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A13844 The book of prayses, called the Psalmes, the keyes and holly things of Dauid translated out of the Hebrevv, according to the letter, and the mystery of them, and according to the rule and methode of the compile-er, opened in proper arguments vpon every psalme, following the same, by Alexander Top Esquier. Top, Alexander. 1629 (1629) STC 2415.2; ESTC S4135 410,327 284

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man unto eternall life is by the Promiss which is holy of things unseen gracees and mercyes of God and forgivenes and a better and an everlasting life by fayth and hope and this knoweth no man but the holy spirit of God in man And thus is faith the rock to build upon as divers times in the word wherby hee payeth every man according to his work and judgeth all men according to their minde As the minde is conteined in the body so the Promiss is the soul of the Law and as wee are forbid to care for the body so the church is commanded to provide for the soul to cast them selves upon God to seek contentment by a gratious government and let all rudiments goe And this is his sure rock of victory and of salvation even his faith Construction Heer Sam●c is taken passively also shewing his relye repose and trust and the strength of his support which is God The weaknes of the p●oples confidence that trust in the vanity of misgotten riches or in the falshood of Man Ps. 146. Beth a house they thrust hard at him and set upon him to overthrow and beat down all his riseing and his exaltation and dignity of his hous and to ruine all his repose by falshood which is a kinde of dwelling of the minde Sab to compass or inviron Gods wall about him which is his kindenes grace favour Ps. 21. cannot bee beaten down it is so strong And this confidence deceiveth no man but payeth every man for his travaile Exodus Hos. 12. The people play the crafty merchants in sacrificeing their misgotten welth and set their mindes wholely therupon for their salvation wher their faith is reprooved Beeing in an opposite cours to the sacrifices of righteousnes Ps. 4. faith of David which is counted righteousnes so hee dealeth by privation Every one that worketh righteousnes is accepted with God c. Marke the repetition of termes concerning all pointes God his rock and trust PSALM LXIII ASk and you shall receive and seek and you shall finde and knock and it shall bee opened unto you In the Last Psalme 62. hee sheweth that his life is sought by flaterers and dissembling hypocrites that use smooth wordes and have throtes like open graves and wicked and corrupt thoughtes to devour him and gape wide to receive him as Ps. 5. wher hee casteth off his confidence in Man for vanity and welth that groweth by wrong hee counteth nothing worth to save him and therfor relyeth wholy upon the strength of the kindenes and mercyes of God Heer they seek his life with the sword and hunt him into holes and corners of the earth and in this for playing the foxes with him hee prayeth that foxes may prey upon them and baite upon them in the ground and that hee may bee mery and have good cheer in the hous of God as Psal. 23 and be ravished with his glory and releeved with the living waters of his mercy which hee counteth better then life that hee may bless and prais his Name for ever and all their treacherous mouthes may bee stopped That this may bee hee knocketh at the word of Grace beeing athirst in the wildernes for waters of the scripture to refresh him Which wildernes hee maketh his solitary bed as often as hee awakes and thinks on him then to call upon him That hee himself may rejoyce in God and all may boast and glory to bee sworn in him Construction Samec again for the function of Godlynes the work of relyeing dayly adoration and admiration of his strength and glory and commendation for his grace as thanks of triumph after great good cheer of his mercyes dayly conversation and comunication with him Ghimel for Ghamul a wainling as hee was from all his affections in the wildernes Sag both the letters to depart or goe back This sense shineth through the whole Psalme beeing contrary to Appetition longing and adheering which is the whole tenor therof Zeph. 1. mark the report of the phrase Davids seeking of God and his Enimyes seeking of him Exodus The first of Zephany also shall shew what sacrifice the Lord will somtime have and what sacrifice is heer ment by the fullnes of the termes and sense of this psalme in it destruction of them that turn from the Lord and them that seek him not That they that play the foxes and betray him may have a foxes part in the wildernes Eze. 13. their trecherous mouthes stopped in the earth God will have his sacrifice aswell of his own sworn children that depart from him as of them that be devoted to other Gods and have never yet served him He will serve him self out of all sortes when he ordeineth a destruction PSALM LXIV COnsidering the deadly fear of persecution which David felt as Psal. 55. the sharpnes and egernes of his Enimyes dayly plots and secret conspiracy for his life to kill a just man without fear and to compass it suddainly by means not to be descryed nor discovered by any eye by deep prying into his hart and all his wayes rekoning that none can see them hee prayeth to bee delivered from this horror And as Servantes make their quarell their maisters so David concluding that they conspire against God belyeing him because hee seeth all their dooings and giveth warning in the hart by som passion and light of every action hee prayeth that God may give them a just recompens by this meanes of their own inventiō That their own reckoning may fall upon them that their own tonges that belye him may bee true upon themselves to strike them sudainly that they never see the stroke till it light upon them and they feel it to destruction That the very standers-by man perceiue the plain judgement of God upon them and that the just may rejoyce and glory in their relying in him O full of all subtilty the childe of the Divill and Enimy of all righteousnes This is the man hee feareth this is hee that hee cryeth out upon to bee defended and his life to bee preserved from That hee fall not into his handes whom hee describeeth by his practise and combination the secret pryeing and conspiracy against him and creeping into his bosom to beguile him by plotting and consulting against him as the Hethen doe in the same termes Ps. 2. This man is above all the Enimyes in the world to bee feared Ps. 55. This man keeps him company to Church and home prayes with him and eates with him and lernes with him and holdes with him as yf hee wear of the same religion and Diet with him and all to devour him What beast or fowl is so wilde or so vigilant to look to his life that dayly conversation will not tame and beguile and in time secure him Against such a one a man hath need to bee awake and watch early and late and at noon day Ps. 55. mischeevous greevous hurtfull and moste dangerous men As great Enimyes as
speaketh falshoods shall not bee established in my sight I will soon dissolve all WICKED ones of the earth whē I shall cut off from the Citty of the ETERNALL all Workers of Greeff CII A Prayer of the Poore when hee fainted powered out his Complaint before the ETERNALL O ETERNALL hear my PRAYER and let my SHOVTING come vnto thee Hide not thy FACE from mee when I am in Distresse turne thine eare vnto mee and heare mee quickly when I CALL Because my dayes are consumed in smoke and my bones on fire like a brand my hart is strooken and withered like an Herb that I forget the eating of my meat By my loud sighing my bones ste●k vnto my skinn I am like an OWLE of the Wildernes and a skrich OWLE of Waste place-es I am like a folitary bird watching vpon the House top All the day doe mine ENIMYES revile mee and my DEFAMERS coniure against mee That I eat Ashes like bread and mingle my drinke with Teares because of thy fomeing Indignaton for thou hast cast mee away My dayes are like a declineing shadow and I am withered like an herb and thou ô ETERNALL remainest for ever and thy REMEMBRANCE for all Generations ô vp and haue MERCY vpon Sion for the SETTIME is come to haue COMPASSION on it because thy Servantes like the stones thereof and hold the dust thereof gratious That the Heathen all Kingdomes of the earth may fear thy GLORYOVS NAME ô ETERN ô let the ETER that hath built Sion appeere in his GLORY regard the PRAYER of the SHAKEEN not despise their Prayer That this may be written for an other generation and that the People to be borne hearafter may prayse the ETERN O let the ETERNALL look out of Heauen his holly HIGHTH and look down vpon the Earth To hear the Prisoners groneing and to let a brode the CONDEMNED to tell out the NAME of the ETERN in SION and thy PRAYSE in JERVSALEM vvhen the Nations and Kingdomes are gathered together to Serue the ETER Hee that beat dovvn my Strength in the vvay and shortned my dayes J SAY O my ALLMIGHTY GOD take mee not avvaye in the midst of my dayes and thy yeers dureing all Generations O thou that vvast before the Earth vvas founded and the Heauens the vvork of thy Handes vvhich shall perish and thou shallt remaine and they all shall goe old like a Garment and thou shallt shift them and they shall be put off like clothes and thy yeers are neuer consumeed let the Children of thy Seruantes abide still before thee their Seed bee established in thy PRESENCE CIII Of DAVID BLESSE the ETERNALL ô my SOVL all my FORCES blesse his holly NAME ô BLESSE the ETERN ô my SOVLE and forget not his GOOD DEEDS That Pardoneth and healeth all thy greevous Iniquity that Redeemeth thy life from the Pit Gardeth thee with KINDENES and MERCY that Supplyeth thy youth with the Goodnes of thine ORNAMENTS as an Egle reneweth her self The ETERNALL that doth Just IVDGEMENT to all the oppressed and maketh his Wayes knowen to Moses and his Excellent WORKES to the Children of Israel The ETERNALL is mercifull gratious and patient and of great KINDENES hee vvill not striue perpetually nor keep contention for euer hee hath not don vnto vs according to our sinnes nor bestovved vpon vs according to our Jniquityes but as the Heauens are highe aboue the Earth so excelleth his KINDENES ouer them that fear him As farr as the East is from the VVest so farr hath hee put avvay our Transgression from him As a Father hath Mercy vpon his Children so hath the ETERNALL mercy vpon them that fear him Because hee Knovveth our CREATION and is mindefull that vvee are but Dust. A Sorrovvfull Mans dayes are like grass as a flovver of the Feeld so hee florisheth but the VVinde passeth ouer it and neither hee nor his Place is any more to bee discerned But the LOVING KINDENES of the ETERNALL is from age to age vpon them that fear him and his RIGHTEOVSNES to their childrens children to them that keep his COVENANT remember to doe his VISITATIONS The ETERNALL that hath confirmed his THRONE in Heauen and his KINGDOME in all Domination Blesse the ETERNALL yee his ANGELS that haue mightey Power to doe his COMMANDEMENTS and to hearken vpon the VOYCE of his WORD Blesse the ETERNALL all his EXCERCISE-ERS and MINISTERS that doe his will Blesse the ETERNALL all his WORKES in all places of his Dominion BLESSE the ETERNALL ô my SOVLE CIV BLESSE the ETERNALL ô my SOVL ô ETERN my