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A89269 A discourse about the pretious blood and sacrifice of Iesus Christ. Moore, Thomas, Senior. 1646 (1646) Wing M2592; Thomason E360_14; ESTC R201196 82,032 110

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sinned and come short of the glorie of God being justified freely through his grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ which God nath set forth to be the propitiation through faith in his blood for the remission of sinnes And Rom. 5.18 As by the offence of one unto all men to condemnation even so by the righteousnesse of one unto all to justification of life And then it followes as the fruit of this vers 19. For as by the disobedience of one many were made sinners so by the obedience of one many shall be made righteous so is he justified so hath he by sacrifice prevailed 2. To remove stay and take away the enmity that by reason of sin death entred the dominion of the law was between God and man in the very way and in the state and condition of mankind standing as a partition Iron Bar to keep God from shewing mercy to men and men from any passage of coming in to God The removing of this was one end of the suffering and sacrifice of Christ as also the enmity occasioned between Jewes and Gentiles by the Law of Ordinances in rites and sacrifices and so to make peace And so it is expresly said of his sufferings and sacrifice Isai 53.5 The chastisement of our peace was upon him and 2 Cor. 5.19 God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself And of his prevalency for this with God for men doth not the Spirit in the Scripture affirm Psal 85.10 Mercy and truth are met righteousnesse and peace have kissed and that he Col. 1.20 hath made peace through the blood of his crosse and Eph. 2 13-16 Now in Christ Jesus yee who sometimes were farre off are made nigh by the blood of Christ for hee is our peace who hath made both those mentioned verse 1 2 3 one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us having abolished in his flesh the Law of Commandements in ordinances for to make in himselfe of twain one new man so making peace And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the crosse having slain the enmity thereby or in himself And this preceding peace-preaching and yee are become dead to the Law by the body of Christ Rom. 7.4 who hath abolished death 2 Tim. 1.10 and taken out of the way all that was contrary to us Col. 2.14 and so is affirmed to be 1 John 2.2 the Propitiation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world such his prevalency with God 3. To redeem and buy all of God that they might not perish its that necessity of perishing into which they had sold themselves nor be judged to eternall death by and according to that Law under which they were fallen nor carried away by the Divell as their rightfull Lord by vertue of his first conquest over mankind But that they all might be released and given over to his own dispose and so he be the Lord of all as it is said Rom. 14.9 For to this end Christ both died and rose and revived that he might be the Lord both of the dead and living And so effectuall was his sacrifice and such the prevalency of it with God for men in this respect that he is affirmed to have bought even those that deny him 2 Pet. 2.1 And on this ground it is said whether we live therefore or die we are the Lords Rom. 14.8 And he is Lord of all Acts 10.36 Yea God hath made this same Jesus both Lord and Christ Acts 2.36 And in this particular end many particular ends as branches thereof are included for which also he hath prevailed As to instance some 1. That he might uphold and preserve the earth and the inhabitants thereof and the heavens for them till the end come In which he hath prevailed and so it is said Psal 75.3 The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved I beare up the pillars of it Col. 1.17 And by him all things consist And Heb. 1.3 He upholdeth all things by the word of his power when he had by himselfe purrged our sinnes c. 2. That he might for the time of this naturall and dying life remove and take off from men so much of that sorrow weaknesse pains and cursed terrors which the falling into sinne did necessitate to be on men as in his love and wisdome hee sees fit And in this also he hath prevailed and so it is said Acts 17.28 In him wee live and move and have our being Psal 145.8 The Lord is gracious and full of compassion slow to anger great in mercie The Lord is good to all and his tender mercies are over all his works vers 9. 3 That he might exercise patience shew mercy and use such means as he pleaseth to move and lead men to repentance and seeking after him and submission to him and in this also hee hath prevailed and so it is said John 1.4.5 In him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shineth in darknesse 2 Pet. 3.9 The Lord is patient and longsuffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance Rom. 2.4 The goodnesse of God leadeth thee to repentance Acts 14.17 17.26.27 that they should seek the Lord and live to him Rom. 14.7.8 2 Cor. 5.14.15 4. That he may rule over all and dispose of their wayes conditions and trials c. And in this also he hath prevailed and so the Father in approbation of his Sacrifice said Ask of me and I shall give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession c. Psal 2.8.9 And himself saith All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth c. Matth. 28.18 And the Spirit in the Scripture saith Psal 66.7 He ruleth by his power for ever Psal 103.19 And his Kingdome ruleth over all 5. That after the end of this life he may raise all men from the first death and make them alive and set them before him that they may bow to him and acknowledge him Lord to the glory of God And in this also he hath prevailed and so the Spirit in the Scripture saith 1 Cor. 15.21.22 since by man death by man also the resurrection from the dead For as in Adam all die so in Christ shall all be made alive And himselfe saith Joh. 12.32 And I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me And even because of his obedience in suffering it is said Phil. wherefore God also hath highly exalted and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow c. And that every tongue shall confesse that Jesus is the Lord to the glory of God And so David confessed and prophesied Psal 86.9 All nations whom thou hast made shal come and worship before thee O Lord and
