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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B01752 The sword of the Lord and of Gideon to this is subjoined a prayer for an armie going to battell, and a thanksgiving after the victorie. / By M. Zachary Boyd, preacher of Gods word at Glasgow. Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653. 1643 (1643) Wing B3911; ESTC R170739 54,667 189

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before ●e hath tried Gods love and li●eralitie will but seek small things ●rom him But assone as he hath ●een these Oceans of mercies that ●re in Gods widest bowels he will seek and seek ay more and more When ever he lookes upon God he sees a full hand ready ●o give he heares a mouth of mercy crying unto him Psal 81.10 Open thy mouth very wide and I will fill ●t unto thee It is not possible that man that is not acquaint with God can imagine how loving ●nd liberall the Lord is for this ●ause the wicked who are thick ●ghted and by false spectacles ●ee him but a farre in the workes ●f the Creation but not neere ●n Christ seeke nothing from God but earthly things Psal 4.6 as wheate wine and oyle When they are ●ull of these things like a horse ● dogge or a cowe that is full of meat they lye downe to sleep and seeke no more Such me● are but beasts who know no● what good things the LORD hath in his treasures for his Children If they get the earth and earthly things they rest content singing a Requiem to their soules with that foole in the Gospel who bad his soul eate Luke 12.19 drink an● be merrie because he had provided much for it Est aliquid quod in ipsis floribus angat Jon. 4.7 and that fo● many yeares This joy lasteth not The flovvre of it hath ● vvorme like Jonahs gourd it wil● anone vvither and passe avvay The use The use Let us be careful● to knovv GOD and his goodnesse If vve vvere once vvel acquaint with him in our prayers vve should wonder what a boldnesse should enter into ou● hearts to go to GOD and to seeke and seeke ay more and more If he see our hearts honest if vve speake to him vvith sense and feeling Psal 109.164 though seven ●imes a day he vvill never say ●o us Mal. 2.7 as he saith to Papists ba●ling on their beeds yee weary ●e with your words No not he is so glad of our conference ●hat he hath commanded us to ●ray continually 1 Thess 5.16 Yee cannot be●eeve the half of that which I ●ay untill yee make proofe and ●ake a tryall of that which yee heare O the unspeakable kindnesse of God When the Queene of Sheba who had heard much of Solomons glory came her selfe and saw She said that the report which She had heard of him was ●rue and that She could not be●ieve the wordes untill her eyes had seene it But behold said She 1 King 10 7 ●he halfe was not told mee thy wisedome and prosperitie exceedeth the fame which I heard Much more may this bee said in things pertaining to God the tongue of Angels can not expresse th● half of Gods goodwill toward the sonnes of men David kne● this and therefore he most earnestly exhorted all the godly t● get knowledge of Gods goodnesse by their owne experience O taste and see how good is the LORD Psal 34.8 O but Gods childre● are deare to him Oh that the● were dearer to us then they are Alas beasts and fowles hawke and houndes are more dear to many then the dearest children o● God Julius Caesar perceiving women bearing litle dogs under thei● armes enquired if they had n● children So it may be enquire of many that with great coa● feede foules and beasts for thei● pleasure if GOD have no chi●●dren for their charitie But O though men contemne such y● are they deare to GOD yea s● that the more familiare they bee with him they are the more welcome The more they seeke they come the better speed Yea he is willing that they leane and ●est upon him so that others see●ng this Cant. 8.5 may wonder at such a familiaritie and say who is this ●omming up from the wildernesse ●eaning upon her welbeloved Now let us consider the petition it selfe it is in these wordes Cast him downe The Hebrew word Carang signifieth proper●y to bow to throw downe with ●reat violence The Psalmist ●eaking of these gluttons among ●e Israelites that cryed for flesh ●aith that after they were filled ●he wrath of GOD came downe ●pon them Pal. 78.31 and smote downe the ●hosen men of Israel The originall word there signifieth that