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A01743 The sacred philosophie of the Holy Scripture, laid downe as conclusions on the articles of our faith, commonly called the Apostles Creed Proved by the principles or rules taught and received in the light of understanding. Written by Alexander Gil, Master of Pauls Schole. Gill, Alexander, 1565-1635. 1635 (1635) STC 11878; ESTC S121104 493,000 476

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2. How are wee freed from that damnation under which we were brought through the sinne of Adam while the Divine Iustice is yet unsatisfied 3. And if Christ have not suffered for vs what example hath He left unto vs that wee should follow his steps 4. Wee that are the Disciples should bee above our Master our patience more then His our love to Him more then His to vs If wee for His sake should willingly suffer persecution shame losse imprisonment death which He Himselfe had not suffered for vs. And 5. It had been utterly to no end that He should have become man For as it had been in vaine for Him to have taken a body which should againe have beene scattered into that from whence it was taken as Apelles affirmed so had it beene to no end to take a body and therein to suffer the darkning of His divine glory if by that body no benefit had redounded to the creature But if you desire moe reasons hereto they that are brought in the Chapter for His suffering crucifying death and buryall may give you full satisfaction So the errours that are yet remaining about the suffering of Christ are two one of the Theopaschites who held that the God-head of Christ did suffer while His body was nayled on the Crosse Aug. de Haer. Cap. 73. The other of the Patrispassians such as Praxeas and Sabellius who because they thought that as the Father and the Son were but one substance so were they likewise but one Person and therefore they affirmed that God the Father was incarnate and suffered Aug. de Haer. Cap. 41. But the former of these is sufficiently reproved by the doctrine of the 9. Cha. For if God be not any kind of matier nor a compound nor a formed body nor subject to any accident but that His being be most simple and pure as was there shewed by every one of these circumstances it will follow necessarily that God cannot suffer The later is refuted by all the reasons of the 11. and 23. Chapters And if you hold not your selfe satisfied by that which is brought in those Chapters and the answeres to the reasons of Sabellius Note d on Chap. 11. You may doe well to read Epiph. Haer. 57. and Tertullian against Praxeas For this very question whether God the Father was incarnate and suffered is the Argument of that Booke b That by His partaking of our sufferings He might c. It may heere not vnfitly be demanded for what causes Christ the Holy one of God should die for vs and how that death becomes availeable to free vs from the power of sinne of death and hell For answere Wee must first put that which was the first and principall cause of our salvation the eternall purpose of God which He ●urposed in Iesus Christ our Lord. Ephe. 3.11 See Actes 2.23 And this not for any graces or workes fore-seene in us But according to the good pleasure of His owne will Ephe. 1.5 For He hath saved us and called us with an Holy calling not according to our workes but according to His owne purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Iesus before the world began 2. Tim. 1.9 And he that puts any outward cause or good workes fore-seene in us whereby God might bee moved to chuse us takes away the chiefe glory of his grace and makes him to bee lesse good So then the first cause of all the causes and meanes of our salvation in Christ is the free mercy and purpose of God the Father which because it is the first it must needes also be the chiefe cause seeing all other causes worke to that end to which they are ordered and guided by the first And because the Son doth nothing of Himselfe but what things soever He seeth the Father doe those also doth the Sonne likewise Iohn 5.19 Therefore secondly did the Sonne according to that eternall purpose of the Father offer Himselfe vnto His Father for man as a ransome and satisfaction for their sinne as it is said Psal 40.7 Loe I come in the volume of the Booke it is written of mee to doe thy will O God Heb. 10.7 For in Him onely is God well pleased Matth. 12.18 And this is that Eternall Gospel of the Lambe slaine from the foundation of the World Apoc. 13.8 For through the Eternall Spirit did H● offer Himselfe without spot vnto God But if this offer of our Redeemer who offered Himselfe for vs had not beene accepted of His Father then had it beene of no availe for us Therefore in the third place it must appeare that God did accept this Sacrifice of His Sonne which is manifest first by this That it was the disposition and purpose of God Himselfe as was shewed in the first place and as it is said Heb. 10.10 By the will of God are wee sa ctified through the offering of the body of Iesus Christ once for all Neither was God in this reconciliation of man-kind a willer or disposer onely but a worker also of our Redemption For God was in Christ reconciling the World vnto himselfe not imputing their trespasses vnto them 2. Cor. 5.19 If God then be for us who can be against us If He Iustifie who can condemne us who ●ave the decree and will of God for our Iustification the offer and acceptance of Christ both God and man for our ransome and reconciliation and that offer was made by the eternall Spirit And this Spirit also beareth witnesse to our Spirit that wee are the sonnes of God Rom. 8.16 The second cause concernes the justice of God by which our Lord Christ died for vs. And it stood in this that He according to the will of His Father became our surety Hebr. 7.22 and bound Himselfe to make satisfaction for the sin of man which man himselfe could not doe as it hath beene manifest before Chap. 19. Now in this satisfaction of Christ the infinite Iustice was accorded with the infinite Love of God to the creature The infinite love appeared as was said before first in this that the Sonne was called and appointed to the performance of this glorious worke Hebr. 5. verse 4 5.10 Then in this that being performed it was accepted in our name and for our everlasting happinesse as it is said Iohn 3.16 God so loved the world that He gave His onely begotten Sonne that whosoever beleeveth Him should not perish but have everlasting life The infinite Iustice was manifest in this that the satisfaction of Christ was a full and perfect satisfaction according to the rigour of Iustice and that both in respect of the infinite value thereof and of the punishment which our Mediator endured The infinite value of the satisfaction was first in the Person that offered it For as the grieuousnesse of the injurie exceeded by the worthinesse of the Person of the Father that was offended So the value of the satisfaction exceeded by the worthinesse of the Sonne that made the amends And
also may bee holy even as Hee which hath called them is Holy and that according to the Law or rule of a sanctified life according to which they ought to live and count it their present misery that they are still subject unto sinne and so in their spirit they serve the Law of God though in their flesh the law of sinne See Rom. 1.25 But so many of this Church as are already freed from this bondage of corruption in the assurance of eternall blisse waite in hope for the redemption of their bodies so that both in body and soule they may serve the living God Obiect 2 Object 2. But why doe you call them holy men Can neither Women nor Children be heires of eternall life Answere As the word Homo in Latine signifies any of the race of man-kind as homo nata est Shee was borne man Serv. Sulp. ad Cic. So is man often used in English and therefore by the title of the most worthy the whole race of man kind is here understood So that not onely they which are within the virge of the visible Churches and have the ordinary meanes of faith that is the word and sacraments are comprehended hereby but also such as have not those meanes as they that live in the Countreys of Panims and Gentiles yea and of the Pagans themselues all such as the Lord our God shall call Neither may wee presume to forbid them to come unto God who seeme denied of the outward meanes of knowledge as the deafe the blind the Idiots in as much as God the God of the spirits of all flesh Numb 16.22 can by His Spirit guide the will and informe the understanding as it pleases him Prov. 21.1 See further hereto Note a § 2. n. 4. on Chap. 32. And thus you understand what is meant by men and withall why the Church is called Catho ike or Vniversall namely because it holds the number of Gods chosen which ha●e beene or shall be called out from the rest of all the men of the world from Adam unto the last man that shall be borne as this Church confesseth unto Christ Rev. 5.9 Thou had redeemed us unto God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and Nation and people The last circumstance is concerning the predestination of them that are in this Church for seeing none can be glorified but they that are justified in Christ neither can any one bee justified but such as are called and predestinate Rom. 8.30 and seeing that to the infinite wisedome of God all his workes are knowne and determined Act. 15.18 it is impossible that any one can be a member of this Church but onely such as God out of His eternall love hath predestinate thereunto Object 1 Object But there is one God and Creatour of all whose mercie is over all His workes and He hateth nothing that He hath made And therefore it may seeme that all are equally predestinate unto eternall life if all doe equally lay hold thereon Answere As the creature could not cause it selfe to bee So neither being corrupted by originall sinne can it change that being wherein it is See Art Eccl. 10. and seeing God alone doth worke in us both to will and to doe of his owne good pleasure Phil. 2.13 it is not in any man of Himselfe to lay hold on eternall life nor to end●auour any thing thereto no not so much as to will or desire it without the speciall wo●ke of God in him who worketh all things according to the counsell of His owne will Ephe. 1.11 So man though made upright yet being originally corrupted and left to the hand of his owne will cannot cease to sinne And although God permit him to follow his owne wayes yet that permission is no cause of any mans sinne nor puts it any thing in the reprobate why he should sinne But in the predestinate it is not so For he renews them in the spirit of their mind unto sanctification converting their will and making them ready unto every good worke Object 2 2. Object If then predestination be not of all men unto eternall life and yet that all men are in one and the same state of nature corrupted by the sinne of Adam It may seeme that God did predestinate and chuse out of the masse of man-kind those onely whom He did fore-see that they would bee excellent for their good works and so for their future merits sake adopted them to bee heires of eternall life Answere God is debtor to no man and where bee that gives is no way bound the gift can no way be accounted but onely of his free will that giveth so Predestination hath no other originall but onely the meere free-will of the Almighty God But if our works fore-seene were any cause of our predestination 1. How then could it bee of His mercy onely Rom. 9.16 2. How could it bee according to the good pleasure of His will Ephe. 1.5 3. How were it to the glory of His grace if the worthinesse of our workes foreseene had any right therein Ephe. 16 4. How were our boasting excluded Rom. 3.27 if they were the cause of our happines 5. And if our workes fore-seene be the cause of our predestination then also of all the consequents thereof as of our election calling justification and glorification But this is most false See 2. Tim. 1.9 Therefore also the former 6. Moreover what good workes can bee in man which God Himselfe doth not worke in us as the Prophet saith Esay 26.12 O Lord thou hast wrought all our workes in us 7. If God have created good workes that wee should walke in them and good workes acceptable to God bee found only in them that are predestinate and chosen to life it followes that good workes are fore-seene in us not as the cause but as the fruits and effects of predestination For if they can be no other than the effects of Gods grace in us they cannot be fore-seene as a cause of His grace towards us This objection is laid to them of the Romane Church but as farre as I have any acquaintance with them I find no such thing by them Tho. Aqu. contr Gent. lib. 3. Can. 163. teacheth the contrary and gives his reasons The grace of God saith hee is an effect of predestination and goes before all humane merit 2. The Divine will and Providence are the cause of all other things For of Him in Him and for Him are all things Neither can it be accounted the doctrine of their Church for in the 7. Can. Sess 6. Core Trid. where all the causes of the justification of man in the state of Nature are reckoned up efficient finall formall instrumentall the meritorions cause is put onely the suffering of our Lord who thereby made full satisfaction to God and merited justification for us And if wee be justified onely by the merit of Christ and not by any merit fore-seene in us then are we called chosen and predestinate
