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A18772 A postil or orderly disposing of certeine epistles vsually red in the Church of God, vppon the Sundayes and holydayes throughout the whole yeere. Written in Latin by Dauid Chytræus, and translated intoo English by Arthur Golding. Seen and allowed according too the order appoynted Chytraeus, David, 1531-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. aut 1570 (1570) STC 5263; ESTC S107883 320,443 478

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art my sonne this day haue I begotten thée And in the Gospell he putteth a difference betwene this only begotten sonne the Saints which are his sonnes by adoption and are beloued of the eternall father and taken in place of Gods sonnes and heires of the lyfe and blissednesse that is with God for the intercession of this only begotten sonne Chryst or the anoynted signifieth the hygh Préest or teacher of the Gospell the Spokesman and Redéemer of the Church the King and conquerour of sin death the Diuell and the restorer of rightuousnesse and lyfe euerlasting This Chryst came by water and blud not in water onely but in water and blud for he bringeth the doctrine of the gospell out of the bosom of the eternall Father concerning the forgiuenesse of sinnes rightuousnesse cōfort the holy Ghost and euerlasting saluation too bée bestowed vppon all that are throughly put in feare which wrestle with the terrours with Gods wrath with sinne and with death and thirst or with earnest desire long after comfort and lyfe and are washed with the water of Baptim in token of remissiō of their sinnes as is sayd in Esai lv All yée that thirst come too the waters and Iohn iiij and .vij. If any man drink of the water that I shall giue him it shall become a fountaine of water flowing vntoo euerlasting lyfe Neyther is he come in water only that is too say he is not only a teacher of the gospel wherwith the thirstie harts of the godly are refreshed but also he is a Redéemer which hath with his blud pacified the wrath of the eternal father ageinst our sins redéemed the whole church from sin death euerlasting damnation And this holy blud of his doth he distribute too vs in his holy supper Ebr. ix By his own blud hath he entered intoo the holy place once for all and hath found eternall redemption Rom. iij. Wée are iustified fréely by the grace of God through the redemption made in Iesu Chryste whom GOD hath set foorth a mercy seate by fayth in his bloud Math. xxvj This is my blud of the new Testament whiche is shed for many in remission of their sinnes And it is the spirit that beareth witnesse that is too say the holy ghost beareth witnesse of the persone office of Chryst namely y this Iesus is Chryst the sonne of god the redéemer that was promised too the church as is sayd Iohn j. Vppon whom thou séest the spirit descending abyding vppon him the same is he that baptizeth with the holy ghost and I sawe bare witnesse that this is the sonne of god Rom. j. Who was certeinly shewed too bée the sonne of God by the spirit of sanctification in that he is risen from death Ageine in the publick ministerie the holy ghost preserueth spreadeth abrode and by testimonies of miracles confirmeth the doctrine concerning the persone and benefits of Chryst Ioh. xv When the comforter shal bée come euen the spirit of truthe whom I will send you from my Father he shall beare witnesse of mée and you also shall beare witnesse bycause you haue bin with mée from the beginning Bycause the spirit is truthe or the witnesse of the holy ghost is true like as in Iohn xv and .xvj. he is called the spirit of truthe bycause he is soothfast and maketh folks soothfast kindleth true knowledge of God true rightuousnesse true lyfe in the beléeuers Of the third place THere bee three that beare witnesse in heauen the Father the VVoord and the holy Ghost and these three are one Let this euident witnesse of the one substāce or only one selfsame being godhead power maiestie glorie of the thrée persones of the godhead bée considered in this place and also let the descriptions differēces of the thrée persones namely of the father of the sonne who in this place and in Ioh. j. Apoc. xix is named the woord of the holy ghost bee repeated out of the place concerning God the cheef poyntes whereof I will anon after expound vppon Trinitie Sunday The fourth place THere are three that beare witnesse in earth the spirit and water and blud and these three are one God hath ordeyned the publike preaching of his Gospell too