he made them to bow or that hee ●hrew them downe when a man falleth in a battell or any way 〈◊〉 death he boweth downe This that which David heere desire the Lord to doe to his enemies who could not be diverted fro● their malicious purpose even th● he would bow them down by h● strong and mighty arme The doctrine Observe here what the Lor● both can and will doe to the en●●mies of his servants he will no faile to cast them downe This that which David heere require This is the prayer of the Churc● when the godly are persecuted b● malicious men who will not 〈◊〉 recalled God is a hearer of prayers hee will not faile to thro● down to the ground all these th● maliciously set their face agai● him If yee vvould have a pro● of this hear the speaches of Go● and of the proude King of Ba● vvho smote Gods people in wra● vvith a continuall stroake I sa● that King will ascend into heaven Isa 14.13 I will exalt n● throne above the Starres of God that is I vvill do vvhat I please let God say what he liketh but he lied But what said the Lord vers 15. the Lord spake truth Thou shalt be brought downe to hell I shall cast thee dovvne A man vvhat ever he be if once the Lord in vvrath lay hands upon him shall be cast dovvne yea dovvne to the earth yea downe to the hells yea so dovvne that he shal never be able to rise again I will overturne overturne Eze. 21.27 overtu●ne said the LORD The 1 use The first use Let this serve for instruction to great men as Emperours Kings and Princes let such bevvarre according to Gamaleels counsell Act. 5.39 to fight against GOD. They for a space in the pride of their hearts may ruffle and strout like Nebuchadnezzar in his palace vvith Dan. 4.30 Is not this great Babel yea some vvill boast Go● himselfe vvith Pharao saying who is the LORD Exod. 5.2 but such 〈◊〉 all their greatest grandour are bu● like Chessemen vvhich have som● prerogatives upon the Chesseboard but O vvhen the game is ended death shuffleth both the King and the Pawne into one bagge vvit● God is no respect of persons h● careth neither for King nor Kes●● if they proudly repine against hi● Majestie Psal 20.12 vvhen his wrath is kindled but a little Eze. 21.27 he will overturne overturne overturne their royall estates breake their scepters into pieces make their crovvne like the chaffe of the Summer threshing floore David a King knowing this that scepters and crovvnes vvhen GOD is provoked are no● Thunder-proofe gave unto al● Kings his counsell concerning
the mighty ones It shall bee at last sung in a song of victory vers 27. At our feete they bowed and fell at our feete they bowed and fell Where they bovved there they fell dovvne dead All our enemies like Adam in his sinne shall flee away and thrust their head in a bush If we be Gods friends God shall be their enemie whether they fight in valleyes or hills let them hitch up as high as they can were it to set their nest among the Stars Obad. 4. thence shall he bring them down As mountaines could not save his enemies in the day of water neither shall the fountaines save them in the last day of fire GODS friends may well say Psal 66.12 vve vvent through fire and vvater but his foes are burnt in the one and drowned in the other they shall not be able to make any shift for a shelter Let us flee Exod. 14 25. said the Egyptians for the LORD fighteth for Israel This at last shall be the case of all our enemies though they were in number like the sand Judg. 7.12 if we by a reformed life studie to please him who is the GOD of armies for as Moses sang at the red Sea Exod. 15.3 The LORD is a man of Warre he triumphingly at the last sets his foot upon the necks of all his enemies But if wee provoke GOD by our sinnes Josh 7.20 as Achan did at Jericho If we grieve the Angels who clap their vvings for joy at our conversion Luk. 15.10 if wee make griefe to goe to these thresholds of joy if we make these ministring Spirits to blush at our wicked deeds Heb. 1.14 if we draw back Heb. 10.38 so that GODS soul have no pleasure in us if we rebell and vexe his holy Spirit Isa 66.10 and for to speake so morgage our salvation or by some bastard idle thoughts barter away the joyes of a good conscience for any triffles of pleasure profite or preferment like Esau who preferred pottage to his birthright Gen. 25.34 or like the Gergesites who desired Christ the Saviour to depart from their costs Mat. 8.34 that they might save their swine in a word if such wicked thoughts lodge within us vve shall in the day of Battell flee like sheepe scattered on the mountaines 2 Chron. 