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A68438 A manual of prayers nevvly gathered out of many and diuers famous authours aswell auncient as of the tyme present. Reduced into. 13. chap. very commodious and profitable for a deuout christian. Flinton, George.; Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555?, attributed author. aut 1583 (1583) STC 17263; ESTC S105168 81,344 322

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holden backe thy mercy from thy seruaunt After that I had longe looked for thee O Lorde at the laste thou diddest attende vpon me and heardest my crye Thou haste taken me oute of the lake of miserie and set my fete vpon a rocke made my steppes sure Thou haste gyuen me my desyer I haue seene thy ioyfull countenaunce Thou haste stricken all my aduersaryes and haste abated their strength Thou haste rebuked the rablemente of them that vexed me and haste plucked me forthe of their handes Thou hast cast them headelong into their owne pytte their feete be wrapped in the net whiche they layed priuilye for me Myne enemyes are retyred backe they are fallen downe and destroyed from thy syght Thou haste bene the poore mannes defence and his helper in tribulacion when most neede was Thou haste done iudgemente for me thou hast desēded my cause against my accusers And although thou was verye angrye with me a litle whyle yet nowe I lyue throughe thy mercye and goodnesse Verely I supposed with my selfe that I was cleane caste oute of thy fauour But thou haste harde my prayers and accordinge to thy greate mercye haste taken me agayne into thy fauour O Lord of thyne owne minde and will thou haste gyuen strength vnto my soule but when thou hiddest thy face from me O Lorde howe greatly astonyed was I VVhen I was in aduersitie then I cried vnto thee and thou diddest aunswere me when my soule was in great anguishe and trouble then O Lorde I remembred thee I haue tasted and seene howe sweete thou art truly blessed is the man that trusteth in thee Accordinge to thy name so is thy commendation and praise but thy counsayles touchynge vs be without example and greater then with wordes can be expressed Dominion power and glorie be thyne for thou haste made all thynges and because thy will is so they do styll continue Thy name be blessed praysed and magnifyed bothe nowe and euer and worlde withoure ende Amen A Psalme in vvhiche the goodnesse of God is praysed O Lorde oure gouernoure how wounderfull is thy Maiestye through oute the whole worlde whiche haste set thy glorye aboue all the heauens VVhat is man that thou magnifiest him so greatlye or the sonne of man that thou doest visite him O Lorde thou arte greate and muche to be praysed in thy holye hyll Prayse be vnto thee O Lorde God lett our vowes made to thee be alwayes perfourmed Confession and magnificence are thy worke and thy righteousnesse continueth for euermore Thou haste done many thinges O Lord God both maruailous greate and there is none that can bee lyke vnto thee in thy workes Thy wayes be iuste and true who will not feare and dread thee and magnifie thy name I thanke thee O Lorde God with all my harte and I will sanctifie thy name for euer O Lorde thou art my strength and my prayse Thou haste broughte downe myne enemyes which arte a iudge euen from the begynning Thy righte hande is exceding stronge thy righte hande worketh manye great actes Thyne arme is myghtye and strong and be cause it hath pleased thee thou hast strengthened myne infirmitye I will prayse thy greate and dreadfull name for it is holy Although I haue fallen yet I am not crushed in pieces for thou hast sustayned my hande I haue opened and shewed my waye vnto thee and in thee I haue trusted and thou at length haste accomplished my desires Thou haste broken the heades of myne ennemies and haste made them to stoupe whiche walked proudely in their sinnes Thou haste dominion ouer their power and when they be exalted and set alofte in their wayes thou abatest their courage and destroiest them with thy mighty arme In thy name I wil euer reioice and in thy mercy is all my glory Thou louest righteousnes and iudgement the earth is replenished with thy mercy Thy eye looketh fauourably vpon them that dreade thee and trust in thy mercy There shall no good thing be lackinge to them that seeke thee and they that feare thee shall not be helpelesse For thou directest their wayes and hearest them when they crye vnto thee That thou mayest deliuer their soules from death and swage their paynes when they be grieued For thou helpest them whose hartes be broken with sorowe and bearest vp with thy hand them that be contrite in spirite Thou fauest the soules of thy seruauntes and all they that truste in thee shall not be dystroyed VVherfore my toung shall sing thy prayse O Lord God I will alwayes magnifie thee I will loue thee O Lord which art my strength my stay my might my Sauiour and my refuge My God my defend our and my buckler the strength of my saluation and my supporter After that I had called vpon thee with due laude and prayse thou hast saued me from myne enemies VVhen I was in trouble I called vpō the thou hast hearde my voice oute of thy holy temple my crie hathe entred vp into thine eares Thou haste saued me from mine aduersaries that rose vp agaynst me thou haste deliuered me from wicked enemies Thou haste taken me from the compagnie of euell men and mine eye hath seene vpon mine enemies the thinges that I desired And therfore if it should fortune me to passe through the darke vale of miserie I will goe without feare for thou wilte be with me thy rodde and thy staffe shall comfort me Thou shalt delvuer me from tribulation thou shalt kepe me frō them whiche seeke to destroy me Myne eyes be vpon thee O Lord for thou shalt bring my fete forth of the snare Vnto thee O Lord God I will perfourme my vowes I will gyue thee thankes bothe nowe euermore and world without