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A02872 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1570 (1570) STC 1301; ESTC S100582 327,616 903

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I haue chosen thée to eternall lyfe and promised thée inheritaunce thereof without thy deseruinges beware now least thou loose it by apostasie and least an other take it from thée by doing the fruites thereof 16 Desire my spirite to strengthen thée that thou mayest perseuere and stand fast For that faithful seruaunt and mightie souldier which continueth in that veritie to the ende will I set vp for a stronge pillar and sure butteras in the temple of my God which is the church or faithfull congregacion of my heauēly father prefigured by the temple of Salomon at Hierusalem 17 And so strongly will I buyld him vpon the harde rocke that hée shall stande alwayes and neuermore bée remoued No more shall hee be aforener nor a straunger but a cytizen with the saintes and of the houshold of God moste surely grounded vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophetes 18 And I shall wryte vpon him to his singular commoditie the name of my God and father almightie and the name of the beautiful citie of my God also called new Hierusalem renued in the spirit Euermore shal he be called a seruaunt of the Lord an Apostle or witnesse of God a lambe of Christes folde a shéepe of his pasture a braunch of his vyne a member of his church and impe of hys kingdome a citizen of heauen and an inheritour of euerlasting lyfe 19 And all this commeth not from beneth it riseth not of his good workes merites nor deseruings but it commeth out of heauē from my god It is only his goodnesse grace lyberalitie forgiuenesse pittie mercie 20 I will also garnish him beautifie him with my newe name Hée shall euermore for hys faythe 's sake be called the sonne of God and ryse at the latter day in full glorie incorruptible immortal and cleere in perpetuall peace and concord 21 He that hath by the gifte of God an eare let him consider wherefore he hath it and apply it to the right vse discréetly waying what the holye Ghosts mynde is to the christian congregations in these heauēly premonishments THE TEXT 1 And vnto the Angell of the congregation vvhich is in Laodicia vvrite 2. This saith Amen the faithful and true vvitnesse 3. the beginning of the creatures of God 4. I knovv thy vvorkes that thou art neyther cold nor hote 5. I vvould thou vvere colde or hote 6. But bicause thou arte betvveene both and neyther colde nor hote 7. I vvill spevve thee out of my mouthe 8. Bycause thou sayest thou arte rych and increased vvith goodes and hast neede of nothing and knovvest not hovv thou arte vvretched and myserable poore blynd and naked 10. I counsell thee to buye of mee gold tryed in the fyre 11. that thou mayst be rich and vvhyte raiment that thou maiest be clothed 12. that thy filthie nakednesse doe not appeare 13. Anoynt thine eyes vvith eye salue 14. that thou maist see THE PARAPHRASE 1 And now laste of all my deare friend Iohn sayeth the Lord Iesus forget not to admonish by the hande writing also the elder of the Christen congregation which is in Laodicia a notable Citie of the Asianes which pretendeth to be a iust people or a companie to whom fayth is rekened for righteousnesse and are nothing lesse In the sight of men they appeare good and their works séeme glorious yet are they before God no sincere Christians but dissemblyng hypocrites in déede 2 Cause them to knowe certainely that this is the charytable warnyng of him which coueteth all things to be well perfecte and good and is in verie déede a witnesse faithfull and true yea the eternaall veritie it self for that they shoulde giue the more creadite to his sayings 3 Moreouer hee is the oryginall beginning not only of the creatures for so much as hee was that worde by whome God created all thinges in the beginnyng but also of the creatures of God for so much as he becommyng fleshe in this latter age restored them agayne to the peace and fauour of God for y● they should euermore séeke vnto hym in theyr néede as to the verie fountayne or well spring of all goodnesse 4 Thy workes are euidently open before me sayth that Lorde and I know them in their kynd I sée thou arte neyther cold nor hote Thou art neyther a full infydell nor a full beléeuer neyther a perfecte pagane nor a perfect Christian. Thou arte neyther constant in the faith nor yet all without faith Outwardly thou arte hote but within thou arte colde as yse Inwardly thou abhorrest the word of God yet doest thou not outwardly condemne it 5 I would thou were eyther colde or hote eyther a Christian or none at all eyther a perfect louer of the veritie or els a full hater of it and not a dissembling hypocrite as thou arte iudging euill good and good euill calling darkenesse light and light darknesse making sower swéete swéete sower allowing fables and lyes and contempning the wisdome of God None is so farre from the kingdome of heauen as is a false Christian. Much sooner is he conuerted to the trueth that is all colde or all without fayth then he that vnder the colour and pretense of Gods lawes mayntayneth errours and lyes 6 For so much therefore as I fynd thée betwéene both and neyther of both halfe colde halfe hote and neyther fully cold nor hot neither faithfully giuen to Gods worde nor all whole without it but a false glosing hypocrite 7 I will begin to vomet thée as a morsell out of season and spewe thée out of my mouth as a thing out of kynde Thou shalte not be disgested Neyther shall my worde allow thée nor my promisse admitte thée to rest with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heauen But thou shalt be throwne foorth into exteriour darknesse where as shall be wéeping gnashing of téeth I will caste thée out detest thée and abhorre thée For much worse are they that abuse or dispyse the gift of God then they which neuer receyued it 8 Thou pratest very sore of thy ryches thy merytes good déedes and deseruings Thou boastest thy selfe much of thy increase in goodnesse by déeds of supererogation and workes more then néede Yea thou arte not ashamed to thinke thy selfe so greatly to abound in learnyng wisedome rightuousnesse and holinesse that all hath néede of thée and thou of none sellyng to the wretched Idiotes of the world thy masses thy dyryges thy fastings thy memories thy knéelings thy crouchings with other idle obseruations 9 But thou remembrest not that thou arte wretched of thy self wicked of thyne owne nature Thou considrest not y● thou art myserable and sinfull in thy lyfe poore without vnderstāding knowledge feeble without the strength of Gods spirit blynd without iudgement and fayth and naked without veritie and all good Christen workes 10 I charitably therfore admonish thée to remember thy selfe I counsel thée also
