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A81247 The morning exercise methodized; or Certain chief heads and points of the Christian religion opened and improved in divers sermons, by several ministers of the City of London, in the monthly course of the morning exercise at Giles in the Fields. May 1659. Case, Thomas, 1598-1682. 1659 (1659) Wing C835; Thomason E1008_1; ESTC R207936 572,112 737

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no lesse concerned in the second than the first Table of the Law If David sin against Bathsheba her chastity or Vriah his life yet he must confesse unto God Against the have I sinned and wrought this wickednesse in thy sight however the trespasse is against man the transgression is against God the sin which is committed against God is to be only confessed unto God not unto man but the sin which is committed against man must be confessed unto God and likewise unto men to God alwayes who can pardon the eternal punishment to men ordinarily as when the Church is scandalized or the particular person is offended and damnified James 5.16 and in this last case restitution must be added to our confession Luke 19. Zacheus like where we have wronged any we must make acknowledgement and reparation and in all offences to men when we come before God we must consider whether our brother hath ought against us Mat. 5.24 and go and be reconciled the God that binds men to forgive till seventy times seven times binds the offendor so often to return and say I have offended Luke 17.4 The auricular confession of the Papists is vanity superstition and evil but particular acknowledgements of sin to God and sometimes to men is duty indispensable in vain doth Saul say to Samuel I have sinned whilst he never seeks to God for the pardon 3. Confession of sin and prayer for pardon must be free and not extorted The natural not forced language of the penitent the confession of constraint falleth equally under suspicion with the unrequired accusations of malice both which are frequently false true repentance doth convince of the sinfulnesse of sin and constraine the soule to confesse it with candor ingenuity and freedome as weary of it as the stomach of nauseous matter that it naturally without any co-action casts up Confession springs from the Saints as Elihu his plea for God against Job I am full of matter the Spirit of the Lord constraineth me saith he to Job Job 32.18 19 20. The confession of the wicked is constrained and no longer doth he cry to God than he is under the cudgel of his judgements or on the Rack of his own conscience so Pharaoh his plagues and Judas his anxiety may extort an I have sinned however the children of God must be sometimes pinched and whipped into their complaints yet their cry is natural and confessions free and voluntary a ready eccho to the least reproof Psal 141.5 and desiring that the righteous may smite and God shew them their iniquity 4. Confession and supplication must not be more free than full not straitned any more than extorted sin must be confest not only in general and in the lump with a Lord have mercy upon us miserable sinners but in its particular species and parts as Israel We have forsaken the Lord and served Baal in Judg. 10.10 and we have to all our sins added this evil to ask us a King to go about to change our Government 1 Sam. 12.19 not only open known hainous and flagitious offences but even secret and particular lusts David bewails and confesseth not only his murther executed on Uriah but his self-revenge intended against Nabal and the very cutting off the lap of Sauls garment not only sin simply in it self but with all its aggravations of time place manner occasion sinne must be taken up by the roots and spread before God in all its branches In iniquity was I conceived in sin brought forth as well as against thee have I sinned In vaine doth Caine confesse his cruelty to A●el and conceale his irreligion to God or Judas complaine of betraying innocent bl●od whilst he makes no mention of his covetousnesse 5. Shame and sorrow must seize on the confessing suppliant for sinnes pardon Contrition of heart and confusion of face must be the result of confession dayes of atonement Lev. 23.27 28. were dayes of soul-affliction because of confession of sin Davids complaints makes him water his couch and mingle his bred with teares lying in the dust and renting of Garments were required from such as came to confesse iniquity the spirit of repentance is a spirit of mourning 6. Confession must be made with confidence and supplication in hope of pardon the true penitent is prostrate before God as a Father not as a Judge men may confesse and be hanged but the children of God cry with Shecaniah We have transgressed but yet there is hope in Israel concerning this thing Ezra 10.2 they pray in faith Father forgive us our trespasses not in feare mercy my Lord mercy Judas's confession was therefore false because fearful and flying to his own destruction not the innocent blood by him betrayed