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A07467 The admirable history of the posession and conuersion of a penitent woman Seduced by a magician that made her to become a witch, and the princesse of sorcerers in the country of Prouince, who was brought to S. Baume to bee exorcised, in the yeare 1610, in the moneth of Nouember, by the authority of the reuerend father, and frier, Sebastian Michaëlis, priour of the couent royall of S. Magdalene at Saint Maximin, and also of the said place of Saint Baume. Who appointed the reuerend father, Frier Francis Domptius, Doctor of Diuinity, in the Vniuersity of Louaine, ... for the exorcismes and recollection of the acts. All faithfully set down, and fully verified. Wherunto is annexed a pneumology, or discourse of spirits made by the said father Michaëlis, ... Translated into English by W.B. Michaelis, Sébastien, 1543?-1618.; W. B., fl. 1613-1617. 1613 (1613) STC 17854; ESTC S107052 483,998 666

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there are hundreds that burne their fingers for being too nimble and presumptuous and because they would make their priuate interpretations vpon the same which they vse to square by their owne iudgements and further hee prouideth for them other good wholesome foode to wit the liues of Saints and many miracles yet for all this they are euer squemish and cannot downe with these course cates Where lieth the fault it is because their palate is by some infirmitie and indisposition disseasoned for the meate remaineth good though the taste bee naughtely affected What doth this father then he doth loue his children so tenderly that hee enquireth after fresh and vnaccustomed delicacies by new and vnusuall miracles Like vnto the Spouse who loueth his wife so dearely that he is euer presenting her with some new token of his affection O Church reioyce now at thy husband Thou art that chast wife whom if any will follow hee must not walke in darknesse for the holie Ghost doth guide thee by his light and illumination I am not a whit abashed that the Caluinists make refusall of thee for they are exiled from the bosome of the Church and haue no light to vnderstand the truth but I wonder most that the children of this Church doe not make vse of the light of the Gospell Here now is nothing spoken either against God or his Church The same day in the euening the sister Louyse and the sister Magdalene were exorcised by Father Francis Billet Then Verrine turning himselfe toward Magdalene said Beware Magdalene Belzebub would cast thee downe headlong into despaire It is a good signe Magdalene He saith that thou shalt not be able to resist him but Magdalene hee lieth in saying so for thou hast more brothers in heauen then thou hast aduersaries in hell Take courage Magdalene one of thy brothers is able to doe more then all hell set together And speaking to Belzebub he said Ha wretched fiend thou doest tempt Magdalene and tell her that she shall be damned I say no Magdalene thou shalt be saued and I tell thee againe from the liuing God Magdalene thou shalt be saued He said againe to Lucifer In Hell I acknowledge thee for my superiour but in this body God hath made me thy Master It is not to bee wondred at if many men shall with difficultie bee induced to beleeue a matter altogether vnusuall A great sinner ought to vse great repentance thou shalt repent Magdalene and God shall giue thee life put thy confidence in him for he shall more helpe thee then all Hell can hurt thee God hath promised to heare the prayers of the iust a thousand Magdalene haue begged for thee mercie and grace and at the last haue found it for thee Magdalene haue they knocked at the doore of mercie and at length it hath been opened vnto them Thy good workes Magdalene shall not be able to saue thee but the blood of thy Redeemer It will bee proued that there haue been more then a thousand Masses said for thee and doest thou think that so many sacrifices haue been all barren and vneffectuall shall not the eternall Father haue regard vnto his Son equall vnto him in power wisedome and bountie Take a good courage Magdalene I doe assure thee that hee is Omnipotent and euer-bounteous that he hath pardoned thy offences and being that all-knowing vnderstanding he hath taken notice of thy miseries for in the glasse of his owne essence he seeth all things and there is a perfect representation in him of all euents whatsoeuer as if they were now present It is true thou blessed Mother of God thou hast presented thy breasts for her more then ten thousand times And thou Magdalene hast made tender of thy repentance and thou Peter prince of Apostles hast shed many teares for the conuersion of this Magdalene Ioannes Baptista hath also interceded for thee and did present his innocencie in thy behalfe And thou Dominicke hast been very fauou●able vnto her and thou Bernardus and Antonius haue prayed for her Take a good heart Magdalene keep thy owne Magdalene and thou shalt become another Magdalene or another Thais God is wearied in expectation of thee giue him to drinke Magdalene but O Lord how canst thou bee thirstie since thou hast no neede of thy creatures But as Christ demanded drinke of the Samaritane woman and then also when hee was nailed to the Crosse so Magdalene thou shalt doe well to let him drinke of thy teares and for a little of this liquour hee shall bestow vpon thee the wine of his loue and shall take from thee all thirstinesse and alteration whatsoeuer Who will beleeue that the Diuell should thus endeuour to conuert Magdalene and the Magician Magdalene I doe assure thee from God that he who hath deliuered the children of Israel from the red Sea will if thou humble thy selfe euen to the pit of hell although thou haddest committed an hundred million of sins more then thou hast done receiue thee into grace saying In quacunque hora. For Magdalene hee cannot be lesse then his word This and many other discourses of a semblable nature did hee confirme and strengthen with his accustomed oath Quod licet dicere licet scribere Whatsoeuer is lawfull to be said is lawfull to be written But as the wicked Spirits doe not speake vnto men but by the tongues of men so neither can they write to men but by the ministerie and seruice of men God not permitting vnto them a free vse either of the one or the other Vpon the same day did Verrine dictate many letters saying to Father Francis Billet Write me certaine letters after this tenure and first of all one to the Priest Lewis Lewis for the saluation of thy soule for the glorie of God and edification of thy neighbour come to S. Baume and obey the Sonne of the Virgin that calleth thee vnto him or doth otherwise threaten thee that if thou doe not obey him for loue thou shalt be enforced thereunto by iustice Come if thou be wise come if thou be wise come if thou be wise obey obey obey for the honour of the blessed Trinitie come along with those that goe to seeke thee who will accompanie thee and will become pledges for thee If thou be well aduised thou wilt come For there is a great processe betwixt the iustice and mercie of God which are the two daughters of the eternall Father obey Mercie the eldest daughter for she is euer fauourable vnto sinners The Virgin Mary is thy aduocate and Theophilus prayeth for thee and is one of thy solicitors Cyprian is another and was a Magician as thou art Dauid is another William the Hermite doth also pray for thee and so doth Matthew the Publican Mary the sister of Martha is thy aduocate Pelagia is another Mary of Aegypt is another Thais also is another and the woman of Samaria is another who doth inuite thee to come and slake thy
and snatch them from the fire to throw them on ice What say ye will you goe into this countrey And speaking vnto Magdalene hee said Cursed be the houre wherein thou wert first possessed which will cost me so deare that I shall haue cause to remember it for euer O wisedome of God too great O infinite incomprehensible admirable wisedome O what space and distance haue the iudgements of God and the iudgements of men O wonder O iudgemēt of God! whom God is disposed to saue nothing can doe him annoyance whom God will retaine Hell cannot take from him Then Belzebub spake to the Diuels which were in the bodie of Catherine of Isle who began a little to grumble and to make a noyse come come let vs march into the field we must awake and rouse vp our people Then said Verrine Responde maledicte obedi Ecclesiae Doest thou hope to bee greater then thy Maister To which Belzebub replied It is not the manner of seruants to speake before their Maister Verrine said yet doe I speake before thee although I am of lesse authoritie then thou Belzebub answered but it is full sore against thy will Verrine saide that is true for I am constrained vnto it Is it fit that Diuels should fall out with Diuels and turning to sister Catherine hee said they will not suffer thee to eate or sleepe yet doest thou beleeue that all this proceedeth from naturall causes Is it not so Catherine Catherine doe not thou hinder or giue a checke hereunto beleeue thou art possessed And speaking to the Priest he said Come your waies adiure him in the name of Iohn Peter and Bernard what must the Diuels acquaint