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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B08180 Christian purposes and resolutions. D. T. (Daniel Tuvill), d. 1660. 1611 (1611) STC 24393.3; ESTC S95608 48,765 294

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Psal 103 11 is in the Heauens and of the other Thy Iustice ô God is like the hils to signifie vnto vs that his mercy doth as much exceed his iustice as the high Heauens doe surmount the Hils The holy one is milde and ful of gentlenesse free from anger and of long patience Esay 27.4 Wee haue seene the Lord said the Disciples but Thomas beleeues thē not yet Christ forbeareth to reproue him and commeth not till eyght dayes after to rebuke his incredulity and euen then the vttermost of his wrath is onely this Put thy Fingers into my woundes Ioh. 20.26 and thy hand into my side and bee no longer faithlesse When sinfull Adam after his fall had stoln as he imagined out of the sight of his Creator idly conceiting peraduenture that himselfe being hid his fault wold not bee seene Gen. 3 8. God came not to correct him with a furious and hasty pace he did but walk and that against the winde desirous as it were to bee detained in his proceedinges by that gentle blast He walked against the wind saith the Text not in the Morning nor at Noone-day but towardes the Euening at the very setting of the Sunne so slow so slack so remisse is this deare Father of ours in the execution of his iudgements Hee dealt otherwise with the Prodigall hee sawe him no sooner comming but his heart was ouer-ioyed hee ran vnto him and hauing entertained him with kisses and kind embracements hee calleth vnto his Seruants Goe quickly bring me forth for him the purest Robe Luke 15.22 kill me instantly the fattest Calfe that wee may eate it and bee merry my Son was dead and is aliue againe lost he was but he● is found Eze. 36 25 So that his fauours are powred ou● vpon vs with some violence but his chasticementes and his corrections are distilled drop b● drop Cant. 5 5. My hart saith he shall not drop down vpon Ierusalem by the hand of Shishak 2. Cron. 12.7 He is patient wold haue no man perish but willingly draw all men to repentaunce I will not therefore despise the riches of his bounty Rom. 2.4 and long sufferance he seekes to leade mee by it to saluation nor as one that is contentions will I disobey the truth and obey vnrighteousnesse but I wil labour by continuance in well doing for honour glory and eternall life I looke for new Heauens and a new Earth according to his promise Esay 65 17. and will be therfore diligent that I may bee found of him in peace without spot and blamelesse 2. Pet. 3.11 XXXVIII PRayer is the Mindes Ambassador to God It is the onely Agent for the Soule but if it haue not Faith and Humility for Assistants it will neuer bee admitted to his presence The one is so much interested in him That whatsoeuer we desire when we pray Mar. 11.24 let vs beleeue that wee shall haue it and it shall bee done vnto vs. The Woman that had so long bin tro●bled with the fluxe did but touch the Hem of his Garment withour further entreatie he turned him about and said vnto her Daughter be of good comfort Math. 9.22 thy faith hath made thee whole His graces are proportioned by this Math. 9 28. According to your Faith be it vnto you said he vnto the blinde that came and besought him for their sight And to the Captaine Math. 8 13. As thou hast beleeued bee it vnto thee The other is of that excellency might and power that it maketh way for our Requestes euen thorough the regions of the Ayre commands their passage thorow the thickest clouds It vshereth them into the Priuy Chamber of his imperiall Maiesty obtaines both hearing and dispatch for them without stop or stay The Prayer of the Centurion sent forth in the behalfe of his diseased Seruaunt was well accompanyed with both I haue not found saith our Sauiour of the first such faith Luke 7.9 no not in Israell and for the last it was not to be parallelled I am vnworthy said hee ô humblenesse of mind that thou shouldst enter vnder my roofe and by so saying hee shewed himselfe worthy not into whose house but into whose heart the Lorde might enter By making himself vnworthy saith S. Chrisostome to receiue Christ into his Gates he was made worthy to bee receiued of Christ into his Kingdome