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A66068 The parents primer and the mothers lookingglasse, or, Counsel for parents in the education of children for their temporal, spiritual, and eternal happinesse : in a dialogue between a minister and a father : to which is added a second dialogue of the Decalogue : and to that a third dialogue concerning the Sabbath-day / by J. Waite ... Waite, J. (Joseph) 1681 (1681) Wing W222; ESTC R38401 157,731 295

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spend their Time in Foming out Fume to smoke the Air where they Sit Walk Ride or lay in Bed As if men were Born to take Tabacco Should it please God to raise a man from the Dead who died Anno 1580 and say Come I will send thee to see the Exercise of England the man would Wonder what men are Doing This Smoking Trade at Every Turn would be as great a Wonder to Him as his Rising from the Dead would be to Them It 's bewitching ¶ 3 It is a Venity which hath a bewitching Faculty It works on the Will and makes men Willing to be bewitched with it It takes away appetite from Bread the Staffe of Life and begets an impetuous appetite after it Self And so brings a man under it's power which Paul in All Points resolve against All things are Lawful but all things are not Expedient all things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the Power of any † 1 Cor. 6.12 ¶ 4 It 's an Epidemical Infectious Contagious Vice where is it's like under the Sun Both Sexes Men and Women All Degrees of Men from the DUKE to the Dray-man on the Dung-hill All Sects in point of profession of Religion In a word All Men some few excepted are more or lesse Vitiously addicted to it ¶ 5 This bewitching weed this Indian Henbane Hot Henbane is Hot and Dry in a High Degree It Dries away the Juice and Moisture of the Body till it be like a Bottle in the Smoke It inflames the Blood It distempers and intoxicates the Brain And doth the whole Man much hurt Physical ¶ 6 It 's strongly Physical therefore not fit for Food nor Fashion Too much of the Best Food will Soon fit a man for the Worms Too much of the Best Physick will Send a man to the Same Place Tabacco is a Physical Herb. To take Physick at every turn both Full and Fasting At every meals meat in Conclusion a Potion Another in Bed As oft as men Meet on Any Occasion to take a Potion And abroad in the Cold Air to open the Veins and Pores of the Body to let in Death This is a MAD TRADE An ill master ¶ 7 Where Tabacco hath got the Mastery it is a great Enemy And the more a man Loves it and keeps it Company as if it were a Friend The more it is an Enemy And he that is under this Slavery is not at Liberty to order either Body or Soul as he should Nor does he seem to Care what becomes of one or the other Let such beware lest they lose Both by the Love of Tabacco Let such take heed they do not So smoke away their Time as to smoke to Eternity in the sulpherous smoke of Fire and Brimstone which ascends up for Ever and Ever † Rev. 14.10 11. Caution And let them that Preach Down any one Vice in their Pulpits take heed they do not Set Up this unparallel'd Vice for another in their Practice And the same I say of All Professors of godliness ¶ 8 The time may come when if they Had it and that would Do Prodigal Parents would give Rivers of Oyl and Sack-fulls of Silver and Gold for the Golden hours they suffer to Swim Down these Two Streams and will not use them for the Education of their poor perishing children Job was very Officious for his Children he Sent to them he Sanctified them he Sacrificed for them he rose up Early to do it he did it according to the number of them All i e he did his duty to Every one for Job said It May be my sons have Sinned * Job 1.5 How many do know Certainly their sons have sinned Notoriously and yet let it passe unpardoned Thus did Job continually 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all the dayes † Ver. 5. as long as they lived And yet when Dead what a Doleful Ditie doth he makes with his Elegie * Ch. 29.2 5. If So how may Carelesse Parents Howl if by Sudden death their Children Fall Fath. Pray did you never take Tabacco Min. Take it Yes truly and that took Me too into Custody and Slavery But having got Liberty it shall Never take me more nor I That by the help of God in whose Fear I forsook it Fath. I will never take Tabacco again as I have done Two Pipes a day shall be All. The good lawfull convenient use of it you allow Min. True but that respects him that can So use it Who can have Himself and It at Command make it his Servant not his Master Take it and Leave it as he List which Few can do In these three words Good Lawfull Convenient are implyed two more viz UndersTanding Thanksgiving What you take of this Physick you must Understand to be Proper