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mercy_n good_a grace_n work_n 6,662 5 5.6625 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05049 A most excellent and learned vvoorke of chirurgerie, called Chirurgia parua Lanfranci Lanfranke of Mylayne his briefe: reduced from dyuers translations to our vulgar or vsuall frase, and now first published in the Englyshe prynte by Iohn Halle chirurgien. Who hath thervnto necessarily annexed. A table, as wel of the names of diseases and simples with their vertues, as also of all other termes of the arte opened. ... And in the ende a compendious worke of anatomie ... An historiall expostulation also against the beastly abusers, both of chyrurgerie and phisicke in our tyme: with a goodly doctrine, and instruction, necessary to be marked and folowed of all true chirurgie[n]s. All these faithfully gathered, and diligently set forth, by the sayde Iohn Halle.; Chirurgia parva. English Lanfranco, of Milan, 13th cent.; Hall, John, b. 1529 or 30. 1565 (1565) STC 15192; ESTC S109324 283,008 454

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vse thy creatures to the helpe of my christen brethren and neighboures in that arte that I throughe thy prouidence haue from my youthe vp bene trained and instituted vnto that not onlye I for the prosperous successe of mine arte but my poore pacientes also and all other together maye praise and honor thy holy and blessed name which liuest and reignest one God in Trinitye and Trinitye in vnitye world wythout end Amen Another O Lorde God euerlasting and almighty chirurgien who only art the Lord that healest Israell that is thine elect And hast created medicin out of the earth of no wise man to be abhorred so that bitter water was made swete by the vertue of a tree that men mighte learne therby to knowe that thou haste geuen vertue to all thinges and hast geuen wisdome and knowledge vnto men frō time to time that thou maist be honored in thy wonderous workes For Salomon spake of all rotes and trees euen from the Cedar that groweth in Libanon vnto the Hisope that springeth out of the wall Ye he spake also of beastes foules wormes and of fishes I reade also O Lorde that by a little meale the bitternesse of Colocinthis was cured in the potage pot of the prophets children And by a plaster of figges kinge Ezechias was healed of his sicknesse sore I also remember that by the gaule of a fyshe the blindnesse was taken from olde Tobies eyes Innumerable O Lorde are the testimonies of scripture beside dailye experience whiche prouoketh and stirreth me to laud and praise thy moste glorious name I beseche thee therfore oh moste mercifull Lord that I maye so vse and all my patientes so receiue thy creatures that thou so graciously haste ordeined for medicine that health may be obteined and thy name for the same euerlastingly honored Graunt this oh lorde holy and euerliuyng god for the merites of thy dere sonne our only sauiour and mercye seate thy holy wisdome Jesus Christ in whom is all vertue to cure all thynges worlde without ende Amen A praier to be vsed of the good Chirurgien before he conclude to take in hande the curation of any harde and difficulte thing at any mans importunate sute and requeste O Almightie lorde God heauenly father who by thy diuine prouidence forseest and disposest all thinges to thy glory and the profite of thy churche Thou seest all thinges before they come to passe and thinges that yet are not are with thee as though they were but man thou hast inclosed within metes boundes of knowyng thinges after they are chanced so that we only iudge of thinges present as for thynges to come we can not before hande certenly decerne them Not withstanding for so much as thou hast mercifully decreed through our lorde Jesus Christe that all thinges turne to the beste to those thy chosen chyldren who rightly loue and feare thee Thy strengthe supplieth our weakenes thy wysdome our folye thy knowledge our ignorance And causest vs neuerthelesse to fele by faithe in our soules that whiche our carnall senses can in no wyse taste My prayer therfore oh mercifull lorde is that of thy gracious goodnes and merciful benignitie thou wilt so forsee and prouide for me most vnworthy and wretched sinner yet thy seruant through Christe that I neuer take vpon me to cure either this or any other thing vnles thy godly will be that I may through thy grace so ende the same that not only I may thereby attayne an honest fame and the partie greued ioye gladnes and health But chiefly that we both and all other good people the same consideryng may remember thee with thankes lande honor and prayse for thyne abundant mercie grace and vertue to our lyues ende Graunt this O Lorde God eternall and omnipotent for the sake of thy euerlasting word thy dere sonne our only sauiour and mediatour by whome thou workest all in all thynges who lyueth and reigneth with thee and the holy ghost one God in Trinitie and Tinitie in vnitie worlde without ende Amen ¶ Nowe that after my symple skill I haue formed praiers mete for Chirurgiens I thinke it mete to shew also an example howe to prayse God for the good successe of the chirurgiens busines as foloweth O Eternall father almyghtie God maker of al things howe great glorious are all thy wōderous workes thy louyng kyndnes and mercies to mankynde excedyng them all for thy benefites bestowed on mankynde are infinite and incomparable Among whiche thy creatures and workes of thy handes I moste poore vnworthy man and wretched sinner haue endlesse cause to acknowledge thy grace and mercies If oh lord I should once imagin to gratifie thy goodnes beholde what hath mortal man to geue vnto God or what hath man that is not Gods neyther hast thou O God any nede of man or ought that man hath But not withstandyng thy sonne our sauiour by diuyne prouidence hath satisfied for vs thy wyll and apeased thy wrath iustly bente on vs for our manifold sinnes And through the holy ghoste thy spirite of truthe who leadeth vs vnto all truthe we are informed that thou askeste of vs from henceforthe no more but a lyuely sacrifice of thankes geuyng and prayse of thy holy name Wherfore not withstāding mine vnworthines through Christe I am boldened fully hopyng that of thy great mercye thou wilt fatherly accepte the same moste hartily to thanke thee with all my harte and soule for the good successe that thou haste geuen to the exercise of my handes to brynge euen wonderfull thinges to passe Wherfore O Lorde holy and iust all possible thankes honour glory and prayse be geuen vnto thee Beseching thee for Jesus Christes sake to geue me grace that I neuer forgette or put out of mynde for any thynge whyle I lyue to remember styll to offer thee this sacrifice so that I receyue not this thy great graces vnthankefully vnto my lyues ende and after this lyfe that I may with the holy patriarkes prophetes Apostles Euangelistes Martyrs Confessors Angels and Archangels synge with incessant voyce before thy throne holy holy holy Lorde God of Sabaoth for euer and euer Amen Finally see that ye ascribe al honor vnto the holy Trinitie and seke not in any wyse your owne prayse and vayne glorie least ye therein displease GOD and iustely prouoke hym to withdrawe his grace frome you whose instrumentes ye are whyle ye dooe well as is the hammer in the hande of the woorke manne For as sayeth the prophete Esaie Cap. 10. Num gloriabitur securis aduersus eum qui ●asecat aut serra magnificabitur aduersus eum qui se tractat Quod perinde esset ac si uirga sese eleuaret cōtra eū qui ipsam fert et baculus sese extolleret quasi lignum non esset That is Shall the axe boste it selfe against him that heweth therwith or shall the sawe bragge against him that hādleth it Which were euen lyke as if the rodde did exalte it selfe against hym