknesse of this world Christ being holy hath nothing to do no concord with Beliall the Prince of wickednes So that these cannot dwell in the heart of man together as in the fountaine of loue being so contrarie and opposed Truely therefore saith Saint Augustine the loue of the S. Augustine world and the loue of God cannot stand or consist together no more then the same eyes at once can looke vpon heauen and earth in the same instante Being therefore so contrarie God and the world it cānot be but that such as make themselues friends with the world become enemies vnto God Wherof they to whom Saint James speaketh not ignorant are sharply reprooued for louing the world with the hatred of God Ye adulterers and adultresses know ye not that the amitie of the world is enmitie with God whosoeuer therefore will be a friend of the world maketh himselfe the enemie of God And this reason of the holy Apostle holdeth not only in the propounded matter of ambitious and couetous desires which men cannot loue and loue God also but it holdeth in all worldly wickednes and loue of earthlie things whatsoeuer which men cannot possibly loue and loue God together For then might a man be holy and wicked godly vnrighteous all together for they which loue the world are wicked and vnrighteous as the worlde 1. Iohn 5 Leuit. 11 2● c. it selfe lieth in wickednes and such as loue God are godlie and holy euen as God him selfe is holy That wee cannot possiblie geue entertainment to God and to the world together and at once loue them God and the world contrarie as appeareth in foure things both the reason is their contrarietie for things contrarie cannot dwell at once in the same person And the contrarietie betwixt the loue of the world and the loue of God in foure things appeareth 1 In the repugnancie of their nature GOD is by his nature pure holy vndefiled without contagion of Leuit. 11. 19. 20. sinne and without permixtion of any euill But the worlde is altogether wicked defiled with sinne spotted with many blemishes of vnrighteousnesse full of all contagion deadly poyson of iniquitie So that in nature there is a contraietie betwixt thē Naturally therefore being contrarie wee cannot loue them both together 1. Iohn 5. 2 As their natures are contrarie so are their precepts contrarie for other things by God other thinges by the world are inioined wherein the contrarietie betwixt thē appeareth God commaundeth mercie liberalitie pitie compassion the world perswadeth crueltie mercilesnes couetousnes hardnes of heart violence iniurie and oppression God commaundeth holines sanctification to be fruitfull in all good works to his glorie and to encrease therein to ripenes and a full measure in Iesus Christ But the world moueth vs to filthie conuersation to defile our selues with carnall lustes and all vngodlines to wearie waste our selues with all fleshly pleasure that wee may be vncleane in soule and in body God commandeth vs not to lie but speake the trueth one to another not to backbite not to slaunder not to deceaue not to circumuent or defraud one another not to sweare vainly not to curse bitterly and infinite the like but the worlde would haue vs to lie counterfette slaunder deceaue circumuent sweare curse banne and geue ouer all the powers of our mindes and partes of our bodies to committe iniquitie Hom. 22. vpō Matth. Seeing one commaundeth thee saith Chrysostome to geue of thine owne goods the other violently to take the goods of others one to embrace chastitie the other to follow intemperancie the one to loue sobernes the other to delight in gluttonie how is it possible we shoulde obey these precepts being so contrary so seem to loue them both together 3 As their precepts are contrarie so are the qualities of them which loue the one and the other contrary For other things please God other things the world Other qualities are required in such as loue God other things and qualities in them that loue the world The louers of God must be ledde by the spirite of God walke in the spirite of God and bring foorth the fruites therof as loue ioy peace long suffering gētlenes goodnes faith meeknes temperance and such like they must be indued with mercie humblenes of minde kindnes forgeuing one Ephes 4. Col. 3. another euen as Christ forgeueth vs. But the seruants and louers of the world are possest with crueltie mercilesnes wrath ennie currishnes contention fornication vncleannes wantonnes hatred debate emulation sedition murther drunkennes gluttonie and the workes of the fleshe 1. Cor. 6 Gal. 5. Ephes 3. Col. 3. Iohn 4. Psal which who committe shall not inherite the kingdome of God and of Christ The louers of God are pure vnrebukeable blamelesse before him in loue seruing him in spirit in trueth But the seruants of the world are corrupt deceitfull from the wombe defiled with sinne flattering God with their mouth and dissembling with him in their double toung The seruants of God and such as loue him are sober and temperate but the louers of the world make their bellie their God whose end is damnation whose glorie is to their shame being earthly minded Seeing therfore the Philip. 