you with the verie meanes And speaking to Sabbathon whose name Belzebub had formerly discouered he said Lucifer could not resist and doest thou that art but as a petty Cooke in Hell make shew of an abilitie of resistance Obedmaledicte But thou shewest that a Pesant is more fierce and rugged in his disposition then a Gentleman Whilst the Priest was Exorcising and saying these words Sacro-sancti baptismatis vnda regeneratus there are many said Verrine that are baptised but few that are saued there are those that would goe to Heauen i● a feather-bed but shall be censured with the iudgemen● of fire Then he began to cry that he was to speake bu● it was vpon compulsion of the workes of mercie Virginitie is not sufficient of it selfe to leade vs to Heauen as the foolish virgins conceited other things ar● also requisite such as are the workes of mercie For God hath said that he will not take an account whether men haue read much or said ouer their Beads often but they must do good works because whē the day of Iudgemēt shall come God will not reckon with our soules what knowledge they haue but what works they haue done For he will say speaking vnto the reprobate whē I was an hungry you gaue me not to eate when I was thirstie you gaue me not to drink when I was sicke you visited me not when I was in prison you redeemed mee not when I was naked you clothed me not when I was a stranger you receiued me not when I died you buried me not By the like reason will he also say when I wandred went astray you reprehended me not for my sin when in my members I liued ignorantly you taught me not when I was in doubt misaduised you counselled me not when I was in affliction you comforted mee not when I would suffer in you you haue not borne patiently the iniuries that were offered vnto you when any one offended mee in you you haue not pardoned these offences when I was persecuted in you either in the paines of Purgatory or in this world you tooke no pitie vpon those that persecuted me either for the good of your neighbours or for the good of those that were dead Hereupon it is that God saith Whatsoeuer you shall doe vnto the least of mine speaking of the poore I shall take it as done vnto my selfe And alleaging that place of the Gospel when your Lord reproueth Iudas of his auarice in blaming of Magdalene he said The poore you haue alwayes with you but mee you shall not haue alwayes And he bare record that Magdalen had done a good worke saying vnto her that she should be had in memory throughout the world wheresoeuer this Gospel shold be preached I further say that he shal set apart those that are damned shal say vnto thē Ite maledicti in ignē aeternū which is prepared for you and for the deuils Then shal he turne to the right side shal say vnto the good Come ye blessed when I was hungry c I say the foolish Virgins reposed too much confidence in themselues imagining as many doe in these dayes that Baptisme Faith and Virginitie were sufficientlie powerfull to bring them to heauen No it not so for your Lord did obiect that they had no oyle in their lampes vnderstanding thereby good works And when they came to be admitted vnto the Supper whereby is signified the day of Iudgment and to be presented before their spouse he said vnto them Neseio vos I am a bed you cannot come in That is to say obstinate sinners you come too late you will repent you of your lazinesse Then shall he turne to the elect and say Come ye blessed of God my Father possesse the kingdome of heauen which is prouided for you and my Angels It is meete that the emptie seats of the euill Angels should be filled vp with men who though they are nothing but lumpes of clay yet shall they be installed into their places Then I said that the Angels were very beautifull and demāded the reason why such goodly creatures should for one sinne be throwne downe from heauen It was answered mee because they had more knowledge then men to vnderstand what was good and auoyde what was euill but ignorant and fraile sinners although they commit thousands of offences shal yet be receiued into mercy whensoeuer they will returne Then hee began to cry againe as loud as hee could saying I know not what to doe I am constrained to tell thee Magdalene that thou art a Witch It is true Magdalene thou hast beene deceiued God will that I reueale it It is true Magdalene thou wast deceiued by a Priest who was thy Confessor It is not to be wondred if there be a lost sheepe when the sheepeheard is starke naught This is true Magdalene hee is of Marseille and is called Lewis he is of the Church of Acoules Francis knoweth him but Louyse that heere speaketh neuer saw him True it is Magdalene that Louyse would haue resisted this and was not willing at the beginnig that this should be published Thou hast giuen and bequeathed thy selfe vnto the Diuell Magdalene and hast renounced thy God and his Mother thy baptisme and all heauen thou hast giuen
with good workes and not to appeare empty-handed before his God For to what purpose serue the commandements if good workes be not necessary to saluation You goe awry if you imagine to bee saued by doing of nothing for God cannot lie Therefore you may boldly say vnto him Ha! my God with what aboundant mercy hast thou brought back my soule from Hell and endowed it with thy sanctified grace Good God what haue I miserable creature deserued to haue thy fauours doubled and heaped vpon me O infinite and immense eternitie thy benefits towards mee know neither end nor number and I frankly confesse my incapacity to comprehend them God of mercy thou hast condemned those once-beawtifull and goodly Angels to the pit of Hell for one sinne of pride and doest thou take compassion of me what of me that haue so often transgressed against thee After this discourse God commanded Verrine to giue the assembly there present the last course of confections and sweet meats Then began Verrine to confesse and say I am able to say no more let them goe to the Apothecaries if they will and buy them comfeits What regard I whether their mouthes be sweetened or distasted for my part I would they might bee all dragged by vs to hell they should see how well wee would entertaine them God answered him This supper is not dressed for thee I command thee to say and doe that which I haue now decreed After much resistance Verrine said I can resist no longer he is farre stronger then I and being omnipotent as he is he will bee obeyed by faire meanes or foule otherwise he could not be omnipotent Then said Verrine God himselfe hath instituted the blessed sacrament of the Eucharist I speake it as forced vnto it and against my custome and the fashion of the other Diuels For when they were to speake of God or of Mary they were all accustomed to say him and her without any other addition but I who take Gods part and am not now-sided with hell am constrained to speake these words Sacred and Saint and Paradise for confirmation of which I am ready to take my oath Then before the Communion of the Priest Verrine added Ponder in your selues how God saith open mee thy heart for to you doth it belong to open and garnish it with faith hope and charity and to beleeue that Christ Iesus is in the blessed Sacrament with his humanity and diuinity You will aske mee how or by what meanes is hee there I tell you you are not with such curiosity to pry into the meanes Beleeue simply that hee is a glorified body and taketh vp no place and therefore may easily lie hidden vnder the species of bread Hauing spoken thus hee said vnto the Priests that were there present You that are Priests how could you dare to touch your God if hee were there visibly and not vnder the forme of bread I tell you you could not be so hardy as once to approch vnto so great a light for his sacred mother on the day of his natiuity dared not as it were to touch his hands although she had carried him nine moncths in her wombe Know ye not that Moses when hee came downe from the Mountaine and had spoken with God was faine to couer his face with a vaile for otherwise the people could not endure to speake with him so brightsome was the light that beamed and proceeded from his face Then he suddenly turned to Leuiathan one of the Diuels in the body of Magdalene and said Hola you that are such an illuminate doctor what is it you now say pleade now thine owne cause O Doctor in a close corner of Hell as heereafter I my selfe may chance to doe but now I am a partisan with the Doctor of doctors who is also wisedome it selfe Then againe hee turned his speech and said Beware beware you that approch vnto the holy Communion how you receiue God in your harts whom the heauen of heauens cannot containe If the King of France O man were desirous to come to thy house wouldest not thou presently say Ha sir my house is too little to giue entertainment or harbourage vnto your Maiesty I beseech you sir spare your paines to visit my poore cottage and haue respect vnto my wants and pouerty To this some or other will answere It is the Kings pleasure to haue it so hee is wealthy enough and will cause whatsoeuer is necessarie to bee conueyed vnto thy house for hee hath his Pages seruants and traine that will take care of these things he hath no need to borrow