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B00941 A bryefe summe of the whole Byble. A Chrystian instruction for al parsons yonge and olde, to the whiche is annexed the ordenarye for all degrees. / Translated out of Doutche into Inglysh by Antony Scoloker. Heyden, Cornelius van der.; Scoloker, Anthony, fl. 1548. 1550 (1550) STC 3018; ESTC S124414 67,231 231

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Deut. xii thou shalte wryte them vppon the postes of thy house and vppon thy gates Take hede and here all these wordes whiche I cōmaunde the that it maye go well with the and with thy children after the for euer Deut. vi See thou doo that whiche is right in the sight of thy lorde that thou mayste prosper ye shal not do after all the thynges that seme good in thyne owne eyes 〈◊〉 what soeuer I commaunde you Deu. ●xx vii that do and put nought therto nor take ought therfrom Cursed be he that maynteyneth not all the wordes of this law to do thē THese beforenamed tenne commaundemētes dyd the Lorde God i. ●eg vii ●ake x● gyue vnto Moses hys seruaunt as we haue before declared in two tables made of stone 〈…〉 xii Wherof in the first is comprehended or conteyned the first chefest and moost pryncypal commaundemente Deu. iiii of the whiche Chryst speaketh sayng Thou shalte loue the lorde thy God wyth all thy harte wyth all thy soule and whithe all thy mynde Thys chefe commaundemente and summe of the first table comprehendeth in it fyue other speciall commaundementes in the whiche we may know and learne what we ought to do and to leaue in that whiche concerneth or toucheth God our heauenly father And in the seconde table is comprysed the secōde commaun demente lyke vnto the first that is to saye Thou shalt loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe That is What soeuer thou woldeste that other men shulde do to the Mat. vii do euen the same vnto them This commaundemente comprehendeth also in it fyue other commaundementes in the whiche we may learn to know what we ought to do and to leaue in that that cōcerneth or toucheth our ●uen Christē or neyghbour So that in these two cōmaundemētes are comprehended the whole lawe and prophetes Rom. xiii And euery man maye lightly perceyue that therin although the woordes are fewe are very playnlye and perfe●tlye declared al kinde of good workes and commaundemētes whiche in any wyse might bee commaunded or geuen to any mā both for to leade a vertuous and Godlye lyfe towardes God and also howe to vse and behaue ourse●ues with our neyghbour both to lyue to dye And who soeuer shall do his vttermost di●●● 〈◊〉 ●o the obseruacyon and 〈…〉 the same he shall not 〈…〉 hour in the whiche he might sai what good workes might I do whiche might be grateful pleasaunt acceptable vnto God Neyther let no man maruayle although he finde not here commaunded that we shuld do any thyng to our own behoufe but that weshulde do it to the behoufe of other that is Fyrst to God and after that to our neyghbour So that although in maner of speakinge a man were blinde yet notwitstanding maie he easelye heare sea fele that the fulfillyng of the lawe dooth cōsist in loue charitie I meane not loue and charite towards our selues but towardes other Wherby it maye iustly be sayde He lyueth best that lyueth to other Agayne he lyueth worst the lyueth to hym selfe And therfore may easely bee spied how fewe there he whiche lyue well vertuously Rom. xiii Psal xiii liii Roma iii To the whiche the prophet Dauid and. S. Paule iustly say Ther is not one that lyueth as he ought to lyue no not one according as the before named tenne commaundementes doo require Here myght a man aske What remedy then Is ther no man that lyueth as he ought to do And it is written in the lawe Cursed bee euerye mā whiche continueth not in al thinges that are written in the booke of the lawe ●●al iii. deu xxvii to do thē Who thē can be saued shall we all be dāpned Heare the sayinge of Roma xii and .iii. S. Paule God sayth he hath comprehended al men vnder sinne and that by through the lawe which geueth vs the knowledge of our sinnes to the intent that he shulde haue mercy on all men And that through faith in Iesu Christ our redeamer By Act. xiii in and through whome all that the carnall men were not able in the fulfyllynge of the lawe is now al fulfylled wholy finished for vs through his precious death Vanquisshinge helle sinne deuell and euerlastyng death Concerninge the seconde article before rehearsed S. Paule to the Balathians in the thirde chapter sayth The rightuous lyueth by fayth Then of necessite a man must beleue if he will be founde rightuous before God Rom. x. And for as muche as the same faith or belefe must come through the hearinge of that whiche men ought to beleue Gyue eare learne and vnderstande in the instruction folowinge called Simbolon Apostorum all that a Christian is chefely bounde to beleue Whiche is deuyded into thre partes euē lyke by the same is acknowledged thre parsones i. John v. Gen. t. in one indiuidivle God heade or deitie THe first part of the Chrysten fayth or beleue maketh mencion of the firste parson of the holy tri●ite God the heauenly father and soundeth thus I beleue in God the father almighty maker of Heauen and earth Malac. 