3. qualities of the louers of God and of the louers of the world are contrarie and diuers it cannot be that the same should loue God and the world both together 4 Finally the very loue it selfe is in qualitie contrarie for the loue of God is pure chaste and holy spirituall but the loue of the world is impure vncleane prophane and sensuall wherefore no man canne loue god and the world Yea rather they which endeuour to become friends of the world make themselues therby the enemies of god Wherefore my deare brethren beloued in Iesus Christ if we be the elect of god chosen by him out of the world to loue him and serue him in such holines as is acceptable vnto his diuine maiestie If we be the professed Souldiers of Christ to fight vnder his displaied banner against Sathan and the world shall we as backsliders from god traitors vnto Christ enemies of our owne saluation prophaners of our Christian profession geue our selues to the loue of the world and committe fornication against god Cleaue thereunto in league and bonde of friendshippe and so become enemies vnto the Lorde our god almightie Let vaine wicked ambitious and contentious persons let greene flourishing youth who thinke to loue god and the world also herence learne that they cannot loue both and that in making friendship with the world they fall at variance with God It is God that speaketh in his Apostle it is the spirit of truth which informeth vs it is Christ in his minister that openeth his mouth and assureth
father of the Church searching and seeking out rhe true Serm. 4. domi 1. quadrag causes for vvhich the Saintes of God might lavvfully vveepe vvriteth that there be tvvo causes for vvhich they may so do 1 Because they haue omitted through negligence many things vvhich they should haue done 2 Because they haue committed through boldnesse manie things also vvhich should haue beene vndone by them the one he calleth the sinne of omitting the other the sinne of committing and for both ought men to vveepe before God Let vs therefore looke hereinto vvith vvakefull and vvatchfull eyes let vs recorde and recounte vvith our selues vvhat dueties and good things vve haue omitted vvhich vvee shoulde haue done either to God or man either to our selues or others to our ovvne charge or to straungers to our friends or to our enemies let vs call to minde vvhat euill we haue done vvhereby God hath beene dishonoured our neighbours iniuried our selues defiled other by our euill example allured to vvickednesse Hovv vve haue dishonoured God by blasphemie oppressed our neighbours by iniurie vsurie extortion deceite and couetousnesse hovve vvee haue defiled our selues vvith fornications adulteries vvantonnesse and fleshly vncleannes vvith drunkennesse surfetting or the like enormities hovv vve haue dravvne on others to like sinne by sight by persvvasion by action by motion shall it not make vs to vtter our repentance by vveeping If vve forget not that vve haue omitted our dutie of praier and inuocation to god and the performance of humble seruice vnto him that vve haue omitted the ministring to the necessitie of the Saints and the helpe vve should haue shevved to the needie brethren that vvee haue omitted many good opportunities vvhich haue beene offered for the encrease of our vertue fayeth pacience mercie and such like that vvee haue neglected the carefull visiting of the poore destitute vvhich liue in our streetes and complaine and perish before our eyes for lacke of reliefe that wee haue omitted many exercises of prayer of preaching of reading and meditating in the lawe of God that we haue omitted the doing of manie things which appertaine vnto godlinesse and true sanctification and committed much wickednes priuately publikely openly secretely in our soules in our bodies at home and abroade agaynst God and men in our conuersation in our communication haue wee not iust cause to chastise and afflict our selues by weeping When wee heare of our cruell dealings our intollerable pride our silthinesse of the flesh our riotousnesse of life our great falsehoode lying deceyte vnderminding one of another our enuie hatred malice slaunder reproch backebytings and all iniquitie which nowe reigneth in our whole life mercifull God what fountaines what welles of teares shoulde it cause in vs VVherefore if Democritus the Philosopher wept continually Democrit 9. to see the ignoraunce blindnesse and doting follie of man shall not wee weepe day and night to see the blindnesse ignorance wretchednesse and wickednes of our selues whereby we continually prouoke the wrathfull indignation of God against vs VVhen our goods are taken by pirates our wealth consumed by shipwracke our houses burnt with fire our landes taken from vs by violent oppression our riches wasted by pestilent vsurie our libertie restrained by cruell persecution our children miscarie suddenly our friendes die from vs dayly and one misfortune fall on the heeles of another what crying what wringing Psalm 42. 7. Job 2. 