for your Distemper and take no more than does you Good and for which you may with Boldness and Acceptance to God give Thanks † 1 Tim. 4.4 Far be it from you to take it for Fashion-sake Or to p lease the Palate Or to shew that piece of Breeding so called which every Clown hath so long since learn'd And as to your Two Pipes because I doubt you cannot Command it I conclude it 's your Safest way to cast it Quite off For if it be not a Servant in Subjection it will be a Mast er in Dominion It 's like an encroaching Parasite give him an Inch he will take an Ell. It 's like the Pope of Rome Simile He must Up or Down now in England And if with you all England would Expell this Vanity as I pray they may do Popery it would be a Thousand times better for where it does a Grain of Good it does a Masse of Mischief Were Englands Wealth well Ordered England would live Well If what the Rich Wast in this bewitching Weed was given to the Poor provided they leave Wasting it would make them all Rich. And the Rich not the Poorer but the Richer i e with the Reward they shall receive of the Lord who lend to Him by relieving the Poor * Pro. 19.17 But if men have Smoked away their Senses it 's in vain to say Lo how Black is this Crow or how White is this Snow Well So or So it gives me some Content that I have thus far cast Contempt upon the Abominable Abuse of this Honourable Creature Tabacco which hath almost England at Command beside Other Countries And whether I call this a Testimony for God against this Vanity of Vanities or No yet Take it SO. ¶ Sir in pleading against Sin Vanity Carnality I plead for GOD against whom it is Enmity And whether You or Others will Hear or Forbear † Ezek. 3.11 yet I will endeavour to deliver my Soul * Ver. 19. For Gods hand is taking hold of Judgment In the hand of the Lord there is a Cup it is full of mixture † Psal 75.8 i e of Judgments without mixture
them God can see as well in the Dark as in the Light When Dores and Windowes are shut and Curtains drawn Close at Midnight as well as at Noon Day on the House Top. Tell them God heareth what they say if they speak Never so Softly And knows what they Think if they think Never so Secretly And Tell them whatever they Think Speak and Act on Earth God writes in Heaven What is Good God looks upon with Love What is Evil God beholds with Hatred Thou art of Purer Eyes than to behold Evil † Hab. 2.13 God beholds NO Evil with an Eye of Approbation but ALL Evil with an eye of Observation in order to Damnation if speedy Repentance prevent it not How Dar'st thou Sin in Secret God doth See And Witnesse Jury Judge alone will Be. Fourteenth Doc 14. The uncertainty of Life Teach them to know the Brevity and Uncertainty of Life for Age and Youth Old and Insant Tell them in Golgotha are Sculls and in the Church Yard are Graves of All Sizes Solomon tells of a time to be Born and a time to Die but he tells us of no time to Live * Ecl. 3.2 Tell them Death is Most Certain and may be as Sudden as Certain One may be Alive Young Strong Well Sick Dead Damned and all in a Day or in an Hour 1 God the Donour and Preserver of Mans Life may Suddenly end it 2 The Devil the Envier of Mans Life may Suddenly end it as he did Job's Children † Job 1.10 3 The Wicked Satans Workmen may Suddenly end it he riseth up and No man is sure of his Life * Job 24.22 4 A mans own Relations may Suddenly end it as Cain who killed his Own Onely brother Abel † Gen. 4.8 5 A mans own Hand may Suddenly end his own Life Ahithophels councel to Others was as if a man had enquired at the Oracle of God * 2 Sa 16.23 but he could not councel Himself to keep from the Gallows It 's dangerous provoking GOD to displeasure God can make a man his Own Enemy his Worst Enemy his own Executioner here and his own Tormentor in Hell Fire for ever N B. Seeing Life is SO Uncertain and Short Preparation for Death is a Solemn Concern When men had Longer lives and Stronger limbs than Now men have they seemed to be more concerned with Death than Now men are The First purchase we read of in the Bible was a Burying Place not a Building Place viz Abraham for Sarah * Gen. 23.4 Lo I die in the Grave which I have Digged for me there thou shalt bury me said Jacob to Joseph † Ch. 50.5 Kings and Councellors built Desolate places for Themselves * Job 3.14 Joseph laid Jesus in his Own Tomb † Mat. 27.60 Few in our dayes dig their Graves before they are dead though the World it self be dying Fifteenth Doc 15. Teach them to know the Difference between Temporal Life and Eternal Life The Excellency of One above the Other e g. 1 Temporal Life is full of Corporal Labour * Eccl. 1.8 Eternal Life hath none of this There Remains a Rest † Heb. 4.9 it Ever Remains and Never Removes 2 Temporal Life is full of Mental Misery viz. Care Trouble Vexation