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A06491 The chiefe and pryncypall articles of the Christen faythe to holde againste the Pope, and al papistes, and the gates of hell, with other thre very profitable and necessary bokes the names or tyttels, whereof are conteyne in the leafe next followynge. Made by Doctor Marten Luther. To the reader. In thys boke shal you fynde Christian reader the ryght probation of the righte olde catholyke Churche, and of the newe false Churche, whereby eyther of them is to be knowen. Reade and iudge.; Selections. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Lynne, Walter. 1548 (1548) STC 16964; ESTC S108922 81,794 252

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c. Summa the Enthusiasmus sticketh in Adam hys chyldren from the beginnyng vntyl the ende of the world grafted and planted in thē of the olde dragon and is occasiō myght power of all heresye also of the papacye and machomette Therfore oughte and must we abyde by thys that God wil not handle with vs Christen men but by hys outewarde worde and Sacrament And all whatsoeuer is boasted of the spirite without thys worde and Sacrament is diabolicall For God woulde also fyrst appeare vnto Moyses through the fyery busshe and the outewarde worde Exo. iij. And no Prophet neyther Elias nor Eliseus dyd receaue the spirite withoute the tenne commaundementes iij. Reg. xvij in Reg. xix And Iohn the Baptiser was not conceyued withoute the afore goynge worde of Gabriel neyther dyd he leape in hys mothers belly withoute the voyce of Marie Luc. i And S. Peter sayth ij Pet. i The Prophetes spake not by the wyl of man but beyng moued by the holy Ghoost as the holy men of God But withoute the outewarde worde were they not holy moche lesse shoulde the holye goost haue moued them to speake beyng yet vnholy for they were holye sayth he whan the holy Goost spake thorough them Of the Curse Greate curse The great curse as the Pope doth call it do we take for a mere temporal correction and touched not vs ministers of the churche But the lesser that is the ryghte Christen curse That the open stubborne synnes should not be admitted or suffred to come vnto the Sacrament or other communion of the churche vntyl they amende theyr lyues and eschewe synne And the preachers ought not to myngle the temporal correction with thys spiritual correction or curse Of anoyntynge consecratynge or callynge Yf the Bysshoppes woulde be ryght and true Bysshoppes and earnestly take vpon them the ministratiō of the Churche and the Gospell it myghte be graunted and permitted for loue and vnities sake but not of necessite that they shoulde ordeyne confirme vs and oure preachers but yet al disguysyng and fantasticall of vngodlynes and bragging set a part But nowe that they are not ryght Bysshoppes neyther also wyl be but worldly Lordes and Princes whiche neyther preache nor teache nor baptise nor communicate nor yet wil exercyse any maner of worke or offyce of the churche yea rather which diffame vexe persecute and condemne suche offyces and the setters forth therof so may not yet the church for theyr sakes be destitute of ministers Therfore accordyng as the olde examples of the churche and of the fathers teache vs wil and ought we our selues to ordeyne discrete persons to suche offyces And thys can thei not forbidde or let vs euen accordynge to their own lawe For their lawes saye That suche also as are ordeyned euē of very heretykes shal be called ordeined styl remaine Euē as S. Ierome writteth of the churches of Alexādria that at the fyrst they were gouerned of the bysshoppes through Priestes preachers indifferētly in commune Of matrimony concernyng Priestes That they haue forbidden matrimony and haue charged the Godly ordre of priesthode with perpetual chastitie that haue they done withoute alryght and reason But haue handled in that lyke Antichristysshe tyrannyouse arraunt and wicked persones therewith geuen occasyon of all manner of horrible execrable innumerable synnes of vnclenlynes wherein they sticke yet And euen as littell as we or thei haue authorite and power of a man to make a womā or of a woman to make a man or neyther of bothe Euē so littel haue they had authoryte power to separate such creatures of God or to forbidde thē honestly and accordyng to the lawe of matrimony to dwes together Therfore wil we not consente into their ydel celibate nor suffer it But we wyll haue matrimony free and at liberte accordyng as God hath ordeyned and instituted thesame And wil not rente nor hynder hys worke For S. Paule sayth That it is a deuelyshe doctrine Of the Churche Vve graunte not vnto them that they are the churche for