hym doe euill styll 5. and he whych is filthy let him be filthy stil. 6 he that is rightuous let him be more rightuous 7. he that is holy let hym be more holy 8 And beholde I come shortly 9 and my revvarde vvyth me 10. to giue euery man according as his dedes shal be 11 I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ende 12. the fyrst and the last The Commentary 1 Consequently the Angell saith S. Iohn which was Iesus Christe had these same sayings vnto me that here foloweth 2 Seale not sayth he the godly words contayned in the prophecy of this booke Close thē not vp frō the sight of other Hide them not from those which are desirous of knowledge For profitable they are to the congregation of God and most highly necessary to them that shal be saued For both shewe they throughly the dampnation of the wicked with remedies to auoyde it and also the saluacion of the rightuous with meanes to obtayne it 3 And thys is the cause why thou shalte not close them vp The tyme is at hande The fulfyllyng of thē wyll shortelye apeare and euidētly declare what they are in dede In the meane season shall manye of theyr mystieryes bée open vnto them that are taught of God though the vnfaithfull sort knoweth nothyng what they meane They that haue Christes spirite can in no necessary poynte be ignoraunt The cause why manye writers hath erred in expounding this reuelation hath bene the ignoraunce of other scriptures the pleasing of prelates for dignitie and lucre and moste of all the horrible blyndnesse of soule which long hath continued in the world among the fleshly Hypocrites 4 And as concerning those beastlye belly gods let them wallow in theyr mischiefes He that is euil amōg them or frowarde and obstinate against the veritie of God let him worke euil vpon euill abhomination vpon abhomynation and murther vpon murther til he bring vpon him self the vengeaūce of all innocent bloud which hath bene shead vpon earth to his more dampnation without remedy 5 Moreouer he that is filthy in hys conuersation be it in the spirite or otherwyse I will take my grace from him for the vtter contempt of my word and he shall be still from thence forth more execrable and filthy He shall do● wickednesse vpon wickednesse Idolatry vpon Idolatry and whoredom vpon whoredome Yea where as he was before but an Idolatour in hymselfe he shall become after that an Idolatour also in other by prouokyng thē to the same to hys double dampnatiō And wheras he shuld paraduenture in the world haue bene but a single whoremonger he shal be there an holy spirituall anoynted shauen shorne priestly and mitered whoremonger abusing euery mans wyfe doughter and seruaunt And to make vp all to the diuell become a consecrate Sodomyte offering hymselfe vp in dead sacrifices vnto Belphegor for feare of breakynge hys vnuirgynall vowe Farther than all thys he shall enter into such blindnesse of the spirite that he wyll thynke verely to doe God an hygh pleasure whan he murthereth vp without mercy hys innocent people which wyll not obey theyr execrable lawes blessinges absolutiōs and other sorceries for conscience sake Consider in this the terrible and fearefull hand of the Lorde towardes them that withholde hys truth in vnrightuousnesse specially whā he hath giuē thē ouer left thē to themselues For they worke their owne dampnation whan they thinke nothing lesse 6 Contrarywyse consider hys excéeding great mercy towardes them that are godly whom he dyuersly afflicteth in hys lyfe least they shoulde peryshe wyth the wycked My pleasure is it sayth he here that the man whych is faythfull rightuous and good shall increase euer more therein and so cōtynually be ryghtuous I shall so temper their hartes that hath loue to my truth that they shall loue it more and more Yea I shall so therin strengthen them that for no persecution of tyraūtes shall they forsake it 7 So will I order the matter amōg my electes that he which is holy pure and perfect leading a lyfe accordinge to my worde he shall perseuer in i● styll and be perfect vnto the ende that he maye inioye the crowne thereof Neyther shall seducing hypocrite nor yet peruertinge Antichrist wyth all their subtile charmes and ginnes bée able to bringe them out of that way whych leadeth vnto lyfe By this we may se that the veritie preached christ is vnto som a falling vnto some againe a rysing vp Unto som is his godly doctryne a swéet sauour vnto lyfe vnto some an ill sauour vnto death The gospell is folyshnesse to them that shal peryshe but vnto them that beléeue it is such a power of god as bringeth saluation with it The faithful by hearing it waxeth more godly The vndyscrete hypocrites contemneth the grace thereof So that the one sort is thereby made better and increased in vertue the other is made worse and foloweth all mischiefes In him that hath fayth shall all other graces of the spirite habounde and in him that hath it not shall no gift of vertue aryse to hys ●owles profit 8 Let mē take hede if they wil giue dilygent watch attēdaunce for truly saith the Lorde I will come sodenly and v●bewars vpon the vnfaithful none other warning● giuen but this such other in the scripturs take thē if they lust 9 Necessary it is the euery man walke according to hys vocacyon both prince and preacher Lorde and commoner merchande and artificer For when I shall resort be certayne and sure of it my iust rewarde shall come wyth me whych is both lyfe and death 10 Let no mā reckē otherwise to finde me thā a most rightuous iudge rendering vnto euery one at the day according as his workes shal apeare as his déedes shal require of rightuousnes Neither shal sufferages nor church buylding pigrimage nor masse rīgin holy orders nor yet assoiling stande in any sted at the day only shal they finde mercy whych hath bene mercifull all other perishing without mercy No man shal there be rewarded for workes of mēs preseciption be they neuer so holy but for that whych hath rysen of fayth in Gods worde onely Neither shall they haue that of deseruinges as worke preachers hath taught but onely of grace fauour for Christes bloud sake For vnprofitable seruauntes are w●e of our selues whan we haue done all that hath bene commaunded vs No better is our whole ryghtuousnesse whan it is at the hyghest than is the cloth that is stayned wyth menstrue nor more pleasaunt vnto God were it not for hym Let no man thynke to be saued through deseruing no more than he is iustified of deseruing Onely is it the mercyfull fauour and frée goodnesse of hym without our mangye merytes that shall saue vs. Not our good workes sayth saynt Augustyne but hys owne méere gyftes doth the Lorde crowne in vs. 11 This hath the Lord put here in the ende as a briefe
