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A06909 A newe pathway vnto praier ful of much godly frute and christe[n] knowledge, lately made by Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1542 (1542) STC 1734; ESTC S101290 98,046 290

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vengeaunce on vs caste vs headlonge ●nto he● fyre as he dyd y e aūgels but he paciētly abydeth our cōuersiō loketh dayly whan we wyll repent and amend as the Prophet sayth y ● LORDE longe abydeth vs y e he maye haue mercy on vs. Also the Psalmogra\`ph The LORDE is gentle mercifull pacient of great pitie The LORDE is good gentle to all men his rēder mercies are stretched forth vpon all his workes Ieremy also saieth It are the mercies of the LORDE that we are not consumed Yea he exciteth storeth vs vp by his holy spiryte and gyueth vs grace to repent turne amende as he sayeth by his Prophet I wyl gyue them an herte a new spiryte wyl I gyue in theyr in warde partes I wyll take away the stony herte from theyr flesh and giue them a fleshly herte y e they may walke in my preceptes and kepe my iudgementes do them And they shall be my people I sh●ll be theyr God Agayne I wyll powre out vpō you cleane water ye shall be made cleane from all youre vncleannes from all youre Idolles wyll I make you cleane I wyll gyue you a new herte a newe spiryte wyll I putte in the myddes of you I wyll take awaye the stony herte from the flesh gyue you a fleshly hert and I wyl putte my Spiryte in the myddes of you I wyll make you to walke in my preceptes kepe and worke my iudgemētes ye shal dwel in y e lād y e I gaue to your fathers ye shall be my people I shalbe your God and I shall saue you from all youre vnclennes Moreouer he styll calleth vpō v● to come vnto him sayenge Turne repente you of all youre iniquities And youre iniquite shall worke you ●●spleasure Caste awaye from you ●l your wickednesses in the whiche ●e haue offended make you a new ●erte a new spirite Wherfore wy●●e dye O ye house of Israell For I ●yll not that any shoulde dye sayth ●he LORDE GOD. Retourne and ●●ue Agayne it is commonlye sayde ●f a man leaue his wyfe and she going away marieth another husbod ●hal he returne any more agayne vn ●o her Shall not the woman be pol●ted defyled But thou hast play●d the whore with many louers yet ●eturne agayne vnto me sayeth the ●ORD I wyll receyue the. O moost ●were cōfortable sayenge O moost ●entle Sauyour worthy all prayse ●lory and honoure Here maye ye se howe greatly we ●re bounde to God and howe great ●hanckes we ought to gyue hym se●ng that he so greatly desyreth oure ●elth lyfe saluacion wyllethe by no meanes our decaye death damnacion He is y e gentle father which ioyefully receyueth agayne his loste sonne moost louyuglye enbrase the● hym He is that shepehearde whiche bryngeth home agayne on his shoul● ders that shepe that was wandered awaye He is that Phisicion y e healeth the sycke diseased He is y e Sauiour which came not to call y ● righteous but synners vnto repentaūce He is that helper whiche dayly cryeth come vnto me all ye that labour are laden and I shall refresh you Seke therfore the LORDE whyle he maye be founde Call on hym whyle he is nygh Let the vngodly forsake his waye and the wycked man his thoughtes let hym returne to the LORDE he shall haue mercy on him yea but let hym not fayle to turne vnto our God For he is bounteous very redy to forgyue ¶ The. xlv Chapter FUrthermore who is able to expresse howe greatly we are boūd vnto God for his diligent conseruacion kepynge vs If we were not preserued kepte of hym into howe many euels shoulde we faull Howe were it possible for vs to be fre from the captiuitie of Satan to be pure from the fylthynesse of the flesshe to be kepte harmeles from the tyranny of the world yf God dyd not defend vs Howe many kynde of euelles do we se dayely perpetrated done before our eyes as theft murder treason adultrye fornicacion couetousnes glotony drōckenshyp c. which all vndoubtedly we should lykewyse do yf we were not preserued frō thē by the goodnes of God For the fragilite of nature the pronyte vnto euell is all one in them in vs yf we be lefte vnto our selues Our perdicion commeth of our selues but our saluacion