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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68172 The parliament of Chryste auouching and declaring the enacted and receaued trueth of the presence of his bodie and bloode in the blessed Sacrament, and of other articles concerning the same, impugned in a wicked sermon by M. Iuell, collected and seth-furth by Thomas Heskyns Doctour of dyuinitie. Wherein the reader shall fynde all the scripturs co[m]monlie alleaged oute of the newe Testament, touching the B. Sacrament, and some of the olde Testament, plainlie and truely expownded by a nombre of holie learned fathers and doctors. Heskyns, Thomas. 1566 (1566) STC 13250; ESTC S119699 1,133,151 826

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who I doubte not will so well and clerely open to vs the trueth of that matter that we seke that except we will not see we shall perceaue yt The holie spirit of God geue vs the gifte of vnderstanding and an humble and docible heart to receaue and embrace his trueth THE NINGHT CHAPITER DECLARING that oure redemption was prenunciated by promisses figures and prophecies and what the promisses be and to whome they were made ALmightie God beholding the miserable ruine of man and mercifullie entending the repaire of the same by his prouident wisdome Sap. 8. quae disponit omnia suauiter which disposeth all thinges louinglie according to his foreknowledge whiche was from euer declared vnto man the mean howe by whom and when hys laps or fall shoulde be restored assuring hym of hys redemption euen by the woorde of hys owne mouthe that wher man through hys fall had experience of the sore burden of Gods iustice he might also haue a taste and hope of his mercie and beholdinge the goodlie contēperament of bothe in God might frame also in him self a right temperature of feare and loue fearing for iustice and louing for mercie and therby in good ordre of spirituall melodie yoifullie finge with the Prophete Dauid Misericordiam et iudicui cantabo tibi Domine Mercie and iudgement will I sing to thee o Lord. Psal 102. For Misericors Dominus et iustus Oure Lord ys mercifull and righteouse Thus I saie Man hauing in practise that God ys a God of iustice lest he Assurāce of mercie promised to man before full sentence of iustice was pronounced shoulde be ouerwhelmed and depressed with desperacion for lacke of mercie Before the ful sentence of Gods iustice was pronoūced assurāce of mercie was made that mā being nowe pressed with the one should be releiued with the other Inimicitias ponam inter te et inter mulierem et semē tuū semē illius ipsa conteret caput tuum I will put enemitie said allmightie God to the Serpēt betwen thee and the woman betwen thie seed and her seed the same shal tread downe thine head By the whiche woordes assuredlie our first Parentes conceaued a firme hope of a Messias of a Redemer and of a Sauiour to come of the seed of a woman that as the Enemie the Deuell had craftelie supplāted and therbie ouerthrowē mā So he by noble victorie wrought on the crosse and accepted and approued by the iustice of God shoulde debel the enemie the deuell and take the spoill from him whiche was mankinde And as our righteouse and neuer the lesse our mercifull Lord God had signified this gladde tidinges of Redēption to oure first Parentes that they might vnderstand the mercie of God and therby conceaue and haue hope and comforth Euen so likewise did he to our Fathers the holie Patriarkes and other our elders notifie the same by diuerse means as by promisses figures and prophecies Of the whiche three I shall by Gods helpe seuerallie speake And first as the order leadeth I will treacte of promisses To our Father Abraham God declared the gladde tidinges of our Redemption by promisse saing thus In semine tuo benedicentur omnes nationes terrae Gen. 22. In thy seede shall all the nacions of the earth be blessed Who was this seede by whom al nacions shoulde be blessed and howe they shoulde atteign Promisse made to Abrahā vnto yt saincte Paule to the Galathians by the teaching of the holie Goste declareth saiēg To Abrahā and his seed were the promisses made He saieth not in thie seedes as to manie but yn thy seed as of one which ys Christe As saincte Paule here by the instruction of the holie Goste expowndeth this promisse to be made of Christe So doubte ye not but the same holie Galat. 3. Spiritie had breathed the like breath into the holie Patriarke Abrahā wherbie he vnderstood that Christ after the flesh shoulde descend from him and that this blessing shoulde by him happen to all nacions For all nacions shall atteign to this blessing that beleue with faithful Abraham as saincte Paule declareth in the same chapiter The scripture saieth he seing before hand that God wolde iustifie the heathen through faithe shewed before hande glad tidinges to Ahraham saing In thee shall all nacions be blessed So Ibid. 3. then they whiche be of faith are blessed with faithfull Abraham In the whiche declaracion we maie learn that the promesse was made to Abraham the fullfillinge of the said promisse shoulde be doen by Christe who ys that one seed the receauers of this promisse are the faithfull To kinge Dauid also he opened the same by promisse saienge De fructu ventris tui ponam super sedem tuam Of the frnicte of thy bodie shall I seetevppe vpon thy seat whiche woordes of the psalme are a rehersall of the promisse made to king Dauid in the second booke of the kinges wher yt ys written thus I will sett vppe thy seed whiche shall proceade of thy bodie and will 1 Reg. 7. stablish his kingdom he shall builde an house for my name and I will stablish the seat of his kingdom for euer Whiche promisse although the Ieues wolde haue to be vnderstanded and perfourmed in Salamon yet yt can not so be for that these woordes I will stablish the seat of his kingdom for euer can not be veryfied in Salomon whose worldlie kingdom ys finished and vtterly extingnisshed and was so before the coming of Christe according to the prophecie of the holy Patriarke Iacob who prophecied thus Non auferetur sceptrum de Iuda dux de femore eius Gen. 49. donec veniat qui mittendus est ipse erit expectatio gentium The scepter shall not be taken from Iuda and the lawegeuer from betwixt his feet vntill he comme that shall be sent and he yt shal be whom the gentiles shall looke for By whiche prophecie yt ys manifest that at the coming of Christe the kingdom of the Iewes shoulde ceasse wherby yt ys consequent that the Christ ys the seed Promised to Dauid and not Salemon Rom. 1. promisse of God made to Dauid tendeth not to Salomō and his Successiō whose kingdom must haue an ende as the prophecie of Iacob signified But yt respecteth Christe who lineallie descended from Dauid Qui factus ost ei ex semine Dauid secundum carnem whiche was borne to him of the seed of Dauid after the flesh as sainct Paule saieth whose kingdom ys euerlasting accordinge to the prophecie Super solium Dauid et super regnum eius sedebit vt confirmet et corroboret illud in iudicio et iustitia amodò et vsque in sempiternū He shall sitte vpon the seat of Dauid and in his kingdome to sett vppe the same and to establish yt with equitie and righteonsuesse from hence furth for Esay 9. euermore That this ys to be vnderstanded onely of Christe the rest of the sentence goinge