ende Amen A Psalme of the benefytes of God vvith thankes for the same MY soule prayseth thee O Lord and all that is within me prayseth thy holye name My soule gyueth thee humble thankes and thy benefites I will neuer forget VVhiche forgyuest all my sinnes and healest all mine infirmities VVhiche haste saued my lyse from destruction shewed in me thy grace and mercye VVhich haste satisfyed my desier with good thinges and shalte once restore my youth agayne Thou haste entreated me mercifully at all times and haste reuenged me of myne enemyes Thou haste bene a defence to me O Lorde and a sure foundation of my wealth Thou haste guyded me with thy counsaile taken me to thee through thy mercie Thou haste manye wayes declared in me thy greate myght and power and after thine anger hathe bene paste thou haste turned agayne and comforted me Thou haste sente me many grieuous troubles but at the lengthe thou haste brought me oute of the bottomles depenesse Thou haste made me preuye to thy wayes and haste not hydde thy counsayles from me Thou arte full of mercye and grace O Lorde slowe to wrathe and ready to goodnes Thy displeasure lasteth not alwaye thou kepest not backe thy mercies in thine anger
for euer Thou rewardest vs not accordinge to our sinnes nor punishest vs accordinge to our desertes Loke howe high the heauen is in cōparyson of the earth so greate is thy mercye towardes vs. How farre as the earth is distaunt from the west so farre O Lorde remoue our sinnes from vs. Like as a naturall father hath pity vpon his children euen so O Lorde God thou haste had compassion vpon vs. Thou haste not forgotten thy creature thou remembredst that we are fleshe yea all men liuinge And that the age of men is lyke vnto grasse and may be compared to the floures in the fielde VVhich as soone as the sharpe winde hathe blowen vppon them with his blastes wither away and dye so that no man can tell where they dyd growe But thy mercie O Lorde and louyng kyndenesse is alwayes vpon them that feare thee and thy ryghteousnes endureth for euer So that we kepe our promyse and conuenaunt with thee and so remember thy commaundementes that we doe them in deede O Lorde thou haste stablished thy throne in heauen and thou gouernest all thinges by thine imperyall power I will magnifie thee O Lorde and prayse thy name worlde withoute ende I will gyue thankes alwaye and make thy name glorious fo euer O Lorde thou arte puissant and greate and thy magnyficence is vnsearcheable One generation shall shewe to another thy workes and they shall declare thine auncient noble actes They shall euer prayse the magnificence of the glorie of thy holynes the memorie of thy great goodnes For thou arte good and gracious to all men and thy mercye excedeth all thy workes The eyes of all men beholde wayte vpon thee that thou shouldest gyue them their susten aunce in time conuenient Thou openest thyne hande and fillest euery lyuinge creature with necessary foode O Lorde thou art ryghtfull in al thy wayes holy in thy deedes Thou kepest all them that loue thee and the tourmente of malice shall not touche them My mouthe shall speake thy glorie and prayse and all lyuinge creatures shall honour thy holye name for euer Prayse our Lorde oh ye his Angels mightie in power whiche doe his commaundementes and obeye the voyce of his worde Prayse ye altogyther God O all ye hostes you his ministers that do his will and pleasure Prayse our Lorde as I do and let vs magnifie his name togyther Prayse our Lorde oh all ye his Saintes for his name is glorious and his prayse goeth aboute heauen and earth Prayse our Lorde togyther O all ye his workes euerye thing that liueth prayse our Lorde Amen A thanks-giuinge to God for his innumerable benefits bestovved on man from his infancie B. August can 18. Soliloq I The sonne of thy hand-mayd in these my poore confessions doe confesse to thee my redeemer with all my hart and will call to mynde all the benefites whiche thou haste bestowed vpon me all the time of my lyfe euen from mine infancye for I knowe well O Sauiour that thou art greatlye displeased withe ingratitude for it is the roote of all spirituall euill and a certaine wynd dryenge and burninge all good stopping the fountaine of thy dyuine mercy towardes man But I O Lorde will gyue thee thankes least I be ingratefull to thee my redeemer because thou hast delyuered me howe oft had that dragon swallowed me vppe if thou haddest not taken me from his mouth how oft haue I sinned and he was redy to haue deuoured me but thou my Lorde God haste defended me when I wrought wickedly agaynst thee and did breake thy commaundementes he would haue drawen me to hell if thou haddest not letted him I did offend thee and thou diddest defend me I did not feare thee and thou didest preserue me I departed from thee and offered my selfe to mine enemie but thou diddest affraye him that he durst not take me thou diddest bestowe these great benefites vpon me O my God yet I poore wretch did not know it Thou hast often times deliuered me from the iawes of the diuell thou hast takē me out of the mouth of the lyon and haste brought me many tymes from hell I not knowinge it for I wente downe to the gates of hell but thou haste stayed them that I entred not in I did hasten to the portes of death but thou diddest not suffer them to inclose me in thou haste also often deliuered me from bodyly death O my sauiour VVhen I haue bene sore vexed with sicknes and in greate danger by lande and sea by fier and sword thou haste stoode by me and mercifully deliuered me from all for thou diddest knowe O Lorde if death had then ouertaken me hell had receyued my soule and I had bene damned for euer but thy mercye and grace preuented me and deliuered me from death both of bodye and soule O my Lorde God These and many other benefites thou haste heaped vpon me but I being blind did not perceiue it vntill thou dyddest illumynate me