Bloxam Anglus lib. i. De apparicione septem sigillorum Ioannes Elyne Anglus li i. Secundum Isidorum ethimolo Ioannes Tilneye Anglus li. i. Septem ecclesijs in Asya Henricus Winchingham Anglus li. i. Apertum est templum Dei Ioannes Thorpe Anglus lib. i. Ioannes Egidius Gallus lib. i. Apocalip c. Ioanni Euangeliste Ioannes Haynton Anglus lib. i. Beatus qui legit verba Ex Augustinianis Augustinus de Auchona Italus lib. i. Iordanes Saxo Germanus lib primo Bertrandus parayte Tholosanus lib i. Augustinus de Roma Italus li primo Philippus de Mantua Italus li. primo Ioannes Capgraue Anglus li. primo Syluester Meoccius Venet. lib. i Promaiori intelligentia Ex dominycanis Iordanes Botergius Germenus li. i. Hugo Bar chinonensis Gaillus lib. i. Asser pinguis panis eius c. Albertus Magnus Germanus lib. i. Confiteor tibi pater Stephanus Bisuntinus Gallus lib. i. Nicolaus Gorham Gallus li. i. Bernardus de Trilia Narbonensis li. i. Paganus Bergomensis lumbardus li. i. Aluarus de Caturco Tholosanus lib. i. Fredericus de Venecijs Italus lib pri Ioannes Annius Viterbiensis li prim Hieronymus Sauanarola Italus lib. i Ex Franciscanis Alexander de Hales Anglus lib. primo Helias de Hanibalis Italus lib primo Petrus Ioannis Cathalanus li. primo Ioannes Walleys Anglus lib. primo Petrus Aureolus Tholosanus libro 1. Nicolaus Lyranus Germanus libro ij Oportet te iterum prophetare Astesanus Astensis Lumbardus li. i. Bernardinus Senensis Italus li. i. Beatus qui legit et audit Theodoricus Andree Tholosanus lib. i. Ioannes de Rupe scissa lib. i. Franciscus Titelmannus Germanus li. ii Superioribus diebus eruditis Ex neotericis Martinus Lutherus Germanus lib. i. Varias prophecias inuenimus in Sebastianus Meyer Bernensis li. i. De lib. Apocalipseos cum Georgius Aemilius Germanus lib. i. Mira quedam inest auiditas Franciscus Lambertus Gallus li. vii Israeliti● a Mose Dei lege Huldricus Zwinglius Heluecius lib. i. Ioannis Brencius Sueuus lib. i. Ioannes Caluinus Gallus li. i. Melchior Hofman Germanus lib. i. And many other more Of these Commentaries haue I taken both example to doe this thing and also coūsell to vnderstande the text to none of them wholly addict but as I perceiued them alwayes agreinge to the Scriptures What chronographers historianes I haue herein folowed for the tymes and ages of the christian church besides the Scriptures it will euidently apeare to the reader in the margēt of this volume I know there will be great thonderings lyghtninges and earthquakes at the comminge foorth thereof for so is it here oft promised of the holy ghost The boystuous tyrauntes of Sodoma with theyr great Nemroth Wynchester and the execrable citizens of Gomorra with theyr shorne sinered captaines wyll sturre aboute them Much payne haue they of long tyme taken and many haue they cruelly burned as was seene of late yeares in Couentrie London in other places more to obscure the knowledge thereof Who can suppose thē that they wyll now sit styll theyr mischeues made so manifest Our worldly wyse brethren also which are neither hote nor colde wyll starcle a course at the matter I know somewhat is to be suffred at theyr handes also For they alwayes tarry theyr tymes wyll not wake the shrewed curre for hurting themselues Graciously hath the Lorde called them specially now of late but his voyce is nothing regarded His seruauntes haue they imprisoned tormented and slayne hauinge his veritie in muche more contempt then afore We loked for peace sayth Hieremye the Prophet and we fare not the better at all We wayted for a tyme of health and we fynde here nothing els but trouble And no marucile consideringe the beastes head that was wounded is now healed vp againe so workemanly as the .xiii. chapter here mēcioneth The abhominable hipocrisie Idolatry pryde fylthinesse of those terrible termagaūts of antichrists holy household those two horned whoremoūgers those cōiurers of Egipt and lecherous locustes leapynge out of the smoke of the pitte bottomlesse which dayly deceyueth the ignoraunt multytude wyth theyr sorceryes and charmes must be shewed to the worlde to theyr vtter shame and confusion They knowe as dyd Balaam the sorcerer that ouer a gorgious glittering whore euery fleshely man is inordynatly wanton ferce greedy Folowinge hys wayes therefore they haue alwayes for lucres sake gloriously garnished theyr holy mother the madame of myschife and proude sinagoge of Sathan wyth golde siluer pearle precious stone veluets silkes miters copes crosses cruetes ceremonies sensinges blessinges bablinges brawlynges processions popetts and such other madde mastryes whereof the church that Christ left here behinde him knewe not one iote to prouoke the carnal idyotes to hir whoredome in the spyryte The Lorde hath longe suffered them of mercy and wythhoulden from thē his rightfull hande of theyr deserued vengeaunce yet wyll they not fall to repentaunce nor amende theyr dayly mischifes To tell them freely of theyr wycked workes by the scriptures I haue exyled my selfe for euer from myne owne natiue countrie kyndred fryndes acquaintaunce which are the great delyghtes of this lyfe am well contented for Iesus Chrystes sake and for the comforte of my brethren there to suffer pouertie penury abiection reprofe and all that shall come besides A commaundement the Lorde hath giuen in this booke vnto them whome hee hath called of mercye from their wretched beggeries to spare no rebukes but to powre out double vpon that bloudy ●awde malicious mother of theirs Neuer was this commaundement more effectually to be folowed then now hys holye worde of saluation so presently set at nought despised and persecuted of hir madde moodie mynisters Unto heauen are hir sinnes gone vp in these latter dayes as S. Iohn heere witnesseth requiring vengeaunce for the innocents bloud that shee hath so cruelly shed And the Lord hath remembred hir wickednesse accordyng to his promyse as partlye hath bene seene in this realme and in diuers other more I doubt not but within short space she shal be wholly turned ouer into the bottomlesse pit again with all hir heathenish ceremonies superstitions and sorceries and neuer return hetherwarde no more then the great mightie mylstone that is throwne into the seas bottom Christ so restored vnto his right spouse Wōders wil appeare cōcerning this such other matters to him that shall diligently examine the scriptures historyes alleged in the margent For only minister I an occasion heere vnto them of a farther serch Nothing wil be hidden from him that asketh with meekenesse seeketh in fayth and in prayer desyreth the glory of the Lorde Euident will those secrete mysteries be vnto him whiche are priuely hidde vnto other vnder dark ambages and parables Though this heauenly treasure of health be vnder locke and keye of vnknowne similitudes and so bee shutte vp