know that the Sonne of God is come and hath given us an understanding that wee may know him that is true 2. By a certain inward experience of the beauty excellency and sweet savour of the things known a pleasing delightfull and reviving tast and savour 2 Cor. 2.14 15.16 manifesteth the savour of his knowledge a sweet savour of Christ a savour of life unto life Phil. 3.8 For the excellency of the knowledge of Christ for whom I have suffered the losse of all things and do count them but Dung that I may win Christ 1 Pet. 2.3 If yee have tasted that the Lord is gracious to whom coming c. And this is the knowledge here meant A supernaturall and spirituall knowledge of Christ and the things of Christ taught by the Spirit of Christ with light motion and power giving an understanding to discern and heart to savour the things knowne In which knowledge as there are divers degrees so some are but Babes and Novices in it and so in respect of some others unlearned and unskilfull in it others more skilfull yea some Fathers and very stable And this is the knowledge the Spirit in the Scripture speaketh of when it speaketh of the things of Christ and his Spirit 1 Cor. 2.1 15. 1 Tim. 3.6 Heb. 2 Pet. 3.16 which whoso wanteth altogether whomsoever he hath heard preach the Gospel what books soever he hath read and what knowledge soever he hath attained in the Scriptures what degree what office or profession soever he hath yet he hath not seen the image of the Father nor heard his voyce Heb. 1.3 John 1.14 5 37.38 c. And so knoweth not the Father nor the Son nor the things of the Spirit nor such as are born of the Spirit 1 John 3.1 John 15.21 1 Cor. And so the knowing here meant is supernaturall spirituall and experimentall bee it little or much more or lesse and so yet wavering or stable CHAP. 13. 3. Of what Faith it is here to be understood and 4. of what remembrance 3. FOr the Faith here meant it is a Divine and Spirituall faith for the better understanding whereof these seaven things may be considered about it 1. The object of it 2. The Mover or Worker of it 3. The nature and act of it 4. The motion in and of it 5. The subject in which it is and immediate instruments in and with which it moveth and worketh 6. The power life or principle in in it 7. The onenesse of it in diversity of the degrees and acts 1. For the object that the eye of this Faith is set on on which it looketh to which it runneth on which it leaneth and resteth This object is Divine and but one even God In the Lord put I my trust Psal 7.1 and 11 1. and 121.1 and 123.1 and 9.10 Cant. 1.4 Yet this object is considerable in a threefold respect viz. 1. In respect of the most inmost and utmost object for refuge foundation and fountain of all help safety and satisfying and that is God himselfe even the divine Nature in his infinite wisdome power mercy love truth c. Psal 42. God our refuge and strength c. Psal 18.2 Rock Fortresse Deliverer c. Psal 27.1 Light and salvation even God Rom. 4.24 that raised up Jesus Christ our Lord from the dead 2 Cor. 1.9.10 which raised the dead who delivered c. and doth deliver c 1 Pet. 1.21 By whom we beleeved 1.5.5 trusteth in God Heb. 2 13. In respect of the inmost and absolute Medium through which this faith discerneth c. commeth to and fasteneth on God and without which there can bee no discerning of or comming in to God or closing with him at all And this inmost and absolute mediate object is Jesus Christ the Sonne of God made Man of the Seed of Abraham and David who is the Saviour of the world and the Head and Husband of the Church Rom. 1.3.4 1 Joh. 4.14 John 4.42 Eph. 5.32 and 1.22.23 Christ saith Iohn 14.6 I am the Way the Truth and the Life no man commeth to the Father but by me Eph. 2.18 Through him we have both an accesse by one Spirit unto the Father Iohn 1.7 that through him all might beleeve 2 Cor. 3.4 Such trust have we through Christ to God-ward Whence also this faith is called Col. 1.4 and 2.5 faith in Christ and Iohn 3.15 believing in him And so Christ Jesus is object of this faith and that 1. In respect of what he hath done for us in dying for our sins and rising for our justification and offering up himselfe a Sacrifice and ransome to God Rom. 4.25 1 Tim. 2.6 2. In respect of what he is through that hee hath done become for us as namely that nee is Eph. 2.14 our Peace 1 Iohn 2.2 the propitiation for our sinnes 1 Cor 1.30 wisdome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Rom. 1.3 our Lord and Saviour 3. In respect also of what through that he hath done and is become for us he now doth in heaven for us and that is Heb. 9.24 appeare in the presence of God for us And Heb. 7.25 ever liveth to make intercession for us And so Heb. 9 14.15 4. In respect of what he will doe in and for all such as through grace beleeving in him accept that he hath done Rom. 5.11 and depend on