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A12120 The countryman vvith his houshold Being a familiar conference, concerning faith towards God, and good workes before men; fitted for the capacitie of the meanest. By R.S. preacher of the word at Arley. See the contents more particularly before the booke. Sherrard, Robert. 1620 (1620) STC 22427; ESTC S102598 97,338 274

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all things to its greatest good as of Sinne Afflictions Death c. pag. 214. to 221. 6. Of the last Resurrection Iudgement generall pag. 221. to 228 7. Of watching pag. 228. to 235 8. And of Christs full glorifying of his Church in Heauen pag. 235. The Peroration or Summe of the whole composed in easie plaine meeter pag. 238. to 254. THE COVNTRY-MAN WITH HIS HOVSHOLD Being A familiar Conference concerning Faith towards God and Good Works before Men fitted for the capacitie of the meanest The Speakers conferring be these fiue The Pastor Parent Childe Seruant Scholler Pastor GOd a 2 Ioh. v. 10. speed you Parent And you also b Act. 16.15 If you haue iudged me to be faithfull to the Lord come into my house c vers 9. and helpe vs that we may learne and be stirred vp to d 1 Thess 2.11 walke worthy of God who hath called vs vnto his kingdome and glory Pastor Indeed I haue often and long time marueiled of the generall-grosse neglect and strangenesse of your selfe other housholders in that you haue contented your selues with a bare and fashionable vse of your Ministers labours in publicke without seeking any fellowship whiles you are in prosperitie with them in priuate as touching the matters of God Wherein now at the length it seemeth you desire my helpe For hitherto you and other Housholders haue by your carelessnes this way not onely hindred and discouraged your Ministers in the worke of the Gospell but also wronged your selues and your owne people besides the euill example you haue giuen to others in such sort that neither the judicious can well tell what to thinke of you nor yet you your selues for the greater number I feare know whether you profit or not by the publike preaching of the word though it be both plentifully and fitly set forth of the Ministers and also ordinarily frequented by you I say litle of the want yea of the alienating of the affectiōs of Loue and Delight yea and of Zeale oftentimes which as they are on the one side procured and nourished by often societie and familiaritie and therevpon doe much further the soule for the knowledge beleefe and practise of Godlinesse not vnlike to good handmaides who by their continuall industry do set forward their Mistresse businesse and therein promote her welfare So on the other side these being wanting or estranged many good things become vnprofitable and vsually very wholsome orders and directions are either refused or litle or nothing vsed and so the soule is neuer the neerer and it may be the further off from piety as it commeth to passe by such maides as either do not minde diligence or addict themselues to other matters then their seruice and therefore are so farre from profiting their Mistres that contrarily they do rather incomber her and hindeer her good estate And what dishonour the Lord sustaineth by this profane course I leaue to be lamented of all those that know what Gods glory meaneth and haue any feeling of the greiuous and intolerable losse of it But I pray you what haue you thought of e Act. 20.20 31. S. Paul his three yeeres diligence at Ephesus by night and day in teaching and warning euery one of the Church of God with teares from house to house And what vse haue you made of his plaine exhortation to f Heb. 13.17 obey them that haue the rule ouer you and to submit your selues and likewise of his request g 1 Thess 5.12 13. to know them which labour among you and are ouer you in the Lord and admonish you and to esteeme them very highly in loue for their workes sake Parent For my part I must confes that albeit I haue knowne such testimonies of holy writ yet I haue not so seriously considered applied them to my selfe as now of late time euery day more and more I doe And for others I beséech God to moue their hearts likewise to h Psal 30.1 1 Cor. 16.15 16 dedicate themselues and their houses to God that euery one may helpe and labour with you for the entertainment and promoting of the Gospell of Christ Pastor Verily you haue caused me much greefe because through your strangenesse I haue bin but slenderly able to follow the Lords will i Ezek. 34. by seeking out his sheepe specially those that are lost feeding them in fat pastures laying them in good folds bringing them againe that were driuen away binding that which was broken strengthning that which was sicke c. And for that I could not approue my selfe to be that good and carefull k Iohn 10.3 4. Shepheard who calleth his owne sheepe by name leadeth them out