longeth for to be deliuered from this bodie of death shée coueteth to be dissolued and to be with Christ yea feruētly she desireth to rest in the armes of hir almightie spouse 2 Tell hir therefore that these sayings hath he which holdeth the vij starres in his right hand walketh in the middest of the vij golden Candelstickes which hath in his power all ministers of his worde to retain thē or to cast thē out remaineth among the congregations to beholde their actes and reward them according to their doings 3 I know thy workes sayth hée I perceue thy labour thy anguish thy affliction thy payne for vnto me nothing can be hid I consider also thy pacient sufferance in aduersitie and thy troublous crosse for my wordes sake thy constant fayth and thy vnbroken spirite 4 And I ponder thy feruent and godly zeale wherin thou canst in no wyse forbeare thē that are wicked and euill but thou hatest blasphéemers abhorrest the enemies of god 5 I much commend thée for that thou diligētly examinest them which call them selues Apostles and are none which boast thē selues to be christian teachers and are nothing lesse 6 And by thy diligent searche hast not only proued them false and deceiptfull Antichristes but also thou hast expelled thē least they shuld do harm 7 And though thou haste bene gréeuously vexed and persecuted of those false Prophets yet hast thou paciently suffred and firmly stand by the truth for my names sake Thou hast taken paynes and not faynted in thy labours so strong hath the spirit of God bene with thée And all these pointes in thée I greatly allow 8 Yet haue I somewhat agaynst thée for so much as thou arte fallen from thy first charitie the fruites of true faith not being so abundant and plentifull in thée as they were in the beginning of the Gospell nor thou so effectuall in working mercy pittie 9 Call therefore to thy remembraūce from what perfectiō thou art fallen and repent thy slipper weakenesse and slothfull negligence which hath not suffered thée to perseuer in thy first calling 10 And return to thy first works agayne walking in that feruēt faith in that godly spirite and in that swéete loue of thy neighbour that thou diddest walke in before diminish not but increase euermore in al goodnes 11 Els wil I come shortly vnto thée as a straight looker vpon thée 12 And except thou repent from the hart with ful purpose of amendmēt I will remoue thy Candelsticke out of hir place I shall take away from thence the sincere doctrine and pure preaching of my word suffer mens fantastical traditions olde womens dreames the spirites of errour the doctrine of diuels the lyes of hypocrites with all blyndnesse darknes abhominatiō and idolatrie there to remayne For where as my word is not sincerely taught beléeued and obserued but vncharitably dispised hated and persecuted there shall not my church remayne but in hir place shal stand vp the Sinagoge of Sathan with blyndnesse and induration For that congregatiō is not myne which hath not my worde No longer is it my church then it hath my veritie Turne back againe therefore to Abraham Isaac Iacob to the Prophetes and Apostles and exercyse the first workes leauing all papistrie 13 This warning hast thou of mée for that thou hatest the vnséemely déeds of the Nicolaytanes so called of one Nicolas a proselitie of Antioche and one of the vij Deacons ordayned by the Apostles Whose corrupte custome was among other to defile holy wedlock in making their wyues common in boasting them selues lawfully so to do by the example of the sayde Nicolas 14 Whose vncomely actes I hate and abhorre also hauing matrimonye in honor and the chamber therof vndefiled This premonishement haue I giuen thée also least thou in processe of tyme shouldest fall to Apostasie vtterly decline frō the truth 15 Let him that hath eares sayeth the Lord which is iudgement and discretion in the spirit diligētly heare and earnestly marke what the holy ghost speketh what premonishmēts he giueth what reward he promiseth to the faithfull congregations 16 To him that by the spirit of Christ and by faith victoriously ouercōmeth the world sin hell death the diuil I wil giue to eate of the trée of lyfe to haue reioyce here in the holy ghost to haue comfort peace and gladnesse in mée 17 And after this life eternall beatitude which is in the midst of the beautiful paradise or the triumphant church of my Lord my God and my celestial father yours also by mée THE TEXT 1 And vnto the Angel of the congregation of Smyrna w●yte 2. These things saith he that is the first the last 3 which was deade and is aliue 4. I knowe thy works and tribulatiō 5. And pouertie but thou arte rich 6. And I knowe the blasphemie of thē which call thēselues Iewes and are not but are the congregation of Sathan 7. Feare none of the things which thou shalt suffer 8. Behold the diuill shal cast some of you into prison to tempt you 9. And ye shal haue tribulation ten dayes 10. Be faithfull vnto the death 11. and I will giue thee a crowne of lyfe 12. Let him that hath eares heare vvhat the spirite saith to the congregations 13 He that ouercommeth shall not be hurt of the secōd death THE PARAPHRASE 1 Apply thée also my friend Iohn with all festination to write vnto the faithfull mynister of the congregacion of Smyrna which trauaylyng in thys vayle of myserie as the odoriferous myrrha giueth forth the swéete smell of all good christian workes and distrybuteth fréelye the precyous treasure of godly examples Shée beleueth in God shée séeketh his onely glorie shée foloweth his word shée rebuketh sinne with paciēce she openeth hir hāds to the poore she giueth meate to the hūgry drinke to the thirstie lodging to the straunger clothes to the naked comfort to the sicke and reliefe to the prisoner Shée is méeke gentle obedyent pacient and mercifull 2 Infourme hir therfore that these things sayeth he which is the fyrst and the laste the maker and redéemer the founder and restorer of all creatures 3 Which was once dead to redeme hir from eternall death and now is alyue to restore hir to lyfe euerlasting Let hir not doubt therefore to suffer héere lyke as hée hath suffred For as he is now immortall hath the ouer hande of death so shall shée be and haue the same 4 I know thy works saith the Lord to spring onely of fayth and to bée fashioned according to the word of God I perceyue thy manyfolde trybulations how thou arte outwardly afflicted by continuall persecution of enimyes and inwardly crucyated in conscience to beholde the damnable errours frowardnesse blindnes and vtter contempt of Gods trueth which raigneth in the wicked 5 I consider thy pouertie in the spirite that