that he might have been saved we have shewed you the subject of repentance must be the believing sinner hopes of mercy puts halters on our necks confidence of pardon seats us in Gods Chair to condemne our selves the confessions of despair are the outcries of the damned in hell Thus then Beloved I have laid before you the true nature of true repentance I well know it is a common Theme and much Treated of but little practiced nay indeed little considered and understood How many pretenders are there among us that may yet ponder the nature of Gospel-repentance which if it be well understood will neither appeare to be so lightly come by nor sleightly performed as it is deemed we must know that every common repentance will not serve our turn unto the Remission of sin but that repentance which Christ gives is in respect of nature 1. A grace supernatural without the reach of mans arme or acquirement 2. Whereby the believing sinner apprehensive of his own guilt and Gods grace in and through Jesus Christ 3. Sensibly affected with and afflicted for his sin as committed against God under conviction and contrition for all his sin as sin 4. Doth return from sin all sin unto God and God only as his all in all 5. Freely confessing and frequently begging pardon for his iniquity Consider my Brethren this description of Repentance you have had unfolded and the nature of the grace discovered for it will be very useful to you as a touchstone of doctrine and practice for the confutation of all false notions about Repentance as that 1. Repentance is the result of nature and at mans command we may repent when we will as the Arminians teach but you must remember its supernatural 2. That pennance is a transient act of confession and self-castigation as the Papists teach you must know it is a grace or habit 3. That repentance is before faith and not the result of the Gospel and effect of the blood of Christ as some Divines suggest 4. That c●nviction contrition and confession are not necessary to repentance as the Antinomians teach or sufficient repentance as the Legalist and Pharisee teach that a turning from sin to sin or at least not to God and
himself hath contracted it into a very brief but full 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The ten Commandments a brief abstract of the whole Law Three Modules delivered by Christ in his first Sermon or Module in the ten Commandments which are called ten words Deut. 4.13 because they are the briefest Epitome of the Law And thus our Saviour as he laid down the great and larger draught of Gospel-doctrine so also in his Sermons he hath left some shorter forms or types of necessary points and principles of Religion exempli gratiâ in his first Sermon after he entred upon his publick Ministry he hath drawn up three very concise and most excellent Modules 1. Of beatitudes Mans summum bonum The first Module contains the beatitudes A list of particulars wherein mans true and chiefest happinesse doth consist Matth. 5. from the third verse to the twelfth wherein he doth totally crosse the judgment of the blinde world writing blessednesse where the world writes woe and woe where the world writes blessednesse Credenda These we may call the credenda Articles of faith to be believed by all those that would be accounted Christs Disciples The second Module contains a list of duties things to be done by every one that would be saved This our Saviour doth by asserting and expounding the Moral Law from the seventeenth verse to the end of the Chapter confuting and reforming the false glosses which the Scribes and Pharisees had put upon the ten Commandm nts thereby making the Law of God of none effect Facienda And these we may call the facienda things to be done The third Module contains a list of petitions which in the sixth Chapter from the ninth verse to the sixteenth he commends to his Disciples and in them to all succeeding generations of the Church as a form or directory of prayer Not that Christians should alwayes confine themselves to the words Petenda 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but conform to the matter in their supplications at the Throne of grace After this manner pray ye And these we may call the petenda things to be prayed for The Apostles method in their Epistles The Epistle to the Romans the Christian Catechisme The holy Apostels tread in our Saviours steps you may observe in all their Epistles that in the former part of them they generally lay down a Module of Gospel-principles and in the latter part a Module of Gospel-duties The Epistle to the Romans is upon this account justly called by some of the Antients The Christians Catechisme As containing an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or list of the chief Articles of the Christian Religion for although the principal designe of the Apostle be to discusse that prime Evangelical doctrine of justification in the negative and affirmative part of it Neg. not in works Affir in a free gratuitous imputation of the righteousnesse