But beside these it had with it the encouragement of Charity that with the more assurednesse better confidence it might appeare before him To pray for our selues proceedes from Nature but to pray for others is the worke of Grace Necessity enforceth vs to that but brotherly loue exhorteth vs to this And it is indeede a far sweeter sauour in the Nostrils of the Lord thē that which ariseth from the sensitiue apprehensiō of our own misery I aduise you therefore saith Saint Paule to Timothy that first of all Supplications 1. Tim. 2 1. Prayers Intercessions and Thankesgiuings be made for al men The word which we professe instructeth vs by precepts and examples that the conseruation of duty to the publique should bee much more vnto vs then the conseruation of eyther life or being and that whatsoeuer good is Cōmunicatiue should be preferred before that which is but priuate and particular Rom. 9.3 S. Paule desired to bee anathemized for his Bretheren and Moses to bee razed out of the Booke of life for the Children of Israell Exo 32 32. such was their zeale vnto the Church and such their feeling of Communion I wil continually therfore labour to lift vp pure handes to Heauen without doubting Luk. 18.13 I will imitate the lowlinesse of the Publican and in my bosome will I cherish his meane conceite When I pray I will not stand in the Synagogues Math. 6 6. nor kneele in the corners of the streets that I may bee seene of men but I will enter into my Chamber and hauing shut my doore I wil cal vpon my heauenly Father He seeth in secret and shal reward me openly In my Prayers I will bee mindfull of my afflicted Bretheren that so the lord may be more mindfull of mee God is exceedingly in loue with Charity Cant. 1.1 the very name thereof to him is as an oyntment powred out She is his onely darling hee dooth kisse her with the Kisses of his mouth when shee commeth to him hee lodgeth her betweene his breastes and neuer sendes her from him but with ladē hands The G●oler washed Paul and Silas frō their stripes Acts 16 33 and by so doing himselfe was washed from his sinnes XXXIX GOdlinesse is not a thing hereditarye nor can true Piety be bequeathed by Legacie an vpright heart requireth much manurance and is not gotten but by great Husbandry Esay 5.7 I had a Vineya●d saith the Lord in a most fruitefull Hill what could bee done which I did not to it Yet in the
the Eies of them that sit in darknesse and in the shadow of Death Then shal I bee able with blessed Stephen Actes 7 55. euen in the heat and fury of the skirmish to behold through al the heauens the glory of the Lorde for which I doe contend and my Redeemer Iesus standing at his right hand ready to succour me if need require and then with an vndaunted courage will I abide the fight and die vpon the place ere I giue ground in any fainting manner to the raging of his might Christ is my second who I know wil witnesse my valour and reuenge my quarrell Why should I feare the powers and principalities of Hel When God is with vs who shal stand against vs XXXV BEhold saith the Prophet the day commeth rhat shall flame like an Ouen Mal. 4.1 and they that sweare by the sinne of Samaria and say Amos 8.14 Thy God O Dan liueth and the manner of Beer-Sheba liueth yea the proud with all such as doe wickedly shall bee Stubble the day that commeth shall cleane consume them it shal leaue them neither root nor branch The Lorde will hast him from Teman Hab. 3.3 and the holy one from Mount Paran His Maiesty shall couer the Heauens and the Earth shall be full of his glorie Consuming fire shall march before him and burning coales shall cōpasse him about Hee will summon all the Nations of the Earth to make their appearaunce before his Tribunall seat and giue to euery one according to what he hath don 1. Pet. 4.17 whether it be good or euill To put the wicked out of al comfort he will begin his iudgments in his owne house and call euen the righteous according to that of Iob vnto a strict account of euery idle word Thou writest bitter thinges saith he against me Iob. 13 26. and makest mee possesse the iniquity of my youth Thou puttest my feete into the Stockes and lookest narrowly vnto my pathes The printes thereof are in the heeles of my feet Now if the Caedar of Lebanon be shakē thus Luke 23.31 what shal becom of the bramble in the Wildernesse If this bee