then halfe deade yea is not to bée feared that for doubt of punishment and losse of their goods they looke backe agayne towarde Sodome with Lots wyfe consenting to theyr abhominations Let them not think that so doeth but a double plague foloweth them More worthie is he to perish the throweth him self willingly into a perell knowing it afore thē he which neuer knew it 14 Neyther repented they sayeth Sainct Iohn of their murther theyr witchcraft their whordom nor their ●●eft They sée of their owne congregation in pouertie penurie prisō and exile they know it is for none other then the testimony of Iesu. Yet haue they no mynde to help them No courage haue they to comfort thē They dare not be acknowne to fauour that sorte When any trouble commeth they are none of them They are wel contented to haue Christ in daliaūce but if he put them once to payne or aske ought of them thē bid they him adue they can no skill of him they know him not the farther of the better Thus are they become neyther hote nor cold ready to be spewed out of the mouth of God None other are they then murtherers that succoure not their brethren Worse are they then infidels that helpeth not the houshold of faith The witchcrafts of the hipocrits they know by the euidēt scriptures yet will they not flée frō thē 15 They know the open whordom of the babilonicall strūpet they know hir theft and robbery euermore spoiling God of his honour yet wil they r●nne to it séeke it and take parte of it with the vnfaithfull What is hée ●ls that runneth wyth a théefe but a théefe also Alacke they treade vnder their feete the precious gift of God Lyke vnprofitable seruauntes they hyde his godly treasure vnderneth the grounde And lyke vnreasonable dogges they turne agayne to theyr vomete The heauenly father of his eternall mercy graunt such to amend For a much greater plague abideth them than the other thought it be not here named For many stripes are due to that seruant which knoweth his Lordes will and doeth it not yea to sinne against knowledge is against the holy ghost irremissible The tenth Chapter THE TEXT 1 And I sawe an other mightie Angel 2. come dovvn from heauen 3. clothed vvith a cloude 4. and the Raynbovv vpon his head 5. And his face as it vvere the sun 6. and his feete as it vvere pillers of fyre 7. And he had in his hande a little booke open 8. And hee put his ryght foote vpon the Sea and hys lefte foote on the earth 9. And cryed vvith a loude voyce as vvhen a Lyon roareth 10. And vvhen hee had cryed seuen thunders spake their uoyces And vvhē the vij thūders had spoken theyr voyces 12. I vvas aboute to vvright And I hearde a voyce from heauen saying vnto mee 13. Seale vp these thinges vvhich the seuen thunders spake 14. And vvryte them not The Paraphrase 1 IN the middest of this moste vengeable tyme wherin the Antichristes hipocrites most fiercely sturreth about them 〈◊〉 vexe all the worlde with theyr ●erie blastes theyr filthie smoke ●nd theyr stinking brymstone to restore agayn theyr pleasaunt Euphrates the Lorde hath sent to the comfort of his certaine peculiar and chosen learned men moste constantlye to defende his veritie And then this present reuelation compareth to a strong Angell 1 I sawe saith sainct Iohn an other mightie strong Angell come downe from heauen With a stoute power came thys Aungell from God to withstand the furious beastes in thys sixt age of Christes church wherein they rage so sore God hathe raysed some godly persons now by whome many things are opened that afore tyme were hidde accept it were to a fewe poore soules in corners Cōstant are these and earnest yea inuincible warriours by the word of God For who can bée more strong then they which fi●ht with an inuincible weapon Which is the veritie of God That valiaunt cōquerour hath victorie in them which promised to giue them such mouth and wisedom as all enimyes should not bée able to resist 2 This Angell or ministers signified by him descende downe from heauen with Christ their maister as messengers sent of God The Apostates and Antichristes falleth down from heauen with theyr Captayne Lucifer lyke starres of darkenesse And as wicked séede not planted of God they ryse vp in the world 3 This Angell was cloathed with a cloude betokening these godly supporters of the Lords truth to be compassed with many harde showers and troublous crosses of opprobrious rebukes scornes slaunders lies and open blasphemyes to the vttermoste tryall of their weake fleshe And this cloude hideth from the world all that is in them spirituall and godly lyke as it did in Christ that to many they séeme not that they are in déed Bicause they are dispysed of the craftie generation and euill spoken of by the hypocrites the simple Idiotes and deceyued multitude doth iudge them ill doers yea they suppose them very heretiques and so doeth spyghtfullye call them Where as in verie déede they are the Angels of God and most high chosen messengers The Apostles thus vsed also of the world were named cloudes of Esay the Prophet verie long before they preached the Gospell What are these sayth he that flyeth lyke cloudes These were and are they that euery where poureth downe the sweete dewe rayne of the mysteries of God and seasonably moysteneth the grounde of faythfull heartes causing them to bryng foorth their fruites in due season 4 Upon the head of this Angel was the Rainebow And in thys are they noted to be the Angels of the couenaunt and the messengers of peace For so much as the Raynebow was the signe of Gods couenaunt concerning the floud Theyr message is that Christ is the only sauiour of the world and that none can perish beleeuing in him No dampnation is there to them which are in Christ Iesu. No though they neuer knowe one ceremony or popish constitution of theirs Though they neuer heare Masse nor goe procession though they neuer be greased shauen nor disguised though they neuer haue Beades Latine Primers portifolyomes nor other signes of hipocrisie yet are they promysed to haue attonemente with God Most rightly hath this Angell the raynebow on hys head for all the study practise and dilligence of the faithfull ministers is to declare the frée mercy of God and most friendly beneuolence in Christe withoute any pointe or iote of mens deseruinges least they shoulde perishe with the Pharysy for trustinge in their owne workes 5 The face of this Angell was as the bright sun Their outward shew is altogether Christe whiche is the sonne of ryghtuousnesse None other lyght shew they but hys None other doctrine declare they but hys holy Gospell neyther decrées nor decretals fathers constitutions nor Sinodals But them they leaue to the darke bloddy starres which