15. c of handes what lamenting what weeping is there among vs But that God by our wickednesse is offended his name through vs blasphemed his lawe and holy worde contemned his pacience and long sufferance dayly prouoked and abused his threatnings his admonitions his counsels neglected his louing mercie forgotten and his great benefites not remembred that many good things pertaining to duetie haue beene through our follies omitted and manie wickednesses whereof we should haue beene cleare committed by vs who weepeth who lamenteth Let vs deare Christians in the feare of God euermore remember alwayes holde fast this councell of the Apostle that by sorrowing and weeping wee may shew our affliction and chastising our selues by repentance 3. A thirde way of afflicting our selues is by turning our laughter into mourning our wanton laughing which proceedeth frō the dissolutenes of our minds must bee turned into mourning Here by laughter is vnderstoode that lasciuious and wanton mirth and giggling which is rife among fooles and vaine persons and which they take vp vpon euerie vaine occasion in the world whereby their follie appeareth as Sirach witnesseth who Ecclus. 19. making the vaine laughter of men an argument of folly sayth A mans garments excessiue laughter and going declare what he is descrie his follie And in another place not long after A foole lifteth vp his voice with laughter Ecclus. 21. but a wise man doth scarse smile secretly And Salomon in his preacher like as the noise of thornes vnder the pot Eccles. 7. which for a time crackle but profite nothing for they are consumed suddenly and quickely So is the laughter of a foole this is also vanitie This laughter our Sauiour Christ condemneth crying out wo and denouncing Luke 6. vengeance against such as gaue themselues to wanton mirth and vaine laughter Wo vnto you that now laugh for you shall waile and weepe Our foolish giggling our prophane laughter our dissolute mirth our wanton screaming and scrcking our disordered lifting vp of our voices in our incontinent mirth must be laid aside and be turned into mourning if so be we wil humble our selues by true repentance vnto God And here vnder laughter and mirth are vnderstood also all those delicates and delightes all those merry conceyts and pleasant pastimes all those iollities sportings wherein men take pleasure and so become forgetfull of the iudgements of God and neglect the chastising of themselues for their wealth vnto God Whereunto our Mat. 24. Sauiour Christ witnesseth the world should be giuen towardes the end thereof yea and at the very appearing of the Sonne of God in iudgement whereof the saith As the dayes of Noe were so shall the comming of the Sonne of man be for as in the dayes before the floude they did eate and drinke marie and giue in marriage vnto the day that Noe went into the Arke and knew nothing till the floud came and tooke them away euen so shall also the comming of the Sonne of man be Wherein hee shevveth that in the latter dayes men shal be giuen to brutish pleasures delights and pastimes which the Apostle in the Saints of God would haue to be turned into mourning suffer affliction sorrow and weepe let your laughter be turned into mourning 4. Finally as our laughter must be turned into mourning so must also our ioy be turned into heauines the ioy vvhich worldly minded men conceyue of worldly thinges the wanton reioycing of men must be turned into heauinesse hanging downe of head casting downe of countenance in signe of shame for
Deut. 22. 1. ver 5. it home to the owner and not cause it to erre Hath he care ouer brute beastes that they should not wander and would he not much rather that men themselues wandering should be conuerted from their errours vnto the way of truth Nature it selfe teacheth vs that it is a point of humanitie to call the wanderer into the way therefore haue the heathen made laws against them and set downe punishments to such as refused to teach and leade the wandering straunger into the right way Shal● nature teach vs care of mens bodyes and shall not grace teach vs care of their soules Shall wee bring into the right way him that wandereth in bodie and shall wee not turne them into the true path which leadeth vnto life which through errour wander in their mindes Pro●lides they say deuised certaine images or signes which Statuae Mercurialis they called Mercuriall hauing three heades and caused them for this purpose in places where three wayes mette to bee erected that they might as it were point and tell which of the three wayes the wandering and wearie trauayler might take without errour or going astray our of his way And for this cause I suppose in Why crosses were sea vp in high waies high wayes which meete in our Countrie there haue beene pillers Crosses or images likewise erected afterwarde by the vanitie of men abused supersticiously Haue the verie heathen had care to leade men into the right way from erring and wandring and shall not christians giue all diligence and imploy all paynes to bring their brethren into the right way least they wander to their destruction Shall not Christians hereof bee chiefly carefull being themselues happily informed in the wayes of the Lord and in the sound doctrine of the Gospel to traine vp others therein and to cal thereunto such as erre wander As almightie God giueth not men riches that they alone might vse them to whom they are giuen but that others might therehence receiue comfort so neithet giueth hee riches of the minde as knowledge learning wisdome vnderstanding to men that they shoulde shutte them in the closet of their owne hearts but that Prou. 15. 