of Christ applied by faith together with the grounds evidences and fruits thereof yet occasionally according to the wisdome given unto him he doth with a most profound and admirable art interweave other deep and fundamental points of Religion scilicet A parallel between the a Chap. 5. two Adams The doctrine of Original sinne The corruption and depravation of b Chap. 7. nature The doctrine of grace chap. 7. The merit and efficacy of Christs death and resurrection Chap. 6. The doctrine of AFFLICTION and the use of it to believers Chap. 8. The mysteries of Election and Predestination Chap. 9. The excoecation and rejection of the Jews Chap. 10. The vocation of the Gentiles Chap. 11. with the restituion of the seed of Abraham c. And when he hath finished the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of doctrinal principles he winds up the Epistle with a short but full delineation of Evangelical duties wherein he doth bring down those principles unto practice The former part of the Epistle is the DOCTRINE the latter part is the VSE I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God c. The whole Epistle to the Hebrews is nothing else as it were but a delineation of the THREE OFFICES OF JESUS CHRIST King Priest Prophet The Epistle to the Hebrews Especially his Priestly office with a most profound and yet dilucid Exposition of those Levitical types and figures which did more obscurely Heb. 10.1 shadow forth Christ under the Law so that in that Epistle as in a Table Christians may behold the Law to be nothing else but Evangelium velatum veiled Gospel and the Gospel to be no other thing than Lex revelata unveiled Ceremony or the Law with the Curtain drawn But there be divers short Modules or Compendiums of Christian doctrine occasionally delineated by the Apostles in their several Epistles In the Epistle to the Galatians within the compasse of five verses the Apostle gives two full Catalogues or Lists chap. 5. The one of sinnes ver 19.20 21. The other of graces ver 22.23 In the Epistle to the Ephesians chap. 5. 6. you have an excellent and compleat Module of Relational duties Of Ver. 22. Wives towards their husbands Ver. 25. Husbands towards their Wives Chap. 6.1 Children towards their Parents Ver. 4. Parents towards their Children Ver. 5. Servants towards their Masters Ver. 9. Masters towards their servants The Epistles to Timothy give us a type or table of Ministerial offices and qualifications yet so as most beautifully adorned with other most precious Evangelical principles the sum whereof is CHRIST 1 Tim. 1.15 This is a faithful saying c. And the principal comprehensive parts FAITH LOVE faith apprehensive and love active These two in my Text many learned men conceive to be intended by Saint Paul as the two great comprehensive fundamentals of this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 commended by him unto Timothy his care and fidelity Hold fast the form of sound words the two main branches whereof are FAITH and LOVE but of this more hereafter In the Epistle to Titus the Apostle will furnish you with two short but very perfect systems one in chap. 2. ver 11.12 13 14. Where you have Ver. 11. 1. Gods grace made the original and fountain of all the good we expect from God and perform to God Ver. 11. 2. And this grace issuing it self by Christ for the salvation of the creature Ver. 11. 3. And appearing by the Gospel there you have Scripture intimated and Ver. 12. 4. Teaching us as to the Privative part of obedience to deny ungodlinesse and worldly lusts terms capacious enough to comprise all sinne As to the positive part to live soberly implying all personal duties for the governing of our selves in our single capacity Righteously implying all duties to our neighbours Ver. 12. godly noting our whole Communion with God in the duties of his worship More cannot be said as to the duty of man Now 5. The encouragements are either from
perfect beauty without the least spot That fairest of ten thousand Can● 5.10 That altogether lovely one Ver. 16. This Christ is theirs Christ that indeficient never-failing good is theirs Heb. 13.5 True indeed creature comforts and earthly interests like Absoloms Mule are apt mostly then to faile us when we most need them Yea but Jesus Christ is such a Sun of righteousnesse that he knows no setting no declining Mal. 4.2 He is a Fountain of life ever running In a word Christ that full filling sufficient all-sufficient person Gen. 17.1 in whom d Quae faciunt divisa beatum in hoc mixta fluunt concenter all the scattered excellencies of the whole Creation in whom is compleatly treasured up whatsoever an angry God can require for his satisfaction or an empty creature desire for its perfection This is the person in whom Saints by union have a real interest 2. In Christs properties My horses are as thy horses my Chariots as thy Chariots said Jehoshaphat to Ahab all his Councels and Forces devoted to his service Son all that I have is thine Luk. 15.31 Believers has Christ an Arme of power 't is for your