more fully assured unto us then this among all those things which we doe beleeve Stay thou trembling and fearefull soule and though the ugly visage of thy monstrous sinnes make thee afraid which indeed are so much the more hideous and deformed because they are not onely against the Law of God but against the law of reason rightly judging and against thine owne conscience yet stay and see what hope there is for thee and though that messenger of hell Despaire with all that wretched traine of all thy sinne which he brings with him doth hunt thee so close that thou darest not stay though thou wouldest be any thing save that thou art and most of all nothing at all yet see if a doore of hope as wide as the valley of A●hor Hos 2.15 be not set open for thee onely if thou wilt be intreated to goe in and be saved 1. Thou objectest the wrath of God from which there is no avoidance But are not all men borne under one state of corruption and who can s●y his heart is cleane if God then should be extreame to marke what is done amisse who can abide it and if every sinne in as much as it is against an infinite justice deserues eternall punishment can no man be saved So all man-kind should have beene created onely to punishment but this is against the infinity of His goodnesse who is full of compassion slow to anger and great in mercy good to all and His tender mercies are above all His workes Exod. 34.6 Psal 144.8 9. Therefore there is forgivenesse of sinnes 2. Therefore is the sinne of the wicked angels unpardonable because it was wilfull in them because they cannot repent them of it and because they have no mediator to make satisfaction for their sinne All which through the mercy of God to us are found contrary in the sinne of man for neither was his sinne wilfull or of himselfe alone but from the devill which tempted him thereto neither is it without repentance in all that belong to God neither is it without a Mediator that is able to make satisfaction fully for all our sinnes But when all sufficient meanes are orderly disposed for an end it is impossible but that the end should follow Therefore there is a forgivenesse of sinnes as we are taught to pray 3. Glory and happinesse is not given till sinnes be first forgiven So that if there be not a forgivenesse of sinnes the greatest and most excellent vertues must for ever remaine without reward For we see that in this life vertue is so farre from reward or esteeme that it is rather persecuted with hatred and contempt as the Proverbe hath it Virtutis ●omes inuidia And if vertue can find no reward neither in this life nor in that which is to come then the goodnesse and justice of God should be defective But this is impossible therefore there is forgivenesse of sinnes 4. Change the termes of the first reasons in the 18. Chapter and they are easily brought to this conclusion So from the reasons for the Catholike Church and from many other this Article is easily concluded as you may see by the reason following 5. Christ tooke not on Him the nature of Angels but He tooke on Him the seed of Abraham H br 2.16 For it behooved Him in all things to be made like unto His brethren that He might bee a mercifull and faithfull High Priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people therefore was Hee made a little lesse then the Angels that Hee might suffer death for our sinnes and this that Hee might abolish his power that had the power of death Hebr. 2.14 15 16 17. but nothing of all this for any benefit to Himselfe but for us was He borne for us He died and rose againe and sitteth at the right hand of God making intercession for us And these are the glorious workes which were given unto Him of the Father to doe for us and cannot possibly be in vaine Therefore seeing He Himselfe became our surety for the things of heaven are not knowne but by the Registers of heaven See Hebr. 10.7 and 7.22 Gen. 3.15 Esay and hath in His owne body borne the punishment of our sinnes upon the tree 1. Pet. 2.24 it cannot stand with the justice of God to exact that debt of us which our surety hath satisfied And therefore it followes that our sinnes are forgiven us 6. And that I may at once decide this question both by reason and authority also of holy Writ and give full comfort and hope to thee poore soule that art pressed downe even to the gates of hell under the burthen of thy sinnes stay and see if thy comforts be not greater then thou hadst thought First it is a cleare case that no mans life is justly call'd in question but by the plaine and manifest letter of the Law Thou wilt say that is thy desperate case For it is written Deut. 27.26 Cursed is hee that confirmeth not all the words of this Law to doe them so is the Letter I confesse but that is now cancell'd and that by the interpretation of the Law it selfe builded upon one and the same justice with the former as where it is said Hab. 2.4 The just shall live by faith then not by doing the workes of the Law although it be most just that he that doth the workes of the Law should live therein Levit. 18.5 as Saint Paul argues Galat. 3.12 for Lawes are made for the preseruation of humane society in generall so for the safety and defence of every innocent in particular that doing well they may be without feare Rom. 13.3 But Christ our Saviour though He were separate from sinners though no deceit were found in His mouth lived not in His innocency by the patronage of the Law And if the Law had not power to give life to the innocent neither in justice can it have power to condemne the guilty and if no flesh shall be justified by the workes of the Law Galat. 2.16 but that all men thereby stand guilty before God what madnesse is it to seeke life by that which brings the sentence of condemnation and that upon all men indifferently And if Christ Iesus be of God made unto us Wisedome Righteousnesse Sanctification and Redemption 1 Cor. 1.30 what shall we need to feare the condemnation of the Law which through the infirmity of our flesh was unable to give life or seeke any other righteousnesse then that which by faith we have in him And if He be our righteousnesse how can the Law condemne us when He hath fulfilled it for us Rom. 8.3 4. therefore comfort thy selfe in God Blessed is the man whose hope is in the Lord his God and though thy hopes be weake nay though thou walke in darkenesse and have no light yet trust in the Name of the Lord and stay upon thy God Esay 50.10 And though thy conscience
had brought in death it was a mercy that all those enemies of life which accompanied death should shew themselues that man mi●ht dai●y be put in mind of his mortalitie and returne unto H m whom he had offended Now if you shall aske from whence this change of estates from immortality to mortality did succeed in man I thinke even from hence that the pure soule the image of God dwelling in the body which was framed of the bodily creature which was yet pure and not subiected to the curse had power to sustaine the body in that perfect estate wherein it was created and s● should have preserved it for ever if it had held that dignitie which it had and hearkened onely to the ordinance of God and had reigned over the bodily affections and desires as it ought and had power to doe But when the soule would forsake God the guide thereof and that dignitie which it had naturally over the body and follow the lusts and appetites thereof and for that treason against God lost the power and strength which it had to support the body and moreover must seeke sustenance for the body out of the creature now accursed and deprived of her first strength it was impossible but that according to the curse corruption diseases and death should follow thereupon Yet seeing the merit of Chri t is so ful of satisfactiō to the justice of God and He so powerfull to restore all the decay of nature and to destroy all the wrack and mischiefe which the devill hath brought thereinto wee may firmely beleeve as we professe in this Article that wee shall at last be brought to the e●●oying of everlasting life better than that to which wee were at first created 1. For although by the craft of the devill sinne entered into the world and death by sinne passed over all man-kind yet seeing man was made immortall and that neither the end which God purposed nor yet the infinite merit of the death of Christ can bee in vaine it is impossible but that man-kind at last should be brought to eternall life 2. The infinite goodnesse of God is the reason and the cause that he is good to all and that His mercy is over all His workes Psal 145.9 Therefore there is an eternall life reserved for man the most excellent of the visible creature and the will of man above all other things desires an eternall life in glory and happinesse according to His promises But if no such eternall life shall bee then the action of God toward His creature shall be in litlenesse and defect neither shall he fulfill the desire of them that feare Him So also the will of man should more desire the accomplishment of the divine goodnes upon the creature than the will of God should desire the accomplishment of it selfe But these things are impossible therefore there shall bee an eternall life in glory and happinesse 3. Virtue and the ready service of man unto God is that thing wherewith God in man is most delighted and which He hath commanded as it is said Be ye holy for I am holy Lev. 11.44 and the desire of this holinesse is found in them especially that hunger and thirst after righteousnesse and hate their sinnes whereby they displease Him But this seruice of man to God hath not hitherto beene duely performed by any living among the sonnes of men neither can be performed both in body and soule by the dead Therefore it shall be performed in the life that is to come wherein both Gods will and the desires of His shall bee fulfilled See Matth. 5.6 4. If there shal be an eternal life for man then man shall receive of the divine goodnesse and power a power whereby he may both bee and doe those things whereto the divine goodnesse and wisedome hath appointed him But if there be no life eternall then the end of mans creation should be onely to privation and not being But it were better never to have beene than after all the miseries of this life in the end to returne to an everlasting not being For so the effect that is man-kind should no way be answerable to the cause nor yet be any proofe or manifestation o● that goodnesse infinity eternitie and power by which it was made But this is impossible and against the conditions both of the prime cause and the infinitie of the dignities thereof Object But you will say that this reason doth no m●re prove that there is an eternall life for man than for beasts and other of the creatures which also ought to continue for the proofe of that wisedome and almightynesse of their cause Answere There is a difference betweene the end and those things which are for the end Man is the end of all the visible creature and therefore it followes that all those things are to bee in man as in the end so far forth as they can be worke or be glorified in Him And from hence also it followeth that man must bee for ever lest all these things which were for him should returne to nothing with him and the image of that infinite goodnesse and wisedome by which they were made should come to nothing eternally Therefore though they shall be in man as the idéa of them all yet not in their severall or distinct beings beside man 5. No naturall desire of the creature which is implanted in every individuall of every kind can bee in vaine because it is implanted therein by a superiour power which cannot bee frustrate But it is implanted in all men naturally both to desire and to hope for eternall life Therefore there shal be an eternall life For if after the resurrection man should not live for ever then there should be in God a will to raise him to life contrary to his will that hee should live for ever So His being should not be simple and one but this is impossible as it was proved Chap. 9. § 6. 6. The more powerfull that any cause is the more manifestly doth the likenesse thereof appeare in the effect And sith God is the first and chiefe cause of all and that the likenesse of man His worke shall be greater in his perpetuall wel●-being than in not being at all therefore there shall bee an eternall life wherein the greatest likenesse of the effect to the cause shall be perfected that man may live in eternall Righteousnesse Wisedome and Glory Otherwise the infinite justice might seeme defective in reward and punishment if both good and bad should perish alike Moreover the word whereby the punishment was inflicted was neither so generall nor so without exception but that there was grace reserved And now lest he take of the tree of life and live for ever in his sin therefore the Lord God sent him forth of the garden of Eden the type of eternall happinesse till he had tasted of death the punishment of his sinne then should hee live for ever in joy 7. And these