and goeth before them that they may follow him And withall you haue made me much ashamed that I am so ignorant and vncertaine of the particular persons estate in my flocke and the more when I thinke of Cyrus the Persian King of whom it is recorded l Plinie Solin Val. Max. others that he knew both the faces names of all the souldiers in his armie which was very great so that he could salute and as neede required exhort euery one by name to vertue and manhood and yet his drift was but for earthly glory and a temporall victorie But my office is ordained of Christ the Captaine of our Faith to direct and incourage his Souldiers to get the greatest victorie that euer was or can be euen ouer the Deuill Sinne Death and Damnation and to obtaine euerlasting glory and that with Christ the Lord of glory Howbeit it is come to passe through the subtiltie of Sathan and Mans corruption in the lacke of a religious familiar societie betwixt me and my charge that I haue but litle certaine knowledge of their spirituall estate and therefore am forced to expect the lesser fruit of my publike labours eftsoones censuring my selfe as doing my office but by the halues onely in preaching a Sermon or two out of the pulpit ech weeke vpon the Lords day which yet I cannot so profitably performe in fitting my labour to their estate as otherwise I might to wit if I and they had such priuate fellowship as the Lord commendeth vnto vs in his holy word For which and diuers other reasons I doe not onely seeke and take some likely opportunities with them to set on foote this holy Ordinance of the Lord but withall I cease not to pray the Almighty the Author of all good gifts and Father of lights as well to inable and guide mee with necessarie graces and godly wisedome in some good constant course to bestow some priuate paines this way as to open the dores of my peoples hearts and houses to make some good vse thereof and I waite for the mercy of God in raising vp some helpers to the same end and in vouchsafing me some happy entrance into so worthy a meane of his glory and of our spirituall aduantage
glory of his power with the Deuill and his Angels euery one according to the diuers measures of the deserts of their sinnes Seruant Why is the day of iudgement concealed from all Angels and men Scholler r Mat. 24.36 37 38 39 40 41 42 c. Mark 13.33 37. Luk. 21. 34 35 36. Both to preuent all curious inquiring and also to make vs the more watchfull Seruant Why what neede haue we to watch seeing some signes that must go before that day are not yet fulfilled as besides others there ſ Math. 24.23 24 25 26 27 28. Mark 13.21 22 23. must be False-Christs and False-Prophets shewing great signes and wonders Scholler For two reasons cheifly First t Job 33.23 24 25 26 27 28. Eccles 9 10. Ps 89.10 11 12. 90.12 115.17 Hebr. 3.15 1 Thess 5.1 to 12. Rev. 14.13 compared because our death is to vs as the last iudgement shall be to them that then shall be found liuing forasmuch as they are both alike vncertaine and vnknowne and we may be yea and are often deceiued for the time of death as much as any shall be for the time of the last iudgement And séeing the last iudgement shall finde vs in that state whether for grace or sinne wherein death leaueth vs wherefore we must necessarily watch and prepare for death as for the last iudgement Secondly u Mar. 13.32 33 34 35 36 37. Luk. 21.34 35 36. 1 Thess 5.1 2 3 4 c. although wée should not be deceiued for the time either of the one or the other yet the danger of securitie whereby men are hardned to their owne destruction can be by no other meanes preuented nor auoyded but by watching the onely remedie against it Seruant Wherein consisteth this so needfull a Grace of Watchfulnes Scholler Both in shunning all the occasions of securitie and in vsing all the meanes of a speciall preparation or readinesse Seruant What occasions of securitie do you meane must be shunned if we will watch Scholler * Luk. 21.34 35 36. Not only voluptuousnes couetousnesse worldly carefulnesse ambitious desires and the like which are grosse sinnes x Luk. 17.26 27 28 c. 14.18 19 20. 1 Cor. 7.24 35. Esai 22.12 13 14. But also all abuse and excesse yea and the vnseasonable vse of things that of themselues are necessarie warrantable as eating drinking buying selling planting building marrying and giuing to mariage recreating c. as when men do giue themselues ouer to these things which are so much the more pernicious to the soule because they are not ordinarily condemned amongst men Seruant What meanes of speciall Preparation or Readinesse must wee vse Scholler First y 2 Cor. 13.5 Revel 21.27 wée must diligently examine our selues whether we haue the Faith Repentance and Sanctification which lead vnto saluation Secondly we must be carefull z Mat. 25.14 15 c. to 31. Dan. 5.18 to 24. with 4.24 25 26 27. 