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A13535 A commentarie vpon the Epistle of S. Paul written to Titus. Preached in Cambridge by Thomas Taylor, and now published for the further vse of the Church of God. With three short tables in the end for the easier finding of 1. doctrines, 2. obseruations, 3. questions contained in the same Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. 1612 (1612) STC 23825; ESTC S118201 835,950 784

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the Apostle Peter who combineth all these duties in one short verse but a little inverting the order Feare God honour the King loue brotherly fellowship This precept in hand chargeth vpon euerie Christian these two maine duties First that he must make account with himselfe that everie Christian dutie belongeth vnto him euen euerie good worke to which the Lord giueth him calling and abilitie Secondly that he must keepe himselfe in a fitnesse and readinesse thereunto Doctr. 1. The former is cleared by the testimonie and other obseruations out of the Scripture The lawe curseth him that continueth not in all things the Gospel also in generall requireth the obseruation of all things Teach them to obserue all things which I haue commanded you which precept was giuen when Christ had on the crosse fulfilled all righteousnesse in the persons of his members As for the speciall precepts of the Gospel they are many Philip. 4.8 Whatsoeuer things are true honest iust pure pertaining to loue of good report if there be any vertue or any praise thinke on these things The Apostle was not content that the Corinths should abound in euery grace else and be wanting in one but exhorteth that as they abounded in euerie thing in faith in word in knowledge in diligence in loue so they would striue to abound in this grace also namely of mercifulnesse to the distressed Saints The same Apostle to the Thessalonians knewe what he prayed when he wished that they were stablished to euerie good word and worke 2. This standeth with those special commendations which the Apostles haue giuen of sundry of the Saints to stirre vp others vnto their imitation When Paul would be large in commending the Church of the Romanes he affirmeth they were full of goodnesse so of Dorcas we read that she was full of good workes and almes and mention is made of the coats and garments which shee had made for the Saints 3. As the holy Ghost in Scripture approoueth and commendeth the presence of any true grace for the encouragement of it so also taketh he notice of that which is yet wanting to prouoke to the purchase of it Many of the good kings of Iudah were highly commended yet something or other they fayled in either the high places were not wholly taken downe or some league or othe● was made with the enemies against Gods commandement or some heauines or forgetfulnesse ouertooke them that of fewe of them it could be said they went through-stitch with euerie good worke The spirit likewise in the new Testament speaking to the Churches taketh knowledge of many good things in the Angels of them I knowe thy loue thy faith thy patience thy zeale and thy workes c. but fewe of them escaped without that exception neuerthelesse I haue somewhat or a fewe things against thee either the first loue was fallen from or Balaams doctrine maintained or Iesabels fornications suffered c. but according to the truth of their condition the spirit is plaine with them this thou hast and this thou hast no● implying it to be matter of iust reproofe before God to be wanting in any good worke which hee hath giuen calling and meanes vnto 4. The nature of grace giueth light and euidence vnto this truth the which disposeth the will and powers of the soule equally vnto one good thing as well as vnto an other for regeneration includeth in it the seeds of all vertues and reneweth and changeth the whole nature which hath in it the seede of all sinne and vice and when the Scripture would note the soundnesse of grace hence it doth it that it both hath respect to all the commandements and hateth all the wayes of falshood Vse 1. This doctrine first teacheth vs to learne the rule of euery good worke legall or euangelicall The former are not only such as are commonly knowne and expressed in the words of the decalogue but such also as therein are included and implied these must be sought out for else ignorance of the law excuseth not from fault Content not thy selfe that thou canst say the commandements nor if thou canst say that thou hast kept the whole letter of the law from thy youth but studie the whole Scripture which is an exposition and large commentarie of those tenne words heare it read it diligently meditate vpon it apply it to thy heart and life else knowest thou not how to beginne any good work Learne further the speciall good workes required by the Gospel such as are faith in Christ repentance of sin past amendment of life for time to come And cursed be all that Popish doctrine which would hide this light vnder a bushell whereby alone the Christian can discerne what is a good worke and how himselfe may do it well Vse 2. If euery good worke belong to euery Christian then may not men post ouer the matter to the Minister the common conceit is that the clergie should be holy hospitable and so qualified as we haue heard in the first Chapter but for common men and vnlearned it will be acceptable inough if they be almost Christians that is as good as neuer a whit whereas the Lord bindeth vpon euery Christian of what condition soeuer the practise of euery good worke which is offered him within the compasse of his calling either generall or particular For example If a Christian be called into publike place as of Magistracie he may not conceiue that the building of the Church the discountenancing of sinne the encouragement of the godly belongeth only to the Minister but he must set hand to these workes he must establish and countenance the Ministrie he must be the foreman in all good exercises he must be rich in workes of mercie and of iustice the patron of the poore the sheild of the oppressed but especially a patterne of pietie he must be a man fearing God yea he and his house must serue the Lord. If thou remainest a priuate man the same care lyeth vpon thee in thy proportion thou must procure the wealth of Ierusalem at least by thy prayers for the peace of the Church for able Ministers for the free passage of the Gosspel and if God further enable thee thou must releeue such as stand for the truth of God and puritie of his worship Thou must doe all the good thou canst to others in preseruing life feeding the hungrie clothing the naked visiting the prisoners and so become rich in the works of mercie Thou must also be diligent in duties at home in reforming thy family teaching them praying with them examining how they profit and thriue in grace and walking religiously and conscionably in euery good worke of thy personall calling Here is a course which goeth farre beyond harmelesnsse and good meanings and good words which Iames saw to be the religion of many in his time this is soundnes in christianity when a man can thus turne himselfe as well to one good action
sort of men as farre deceiued as the former are secure persons who beeing baptized into the name of Christ as yet neuer came vnto him but plod on in all dirtie and sinnefull waies with many pretenses vnderpropping themselues but neuer examining duly whether they be right or no. And because the waies of this error are infinite we shall not do amisse in discrying some few of them and tracing them we shall not find them so vnfrequented but that infinite numbers of secure men and women shall be found in euery of them who all of them are still deceiued and as they were borne so they liue in errour Of these I will mention fiue sorts all in seuerall pathes but neuer one in the right 1. Are superstitious persons who take vp a voluntarie religion which hath some shew of wisedome and humblenesse of minde worship God they thinke they doe but it is vncommanded deuout they are but resist the truth as those deuout women who resisted Paul What a number of Popish minded men wander after vanitie they looke at antiquitie at consent of numbers and multitudes of men who are readie inough to betake them to their owne inuentions Hence is it that you shall ouertake hundreths that are set forward on their Pilgrimages and see thousands who are set downe or kneeling before their Idols besides numbers that are wilfull prisoners cheined in their own bands and wicked vowes of pouertie single life abstinence and such like And what ground haue they for all this they haue learned the protestation of the Iewes We will doe whatsoeuer goeth out of our owne mouth we will offer to the Queene of heauen as we haue done euen we our Fathers our Princes and our people for then we had store of all things and euery thing was cheape Nay as though the truth were impropriate vnto them they are so zealous in their way that if Peter or Paul should stand against their traditions they would thinke they did God good seruice to kill them as Christ foreprophecied a pregnant marke of a Popish and Antichristian spirit to hate and cast out the brethren for the name of Christ and yet to say Let God be glorified yet sit they downe here most securely as in a good way whereas alas all is deceit this beeing the way which is good in a mans owne eyes but the issues of it are death and the end of it is foreprophecied in the place of Ieremie alledged that the Lord will watch ouer such persons for euill and not for good and consume them with sword and famine and sundrie destructions 2. Sort are generall or Catholike Protestants of all any or no religion these content themselues with the Iewes to say the Temple the Temple the Couenant Abrahams seed c. so these finde a religion established and they loue it because it is crowned and bringeth in abundance of prosperitie with it they hate Poperie also because the lawes hate it but neuer knew nor care to know what the power and life of godlinesse euer meant to whom the Lord may say as to them Say not the Temple the Temple trust not in lying words we haue the Word Sacraments Prayer Peace c. but get the power of godlinesse if you would not beguile your owne soules Amend your waies and workes execute iudgement oppresse not the stranger fatherlesse and widowe follow not after other Gods 3. Sort are a rable of idle Protestants whose carnall hearts turne the grace of God into wantonnesse Charge his conscience with his sinnes strike him downe for his vnlawfull courses or neglect of good duties he can saue his head with the doctrine of free iustification without works or tell you that the best man sinneth seauen times a day or that we are concluded vnder sinne that God might haue mercie on all or that where sinne aboundeth grace aboundeth much more and that we are not saued by the workes of the law but O vaine man saith Iames dost thou imagine a sauing faith without repentance and works of pietie and loue dost thou professe an holy religion and by the loosenes of thy life makest that holy way of God euill spoken of did not the latter end of the former Chapter teach vs that Christ died not only to set vs free from the curse of sinne but from the courses of iniquitie that we should become zealous of goodworkes Christ saueth no other and therefore deceiue not thy selfe The fourth sort may well carrie the title of craftie Christians as also of free-will Protestants who for the present walke in a secure path and will not yet be acquainted with repentance for their sinne they thinke it fit to be knowne and practised and so they meane hereafter but in the meane time because their sinne is not vnpardonable and God calleth at all houres and they may as well afterward repenting find forgiuenesse therefore are they deafe against all our doctrine of repentance all the meanes we vse auaile not for their good but by Gods iust iudgement to their hardning blinding and further damnation and this is as fearefull as flie and as generall a deceit as any of the former What meane those many exhortations seeke the Lord while he may be found and to day if yee will heare his voice harden not your hearts and this is the acceptable time the which gratious inuitations while men haue put off how hath the seueritie of the almightie cut them off suddenly by strange deaths and this most deseruedly in that they had so long abused the time of his patience Rev. 3.21 The Lord gaue Iezabel a time to repent but she repented not and what was the issue of it Behold I will cast her into a bed of sorrow and great affliction So the Lord would haue purged the impenitent Iew but he would not be purged therefore saith the Lord Thou shalt not be purged till I haue caused my wrath to come vpon thee The fifth sort of secure persons may be called sensible Protestants who by outward things iudge themselues highly in Gods bookes and many both rich and poore tread in this path Rich men need not seeke for further ground of Gods fauour then that their hand hath found out riches and they are increased in their possessions and prospered in their labours And how can it be other seeing vengeance must pursue the wicked and if they were so they could not be prospered so long and diuersly as they are Thus Dauid obserued of wicked rich men their houses were peaceable without feare and because they are not in affliction like other men pride compasseth them as a chaine they seeke not after God nor sound and setled peace in him but little knew they the end of that fat pasture he learned at the sanctuarie that they were lifted vp aboue other as fellons on the ladder to come downe with a greater mischeife and breaknecke But more merueilous it is that corrections and afflictions should
enioy fulnes of pleasures at Gods right hand alluding to that Paradise planted by Gods own hand to make it a delight for the innocent estate of man And Abrahams bosome wherein the Saints receiue refreshing which is a borrowed speach taken from fathers whom as they carrying and cherishing their little ones in their bosome euen so the elect freed from the miseries of the world are cherished as in the bosome of the father of all the faithfull And the ioy of the Lord into which the faithfull seruant shall enter And for the glorie of this estate Paul can scarce tell how to expresse it but calleth it the riches of the glorie of the inheritance it is called a kingdome of the Father prepared for his children and neuer was there such a kingdom wherein all the subiects are kings and heyres of the whole and all of them partakers of the same incorruptible crowne of glorie as here they be 1. Pet. 5.4 Secondly the present tenure of this inheritance is by hope for our inheritance is not so much set before our bodily eyes as the eyes of our faith which is not of things present but of things to come And yet although it be an estate to come the Lord would not leaue vs without such graces as beeing conuersant about it might serue vs in this life to retaine our hold and comfort therein such as are faith hope and patience Now hope signifieth two things 1. the thing hoped for Rom. 8.24 hope which is seene is not hope Eph. 1.18 What is the hope of the calling 2. For the gift whereby we hope and expect good things promised and this must of necessitie here be meant because life eternall of which we haue spoken is the thing hoped for This grace hath the Lord for our incouragement and comfort in and for the state of this life onely put into the hearts of his elect that they might hereby haue a certaine hold and expectation of all that good which God of his mercie through the merit of his Christ hath promised the which shall cease when they come once to see that which they now hope for seeing hereafter can be no hope not in heauen for the godly shall enioye all blessednesse their hearts can wish not in hell for the damned can neuer hope for any good Doctr. The blessed condition which the elect are raysed vnto beeing once absolued from sinne is to haue the priuiledges of Gods children and to become heyres of eternall glorie This honour haue all his Saints whō he rayseth from the dust and dunghill to set them among Princes and the reason is because he hath giuen them his Sonne in with merits for their righteousnesse he hath giuen them the gift of faith which is the very portall of heauen and the grace of hope which is as a staffe to vphold them vnto the end of their pilgrimage The doctrine beeing the verie words of the Apostle here and in so many places we will rather labour in the excellent vse then in the further proofe of it Vse 1. That which the Apostle specially aymeth at is that heauen is not merited but a free gift here it is called eternall life which is the gift of God Rom. 6.23 It is called here an inheritance in that the elect are called heyres it is against the nature of an inheritance to come any way but by free gift legacies we know are most free without desert without procurement and what an absurd thing were it for a child to go to his Father to offer to buy his inheritance it is said here further that we are made heyres that is adopted not borne to the inheritance and therefore it is so much the more free And lastly it is here called an eternall inheritance which if it so be how can it be merited beeing so far disproportionable to any thing we can doe What place in the Scripture can more effectually exclude the merit of life and yet what part of Apostolicall writing is it not most consonant vnto The Apostle Peter speaking of this inheritance calleth it the grace of life 1. Pet. 3.7 The Apostle Paul through the whole Epistle to the Galatians opposeth these two to be heyres by the law and heyres by promise and faith whosoeuer are Christs are Abrahams children and heyres by promise that is we who are Gentiles must receiue the inheritance no otherwise then Abraham did and thus become Abrahams sonnes but he was heyre by promise and not by merit and so must we Obiect But we are Gentiles how can we become Abrahams sonnes Answ. Christ was Abrahams sonne and we beeing in Christ are one with him and so in him become Abrahams sonnes and therefore must inherit by promise as he did The like we read Rom. 4.4 Those that will be heyres by the law make the promise of none effect as the Papists doe by their two iustifications the former of mercie by grace the latter by the merit of workes Obiect But life eternall is a reward great is your reward in heauen Behold I come shortly and my reward is with mee Moses looked for the recompense of reward Answ. Not to stand vpon that why it is so called namely by resemblance beeing giuen in the end of the life and labour as the reward in the end of the worke It may truly be called a reward but 1. a free one in regard of vs due no other way vnto vs then by vertue of Gods promise for God is no debter further then he promiseth 2. Neuer due to any worke for the merit of it but vnto the worker for the merit of Christ in whom he is and through whome the imperfection of his obedience beeing couered his person first and then his work findeth acceptance 2. It teacheth vs if we would haue right to life eternall to become the sonnes of God and consequently heyres seeke to be resolued that thou hast a childs part in heauen Quest. How shall I come to know this Answ. A man may know himselfe an heyre of grace by two things 1. by the presence of faith for this intitleth into the Couenant Heb. 11.7 Noah by faith was made heyre of the righteousnesse which is by faith Faith in the sonne of God is it which maketh thee the Kings sonne and free borne this is the meanes of thy freedome here commeth in thy title if thou reliest only vpon the mercie of God in Christ for thy saluation which proper worke of faith casteth out the bondwoman with all her sonnes who shall not be heyres with the sonnes of the freewoman for whosoeuer will be iustified in whole or in part by the workes of the law as Turkes Iewes and that Romish Agar with all her obstinate children are by this one doctrine if there were no moe in the Scripture disinherited 2. By the presence of sanctification of heart and sanctimonie of life for as only iustified persons are intitled and written heyres of heauen so only
Rom. 13 14. 2. Pet. 2.13 1. Pet. 1.13 Miserrimus est qui misero servit Eph. 4. ●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iam. 4 5· The spirit in man lusteth after enuie prooued 1. Sam. 18.9 Prou. 29.17 Gal. 5. Rom. 1. Professors must be carefull to banish all the sinnes of this suit Gen. 6.5 Rom. 5 1● Men are naturally possessed with this point of Poperie that this corruption is seated in the bodie sences and inferiour faculties of the minde onely Timely take in hand thy crooked nature Morbus languor naturae 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He calleth himselfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 How God can be so good to man seeing so many vessells are prepared to destruction Rom. 11.22 Psal. 73.1 Mich. 7. ●● 2. Cor. 2.15 Then are we saued when we are sanctified 1. Ioh. 3.2 Ioh. 3.18 Saluation considered two waies Alia est depositio pecca●i quae donatur ex parte Alia mortalitatis quae speratur None saued hereafter who are not saued here For assurance of saluation haue recourse to thy sanctification Philip. 1.6 Men conuerted are happie men though the world see it not Trie thy present happines by this touchstone Before the Lord put forth his loue in his Christ it could not be reached of man or angel 2. Tim. 1.10 Hebr. 1.3 Let the Papist goe to the nobles of the court of heauen we must goe to the Prince himself Let it be well noted against the Papists that euen works of iustice and grace are opposed vnto mercy grace and not works of nature as they would haue it Our saluation beginneth in election and not after we come to faith knowledge or good desires and works Both Augustine and Thomas vrge this place to prooue this conclusion Voluntas dei occulta esse potest non potest esse iniusta August ad Paul epist. 59. Ezek. 16.63 Dilexit non existentes imo resistentes Bern. Qui fecit te sine te non salvat te sine te August Essentiall parts of a sacrament three The Lord in baptisme not onely offereth but exhibiteth grace Concil Triden sess 7. can 8. si quis dixerit per ipsa novae legis sacramenta ex opere operato non conferri gratiam c. Grace not tied ●o the sacrament Rom. 4.10 Baptisme how the laver of regeneration Non quod dicitur sed quod creditur Aug. in Iohan. Ruccella Iudae venenum fuit non quod mala sed quia malus male accepit August Faith of Infants what 1. Cor. 7.14 Recte dicuntur ●ideles licèt nondum imbuti sunt fide Musc. in Matth. 18. Spiritum fidei Zanch. ad Eph. Semen fidei In infan●ibus qui adhuc per aetatem credere non possunt spiritus sanctus in eorum cordibus fidei vices agit Pet. Mart. in Rom. 6. Baptismus fluminis ●laminis sangui●is What baptisme serueth for in them that beleeue alreadie Limbus puerorum Durus ill● Papista lib 8. de Paradoxis Abluitur pe●catum in baptismo 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 non 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 No woman a fit minister of baptisme It is against the dignitie of this ordinance to be brought into priuate houses Ambrosius de obitu Valentiniani Imperatoris ait illū gratia baptismi nō caruisse licèt non esset baptizatus quum eius desiderio flagrasset Necessitate premente adulti voto saepe voluntate solū fuere baptizat● Falling from the grace of baptis● a gro●●● error Hose 2.19 The congregation ought not to depart from baptisme Reas. Regeneration what 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 1. 2. Cor. 3.18 Rev. 22. Opus ad extra All inward grace in baptisme is from the holy Ghost Hebr. 10.4 Bellarmins instances to the contrarie refuted De Sacram. lib. 2. c. 4. 2. king 5. Ioh. 9. Coloss. 2. ●● 12. Act. 7. Vis regenerandi non aquae si●plici sed Sacramentali id est gratiae ●ei qu●● mediante verbo per aquā operaturad●●ribenda est Pola in Analys Catech Basil. 1. Ioh. 2.27 Mark 16.20 Isa. 59 21· Deut. 29.2 God in sauing reneweth men to his owne image 2. Cor. 5.17 Eph. 4.23 2. Pet. 1.4 Luk. 1.75 This necessitie is not to be cōceiued of the signe but of the thing signified Ioh. ●3 1● Notes to trie this secret worke of God in thy selfe Ioh. 3.10 2. Cor. 4.4 Rom. 9.18 Gal. 5. Syn●●doche Ioh. 15.26 Graces of gods spirit compared to waters Ier. 17.6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Spirit ●aid to be powred out in three respects Isa 11.9 Christ was PROMISED to the Israelites but GIVEN vnto vs. Ezek. 47. 1. Pet. 1.10 Ioh. 7.39 Our increase must be proportionable to the grace so plentifully poured out Phil. 3.8 Eph. 3.18 2. Cor. 3.18 Isa. 32.15 We haue great cause to bewaile our barrennes whereof are 3. maine causes Tantalus Isa. 55.1 ●zek 47. Ioel 3 18. Isa. 12.4 Christ our Lord the fountain of all our welfare Psal. 133.2 Ioh. 1.16 In thy want beg grace at his hands In thy supplie be thankefull vnto him Iustification what Rom. 8.33 What is meant by Grace 1. Pet. 5.10 A Romish shift auoided The righteousnes of a sinner before God is no qualitie in the beleeuer Gratia iustificās in solo deo subiective in nobis obiectivè tantum in est Exod 32.33 Rom. 5.19 Pides iustificat non absolute s●d relative scil cum obiecto non efficiendo sed afficiendo applicando Luk 7. ●● Gen. 27. ●7 Christ and saving graces are no circumstances but the substance of all religion 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Haereditas est successio in vniversum ius desancti The ciuill law accounteth the heire and him that so maketh him but one the same person Eph. 1.18 Matth. 25.34 Eternal life being an inheritance must needs be most free Gal. 3.29 Voluir deus istā connexionem vt ad bona opera sequatur beatitudo non tamen vt effectus causam sed vt aliquid coniunctum cum illis ex de● constitutione Martyr in Rom. 2. Whosoeuer would haue right to life must become a sonne Set thine heart vpon this purchase Hebr. 11.8.9 Keepe well the deedes of it 1. king 21.3 Comfort to those that are heyres All truths of God must be deliuered but some more dwelt vpon Rev. 1.1.11 vers 6 7.8 Contra solem obloqui Greenam cap. 1.1 Points of contro●ersie must b● diligently heard taught Iude 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A good worke cannot come from any but a good man Opus quod qui fecerit vivet in eo non fit nisi à iustificato Aug. de spi● lit c. 29. Mark 11.24 Hebr. 4.2 Professors of the Gospel must be the first and forwardest in euery good worke Matth. 5.24 2. Pet. 1.8 1. Pet. 2.15 1. Pet. 3.2 2. Pet. 1.10 Rom. 2.9 Meanes to help forward the former dutie Philip.