did but thinke so Is not this that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that shreeves himselfe to his wife Iuno for all his slipperie prancks with Danae Sem●le Latona and the rest Ili●d ξ. that threatens to clapper claw her Iliad ● that gaue her the strappado with two Anvils at her heeles Iliad ● yet see how we are bound to beleeve it Ante haec tempora repertum non putamus qui hanc ex literarum hyperthesi theologiam vulgarit felicia tempora quae te But if you take away hanc the rest is the praise of the Cabalists Read Iohannes Picus de Mirandula Archangel Reuchlin and in speciall his books de Verbo mirifico But to what purpose is all this grammar learning which he presumes to know alone did ever any man brag so loud for two sheets of paper forsooth to prove that Hades is derived of Adamah it proves it not But I will rather give it than I will trouble you further with it CHAP. II. What God is And that He is Everlasting HOw is it possible to define or bound an infinite Being If we looke upon the Creature to find a name for him thereby though Hee bee the cause of all though all things speake his praise yet Hee for ever dwelt in Eternity before any thing in the Creature was If wee looke upon the excellencies of the Creature the goodnesse or wisdome or power or glory or virtue or whatsoever else our words or thoughts can reach unto yet all these excellencies are from him the footsteps onely of his passage by them The whole Creature therefore with all the excellencies thereof cannot afford him a name whereby to know what his Being is So wonderfull is He so superexcellent above all names Yet such is his mercy as that in his holy word he hath been pleased to lisp with us as a mother with her infant and to give us names as certaine remembrances whereby our hearts may be lifted up unto him Of these some are given onely by way of comparison of which you may reade more in the 8. Chap. Some are onely negative by which we may better understand what he is not than what he is as S. Paul speakes 1. Tim. 1.17 Vnto the King Everlasting Immortall Invisible the onely wise God be honour and glory for ever and ever Amen Other attributes we give unto God which signifie perfections supereminently as that he is the Chiefest good the first beginning the prime and principall perfection and such like whi●h although by the force of reason we are compelled to give vnto God yet because these generall expressions are too farre from our experimentall knowledge we attribute unto Him better and more fitly those perfections for which we have example in his word wherof there be certain likenesses and experiments in the visible creature which because it is his workemanship we know there can be nothing therein which is not supereminently in him that is the cause as goodnesse wisdome vertue and such like wherein after a sort we are his image Now among these there can be none like that description which God doth make of himselfe Exo. 34.6 7. where of fifteene attributes which God doth take to himselfe the first three shew to us his eternitie his infinitie and his omnipotencie one his truth eight according to the number of the blessings Matth 5. are all of mercy three onely concerne his justice And all th●se things follow necessarily one upon another For if God be without beginning as was shewed before Cap. 1. Re. 1.2 c. it must needs be that he be also without ending because He can have nothing before him and so can have no superiour which might bring him to nothing Therefore God is eternall both before and after as they speake à parte ante à parte post Now eternitie is an infinite continuance therefore whatsoever is eternall is also infinite Moreover whatsoever hath infinite continuance hath an infinite a power to continue infinitely Therefore God is Almighty and of endlesse power By this therefore that God is everlasting infinite and almighty we may very well conclude that this glorious Being is most worthy to be God seeing nothing can be before or after him being eternall nothing greater than he nor yet equall unto him seeing he is infinite neither all things nor nothing able to resist him because he is Almightie If God then be most worthy to be God it is necessarie that he be most wise most good most true most mercifull most just and most glorious For otherwise he were neither worthy nor yet possibly could he be God if any thing might be more wise good true mercifull just or glorious than He. Therefore God is wise and wisdome it selfe good and goodnesse it selfe true mercifull just and glorious truth mercie justice and glorie it selfe Neither can he move or be moved from place to place who fills all and is infinite beyond all places Neither can he be subject to any accident whose being is most simple and pure perfection And this is our God thus described as farre as the dimme sight of our understanding is able to descry him But that the truth of all these things may better appeare seeing we now lay the ground of those proofes which must follow hereafter you shall for every one of these or as many as is needfull have a reason or two and first That God is Eternall or Everlasting 1 IF God be not eternall then it followes that he was brought forth from not being into being but it is impossible that God should be brought forth from not being into being for not being cannot be a cause or if he were brought forth from not being by another that was before him then should that other bee more worthy to be God But this is confessed that nothing can either be or yet be conceived to be more worthy than God Therefore God is and was for ever that which he is and whatsoever hath been for ever hath power to continue for ever for otherwise the act of being should be without the power of being that is to say a thing might be when it were not possible to be but that is impossible Therefore God is everlasting and can neither have beginning nor ending 2. Whatsoever is being and once was not must of necessitie bring on the being of some cause which brought it to that being which it hath for nothing which onely may be can come into perfect and actuall being but by such a powerfull being as is already actuall Therefore there is either one first and chiefe being the cause of all things which is of it selfe actually perfect and powerfull eternally or else nothing at all is or else there is a subordination of causes infinitely The former of these two is false and against sence for I am and thou art the latter is impossible therefore the first is b necessarily true Now the falshood of this later appeares in this for if there be a
thou art exceeding great thou art clothed with majestie and honour Note a God is not a body pref The proofe of this see in the ninth chapter That God is infinitely good CHAP. IIII. THings in their being are the object of our understanding that we may know the truth of their being and therein is the understanding perfected But things as farre as they are good are the ob●ect of our desire as farre as we finde the likenesse of our selves or of something in our selves therein But good is of divers kindes the first and lowest kinde is conditionall or civill as riches honour favour of great men authority which are good or ill according as they are used Secondly morall as the vertues and abilities of the minde and the fruits thereof Thirdly naturall which is in every thing and that either essentially in the perfection of the being whereto it is ordeined which every thing desires as the proper good thereof or specifically in respect of those proper effects which proceed from the essentiall forme inasmuch as every good thing imparts the goodnesse of it selfe as much as it may But the goodnesse of God comes not into accompt with these for although for that loves sake which he hath of goodnesse he were pleased to imprint certaine likenesses of himselfe in the creature yet this was not out of any need which he had of the creature without which he was and is infinitely happy in himselfe Psal 16.2 Therefore the creation onely manifested the goodnesse of God that the creature according to the measure thereof might be good perfect and blessed in him who is infinitely good in himselfe as is manifest by these reasons 1. It is proved Chap 2. that the being of God is infinite Hence it followes thus Whatsoever is equall to an infinite being must of necessity be infinite The goodnesse of God is equall to his infinite being for otherwise his being should be defective and ill if by his goodnesse it should not be wholly and infinitely good And if in any thing his being were defective then should it not be infinitely distant from not being and so his being should not be infinite but all these things are impossible Therefore the goodnesse of God is infinite 2. Being and Goodnesse are termes convertible inasmuch as every thing desires the perfection of it owne being as the proper goodnesse thereof But it is necessarie that some thing be chiefe and superexcellent in being as the cause of all other beings therefore also in goodnesse and this is most eminently true in God that his goodnesse is his being because it cannot be in him as a property proceeding from any forme he being utterly free from any composition nor yet by any superaddition or putting to of any thing vnto his being he being the cause of all and utterlie free from suffering any thing from without Therefore God is infinitely and essentially good 3. In the order of things being it is necessarie that something be supereminent and chiefe either good or ill which must of necessity be that which is the first and cause of all other things Good is a positive being and brings in perfection Ill is onely privative and puts nothing in being And seeing the excellencie of every effect is in the multitude of the likenesses thereof unto the cause if the first cause thereof be not supereminently good then that which is ill and privative shall be more actuall perfect and excellent than that which is good and every thing the worse it is shall be more like unto it and that which is worst of all shall be most like unto it and that which is most of all not being to wit that which is utterly impossible to be most actuall and perfect but these things are manifest contradictions and utterly impossible Therefore God the first cause of all is supereminently and infinitelie good 4. Whatsoever hath all the perfections of being in it must needs be infinitely good But God hath all the perfections of being in himselfe as being the cause of all Therefore God is infinitely good 5. And this is that goodnesse which our Lord would not suffer to be given unto any other There is none good but one even God Marke 10.18 But the representation of this infinite goodnesse is diversly imparted first without measure Iohn 3.34 To him that is the image of his being Hebr. 1.3 Then to them who of his fulnesse have received even grace for grace Iohn 1.16 Thirdly to every thing in the being thereof as I spake before Gen. 1.31 And hereby you may see the force of that argument which our Saviour uses Matth. 