protection has he an Eye of knowledge depth of wisdome 't is for your direction A Stock a Treasury of perfect righteousnesse 't is for your justification A Spirit of holinesse 't is for your sanctification Has he rowling yearning bowels of mercy 't is that he may shew you compassion A Lapp of All-sufficiency for your provision Arms of Grace an heaven of glory for your reception Psal 73.24 3. In Christs promises In all those great rich precious gracious promises 2 Pet. 1.4 wherein all they wan● and infinitely more than they can desire or imagine is made over to them 2 Cor. 1.20 Christs promises are the Believers Magna Charta to the confirmation whereof God has been pleased to adde bo●h his Oath and Blood Hebr. 6.17 18. for Seals 4. In all Christs Providences let them seem never so black and gloomy The hottest Furnace they are thrown into does but loose their bonds and the scorching flames become a warme Sun Dan. 3.25 This is the fruit of Gods sharpest rods * Isa 27.9 the taking away of their sin The Lyon affords them meat the Anakim himself proves their bread All things work together for their good Rom. 8.28 Every wind though it blow never so crosse speeds them to their Port. Not a stone thrown at them but it is to them a pr●cious stone Not a Thorn in their Crown but i● turns into a Diamond Not a twig in their Rod but is sweetned and sanctified The saddest Providences like the Snow falling on them and descending to the hem of their garments there freeze into a gem to deck them 5. In all i. e. True Bel●evers have such an universal interest in all that Christ is hath could speak suffer or can do that the Apostle going about to take an Inventory of their large Revenue and as it were despairing to give in an exact acc●unt of the particulars is faine to couch them in one sum total All are yours 1 Cor. 3.22 23. Wherein are observable 1. The Believers portion the fullest imaginable All are yours Then the term for life and death too in possession and reversion Things present and things to come Lastly the tenure the surest the high st that can be they hold in ●apite for their better assurance their demesns are entail'd on the Crown All yours because you are Christs and Christ is Gods Thus you see what comfort flows from this Doctrine of Union with Relation unto Christ. There 's yet another Dug which swels with Consolation and that is to be drawn 2. With respect to Believers themselves in a threefold regard viz. of their persons graces duties 1. Their persons Believers being united unto Christ they are they cannot but be his Fathers Jedidiahs Beulahs Hephziba's dearly accepted in the Beloved Ephes 1.6 They are also his own delight Prov. 8.31 He rejoyceth over them as a Bridegroom over his Bride They are to him as the Seal on his Arme as a e Cant. 8.6 Signet on his right hand He carries their names on his breast continually Exod. 12.29 And as for the Spirit of God that like Noahs Dove finds no where to rest the sole of his foot but the soul of a sincere Believer of whom it says here is my rest here will I dwell for ever for I have a delight herein 2. Their graces True Believers graces are in themselves very defective and imperfect The eye of their faith like that of Leah a blear-eye The hand of their confidence like that of Jeroboam much withered and blasted The fire of their love like that of green wood apt soon to expire The anchor of their hope very much crackt shoulders of patience sorely bruised feet of obe●ience like Mephibosheth lame yet because united unto Christ all accepted all hold scale and weight in heaven though not as to merit yet as to acceptance 1 Pet. 2.5 There is much alloy in the metal however I see my Sons stamp and Picture on the coyne and therefore saith God it shall passe for currant in heaven 3. Their duti s. Oh the defects of Saints duties How often do they pray as if afraid to be heard hear as if afraid to learn learn as if afraid to do do as if afraid to please and yet being united unto Christ how acceptable are their persons and performances Their weak prayers sound like melody Their broken sighs smell like Incense Their very stammerings seem Rhetorical Cant. 2.14 Not a good word falls from their lips but 't is recorded Mal. 3.16 Not a tear drops from their eye but 't is taken up and bottel'd Psal 56.8 Mites received as if they were Talents Cups of Cold water Ram-skins Goats-hair any thing desires instead of performances the will for the deed grief for want of will for the will it self 2 Cor. 8.12 and all because from such as are united unto Christ in whom the Lord is so well-pleased Matth. 3.17 that he looks on the very smoke of his Saints performance mixt with Christs merits as a sweet perfume Having done with the Consolation arising from this truth we proceed to the last Use which is of 4. Exhortation In it I shall addresse my self 1. To sinners then to Saints 1. To sinners that are as yet * Ephes 2.12 without Christ God Hope in this world Oh be you yet perswaded to give your eyes no sleep your eye-lids no slumber till you are really and closely united to Christ Jesus Methinks poor forlorne creature thou shouldest not need a Spur if thou dost consider 1. The dreadful dismal danger of thy present estate A soul not united unto Christ lies open to all danger imaginable 't is in the very Suburbs of destruction It walks in the valley of the very shadow of wrath death damnation True it may be thou perceivest it not but that speaks thy s●curity not