the intent the true doctrine concerning the sonne of God our lord Iesus Christ who suffered death rose agein for vs myght bée knowen and many men bée conuerted too God by the voyce of his Gospell and so becōme heires of ryghtuousnesse and lyfe euerlasting For God gathereth too himself an euerlasting Church by the sound of his woorde wherby he both rebuketh mennes sinnes and allureth them too repentance and also giueth remission of sinnes and euerlasting saluation too such as repent and beléeue the woord And alwayes too the woord God hath annexed outward signes which lyght intoo the eyes as pictures of his promises which signes haue all one méening all one strength all one vse and all one effect or working with the woord For by these twoo meanes namely the woord and the outward signes or Sacraments dooth God beare witnesse of his sonne and offereth too vs forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting saluation for his sonnes sake and also kindleth encreaseth and strenghtheneth fayth in our myndes And therfore Austin termeth a Sacrament a visible woord And like as Chryst sayeth that the holy Ghost reproueth the world of sinne and beareth witnesse of him and like as it is sayd in Genesis My spirit shall not iudge in man bycause he is fleshe that is too say I will take away the ministerie or vse of the holy Ghoste from men So in this place the woord Spirit must most simply bée vnderstood of the holy Ghost reprouing the world of sinne by the ministerie of the Gospell and bearing witnesse of Chrystes persone and benefites and of the eternall lyfe VVater and blud signifie the Sacramentes of Baptim which is the Lauer of water clēzing vs cleane by the woord from all iniquitie and of the Lords Supper in whiche the bodye and blud of Chryst that was shed for vs is distributed in assurance of remission of sinnes And these three are one that is too say they are directed all too one end and haue all one selfsame force vse and effect For the meanes by which God witnesseth of his sonnes benefites and by which he imparteth remission of sinnes and euerlasting lyfe too vs and wherby he rayseth vp encreaseth and confirmeth our fayth are alwayes toogither Vppon the Sunday called Misericordia or the second Sunday after Easter The Introit THe earth is full of the Lords mercy Prayse yee the Lord. The heauens are stablished by the woord of god Prayse yee the Lord. Reioyce yée rightuous in the Lord praising becommeth the ryghtuous c. Psalm xxxij ¶ The Epistle j. Peter ij CHryst also suffred for vs leauing vs an ensample that yee should folowe his steps which did no sinne
too endure it And héer withall let the whole doctrine concerning the true calling vppon God bée repeted in this place which must not roue douting too what God a man speaketh as Hecuba prayeth in Euripides O Iupiter who so euer thou art right hard too bée knowne nor bée directed too surmysed Gods or dead men but must speake vntoo the one true God the father of our Lord Iesus Chryst who hath disclosed himselfe in his Church by his assured woord by recorde of miracles and by sending his sonne our Lord Iesus Chryst which was crucifyed and raised ageine for vs that he myght set vs at one with the eternall father and make our requestes and prayers welcome and acceptable too him Of this true God the father of our Lord Iesus Chryst and of vs all of whom as of their father and creator all Angels and men and all things visible and inuisible in heauē and in earth haue their béeing and preseruacion let vs request not only the ordinarie and flyghtfull commodities of this present life but in especially the souereine and most néedfull gifts that according too his rich glorie and excéeding great goodnesse he will giue vs his holy spirite too strengthen vs with faith and stedfastnesse in the true acknowledgement of Iesus Chryst as touching the inward man which béeing borne a new by the woord of the Gospell and the woorking of the holy Ghoste may no more liue after the flesh but after the sprite that Chryst may dwell and bée effectuall in vs in such wyse that through the feruent and incomprehensible kyndnesse or loue of God towardes vs which he hath shewed by sending his sonne j. Iohn iiij Rom. v. wée béeing grounded in steadie fayth and fastened with déepe rootes may bée able to comprehend what is the bredth and length and depth and heigth of gods excéeding great goodnesse and mercy towards vs which he hath shewed by sending his sonne whereof is spoken in Psal Cij As far as the East is from the West so farre