7.11 If you then which are ill can give good gifts to your children how much more shall your heavenly father give good things to them that aske him Seeing he is goodnesse it selfe and this goodnesse of God is the argument of so many Psalmes Praise ye the Lord because he is good for his mercie endureth for ever Psal 118.136 c. CHAP. V. That the wisdome of God is infinite EVery thing naturally seekes the preservation of it selfe in the being which it hath as the perfection and happinesse of it selfe and therefore first avoids those things that are contrary thereto as you may see in a greene sticke put into the fire how the water shunnes the heate as the greatest enemy it hath Secondly encreaseth it selfe by those things which it can make like and turne into it selfe as I have elsewhere shewed how every seed encreaseth by the earth and moisture thereof which cannot be but with a wehling out or choice of things that are homogeneous or of parts like thereto and a refusing of those things that are heterogeneous that is of unlike parts or of another kinde And over and above this every thing doth spread it selfe in that goodnesse which it hath upon those things that are capable thereof as it appeares in the effect of every medicine And nothing of all these things can be done but by a certaine degree of naturall knowledge inbred in every thing according to which it doth chuse or avoid those things which are within the compasse of that knowledge And this is seene in every thing simple or compound in things elementall minerall and vegetable But in things wherein life is more manifest by moving which we call Animall the fruits of knowledge and understanding appeare in farre greater differences of degrees as you may finde betweene the oyster or the snaile and the fox the horse or the elephant of which they write he may bee taught to know letters Plin. hist nat lib. 8 cap. 3. Aquin. contra Gent. lib. 3. Cap. 57. what knowledge these things have of the Creator it is not easie to define See Plin. hist lib. 8. Cap. 1. But certaine it is that the whole creature hath a most earnest desire and hope to bee delivered from that corruption and change whereto it is subject Rom. 8.19 But that man though knowing nothing at all but
stand with the infinity of his goodnesse I answer Base or vile and excellent are onely words of Comparison And if all things created were excellent alike then could nothing at all bee excellent But because it is necessary for the beauty of the whole frame of the creature that there bee difference of degrees in greater or lesse excellencie therefore are these things which have fewer degrees of perfection in them called meane or vile though not truly and indeed such For there is nothing so meane or base but as it is being it is a proofe and image of His being who created it and so though not of it selfe yet in it selfe is exceeding good Gen. 1.31 And if the order of Nature be well marked as we know that the whole Creature was brought out of not being into the meanest and first degree of being which was water Gen. 1.2 2 Pet. 3.5 so all the excellency that is in the creature is but by addition of one degree of perfection unto another which perfections taken together with their cause and originall are in their many differences first being then life after sence fourthly Reason as in a man Fifthly understanding by the onely sight of the being as in the Angels the sixth is of the received power of the Mediatour Ioh. 17.2 Eph. Heb. 1.2 that runnes into infinity the seventh is Infinity it selfe in the simplicity of selfe being beyond which is nothing But whether these perfections of the creature come into it by addition as I have spoken or that it be so raised from nothing immediately into those perfections which it hath it is necessary that these differences of degrees be therein that that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eph. 3.10 that manifold wisdome of God may be manifest in the Creature In which creature how perfect soever in it selfe no degree can bee found so excellent but that it must differ infinitely on the one side from the perfection of the Creator not none so meane but that on the other side it must differ infinitely from not being I meane that not being which it had of it selfe and in it selfe for in him it had an eternall being being eternally foreseene and appointed in him § 3. But in things that are ill you thinke this answer will not serve For though you can bee content to thinke that the glory of the divine wisdome is nothing abated in the beholding of things no not in their present being how differing soever in their degrees of perfection as it is said Psal 113.5 Who is like unto Iehova our God that lifteth up Himselfe high to sit that abaseth Himselfe low to see in the heavens and in the earth no more then the lustre and shine of the Sunne is more or lesse cleere whether it light upon the beautifull hill of Libanus or Carmell or the dirty land of Cabul yet if he know also things that are ill and that his knowledge be a causing or creating knowledge it cannot bee avoyded but that he must also be the cause of ill I answer Ill is of three kindes one naturall whereby every thing is subjected to some other thing contrary thereto whereby it may be corrupted for the destruction of that particular being that some other thing may be raised thereout according to the possibilitie of the matter and the manner of the corrupting Hitherto we may bring poysons and all those things that we call hurtfull and ill because if they be not rightly used they are harmefull to our kind which are not simply ill but onely accidentally seeing that if they be rightly used they may be helpefull to our nature as it appeares in the trocisks of the vipers flesh and other medicines as Physicke teaches So these things of themselves naturally good may be ill that is good causes of ill effects as riches and authority things civilly indifferent may bee ill if abused to pride idlenesse and the oppression of others The second kinde of ill is that of punishment which cannot justly be termed ill if you consider the use and benefit thereof as S. Paul hath taught Heb. 12. from ver 5. to ver 12. For neither can wisdome be in things civill or morall but with the judgement of good and bad neither is that judgement in the discerning of good and ill ought worth if the good be not praised and rewarded and the ill punished So that without justice and mercie in reward and punishment neither wisdome nor goodnesse can be either perfect or praised Therefore this kinde of ill because it is just that the ill-doer should beare the burden of his owne desert is no way ill but onely in the smart of the guilty sufferer deserving it So these two kindes of ill onely so called for some respects though in themselves necessary and therefore good will easily bee acknowledged to be from God The maine question therefore is onely about that ill of ills which is sinne for sinne both in regard of the effect which is punishment and in it selfe the deserving cause thereof and much more taking occasion by the Law holy and good to worke death in the sinner must needs be exceedingly sinfull as it is concluded Rom. 7.11.13 And because it is as certainely and necessarily true that sinne is sinne and ill is ill as it is that good is good and that the knowledge of the truth in every thing is in the perfection of the understanding it cannot bee but that all ill and sinne is perfectly knowne unto the infinite wisedome Moreover whether ill be onely a privation or taking away of that good which ought to bee in the creature or whether it bee any thing of very being therein it is necessarie that the infinite wisdome know all manner of beings both according to their perfections and all their possibilities and defects But concerning the manner of this knowledge the Doct●rs say That because the very being of ill you remember what ill I speake of is nothing else but the privation of that goodnesse which ought to be in the creature it is knowne of God onely by the contrary goodnesse as by the d●finition that is to say to be a defect or privation of goodnesse Neither is it any defect in the divine knowledge to know that which is onely a def ct by the contrarie perfection seeing nothing can be knowne further then according to that being which it hath And therefore they say further See Th●m Aquin. and his Comment lib. 1. Cap 71. and lib 3. Cap. 4 5 6 c. contra Gentes That ill inasmuch as it is such is in the number of things not being and that of things not being there can be no cause efficient but deficient and privative onely For every agent workes as f●rre forth as it is in actuall being to bring forth something into acte or perfection and that to a good end so that ill comes into effect by accident beside the purpose and intent of the doer Ah blessed Origen hath thy
owne craftinesse for whereas the devill envying that happy estate wherin man was created sought his overthrow by making him subject to sinne and so to death He our Creator to shew to the principalities and powers the riches of his wisdome and goodnesse in man did not onely redeeme him from that thraldome of sinne and death but also exalted him unto an estate of glorie and happinesse farre above that in which he was created Thus out of the eater comes me●t and out of the strong comes sweetnes Iud. 14.14 Thus the head of Leviathan is broken in pieces and given to be meat to us in the wildernesse of this world Psal 74.15 Therefore seeing it was the good will and pleasure of Almighty God to mankinde to make him partaker of these unspeakable mercies which his goodnesse hath wrought unto us out of the ill of our sin and because he that wills the end wills also those meanes that leade unto the end we may with reverence to his wisdome and truth affirme that although God by his revealed will forbad the tree of knowledge unto Adam and so made his eating sin yet in his secret counsell he did foresee that sin in Adam not as an enforcing or a working cause but leaving him to himselfe But here a doubt must be answered first if we be indeed redeemed from the thraldome of sin why doth God suffer sin still to remaine in us yea so far forth as that we cannot cease to sin yea so farre forth as that it makes our best actions even our prayers abhominable while our tongue utters one thing and our heart wanders after another Answer It was possible and easie to God so to have renewed the heart of m●● so as that he should not sin but yet God would let sin to dwell in us for divers advantages to us but especially for two first that at the sight of our sin we might cast down our selves before him and utterly renouncing our owne worthinesse we might seek that righteousnes which is of him and in him alone the second that by the perpetuall remembrance of our sin the punishment due unto us for the same we might be thankfull unto our most mercifull Redeemer by faith the anker of our souls holding out our hope that although we fal we shal not be cast away and hereupon depends our repentance our patience and our endeavour to the masterdome of our owne wickednes Thus as the wise Physician for long continuing and deepe rooted maladies gives strong purging medicines of Seamony or Colocynthis and after applies his cordialls so our most gracious Healer to let us know what we are of ourselves lest through pride the sinne of the rebellious Angels we should be lost for ever doth not only suffer us to taste the bitter fruits of our owne corruption but suffers sinne also as the flesh of the venomous tyre to be still in us that by it the vertues of the precious spices of his graces may be conveyed to our hearts to preserve us from eternall death that balefull infection of the devill unto everlasting life b Necessary truth in actuall being R. 3 Necessary truth is not here meant that truth which depends upon the necessary being of the thing in respect of the cause thereof but that necessity which bindes the understanding or words to be agreeable to the present being And thus this proposition Peter sits is as necessarily true while he doth fit