Sorrow of Mind Man is Born to trouble * Job 5.7 He is of Few dayes and Full of trouble † Ch. 14.1 His dayes are Few and Evil * Gen. 47.9 Eternal Life is Full of Joy without Sorrow 3 Temporal Life is attended with the Misery of Penury Hunger Thirst Hunger without Bread Bread without Hunger are both Miseries Bread with Hunger is a Double Mercy which Many have and Few prize Eternal Life is free from both these Miseries of Hunger and Thirst They shall hunger NO more neither Thirst any more c † Rev. 7.16 4 Temporal Life is attended with many Diseases Eternal Life hath None All Diseases end at Death A Saints Funeral is the Funeral of All his Afflictions 5 Temporal Life is sometimes such that a man is Weary of it and wishes for Death Eternal Life will Never weary one to All Eternity 6 Temporal Life is but Temporal if it be the life of Methuselah it must Certainly end it may Suddenly end but Eternal Life is Eternal Not any thing in Heaven or Hell shall ever end it Sixteenth Doc 16. Of Heaven Teach them to know how Desireable Heaven is Tell them of its Titles viz The Kingdom of GOD The Kingdom of Heaven The Heaven of Heavens The Third Heaven A house Eternal in the Heavens That will never Decay or want Repair that the Inhabitant will never be Weary of or turned Out of Abrahams Rosom i e Sweet imbraces Eternal Glory Salvation with Eternal Glory An Eternal weight of Glory which will never weary to bear it but bare up above all weariness for ever A Crown of Life A Crown of Glory A City of pure Gold it's Streets pure Gold its Gates Pearl * Rev. 21.21 A City that hath NO need of Sun Moon or Candle † Ver. 23. For there shall be NO Night there * Ch. 22.5 Seventeenth Doc. 17. Of Hell Teach them to know how Dreadfull Hell is Tell them of it's Titles viz Destruction A Furnace Outer Darkness Damnation Everlasting Punishment Vnquenchable Fire A Place of Torment Wrath to Come A Prison Everlasting Chains Everlasting Burnings The Vengeance of Eternal Fire The Second Death A Lake of Fire The Bottomless Pit OH How do Persons Play with Scripture Thunder The Word Printed is like Fire Painted which they can See and Feel without Fear But could they Stand at the Gates of Hell and Hear the Damned Howl it would make their Hair stand an End and Fill their Hearts with Horrour But what shall we say of an Eternal BEING in that place of Torment The Damnation of Hell is beyond All Definition much harder to Define than the Spanish Inquisition Which a Painter despairing to do Did not picture One man with a Knife in his his Throat a Second with a Sword in his Heart a Third with his Arms Torn Off. But took a Table and Covered it all over with Blood crying out BLOOD BLOOD So may a Minister cry concerning Hell FIRE FIRE for a Definition of Damnation Eighteenth Doc. 18. Of temporal Judgements Teach them to know what Temporal Judgments God hath sent to Men Women and Children for Sin against God Tell them how God drowned the World with Water from Heaven * Gen. 7. And burned Sodom with Fire from Heaven † Ch. 19. And Drowned the Egyptians in the Red Sea And clave the Ground asunder to Swallow up Korah and his Company And slew a hundred fourscore and five Thousand in One Night by One Angel * 2 K. 19.35 And slew of Israel Five Hundred Thousand chosen men in One day † Ch. 13.17 Chap. 36.16 And gave All Israel into the
of Mercy for the Wicked * Rev. 14.10 It 's a mixture of Mercy and Judgment for the Godly And it is to be feared God will come Down with his Cup and give England a Vomit to make it Spew out its Inhabitants for their Abominations viz This Smoking Sin Drunkenness Adultery Fornication Theft Covetousness Cursing Swearing Lying Whoring Sabbath-breaking Sodomy Buggery Blasphemy Perjury Pride Deceit Malice Envy Hypocrisie Treachery Tyranny Idolatry Popery False Oaths by Baal and Malcham † Jer. 12.16 Zeph. 1.5 Covenant breaking Contempt of God his Word and Wayes Formality without Efficacy in Christianity Against All which I Testifie for GOD He that Heareth let him Hear and he that Forbeareth let him Forbear * Ezek. 3.27 Fath. I perceive you have done with Tabacco Object 14 and I will try if I can bid it Adiev But what do you say of Poor Parents who do not thus consume their Time Yet want time to Educate their Children because Bodily businesse spends it all I have heard T A say All his time is too Little to get a living for his childrens Bodies though he Never spend any of his time about their Souls Min. As to your repeated Plea for the Poor I say Parents Poverty is an Argument for Industry for the Soul and Diligence not for Negligence q d We are poor among Men and so we are like to Live and Die Come let us labour that We and our Poor Children may be Rich toward GOD. Thus Earthly Poverty should provoke Parents to procure Heavenly Riches Christs Precept