GOD thou art exceeding great and CLOTHED with REVEREND MAIESTY Putting on the LIGHTE as a Garment and spreading the HEAVENS as a Couertain That maketh his CHAMBER FLOORES vpon the vvaters and his RIDEING vpon the Cloudes and goeth vpon the VVINGES of the vvinde making the VVINDES his MESSENGERS and Flameing fire his MJNISTERS That founded the Earth vpon her stayes that it can not be mooued vvorld vvithout end VVHOM the Deep couereth like a Garment and the VVaters that did stand aboue the Hilles but at the chideing VOJCE of thy THVNDER they make haste to flye the Hilles ascending and the Beaches descending to the Place vvhich thou hast founded for them and hast set a bound that they shall not passe nor return again to couer the Earth That sendeth the Springs into the Brookes running betvveen the Hilles that vvater all the beasts of the feeld the vvilde beasts breake their thirst by vvhich the birdes of Heauen haue their dvvelling and charm out of the thick boughes That from his CHAMBER FLOORES vvatereth the Hilles that vvith the fruit of thy VVORKES the Earth may be satisfied That make-eth grasse to spring for bease and herbes for the seruice of Men that hee may bring foorth bread out of the Earth vvine to cheer a Sorrovvfull-mans hart to make a gladsom Countenance vvith oyle and bread to sustein a sorrovvfull-mans hart that they may bee satisfied vvith the Ceders of Libanon the Trees of the ETERNALL vvhich hee hath planted VVher the birdes doe make their nestes and the Firr Trees are the House of the Stork the highe Hilles are for the Roe-deer and Rockes a succour for the Cunnys Hee made the Moon for Seasons the Sunn to knovv his going dovvn thou puttest foorth Darknes and it is Night VVherin
and let coles be throvven vpon them in hot coles that they never rise againe That noe foul tonged man be established in the earth and that the Malice of the Iniurious man hunt him to Destruction I know the ETERN will doe the right Sentence of the Afflicted and needy seeing Iust and vpright men shall sit and celebrate thy NAME and remaine before thee CXLI A Psalm of DAVID O ETERNALL I CALL on thee ô hasten to mee ô hear my Voice when J call vnto thee Let my PRAYER be made burnt JNCENSE before thee and the lifting vp of my handes an Evening Offring Set ô ETERNALL a wach to my mouth to ward at the Dore of my Lippes Incline not my minde to any bad matter to enterprize enterprizes wickedly with Molesters let not mee eat of their deinty meates let the Iust man beat mee in Kindenes and reproove mee and let not my head refuse pretious oyle because while they are in their Miseryes also my PRAYER shall bee That their condemners be smitten by the Rock that they hear my Sayings beeing sweet As of a hevver or cleever on the earth our bones are scatered at the pits mouth But tovvard thee ô ETERN ô LORD are mine eyes and in thee doe I relye ô shake not off my life keep mee from the traps they tile for mee and the snares of Molesting men Let the VVicked fall into the Meashes therof vvhile I escape at once CXLII A Maskil of DAVID A Prayer vvhen hee vvas in the Cave WITH my Voice J cry vnto the ETERN with my Voice I make REQVEST to the ETERN I power out my Complaint before him and tell my Distresse before him When my spirit fainteth on mee and they hide snares in the way that I goe and thou knowest my Pathes Look vpon my right hand and see and J have noe acquaintance all Refuge is perished from mee and ther is none that careth for my life I CRY vnto thee ô ETERN and Say O thou my RELY and PORTION in the living world hearken to my Loud PRAYER because J am exceedingly spent O deliver mee from my Pursuers for they are to strong for mee ô bring my Life out of Hold to vvorship thy NAME vvith the Just ones about mee for thy Boūtifullnes vpon mee CXLIII A Psalm of DAVID O ETERNALL heare my Prayer and hearkē to my Supplications And in thine owne TRVTH and Righteousnes consider mee And enter not into Iudgement With thy Servant for noe living creature is Iust before thee Because the Enimy pursueth my Soul and beates down my life to the ground and make-eth mee dwell in obscurity like them that are dead for ever And my spirit fainteth on mee and my hart is wasted within mee I remember the dayes of old and Meditate of all thy Work I talk of the Doing of thy handes J spread my handes vnto thee open my minde like a thirsty land vnto thee surely Make hast and consider mee O ETERNALL and hide not thy Face from mee for my Spirit is spent I am to be compared with them that are going to the Pitt Betimes let mee hear thy LOVEING KINDENES because I trust in thee and let mee know the WAY that I should goe because I open my minde vnto thee Deliver mee from mine Enimyes ô ETERNALL my concealing is vvith thee Teach mee to doe thy vvill ô thou my GOD by thy good Spirit lead mee in plain Ground For thy NAMES sake ô ETERNALL revive mee by thy Righteousnes bring my Soul out of Distresse and in thy LOVING KINDENES dissolve thou mine Enimyes and destroy all them that torment my Life for I am thy Servant CXLIV Of DAVID BLESSED be the ETERNALL my Rock that maketh my handes cunning for warr and my fingers for the Battail my KINDENES FORTRESSE RELEEFF and RESCVER my DEFENSE that J relye on that bringeth in commande my People vnder mee ô ETERNALL what is wreched man that thou take-est Notice of him make-est reckning of him man that is like vnto Vanity and his dayes like a shadow that passeth by O ETERNALL bow the Heavens com down touch the Mountaines that they smoke Lighten with thy Lightning and scater them send out thine Arrowes and disturb them Send thy handes from an highe rid mee and deliver mee from great WATERS from the handes of Alians Whose mouth speaketh falshood and whose right hand is a right hand of wrong ô GOD that I may sing a NEW SONG vnto thee and a PSALM vpon the ten-stringed Viol. Which giveth SALVATION to Kinges and rids his Servant David from the hurtfull sword ô rid mee and deliver mee from the handes of Alians whose mouth speaketh falshood whose right hand is a right hand of wrong That our Sonnes may bee like Plantes well grown in their youth and our Daughters like Buttresses well carved of the building of the Temple That our Buttryes be full conteining from Meale to Meale That our Sheep may be come many Thousandes in our streetes That our cattell may be well lode-en that ther bee noe Robery nor runing out nor Out-cry in our open streets Happy is the people that it is so with and happy is the people whose GOD is the ETERNALL CXLV A Praise of DAVID I Will extoll bless thy NAME ô my GOD ô KING for evermore I will dayly blesse Praise thy NAME for evermore Great is the ETERNALL and exceedingly to be praise-ed and of his Greatnes ther is noe serching Let one Generation commend thy Workes to another and declare thy Excellent Acts. The Maiesty of the Glory of thy Worship and thy Wonderfull Acts I will talk of Let them tell thy Terrible Mighte and I will reckon vp thy Greatnes Let them buble out the Remembrance of thy great GOODNES and sound out thy JVSTICE The ETERN is Gratious and Mercyfull and Patient and of Great Kindenes the ETERN that is Good to all and hath Mercy vpon all his Workes let all thy Workes set thee out ô ETERN and thy Gratious Ones blesse thee let them tell out the Glory of thy KINGDOM speak of thine Excellency To make his Excellent Acts knovvn to the Sonnes of Adam and the seemly Glory of his KINGDOM Thy KINGDOM is a KINGDOM of all Age-es and thine EMPIRE is in every Generation The ETERN is an
God wil still lead him in plain ground and by this meanes bring him out of all distress and destroy his Enimyes and for his names sake revive him and that hee would graunt him this kindenes with speed not to hide his face and the understanding of his law from him and confound him This power is such as Christ gave to his Disciples over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all disseases that is to purge and rid men of all ill conversation of life by their doctrine speaking by the spirit of the father the word and addressing them to the keeping of the commandements which is the power of the Kingdom and government here prayed for Yf I cast out divills by the spirit of God then is the Kingdom of God com unto you Construction Quoph to compass by the words distress and torment and loveing kindenes and supplication c. Mem waters for doctrine teach mee lead mee revive mee let mee hear let mee know hide not thy face hear consider meditate remember talk c. For an Enimy pursue or flood or persecution Ghimel a reward loving kindenes servant Psal. 62. Hee chalengeth much becaus of his service of him his instruction to him and destruction to his Enimyes and heerunto is Enimy opposeed Mark all his works how they witnes nothing but desolation body and minde God must testify by his grace and favour to him in his deliverance Mark all the repetitions Eternall hear righteousnes consider servant liveing Enimy soul ground spirit dooing handes unto thee distress c. Hee prayeth God to cut off his working by his way of righteousnes opposed to falshood Causes why upon Ghimel to reward heare or answer twenty six according to the letters of Iehovah Deuteronomy Hee sheweth himself to bee a sound profession before God and diligent in all the imployment of godlynes and prayeth for the fruit and testimony of the way of godlynes and the liveing way and everlasting life by finding the mercyes favour of God upon him by his instruction as mens works witnes of them Ioh. 5.8.10 and this for a confession also to cross fals testimony PSALM CXLIV BEcaus his servants life and his hous is so greedily coveted hee prayeth God to take it to hart and with a furious judgement to descend to deliver him from thes uncircumcised tonges and handes of the seperate ones and aliens from his glory or welth called great waters That according to Psal. 92. hee may set the ten stringed violl to work with a new song a song of judgement and grace as Psal. 101. by saveing of Kings by his servant from the hurtfull sword according to his precept thou shall not covet his servant c. that seeing the commandements bee out hee may beginn with the Petaroth of judgements laws and statutes of condemnation and justification the Vrim and Thummim or the two hills and brefts of the Priests That so great a glory of Israel and the Church should not be extinguished That all estates might have their full utility plenty and ripenes that their sonns and daughters may bee safe without any ravenous or untimely covet or stealth to grow up wel educateed and neatly and gloriously facioned and edifyed in their youth in the fear of God And this for his man-servant and his maid servant bec●us Gods servants are his Children That their cup-bord may never bee empty and that their sheep may bee infinit many increased in their streets the ox and the ass with their dayly burdens of wealth and store without any freebooting or robbery or covetous filching or wrangling or violent stealing or caus of out cry among them This hee counteth a moste glorious and happy estate of all with whom it thus fares and whos God and neighbour the everlasting is against whom ther is no prevailing and when the childe and hous-hold servants of God doo flowrish and are well replenished like Temples of holynes So as men are commanded to doo good especially to them of the hous-hold of faith so heer the strictest forbidding of Covet is that the Godly may injoy their quiet and their labours as Ps. 128. whithout deprivation or disturbance that God would bow the heavens and decline the Scriptures and touch the mountaines and Kingdomes and nations therwith that they may smoke again with the condemnation and firey judgement of them And that hee would blast them and dispers them and with terrible arrowes of his lightning destroy the Churches Enimyes And deliver his servantes from them Becaus all means of deliverance and way of salvation is his to rely on the shield of faith That hee takeeth notice of the Church and Ark of Noah under the person of Adam whos dayes are 930. And keepeth such computation of it as in the word Tsel 930 a shadow moste like to vanity and this agreeth with the posterity of the just in the termn Shalom 930 yeers Psal. 37. This Psalme keepeth the square of the Church the length and bredth to bee one Ezech. 