as to say Peter is a man CHAP. VI. That God is Almightie MIght or power is of divers kindes as you may reade log appendix of Sect. 3. introduct I will not stand repeating nor in this question make any mention of that power which they call passive because it meanes a power onely to suffer in things that are weake and imperfect The might which I meane here is absolute perfect infinite which belongs to God and to him alone as it appeares by these reasons 1. What power soever it is which is equally powerfull over all being either in acte or in possibilitie of being must needs bee infinite or almightie but such is the power of God therefore God is Almightie It was manifest before Chap. 2. that God was everlasting and so not by any other but that all things either being or possible to be are from him above as it will further appeare Chap. 13. and upon this consequence it will further follow necessarily that God is Almighty a in respect of the creature 2. b If God bee not Almightie then either that which is or that which is not must bee able to resist him but neither that which is nor that which is not is able to withstand him therefore God is Almightie The proposition is plaine that hee may doe what he will doe who can finde no hinderance or let in his doing The assumption also is as true for the things that are are all from him as the fountaine of all being as it is confessed by the voice of heaven Reve. Cap. 4.11 Thou art worthie O Lord to receive glory and honour and power for thou hast created all things and for thy wills sake they are and have beene created And that the things that are not should be able to withstand him is utterly impossible for so not being should be more powerfull than being and being more powerfull must of necessitie be and so should both be and not be which is an absolute contradiction and utterlie impossible Therefore the first that God is Almightie is true of necessitie 3. If God be not Almighty so that his power may be answerable to his other dignities in infinitie then either his power must bee accidentall to him or else his being must differ essentiallie from it selfe but both these things are impossible for in him is no accident nor shadow of change Ia 1.17 as it shall appeare more at large Chap. 9. And for the second consequence it is as plaine for that which is infinite and that which is finite must needs differ essentially so that if his goodnesse his eternitie wisdome c. being essentially himselfe as is shewed Chap. 8. be infinite and his power likewise essentiall to him and yet finite then his being must needs differ essentially from his being Therefore it is necessarie that God be Almighty 4. Nothing can either be or worke but by that power which it hath both to be that which it is and to doe that which it doth so that if the power of God were not infinite or almightie neither could his being be everlasting by his eternitie neither could his inward action in himselfe be infinite and eternall neither could his goodnesse his greatnesse his truth glory c. be that which they are neither by his wisdome could he know himselfe infinite and eternall nor yet able to doe any thing answerable to his goodnesse truth and glory Reade Psal 111. Neither could he delight himselfe and be so happy infinitely in his owne goodnesse greatnesse and glory and so
infinite Wisdome c. convertible one with another and all of them meaning one being which wee call God have they not all authority in the Holy Scripture And shall not that which is truely affirmed of one bee as truely affirmed of the other And so on the otherside by impossibilities If there bee not an eternall being the beginner and cause of all other beings then that which is begun must bee a beginning to it selfe But this is impossible for so it should bee a cause and yet not bee Therefore there is a God And if any other kinde of argument bee brought either by rule or induction or syllogisme yet seeing superiour causes are not alwayes here to bee found whereby to make analyticall demonstration therefore the reasons for the most part are contayned within this bound onely to prove the Article that it is true Nay I adde yet further that the Theologian or divine is not tyed to the use of naturall reasons onely for proofe of his conclusions For so you should make divinity nothing else but naturall Philosophie except that the one should bee intended to the cause of all being the other to the effect in nature onely But you know that all truth whereinsoever it is being founded in the truth of God reason the searcher thereof must farre exceed the limits of nature or naturall causes Therefore although that conclusion of Tho. Aquin. stand sure that the philosophers could not come to the knowledge of the Trinity by the view of nature because nature was an insufficient meane to bring them thereunto which yet may receive limitation either in respect of the degree of knowledge which nature brings of the Creator as himselfe makes difference Pro●em in lib. 4. contr gent. or in respect of the manner of concluding inductive onely yet will it not follow from thence that the articles of our Faith are utterly beyond all proofe of reason For as divinitie is of a farre higher straine than naturall Philosophie so are the proofes and reasons thereof from greater lights than all nature can shew Who knowes not that divinity as concerning a great part of the practice holds all morall Philosophie whose conclusions though from reason yet are not the reasons natural but morall Have not Grammar Logick and all other Artes and Sciences either instrumentall or principall certaine rules or principles which are true 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is universally necessarily and convertibly or peculiar to that Science and yet not demonstrable by naturall Causes And to this very purpose Saint Augustine saith De Civ Dei lib. 11. Cap. 24. Diligentia rationis est non praesumptionis audacia ut in operibus Dei secreto quodam loquendi modo quo nostra exerceatur intentio intelligatur Trinitas That is the Holy Trinity may bee understood by us in the workes of God by their secret manner of speech in which they speake to our understanding And if this high mystery may bee understood by the creature as the Father shewes in that booke and other Christian writers elsewhere I doubt not but by those honourable titles which the holy Scripture doth give unto God it may much better bee made to appeare And if it were lawfull to prove the first and principall Article of our faith by reason and by reason I say without presumption of perfection in knowledge to prove that God is as it hath beene shewed by the warrant of the Apostle is it not likewise as lawfull in the Articles following And these things may seeme the more strange in Thom. Aquin. because in the 11. chap. of his fourth booke contra Gentiles he doth so clearelie deliver this point of our beleefe both by the authoritie of the holy Scriptures and the evidence of reason yea and that on the same grounds whereon Raymundus doctrine is builded that he may seeme to have lighted his torch at the lampe of Thomas Take the meaning of his words as they lye Seeing that in the Divine nature He that understands the action of his understanding and his intention or object understood are all one and the same being it must needs bee that whatsoever belongs to the perfect being of any of these be most truly in Him Now it is essentiall to the inward word or intention understood that it do proceed from him that understands according to the action of his understanding And seeing that in God all these three are essentially one for in him nothing can be but essentiallie it is necessarie that every one of these be God and that the difference which is betweene them bee not of being but of relation onlie or the manner of being as the intention is referred to him that conceives it as to him from whom it is therefore the Evangelist having said Iohn 1. The word was God lest all distinction might seeme to bee taken away betweene the Father and the Sonne addes immediately That Word was in the beginning with God Thus saith Thomas Oh but say you it is a dangerous case to commit matters of faith to reason I but there is no danger to commit reason to matiers of faith that is to make reason a servant of faith neither is our reason too good to give attendance on faith nor faith so proud as to scorne the service of reason therefore let this jangling and frowardnesse cease If I say any thing to your content accept it if not you are not bound to reade it but God hath not given us the knowledge of himselfe in his word that as parrats in a cage which with much adoe are taught a few words and then can say no more so we should hold our selves content when wee can say the Creed but that by continuall meditation in his word our knowledge and so our faith our love and feare of him might be increased dayly And this is it which S. Paul saith 1. Cor. 2.6 Wee speake wisdome among them that are perfect and againe 1. Cor. 1.22 The Grecians seeke wisdome and wee preach Christ the wisdome of God for in him are all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge hid Now it is apparent that he meanes not the wisdome of this world but that which is in things concerning God whereby we may be able to give a reason of the hope that is in us 1. Pet. 3.15 And this is that perfection whereto we ought to strive whereof the Catechisme doctrine of repentance of faith c. is but onely the foundation as it is manifest Heb. 6.1.2 For although the least degree of faith even as a graine of mustard seed bee sufficient to remove the high mountaines of rebellious and wicked thoughts that rise up against the obedience of the truth and consequently to save the soule through his mediation and mercie that doth not breake the bruised reed nor quench the smoking flaxe yet seeing every man as he hath received ought as a faithfull Steward of the manifold graces of God to profit thereby our
that the effect of that goodnesse may appeare in his everlasting life and happinesse for if the continuance of the world bee for the multiplication of mankinde onely for satisfaction of the divine justice upon mankinde for his sinne then should it bee necessarie that the world were everlasting that the everlasting justice might receive everlasting satisfaction but so the greater power of the Creator in the longer continuance of the world should bee for the greater affliction and hurt of the creature so the infinitie of his power should bee infinitely distant from his mercie and pitie the effect of his goodnesse toward his creature so he should have made the creature and the continuance thereof because he hated it not because hee loved it But all these things are impossible and against the dignities which wee have before proved to bee in God one infinite being Ergo. § 1. From hence also it will appeare that the restoring is to an estate of further happinesse than the continuance of that naturall life in which and unto which Adam was at first created For if the advantage in the recoverie were not greater than the losse was by the sinne then had the sinne beene permitted to no end then had the losse been sustained in vaine and all those afflictions which mankinde hath ever since endured should be without recompence in the reward But it is impossible that God should permit sinne in man and the punishment thereof afflictions and death onely to set man in the same state wherein he was before for that had been to no end at all it had beene in vaine to suffer his owne justice to bee violated in vaine to give his Sonne to die onely to restore man to that state which hee had lost wherein hee might have been kept and all these inconveniences saved Therefore the recovery is with a super excellencie of glorie and happinesse far above that which Adam lost 2. It is the glorie of the wisdome of God out of the greatest ill to bring the greatest good The greatest ill which the devill by sinne could bring upon man was the losse of his worldly life and happinesse and to make him liable to the wrath of God and so to eternall death therefore the infinite mercy and wisdome prepared so powerfull a remedie against this poyson of the old Serpent that the life and happinesse in this world was changed to that which is to be in eternitie in the heavens with an exceeding weight of glory which no words can utter neither can it come into the heart of man to conceive And this with that assurance of the favour and love of God in Christ from which neither height nor depth nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come shall ever bee able to separate us Rom. 8.38.39 CHAP. XIX That the restoring of Man to the favour of God could not be by any meanes that was in man nor by any one that was man alone WHat hast thou O man which thou hast not received and if thou hast received that which thou hast of grace alone whereas thou could'st claime nothing of duty what is that merit of thine either of condignity or of congruity for which thou canst challenge either reward or acceptance is there not a bond of dutie and thankfulnesse to him of whom thou did'st receive it And if man have received of God his whole being and whatsoever he hath of outward blessings or inward graces how can hee give any thing to God which is not his owne 1 Chron. 