7. Mat. 25. 27. Mat 24. 25. 1. Pet. 4. 11. like wise and good stewards they might communicate them to the benefite of others that they may make many brethren partakers of their ioy Wherefore when wee through the prosperous and happie minde of Gods vnmeasurable greatnesse and riches of mercie are arriued at the desired hauen of knowledge and truth wee shoulde not onely courteously but Christianly endeuour to shew such as yet are tost with the waues of errour what way they may escape the quicke-sandes the sharpe rockes the daungerous courses and shipwracke it selfe and as it were with stretched out hands be readie to receiue them least they perish and so by all meanes to labour their conuersion This Apostle hath exhorted Christians in the former treatise by prayer confession of faults the like to seeke to driue away the diseases of the bodies of their brethren how much more care should we haue of driuing away the diseases of their mindes Wherefore if we see any man or woman brother or sister caried either with vaine opinions into falshood or with wicked life into corruption and so either erre in the one or in the other we ought not bitterly to vpbraid them nor sharpely to rebuke them alwayes neither reprochfully to checke them nor vtterly to neglect them but rather by all meekenesse and gentle demeanour to reclaime and conuert them that they may come to the knowledge of the truth and so be saued But if wee suffer and let them alone either in the falshood of their opiniōs or in the corruptiō of their liues therein to stande or fall liue or die sinke or swimme we shewe our selues carelesse and of a dull spirit hardened in heart not mollifyed nor softened with Christian charitie to bee touched with the errours of our brethren It is the duetie then of euery one that is strong to reach the hand to the feeble and weake brethren to conuert them of them that are wise learned and of vnderstanding to offer their helpe to the ignorant to bring them to knowledge of them that are alreadie annointed with the oyle of gladnesse aboue their fellowes to giue Psal 45. all diligence to winne many vnto Iesus Christ that they may make many brethren pertakers of their ioy that 1. Cor. 9. they may holde fast the exhortation of the Apostle and studie to conuert sinners from going astray out of their waie And the Saints of God seeke the conuersion of sinners from their euill waies by sundrie meanes How men seeke to turne their brethren frō errour 1. By instructing them which are ignorant and in errour that they may thereby come to the knowledge of the truth 〈◊〉 hereby are men turned away from their errours and euill wayes as the wiseman Salomon affirmeth The instruction of a wiseman saith he is as a well spring Prou. 13. of life to turne away from the snares of death by telling and teaching our brethren what is religion what is superstition what is right and what is wrong what is good what is euill that the one may be imbraced the other refused we seeke to conuert our brethren from going astray out of their waie 2. We seeke the conuerting of our brethren out of their errours whē we brotherly reproue them of the wickednes they haue cōmitted that thereby they seing their owne errours iniquities may thereof repent and therefro be turned And this Salomon also maketh a way to conuert Prou. 6. the brethren which erre go astray wherfore shewing that reprehensions out of the Scriptures whereby our sinnes are reproued are waies to reclaime vs and to lead vs vnto life saith corrections for instruction are the way of life Nathan by his reuerend reprehending of the sinnes of 2. Kings 12 Dauid brought him to the knowledge of his wickednesse and so conuerted him from his errour of life stained with shameful adultery cruel murther The holy prophets the blessed Apostles by reprouing men of their wicked liues reclaimed called them away oftentimes from their errours and so conuerted them The ministers preachers of Gods worde the residue and rest of the Saints of God by reprouing and reprehending men for their extreame oppression insaciable coueteousnes biting vsurie swelling hatred intollerable pride horrible adulteries vncleannes beastly dronkennes filthy lying reprochful slaunder and other their iniquities which they haue committed oftentimes thereby reclaime and conuert them Which care most men most women haue now cast of For we are so squemish so full of good manners that for feare of offence we will not reproue the brethren sisters that they may be cōuerted We let them blaspheme speake filthily weary and wast their bodies in vncleannes by lying to slay their soules runne on