Now therefore O the light of my soule O my Lorde God O my life by whom I lyue O the lighte of mine eyes by the which I see loe thou haste illuminated me and I know thee for by thee I lyue And I gyue thee thankes although insufficient and nothing correspondente to thy benefites yet such as my frayltie is able to afford I offer vnto thee I confesse and acknowledge thy goodnes for thou haste broughte me from the lower hell once twyse thryse yea a hundred and a thousand tymes I was euery day going downe to hell but thou diddest bringe me backe agayne and iustly thou might a thousande tymes haue condemned me if it had bene thy pleasure but thou wouldest not because thou louedst soules and dissemblest the sinnes of men expectinge their repentance O my God my sauiour in all thy wayes their is great mercy now I see and manifestly know through the light of thy grace and my soule doth faynte in the contemplation of thy greate mercy towardes me because thou haste pluckt me from the lower hell and haste brought me backe againe to lyfe It is then by thee wholy that I liue and therfore I wholy offer my whole selfe to thee my whole soule my whole harte my whole body my whole life let it liue vnto thee O my sweet lyfe for thou haste wholy delyuered me that thou mighte wholye possesse me thou hast wholy made me that thou mighte wholy haue me agayne Therefore I will loue thee O Lord which art my strēgth I will loue thee O my ineffable ioy and comforte so that my wholle life shall liue no more but for thee which lyfe was loste in my misery and nowe reuyued agayne in thy mercy for thou art a God mercyfull to thowsands that loue thy holy name Amen A prayse and thankes gyuinge to God for his great benefites Io. Roffe psal 13. lib preca MY soule doth praise thee O my God and all that is within me doth laude thy holy name my soul doth render
thee hūble thankes I will neuer be vnminful of thy benefites for thou doest pardonne all my sinnes hast healed all my infirmities thou haste redeemed my lyfe from death and haste shewed vnto me mercy and grace Thou haste multiplied in me thy magnificēce after thine anger thou haste comforted me thou haste showed me many tribulations and aduersities but in the end thou hast brought me backe againe from the depth of deapnes thou haste made knowen to me thy wayes and from me thou haste not hid thy counsels Thou arte mercyfull and full of grace O Lorde slowe to anger prone and redy to goodnes thou wilt not alwaie be angrie and thou doest not for euer holde backe thy mercie thou rewardest vs not according to our sinnes nether doest thou punishe vs accordinge to our iniquities As the father doth pitie his children so thou haste compassion of vs O God our Lord thou forgettest not thy handy-worke thou remembrest that euery liuinge man is fleshe and that the daies of man are as grasse and as the flowers of the fielde which with a blaste of colde winde vanishe away so as none can fynde the place where they grewe But thy mercy is euerlastinge to those that feare thee and thy iustice remayneth alwayes so that we keepe thy law and fulfill thy commaundementes I will extoll thee my God and prayse thy name for euer and euer I will render thee thankes at all seasons and I will make thy name famous for euer and longer if longer may be for thou arte good to all and thy mercye exceedeth all thy workes The eyes of all thinges looke vppe vnto thee that thou wouldest gyue them meate in due time thou openest thy hand fillest with thy blessinge euery liuinge thing thou preseruest all that loue thee no tormente of malyce shall touche them my mouth shall shew foorth thy prayse and euery liuing thing shall celebrate thy holy name for euer and euer Prayse our Lorde O ye Angels mightye in power which doe his commaundementes and are obediente to the voyce of his worde prayse our Lorde O all ye Armies which doe his will magnifie our Lorde and lett vs extoll his name in it selfe Prayse our Lord all ye his Saints whose onely name is moste highe whose onely prayse doth exceede heauen and earth Prayse our Lord all ye his workes through all his dominion in euerye place euerie thinge that liueth praise our Lorde The ende of the eyghte Chapter THE NYNTH CHAPTER CONTAYNINGE NECESSArie prayers for the prosperitie of our bretheren friends and neyghbours Timoth. 2. Iacob 5. A prayer for the Churche afflicted Franc. Tittel in para Psal 78. O God the gentiles barbarous Nations and Infidelles which haue no fayth in thee nor knowleadge of thy name are entred into thy heritage they haue taken thy people by force of armes and as vanquishers they occupie our cyties they haue defyled with their abhominations thy temple dedicated to thy honor and seruice they haue polluted the vessels consecrated for the seruice of the temple and vsed them prophanely VVe are become a reproch and laughing-stocke to our neighbors in such sorte that they scorne dispise and make a ieste of vs reioysing at our afflictions and in their mirth they vpbrayd vs but thou O Lord vpon whose will we wholy depend how long wilt thou be angry with vs. And wherfore doest thou so deliuer vs into the hāds of our enemies as though thou haddest shaked vs of hereafter would haue no more care ouer vs wherefore doest thou showe the furye of thy wrathe towardes thy people which are the sheepe of thy holy pasture whereof thou art the ruler sheppard defender and protector Be myndfull O Lorde of thy holy Churche and leaue it not in the hands of thy enemyes but delyuer it by thy stronge powre beholde and consider the league and testament made with the elect Remembre thy promise made vnto thē that thou woldest not forsake them that were contrite in hart but woldest saue them that were humble in spirite For in trueth we are kepte vnder afflicted and broughte to nothing we are contemptible abiect and miserable in such sorte that we are a gasing-stocke and ignominie to all nations