41. Apoc. 7. Construction Quoph to compass or inviron is heer the great waters of falshood and injury of strangers that are opposit to all vicinity and good society Ps. 18.22 Ioh. 2. Also by all parts of his fortification defense and safety and Gods mercy about him Mem waters his heavens or waters above the firmament lightning Gods Arrows Zach. 9. Gods handes and messages and judgements Kings montaines Mem finall is 600. and that number is in the letters Shequer falshood or wrong Waters for people abundance or wealthy estate warr or doctrine of deliverance Daleth a door Doors of heaven Ps. 78. By breaking in running out streats without doores c. Math. 6. Ioh. 10. The effect of all is condemnation opposed to felicity how voyd of damage and hurt all neighbour hood should bee ps 15. And how improper improsperous all covet is but God only Mark all the repetition blessed happy handes fingers warr battail people man heavens highthes waters lightnings arrows handes scatter Kings mountains send rid or open deliver falshood wrong Alians mouth c. sing song Psalm salvation and hurtfull one in respect of the other sonnes buttersses buttryes Zach. 9. meat thousands cattell with other relations Deuteronomy Hee maketh heer happynes the eternity which only consisteth in relyeing in God That saveth him that hee can not bee hurt nor suffer any depriveing by foreiners at all Hee reckoneth up Gods safegard and his gracees to him for a confession and sings his deliverance The fathers before the flood their long lives desolation of the Church quite overwhelmed with the waters of warr as Dan. 9. strangeers and falshood beast Apoc. 13. PSALM CXLV TO sum up the Lords prayer and petition which holdeth out after the commandements in one word which is the Kingdom of heaven and power and glory therof Hee sheweth becaus the greatnes of God far passeth all magnificence and his estimablenes far beyond all examination Ps. 50. For his
I like the neernes of GOD and put my whole Relye in my LORD the ETERNALL that I may declare all thy messages LXXIV A Mascil of ASAPH WHY drawest thou back still O GOD that thine angry countenāce smokes against the sheep of thy Pasture remember thine Assembly which thou purchasedst long agoe and the shaft of thine Inheritance which thou redeemedst this Hill of Sion wher thou dwellest ô deliver thy foot-steps at perpetuall DESOLATIONS The Enimye spoyleth all in the Sanctuary thy Besiegers roar in the midle of thy Synagogue and make their monstrous Signes it was known at the bringing to perfection the Axes wear in the thick woodes and now the grauen vvork and all they knock dovvn vvith bietles and Hammers they cast thy Sanctuary into the fire they break dovvn the Tabernacle of thy Name to the ground They say in their mindes and their Ofspring also Burn all the Synagogues of GOD in the Land Wee see not our Signes we haue no more Prophetes ther is none with vs can tell how long How long ô GOD shall the Besiege-er reuile shall the Enimy blaspheme thy Name for ever why returnest thou thy hand evē thy right hand to bee noe more out of thy bosom and GOD my King of old the worker of SALVATION in the midle of the Erth Thou diuide-edst the Sea by thy strength thou brake-est the heades of the great Dragons by the vvaters thou crushedst the heads of the Leuiathan in peeces gauest him to the Ilanders to eat thou didst cleaue vp the flovving springes and dryedst vp mighty riuers The day and night are thine thou ordeinedst the light of the Sunn thou Settest all the boundes of the Erth yea Sommer and VVinter them thou formedst Remember this ô ETERNALL the Enimy reproche-eth and the vile people blaspheme thy Name giue not the life of thy Turtle Dove to the Beasts and forget not thy gentle Congregation for euer Look to thy COVENANT how the rude-ignorant people of the world fill their houses with Injury let not the contrite the poor and wreched ones that Praise thy Name goe away with reproche Vp O GOD mainteine thy quarell remember thy Reproche from the vile ones dayly Forget not the voice of thy Besiegers and the Pride of thine Insurrectors which continually increaseth LXXV For the Cheeff Al tashcheth A Psalm A Song of ASAPH WEE THANK thee O God vvee THANK thee that thy Name is nighe and that they declare thy vvonderfull vvorkes That I haue opportunity that I JVDGE vprighte I measure the molten Pillars of the Erth and all her Inhabitants Surely I SAY to the Vaine glorious fooles Boast you not and to the Wicked Hold not vp your hornes hold not vp your hornes a highe and speak not vvith a stiffneck for neither from East nor VVest nor VVildernes is Aduancement but GOD is hee that Iudge-eth hee humbleth and hee aduaunceeth For the Cup is in the hand of the ETERNALL and a vessell of Seething vvine full of Liquor and hee dravveth out of it but all the VVicked of the erth shall vvring out and drink vp the dregs thereof And I vvill tell sing Psalms vnto the GOD of Iacob That I may cut off the Hornes of the Wicked and that the Hornes of the Iust may bee exalted LXXVI For the Cheeff in Song Musicque A Psalm of ASAPH GODS Name is greatly known in Iudah Israel haveing his dwelling Tabernacle in Shalem and Sion wher hee brake the flightes and shieldes and swordes of battaile surely Thou appeerest greater then the devouring MOVNTAINES The Stoute harted wear bereft and slept their sleep the valiant men found not their hands At the Rebuke O GOD of Iacob both Chariot Horses were in a swefen Thou art very terrible and who can stand before thee when thou art angry When GOD arose to Iudgement to save the Lowely ones of the Erth Thou vtteredst thy Sentence from Heaven and the Erth feared and was at quiet Surely Seeing the Chafe of men doth make thee famous gird on the rest of thy Chafeings Pay you your Vowes to the ETERNALL your GOD all yee that bee about him and waft giftes to your Dred that crops the spirit of PRINCE-ES and is ter●ible to the KINGS of the Erth. LXXVII For the Cheeff over Ieduthum A Psalm of ASAPH I Cryed with my voyce to GOD vnto GOD I cryed with my Voyce that hee would hearken to mee in the day of my destresse I sought the LORD my hand was streched out by night and is not weery and my soul refuseed comfort I remembred GOD and cryed out that my spirit fainted surely Thou holdest myne Eye-waches and I was strooken that I spake not I thought vpon the dayes of old and the yeeres of many worldes I remember my LEDEN in the night which I vttered with my hart and my Spirit invented Will the LORD ever bee averse and never bee pleased more Js his Loueing Kindenes ceased for euer and his Promiss at an end for all Generations hath GOD forgotten to be gratious or hath hee stopped vp his mercyes vvith anger Surely And I sayed that which I will sing is the YEERS of the RIGHTE HAND of the Most Highe I vvill remember the Excellent VVORKES of the ETERNALL remembring thy Miracles of old and meditat vpon all thy VVORKS and SPEAK of thy most Excellent ACTS O GOD thy vvay is in thy Sanctuary vvhat MIGHT is so great as GOD Thou art the Mighty one that hast don vvonderfull thinges and manifested thy Povver among the Nations vvith thine Arme thou ransomedst thy People The Children of Iacob and Ioseph surely Assoone as the vvaters savv thee O GOD vvhen they Savv thee they Trembled yea the Deepes wear stirred The cloudes showred down waters the Skyes gaue a Clap yea thine Arrowes went every way thy Thunder claps wer in the round Orbs thy Lighting 's Lightned the whole World the Erth stirred and quaked Thy way beeing in the Sea and thy Pathes in the Great Waters and thy footsteps vnknown thou leddest thy People like Sheep by the hands of Moses and Aaron LXXVIII A Mascil of ASAPH HEAR ô my People my DOCTRINE and hearken to the WORDES of my mouth I will open my mouth in PARABLES and vtter ancient ridles
maketh the proud and skornfull Enimy the Hethē And to haue a delighte in the law and to meditate and muse and talk of it allwayes both for his counsell and his way and to be in love with the doctrine therof Psal. 26. and this is for the person of the church Psal. 112. So that yf you will liue long with much happines this summeth up the evil that is to be shunned as Ps. 34 and the great good to be doon and the great peace that insueth and the Eternall happines that followeth Ps. 112. which two persones are but one because the avoyding of the one doth the other Therfor was that tree of life the Law made so inviolable that all was upō hāding of and forbearāce and that for the willfulnes of nature Ps. 36 58. and frowardnes of conceit as Psal. 51. Then yf a man will attein unto eternall life hee must keep the cōmandements Ps. 15 26. which in this work together with thē the Creed and Petition of the Church are moste sweetly and harmoniously handled Ps. 25 according to God his promiss to the blessed and the goeing out of the wicked This is the way of Mercy which God will make known and judgement from Com the second Exod. 20. God is familiar with righteous men and regardeth them but casteth away the wicked out of his sight and taketh no notice of thē nor hath anie acquanitance with them So the Godly shall remain immoveable by any tempest of the world and continue firm and doe good and prosper by the mercyes and love of God and the ungodly by unconstancey fade away and vanish by his judgement And this standeth for the beginning of wisedom Psal. 111.112 wher the immortality and prosperity of this tree of life is fully set out This book is for Genesis the Creation of mankinde and importeth the principles and the Grammer of the lives of men As for the first letter Aleph which beginneth the book and is title of the Psalme and is so often repeated sheweth that that letter must rule the construction It serueth for the law instruction and God the ground of all salvation The mystery is in the Doctrine of the Eternall opposed to the counsell of the wicked shewing that doctrine and counsell is one and the same thinge Psal. 32. this word is twise together vttered and harped upon for beeing his dayly study and exercise so Aleph for beginning and Aleph for lerning and Aleph for teacheing beeing the title and nomber of the Psalme sheweth wholely the way of construction therof the often vseing the word Way sheweth a mans way and life is one thinge which is termed a tree for the branches of instruction and cariage This doctrine and Law and word of God is the way of the righteous opposed