1 Cor. 10.31 1 Pet. 4.10 11. of the talents that is of those gifts and graces both of minde bodie which God hath distributed to vs to vse them to his glory and to the good of his Church yea and that others also may be stirred vp to séeke and serue the Lord which likewise turneth to Gods aduantage in the end Thirdly a 1 Thess 5.17 18 19 20 23. Psalm 16.1 Luk. 21.36 Mark 13.33 34. Revel 22.20 we must set our selues in most serious manner as to all the exercises of Piety so specially to Prayer that God would preserue vs from falling away that he would hasten his comming to Iudgement and fit vs thereunto Seruant How shall one know whether he haue the true grace of Faith that leadeth to saluation Scholler Besides other notes which I haue declared * Part. 2. and Part. 5. aboue one may try himselfe whether he hath true sauing Faith by these two First b Rom. 5.2 3 c. Heb. 10.34 35. 1 Cor. 3.21 23. when he can rightly reioyce and glory in God comfortably depending vpon him in all necessities feares and dangers yea euen in the midst of his greatest tribulations and tryalls vpon this ground of assurance that all things are his he Christs and Christ Gods Secondly c 2 Tim. 4.6 7 8. 1 Ioh. 5.4 when his heart reioyceth at the very remembrance and consideration of the day of Iudgement because he is priuy to himselfe that he hath fought the good fight of Faith against all his temptations and hath also kept the same in a good conscience Seruant And how shall one perceiue in himselfe true Repentance and Sanctification Scholler First more generally d Math. 11.12 1 Iohn 3.2 3 8 10. Phil. 3.10 11 12 c. Psal 119.6 Matth. 16.23 Act. 5.3 Zach. 3.2 Rō 16.10 1 Ioh. 2.13 14. Ephes 4 26 27. 6.13 when one fully purposeth in his heart and applieth his whole strength powring forth his prayers incessantly vnto the Lord both to be throughly purged from all his sinnes without exception because where any one knowne sinne raigneth there Satans throne is and also to walke with God purely in the obedience of all his commandements all his dayes and most of all in such duties as God doth specially require at his hands for the magnifying of his power and grace ouer Satan and Sinne and specially at what time he is most strongly tempted to euill or opposed in that which is good Secondly more particularly by the graces of humility and mercie Seruant How may we perceiue the soundnesse of our repentance and sanctification by the grace of humility Scholler e Rom. 11.20 22. Pro. 15.33 Luk. 17.10 1 Cor. 4.5 6 7. Iob. 31.13 14 34. 2 Sam. 12.7 8 c. 13. with Psal 51 141.5 144.3 1 Tim. 1.15 Ephes 3.8 Esai 40 17. When in all our waies and euen in our greatest earthly prosperitie we doe carrie our selues with lowlinesse and feare both before God and Men as being euer in Gods sight onely vpholden by his grace hauing nothing but what we haue receiued and that of his frée goodnesse onely which he might haue giuen if he had pleased to any others though neuer so vnworthy as well as to vs and of sinners that shall be saued the chéfe but lesse than the least of all Saints in one respect or other if not in many And séeing all people and nations of the whole world are counted to God lesse then nothing and vanitie how little iudge you is each particular person if so he knew himselfe aright in his owne eyes To conclude it is a good note that wee haue humilitie the ready way to glorie when we can patiently and thankfullie in the secret of our hearts heare our reproofes and holilie profit by them Seruant How by Mercy Scholler f Mark 3.5 Luk. 19.8 41 42 43.44 Act. 9.36 10.1 c. Gal. 6.10 Psal 16.2 3. 35 13 14. Heb. 6.10 13.3.16 Iam. 2.13 Mat. 24.34
your children and euery other ignorant person according to their abilitie in hearing Parent What do you vnderstand by the way he should go Pastor The way that a child should go is the right manner of leading his life in the seruice of God righteously and honestly in his society with man and lawfully in the performance of all dutie whereof Godlinesse is the principall And this it the lesson I haue euen now laid before you namely that The fittest time to learne the feare of the Lord is while we are yong Wherefore those Parents and Housholders are much to blame Note what the Prophet Esay saith Esai 55.1 2 3. who carelesly neglect this first and cheifest care of teaching their people to liue vnto God who yet passe modestie in caring and vrging them how they should liue vnto the flesh and the world And do not they I pray you confute themselues for saying it is too early to catechise them when they are yong seeing they judge it the fittest time to invre them to doe somewhat as soone as they can and do beat into their heads how to get or saue somewhat and to forecast for a liuing in time to come And doe they not practise their vsuall prouerb Early sharpe will be a thorne Except they be such foolish persons as cocker their children with nicenesse proud raggs dainty fare c and make them