2. Ier. xxxii That is I know Exo. xd. Hebr. x●l thynke and beleue in my harte that my God is in heauen about and in the earth beneth and that there is none other God and all thynges he thorow hym and in him He is the maker and creatour of all creatoures what soeuer is in heauen Ephe. i. on earth The lorde is my strength and glorye and is become to me a father and a sauiour Almyghtye is hys name Lorde who is like vnto the amonge the mightye that art so great in thy holynes Hebr. i. fearfull and laudable that shewest wonders and reygnest for euer and aboue Lorde God full of compassion and mercye Exo. xxx iiii whiche art not lightly angry but haboundaunt in mercy and truth and kepest mercye in store for thousandes Ephesi i. and forgeuest wickednes trespasse sinne He hath electe or chosen vs too beehys chyldren through Iesus Chryst And therfore we shal him onely worshippe and besydes hym none other God Also we shal feare hym as an almyghtye God Deut. vi Psal ii xxxiiii Mat. xii And as a mercyfull father shall we loue him wyth all our hart with al our soule with al our power and myndes And vppon hym must stande all ou● hope Iere. vii Iacob i. For he is the father of light of the which al mankind lyueth Where is there suche a God as thou art o lorde that pardonest wickednes and forgeuest of fences and castest al our synnes into the bottome of the sea Thus good lorde I do vtterly renounce forsake the fende of hel all I dolatry interiour and exteriour all witchecraft mishelefe al false doctrine which is not Gods worde I vtterlye departe fall and flee from all creatures whiche are in heauē aboue or in earth beneth yea
al our care vppon the for thou carest for vs thou knowest before we aske of the what is necessary for vs Mat. vi yea many tymes thou geuest it vnto vs before we aske it Giue vs not to great abundaunce of ryches least we be thereby occasioned to exalt our selues against the and agaynst our neighbours or that we forget not thy great goodnes and mercy neyther gyue vs so great pouertie nede the we be cōstrayned to begge breade or to steale or prouoked too sweare blaspheme thy holy name through vnpacient suffering But gyue vs our daylie sustenaunce neuertheles accordinge to thy Godly wil. We of duety most diligently labour worke but vnto the as he that geueth the encrease we shall cast all our care we are al in thy hande there is none that can resiste thy Godly will Thou good father geuest vnto vs Iob. ix and hast power to take agayn from vs yf thou geuest then doest thou accordyng vnto thy mercye yf thou takest then doest thou accordyng vnto thy rightuousnes Forgyue vs our trespasses as we frogyue them that trespasse agaynst vs. Eccle. 28 Math. 18 Marc. xi Confession O heauenly father I haue bene hardnecked stifnecked and stubborne against those whiche haue offended me haue not willinglye remitted or forgeuen thē their trespasses but I haue much more accounted and estemed the offence whiche they haue done agaynst me then that whiche I haue done agaynst thy Godly maiestie I haue set the synne of my neyghbour before mine behinde Luke vi haue muche soner spied a mote in my brothers eye then a blocke in myne owne eye By reason wherof I haue not harteli or duely as I ought to haue done desired that thou woldest forgyue me my synnes the whiche alas wretch that I am are ineffabile and innumerable Wherfore I cry the mercy Prayer and confession Meke and gentle father we are exceding greatly ī thy debte haue not nor know not wherwith to pay the. We know nothyng better then that we fall prostrate before thy fete and cast vp our eyes towardes the and cry the● 〈…〉 mercifull and 〈…〉 his ful of thy mercy 〈…〉 that no man is holy nor saued by hys owne workes only Psal xxii except thou haue mercy on hym forgeue him his synnes Happy are they whose synnes are forgeuen couered Happy is that man whose synnes are not imputed or rekened vnto hym psal xxxi O mercifull father if we go not about to make our selues vngilte fautles or inculpable thē shalt thou forgiue vs all oure synnes And if we through or by confessiō do knowledge or discouer our sinnes then shalt thou thy selfe couer them cloke or hide our shame In our spirite o heauenly father is a great deceyt the whiche withoute the brightnes of thy Godlye light we can neyther see nor knowe We loue our selues we seke that is ours we feare ad●●r 〈◊〉 we loue not that we se●●e not 〈…〉 is thyne yea not so muche as 〈◊〉 corporall or bodelye thynges Therfore we do se our dampnacion wherin we are and there is none that can redeme or delyuer vs excepte we cal cry vnto the out of the depth O father forgyue vs our trespasses through thy greate merci lyke as a louinge father forgeueth his childe for thou hast promised it vnto vs sayinge Ezech. 