to the way of the wicked The one shall be for euer explaned but the other extinguished The way of the righteous is the way of the eternall as the gate of the eternall is the gate of the righteous Psal. 118. and therfor it is manifest to him ther is a tree of knowledge which maketh not happy but a good cours or study or cariage of life and good exercise maketh happy And thus is the whole life of man divided in this Psalme com yee blessed goe ye cursed by a flat opposition throughout From the tree of life Gen. 3. The Genesis of this Psalme is in Alep hand Beth so often repeated in the first and second verses for Ab which is the Active conjugation which is the singularity of doctrine father of all as ther is but one father of all as God is one and therfor singular PSALM II. REbellion and transgression is a moste wicked sinn and Idolatry and disobedience a childe of witch-craft which hee maketh to bee the opposition of the trespassers the proud and skornfull heathen that will none of the law of God and consult to break the yoke of obedience and subjection to it for the terror of Gods promiss Ps. 70.110 againste them They will not lern nor bee advised nor instructed nor admonished by it which beeing against the decree and beeing a ridiculous husbandry of theirs in the sight of God hee reprooveth them for stubborn-nes and willeth considering the power and force of destruction of the wrath of God for disobedience and the happynes of all that love the church and Anoynted and rely in it and are not offended at it that they serue it and obey him yf they bee wise with all reverence and willingnes Lest in his anger and furious time of judgement they be like chaff blowen quite away and perish and all their wayes com to nothing And seeing all is for effect of the promiss Psal. 149. and performance of the Law This Psalme together with the former conteineth the summ and argument of all the rest as from the first com Exod. 20. The content of which two Psalmes furnisheth the whole book with life as the blood through the body The Coherencey and relation between them is as the father to the sonn ther is none commeth except the father draweth so as the church dependeth upon the Doctrine this Psalme also dependeth upon the former and is full of the termes of it and concludeth with it The Childe is the righteousnes of the church Psal. 24. Abraham was father Gen. 15. and the doctrine of the Law the conducter Ioh. 6. Is. 54. as Ier. 31. For Construction Beth the second is a house The Hethen are founded which is a hous by synecdoche the worldly prince-es reject the principles and will none of the religion that God offereth the instruction and Edification of the House and family of Iacob from Jasar twise by the multitude of Affixes Combination or building God dwelleth in heaven Tsion is his holy hill and the church shall hold the inheritance of all the world and the whole work is instruction or destruction as of a house The Genesis or grammer is signifyed by the word Sonn twise vse-ed for Binjan a conjugation the Hethens cohering by the multitude of affixes for combination For the Actiue conjugation with the Hebrew is called a father and the Passiue is called a sonn for hence bothe Father and Sonn may well be termed the word and God and everlasting Life Ioh. 1. All kindes rise out of propertyes so riseth a certain holynes out of the Letter which make-eth this kinde of father and sonn out of the word PSALM III. AS greatnes getteth place so heer Davids greatest affliction beeing the cross of his sonns rebellion is put first that when as his adversaryes wer many and his perplexity great by meanes of Saul yet they neuer deemed him helples and comfortless and in the way of desperation till his own and his only beloved sonne riseeth against him and in this case they presumed ther was no salvation for him and that hee could not now bee saued or any way escape seeing his Enimyes were so nigh him but haueing his whole relye upon
of his fayth which hee hath gotten by the Law Vpon the story of Cain and Abel Gen. 4. two bretheren vanity and vexation Ecclesiastes One slayeth the other as worldly sorrow causeth death Construction Lamed doctrine or Limmed to teach The doctrine beginneth wher the first word I sayd or I thought is used in the last Psalme and that concerning his halting and imperfection and that in speech Hee would faine preach it seemes but then woe be to him for the cavilling of the wicked yet preach hee will it seemes for his conscience can not hold to be silent hee will keep his wayes and keep his mouth and rule his tongue This is lerning and an observation God sets the wicked upon him and this is a sharp rod of correction hee desireth his end or ease and forgivenes that hee be not made a fool for his waiting which is only on God Spare him take off the rod and his sore hand upon him and hearken to his begging and heare his crying and this according to the case of a scholer And therfor is Adonah so especial-ly and so often used in this Psalme and the other for Lord or Maister Teth for the extending of Gods hand upon him and so much provoking him Both the letters together make Lat to ly hid or to hide Against this hee prayeth to be shewed the hidden knowledge of his end Genesis The grammaticall instruction or creation is Nah nistar the hiddē quiescent that is seen by the doubling of that form in Edhegnah Jedang Elek c. One quiescencey is silence an other death and the end of his dayes another vanity vanishing when all is don and at an end and another the end of his punishement With double mention of Ish also Man wounded and cureed Gen. 4. PSALM XL. AFter long study in the Law of God called the waiting on the Eternall Ps. 130. beeing satisfyed and delivered from ignorance doubtfull hesitation called a mirey dungeon and haveing obteyned a sound beleeff called sure footing upon a Rock that made him change his note by a praise to God that brought many to the like confidence in the Eternall that saw it now shewing the infinit miracles that God hath don for the Church and their happines for trusting in him and seeing that no sacrifice nor offering can gratify content or satisfy for the same as Ps. 50. but hearing and obeying the word and findeing his own aptnes promptnes and inclination that way hee starteth up uttereth his profession and fayth the preaching of the same which because it is the whole will of God Ps. 1.137 hee hath pleasure in it and for mercy bestowed upon othersheerin hee prayeth for mercy as Ps. 119. L. And speedy deliverance from the Eternall Psal. 61. out of his innumerable and pittifull evills for iniquity by his Enimyes that seek his life That they may bee stund with their shame for ther mocking and they that seek the Eternall and love his salvation may rejoyce in him and magnify him for ever Construction Mem signifieth waters of which hee maketh divers kindes according to the propertyes therof as hee beginneth in the first word doubled Qavah to wait or hope from the nature of a standing pool called from thence Miqve and so for the sea Gen. 1. continual-ly waiting for resort So is Tiqveh hope also and for the continuall frequenting of the Scriptures and word of God from Quavithi in the other Psalme The Scriptures are called waters in my belly is the Law for the vessel c. The great congregation twise uttered for the Church and assembly I preach c. for I sprinkle the partes and propertyes of the Law and of the will of God And of these waters the waightyest things are Iustice and fidelity truth and mercy and the great and wonderfull works of God which hee declareth Actor 2. Another kinde of waters are woes and crosses and iniquityes in the world that overcom the harts of men and take away their sight when they abound Ps. 32. like a swefen or soumn An other kinde of waters are Enemyes as Ps. 18. 70.32 Ierm 49. That study to make an end of him and to hurt him and flout him These waters hee would have astonished and run back for shame and their current stopped that the right students my rejoyce for deliverance All which is notable by itteration Genesis A kinde of quiescencey is heer in his hope his fayth his rock the Eternall for constancey as a sound ground-work of preaching His ripenes in the Scriptures and perfect knowledge and understanding of them Ps. 73. This is his rest that shall comfort like Noah c. Gen. 7.2 Pet. 2. hee is pleased also in edification and reparation to tell Gods miracles and his mercyes The will of God is his delight This is his rest and rely in all troubles adversityes afflictions and reproch concerning all his works and sorrow of hands to comfort him Gen. 7. that God may be pleased in him Math. 3. And thus by the revolution of the words of the text PSALM XLI COnsidering the goodnes of the Eternal to them that bee good to the poor and their happines that bee releevers and instructers of them as Psal. 112. and the hardnes ill will and mercylessnes of his Enimyes and confederat freendes towards him when hee was ill and in misery hee prayeth the Eternall himself to ●ake pitty upon his sinfull soul and heal it which had sinned against him and to raise him again that hee may also recompense them Knowing heerby the love of God towards him when his Enimyes have not their wilis against him but hee keeps his integrity and the presence of the Eternall to wit his divine meditation thanked be God for ever The teaching of the poor the Law is the saveing from sinn and David beeing sick with sinn now for his doctrine out of the Law p●ayeth for forgivenes and remission of his sinnes and to bee healed and to bee revive-ed from sorrow and raised out of troubles His Enimyes beeing against his resurrection pray that still som divillish distress may keep him down and torment him that hee never rise again and never bee cheered more But because nothing can quell his Enimyes more then Gods favour in mainteyning his integrity out of the Law and keeping him still in the study therof and nothing cheere him so much as a sound beleef out of the word Ps. 21. and nothing pay his Enimyes so sore as his recovery and that ther is no way to requite or quite them but fayth wherwith the wicked are not indueed nor haue any weapon so durable they are so throughly payed for iniquity by his foundnes And this is the way hee desireeth to pay them Ps. 91.6 and this for his everlasting life his resurrection of his body and forgivenes of his sinnes And this is the faith that delivereth from Satan and all divillish fals and conterfet visitation both of foes and freendes
