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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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God may reward and deale with his creatures as liketh him AS the Clay is in the Potters hand to order it at his pleasure So are men also in the hand of their Creator so that hee may reward them as liketh him best Esay 45.9 Rom. 9.20 21. God is a Husbandman to his people AS the Husbandman dungeth his land Tilleth and dresseth it that it may bring foorth good Corne So Almightie God tilleth and clenseth the hearts of his people the which bee prone vnto euill that they may bring forth good workes and not tares Ioh. 15.1 2. 1. Cor. 3.9 God is present euerie where but yet not with all alike AS a sound or noyse is hard more of some and lesse of other some beeing of equall distance from it as they bee of quicke or dull hearing So albeit God be present with all things yet he is in some more plentifully in some lesse not with partialitie but according to the diuersities of their capacities The holy Ghost is maker of the world AS the Hen is borne of her Egges and sitteth vppon them and so hatcheth her young Euen so the holy Ghost was borne vpon the waters sat vpon them brought foorth and hatched all creatures which are called waters Gene. 1. 2. Psal 104.30 God is all sufficient perfection 1 EVen as the Sunne although it enlightneth all the world yet doth it not loose any of his light So God now after that hee hath made all things is not any whit hereby the lesse powerfull or perfect 2 Euen as any King or tyrant when he graunteth vnto one that which hee hath taken away from an other may be said to play the part partly of an vniust and partly of a liberall man Euen so God if vsing his power onely hee had restored man it had beene on the one part derogation to his Iustice and on the other part too much had beene graunted to mercy Therefore it was needfull to find such a way to saue man that these fower properties in God without the which God could not be or bee called God might stand together and consist in the highest degrees Namely most high or perfect power Perfect righteousnesse Perfect mercie and Perfect wisedome God draweth out some goodnesse euen out of the wicked LIke as if thou commest into a Smiths or Ioyners shop and seest many tooles some crooked some bowed and hooked and some sawed in Now in this case thou wilt not condemne the Smith or Ioyner of vnskilfulnesse and his tooles all to bee naught but rather thou wilt acknowledge thy ignorance in the vse of them So in like manner must we doo in beholding the creatures of God in this world First acknowledge our owne ignorance Secondly reuerently esteeme of the Creator and lastly giue him all praise that hee hath not placed vs in the number of those that seeme confused Spirituall Generation AS euery man by carnall Generation of Father and Mother is carnally begotten borne into this mortall life So is euery good Christian spiritually borne by Christ vnto eternall life God vnchaungeable 1 EVen as the Sunne which vnto eyes being sound and without disease was very pleasaunt and wholesome vnto the same eyes when they are feeble sore and weake is very troublesome and hurtfull and the Sunne euer all one and the selfe same that it was before So God that hath euer shewen himselfe benigne and bountifull to those that are kind and tender harted towards his Saints and mercifull to those that shewe mercie vnto the same men when they fall into wickednesse and grow to be full of beastly crueltie the Lord sheweth himselfe to bee very wrathe and angrie and yet still one and the same immutuall God from euerlasting to euerlasting Psal 18.24 25 26 27. Iam. 2.13 2 As a looking Glasse dooth shewe whatsoeuer thou shalt set against it if thou shew thy selfe pleasant and milde vnto it it also sheweth it selfe milde pleasant vnto thee and if thou beest angrie and full of wrath and indignation thou shalt perceiue in like manner the countenance of the Glasse to be as it were furious and cruell to be holde whereas notwithstanding the Glasse is one and the same So God whereas hee is one and the selfe same immutable and euerlasting God who is a Glasse without spot or blemish and compared to a gentle Lambe sometimes to a fearce Lyon Esay 53.7 Iohn 1.29 Reu. 5.5 God by his spirit purifieth vs. AS there can bee no fire without warmth or light So cannot God be by his spirite in vs or with vs but hee will also sanctifie and purifie vs from all vice and corruption that he may consecrate vs vnto God Rom. 8.9 God rewardeth his faithfull seruants c. 1 AS a Maister when his seruaunts obey him and doo his will commaundeth his steward or gouernor of his house to minister vnto them all things necessarie and that nothing bee wanting but if they offend him and deale vnfaithfully with him he giueth a contrarie charge Euen so God the true and right owner of all