29.14.16 So that whatsoever a man can doe which may seeme pleasing to God yet when hee hath done all hee must acknowledge himselfe an unprofitable servant because hee hath done onely that which hee ought Luke 17.10 But being besides in danger of the judgement of God both for his originall and actuall sinne shall hee bring for his ransome ten thousand rivers of oyle or the fruit of his body for the sinne of his soule Mic. 6.7 Oh madnesse of merit and satisfaction where are those workes of supererogation that treasurie of the Church by the pedling and sale of which that purple whore hath lived in pleasure and glorified her selfe But see the reasons of the conclusion 1. Every offender against an infinite justice must in justice either make an infinite satisfaction or else indure an infinite punishment But no finite creature either man or Angell can make an infinite satisfaction so then there is no returne to the favour of God by the mediation either of man or Angell 2. Where an endlesse debt is still increased there no payment can bee lookt for But man by his originall sinne being infinitely indebted doth still increase the debt more and more by his actuall transgression Therefore from man no amends can bee lookt for 3. No creation can bee without an infinite power as it hath beene prooved therefore much lesse can the restoring of the creature being fallen from the estate of Grace For in the Creation there was nothing which hindered the worke of the Creator But in the estate of sinne there is an impediment first in the corruption which is in the understanding and frowardnesse of the will turned away from God Secondly in the concupiscence whereby man is inthralled to the service of sinne c. Thirdly the power of the devill where to a man is subjected by his sinne Fourthly the Iust sentence and wrath of God The soule that sinneth shall die the death O Man see what thou doest when thou doest sinne Can'st thou flee from thy selfe yet the devill will overtake thee Canst thou escape the devill yet the vengeance of God will surely lay hold on thee Therefore there is no Redemption of hope in him that is man alone 4 No man can pay for another that for which he is indebted himselfe But every man and every other Creature doth owe unto God whatsoever it is or whatsoever it can doe Therefore no man only man can supply toward God the want of another mans service much lesse make satisfaction for his sinne as it is said in the 49. Psal v. 7. None can by any meanes redeeme his brother nor giue to God a ransome for him And if the injury were infinite and the satisfaction impossible to be made by a finite creature to which of the Angels shall man turne himselfe And there shall hee finde a further inconvenience For seeing the offence was made by man It is necessary that Iustice seeke satisfaction where the offence was made As an unity in number once broken cannot bee made up by the same parts into which it was broken Objections 1. But you will say a finite Creature cannot doe an infinite deed and therefore cannot commit an infinite sinne thereby to deserve an infinite punishment Answer The sinne is not esteemed according to the littlenesse of the Sinner but the infinity of the sinne is first in regard of Him against whom the sin was that is God whose infinite glory
to death when it appeares what mans disease or sinne was the remedie likewise will be manifest but it is plaine that man being not content with his estate would bee God as it appeares first by the temptation of the devill Gen. 3.5 In the day that ye eat thereof ye shall be as God knowing good and ill Then by the consent verse 6. And the woman seeing that the tree was to bee desired to make one wise shee tooke of the tree and did eate If then the sickenesse were this that man would bee God the onely medicine must be this that God would bee man therefore the mediatour would be both God and man 6. To require satisfaction for the sin of man from God was to require that which was not due and that is against justice To require the satisfaction of man was more then hee could performe and that is against mercie therefore that the worke both of justice and mercie might bee perfect it was necessarie that the Mediatour for the sinne of man should in one person bee both God and man for as gold is molten in the fire because it hath parts that may bee made running yet by reason of the puritie and perfection of those parts it cannot be consumed by the most violent flames so our Lord because hee was truly man did feele and endure the pangs of most bitter death and was compassed about with the sorrowes of hell Psal 18.6 yet for the innocencie of his manhood and the glorie of his deitie he could not be overcome thereby 7. It is impossible that a pure creature should have such sufficiencie of merit that in Gods justice the sanctification of mankinde should be due to those merits because all holinesse that can come to any creature whether of vertue or of workes must come thereto from God so no praise or merit can in justice bee due to any man for that which God hath wrought by him therefore the Mediatour of mankinde must be God 8. Every particular man being onely man is of much lesse worth than the whole race of mankinde and so insufficient in justice to make a sufficient satisfaction for the sins of all men therefore that all mankinde might be freed from their sins both originall and actuall it was necessary that the Mediator who should make satisfaction for their sinnes should be both man from whom the satisfaction was due and yet of more worthinesse then all mankinde that his merit might make the ransome sufficient for the sinnes of all men But nothing is of more worth then all mankinde but God alone therefore the Mediatour for mans sinne must bee God For although the Angels bee more excellent then man according to the condition of their present being yet not in respect of the end of their creation First in that they are ministring spirits for mans sake Heb. 1.14 Secondly in regard of their common end in that both the one and the other are to bee blessed in God alone Thirdlie And if any one man cannot bee accounted more worthie then any of the whole kinds of beings that were created as our Lord said Yee are more worth then may sparrowes Luke 12.7 He said not all for no species in the creature may be missing and yet the health of one man was priz'd above the life of 2000 swine Mar. 5.2.13 How can any thing beside the Creator himselfe bee more worthie then all mankinde 9. The greatest benefit which God could bestow upon man must of necessitie be by the greatest gift which hee could give vnto him The greatest benefit was in this to save and redeeme him when hee was utterly lost The greatest gift which he could give to man was himselfe therefore it was necessarie that God should become one with man that in man he might save man that was lost 10. This is that riddle which the Psalmist takes upon him to open Psal 49. where after hee hath shewed that no man either by his wealth or honor can make any ransome for another hee concludes that it is God which redeemes the soule from the power of hell Therefore the Prophet saith Esay 9.6 To us a childe is borne Ergo he is man To us a Son is given not borne but given ergo he is God even the mightie God as S. Paul saith 2. Cor. 5.19 That God was in Christ reconciling the world to himselfe To this purpose you shall have many texts of Scripture hereafter Chap. 23. n. 5. CHAP. XXII That God would bee incarnate VPon that text which is in Psal 91. v. 11. He shall give his Angels charge over thee to keepe thee in all thy wayes some have thought that the sinnes of the rebellious Angels was that when God had created man and arretted the charge of him and his posteritie to the Angels they supposing the state of their creation to be farre more excellent and honourable then the state of man as doubtlesse it was if the hopes reserved and purchased for us had not beene farre beyond those whereto we seemed to be created refused to performe that service to so meane a creature for which disobedience being cast off they have ever since persecuted the woman and her seed And this opinion seemes to have had the originall out of the Alkoran See Wem à Budowes de fab Alk. pag. 157. Some other thinke they were not rejected for any one offence but for three offences and for foure that is for continuall rebellion they were not spared and so for many ages before mans creation they were adjudged to the paines of eternall fire though the execution of their sentence be prorogued untill the number of the sonnes of pride be utterlie fulfilled Of this you may see Postell de Nat. Med. ult It is not fit to determine what is the certaine truth in those things which the holy Scripture hath not declared but because the soule of man is his image who inspired it and that he our Creator the wisdome of the Father knowes all things ex fundamento as he hath seene with the father therefore this image of his will also bee enquiring that although it cannot know what the originall of things is according to all their orders of causes yet by the effects will it be prying into the causes of them And if it doe this with reverence and modesty it oftentimes findes strange helpes beyond that it hoped for and if herein it bee lawfull for others also to propose opinions it may seeme not altogether improbable that the sin of the devill was this That finding himselfe in the first order of the creature he thought that God who out of his infinite goodnes purposed to bring all the understanding creature to the uttermost happinesse which it could be capable of which could not bee but in the uniting of the creature unto God for God in his absolute and infinite being could not be come unto nor apprehended much lesse be enjoyed by a finite creature except hee would be pleased