lambe slaine from the beginning of the world both 1. in regard of Gods counsell and 2. of the promise to Adam and 3. of the efficacie of his death the sauing power of which was the same to all beleeuers yesterday to day and for euer and thus euen Abraham saw his day If to the Gospel which is a peculiar doctrine concerning Christ it is called an eternall Gospel not that it was eternally preached for it was a mysterie kept secret since the world began Rom. 16.25 but 1. because it proceedeth frō the eternall counsell of God 2. it containeth the word● of eternall life and 3. it remaineth for all eternitie Finally if to our effectuall vocation by this word yea and our whole saluation he gaue vs of grace and purpose saluation and effectuall vocation before the world began that is in his counsell and decree Vse 1. Hence we see that the Popish doctrine of iustification by workes was preuented euen before the world began For if God laid all the degrees of our blessednesse vp in himselfe before the world much more before we were in the world who seeth not that all our saluation is freely comming vnto vs both in the promise and execution or accomplishment of it not according to our workes but according to the good pleasure of his will If it be here alleadged that God in electing vs foresaw our faith and workes and therefore elected vs. The answer is that that is vnsound seeing faith in Christ is a fruit and effect of election not going before but following after it Whence Paul saith that God had mercie on him not because he foresawe that he would be faithfull but that he might be faithfull And we are elected before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame If yet it be said that God might as well foresee the faith and works of his elect as their saluation I answer he did foresee them as meanes and wayes which himselfe prepared for them to walke in to their saluation and so did decree them but the decree in regard of the beginnings and motiues to election cannot be otherwise then free and absolute if that of the Apostle be true that we are iustified freely by his grace And if God cannot elect men to life except he foresee that they will vse their free-will well as the Pelagian or that they will become faithfull and righteous necessarily must this decree of God which is the first and eternall principle of all things depend vpon some other externall beginning out of himselfe contrarie to that of the Apostle who saith that he predestinated vs to bee adopted through Iesus Christ in himselfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 pro 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as Beza well obserueth that is finding no cause neither present nor to come out of himselfe of this his most iust counsell and decree Besides saluation beeing but one and one way vnto it and Gods decree but one how should by the former doctrine any infants be saued in whom the Lord could not foresee either faith or workes So that as the former doctrine called vpon vs to giue God the honour of his truth so doth this to giue him the glorie of mercie in that it is his good pleasure euen before all times to giue his a kingdome freely to which purpose he giueth faith freely works of faith freely the end of faith which is the perseuerance of it vnto saluation freely and in a word as the decree before all times so grace and glorie in due time most freely Vse 2. Did God thus freely loue vs when we were not much more will he now beeing reconciled vnto him by the death of his sonne If while we were yet sinners and enemies he set his loue vpon vs much more now beeing iustified and friends will he saue vs from wrath Thou maist be sometimes frowned vpon yea buffeted and vnder the roddes of God to the breaking of thy heart but yet all these proceeding from this loue are farre from breaking it off to thee who hast euer tasted how good the Lord hath beene to thy soule Well maist thou cheare vp thy heart and say why art thou cast downe my soule what is it that can separate thee from this loue which hath two excellent properties namely to bee free without desert and constant without end nay trust in God rather yea repaire with the boldnes of a child to thy father that loueth thee neuer the lesse because he correcteth thee and strengthen thy prayers herein that his loue will not suffer thee to want things meete for thee Vse 3. What an hainous sinne were it to requite such a free loue with hatred repaying euil for good which consideration alone should make vs smite our hearts be ashamed of our vnthankfull sinnes it is a note of one who hath tasted of this goodnesse to be grieued for his sinne in this respect that it displeaseth one who hath bin such a good God vnto him Vse 4. Let vs expresse this vertue of God towards our brethren not so much waighing their deserts no mote then God doth ours but be readie to repay good for euill loue for hatred blessing for cursing knowing 1. that it is the grace of a dutie of loue or mercie when it is free 2. that the heathen can doe one good turne for another 3. that hereby we shall be sonnes of our heauenly father who suffereth his raine to fall and sunne to shine vpon the iust and vniust doth good for euill yea ouercommeth euill with good Secondly as God laid not the foundation of the world so soone as the foundation of our saluation but prepared a remedie before the maladie it is our parts not onely to magnifie this grace in him but to imitate it by labouring to couer the faults of our brethren when they are committed and not as the manner of many is to amplifie euery circumstance of offences done whereas we should make the best of the worst euen in the worst the meekenesse of spirit must euer temper our zeale against their sinne and prepare couers and cures as fast as they breede offences but especially if in good men and professors of the Gospel a weakenesse breake out woe to that man who with open mouth is readie by that occasion to disgrace not them onely but the whole profession by reason of them v. 3. But hath made his word manifest in due time by preaching Hauing seene how the maine promise of life eternall hath beene made by the God of truth we are now to consider this truth of God further in the accomplishing of that in due time which he promised before all times And then was that promise accomplished when the word was made manifest which manifestation is amplified 1. by the circumstance of time in due time 2. by the meanes of this manifestation that is by preaching For the meaning of
of their mouthes and sparkles of fire leape out the smoke they send out is like a seething pot or caldron 4. As the spirit of truth is a peaceable and meeke spirit so neuer shall a man finde a bitter spirit conscionably vtter pure truths neither indeed will truth Gods darling dwell with such And what lowder lie then to charge Gods children with damnable heresies Let all antiquitie be searched and we shall finde three things which must concurre to make an heretike 1. The broching of something contrarie to the Articles of faith 2. A departing from the Church vpon it with profession of drawing Disciples 3. After solemne admonition a stiffnesse in such error and faction None of which if they can be found in such as to whome all are imputed Let euery man iudge whether such boldnesse in any man deserue not more open reprehension and censure whereby such might learne at length to spare the credit of such who are so farre beyond the reach of their enuie as that they iustly pittie their weaknesse and solly and not with them attempt any more the discouering of their fathers nakednesse which were a good way to couer their owne Vse 3. Let none looke to be spared in the Ministerie if they will be incorrigible no not great ones If any people might looke to be spared surely they of the circumcision might beeing a people of such prerogatiues But 1. Paul preferres the Churches good aboue their credit 2. As God hath no respect of persons no more hath his word 3. When great ones are more seuerely taxed inferiours will feare the more Doctr. 2. Note further who are to be reputed the chiefe plagues of the Church and the archseducers of the world euen they of the circumcision that is such as ioyne the lawe with the Gospel and works with faith in the act of iustification for they ●each such doctrine as abolisheth from Christ and maketh him profit nothing and that in such manner as men can hardly shift or auoide them for they slily glide into the extraordinarie commendation of that the Scripture also commendeth and attributeth too much vnto that which the Scripture ascribeth somewhat vnto As for example Circumcision in the prime of it was an ordinance to seale the righteousnesse of faith and for a time was worthily in such reputation as that death is iustly threatned against the neglect of it be it in Moses himselfe These seducers taking hence occasion goe one step further and will haue it a meritorious cause of saluation and consequently will not haue it dated when the Lord hath expired it but albeit the bodie hath appeared the shadowe must remaine The Popish teachers at this day are the iust heires of these seducers as appeareth in these particulars the Iewish teachers would professe and teach Christ but not alone for he must be ioyned with Moses and all the former rites and all these with Christs merits must be iumbled to iustification Euen so Popish seducers sit with Antichrist in the Church of God and professe Christ but together with Christ they must merit something themselues and so make themselues debters to the whole law And further they make the works of grace almes prayer fasting contrition yea their owne rites and traditions obserued meritorious causes of saluation for they promise life eternall to masses indulgences auricular confession vowes pilgrimages c. and so tread in the verie steppes of these seducers 2. Againe as the Iewish teachers dealt with circumcision so doe the Papists with our Sacraments which because by diuine institution they are signes and seales of Gods mercie and faithfull couenant they turne them into physicall not conduits but causes not containing onely but conferring grace euen by the worke wrought 3. Further as the Iewish teachers lead their disciples to stand vpon outward shewes and prerogatiues as that they were sonnes of Abraham had receiued the law circumcision in their flesh and were distinguished into diuerse famous sects as Scribes Pharisies Sadduces Essees c. The verie same things in effect doe Popish teachers force men to stand vpon as false antiquitie fained succession dissembled chastitie hypocriticall orders as of Francis Dominicke Benedict and an hundred more according to whose rules whosoeuer walke mercie and peace they pronounce vpon him such cannot faile of life euerlasting but as for beleefe in the Sonne of God seeking life by that means it is the least of their labour Thus doe they with those seducers publish lies and dreames of their owne hearts that Gods people may forget his name that is the grace and mercy of God in Iesus Christ. Vse 1. This point letteth vs see how pernicious and dangerous the Popish doctrine is which whosoeuer holdeth and maintaineth is abolished from Christ and fallen from grace Paul is not more confident in any thing then this that the ioyning of any thing with Christ as the matter of our righteousnesse is the cutting off of a man from Christ Gal. 5.3 Behold I Paul say and testifie that if yee be circumcised that is with opinion of righteousnes by it or confidence in it for else at this time the worke of circumcision hurt him not that kept himselfe from confidence of righteousnesse by it Christ profiteth you nothing so we testifie truely against the Papists that so many of them as will be iustified by the works of the lawe are fallen from Christ. Now because their doctrine teacheth this and he is not an absolute Papist that beleeueth it not we truely conclude that it is a doctrine leading from Christ and the absolute Papist hath no part in Christ. Obiect Doth not Iames make a cooperation of faith and works Ans. Yea but not in the act of our iustification nor in the matter or worke of our saluation but onely in the declaration of the sinceritie of our faith and truth of our conuersion which by fruits of righteousnesse we shew to be voide of hypocrisie so as let faith and works ioyntly concurre in the approbation of our iustification but in case of making vs righteous before God away with the works of the law if thou meanest to haue part in Christ these will neuer stand together here let Moses die and be buried and let no man euer knowe where he was laid to raise him againe This point shall be clearer when we come to those words of our Apostle Wee are not saued by the works of righteousnesse which we had done In the meane time dare Paul affirme of the lawe of Moses Gods owne lawe that he that holds vnto it to be iustified by it is fallen from Christ what would he haue said of their desperate and irrecouerable fall who looke for iustification out of their owne traditions vowes inventions the drosse and chaffe of their owne deuises of all which the Lord will say who required these things at your hands Let vs beware of dogges the propertie of whom is to returne to their vomit
saue of her husbands allowance or procure by her labour aboue that her husband enioyneth 9. That she getteth naughtily she ought to dispose it to the owners or to the poore though he should forbid her because neither she nor he hath right thereunto The Casuists adde other cases which are more questionable But the question is of such goods as are common between them whether she may dispose of them to any vse without his consent And the common answer is negatiue and sundrie reasons propounded Which as I will not conclude against so neither can I wholly assent vnto for these reasons which I propound to be further considered of 1. Whereas one cheife ground of that opinion is that the wife hath no more but vse of her husbands goods I take it she hath also a right and interest in them For marriage which maketh the person of the husband the wiues maketh his goods much more so that as she hath not vse only but right and power of his bodie so also hath she not only an vse but a right and possession in his goods Againe if she haue onely vse of them wherein is her preferment aboue the children and seruants who haue vse of them aswell as she Further the husband is bound to impart and make his wealth common with his wife as Christ imparted his heart blood vpon the Church which the Church hath a state and interest in the which interest for any to debarre the Church of were to withhold her from her right Secondly the wife is as necessarily bound by God to shew mercie as well as the husband the precept is generall to doe good forget not and to distribute She must therefore exercise her faith in the practise of good workes as well as he though her husband forbid her whom she is to obey only in the Lord what if he should command her not to heare the word praie and goe to Church or the like and the case is not vnlike seeing mercie is more acceptable then sacrifice and euery way as necessarie Obiect It will be here said that we may not doe euill to doe good withall or giue of that which is not our owne Answ. It is the question whether it be euill or no. And she giueth of that which she hath right and state in euen to dispose but in no other vse then in workes of mercie as present need requireth and that with wisedome and discretion so as she neither impouerish her husband weaken his estate nor wrong her own familie Thirdly we haue examples of godly women for to let passe the fact of Abigail that was as Mr. Calvin saith extraordinarie in that God did inwardly and specially direct her in that strait and the case was of present necessitie to saue the liues of the whole family and further her husband Nabal was not only froward but drunke all that daie and not to be consulted withall 1. Sam. 25.16.36 The examples of Ioanna the wife of Cuza and Susanna and many other godly women were not so extraordinarie who ministred to Christ of their substance to say here they had the consent of their husbands is but to insist in the question without proofe and it is most probable their husbands were not so forward especially Cuza who was Herods steward in likelihood was of Herods mind Most expressely Salomon saith of euery vertuous woman that she stretcheth out her hand to the poore Prov. 31.20 Fourthly the most learned deciders of cases among the Papists conclude and determine that the wife in this case may do that which the husband ought to do but will not as if she know much of his goods ill gotten which ought to be restored she may giue more liberally whereby so farre as she can she laboureth to heale his error and witholdeth Gods iudgement from her selfe in participating in his goods It is obiected that the vowe of the wife may not stand without her husbands consent at least implicite and therefore she may not dispose of inferiour things without it To which may be answered that this is a ruled case by expresse commandement not deniable by any as the other is not Besides it is an vnlike case seeing vowes are voluntarie and in the power or choise of the vower to vowe or not to vowe but so are not works of mercie which are commanded and necessarie duties It is alleadged that partners may doe nothing without mutuall consent But that is answered because here steppeth in a superiour power to which both of them must stoope euen a commandement of mercie and charitie to the wife as well as the husband and includeth that the wife must haue wherewithall to be charitable as well as the husband It is alleadged that her desire must be subiect vnto him he shall rule but all such allegations drawne from his headship and authoritie stand onely in indifferent and ciuill things which a mercifull and necessarie releefe is not for we say that she is in a ciuill manner subiected vnto him and to his power and may not dispose of any part of his goods at her pleasure to any ciuill vse as to giue away to her friends to spend vpon other other outward vses But yet is she not after such a seruile manner put vnder his power as that vpon no occasion whatsoeuer shee may not dispose of any part of the goods which by the right of marriage are common betweene them It is further alleadged that the Shunamite did not entertaine the Prophet but first she asked her husband I answer it is a cōmendable part for the wife to seeke her husbands consent in euerie thing but the question is where such consent cannot be had besides one thing it is to giue a mercifull releefe and an other for the wife to bring a man into the house to diet and lodge him which this woman might not doe without the consent of the husband for though there was a mercifull releefe of the Prophet of God in it yet there was more it beeing a mixt action in one part of which the husband must haue a chiefe stroake It is further alleadged that by ciuill lawes the wife may neither let nor sell nor borrow without her husband and therefore neither may she giue I answer these are ciuill actions wherein the husband as the head must giue direction but mercifully to giue an almes is a religious action besides the lawes state the wife in a great part of the husbands goods and lands and prouideth by giuing her a ioynture or her thirds that the husband may not depriue her of her right therein neither by lawe can a man sell his lands simply vnlesse the wife will giue vp her thirds which plainly stateth her in a right vnto the goods and lands aboue the seruants and children the deniall of which as I said at first is the maine ground of the former opinion Other obiections I haue met with not worth the answering therefore I will not
blood of Christ by often meditating and applying vnto himselfe his death and merits which are the onely purging ●ire and fullers sope without which although he take much sope and nitre yet can he not be purged this is the onely fountaine opened to the house of Dauid for sinne and vncleannesse this is the onely lauer of the Church 2. He laboureth in the encrease and strengthning of his faith which as an hand apprehending the former purifieth the heart 3. He diligently and reuerently frequenteth the word and Sacraments as the outward meanes appointed by God for the effecting and encreasing of sanctification 4. When he heareth Christ say If I wash thee not thou hast no part in mee he reuerently falleth downe at his feete in feruent prayer Lord not my feete only but my hands and my head wash mee throughly euen from toppe to toe Thus he knowes he can onely become cleane and by these same meanes he seeth he can only be kept cleane he dare not neglect these meanes as the foule monsters of the world that had rather be wallowing in the dung of the earth and bathing themselues in their dirtie and sinnefull sports and delights then frequent the places where these pure waters streame in most pleasant abundance but their cards dice bowles boules vnprofitable companie idle solitarines which as so many draynes carie with them all vncleannes the which they powre on the heads of wicked men with full buckets chaine them with chaines of darknes that they cannot so much as desire these cleane waters which the spirit powreth on those which thirst after them The second point is the motiues to become purged and to labour in sanctification 1. Because hereby wee resemble the Lord himselfe by which reason we are often in the Scripture mooued to the study of holines Leu. 19.2 and hence we become deare vnto God when he spieth his owne image vpon vs for euen naturall fathers loue their children best who are likest vnto them 2. Hereby we are not only conformable to his image but to his will for this is the will of God that euery man know to possesse his vessell in holinesse and in honour 1. Thess. 4.3 3. Hereby we distinguish our selues from the profane Esaus of the world whereas by nature we are as foule as they 4. We attaine to the end of our redemption and haue an argument that Christs death is effectuall to vs because we see the power of the deuil and sinne destroied in vs. 5. All legall purifications are resolued into nothing but euangelicall sanctimonie which may not be neglected vnlesse we will come behind those who were directed by shadows types whereas we haue the truth substance 6. Without puritie of heart and life no man shall see God Blessed and holy are they that haue part in the first resurrection the second death shall not hurt such for only those that are slaine by the first death are hurt by the second and the second resurrection only profiteth those that haue part in the first Without shall be dogges and whatsoeuer is filthy and vncleane and know we not that the vnrighteous shall not inherit the kingdome of God 1. Cor. 6.9 What meane men then to feare least they should be too pure and too holy and to reproach others as beeing so What a fearefull delusion is it for men to flatter themselues as most doe that there need no such strictnes or precisenes but to come to Church and receiue Sacraments according to law and do as other men do and sometimes as their leysure suffers to read or pray alone and heare a sermon extraordinarie But alas what will it profit a man to be a sundaies Saint and a work-daies Deuil Or what great good can good moods do are we not exhorted to the following of holines to cleanse our selues from all filthines of soule and bodie to an heauenly conuersation to haue no fellowship nor touch any vncleane thing On the other side are we not vrged to continuall prayer In all things to be thankfull to meditate day and night in the law of the Lord to make the word our marke to aime at and in all things with full purpose of heart to cleaue fast vnto the Lord And now dare any flesh except and say but if I shall doe thus it is more then need and I should become too precise and too pure and so are they that do so we serue a God of pure eyes that will not be thus dallied withall To be a peculiar people vnto himselfe In these words is set down one end why Christ vnderwent such paines not only to iustifie but also to sanctifie his Church namely that it might become impropriate vnto himselfe and applied vnto his owne best purposes For as vncleane vessels can neuer be vsed vnto any good purpose vntill they be washed and sweetned no more can sinnefull men euer become vessells of honour reserued vnto the Lords owne vse before they be washed by the blood of Christ and those pure waters of the spirit before mentioned The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 properly signifieth something on which a man for some excellencie in it setteth his affection more then other and therefore layeth it vp and reserueth for some speciall vse and purpose and will not at any hand part with it as if a man should laie vp some bright and bewtifull peeces of gold which he will not suffer to see the sunne as we say or be brought out scarce in extreame necessitie Thus although all the earth be the Lords who beeing the God of nature and grace hath all power and libertie to conferre where he pleaseth grace aboue nature yet his good pleasure was to choose Israel to be his cheefe treasure aboue all people and an holy nation that vnto them he might shew his wisedome and glorie and his loue and mercie vpon them But that was but a type the thing it selfe is specially apparant in the Church of the new Testament euen the true Church of God in all ages since vnto which all those titles iustly belong which Peter giueth to the beleeuing dispersed Iewes A royall pr●●sthood a chosen generation an holy nation and a peculiar people Now the Church may be said to be a peculiar people by the Church vnderstanding the true and essentiall members of the Church 1. Because beleeuers are the most precious of men euen the most noble persons of the earth descended of the blood of Christ in which regard they are the dearest of men and nearer vnto God because more noble then the rest Thus Salomon describeth the Church as though it were a stately court where are none but of the blood royall Kings Queenes Lords and Ladies and hence are beleeuers called sonnes of God brethren of Christ and heyers vnto the crowne of heauen Secondly In regard of God they are a peculiar people distinct from others by his grace of election by which they are chosen