things of whom the kingly Prophet Dauid saith The earth is the Lords and all that therein is the world and they that dwell therein If wee doo obey him and serue him faithfully and giue vnto him due honour hee commaundeth the earth his auncient steward to minister vnto vs great store of necessaries and to giue vnto vs all good rich and pleasant things in due time but on the other side if wee disobey him rebell against him and bee not afraid to doo those things which hee forbiddeth vs and will commit wee care not what sinne euen with greedinesse ioy and delight then hee commaundeth his steward the earth to denie foode vnto vs and to afflict vs with penurie and extreame want of all those things whereof it was wont to yeeld vs great aboundance and not to be so bold as to relieue or comfort vs vntill we be conuerted and flie vnto him confessing and acknowledging our sinnes from the bottome of our heartes and most heartely bewayling them shall prostrate our selues before the throne of grace crauing and crying for remission of sinnes in the death bloud-sheading of our Sauiour Christ crucified Psal 24.1 2 Euen as a Columne or Piller is sometime on thy right hand and sometime on thy left hand because thou dost chaunge thy standing sitting or walking for it is vnmooueable and keepeth one place So God is sometime fauorable and bountifull vnto thee and somtime seemeth to be wrath and angrie with thee because thou doest fall from vertue to vice from obedience and humilitie to pride presumption for in the Lord there is no chaunge no not so much as any shaddow of chaunge He is immutable alway one and euerlasting If thou wilt bend thy selfe to obedience and to a vertuous and godly life thou shalt bu●● haue him a strong rocke wherupon thou maist boldly build a Castle and Tower of defence He will bee vnto thee a mightie piller bearing vp
should keepe and fulfill the same will allow and take for payment our well meanings and good intents without either knowing or learning the same his will and mind 1. Sam. 13.9 c. 15.8 c. 2. Sam. 6.6 1. Chro. 13.9 10. Ioh. 16.2 Act. 6.12 c. Edifying of others LIke as they that carrie Muske or other sweete Odours about them cannot be hid but must needes bee made knowne to all and that others must needes smell them Euen so godly and faithfull men that carrie in their harts the Gospell of Christ must needes make others partakers of the same Epicurisme the fountaine of sinne AS the moyst and waterish grounds bring foorth nothing but Frogs and Toades So the belly and wa●rie stomacke that is stuffed like a tunne bringeth foorth nothing but a drousie mind foggie thoughts filthie speeches and corrupt affections Equalitie in marriage 1 AS two Palfreyes or two Oxen of vnequall stature cannot bee coupled vnder one yoke So a Noble woman matching with a man of base estate or contrarily a Gentleman with a begger cannot bee consorted or coupled vnder the bands of wedlocke 2 As the Lord commaunded that an Oxe and an Asse should not bee yoked together because the match is vnequall Euen so it is an vnlawfull thing for the faithfull to marrie with Infidels or else to haue any thing to doo with them Deut. 22.10 2. Chor. 6.14 A great Errour for a man to thinke he shall be saued when he is dying if he say Lord haue mercy vpon me 1 LIke as if an arrand Theefe should thus reason with himselfe and say I will spend my dayes in robbing and stealing I feare neither arraignment nor execution for at the very time when I am to be turned off from the Ladder if I do but call vpon the Iudge I know I shal haue my pardon behold a most dangerous and desperate course Euen so the very same is the practise of carelesse men in the matter of their saluation for a man may die with Lord haue mercy in his mouth and perish eternally except in this world he enter into the first degree of eternall life Math. 7.21 Ioh. 5.24 2 As euery wound killeth not the man So euery Errour depriueth not man of saluation 3 As the naturall partes beeing wounded or infected bringeth death So those Errours that destroy the fundamentall heads of the trueth bring euerlasting destruction vnlesse the Lord preuent them with repentance Ouermuch Ease and pampering of the belly is a great prouocation to sinne AS with a pyle or stacke of small and dry wood the fire is quickly kindled and caused mightily to flame out Euen so the outragiousnesse of carnall and fleshly lust is greatly prouoked moued and stirred vp through ryoting daunsing banquetting quaffing gulling swilling and continuall feeding and pampering of the belly and by taking the body from good lawfull and honest exercises and giuing it to Idlenesse slothfulnesse and ouermuch Ease and rest from labours The fearefull Estate of many people 1 AS the Smythes Stithie the more it is beaten the harder it is made Euen so commonly the hearts of men the more they are beatē with the hammer of gods word the more dull secure and