idle drones or worse whereby they become vnfruitfull for Church or Common-wealth yea oftentimes wasters or rather destroyers of the good gifts of God which are none of theirs by right whatsoeuer title they haue to them by humane lawes and conueyance but indeed belong to the children of God Parent And what is taught by not departing from it when he is old Pastor Not onely that what thing is taught in youth continueth in old age as we may see on the one side in those that taste in their age of the good things which they learned in their childhood as on the other side in them that are brought vp in wickednesse who cast forth the euill sauour thereof in their gray haires but also that early instructing profiteth both the vnderstanding and the memorie And therefore it is for the most part that the elder sort that haue not beene informed in their youth doe learne loddly as the common saying is and remember badly Parent Séeing then you haue made it plaine that Parents must teach or catechize their children in priuate as also that it is best to begin with them so soone as they are able to speake or learne any thing I pray you shew me at what particular times and seasons and how often this labour must be bestowed and in what manner Pastor For the particular times and oftennesse Solomons Rule which is generall for all good duties and works of mercy must be obserued namely t Eccles 11.6 In the morning sow thy seede and in the euening with-hold not thy hand for thou knowest not whether shall prosper either this or that or whether they both shall be alike good His meaning is that we must exercise our goodnes at all times without ceasing so far as we can and so often as conueniently we may For we must not thinke that God is tyed to man or that he will blesse our labour when we do it after a tempting manner once in a weeke twice in a quarter or but now and then at our faire leasure as who should say God must be at our becke and that the most necessarie grace of saluation is gotten with litle ado where in the meane space earthly things which are transitorie sometimes do vs no good are not obtained but with great continuall paines and forecast But we must learne to serue and waite vpon the Spirit of God for his gratious blessing vpon our diligent vse of the meanes trying when God will please to worke by our labour and taking it for his singular fauour and goodnes toward vs if he will prosper our indeuour at one time or other or at all times when we haue constantly done our best from time to time And if I may giue my iudgement the fittest and likeliest seasons for your purpose are euery night and morning at meales and vpon such motions of their mindes whether proceeding of their owne willingnesse or arising of the manifestation of any notable workes of God as your paines may seeme in all reason most likely to take the deeper impression in their hearts And for the manner which as I haue shewed must be easie plaine and familiar for the benefit of the capacitie so also it must be u Eccles 12.10 cheerefull and pleasant though not without reuerence and grauitie thereby to win and hold the affections and to delight Parent In what forme of words do you thinke fit to teach children at the first Pastor In the shortest and pithiest Questions and Answers that can well be deuised which must be strictly obserued and often repeated And for want of better you may vse this following namely Parent The first A. B. C. of a Christian Childe What is your Religion Childe * Act. 11.26 The Christian Religion Parent In whom do you beleeue Childe x Iohn 14.1 In God Parent What is God Childe y Iohn 4.24 God is a Spirit z Gen. 17.1 Almighty a 1 Tim. 1.17 Psal 90.2 without beginning without ending Parent How many Gods be there Childe b 1 Iohn 5.7 Onely one God but thrée persons Parent How bee the Persons called Childe c Math. 28.19 The Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost Parent Who made you Childe d Heb. 1.1 2. God the Father Parent Who redeemed you Childe e 1 Cor. 1.30 God the Sonne Parent Who sanctifieth and preserueth you Childe f 1 Cor. 16.11 12.11 Gen. 1.2 God the Holy Ghost Parent Wherefore did God make redeeme sanctifie and preserue you Childe g Deut. 10.12 32.6 To serue him Parent How will God be serued Childe h Deut. 29.29 After his will reuealed in his word Parent How many parts be there of the word of God Childe Two parts Parent Which be they Childe i Galat. 3.8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18. Rom. 10.5 6. The Law and the Gospell otherwise called the Couenant of workes and the Couenant of Grace Parent And what is meete to teach them in the second place Pastor The Lords prayer Parent What next Pastor The Confession of Faith otherwise called The Creede Parent And what afterwards Pastor Then you may set vpon the doctrine of the Law contained in the Ten Commandements which is the first part of this booke of familiar conference that I haue giuen you and so proceed according to the directions I haue set you downe k 2 Tim. 2.7 And the Lord giue you vnderstanding in all things Parent But I pray you how must I deale with them who haue beene neglected to be taught in their youth