carefull inough to preuent and seeke out for helpe against the diseases which threaten the bodily death of their children and seruants take vp some care to remooue that euerlasting death which this euill threatneth and will certainely bring if in due season it be not repressed Teach thy child and traine him in the Scriptures from a child teach thy seruant the trade of Christianitie and godlinesse for thou art no lesse bound to deliuer him the principles of this calling as the particular to which he is bound vse good meanes to get them the light of knowledge opposed against this blindnesse of mind worke vpon their wills to breake them from the follies and vanities of youth opposed to this rebellion of will bring them at least to outward conformitie in their conuersation opposed to this generall deprauation of manners these things they will not forget in their age or if they do the perill is their own thou hast done thy duty one thing remember thy seruants thy children are all poysoned and haue need of some present antidote Verse 4. But when the bountifulnesse and loue of God our Sauiour towards man appeared 5. Not by the workes of righteousnesse which we had done but according to his mercie he saued vs by the washing of the new birth and renewing of the holy Ghost 6. Which hee shed on vs abundantly through Iesus Christ our Sauiour 7. That we beeing iustified c. Our Apostle hauing so largely described the miserable condition of man in his naturalls whose whole temper we haue seene to be such as carieth him to all rough and gracelesse courses he now setteth by it a liuely description of a new condition vnto which those who are good in Gods sight are called and this he doth in these foure verses in this order First by the principall efficient cause of it which is the bountifulnesse and loue of God fitly opposed to that hardnesse and vnmercifulnesse of men which was the ground of feircenes in their speaches and behauiours God was not so feirce against man but when we were in that miserable condition as he is the fountaine of all goodnes in himselfe so his gentlenes and philanthropie streamed out and the glorious beames of his grace shined out vpon vs through his Christ ver 4. Now this principall efficient is illustrated 1. by the time when 2. by remoouing the contrarie things which whatsoeuer they may seeme are so farre from beeing causes as they are rather diametrally opposed namely the workes of righteousnesse which we had done that is the verie best and floure of our workes which indeed had no righteousnesse here was no such thing concurring to the helping of vs into this estate but his meere mercie saued vs which assertion of Gods free mercie is inserted and repeated againe to take downe the arrogancie of some presumptuous spirits in those dayes This he doth in the former part of the 5. verse Secondly by the instrumentall or ministeriall efficient cause which helpeth vs into this change and new condition and this may be conceiued either proper and that is the renewing of the holy Ghost or typicall and sacramentall and that is the lauer of regeneration By which some vnderstand Baptisme in a larger sence including all the gifts necessarie to saluation as it is taken Ioh. 3.5 and 1. Pet. 1.3 because the verse following casteth eye to such places of the old Testament which speake not of the effusion of sacramentall water but of the plentifull powring out of such graces of the spirit as were prophecied to be in abundance conferred to the Church of the new Testament as Ezech. 36. I will powre out cleane waters Ioel. 2. I will powre out of my spirit that is the waters of grace vnto a new life But I will not leaue the high way where I may as I take it more conueniently goe in it I will speak of this lauer of regeneration in the stricter sence taking it for the sacrament of Baptisme for so I shall not confound things which the text seemeth plainely to distinguish the whole former sence beeing expressed in those words and the renewing of the holy Ghost as after in prosecuting them we shall see Thirdly this new condition is amplified by the finall cause of it and this ende is twofold 1. nearer hand namely our present iustification That by his grace we beeing iustified that is accounted righteous 2. more remote and further off but annexed and inseperably tyed vnto the former namely our future glorification when we shall be manifested to be heyres of life eternall which yet is not so farre off vs but that we haue sure hold of it by hope So as the whole carriage and meaning of these 4. verses seemeth to be this Howsoeuer formerly we were in our old estate lost in wandring and vagrant courses yet after that the most free loue and good will of God our Sauiour whose sole mercie alone mooued him in his sonne to embrace vs through the preaching of the Gospel did more clearely shine out then not of any workes of righteousnesse which we had done for what could we then doe but of his meere mercie he saued vs and to this purpose he powred vpon vs his holy spirit to the renewing of vs and the purging of our consciences from all the impuritie of them of which inward purging that lauer of Baptisme is a signe and representation wherein he doth not sparingly and drop by drop besprinkle our consciences with those pure waters but abundantly and with a liberall hand sheddeth them and powreth them ou● vpon our soules through Christ our Sauiour All which our good God hath done for vs that we might obtaine righteousnesse and all spirituall graces attending it and so might be led to the fruition of that glorie which he hath alreadie put in our hands by faith and hope which shall not make vs ashamed In the principall efficient we are to speake of three things in order 1. of this loue and bountifulnesse of God which is the positiue cause of our saluation 2. The time when it appeared vnto vs But when the bountifulnesse and loue of God towards man 3. The remoouall of a supposed cause not by the workes of righteousnesse which we had done but by his mercie he saued vs. In the first we must first distinguish these two words bountifulnesse and loue of God towards man The former noteth rather that natiue nesse which is in or rather which is his owne nature who is goodnesse it selfe and readie to be implied to the good of the creature The latter a communicated and participated goodnesse vnto others as a streame issuing from the former fountaine for it is said to be such a goodnesse as hath appeared And whereas the goodnesse of God shineth out in and to all his creatures not only in creating them all verie good but in the daily ordering and preseruing of them this is not such a generall goodnes but more speciall and
deserued or good things which we would abuse or els positiue and these either generall and more common as giuen to elect and reprobate such as the gift of tongues learning prophecie miracles c. or more speciall whereby onely they that are to be saued are distinguished As namely that first and eternall grace of election and that second grace whereby such as are elected and giuen to the Sonne are in due time by effectuall vocation iustification and sanctification lead vnto glorie and saluation All these are of his grace whome Peter calleth the God of all grace But there is yet another grace of God which is no gift infused into vs but resideth in God himselfe which is his free fauour and grace by which he loueth and accepteth his elect in Christ his beloued and this is the first and cause of all other subsequent graces Which is both to be distinguished from the former because the Scripture doth alwaies distinguish them in the doctrine of iustification Rom. 11.6 If of grace then not of workes and more plainly chap. 5.15 much more the grace of God and the gift by grace hath abounded to many As also must be applied to this text not only 1. because it is the proper sense of the word in all such places as treat of the iustification of a sinner before God but 2. because the Apostle by mentioning of grace againe secludeth all that prevision of works formerly mentioned which might be motiues vnto God for the bestowing of his grace that all causes and occasions of the free grace of God out of God might be excluded and 3. to free the text from that corruption which by Popish doctrine is fastned vpon it For how doth the Papists wind themselues when they meete with this and such like places that with them they may hold their blasphemous doctrine of iustification by workes and humane satisfactions you shall haue the latter Iesuites affirme the same thing verie confidently with the Apostle that we are iustified freely by his grace as though they were of his minde and of ours and as if no difference were betweene vs in this maine matter which I dare say if we were agreed in we should not long dissent in any matter of great moment but they speake in their owne sence and retaine a tricke of their mentall reservation which both destroyeth the text and ouerthroweth the foundation of religion For 1. by Iustification they meane not that compleat righteousnesse of Iesus Christ which the Lord imputing vnto vs accepteth vs in but a kind of righteousnesse which God putteth into vs to make vs iust which is nothing else but a physicall change of the heart from euill to good or a motion from iniustice to righteousnesse at the first imperfectly begunne and needeth a second iustification to eke it out 2. By Grace they meane nothing lesse then this fauour of God in Christ accepting his elect but certaine gifts of grace bestowed of fauour or habituall graces of faith hope and charitie which are daily perfected by the daily exercise of them And what is this els then to say that we are iustified that is made iust before God by the inherent righteousnes which he bestoweth vpon vs the which righteousnes not of Christ but of our owne infused into vs not imputed vnto vs doth formally iustifie the sinner in the sight of God But this evasion 1. offereth great violence to the text wherein as we haue heard the Apostle opposeth these two grace and good workes as his vsuall manner is in all those places where he handleth this doctrine as in the seat of it and it is to be marked that what the Apostle here calleth grace he giueth three titles vnto it in the former verse all of them without our selues and peculiar vnto God himselfe 1. bountifulnesse 2. loue 3. mercie and not only this place but sundrie such paralel places shew plainely that by grace cannot be meant any thing infused into vs but only a free fauour in God accepting vs as righteous 2. Tim. 1.9 Who hath saued vs and called vs with an holy calling not according to our workes marke by the way that exclusiue but according to his owne purpose and grace giuen vs but when before the world was Let now any man of common sence say whether this grace whereby we are saued be any gift of grace infused vnto vs vnlesse it could be infused before the world was or we were in it Secondly this conceit confoundeth two distinct things namely our iustification and sanctification which the Apostle distinguisheth 1. Cor. 6.11 and Rom. 5. are noted two things which befell vs by Adams sinne 1. the guilt of that sinne 2. the natiue corruption or pronenesse and propensitie to any other sinne as a iust punishment of the former and accordingly he distinctly noteth two things that by the second Adam are restored vnto vs the former is freedome and absolution from that guilt which is our iustification before God and the latter is the repairing of Gods image which is called regeneration which is here imperfect but shall be hereafter raised to that legall righteousnesse from whence we fel implying vnto vs that as we must retaine the distinction betweene the guilt and corruption of sinne so also must we betweene the freedome from the one the other which this popish interpreattion confoundeth Thirdly this interpretation of the phrase by the Romish teachers maketh the iustification of a sinner faile against those two maine rules which in Scripture are ascribed vnto it 1. whereas the righteousnesse of God is made manifest without the law Rom. 3.21 this shall be false for the law reuealeth that righteousnes which is by inherent qualities gifts of grace or the habit of loue 2. whereas the iustification of a sinner is by a righteousnesse which satisfieth the iustice of God such a righteousnesse as this cannot doe so for our best inherent righteousnesse is mingled with corruption is verie imperfect farre from that which the lawe requireth and 〈◊〉 from that which God accepteth who neuer accepteth but such as bring perfect righteousnesse either of their owne or of the Mediators All which I haue propounded for the right interpretation of this phrase because it nippeth in the head all that Popish deuise of iustification by workes so derogatorie to this Apostolicall iustification by grace as they can no sooner be reconciled then can fire and water light and darknesse and that abandoning such tricks of mens braines we might come to conceiue the truth of this fundamentall doctrine as the Scriptures haue taught vs to conceiue of it Doctr. The righteousnesse of a sinner before God is not any qualitie in the beleeuer but that which the Lord imputeth and accepteth through his sonne For 1. the Apostle here speaking of renewing of beleeuers inwardly and in truth yet ascribeth not their righteousnesse thereto but attributeth it wholly vnto grace And if we speake of the righteousnesse of a
commanded not done of faith Answ. No for though both be condemned yet the iudgement of the latter is farre easier and the stripes farre fewer for it is easier for some then for others of them who are all condemned Vse 1. There can therefore be no iustification by workes as the Church of Rome teacheth if they can be onely the fruits of persons alreadie iustified 2. Neuer content thy selfe that thou doest good workes of charitie liberalitie mercie or deuotion publike or priuate vnlesse thou hast a ground in thy selfe that they are fruits of sauing faith which hath purified thy heart and so brought thy person and worke into acceptance for before this time let them seeme in thine eies neuer so bright glistring yet are they no other in Gods then shining darkenesse and beautifull deformities It is not thy honest meaning nor diligent deuotions nor good intents which bring acceptance to a worke but faith working by loue deceiue not thy selfe in that thou hast done that which thou wast commanded for it is the presence or absence of faith that putteth a difference in the same worke done by vertue of the same word Caine offereth sacrifice to the Lord so doth Abel Phineas is zealous for the Lord so is Iehu Peter weepeth for his sinne against Christ so doth Iudas also here is the same worke but not the same acceptance where is the difference now By faith Abel offered a better sacrifice then Caine and if Peters faith had failed so had his fact too as well as Iudases If thou prayest pray in faith beleeue and thou shalt receiue If thou hearest mingle the word with faith else it becommeth vnprofitable and so in other dutyes 3. This sheweth that numbers are vncapable of the doctrine of good works and therefore Ministers must be wise to propound it in the due season of it and first labour in rooting faith in mens hearts these fruits will easily rise Doctr. 2. Professors of the Gospel are aboue all other not only called to the practise of good workes but to be the first and forwardest yea lights and leaders vnto others 1. In regard of their present estate they are the children of their heauenly Father and therefore must resemble him and so walke as they may testifie themselues of this houshold of faith for what a dishonour were it to their high calling to be exceeded and outstripped of Infidells They are Gods workmanship created in Iesus Christ vnto good workes They haue receiued the spirit of grace which onely can make them fruitfull as good trees laden with the fruits of righteousnesse They are inlightened in the knowledge of Iesus Christ wherein it were a shame to be either idle or vnfruitfull and not to shine out as the lights of the world in holding forth the word of life in all godly conuersation Secondly that such as beleeue may be blamelesse and so put to silence the ignorance of foolish men for this is Satans olde policie whereby in all ages he hath turned away the hearts of many from the truth and whereof though he be discouered he disarmeth not himselfe at this day that when the Apostles themselues and the teachers in the Church succeeding them deliuered the truth of the doctrine of iustification by faith alone without the workes of the Law he would alwaies thrust in some professors into the Church that vpon this occasion did ruine the grace of God into wantonnesse and then raise a generall slaunder of the doctrine as though it were onely a doctrine of libertie euen as at this day the Papists slaunder vs as enemies to good works onely because we thrust them out of Christs chaire Now to auoid this ordinarie scandall the professors of this same doctrine must especially for the honour of God and his Gospel and their profession of it be carefull to become patterns in their liues of the faith they doe professe The fruit whereof shall extend it selfe yet further then the stopping of the enemies mouth euen to the winning of them or others that are yet without who by such godly conuersation shall be by little and little enclined to like the word and so be conuerted to the profession and practise of it at the length Nay this fruit is not onely reaped by others without but no small benefit redoundeth to the professors themselues who hereby make their owne election sure and iustifie to themselues and others that faith which iustifieth them before God 3. The danger of the neglect of this dutie vrgeth it he that knoweth his masters will and doth it not shall be beaten with moe stripes Tribulation and anguish shall be to euery sinner first to the Iew and then to the Gentile Why first to the Iewe because they were the professed people of God professors of the law possessors of the oracles hearers of the Prophets but despisers of the meanes of saluation they therefore shall be first and heauiest iudged Vse 1. If we professe our selues by faith to be set into Christ we may examine the truth of it hereby that then we cannot but be fruitfull trees of righteousnes beeing remooued into so sound a stocke and fruitfull a soile Whosoeuer then are not much and often in the workes of godlines loue and mercie may well suspect their estate 2. Whatsoeuer things are honest pure iust and of good report let beleeuers thinke on these things let them thinke that such precepts belong properly to them it beeing a truth that all exhortations in Scripture are first and directly made to those who in some measure are freed to acceptable thogh not full performance of the same whereby let beleeuers prouoke themselues to more diligence seeing vnbeleeuers cannot tell what way to beginne in them 3. Carrie a diligent eye and watch ouer thy life and euery action of it before thou entrest into any action examine whether it will glorifie God and dignifie thy profession or expose it to contempt and make that holy way euill spoken of 4. Watch opportunities to do good take them when they are offred before they slippe thee yea seeke them that thou maist euer haue something between thy hands to glorifie God and his Gospel withal 5. Craue wisedom at the hands of God wait at her gates heare counsell from her mouth lay vp the rules of the word for the ordering of thy heart and life thus shalt thou be able not onely to passe euerie day more innocently then other but become also a clearer patterne of weldoing and more conformable to this rule of our holy Apostle But how may Christ come and find a number of lazie Christians in his vinyard to whom he may say why stand ye idle all day long why did you not promise me you would goe into my vineyard work and do ye not or are you in so goodly a field and can you want worke haue yee done all your husbandrie about home in your own hearts
in your callings and seuerall conditions of life then look abroad into the field of my Church and there you shall not want wherein to employ your strength counsell exhortation mercie loue zeale diligence and all the graces yee haue Neither is it harder to set Christians on worke then to hold them vnto it The profits and pleasures of this life call them often from the speciall busines of Christianitie because they enquire not whether in such seuerall actions they seeke God or themselues What am I a beleeuer I should in euerie action glorifie God testifie my faith beautifie my profession edifie my brethren I ought to winne the ignorant bring on the weake or at least stoppe the mouth of the enemie who will be readie to say You may see what a slight excuse will serue any of them all to misse a sermon what a slight profit will make them forget themselues their father whom they professe and their Fathers house what a slender busines will interrupt and breake off for the time their family duties what a trifle will make them at oddes and suites with others yea themselues for they can be as contentious as any other Alas am not I a Christian a beleeuer am I not called to better things haue I not promised better should I make the deuill glad his instruments reioyce Gods spirit sad his children heauie should I occasion profane ones through my sides to wound all my profession should I open a Papists mouth or harden him against the truth should I cast backe weake ones by such fruites in me a professor should I cast off the care of my brethren and bring shame on all my fathers house Haue I faith or are these the fruits of it would it not rather be fed still in the ministerie would it not vpon all good occasions be working by loue can a beleeuer be so slacke so heauie so idle so secure so couetous so contentious so scandalous as I am oh I must looke better to the matter When I first entred into the wayes of God I said I promised I would looke to my waies I would not offend in my tongue in my hand in my eye in my life and conuersation and by Gods grace hereafter I will pay these vowes to the Lord in the sight of all his people Now for watching opportunities seeking occasions of doing good we feare them we flie them we avoid charitable motions and repute it our wisdome not to heare them selfe loue and selfe ease slaieth our profession deadeth our faith and burieth our loue to God and to men can working faith be so idle or beleeuing persons so workles or trees of Gods orchyard so fruitles shall greene leaues make vs good trees or good words good Christians Let vs pull out our hands out of our warme bosomes and fall to worke and leaue idle iangling It would bee more for the honour of God and his Gospell if professors would either doe more or say lesse practise something like or professe nothing at all Where is the communion of Saints become when doe professors meet together to edifie themselues by godly conference when enquire they one of an other where is a poore christian either sicke or in other distresse that we may gather him a little releefe were not such a fellowship as this likest vnto the purest Primitiue Church in the dayes of the Apostles themselues and were it not now fitter for beleeuers then liue so priuately minded as many as though we could not be religious vnles as of olde we cloister our selues like Monks liuing within our priuate wals feeding vp our selues storing vp for ours but forgetting Iosephs affliction And surely what is the cause we see not such a comfortable communion but because those that beleeue in God are so heauie vnto good workes the richer sort which should be as great wheeles to set forward the poorer either looke bigge vpon them or for other employments haue not so much leasure as they their own ploughs must forward whatsoeuer become of Gods and the poorer sort want both meanes and example Doctr. 3. In that the Apostle willeth Titus to affirme these things deliuered and addeth this as a reason because they are good and profitable we obserue that Ministers in their teaching must haue respect to these two things 1. That they deliuer true sound and good matter in it selfe 2. That it be profitable for the hearers First it must be true and sound else are they not of Gods sending for whom he sendeth he furnisheth with a word of truth as on the contrarie Satan is a lying spirit in the mouthes of seducers Now then is it true when it is deuided aright and then deuided aright when it is truly and properly grounded on the place whence it is raysed as also when it is truly and rightly applied Ayming 1. to please God and not men or the times 2. to beate downe sinne and not open a doore to libertie or licentiousnesse 3. to comfort and encourage such as walke vprightly and not make the hearts of those heauy to whom the Lord speaketh peace Let the doctrin be neuer so true if it be misaplied it ceaseth to be Gods who alwaies speaketh to the heart of his children Secondly it must be profitable as well as true For 1. euery thing in the Church must be done to edifie and consequently spoken also 2. All assemblies are appointed for the profit and for the better of the Church 1. Cor. 11.17 3. The commandement is to deliuer nothing but what may breed godly edifying 1. Tim. 1.4 and not to striue about words to no profit 1. Tim. 2.14 bounded with a threatning that the Lord will come against such Prophets as seeke out vaine things and such as bring no profit to his people Ier. 23.32 4. examples Paul professeth of himselfe that he kept nothing backe which was profitable Act. 20.20 Nay the Lord hims●lfe setteth himselfe a worthy example hereof to all teachers and preachers Isa. 48.17 I am the Lord thy God which ●eacheth thee to profit and leadeth thee the waie thou hast to goe Vse 1. It is not inough that a Minister be a great scholler but hee must be a true teacher too Many a learned man is a false Prophet wherof we haue pregnant example in the Church of Rome in whom we see the speach true that in Gods matters the greatest clearks are not euer the wisest men It is obserueable also in the Scribes Pharisies and Rabbies of the Iewes that depth of learning hath not alwaies the truth cheyned vnto it but that the Lord according to his accustomed manner working in and by weake things often reuealeth more sauing wisdome to some poore contemned humble soule then to all the great clearks who may otherwise professe that they haue the very key of knowledge which is not spoken that any should hence be emboldned to contemne so excellent an ornament as lea●ning is but only to shew that the Lord