sencelesse they are 2 Like as when a Malefactor on the day of Assise is brought forth of the Iayle with great boltes and fetters to come before the Iudge as he is going all men pittie him and speake comfortably vnto him But why so because he is now to be arraigned at the barre of an earthly Iudge Euen so such is the Estate case of all impenitent sinners which is farre more miserable then the case of this man for they be fettered in bondage vnder sinne and Sathan and this short life is the way in which they are going euery houre to the barre of Gods iustice who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lordes there to be arraigned and to haue sentence of condemnation giuen against them We must giue diligence to make our Election sure AS men are carefull in the world and painfull ynough to make assurance of landes and goods to themselues and their posteritie Euen so we ought to be more careful and diligent to make our selues the Electiō of God which is more worth then all the world beside 2. Pet. 1.10 The Elect are ordained to leade a godly life AS the Sunne was ordained to shine in the day and the Moone in the night and that order they keepe yea euery creature in his kinde obserueth the course appointed vnto it by creation as the grasse to growe and trees to ●ring forth fruite So likewise the Elect were ordained to this ende to leade a godly life and therefore if we would ●ither persuade our selues or the world that we are indeed ●hosen to saluatiō we must be plentiful in all good works and make conscience of euery euil way Ephe. 1.4 2.10 2. Thes 2.13 2. Timo. 2.21 Gods loue to his Elect. AS Ioseph loued all his brethren but Beniamin he loued with a more speciall loue and therfore he gaue messes of meate to them all but Beniamins messe was fiue times as much as the rest So God giueth libertie to all his creatures as a good a louing God in so much that the earth is full of his mercies but his loue to his Elect children by Christ is a thousand times more then the rest for them he vpholdeth in their integritie and doth set them before his face for euer Gen. 43.34 Psal 104.24 41.12 The Elect cannot finally perish AS an Elme or an Oke casts their leaues in the winter yet abideth their sappe still in them Esay 6.13 Euen so shall the holie seede continue in their substance so that though there appeare no fruites outwardly to our grosse sences yet the sure ground and substance which he hath there planted remaineth and though it haue no outward seale in our sight yet hath it a sure seale in Gods sight for the Lord knoweth it to be there which is sufficient Election to saluation doth not abolish but establish the second causes 1 AS God hath limited to euerie man the tearme of his life but withall he hath ordained and appointed that for the preseruing thereof he shall both eate and drinke Euen so God hath ordained necessarily that the Elect must be saued yet by such meanes as he hath appointed in his wisedome for the bringing of them to it to wit by hearing the Gospell preached by beleeuing in Christ by amending their liues by praying to God c. 2 As he that should abstaine from foode and say that he need it not to liue by should directly fight and striue against the will and pleasure of God and so tempt him So likewise they that say that being Elect they need not beleeue the Gospell nor amend their liues for the attaining to the kingdom of heauen do tempt God reuerse his prouidence striue against his will and so farre as in them lyeth abolish the
nature requireth are fruitfull in yeelding both bigger and sweeter Grapes so godly Christians the braunches of Christ the true Vine so long as they abide in him shall be manured by God the Father that carefull Husbandman that their fruite shal be both in quantitie more aboundant and in qualitie more pleasant vnto him 20 Like as euery man that trieth maistries whether it be in running wrestling or buffeting doth with great warinesse and diligence forbeare the meates pleasures and all other things that weaken the powers of the body or which may abate their nimblenesse and either hinder or disappoint them of the victorie Euen so euerie Christian sustaining a continuall encounter and wrestling with the diuell and their owne sinfull lusts and outward enticements must throughout the whole race of their life abstain from all things that offend either God or godly and weake persons 21 As the Householder that feareth theeues will cause his house to be diligently watched and looked vnto least the theefe come vpon him at vnawares So likewise Christians should be warie and watchful and be prepared for the comming of our Lord and Sauiour who will come in an houre wherin we least look for him Mat. 24.43 Iames. 5.7 8. 