they are not the Churche neyther wyll we heare what soeuer they commaunde or forbidde vnder the name of the churche For thankes be to God a chylde of seuen yeres olde knoweth what the churche is Church namely the holy beleuyng and the shepe that heare theyr shepeherdes voyce For thus pray the childrē I beleue one holy catholyke churche This holynes standeth not in surplices shauen crounes longe gownes and other of their ceremonyes by thē aboue the holy Scripture inuented but in the word of God and in ryghte faythe Howe man is iustifyed before God and of Good workes Vvhatsoeuer thereof hitherto and alwayes I haue taught knowe I not in any wyse to alter Namely that we thorough fayth as S. Peter sayeth Act. xv get another newe and pure herte and that God for Christes oure mediators sake wil counte and doth counte vs very ryghteous and holy Althoughe the synne in the flesshe be not cleane extinguysshed or dead yet wyl he not reken nor impute it vnto vs. And vpon such fayth renewynge and remissyon of synnes followe then good workes And whatsoeuer in thesame is also yet synful and vnparfect shal not be counted for synne or imperfectnesse euen for the same Christes sake But the man shall be called and also be ryghteous and holy throughoute bothe in hys person and in hys workes of mere grace and mercy in Christe poured oute and dilated ouer vs. Therfore can we not boaste many desertes of our workes yf they be loked vpon withoute grace and mercy But as it is written he that reioyseth let hym reioyce in the Lorde that is That he hath a mercyful God s Cor. i. So is it al good We saye also further that yf good workes followe not so is the fayth false and not ryght Of Cloyster vowes For as muche as the Cloyster vowes fighte quite and streyght against the chiefe and princypal article So ought they to be cleane abolysshed For they are those whereof Christe speaketh Mat. xxiiij Ego sum Christus c. Matth. xxiiij For he that voweth to leade a cloyster lyfe thesame beleueth that he ledeth a better lyfe than the commune Christen man and wil by his workes not onely bringe hym selfe to heauen but also to helpe other to heauen This is to denye Christ And thei boaste by their S. Thomas that cloyster vowes be equal with baptisme This is a blasphemye to God Of mans institutions That the papistes saye that mennes institutions serue for the remissiō of synnes or deserue saluation That is vnchristenly and damnable As Christ sayth Matth. xv In vayne do they worshyppe me teaching doctrynes which are nothyng but mennes preceptes Item ad Tit. i. Aduersantium veritatem Tit. i. Item where as they saye That it is damnable to breake suche institutions That is also vntrue These are the articles wherevnto I must stande and
geue backe admitte euen as the whoremōger will haue it But she is sayeth S. Paul i. Ti. iij. a pyller ground of the trueth She standeth sure sayth he is a sure grounde And not a false or deceyuable grounde But a grounde of trueth which neither lyeth nor deceyueth neither gothe aboute with any lyes But whatsoeuer wauereth or doubteth the same can not be truth And whereto were a Churche of God profitable and necessary in the worlde yf she woulde wauer and be vnstable of her wordes Or institute euery daye some newe knacke nowe geue this and nowe take awaye that yea where vnto were such a God profitable that woulde teache vs so to wayuer and to doubte Theologyes of the Papistes as the Theologie of the Papistes teachet that men muste doubte of mercy Vvhereof is writtē ynough besydes For all though the Papistes in all other causes had ouercome yet be they condēned in this Chyef Article that they teache That we muste doubte of the grace of God yf we be not worthy ynough before through oure oune satisfaction or merites intercession of saynctes There be their Bookes writtinges seales Cloysters Mynsters also yet their bayly shauen Crounes and masses to beare witnes And for as muche as they teache this Article that they stoude vpon their owne workes and doubtes as they can none other So is it euident that they muste nedes be the Churche of the deuill Wayes vnto saluation For there can be no more wayes than these two The one whiche trusteth vnto Goddes mercy The other that buyldeth vpon oure owne merites and workes The fyrst is the waye of the olde Churche and of all the Patriarkes Prophetes and Apostles as the scripture witnesseth The other is the waye of the Roomyshe Bysshop and of his Churche This can noman denye no not H.M. and all the deuills them selues There standeth as often hath ben sayde recorde Bookes Bullus Sealles Vvrittinges Mynsters Cloysters so that it may be testifyed by all the worlde And there