thy goods or any thing else that belongeth vnto thee it shall suffice that thou lend him thy house and because where the King is there is the Court also by a consequent the King honouring thy house with his presence it shall put on the nature and appellation of a Palace So doth God when hee commeth to thy soule if thou doe but bequeath vnto him the habitation of thy will he will hang the roomes thereof with the rich Tapistrie of all sorts of vertues The holy Communion is the table of the King of glory yet do you carelesly venture vpon the same as if it were the common boord of an Inne or as if it were a may-game and place to dance in The Pages and seruitours of this table are the Angels yet not regarding all this you giue a thousand occasions of scandall in the Church to wit by thoughts words and other misdemeanours which I will not speake of yea you there act diuers villanies and vncleannesses where of the Turkes would blush to be found guilty Aske therefore those sweet fruits the seven guifts of the holy Ghost and so shall God water you with the dew of his grace in this world and cloth you with eternall glory in the world to come How easily would you loath all the pleasures of the world if you had relished your mouthes neuer so little with the delicacies of your God You that are poore are many times riotous and spend in an howre all that you haue gotten in a whole weeke for the maintenance of your families A Christian should imitate Christ Iesus and since that reward is the fruit of labour in vaine doth hee who will not labour expect a reward Thinke againe and againe vpon this fearfull sentence which God will one day pronounce Ite maledicti then all processes shall bee ended And there shall bee no more Appeales Giue thankes vnto God after you haue receiued the Communion for it is a great blessing which hee bestoweth vpon you in that he hath vouchsafed to admit you to the participation of his body It were a clemency not easily parallelled if a King should gr●●t life and liberty to a man that stands conuicted of high treason but it is a greater wonder to withdraw soules from sinne and to winne them to grace for sinne is of a greater distance from grace then heaven is
in the presence of his superiour Is it not thus Speake To which she answered that it was so After this was spoken Verrine said to Belzebub I regard not at all thy threats a greater Master then thou commandeth me In Hell I owe thee homage and obseruance as one more powerfull then my selfe but being in this bodie I haue nought to doe with thee for I am here by the appointment of thy Creator Then towards the end he addressed his speech again to Magdalene and said Thou hast been serued like a Princesse thou hast had the first place at the table and the middle and also the last Content thy selfe and disgest this remonstrance well all these discourses are intended to thee When this was finished the whole assembly thought it fit to say a Te Deum laudamus c. to giue thankes vnto the Almightie for his manifold mercies shewred downe from aboue vpon the said Magdalene which was done to the great ioy and contentment of her owne mother who by accident was there present at S. Baume Te Deum laudamus c. being ended Magdalene cast her selfe at the feete of her mother and humbly craued her pardon and performed the same to the whole assemblie who receiued much comfort and gladnesse to see the vnbounded and infinite bountie of God towards his creatures At the same time some aduised Magdalene to take her Creator for her husband the blessed Mother of God for her mother the holy S. Magdalene for her sister and S. Dominicke for her father and all the Angels for her brothers and so to call them by these seuerall appellations when she prayed This being done she directed a letter by the aduice of the Father her Confessor to her blessed and gracious Mother the Virgin Mary in this following manner My most sacred most glorious most sweet and amiable Mother I salute you with my very heart and present my selfe before you as a poore afflicted daughter before her mother to receive some consolation I do addresse my selfe to you my dearest and most amiable mother as a poore desolate girle that is on all sides destituted and defeated of comfort deuoid of all goodnesse and surcharged with whatsoever is naught I therefore in all humilitie pray you to take pitie vpon me and do here protest that I offer and consecrate my selfe wholly vnto you and doe freely bequeath you the keyes of my heart that you may in the midst thereof implant the vnstained lilies of puritie and chastitie that my dearest spouse Iesus may repose himselfe and take his delight in the same I giue also vnto you the keyes of the three powers of my soule the key of my vnderstanding to plant therein the lawrell of perfect hope that I may trust wholly vpō my spouse the key of my wil to plant therin the rose of seruent loue that I may aboue all things cleaue vnto him and for his loue abandon all other by affection the key of my memorie to plant therein the violet of deepe humilitie to put me in minde of my base and meane condition that so I may deiect and debase my selfe to the feete of euery one after the example of my beloued and dearest spouse And I heartily beseech you my dearest and best beloued Mother to accept these my prayers and offers so shall I remaine now and for euer your most humble most obseruant most vnworthie daughter seruant and slaue Magdalene of Iesus This letter Father Romillon did then approue of but the correction thereof was on the twelfth of December as afterward appeareth by the acts of the said day The acts of the 10. of December 1610. THis day in the morning were Louyse and Magdalene exorcised by the Dominican Father in the presence of foure Pilgrimes come from Rome and of many other persons of the countrey of Prouince Then at the beginning of the Exorcismes Verrine began to discourse in this sort Call to remembrance the day of Gods iudgement how dreadfull it will be when hee shall separate the good from the bad and shall say Come giue me an account of your workes of mercie He will not aske you whither you haue read or prayed much whether you haue been great or base noble or ignoble no no hee will not mention this but will say Come giue me an account whether it be not true that when I was a hungrie you directing his speech to those that he reproueth gaue me no meate when I was thirstie you gaue me no drinke when I was naked you cloathed me not when I was a stranger you receiued me not when I was sicke you visited me not when I was a prisoner you redeemed me not when I was dead you buried me not Then shall they answere and say What were you a hungrie were you thirstie could so great a Lord as you stand in need of any thing could you be naked we neuer saw you thus Verrine followed on and speaking in generall as well to those that were absent as to those that were present he said O miserable and vnthankfull men how misunderstanding you are of the benefits of God You call your selues Christians but doe not the workes of Christians you haue a God so good that the very Diuels doe confesse his ouer-much goodnesse What more great expression and signe can you haue thereof then to heare him speak these words Whatsoeuer you shall doe vnto the least of mine I will take it done vnto my selfe Miserable is the state of those Christians who doe not loue and serue so good a God know yee therefore that those who remaine in their obstinacy and wilfulnesse and yet haue heard those dreadfull words which God spake to the cursed and reprobate Ite maledicti in ignem aeternum Ha! how well doe they deserue to incurre the most seuere castigation We are to note that Verrine spake these words with such hideous cries and fiercenesse that he seemed desperatly enraged and often repeated these words Ite maledicti about fiue seuerall times and gaue intimation that since they had slighted and set at nought all the wounds of our Sauiour together with the blessed Trinity and the 10. Commandements of the law it comported with good reason that they should experiment and try that amazefull sentence Hereunto Verrine added Your God is so full of indignation and so dreadfull that the beames proceeding from his eyes as from bright-shining flames cannot be endured by the wicked Yea the paines of hell it selfe are not more vnsupportable then is the fury of this great Iudge when once he is prouoked by them I say further that the soules in hell are so horridly fearefull that if any of them should be presented before you the sight thereof would prooue vnto you so ghastly and vnsufferable that you would dye in the place to see all their deformities pollutions loathsomnesse stinkes and meruailous torments But your God is so good that he will giue to euery one according to