the New Covenant which is a perpetual Law of pardoning repenting and believing sinners whomsoever whensoever but as such Neither was Christs suffering like the Cancelling of a Bond a total discharge of us from suffering the penalty threatened in the Law we dye still and afflictions are punishments still True indeed upon Christs satisfaction made God and he are agreed that a believing sinner should not be punished with the everlasting destructive penalty threatened for whosoever believes shall not perish but they are not that he shall not be John 3.16 for he is punished with the temporal corrective punishments of the threatening as sicknesse and natural death yet even these through infinite goodnesse so ordering and disposing it prove much more a benefit than a penalty to a believer Vse 2 Vse 2. What cause have we then with the lowest and profoundest Humility to adore the Majesty of the living God First To adore his holinesse Reverence those eyes of his that are purer than that they can endure to behold iniquity Hab. 1.13 Let this God be thy dread and awe Dare not to make a mock of sin tremble at the horrid guilt and sinfulnesse of the least sin look upon it as an affront and treason against an Eternal Majesty as worthy the Curse of the Law and the wrath of an Almighty God as that which could not be expiated at a lesser rate than the blood of God Acts 20.28 Secondly to adore his wisdome in finding out such a person to satisfie his justice as our Redeemer Consider here that God could not suffer could not dye Nay could not properly satisfie himself for it had not been a satisfaction to his justice at all but meer mercy and so no justification of a sinner but meer pardon if the person satisfying had been only God Again Consider that a meer creature could never satisfie as I before demonstrated a meer creature had perish't in the attempt would have been overwhelmed and crush't to pieces with that insupportable load the guilt of sin and the wrath of God The person therefore that must satisfie must neither be finite nor infinite neither the creature nor the Creator neither God nor man yet must be both Here now the understandings of men and Angels must have been tyred to all eternity Rom. 11.33 see also Eph. 1.7 8. fully hereunto and lost for ever in a bottomlesse gulf of horror and amazement to finde out such a person O the depth of the riches of the wisdome and knowledge of God! Thirdly To adore the infinite riches of his grace Rom. 3.24 in justification and here consider 1. God might have let man alone seized the forfeiture as the Tree fell it might have lain for ever what obliged God to accept of satisfaction 2. The Redeemer hath trodden the wine-presse alone what ever was done in this satisfaction he did it Of the people there was none with him The sinner hath not the least hand in it could not pay one Christ paid every to the utmost farthing Thirdly It was the Judge himself who contrived this way to justifie us and it was at his cost he gave his Son herein God commended his love to us as Abraham once did his faith to God in that he spared not his son his only begotten son whom he loved So that if we rightly weigh it it will appear that by how much the satisfaction is the fuller by so much the pardon is the freer by how much his justice is the more by so much too is his mercy the more glorified and still still infinitely the more are we obliged Use 3. Consol Here 's unspeakable comfort for every humble though doubting soul every contrite spirit that hungers and thirsts after righteousnesse Vse 3 First Consider how full satisfaction Christ hath made he is able to save to the utmost all that come to God through him he is the beloved Son in whom the Father is well-pleased all power is committed into his hands God hath exalted him to be a Prince and a Saviour to give Repentance and Remission of sins Secondly Consider he inviteth thee as a sinner to come in unto this Gospel-righteousnesse in the general tenor of his Proclamation Whosoever believes c. If any man sin 1 John 2.1 2. we have an Advocate with the Father c. An Whosoever excludes none that excludes not himself Thirdly Consider Christ assures thee that art the person I now speak to he who is the Truth assures thee thou shalt be welcome Matth. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest c. This is your very case Heark the Master call●th you will you not be of good courage and Go when he saith Come he that never yet cast out any that came unto him that never will he saith so himself Thou mayst believe him he never broke his word yet he will not begin with thee he cannot deny himself Fourthly Consider those standing Monuments of Gods free justifying grace that are on record in the Scripture What hath been done may be done again Nay will be done again in the case we speak of by the God that changeth not God hath pardoned as great sinners see Ephraims case Jer. 31.18 see the Corinthians example 1 Cor. 6.10 11. see Pauls 1 Tim. 1.13 Whoever goes and doth likewise shall receive likewise for Christ is yesterday and to day and the same for ever Fifthly Consider it is the very designe of God in giving his Son and of Christ in giving himself to dye for us to justifie such as thou art Isa 16.1 Luke 4.19 20. Jer. 3.12 1 John 5.9 Vse 4. Exhort First To the Unconverted Vse 4 Use 4. Exhort Let me then beseech sinners not to love death Why should iniquity be your ruine There is balme in Gilead there is a Physitian there Why are ye unwilling to be healed Turn ye Turn ye why will ye dye Would it be a hard matter to perswade a condemned person to be willing not to be executed were he not distracted if having a pardon offered upon the easie terms of confessing his fault and serious promising amendment he should bid the Prince keep his Pardon to himself for his part he was in love with his chains he would not be released he would dye Thou art the man whoever thou art that neglectest Gospel-grace what fury and raging madnesse is it that thou art guilty of Thy soul with all its eternal interests lies at stake and as if it were neither here nor there what became of thee for ever thou despisest the riches of Gods forbearance after thy hardnesse and impenitent heart Rom. 2.4 5. treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath Is it well done of thee sinner is this thy kindnesse to thy own soul is this thy thanks to thy Redeemer How inexcusable art thou thy self being Judge thou canst not answer it to thy conscience to thy God with the least colour or shadow
Promises of the Gospel In which are two things formally constitutive of Saving Faith 1. Acceptation of Christ and the Promises Faith is that hand which doth touch the top of the golden Scepter or that closeth with and entertaineth what God offereth receiving Christ hence a weak Faith is true Faith and saving Joh. 1.12 as well as strong because it indeed receiveth the gift though with a trembling hand This is the coming unto Christ Joh. 6.35 and appropriating what before lay in common the applying what before was only applicable making the soul to say with Thomas believing Joh. 20.28 My Lord and my God Zanch. in Coloss 2.6 Sicut accepistis quomodo accipitur Fide So the good things purchased by Christ and following upon our receiving of Christ are said to be received as the atonement abundance of grace the gift of righteousness Ro. 5.11.17 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fidei videl manu oblata 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and expresly remission of sin is said to be received by Faith Act. 26.18 2. Innitency recumbency of soul upon a Christ received entrusting him entirely with 2 Tim. 1.12 Isa 50.10 Cant. 8.5 and committing to him the care of Soul and salvation staying the soul upon him leaning upon the beloved rouling the soul upon him resting with whole weight upon him as faithful able loving and this is truly fiducia this is truly Credere in Christum To believe in or upon Christ more than Credere Christum Christo to believe a Christ that he is and to believe Christ or his word It is a phrase in Prophane writers unusual as the thing it self salvation by Faith was unknown To this belong those expressions of the eyes being toward God 2 Chron. 20.12 Psal 123.2 Isa 45.22 Joh. 3.14 15. and looking to him even as the Serpent was lifted up to be looked upon with expectation of healing vertue so Christ to be looked unto by the Soul with a longing expectation and confident dependance The End of Faith is the glory of God in mans salvation Final Cause the one as supream and ultimate the other as subordinate that God might save his Creature to whom he wished well in a way of demonstration and exaltation of his glorious justice and mercy therefore was Saving Faith and Salvation by Faith ordained Justice that he might be just Rom. 3.26 that is demonstrated and declared to be just as Psal 51.6 both in not pardoning without satisfaction and therefore punishing sin upon the Surety and then in pardoning the sinner through faith uniting to and interesting in the Surety therefore saith the Apostle God is faithful and just to forgive Me●cy in that he accepteth the satisfaction of another and imputeth his righteousness to the sinner by Faith receiving it and that he found out and provided alone this way of salvation by Faith It was of Faith that it might be of Grace Rom. 4.16 Ephes 2.8 for by Grace are we saved through faith and thereby works as meriting and so mans confidence in and boasting of himself are excluded Rom. 27. and Gods glory entirely secured and advanced by mens submit●ing to the righteousness of God by Faith Rom 10.3 Hab 