is S. Pet. Act. iiij There is none other name geuē whereby we may be saued but onely Iesus Christ Act. iiij Agaynst this sayeth the kyng of Rattes at Rome No not so But there are many other names wherby the people muste be saued specially Myne name after that all such as I will S. Frauncys Dominyke and all propre workes that bryng in mony vnto me And lay kyng Emperour vnder fote Here is holynes saluation Christ is no more necessarye nor profitable c. Church of christ suffereth no lyes nor false doctrine But to come agayn to oure matter That the Churche of Christ dothe not lye nor deceyue must they confesse them selues in despite of their hartes Where woulde they elles become They must saye That she is a rocke Matth xvi agaynst the which hell gates can not preuayle Math. xvi Or as S. Paule gloseth the same a piller and grounde of truth i. Ti. iij. This I saye to graunte we thanke them not Euen so sayeth also the Crede of the children that she is a holy Catholyke church And S. Paull i. Cor. iij. The tempel of God is holy whiche ye are i. Co. iij But whosoeuer defyleth the temple of God hym shal God destroye Therfore can may the holy church a byde no lyes nor false doctrine But she must teache nothinge but mere holynes and truthe that is onely the worde of God And yf she teache any lye then is she cleane Idolatriouse and the whorys church of the deuill Goddes seruice of the kynges of Israel What did it profite vnto the kynges of Israel to boaste that they serued the God of Israel whiche had brought them oute of Egypte There with named and meaned they The very God of their fathers And did also obserue the whole lawe of Moyses But for as much as they besydes that did also honour Calues or Baal or at the least there with of mannes imagination Did institute newe Goddes seruice to the honour of the very true God So was it all lost For agaynste the same was Goddes cōmaundemēt Thou shalt haue none other God besydes me And Moyses Deu. iiij and xij had cōmaunded Deut. iiij xij that they shoulde not pretende any newenes or alteration or of their owne imaginatiō sayeng What soeuer I commaunde the that shalt thou do Thou shalt take nothinge from it nor put any thinge there vnto Thou shalt not tourne from it to the lefte hande nor to the righte hand That is Thou shalt neither make it better nor worse neither diminyshe nor alter any thinge Vvhereof we reade in the Prophetes in dyuers places howe that they rebuked kynges Priestes and the people because they inuented dayly newe wayes and did not abyde in the righte waye and onely pathe Onely the way vnto saluatiō is the word of God For whatsoeuer steppeth a syde frō the worde of God whiche onely is the waye as he sayeth I am the waye the truthe and the lyfe Io. xiiij appeare it as good and fayre as it maye So is it notwhitstanding doubtles errour lyes and death For it is without the word of God that is withoute the waye truthe and lyfe And what nede shoulde we haue of the worde yf we withoute the same coulde fynde wayes for oure selues Psal xxix For the worde is onely the lanterne of oure fete and the lyght of oure pathes which lighteth in the darke places of the worde as S. Peter sayeth ij Pet. i As that kepeth not the same alwayes before his eyes whither can he go elles than in darkenes So that light is in darkenes to thintent that we shoulde guyde oure selues therafter in darkenes New articles in the new papisticall churche Nowe let vs behold the newe Articles one after another which are come vp in the newe church of the Romyshe Bysshop So do we fynde that they be al withoute Goddes worde that is withoute waye truthe and lyfe onely of mannes deuotion or good semynge or of the Popes iniquite inuēted Therfore as the Papisticall churche is full of Pardons propre merites Fraternities worshippinges of saynctes monkerye masses satisfaction and suche lyke of the aboue named percelles as Goddes seruices Euen so is she therwith full of Errours lyes Idolatrye vnbeleue Murther and summa full of all deuils churches For they can not saye that the worde of God teacheth suche pointes Church can not erre But nowe that they muste confesse that the holy Catholyke Church muste be holy and a grounde of truthe withoute errour and lyes Quia Ecclesia non potest errare So muste they lykewyse confesse that they are not nor yet cā be the same holy church seynge they be full of suche abhominable errours lyes and Idolatrye But they are the very runne awaye depa●tinge wycked harlott of the deuill whome she followeth and serueth in suche horrible lyes But myght some simple harted soule as men calle
