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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05035 The summe of christianitie gatheryd out almoste of al placis of scripture, by that noble and famouse clerke Francis Lambert of Auynyon. And translatyd, and put in to prynte in Englyshe, by Tristram Reuel. The yere of our lorde. 1536; Farrago omnium fere rerum theologicarum. English Lambert, Franz, 1486-1530.; Revel, Tristram. 1536 (1536) STC 15179; ESTC S109321 59,361 166

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christen brother lent to me as yet bothe yonge in yeres and muche lesse in learnynge haue taken in hande to translate this so precyous a treasure and offer it to your most noble grace rudely sette forth trustynge that youre grace wyll cause the same eloquently and ornatly to be translated by some of your dyscret wyse and well learned clarkes most humbly besechynge your grace in good parte to take this my rude enterpryse pryncypally to confesse the truthe bycause I am very vnmete to do such a thinge and partly for lake of tyme oppressed with pouertye the whiche as the Poete MANTVANE wrytteth is enemy to good maners consequētlye my wryttynge is verye course and base as yet ferre from the trade of a wryter the which be the causes of my offerynge to your grace so rude a volume so indygeste a phrase and to be brefe so vnsemely set together wherfore I humbly beseche your grace to take these my fyrste frutꝭ yf they may be called frutes euen as Chryste our mayster hathe accepted the offerynge of the pore woman whose wyll was good Mar. 12 Lu. 21. whē she offered al that she hade thoughe it was but lytle And the holy goste preserue our sayde soueraygne Lorde and your most deare husbande your grace the ladye ELEZABETHE Pryncesse Doughter heyre vnto you bothe and gyue to you the lyght of hys mercye to whome with god the Father and the Sonne be honoure and glorye for euer more So be it ✚ The epystell of the auctour ❧ To the noble and moste gentyll lorde lorde SEBASTIAN of Moūt faulcone prynce of Lausanc FRANCIS LAMBERT the vnprofytable seruancte of Iesus Christe grace and peace of god the father and the lorde Iesus Christe ❧ NOt many yeres passyd moste noble prynce whā I shulde preache the pure and holsome worde of god at your cytie of Lausane I dyd ꝑceiue by many argumentes bothe the sobre gentylnes of youre mynde and also the outragyous wyckednes of certayne flaterers and deceiuers For at altymes where as you were present at my sermons you dyd moste purely fauer the worde of god and whan you were constreynyd with vrgent busynes to be absent whiche was ones and eftsones as you haue enformyd me very many were aboute sumwhat busyly to alyenat or make you straunge ye as it were to say enuiously to drawe you frome the worde of god lyke fyrye burnyng knyghtes adfyrmyng that I preachyd heresye But at the laste the myghty verytye hathe so conuycte you that you haue wryten many thynges for me and I gladly cōfesse that for the loue of you I was gentylly enterteynyd with the Bernēses Ligurynes Basylyanes Friburgyanes Farthermore at my departyng from you you instantly desyryd me very ofte to wryte to you whiche to do I gladly promysed in tyme conuenient wherfore I beseche your hyghnes of pardone bycause I haue nat performyd it to thys daye for it chansyd nother by obliuiousnes or neglygence but very ofte whan I was about to do it I was constreynydly rapte to other maters The laste of al I wolde haue made answere to the hundreth paradoxes or questyones of CONRADVS TREGARIVS the Augustyne freresēt to you wherin he is very busy not alonly to pull you away frome Christe but also the noble gentyles of Heluetia although he do glory with pretens and zele of the spirite of Christ in the spirite of erroure and blyndnes Veryly he dothe teache nothyng lesse then Christ For he laboryth very sore to vndermyne the vyneyarde of the lorde of companies that is to saye the congregacyon or churche of christen people euyn lyke to a crafty or wyly foxe but this foxe muste be taken I saye thys lytle foxe ye the whiche is without effycacytie or strengthe of the spirite that other he maye be sauyd or els confoundyd put downe accordynge as the spouse commaundyth in the cantykles saing take to vs these foxes these lytle foxꝭ that vndermyne the vyneyardes and the lytle eyes of the vynes which wordes howe they shulde be vnderstādyd I haue declaryd in my enarracyon in to the cantycles Farthermore whā I was about an answere in to the sayde paradoxes or conclusyons the derely belouyd and trewe teachyd bretheren of god VVLSGANGVS FABRICIVS Capito and MARTINE BVCER