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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10114 [A short treatise of the sacraments generally, and in speciall of baptisme, and of the Supper] [written by Iohn Prime ...] Prime, John, 1550-1596. 1582 (1582) STC 20372; ESTC S1280 27,662 110

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because Christ our Passeouer is offered vp 1. Cor. 5. we keepe an holy feast vnto the Lorde not in the leauen of wickednes but in the sweete bread of a syncere conscience and vpright conuersatiō in Christ Iesu A prayer vpon consideration generally of the Sacraments O Almightie God most merciful Father who of thy tēder kindnesse hast chosen thine elect to euerlasting saluation before al times and in due time hast called them to the knowledge of thy good will reueiled in thy word sealed with the Sacraments of thine own ordaining we thy humble seruants and by mercie in Christ thine adopted sonnes pray thy fatherly goodnes to make vs meete partakers of these al other thy benefits so largely euer more bestowed and powred vpon vs. Let vs not O Lorde neither detaine the trueth of thy word in the vnrighteousnes of a sinfull life neither suffer vs deare Father to receiue the pledges of thy endles loue in vaine but to the endes that thou hast appointed them Wherefore graunt vs thy heauenly grace that we thy chosen people may vse thy holy ordināces to most holy purposes namely to the further increase of our weake faith to the comfort of our wan hope to the enflaming of our colde and frozen charitie in these hard and euill dayes to the dutifull and thankefull setting foorth of the glory of thy holy name Amen A prayer to be saide with meditation of our Baptisme MErciful Father we miserable and sinfull men feele with in our selues and therefore are forced to breake forth cōfesse that in our flesh dwelleth no good thing O Lorde thou lookest downe from heauen and beholdest the sonnes of men and their sinnes they are infinitely great and in nomber mo then the heares of our head or the starres of heauē they can not be hidden Our children gather stickes our fathers kindle the fire our mothers kneade dough to make cakes to serue other gods There is not one that doth good no not one We are all borne in sinne conceiued in iniquity and the whole race of our life is naturally naught We are not able to dreame of a good thought and when we haue done all that we can doe or if we could do al that we are commaunded yet were we vnprofitable seruants and therefore we appeale from thy iustice O most iust God to thy mercie seate and throne of grace for we feare nothing more then the examination of our drossy workes O Lord wash thou vs that we may be white for in our selues we are altogether blacke purge vs that we may be cleane sanctifie vs that we may be holy circumcise our eares and heartes and other partes seare our polluted lippes with the cole of thy spirit create a new heart win vs this olde heart of ours will not serue wash vs more more and we shal be cleane This thou hast promised in thy word O gracious God and in the Sacrament of our newe birth is this nowe fully set forth and sealed wherefore with confidence wee appeare before thee in prayer not trusting in our owne merites which are not but in thy manifolde and endlesse mercies which as a great and pure streame of water shall make vs whiter then the snow and clearer then the Christall glasse O Lorde haue mercie vpon vs according to thy great mercy put away our iniquities pardon our offences cancell the bill of debt quench the flames of lust plucke out the sting of sinne mortifie our flesh more more kill and burie the olde man bruise the serpents head drown the spirituall Pharao and all Egypt that we in a good time may bee presented perfectly blamelesse in thy sight through Christ our Lord Amen A prayer to be said immediatly before the receiuing the holy Communion O Almightie GOD who in thy eternal wisedom hast built thee an house and he wen out the pillars thereof chosen a Church which shall not faile killed thy vittayles mixed thy wine prepared a Table hast sent foorth thy ministers to cry in the open streetes and to inuite vnto this feast in thy worde and Gospell and yet hast denounced that the scornefull the wicked and the wilfull sinner shall haue no part nor portion with thee graūt vs grace O Lord that we may effectually heare and willingly followe the voyce of thy calling and that the seede of thy worde being shed in to our eares may take deepe roote in our heartes and bring forth fruit accordingly in a godly conuersation And whereas not only by thy worde but by thy Sacraments also we are fed at thy hande and specially in the Supper of thy Sonne our Lorde