2.4 Faith and Pride being utterly inconsistent Indeed trusting God upon his bare word not having merit nor humane probability Rom 4.20 Heb 10.39 1 Pet 1.9 giveth great glory to God That Mans Salvation is an end of Faith all the New Testament witnesseth even that we believe to the saving of our souls and receive the end of our Faith in the salvation of our Souls 4. Effects The Effects more proper or less proper and Consequents of true Faith Col 3.4 1. Union with Christ who is our life and so we live by Faith What can more necessarily and immediately follow upon the offer on Gods part in the Gospel of Christ to be ours and our receiving him by Faith than union to his person though no personal union 2 Cor 13.5 Ephes 3.17 Hence having Christ in us and our being in the Faith are made the same because Christ dwelleth in our hearts by Faith Whatever the Spirit on Christs part doth before by way of uniting us to Christ apprehending us for Christ Jesus as some understand Phil. 3.12 Faith is the hand on our part that receives and the band that fastneth Christ to us This I take to be the fruit of the first consummate Vital act of the quickned soul and then is the mariage knot tied 2. Hence follow Remission of sins and justification of the person through Christ and his righteousness apprehended and appropriated This Peter testifies to be the witness of the Prophets Act 10.43 even that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins The pardoned alone live for the guilty are dead in Law which the people sensibly bewailed in saying if our iniquities be upon us Ezek 33.10 and we pine away in them how shall we then live Joyn this with our living by Faith and you see Faiths necessity and efficacy towards pardon It was St. Pauls ardent desire that he having won Christ got him been united to him might be found in him having the righteousness which is of God through faith in Christ. Nothing more frequent than the assertions and demonstrations of Justification by Faith in S. Pauls Epistles especially to the Romans and Galatians The manner of Faiths efficacy wherein is by a judicious person of our own well expressed for the cutting off those two eager controversies about the Instrumentality and conditionality of Faith It is saith he the general opinion of the Orthodox wherein all agree That Faith is a means appointed by God in the use whereof the chi dr n of men are made partakers of Justification 3. Adoption That our receiving into the number and having a right to the Priviledges of the Sons of God the Spirit of Adoption boldness at the Throne of Grace present supply future inheritance is the fruit and product of Faith appears from Scripture and consequence To as many as received him Joh. 1.12 or believed on his name gave he power to become the Sons of God For indeed we being by Faith united to Christ and the faultiness of our persons taken away through Christ what more immediately follows from this loveliness in him and oneness with him than communication of Sonship which cannot be in that way that Christ is a Son Ephes 1.5.6 and therefore is by the Adoption of children by Jesus Christ Adoption therefore is the effect of Faith through union to and Justification through Christ intermediately caused thereby Causa causae est causa causati 4. Audience and answer of prayer Our Lord hath given universal proof to this Mat. 21.22 in assuring that all things whatsoever shall be asked in prayer believing shall be received By St. James Jam. 1.6 7. asking
his Saviour with an I thank God through Jesus Christ I have gained the victory The weary and heavy laden are the men invited to Christ for ease and refreshment Mat. 11.28 for indeed such on●y seek him and can be satisfied in him and duly savour him the full stomach of a proud Pharisee loaths the honey-comb of Christ his righteousnesse whil'st to the hungry appetite of the humbled sinner the bitterest passions of a Saviour are exceeding sweet the deeper the sense of misery the sweeter is the sense of mercy How acceptable is the fountain of living waters to the chased panting heart Deus oleum non infundit nisi in vas contritum Bern. and the blood of Christ to the thirsty soul and conscience scorched with the sense of Gods wrath the broken and the contrite heart is the only Sacrifice acceptable to God the wounded Samaritan is the fit object of his compassion a Mary Magdalene cannot but love much when looking on her sins she seeth much is forgiven 2. To set them at enmity with sin and in due submission to his sacred Will Sin is natural to the sons of men and only smart for it will make us sick and willing to be rid of it untill God bring Israel into affliction they regard him not but then they seek him daily Hosea 5.14 An unbroken sinner is as unfit for Gods instruction as an unbroken Colt for the saddle or unfallowed ground for seed Manasseh his Bonds break in him the power of his sin ● Chron. 