him according to that he is and doth for that he will do in and for them as namely that he will support and uphold them Isai 43.1 2. and cause all to work together for good to them Rom. 8.28 and send forth his Spirit from the Father to them to beare witnesse of him to and through them Iohn 15.26.27 to mind them of his words and teach them all things Iohn 14.26 to take of the things of Christ and shew to them and so glorifie him to them and thereby comfort them and lead them into all truth Iohn 14.14 16. to make them fruitfull in their ministration Iohn 15.5.16 convincing the world Iohn 16.7 8 9 10. calling in to Christ 2 Cor. 2 14-16 and 3.3 and answering their enemies Matth 10.20 and to sanctifie and preserve them to the inheritance 1 Thess 5.24 And thus is Jesus Christ the next and neerest object and the onely absolute and inmost Medium through which this faith fasteneth upon God or the Divine Nature which is the most inmost and outmost object Thirdly in respect of the Instrument and outward Medium through which Christ and so God in Christ is beheld beleeved and trusted in and this is the word of God that which declareth Christ and Gods love and gracious mind in and through him and so the name or great report and fame of the glory or goodnesse of God in Christ in his love mercy power wisdome c. Whence he is said to have magnified his word above all his name Psal 138 2. and so this faith is called A beleeving the Gospel and receiving
Christian Reader Having fore-written about the extent of the death and sacrifice of Christ That it might be more usefully understood I have here presented to thy view this following Tract desiring that is good may be received And what swarveth from Truth that I may be lovingly informed thereof which I spall heartily accept at the hands of any or if evident truth be faulted shall with meeknesse give answer if I may be permitted And that God may graciously discover to us and leade us into all truth Is the desire of the least of his mercies and servants Tho Moore A DISCOVRSE ABOUT THE PRETIOVS BLOOD AND SACRIFICE OF IESVS CHRIST CHAP. I. The Preface COnsidering how our Saviour when he was about to leave his Disciples whom he so dearly loved left with them by his institution His Supper in which they might spiritually enjoy his presence And then said to them Do this in remembrance of mee Luk. 22.19 And that the Apostle saith That in so doing we shew forth the Lords death till he come 1 Cor. 11.25.26 And likewise That the Apostle affirmeth that as many as are baptized into Christ were baptized into his death Rom. 6.3 so that to be taught and subdued to the acknowledgement and brought into the faith of Christ and unto conformity with him Is to be taught and subdued to the acknowledgement and brought into the faith of the death of Christ and conformed to him in fellowship of his death as that wherein the vertue of his Resurrection is met with Rom. 6.4.8 Gal. 2.20 Phil. 2 Cor. 2 Tim. 2.11 And the Scripture affirmeth of all the Priesthood Sacrifices Atonement and Purifications under the Law That they were but figures types and shadowes of that to be found in Christ He being the body Col. 2.17 And the truth of all typed in the shadowes found in him Heb. 9.9.23 Chap. 10.1 And so that there was more vertue Power and Prevalency with God in Christ his offering himselfe and presenting the vertue of his blood before his Father than in all the offerings of the other Priests Heb. Chap. 10.14 And that there is more Power vertue and prevalency with and in men for purgeing the conscience in the spirituall sprinkling of the vertue of the blood and sacrifice of Christ therein than was in all those shadowing purifications and sprinklings to purifie the flesh Heb Yea those who in being taught of God have experimented the truth hereof call the blood of Christ pretious 1 Pet. 1.19 And have professed in their Preachings not to determine to know any thing among their hearers save Jesus Christ and him crucified 1 Cor. 2.2 And not to glory and rejoyce save in the Crosse of our Lord Jesus Christ Gal. 6.14 It gives me to conceive that a sober reader will be perswaded that there is somthing in the blood death and sacrifice of Christ of infinite vallue and worthy our hartiest and deepest consideration most wiste view best remembrance and choyse acceptation and so I am encouraged to present the same to consideration and for more orderly proceeding to consider 1. What is comprehended in these termes the sufferings Blood Death and Sacrifice of Christ 2. The manifold ends of his suffering Blood Death and Sacrifice as the Scripture distinctly sets them forth 3. The necessity of the sufferings Blood Death and Sacrifice of Christ 4. The Excellency Dignity and worth of this blood and sacrifice 5. The vertue operation and prevalency thereof presented and applyed 6. The usefulnesse of the same knowne and believingly remembred CHAP. II. What is comprehended in these tearmes The Sufferings Blood Death and Sacrifice of Christ IN these together and every of these tearmes in Scripture is ment Somtime fully and almost onely and alwayes inclusively The very suffering of Christ it selfe The shedding of his blood and his death Esa 53.4.5 Surely he hath borne our griefes and carryed our sorrowes He was wounded for our transgressions the chastisement of our peace was upon him Rom. 4.25 He was delivered for our offences 1 Cor. 15.3 Christ dyed for our sins according to the Scripture Gal. 3.13 Being made a curse for us 1 Pet. 3.18 Christ hath once suffered for our sins the just for the unjust 2 Cor. 5.14.15 He dyed for All Heb. 2.9 By the grace of God he tasted death for every man 2. Somtimes