I affirme that if they be humble they will acknowledge that thou art omnipotent and that being so thou art able to wring truth from the very Diuels not from their free disposition and will for we are all of vs accursed but compulsorily and as constrained thereunto by thy power We are more loyall vnto God then many Christians yet for all this we are still Diuels And heere must they denie the authoritie of the Church Why is it that those that are possessed be exorcised if it bee not auaileable and if the Diuell cannot speake truth I say it is all lost labour you may take your bookes speaking to the Exorcist and throw them all into the fire Then he spake in a great rage to her that was possessed and said What thinkest thou Louyse why doest thou suffer thy selfe to be exorcised if neither by God nor the tenents of the Church we are able to tell the truth Ha miserable wretches how many othes haue been taken in the vertue of the name of God by Exorcismes all which must proceede from Louyse if they must not be accepted of our part But miserable and abhorred wretches as you are you deceiue your selues you are exceedingly replenished and surcharged with vnthankfulnes and mis-apprehension You haue so good a God that if it were needfull that hee should suffer death for you againe he would willingly vndergoe it more especially for two soules which now I cannot name Magdalene it is true that Louyse is for thy sake possessed and will if it be requisite lay down her bodie for thy soule It is true all sinners are accursed and obstinate You will peraduenture say that God doth loue much And why Lord Hast thou neede of Christians No no thou couldest not bee God and haue neede of the aide of any creature whatsoeuer I say the creature hath neede of thee And it is a fixed truth that the more miserable the creature shall bee the more cleerely shall thy bountie shine and appeare in relieuing it It is not so great a wonder that children should goe to heauen but this is the miracle that sinners who haue a long time snored in their obstinacie should repent and turne to God I doe assure you who heare this that if you doe not treasure vp these things for your profit and health we will be your accusers at the day of iudgement We must here note that some daies past Magdalene told the Dominican father that vpon the eighth exhortation which Verrine made vnto her she felt her selfe so affrighted as if she had alreadie one foote in the pit of hell The acts of the 12. of December 1610. which was the third Aduent Sunday ON this day it was thought behoofull that the Father of the Doctrine and the Dominican Father should so interchangeably aid one another that whiles the Dominican Father was busied in exorcising one of the possessed Father Francis should supplie the place of a Scribe to note summarily the sentences that proceeded from the Diuell by the mouth of Louyse On the other side when the Father of the Doctrine did exorcise the Dominican Father should transcribe that so in conclusion all might be subiected to the Censure of the Church for the further glorie of God The same day in the morning were Louyse and Magdalene exorcised by the Dominican Father In the beginning whereof many persons of the neighbouring Townes and Villages which were by this time aduertised of this accident that happened at S. Baume being assembled thither in great troupes Verrine began thus to speake Cursed be this witchcraft for from hence will God worke out a thousand benefits and a thou●and acts of his mercie It was not our intendment nor the purpose of the Magician that such accidents should happen Our proiect was to get her consent that so wee might haue carried her to hell Cursed cursed cursed be S Baume a thousand thousand thousand times accursed It is a wonderfull thing that the slaues of hell should be the instruments to conuert the children of light Do but obserue what I shall say vnto you Some hunt after riches and all their affection is enuassailed and taken vp therewith who by giuing a little almes imagine to goe to heauen in a featherbed without any more adoe or obseruation of the law and Commandements of God Some others are poore and haue a conceit that for their pouertie they shall enter into glorie Indeede happie are the poore but they must be poore in spirit You that are poore endure your pouertie with patience and you shall merit much Haue you in your cogitations the God of glorie how he was borne in pouertie for your sakes and laid in the manger of a stable God from all eternitie foresaw this day and that in S. Baume the Diuels should discouer themselues to the conuersion of soules Do not repine at your comming nither you I say who oftentimes haue prostituted ●our selues to the hazard of losing your goods bodies ●nd soules to offend and trespasse against him What a ●hame will it be that any should not be conuerted whē●he Diuell himselfe exhorteth them thereunto God is ●ost powerfull and is able to bestow rewards and ri●nes vpon you but he is not able to doe two things he ● not able to sinne and hee cannot faile of his pro●aise Shake off your sins you who haue mortally sinned ●nd depart not from hence vntill you be co●sessed To ●y extreame griefe and vexation doe I speake this ●orsake your couetous desire of worldly goods which ●oth so much possesse you You poore people reioyce in your pouertie This day ●m I compelled by Mary and Magdalene to tell it ●nto you by Mary from her sonne by Magdalene●om ●om her Master Humble your selues after the example of him who ●ecame poore for your sakes He died for you and not for vs. Mary knoweth well that he died on a Crosse being naked and not able to get a glasse of water The same knoweth Magdalene and Iohn the Euangelist and that for you he suffered death on the Crosse. It is strange that hell should exhort you to goe to Paradise And speaking to Louyse he said Cursed bee thy desires thou hast longed aboue a thousand times to suffer euen the paines of hell for thy neighbour Humble thy selfe Louyse and that speedily otherwise beleeue it thou art the most vnhappy the most abhorred the most detestable and accursed of all creatures Louyse beleeue me Enter into the abisme of thy lesse then nothing God would haue thee humbled Desist from beleeuing all that men will thrust vpon thee The sinnes from which God hath preserued thee are as great benefits as those for which he hath pardoned thee Thou hadst beene in hell if God had not preserued thee thou hadst remained a Huguenot and shouldest not haue had the vnderstanding to begge for that which was conuenient for thee Preachers doe trauell themselues much to thinke vpon what
Princes in this body The Diuels would haue laid diuers foule aspersions and disgraces vpon the Companies of the Doctrine and of Saint Vrsula but God is pleased to exalt them as it were by Pismires and leaues of trees Labour therefore for the glory of God Then hee swore that whatsoeuer had beene by him deliuered of hell and of the mercie of God and of those that were obstinate was all true by the obstinate he tacitly meant those that were negligent in their deuotions to Saint Martha and Lazarus Afterwards the Priest saying Fecit potentiam Verrine thus discoursed All things are the workes of the hands of the Almighty It is strange that they say euerie where there is nothing that withstandeth God or the Church I say that many Christians are Gods friends at his Table but fewe followed him to Mount Caluary your Redeemer was forced to bee there almost alone Some will be contented to be present at a Masse and then desire that within halfe a quarter of an houre it should all be ended Try your selues and bee regardfull of your soules for you haue but one and let that be surrendred vp to him that gaue it Wee could be contented that there were none but rockes and trees to heare vs. This is it that pusheth vs on to despaire that neuer any Preacher did deliuer so much and that this fact of ours will bee diuulged all abroad Then he spake to the sister Catherine and said Catherine thou art entangled with many encumbrances thou must suffer thy selfe to be instructed and to say Gods will be done Cursed be that word that hath cost me so deere whereby the Diuell doth lesson others against the Diuell Catherine suffer it to bee done for thou art yet vnexperienced Then Verrine spake to the Diuels that were in the body of sister Catherine saying Speake accursed Spirits come into the field Belzebub also said There is no meanes to hide thy selfe thy Prince is humbled therefore take not thou in scorne to humble thy selfe Let vs goe and disclose our selues Obedi Deo Mariae Virgini Mariae Magdalenae Obedi maledicte maledictio Dei omnipotentis sit super te superbe Obedi Deo confundatur superbia I command thee by almighty God tell mee thy name I command thee by the Virgine Mary by Saint Vrsula cum socijs confundatur superbia Wilt thou yet make head against thy Captaine I wil make thee speak and fall vnder my feete for since that I haue humbled my selfe I will haue thee humbled also Surge augeo tibi poenas thou art but a proud Spirit I regard not whither thou speakest or no for I will tell that thou art a Spirit called Sabathon And speaking to the Exorcist he said Encrease his paines seeing he will not tell his name Verrine said We are of the ranke of Thrones and doe yet yeeld our obedience but here the men would be better then their Masters That time is not yet come Physitians are contented to giue Physicke and wee must giue both Physicke and restoratiues You that are heere present will testifie and say that you haue seene three women possessed for the glory of God and for the estimation of the two Companies of Saint Vrsula and