commeth only of God as the Prophet sayth Excepte y ● LORD sayeth Esaie had lefte vnto vs seed we had ben as Sodome we might well haue ben lykened vnto Gomorre Therfore seyng that God kepeth vs from theyse great enormities we are very much bounde to gyue hym right herty thanckes Agayne with howe many gyftes doth he endu●e vs dayly What haue we y t is not his gyftes yf it be good godlye He engraffeth in vs by hys moost holy spiryte Fayth hope charite peace ioye pacience longe sufferynge mekenes leuite softenes modesty honest behauour c. He giueth vs helth for our body He gyueth vs spirituall gladnes for our soule He prepareth all thynges necessarye for this our nede lyfe He getteth frendes for vs. He defēdeth vs from our enemies He preserueth vs ī all goodnes To conclude loke what a moost naturall father is vnto his moost entierlye beloued sonne the verye same is he vnto vs. So y e what soeuer we haue beyng good eyther pertayning to the soule or to the body we altogither receyue it of this oure celestiall father What great thanckes therfore he is worthi to haue who perceiueth not S. Bernarde sayth let vs gyue thāckes to our God for y e good thīges y e we do let vs hūbly say to hī w t Esay the Prophet All our workes haste y u wrought in vs O LORDE our God Herto pertayneth the sayenge of S. Gregory It is cōueniēt y t we gyue thanckes alway to God which neuer ceseth to do wel except he be letted hyndred thorowe the noughtines of men Therfore what soeuer worke y u shalte begynne fyrst call on God cease not to gyue thākes whan thou hait fynysshed it ¶ The. xlvi Chapter ALthough it be so y t all nacions of y e world euen from the Easte to the West ought to prayse y ● name of the LORDE for his īnumerable benefytes that they without desertes receyue of him dayly yet I thyncke ther is no Realme thorowe out Christendome that hath so many vrgent weyghty necessary causes to gyue God thanckes as we Englyshe men haue at this present To whome is it vnknowen with howe miserable captiuitie we haue ben detayned suppressed theyse many hundred yeares thorowe the vsurped power and greuous tyrany of y c Bysshop of Rome Who knoweth not howe greatly the consciences of Christen menne were snarled yea
vnto deathe Dyd not Ieremye praye vnto God when he was in prysonne Dyd not Christ customably praye on y e mountaynes in the feld Dyd he not pray in the gardyns Dyd he not praye hangynge vpon the crosse Dyd not Stephen pray to God whā ne was stoned vnto death Dyd not y e Apostles wyth certayne women Mari the mother of Iesu his brothers praye togither after Christes ascencion in a parloure Dyd not Cornelius the Centurion pray at home in his house Dyd not Peter praye in the ouer parte of the house of Symon the Cāner Dyd not Paule w t his cōpanyons praye in dyuers places as cities townes felde s see bāckes shyppes prysons c Were not all these heard yes verely theyr peticions graunted them mercifully What do we learne of all these Histories Certes that a faythfull christian is boūd to no place Wher soeuer a faithful mā prayeth he shal vndoutedly beheard Christ sayd to the womā of Samaria Womā beleue me y e houre cōmeth whā neither in this mountayne nor at Ierusalē ye shall worshyp the Father Ye worshyp ye knowe not what We worshyp that we knowe For helth is of the Iues. But the houre cōmeth nowe it is whā true worshyppers shall worship the father in spiryte trueth For y e father also seketh suche y e maye worshyp hym For God is a spiryte and they that worshyp hym muste worshyp him in spirite trueth Saynt Paule also sayth I wyll that men praye in euery place lyftynge vppepure handes wythout wrath contēcion But let vs heare what Chrisostome sayth ¶ The. xxiii Chapter LEt vs not excuse our selues sayenge that it is no easye thynge for a man beynge entāgled w t worldly businesses to praye seynge that he hath no oratory nor house fytte for prayer nygh vnto hym For wher so euer thou be thou mayst make and appoynt thyne altare For the place hyndereth nothynge neyther dothe the tyme let but though thou doste not bowe thy knees nor knocke thy brest nor stretche out thy handes to heauen yet mayst thou pray aright make thy prayer perfecte so that thou only shewest bryngest forth a feruēt mynde For