18. yf the vngodly will turne away from all his sinnes that he hath done and kepe all my commaundementes do the thing that is equal righte doubtles he shal liue not die for I haue no pleasure in the death of a sinner saith the Lorde but rather that he cōuerte lyue ii Pet. iii Iere. iii. Agayne thou hast committed fornicaciō with many louers yet turne agayn to me I wil receaue the. O moost kinde father thinke vppon thy promises haue mercye on vs forgiue vs oure trespasses as we forgiue thē that haue trespassed agaynst vs. O moost louing father we confesse graunt that it lyeth not in our power to forgyue our ennemies Luk. vi yea to loue thē as thou cōmaundest so is our nature poysoned infected that it is impossible for vs to do it The loue of our selues which is that roote of all Synne seketh alwayes that whiche is hers not that which is thyne or that which is to thy honour or that which is proffitable to our neyghbour Thus good father plant in vs the true brotherly loue the we as thou hast done taught vs may with all our harte loue thē forgiue thē pray for thē Verely I do know most louig father that if we forgiue not oure neyghbour thou shalt neuer forgiue vs our synnes Furthermore I knowe that no sacrifice or prayer is acceptable or pleasaunt vnto the as longe as we reconsyle not our selues with our brother Therfore geue vs grace that we may forgiue our devtoures then shalt thou also forgeue vs our offēces for thou art kynd and full of mercy And thou art come downe from heauen here vpō this earth for synners that repent and amend their lyfe And let vs not bee led into temptation Psal xii zacha 14. i. Pet v. But delyuer vs from euyll Amen Confession O my lord God my heauēly father I haue oft many times alas the while geuyng place vnto temptacion Lyke an vnfaythfull depute or liuetenaunt who through slouthfulnes and neglygence towardes his lorde yeldeth and geueth ouer hys castel or bulwarke vnto the ennemies Neyther haue I beue only satisfied with this miserable wretchednes or fragilitie and synne but haue had pleasure and delite therein in such maner that I haue willingly stirred moued and geuen my selfe ouer and defiled my selfe lyke aswine in the muddy and filthy puddle and myre And haue not endeuoured my selfe to that whiche is euerlasting and good Forgeue o father helpe the feble and weake Prayer and confession O moost bounteous father thou whiche art a kynde and louyng helper of all thē that feare the and call on the in nede trouble and persecutiō Beholde consider that our life is a strife and continual warrefare here in this world Our ennemies cease not the deuell goeth about lyke a roaringe lyon sekinge whome he may deuoure The glorious flatteting worlde in lyke case laugheth vpon vs on euery side And our owne flesh and ghostly or inward enemie ceaseth neuer to spurre and striue agaynst the spirite and that so vehemently that of very necessite we are cōpelled to cal vppon the for helpe ayde and comforte as to a fayth full father who wil not suffer vs to bee tempted aboue our power but shal faythfull ye helpe vs at oure right side i. Cor. iiii to the intente we shulde not be ouercome of our ennemies O comforter and father of al consolacion comfort vs in all our aduersitie for thou art a father of all consolacion thou shalt strength ●●●s and
thy children Psal xxi wyth the wholesome meate of thy Godly worde for nowe do the poore sit downe they eate and are fylled prayse the lorde wyth all them whiche after the mocion of the holyghoost seke the wyth all their harte Thou hast geuen that lyuynge water where wyth we maye quentche and expeliche drye thurst wythout ceasynge O father howe louingly and kyndelye doest thou cal vs through the mouth of the prophet Ezay sayinge E●ay lv All they that are thurstie come to the waters and ye that haue no money make hast come but that ye may haue to eate Come buy wyne mylke wythout money or money worth Wherfore do ye laye o●t your money for the thyng that fedeth not and spende your labour for the thing that satisfieth you not But harken rather vnto me and ye shal eate of the best and your soule shall haue her pleasure in plentuousnes Enclyne your eares Act. xiii d i● Re. v●● ez●ch xxx ●iii and come vnto me take hede your soule shall lyue For I wyl make an euerlasting couenaunt with you euē the sure mercies promised to Dauid Therfore moost kinde father l. Reg. iiii we confesse and reuerence the lyke chyldren do their father here vppon the harth Thou dwellest in the heauens wyth thy Aungelles who are not troubled wyth the fleshe but alas we dwell vppon this earth in this miserie in all trouble aduersite and tēptacion We ought also to bee heauenly separed from al worldely and earthly spottes or wrincles a pure holy temple of thy holy Maieste Apo. xxi Lyke thou