Unto them which at that day shall be in the cittie wil be that sitteth in the thron make all things now All dolour afflictiō sorow paine penury wrath cōdempnatiō death shal be past with them Only shal they be trodē down in this winefat of gods wrath that lyued héere lyke beastes without reason and that wandered here lyke horses and mules in theyr owne filthy lustes 12 All shal be punished there that was here vnbrideled vnordred vngouerned after the worde pleasure of God And therefore it is here sayd vnto the horse bridles Euery man shal receiue in body according to that he hath don whether it be good or euell They that haue wrought the work of God in faith shall reape according vnto it The bridles also betokeneth the mesure of gods iudgement not as concerning the tyme which is euerlasting but concerning the payne rightly mesured according to the iniquity For the lord hath set his iudgments ouer the wicked in weight and mesure the stripes agreing in quātiti to the exces of sin so much tormēt to haue as their reioice hath ben in wikednes 13 The space of these terible tormēts or punishmentes of hel is a M. and .vj. hundred furlongs A furlong of the Grekes is called the runne of Hercules it is in length an C. .xxv. paces or steppes And cōmōly they vsed accordīg to the length to measure their playing places Of whome Paule maketh mēcion to the Corinthiās being Gréekes by thē that rūneth in a course that proueth masteries In this thousande and vi hundred furlonges here is comprehended the whol vniuersal course of the wicked for the iiii quartars of the world The number of an hundred is euermore an whole complete perfect number And ●iij hūdred .iiij. times nūbred is .xvj. hūdred which maketh this number of a thousand vj. hūdred the number of iiij respecting alwayes the iiij clymates of the world which are the common habitaciōs of sinners In thē course they in all wantan kindes of liuing In thē worke they their masteris of all vngodly obseruaciōs and false worshippinges walking in the large or opē way which leadeth vnto death According to the number mesure of this course hath God here measured the place punishment Notwithstanding neuer is he without mercy Maruelous he is in his workes iudgemēts which are vnsercheable Blessed is he that shal haue his part in the citie or congregation of the rightuous and that shal sée the peace vpon Israel when the Lord shal lead forth them with the euil doers that hath 〈◊〉 them selues with their lawes The Lord graunt vs once to tast the prosperitye of Hierusalem Amen The xv Chapter NOt only for the common sinnes of the world doth the Lord plague but most of al for vnthankfulnes of al blasphemies the greatest From that spurneth against knowlege directly worketh against the holy ghost A double distruction or decay both of soule bodye by the righteousnesse of god must nedes followe the wilful cōtempt of his veritie manifestly shewed and openlye taught Yet is the Lorde so mercifull that hee willeth not the dānation of a sinner Such cōpassiō hath he euer our manifold weakenesse that he premonisheth vs of hys moste terrible plagues to call vs backe by feare if loue will not doe it As here consequently in the first vysion of this present reuelatiō to Iohn which followeth after this sort in this xv and xvj Chapters THE TEXT 1 And I saw an other signe in heuen great and merueilous 2. seuen Angels hauyng the seuen last plagues 3. for in them is fulfilled the vvrath of God 4. And I savve as it vvere a glassy sea 5. mingled vvith fyre 6. and thē that had gotten the victory of the beast and of his Image 7. and of his mark and of the number of his name 8. stande on the glassy sea 9 hauing the harps of God 10. And they sang the songe of Moyses the seruaunt of God 11. and the songe of the Lambe saying 12. Great and merueilous are thy vvorkes Lord God almightie 13. iust and true are thy vvayes thou king of Sainctes 14. VVho shall not feare O Lorde and glorifie thy name 15. For thou onely arte holy 16. and all gentiles shal come and vvorship before thee 17. for thy iudgements are made manifest The Paraphrase 1 And I sawe sayeth sainct Iohn by the secret goodnes of my Lord God yet an other tokē in heauē great merueilous straunge and wonderfull For in the churches or congregation of God are euermore vttered his wonderfull and déepe iudgementes vnto them only whome his grace appoynteth as vnto Iohn And this is the token in mistery 2 Seuen Aungels had in their hands the seuen last plagues Some expositors haue taken these Angels for the right ministers in the .vii. ages of the christian church Some haue thought them to be the peruerse prechers and vngodly ministers of all the sayde ages suffered of God strongly to delude the vnbeléeuers that he wich hurteth should hurte stil and that he wkich is in fylthines should still be filthy Unto euery age corresponding an Aungell to declare the nature of those deceitefull hyrelings and lying masters And this maketh them so to vnderstande the texte They are here expresly noted to be in heauen Among the congregation of God are the false Prophets and discembling Hipocrits euermore as the chaffe among the corne the teares among the wheate and the filthy dregs amonge the pure wine For that kyngdome is as a net throwen into the sea and gatheringe all manner of fishes both good and bad In all ages hath the wicked generaciō increased to impugne the truth and stifly s● to stande vp agaynste God and his Christ whiche is none other after their mindes than to minister the .vii. laste plagues here For no poyson is to the soule so pestilent nor yet venim so noyfull as is false doctrine No plage can be thought more deadlie nor violent than to depriue vs of that faith of that veritie of that life whiche is in Christ Iesu or to bring vs out of the way which he hath appointed And al this séemeth no smal likelyhood of the iust vnderstanding of the text here Yet Frances Lambert geuith a far better iudgment calling thē the set sentēces or vnuariable decrées of god difining his iudgments against the wicked in his latter age of the world at their appointed times to be vtterred For all these thinges are iontely to be considered These Angles came not onely from heauen which is the congregation as they haue mencioned but also out of the celestiall temple of the tabernacle of testimonie which is the omnypotente God his Christ as the xxi chap. hereof declareth They are also clothed with pure whit linnen gyrded with golden girdles they haue golden vials deliuered vnto them by one of the iiii beasts and one of them commoneth with Iohn declarynge vnto him the iudgement and fall of the