wherefore O Lorde doest thou not turne thy face to vs thy poore seruantes why doest thou turne thy face from them and suffer thy enemies so cruellye to rage against them why doest thou not beholde the misery and affliction wherin we thy seruantes destitute and desolate of all helpe and hauing no comfort but in thee are afflicted and tormented of our enemies Awake O Lorde God dissemble no longet but come to succour thy people and make hast to helpe thy faythfull seruants and saue vs from the hands of our enemies we humbly beseech thee for thy moste glorious names sake for thine own selfe and for thy infinite mercye that we the posteritie may a little taste the sweetnes of thy promises which our for fathers haue so abundantly felte But we that are thy people and the sheepe of thy pasture which worshippe no other God which seeke no other sheppard gouernour besides thee whiche put our whole trust cōfidence in thee desire to be fedd ruled and gouerned by thee onely we will render thee moste humble thankes and sett foorth thy glorye for euer and euer VVe will declare and shewe thy prayses from generation to generation for thou of thy meere good will haste restored vs to the libertye which we haue requyred we therefore in aduersitie as well as in prosperitie or how so euer it shall please thee to dispose of vs will serue thee with ioye and gladnes we will contine we still in thankes gyuinge attendinge patientlye thy ayde and helpe Amen A prayer for our parentes Io. Ferus in lib. precat O Almightye and omnipotente God which haste strictly commaunded vs next vnto thee to honour our father and mother and to pray for their happy and good successe graunt vnto my parentes and the whole familye health peace keepe them in the piety and trueth of thy fayth defend them from all daungers bodily and ghostly gyue them grace I humblye beseeche thee that they offende not thee in any thinge but that they may alwaye find thee a louing gentle and mercyfull father and God Amen A prayer to be sayed for them that are fallen from the Church Io. Fabius in preca christ OMnipotent benigne and moste mercifull father we moste entierly besech thee that it wil please thee to visitt with thy fatherlye affection all those that are fallen and departed from the pure Catholike and christian Church or doubt in any article thereof and are seduced or deceiued through any false perswasion to illuminate their hartes O Lorde with the beames of thy diuine light staye them and bring them backe to acknowledge their errour that being in such sort conuerted they maye with the whole vniuersall Church confesse with mouth and shewe in workes one true
Amen Pater noster Aue. Credo Confiteor A morning prayer vvhen ye are rysen Ex Viridario spirit O Heauenly Father omnipotente and euerlastinge God vnto thee I yealde innumerable thankes whiche haste vouchsafed to keepe me this nighte through thy great mercy and I beseech thy aboundaunt clemencye that thou graunt me so to spende the day to come in fayth hope charity patiēce feare carefulnes of minde that my seruice maye please thy heauenly Maiestie A morninge prayer vvhereby to commende thy selfe to God B. Aug. cap. 40. Medit. O Holy Trinitie heare me most miserable sinner and keepe me from all euill from all occasion of euill from all mortall sinne from all the deceptes and wilynes of the deuill and of mine enemies visible and inuisible by the prayers of the Patriarkes by the merits of the Prophets by the suffrages of the Apostles by the constancie of Martyrs by the faith of the Confessours by the chastitie of Virgins and by the intercession of al Sainctes which haue pleased thee from the beginninge of the worlde Amen A prayer to he sayed goinge out of the house Ioan Fab. in prec Christ O All ye holy Angels and saints of God I beseech you that your intercession may geue me ayde and power that no enemie may hurt me in the way that I shal walke neither sleepinge nor wakinge and that neither fier nor water nor any other noysome thing doe oppresse or harme me Amen A prayer desiring God to order and directe vs. De imit Christ li. 3. cap. 16. LOrd God thou knowest what thing is to me most profitable to doe this or that after thy will Geue me what thou wilt as much as thou wilt and when thou wilt Doe with me as thou knowest best to be donne and as it shall please thee and as shal be most to thy honour put me where thou wilt and freely doe with me in all thinges after thy will Thy creature I am and in thy handes leade me and turne me where thou wilt Loe I am thy seruaunt redie to all things that thou commaūdest for I desire not to lyue to myselfe but to thee would to God it might be worthely profitably to thy honor Amē A prayer to perseuere in goodnes Imitatio Christ li. 1. cap. 19. HElpe me my Lord Iesu Christ that I may perseuere in good purpose and in thy holy seruice vnto my death and that I may now this present day perfectly beginne for it is nothinge that I haue done in time paste An exersise to be dayly vsed in meditating the passion of our Lord Sauiour An Exhortation If thou wilt profit and growe in the loue of God thou must haue an often and frequent memorie as it were an Image before thine eyes of thy Lord and Sauiour crucyfied for thee and it shall be verye profitable for thy dayly exercyse to call to thy mind with a deuoute and diligente attention and consideration one or moe of these fiftiene litle meditations and in the ende of the same meditation say the prayer folowing for the same purpose O mylde and innocēt Lamb● c. Medita 1. O Good gracious IESV thou beinge highest and almightie God of the infinite charitie wherwith thou louedst me wouldest be made man thou didest vouchsafe to be borne in a stable to be laide downe in an oxe stall and after that to be circumcised and to flee into Egipte Thou didest vouchsafe to be baptized to fast to be tempted to watch to teach to preach and to heale the dyseased