here conuerte resiste Conuerte them that yet shall be chyldren and membres of thy kyngdome that they with vs and we with them maye serue the in thy kyngdome in true fayth and perfecte loue and maye come oute of thys kyngdome into euerlastyng kyngedome And resiste them that wyll not suffre theyr power and myght to be tourned away from the destructiō of thy kyngedome that they beynge deposed from theyr seate and beyng humbled maye ceasse Amen The thyrde peticion Thy wyl be done in earth as it is in heauen sayenge Oh Lorde GOD father almighty thou knowest that the worlde yf she can not brynge thy name to noughte ● destroy thy kyngedome imagineth wickednes night daye vsyng many crafty Imaginations and dyuers subtill deuices counsaylynge and whysperynge together they consorte and strengthen them selues threatenynge and cursynge beinge full of all euill will agaynste thy name worde kyngedome and Children howe they maye destroye the same Therfore oh Lorde God and Father conuerte and withstande Conuerte those that shall yet know thy good wil that they with vs and we with them maye be obediēt vnto thy will and vpon the same willingly paciently and gladly suffre all euill crosse and aduersitie and maye herein knowe proue and vnderstande thy bountifull gracious and perfect will And withstande them that will not desiste and ceasse from their furye and ragynge hatynge threatenynge and euill will to do mischiefe And dissipate and confounde their counsayll their wicked imaginations and deuices that they fall vpon their owne heades as the. vij Psalme syngeth Psal vij Amen The fourth Peticion Geue vs this daye oure dayly breade and saye Oh Lorde God Father euerlastinge graunte vs also thy blessynge in this temporall bodely lyfe geue vs gratiously thy peace defend vs frō warre and enemitie Geue vnto our souetain Lord the Kyng Protector prosperitie and healthe agaynste his enemies geue them wysedome and vnderstanding that the maye gouerne his terrestriall kyngedome quietly and healthfully Geue to al kynges Princes and Lordes good counsayll and will to entretayne their laude and subiectes in tranquillite and good iustice specially help and further oure souereigne Lord the Kyng vnder whose protection and defence thou doest preserue vs that he beynge preserued from all euill false from false tonges and vntru subiectes maye rule godly and bleffully Geue to all subiectes grace truely and faithfully to serue and to obeye Geue vnto all estates citezens and husbandemen that they maye be good deale louingly and faithfully one with another Geue gracious wether and frutes of the felde I commende also vnto the house farme wyfe childe helpe that I may will rule them and Godly educate an brynge them vp Withstande and hynder the destroyer all wicked Angelles that do hurte and hynderaunce herein Amen The fyfte peticion Forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue thē that trespasse against vs and saye Psalm cxliij O Lorde God Father almightie enter not into iudgement with vs for in thy syghte is no man lyuinge righteous Oh counte it not vnto vs for synne that we alas are so vnthankefull for thyne inestimable benefites ghoostly and bodely and that we do dayly stumble and synne many tymes more than we knowe and can perceyue Psalm xviij Psal xviij But regarde not good Lorde howe good or wicked we are But haue respecte to thyne inestimable mercy geuen vs frely in Christ thy dearely beloued sonne Forgeue also al oure enemyes and al them that do vs displeasure or wronge euen as we also forgeue them withall our hartes For they do thereby vnto them selues the greatest displeasure in that they offende the in vs. And we haue no pleasure in their destruction But woulde rather se them saued with vs Amen And whosoeuer feleth hym selfe here that he is not redy and willynge to forgeue maye call for grace that he may be willing to forgeue But this belongeth to the Sermon The syxth petition And leade vs not into temptation and saye O good Lorde God Father almightie kepe vs wakyng●… and lusty feruēt and diligent in thy worde and seruice that we do not waxe ydell slouthfull vnlusty as though we had nowe all thinges that the rompinge deuill do not begyle and ouertake vs and spoyl vs agayne of thy moost holy worde or stirre vp discorde and Sectes amonge vs or leade vs otherwyse into synne shame both spiritually and corporally but geue vs trough thy Spirite wisedome power that we maye valiauntely withstande hym and gette the vpper hande of hym Amen The seuenth peticion But delyuer vs from euill and saye O Lord God Father almightie This miserable lyfe is so full of Calamities and wretchednes so full of periculositie vnstablenes so full of infidelitie and iniquitie as S. Paule sayeth The dayes are euill