him out of the citie Act. 21.5 yea so ordinarie was this custome among them that he maketh full account of it before hand Rom. 15.24 When I shall take my iourney into Spaine I will come by you for I trust to see you and be brought on my way by you and commendeth as a semely dutie among the Saints 3. Ioh. 6. Gaius hauing receiued beleeuing strangers the Apostle speaking to him of them faith Whom if thou bringest on their iourney as it beseemeth according to God thou doest well The second dutie enioyned Titus concerning them is that he suffer them to want nothing They were employed in the Lords worke and therefore must be cared for so much the more For 1. what can be more equall then that he that laboureth in the Gospel should liue of the Gospel or that those who sow spirituall things should reape temporall The law of nature bindeth to releeue the parents in time of want The law of God chargeth in moe places then one neuer to forsake the Levite all the daies of thy life The lawes of all nations allow their Captaines and standart bearers a liberall and honourable stipend and suffer not any common soldier to goe to warrefare vpon his owne charge And very vnequall were it that any should feed a flocke and not eate of the milke or plant a vinyard and not tast of the fruite And how much more are these spirituall Fathers to be releeued how much lesse should the Ministers who are the Lords Souldiers Captaines and Standart bearers goe to warre of their owne costs how much more should the Lords shepheard eate of the milke of his flocke and the labourers in his vinyard eate of the fruite 2. If we goe from the men to their tydings these be such as ought to bring their persons into acceptance with vs That as Dauid said of Ahimaaz hee is a good man and bringeth good tydings so because of their good tydings we must entertaine Gods Ministers as good men Hence the Apostle commandeth vs to receiue such and haue them in singular loue for their workes sake Phil. 2.29 3. The godly who professe loue vnto the truth may not neglect such as are the publishers of it but cheerefully minister vnto their necessities to the end that thereby themselues may be helpers to the truth 3. Epist. Ioh. 7. But especially if any suffer for bearing witnesse vnto any part of Gods truth towards such Gods people must enlarge their bowells and euen stretch their best abillitie to helpe vp that part of the truth which Satan and his instruments seeke with violence to obscure or suppesse and the rather because these sufferings are endured for the truth and for them who haue as good a right in it as their teachers themselues 4. For this cause also ought the faithfull to comfort and encourage the messengers of God that therein they may reape a sweet fruite of their labours and may reioyce in them not in there gift so much as in that it is a fruite which furthereth their owne reckoning Phil. 4.17 Now all these reasons are such as suffer not any professor to shut vp his loue in his owne Pastor although he is first bound vnto him but cal for the dutie in generall to euerie one that worketh in the same worke according as their necessitie and occasions shall be not onely our owne Titus but euen Artemas and Tychicus suppose strangers which for his names sake goe forth 3. Ioh. 7. must be kindly dismissed and not sent away emptie This is a doctrine which is much neglected of too many which professe loue to the truth euen in these dayes which more lowdly call for it then in many ages before Vers. 14. And let ours also learne to shewe forth good workes for necessarie vses that they be not vnfruitfull The Apostle hauing enioyned Titus to make so franke a supply for Zenas and Apollos that they should not want any thing for their iourney Titus might demaund but where should I haue to prouide for them for it is certaine that Titus was not now a man of such state and wealth as those who say they are like him the Apostle therefore answereth that secret obiection in these words Let ours learne to shewe forth good workes the fruites of their faith especially for such necessarie vses of the Church as this is straine them not in vnnecessarie things but for such necessarie vses let them straine themselues that they may be rich in good workes and not vnfruitfull The verse standeth of a precept and a reason In the precept three points are to be considered 1. what are these good workes meant 2. who are bound especially vnto them Let ours learne 3. what are the necessarie vses of these and such like good workes First by good workes are not properly here meant all such actions in generall as are thus stiled in the Scripture but in speciall those of bountifulnes and beneficence both because those former were called for in the 8. ver of this Chapter as also in that these are especially suited vnto this argument Now these are commended to the practise of the faithfull by the title of dignitie in that they are called good workes not that they are so absolutely and perfectly good as that there is no sinne in them as the Papists contend for the best workes are good only in part so farre as they proceed from the spirit and from grace and in part corrupt as they come from flesh and corrupt nature of which two namely flesh and spirit euery regenerate man consisteth and therefore euery action cannot but sauour of the fountaine from whence it streameth If it be said that God is the author of euery good worke who because he is perfectly good cannot effect any thing which is not perfectly good The answer is that howsoeuer euery worke of God is perfect which he doth in and by himselfe yet such as he doth in and by man who is another author and actor of them cannot but drawe imperfection from him And whereas it is said if good workes were sinnefull then ought we not to doe them the answer is that we must not therefore refuse to do them because they are not simply euill but in themselues good and partly good in the doer commended to our practise by God of whom they are reputed good workes and in his Christ pardoning the defects of them for our incouragement accounteth of them as if there were no sinne at all in them Whence note that good workes are so farre from iustifying as that we are not able to answer one for ten thousand of them and that it is the mercie of God and not the dignitie of them which bringeth this stile vpon them Secondly of whom good workes are called for Let ours called in the 8. verse beleeuers in God Ours who are conuerted and confirmed in the faith by thy labour and mine of these call for good workes For this is
First in regard of God good workes haue their necessarie vses As 1. that his name may be glorified by the professors of it for it tends greatly to his praise when in such workes as himselfe hath commanded his children testifie their obedience and thankefulnesse 2. that his Gospel may be beautified and adorned of which see cap. 2.10 3. that himselfe may be pleased and delighted as men with sweete smels with such sweete smelling sacrifices as these be Heb. 13.16 Philip. 4.18 these are the myrrhe and the spice which Christ gathereth when he commeth into his garden Cant. 5.1 Secondly in respect of our neighbour these good workes of mercie and beneficence haue their excellent and necessarie vses for euerie Christian is a fruitfull branch of that vine whereby both God and man is cheared And whereas our neighbour is either vnconuerted or converted they want not their speciall vse in regard of them both First for the vnconuerted they are either elect or reprobate If they be elect they may hence be prepared to their conuersion and woone euen without the word to the liking of the word and profession which they see so holy so charitable and so plentifull in good works Thus saith the Apostle that vnbeleeuing husbands may without the word be wonne by the godly conversation of their wiues and the same Apostle exhorteth the scattered and conuerted Iewes to haue their conuersation honest among the Gentiles that they which now did speake euill of them as euill doers might by their good workes be prouoked to glorifie God in the day of their visitation But if they be wicked and belong not to God yet by the godly liues of professors they shall be 1. restrained that they cannot so boldly rush into and tumble in their sinnes as they would no more then Herodias could quietly enioy her sinne so long as Iohn Baptist was aliue Mark 6.19 2. they shall haue their mouthes stopt and put to silence when they would gladly open them wide against the truth and the professors of it And this is the will of God that by weldoing we put to silence the ignorance of foolish men 3. they shall be convinced and condemned in their consciences and so prepared for the iudgement of God and thus the Queene of the South condemned the Iewes and Noah by building the Arke condemned the old world Heb. 11.7 Secondly If the neighbour be conuerted he is either weake and then he is hereby confirmed strengthed and brought on or else he is strong and then he is further prouoked yea his heart is gladded and further knit to such a one as in whom he seeth such sparkles of Gods image to shine And thus was Titus his inward affection more aboundant toward the Corinths when he remembred the obedience of them all so was Pauls also by the faith and grace of the Philippians 1.5 Thirdly in regard of our selues they haue many necessarie and profitable vses As 1. to make our election sure to our selues 2. Pet. 1.10 2. we may by them discerne the soundnesse of our owne graces as sauing knowledge will be operatiue liuely faith will be working effectuall loue will be an hand giuing out sound hope will be purging Christian thankfulnesse wil appeare in good works which are called sacrifices of thanksgiuing true charitie and mercifulnesse will go beyond that mouth-mercie of which Iames speaketh for else all is vnsound whosoeuer saith he loueth God and keepeth not his commandements is a lyar 1. Ioh. 2.3 for that loue of God or men is vnsound which is in tongue word but not indeed and truth as witnesseth the Apostle 1. Ioh. 3.18 3. by these fruits other men also may discerne the soundnes of our faith and graces for although good workes cannot iustifie the person before God yet they must iustifie the faith of the person before men and therefore Iames saith shewe me thy faith by thy workes and of Abel is said that he obtained witnes that he was righteous in that he offred a better sacrifice then Cain Heb. 11.4 4. They doe our selues good both in this life and in the life to come 1. In this life they profit vs in our outward estate and inward They bring blessing to our outward estate for God hath promised that he that watereth shal haue raine and that the mercifull man shall not want yea they drawe vpon vs not onely the blessing of God but of men also who blesse the mercifull man by many prayers which Iob made no small account of when in the depth of his distresse hereby he comforted him selfe that the blessing of the poore came vpon him Thus Onesiphorus his mercie towards Paul beeing at Rome in trouble brought the feruent prayers of so great an Apostle vpon himselfe and his house 2. Tim. 1.18 Besides this they doe our names good and helpe to purchase a good report which is better then a pretious oyntment Abraham by his workes was commended that he was iust Iam. 2.21 and of the good and mercifull man it is said that his name shall not be put out As for our inward estate they make that farre more thriuing for euerie grace is strengthened by the execrcise of it as no talent was vsed but to encrease for as prayer is increased by praying and knowledge by instructing so is loue by almes and mercie by distributing without which exercise all would rust and become as a sword kept in the scabbard till the heart become like the sluggards field ouergrowne with thornes and briars but most vnreadie to any good worke 2. In the life to come they are profitable for they procure a mercifull reward and beeing a sowing to the spirit we shall reape of them in the haruest life euerlasting yea and more they procure a proportionable measure of glorie for according to the measure of faith and grace in the worke the recompence may well be thought to be a cuppe of cold water shall not loose the reward but yet he that soweth more liberally shall more liberally reape And as in hell are degrees of torments for some shall be beaten with more stripes some with fewer and it shall be easier with some then other and yet both condemned so is it probably held that in heauen shall be degrees of glorie for some shall shine as the firmament some as the starres in which is greater light yea one starre differeth from another in glorie and this according to the gayning of talents for he that gaineth fiue talents shall rule ouer fiue cities and he shall rule ouer tenne cities that hath gayned tenne talents Not that the gayning of the talents meriteth any such recompence no more then a cup of cold water giuen to a disciple in the name of a disciple or a mite cast into the treasurie neither of which shall loose their reward but because faithfull is he which hath promised Vse 1. This doctrine meeteth with that slanderous
praises which vnbeleeuers are as heauie vnto as a beare to the stake because they wāt the spirit which crieth in the hearts of Gods children abba father Fourthly it hath a liuely hope accompanying it it causeth watchfulnesse and waiting for yea and reioycing in the hope of the appearing of the Lord Iesus Rom. 5.2 beeing iustified by faith we reioyce vnder the hope of the glorie of God Secondly we may hence gather a cause why some beleeue some beleeue not it is not because some will and some will not whatsoeuer free-will-men presumptuously auouch the Holy Ghost telleth vs it is not in the willer nor in the runner but therefore men come to the faith because they are elected Act. 13.48 And why did not the Iewes beleeue the heauenly doctrine of Christ himselfe the reason is giuen Ioh. 10.26 Ye beleeue not because ye are not my sheepe most true is it here the elect haue obtained sauing faith the rest are hardened Rom. 11.7 The third conclusion is that this peculiar faith of the elect is ordinarily wrought in them by the ministrie of the word this beeing noted here that the end of the ministrie is to bring the elect vnto the faith Iob. 33.23 If there be a messenger or interpreter one of a thousand to declare to man his righteousnesse now this righteousnesse is no other then the righteousnesse of faith for this ende were the Apostles called furnished and sent out into the world to teach men faith on the Sonne of God as appeareth in their commission Mar. 16.16 Goe into all the world and preach the Gospel to euery creature he that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued to this purpose is it that Paul affirmeth of the great mysterie of Godlinesse that it must first be preached vnto the Gentiles and then beleeued on in the world Vse 1. If this be the principall ende of the ministerie let ministers herein employ their first and principall paines to bring men vnto the faith wherein they shall imitate our Apostle not onely here but in his other Epistles who first dealeth in the causes and meanes of saluation and then instructeth in Christian manners as one whom the wisdome of God had taught that if the inside be not first made cleane and the heart purified by faith whatsoeuer actions can proceede from men be they neuer so glorious yet indeede they are no better then glistering sinnes he hath the right way of teaching in the schoole of Christ that first layeth for his ground faith in Christ and then buildeth thereon all his precepts of Christian Philosophie 2. The Minister ought to propound before him Gods end in performance of euery ministeriall dutie and that is by enlighting conuerting confirming comforting to bring and stablish men in the faith Which iustly reprehendeth such as forgetting themselues their dutie and people out of the pride of their hearts busie themselues in finding out obscure and darke mysteries tying hard knots to vntie them againe not much vnlike the dogge which refuseth soft meate to gnaw vpon bones and all this to get the praise of nimble heads and sharpe wits whereas the true glorie of a Minister is the number of those that are begotten to the faith who are gathered by the plaine euidence of the word in the words not which mans wisdome but which Gods spirit teacheth 3. The Lord hauing set out the ministrie for this vse let euery hearer acknowledge herein Gods ordinance and yeeld themselues with all submission vnto the ministerie and the word there preached that thereby they may haue faith wrought in their hearts God will haue men taught on earth and not from heauen by man not Angels or dead men let this meanes be despised nothing in heauen or earth can do thee good fast pray afflict thy soule forget not to distribute doe all the good thou canst but yet all this while despise the word offered and thou hast forsaken thine owne mercie nay more come to the ministerie heare the word read preached ioyne in the prayers and Sacraments of the Church if thou commest without the submission of thy heart whereby thou art become as prepared ground to couer the seede vnto increase all is in vaine for what is Paul what is Apollos what is the minister be he neuer so choise and excellent except he be the Minister of thy faith and so what is the ministerie to thee if it be not the ministerie of thy faith 4. Euery man may hence examine himselfe whether in the vse of the ministerie he finde sauing faith begotten wrought in his heart and by examination some may finde their vnderstandings more enlightened their iudgements more setled their practise in some things reformed but a very fewe shall finde Christ apprehended and rested in vnto saluation seeing so fewe there are that liue by faith in the Sonne of God for of all the sinnes that the spirit may and shall rebuke the world of this is the chiefe because they beleeue not in Christ. Howsoeuer many are in some things bettered by the ministerie yet very fewe haue attained this principall ende of it which is to put men in possession of true faith and by it of saluation And the knowledge of the truth which is according to Godlinesse The Apostle beeing called to beget faith in the elect magnifieth and extolleth this his calling from the difficultie of the worke for it is not to bring forth by his trauell any blind perswasion of faith which beeing too naturall to men would rise of it selfe fast enough without any such manuring but such a faith as is peculiar to the elect as before we heard In the which least men should be deceiued as easily and willingly the most be he taketh paines to set downe the whole nature of it in particular And first here we haue the ground of faith which is knowledge and because the truth of faith cannot find footing vpon follies or fansies nay nor vpon euery profitable knowledge he teacheth what kind of knowledge he speaketh of and that is the knowledge of the truth that is of the Gospel beeing a word of truth yea truth it selfe so called by way of excellencie or eminencie as though no other truth deserued that name or because this carrieth the onely vndoubted truth with it And further because many thinke all cocksure and that they cannot faile of faith if they be able to discourse of this truth he teacheth vs that it is not euery knowledge of the truth he meaneth but such a one as is according to godlinesse that is such as frameth the heart of the possessor to true Godlinesse Whence naturally arise these three conclusions First that the doctrine of the Gospell is the truth it selfe Secondly that the knowledge of this truth is the ground of faith Thirdly that where it is aright it frameth the heart to Godlinesse First the doctrine of the Gospel is truth it selfe 1. because the author of it is truth
stedfastnesse And this promise is described 1. from the stabilitie of it in that the author of it is God who cannot lie 2. from the antiquitie of it gathered from the circumstance of time before the world began both which considerations most effectually commend this promise of God and also confirme this our hope which leaneth vpon it Quest. What kind of promise is this he●● mentioned Ans. The word signifieth such a promise as is meerely free and most absolute as the learned haue obserued and is opposed vnto all legall promises which are not free but conditionall and made good to the keeper for the keeping of the law for the man that doth the law shall liue by the lawe but euangelicall promises whereof this is the principall are no such compacts or bargaines but free without all antecedent inducement and all condition of doing any thing on our parts As for the condition of faith which some may here alleadge the answer is we receiue nothing for our faith nor the worthines or worke of it but by it as a hand or meanes we receiue the free promise of eternall life Quest. But how could God promise before the world began that is from euerlasting seeing there was none then to promise vnto Answ. By an vsuall figure of speach the thing decreed is put for the decree it selfe and the true sense is this God promised that is decreed to promise before the world began and in due time hath made that promise manifest in the word preached as in the next words The like phrases we finde 2. Tim. 1.9 He hath called vs with an holy calling before the world was Eph. 1.4 we were choosen before the foundation of the world that is God decreed then to choose vs. Neither will this speach seeme strange to him that considereth 1. that with God all times are present none former or latter to him 2. that hereby the Scriptures would note the certaintie and assurance of such a maine promise of such vse and expectation Out of which words we note three lessons 1. That life eternall is ours by free promise 2. That God cannot lie and therefore the promise is infallible 3. The admirable care and loue of God to man tendring his eternall good before he or the world was Doctr. 1. That eternall life is by promise appeareth by that vsuall metonimie in the Scriptures whereby it carrieth the name of the promise it selfe although indeede it be the thing promised Heb. 6.12 be followers of them who through faith and patience attaine the promise that is life promised This truth was liuely typified both in the sonnes of Abraham as also liuely shadowed in that earthly Canaan The sonnes of Abraham were Isaac and Ismael two sonnes but one heire and he the sonne of promise by which title alone he held his prerogatiue whereas Ismael was the first borne Hence was it vsuall with the Apostles to oppose the sonnes according to the flesh to the sonnes of promise And as it was then so now is there a seede of promise euen all faithfull men and women who are raised out of faithfull promises faithfully apprehended called elsewhere not sonnes onely but heires of promise that is not onely such as to whom the promises belong but such as claime their inheritance onely by adoption and promise and not otherwise In like manner the earthly Canaan was called the land of promise not onely because it was long before promised to Abraham and his posteritie many of whom for many generations onely so enioyed it but also because those that were brought to the possession of that good land had it not for their owne worthinesse they were charged to beware of such thoughts for God gaue them this power by stablishing his couenant with them figuring vnto vs no other thing but that this blessed rest prepared for the people of God the truth of that shadow is held in no other tenure but by vertue of the promise neither here nor hereafter adde hereunto that whatsoeuer grace the Lord powreth into the hearts of the elect they all beeing not onely steppes and degrees but pawnes also and pledges of eternall life looke out vnto the promise faith apprehendeth it hope expecteth it loue thankfully entertaineth it yea and all the rest are quickned and strengthened by it Nay in this regard the holy spirit of God from whom these streames of grace doe flowe is called the spirit of promise not onely in that he was promised to beleeuers as Ioel. 2. I will powre out my spirit but also because he sealeth vp vnto their hearts the certentie of this maine promise touching their saluation Obiect But life eternall is called a debt Ans. It is so of his promise not of our desert Herodias craued Iohn Baptists head as her due but not because by dauncing she had deserued it but because of the Kings promise And that these promises are free may appeare in the first and maine giuen to Adam when he was farre from deseruing it in whom was nothing to mooue to the Lord but to the cleane contrarie Vse 1. Whosoeuer pretend any other title to the inheritance besides the promise of God are of the bondwoman and Ismaelites descending of Agar The Apostle sheweth how we receiue the promise of the spirit that is freedome from the law sinne death hell and damnation namely through faith here is no merit but faith taking ●old Which condemneth that arrogant doctrine of the Church of Rome who will haue life eternall repaied to the merit of workes for their condignitie which is all one with the renouncing of the promise of mercie and to flie for releefe vnto the iustice of God Whereas the whole new Testament draweth vs from that legal righteousnesse and suffereth vs not to behold our best workes but God the promiser and Christ the mediator and our birth which brings our inheritance and our selues in the gifts of righteousnesse and remission of sinnes onely receiuers and in the matter of our iustification before God meere patients and no agents at all Vse 2. The strength of our hope standeth not vpon merits but vpon this same promise which confuteth another Popish error that to hope without merit is presumption but Abraham had another prop for his hope it was not merit that made him hope aboue hope but because he knew who had spoken he doubted not the promise through vnbeleefe Obiect 1. Ioh. 3.19 If we loue indeed and in truth we know that we are of the truth And therefore hope of saluation is to be fetched from the workes of loue Ans. The scope of the Apostle is to teach that true faith cannot stand without a good conscience not that the perswasion of it either onely thence ariseth or thereupon only dependeth or cannot be without works but that then we haue more full perswasion of our coniunction with God and soundnes in faith when together with the inward