Thou diddest vouchsafe to suffer manifolde labours painfull cares and persecutions three and thirtie yeres and at the length to come to Hierusalem and to suffer death for me This prayer folovving is to be sayed after one or moe of these meditations as the leasure of the deuoute person shall serue accordinge to the tyme and deuotion that the partye shall haue O Myld and innocent Lambe of God thus hartely thou didest loue me these thinges thou didest for me these paines most meekely most patiently and louingly thou sufferedst for me VVhat shall I render againe vnto thee I adore laud and glorifie thee I praise thee and geue vnto thee thankes as hartely and as well as I can All haile sweete IESV the sonne of the liuing God king of all kinges the very king of glorie All haile the precious stone of the diuine nobilitie that quickneth and geueth lyfe the flower that neuer fadeth of mankinds high dignitie O mercifull and kinde redeemer haue mercy vpon me for thy goodnesse sake Put awaye all my sinnes Destroye and mortifie in me what soeuer displeaseth thee Make me one according vnto thy blessed harte making me like vnto thy holy humanitye Graunte my Lord that I may to my litle power most diligently folowe thy blessed lyfe and vertues O blessed father celestial I offer vnto thee the most holy incarnation conuersacion passion of thy most deere beloued sonne Iesu for my saluation and for the saluation of all men as for full amendmente and purgation of all our sinnes and offences Graunte most mercifull father by the same onelye begotten sonne of thyne vnto them that are alyue mercy grace and vnto the soules departed rest and lyfe euerlasting Amen Medita 2. O Good and gracious IESV thou dideste eate the pascall lambe in Hierusalē with thy dere-beloued disciples and arising from supper thou diddest gi●dd● thy selfe about with a Towel and powredst water into a bason and kneeling vpon thy knees thou meekely didest washe the feete of thy disciples and wypedst them with a Towell Medita 3. O Good and gracious IESV thou before thou shouldest suffer did bequeth a most excellēt good thinge vnto thy children leauinge for vs thy most sacred body to be our meate and thy most precious bloude to be our drincke There can no witt nor vnderstanding penetrate and throughly see the bottomles deapth of this thy charytie Medit. 4. O Good and gracious IESV thou cominge vnto the garden of Oliuet begannest to feare and to be heauy whereupon thou saidest vnto thy disciples My soule is sorowfull vntill death And then diuided sondred from them thou settest thy selfe vpon thy knees and fallinge vpon the earth flatte on thy face thou prayedst vnto thy father and fully and wholly thou resignest and yeldest thy selfe vnto him sayinge Father thy will be done And at length through most paynfull agonye where-with thou was greuouselye opprest and afflicted thou swettest throughout all thy body a bloodye sweate Medita 5. O Good and gracious IESV thou kindled and burning with the ineffable desire to redeeme me thou wentest to meete thyne enemies and suffered Iudas the traitor to kisse thee and suffered thy selfe to be taken and to be bound with all confusion and shame and most indignely to be ledd with bondes from thence and that of most vile and wicked persons vnto Annas where thou suffered most mekely a verye sore stroke on thy face most iniustly geuen thee
cheeflie hauinge assured confidence in thy superabundaunt mercie doo humblie prostrate my selfe before thy mercie-seate instantlie beseeching thee to graunt mee pardon and remission of my wretched wickednes and greate offences with which I haue so greuouslie offēded thy eternal goodnes wittinglye or ignorauntlie as thou beste knoweste from the beginninge of my lyfe vntill this presente and speciallye with suche a person in such a place these manye times in this manner this suggestion mouinge me this longe continuing without repentaunce and by my euill example geuinge such and such occasion to sinne Here call to minde particulerly in what thou haste offended God VVith whom thou hast sinned VVhom thou haste iniuryed How often and how longe thou haste continued Of all whiche moste mercifull Father it maye please thee to perdon mee moste fillthie sinner and abhominable lyuer and also all other sinners whiche either I haue entised vnto sinne or gyuen exāple of sinning likewise all those whiche haue gyuen mee occasion of sinninge absoluinge and deliuering vs from the grieuous heauye bandes thereof throughe the mercifull merites of the moste bitter Passion of thy onely sonne and our redemer Iesus Christe who suffered moste cruell and vyle deathe to saue sinners For otherwise what shoulde become of mee in that moste dreadfull iudgmente daye when the booke of conscience shal be opened whē it shal be sayed of me beholde the persone and his woorkes at which time all the iniquitie that I haue committed from the first daye of my lyfe both in harte worde and woorke shal be made open to heauen and earth all those my sinnes shal be there presente to accuse mee moreouer the dyuell and conscience redye to beare wittnes therevnto allso thou my wratthfull iudge vppon their iuste accusation thy iustice enforcinge the same redy to gyue the terrible sentence of eternall death againste mee and finallie the horrible pitte of hell continuallie gaping and opening his vnsatiable mowthe desyrous to swallow mee the dredfull consideration wherof would make mee O Lord to despaire if I didde not call to minde the infinitenesse of thy mercie my moste mercifull redeemer For the sinnes of men be they neuer so manie are to be numbred but thy mercie Lorde God is infinite and without numbre and thy mercie great aboue all thy woorkes for thy excedinge great mercie throughe effusion of thy moste precious bloude and voluntarie death hath purchased pardon and forgiuenes for vs before wee were suters for it yea when wee were thyne