Satan and mischevous as the Divill as subdole as the Serpent and as holy as an Angel to deceiue the Angells yea yf it were possible the very Elect. Wherfor all his attributes are given in the contrary sens as naked for subdole covered as Gnarum which in this Psalme is remembred Mar and Rang bitter and bad from Merignim This is the fowler Ps. 91. And the schoolfellow Psal. 55. That fetcheth him off and hee shall never know who hurt him so all his wayes and words are bitter and distast●full and cut like a rasor and are deadly and mortall because they are fals and deceitfull and damnable Now because to live in fear of such a one is a terrible thing hee complaineth greatly of this terror of an Enimy and prayeth that hee may not live in fear of such a one but that God would preserve his life from such a fear which fear is expressed Ps. 55. It is dolorous and with pangs within one it is as cruell as death it self falling upon one inexorable crueltyes as of death a trembling fear that assailes him and sets upon him and befalls him and buffeteth him as it did Paul Hee is overcom with horror And this is the fear hee prayeth to bee freed of and the Enimy that hee would have terribly cut off by his own wayes and perish by his own traps That the just and plain meaning men that trust in God with great joy may admire and acknowledge his work and prais him Construction Samec to uphold Hee sheweth heer the privative therof and the contrary by the effect of bad tonges that by slander backbiteing scandall overthrow men as a bad report and an ill name doth hange one This they doe with boldnes and assurance artificially and stoutly which is as a kinde of door emptines or opening as for Daleth the second letter The contrary heerunto is fear that hath no comfort or relying Both the letters make Sod a secret or counsel and shew all along so much by the termes and phrases hide snares and serch c. with the contrary So all is secret or pubilique fear or confidence susteining or overthrowing Exodus In the Law all Sacrifice must bee found and perfect and without blemish or any ill thing Lev. 22. Deut. 17.15 heer the most holy and precious service of the wicked is the maiming spotting and staining of all integrity syncerity and soundnes of upright and perfect men And by detraction and defamation to marr their reputation even by transcending and mounting up to their thoughtes their closenes and deep diveing into the conscience and minde of them And slaughter of the tong as Ier. 18. by way of privation a Sacrifice of wrongs or Burnt-offering of dayly consumming greeff molestation and vexation PSALM LXV BEcause God is the onely hearer of prayer hath been reconcileed and pacifyed concerning his flood and inundation of iniquity and trespasses as Psal. 32. which overcame him that all prais and vowes are due to him in Zion hee inviteeth all the world to set out the happines of that habitation the Church and of his Election and the comfortable substance that is had from thence for salvation against the fearfull justice of condemnation hee beeing the trust of all the world by his power the Law walking upon the seas and haveing them under his feet by his unknown steps and sayling through the Law Psal. 77.8.47 c. setleing kingdoms putting down the rageing and wicked nations floodes of iniquity and delighting them that fear him with sending his word among them the River of the Scriptures to water and enrich them to make them fuitfull Hee now prayeth God for the farther propagation of the Church under a form of husbandry That as hee looketh out of the Scriptures upon the earth and it prospereth so that hee would doo all good husbandry upon the ground to make it fit for receiving the seed of the word with mollyfying all hard and savage hartes and wayes of men and sending showers of grace into them Then that hee will bless the begetting and crown all the growth therof with goodnes that his wayes may make the word to flow plentifully in all ignorant countryes called the wildernes that they may bee as well sett as the rest and triumph as well as the rest together Ps. 67. Construction Samec to uphold or sustein The kindes of sustenance heer is forgivenes of sinns and satiety of grace out of the hous of God the trust and susteiner of all the world Who 's indument of strength and might holdeth fast up the hills and beateth down the seas c. by this privation The manner of susteining the erth is by his dayly and plentifull watering of it and provideing of Corn as for the dwellers in it and plantation So that Husbundry mainteynes all as Salomon saith He the other letter signifying behold is all for presence or absence in sight or out of sight or distant and overhealing and that of divers kindes as prayer and prays to God By chuseing and entertaining neerest unto him c. Endes and longinquities c. and make the farthest countryes mea●y Ps. 103. thou lookest c. on the earth c. That the erth may be covered with corne and cattell c. that a man can not see the ground reconcileing them and covering of sinns Love couereth a multitude of sinns so the Merceyseat and mans protection is sett over the Law Because the Iustice therof is so terrible Accordingly Seh both the letters of Nasah to lift up or take away or pardon Exodus Ier. 31. and Ps. 50. Lev. 7. you are told what sacrifice hee heer meaneth to wit thanks-offering and vowes for his gratious protection and susteining of him by his mercyfull goodnes out of his word Gods gentle audience forgiveing of sinns and provideing for food and raiment is a most mercy full thing and well deserveth the prais and devotion of all the world and therfor this audience and satisfaction was bidden proper in Zion the place of Gods habitation PSALM LXVI SEeing by fearfull and terrible meanes and by mighty and strange workes by the greatnes of his strength in this Law God hath preserved his Church and subdued his Enimyes and increased his worship trying his people by all manner of tentation troubles the vigilance of his word called his eyes tending them and saveing them to a place of refreshing and with life and rejoiceing in their soules that hee let not their feet bee mooved and overthrew their Enimyes lest they should vaunt over them hee willeth all the erth and all nations to prais their God and to set out his glorious Name for the same because hee himself is ready to pay his vowes in the hous of God haveing obteined the request that hee made in his distress Construction Samec to put upon or hold up by the term put so often used upon or under exalt or putting upon or lay upon or ride upon c. also
the holy Ghost and with fire Mat. 3. Marc. 1. Luc. 3. Ioh. 1. and firey judgement of the Law And mercy also faith and confidence c hope in the promiss and dispaire Hee smote the Enimyes of the Church for the Church and the Church for themselves and their own misbeleeff Leviticus David beeing now Pastor and leader of the people of God maketh all the opening of the Scriptures the releeff and redemption of the Godly the plaguing and damning of unbeleevers Which is the work of the preacher His calling was from God and hee gave himself to the service of him God his own elect Ps. 89. For interpretation of parables and all hard things and figures Iob. 33. Is. 43. Proverb 1. Hab. 2. as good Rulers are bread and water to the people Is. 3. PSALM LXXIX THe Church considering the miserable and hard estate that they are in their siege their desolation and captivity as Psal. 74. And shewing all the abusees of the heathen with a sore complaint against them for entring Gods proper inheritance counfounding all service and prophancing all the civility and statelynes of Ierusalem contrary to his ordinances and makeing havok of the blood of his moste deer and pretious servants and carion of all their gratious personages and bringing all their pretious lives into reproche with their neighbours and th●nking that they have felt enough of his wrath considering their calling upon him and dayly service of him they now pray that hee will turn his hand to the heathen and destroy them that have thus consumeed the Church and bee blasphemers of his Name and that for ●he ancient glory of his Name hee would not think upon their iniquityes any farther but speedyly to let them see his mercey and his reconciliation for their sinnes for his Name sake And the end is that the Heathen may bee disappointed of their glory Gods just revenge of his servants may appeer in might by hearing the prisoners groneing and redeeming their captivity and multiplyeing of their reproche of him and his servantes many fold into their own bosoms even seven times seventy for the seventy yeeres captivity 490 yeers taught in A B C of Psalme 25 by the letters T s r r to consume the oppressours and bring finall redemption that Gods people may set foorth his prais for ever Dan. 1.9 Construction The letter Gnajin for 70 implyeth the 70 yeers captivity of Babylon that great reproche of the Church which to be seven times multiplied for judgement and vengeance upon the Enimyes make 490 yeers And Gods merceyes are according therunto Ps. 119. R Gnajin the word for an eye or sight is for the appeerance and presence therof for the glory of God and his name sake The two letters Gnat from Gnit or Gnatah to cover or object as love covereth sinnes by reconciliation and the grave bodyes which be kindes of covering as reproches are for opprobrious ignominious and abominable Objects Leviticus God is Pastor and shepheard Psal. 15.80 Ioh. 10. when his Ministry is stain and his Church defiled his lerned inheritance layed waste and all their preaching and teaching becom a laughing stock c. His people and sheep pray for his mercey and redemption to glorify himself in the salvation of them by his mighty Arme in this time of desolation that they may prais him Because all vengeance and mercy is Gods PSALM LXXX IN the marching of Israel towards Canaan and their camping the whole host was divideed in warlike manner into fower squadrons three tribes to every squadron three before eastward and three upon either side and three behinde this three was Ephraim Benjamin and Manasse Within thes squadrous was left large room for petty squadrons of Priests and Levites ordered in like manner haveing their severall chargees and several offices about the Tabernacle which they garded accordingly Now within the tabernacle was the Ark and upon it the mercy seat and over it the Cherub wings the figure of their protector in the Ark was the Law and in it the strength of Israel which for the justice beeing the Godhead and protection of Israel hee prayeth to the God of warr for the shineing out and for the rouseing the strong defense therof to save them in their lamentable Misery and desolation as hee now walked before Ephraim Benjamin and Manasses That notwithstanding now the whole Church lyeth waste and the hedgees of the Law are broken and they are a mockery to their Enimyes the transplanted vine of Ioseph troden under foot and devoured by the swineish and beastly Hethen as Psal. 74. and 79. and left accursed and Ephraim the sonn of his right hand is scorched with this chideing countenance for transgression yet because of his blessing of them with his right hand they pray God that the shining of God and of the Law may guide him That from heaven hee would look out som mercy upon the work of his own handes revive them and raise them again out of their thralldom and captivity hee beeing the sonn of his right hand confirm them root them well and save them That they may not turn back from him as Ps. 14.53 but seek him and call upon him to save them haveing been long as dead men in the true service of him Construction The letter Pe is 80. The word Pe signifyeth a mouth and heer to hee bringeth eating and feeding Kal and Hiphil active and coactive The swine devoure c. God is sheephard and feeder Hee feedeth with weeping and teares c. hee prayeth to bee fed with the cleer light of the Law called his countenance for a kinde of feeding to salvation and to be turned and wended by the word like sheep Conduct us and guide us c. mark the repetition To quicken by calling upon him These bee the two meates adversity and salvation c. Leviticus That hee would look upon the Church the vine God is heer sheep heard Pastor and feeder and conducter of them c. by the fire light of the Law of the Church beeing scorched with his smokeing wrath Gods firy and Angry look strife and scoffing chideing countenance and fumeing against their prayer which burneth or eateth Is. 33. For the fire and cloud and lightning hee is prayed to shine out by clearnes of truthe and mercy and look upon it and save it because his right hand the Ministry in Ioseph and Ephraim Gen. 49 and the tribe whom hee had tyed to his service hath planted it And lay his hand upon the Ministry and bless al the labourers in the Church Mark the doubling of thes wordes Sonn for the Church Psal. 2. right hand confirm c. vine c. That they may be quickened by hearing and riviveed by calling upon the Name of God That they may profit and goe forward and not fall back from him PSALM LXXXI THat they should lay no fault upon God this Psalme concludeeth the justice of the desolation in all