22 As bones in mens body being the stronger beare vp the skinne and flesh which is the weaker So likewise Christians whom God hath endued with greater strēgth should learne to beare with many infirmities in others Rom. 15.1 23 As a tree bringeth forth first leaues then blossomes and then fruite So a good Christian ought first to bring forth good thoughts then good speeches and after a godly life to the honour of God the good of his children and the saluation of his owne soule 24 As our Sauiour Christ did not breake the brused reede nor quench the smoaking slaxe that is did beare with many infirmities in those which were his Disciples least he should breake off or quench those good things which began to appeare in them Euen so such as are sound and strong Christians ought also to beare and forbeare to cherish and foster such good things as they shall perceiue to beginne to liue and growe in their weake bretheren Rom. 15.1 1. Cor. 9.22 Gal. 6.1 2. 25 Like as men-seruants and maid-seruants attend vpon their maister and mistresse and yeelde their duties vnto them vpon hope of finding helpe and friendship at their hands euen so euery good Christian ought to be diligent and careful to please God and to be well content to tarrie his leisure for those graces and mercies which he looketh for at his hands Psal 123.2 Math. 8.9 26 As the child which as yet can vse no reason is for all that a reasonable creature and the man in a sowne feeles no power of life and yet he is not dead So likewise the Christian man hath many quames come ouer his heart and hee falles into many a sowne that none almost would looke for any more life of Christ in him yet for all that he may be a true Christian 27 As straungers and trauellers abstaine in Countreys where they are straungers from many things which which would hinder them in their voyage So good Christians in their passage through this world should abstaine from the lusts of the flesh which hinder their soules from life euerlasting 1. Pet. 2.11 28 As that vnprofitable seruant was greeuously punished who had receiued a talent of his maister and went and digged it in the earth and hid it Euen so such Christians as haue receiued any gifts of God and doo not employ them to the common vse benefite and profit of the Church and people of God shall receiue heauie and grieuous iudgements of God for so doing Math. 25.30 29 As Theeues and such other malefactors are executed and suffer due punishment according to their deseruings So all Christians are to take heede that they deserue not to suffer as murtherers theeues euill dooers o● busie bodyes but if they suffer for a good Conscience then they are not to be ashamed 1. Pet. 4.15.16 30 As braunches cannot bring forth fruite except they abide in the Vine So likewise Christians cannot bring forth fruites of Righteousnesse except they abide in Christ Iohn 15.1 2 3 4 5 6. 31 Like as they which runne or wrestle for the best game do of their owne accord abstaine from all things which may either make them short winded or hinder their lightnesse strength or nimblenesse Euen so much more then ought Christians cast off and abstaine from all those things which may hinder them in the way course of euerlasting life 1. Cor. 9.25 32 As an Owle peepes at the Sunne out of a barne but dares not come neare it So likewise some Christians peepe at Religion and will not come to it but stand aloofe pinking and winking as though they were more afraid of God then the diuell 33 Euen as a candle that it may giue light vnto others it selfe is burned and consumed or as salt it selfe is brused and molten that it may giue good season and a sweete sauour vnto meate So a true Christian especially one aduanced to dignitie and placed in authoritie should spare no labour but euen breake himselfe with studie and care and vndergo any paines to do good to profit many and to win some soules to God Math 5.13.14 34 Like as in great and sore diseases all the best remedies that can be deuised are wont to be applied with all speede Euen so the more that Christians see wickednesse ●nd vngodlinesse to abound the more ought they to con●ider by what meanes they may be remedied that some may be saued among so many thousands which are ●ard-hearted and enemies to all good warnings 35 Euen as the children of this world do witnesse ●hemselues themselues to be all one with the world by ●ollowing their worldly lusts ambition couetousnesse and pleasures So in like case Christians shew themselues to be made one with Christ by his holy spirit when they follow Christ steppe by steppe and make his life to serue them as a most perfect rule to leade theyr life by 36 Euen as the Saylers Gnomon or rule which is commonly called the Marriners Needle doth alwayes looke towards the North-poole and will euer turne towards the same howsoeuer it bee placed which is maruellous in that instrument and Needle whereby the Marriners doo knowe the course of the windes Euen so euery Christian man ought to direct the eyes of his minde and the wayes of his heart to Christ who is our North-poole and that fixed and constant North-Starre whereby wee ought all to bee gouerned for hee is our hope and our trust hee is all our strength wherevpon we must still relie 37 Like as the Gnomon dooth euer behold the North-starre whether it bee closed and shut vppe in a Coffer of Golde Siluer or Woodde neuer loosing his nature So a faithfull Christian man whether hee abound in wealth or bee pinched with pouertie whether hee bee