hath he set our iniquities from vs As high as the heauen is aboue the earth so hyghly is the Lords mercy stablished vpon them that feare him That wee may after some sort know the great and woonderfull loue of Chryste towardes vs which is farre more excellent and greater than that man can attaine too it and vnderstand it And that wee may bee filled with all fulnesse of God. That is too say that wée may bée filled too the full with heauenly lyght wisdome ryghtuousnesse and lyfe by God who shall bée all in all and that God himselfe dwelling in vs euerlastingly may euermore shine in vs and lyghten and fulfill our hartes with the flames of all vertues The fourth place IN thankes giuing wherewith he closeth vp this Epystle there is a notable text too bée considered for men too set ageinst Stoicall destinie For the Stoikes surmyse that God is bound too second causes or too the order of nature so as he cānot doo otherwyse thā as the second causes doo suffer This imagination which is slaunderous to God and hindereth the true calling vpon God in daungers that are vnauoydable by mannes wit is cléerely confuted by this sentence of Paules God is able aboue all things and abundantly too help beyond all that wee can aske or conceyue Like as hée helped Moyses standing at the red sea Ezechias beseeged of Sennacherib and the thrée Israelites in the burning Ouen at Babylon what tyme they were destitute of all mannes ayd and counsel and of all second causes altering the vsuall and accustomed order of nature And this is the peculiar and chéese wisdome of Gods Churche too settle our selues in God and his woord by faith and with quiet mindes stedfastly too wait for the promised deliuerance euen when wée were vtterly destitute of all second causes Vppon the .xvij. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle Ephe. iiij I VVhich am a prisoner of the Lordes exhorte you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherwith ye are called with al lowlinesse and mekenesse with humblenesse of minde forbearing one another through loue and bee diligent too keepe the vnitie of the spirit through the bond of peace beeing one body and one spirite euen as ye are called in one hope of your calling Let there bee but one Lorde one faith one baptisme one God and father of all which is aboue all and through all and in you all The disposement THis Epistle is of that sort of cases that persuade And the state of it is this Bee yee one minded It perteineth to the fifth commaundement of the ten Most weightie surely and necessarie in all trades of lyfe is the doctrine that concerneth the cunning too mainteine concord with ones companyons Which thing is set out more lernedly in this Epistle than any where else I will therfore tell 1 What vertues are chéefly néedfull too the maintenance of concorde 2 Of the causes that ought too moue and kindle euery mā too the endeuer of mainteining concorde First Of the vertues that are needfull to the mayntenance of concord PAule exhorteth the Ephesians and all godly folk too walke woorthye the vocation too which they are called that is to say too rule all the intentes endeuers and dooings of their lyfe in such wyse as they may agrée with their calling and the woord of GOD whereby they are called too the setting foorth of Gods glorie and too mutuall loue and concord For of all mennes deuyses and dooings these must bée the twoo chéef endes First that Gods glorie and the true doctrine cōcerning God may bée spred farre abrode and secondly that the fellowship and concord of the Church may bée cherished j. Corint x. Doo all things too the glorie of God and bée not a stumbling blocke too the Church But the foundation or head and welspring of all christen concord is the agréement in doctrine concerning GOD like as the sonne of God prayeth Iohn xvij Father I pray that they may bée one in vs And héere Paule counselleth them to endeuer too keepe the vnitie of the spirit that is too say to kéepe a consent in the one true doctrine which the holy ghost hath deliuered too the church And he reherseth in order three vertues whereof wee haue neede to the mayntenance of concord with our fellowes The vnderstanding of whiche will bée the cléerer if wée adde notable examples The first is Lowlynesse which represseth pryde that picketh quarelles without a cause whereof there are flames in euery man by nature For eche one coueteth by nature too séeme better than others and too bée reuerenced as Gods among men and too kéepe downe and darken others that are thought too shadowe their excellencie Out of this fountayne spring most or rather all debates in all kindes of lyfe Therfore such as bée of our companie haue néede of such a lowlynesse of mynde that they may abase them selues beneath others Like as Abraham Gen. xiij