the kingdom of heaven for the righteousnes and peace and salvation therof For this hee sheweth all kinde of of rejoycieing approoving therof amendment of life and a welcom singing leaping daunceing vaunting of all creatures and boasting and publishing therof which is the meat offering in his courtes at Ierusalem the joy of all the earth for the raigning of righteousnes and of the word And so commeth the kingdom of heaven to bee meat and drink by joy in the holy ghost and a heavenly delight in the power and glory therof the prevailing of the word in man and the lustre of a godlye life Mark the wordes and the insisting theron For Vav a crook or to take hold hee dealeth by the contrary to give and offer and bow unto and doo reverence and worship and tremble by the word yeeld c. Take up presents c. Mark the iteration Tsav of Tsivvah both the letters signify commend commaund or bequeath or send to the same purpose for the comming of the kingdom for which wee pray Math. 6. As all kingdom is with power and strength and commande Ps. 68. Numbers The wildernes heer is the wilde nations and marches of the Heathen wher the word of God and this Kingdom of a godly man is to bee preached and published all abroad to setle them in a sound doctrine that they may never bee moved more What a delight they have to entertain it what a rejoyceing and a welcom is at the comming of righteousnes Is. 52. when the nations bee conquered by it and the church increased mark the doubling of the word Hethen Nations familyes people c. what a God hee is in respect of their Idoles that is so to bee commended mark the charge bless him preach him tell out his glory c. And this for true and righte Iudgement the stay of the whole world Mark the doubling again PSALM XCVII THe kingdom of heaven of righteousnes and of God is not with outward observation but hee reigneth in darknes with a cloud about him in a dark and obscure stile of speaking that his Enimyes may not perceive him For right judgement and understanding of the minde is his Throne and the fire of the Law hee sets before him that burns round about his foes The flashes of his lightnings make all the earth afrayed and the hartes of great kingdomes the Mountains of the world to melt as wax at his presence and to becom soft and yeeld unto him And his Glory beeing like the heavens putteth down all idolatry and bragging worship and saveth his gratious ones from the wicked and to preserve their lives by forsakeing of ill by that subintellectuall light which is preached unto them And for these benefits may the Ilandes rejoyce and triumph keep holy Sabbath for the peace that preserveth their trade Mount Sion and Iudah for his Iudgements and advauncement of their God aboue all the Godly for their preservation and the just for light and understanding Construction Tsade for meat or food which is the delight which they have in the Kingdom of God and raigning of righteousnes by preaching and instruction of the Sabbath that all the earth may bee glad of And also for Gods excellent Iudgements of Zion Ps. 19. to rejoyce in Another part of the kingdom of God is his judgement and punishment sevenfold upon his foes when hee teacheth the Godly and his deer ones how to save their lives and this by fire work of his wrath out of the Law before him according to the letter Zain for sevenfold Mark the doubling of both partes of the throne the one part is of justice and of light and the other of darknes and of firey judgement The buissines of rejoyceing is all over light to the righteous and judgement upon the wicked that the earth tremble at Mark all the repetitions and relative speeches for that Numbers The wildernes heer is Gods Enimyes opposed to his beloved and deer ones and the Idolaters of the Nations and Image-makeers they are the cheeff that bee daunted and abashed at his Glory inviteed to his worship for his excelling of all Gods for judgements beeing Lord of all the earth Mark the relation and repetition between light and darknes God and Idoles rejoyceing c. And this for the glory of the kingdom PSALM XCVIII WOnderfull strange workes of salvation hath the Everlasting wrought by the Dexterity of his holy ministry and his righteousnes in the Law called his right hand and holy Arm even in the sight of the heathen which hee fullfilled in carrying them through the sea and drawing them out of mighty waters as Ps. 18. beeing kinde and faithfull to Israel that all the world have taken notice of the salvation of their God Therfor now they are to sing a new song unto him And that with all solemnity and greatest triumph that can bee before their king with Iubeling and chaunting psalmes and sonets with hart and musicall voice with shrill soundes of trumpets that the sea and all that is in it the world and all the dwellers in it rivers and hills and all creatures wher ever men goe may thunder and sound out Echoes of Ioy and gladnes and rejoyce and keep holy day before him hee commeth to judge the earth that judgeth all justly divideing the word Construction Tsade for meat or food They are fed with the great joy of his salvation by revelations and cleer interpretations of his mysteryes and hid things of the word Act. 14. Ier. 15. At his comming and raigning with righteousnes Eph. 3. and a cleer judgement within them Wherto all the world ought to bee obedient they are made wise unto salvation and to judge right with in them selves His food of mercy and truth they live by Mark the repetition salvation wonderfull work and reveled made known remembred and see relatives Mark the doubling of all the words reacting his prais joy The two letters Tsach cleer or to cleer Is. 66. by loudnes shrillnes plainnes c. the letter Cheth for fear is spareed becaus of the insisting upon rejoyceing the contrary Numbers The wildernes is implyed by the Heathen the endes of the earth and the confuseed world and her inhabitants that before the comming of the word unto them were without God in the world or any true judgement unto salvation to delight in Mark the repetition word judge justly c. They must needs therfor greatly rejoyce at the comming therof PSALM XCIX HOw bewtifull are the feet of him that preacheth good tideings and bringeth news of peace and salvation in his lips Now Righteousnes raigneth in the Ministers the Angels and Cheru●s woe bee to the Gentiles and nations of the Heathen And while God is so great in Zion and so farr exalted above them they were best to incline to his Kingdom and worship his Name that is so great so reverend and so holy For all the strength of a Kingdom is the lov●ing of Iudgement and prepareing
and commendation with his inheritance also and thank him for the same Construction Quoph of Jaquaph to compass or inviron you must consider the largenes and the bountifullness of Gods loveing kindenes and his exceeding mercyes and the wide compass of his grace and the greatnes of his good will that entertaineth all that observ him The contrary heerunto is the rebellion wrathfullnes of the people as Children of wrath Eph. 2. Col. 3. Ia. 1. following all ungodlines putting on a contrary habit meerly to anger him and tempt him Therto belong the doubling of the words Chosen inheritance Virtue over-cover overwhelm people as Psal. 117. Kindenes goodnes mercy favorable refuse overthrow Anger freat vex rebell prais worship in the first and last wordes Vav a hook or crook to pull them out of the fire and out of the water to save and deliver them By the doubling of the words saveed Salvation quit delivered Sauiour The contrary overthrow scatter captivers Both the letters make Quav of Quavah to expect or gather together Heerto they expect not nor wait but are impatient of all Gods Counsell and fall on lusting Ia. 1. Mark the repetition murmur beleeved and word counsell assembly gather scatter c. Numbers The word and parts of the kingdom of God which is fayth and patience Apo. 1. Which the people fayled of and could not abide such spirituall dyet They could not beleev the covenant nor wait for the promiss but lust murmur and repine and grew all abroad and out of rule and out of all obedience and at havok like a wildernes See the repetition word hear hearken beleev wait counsell Covenant c. Heer particular Name they put on the manners of the Hethen See the Petaroth Phineas Nu. 25. For the word of atonement and mediation the kingdom of Priesthood c. THE FIFTH BOOK PSALM CVII FOOles will not understand but they that bee wise will understand That this book may bee no foreiner to the rest it hath his Text and foundation from the former to wit beeing hanged and coupled to the 92. like the rest of that book and to express the glorious Instruments of this Service the divers kindes of misery and the meanes the sundry manners and the causes of them and the duty and necessity of thanks and declaration of kindenes By famous prayers from the skill of the sweet singer of Israel the harps and viols of the saintes and sweet odours and sacrificees of thanks that men may learn and mark well the way to distress and beware therof The Church beeing scattered over all the world without any certain dwelling with great wandring and great scarceity and much oppression by pilgrimage and error the obscurity and their dark imprisonment for stubborn ignorance against the word of God what horrible sorrows they fall into to affict them by transgressing the word for want of knowledge therof The highe dangeer of sea-buissines as yf they sought to oppose God for deliverance yet by faith they crying for help the word and knowledge therof is sent still to save them Mar 13. Ps. 56. Which by shewing them their mighty and often deliverancees and blessings and teaching them the way to beleev their salvation and building their faith upon a ground of former deliverancees and cherishing the just and stopping the mouthes of the wicked now for the inestimable goodnes and price of this wonderfull and everlasting kindenes and redemption hee would have the Church still to bee minde-full of and make allwayes confession of the same with continuall thanks and the best and worst in the congregation to exalt him and worship him beeing sure that they that bee wise will remember it and not neglect the same but observe that the wisedom of the word shall bee still their deliverance and the