two of the byshopes of Argentyne preuentyd me And for that cause I dyd leaue of my purpose and toke on hande the reiteracyon or settyng forthe the comentaryes whiche I had begonne in to certayne of the prophetes with many other thynges for I knowe them to furnyshe that mater more dylygently then shal nede that any man shulde adde any thynge to theyr wrytingꝭ I wolde but alonly monishe you to beware and take hede of suche wolues goyng in shepes clothyng that they do nat in euery place vyolently rapte slee and dystroye I haue also made answere to the epystle that he dyd wryte to you in the begynnyng of his boke deferrynge to wryte to you matters of greater grauytye vnto a tyme more conuenient as well as if I had made answere to the sayde paradoxes or conclusyones Nor you shall nat merueyle that I sayde there be many byshopes of one cytye for verely euery cytie hath so many byshoppes as it hathe true euangelystes or preachers for euery preacher of the truthe I say of the truthe that dothe nat preachelyes decrees inuencions dreames lawes and coūselles of men but the moste pure and symple worde of god is a true byshope although he be nat callyd so of many the churche of god hathe no other byshopes but these therfore there as is no pure minister of the worde of god is no bysshop and without doute we haue ben very longe and manye yeres without byshopes in the moste fearfull iudgement of god for they that haue be callyd byshopes to this day be nothyng lesse than byshopes excepte they wyll be callyd wycked or purse byshopes or byshopes of the kyngdome of antichriste Verely a byshope is callyd by interpretacyō an ouersear or watcher and euery man is byshope of the thīg that he moste entendythe But there is no man so blynde but he perceuyth to what thyngꝭ these byshopes of the kyngdome of perdycyon entende Ye and they glory them selues in lyenge wordes sayeng He that dothe a thīg by another / aperethe to do it by hym selfe This rule / is execrable / and cursyd byfore the lorde in those thynges that pertaine to the office of a byshop whose hyest pointe is ministery of the alonly worde of god for they may cōmytte to other the ministery of sacramentes bycause they be pryncypally sent to the ministery of the worde As saynte Paule wryteth of hym selfe in the fyrste epystle to the Corinthianes the fyrste chapitre sayeng Christ sent nat me to baptyze but to preache the gospell more ouer these buggyshe bysshopes substitute or haue none vnder thē that is a pure euangelyst but hyre wretches and moste couytouse marchantes of lukre that seke nothynge lesse then the
antychrystes nat sekyng the glorie of god but theyr owne glorie they dyd all stryue for the pope and the minorites for theyr Francys Bonauenture Scote and Occam c agaynst Dominike Thomas and Capriolus c̄ and so of other slobelyes deuourīg vp wydoes īnocētꝭ howses ye all the substance of the worlde ❧ Another sure and euident token that this blyndnes hathe ben is discēcyon neuer ceasyng that hathe bene amongest preachers for what do we se in them but cōtencyon / debate / and chydynge agaynste the nature of the holy ghoste whiche is spirite of vnyō and peace and of the sermons of god whiche neuer sofferith nature of contrary osnes in thē and aganst the custome of the churche of god whiche loueth true peace / and is enemy of contencyon ☞ ❧ ♣ ❧ ☜ ¶ The thyrde manyfest sygne is abhomynable peace of the fleshe for the worde of god bryngethe the sworde seperates chyldren from theyr parentes / and frendes from frendes whose louers muste nedes sufre persecucyon for it is vnpossyble that the worde of the crosse shulde be without a crosse that it shulde nat be spoken agaynst for Christe those that longe to him be put in sygne of cōtradictyon Luc. 2. bycause therfore that the doctryne that hath contynued so longe the decrees of Antechriste the pryde and al the apostasy of his kyngedome hathe be obserued so longe tyme in an execrable pease so that frely this man of synne with the tyrannes of his kyngedome what so euer they wolde scarsly any man withstandynge dyd ordayne chaunge and dystroy contrary to the playne textes of scripture by what meanes it is well knowen this peryllouse blyndenes to haue reygnyd by suche contynuance ☞ ❧ ❧ ☜ ♣ The .iiij. and moste euydent sygne is that lawes lycencyous lyuyng deuylyshe pompe moste proude ornamētes crownes burletes hattes myters hypocrysy hauynge no lyke deceyuable chastitie dyuersite and supersticyō of sectes settynge vp of ydolles chapelles colleges phaanes .i. of hye and monstrouse places lyeng bulles stelīg of tythes fyrst frutes and offerynges vsurping of kyngdomes and