of the Doctrine and that the Diuell neuer met with such an affront and encounter for all hell is amazed at it Cursed be the Charme cursed be hee that aduised to giue it O what a great reparation will this make in the breach that was caused by sinne Louyse thou art but a poore wench and of base condition yet could we wish thou hadst been a Queene a Saint or skilled in Philosophie Thou doest but lend thy tongue in the vtterance of these things and hast now deliuered twelue seuerall discourses by the which thou art much confirmed Be content with this You haue seene the beginning the progresse and issue of this matter O Michaelis thou art now preaching and hast said many things and that truly but hast gained verie little by the same Louyse neuer studied and yet hath in a summarie comprehended all manner of perfection Then he said that vpon a Tuesday was the birth-day of Louyse being the feast of Anthony of Padua and vpon that day he entred into the Order of Saint Vrsula vpon a Tuesday was the day of Saint Maximin where we were discouered and vpon that day wee departed from Aix to come hither Vpon a Tuesday Louyse made her generall confession and was borne about midnight on a Tuesday the same houre that your Lord was born being the thirteene of Iune and it is about thirtie yeeres agoe since she was borne The same day Belzebub and Verrine began to curse in the chamber where they were saying Cursed be him who first began to write these euents Cursed bee the Printer that shall put them foorth Cursed be the Doctors that shall examine them and cursed be those that shall compile the contents hereof in a volume Cursed be the Pope that shall giue his approbation thereunto Cursed be the Cardinals Arch-bishops and Bishops that shall giue any passage or assistance vnto the same For since the beginning of the world vntil the day of iudgement there neuer hapned nor euer shall happen an accident of a semblable nature The Acts of the 15. of December VPon which day in the morning Louyse and Magdalene were exorcised by the Dominican Father And at the beginning of the Exorcismes Verrine tooke occasion to speake of Saints in this manner Gods pleasure is that I speake of the Saints which are in Paradise my mortall enemies I would haue here resisted God and the blessed Trinitie but they doe constraine me to speake Belzebub thou art but as a Pismire in comparison of God How strange a thing it is that deuils must bee faine to discourse of the glory of Saints whose mortall enemies they are and would if it lay in their power pluck them from thence and carry them headlong to hell Frauncis is in heauen and Lucifer lost his splendor by his excessiue pride to the attainement of which Frauncis hath aspired by his humilitie If a Michaelis a father Lawrence or some great learned personage should preach this I would not be abashed at it but that a deuill should speake it by the mouth of a Pismire there lyeth the wonder But the God of the Christians wil haue it so and he which lyeth in the blessed Sacrament at S. Baume commandeth it Mortifications are by them that are vnacquainted with their vertues accounted yrksome Iohn Baptist with all his repentance was contemned but is now high in glory in Paradise he is sanctified and is one of the great familiars and friends of God who to shew to sinners the way vnto repentance tooke vpon him repentance when he had not sinned Wee are therefore to passe through mortification if we would attaine vnto the place of blisse and glory Is it not strange that the deuils should teach men mortification and
powerfull then the leafe of a tree a stone or a pismire yea who conceiueth her selfe to be vnworthie of the title or stile of one of Gods creatures should pronounce these things by the appointment of God almightie and a Diuell named Verrine should by her mouth dictate and deliuer all these writings Then hee made this remonstrance vnto Magdalene saying vnto her in a great surie and chase as if he had been mad that God was infinitly angrie with her if she were not amended or did remaine in a determinate kinde of obstinacie And he for his part did speake with as great assurednesse from God as euer the Prophet Ionas did speake to the people of Niniue when he said vnto them If you repent not you shall all perish but they were wise as Magdalene will be and followed the example of their King who tooke ashes and cast them vpon his head to appease and slake the wrath of God against them He also said to Magdalene Art not thou an accursed woman that the Witches Sabbath is kept here Blushest thou not that these Sabbaths and abominable conuentions are kept here for thy sake and that Magicians Witches Hags and Sorcerers doe bewitch all these that are here Yea Father Francis himselfe hath taken in a charme whilest he was drinking Verrine further said vnto sister Magdalene If God were capable of sadnesse he would bewaile Magdalene the great vncertaintie and suspense wherein thou keepest him touching thy conuersion Then did Verrine threaten her with more absolutnes and authoritie then euer her Superiour did vse towards her or any creature in the world beside And good reason hath he for the same because hee was to execute the will of the Creator being as hee himselfe said as the Kings Sergeant who speaketh in the Kings name and authoritie and commandeth saying If you doe not put this in execution and obey the King you shall be grieuously punished because hee that withstandeth his King deserueth the most seuere punishment that can be inflicted So the sinner that rebelleth and growes obstinate against his God not keeping his commandements nor obseruing his and the Churches Counsels he deserueth sharpe correction yea tortures and hell it selfe Also he said O Magdalene conuert thy selfe God is most gracious and full of pitie Thou art vexed Magdalene to contemne and set at naught the delights of this world and yet regardest not the pleasures of eternitie Then he said Miserable accursed and damned as thou art art thou not truly vnhappie to beleeue that which commeth from Lucifer and giuest no heede vnto me who am here from God Art thou not vnhappie to beleeue that Louyse is the author and expresser of these things O Magdalene thou doest beleeue it and this beleefe is exceedingly preiudiciall vnto thee It is true Magdalene and I must lay it close vnto thee thou diddest double and hadst a false intention before God and thy opinion was that Louyse spake these things from her owne head And this is true Magdalene as for Louyse she is possessed Catherine is also possessed and so are the rest that are bewitched but they know nothing of what is here deliuered whereof thou Magdalen art the only vnhappy cause It is true Magdalen thou art proud and vngratefull hauing a heart of stone a heart harder then a Diamond thou conceiuest that God is thy debter O thou proud caitise how willing wouldest thou haue been to plucke him if thou hadst been able from his throne of Maiestie But be of good courage Magdalene and humble thy selfe thy God is so good that although thou hadst runne through all the sinnes of the world and of all the damned thy God can shew thee mercie yea and wil pardon thee thy offences if thou humble thy selfe and be penitent The same day in the euening Louyse and Magdalene were exorcised by Father Francis and Verrine spake in this manner Who hath euer beheld the like that a Diuill should enter the lists against a Diuell wee are all damned for euer and what we do wee do by constraint for there is no iot of charitie dwelling in vs. I auerre that this woman is possessed and hath three Diuels in her bodie for the particular conuersion of two principally and then for the conuersion of many others He that will not trauell to Mount Caluarie shall not ascend Mount Thabor God did intimate thus much vnto the mother of the children of Zebedeus Peter denied his Master but he repented and wept very bitterly yea afterwards died for him was crucified for his names sake Our Lord had many friends and associats that did beare him company at the Table at Easter Whitsontide and Christmas but there were few that receiued him worthily and a smal number that presented themselues before him with due and serious preparation I take God to witnesse his blessed Mother and all Saints that I doe now tell you if you doe not repent and acknowledge the benefits that God hath so plentifully powred vpon you you are not worthy to be partakers of any Sacrament nay you deserue to dye without the comfort of them Those that are curious are liquorous of more knowledge then is expedient for them which they make inquisition after in the pit of Hel as doe the Caluinists and all other Hereticks who would interprete the passages in holy writ not according to Gods meaning but interpose their owne giddy and priuate fancies and reiect the meaning and exposition of the Church Yong people bee you penitent you pamper vp your flesh with such delicacies and nicenesse let in al pleasures with such a full scope vnto you that you stand vnder the arrest of high treason against God Wee tempt youth and make them fall like mellow figges from a tree when they are shaken by a strong winde neither need wee to helpe this winde by our breath I am as a Sergeant and execute my commission I say you may attaine if you will vnto heauen yet are you obstinate and thinke that God is endebted vnto you and that the way to Heauen is easy and open No no I tell you that God cannot sinne nor lye ponder well vpon this so fearfull a sentence Ite maledicti in ignem aeternum Goe ye cursed into Hell and liue for euer in all misery in that other world together with those whom in this life you haue obeyed and hearkned vnto Wee that are Deuils doe dandle and make much of them with a thousand varieties of torments we bestow sights and visions vpon them but they are the visions of Deuils that would at one clap strike all men starke dead to haue but a side long glance of their horrid deformities They doe also see the soules of the damned who hauing in their first creation beene fashioned with much bewty are now as hideous in their semblance as are the Deuils themselues You haue indeed the Saints to intercede for you saying Lord giue them of the water of life