accept the good being the fruit of his owne spirit for his Sonne Iesus Christ Parent Is not your saluation obtained partly by Christs grace partlie by your owne workes Child No u Rom. 11.6 for then grace were no more grace Parent Why then must you doe good works Child First and chiefly * Math. 5.16 to glorifie God thereby Next x 2 Pet. 1 5 6.7 8 9 10. to get assurance of my owne election and withall y 1 Pet. 2 12 15 c. for the edification and benefite of my neighbour Parent And what doth principally moue your heart to doe them Child z 2 Cor. 5 14. The loue of Christ constraineth me Parent Shall not euery man and woman in the visible Church bee saued by Christ Child No a Iohn 3 3 5.18 36. Hebr. 12.14 but those onely who are true beléeuers and borne anew of the holy Ghost Seruant What principall reason is there that vnbeleeuers and vnregenerate persons shall not be saued Scholler b Iohn 3.18 19 32 33. Rom. 1.25 3 3 4. 2 Thes 1.8 9 10. Iude. v. 4. Tit. 1.16 2 Pet. 2 20 21. Because by their vnbeliefe they doe either refuse as insufficient the only blessed Meane of their saluation changing that most vndoubted and important promise of God into a lye or doe otherwise through their vnthankefulnesse carelesnesse or presumption shamefully abuse it ☞ THE THIRD PART Concerning the Meanes of Grace in generall and first of the Word of God Parent WHat meanes doth Christ the King vse in working Faith and Sanctification in the heart Childe c Esai 59 21. Ierem. 10.23 Acts 20.32 Partly inward and partly outward Parent What is the inward meane Childe d Gal. 3.2 3. Luk. 11 13. 1 Cor. 12 13. Gal. 6.1 The holy Spirit which is giuen by the outward meanes Parent What are the outward Meanes Childe * Ibidem These foure First the Word of God whereby ordinarilie Faith and Sanctification are begun afterwards continually increased Secondly Praier Thirdly the Sacraments Fourthly the Practise of the Communion of Saints whereby the same graces are likewise increased and confirmed The first outward mean of Grace Parent What is the word of God Childe e Ioh. 5.39 21.31 Iam. 3.17 2 Pet. 1.21 Ephes 2.20 Rom. 1.2 with Gal. 6.16 The Doctrine of mans saluation written by diuine inspiration and contained in the bookes of the old and new Testaments called The holy Canonicall Scriptures Seruant How doe you certainelie know that the Scriptures are the verie vndoubted Word of God Scholler f Esai 59.21 Iohn 10.3 4 5 27. 16.13 1 Iohn 2.27 1 Thes 1.5 Chéefely by the inward perswasion of the Holy Ghost Parent How is the Word made profitable vnto your Saluation Childe g Rom. 10.14 Acts 17.11 Chiefly and first of all by the attentiue hearing and diligent meditating of it being rightly preached which serueth to the begetting of grace h 2 Tim. 4. i. 2.3 Luk. 1.3 4 24 17 to 33. Heb. 5.12 6. 1 2 c. Psal 1.1 2. 78.3 4 5 6. And afterwards principally by preaching and then by Catechesing Reading Conferring Meditating all for out strengthening growth Seruant How is the Word of God rightly preached Scholler i Nehem. 8.8 Tit. 1.9 2 Tim. 2 15. 3.16 1 Cor. 12.8 When the true meaning is plainely giuen and the profitable vse thereof is made and applied to the hearers Seruant What is your attentiue hearing of the Word Scholler k Acts 16.14 17.11 Luk. 8.15 Eccles 5.1 I reuerently marke it with an honest and good heart prepared to receiue it with zeale and readinesse Seruant And what is your diligent meditating of it Scholler l Psa 119.155 Prou. 8.34 I doe earnestly call it to minde carefully search it and think much vpon it to the end I may draw it into conscionable practise Seruant What need hath a Christian to vse godly meditation Scholler m Psal 119.113 139.23 24. Phil. 4.8 Because they are the grounds of all good speech and of all other holy actions and in very déed whosoeuer maketh no conscience of his thoughts maketh no right conscience of any thing at all Parent Among the manifold meditations of a Christian which do you think to be of speciall vse for his good Pastor First n Psal 16.8 Prou 15.3 alwaies to remember that God is present euery where Secondly o Psal 89.1 Phil. 1.23 Ioh. 14.1.2 c. to beare in minde Gods vnspeakeable mercies in Christ and particularly the promise and gift of eternall life Thirdly p Acts 28.26 27. 