together with this former sence of the sufferings the Blood-shed and Death of Christ it selfe is ment Also in the same tearmes of suffering Blood and Death of Christ the vertue and efficacy of this suffering Blood-shed and death of Christ as he is risen from the Dead free and just from all our sins imputed to him and a victor over all our curse and death imposed on him As namely 1. The fulfilling the truth of God in the death of the sinner for so we judge if one dyed for all then are all dead and he dyed for all that they which live should live to him c. 2 Cor. 5.14.15 Gen. 2.17 2. The satisfying Divine Justice in that all have suffered the curse in one publike man being made a curse and having overcome it for them Gal. 3 10-13 with Esa 53.5 and 2 Cor. 5.19.21 3. The satisfying and fulfilling the Law accomplishing a righteousnesse for us that Way may be made for the righteousnesse of the law to be fulfilled in us Gal. 1.4 Rom. 8.3.4 4. The overcoming death and him that had the power of death And so takeing out of the way that which was in the way between God and us contrary to us 2 Tim. 1.10 Heb. 2.14 Col. 2.14 So as in him mercy and truth are met righteousnesse and peace have kissed Psal 85.10 such the vertue of the sufferings blood and death of Jesus Christ being risen from the dead And thus he is said to be risen for our Justification Rom. 4.25 And so is he justified in the roome of all mankind that they are all in him as in the publike person justified Rom. 3.23.24 All have sinned and come short of the glory of God Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Rom. 5.18 As by the offence of one unto all men to Codemnation even so by the righteousnesse of one to all men to justification of life And he by himselfe purged or made purgation for our sinns and then sate downe c. Heb. 1.3 And so hath taken away our sins by the sacrifice of himselfe Heb. 9.26 Iohn 1.29 1 Iohn 3.5 And through death destroyed him that had the power of death Heb. 2.14 And all this the vertue and efficacy of the death and resurrection of him that is risen from the dead 1 Cor. 15. tot 3. Somtimes together with both the former sences by the suffering blood death and sacrifice of Christ is ment His offering and presenting himselfe in heaven before his Father by and with the vertue of this his suffering blood and death as the price the Ransome
in all that he doth to us in mercy for his Sonns sake his love and goodnesse appeareth therein Psal 136. And his goodnesse is his glory Exod. 33.18.19 and so 1 His love mercy and goodnesse appeareth in this that by Christ and for his sake the earth and the Inhabitants thereof are upheld the Sunn to shine c. continued mercy shewn c. All witnessing his goodnesse and leading to repentance as is foreshewn and so it is said Psal 19. The heavens declare the glory of God c. And thus all his workes prayse him Psal And thus for Christ his sake his love and glorious goodnesse appeares to all in his workes 2 Yet his love mercy and goodnesse did more specially appeare to Israel in giving them his Oracles his Covenant and Ordinances and though but in Promises Prophesies and Tipes of Christ as then yet to come yet his glory appeared therein and such speciall love as it might then be truly said he had not dealt so with any Nation Rom. 3.2 and 9.4 Psal 147.18 3 But now in this giving and setting forth his Sonn who hath come and dyed for our sins and with the vertue of his own Blood entred the heavens and offered himselfe a Sacrifice to God and received Spirit and sending him forth in the word of Salvation which himselfe wrought and first began to preach and so God speaking to him by his Sonn who is the brightnesse of his glory and the expresse Image of his Person Heb. 1.2.3 and 2.3 The wisdome of God and the power of God yea wisdome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption to them that believe 1 Cor. 1-24 30 In which face of Christ the light of the Knowledge of the glory of God yea his face shineth and is beheld 2 Cor. 4 6. and 3.18 Oh the Infinitnesse of the Breadth Depth length and height of this love of God appearing herein Ephes 3.18.19 In which still the Excellency and Dignity of this Sacrifice appeareth 4 In respect of the great hope this Pretious Blood and Sacrifice giveth and engendereth in all that in believing receive the same as 1 Remission of sinns and acceptance into favour and peace Act. 10.43 Rom. 5.1.2 2 Purgation of Conscience and Sanctification of the whole man Heb. 9.14 3 Seasonable victorie over all enemies and Temptations 1 Iohn 5.4.6 Rom. 16.20 1 Thes 5.24 4 The Holy Spirit to teach guide and conforme to Christ and so bring to the Kingd ome and inheritance Iohn 14.26 and 16.13.14 1 Pet. 1.5 5 And to say all in one word eternall life 2 Pet. 1 23. 1 Iohn 2.25 All which shew forth the Excellency and Dignity of this Pretious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ besides the vertue and power now to be spoke of CHAP. 8. Of the vertue operation and prevalency of this Pretious Blood and Sacrifice of Jesus Christ And first As offered to God THE vertue operation and prevalency of the Blood and Sacrifice of Jesus Christ is very great so as that which was prophesied concerning him is and shall certainly be fulfilled Esa 53. When thou shalt make his Soule an offering for sinn He shall see his seed so great a Generation as none of us can declare He shall prolong his dayes live ever and cause his seede to live for ever with him And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hands his workes and Judgements acceptable and prosperous He shall see the Travell of his Soule even be the Lord of all and be acknowledged Lord by