thou mayst whā thou goest vnto markette walkest by thy selfe alone make longe prayers Thou mayst also syttynge ī thy shoppe sowynge skynnes dedicate thy soule vnto the LORDE The seruaunt also that byeth or goeth vp downe the Cooke doyng his office whan he can not go to chyrche may make a prayer longe discrete For God disdaineth not the place but requyreth one thynge that is to saye a feruent mynde a pure soule For Paule also not in an Oratory but in the prison lyenge wyde open nor stondynge ryghte vp nor bowynge his knees for the clogge wherwyth his feete were bound dyd not suffer hym yet seynge that he lyenge prayed feruently he shaked the prysonne vnlosoned the foundacions dydde bynd the keper of the pryson afterward brought hym vnto holy religion And Ezechias not stōding right vp nor bowynge hys knees but lyeng wyde open in his bedde bycause of his syckenes whā he turned hymselfe vnto the wall in asmuche as he called vpon God feruently wyth a pure soule he both called agayne the sentence pronoūced obtayned much beneuolence was restored to hys olde helth And the these beyng stretched out vpon the crosse wyth fewe wordes purchased the heauēly kyngdome And Ieremy in the myre and lake Daniel in the prysone and amonge the wylde beastes And Ionas in the belly of a whale prayeng vnto God dyd both dissolue all maner of euels wherwith they were beseged cōpassed set about and also found fauoure at the hande of God what than oughteste thou to saye when thou prayest Uerely euen the same thynge that the woman of Canane dyd For euē as she sayd Haue meroye on me my doughter is greuously vexed of a dyuell so say thou lykewyse haue mercye vpon me my soule is very greuously vexed of a diuell For synne is a great dyuell she y ● had the dyuell dyd fynde mercy yet was she hated whā she dyd syn Haue mercy on me is but a short saienge yet doth it contayns an whole see of mercy For wher soeuer mercy is ther are all good thīges Though thou be without the chyrch cry sayeng haue mercy on me though thou dost not moue thy lyppes but onlye crye in thy mynde For God also heareth them that holde theyr peace Ther is no place to be sought but a begynnyng of a place Ieremy was in the myre he made God bounteous vnto hym by prayer Iob was on y e dunge hyll he made God mercyfull vnto hym Ionas was in the whales bellye he had God gentle to hym Though thou be in a vayne praye Wher so euer thou be praye Thou arte the temple seke no place The see was before the Iewes and the Egipcians behynd at theyr backes Moses in the myddes speking nothynge for he was greatlye troubled in his prayer yet sayd God vnto hym what cryest thou to me In lyke maner thou therfore whan soeuer temptacion shal come vpon the flye vnto God call on the LORDE Is he a mā that thou shouldest seke after a place God is euer at hande For thou yet spekynge he wyll say Beholde here I am presente Thou hast not yet made thy praier and he bryngethe helpe For yf thou haste a mynde pure from vncleane mociōs though thou be in the market or in way or in the consystory or in y e see or in the ynne or in the shyppe or in onye other place of the worlde loke where so euer thou calleste on God there mayest y u obtayne thy peticiō Hytherto haue I rehersed y e wordes of S. John Chrisostome Lyke vnto this wryteth Sayncte Austē sayenge Why dost y u seke for a fytte and holy place whan thou shouldest make thy supplicaciō to God make cleane thy inward partes all eue● lustes expulsed from thence prepare thy selfe a secrete place in the peace of thy herte Thou wyllyng to pray in the temple praye in thy selfe and so behaue thy selfe alway that thou mayste be the tēple of God For God heareth there where he dwelleth Thus se●we both by the authoryte of the holy scriptures the auncient fathers that a faythfull Chrysten man may praye lawfully in euery place in asmuch as he is the temple of God as S. Paule sayeth Do ye not knowe that ye are the Tēple of God the spiryte of God dwelleth in you The Temple of God is holy which you are And this is it y e christ sayth Whan thou shalt praye enter into thy closette the dore sparred praye to thy father whiche is in secrete Therfore let hym y e shall pray nothynge feare to praye vnto God in euery place boldly wyth this perswasion y ● God wil heare hī