2 Thes 1.8 9. to meditate often on Gods iudgements especially those that are spirituall and vpon eternall condemnation the just reward of the vngodly Fourthly q Ps 111.2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Dan. 9 11 12 13. Act. 4.24 25 26 27 c. it is good to consider diligently Gods works both ordinarie and extraordinary obseruing how they doe seale the truth of his word Fifthly and lastly r 1 Thes 3 4. Deut. 32 29. Eccles 11.9 1 Pet. 4.7 Ephes 5.16 2 Cor. 5.9 10 11 to thinke often of affliction and chiefely of death and of the last iudgement studying how to redeeme our time that we may be prepared with comfort for that great and terrible day Seruant What is Catechising Scholler ſ Heb. 5.12 6 1 2. Gal. 6.6 Luk. 1 4. Act. 18.25 A plaine easie instructing of the ignorant in the grounds of Religion chiefely by Questions and Answeres Seruant VVho are bound to Catechize Scholler t Gal. 9.6 Pro. 4.3 4. 31.1 The Ministers in publike and * the Housholders in priuate Secondly concerning Prayer The second outward mean of grace Parent VVhat is Prayer Childe u 1. Tim. 2 1. Phil. 4.6 Praier is a religious calling vpon the name of God eyther by Petition which wee commonly call Prayer or by Thanksgiuing Parent VVhat is Petition Childe * Psal 6.8 9 Dan. 9.17 18. Rom. 8.26 It is our humble entreating of God for all things which wee desire to enioy Parent VVhat is thanksgiuing Childe x Ps 16.7 8 9 10 11. Math. 8 2. 2. Sam. 15 25 26. It is our rendring praise to God for all the good things which we enioy in déed or by promise Parent What must you doe that you may learne to pray well Childe First y Luke 11.1 I must desire God to teach me to pray Secondly z Math. 6.9.10 11 12 13. I must diligently obserue the directions of Gods Word and particularly of the Lords prayer Parent VVhat is the Lords praier Childe That most perfect forme and pattern of prayer which the Lord Iesus taught his disciples Parent Say the Lord prayer Childe a Math. 6.9 10 11 12 13. Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name Thy Kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen
to know that all things worke togither for good to them that loue thee to bestow vpon vs all things needfull and conuenient for this present life so as we may be best fitted to liue to thy praise our owne soules eternall comfort and to the spirituall profit and aduantage of others in thy Church and especially to the better releefe and refreshing of thy poore afflicted seruants vnto the which ends also we pray thee blesse and prosper vs in the right vse of those thy good gifts which we presently enioy And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. But mercifull Father howsoeuer thou deale with vs for worldly benefits we most hartily desire thée to forgiue vs all our sinnes that are passed iustifying vs in the righteousnes of thy Sonne Iesus Christ And that we féeling the comfort of thy loue in our hearts by faith may for thy sake vnfainedly forgiue them that haue offended vs and by the same grace get stronger assurance to our owne soules that thou Lord wilt in thine infinite mercies forgiue vs all that great and manifold debt of ours And lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill And for the time to come we entirely beséech thée to let vs sée the deepe deceitfulnes of our owne fleshly hearts and our corrupt inclination whereupon the Deuill for the most part worketh and withall doe thou stir vs vp to fight continually against the same euen against our euill and wretched lusts the vile fruits of our vnbeléefe and to watch against the Deuill who walketh about as a roaring Lyon séeking whom he may deuoure and like a subtile Serpent studying to deceiue O Lord grant he may neither bewitch vs in prosperitie as that we should denie or forget thée nor make vs froward in aduersitie Mortifie our corrupt nature the rotten and lothsome fountaine of our manifold sins and quicken vs in newnesse of life and in the studie of true godlinesse Which grace of Sanctification and a godly life we do the more earnestly beg at thy mercifull hands because thou hast taught vs plainly that without the same thou wilt not heare vs when we call vpon thée as also for that thou wilt not vouchsafe thine effectuall grace vnto any but vpon their strongest endeuours And so O gratious Lord we do most instantly beséech thée to saue vs from our sinnes to cast vs downe vnfainedly in the féeling of our spirituall miserie and vilenes to lift vs vp in the assurance of thy Sonne Christs merits and to make vs far more laborious for grace for our soules then for earthly fauour for our bodies For thine is the kingdom the power and the glory for euer Touching all which our requests we doe ground our Faith for obtaining them only vpon thée who hast sole right authoritie and power ouer all and who wilt do all things vndoubtedly vnto they owne glory euermore and wilt cause the spirit of glory to rest vpon vs that on our part do glorifie thée And therefore we doe promise to render vnto thée most harty thanks at all times for all thy mercies and fauours plentifully bestowed vpon vs in Iesus Christ and most of all for our Redemption in him beséeching thée to inable vs to praise thée the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in