all By his knowledge shall my righteous Servant justifie many even all that believe on him through his teaching And this is the ground for he shall beare their iniquity therefore will I divide him a portion with the great and he shall divide the spoyle with the strong he shall have the Kingdome and be the judge and give to each their portion and Doome Because he hath powred out his Soule unto Death c. All which is true in Christ who is the truth And in a measure true too and in all that believe on him and shall one day appeare true to all men 1 Iohn 2.8 Phil. 2 7-11 And that the Truth of the vertue Power and Prevalency of this Pretious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ may be rightly and profitably understood and believed by us let us consider what is said thereof by the Spirit of truth in the Scripture or word of Truth concerning the vertue power and Prevalency of this Pretious and Sacrifice of Christ 1. As it was presented and offered to God 2. As grace is therethrough shewn and tendered to men 3. As it is spiritually applied to and worketh in the hearts of those that through grace believe 4. And as he testifieth and exerciseth the power of it upon them that have persisted in obstinacy and refusing to believe In all which its power and prevalency doth appeare and shall by all men be one day confessed 1. As this pretious Blood and Sacrifice was presented offered to God it hath so verily and mightily prevailed with him that he hath obtained and received of the Father the first next and immediat end of his suffering and Sacrifice and also the Father hath filled and fitted him for the second ultimate and utmost end of his suffering and sacrifice In both which the prevalency and effectualnesse thereof with God for men is evident and manifest let be considered The first next and immediat end of the suffering and Sacrifice of Christ was to work a salvation for mankind with God And that himselfe might be the Lord the Saviour and the Judge John 3.17 Rom. 14.9 1 John 4.14 Psal 2 9. And this first end containeth and may be comprehended in these particulars 1. To put or take away sin even the sinne of the world that was in the way between God and mankind out of the way by the sacrifice of himselfe Heb. 9.26 Joh. 1.19 1 Joh. 3.5 as is fore-shewne That so he that was made sinne and a curse for all might himselfe in the room of all be justified as the publick man with such a full and fruitfull justification that all may be so farie justified in him that whosoever of them are by his grace and Spirit brought in believing to be one in and with him shall also in their own particular persons be justified in with and through him Ephes 2.4 10. Joh. 3.15.16 Acts 10.43 And hath not his Blood and Sacrifice offered to God prevailed with God for and effected all this doth not the Spirit in the Scripture affirm plainly and expresly 1 Joh. 3.5 In him is no sin Heb. 1.3 And that when he had by himselfe purged our sin he sat down on the right hand of c. with Heb 11.12 And doth not God affirm him to be the just 1 John 2.1 and the holy one vers 20 and his righteous servant that by his knowledge shall justifie many Isa 53.11 And saith not the Scripture expresly Rom. All have
Sacrifice of Christ the secret spirituall and supernaturall breathing and motion of the spirit of Christ effecteth in and according to the meanes procured by his Sacrifice And so 1 In his manifestation and Discovery of grace and mercy in those mercies of God vouchsafed in his workes of creation and providence continued for Christs sake to the sonnes of men is effected for and to men 1 Some Testimony that God is Rom. 1.19.20 And that notwithstanding men have sinned yet he is God and mercifull to them Act. 14.17 And that he is a rewarder that is ready to shew favour and extend mercy to them that seeke him Heb. 11.6 And so the heavens declare the glory of God Psal 19. And his spirit striveth with men Gen. 6.3 And he calleth all Pro. 8.4 2 It giveth secret reproofes of evills found Pro. 1.23 And secret moveings to repentance of the evills reproved And faith in his goodnesse discovered and motions to seeke his favour Rom. 2.4 Act. Esa 45.22 3 It effecteth a certaine light and disposition in men that is some what more then naturall even an inspiration from the Almighty giving understanding to discerne somthing of God and that with some inclination towards his goodnesse which because it hath not got dominion in men they are yet but naturall though somthing be vouchsafed them that is more then naturall by which a capabillity to heare some of the teachings according to God is for the time given them and so it is said he enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world Iohn 1.9 And there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding Iob. 32.8 And the spirit of man is the Candle or Lamp of the Lord which he hath set up and lighted searching all the inward parts of the Belly Pro. 20.27 and this is the great fault of men that they take not notice of this mercy Iob. 35.10.11 none saith where is God my maker who giveth songs in the night who teacheth us more then the Beasts of the earth and maketh us wiser then the fowles of heaven And thence come corrections olso to hide pride from man to seale his Instruction c. Iob. 33 16-19 to 29-30 4 To such as do not willingly harden themselves against the reproofs and speakings of this grace thus farr extended but turne thereby he maketh knowne his words by dreames visions or a rumour of the Gospel some way so as he worketh in them some sutable repentance and faith and feare of him and mercifull affections c. leading to himselfe as is evident in his own Testimony