deserued eternall dānacion he dydde not streyghtwaye with the same rigoure fearcenesse wherwith he condēned the Aungels for theyr disobedient arrogācy caste vs awaye into the fyre of Hell but full gentely sent vs into this vale of misery for to repēt that afterward he myght saue vs yet constitutyng appoyntynge vs styll Lordes rulers oueral lyuyng creatures ¶ The. xliii Chapter MOreouer whā it was not possible bycause of the great enormite of our synne that we coulde of our owne power strength merytes deseruynges good workes saue wynne our selues agayne into y e fauour of God howe louyngly w toute ony desertes of our parte euē of hys owne mere goodnes and free mercy did he promise to saue vs by his derely beloued sonne oure LORDE Iesus Christ at his tyme predefined and appoynted from euerlastynge sente him downe in ●●his worlde Which for our sake vnfaynedly by the wonderfull operacion of the holy Ghoste toke flessh of the moost blessed moost pure vndefyled virgyn Marye became very man lyke vnto vs in althynges sinne alone excepte Which also after he had lyued here certayne yeares euē of his owne free wyll w tout any compulsion for the feruent vnspekable loue that he euer bare towarde vs gaue hymselfe vnto the very 〈◊〉 yea euen the moost spite full 〈◊〉 deathe of the Crosse. He offered 〈◊〉 ●oost blessed bodye a swete smellynge Sacrifyce to God the father for oure wyckednesse He suffred his moost precious bloude to be shed vpō the Altare of the Crosse to paye the raūsome for our synnes He refused no kynd of paynful grefe greuous payne to apease Goddes wrath to reconcyle vs vnto his celestiall father O good Iesu sayethe S. Bernard howe greatly were we endetted to the yet dost thou paye oure dette We haue synned thou arte punysshed This is a worke w tout exāple a grace without meryte a charite without measure Uerely verely not the prodiciō betrayenge of Iudas not the furye cruell malyce of the Pharises and Bysshops not the wycked and false witnesses not the vnryghteous accusers not the cruell vnmercyfull iudges dyd put Christ to death but we our selues our synne our iniquite our vngodlynes our abhominacion our corrupte māners dyd slaye hym put hym to that moost cruell deth We are they that dyd kyl him We soughte his deathe We dyd betray hym We dyd falsely accuse him We nayled him vpon the Crosse. We scourged his moost blessed body We shed his moost precious bloude We dyd cleue asunder his moost blessed herte with a speare oute of y t which rāne both water bloude We gaue hym Eysell Gaull to dryncke We scorned him we mocked him we dyd spit on his moost swete face We buffetted hym we brused hym we were the Authors of all y t tyranny which was wrought agaynst hym Yet for y ● loue that he bare towarde vs dyd not he disdayne to suffer all these in tollerable paynes by whose passiōs suffrynges we are perfectly made whose by whose moost blessed bloud all oure synnes are wasshed awaye by whose deth euerlasting lyfe chaūseth abundantly vnto vs. O vnmesurable kyndnes What a loue hath God to vs that he spared not his only sonne but gaue hym for vs all y t so many as beleue in hym maye not peryshe but haue euerlastynge lyfe And as God the father gaue hys sonne Christ vnto death for our synnes so dyd he rayse hym vp agayne by his moost puissaunt power from death for our iustificaciō He is oure peace howe than can we be sadde heuy He is our Sauiour howe thē can we despayre He is oure waye howe than can we erre He is oure trueth howe than can we be deceyued He is our lyfe howe thā can we dye He is oure Resurreccion howe thā can we slepe in synne He is our Phisicion how thā cā we be sycke diseased He is our lyght howe than cā we walke in darkenes He is our bread howe thā can we be hungrye He is oure defender howe than can we be afearde He is oure wisdome howe than can we be ignorante He is our righteousnes howe than can we be vnrighteous He is our sanctificacion howe than can we be prophane vnholy He is our redēcion howe than can we be damned He is our rytches howe than can we be pore He is oure beautye howe than can we be deformed yll fauoured He is our mediatour and aduocate howe than can oure matters be vnhearde He is oure