vnyoked and free though by Satan sorcery and all vnlawfull meanes but that is not Gods time of thy release but thy owne thou hast not staied but preuented the proper and due time of thy deliuerance And what is the issue of it surely thou hast escaped a beare but a lion meetes thee thou art leaped out of the panne but into the coales thy very breaking of prison hath made thy case more hopeles and desperate then euer it was before thy durance had beene farre lesse miserable then thy escape Standest thou in feare of any euill or hard measure from Satan or men moderate also hence that feare seeing there is an houre for the power of darkenesse to worke in and till that houre come an haire shall not fall from thine head Let the Iewes take vp neuer so many stones against Christ yet he shall escape out of their hands let them seeke to take him yet shall none dare to lay hands vpon him if his houre be not yet come Let Herod seeke to kill him he will not sticke to send that foxe word that he must worke so many dayes in despight of him to day and to morrowe that is now for the present and afterwards vntill his consummation Againe standest thou in neede of any present good whether any spirituall mercie or temporall fauour lift vp thy heart and hands vnto God in invocation but prescribe no time leaue that to him who alone knoweth the proper time of making his blessing seasonable and wholesome Thirty yeares after the promise notwithstanding many prayers in the meane time is the proper time when Isaac must be obtained The Cananitish woman was not heard till after three sore repulses Lazarus must not be raised by Christ till the fourth day no nor Christ himselfe till the third Thou must haue a time to sowe thy praiers and water them with teares of repentance and then in due season thou shalt reape if thou faintest not 2. Hence we haue a ground of strength in temptation Doe we see the daies wherein iniquitie aboundeth the wicked flourish the godly perish and eaten vp of the wicked as bread well waite a while God hath a due time to conuert so many of them as belong vnto him and to make of them of persecuting Sauls preaching Pauls or otherwise a set season to ouertake them as birds in an euill net Both the daies of the Lord are set the day of refreshing and the day of retribution The former is the day when Iosephs head shall be lifted vp the latter is that conuenient time of the Lord when he shall execute iudgement against the wicked ones of the world The same night which expired the 400. yeares the armies of the Lord were deliuered out of Egypt and Pharaoh and his armies drowned The same night that dated the 70. yeares appointed for the Iewes captiuitie was Baltazer slaine Dan. 5.30 compared with Ier. 25.12 The time is set how long the rod shall be in wicked hands or rather how long the Lord will hold the wicked as rods of his wrath in his owne hands but it shall not be long before he will throwe them into the fire Vse 3. We are taught further wisedome in entertaining the seasons which God hath allotted to euery purpose some of which he hath hid with himselfe and some he hath made knowne to vs I speake not of the former for it belongeth not to vs to know the times and seasons which the Father hath put in his owne power such secret things belong not vnto vs as to inquire of the time and day of iudgement which the very Angels in heauen are ignorant of But things reuealed belong to vs and our children to enquire into and make our best benefit of Let vs therefore imitate the wisedome of God in performing all our duties in that proper time which the Lord hath made their due seasons especially seeing he hath so clearly manifested to vs our day of grace time of our visitation it is our dutie to betake our selues to seasonable conuersion and repentance the due time of which is the present time because God this day calleth and if to day we heare his voice let vs not harden our hearts There is a time when God is neere and may be sound and that is the fit time to seek him and then is he nearer and then must we seeke him when he seeketh vs by his gratious inuiting of vs to repentance There is a time when with the wise virgins we may enter into the wedding chamber and no sooner is it past but the doore is shut and all the foolish virgins excluded A time there is when the blessing may be obtained and a time when Esau shal not get the blessing although he seeke it with tears Now is the fit season for all these duties Now learne to know God in Christ or neuer now become a beleeuer or eue● an Infidel Enter fellowship with God now or neuer partake with him hereafter Loue the communion of Saints here or neuer shalt thou enioy it hereafter begin to liue eternall life here or thou shalt neuer see life hereafter but abide in death Men are wise inough in outward things to strike while the iron is hote to watch their best windes which blow them profit to foreslow no time in striking vp gainfull bargaines but here as though the wisdome of men were not in them are without all prouidence and haue cast care away and yet how hath the Lord a long time manured vs that like good trees of righteousnesse we should be laden with fruits of righteousnesse and repentance in our due seasons yea how hath his pruning knife of correction followed vs for the same purpose hath not he taken many from the meanes and doth he not many waies threaten to take away the meanes from those that are left doth not the time of his mercie seeme to be dated and full expired vpon vs in that though he hath most fearefully smitten vs with durable and lasting iudgements yet he cannot satisfie his iustice but his arme is stretched out still and seeing that as his hand is against vs our hands are still against him may it not be thought that the period of his vengeance is vpon vs and that the vision of wrath and burden of England cannot long be deferred It is high time then to meete the Lord if after such prouocations yet his wrath may be turned away Wisedome yet crieth in our streetes Gods word in the mouthes of his messengers his workes of mercie and iudgement which runne into our owne eyes all of them call vs to be wise hearted to know the season of our fruitfulnesse Let vs presently answer the Lords present call Say not with thy selfe when I haue dispatched this or that businesse or purchased this or that pleasure or profit or haue ouergrowne such a trouble and distraction as though repentance stood in the change of the outward estate and
him in possession The Apostle gathereth a flocke of the wild beasts of the forrest the Pastor must staie to feed and attend vpon that flocke the Apostle must change his place vpon immediate commandement the Pastor may not for he must be readie at all assaies to feed the flocke depending vpon him 1. Pet. 5. he must alwaies present himselfe as a patterne and example vnto it 1. Tim. 4.12 except we will say that the ordinarie Ministerie of the Gospel is not as straitly bound to dutie as the ordinarie Minister of the law for the Priests must alwaies be readie in the Temple to answer all doubts as Ely 1. Sam. 1.9 to keepe in the holy fire and lights to receiue all sacrifices and oblations to renew the bread before the Lord yea and for this end was that institution that the Priests might not dwell farre from the Temple but their houses were builded close to it according to the patterne of Dauid 1. Chro. 28.13 Yet so as by the Churches call a Pastor whose gifts are found fit for such a purpose may be sent from his place if in the interim it be sufficiently prouided for either to gather a Church or reduce such as haue gone astraie See 2. Chron. 17.7.9 2. Note That Paul departing from Creta leaueth them not at sixe seauens neither neglecteth the busines and worke he had in his hands but leaueth Titus to perfect that which he had begunne Herein teaching vs that euery man whome the Lord hath called to doe good in his Church and whose conscience stirreth vp his care must finde in himselfe this holy desire that the Lords plow be euer followed his building euer reared his worke euer furthered by all but especially so farre as lyeth in his power by his owne meanes and that both in the places abroad as also where he liueth Paul careth not onely for the Churches where he becommeth but where he hath beene and this was the ground why he left Timothie at Ephesus 1. Tim. 1.3 and Titus here at Creta vpon which occasion he wrote both these Epistles So should euery man in his place whom God honoureth to be the beginning of any good thing imitate that worthy Nehemiah in his care Remēber me O God blot not out my kindnes that is suffer not thy worship restored by my meanes in Ierusalem to be defaced and much lesse abolished In like manner if a man be called from his place so as he must leaue it to another his care must be that it be furnished with a fit man Eliah when he was to be taken vp walking with Elisha whom he knew was to be his successor by prayer obtained for him an hard request namely the doubling of his owne spirit vpon him Memorable is the speach and practise of Moses who when the Lord had bid him goe vp into the Mount and see the land and then die he neglecteth himselfe and forgetteth after a sort his owne present death and breaketh out into prayer for the people O Lord God of spirits appoint a man ouer the congregation 1. that he may be instructed to go in and out 2. least this people be as sheepe without a shepheard Neither would Christ himselfe the mirrour of grace ascend vp into heauen before he had appointed furnished men for the building vp of his bodie his earnest charge to Peter and in him to all the Disciples and their successours that if euer they lou●d him they would feed his sheepe sheweth the care of this great shepheard of our soules Men need not be prouoked to prouide for their children while yet they are with them that it may be well with them after their departure and should not spirituall fathers doe the like for their children to whom they are tyed by a strayter bond Fearefully sinne they against this example who while they craple and couple liuings together that they may fill their owne bellies and haue there portion in the fleece and fat neither staie themselues to teach as they ought nor yet leaue any Titus behind them of whose sufficiencie we heard before to redresse things that remaine but offer the sheepe of Christ to the wolfe and sell soules for peeces of siluer and morsells of bread The men of God were wont to extend their care for Gods people with neglect of themselues euen to the time of their departure yea and after although they might seeme to be loosed by remoouall or at least by death but these feele no waight of such an heauie burthen which presseth them euen for the present 3. Note That the Apostle thus sending Titus he will haue him consider the end of his calling and placing both to prouoke himselfe to diligence as also to obtaine for him more libertie and authoritie in that Church where he had left him and it was no more then needed for to goe about to innouate and reforme a whole Iland hauing an hundreth cities in it and bring new offices and officers among them might both exasperate the one and altogether discourage the other to both seeme a thankles busines But now if Titus shall thinke with himselfe This is the end of my calling wherein God requireth my faithfulnes and if the Cretians shall conceiue within themselues for this end was Titus placed amongest vs both to settle things that are wanting and to reforme things that are amisse this consideration could not but mooue and perswade both of them to a mutuall and comfortable consent in the busines of Christ and a louing entertainment one of the other Which teacheth that that man who would Christianly and comfortably carrie himselfe through any calling must euer haue the end of it in his eye The Magistrate must set before ●is eie that he is the Minister of God for mens wealth and that therefore he must not carrie the sword for naught but necessitie lyeth vpon him to execute the iudgements of God The Minister must propound before him his end which is the gathering together of the Saints hence a necessitie is imposed vpon him and wo to him that not ayming at this end preacheth not the Gospel The priuate man must set before him the publike and common good and in his whole course aime at that The efficacie of which argument is such as that the Lord himselfe most vsually vrgeth it in stirring vp men to the right receiuing and vse both of spirituall blessings as also the holy fruition of temporall mercies How doth the Lord vrge his people to the pure vse of his holy ordinance of marriage otherwise then from the three ends of it 1. in that thence they must expect an holy seed 2. for auoyding of fornication 3. from the comfort of a fit helpe and a comfortable companion Mal. 2.14 compared with 1. Cor. 7.2 and Gen. 2.18 So as looke what Mordecai said of Hesters aduancement Who can tell whether thou art come to the kingdome for this time let euery man say
the gates of hell here is Sanballat and Tobiah Simon Magus and Amaziah here are false Christs false Apostles Heretikes Tyrants all standing against Christ and making warre against his bodie In all which regards if Salomon in the daies of peace without all opposition hauing an hundreth and three and fiftie thousand and sixe hundred workmen cannot vnder seauen yeares finish the materiall Temple how hardly thinke we must this spirituall house standing of liuing stones goe vp how slowly is it reared hauing more enemies and those no weake ones then Salomon had workmen euen as many as there be naturall men in the earth vnmortified lusts in men or deuils in hell all of them with all their power resisting the proceedings of the Church and Gospel Vse 1. This doctrine lets vs see what great things God hath done for such a people as among whom he hath planted h●s ordinances many strong holds and oppositions hath he brought down many enemies hath he subdued many engins of Satan and his instruments hath he broken before he could settle his glorie and cause it to dwell among his people For as it was at the first breaking out of this light to the world by Christs owne preaching neuer was the world on such a fire neuer was any age so fruitfull in tyrannie and heresie so hath it beene proportionally euer since in the seuerall parts of the world where this grace hath appeared Witnesse in these parts of Europe the stirres and tumults in all the countries against the light restored by Luther witnes also the fires and flames consuming the bodies of Gods seruants in our own countrie in and since the daies of King Henrie the 8. of worthy memorie that had it not bin the truth of God it could neuer haue come to this where we see it for which mercie all the land should be mooued to much thankfulnes Vse 2. Let euery man hence be mooued to helpe forward and lend a hand to the beautifying and perfecting of this spouse of Christ that as it were by many hands this difficult worke may become the lighter Among the Iewes euery man brought somewhat to the Tabernacle and so it was reared some more some lesse but euery man something so let the Magistrate bring his authoritie and countenance the Minister pure doctrine and holy life to the building of the Church the rich their riches to the honour of God the poore good affections and all heartie praiers that we may once see Sion in her perfect beautie Thus euen very meane men shall be honoured so highly as they shall become assistants to the Ruler of the whole earth as some so vnderstand the place of Iehoshuah and Zerubbabel Vse 3. A ground of moderation to beare so farre as good conscience and a mans calling wil permit the imperfections of any Church and in the wants of it carrie our selues as peaceably as may make to the honour of the God of peace and the manifestation of our selues the sonnes of peace as well knowing 1. that it is not to be expected of any Church militant vpon earth to be vnblemished which is a prerogatiue of Christs glorious bodie in heauen 2. by peace small things thriue and arise to their greatnes euen smoaking flaxe cherished groweth to a flame 3. that contention and division hindreth and ouerturneth those good things which haue gone forward but slowly when they went fastest Yet so as according to the extent of our callings we ayme and labour for the pure and perfect estate of the Church For it was a wicked speach condemned by the Prophet to say It is not yet time to build vp the house of the Lord therefore content our selues to dwell in seiled houses and sleepe in sound skins although the Lords house lie wast And hereupon that the Church afore time hath a long time beene wanting in many things tending to the perfection of it to ground a perpetuall imperfection is a peece of Satans sophistrie and argueth the want of that most dutifull affection of children toward such a mother pleading rather for her blackenes then beautie and not reioysing to see this spouse bedecked with all her ornaments The second point in this first dutie of Titus is gathered out of the word translated to redresse but properly signifieth a continuall and instant straightning of things which grow crooked in the Church Whence we learne that there is a continuall bending and inclining of good ordinances in the Church euen in their best estate After that sinne got once into Paradise and tooke the hold of our first parents innocent hearts not the best ordinances that euer the Lord instituted could so fence themselues as to keepe it from them how soone after had all flesh corrupted their waies how were his lawes ingrauen in the tables of mens hearts so forgotten as he must be forced to write them in tables of stone after that how was that law written by his owne fingers generally corrupted and violated as appeareth by Christs reformation of them how his own politie was violenced of Priest and people all the Prophets as with one voice and mouth complaine how al the ordinances of the new Testament were soone ouerturned and by degrees cleane shaken out of the Church by the rising and grouth of Antichrist who euen in the Apostles daies began to worke appeareth in the historie of the Church Hereunto adde the readines of the malicious man to sowe tares the vnwillingnes of the flesh to endure the Lords yoke the busines and curiositie of mans wit and fleshly wisedome which will be adding detracting or deprauing his institutions by a restles turkising of them the state of the Church militant now here now there exercised with continuall vicissitudes and changes as of day and night so of prosperitie and aduersitie according as God giues Kings ouer it either in mercie or wrath protectors or persecutors all these plainely prooue that which is not obscurely implyed that the best things in their best estate are on the bending hand and inclining vnto corruption Vse 1. This point letteth vs see our imperfection in this world and that all our perfection standeth in two things 1. in sight of imperfection 2. in strife vnto perfection For that the Church cannot be perfect is manifest in the continuall declinings of vs that are the members Which should make vs ashamed when we see our turnings backe daily reproouing vs. The Lord if his pleasure had beene such might haue as perfectly beautified and stablished his Church in earth as euer it shall be in heauen but he seeth it fitter for vs to be brought to an humble walking before him in sence of our infirmitie as also daily to repaire vnto him who is both the author and finisher of our faith that he would be pleased to laie as the first so the last stone of this his building that the whole praise of it may be his Vse 2. They may