great whore Whiche ar no arguments that they are here to be taken for ill preachers though thei here minister the last vii plagues Therfore shall we iudge them here to be Gods appoynted purposes or eternally decréed pleasures against the wilfull obstinates and indurat rebellions to the end of the world These are called the last plagues because they fall in the last age of the world whō Esay Hieremy Oseas Micheas calleth the last daies Ihō the last hour● Paul the ends of the world Seauen are they named here in a vniuersall respecte both of the times parsons places and peruerse doctrins of the whole world And also because of the .vii. seales and the .viii. trompets to whose iudgementes they ioyntly agrée as in the nexte Chapter following will appeare more largely 3 For in them sayeth the text is fulfilled the wrath of God The indignation of the Lord is in them wholy declared For what hate can he shewe more vnto a man than to withdrawe him from him his grace to leaue him to himselfe to suffer him in his owne blinde iudgements to geue him ouer to his owne fylthy lustes and to sende him the operation of errour to his double damnation A very fulfilling of Gods anger is it also to appoynte vs a false Prophete or deceiuable curate a wanton Prince or vngodly gouernour These therefore with such like are those plagues in whome is déepely accomplished the displeasure of God And they are here named the last plagues for after them shall none other be séene the latter day finishing and clearin all 4 And I beheald sayeth Iohn in the same sayd vision as it were a glassy sea or a greate fllowing water in similitude of glasse all myngled with fyre None other is this sea but the precious verity of the Lord so cleare as glasse and so pure as christal This sea gushed out of the harde rocke of stone that was clouen a sonder in the desarte When he sente forth his spirite these waters flowed forth in abundaunce 5 Most effectual and quick is this sea And therefore it is here noted and myngled with fyre which signifyeth the holy ghost For neuer is the verity without Gods spirite A fierce fiery streame calleth Danyell this sea all fiery is the word Lord sayeth Dauyd also and therefore thy seruant loueth it This is the fountayne of liuing water springing vp into the life euerlasting Unto this water shoulde all they resort that are thirsty thereof to take refreshing 6 Upon this glassy sea were they séene of saynte Iohn that had obtayned victory of the beast of his Image of his mark and of the number of his name By whom are ment those constaunt christiās which hath for al ages firmly affirmed the truth For none aduersitie declining from it Strongly haue these since the Apostles time resisted the aduersaries of God by his onelye word persisting therin vnto the death as did Stéeuen Iames and Antipas with such other his faithful witnesses Uictory haue they gotten by faith both of the beast and his Image both of the great Antichrist and his supporters of the pope and of Mahomet with their maintainers Emperours Kings and maigistrates and of al thē that vsurpe their title name seate aucthorytie pompe or power 7 They haue blemished likwise by the said word not only the mark of the beast which is corrupted faith but also the number of his name which is the denial of God Them haue they to their rebuke vttered and to their confusion declared They haue proued their orders ●amnable their doctrin deuilish their religion hipocrisie their spiritualty playne wickednes condemning them by the scriptures as vngodly dissemblers denying the Lord which bought them These are they whom the lorde tenderlye nourished and graciouslye brought forth vpon the refreshing waters cōuerting their soules to his godly feare and loue 8 These stand euermore on the glassy sea they set sure footing vpon the rocke stone Unmouably they perseuer in ● truth neuer deniyng it afore men 9 And they haue in their handes the harps of god which are deuout mind● geuen all vnto godlynesse and reioysing in spirituall things 10 Harmoniously they sing the tune●able song of Moyses the faithfull seruant of god and the melodious swéet● song of the lamb Iesus Christ. 11 Of both testaments they make vtterance declaring the wonderful works and terrible iudgementes ●ute of the olde lawe and ●ute of the Gospell of gladnesse the moste swéet● mercy of the Lorde Withoute ceasing open they the the scriptures vnto other inwardly reioysing in spirituall Himnes and Psalmes hauing this euermore for the standing tenour of the song 12 Inestimably greate is thy goodnes and wonderfully maruelous are thy workes Lord God almighty 13 Iust are thy promyses and moste perfitely sure thy wayes thou gloryous King of sayntes gracious g●ydt of the Godly beléeuers 14 Who shall not euermore feare thée a mighty Lord who shall not alwayes in heart glorifye thy blessed name 15 Thou alone art holy iust and perfite for none is there good but thy selfe onely Thou arte our our only maker redéemer and comforter None other haue we for our God but thée 16 No doubt of it but the time will be that al kinds of people both Iewes and gentiles faythfull and Heaten shall seeke vnto thée and shall faythfully in verity and spirite worship before thée acknowleging thée for their only Lord God 17 Because thy wonderfull iudgements that somtime were secret are now to the world made openly knowē and manifest Though this songe be litle and small yet is there in contayned all veritye that both Moyses and Christ confesseth at large Moreouer whatsoeuer the scriptures cōprehēdeth either of the great omnipotency of god or of his most wonderfull works eyther of his louing mercy or of his benigne pittie towards man of his glorious name or mighty power or that he is to be magnified and feared or how that the faithfull pertaineth only to his kingdome or how that al people shall finally be conuerted vnto him Al is compendiously in this briefe songe here contained what though it be not so word by word expressed And as cōcerning that is here last spoken that his iudgements are made manifeste it is to be vnderstāded of those faithful creatures whom he calleth cleareth and iustifieth of none other For vnto them onely are his heauenly veryties knowne to whom he witsaueth to opē them Though the other outwardely sée the iudgments of God yet doe they not inwardly perceiue thē though the b●st it neuer so much For it is geuen them so to doe They must haue eyes and not see eares and not vnderstand The Text. 1. And after that I looked 2. And behold the tēple of the tabernacle of testimonie 3. Was opē in heauē 4 and the vii Angels 5. came out of the tēple 6. vvhich had the .7 plagues 7. Clothed in pure and bright linnen 8 And hauing their breasts girded with golden girdles 9. And one