himselfe to the Angels in that might they behold the invisible God and be abundantly blessed thereby but since the time that the faithfull have beheld him with that Crowne wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals the day of the joy and gladnesse of his heart Cant. 3.11 He is to be seene both of Angels and men eternally and onely in the Tabernacle of our flesh and the glory of God is manifest onely in the face of Iesus Christ And as this I thinke is a full answer to the argument of Postellus so had you need to remember it because it may helpe to the understanding of some places of Scripture which may seeme to make for this conclusion 6. But if such a created Mediatour be as had power to execute the eternall decree and to create the rest of the creature the Angels and man and all this visible world from him it may stand well with the justice and honour of God and the love of that Mediatour toward man to offer himselfe for man when hee had sinned whereas otherwise if no such created Mediatour bee then God the party offended must first seeke the attonement and seeing man was not able must likewise make satisfaction to himselfe for the sinne of another against himselfe But this stands neither with the honour of God nor the rule of Iustice Answ Intire aff ction hates all ●icity And so God loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son that the world through him might be saved And if the onely begotten Sonne be onely that second person of the Trinity what Son is that created Mediatour And so farre is it from dishonour to God to seeke and save that which was lost as that without his mercy and pitie on man in his misery the worke of God in the creature had beene in vaine But concerning that satisfaction which was made for sinne although it had appeared that it was utterly impossible to bee made by one that was onely man Chap. 19. yet was the satisfaction made onely in the manhood of our Saviour dignified and sustained by his divinity unto the endurance of all that punishment which was due to our sinne as it is manifest by the Prophet Esay chap. 53. Col. 1.22 1 Pet. 2.24 and yet for all that is our Saviour the Lambe slaine from the beginning of the world Re. 13.8 yet is the blood of his sacrifice upon the Crosse called the blood of the everlasting Testament Heb. 13.20 because that by the eternall spirit he offered himselfe for us unto God Heb. 9.14 That he in his manhood might present his Church unto himselfe God blessed for ever holy and without blemish Eph. 5.27 So that the redemption of man is the worke of the whole Trinitie the Sonne by the holy Spirit offering himselfe unto the Father accepting this obedience a ransome for the world And because the Sonne offered himselfe by the eternall Spirit therefore is not our Saviour a created Mediatour as Postellus supposed for no creature can be eternall And malgre all the power of hell it was an eternall Gospell Revel 14.6 Written in the Volume of the Booke of the eternall Decree Psal 40.7 Heb. 10.7 to the everlasting comfort of the faithfull That the sacrifice for sinne was appointed before there was a sinner 7. Now before I come to those Texts of Scripture which Postel urges directly hereto it will not bee unfit to let you see how he favours his owne opinion by those Scriptures which he interprets unfaithfully as where it is said Deut. 32.39 There is no God with me as Esay interprets it I am God and there is none else he makes the sense pag. 104. he is the created wisdome before which there was no other God created for he is worthily called God saith he for his union with the Deitie And againe pag. 115. for that which is Prov. 8.23 I was set up from everlasting he will have it that this divine wisdome was created not from everlasting for then it could not be a creature but before any ages were numbred by men So to that of Saint Iohn Cap. 1. The Word was with God he addes as it followes in the Abisime Creed and with the Holy Ghost and with himself argues that whosoever is with another must be different therfrom for the most part inferiour indignity I have answered concerning the authority of that Church the collection of inferiority in dignity followes not neither doth this text prove the unity of any such creature with the Creator as hee inferres but rather the difference of persons in the unity of the God head for so it followes in the Text And that Word was God I say nothing of other Texts which by allegoricall and forraine interpretations he would bring to his purpose such as that pag. 93. where by the firmament Gen. 1.6 he will understand this Mediator who parted the hidden waters of the Deitie from the manifest waters of the creature whereby it would follow that the Chaos or waters the light and darknesse were created before this Mediator see Gen. 1.13 His argument from that Spirit which moved upon the waters Gen. 1. brought pag. 29. is answered before Reason 3. I impute it no fault to him that he pag. 62. confounds those Texts of Iohn 12.28 and chap. 17.5 Charity sees no mistakings where they make not against the truth But his collection is ill from that text Glorifie me with that glory which I had with thee before the world was to conclude either that the creatures were distinct in him whom he cals God man meaning the created Media●our or for any other to suppose that the glory of God the Sonne was any whit lessened by the taking of our flesh onely it was shadowed for a time under the Cloud of his humanity except that at some times a glimpse therof appeared in his glorious miracles For first if that eminent being of the creatures in the distinction of their severall beings were not in God the Sonne that second Person of the Trinity but in this created Mediator it would follow that the wisdome of God were not infinite nor yet essentiall unto him when the knowledge of the creature in that manner of being must come unto him by a creature contrary to that which hath been proved Chap. 5. 8. And therefore to avoid this inconvenience hee is compelled to say pag. 74. that that second being of all things taking the equivalent being which they have in the Father for the first is not onely in the eternall wisedome but also in the wisdome created Whence it followes that the Creature by the same manner of being shall bee both in the Creator and in the created Mediator But the reason for otherwise the Angels could no see God The position is false the reason insufficient and answered before then to thinke that the Sonne had lost or abated any thing of his infinite glory because he prayes that he may be glorified
his heele against thee though the drunkards make songs upon thee yet remember that there is a reward for the righteous that thy innocency shall breake forth as the light and thy patience shall shine as the noone day And remember that unthankefull wretches are no new thing in the world for the Orator said long agoe and I have often found it true 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. But if that Punke could say Men ' moveat cimex Pantilius Shall he that hath experience of such monsters of ingratitude put it in the power of a sonne of Belial to disquiet his peace Therefore let the Rymer read what others judge of him Feltham Resolu Cent. 2. Ch. 56. Let him write a booke against me I will bind it as a Crowne upon my head And if for my love and for my best deserts I find enemies yet will I pray for them Psal 109.4 For seeing we know that if we suffer with Christ we shall also reigne with Him shall we not pray for them that seale unto us the assurance of this hope Therefore shall this be among my chiefest joyes That the drunkards make songs upon me 5. It may further be objected from Iohn 3.17 That God sent not His Son into the world to condemne the world but that the world by Him might be saved And if He came to save the world how shall He judge and condemne the wicked to Hell fire seeing this is contrary to the end of His comming Answer First that is spoken of His first comming onely Secondly it is manifest by the verse before verse 16. that the world in this place signifies onely the faithfull in the world for whose sake the world is and continues For to these only God gave His only Son that they should not perish but have everlasting life And as Christ was once offered for these at His first comming so for these shall He appeare the second time to salvation Heb. 9.28 For the last judgment being but the confirmation of the sentence of their justification by the death of Christ and the putting of them in the actuall possession of those promises that depend thereon their sinnes are so covered as that b there shall not be any remembrance of them in the judgement For the worshippers that are once purged have no more conscience of sinne to their condemnation Hebr. 10.2 seeing the gifts and calling of God are without repentance And therefore as a countrey-man of ours saith well Ames Med Theol Cap. 41 This judgement in respect of the faithfull is essentiall unto Christ as He is the Mediator but in respect of the unfaithfull it is of power onely given Him by the Father not essentiall to His mediation but some way belonging to the perfection thereof because the Father hath committed all judgement to the Sonne Yet let me adde thus much that although the judgement of condemnation be not essentiall to Christ as the Mediator of reconciliation yet He being the great Steward of the house of God it is essentiall to Him as the Son of God to take vengeance without mercy on them that dishonour His Father and despight the Holy Spirit of grace which by the light of their consciences proclaimes their sin unto them which they will in no wise forsake Sect. 4 § 4. 6. The last question is with those mockers that say either in words or by their continuance in their wicked deedes where is the promise of His comming For since the dayes of Henoch who threatned that Iudgement Iud. 14. above 4500. yeeres are passed and yet the world continues and that which hath beene is even that which shall be neither is any thing new under the Sun Eccles 1.9 Moreover though for your reasons against the eternitie of the world Chap. 13. it may seeme the world is not eternall à parte antè but that it had a beginning yet is it not cleare but that it may be eternall à parte pòst and continue for ever in as much as the Creator cannot repen● Himselfe to bee the work-master of so glorious a frame So not to continue it in that being which it hath and to doe good unto it as the Psalmist confesseth Psal 104. verse 31. The glory of the Lord shall endure for ever the Lord shall rejoyce in His workes And if all the creature being made was exceeding good Gen. 1. the destroying of so great a good cannot bee but a very great ill which is farre from that goodnesse by which it was created I answere That the Text of Eccles prooves not but that the judgement shall fit at last and the bookes of every mans conscience shall be open that the judgement may be acknowledged to be according to their workes And although the time seems to us to bee prolonged that the number of the elect may bee fulfilled that the patience and long-suffering of God towards the wicked may be manifest for their repentance that the desire of the godly and their longing for His comming may be inflamed Yet to Him the time is determined and can neither be longer nor shorter than He hath appointed onely that comming to judgement hath been proclaimed so long before that in all ages men remembring the judgement might avoid those things for which they should bee condemned So for those reasons wherby you would enforce the continuance of the world for ever it hath beene answered that it is for the greater good to man and the creature which was made for his use that this world should have an end that the creature might be freed from that corruption to which it is subject by reason of his sinne then that it should still continue Neither doth that text of the 104. Psalme prove any thing to the contrary For as the glory of God had endured in eternity before the world so shall it continue when neither the heaven nor the earth nor yet their places shall be found any more Reu. 20.11 And as for that glory of His which is manifest in the creature it shall bee more wonderfull and excellent in that worke of His recreation which the Cabalists call de Mercava when the creature in the world to come shall be brought to glory and be able to consider the super-excellency of His mercy and goodnesse than it is in this worke de Bereshith or state of creation in this present world And if the deprivation of this present being seeme to be ill because the being of the creature was good in the state of creation then the taking away of all this ill and misery which is since come upon the creature by reason of sinne and the restoring of it into an estate of happinesse without comparison better and surer than that wherein it was created must in both respects be a far greater good than either to have created it such as it was or to continue it in the present being Bring hither what you finde in the 18. Chapter § 2. But because it seemes not
