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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13238 The paradise of delights. Or The B. Virgins garden of Loreto With briefe discourses vpon her diuine letanies, by way of meditation. For the comfort of all such, as be deuout vnto her; and desyre her holy patronage & protection. By I.S. of the Society of Iesus. Sweetnam, John, 1581-1622. 1620 (1620) STC 23531; ESTC S118010 56,959 258

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most pleasing to the B. Virgin for she knowing best the valew of such dainty flowers and considering how much they are esteemed by her sweet Sonne must needs haue a particuler loue therto and a peculiar care therof that such choice flowers be not defiled or trampled on by incursiō of bruit beasts And as one that is the first founder of some holy Religious Order hath a most diligent care both to defend aduance his religious Institute and taketh great delight in the increase and progresse therof so the B. Virgin being the first that euer found out this Angelicall life the first that layd the ground and foundation of vowed Chastity the first that displayd the banner vnder which all chast virgins ought manfully to fight vnder which so many haue already winne the goale gotten the victory and worne the Crowne She I say must needs take great delight in the groth of these so faire flowers of her louing Sonne as he takes great content in gathering of them Witnes those beautifull flowers of virginity constant pillars of renowned Chastity transplanted by our Sauiours ●and from this garden of misery ●nto the heauenly place of Paradise S. Catherine S. Agatha S. Lucy S. Agnes S. Cecily S. Winifride and thousands more in like manner who rather made choice to loose their liues then liue to be depriued of so rare a Iewel and with the vnspoted Ermyn seemed rather to dye then be defiled And thus hauing viewed the excellency of Virginity in it selfe the esteeme it hath in the sight of God the prize it beares vvith the Blessed Virgin and considering hovv truly she is Virgin of Virgins let vs stir vp in our selues a reuerend loue vnto this excellent vertue and desire this Virgin of Virgins to pray for vs that we may euery one in his estate and according to his calling imitate this glorious Virgin in keeping our soules and bodyes as the chast vessels and chosen tabernacles of the Holy Ghost bringing forth fruit some thirty some sixty and some ●n hundred fold whereby we shall be most pleasing to God be●oued of the B. Virgin and shall ●e of the happy number of that ●elect band of so many thousands of most holy vnspotted virgins whose priuiledge is to follow the Lambe wheresouer and whithersoeuer he goeth to which effect let vs say Aue Maris stella c. THE V. MEDITATION Mater Christi ora pro nobis Mother of Christ pray for vs. HAVING contemplated the excellent dignity of the Holy Mother of God let vs now consider her as Mother of Christ which although it be the same in effect yet heere we will ponder some particuler points as it were deriued from this word Christ wherby it may the better appeare what dignity hath redounded to the B. Virgin by being called Mother of Christ. Christ therfore is as much to say as Annointed because he was indeed the annointed of his Father Vnxit te Deus Deus tuus O God thy God hath annointed thee and that Oleo laetitiae prae consortibus tuis with oyle of gladnes aboue thy fellowes By which diuin vnction is signifyed the abundance of heauenly grace wherewith the sacred Humanity of Christ was beautifyed aboue al others Priests Prophets and Kings are wont to be annoynted to signify the particuler grace which they haue giuen them to perform their functions and Christ Iesus being both Priest Prophet and King ought by al titles to be Christ that is Annoynted so that by Christ we vnderstand as it were the flowing fountain of all graces from whose fullnes we al receaue to satisfy our wants Now if we seeke the head of this diuine fountaine we shal find it hath one beginning in heauen from all eternity of his Father another on earth in fine temporum towards the end of the world Homo in fine temporum when being made Man he came to pay the ransome of our sinnes and that is his blessed Mother heere iustly intitled Mater Christi Mother of Christ Let vs now consider foure propertyes of oyle which will in some sort declare vnto vs the wonderfull effects of this diuine oyle whereby the greatnes of the benefit we haue receaued of the B. Virgin who was Mother vnto this Annoynted Sonne of God and brought him into this world among vs may appeare the more The first property of Oyle is to feed vs and this S. Bernard noteth and experience teacheth Christ is he who is our true food without whom no soule can liue for vnles we eate his flesh and drink his bloud we cannot auoyd eternall death The Israelites in the desert were cloyed with the heauenly Manna and sayd they vvere vveary of so light meates therefore by the povverfull hand of Almighty God they vvere soarely chastized with fiery Serpents the stinging wherof could not be cured but by the beholding of the brazen serpent So if we be cloyed with this diuine food vvhich the Blessed Virgin hath brought vnto vs what can we expect but the annoyance and byting of fiery serpēts that is of vnruly passions disordered and disordinate lustes of the flesh neuer ceasing to afflict vs vntil we cast our eyes vpon our B. Sauiour nayled to the Crosse sigured in the brazen serpent vvhich if we do vvith true deuotion firme fayth and harty repentance of our sinnes we shall be cu●ed and our soule shall find it selfe refreshed vvith the oyle of glade●es for as S. Augustine sayth de ●ccato dolet de dolore gaudet a sinner grieueth for the sinne committed reioyceth that he is sorrowfull for it The second property gathered out of the same S. Bernard is that it giueth light and as Christ himselfe auerreth he is the light of the world Lux sum mūdi I am the light of the world therfore who soeuer findeth himselfe oppressed with the darke cloudes of dull ignorance let him haue recourse vnto this diuine lampe of burning oyle and let him with the blind man call vpon him and say Lord haue mercy on me if most bountiful Iesus shal demand what thou wouldst haue Thou shalt answere Lord that I may see light What light The light of thy celestiall doctrine of thy heauenly grace of thy eternall glory Another property of oyle is to cure wounds as the same Holy Saint recordeth of which we haue an euident proofe out of the parable of the miserable man who descending from Hierusalem to Hierico fell into the handes of theeues being sore wounded was cured by oyle and wine The precious bloud of Christ is the medicinable oyle powred forth for the cure of our soules salue of our soars this must be the only remedy of our bleeding wounds The last property of oyle is as S. Gregory writeth to swim aboue all other liquors which is the true effect of the grace of Christ to make them who are indued therewith to swim aboue al waters of tribulation and though for a tyme they may seeme to be cast