his institution we craue the assistance of thy holy spirite worthily to prepare vs for the receiuing of so heauēly a banquet Otherwise who or what are we to entertaine or to be entertained in this manner we are vnworthy the least of thy mercies much lesse are we worthie that the heire of all should enter vnder the roofe of our soule or that our vncleane feete shoulde once step within thy courts and yet thou hast commaunded we shoulde repaire to thy Temple and receiue at thy table Wherefore good Lorde prepare thou vs aright that wee may bee prepared dwell in vs that we may dwell in thee knocke at the gates of our heartes that we may opē vnto thee sup with vs that we may sup with thee encrease our faith and loue toward thee and in thee towarde our neighbours And albeit we offend often fall many times yet stay thou vs by thy mercifull hand that we neuer fall away Finally strengthen our weakenes with thy euerlasting foode neyther looke vpon our imperfections but on the perfectnesse of thy sonnes oblation in whose name we pray that thou endue vs euer with an humble and a contrite spirite for all our sinnes past with a constant purpose alwaies hereafter vnfainedly to serue and please thee in newnes of life to our liues ende through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A thankes giuing vpon the receiuing of the holy Communion MY soule praise thou the Lorde and all the powers within me praise his holy name My heauie soule awake praise the Lorde forget not his benefites shewe not thy selfe an vnthankefull thistle being watered with so many graces He fashioned the roūd world all the is therein yea with a more speciall care he guideth the feete of his Saintes He clotheth the lilies of the fielde and feedeth the birdes of the ayre but he apparelleth his chosen with the cloth of righteousnesse in the familie of his Sonne and feedeth them with the bread of life In him we are and are regenerate by him wee liue and are fed at his owne table in him by his spirit we moue with al godly motions and this comforte no man can take from vs. Al good giftes descend from aboue and the prayse of all is due to thee O Lord euen as the waters ishue from the sea and to the sea returne againe O then what shall we render vnto our louing God for all his kindnes he hath not spared his onely begotten sonne to the death the death of the Crosse for our sakes Thou O Lord art not pleased with mans inuentions onely thou hast willed that wee bee a thankfull people and that wee continue a freshe and gratefull remembrance of thy goodnes for euer The calues of our lippes the incense of prayer and the sacrifice of prayse thou wilt accept Wherefore O my soule praise the Lord set forth thy Sauiours death remēber his passion shew not thy selfe vnkinde feede on him in thy heart and be thankful in a full assurance of all his mercies in Iesus Christ Amen FINIS Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie
rudenesse a Kinge to conquere our enemies But his Priesthoode and his sacrifice we chiefly celebrate in this Sacrament which also may be and is termed therfore a Sacrifice not of Christ but to Christ in remēbrance of his the sacrifice of praise the calues of our lippes the incense of thankes giuing and this Leuites fire should neuer go out and in the present flame all abroad Wherein we beleeue in heart confesse with mouth that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners being perfite God was made perfite man Man that he might die God the in dying he might satisfie for mankind for because that the flesh alone profiteth nothing his manhood was not sufficient except also he had bene very God Wherfore God euen our God so exceedingly loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne and therefore he also naturaly God the sonne like the father to bee the ransome for the sinnes of the world Isai 53 5● The chastisement of our peace was vpon him the peace ours the chastisement his all sufficient for all the sinnes both of body and soule of all sinners The grieuousnes and bitternes of which cup may be considered in that our Sauiour after a sort tasted thereof and it tasted bitter put forth his hand to take it pulled it in againe began to tremble his very soule was sorowful praied earnestly went out and prayed againe that if it were possible it might passe ouer needed an Angell for comfort swet water drops of blood If there were nothing herein but an vsuall death woulde Christ thus haue bene afflicted The heathē haue suffred more with more pacience apparant therfore there must be and was more in it and yet he is not come to the bitternes in the bottom of the cup. Those former agonies were but hony in comparison of the conflict with Sathan which followed and