enemies and gonne farre awaye frō thee howe muche more rather shall wee obtaine it when wee through thy grace now being reconsiled vnto thee with our vnfeined repētante hartes incessantlie doo sue and with bytter teares humblie craue it VVherefore O Lorde of mercie deale not with mee after my desertes but accordinge to thy great mercie remēbre not sweete Iesu thy seuere Iustice against the sinner but be mindfull of thy longe sufferinge goodnes towardes thy creature Remembre not thy wrathe against the offendour but be mindfull of thy mercie towardes the repentant sinner Remembre not my disobedience whiche hath prouoked the but respecte him which in great sorow and heuines of harte for his offēces calleth vpon thee For what is Iesus but a Sauioure Therefore O Iesu for thine owne sake I beseech thee rise vppe to helpe mee and say vnto my soule I am thy sauing health I presume muche of thy goodnes O merclfull Lord being there vnto imboldened forasmuch as thou thy selfe teachest mee to aske to seeke to knocke VVherfore beinge admonished through thy teachinge I aske I seeke and I knocke and thou Lorde whiche commaundest mee to aske graunte me to obteine and thou whiche counsaylest mee to seeke graunte mee to finde And thou which teachest mee to knocke open vnto mee at my knocking 's make mee beinge sicke in soule to be whole restore mee againe beinge as one forlorne and a caste-awaye Raise me vppe beinge deade throughe sinne from death and vouchsafe to gouerne and directe all my senses thoughtes woordes and actes so as they maye be pleasaunt in thy sight that frō henffourthe I maye trulie serue thee lyue to thee and cōmitte my selfe wholy vnto thee and to delight in nothinge but in thee and for thee For I knowe O Lord that forasmuche as thou hast made mee Lowe vnto thee my selfe and because thou haste redemed mee and wast made man for mee I owe vnto thee more then my selfe if I had de it by so muche as thou art more woorthie then I for whome thou being the sonne of God and second person in Trinitie wouchsafest to suffre for my sake most grieuous tormentes and shameful deathe Yet Lo more thē my selfe I haue not to gyue neither yet I can gyue that vnto thee without thee wherefore doe thou receiue mee draw mee through thy grace vnto thee that I maye aswell bee thine by loue and imitation as I am thine by calling and creation VVhich liuest reignest for euer and euer vnto whome be all honour glorie world without ende Amen A prayer for a penitent sinner after his relapse or falling to sinne agayne Antonius Hemert in Speculo perfectionis O Lorde Iesu Christ I vnhappie sinner most vile and vnthankfull Lo now againe I have offended thee by this worde N. or by this sinne N. I haue dishonoured thy maiestie haue reiected thee which aboue all thinges ought to be to me most deare and agreable Thou knowest O Lord how muche I am yet Carnall how litle mortyfied how full of euell concupiscence how I am flootinge in externall pleasures how often enwrapped in vayne fansyes how negligent in spirituall exercises how light in laughing and dissolution how harde difficult in wepinges and cōpunction how euell aduised in speakinge how impatient in kepinge silence how much gyuen to eating and drinckinge how deafe and dull in hearinge godly admonitiōs how attētife to babling how sluggish to heare dyuine seruice how sodaynlie I am troubled and letted to doe good how manye things I purpose wherof I accomplishe none O my Lord my God I am full of Sorowe grief for that I haue sinned also for that I haue too-to litle compunction I desire with all my harte that thou wouldeste wounde my hart with the sorowe of moste perfecte contrition And for asmuch as perdition and offence proceedeth from me and grace and mercy from thee I purpose from this time forwards beinge assisted by they grace from hence foorth to keepe my selfe from all misdeedes and to auoyde all occasions of sinne Amen A moste profitable protestation to be made vvhyles vve are yet in healthe and prosperitie Cornelius Donters in his contemplations vpon the passion O Lord God almighty to whom all thinges are manifeste and knowne O eternall Sapiēce which preserueth all things I poore wretched creature in despite of mine enemy make protestation whyles I am in good health and perfecte memory wherein I stande at this present through
present death I beseech thee O Lorde to succour and helpe me and iudge me not accordinge to my workes for I haue not bene obediente to thy commaundements but thou which louest repentance haue mercy vpon me which before thy face make confession of all my sinnes and as Dauid prayed O Lord for the loue of thy holy name wype awaye my sinnes so I beseech thy diuine Maiestie to blotte out all my offences Make me to abyde in thy holy Catholike Church with an vndefiled faith a pure hart firme deuotiō continuall loue and to perseuer in good workes deliuer me from the eternall fyre euerlasting payne from all torment which thou haste prepared for the wicked graunte this for our good and blessed Sauiours sake by whom to thee al laud honour power and glorye be for euer and euer Amen A prayer to God the Sonne called O bone Iesu O Bountifull Iesu O swete Iesu O Iesu the sonne of the pure Virgin Marie full of mercy and trueth O swete Iesu after thy great mercy haue pitie on me O bening Iesu I praye thee by the same precious bloude which for vs miserable finners thou wast contente to shed on the aulter of the crosse that thou wouldest vouchsafe to auoid clene all my wickednes and not to despise me hūbly asking pardō calling vpō thy most holy name Iesus This name Iesus is the name of health what is Iesus but a Sauiour O good Iesus that hast created me with thy precious bloude redemed me suffer me not to be dāned whom of nought thou hast created O good Iesu let not my wickednes destroye that which thy almightie goodnes hath made and formed in me O good Iesu reknowlege that which