not therefore say I am not able to beare it for God commandeth nothing that is impossible It is a truth that hee indeed was loaden with a yoake that was very combersome and with a burthen exceedingly heauy for his Crosse did ouerlay him with an intollerable pressure yet did hee not call vnto you behold my Crosse carry you it as I haue done No hee saith not so because hee knoweth your debilitie will easily sinke vnder the same but hee saith carry my yoake because the burthen thereof is very portable to those that loue God and serue him as they ought God hath his troopes of Angels and Saints about him neither is it to bee wondred that Angels obey him and that men put his will in execution but that Deuils who are already condemned to the Gallies of Hell should yeeld him their obedience heere is it that doth amaze vs with astonishment and admiration Great God why doest thou not cause these things to be deliuered by some Seraphin or some learned Preacher and not to bee divulged by the mouth of this silly woman Or why should I bee constrained to disclose my name in an action that is directly preiudiciall vnto Hell and to my great griefe that am forced to pronounce it Then he said many beleeue not this but I answere them they haue not seene God nor Paradise and yet they beleeue both the one and the other Certainly Thomas thy God vnto whom it is impossible that hee should tell a lie hath said that hee would rise the third day and what did hee not rise the third day Certainly hee did but because thou diddest not see it thou wouldest not beleeue it but diddest say I will not beleeue it except I may touch the prints of the nayles There is none among you that euer saw him die in person yet doe you beleeue that he suffered death for you Know you not what God said to Thomas blessed are they that shall not see these things that thou seest and shall beleeue There is no neede of faith in those things which wee manifestly and plainly see as if I should tell you that this Priest is standing at the Altar I imagine you would beleeue mee neither should this faith of yours containe any great matter of merite because you see this together with mee All the fruitlesse sciences and speculations of Cicero Plato and the other Heathen Philosophers to what purpose serue they but to trauell and consume the spirits of a man by imaginary contemplations These waters cannot appease the thirstinesse of the soule and by consequence are not powerfull to yeeld due and conuenient refreshments but the smallest delights of a spirit indued with vertue doth surpasse all worldly delectations and cursed may they bee who for the fruition of momentary pleasures heere hazard the losse of that eternall felicity Your God is a cunning Surgeon and of the choisest esteeme amongst those that are most famous hee well knowes when to serch the wound and forecasteth how it may be healed and apprehending the meanes he presently commeth furnished with such salues and medicaments as hee conceiueth most proper for the cure God is Father vnto two daughters Mercy and Iustice but mercy obtained the right of eldership in the house of God and you know those that are the elder haue a kinde of prerogatiue ouer the other Mercy is sister vnto Christ Iesus and shee it was that said vnto him that it was fit that he should suffer al those torturings and contempts which afterward he subiected himselfe vnto in his Passion And although both these sisters proceeded from the same father and mother yet is it a certainty that the one is in more grace and neerenesse then the other For God the Father was more indulgent vnto mercy then iustice yet are they sisters and both daughters vnto him because he is no lesse iust in exercising his iustice then he is gracious in declaring his mercy It is no argument of imperfection in God that he powreth down the viols of his wrath vpon the wicked and rewardeth the good endeauours of the iust it is rather a demonstration of his omnipotency to render vnto euery man according to his workes Of a truth thy inward parts O mother of God are as the shop of an Apothecary full of fragrant and aromaticall odours which the holy Ghost hath furnished with all varieties of perfumes and spices that is to say with his fruits and with the adundance of vertues and graces I further say that Mary is an inclosed garden and the holy Ghost is the gardener who could well tell how to manure this blessed plot of earth sowing therein all kinds of beautifull flowers and ingraffing goodly and vernant trees charged with excellent flowers and fruits Thou Mary art also a tree thy holy cogitations are the leaues thy seruent desires are the flowers and thy little Iesus is the fruit that was brought forth for your saluation The nature of this fruit is admirable so that it was accounted worthy to bee made a Present for the eternall Father on the tree of the Crosse for the expiation of your sinnes Let your memory recall into your remembrance these blessings of your God and let Ioseph who signifieth your vnderstanding bow his knees in a corner of the stable and take in so high a mystery with his most attentiue contemplation Mary as hauing a greater portion of light is of more neerenesse and figureth vnto vs the will the vnderstanding laboureth to comprehend him but the will shunneth such wild conceptions and demeaneth it selfe like vnto the mother of Christ Iesus who dared not at the first to touch him but at length Mary who is the will taketh him in her armes and beareth him vp and downe for loue at the last ouercommeth feare Take therefore the Child Iesus play with him and wrap him charily in his swathling bands hee is but a little one and therefore very tractable endeauour then to bee diligent about him bring with you little bands to roule him in and to be breefe prouide your selues of whatsoeuer may bee needfull for him Hee is a little child and yet a great God as it is written Vnto you a child is borne and vnto you a sonne is giuen Hee is young and tender his hands are swathled vp so that hee cannot strike come therefore and draw neere vnto him but withall consider that he is also a seuere Iudge to those that refuse to obey his will If Abraham should haue reasoned the case with God when hee commanded him to sacrifice his well-beloued sonne Isaac and should haue said how or in what manner is this possible to bee done I tell you he had not merited to bee the father of the faithfull Bee you humbled therefore before this God and beleeue that he is yonder in the blessed Sacrament for his body is a glorified body and taketh vp no place I say further that it is not enough to haue this child Iesus wrapped
confesseth himselfe 127 Abyron Dathan swallowed vp by the earth for their impieties 213 Accusation of Sorcerers 8 The acts of Adoration of Verrine 3.143.185 An Act of humility in Magdalene 149 Adoration of Verrine 3.143.185 Adiuration of Verrine 103.123 Adam driuen out of Paradise for his disobedience 133 Adams Repentance 115 Adam and what he did Adoration of the Eucharist 26.33 Adoration of the Goat in the synagogue 302 Adoration of God by a Diuell in a miracle 89 An aduertizement vnto Monkes and Priests 133.144 An aduice to write that which the Diuell deliuered 30 An aduice giuen to Priests 104. and vnto religious persons 172. and generally vnto all men 192.238.274 The Age wherein we are to doe penance 237 Agnus dei is a lambe for true Christians but a roaring Lion for Diuels 24 Against such as addresse themselves to Witches 253 Allusion made by the Diuell touching the constraint which be suffereth in exorcismes 204 Saint Andrewes day appointed by the Diuels to carry away Magdalene 1.2 Angels of heauen and their force 36 Angels which are our guardians ought to bee worshipped and why 199 Angels and Saints are our aduocates 147 Angels are not able to sing at full the praises of God 136 Angels that were goodly creatures condemned to hell for their pride 181 Angels are waiters at the table of God 184 Answers of the diuels which were in the body of Louyse 2.3 Antichrist borne Antichrist will cause himselfe to bee adored and the Kings of the earth shall serue him 267 Apostrophe vnto S. Magdalene 298 Apostrophe to the laity 145.274 Arriuall of Lewes to S. Baume 287 Arriuall of S. Magdalenes