to be soone remooued to another Gospell nor so fickle as children to be carried about with euery winde of doctrine but hold fast such a stable truth so full of direction in all the life and so full of comfort at the time of death for it is as a fast and faithfull freind tried in time of aduersitie standing closest to a man in his greatest necessitie Obiect There is no feare but we shall hold out whatsoeuer should betide we are grounded and setled Answ. But how many did in the fierie triall in Queene Maries time scarce one in Cambridge both the Vniversitie and Towne or if one poore Townsman held it out in the flames that was all Lastly both Teachers hearers must trie their doctrin by this touchstone if it abide this touch it is gold it is a pure and faithfull word if it be not according to this word there is no light in it Which is according to doctrine Here our Apostle both deliuereth another note and setteth another marke vpon the word as also vseth another argument why the Minister should hold and hold himselfe vnto the word of God deliuered in the Scriptures because it is not onely a faithfull word vnto which the faithfull may cleaue and rest as vpon a sure anchor but also such a word as beareth the bell for the ●itnesse of it to institute instruct and edifie the Church and members thereof as if he had said That word which is most fitted to edification and instruction is to be maintained and held fast that it may be held forth before Gods people but this is such a word and therefore Ministers must hold it fast Doctr. Whence we learne that the word of God is his owne ordinance fitted to instruct the elect in all necessarie truth and doctrine which is the very scope of our Apostle and will otherwise also appeare if we consider 1. The wisedome of God who hath in the bookes of Scripture comprised and deliuered a most perfect rule of doctrine concerning faith and manners to teach as both concerning God our selues and others whatsoeuer is necessarie or profitable to be knowne to saluation To the proofe of which serue all those places where we read that it is able to make a man wise vnto saluation to instruct him to all righteousnesse to furnish him to euery good worke to make him blessed by inchoation here in this life and consummation in the life to come for here through patience and comfort of the Scriptures we haue hope Rom. 15.4 and hereafter life eternall Ioh. 5.39 2. The mercie of God who hath written mysteries aboue the apprehension of the Angels themselues euen to the capacitie of the simplest in things of absolute necessitie whereas if he had but spoken the word it had beene more then he ought vs but he hath written it that we might ponder and meditate of it yea he hath translated it into euery mans language and so fitted it to edifie the more so as fiue words now are better then ten thousand if it were shut vp in it owne fountaine or any other strange tongue besides he hath brought it to vs by an easie price in one portable volume that we might conueniently exercise our selues in it day and night And that we might vnderstand those hard places which for our exercise we shall meete withall in reading and that we might be lead beyond the letter of the Scripture to shew the life of it in the keeping of faith and good conscience he hath appointed a Ministrie in the Church and in all ages hath raised vp men of God whome he hath furnished with the gifts of prophecie and enabled with sundrie gifts of the spirit to see and reueale the truth therein contained For euery manifestation of the spirit is giuen to profit withall and he gaue some to be Apostles some Prophets c. for the edifying of the Church and the gathering of the bodie of Christ. 3. The power of God who conuaieth such a power into this his ordinance as whereby it becōmeth so mightie in operation so able to cast downe strong holds and euery high thing exalted against God yea so strong at the weakest as that by it alone the kingdome of darknes and of the deuill is bartered and subdued and Iesus Christ the Prince of peace set vp in his throne within the hearts of men Vse Would any Minister edifie his people let him hold fast this word would he teach them Christ this word testifieth of him would he beget faith in them this word must doe it Rom. 10. would he destroie sinne in them as Dauid said of Goliahs sword there is none to that so there is no sword of the spirit but this would he raise the afflicted hence may he speake a seasonable and sauorie word to him that is weary in a word if a man will take the most compendious way to bring soules to heauen let him obserue this rule of holding him to this word which is ordained for doctrine But if a man either for idlenes or ease neglect the reading and study of the Scriptures or according to the vanitie of his heart lay by this booke and fall to the studie of Friars or Fathers and seeke to preach matters of more applause or to get a name of learning is in his profundities curiosities and such quainte deuises as he meeteth withall in mens writings this man leaueth the right way of edifying men in the waies of God and is in his conceit wiser then his maker who hath fitted this word for doctrine and no other 2. Hence note that it is Gods will that euery man should be expert in the Scripture seeing he hath so fitted it for the teaching of the simplest Which must force euery man to examine himselfe whether he hath found it such a fit word for doctrine for he whose heart cannot iustifie the word in this propertie is no child of wisedome Many haue heard this word a long time and yet vnderstand it not haue learned little or nothing are ignorant of Christ and what he hath done but in grosse and generall tearmes haue attained no lasting comfort from the same Where now lieth the fault the word is fit to ●each thee the Ministerie stablished and sanctified to the edifying of thee all the gifts of the ●eachers are giuen to profit thee Why then ha●t thou not profited Oh the sinne lyeth at thine own doore in that thy selfe hast refused or resisted instruction It is not the obscuritie of the Scripture but the darknes of thy blind mind that hath hindred thy profiting The word is as fit to teach thee as the choysest seed is to take and grow with encrease but thy soule is vnprepared thy heart is as the stonie or thorny or high way ground no seed can thriue in it all the labour of Gods husbandmen is lost vpon thee Thy sinne hath suffered the word to loose the vertue and power of it in raising
is serued vp in cleane dishes but when their consciences are cleansed and purified by faith which will manifest it selfe in such fruits of loue and mercie as he speaketh of The third rule of sobrietie is diuersly infringed As 1. when men beare themselues vpon their wealth yea so farre as because men esteeme of them and aduance and loue them because they are rich to thinke that God doth so whereas the rich and poore meete God made them both he accepteth not the person of the rich nor contemneth the person of the poore and of the two the broken soule is the delight of his eye Why should then the gazing vpon any of these outward things dazle or perish any mans eye seeing we ought to looke vpon our selues and others as God looketh 2. When men wast them in pride prodigalitie gaming vncleanenes or any other vnchristian course for they are not Lords of them but stewards which must be called to a reckoning which when we come to make vp what comfort will it be to giue in as many can doe no other so much weekely spent at the tauerne so much at cards and dice so much in the bowling close or alley so much in some one ruff more then needed so much perhaps in compassing my filthy lust and euery of these draw deepe and when the Lord shall aske yea but how much vpon the poore vpon the Ministerie vpon godly vses oh here thou wast able to doe nothing at all Oh wretched man looke to the matter betime thy selfe would take no such bills of thy seruants but thou wouldst turne them away and canst thou look for any other but that the Lord should turne thee out of his doores 3. When God calleth to forsake all or part yet neither in disposition nor indeed a man doth so he that possesseth must be as if he possessed not Christs Disciple must forgoe all the young man if he will follow Christ must sell all that is be readie if God call him thereto for beeing indifferent things we must in getting keeping and parting from them shew and carie our selues indifferently learning with Paul in all things to be content if God supplie necessaries asking no more for howsoeuer a Christian may vse abundāce lawfully if God giue it yet such must his contentment be with his present estate that he may not ask more then necessaries both because there is an expresse commandement against it 2. Tim. 6.8 as also because it is a fruit of infidelitie and 3. though they be Gods blessings yet are they not simply blessings that is such as are alwaies so in themselues vnto vs for then we could not aske too many or too much but in themselues at the best they are but indifferent and to vs they may become as well thornes snares as well as helps and furtherances which may preuaile to reduce our minds to sobrietie in the wishing and fruition of them The fourth sort of things indifferent are recreations in which the first rule is broke 1. when men sport themselues with things not warranted or forbidden in the word As seeing all recreations ought to be of indifferent things no man ought to recreate himselfe ● either with holy things or 2. with vnholy and sinnefull things For the former 〈◊〉 the word of God in the Scriptures is holy as God himselfe is and therefore it is a fearefull sinne to iest in the phrases of Scriptures and so to take the name of God in vaine 2. The iudgements of God are no fit matters to sport our selues withall whether in man or beast When we see a naturall foole plaie the foole or madde men in their frantike fits this defect in them is a fearefull fruit of sinne a matter of mourning and not of laughter they that keepe fooles onely to solace themselues by their follie haue no warrant so to doe of all the pleasures lawfull or vnlawfull that Salomon tried his heart withall we read of no such it is no lawfull recreation but for other better ends it is fit such poore creatures should be kept And for that most generall iudgement of God the enmitie of the creatures the principall vse we ought to make thereof is the acknowledging of that fearefull brand of mans sinne deeply imprinted in the poore creatures the serious consideration whereof duly applied must needes rather breake then delight a mans heart Yet euen of this enmitie and pursuit of some kinds of the creatures there may be another lawfull vse by way of recreation delight and exercise as especially in hunting hauking and such like disports vsed with moderation and without needlesse tormenting of silly beasts But none that hath either Christianitie or naturall affections can take delight in the cruell murthering or painfull tormenting of any dumb creature Alas sinnefull man hast thou not brought euill enough vpon the innocent creature without such reioycing and triumphing ouer that bondage which thy impietie hath imposed vpon those creatures which in their kind obey and serue the Creator farre better then thou God setteth his good creature before thee that in it thou mightest behold his loue mercie prouidence and power towards thee and not that thou shouldest shew crueltie and hard-heartednes vnto it A note of a good man is to be mercifull to his beast but this practise is one of the cruell mercies of the wicked how can such recreation stand with the feare of God how is such reioysing mingled with trembling Secondly Neither may we plaie with sin for that is no indifferent thing neither As when we see a man giuen ouer to drunkennes this spectacle is indeed no matter of laughter or merriment but of sorrow lamentation that Gods image should be so foully defaced Neither must the feare of God euer be laid aside especially in our recreations wherein we are so soone ouertaken Salomon maketh it a note of a foole that is a wicked man to make a pastime of sinne and againe he casteth firebrands arrowes and deadly things and saith am I not in sport The second rule of loue is neglected 1. when any of our recreations tend to the hurt of man as to purchase thereby his mony to his impouerishment or hinderance as many winne more in short time then they could in much longer time earne in their honest calling 2. When by our recreations we loose our patience meeknesse and loue and rage and scorne and quarrell with them that therein crosse vs nay with the sacred name of God himselfe or with the vaine name of lucke or fortune as gamesters are neuer so zealous in Gods matters as in their own gaine Thirdly they are not vsed in sobrietie 1. when men make a calling of their recreation and haue no other or no such hold to maintaine them 2. when men so powre out their hearts to pleasure as that they hinder better duties in the calling publicke or priuate for recreations should fit vs to duties
so called because they hold and detaine men so in the employments of this present world as that they haue no leisure to thinke seriously of any other and so can no more tast the sweetenesse or frame themselues to an heauenly life then the bruite beast can liue the life of an Angel These must be denied that is when temptation by Satan the world or our owne corrupt flesh will be still egging and vrging yea soliciting and prouoking with much instance to euill as thou seest others do thus and thus or else pitie thy selfe fauour thy selfe enioy this pleasure it is twilight or darkenes couereth thee here must be as instant denialls and refusalls as it was with Ioseph so must it be with euerie Christian albeit his mistris spake to him day by day yet he harkened not vnto her but kept him out of her company and when she offred violence to him he fled out from her But by whom must these be denied Answ. The doctrine of grace teacheth vs saith the Apostle euen the most godly Paul himselfe who after many yeares conuersion shall finde the law of his members rebelling against the lawe of his minde he that hath receiued most grace and most strength must be here further instructed Lastly the Apostle speaking indefinitely sheweth that all these must be denyed no vngodlines no one lust excepted For grace will not stand with the cherishing of any lust though neuer so secret neither is he taught of God that liueth and tradeth in any sinne Obiect But this is an impossible commandement and as impossible a doctrine as any the law giueth Is the Gospel become so seuere a schoolemaster as the law is Ans. The doctrine of grace teacheth not what we can doe but what we are bound to and ought to doe 2. Though corrupt nature make such commandements impossible yet by grace the yoake of Christ becommeth easie and light in so much as Paul could doe all things by his grace that strengthened him Grace can crucifie the world to a Christian and a Christian vnto the world 3. In beleeuers whome grace hath taught there is a possibilitie in the commandement three wayes 1. In regard of grace receiued the nature of which is euen then when it is foiled to preserue some resistance and denial in the heart of the things which the flesh hath vnlawfully yeelded vnto so as the godly sinne not with full consent of heart but doe often the things they would not yea euen that euill which they hate Secondly in regard of a godly mans disposition who hath with him 1. a purpose of heart to cleaue vnto God if he embrace vngodlinesse or lusts it is besides and against his purpose 2. an inclination of his will against them all Psal. 119.57 I haue determined to keepe thy words and ver 107. I haue sworne and will performe to keep thy righteous iudgements so as they are in the sinne they doe as a forced woman whose whole will is neuer gained to the act shee is in 3. an indeauour answerable to that will Pauls endeauour was to keepe a good conscience before God and all men Psal. 119.6 I shall not be confounded when I haue respect to all thy commandements Indeede the beleeuer is like a prisoner with bolts on his heeles who hauing escaped the prison cannot flie his danger as fast as he would cannot denie what he would but yet some progresse he maketh slowly he goeth forward but as fast as he can according to the measure of grace receiued 4. what he denieth not for the present he denieth not long after yea denieth himselfe for it and is neuer quiet vntill he haue met God in the wayes of repentance Thus he that is borne of God is said not to sinne both in that he commits not sinne fully the seede beeing in him as also because it is against his purpose will endeauour besides that he lyeth not in his sinne and so sinneth not vnto death Thirdly there is a possibilitie in this doctrine in regard of Gods acceptation who in his Christ accepteth of our weake indeauours of the will for the deede and the truth of desire for perfection of action and so maketh vs more then conquerours In all which points we see how these are not impossible lessons to beleeuers but no maruell if they be impossible to such as neuer endeauour in them whose libertie grace hath not yet wrought who for their purpose imagine euill for their wills rebell against God for their endeauour they set themselues on a way that is not good and in whose eyes sinne committed is but a small thing So much of the meaning now followe the doctrines Doctr. 1. Whosoeuer hath truely receiued the grace of God is taught thereby to denie all vngodlinesse and whereas vngodlinesse seeketh both to fixe deepe rootes in the heart as also to display the branches abroad in the life grace teacheth to striue two wayes against it 1. in purging the heart 2. in striking off the armes which are as we say aboue ground so as neither roote nor branch is spared The first thing that grace attempteth is to make the inside cleane and the roote holy by working true and sauing faith in the soule the propertie of which is to purifie the heart Now as for the branches of vngodlinesse because they are verie many it shall not be amisse to enquire into some of the principall to the ende we may the better acknowledge the worke of Gods grace expressing the same in vs. And as they looke and stretch many wayes so may we reduce them to fowre heads 1. some respect God himselfe 2. some his worship 3. some his ordinances 4. some a mans owne selfe The first branch of vngodlinesse is to be ignorant of God not to see or to denie him in his power mercie care prouidence iustice blessings afflictions and euents This is made a propertie of vngodly men by Iude 4. vngodly men they are who denie God and by Iob they say who is the almghtie that we should serue him Tush the Lord seeth not he is within the thicke clouds they aske what profit there is in seruing the Lord and walking humbly before him they see no danger in not attending him but violently followe their owne lusts this day is as yesterday and to morrowe shall be as this day they can tast liberally of his blessings but neuer a whit of his good will in them they dwell in the sweetenesse of present profits and delights but neuer tast how sweete God himselfe is In afflictions they in their hearts can say with Iehoram Is not this euill frō the Lord and shall I attend any longer vpon him Thus in the land of mercie and righteousnesse to doe wickedly in the midst of blessings not to finde the heart more bound to holynesse not to be confirmed in Gods loue to gather no strength of faith nor desire to walke more worthy of God as likewise to refuse
Christianitie this is a generall title by which men reuile and mocke them and graceles men openly disclaime them they will be no brethren to such no they are hypocrites dissemblers holy brethren sermon-goers Puritans c. wherein what doe they else but disclaime the same father and the same inheritance with them and professe themselues the children of the deuill in that they wil not be the brethren of the children of God know they not that no brother to the Saints none to Christ who disdaineth not their brotherhood and if they be brethren why is there such dissention among them Lastly professors among themselues had neede be put in remembrance to walke in such peaceable conuersation as may winne others to the Gospel and for this purpose to make an happie exchange of the spirit of pride with the spirit of humility concord and grow into friendship with such as they are at ods whereby they should become not the least friends to their owne estate rather then by an vnmeekened and vnsubdued stomacke hurt both themselues and others And here it will not be vnfit to remember an historie out of the naturalist which I haue obserued applyed to this purpose of two goates which met in the midst of a narrow plank vnder which a swift current ranne they could not now goe by one an other they could not turne themselues to goe backeward they could not fight it out but to the present dangering and drowning of both this common danger one of them thus helped he laid him downe vpon the planke and couched himselfe so as he made himselfe a commodious bridge for the other to goe ouer him and so both of them were saued how much better were a little yeelding and stooping in a Christian tending to the good of his owne and an others estate then dangerously to stand out to the ruine and hurt of both Learne to ouercome thy selfe then and thou hast alreadie ouercome thy aduersarie The slowe to anger is better then the mightie saith Salomon and he that ruleth his owne minde is better then he that winneth a citie And that which the heathen could say of vertue is true of grace which while it suffereth it conquereth But soft A soft man is a yeelding or flexible man one that will not be so hard in his dealing as sometime by strict lawe he might but equally and moderately carrieth himselfe in his words and deeds as also towards the speaches and actions of other men The effects and fruits of which vertue are the verie sinewes and bones which tie together and vnderprop all humane societie without which the world it selfe could not continue vndissolued For 1. it forgiueth iniuries pardoneth many wrongs euen vntill 70. times 7. times if they be against a mans selfe and not against God more directly 2. It tolerateth and beareth with naturall infirmities such as are frowardnesse hastinesse slownsse desire of praise fulnes of words so farre as they become not enormious and intolerable and are faults of nature not of mallice and committed of infirmitie and not of set purpose And if these must needes be corrected as growing more scandalous or outragious this vertue correcteth them with all lenitie and mercie euen in the midst of seueritie 3. It giueth most gentle constructions and fauourable interpretations vnto ambiguous facts speaches yea and lenefieth such as might seeme more harsh and not so considerately done or spoken 4. But the most proper and commendable worke of it is the departing from and remitting of his owne right vnto which it will not suffer a man to stand so strictly but that for peace sake he will yeeld and giue vp some part of it The which that we may the more fully conceiue we must consider that howsoeuer the lawes of God are perfect and admit not of any dispensation relaxation or mitigation yet the lawes of men are like themselues perfect onely in part and in that they are deuised by men cannot possibly hold in all cases alike hence haue wise lawe makers prescribed their lawes in their greatest extremitie thereby to curbe the wickednesse and presumption of men the which lawes if in the execution they should be euer stretched to the furthest extent this extremitie of lawe would prooue extremitie of iniurie and be turned into vnmercifulnesse and crueltie it selfe Then commeth in this vertue and looking vnto equitie setteth vp a chancerie in the conscience and prouideth a remedie for the innocent where the common lawe hath no prouision The thing will yet be plainer in some examples The lawe iustly warranting in some cases some extremities giueth thee leaue to sue thy bond and take the forfeyture of an 100. for non paiment of fifty by a day it giueth thee leaue to reenter into thine house and to take into thy hands a forfeited lease of some poore mans that thou maist gaine to his vtter vndoing 7.12.20 or more or fewer yeares for not paiment of the quarter or yeares rent at the day appointed the poore borrower or tenant for necessitie and want or some other accident breaketh his day to take here the forfeiture were extremitie of iustice to cast out a poore man were vnmercifull extent of lawe both maist thou doe by lawe but in doing either thou shalt doe also extremitie of iniurie and the iustice of the lawe will not free thy conscience from iniustice In this case then this Christian vertue driueth thee to take thine owne namely the principall and equally considering of the damage thou sustainest for want of paiment mercifully to satisfie thy selfe therefore and if further thou goest thou sinnest against God against thy brother not dealing with him as thou wouldst haue an other to deale with thee and against the very law of forfeiture it selfe which was not appointed for thy aduantage further then the securing of the principall Againe the lawe of man giueth thee leaue to make the most of thine owne but if hence thou shalt by racking thy rents and hoysing thy wares corne or other commodities grinde the faces of the poore and raise thy selfe by the vndoing of many dost thou not commit extreame wrong euen when thou canst shroud thy selfe vnder the leaue of the lawe Now this vertue steppeth in and saith this is not a case wherein extremitie is to be vsed thou maist not by the lawe of God doe that which by mans lawe thou maist doe here is a case wherein the court of man may saue thee harmelesse but the court of thy conscience and the court of heauen will adiudge thee iustly a sinner for it Obiect But doe you so commit these lawes together as you make these positiue lawes contrarie to Gods or condemne them as wicked and vniust Ans. No but 1. not the lawe but thy selfe art vniust in claiming the strict meaning and rigour of the law when the rule of equitie charitie requireth mitigation moderation 2. Euen this moderation of the lawe may not impaire