is thine in me wipe cleane away that which is not thine in me O good Iesu while time of mercy is haue mercy on me and cōfound me not in time of thy terrible iudgment O good Iesu if I wretched sinner for my moste grieuous offēces haue by thy verye iustice deserued eternall paine yet I appeale from thy verye righteousnes and stedfastlye trust in thine ineffable mercy so as a mylde father mercyfull Lorde oughte take pitie on me O good Iesu what profit is in my bloud since I muste discende into eternall corruption they that be dead shal not magnifie thee nor lykewyse all they that descende to hell O moste mercyfull Iesu haue mercy on me O most sweete Iesu deliuer me O moste meke Iesu be vnto me comfortable O Iesu accepte me a wretched sinner into the number of them that shal be saued O Iesu the health of all them that truste in thee haue mercy vpō me O Iesu the sweete forgyuenes of all my sinnes O Iesu the sonne of the pure Virgin Marie endue me with thy grace wisdome charitie chastitie and humilitie yea in all myne aduersities with stedfast pacience so that I maye perfectlye loue thee and in thee to be glorified and haue myne onely delight in thee worlde without ende Amen A prayer to the holy ghoste Io. Fab. cap. 9. mechta COme O holy spirite the moste sweete comforter of the sorrowfull and desolate the loue of the diuine puissance the holy communication of the almightie and omnipotent father and of his most blessed sonne descende with thy mightie power into the entralls of my harte lighten and bewtifie the darke closetts of my desolate harte with thy cleare brightnes and that which with continuall filth of my vnfruitfull lyfe is dryed vppe vifit thou and make fruitfull with the aboundant dewe of thy grace Touche and wounde my harte with the darte of thy loue inflame my dull and slouthfull harte lighten the inner partes of my soule withe the heate of thy holye fyre make me to drincke of the riuer of thy sweetnes that hereafter I may feele no taste in any worldly delyte which is venimous O holye spirite O excellente workman whomsoeuer thou doest inhabite thou buildest a lodginge for the father and the sonne come therfore O moste sweete comforter of my sorowfull soule defende me in all tribulation come O purifier of our sinnes and saluer of our deadly sores come O strength and fortitude of the weake and guide of the humble come meeke father of the fatherlesse and sweete Iudge of the widowes Come O soueraigne hope of the poore and comforter of the weake come O bright starre of faylers and sure porte of the shipp wracte come O singuler bewtie and ornament of the liuing and onelye saluation of the deade come moste holy spirite come and haue mercy vpon me make fitt and accomodate me to thee condescend benignely to me accordinge to the multitude of thy mercy that my littlenes may be agreeable to thy greatnes and my imbecillitye and weakenes to thy diuyne puissance through Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen The ende of the tenth Chapter THE ELEVENTH CHAPTER CONTAYNINGE CHRIstian Catholicke prayers to Saintos citizens of the glorie of heauen A prayer vnto the holy virgin Mary Cuth Tunstall in lib. prec Luke 1. ALl hayle vndesiled Virgin Marye mother of the sonne of God elected and chosen aboue all other Virgins the whiche euen from the wombe of thy mother Anna a woman moste holy hast bene of the holy Ghost so fanctified illuminated and so greatly defended with the grace of God almightie that vnto the conception of oure Lord Iesus Christ thy sonne and whilest thou didest conceyue hym and vnto the tyme of his birthe whylest thou didest beare him and continuallye after his byrth thou continuedst and remaynedst a Virgin of all other that be borne moste chast most vncorrupte and of bodie and soule all thy lyfe moste immaculate and vnspotted For truely thou haste far passed all other Virgins how many soeuer haue bene hetherto syns the beginninge of the worlde or euer shal be to the later ende therof in a sincere conscience of an impolluted minde By these thy most excellent gyftes of heauenly grace infused into thee by God very singulerly O Virgin and mother Marie aboue all other women and Virgins wee praye thee which art vnto vs miferable mortal men a mercyfull patronesse that thou wilt voutchesafe to make intercession to God the Father omnipotente and to his sonne Iesus Christ begotē certenly as cōcerning his Diuinitie of the Father before all worlds borne of thee cōcerning his humanity to the holy Ghost proceding from the father and the sonne that our sinnes may be forgeuen vs and that wee throughe thy intercession maye meryte continuallye to reioyce with thee O holye Virgin and to prayse thee in the kindome of heauen without ende Amen A prayer to our Ladye the blessed virgin Mary and S. Iohn Euangelist S. Edmundus Arch. Cantuarienfis author scribitur O intemerata O Vndefiled for euer blessed singular and incōparable Virgin Marie mother of God his most pleasaunt Tēple the noble Shryne of the holy Ghost the Entree and Gate of the kyngdome of heauen by whome next after God all the