mother to S. Baume 13 Arriuall of Father Michaelis to S. Baume 283 Arriuall of Magdalene to S. Baumie 1 The Attributes giuen to diuine persons 46 Audience giuen to Magdalene 290 An Auie said for our enemies waighes more then a Pater for our friends 257 Authority of the Church 171 Authority of Priests 190 B Balberith is he that tempteth mē to blaspheme God 252 S. Baume ought to be reuerenced 226.281 Baptisme not regarded 123 Barbarous nations liue in darkenesse 123 The Bee ought to be proposed to our imitation 229 Beatitude not essentiall but accidentall may bee augmented 96 Belzebub tosseth Magdaleue from one side to another 21 Belzebub belloweth like a bull and casteth Magdalenes shooes at Louyse head 6 Belzebub maketh an out cry when he heard these words Ecce Ancilla domini 24 Belzebub sweareth that Louyse is possessed 294 Belzebub in speaking to another Diuell doth imitate the Exorcist 66 Belzebub humbled and troden vnder feete 86.124 Belzebub complaineth to God of his too great mercy S. Bernard a great familiar of the Virgins 194 Beauty of Paradise 38.281 Beades without workes are of none auaile 80.81 Birds of the aire blesse God 250 Blindnesse of men 188 He is Blind who neither hath vnderstanding nor will to do good 141 Booke of life and death in Gods keeping 271 The Booko of the Crucifix 145.275 The Booke with two leaues 173 Bread taken for the species and forme of bread 151 C CAluenists beleeue not the Church of Rome 39 Capuchins goe to Marseille 299 Carreau one of the Diuels 243.116 Catherine of France gardian vnto Magdalene 6 Caroches enter into hell but men goe to Paradise on foote 21.124 A Change in the life of Magdalene 132 The Charity of Saints 37 The Charity of Christ Iesus 77 Charity the daughter of God 44 Christians that serue not God are miserable 17 The Church shall examine all these things 116 Out of the Church there is no saluation and it is but one 209 Single Combats prohibited by God 135.242 Confession of Magdalene 8 The holy Communion the table of the King of Kings 183 Confession without due preparation is not good 126 Confessours and Exorcists are excluded from the consultations 289 Consultations touching the verification of the acts 289 Considerations to bee thought vpon when wee sit at table 228.229 Consultation touching the businesse of the Magician 185 Conuersion of Magicians 261. It is a miracle 305 Constraint of Verrine Constraint of Belzebub to renounce the actions of the Magicians 241 Constraint of the Diuels to speake truth 42.43.91 and to humble themselues Contradiction when the miracles of God are wrought 205 Contradiction of Leuiathan 152 Cooperation of the creature with God 229 Fiue Counsels or instructions giuen to Louyse 40. and to Magdalene 40 The Contrition of Magdalene 10 Another Consultation how to proceed in case that the Magician would not confesse 106 The Contempt of Diuels towards our Lady 5.182 The Contempt which some haue of Priests is not to bee regarded by Priests 135 The Crosse a glasse in which we are all to looke 145 Christ Iesus is the same also 146 The Cruelty of the Magician Lewes 298 All Creatures obey God 60 Damnable Curiosity touching the blessed Sacrament 90 The Curious fall into a pit out of which they cannot get when they will 116.90.133 The Custome of the Dominicās in saying of their Rosary 3 D DAmnation the recompence of Diuels 60.61 Dathan and Abyron swallowed vp for their impieties 213 Death and the sundry sorts thereof 170 The Deformity of Diuels and the damned 38.61 The Diuell begins to speake at the first exorcismes but by constraint 2.3.157 The Diuell boweth himselfe to worship God 3 The Diuell that is inferiour dareth not speake before his superiour 6 Diuels make dainty to tell their names for feare of being exorcised commanded and punished 66 The Diuell seene by Magdalene 14 The Diuels beaten 24.25 The Diuels are constrained to speake at S. Baume 30 The Diuels would ouerthrow the cōpany of S. Vrsula 34.89 The principall Diuels that were in Magdalene 39 The Diuels condemned for one onely sinne and why 93.64 Diuels are theeues 90 Diuels are vncapable of conuersion 90 The Diuel commandeth not neither are we to obey him 94 The Diuell doth falsely affirme that Lewes was no Magician and that Magdalene was not bewitched 131 The Diuell imployed by God and why 236 The Diuels that tempted our first parents 266 The Diuell exprobateth Lewes with his villaines 289 The Diuels are bound 300 304 The Diuell resisteth and disputeth against God 24.143 The Diuell is proud and is vexed that God would chuse a woman to be the instrument of so important a business 85.54 The Diuell issueth forth like a blast from the body of Louyse 210.211 The Diuels keepe Magdalene bound in all her body to make her to despaire 84 Diuels who are forced by God or his Church to sweare a truth cannot lie Diuels doe laugh at those who are curious 51 The Diuels and their number which was in the body of Louyse 3 A Dialogue of the soule and the body 217 A Dialogue betweene Verrine and Leuiathan 161.187 A Dialogue betweene Verrine and Belzebub 62 A Dialogue betweene Verrine and the Exorcist 186 A Dialog●e between Leuiathan one of
to auoid a danger 2 Magdalene spitteth at the perswasion of the Exorcist 11 Magdalene strongly tempted by Belzebub at the time of communion 49 Magdalene changed 147 Magdalene at times wauereth 116.118.119 Magdalene weepeth and prostrateth her selfe at the feet of the Dominican 8.10 Saint Magdalene the first among sinners 36. and in beauen is the next after the mother of God 189 Magdalene a table 148 Magdalene giuen to the Diuell and by whom 116 Magdalene falleth downe at her mothers feet 14 S. Magdalene intercedeth for Magdalene 13 Magicians are not possessed 304 Magicians spread abroad ill sauours and cast some of their stinkes vpon two Fathers 301 Magick much vsed 282 Maladies of men 267.268 Malice of this world 26 Maliciousnesse of Lewes 282.297.298 Man is endowed with free will 272 The manner of Magdalenes transformation in soule and of others also 147 The Mantle or cloake of impiety 259 Mary the Moone and her sonne the Sunne 222. and the Saints Starres ibid. Mary intercedeth for sinners 9 Mary conceiued without originall sinne 205.206 Mary the sinners aduocate Mary the goodliest creature that euer God made She is a garden 4.47.233 Mary is a ladder 19.8 Mary is all in all 5. She is the temple of the blessed trinity 4.5 Maries praiers 233.270 Martha next after the mother of God and why 50. She is loued by Mary 53 Martyrdome of S. Lucia and the Virgins 49 Martyrs ten thousand went in one day to Paradise 125 The Masse of a wicked Priest is good 32 Memory representeth the eternall father 193 Menaces of the Diuell to carry away Magdalene 2 Menaces of Belzebub 10 Menaces of Lewes the Magician 291 The Mercy of God 11.73.77 and his iustice 44 The Mercy of Christ Iesus 45.48.62 and of our Lady 78 Mercy and Iustice the two daughters of God 44 Miracles discouered Miracles oppugned 205 A great miracle that the Diuell should praise heauen 20 A great Miracle that God by the pronouncing of foure words should descend vpon the Altar 133 Miserable is he who giueth good counsell vnto others and keepeth none for himselfe 110.112.113 Mortification recommended vnto vs. 68.130 The Mother of God euer intercedeth for Magdalene 9 The Mother of God dared not to touch him vpon his birth day 183 Moses one of the foure trumpets who together with Saint Iohn shall come and summon men to iudgement 265 N NAbuchodonosor turned into a beast and is saued 251.258 Names of the Diuels which were in the body of Louyse 3 The name of Verrine shall be rased forth 259 Neighbours necessities to be relieued 226.227 Euery night two Priests watch with Magdalene 84 No man without sinne 239 True nobility 252 True nobility commeth from heauen 243 Nonnus would not baptize Pelagia 40 Nostre Dame de grace the place where Magdalene was exorcised 1 O THe Oath of the Diuell 131 Oathes that are of validity The Oathes of Belzebub and Verrine 35.63.64 Without Obedience no Paradise 40 Obedience in some cases not to be giuen 175 Obedience recommended Obstinacy and hardnesse of heart in Magicians accompanied with a great blindnesse 254 Offices to be performed by religious persons 144 Offices of the Diuels 170.191 The order of S. Dominicke admitteth not mortall sin 206 The Order of S. Dominick extolled 206.263 The Order that is Hierarchichall and appertaining to the Church is not among the good Angels themselues 93 Order among the Diuels 80 P THe paines of hell are not so vnsufferable as the wrath of that great God 17 The paines of hell Paines of this world as flowers but the pames of hell are truly punishments 133 Gates of Paradise very narrow 124.200 Pardoning our enemies 256 The pastour is to giue an account of his sheepe 177 Patrons of Prouince 65 Pennance recommended People flocke by troupes to S Baume 124 A great perfection to omit nothing that is good 203 Perswasion of Verrine to Magdalene 12 Physitians of the soule 268 The holy pillar 130 A Plot to ruine the companies of the doctrine and S. Vrsula 55 Possessed persons are much eased at the departure of Diuels 211 Possession by witchcraft 3 Possession of Magdalene by her spirituall father 88 The power of God towards sinners 