Phil. i. Gal. ij vi that we should by reason be wery of this lyfe and desyrous of death But thou O Father knowest our weakenes Therfore helpe vs to go safe thorough such manyfolde euilles and iniquities and whan the tyme cometh geue vs a gracious houre and a blessed departinge out of this valley of wretchednes that we do not feare death nor be faynt harted but maye commende oure soules into thy handes with a sure and stedfaste faythe Amen Last of all marke that thou must alwayes make the Amē strong doubt nothinge But that God is thyne vndoutedly with all his graces and saye yea to thy prayer And thynke that thou doest not knele and stande there alone But the vniuersall Christianite or all righteous Christians with the thou among them in an vniforme prayer whiche God can not despise And go not frō thy prayer before that thou hast sayde or thought This prayer is hearde in the syght of God This do I knowe surely and vndoubtedly That is Amen Also thou shalt knowe that I will not haue all these wordes spoken in the prayer For thereof shoulde at the last growe babbling and a vayne mōbelinge beynge reade out of the boke after the letters euen as oure Ladyes Psalter hath ben among the laye people and the prayers of Priestes and Monkes But I will thereby haue the harte stirred and instructed what cogitations or thoughtes it oughte to vse in the Lordes prayer But suche thoughtes or cogitations can the harte whan it is through warme and lusty to praye expresse well ynough with farre other wordes yea also with fewer or more wordes For I my selfe also will not be bounde to suche wordes and sillables but speake the wordes to daye thus to morowe otherwyse accordinge as I am warme and lusty howe be it as uere as I can I abyde by the same sence and meanynge It commeth also often to passe that I come in one pointe or peticion into so plenteous digressions and thoughtes that I leaue all the other syxe And also when suche riche and plentyfull cogitation come we ought to let the other prayers alone and to geue place to suche cognitations
confesse with thy mouthe wherefore thou hast nothing to reioyce of before God but that thou arte nothinge at all and that he is thy maker and creatour and can tourne the to nothinge euery momente Of this light knoweth the imagination of man nothinge at all Many highe learned men haue sought and searched what heauen and earth Man and creature might be but they haue not founde it But here sayth oure belefe that God made all thinges of nought Here is the pleasaunt garden of the soule to walke in in the workes of God howe be it it is to longe to writte of it at this tyme. Secondarely ought we here to geue thankes that we through the goodnes of God are made of nought and are dayly preserued of nought suche a goodly creation whiche hath body and soule discretion and the fyne wittes c. and ordeyned Lordes and rulers ouer the earth fysshes foules cattel Hither belongeth the i.ij and .iij. chapiter of Gene. Thirdely ought we to confesse to lamente our vnbeleue and vnthankefulnes that we haue not regarded beleued remēbred nor knowledgede thesame worse then the vnreasonable cattell c. Fourthely to praye for a true and sure faith that we maye from hence-furth earnestly beleue take the true God for our Creatour accordinge to the sayenge of this Article The seconde Article of the redemption And in Iesu Christe his onely sonne our Lord. c. Here shyneth agayne as greate a lighte and teacheth vs Howe we are redemed through Christ the Sonne of God from death wherein we are fallē after our creation through the synne of Adam and must eternally perysshe And here is it tyme lyke as in the fyrst Article thou must also counte thy self for one amonge the creatures of God and doubte nothinge therein Euen so muste thou counte thy selfe also for oure amonge them that are redemed and doubte nothinge at all And set by euery worde the fyrste worde oure as Iesus Christe oure Lorde euen so lyke wyse oure suffered Oure dead oure rysen that he be all hole oures And that thon arte also vnder the same oure euen as the worde it selfe doth geue it Secondarely we ought hartely to geue thankes for this great grace and be glad of this redemption Thirdely bitterly to Lamente and to confesse oure shamefull vnbeleue doubtefulnes concerninge this grace Oh what a heape shalte thou fynde here for to remembre howe muche Idolatrye thou haste vsed contrary to this with so many seruynges of saynctes and innumerable workes of thyne owne whiche haue ben quite and cleane against this redemption Fourthely muste thou praye that God wil kepe the by the true and syncere faith in Christ thy Lord frō hence furth vnto the ende The