Lyons R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst the three Children out from the fiery fournace and from the hands of the cruell vnmercyfull Kyng R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst Susanna frō the crime with which she was falsely charged R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst Dauid from the handes of kinge Saul and Golias R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst S. Peter and Paule out of pryson R. Amen And as thou deliueredst that blessed Virgin and Martyr Tecla from her moste cruell torments so vouchesafe to deliuer the soule of this thy seruant and make him partaker of the euerlastinge ioyes in heauen with thee R. Amen Lett vs praye VVE commend vnto thee O Lord the soule of thy seruant beseeche thee sweete Lord lefu Christ Sauiour of the worlde that thou doe not refuse to place hym in the bosome of thy Patriarches for whom thou descēdedst mercifully into the earth Acknowledg O Lord thy creature created not of any straung gods but of thee alone the true and lyuinge God for there is no other God but thou O Lorde and there is none according to thy woorkes O Lord make his soule reioyse in thy sight and remembre not his olde iniquitie and drunckenesse whiche inordinate concupiscence and raginge lustes dyd rayse in hym Albeit he sinned yet he denied not the father the sonne and the holy Ghost but belyeued stedfastly in them and he had the zeale of God in his harte and adored the God that created all of nought R. Amen Lett vs praye REmembre not we beseech the O Lorde the sinnes and ignoraunces of his wylfull youth but according to thy great mercie bee myndefull of him in the glorye of thy eternall deytie Let the heauens bee opened vnto hym Lett thy Angels reioyse of hym O Lorde receyue thy seruant into thy kyngdome Lett holy Michaell the high messenger of God that hath deserued to bee the chiefe all the holye cōpany of Angels receiue him Let all the holy Angels of God come forth and meete him conducte him into the heauēlie Citie Hierusalē Lett blessed Peter the Apostle who had the keyes of the kyndom of God delyuered vnto hym receyue hym Lett the holy Apostle S. Paule who was woorthy to bee a chosen vessell receyue hym Lett S. Iohn the elect Apostle of God to whome the heauenly secret mysteries were reuealed receyue him Lett all the holy Apostles who receyued of Christ power to loose and bynd praye for hym Lett all holye Saincts who haue sustained tormentes for the name of Christ pray for him that after he is loosed out of the pryson of this mortall flesh he may be founde woorthy to come to the glorie of the heauenly kyngdome by the assistance of our Lord Iesus Christ who with the father and the holy Ghost lyueth and raigneth worlde without ende Amen Into thy handes O Lorde we cōmen his soule O Lorde God of truth thou haste redeemed hym Lett that sweete voyce of thyne O Lorde Iesu sounde in his eares This daye thou shalt bee vvith me in Paradise Amen The ende of the tvvelfth Chapter THE THYRTIENTH CHAPTER CONTAYNING DEVOVT praiers healthfull for the departed soules An exhortation by the vvhich vve are shevved and admonyshed to praye for soules departed in the Catholicque Church Clemens I. Ponti Max. Ca. 47. lib. 8. constit Apostol MY brethren lett vs praye for our brother that resteth in Iesu Christ to the ende that our good God which hath recieued his soule may forgyue him all his sinnes willingly or vnwillingly committed and that he obteining forgyuenes may be receyued into the kingdome of the blessed in the bosome of Abraham Isaac and Iacobe with all those that from the begining haue pleased God and haue done his will from whom all sorow griefe and payne is secluded Commendations of the soule that is lately departed Albertus Castella Sacer. Rom. part 1. O Lorde we commend the soule of thy seruant that being latelye departed this lyfe he may lyue in thee and according to thy mercye pardone him his sinnes which he hath committed throughe humayne frayeltie VVe commende O Lorde the soule of this thy seruante into the handes of the holy and moste gloriouse virgin Mary the mother of mercye and clemency Also into the handes of all the holy Archangels Angels and celestiall courte of heauen into the handes of the holy Patriarches and prophets into the handes of the blessed Apostles Euangelistes and disciples into the handes of the martyrs and confessors into the handes of the virgins widowes and all votaryes who-soeuer And finally we commend the soule of this thy seruaunt into the hands of all such thy blessed saynts and seruaunts as haue pleased thee from the first creatiō of the world that by their intercession and succour he may be deliuered from the prince of darknes and from all dreadfull torments graunt this O God almightye omnipotente and full of mercy through the bitter passion of thy sweet sonne our sauiour Iesu to whom with thee and the holy Ghost be all honour and glorye for euer and euer Amen A prayer for the faythfull soule departed Precat Ecclesi in Missa O Eternall and almightye God to whom we neuer pray without hope of mercy Haue mercy of the soule of thy seruaunt N. and make him to bee vnyted to that companye of Saintes which is deceased from this life in the confession of thy name through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen Another prayer Pontifical Rom. part 3. O God by whom all thinges lyueth and through whom our bodies diminisheth not in dyeng but are chaunged into better we moste humblye beseech thee to commaunde the soule of thy seruant to be receyued by the handes of thy holy Angels to bring him vnto the bosome of thy friend the Patriarch Abraham to ryse againe at the laste greate iudgement day pardonning him mercyfully all his sinnes which he hath committed throughe the false deceiptes and suggestion of the deuill through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen Another prayer Clemens Aposto discip lib. 8. cap. 47. constit Apostol O God of Abraham God of Isaac God of Iacob which art God of the liuinge and not of the deade for as much as all soules of the righteouse lyueth with thee and are in thy handes they shall not be touched with any payne or torment Looke bountifully vpon this thy seruaunt which thou haste receyued into another lyfe pardone him that which he hath committed through the frayeltye of his will Appoynt him thy louing Angels to carye him into the bosomes of Patriarches Prophetes and Apostles and of all those that hath pleased thee from the begining of the worlde where is neither sorowe griefe nor horrour but an assemblye of Saintes whiche are reioysing in the countrye of the happye and iuste seeing the glory of thy Christ through whom be to thee glory honour seruice and adoration