should Drive them to it Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his Promise should Draw them to it these things shall be added † Mat 6.33 Simile As the Seller gives in the Paper when the Parcel is Purchased Let them make Sure of Heaven and trust God for Earth in a way of Duty and Industry Godlinesse hath the promise of This life 1 Tim 4.8 and before the Godly shall want Mercies GOD will work Miracles If this will not Do I would say to T A Thou Wretch who art thou Born and bound to obey God or the Devil Let them who are so full of Bodily businesse that they are necessitated to neglect the Soul A sinfull necssity Consider 1 Is not necessity Voluntary do not I Choose to overcharge my self with businesse am not I carried into it by a Covetous Mind after Much Gain If SO let them expect it to End as the Act of Esops covetous Dog Esop's fable of the Dog who swimming over a River by Moon-shine catched at the Shadow of the meat in his own Mouth and So lost ALL. But 2 If necessity be Providential and a man be Very Poor or unavoidably involved in abundance of businesse let him be Humbled under it and lay it to Heart as a Sad Case and Pray and Implore God about it q d OH Good Lord what a Judgment am I under shall I be under a Necessity to neglect the One thing Necessary A Sad necessity shall I and mine be under a necessity So to Labour for our Bodies as to Lose our Souls LORD Help or Behold we Die we Die Eternally † Nu. 17.12 And who knows how Prevalent prayer may be for Liberty from such a Necessity and Misery Fath. I perceive you slight All Objections against the Education of Children and so I shall adde no more Min. I do so Utterly And shall do so whosoever be the Opposer All Ob rejected viz Parent Professor Preacher Apostle or Angel And do count them All as Dirt not deserving a Word in Answer And I did think to have given No other answer to All yours Nor would I but to clear your Way to this Good Work Fath. Now it seems our discourse is at End Min. No if So it will not end well Fath. Sit you Silent then go on to the end Min. To what end or purpose except what is Past took more Place Fath. Solomon saith He that observeth the Wind shall not Sowe * Ecl. 11.4 Min. Well said Then I will Sowe On. But if you receive not the Seed into good Ground and bring not forth fruit well it will be Worse for you and Yours too Yea Wo to you if counsel be Well given To you and Ill taken By you Fath. I will take it as well as I can Min. Seeing you promise so Fair Advice Civil Secular I will proceed to give you some Advice of a Civil Secular Temporal concern This is implyed In and a part Of Education proposed to be spoken unto as the Subject and Sum of our discourse Fath. Pray do so I much desire to hear that Min. This will have some respect to Spirituals as Spiritual advice hath respect to Temporals For by reason of the Union of Soul and Body Good advice for the Soul respects the Good of the Body and Good advice for the Body respects the Good of the Soul This advice I shall deliver in these 12 Documents First Docu 1. Learning Give your children Learning Let them that Can take Cato's Counsel Instrue praeceptis animum nec discere cesses Nam sine doctrinâ vita est quasi mortis imago With learning store thy mind cease not to learn Without it none can life from death discern ¶ At least learn them to read their Own Language Well Some Persons by their Parents negligence can look on a Bible to No more Purpose then to look on a Blank or a Block A sad case The Bible is a Sealed Book when it layes Open before their Eyes It 's as in an Unknown Tongue in their Own Language It 's translated into English and some English men can No more read it then if it was Still in Hebrew and Greek The Blessed Bible contains a Thousand Letters of Gods good will and mind to Man And though all of Infinite concern yet Some men Never read one of them All while they live They that can be content with This their Sleep is Deep and their Hearts are Dead yea Harder then either Flint Adamant or the nether Milstone Second As soon as children are Capable of it Docu 2. Employment Let them be some way well Employed Idlenesse is the hour of Temptation to Destruction While the little Bird is in action Embleme hopping from Bush to Bush it is Safe but when it sits Still it is soon Shot to Death Idlenesse is a time of Temptation to evil Action And because children are not well Employed they Give and Take much Mischief All persons Poor and Rich are to be well set a Work That the Poor must work I need not tell you But Great Augusstus great Augustus Caesar set his daughters to Spin and Card and ware no Garments but what They made him Rich Rebekah it seems was a Rare Cook † Gen. 27. 9 And her mother Sarah * Gen. 18.6 And Tamar the Kings Daughter † 2 Sam. 13.6 They had