the wrath of his father which ensued when all sinnes as heauy as hell more then the starres of heauen or the sand of the sea were layed in one vpon him and he for them made a curse and execration Isa 53.8 the iust executed for the vniust one for all A childe is borne to vs and giuen vnto vs and liued for vs. This might comfort Ierusalem at the heart but the end perfection of our ioy and his sorowe was his death on crosse wherein consisteth the thankfull meditation I speake of holpen by breaking of the bread and the powring foorth of the wine before our sight wherein the default of our aduersaries appeareth greatly that debarreth the people of so great an helpe For be it that perfect Christ be communicated in the bread yet in the wine significātly is resembled his bloodsheding most And howe dare they alter the Lordes institution As he tooke bread euen so he tooke the cup 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 then if bread be requisite so is the cup also For as he tooke the one so he tooke the other Eckius in ench Eckius woulde proue his halfe cōmunion out of his Paternoster giue vs this day our daily bread A begger is neuer out of his way What scripture wil not serue for any purpose if that do for his Saint Paul teacheth what the Lorde did and what the Corinthians should do till Christ his comming in the cloudes hee meaneth what al posteritie was to do For those Corinthians are gone the way of all fleshe their church rased He telleth them in them vs Other thinges at his comming he would dispose of as of indifferent circūstances But for the lawfull and inuiolable vsage of the Sacrament in both kindes he deliuered as he had receiued Dauid slewe the Gyant with one stone but he toke more then one out of the brook Christ is receiued in his word by his spirit in baptisme sacramentaly in either or rather in both the signes of the Supper ioyntly taken as he ordeyned So sufficiently and aboundantly hath the Lord prouided for his houshold bread made of many graynes and also wine of many grapes the answerably we being many may bee one in him and hee in vs expecting the accomplishment of our ioy to the full no more in signes figures in earth but apparantly to eate and drincke at Christes table with him in the kingdome of heauen where we shal sit on seates iudge the twelue tribes of Israel Luke 22.30 Amen There are certaine kindes both of byrdes and beastes Conuersation whose meate wil not tarie with them but passeth quickly away recto intestino Such beastes neuer chew the cud And some men not vnlike or worse then beastes meditate litle of whom they were begotten and fed what they feede on or in what sorte much lesse doth the meat digest with them to make thē strōg men in Christ as if Sara were their mother Agar their nurse or as if they were nursed with milke weaned with poyson and the meate naught and woulde not proue with them so doe they liue In comming to the Seruice Sacramentes eyther for company or custome sake they looke one way with the godly but in their conuersation they row another way and shewe in their deedes of what felowship they are They passe through the redde sea but murmure in the wildernes nay euen at the redde sea offend they God In pretence somwhat they are but inwardly nothing and in fact naught Their windows be not scued as Salomōs were to giue a full light into the house to their owne heartes in hypocrisie somewhat is shewed the window wide enough outwardly Fayth Loue Repentance to sight are set forth in performāce euery one is for him selfe neyther thankefull to God neyther charitable to his neighbor and both without remorse These thinges ought not to be so this Passeouer would not be so eaten our loynes so soone vngirded our staues throwen away the water of Baptisme trampled on the bread and wine or the body and blood of Christ thus receiued all in vaine Were it that the naughtye liuer could bee a good beleeuer for the time or were it that as water he might be whote immediately before and at the action of receiuing yet if when the fire is remoued the cold qualities returne againe what auayleth the former heate A cole is red while it is in the fire when the fire is out his blacke and naturall colour returneth by by againe and then light it againe and it seemeth red againe but yet in the ende it consumeth to ashes The bone that is often set in ioynte August de tem Ser. 58. will hardly be wel ioyned often Let no man presume of sinning nor yet despaire of mercie The Sacraments as they are seales of mercy so are they also bondes of obedience as God will perfourme on his part al so must we endeuour to shew our selus duetiful in al good works Wherunto to perswade if there were nothing els but this this may suffice that