doone to the greene Spring what is remaining for the dry Stumpe If the iust man be so hardly saued wher is the hope of the vngodly I will high me therefore to the lord my God with al the speede I can I will not deferre my going to him by repentance till the seting of the Sun Ibid. 24.25 O fooles and slow of heart saith he to such and will not stay with them but with great constraint Nor will I put it of vntill the euening Ibid. 24 37. least hauing found him I should bee doubtfull and think I see a Spirit when I looke on him No no I will rise betimes with Mary Magdalen Math. 28.1 and with the Mother of Iames will I seek for Iesus of Nazareth before the dawning of the day Prou. 8 17. Hee loueth those that loue him and they that seeke him early shal sind him XXXVI GOD is no respecter of persons Ephe. 6 9. Iohn 4.47 The Ruler entreated him to come vnto his Sonne he would not Luke 7.2 The Centurion did but sende vnto him for his Seruant and immediatly hee went It is not the beauty of outward obiectes that attractes his Eye nor the quality of ambitious Titles that stirres vp his respect When he past thorough Iericho Ibid. 17 5. there were many that came foorth to see him mo●● specious to the viewe of weaker sence of hig●er place and ranke in the Cittie then Zacheus was yet he alone was grace by him aboue the re●● Ibid. 7.25 The Baptist was not cl●thed in soft rayment Math. 3.4 no● fed with delicates H●● meat was Locustes with wilde Hony and his ga●ment of Camels Hayre yet did hee make him greater then a Prophet Peter was not arrayed it Purple Ibid. 16.18 nor did hee liue deliciously in Courtes of Kinges and yet he made him Prince of his Apostles So the body bee sound hee cares not for the bark If the liuing be good let the outside bee as ragged as it will I wil not therefore greatly eie my present condition Though I bee rich I will not presume vppon my wealth though I be poore I wil not despaire for my want He that called vnto the Fisher-men that were in their Ship Mat. 4.21 mending their Nets not minding him and sayde vnto them Come followe me will out of question giue kind and courteous entertainment vnto him who out of loue and of his owne accord do● humbly sue vnto him f●● his Liuery Againe I know that Diues was 〈◊〉 torments Luke 16 23 when Laz●r● was in Abrahams boson XXXVII Esay 21.28 IVstice is a worke when with the Lord is scare acquainted It is a stra●ger and an alien to him he knowes not how no which way to begin i● In Sodom there was no● righteous but only ●a or he would neuer haue wasted it with fire none in the whole world saue onely Noah or he would neuer haue destroyed it with the floud Till the Tree bee past hope hee applyeth not his Axe No nor then but with much vnwillingnesse and great commiseration He looketh at Hierusalem Luke 19.41 weepes to thinke on the destruction that shoulde come vpon it He houles for Moab he cries out for it his heart doth mourn for them of Kirhareseth Iere. 40.31 He weepeth for the vine of Sibmah as he wept for Iazer he watereth Hes●bon with his teares Esay 16.9 are Elaleh is drunke with th● showers of his cōplain because of the destroye which is to fall vppo● their Summer fruites vpon their Vintage H●● wrath and indignatio● hath many Motiues t● incite it Iob. 64 6. but his mercy none For all our righteousnesse is as a filthy Cloute wee fade like a leafe and our iniquities like the windes doe carry vs away yet notwithstanding he lookes down vpon vs from the throne of his heauenly grace with the eye of Pitty compassion he remembers that wee are the workemanshippe of his handes and in the ende out of the zeale of his affection towardes vs he crieth out Ose 13.9 Thy iniquities O Israell haue destroyed thee but thy help is in me He doth not onely tolerate our imperfections but oftentims he dissembleth the knowledge hee hath of them he turneth away his face and will not see the sinne because he would not punish the Sinner There is no daie wherein to fauour the transgressour hee doth not breake the Tables of the Law Our GOD is a iealous God Exod. 20 5. he visiteth the sinnes of the Father vpon the Children vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate him but sheweth mercy vnto thousands of them that loue him and keepe his Commaundements The Kingly Prophet therefore speaking of them both saieth of the one Thy mercy ó Lorde