doing those good works which thou hast ordained that we should walke in them and specially the duties of our callings and degrées wherein thou hast set vs. Amen For these and all other necessarie graces and blessings we doe not onely most feruently desire them but also do verily beleeue and desire to beleeue that thou hearest vs alwaies Beseeching thee to giue vs grace to striue against doubting and vnbeleefe and confirme our faith that we may come often vnto thee with all cheerefull willingnes and sound delight and may continue knocking for thy mercy without wearinesse vntill thy Sonne Iesus Christ shall come to dissolue vs and to crowne his owne grace in vs with eternall glory And here confessing thy free and gratious goodnesse in preseruing protecting vs this night past we pray thee teach vs to vse well thy mercy all this day to loue vs still to direct and blesse vs in our honest labours and businesses and so giue vs more and more cause to sing praise and giue thanks vnto thee and to liue and die to thy glory And make vs alwaies mindfull of that great gift of thine Christ and his Gospell to the end we may giue vp our selues to walke with him in deeds and sufferings and séeke our owne and others saluation with holy feare and trembling Finally let not thy word depart out of our mindes neither let vs goe astray from thy commandements And though we be thy most vnworthy and vnprofitable seruants yet be pleased to grant our suite and accept our sacrifice sith we come vnto thée in the onely mediation and intercession of thy blessed Sonne and our Sauiour Iesus Christ And therefore * * 2 Cor. 13.14 the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the Communion of the Holy Ghost be with vs all Amen Parent Secondly I pray you giue vs a forme of Prayer for the worke-day euening and let it be such as consisteth altogether of the phrases and sentences of holy Scripture to the end we may take the better delight in calling vpon God for we finde our hearts dull and our flesh vnwilling oftentimes for this high seruice but we haue had experience by our vsing those very words which the Holy Ghost hath indited in the Bible that we haue beene quickned and made willing cheerefull and reuerent in our supplications thanks-giuings vnto the Lord. Pastor You may vse this following if you please A Forme of Euening Prayer on the worke-day for the whole Familie A prayer for the Familie on worke-day euening a a Esai 6.3 HOly holy holy b b Revel 4.8 Lord God Almightie which was and is In this forme I haue strictly followed the last translation of the Bible done by his Maiesties speciall commandement appointed to be read in Churches and is to come the whole earth is full of thy glory c c Psal 19.14 Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight O Lord our strength and our Redeemer d d Psal 32.5 51.3 Wee acknowledge our sinnes vnto thee and our iniquities wee will not hide for they are euer before vs. e e Rō 5.12 19. For by one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne and by his disobedience wee are made sinners f f Psal 51.5 Thereupon wee were shapen in iniquitie and in sinne did our mothers conceiue vs. g g Esai 64.6 So wee bee all of vs as an vncleane thing and all our righteousnesses as filthy rags Thence it is that wee haue actually h h Dan. 9.5 9. sinned against thee
If we endure to the end in the profession of Faith and a good Conscience blessing the name of the Lord. And thirdly p Heb. 12.10 11. If we profit thereby partaking of Gods holinesse and yéelding the peaceable fruit of Righteousnesse for the Righteous saith q Iob. 17.9 Iob shall hold on his way and he that haeh cleane hands shall be stronger and stronger Seruant How doth Christ deliuer his people out of afflictions Scholler r Jona 4.6 Esai 38.14 Sometimes he easeth them by mitigating their tribulations for a time often ſ Psal 34.19 2 Tim. 4.18 Psal 74.12 he setteth them frée from their speciall afflictions by some powerfull and mercifull hand of his but t Esai 57.1 2. at the last he surely taketh them away from whatsouer is euill by Death it selfe Parent What is Death Child u Luk. 16.22 c. 2 Cor. 5.1 with Phil. 1.21 Ioh. 11.25 26. Death is the parting asunder of Soule and Bodie which though it be vnto the soules of the wicked a present entrance into Hell yet vnto the Godly it is become by Christ Iesus the assured passage vnto eternall life * Luk. 23.43 where they are instantly with him in Paradise Parent What shall follow Death at the last Child x Heb. 9.27 Dan. 12.2 The resurrection of the Bodie and the last Iudgement Parent To what end Child y 2 Cor. 5.10 That euery one both elect and reprobate may receiue the things done in his bodie according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad the one sort vnto the manifestation and praise of Gods mercy and thother of his iustice Seruant When shall the Resurrection of the Bodie and the last Iudgement be Scholler Both shall be at Christs second comming z Mat. 24.36 which for the day and houre cannot be knowne either of Men or Angels Seruant What and whose bodies shall rise againe Scholler a Iob 19.26 27. Math. 25.32 Rev. 20.13 The very same none other of euery one without exception both of Gods Elect and of the Reprobate which they haue in this life Seruant How doth the word of God distinguish the bodies both of Gods Elect and of the Reprobate at the latter day Scholler b 1 Cor. 15.51 52. 