Pro. 1.23 And the examples set before us Iob. 33 13-31 Act. 10.1 2 3. All which is the fruite of his free grace through the Sacrifice of Christ Rom. 11.36 And such as harden themselves against his goodnesse are hereby left without excuse Rom. 2.4.5 And justly given over to wrath as is shewn Rom. 1.18.24 And so farr of the universall efficacy with all men 2 In and through the Gospel when the spirit goeth out in discovery of the Pretious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ And the grace therethrough procured for and tendred to men the effects and prevalency with men is greater 1 It begins to effect in all where the spirit doth so come in the Gospel some reproofe or convincement of the vilenesse of sinne the emptinesse in worldly things and the vanity of fleshly righteousnesse and also of a fulnesse and sufficiency in Christ and of sinne for not believing on him and also it allureth to a love and likement of the Doctrine of Christ with some motions to repentance faith and seeking the Lord Iohn 16.7 8 9.10 11. and 2.23.24 and 6.34 Act. 13.42 and 26.28 And such continuing in his words are his Disciples and shall know the truth and the truth will make them free Iohn 8 31-36 And if here they take occasion to stumble and oppose they may be justly deprived and given up Act. 13 39-46 and 28 23-28 2 It sinketh to the heart effecteth farther in many an inward and piercing sorrow for their former vilenesse emptinesse and rebellion with wearinesse of their old disposition hopes and wayes prizings and longings after union with Christ and these desires accompanied with some tasts of his goodnesse and love to his people Zach. 12.10 Act. 2.37 Nor will he faile or be wanting to these abideing to stablish them in due season Hosea Esa 61.1 2 3 4. And when thus farr brought to depart from him cannot be lesse then wilfull sinning Heb. 9 26-29 And yet is this a common salvation where the Gospel is believed 3 This discovery of grace and operation thereof abidden in doth yet proceed farther enabling the heart to part with its former hopes and purposes and to believe in Christ So as it receives remission of sinns And hath the beginnings of Confidence with love of the Brethren effected And these are believers partakers of the heavenly Call Rom. 3.24.25 and 5.1 Heb. 3.1.6 To whom that hope is now given Heb. 14. and 9.15 And now in such a believer so excellent is the force of this appearing grace that it worketh an effect like that mentioned Phil. And so in this second consideration we see a little of the vertue and efficacy of the Pretious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ and its prevalency with men as the knowledge of grace therethrough is given to men In which is discovered in the Gospel a heavenly motive and cord of love to call and draw to Christ CHAP. 10. 3. Of the vertue operation effectualnes prevalency of the pretious Blood and Sacrifice of Christ as it is spiritually applied to sprinkled on and working in the heart of those who through grace are brought in to beleeve in Christ VVHen Jesus Christ by his Spirit discovering his grace hath brought on the heart to beleeve on him then doth he by the same Spirit mind them of instruct them in and apply to them the vertue of his pretious Blood and Sacrifice and the rich and free grace appearing therethrough and so with the spiritual shines of grace and application of his Blood and streaming in his love doth he sprinkle and wash and cleanse them c. So it was prophesied Ezek. 36.24.25 Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you and yee shall be clean from all your filthinesse and from all your Idols will I cleanse you c. And so it is affirmed of his love to the Church that he gave himselfe for it that hee might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word Ephes 5.26 And it is testified of beleevers of whom some had been notoriously evill But ye are washed but yee are sanctified but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God 1 Cor. 6.11 and so they have confessed of Christ Rev. 1.5 He hath loved us and washed us from our sinnes in his own blood Whence all that by
the redemption and purgation wrought by Christ hath been visiting enlightning moving at their hearts and striving with them to effect repentance and faith in them and so to bring them to himself and they after the knowledge of the truth refuse resist or depart from it willingly and will none of God none of Christ will not be brought in to him this way to have all their life and confidence in his grace and guidance by it but persist in their wilfull refusall or Apostasie till he leave striving and give them up to their own lusts and Satan This deserveth kindleth such wrath as wil not be appeased and such a fire as will not be quenched Gen. 6 3 Prov. 1.23 24 c. Psal 81.11 Ezek. 24.13 Matth. 23.37 38. Heb. 6.4 5.2 Pet. 2. Jude totū And the execution of this is called The wrath to come Luke 3.7 1 Thes 1.10 fire unquenchable Luke 3.17 Mark 9.48 hell fire Matth. 