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mercy_n full_a lord_n psal_n 2,435 5 7.5110 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69346 The letters whyche Iohan Ashwell priour of Newnham Abbey besydes Bedforde, sente secretely to the Byshope of Lyncolne in the yeare of our Lord M.D.xxvii. Where in the sayde pryour accuseth George Ioye that tyme beyng felow of Peter college in Cambrydge, of fower opinyons: wyth the answere of the sayde George vn to the same opynyons. Joye, George, d. 1553.; Ashwell, John, d. 1541? 1548 (1548) STC 846; ESTC S100275 35,534 56

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cōstante and fast persuasion in our hartes assured vs by the holy gost certifyeng vs of the goodnes of God and of his promises toward● vs by the which persuasion we beleue verely hys wordes and ar assured in our hartes the holy gost testifyeng it in vs that he is oure God our father to vs an almyghty helper and delyuerer and that we are receyued in to hys fauour by the deth and merites of hys sonne Iesus Christ our sauyour vpon the whych belyefe and assured persuasiō we loue hym so ernestly agayne that we cease not the occasyon and tyme offred to fulfyll hys pleasures in doyng the worker of loue or charite to our neighbours Of thys lyuely faith Paul speaketh alwayes which by loue is mighty in ope ration ad Gala 5. and mente no more deade fayth in this his sentence A man is iustified by faith thē he mente of a deade man whē he alledged the prophete Abakuc saing the rightwyse shall liue of his fayth for dede fayth geueth no lyfe ¶ To be iustyfyed or to be made ryghtwyse bfore God by thys fayth is nothyng els but to be absol ued from synne of God to be forgeuen or to haue no synne imputed vnto hym of God ¶ The rightwisenes which is allowed before god that cometh of faith is sometymes in scripture cal led hys mercye or fauour toward vs in vs wher by he is moued for Christes bloudes sake to promise vs forgeuenes And sometimes it is taken fo hys truth faythfulnes in the performyng of hys ꝓmise of this is he called iust or ryghtwise faith full and true Wherfore the scripture comenly ioyneth these two wordes mercy and truthe or fayth fulnes togyther especially in the psalmes as I no ted in the argument of the 89. Psalme and as Da uid prayeth god in the. 31. psalm to deliuer hym for his ryghtwysnes sake that is for his mercies sake or for his truthes sake and in the. 5 ▪ Psal lord lede me forthe for thy ryghtwysnes sake The mercye wherby god is moued to ꝓmise vs his benefytes goeth before and hys truthe in performynge foloweth nowe the maner of the scryptures is to vse the one for the tother as the kyngdom of heuē for the gospell whych goth before and is the knowleg of the way to the kyngdom and because of hearin ge the worde cometh faith Ro. 10 therfore to heare in scripture is sometymes takē for to beleue as Iohn in the. 6. Euery man that hath harde and is learned of my father cometh to me that is to say euery mā that beleueth on the father c and in the same ca. He that cometh to me shal not hōger whi che saing the sentence folowyng expoundeth thus He that beleueth in me shal neuer thyrste or shalbe euer satysfied here to come to Chryst which foloueth fayth in him is takē for ●o beleue in hym and sometyme that at gothe before is taken for that at foloweth as maye apeare wel to them that are excercised in reading of holy scripture as the keye of knowledg and the gospell are all one for that one cometh of the tother Forthermore Paule in the. ● 19. ca. to the Ro. in the. 3 to the Phy●● declareth two maner of ryghtwysenes one he calleth the rightwisenes of the law or our owne rightwisnes the tother the rightwisnes of god or of faith The rightwisnes of the law is that at is gottē by workes of the lawe the ryghtwysnes of fayth is that wherby God of hys mercye rekeneth vs ryghtwise for our fayhtes sake Outward workes shewe vs rightwyse before the worlde but faythe iustifyeth vs before God Abrahams vtwarde dede in obein ge God and goyng forth to offer his sonne Isaac Gene. 22. and Iames. 2. was a testymonye of hys faith and declared hym rightwyse before men after the rightwisnes of the law but hys fayth iustified him before god ●ōge before ye● Isaac was bor ne Gene. 15. Also we are iustified before God only in that we are chosen in Chryst before the worlde was created Eph. 1. Of the which election and iustification our faith when god geueth it vs certyfyeth our hartes afterwarde whē our fayth breketh forth in to good workes for trve faith cā not be ydel thē are our workes a testimony before mē of oure foyth so that our fayth is a secrete and a suere persuasion to our selfe of our election before God and oure workes that procede of faith are a testimony of our fayth to the worlde of the which outward workes the worlde iugeth vs rightwyse after the rightwisnes of the lawe But here let m● take hede lest they despise the rightwisnes of faith as heresie stāde to the righwysnes of their owne workes Ot whō thus speaketh paul ●o 10. They are ignorāt of the rightwisnes whyche is alowed before god go about to stableshe their own right wisnes wherfore they are not vnder the ryghwisnes of God There Paule as I poynted you to be fore bringeth in Moyses Leuiti 18. in Deutero 30. describing these two rightwisnes as one cōtra rie to the tother of the which descriptiō I wyl not here tarye rede the places and Paules pistle to the Ro. to the Gala. vnderstād it if god wyl geue it you Thys is therfore Paules sentence to the Romans in the thyrde chapter We suppose that a man is iustified by fayth wythoute the workes of the lawe vnderstanding it of iustification and of that ryghtwisnes that is of lyuely sayth alowed before God as I haue declared it before And for the probatiō of thys sentence the Prophetes christ hys owne fel●e and hys Apostles spente all theyr labours and lyues especially Paule labourynge aboue all other to cōfyrme it as it appereth in hys pistles and especially in his pistle to the Romans Wherin he layed thys sentence of the iustyfyinge by fayth at the begynninge as hys principall proposition and chefe foūdation groūded of the testimonie of Abakuc the prophete Against the whych proposition the Iewe which sought for the rightwisnes of workes as nowe do the false Christen a non obiected saing as you do now If faith only iustifieth wherfore then is the lawe wyth so many good workes cōmaunded vs to fulfyl it Paul answereth By the lawe come men into the knowled ge of theyr syunes And because ye shulde vnderstand by the law he mente the morall law not the ●eremonial He gaue ex●ple in the 7. ca. of y ● moral law saing I had not knowē y ● cōcupiscēse had b● sinne except the law had saide Thou shalt not lust And nowe therfore saith he Rom 3 the rightwisnes of God is made manifeste with oute the lawe by y ● Gospel from faith to faithe which rightwis nes was sometime preached of the Prophe●es and proued by the testimony of the lawe And now are men iustified frely by Goddie mercy and by the re demp●ion that is ●● Iesu Christ