by my onely reuelation or shewing whiche am the eternall spouse of the church hath he receiued them to their singular health and comforte 3 And as cōcerning me without faile I am the originall roote or grounde of saluation in Dauid after the word and after the flesh I am of his stocke or generation For in mée are fulfilled all promises of health that euer god made for that faythfull housholde By mee had Dauid his beginning for I made him and by me shall he and all other true Israelites in him haue for euer a glorious continuaunce for I saued them in that fleshe 4 To all them which walke after Dauids fayth am I the bright mornyng starre of grace remouyng the filthye cloudes of errour The shyning clearenesse of godly vnderstanding finishing the darke night of ignoraunce I bring with me the day of mercy health and rightuousnesse and the Sabboth of full reconciliation to God I giue light vnto them that sate in darkenesse directing their féete in the path way of peace 5 For my worde is spirite and veritie resurrection and lyfe And where as it shyneth in the hartes of mortall men it maketh them the children of light To séeke vnto this necessarye light the eternall spirite of God the holy Ghost dayly moueth and prouoketh by many inwarde callings vpon saying alwayes 6 Come with a sincere fayth Drawe nygh vnto him and be lightened and your frayle consciences shall neuer be confounded Resorte vnto him all you that are loaden and he shall refreshe you The bryde or congregation of the Lorde thus taught sturred and prycked forewarde of his spirite sayth also in hyr heart euermore with a feruent desyre Oh come my moste delectable spouse lord Iesus Christ my health ioye and swéetnesse Apply that the immortall glory of the chosen children of God may be séene of all creatures iniquitie cōdempned for euer Accomplish the mariage appointed from the worlds beginning Permit the prepared spouse with hir appoynted number to enter into thy eternall tabernacle of rest 7 Moreouer sayth the Lord whatsoeuer they be that shall heare and beleue this prophecie let them desire the consummation therof and so conforme them selues vnto Christ his church saying also 8 Come moste mercifull sauiour and redéemer and fulfill the godly promyses of this booke to the eternall comforte of man Make hast to the iudgement seat for a full deliuerance of the whole chosen number that thy seruaunts may be where as thou art in perfecte glory and ioy 9 Fynally let him sayth the Lorde that in faith is a thirst or that hath in him a desire to be saued hast him selfe forewarde and come also Let hym onely beleue For the plentuous fountaynes of the lyuyng waters mencioned afore are withholden from no seruaunt of God Nothing is denyed vnto him that asketh in fayth In prayer are all spiritual commodities graūted 10 Whosoeuer therfore hath a wil● conformable vnto Gods will let hym take fréely without price or payment without satisfaction or merite the pleasaunt water of the lyfe for euer refreshing hys soule in the plentuousnesse thereof 11 Of grace and fauour is saluation in Christ layde forth Onlye is héere required but a will to séeke for it Not that it shall so be deserued For neyther is it of hym that willeth nor yet of him that runneth But the gracious Lorde whiche calleth men to these waters putteth into thē a stomake thirst desire to couet them Yea he mynistreth strēgth to the séeking of thē least some of the glory therof shuld remayn vnto their deseruings and not all to his mercy alone Thus standeth the doctrine of our worke braggers voyde which neither féedeth nor satisfieth considering that not for our rightuous doings but alone for his owne mercyes sake hath he saued vs. The text 1 But I testifie vnto euery man that heareth the vvordes of prophecie of this booke 2. if any man shall adde vnto these things 3. God shall adde vnto him the plagues 4. that are vvrittē in this booke 5. And if any man shall mynish of the vvordes of the booke of thys prophecie 6. God shall take avvay hys parte out of the booke of life 7. and out of the holy citie 8. from the things vvhich are vvritten in this booke 9. He vvhich testifieth these things sayeth 10. Yea 11. I come quickely 12. Amen 13. Euē so 14. come lord Iesus 15. The grace of our Lorde Iesus 16. be vvith you all 17. Amen The Commentary 1 As my dutie is sayeth saint Iohn to premonish afore hande I faithfully proteste by this my present testimony vnto all those men that shall hereafter receyue the wordes of this wonderful prophecy here written in thys booke eyther by reading or hearing 2 That if any of them shall presumptuously take vpon him to adde any thing thervnto in purpose to peruert the truth or cōtrary to the holy ghostes meaning as Carpocras Hebion Cerinthus and other antichristes hath done with the other scriptures 3 Be certayn and sure of it that the eternall god from whom nothing can be hid shal adde vnto him for so doing the most terrible and woful plages regestred afore in thys worke 4 That is to say he shall suffer him to runne in to moste déepe errours giue him ouer for euer into the sinne against the holy ghost whervpon all other plages of dampnation dependeth Ye shall put nothing sayth the Lorde vnto the worde that I haue giuen you neither shall ye take any thing from it Put thou nothinge vnto his sayinges sayth Salomō of thine owne imaginytion least he reproue thée for a dāpnable liar Nothing is this against thē which by the other scriptures and histories doth expounde thys reuelacyon to make it to theyr vnderstandynge more playne For than should Saynt Augustyne saint Hierome Isydorus Beda Rabanus dyuers other great pillars of the church be vnder these plages for doeing that charitable office So should also the doctrine of this booke be against it self in the .xiii. chapter where as libertie is giuen to hym that hath writ to count the number of the beast in other places els But this is here spoken from them that corrupteth the text to mayntaine their blasphemous lyes for aduauntage or that séeketh to blemish the right sence therof least men should behold thē in their right colours as the wicked papists hath don euer since their begīning so drownning the authoritie maiestie thereof 5 Moreouer sayth saynt Iohn if any mortall man shal presume to deminish the wordes contayned in the volume of this heauenly Prophecye vnreuerently so controuling the wysdome of God 6 The sayd omnypotent god and reuenger of al vngodlinesse shall clerely wype away his porcion out of the booke of lyfe so that he shal be none of theyr number whych are predestinated to the glory of his children 7 Neyther shall such be alowed for cityzens with the saintes in the holy cōgregation of hys newe Hierusalem nor yet be accepted