18.9 Mark 9.47 the second death Rev. 20.14 3 By the greatnesse and inexcuseable folly rebellion and filthinesse of this sinne it being an under-valuing neglect and refusall of so great salvation and redemption first obtained and then first preached by the Lord himselfe yea a denying him that bought them and so a treading under foot the Sonne of God Heb. 2.3 2 Pet. 2.1 Heb. 10.29 a hardening the heart against the mercies and meanes that through the pretious Blood Sacrifice of Christ was procnred for and extended to them to lead them to repentance and so counting the blood of the Covenant an unholy thing Rom. 2.5 Heb. 10.29 a turning from him that speakes from heaven and so resisting and offering despite to the Spirit of grace that strove with them to bring them to God Heb. 12.25 10.29 Act. 7.51 In a word by their preferring darknesse before light when light came John 3.19 exalting their own wisdom workes and choyce and objecting and taking offence at the means Doctrine and Spirit of Grace and turning from it after it hath so farre been extended to them they crucifie again make of no account and efficacy to themselves the Sonne of God and put him to an open shame Heb. 6.6 A great ingratitude and fearfull rebellion against so great and gracious a God and Saviour and Spirit and so reall an offer and tender Psalm 81.11 Great folly and madnesse to refuse so great and reall mercy and salvation and altogether excuselesse they cannot say we fell and were loft in Adam no redemptiō was wrought for us wherby we might have been saved Our Fathers have eaten sowre grapes and the childrens teeth are set on edge Ezek. 18.2 Rom. 5.12 18. for the later part of the plea is false God wil punish it for though they were lost in Adam and could no way redeeme themselves yet in Christ redemption was again wrought for them Nor can they say this mercy was altogether hidd and no meanes used towards them that they might have sought and found him Act. 14.17 and 17.26 nor will this pleasure we had in our selves no will or power to choose lyfe For though it was not in them yet it was in him And his spirit by which he tendred grace wanted not power Mich. 2.7 He doth not looke to gather where he hath not sowne though wicked Servants so say But on his examination they will be dumb Mat. 25.26 and 22.12 Sinnes of ignorance and weaknesse to which through the fall men are necessitated and for which yet there is a remedy though they are directly against the Father and indirectly against the Sonne and holy spirit sinnes against the meanes procured by Christ and extended through him to lead to repentance and faith and so against ordinary light warnings and motions are against the Father and directly against the Sonne yet all manner of these sorts of sinne shall be forgiven unto men but the willfull and rebellious sinning in refusing and opposing the grace it selfe in Christ and evidenced by the spirit after light obstinately refusing to have all life in and guidance by that grace the spirit discovers in Christ But blaspheming the same This sinning is directly against the Father and the Sonne and the Holy Ghost and shall never be forgiven Mat. 12.31 Marke 3.28.29 4 By the evilnesse and remedilesnesse of the state and condition such sinning throwes these men into And that may be seene in two things 1 That whereas they were once dead through Adam and a ransome was given for them by Christ and life procured for them and this set forth in the Gospel and in the meanes tendred to them with some quickning motions of the spirit and hope of life there being no other meanes or Sacrifice They having wilfully cast aside this have rent themselves out of this booke of life renounced this life that was set in hope before them and are become Trees twice dead and pluckt up by the rootes so as there is no more hope for them Jude 12. 2 That whereas when they were fallen in Adam though truth and Justice pleaded for their Death yet mercy was for them and found out a ransome in which truth and justice did meete and joyne with mercy nor their good And though Justice might have risen against them for their strayings in ignorance and unbeliefe yet compassion and mercy had patience and forbearance to waite for them but now by his spirit he hath been striving with them and they will none of Christ but harden themselves against him and oppose and offer wrong and violence to Christ and his word and people even mercy also with Justice and truth is turned against them not that there is any change in God but they have put themselves into such a condition that his mercy becomes crosse to them the light is pleasant to the eye and that it troubles the sore eye the change is in the eye not in the light so Gods love and mercy is the same for ever His delight is in his Sonne and his pleasure in his people made one with his Sonne yea so great that when men harden their hearts against his Sonne the Gospel and spirit of his Sonne and turne to oprresse those that are vessels of mercy The more he loves his Sonne and the dearer his people are to him the more doth his mercy move him to plead their cause and plague their enemies and so he smote Egypt overthrew Pharoh and his Host in the sea smote great and mighty Kings c. For his mercy endureth for ever Psal 136.10.20 Oh heavy when mercy stands against them 5 By the greatnesse of torments and punishments to be executed on such sinners which as the Scriptures sets it forth is very terrible for it is the same that at first was prepared for the Divell and his Angels who sinned freely and without a Tempter or any cause Iude 6. Mat. 25.41 So it appeares that 1 The Death on mankind for the first transgression was an Allenation from God a