thyrde Article of the Sanctification I beleue in the holy Ghoost c. This is the thyrde greate lighte whiche teacheth vs. Where this Creatour and redemer in earthe externally is to be founde and to be taken and where al thinges shall become at the last whereof there were muche to say And briefly this is the summe Whersoeuer the holy Catholyke Churche is there is founde God the Creatour God the redemer and God the holy Ghoost that is to saye whiche dayly sanctified through forgeuenes of synnes c. And the Churche is whersoeuer Goddes worde is truely preached and knowledged of this faythe Here haste thou agayne many thinges to remembre of all that the holy Ghoost doeth dayly exercyse in the churche c. Therfore geue here thankes that thou arte also come and called into this Church Confesse and Lamente thyne vnbeleue and vnthankefulnes that thou hast not regarded all this And praye for a righte sure faythe whiche maye continue and abyde vntill thou comest where as all thing shall continue for euer that is after the resurrection of the deade in the lyfe euerlastinge AMEN A prayer agaynste the Pope the Turkes the Mortall enemies of Christ and of his Churche HEuēly Father ful well haue we deserued to be corrected of the. But correcte vs Lorde thy selfe accordinge to thy mercy and not after thy fury It is better for vs to geue oure selues into the correctiō of thy handes than in the handes of men or of the enemy as Dauid prayed also For great is thy mercy We haue synned agaynste the and haue transgressed thy commaundementes But thou God almightie Father knowest that we haue not synned agaynst the deuill Pope or Turkes And that they also haue no authorite nor power vs to correcte Howe be it thou canst and mayest vse them as thy fearful scourge agaynst vs which agaynst the haue offended and deserued all myschief Yea deare God heuenly father we haue done no synne against thē wherfore they might lawfully punyssh vs. But muche rather would they that we with thē most abhominably shoulde synne against the. For they regard it not yf we to the were disobedient blasphemed the vsed al maner of Idolatry as they do went aboute with false doctryne false fayth and with lyes and committed agaynst the aduoutry vnclenlynes murther thefte robbery Sorcery and al maner of enyl But this is our trespasse against them that we preache beleue knowledge the God the father to be the onely true God and thy welbeloued sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and the holy ghoost to be one onely God yea thys is the synne that we committe agaynst them but yf we shoulde denye the then shoulde the deuil world pope and turcke fulwel leaue vs in rest accordynge to the saynge of thy deare Sonne yf ye were of the worlde the worlde woulde loue her owne c. Here shewe thy mercy O merciful father ouer vs and earnest iudge ouer oure enemyes for they are more thyne enemyes then oures Because that when they persecute and stryke vs then do they persecute and stryke thy for the world which we preache beleue and knowledge is not oures but thyne and the work of thy holy ghost in vs. The deuil wil not suffre such thynges but in steade of the he wyl be our god in stede of thy word he wil stablis she lyes in vs. The Turke wil set hys Machometh in the rowme of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ For he speaketh euyl of hym and sayth That he is no ryght God and that hys Machomet is hyer and better then he Yf it be synne that we holde knoweledge and boaste the father and the Sonne and the holy Ghoost for the true onely God Then arte thou the synner thy selfe whiche workest thys in vs and commaundest vs to do it Therfore do they hate stryke and correcte thy selfe whē they for such matters do hate stryke or punysshe vs. Wherfore awake O Lorde God sanctifye thy name whome they blaspheme strengthen thy kingdom whiche they distourbe in vs let thy wyl be done whiche they will quenche in vs and suffer not thy self so to be troaden vnder fete for our synnes sake of them that do not correcte our synnes in vs but woulde quenche in vs thy holy worde name and worke to thintent that thou shouldest be no God haue no people to preache beleue and knoweledge the. Vouchesafe o Lorde gracyously to heare this oure petitiō and do accordynge to oure beleue and truste By the deare Sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christe whiche lyneth and raygneth with the and the holye Ghooste worlde without ende AMEN FINIS ☞ Seke peace and ensue it Psal xxxiij i. Pet. iiij ❧ Imprinted for Gwalter Lynne dwellyng vpon Somers kaye by Byllinges gate In the yeare of oure Lorde God M.D.Xlviij ❧ Cum Gratia et Priuilegio ad imprimendum solum