vntoo god This dooth Marie garnish with singular lightsomnesse of woordes as it were with an exposition For too yéeld thankes is not onely with wagging of the lippes and with woordes but also with the mynd and the whole hart too acknowledge confesse and publishe that wée haue receyued a benefite at another mannes hand and in respect thereof too submit our selues with our whole hart vntoo him and on our behalfe too obey him and doo him good agein Thus therefore dooth Marie begin My soule dooth magnifie the Lord and my spirite hath reioyced in God my Sauiour that is too say with my whole harte doo I publish this excéeding great benefite of God which he hath bestowed in sending his sonne the Sauiour of the Churche Neyther doo I thanke God with my lippes onely but with my whole soule and with all the motions of my soule quickened vp by the haly Ghoste couet I too shewe the excéeding great gladnesse and thankfulnesse of my harte which triumpheth for ioy and too set out God my Sauiour that he may bée magnified that is that he may bée bruted abrode too bée great and to haue bestowed a singular benefite vppon vs and bée glorified for so dooing and that many men which shall bée borne of mée his lowly handmayd too the true knowledge of GOD and of his sonne our Sauiour may bee allured too acknowledge him and set foorth his prayses For he hath looked vpon the lowlynesse of his handmayd For behold from hencefoorth all Generations shall call mee blissed It reckeneth vp the benefites which God graunteth both too Marie priuately and too the whole Church I yéeld thanks vntoo GOD that out of all mankynde he hath chosen mee a wretched and despysed Handmayd too this hygh honour too bée the mother of his owne sonne our Lorde Iesus Chryste oure Sauiour and that he loueth and defendeth the whole humble and despysed Churche voutsauing eternall saluation vppon it First and formost let the Hebrew phrase bée considered wherein is an ordinarie matter by exchaunge too put the preterperfecttence of the Indicatiue mode for the present-tence which the Hebrews vtterly want Therfore all these spéeches of the preter perfecttence he hath regarded the lowlynesse he hath shewed power with his arme he hath put downe the mightie from their seate he hath exalted the hūble c. are too bee vnderstood of the presenttence GOD alwayes regardeth his humble Churche he preserueth his Church mightily at all times he putteth downe or casteth downe Tyrants and he exalteth or lifteth vp the humble and méeke Secondly woordes of perceyuerance or woords expressing the senses among the Hebrewes signifie not onely the perceyuerance in the mynd or sense but also the verye motions or affectiōs of the hart which accompanie such perceyuerāce Gene. iiij The Lorde looked vppon Abel and his offerings that is too say he did not only behold Abel and his offerings but also loued them allowed them accepted them mercifully liked well of him c. So likewyse in this place he looked vppon the lowlynesse of his handmayde is as much too say as hée not only beholdeth mée with his eyes but also loueth mée regardeth mée cherisheth mée helpeth mée defendeth mée yea and with excéeding great benefits decketh both mée and also his humble and despysed Church Thirdly the Hebrewes are woont too vtter the Adiectiue and the Substātiue in this wyse that they put the one of thē in the Genitiue case and the other in any other case whatsoeuer the maner of spéeche requireth as in this place he hath looked vppon the lowlynesse of his handmayd is as much too say as he hath looked vppon his lowly handmayd that is too say his handmayd that is brought down too the ground vyle and despysed For lowlynesse in this place importeth not the vertue which otherwyse is called humblenesse but an abasing of state and a vylenesse of condition such as is the case of an abiect or outcast among men For hee that is mightie hath doone great things too mee and holy is his name There is no greater or more wonderfull woorke than for GOD too bée conceyued and borne of a Virgine Too brynge thys great and vnspeakable woorke of GOD too passe Mary declareth hirselfe too bee chosen out of all mankynde not for any merites vertues or holynesse of hir owne but shée acknowledgeth that GOD onely is holy that is too saye cleane