head howe than can we his members perysh He is our Bysshop Curate of our soules howe than can we wante spirituall doctryne He is our dore how than can we but enter into the kyngdom of heauen To conclude he is altogither oures all that euer he hathe how than can we but sayle in a safe quiette hauen Howe than can we but haue all thynges prosperous fortunate Thus se we what an hye treasure Christ is to vs. Yf any mā desyreth to knowe more of Christ what benefites we haue receiued by let hym read my worke of y e Newes out of heauē where he shall se Christ truly lyuyshly paynted as alone perfecte redemer a plenteous and an omnisufficient sauiour for al thē that faythfullye repente and lede a newe lyfe Would not all these so great commodities large benefytes whiche we receyue of God y t father thorowe Iesus Christ moue ony christē hert in the worlde to be thankful and to syng perpetuall prayses vnto God For we haue lerned here that al our saluacion cōmeth only from God y e father thorow Iesus Christ that he saued vs mercifully whē we were loste miserablye But let vs beholde more of Goddes kyndnesse that we maye learne that thankes ought to be gyuen vnto hym seriously ¶ The. xliiii Chapter ALthough by Christ we be sette agayne at lybertye receyue our manumissiō fredome frō that captiuitie wherunto we were made honde by the synne of Adam so sone as we are regenerate borne a new by y e honorable Sacrament of Bap●tisme and the holy Ghost yet in as much as afterward thorow our fragilite weakenes we fall agayne in to synne deserue therby also to be● cast from the fauour of God to be dampned perpetuallye yf God dyd not also healpe vs in this behalfe O● LORDE God in how miserable a cas● are we What should it profytte vs by Christ to be delyuered from that wretchednes into the whiche Adam dyd caste vs yf there were not also a remedy to expulse that daunger into the which we cast our selues thorowe synne after Baptisme Therfore here also dothe the goodnesse of God appere very large bountious toward vs. For though we synne after baptisms neuer so greuously ye● doth not he streyght wayes take
pleasure glory selicite Do herte can thyncke no tunge can expresse no eye hath sene those treasures that God hathe prepared for so many as loue hym Who hathe euer had so bounteous a LORDE so gentle and louinge a father He loueth where he was not loued He enrycheth where he was hated He dothe good to thē that despysed his moost holy wyll D burnyng charite D in cōparable loue D kyndenes vnspekable Do we wyll we nowe recōpēse this excedyng bentgnite of this our bounteous celestiall father What doth he requyre of vs agayne Byldynge of monasteries Gaddyng on pylgrimage Offringe vp of cādels Payntynge of Tabernacles Gyldynge of Images Prayeng of long Prayers wythoute the affecte of the mynde May verely For he hath no nede of oure goodes as the Psalmographe sayth What than Forsothe thanckes gyuynge He y e gyueth hartye thanckes to God for the benefytes receyued maketh God amendes largely He only desireth of his faith full people laudes prayses thākes gyuynge Only he desyreth that we be not vnthanckefull nor walke vn worthye his benignitie kyndenes For as S. Bernarde sayth there is nothynge y e displeaseth God so much chefely in the Chyldren of grace as ingratitude and vnthanckefulnes That he delyghteth so much in prayses thankes gyuynge it is euidēt seynge that he distayneth not in his holy Scrypture to call at a S●cry●●●e as though he should say prayse thāckes gyuynge is that that pleseth me gyueth the swete fauoure before my presence But let vs heare the Scriptures The Sacrifyce of prayse saythe he shall honoure me And a lytle before Offer to God the sacrifyce of prayse paye to y e moost hygheste thy nowes Caull on me in the daye of thy trouble I wyll delyuer the thou shalte honoure me Do not all these fayēges declare manifestly that the moost acceptable sacryfyce to God is the Sacryfyce of prayse thanckes gyuynge Canue therbe a greater glory gyuē to god than to cōfesse that all goodnes and vertu commeth only of him y e ther fore al honour laude encomy praise glorye oughte to be gyuen to hym alone Vndoubtedly the Sacrifyce of thanckes gyuynge please the God hyghly Neyther is theyr any