18.16 When the Israelites fled shamefully from before the men of Aï the Lord declared to Joshuah their great Generall the cause of their flight Israel hath sinned Josh 7.11 and have transgressed my Covenant c. vers 12. Therefore they could not stand before their enemies If Generalls of armies vvould not vvith Joshuah bee ashamed of the flight of their souldiers let them by all meanes endeavour that no wicked persons be tolerate in their armies For all such are but like Cuckoos which for a little space in Summer will sing a scurvy note to us but are sure to be gone before the winter blasts come Such profaine villaines vvill do no good in the day of danger when they must face a bloodie field and therefore a Generall must say of his armie as David said of his house I will walke within my house or in my armie Psal 101.2 with a perfect heart vers 3 c. I hate the worke of them that turne aside it shall not cleave to vers 4 mee A froward heart shall depart from me I will not know vers 5 a wicked person Who so privily slandereth his neighbour him shall I cut off Him that hath an high looke and a proud heart will not vers 6 I suffer Mine eyes shall be on the faithfull of the land that they may dwell with me He that vvalketh in a perfect vvay vers 7 he shall serve we He that vvorketh deceit shall not dvvell vvithin my house Hee that telleth lies shall not tarrie in my sight I vers 8 vvill early destroy all the vviced of the land That I may cut off all vvicked doers from the Citie of the LORD The Generall of an armie should not onely honour GOD himselfe but also carefully see that he be honoured by others and should contemne all honour that is joyned with contempt of Christs Majestie It is storied of Gotherey of Boloigne a most excellent warriour that being in the very heate and hight of his honour he refused to bee crowned in Jerusalem with a Crovvn of gold and that because Christ his Lord had there beene crowned with a Crovvn of thornes O then what honour can come from these profaine who by wounds and passions and bloody oathes and other vilest vices Heb. 6.6 doe crucifie againe the King of glory Let these be the wordes of a generous Generall I hate the worke of them that turne aside it shall not cleave to mee a froward heart shall depart from me I will not know a wicked person c. These that delight in lies shall not tarry in my sight these who with Achan play punks for to fill their trunks with a golden wedge Josh 7.21 them will I cut off with all other vicious persons who like drunkards are couragious at the Barrell but cowards at the Battell Tumidi potando timidi pugnando all such that want grace shall have no place in my favour Let all Captaines make this a rule of their militarie Discipline wherewith as by a curb they may powerfullie pull in all these that give loose reines to themselves in all sortes of riot If this be carefully done they shall have their souldiers full of heart and health strength and courage 1 Sam. 17 13 to draw the strongest cities with ropes in a river they like Saul and Jonathan shall be swifter then Eagles 2 Sam. 1.23 and stronger then Lions The LORD shall teach their hands to warre so that a bow of steele shall bee broken by their armes Pal. 18.34 their enemies when they see them shall all agast with gastly lookes cry with the Egyptians at the red Sea Let us flee from the face of Israel Exod. 14.25 for the LORD fighteth for them against us Thus shall it be done to the armie of these that in holinesse fight the Battels of the LORD In whose royall hand is the royall gift of victorie in this life and after this life the victorious wreaths with palmes in hands Rev. 7.9 and crownes on heads in the Heaven of Heavens the place of our desired rest and the rest of all our desires To him bee glory for ever Amen A PRAYER FOR AN ARMIE IN THE DAY OF BATTELL O LORD the great GOD of Armies and commander of Battels in whose hand is the breath of all men who hast a full power to save or destroy there is none like unto thee Wee who stand in great need of thy help intreat thee for thy mercy this day Let not the sinnes of any like the sin of Achan deprive us of thy assistance and protection at this present