pure and voyde of all sinne and blemish perfectly ryghtuouse soothfast and good who was induced of hys owne incomparable goodnesse and mercie too sende his owne wel béeloued sonne Hee that is mightye that is too say Almyghtye GOD. For the Incarnation of the sonne of GOD is one of the chéefest woorkes of Gods almightinesse whiche ioyntly toogither with Gods truthe is the foundation of all the Articles of our fayth And holy is his name that is too say he him selfe is holy And his mercie is from generation too generation too them that feare him That is too wit his mercie promysed for Chryst the Mediatours sake is perpetuall and set open too all men and stable and firme at all tymes GOD being led with singular goodnesse and loue towardes mankynde receyueth all that resort too him too fauour and inheritance of eternall lyfe And in this lyfe decketh them with all benefites both bodily and ghostly Mercie properly signifieth the vertue whiche is touched with the féeling of another bodyes gréef and is sorie that other folkes fare amisse and vppon probable reason succoureth those that bée in distresse eyther of frée goodnesse releasing somewhat of extréeme rigour as when GOD pityeth mankynde else for ryghtes sake as when good and gitlesse men are vexed or troubled with wrongfull displeasures Nowe where so euer mention is made of Gods mercie in the Psalmes and the Prophetes alwayes the promise concerning Chryst is too bée added for whose sake GOD is mercifull too vs vnwoorthye persones defyled with much lothsome filthynesse as in the Psalm lj Haue mercie vppon mée O GOD according too thy great mercie namely whiche is promised fréely for oure Lorde Iesus Chryste the Mediators sake Psal Cij The mercie of the Lorde endureth for euer and euer namely whiche is promised for his sonne the mediatours sake Besides this also mercie is oftentymes vsed in the Prophets for benefiting or for the dueties of charitie For all the benefites or duties of charitie that are doone too our neyghbour must procéede of true mercie and loue as in this ordinarie saying I will haue mercie and not sacrifise that is too saye I require the duties of charitie and well dooing more than sacrifise Too them that feare him that is too say whiche acknowledge their owne sinnes and flée vntoo Chryst the Mediator by faith and in the same faith begin new obedience agréeing with the will and woord of god For the feare of God by the figure Synecdoche comprehendeth the whole seruice of god Yet is not Gods mercie
and forgiuenesse of sinnes promised for the woorthynesse of our feare faith or new obedience but is giuen fréely for Chrystes sake onely too him that repēteth and beléeueth as is sayd more at large in the doctrine of Iustification Hee hath shewed strength c. This is the summe of the next thrée verses GOD preserueth and defendeth his Church ageinst the wisdome power abilitie of the whole world Hath shewed strength that is too saye dooth mightily preserue and defend his lowly and weake Churche like as he defended the Israelites mightily at the red Sea and repressed the tyrannie of Pharao With his arme that is too say by his sonne For so is the sōne named Exo. xv Esai liij Who hath beléeued our saying and too whom is the arme of the Lord reueled Esai xl His arme shall beare rule ouer all He hath scattered the proude in the imagination of their hartes as the Pharaos who by their owne wisdome went about too oppresse the people of Israell Exod. j. ij xiiij c. as the purposes of Diocletiā a most suttle and cruel Prince who entēded too haué destroyed the church as he disappoynted the coūsell of Achitophel ij Reg. xv So also now of late yéeres he hath disapointed very many suttle practises of y Pope and his Prelates that endeuered to haue wiped out the church He putteth downe the mightie from their seates that is to say Tyraunts which trust in their own power and wealth and specially whiche are persecuters of the Church them dooth God cast downe headlong from the hyghest top of their souereintie into dreadful calamities As for example Apries king of Egipt who boasted that no body eyther of the Gods or of men was able to beréeue him of his kingdome was afterward strangled Nabuchodonosor who hild the kingdome of Babilon the largest and mightiest empyre of the world when he waxed proud stahis was depriued not onely of his kingdome but also of his reason Iulian the regenerate beyng wounded casting vp his bloud with his owne hand cried out thou hast ouer come O Galilean Hath exalted the lowly that is to say