faith theron shall save them Construction Quoph of Iaquaph to compass or goe about intended by thes words tormentor wandered distress streits prisoners in iron bands afflicted streit troubles cōstreint run about reeling gidy storm dwelling citty a walled town ransom save deliver bring out c. doubled And they signify the stretines of affliction Zain to hear They cry and they are heard and saved c. hee dealeth by the subject Mark the word cry in hebrew spelt twise with Zain and twise other wise as Neh. 9. also Zain seven for sevenfold judgement and also sevenfold kindenes Mark the repetition wrong calling for judgement can not be heard for repentance and crying for mercy is so loud Deuteronomy Elle ha debharim these are the wordes or Acts or things c. a running over the other books of the Law a recitation Neh. 9. and a coronation of them by an infinit confession and publication of all the wonderfull works of God Iob. 37. his deliverances out of all kinde of affliction and his perpetuall kindenes to them intended by the repetition of the words worship confess declare workes wonderfull works of kindenes thanks exalt observe understand for to reckon c. PSALM CVIII IN this Psalme hee brings part of the 57 for his readines to sing after his calamities and the 60 for ioy of victory and prosperity and word of comfort out of the word of God for inlargeing the Church and all for the kindenes of God Psal. 92. that when hee hath handled the other partes of that Psalme hee maketh this the last Therfor now beeing ready to sing hee taketh up his Instruments which are as well the Skill of his hart Psal. 78. By which hee led the people as the forme of materiall Instruments Of which he handleeth the 10 stringed viol by 10 countryes the Church and holy land of Canaan which hee makeeth to sing by setting and tuneing of them Vpon thes 10 countryes the song is skoreed out as upon ten cordes by all the cliffs all which beeing instruments of the prais of God are heer made musicall strings and concord of the Church and keyes of David This is the quire and lute and harp and singers that carry the partes play them and the song is all upon the decachord decalogne the ten commandements his Theme and Tex● and glory That notwithstanding this great strength and power and officious readines of all parts of the Church hee giveth all strength to the Law and the righteousnes and holynes therof and all prosperity to God as Ps. 60. This righteousnes beeing his glory and his God as Psal. 4. Hee calleth up betime to invent and sing as Ps. 92. And to set him out in all nations for the greatnes of his kindenes and faithfullnes of his promiss And because the same is infinite and reacheth up to heaven and over all the earth that with songs of prais and Psalmes of exposition hee might exalt him and glorify him over all the world That the cloudes and glory and the understanding and the substance therof may bee zealously revealed unto all and thanks for all Construction Quoph of Iaquaph to inviron or compass which
upright men and are not many but have many adversaryes God will by their own consistance of righteousnes and peace the fruit therof subdue their Enimyes and bring their Enimy the Devill and Satan underfoot which shall fall by their own wrong and perish by their wicked wayes for what can bee the fruit of wrong but destruction By the flowerishing rod of Iustice and judgement the strength of the Law and ten commandements out of Sion ten st●inged instrument of the Decalogue Ps. 92.98 Hee shall subdue them and rule among them for their wrongfull resisting the promiss and their right to Canaan Which rod of governement that divideeth waters and bringeth doctrine out of hard rockes of Scripture beeing once cast out of their handes was turned to serpent like Enimyes of God as Ps. 92. But Moses was shewed by catching it by the taile and the returning to a rod that they should have the governement again which should bee an iron rod and hard governement as Ps. 2. to the Resisters For his battail hee will have none but Levites and the first born the flower and choise of the wombe and seed of woman the best lerned in the Church The right hand and dexterity of the Ministry shall wound kings his Enimyes and heades of them as Ps. 68. when hee is angry even the head of the Arch-enimy the King of the land of Rabbah of the Amonites by uncrowning him and tortureing the bodyes of his people striveing with him Hee drank of the river of doctrine the discipline of the Law Ps 36. Thus by the Church shall God bring Davids Enimyes under his feet and hee shall conquer and hold up his head as Ps. 92. and shall bee a Priest for ever Is. 61. like Melchizedeq not born of flesh and blood nor of the will of man Io. 1. but of the spirit of God and to walk with God without father and without mother without beginning or end of the dayes of life or any worldly respect And hee shall sit at Gods right hand Ps. 16. and continue in speciall favour and grace with God for the Eternity of the Church And this from the conquest of the Serpent Gen. 3. For the Instrument of subjection and goverment for the sweetnes of majesty Lordship Rule and Dominion and victory of ש Shin over Sin yee sheep to the right hand and yee goates to the left Iamin over Smol the right hand over the left the Ministry over the devill and Satan and all temptation Psal. 119. Sh. Construction Quoph to compass or besiege is expressed by Enimyes as Ps. 17. that are all wayes attempting mischeeff invadeing upon all sides which is the subdole and hurtfull serpent Ge. 3. to the Church The second letter Iod for a hand is expounded by the right hand the Ministry favour and pre-emenence of God Mark the repetition Hee sheweth how the armed with the word Sem or Melchizedeqs Kingdom Isa. 33. the seed of Sion Is. 2. They are the destruction of the Serpent and his adherents by the power and glory of the Kingdom and ●eople of ●xpedition Ps. 68. in the Church Mark the wordes head and wound repeated day when Lord and judgement c. Hee alludeeth also to the dexter point that makeeth ש Shin that signifyeth weaponed men as Ps. 68.119 N. and the victory the inevitable power of Gods m●ssuage Mich. 4.5 2. Sam. 17. like dew over the Heathen and the head of them Mark how Shin is compassed with the next letters on both sides Resh and Tau in the first and last wordes to shew the allusion Deuteronomy The recitation is God wil have it is own work and the victory his and that a wonderfull work and way of the Law and word of God the rivers in the Law called the way Ier. 31. conceived and born in Sion And the Serpent by a Gospell preached the river of wisdom out of Sion Prov. 18. shall bee made to stoope for a footstoole and to lick the dust Psal. 72. and heathen Kings subdued and Archenimyes conquered and the head of his Anointed shall bee exalted that medleth not So that with the armour of God and his hoste and excercise only the Serpents head is brokeen And this is a great kindenes Ps. 119. N. Ps. 68. And such were the soldiers of Christ of another world preachers and not fighters Ioh. 18. tormentors of the divills free men and voluntary 1. Cor. 6. Ps. 119. N. Ps. 68. Spirituall men against spirituall Adversaryes Mat. 8. PSALM CXI HEer hee passeth from the Instrument to the work according to the order in Ps. 92. to shew us the miraculous effect of the Law and covenant and promiss which in his mercy and compassion hee preached to his people hee recorded to feed them And the mightynes of the work of God by this Instrument of his appeareth by his conquest of the heathen and recovery of their country again out of so many strong handes and lions clawes consisting in truthe and certainty and judgement justice and mercy and the fear of God wherin it excelled Wherby it becommeth durable and credible for at end of the 430 and after the fourth generation intended in the vers Lamed and again in Tau hee sendeth for his Church out of Aegypt by his covenant and his promiss in the handes of Moses Aaron feeding them all that space by faith in his promiss and covenant which hee made last for ever unto them and redeemed them And because this Instrument beeing vseed for all their delightes and sportes by his everlasting Iustice worketh also great worship and honour wisdom which is begunn in the fear of God their profession and perfected by performing the Law as ps 99. Hee willeth the same evermore to bee reverenceed and hallowed And because his works by this Instrument are so many so mighty so great so sweet and delightfull and searchable hee willeth all the whole Church in all meetings to prais and worship God as hee will doo the same himself with all his hart And this from the promiss Gen. 15. for the spirits of the Law and works of performance and possession of Canaan for the Spirit and worship and reverence and fear of God the profession that beginneth wisdom and therfor together with the next psalme is made by the Abce also the 119. wher the performance of the Law bringeth good understanding To perform the commandements satisfyeth this Appitite and temptation and the Kingdom of heaven hath all Hee that is wise will unde●stand and observe thes things Io. 14. Christ calleth himself the way the truthe and the life which hee spake hebraically This to bee translateed into our phrase is the true and liveing way or the true and very way of life And this consisting so much of the grace of God and so much of faith and truthe that it is beyond all imagination his work and his way is called so wonderfull is fitt matter for continuall prais dayly worship repetition the subject of
pitty and compassion for his long patience and great benignity kindenes for his goodnes and mercyes to and over all his works because his Kingdom and power and glory is eternall for susteining them that are falling and in decay and setting upright them that are declineing and giving all things their meat in due time and liberally and freely and bountifully satisfyeing all living creatures with his open handes For his justice in all his wayes and kindenes upon all his creatures of his Church for his neernes to them that call upon him faithfully by performing what soever they request and hearing them and saveing them and destroying all the wicked as Psal. 92. That therfor seeing this Kingdom is of this kinde of heavenly operation not of the world which is the seed of the word sowen in the hart of man to govern him hee now as in the conclusions of all the rest of the books exalteth greatly this God and King of his and blesseth his name and the calling upon him for ever and ever Which exaltation and hallowing of his Name is a new work after the petition is ended to finish all which shall last for ever as Psal. 111 for makeing him sundry wayes ripe in the word of God and cherishing him therwith for setting him in the doctrine that lasteth for ever and ever That ever generation from the beginning to the end might prais his workes and the power therof And that hee will esteem the glory of his worshipp and tell of his wonderfull acts by the mystery of the priesthood and that they may speak of and confess the reverendnes and the strength of all his worship as Psa. 92 and mighty terrors ps 90. Hee hath thus reckoned his magnificence and greatnes that all his works and holy creatures might confess him and bless him and tell out his glory ps 57. and