some for the soule 3 As in a banquet if any dish chance to be ouer saulted or otherwise it is not well dressed the same doth not so offend vs that therefore we can eate but litle of the rest that is well seasoned So likewise if in Sermons we heare any sentence or word not so fitly applied as it were to be wished we must not for that leaue to make our profite of the rest that is well and deuoutly spoken 1. Cor. 2.4 5. 4 Like as when a man filleth out but a litle wine into an excellent wrought and grauen Cup men regard more the Cup then the wine when contrariwise if most excellent wine be brought in a simple Cup they consider and commend the wine rather then the Cup Euen so is it with the treasure of the Gospell presented in a Cup either of earth or of gold bicause mans curiosity hath more respect to the pot the mouth or the eloquēce thē to the treasure 2. Cor. 4.7 5 As we see by experience that the sucking of the child bringeth in milke into the mothers brest Euen so such as shewe themselues desirous to heare the word of their Pastors are a great encouragement to them to proceed the more chearfully and do euen as it were bring words into their mouthes 6 As it is in vaine to call the Physition and to heare his counsell whē we list not to take the medicine that he doth prescribe So in like maner the people that heare the Sermons and do not put the words in practise in stead of reaping profit shall incurre the greater damnation 7 Euen as hee that hauing beene two or three yeares at schoole and hath not profited is worthy to be takē away So those Parishioners that haue bene many yeares in the schoole of Christ and heard his word yet do not amend neither increase in faith and loue do worthily deserue to be depriued of such a benefit of God and according to the threatning of Amos to endure such a famine not of bread but of the word that the strongest and most lustie seeking after it but not finding it may perish Amos. 8.11 8 As the Church is the house of God the kingdome of Christ So those Parishioners that bestow their goods vpon the maintenance of the holy ministerie without the which this house and kingdome cannot subsist doo offer a sacrifice of a most excellent sweet sauour in the presence of the Lord. 1. Cor. 9.7 c. Gal. 6.6 c. 9 As Christ commaundeth vs to pray to the Lord of the haruest to send workmen into his haruest So is it the Dutie of Parishioners when he hath giuen them faithfull Pastors to pray vnto him First to preserue them in health and long life for the good and edification of his Church Secondly by his holy spirit to guide them that they may faithfully and with fruite employ themselues in their ministerie Math. 9.38 Ephes 6.18 19. Col. 4.3 2. Thessa 3.1 Rom. 15.30 31 32. Men Distressed do seeke after God AS they which haue great neede of water doo make haste to come to the fountaine or well where water is to be had but hauing drawne the water and filled their vessels doo depart and turne their backes to the fountaine which hath supplied their want and satisfied their Desires So very many wheh they bee compassed round with perils and daungers and are beset on euery side with afflictions and troubles then they flie apace to the fountaine of grace and mercy but when they haue obtained the water of comfort then they doo despise that flowing spring of liuing water Iere. 2.13 Luk. 9.61 Psal 84.7 Students in Diuinitie LIke as he which would behold the light of the Sunne doth rubbe and purge his eyes that they may behold it the better So he which would attaine to the knowledge of Diuinitie must first wash his soule and his life that hee may the better vnderstand those things which God hath reuealed in the Scriptures Diuersitie of wills and opinions AS amongst many thousands of men there are not two faces alike nor one voice agreeable with the other So will euery man haue his owne minde vse his owne way wit and fashion Euill speakers AS slouching and cowardly dogges doo barke at all men whome they know not So the rude and barbarous people doo carpe and reproach what thing so euer they vnderstand not Examining of a mans owne selfe LIke as no man will euer seeke to the Physition except he know himselfe to be diseased or acknowledge the excellencie and necessitie of the Physition and how much he is bound vnto him except hee know his owne disease to bee pestilent and deadly Euen so no man acknowledgeth Iesus Christ to bee the onely Physition of our soules who died for our sinnes and rose againe for our Iustification