such as were caste downe to the ground miserable and despised persones like as he lifted vp Moyses out of pryson to the Lordship of the kingdome of Egipt He remoued Dauid out of his shepeheards cotage into the throne of the kingdome of Israell He made Daniell his fellowes rulers of prouinces in the kingdome of Persia Chaldey He maried Hester the prisonner to the most puissant King Assuerus So also God lifted vppe the base and wretched handmayde Marie to this most high honour that shée became the Mother of the Sonne of god He hath filled the hungry with good things according to the saying of the xxxiij Psalme the rich haue wanted and bin a hungred but they that feare the Lorde shall want nothing Or els let it bée applyed too the consciences that are made afrayd at the beholding of their sinnes and which thirst and hunger after the rightuousnesse of Christ These shall bée refreshed with healthfull comfort filled with euerlasting good things But the rich or such as trust in theyr owne rightuousnesse and holynesse shall bée shaken of The .ix. and .x. verses HE remēbring his mercy hath hild vp Israel his child as he spake to our forefathers Abraham and his seede for euer The second and cheef part of this song in which shee giueth thankes for the sending of Christ according to the promises made to the fathers Now to the enlightening of these two verses may bee referred all the promises and Sermons concerning Christ which are written by Moyses in Gen. iij. xij xxij xxvj xxviij xlix in Deut. xviij and by the rest of the Prophetes and also all the whole doctrine of the Gospell concerning the person and benefites of Christ At this time I will but open the woordes after the order of Grammer He remembring his mercy namely whiche he promised for Christ the Mediators sake For this is the whole sum of the gospel that God of his free mercy for Christes sake holdeth vp men that are falling into endlesse destruction that is to say deliuereth them from sinne and death and giueth them euerlasting saluation Hath hild vp Israell his seruaunt It is a figure of grammer called Apposition God hath hilde vp Israell his seruaunt that is to say God of his excéeding goodnesse and frée loue pitying his people Israell that is to say the whole Church which was like to fall into euerlasting destruction sent his sonne the redéemer to succour vs falne into sinne and death and to deliuer vs from the kingdome of Sathan and death and to restore vs rightuousnesse euerlasting lyfe Hath hild vp In the Gréeke the word antilabeto is the Aorist of the meane voyce of the verb antilambanethos whiche properly signifieth to catch hold of one that is falling by thrusting out his hand to stay him to succour him and help him that he may scape safe and harmelesse out of the daunger Israell is the propre name of the Patriarke Iacob giuen him by the sonne of God in wrestling with him Gen. xxxij It is an ordinarie thing among the Hebrewes too terme the ofspring by the names of the stocke or aunceters from whiche they come So he calleth the people of Israell by the name of their founder that is to wit of Israell or Iacob frō whom al the Israelites or Iewes issued And bycause the promis concerning Christ was betaken chéefly to the people of Israell among whom was alwayes the seate of the church for the same cause the name of Israel is oftentimes among the Prophetes taken for the whole Churche gathered of the Iewes and the Gentiles togither And this phrase of the Prophetes doth Marie kéepe in this place His child whom he embraceth with fatherly loue as his sonne which people is the child or sonne seruaunt of God chosen out of whole mankind to serue God and to say and do things acceptable to God. As he spake to our Fathers Abraham his seede for euer This last part for euer would bee ioyned to the first part of the next verse before which is he remembring his mercy for euer that is to say his euerlasting mercy or his mercy which he hath promised to performe euermore towards all those that flée vnto Christ as it sayd Psal Ciij The mercy of the Lorde is for euer and euer vppon them that feare him The promises concerning Christ the defender and deliuerer of the people of Israell or of the Church were deliuered first to Adā Eue in Paradise Gen. iij. Secondly to Abrahā Gen. xij xxij xv xvij c. Next to his séede or ofspring Isaac Gen. xxvj Then to Iacob Gen. xxviij and xlix Afterward to Moyses Deut. xviij And specially to king Dauid ij Reg. vy and .xxiij. and .j. Paral. xvij I hope that this bréef disposement of