speak of his power to make known to all the children of men his powers and most inestimable glory of his kingdom that all eyes do wait for for their food of wisdom and understanding which is never out of season ps 1. For which he would that his mouth should alwaies speak Gods prais and all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever Construction Quoph of Jaquaph to compass or circuit as 1. K. 7. Heerto hee bringeth the greatness of his mercy and huge extent of his kingdom and power and glory therof by his infinit working without all circuit or bounds to receive all that call Mem waters for a kingdom rule domination Is. 8. the king is Jehovah as ps 24. by the curious takeing of the letters of his name in a new spelling of Iehovah for Iod He and Vav his miracles glory and mercy the salvation is the Scriptures for his kingdom of drawing and allureing when men hear and read and are ruled by them which is the calling upon them and serching them drawing and governing Ier. 31. Is. 54. Io. 6. behold for the admirable glory and shineing of it in all his creatures as by all words of utterance and declaration Quamah to stand or endure for the eternity perfection and infinite stature of his name for his exaltation and therfor the defective letter Nun or N. is left out of the row of the A. B.C. also Quamah for a field of standing corn Mark the doubleing of the words in all Deuteronomy The confession is the continueing of words of declartion of his acts of eternall life and wonderfull kindenes and way and workes of salvation and exaltation of his name Mark the repetition PSALM CXLVI IN this psalme hee considereth that hee will make his confidence sure and then spend all his life in prais and psalmes unto his God as ps 92. Therfor takeing away all vanity of worldly confidence hee seeketh the heavenly happines therof that the God of Sion and the Church and his righteousnes is to reign for ever and to bee exalted and praised Therfor heer as ps 118. hee willeth not to trust in unchariritable princes or any human men which know not the high wisdom of God nor the depth of the mysterie therof determined for the glory and safety of the Church which have no salvation or help in them that by and by consume and turn to earth as soon as the breath is out of them and in the same day all their estimation and reputation and thoughts are at an end and perish hee now sheweth a more than fleshly revelation to them that love him that is the godly of a sound rock to build upon that spirituall things must be set to spirituall things our faith in spirituall charity becaus God is spirit and this a healing faith hee commendeth greatly the beleeff in God and his word the Creator maintainer and restorer of all things and the happines of him that reposeeth all his help and hope in him setting him forth by his heavenly properties Tell Iohn what things ye have seen a preserver of truth and keeper of faithfullnes for ever a Releever of the oppressed and a graunter of his request and a righter of their caus a feeder of them that hunger for him a resolver of all that be tyed in ignorance and doubt or haesitation a giver of sight and knowledge to the blinde and unlearned and a streighter and director of them that bee of a wrong and a crooked opinion or lame and declining in their understanding and a lover of them that be right and most charitablely preserveth strangers with hospitality and mainteineth parents for orphans and husbands for widdowes as ps 68. a perverter crosser of all the wayes works of wicked men as ps 1 that they may perpetually bee seen to perish and com to naught the everlasting God and his most charitable word of righteousnes the God of Sion that reigneth and helpeth for ever for all ages and throghout all generations And thus much concerning a right beleeff confidence as in the 15 psalmes of deg●ees as uppon the end of the petition Construction Quoph to compass hee keepeth 2 Kin. 11 salvation for walles Is. 26. faith salveth thy faith hath made thee whole c. Mem waters Lam. 3. G. the working doctrine of the Kingdom of the king God Iehovah Eternall the works of righteousnes great works of God by the word doeing makeing for his mighty reforming of all sorts Is. 42. Mark the repetition for one part of the kingdom Vau a hook or crook faith hope and love for affection and appetite the distinction and opposition of his trust The tree letters Quomo are for the raiser and comforter Is. 26.42 the opposition is God and man the one a releever and a reformer of the godly of all sortes Am 7. and the other a decayer Is. 2. God is an euerlasting erecter and helper of his and an overthrower of the wicked Mark the repetition Deuteronomy The praising and blessing of the Eternall doth intend his miraculous Acts and works of eternity and
by subjection and the kings and judges in the person of Adam reigning and ruleing over all things liveing and therfor were they to prais him Young men and maides becaus hee was created male and female Old folkes and children by their fructifying and multiplication of a godly seed from the word Increas and Multiply And in this becaus Israel was best entertained and the nearest people to him and had all preferment that his worship and exaltation of his name should in no wise bee neglected of them his Saints for ever Construction Quoph to compass or to inviron as with the cloke of prais Is. 61. from all his creatures and his dwelling in praises and inhabiting of them Ps. 22. that all his works and especially his people Israel and his messengers neerest about him for his exaltation of them should inviron him with prais Apoc. 19.4 Mark the words highthes hold up above exalt doubled Iehovah only Mem waters The name of the Eternall to be praised before and above heaven and earth and all the most commendable things of the world becaus they were made and exalted by him Hee worketh upon the term Iehovah By all the moods and tenses in the Hebrew how hee was imperative future and infinite and never preterite and transitory according to the present tens Hove Jehovah hee shall bee and remain for ever in his works and decrees ps 119· and therfor is called Eternall The waters all kinde of nations kindes and degrees Mark people heaven earth c. The name is six times for six dayes work Hee is to prais the name of Iehovah and that hee doth in the term Hu the affix of Iehovah as Elihu Abihu which two letters in number make iust the repetition of the word prais Heth to prostrate is implyed in the adoration and exaltation and worship of him and casting down their crowns before him Apoc. 4. Quemach meal for all sorts Persius sat 3.5 Deuteronomy Infinite praises and worship is due to him for leaving so many commendations behinde him in his works of all sorts ps 11 1. and this must needs bee confessed a work of great mercy and kindenes also and way of eternall life PSALM CXLIX NOw that the judgement may bee the cleere hee maketh this Psalme a copula or Medium suitable to the former last gon before To tell this judgement was the work of all the Prophets untill Iohn and then this kingdom was takeen by violence and force and men pressed unto it So that now after all places of invention hee now commeth to a collection or syllogizeing of the whole work by the judiciall part for ever unconfuteable That God that made the world should judge the same by sound confirmations consequences and proprietyes and rightes and lawes according to the power of his name Eloah and Elohim of Alah to swear to doo judgement and justice and right and to perform the oath which hee sware to bee a perpetuall redemption to his Church Psal. 110. and a glory to his people Israel with a reprooveing of all injury and injustice of the reprobate So the end is com the end is com as the Prophet sayth and Satan with all his perversity and adversity with all his malice and falshood and subdolity and treachery is judged and the day of wrath is com and hee is discovered and overcom and cast down and condemned for his cotinuall persecution of the Church For this benefit they are greatly to prais his name and sing Psalmes to him in honour of his name make invocation therupon that hath don all for them for reprooving confuteing and tormenting all their adversaryes and cheeff of them and that the Saintes for this peace should leap up in their beds for joy and make a glorious exaltation and triumph for this great day of victory and salvation with accents of exaltations and highe prayses of God and choise songs in their throats and a sharp sword in their handes lyeing by them to shew their meanes of deliverance and courage and valour and preparation of the word of God their defendour that whispers in the ears of all men and warneth them Heerto belong the fignified vertues in the apparell of the Priesthood that they may bee happy whom the Eternall the God of justice chargeeth not with iniquity Psal. 32. So that now it is in vain for to strive as Psal. 2. or the Kings and heades to think of casting away the cordes and bandes of their yokes of subjection to the Church for hee hath appointed his King over Sion and his horn and his anoynted and his prais as Psal. 141.92.86 God hath still favoured them that fear him and planted a gardine of pleasure for them that hee hath begotten a paradise of safety and salvation for his children and hath appointed his Angels and Ministers to pitch about them as Ps. 34. King of Iacob Is. 41.43 Ier. 8. to keep and preserve the way of righteousnes in this life the tree of their lives in holynes And with this grace hath God clotheed his saintes while their Enimyes are judged as ps 2.92.79 and for this ornament and Paradise and comly weed of salvation the skinn that covereth all nakednes that hath no cloud of shames upon it no spot or wrinkle in it Eph. 5. That his saintes should prais him in their congregation with a sonet of all confidence as ps 118. Construction Quoph to compass or inviron as the gratious ones Israel and the children of Sion in praising of him with Ioy in the holy Ghost another part of the Kingdom ps 145. in commendation of Iah their King and makeer Is. Ier. 8. ps 29.48.24 by the spirituall and gutturall sound and prononciation of Iehovah psal 115.135 For every Law must have a King Jehovah calamity Jad a hand He the coactive conjugation of Hiphil working salvation and revenge Mark the words gratious ones and saintes maker work and fullfill Mem waters people heathen nations Kings Nobles c. The calamity and captivity of them and cutting them off and wearying of them according to Quamat to bee wearyed or dissolved Iob 16.22 Jah is intimated By exaltations in his Throat is the aspiration of He meant beeing a gutturall letter so is Iod signifyed by sword for hand ps 17. And thus hee is taken for maker King and God and Almighty and Revenger So they have the name of God or God in their throat and in their hand Mark all the words of Ioy rejoyceing and prais according to it and the repetition upon all Is. 45. Deuteronomy By all kindes of rejoyceing for their salvation the glory of their Kingdom for his notable acts and the majesty of his name Jah in them in makeing and governing and saveing of them in beeing kinde to the kinde c. as psal 18. And this prais is also a good confession or rehearsall of his grace in the other Psalme his works and frame of the world set him out in