for their justification unto life although they were not baptized as it doth stand with His justice to condemne them because they are tainted by their Parents For the children of the faithfull see the judgement of Saint Paul 1. Cor. 7.14 For the Infants of infidels I say onely this What hast thou to doe to judge another mans servant Hierax and his followers are accounted hereticks because they condemned the Children that died before they had knowledge yet brought he a shew of authoritie for his opinion out of 2. Tim. 2.5 No man is crowned except he strive But I answere that Christ in His agony did strive for them and His merit apprehended by the faith of the Parents brings them within the compasse of the Covenant made to Abraham and to his seed as Saint Paul argues Rom. 4.16 Gal. 3.6 7 8. and 1. Cor. cited before Epiph. Haer. 67. addes hereunto auctorities which make the case most cleere especially for the Infants of the faithfull as that in Psal 145.9 His tender mercies are over all his workes and Matth. 21.16 Out of the mouth of Babes and Sucklings hast thou perfected thy prayse Matt. 19.14 Of such is the Kingdome of Heaven and argues that although the Children of Bethlehem had not knowledge of Him for whom they suffered yet can it not bee but that they should bee partakers of glory for His sake for whom they suffered Hereto you may take that in Matth. 18.14 It is not the will of your Father which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish 3. But the Doctors square most about them that lived both to know and to doe both good and ill For some thinke that all such must come into judgement for all their workes their words and thoughts But others say that neither the Infidells because hee that beleeveth not is condemned already Iohn 3.18 nor among the beleevers they that are perfect shall come into judgement because there is nothing in them for which they should be condemned But if the infidells never heard how could they beleeve Rom. 10.17 and is there any among the beleevers that can say his heart is cleane Therefore the great businesse in the judgement will be as they suppose about them that knew God and lived in His Religion whose workes good and bad being examined and compared together if the good be moe and over-ballance the bad the doers shall be justified unto eternall life but if the ill deeds exceed they shall be condemned to punishment This seemes to bee the judgement of Lactantius lib. 7. cap. 20. to whom as syding with him Iohn Voss De extr Iud. Pte 1. Thess 4. writes Ierom August Greg. the Greate and Isidore of Sivil But Lactantius hath many things concerning the worlds restoring and the last judgement which to many of this age would seeme strange which perhaps wee may see hereafter Ierom and Augustine are by and by brought by him into the number of them that thinke that all sinnes indifferently shall be brought into judgement though not by way of enquirie or examination yet of condemnation as Ierom speakes impios negatores non judicabit sed arguet condemnatos And thus you see how the Saints already have judged the world But let us see how farre it is fit to approve or reprove their judgment Sect. 2 § 2. First concerning the faithfull in Christ because they as I said before § 3. num 5. at the houre of their death are admitted into a degree of everlasting happinesse and are put in the full assurance of the perfection thereof at the resurrection of their bodies their sinnes are assuredly pardoned and the pardon by those graces is sealed unto them And after their sinnes fully pardoned to bring them againe into remembrance at the generall judgement seemes too inconvenient Therefore they shall be partakers of that blessing which is Iohn 5.24 never to come into judgement And Psal 32. verse 1.2 that their sinnes shall be forgiven fullie covered and no way imputed unto them and in this respect are they equall unto the Angels because their sinnes shall be forgotten as cast into the botome of the Sea but the good deeds which God hath wrought in them and by them shall be remembred that they may be rewarded and thus far wee follow the Doctors But because their judgements are otherwayes contrary to the rule which is 1. Cor. 4.5 Iudge nothing before the time untill the Lord come who will both bring to light the hidden things of darknesse and will make manifest the Counsells of the hearts Let us first see what the Scripture saith of the infidells whom they so cast away as that they hold them not fit to be judged then let us looke on that which they speake concerning the comparison of good and ill workes together for eternall life or eternall punishment 1 For the first it is manifest by Saint Paul that the workes of the Gentiles whom they call infidells shall come into judgement where hee saith Rom. 2. verse 14 15 16. That the Gentiles doing by nature the things contained in the Law shew the worke of the Law written in their hearts their conscience bearing witnesse and their thoughts accusing or excusing them in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Iesus Christ Now this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this written word of the Law is the knowledge of sinne Rom. 3.20 And seeing every man whether Christian Iew or Gentile hath the knowledge of sinne in himselfe therefore is every mouth stopped thereby and all the world is become guilty before God and consequently subject to judgement as Saint Iude saith verse 14. and 15. Behold the Lord commeth to execute judgement upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deedes and of all their hard speeches 2. Moreover seeing wee doe not put all sinnes to be equall as the Stoicks but doe beleeve and know that the Iudge of all the world will doe right and that the greater sinnes shall have the sorer punishment if all the Gentiles or infidells bee not equally sinners it is necessary that the award of their punishment and so the execution thereof be also different and unequal as it is said That every one shall receive the things done in his body according to that hee hath done whether it bee good or ill Vpon which ground wee may safely conclude against them of the contrary opinion that every mans deeds of what Nation or sect soever hee bee except before excepted and especially the deeds of the reprobate shall bee particularly examined that the cause of their condemnation may appeare to be most just 3. Thus our Lord speaks of the Queene of the South and the men of Ninive that shall rise in judgement and condemne that hard-hearted generation thus of Tyre and Sidon that should more favourably be dealt with then those wicked Cities where his glorious miracles being wrought had no power to turne them
hearts by faith being purged from dead workes wee ought to adde vertue to our faith and to this vertue knowledge and by these meanes to make our calling and election sure 2. Pet. 1.5.10 And for this cause S. Paul prayes for the Colossians that having through faith embraced the truth they might bee filled with knowledge of the will of God in all wisdome and spirituall understanding And this is our progresse from faith to faith Rom. 1.17 that is from that pure faith whereby wee first receive the kingdome of God as little children to that faith which is strengthened through knowledge for knowledge doth neither take away faith nor yet abate any thing of the worthinesse thereof but rather encreaseth it more and more while it is thereby rooted and grounded more firmely in him in whom at first we did beleeve as the learned Father August de Trinit Cap. 14. said Fides in nobis per scientiam gignitur nutritur defenditur roboratur b Workes both necessarily yet willingly Pref. This Will they call concomitant because it ever followes the verie being of that wherein the will is The will of God whereby hee gives being to the creature is c●usall for by it alone the creature is without any other working of God but onely the pleasure or motion of his owne will power and goodnesse c. c Jn the being of goodnesse there is an infinite producer Pref. While I was preparing materials for this building I read the title of a Mart book Abstrusa abstrusorum abstrusissima primaria Symboli Apostolici abstrusa Though I had beene more than once gul'd with such titles Arcana arcanorum arcanissima arcana and the like wherein these writers sweat more than for any thing in the booke beside yet being interpreted a pious and very profound meditation of the deepe mysteries of the Apostles Creed I supposed that such bumbast would never bee quilted into a treatise upon the grounds of our Religion so that I verely hoped that all my labour was at an end At last having got the booke I found that it was nothing in good earnest but a declamation onely of a certaine springal for exercise sake into which as into a common place booke hee had gathered the sentences of learned men wherein they justlie bewaile the miserie of mankinde in his inabilitie to finde out the truth of things whereupon hee would utterlie shut out the use of reason in matiers of faith The consequence is not good as I have shewed Praef. n. 6. His speciall spleene is against Keckerman and his gregales that is them of his ging I thinke hee meanes the Calvinists of whom hee names onely Zanchius and them of whom he received this learning Melancthon and his owne verie Syren and Phoenix Scaliger out of whose shreds hee hath botch't up his declamation such as it is yet in this case he could not spare him that would manifest his understanding of the Trinitie according to Raymunds principles The wicked conclusion that will follow thereon Murshel the declamer goes about to shew out of Andreas Osiander as you shall heare anon Chap. 12. note a But what have Scaliger or Raymund done herein which the ancient Fathers had not done before save that they made the doctrine cleere by forreine comparisons one of the Sunne the beame and the brightnesse or shine thereof another by the body the brightnesse and heat of the fire another of the minde wherein is the word or understanding thereof and the will another saith the minde thinking the word representing that thought and the liking or approving thereof yet another will represent the Trinitie by memorie understanding and will another by the root the stem and the branch Augustine shewes it by a mans owne experience of himselfe who both is and knowes himselfe to bee and loves both his being and knowledge thereof de Civit. Dei lib. 11. cap. 26. But his reason in the 24. Chap. from Gen. 1. is of more force which is this He that said Fiat must needs be the Father of that Word but you must understand that word in Himselfe or that eternall word or decree of which our Lord speakes Iohn 5.19 And because the creature was made thereby it must follow that it was made by his word And where it is further said that all that was made was exceeding good if by goodnesse you understand the Holy Ghost the whole Trinitie is manifested unto us in his workes another explaines it by the fountaine and the streame to which Cusa addes the sea and if these saith he be supposed infinite then must all of necessity be one water And the same Cusa lib. de Filiatione Dei expresses it by the knowledge in the minde of the master the word signifying that knowledge and the spirit life or meaning of the word proceeding from the knowledge and the word whereby the scholars are instructed And have not many of these comparisons ground in the holy Scripture Ioh. 1.1 Heb. 1.3 Esay 11.1 and elsewhere But Raymund not by forreine comparisons but by the essentiall properties of the infinite being in the reall relations of every terme in unitie of that one being hath with more cleerenesse expressed to mans weake understanding the unspeakeable mysterie of the Trinitie in the unitie of one undivideable nature as I have shewed in the Preface in the being of goodnesse and Reason 3. of infinitie or greatnesse and Reason 8. of understanding And although I would not erre from company yet seeing I have such company both of the ancient and later writers which by the adversary himselfe are confessed to be of incomparable learning and Divine honestie I need not be ashamed of my company But notwithstanding all this invective against reason in things of faith see the young man by and by in the Sorbon The power of God saith he in the creation of the world wrought upon that which was not to cause it to be Therefore God is Almightie for this must be the conclusion howsoever he would turne it to shut out the use of reason but that will not follow upon the premises So in the case of mans redemption of the incarnation of God of the resurrection hee is over the head and eares in Aristotle and historie but all to prove these things in reason impossible And it is yeelded that all these things are utterly beyond the course of nature but yet upon better and higher principles than Aristotle knew they will all appeare possible and necessarie and then his reasons shall bee answered To this order the declamer would bring their consubstantiation and that which doth necessarilie follow thereon the bodilie presence of Christ in everie place And here he doth farre surpasse himselfe and by two bodies in one place will prove it possible that one body may bee in all places because God hath absolute power of all the nature of being But if this reason be good and sufficient then is hee injurious and unconstant to himselfe so