hast promysed They shal be my people I wil be their God I wil dwel wyth them to the ende of the worlde O moost wyse father thou knowest our weakenes and infirmyte how that in this heauye burthen of the flesh no man is pure no man is vngilty by or through his owne strength before thy face esay lxiiii All our rightuousnesses are as the clotes stayned wyth the floure of a woman we fal euerychone as the leafe for our synnes cary vs away lyke the wynde Tre●o● ● To bryng furth any thing of our selues wherby we might become rightuous we are not able All our fathers whiche nowe are gone haue synned are fallen from the are become vnproffitable neither was there one that dyd good But thou lorde hast made vs rightuous clēsed vs so that we are heauēly and a kyngdome wherin thou sittest And vnder thy fete haste thou the earth to a fotestole so that we do altogether lye vnder thy myght and power wyth fleshe bloude not seking oure owne lust desire but thy wyll not the thinges that are here in this worlde but in heauen eccle xliii where thy sonne Iesus Chryst sitteth on the righthāde The heauēs firmamēt in their continuall course are obedient vnto the and serueth vs also continually geuing vs light clearenes into the worlde to the ease of al men as wel the wicked as the good by the whiche thy great pitie mercy and goodnes is expressed declared vnto al the worlde Moost gētle father graunt that we may so diligently serue thy maiestie and all menne for thy take both wicked and good rightuous vnrightuous psal xviii And boldlye declare pronounce without ceasynge lyke as the heauēs do thy Godly honour before all men so that therby thy mightie name may be praysed magnified for euermore Lactanti For we are created and made through thy goodnes to thy honour to know ledge confesse and serue the. Hallowed be thy name For all e●●ates Confession O heauenly father lorde God whose name is hallowed aboue all other names euerlastingly also called on ouer me in baptisme I confesse before the that I alas the whyle haue not magnified worshipped the same name as I ought to do But haue arrogantly and presumptuously attributed al honour vnto my selfe and haue exalted and boasted mi selfe in my workes and dedes other thy giftes Furthermore I haue also made thy name a cloke to myne Idolatry tyranny wilines knauery also through ypocrisy swearyng cursing murmuring and vayne talking greatly abusing and dishonouring the same wherfore I crye the mercy Prayer and confession Thy name 〈◊〉 father bee hallowed magnified for eu●●more for vnto the apparteineth al sau de euerlasting praise but vnto vs all shame and confusion for all that we are that are we by and through thy mercye and all what we receyue we receyue at thy mylde and lyberall handes So that no mā nedeth to boaste as though he had it of hym selfe But thou openest thy hand and fyllest al creatures with thy blessynges O moost gentle father let vs fall frō our selues wholy abiecting and despayring of our owne flesh strength so that we neyther trust to our selues nor yet to our good workes psal cxxii but the we maye fix or sette our eyes vppon the lyke the seruaunt fixeth or setteth his eyes vppō hys master tyll tyme the thou haue mercy on vs. For if it were not for thy mercy were as Sodoma Gomo●ra Ther●●e thy name bee fauctified blessed from the rysyng of the sōne vnto the going downe of the same Roma ix Graunt o father the oure soule without ceasyng and all our strength without lothsomnes or tediousnes maye laude prayse the in woor de dede And although we dyd al those thinges whiche thou cōmaundest vs shape in vs suche a harte y● we yet may say that we are vnprofitable seruauntes Luk. xvii For if we haue any thyng that good is it commeth from thy grace O father take frō vs all pride and the loue of our selues to the intent that we esteme our selues no more thē we ought to do that we exalte not our selues aboue other But that we thynkyng knowyng the thou hast geuen vs power strength accordinge to thy good wil and pleasure with all humilitie and lowlynes may walke after thy Godly cou●aunt and wyll That we may say with that princely prophet Dauid Psalm c. xiii Not vnto vs o lord not vnto vs but vnto thy name gyue the prayse for thou art onely lorde both of heauen and earth Thy kyngdome come Confession Psalm l●xvi O lorde God I complayne lament and be wayle my miserie vnto the that I haue bene captiue ●h wretch that I am in that straunge lande of babilon in the lande of death geuyng my membres to the seruitude of sinne to striue agaynst thy holy kyngdome And although I haue forsaken the deuel all his workes in baptisme yet al the notwithstanding I am become wo vnto me vnfaythful forsworne and haue fled from the and ronne to thyne ennemie● Haue mercy on me Prayer and confession Come o lorde and make thy dwellyng wyth vs and let vs be attone wyth the so that we maye remayne or contine win the and thou in vs. Lo●●ng father make our