64 The Power of God Prayers powred forth by Verrine vnto God 240 Prayers for our enemies 48.257 Prayers cause teares 8 Prayers for Magdalene 98 Prayers made by Magdalene vnto the Virgin by the aduise of her Confessour 15 Preachers labour much haue not such easie liues as some imagine 227 The Praises of the Nunnes of S. Vrsula 34.50.51 55.65.118 Prediction of the punishment and death of the Magician bound with a solemne oath Prediction yet to come Predictions already happened 304.305 Priests ought to be had in reuerence 133.171 Priests ought to study and preach because they are separated from the world 133 The Priest is not the cause why sinners receiue no grace by hearing of the Masse but they themselues 192 Pride of the Diuell 24.66 Fiue Prinses of the Diuels in the body of Magdalene 39 Proceedings to conuert the Magician very charitable and repugnant vnto Diuels 102.106 Promise of witnesses to keepe Lewes his sinnes secret 102 The proud shall not enter into Paradise 242 The great Punishments of those that doe not obey God 119 Purgatory 153 Purity recommended 186 R THe Rage of the Magicians 254.302 The rebels person displeaseth God 133 Recompence which the Diuell giueth to those that serue him 254.255 Redemption of man 145.146 Reformation 204.206 Refusall of father Francis Domptius to exorcise why 2 To Render euill for good is the property of Diuels 254 Renunciations of Magicians 74.75 and of Verrine 235.236 Reprehension of Magdalene Reprehension of Christians 16.93 Resignation of Louyse 56.94 Resistance to withstand their comming to Saint Baume 112 Resistance of the Diuell at the Communion 24 Returne of Lewes to Marseille as innocent 308 Riches of this world the of scourings of Paradise 256 Father Romillon could not hold in Magdalene but crieth for helpe 2 Ruine of Angels 266 S THe Sabbath held in Saint Baume 119.132 The same Sacrifice is alwaies seene in the Church 190 Sacrifices that are publicke and why they are offered 114 Saints deuoted to the Virgin 198 Saints and their vertues 68.69.70 They pray for vs. 150 Salomon the worlds wisedome damned 251.258.304 Satisfaction followeth confession 181 Schedules restored to Theophylus and others 305 Science of Diuels full of malice 25 Science of God knoweth all things 46 Science of Cicero and Plato to what vse they serue 232 Separation of the two women 289.295 The seruice of Diuels is laborious but the seruice of God delightfull 254 The shame which Magdalene tooke to bee proclaimed a Witch before all people 10 Signes of the day of Iudgement 260 Signe of Predestination what it is 228 Signes of Magdalenes possession 39.93.305 Signes of Louyses possession
of the Diu●ll and abominably gaue thēs●lues vnto him c A discouerie worthie of admiration and of feare d O blindnes more great thē that of Infidels or of the Diuel thēselues The cursed and miserable rage of Magicians doth resemble mad dogs or rather the Diuell himselfe being partakers of his obstinacie as doe also the good communicate of the vertues of Iesus Christ. e The Diuels did say that they had in horror those cursed inuentions of Lewis the Magician which he did daily contriue to prouoke God and Iesus Christ with fresh iniuries f The compassion and mercy of our Lady g An exclamation against sinners h There is an order among Diuels i Very shame did force from her teares after the discouerie being a Gentlewoman of quality and of her selfe very harmelesse k He was very cholericke because the Exorcist was not very expert to constraine the Diuels was grieued that hee should be made the instrument hereof l Concerning workes of mercie m The first discouery of the Magician n Louyse held her tung when Verrine would haue opened and named the Magician o This was done after the manner of all other Magicians but God disposed it by his speciall grace for her saluation p Magdalene was much vexed at this discouery fore-seeing that she● should also bee publiquely detected r All night long two Priests of the Doctrine and two Matrones did watch with Magdalene and found that for the greater part of the night she could not stirre nor cry the diuels holding her bound in all her body the better to tempt her or cause her to despaire if by relapse she did not fall backe vnto them s The goodnes of God towards Magdalene t An exclamation of Verrine against the honour that God gaue to Louyse u The diuell is proud and is vexed that God should cull forth a simple woman to bee the instrument of such an important action disdaining her was desirous it might haue bin some Queene or Princesse by which more admiration honour might be gotten x The Princes that is to say the vices and sinnes that doe raigne beare sway according to that of Saint Paul Let not sin raigne in you Rom. 6. y A Helper that is an assistant and seruant to the religious women of S. Vrsula z It is not to be forgotten that when men did attend and watch to see whether these words Miserere mei would scape at any time from any yet they neuer did a Verrine his oth b Magdalene had said that her father gaue her vnto the Diuell and that in the power therof she was possessed but being conuerted she declared that Belzebub did cause her to equiuocate meaning within her selfe her spirituall father Which declaration did much comfort her father who was very sory if it should so fall out that through his fault she should be possessed c An exclamation against Lewes and that he should be burnt d The assembly was much agrieued that Verrine was damned considering the excellent remonstrances which he made e He meaneth this of themselues hauing reference vnto the constraint whereby God enforceth them to say or doe somthing for the good and saluation of reasonable soules f Damnable curiosity touching the blessed Sacrament g Diuels are theeues h The disputation betweene Verrine and a Frier i This is an annotation found there in the margent k That the Diuell may speake truth b It is to be vnderstood if God were not able to constraine and put his ●urbs vpon Diuels See the aduertisement to the Reader in the last leafe l The Hierarchicall order of the Church doth not appertaine or agree no not to good Angels m There are many women possessed in Paris n We are not to obey Diuels o All Angels haue their essentiall beatitude which neuer augmēteth yet their accidentall blisse doth somtimes increase as when God reuealeth somewhat of his blessed pleasures vnto thē by which they doe in a larger measure know the bountie sapience or omnipotencie of God and doe admire the same and doe worship him anew and are desirous to receiue from him fresh reuelations Non in verbo as Diuines say sed in proprio genere And in this sense doth S. Denis say That Angels propose demaunds and questions to Christ Iesus himselfe Ipsi Iesu quaestiones faciunt p The Diuell here speaketh after his manner for when the blessed Sacrament was to be giuen to the two that were possessed he resisted a long time saying it was too hot because the presence of Christ Iesus and the new grace which they receiued in the vertue of the same did augment the paine of the wicked spirit which is by fire as S. Peter saith The diuels are chained vp in eternall fire q The truth is that many Priests and religious persons did euery day say Masse for her conuersiō as the Angels themselues in cessabili voce proclamant and the other saints neuer cease Reuel 4. Non habent requiem nocte ac die r The wicked Spirits might haue knowledge hereof by reuelation s Obserue well how God honoureth priesthood in this world when he vseth such extraordinarie and vnheard of remedies for the conuersion of a Priest that wandred out of his way t Here he beginneth to perswade and labour particularly the cōuersion of the Magician hauing called him publikely by his name and sur-name in a full assemblie of people after he had alreadie wonne home Magdalene u The glory magnificence of the mercy of God hath the greatest luster in sinners as Magdalene and Paul but the glory of his goodnesse snineth mo●e in the innocents s the Angels the blessed Virgin and Saint Iohn Baptist. x Strangers that besides the Ordinary were witnesses to the discouerie of the Magician y This processe is very conformable to the Gospell and altogether opposite to the diuels manner of proceeding z He was very familiarly acquainted with the Capuchin Fathers the better to set a glosse and couering vpō his abomination a The religious of S. Dominicke and S. Francis haue a priuiledge to say Masse before day when they shall conceiue it to be a matter expedient b She is a deuout and vertuous woman c The better to couer the businesse that was in question d This was a great friend familiar of his e A charitable and Euangelicall manner of proceeding is no way compatible or agreeable with the Diuell f The punishment transgression of the Commandements is generally addressed vnto all but that of Counsels vnto those only that haue made vowes g Another maner of proceeding in case he doe not repent vpon the sight of the letter h In the name of father Francis Billet as before * He presupposeth that those who carried the letter had made rehearsall of whatsoeuer was passed h She was the superiour of the sisters of the order of S. V●sula at Marseille and was at that time vpon speciall occasions at