33.12 and the shakings of the prison to the heart-ake of the Jaylor makes him pliable to divine pleasure Act. 16.30 What shall I do to be saved Sense of sin is a principle of submission under affliction Why should a living man complaine for the punishment of his sin Sins revival unto remorse of conscience constrains Pauls outcry O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of corruption the humbled heart gives an heedy eare to divine instruction They are not stiff-necked but give their hand to the Lord to be led by him 2 Chron. 30.8 and therefore God will teach the humbl● his way Psal 25.9 A bruised heart is like soft waxe prepared for divine impression so that to the end Christ may be of esteem as a Lord and Saviour the penitent soul must on due conviction cry out Wherewith shall I come before the Lord and bow my self before the High God shall I come before him wit● burnt-offerings with Calves of a year old will the Lord be pleased with thousands of Rams or ten thousand rivers of oyle shall I give my fi●st-born for my transgression or the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul Micah 6.6 7. And to the end we may be set against sin it must sting the conscience and so work us into a willingnesse to do or suffer the Will of God making us with earnestnesse and resolution cry when pricked at the heart What shall we do to be saved so that a sight of and sorrow for sin as committed against God are parts of and essential to true repentance only before I passe from this Conclusion let it be noted that they are precursive acts Repentance cannot be constituted without them but they are precursive such as alwayes go before sometimes yea too often at least in shew and appearance without true Repentance Judas is convinced of and cast down for sin unto utter despaire crying out I have sinned in betraying innocent blood And Ahab may humble himself in all external expressions and many internal operations of the soul and yet never be turned unto the Lord. We may not indeed deny that humiliation especially in the external acts and expressions goeth many times without conversion and compleated repentance and so we must needs conclude Conviction is not true grace or an estate of saving holinesse but that sad complaints of guilt may passe from Reprobates and damned soules yet we must remember Repentance or conversion never goeth without humiliation sight of and sorrow for sinne In the order of nature men must be convinced of and confounded for the evil from which they are converted we cannot hate and avoid the evil we do not know and know to afflict us and the order of Scripture doth alwayes call to a communing with our hearts that we may stand in awe and not sin Psal 4.5 a searching and trying our wayes before we turn unto the Lord the Law must do its work as a Schoolmaster to every soule that is brought to Christ and the Gospe● ever sends the prick into the h art of such as repent unto remission of sin Acts 2.37 38. and the spirit of bondage before the spirit of Adoption of power love and a sound minde Rom. 8.15 Preaching Repentance is the opening the blind eye and the bringing the Prodigal into his right minde that in the sense of his sad estate he may go unto his father and seek mercy The work of the Word is to make them sinners of sense that shall come to Christ for cure to cast down all proud imaginations and every high thought which exalteth it self and so to bring into obedi●nce to Christ 2 Cor. 10.5 to affect men with guilt and danger that they may with fervency cry What shall we do to be saved to convince that the issues of death will be the end of the way in which they now walk that they may flee with desire and returne without delay In a word to affect the heart with the high transgressions of Gods holy Law the disobedience of a gracious Father and offence done to infinitenesse that the soule may down on its knees prostrate it self at the foot-stoole of mercy fly to Jesus Christ as its Redeemer Surety and alone satisfaction and so sue out its pardon by a serious return to God and these are as it were the pangs of the New Birth natural and necessary though sometimes abortive and miscarrying the first part of sincere repentance though not alwayes successeful to perfect and compleat it for although we must not call the convinced conscience a Gospel-Convert yet the Convert is alwayes convinced sense of and sorrow for sin is no infallible sign of saving grace yet saving grace and sincere repentance is never wrought without a sight of and sorrow for sin as committed against God for this is the precursive act of true repentance and whenever God will seale up under impenitency he stops the passage and possibility of humility making the eare heavy and the eye dim and the heart hard lest they should see with their eyes hear with their eares and be of humbled hearts and so be converted Mat. 13.15 And so much for the third Conclusion but again in the nature of repentance we must Note Conclusion 4 Turning from all sin to God is the formality of true repentance Sincere conversion is the summa totale and ratio formalis of a Gospel-penitent Remorse for sin without a