lordshyppes sacryfyce of masses and all other atteynyng to the kyngdome of Antechriste clene contrary to the immaculat worde of god ☞ ♣ ☜ ☞ It was predestynat that the sonne of perdycyon the manne of synne the pope and his kyngdome whom the apostle 2. Thessa 2. dyd prophesye to be reuelat and byfore that he shulde be knowen to be hydde that by tyme and tymes that is to say longe tyme halfe tyme for the laste tyme where as he thought to reygne perpetually is cutte of the halfe when he falleth by lytle and lytle as he is knowen by the worde of god he had neuer reigned so longe if we had knowen whom he had ben all that tyme therfore that he hathe reygned vntyl he was knowen by and by where as he is reuelyd by the mercye of god in the tyme p̄fynyte of god that is in our blessyd tyme he begynneth to falle and is peryshed with the sworde of the mouthe of the lorde and dayly he is tossed plucked without handes ❧ And for that cause the lorde hath opened with his worde fyrste that the pope and as many as do pertayne to his kyngdome be the chyldren of perdycyon for no doubte who so euer is nat apostata and alyenat frome that kingdome is apostata and alienat and a scysmatyke frō Christe wherof they may be bothe callyd chyldren of perdycyon and deceyuynge other with theyr lyes ❧ ♣ ♣ Secondly he hathe shewed that they be men of synne bycause al theyr affectyons and cogytacyons and workes be synne Also with theyr tradycyons and synnes they haue encreasyd synne aboue al estymacyon there was neuer man from the begynnyng of the worlde that hathe so bounde mennes conscyence as the pope and his tyrannes that is cardynales and byshopes with theyr reprouable counselles ¶ Thyrdly god hathe made manyfest to vs that who so euer hathe the prymacye of the churche of Satane and is takē for the pope is aboue al other the sonne of perdicion the man of syn and antychriste whiche dothe exalte hymselfe aboue all that is called god or worshypped suppressing the lawes and true worshyppe of god so that he dothe sitte in the tēple of god as god and is taken of the faythefull whiche be the quycke temples of god for the vycker of the hye god ☞ Nowe afterwarde that god hathe manifestly shewed to vs that the papacye that is the kyngedome of Antychriste is the kyngedome of synne to be abhorryd and damnable it is necessary for all that do attayne to it to be alyenat from it and to coūte them for nothynge but as dregges or castynge out of dyuelles to attribute nothyng to them to truste in nothing that they do as in decrees excominycacyons pardons pryuyleges bulles with suche other bagage And the same of the pope cardynalles patriarkes legates archebyshopes falsebyshopes chanones and monkes and so of all other ❧ we haue a sure knowledge specyally in .iiij. thynges that the doctryne whiche nowe is reuelyd to vs of the lorde is the very and mere truthe fyrst that the pure textes of the byble the deceyuable inuēcions of men abiecte be dylygently receyued wryten and preachyd The seconde is that al syncere preachers although they be personally seperate nor one of them hearyth nat another or rede his wrytingꝭ yet do they for the moste parte agree but in case they dyssent for a tyme in any thyng then the scriptures of god delygently serchyd they be appesyd contentyd The thyrde is althoughe many do abuse the lybertye of the gospell yet as many as do receyue thys doctryne gently and mekely be meke mercyfull faythefull reioysyng in spirite pacyent very gentyll full of charytie procurīg the glorye of god with out any superstycyousnes or hypocrysye copyouse in frutes of trewe good workes The fourthe is that this doctryne is neuer resysted nor spoken agaynste but of the chyldren of perdycyon carnall men antechristes and men of synne euyn as Symeon dyd prophisy of Christe in the .2 chapitre of Luke sayng in that signe that shall be resisted and spoken agaynst c. yet for al that they do nat specially name innocentes and true preachers it can neuer be but they shal be resysted and spoken agaynste for it is wrytten if they haue persecuted me they shal persecute you Iohn̄ in the .15 cha agayne all that wyll mekely lyue in Christ Iesu shal suffre ꝑsecucyō .2 Tymo 3. ♣ The electe that haue gone byfore vs in the miserable time of errour and derkenes althoughe they dyd aberre from the hydde iudgement of god yet for theyr electiō that is bycause they were chosen of god frome the begynnyng they were acceptable to him for though he dyd abhorre theyr synnes he dyd immutably loue theyr ꝑsones For he by the purenes of theyr faythe hathe taken all theyr synnes hathe nat ymputed them for pure faythe is imputed to iustyce