who seeme good Christians are yet in their naturall condition and haue not a●tained the first degree of their renouation but deceiued they were borne so they liue so without Gods great mercie are they like to die And ●he miserie of this condition is like that of a man that hath a thousand deadly diseases on him and yet is sencelesse of them all whose case euerie man will say is remedilesse Let euery man and woman enter into the narrowe examination of themselues and neuer be at rest till they finde themselues renewed in the spirit of their minds 2. If God haue let any man see his error hereby that he can truely say that he hath beene deceiued but now hath the path of life reuealed vnto him let him acknowledge all this to be the finger of God and still pray with Dauid open mine eyes that I may see further into thy lawe for so I shall see mine owne errors the better and hide not thy commandements from me 3. If thou seest any man goe on in any of these deceiueable courses pitie him pray for him counsell him deale meekely and tenderly with him for thou wast also in time past deceiued Seruing the lusts and diuerse pleasures Hauing spoken of the corruption of mind in men vnconuerted now we come to the depravation of their wills the which is liuely described in two degrees 1. In that it is a seruant and hath lost the freedome wholly 2. In that it is a seruant to lusts and that not to one but diuerse pleasures The word whereby the former is expressed is borrowd from seruants who at that time vsed to be sold and bought and were meere vassals wholly at the appointment of their Masters without all power in themselues Wherein we haue the true portraiture of euery naturall man who in his will is a most base seruant to sinnefull lusts and pleasures and cannot but obey and fulfill them but without the least power to will the least morall diuine good Now that we may come rightly to conceiue of the bondage of will we must first restraine it to the right subiect and then to the right obiect First according to the subiects it is diuersly considered 1. In some subiects the will is confirmed and free to nothing but good and that either by nature as in God himselfe or by grace as in the good angels and in men who are renewed in the highest degree that is the Saints departed who immutably will onely good and onely well 2. In some other subiects the will is ob●●●med and hardened in euill and free to will nothing else as in the wicked angels and damned men 3. In some other it is more indifferent as in men on earth whether renewed or in the state of corruption In the former of which as the subiect is but in part freed from the power of sinne so is the will it is so farre as flesh and sauouring of the old man free to will things belowe according to the corrupt nature and as farre as it is spirit and hath a worke of renovation it is freed to will supernaturall and diuine things But all these subiects are remooued as not that which our Apostle speaketh of who not obscurely speaketh of naturall men and their wills so farre as vnchanged Secondly for the obiect of this bondage 1. We denie not in the will of vnconuerted men a passiue power vnto good that it can posse velle but by this I meane a capablenes or abilitie of willing that which is truely good not by any principle in it selfe but when God shall send out the grace of conuersion 2. We denie not in such a will an actuall freedome from all coaction and compulsion which the nature of will cannot admit for it is not will vnlesse it be thus free And therefore while it willeth euill it willeth it most freely and when it commeth to will good it assenteth to the word and spirit it is not now purely passiue as a blocke nor yet forced but worketh according to the nature of will freely for beeing mooued by God it selfe mooueth and becommeth not onely as before a subiect but an instrument of the spirit Where by the way lyeth the answer to that Popish obiection that will cannot be free vnlesse it be inclinable alike to good and euill for will is not properly free in regard of the obiect to which it is mooued but of the efficient moouing it and what say they to the will of God they cannot denie it to be most free and yet cannot without blasphemie affirme it to be equally inclinable to euill as well as good 3. We denie not but that the vnconuerted will hath a more full freedome in naturall actions as to eate drinke walke speake which without this speciall grace although not without generall it can commendably but not holily performe 4. We denie not to this will a maimed power and freedome in morall humane vertues as of prudence chastity fortitude iustice which are bestowed in great measure by the cōmon grace of the spirit not onely to some within the Church as Saul who was changed into an other man but euen without as to Cyrus Alexander Aristides Socrates but yet in the actions of these vertues this will is halfe dead and wounded I call it a maymed power and freedome because it is a certaine kind of libertie in some externall obedience and discipline towards the lawe of God and yet vtterly separated from the internall and spirituall obedience of it Which meeteth also with an other chiefe obiection of the Papists that many vnregenerate men doe and haue done many good and glorious actions and that not by the speciall grace we speake of but by the freedome of will To which hence is answered that although these things are materially good yet are they wanting in the formall righteousnesse which the lawe requireth and therefore haue beene farre from pleasing God and properly nor good actions but rather goodly and glistering sinnes the defects of them beeing euident 1. The persons doing them are out of Christ. 2. The deede it selfe done not of faith 3. Not hauing perfection either in it selfe or in the Mediator 4. not directed to right endes namely the pure honour and worship of God Now to such incompleat actions beeing no better then ciuill men can performe in abundance we denie not some libertie of will in the vnregenerate 5. We denie not to such a will freedome and libertie in spirituall actions but in such as are altogether euill vnto which as it selfe is most free so can it determine itselfe most freely And therefore where the Apostle affirmeth it a meere seruant it must be meant of morall good secundum gratiam Whence the conclusion ariseth That in such things as pertaine to God and true godlinesse the vnregenerate hath no power nor freedome of will at all no not so much as to will his owne conuersion Obiect But the will
peculiar to mankind which he loueth better then all the workes of his hands besides as creating him in his owne image and giuing him Lordship ouer the rest of the creatures and hence he delighteth in the title and stileth himselfe from his loue to man and not from his loue to the Angels or any other creature And yet this loue of God must be brought a little lower if we would settle it on his right obiect for it is not generall nor absolute but respectiue and hauing reference vnto Christ as the verse implieth in whom it freeth from the miserie mentioned in the former verse and accepteth vnto that especiall mercie mentioned in the next In a word here is a greater and more glorious loue then was seene in the creation and preseruation of all things in the world here is a loue electing redeeming regenerating and glorifying miserable men a loue aduancing our humane nature in his sonne who tooke not the seed of Angels but of Abraham a loue which hateth worldly Esaus in comparison of his Iacob whom he calleth out of the world not by the outward sound of the Gospel only but by the effectuall call of his spirit in their hearts whom he loueth not as creatures but new creatures liker vnto himselfe then all the other by a restored and renewed image and for whom he hath reserued more loue in heauen when they shall become yet liker vnto him in all holines in the holy of holyes Quest. But how can such loue of man be ascribed vnto God seeing that so many vessels are prepared to destruction and so many millions are hated before they haue euer done good or euil and secondly of those that are dearest vnto him many yea the most are so afflicted and distressed that they scarce see any good day can this stand with such a bountifull loue Answ. First the goodnes of God must stand with his wisedom which affoardeth not the same degree of goodnes to euerie one it is not against the goodnes of a potter to make ignoble vessels to dishonour as well as to honour seeing the former haue also their good vses How could the goodnesse of a father appeare if he should set vp hogs and dogs at his table as well as his children as the Lord is good so he is wise to be so good to each in their degree as may make for his owne honour and advantage 2. This goodnes and loue of God must stand with his iustice also as well as his mercie Hence the Apostle would haue vs to cast our eye on two things at once in God when we would be satisfied in this point The goodnesse and the seueritie of God for this goodnesse cannot suffer euill and sinne in the impenitent vnreuenged it cannot suffer the good and bad to be alwaies mingled together no more then the good husbandmen can alwaies suffer the wheat and chaffe on the same floore 3. This loue and goodnesse is more seene and shining in sauing one soule by his Christ then his seueritie in the deserued death of al the vngodly the former beeing meere mercie the latter due desert Secondly he correcteth indeede his children often sharpely but the ground is good euen this loue and goodnes 2. the manner and measure is good with rods of men and not aboue their strength 3. the ende is good to drawe them nearer vnto himselfe Doth a father loose his loue when he correcteth his sonne whom he tenderly loueth was Christ hated when he was on the crosse or in the graue so when the adopted sonnes are conformed to the naturall they are not lesse but more loued in that they are not suffered to runne with the world that so they may not be condemned with the world Vse 1. This goodnesse of God is a singular consolation to such as are his It will not suffer them to want any good thing that is good for them but it will most certenly and seasonably communicate it it hath giuen the sonne and how can it but with him giue all things remission of sinnes peace of conscience wealth length of dayes grace and glorie Is the fountaine in thy fathers grounds then maist thou looke to drinke to sacietie of euery good thing shall any good thing be wanting to him that feareth the Lord no surely for his goodnes is entailed vnto them by promise by oath yea by season and possession But looke well to the purity of thy heart seeing God is good especially to the pure of heart Secondly we are taught hence sundrie dutyes 1. In the want of any good thing in confidence affiance of our hearts to flie to this fountaine of goodnes it is a liuing fountaine that knoweth not the yeares of drought here faithfully aske it hopefully expect it and in longer delaies or denials onely know it is a wise loue of a father who neither giueth his child hurtfull things nor yet any store of good things till he know how to vse them 2. In the receiuing or enioying of any good thing the praise and glory must be returned to this wel head which is the sea from which all the riuers of goodnesse flowe and to which they ought to refl●we as euery fauour then commeth from the Father of lights so let it lead vs vnto him againe 3. To admire and speake often of this goodnesse of our God and say with the Church who is a God like vnto thee for he not onely is pleased to take away iniquitie and passe by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage but to walke friendly and familiarly with men not onely the worthies of the former world such as Enoch who walked with God Moses with whome he talked face to face as a man with his friend Abraham with whom he imparted his secret counsels Iacob with whom he wrastled familiarly but euen vnto our selues whome he hath pleased not onely to admit vnto eternall saluation in his sonne but hath in the meane time reuealed vnto vs his secret thoughts sent out his spirit to accompanie comfort quicken raise and enlighten vs and his word to rule and direct vs and in the ministerie of it euen striueth with vs that he may leaue vs a blessing behind him It was his great familiaritie that he should shewe Moses the land of Canaan before his death but he hath shewed vs a farre off that euerlasting rest and receptacle of all the Israel of God And Paul himselfe was not more beholding to this goodnesse when he was taken vp into the third heauen then we are in hauing so many high mysteries reuealed vnto vs and so many great things put into our hands by faith and hope which we cannot vtter with our tongues nor yet with our hearts conceiue and shall our hearts be barren in the meditation and our mouthes mute and dumbe at such a goodnes as this is 4. To imitate this goodnesse of God whose nature and image we must put on daily we must grow
in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercie and cap. 11.35 who gaue vnto him first that he should recompence Hence 1. vve conclude that if God should choose to saluation for any thing in man it could not be but man should be the first in his owne election and God should come after him yea it would ouerturne all the order of God in his most wise proceeding and would place his second grace before the first for whereas the first grace namely the election of such as the Father is to giue vnto the Son by him to be saued in all good order should precede the second whereby such as are elected before all time are in time giuen to the Sonne called iustified graced glorified and so saued The Popish doctrine of Gods foresight of faith or workes placeth this latter in Gods counsell before the former Secondly election is of grace Rom. 11.5 There is an election of grace but if it were of foreseene workes it were at least partly of desert and then should it follow 1. that it could not be of grace any way because not of grace euery way ver 6. 2. that all our owne reioycing should not be excluded Rom. 3.27 3. that if the Apostle should aske againe who separated vs our answer might be we partly separated our selues Thirdly our Apostle Eph. 1.4.5 affordeth vs three grounds more 1. from the time of our election which is before the foūdation of the world before we had done either good or euill or were in the world to doe it 2. In that he maketh our workes effects of election and therefore cannot be causes of it he hath chosen vs in him not because he foresaw that wee would be holy but that we might be holy and vnblameable as in cap. 2.10 we are his workemanship created to good workes and because it might be said that yet God might foresee who would receiue grace and who not and consequently who would vse the same aright in ordering their liues The third conclusion in the 5. verse affirmeth that God respected nothing out of himselfe or in vs past or to come but according to the good pleasure which he purposed in himselfe as Beza readeth it he choosed vs to partake of his grace Fourthly I would aske a Papist whether if the Lord did foresee any thing to bring vs to saluation by whether that was not the couenant of grace rather then the couenant of workes by the which neuer was or could any man be saued 2. In case God did foresee any worke which should be answerable to either of those couenants of grace or workes whether himselfe should not be the bestower of that grace and worke so as still not the worke if there were any but his grace shall be the first moouer 3. Whether God should be mooued if by workes by those before conuersion or after if they say by those after conuersion euen these saith the Prophet are as a stained clout If by those afore which their doctrine seemeth to tend to affirming that our vnregenerate wills haue a power to consent and coworke with Gods will and to prepare themselues to iustification then our text controlleth them which saith there was no such works at all which could mooue the Lord to take any pleasure in vs. Nay we were sinners saith Paul when God chose vs and such sinners as are described in the former verse blinded in mind rebellious in will and disordered in our whole conuersation Which shal serue for the ouerthrowe of all workes either preparatorie or foreseene or which any other way may obscure the free grace of God in our election and saluation Vse 1. To be sober minded and wise to sobrietie in the matters of Gods counsell inquiring into no reason further then his will which is euer iust although the thing may seeme strange and dazle our weak eyes the which one point would cut off many controversies and needles questions of sundrie diuines who in their platformes of election and reprobation will allowe the Lord no further libertie then themselues can deuise reason of for one the foresight of some good for the other of some euill which cannot but bring in an vniuersall reprobation because all are the sonnes of wrath by nature and God seeth them not out of this condition in themselues besides that the Lord shall be tied to conditions whereas he will haue mercie where he wil and whom he will he will harden 2. This doctrine is a ground of true humilitie for when all saluation from first to last is acknowledged to be of grace altogether out of our selues it shutteth all presumptuous mouthes who would gladly be sacrificing to their owne nets And this seemeth to be the Lords end in stablishing his free couenant that his people might remember and be ashamed and neuer open their mouth any more How carefull is he to take all such arrogant speaches out of their mouthes Deut. 7.7 and 9.5 Say not because of mine owne righteousnesse hath the Lord giuen vs this land and much lesse the heauenly Canaan and telleth them plainly that they were the least and worst of all people before the Lord put the difference betweene them and others And the whole Scripture sheweth how he hath set his affection on such as were still the most vnlikely and in all outward respects least commendable the youngest for most part when the first b●rne seemed to carrie away all the priuiledge Abel before Caine Iacob before Esau Ephraim before Manasseh Ioseph and Dauid before the rest of their elder brethren his manner was alwaies and is to hide that from the wise which he would reueale to babes by foolish things to confound the wise and by weake things the mightie and why 1. in regard of himselfe because his good pleasure was such no other reason but his owne will mooued him 2. in regard of vs that no flesh should reioyce before him 3. Hence we haue also a ground of thankefulnesse when we heare of such a free choise and that the Lord enquired not what we were or what we were worthy of but loued vs before we were or the world was when nothing could be conceiued either preuenting or meeting this goodnes of God And indeede neuer can we come to see the bottomelesse sea of this grace vnlesse we behold it in this gl●sse which our Apostle setteth before our eyes of our free election and saluation meerely by grace the which once if we come to behold how can we but magnifie his grace confesse his name feare to offend him tender all obedience vnto him yea in way of loue and thankefulnesse giue vp our selues to liue and die in his seruice who hath so freely so highly advanced vs vndeserued loues are great binders It is in the mouth of euerie man towards them of whome they haue receiued vndeserued good turnes I can neuer make such a man amends for such or such fauours and yet this boundlesse loue
of God is seldome waighed of vs. 4. Here is a ground of certentie of saluation as which is founded in the election of God by grace and is therefore more firme then the frame of heauen and earth whereas were it founded in our selues or put in our owne hands to keepe we could haue no assurance of it no though we were renewed to our first innocencie as appeareth in Adam but seeing our life and salvation is hid with God none shall take it or vs euer out of his hands Obiect But if it be laid so farre out of our reach that we neither haue it in our hand nor any hand in it but it is all in the mercie of God how can we haue any euidence or assurance of it in our selues vnlesse we should climbe vp into heauen Answ. We must not conceiue of this as such a mercie which after it is freely set vpon vs hath no worke in vs nor such a mercie as saueth vs without our selues but such a mercie as 1. calleth vs by the Gospel 2. Tim. 1.9 who saued vs and called vs with an holy calling 2. mooueth vs to answer that call seeing the sheepe of Christ heare his voice and followe him 3. giueth and encreaseth the grace of sanctification and prouoketh to newnesse of life so as thou shalt not neede to go aboue the clouds to get assurance of this mercie but the word is neere thee looke how thou carriest thy selfe vnto it how thou hearest the voice of Christ how thou followest it how thou proceedest on to the fruits of a new life such as are the hatred of sinne and an endeauour to please God in all things here are the seales of thine assurance 5. Here is also another ground of moderation and meekenesse toward such as are not yet called because the change is of meere mercy the difference betweene vs is not naturall nor deserued we were in time past no better then they they may in time to come participate of free grace as well as we doe By the washing of the newe birth We are now come to the instrumentall causes or meanes whereby we are set into this newe condition And these be two First outward wherby we are brought into the visible Church and that is the washing of the newe birth or baptisme Secondly inward whereby we are truely set into the bodie of Christ and that is the renewing of the holy Ghost who powreth out plentifully vpon our consciences pure waters to cleanse them both from the guilt and filthinesse of sinne as after we are to make manifest For the meaning of the former in fewe words to know both why baptisme is called the lauer of regeneration as also why God is said to saue vs by it we must conceiue that in euerie Sacrament there be three essentiall parts the absence of any of which destroy the whole 1. the signe 2. the thing signified 3. the analogie betweene them which is the vnion of them both the first is some outward and sensible thing the second inward and spirituall the third mixt of them both As in baptisme the signe is water the thing signified the blood of Christ the analogie or vnion standeth in this resemblance that as the former outwardly washeth the filthinesse of the bodie so the latter inwardly purgeth the soule from all sinne By reason of which relation and neere affection betweene the signe and the thing signified it is vsuall in the Scriptures by an improper but Sacramentall speach 1. to call the signe by the name of the thing signified and contrarily And thus baptisme is called the washing of the newe birth because it is a signe seale and instrument of it Secondly to ascribe that to the signe which is proper to the thing signified and so baptisme is here said to saue as also 1. Pet. 3.21 which is indeede the proprietie of the blood of Christ 1. Ioh. 1.7 but by the neere affinitie of these two in the Sacrament it is said so to doe to note vnto vs 1. not to conceiue of the Sacramentall elements as bare and naked signes so to growe into the contempt of them 2. as vve may not conceiue them idle signes so neither idoll signes by insisting in them as though they vvere the vvhole Sacrament for they are but outvvard vvhereas the principall matter of a Sacrament is spirituall and invvard 3. that then we trueliest conceiue of a Sacrament when by looking at the one of these we see both neither making the signe a vaine symbole nor yet ascribing any thing to it transcending the nature of it such as are the peculiars and prerogatiues of God but in the signe and action which is outward be led to those which are spiritual and inward Doctr. God in baptisme not onely offereth and signifieth but truely exhibiteth grace whereby our sinnes are washed and we renewed by the holy Ghost for therefore is it called the washing of the new birth both because it sealeth vp the washing away of sinnes by the blood of Christ Act. 2.38 Be baptised for the remission of sinnes as also in that it betokeneth and is a meane of an other washing by the spirit of Christ and this is the sanctification of a sinner imperfect in this life but which shall be perfected in the life to come But the doctrine will remaine obscure if we shall not open two points before we come to make vse of it 1. how 2. to whom baptisme is the lauer of regeneration For the former therefore 1. how it is not 2. how it is First this effect is not ascribed to the worke wrought as the Popish doctrine teacheth 2. Neither by any extraordinarie eleuation of the action whereby it is made able to conferre the benefit of renouation for this were both to make euery baptisme a kinde of miracle as also to encroach vpon the clause following wherein the worke of renewing is ascribed to the holy Ghost 3. Neither that the waters of baptisme haue in themselues any inherent power or force to wash the conscience as to wash the filth of the bodie they wrong conceiue it that shut vp any such power in it as is in a physicall instrument as thogh it as properly washed as an hearb healeth if applyed 4. Neither because grace is tied by any promise or meanes vnto the action so as God who is most free in his gifts cannot either otherwise distribute or cannot otherwise but dispense it with the action For 1. grace is not tied to the word therefore not to the Sacrament 2. They were separate in the first and greatest minister of baptisme Iohn himselfe who confessed that he indeede baptized with water but it belonged to him that came after him to giue the grace 3. If these opinions were true or any of them then should euerie baptized partie be truely regenerate the contrarie whereof appeareth in Simon Magus in many manifest wicked ones and close hypocrites in all ages 4. The falshood