Degree 2 Thes 1.3 And in respect of the diversity of Degrees in faith some are called Babes some strong men and some Fathers 1 Iohn 2 That the Acts or Actings of this faith be divers and manifold as to say a areceiving Act a springing Act and a flowing and streaming Act as in the Scripture and experience believers find First a receiving Act this faith wrought by the spirit of grace in the heart receiveth the history or record and Testimony of God in the Gospel concerning Christ 1 Thes 2.13 2 Thes 1.10 1 Iohn The grace of God in Christ testified Rom. 1.5 and 5.17 As remission of sinnes Act. 10.43 Justification Peace Sanctification Liberty of accesse to God and hope of glory Rom. Act. 26.18 Divine power and strength of relyance on God Rom. And yeelding up according to the leadings of grace 2 Tim. 1.7 2 Pet. 1 1-4 Whence also such exhortations to believers as Rom. 12.1.2 Phil. and that 1 Iohn 4.4 and 5.4 Secondly a springing Act for from this faith wrought by the spirit in the heart springeth up love of God and Jesus Christ our Lord and joy in God 1 Pet. 1.7.8 Rom. 5.11 And love of brethren 1 Iohn 3.23 and 4.21 and 5.1 2 Cor. 5.14 and patience and meeknesse c. Gal. 5.22 According to that is said Iohn 7.38 Thirdly a flowing or streaming Act from the springs the motions flowing to put forth accordingly Rom. 10.10 And this more ordinarily to pray give thankes declare his goodnesse shew mercy c. Psal 116.10 2 Cor. 4.13 or more extraordinary in some miraculous operations Mat. 17.20 Luke 17.6 Marke 16 17 18. 3 That notwithstanding the divers Degrees in this faith and the divers manner of Acting and Acts of this faith yet the faith it selfe is but one and onely one Ephes 4.4 As there is but one body even one true Church or Sanctuary that is united to Christ and shall be in and with him for ever Cant. 6.9 And this Church one seed Gal. 3.17 One Sonne Hosea 11.1 One Christ one body though the members be many 1 Cor. 12.12 And as there is but one head husband and Lord of this body and Church with all its members which is Jesus Christ the Sonne of God and our Saviour Ephes 1.22.23 and 4.15.16 and 5.30 1 Cor. 8.6 And as there is but one Baptisme whereby we are baptized into this one Body whereof Christ is the head and that is by the spirit and with the washing of water and the word And this is into the Death and unto the resurrection of Christ and so for conformity in one and therethrough conformity in the other 1 Cor. 12.13 Ephes 5.26 Rom. 6.3 4 5. Tit. 3.4.5 And as there is but one God Father to whom we come in coming to Christ and he the Father of Christ and of every of us Ephes 4.6 And as there is but one spirit proceeding from the father the son effecting breathing one spirit minde disposition or heart that the spirit mind disposition and heart of Christ into which all that are baptised into Christ are made to drinke and so are one spirit Ephes 4.4 even so likewise as in the place fore-cited there is but one faith True it is The word Faith in Scripture is used diversly somtime for the object of faith even the ground and foundation of faith and that which is to be and is beleeved and beleeved in and to that end to be preached and heard Rom. 1.5 10.6 Gal. 1.23 3.5 Sometimes the word is used for the grace of faith Col. 1.4 2 5-12 Eph. 2.8 Sometimes for both the object and the grace united with the object together Acts 13.8 Rom. 4.11 9.30 And yet however taken there is but one faith The object in every respect is one The Gospel or word of grace though it hath many branches and uses yet is but one and the same Gospel 2 Cor. 11.4 with Gal. The Gospel Col. 1.5.23 Even so the Lord Jesus Christ set forth in the Gospel though set forth as he is indeed the Sonne of God and the Sonne of Man yea God Man and declared in respect of what he was and what he became for us and what he hath done and what he is for us and with what he is furnished and what he is to us And as he is the Saviour of all men especially of them that beleeve and the Judge of all c. yet he is but one 2 Cor. 11.4 with 1 Cor. 8.6 the Christ John 4.42 Even so God the Father that is in Christ is one God though his works be manifold 1 Cor. 8.6 Gal. 3.20 1 Tim. 2.5 even so the holy Spirit that proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne and discovereth Christ and God in Christ and beareth forth the testimony however his gifts and operations be many and manifold yet the Spirit is but one 1 Cor. 12.4 11. yea the Father the Sonne and the holy Spirit are 1 John 5.7 one God Mark 12 32.34 set forth in one Gospel And so the object of faith is one and so faith also though so taken The grace of faith or the beleeving it self that is wrought in the heart by the Spirit of grace however there are diversity of degrees in the same both in the strength of beleeving and also in the fulnesse of the discovery of the object beleeved in the effects accordingly and also the Acts manifold as is shewn yet the faith it selfe is but one And this is evident in the forenamed place Ephes 4.4 where both faith and the object of faith and the means and the hope and the people that receive it are all mentioned distinctly so that the word faith there meanes the grace of faith and it is expresly affirmed to be one There is one faith As for humane and worldly faith or a shew and pretence of divine faith and hypocriticall profession thereof it is no faith at all in Scripture language there is no vertue in gtting or retaining it nor danger in departing therefrom in respect of any spirituall life As for that beliefe of the report of the Gospel and profession thereof which is destitute of the life and operation of the Spirit of faith it is no more faith then the body of a man is a man when the Ghost is given up and departed Jam. 2.26 So as there is no other true and living faith but one the receiving the history and record the receiving remission of sinnes justification and sanctification and power for divine operations or miracles the springs the streames the acts as is shewn are all by one and the same faith And so it is one and the same faith that in discovery of the object is tendered and to which called and which by the divine testimony is effected and which in abiding is after confirmed and which groweth and worketh by love it is still one and the same faith 2 Pet. 1.1 And