1 Thess 4.15 16 17. Rom. 14.9 2 Tim. 4.1 Into two sorts the one of all those who haue béene dead from the beginning of the world vntil that instant of Christs comming to iudgement the number of whom is the greater and the other are those that then shall be found aliue Seruant By what meanes shall the dead bodies of Gods elect be raised vp Scholler c 1 Cor. 15. By the vnspeakable power and vertue of Christ declared in his owne resurrection at the sound of a trumpet they all and euery part and member of them throughout the whole bodie shall be restored made perfect in a moment in the twinckling of an eye notwithstanding all confusion and hindrances whatsoeuer to the contrary Seruant And what shall be done to the bodies of Gods elect that then shall be found aliue Scholler d Luk. 24. Iohn 20. 21. 1 Cor. 15.51 52. Through the same power of Christ who was changed when he rose from death to life in his owne bodie they shall be likewise suddenly changed from all corruption and so be made perfect also which change shall be vnto them in stéed of a resurrection Seruant What kinde of bodies shall they all then be Scholler e Mat. 13.43 1 Cor. 15.43 44 45 53. Phil. 3.20 21. Supernaturall incorruptible and glorious euen like vnto Christs owne glorious bodie though not so glorious Seruant What saith the holy Scripture of their soules Scholler f 1 Thess 4.14 compared with 1 Cor. 13.10 12 13. Col. 2.2 3 4. Their soules being indued with perfect knowledge holinesse and loue and descending from heauen shall at the same instant of the Resurrection and change be revnited and coupled vnto their bodies againe neuer to be separated any more Seruant What of soule and bodie togither Scholler g Revel 21.4 11. 1 Joh. 3.2 They both shall be frée from all infirmities and imperfections yea and passions that haue any paine ioyned with them and generally from all euill Seruant What saith the Scripture of the Reprobate Scholler h Ioh. 5.29 compared with the analogie of faith Revel 1.7 6.15 16 17 Their dead bodies indéed shall be raised vp from the graue as Malefactors are taken from the prison to the tryall by the power of Christ their most fearefull Iudge and so their soules being ioyned againe to their bodies full of extreme vglines and horrour they shall be made able to indure the wrath of God for euermore and the vnbeléeuers then liuing shall likewise be changed to the same effect Seruant What shall be done next afterwards Scholler i Mat. 25.32 Act. 10.42 Christ will immediatly bring all both good bad vnto iudgement Seruant How will he bring his Elect vnto iudgement Scholler k Mat. 25 3● 32 33. 24.31 1 Thess 4.17 After that he hath gathered all togither by the Ministerie of the Angels he will seuer the Elect from the Reprobate and place the Elect at his right hand by his iudgement seat Seruant How will he vse the Elect in his iudgement Scholler l Math. 25.34 35. c. Heb. 8.12 10.17 Ezek 18.22 First he will pronounce them to be righteous not once mentioning any of their sinnes against them and therevpon allot them vnto his owne blessed kingdome and eternall life Secondly m 1 Cor. 6.2 3. Math. 19.28 he will honourably imploy them as Iudges to approue his most iust sentence vpon the euill Angels and Reprobate men Seruant When shall the sentence of saluation be executed to the Elect Scholler n Mat. 25.34 46. 2 Thess 1.10 1 Thess 4.17 Presently and togither with the giuing of the sentence they shall be glorified euen in the fight of the Reprobate and afterwards they shall goe triumphantly with Christ his Angels into heauen Seruant But how shall the Reprobate be brought to iudgement Scholler o Math 25.34 24.30 31. Revel 1.7 6.15 16 17. They shall be forcibly haled by the Angels before Christs Tribunall and there set at his left hand Seruant And how shall they bee vsed And what sentence shall they receiue Scholler p Matt 25.41 42 c. They being vpbraided and convicted of all their sinnes shall receiue the sentence of condemnation whereby they shall be appointed vnto hell for euermore Seruant How and when shall that sentence be executed Scholler q Mat. 25.46 Dan. 12.2 2 Thess 1.8 9. Psal 58.10 Matth. 11.20 21 22 23 24. Luk. 12.47 48. Euen instantly in the sight of the Elect they shall be thrust into Hell where they shall be punished with euerlasting destruction shame and contempt from the presence of the Lord and from the