If we obserue in the multitude the high atheisme contempt of God and his word his Sabbaths Sacraments Ministers and his whole worship if we listen vnto the cursed oaths and imprecations if we cast our eyes vpon the iniustice pride riot hatred and earthlinesse which dwelleth euerie where with men can we now conceiue other but that the wicked spirit which ruleth in the world of the disobedient is abundantly powred out rather then this pure spirit here mentioned And if we behold the numbers of men who scorne and powre contempt on such as haue receiued the smallest measure of these graces can we thinke that such abundant grace is powred vpon men on earth seeing the most seeke vnder the titles of schisme or heresie to hunt it and banish it from off the face of the earth Or yet if we further looke vpon men that make shew of receiuing competencie of these waters who are yet neuer a whit washed nor euer a whit the cleaner they come to Church and heare they seeme to like good things and walke in ciuill conuersation but in regard of the soundnesse of their hearts we wash bricks or Aethiopians and loose all our labour may we not now well aske where is the abundance of this grace we speake of Or if we looke at such as haue receiued true grace howsoeuer the Lord will bring it to something in the ende yet we can scarse see on them or in them any such abundance but like strait necked vessels they receiue it but droppe by droppe although it be powred on them with full buckets We seldome see professors like trees of righteousnesse laden with the fruits of the spirit or walking or standing in Gods orchyard of the Church in a constant course of fruitfulnes but now and then in good moodes some works of pietie and mercie may be fou●d in their hands and the best of men come farre short of their watring in their encrease If the spirit were powred out from aboue would it not make our wildernesses fruitfull fields oh let vs bewaile our owne vncapablenesse in the sence of our wants and euerie man vrge his owne heart Is the spirit powred out on my soule he is the spirit of light and illumination I should then be filled with all knowledge of God he is the spirit of grace compunction and compassion I should therefore be much and often in the exercises of repentance and a broken heart he is the spirit of sanctification I should therefore abound in all holy conuersation he is the spirit of consolation I should therefore exceede with true and sound ioy and peace of good conscience he is the spirit of loue and therefore I should powre out workes of loue and mercie aboundantly if he were abundantly powred out on my soule Thus should euerie man examine his owne heart 2. If vpon this examination we feele not this plentie of grace we must ware of accusing God but condemne our selues in whom all the fault is as who refuse and despise so great grace If any aske how it can come to passe that such excellent grace should be refused I answer there are three maine causes of it 1. ignorance and blindnesse of minde 2. hardnesse of heart 3. securitie which three destitute vs of so abundant grace as is offered First we see not know not and therefore affect not these graces Ioh. 4.10 If thou hadst knowne the gift of God thou wouldst haue asked and he would haue giuen thee waters of life Water is so necessarie a creature as nothing can be more dangerously or vncomfortably wanting to the life of man this euery man seeth by the eye of his sence and so are much more these spirituall waters of life vnto the heauenly life which because men cannot discerne with the same eie they neuer affect nor thirst after them whence it commeth to passe that as the Poet in the fable men stand as it were vp to the chinne in these waters and yet die for water euen in the midst of those sweete streames die eternally for want of them If we want them therefore it is because we thirst not after them for onely he that thirsteth is called to them and Christ will giue onely to him that thirsteth to drinke of them Enlarge thy heart therefore wait vpon the Lord open thy mouth wide and he will fill it Samson readie to die for thirst called vpon the Lord and the Lord opened a chawbone and a riuer came gushing out so if thou seeing the necessitie and that there is no way but eternall death without these liuing waters and thirst after the Lord and call earnestly he will before thou shalt want euen by miracle abundantly supply thee but if thou esteemest of grace as a thing thou maist best want there is good reason thou be without it The second let is hardnesse of heart and worse then the former for that cannot affect because it knoweth not this will not though it know but keepeth the soule drie and barren without the least droppe of grace powre a sea of water vpon a rocke it remaineth a rocke still neuer a drop sinketh in and so is it with many a man he setteth himselfe by yeares together vnder the preacher he heareth gratious doctrine but the invinsible hardnes of his heart suffereth not one droppe of these dewes of heauen to sinke into his soule but as the light of the sunne shineth onely on the outside of a tree so doth this sunne of the Church on such a man but neuer getteth within him The third let is securitie ioyned with extreame neglect of meanes wherein the spirit vsually conveieth these graces A man that meaneth to be rich will not neglect his calling nor the meanes ●e seeth offered but he that meaneth to die a begger casteth vp al foldeth his hands together putteth them in his bosome care away let the squares goe as they will Art thou minded to bee rich in grace then must thou vse the meanes frequent the places and pipes where these waters flowe Quest. Where shall we haue them Answ. They runne from vnder the threshold of the Sanctuarie and the ordinarie pipes wherein the Lord in greatest abundance conueieth them are the word and Sacraments in their right and reuerent vse The Prophet Ioel hauing spoken of these abundant waters leadeth his hearers by the hand to the quickspring wher they rise In that day shall all the riuers of Iudah runne with waters and a fountaine shall runne out of the house of the Lord and water the valley of Sittim where the choice Cedars were betokening the trees of righteousnesse within the pale of the Church of God Here then is the place where thou maist drawe with ioy waters out of the wells of consolation all in the plurall number waters wells because here is promise made of more abundant blessing And yet while thy plough goeth abroad thou maist not be idle within doores for the Lord would
shamefull thing it were to marrie a wife in hope to beget children by another mans helpe what an equall thing it is that he who doth not his dutie in his owne person but by a deputie should also goe to heauen by a deputie but not in his owne person as merily and wittily Iodocus a famous French preacher witnessed by Espenceus From all which I may conclude this reason with the words of a Papist that seeing neither nature is the principle or ground of nonresidencie for that is contented with a little nor yet grace which is contented with lesse therefore the corruption of the heart of man is the cheefe counseller and perswader vnto it Neither is his reason to be neglected for though a man saith he dare liue a nonresident yet would he not willingly die one And as for the matter of substitution whereon the whole frame of nonresidencie is set as on a foundation he saith he seeth not why one man might not haue as well an hundreth liuings as one by this plea for he might get substitutes inough neither doth he see any reason but women might also be capable of Church liuings by this plea as well as men for they also might performe the duties by substitutes But I remit the reader to the author as also to other of our later Diuines who haue largely and learnedly handled the same argument 5. We may adde hereunto the example of the Preists vnder the law who were fixed in their courses neere the Temple and had their chambers and roomes adioyned vnto the Temple that they might waite on their offices and be readie for their seruices and there is no reason why the Ministers of the Gospel should not now as diligently waite on their office as they vnder the law vnlesse we will say that the standing Ministerie of the new Testament is not so necessarie not so certaine as that walking Ministerie of the old Let Ministers therefore see that the occasions of leauing their flockes for a time be vrgent and weightie not pretences proceeding from couetousnesse nor ambition nor any other sinister respect neither let them dare to remooue themselues no not for a while but for some occasions which are more necessarie then the attending of the flocke for howsoeuer they may shroud themselues by the protection of humane laws yet in the court of conscience only such necessary and weighty occasions wil beare plea and giue a man leaue for a time to be absent 2. As it must not be a small matter that must draw a Minister from his charge so if such weightie occasions fall out as require the gifts of some men to be otherwise employed for the time for the greater good of the Church then in his priuate charge then we see what must be our rule If Titus be remooued an Artemas or Tychicus a faithfull and furnished man must be sent in his roome that while the whole bodie is cared for no particular member be lost or neglected Where also great and noble men may be put in minde what a grieuous sinne they bring vpon themselues when they call Ministers from their charges into their houses or vnto the seas or any such employment and in the meane time neglect to prouide sufficiently for their flockes and the sinne is the greater in that they might be ordinarily better serued by such as haue no charges and why should they not rather send to the Vniuersities then to the Churches if they did not chuse to wrong them both when as yet no necessitie vrgeth or forceth them hereunto Vers. 13. Bring Zenas the expounder of the lawe and Apollos on their iourney diligently that they lacke nothing In this verse is contained the second priuate busines which is enioyned Titus commanding him that he should set forward on their iourney both Zenas set out by his profession an expounder of the law and Apollos and this he should doe 1. by accompanying them in some part of their way and 2. by prouiding that they wanted no necessarie for their long iourney being to saile from Creta in Grecia For the persons of Zenas and Apollos they were Apostolike men of notable gifts for the Ministerie The former is here said to be by profession an expounder of the law that is of Mos●s lawe as is most likely rather then the ciuill lawe but howsoeuer he was not like our lawyers he ioyned himselfe with Apollos and was a poore man and had wanted but for the churches contribution For Apollos we reade of him Act. 18.24 that he was borne at Alexandria that he was an eloquent man mightie in the Scriptures and feruent in the spirit yea so powerfull in his doctrine as that of some he was accounted not inferiour to the cheife Apostles for as some said they were Pauls so some cleaued to Apollos as other some to Cephas and therefore both of them were worthy to be respected by Titus who therefore must performe vnto them this part of Christian curtesie to lead them forth on their way Doctr. Whence note that Christianitie hindreth not but commendeth and enioyneth ciuill curtesie and all kinde of humanitie For 1. whatsoeuer pertaineth to loue and good report that must beleeuers thinke on and doe Philip. 4. Secondly the wisedome which is from aboue is gentle peaceable full of mercie and good fruits Iames. 3.17 Thirdly those many commandements that Christians should salute and greete one an other and that with an holy kisse 1. Thes. 5.26 called by Peter the kisse of loue vsuall in those East countries by which outward testimonie they declared mutuall loue and kindnesse Fourthly outward curtesie is a necessarie vertue euen for the maintaining of the bond of Christian peace yea availeth much for the nourishing and encreasing the communion of Saints and societie with Gods people Fifthly how disgracefull a thing were it for the profession of Christ that such as professe faith in the Lord Iesus should shew themselues inhumane or hoggish who should be as lambes and little children for such are they who haue entred into the kingdome of Christ as the Prophet witnesseth Let this point therefore be well thought of that as faith and loue cannot be separate so must good conscience and good manners goe together Now for this speciall branch of curtesie to bring the seruants of God and the Church on in their iourney it is from an inferiour to a superiour a dutie of honour as we see in Barzillai 2. Sam. 19.36 who would go ouer Iordan with king Dauid set him so farre on his way to Ierusalem then returne back to Gilead And of the equall to the equall it is a dutie of kindnes and towards the teacher of both and as it seemeth was verie common among beleeuers in the Apostles times Thus we read how the Elders of the Church of Ephesus accompanied Paul to the ship Act. 20.38 so the disciples whom he found at Tyrus with their wiues and children accompanied
from the Apostles mouth that for the same all good men approoued him and wished him all good proceedings And hence we may note 1. what is the vse of this most auncient and approoued custome of saluting one another by writing namely to signifie a louing remembrance of the partie saluted with an earnest desire of their good and welfare for that is a common affection to all salutations to signifie such a desire And yet there is great difference betweene one salutation and an other which riseth from the difference of the persons saluting Whereof some are meerely ciuill men without all religion and these could not reach to wish their friends the best blessings although they wished them the best they could reach as the ordinarie formes both of the Greekes and Latines testifie Others haue more in them then humanitie in that they apprehend the higher graces of God in his Christ reuealed in the Gospel and hauing their owne parts therein they most freely feelingly in their salutations wish their friends to partake with them first in such graces as may accompanie their saluation and then in all that outward prosperitie that shall make for their good and these are the salutations of the Apostles and of good Christians they be no court holy water nor salutare libenter from teeth outward but heartie and vnfained testimonies of loue much making for the encrease of mutuall loue yea and the strengthening of the bond of the communion of Saints Now if this be the vse of salutations we may see how grossely the Papists are besotted in martyring that I may vse Luthers word the Angels salutation to Marie For 1. whereas a salutation is a ciuil thing they haue turned this into a deuout praier 2. not to Marie whome the words concerned alone but vnto God at whose hands the repeating of it meriteth pardon of many sinnes 3. whereas salutation is to be done to a partie present among vs this saluteth one absent 4. whereas it was the angels dutie to carrie this message once to Marie they thrust euerie man and woman into the Angels office to carrie the same message euerie moment as if it were a thing not alreadie accomplished 5. what further good can they wish to Marie now in heauen But they haue despised the wisedome of God and what wisedom can be in them 2. Note what a great incouragement and comfort it is for the godly to haue the hearts the commendations the good words and wishes of them that fea●e God it is an excellent support against the disgraces of the times and reproaches of vngodly men when Gods people reach vnto a man the right hand of fellowship little neede he care for the causles curses and reproaches of the wicked that hath the blessing of the Saints with him although therefore we haue another rule to walke by then the iudgement of men and in doing our dutie we may say with the Apostle I care not for the iudgement of any man yet it will be good for a man to conceiue how he is esteemed of the best to whom ordinarily God giueth a spirit of discerning that if it be possible with a good conscience he may ioyne a good name which is not onely sweete as a pretious oyntment but will supple and asswage such wounds and stroakes as the ●●icked will be still inflicting Neither can these two things be easily disioyned the approouing of the heart vnto God and of the wayes vnto Gods people 3. Note from the Apostles example what a good office it is to be a peace-maker and to knit the members of the bodie of Christ close together this argueth men to be endued with that wisedome which is from aboue the properties whereof are to be pure peaceable full of mercie and good fruits especially the Ministers of God must account it a part of their office not onely to reconcile man to God but euen man to man And let euerie man conceiue and remember that our Lord Iesus maketh it one of the pathes and rules of true happinesse when he saith blessed are the peacemakers 4. Note how the Saints of God ought to embrace one another and especially such as are of the best desert in the Church for their labours and gifts euen as the Saints with Paul did Titus many of whom doubtlesse had neuer seene his face but had heard of his faithfulnesse euen such should be our loue to the godly as we should affect them that are absent as well as present and wherein we can testifie that affection to those whom we haue heard well although by face we neuer knew them Greete them that loue vs in the faith Quest. May we not salute any but beleeuers Answ. There is a common salutation which is due from euery man to euery man and that is a ciuill curtesie and kind of honour which is to be shewed to all men our Sauiour Christ commanded his Disciples whensoeuer they entred into an house they should salute the same Matth. 10.12 and gaue them a forme of salutation which they must vse whether the sonne of peace were there or no saying peace be to this house Yea if men be our enemies and will not vouchsafe to salute vs againe yet we must not omit this branch of courteous behauiour towards them Matth. 5.47 If yee be freindly to your brethren only what singular thing doe yee doe not euen the Publicans the same The word tra●slated be freindly is the same with this here signifieth such freindship as was in those countries testified by salutations and embracings which euen the worst could well inough performe to their freinds but Christ sheweth that we must doe more we must not expect to see whether we be saluted first but kindly salute our enemies although we be not saluted againe And the reason is because it was counted a signe of hatred not to salute a man 2. Sam. 13.22 Absolon said neither good nor bad to his brother for Absolon hated Amnon Whereas Christians on the contrarie must thinke on such things as may preuent offence procure loue and winne if it may be euen estran●ed affections But yet howsoeuer this salutation is generally due from equall to equall yet there are some excepted cases in the Scripture 1. such a one as lyeth in some open sinne and hateth to be reformed not yeelding to godly counsell out of the word a superiour here may forbeare to speake to such a one by way of correction but so as he must haue care that he aime at the fault and not at the person and make it so known to the person that he testifieth not the hatred of his person but of his sinne Thus Dauid banished Absolon from the court for killing Amnon 2. There are open enemies of God and of his truth of his Church who haue sold themselues to maligne it such sworne enemies wee may not thus embrace 2. Ioh. 10. If any man bring not this doctrine
indeed his bowells were not straitned toward Titus and the Church committed vnto him seeing he wisheth the verie fountaine of grace to be opened vnto them for this word as we shewed in the beginning signifieth both the free loue and fauour of God towards vs in Christ as also all other spirituall blessings flowing from that fountaine such as are remission of sinnes reconciliation with God iustification sanctification life eternall and all the meanes tending thereunto 3. That beeing an Apostolicall prayer it might also be a meanes of obtaining and conuaying vpon them the grace requested and although he had made the same request for them before yet it is no vaine repetition for partly he prayeth for the encrease and further feeling of this grace for them and partly teacheth vs thereby that it is the only blessing to be prayed for the cheife if not only grace which our selues are to labour for and which we must by all meanes endeauour that others may haue their portion in with vs. 4. To shew that all our greeting must beginne and end in grace and that our formes of salutation should fauour of grace and not be profane gracelesse or formall as the most are 5. Beeing a Minister of grace he beginneth and endeth with it and teacheth Ministers that their first and last action of the day and of their Ministeriall dutie should be the commending of their people vnto the grace of God in their praiers and besides if ordinarie letters much more other more weightie actions of men must be vndertaken and performed with praier and praise Secondly in that he saith Grace be with you he sheweth that howsoeuer this Epistle was inscribed to Titus alone yet was it intended to be of common vse to the whole Church and therefore we haue not vnfitly applied the most of the doctrines to the vse not of Ministers only but of all sorts of men so farre as they concerned them Last of all in that he saith grace be with you all he meaneth all the elect and only they for only they are effectuall partakers of this sauing grace called often elsewhere the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the treasurie and fountaine of it The wicked are indeede endued with excellent gifts of Gods spirit but they want this grace of God in Christ which is the only foundation of our election to the grace of life of our effectuall vocation to the grace of God wherein we stand and of that assured hope of that heauenly inheritance which he hath purchased of his grace By this grace we are happily reconciled vnto God and adopted to be heyres of grace hereby also we haue receiued the word of grace which is made fruitfull to the planting and watering of all other sauing graces in vs and so to the furthering and finishing of the whole worke of our saluation in glorie This grace be euer with vs and all them that loue the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ to their immortalitie Amen So shall it be And so be it To God the Father of lights and to Iesus Christ that eternall word together with that annoynting euen the blessed spirit the only one true and wise God who hath happily led vs through these labours be all praise and glorie in all the Churches for euermore Amen A SHORT VIEWE OF SVCH Doctrines as are enlarged with their reasons and vses A Man may sometimes lawfully change his name Pag. 4. Such names are to be giuen to children as may put them in minde of some good dutie Pag. 4 The name of a seruant of God is full of honour Pag. 6 The chiefe offices in the Church are for the service of it Pag. 10 God hath some who are elect and other are not Pag. 11 The elect haue a faith by themselues Pag. 13 The faith of the elect is ordinarily wrought by the ministerie of the word Pag. 16 The doctrine of the Gospell is truth it selfe Pag. 18 The knowledge of the truth is the ground of faith Pag. 19 The truth intertained in truth frameth the heart vnto godlinesse Pag. 21 The ende of the ministerie is to drawe vp mens mindes from earth to heauen Pag. 24 True faith neuer goeth alone but as a Queene attended with many other graces especially with hope Pag. 27 Life eternall is the beleeuers by free promise Pag. 30 God is truth itselfe and cannot lie Pag. 33 The free loue of God appeareth in that whatsoeuer he doth for his elect in time the same he decreeth before all time Pag. 39 The doctrine of saluation is more clearely manifest then in former times Pag. 43 The Lord effecteth all his purposes and promises in due season Pag. 44 Saluation is to be sought for in the preaching of the word Pag. 48 The office of preaching is an office of trust Pag. 52 Whosoeuer entreth into the ministerie must finde himselfe pressed by the calling and commandement of God Pag. 53 Ministers may be more or lesse in the commendation of their calling as the disposition and necessitie of their people require Pag. 55 Gods calling to grace is free and powerfull Pag. 56 Ministers ought to be spirituall fathers in begetting children to God Pag. 58 Faith is one and the same in all Gods elect Pag. 62 Euerie man must be carefull 1. whome 2. to what 3. how farre he commendeth an other Pag. 65 All are not naturall sonnes that are so accounted 66 The free and euerlasting grace of God is the foundation of all blessings spirituall and temporall Pag. 69 True peace is the fruit of Gods grace and mercie Pag. 71 Whosoeuer is called to labour in the Church must by all his care further the worke of the Lord. Pag. 75 He that would Christianly and comfortably carrie himselfe through his calling must euer haue the ende of it in his eie Pag. 76 Churches must not be condemned as no Churches for want of some lawes or gouerment if they ioyne in the profession of the truth Pag. 80 No Church is hastely brought to perfection Pag. 81 There is continuall bending of good ordinances euen in the best estate of the Church Pag. 83 Such an absolute necessitie of a setled ministerie there is where a Church is planted that without it religion cannot possibly thriue or continue Pag. 86 The ordering and gouerning of the Church is not left arbitrarie no not to an Evangelist but Apostolicall direction must guide him Pag. 89 How able soeuer a man is to teach if he be of a scandalous life he is vnfit to be chosen a Minister Pag. 92 Marriage of Ministers is a lawfull and holy ordinance of God Pag. 97 Polygamie was euer blameworthy euen in the best Pag. 103 He that would reforme others abroad must begin at home Pag. 110 To haue the blessing of gracious children thou must beginne at religion Pag. 111 The carriage of a mans children is a great credit or disgrace to his profession especially of the Minister Pag. 113 Riot is an hatefull vice to be