worke that we can do that so hyghly exalteth the name of God as this Sacrifyce of thankes gyuynge or wherin God delyghteth more If there had vndoubtedly it had bene prescribed set forth in the moost sacred Byble Dyd not all the holy Patriarches so many as were before Christes cōmynge offer this Sacrifyce of thāckes gyuynge to God as a thynge to to him moost welcome acceptable And although they also at diuers tymes offered externall sacrifyces yet were these none other thynge than a testimony witnesse of theyr īward Sacrifice which they offred in their herte praysynge the name of oure LORDE God Dyd not Christe also his Apostles as we reade in the holy Scriptures offer this kind of sacrifyces to our heauēly father And as they dyd thus so in lyke manner do they exhorte vs euer to be thākefull to God to syng cōtynuall prayses to his moost blessed name S. Paule sayth what so euer ye do in worde dede do all thynges in the name of y e LORDE Iesu gyuynge thanckes to God the father by him Agayn Be ye thankefull Also in another place gyue thanckes alwaye for all thynges in the name of oure LORDE Iesu Christe to God the father To the Hebrues also be wryteth on this māner By hym he meaneth Christe do we offer the Sacryfyce of prayse all waye to God that is to say y e fruite of the lyppes that gyue glory to his name Thus se we how diligent the holy scripture is for to moue vs vnto this sacrifyce of thankes gyuing as a thynge very pleasaunt much acceptable to the diuyne maieste But lette vs heare what S. Austē sayth y e we beynge instructed both with the holy scriptures also with authoryties of the aunciente Doctors maye the soner be moued for to gyue god herty thākes at all times ¶ The. Liii Chapter OFfer to God sayth he the sacrifyce of prayse I maye come to myselfe where I shall fynde that I maye offer I maye come to my selfe for in my selfe shall I fynde the immolaciō offerynge of prayse Thy Altare is thy cōsciēce Offer therfore to God the Sacrifyce of prayse We nede not take ony thought there is no cause why we shoulde go vnto Arabia to seke trākenfence or to fetche the packes of y e couetous occupyer For god seketh of vs the sacrifyce of prayse This sacrifyce of prayse had Zacheus in his patrimony had the widowe in her closet had a certayne poore hostes I knewe not what she was ī her tune Offer thou therfore to God the sacrifyce of prayse This is the offring this is the sacrifyce to gyue thanckes vnto hym of whome thou hast what so euer good is and thorowe whose mercye is forgyuen what soeuer euell is thyne Offer to God the sacrifyce of prayse and pay to the moost hyghest thy prayers For w e this sauour is god delighted Behold how this moost holy Doctor inculketh bete●h in styll the sacrifyce of prayse thanckes gyuyng we sayth y t we nede seke none other gyfte or present to brynge vnto god but only y ● sacrifyce of prayse of thāckes gyuynge For in that aboue al other hath God pleasure The Psalmograph sayth thy vowes O God are within me whiche I shall pay vnto the I meane prayses thankes gyuynge vnto the. For y u hast delyuered my soule from death my fete from slydynge Agayne I shall offer vnto the the Sacrifyce of prayse and caull on the name of the LORDE Also in another place I wyl magnifye the LORDE at all tymes his prayse shal euer be in my mouth as though he should saye there shall no tyme passe awaye whyther it be troublous or merye wherin I shall not prayse y e LORD Both my youthe my age shal be bent to y e prayse of hym Hereof may we lerne to prayse our LORDE God at euery momente ¶ The. Liiii Chapter THere oughte no vyce to be further from the brest of a Christē man then ingratitude vnthanckefulnes For as S. Bernarde fayth ingratitude is the enemy of y e soule the vtter puttynge awaye of merytes the dispersion of vertues the perdicion losse of benefites the fyre y e burneth drieth vp the fountayne of godlynes the dewe of mercye and the sloudes of grace If we gyue oure seruauntes ony thynge they render vnto vs ryghte herty thanckes for it Is it not therfore convenient that we be thanckefull to hym that giueth all thinges without whome we haue nothing y t good is With what forheade dare we beholde to aske and receyue ony thynge of God and afterwarde