except he first know his owne soule to be diseased Neither can hee perceiue the excellencie of Christ crucified nor how much hee is bound vnto him except he first enter into the consideration knowledge of his owne outragious sinnes and the incurable infirmitie which we haue receiued through the infection of our first parents Adam and Eue. Rom. 4.25 Election of God 1 LIke as if one to see the better should fixe his eyes vpon the Globe of the Sunne by the beholding of which light it is not to bee doubted but his eyes would wax dimme who if he looked vpon that light in the sunne beames might haue vse of it and see all things offered to his sight and how and what way to direct his steps Euen so likewise the eternall Election of God while it is considered in Christ in whom wee are chosen and we seeke for in ourselues the testimonie that the holy ●host yeeldeth vs by our effectuall calling then it affoordeth vs especiall comfort and assureth vs of our saluation otherwise it bringeth trouble of mind and vexation of conscience Ephe. 4.9 13 14. 2 Like as all men would account him a foole that should take vpon him to leade the Sea and because he is not able to doo it should say there is no water in it Or if he should say there is no world because a childe cannot measure it with his spanne Or that there were no light in the Sun because his bleared eyes cannot abide the light of it So when man with his short wit shall come to the deepenesse of Gods wisedome and Election and because he cannot with his little dish of wit take vp all and should say there is no Election or predestination at all he were greatly deceiued Rom. 9.12 c. 3 Euen as if a man haue two debters and he forgiueth the one and followes the Law in exacting his owne of the other he cannot truely be said to bee vniust or an acceptor of personnes So it is with God in Electing and calling some to saluation and in damning other some 4 As there is not a more euident testimonie and a surer argument that
arrow it selfe or finally do some such like thing when as he ought rather to applie some remedie to his wound whereby it might be healed Euen so as often as we are in any afflictions and in desperate cases we must not looke vppon our selues nor vppon our enemies nor vppon the world as though we might from thence hope to haue ease of our paine and griefe but let vs looke vp to God who of his most notable iust iudgement sent and shot those arrowes at vs Let vs cast our eyes vpon God not to murmure against him or to detract any thing from his perfect equitie but rather humbly to craue his mercy and to require a salue of him who gaue vs the wound Psal 32.4 Esay 1.5 9.13 Ier. 5.3 Iob. 1.21 Gods graces 1 AS a man sayling in the maine sea carrying his Iewels with him in the ship if so be he make shipwracke doth togither with his ship lose his Iewels So likewise this sea is the world our ship the conscience the Iewels Gods Graces shead abroad in our hearts If so be therefore that we once make shipwracke of a good conscience we do vtterly indammage all the Graces of God in our hearts 2 Like as skill or cunning in any Scyence or Trade if it be exercised is both continued and increased Euen so Gods Graces in vs if they bee stirred vp in vs by continuall exercise they are increased but if they be neglected through carelesnesse they doo vtterly decrease 3 Euen as yron if it bee not vsed will rust So the Graces of God in vs if they be not put in practise will rust and decay vtterly Math. 25.24 4 Like as the graine of Mustard-seede is small to see too at the beginning but after it is cast into the ground it encreaseth speedily and spreades it selfe Euen so if a man haue but some little feeling of his wantes some weake and fainte desire some small obedience hee must not let this sparke of Grace goe out but these motions of the spirit must bee encreased by the vse of the hearing of the word preached Sacraments and prayer and they must dayly be stirred vp by meditating endeuoring striuing asking seeking and knocking Math. 25.26 2. Tim. 1.6 To Glorifie God LIke as the Apostle aduertiseth the Hebrues where he saith Brethren exhorte one an other while it is to day Hebr. 3.13 So also Christians ought to take occasion of Glorifying God whilst it is offered vnto them least as Ioab came to Absolon when his barley fielde was burned so they resort vnto God when it is too late Therefore the sooner they come vnto him the better it will be for them 2. Sam. 14.30 31. God comforteth afflicted soules AS God many times casteth downe and confoundeth all those that vainely trust in things transitorie britle and momentanie Euen so on the other side he doth raise vp and recomfort such as be weake pensiue faintharted sorrowfull and mourning and with spiritual instruction doth cherish furnish refresh their sicke soules and brused consciences 1. King 14.15 Esay 42.1.13 Luk. 4.18 God comforteth his 1 AS the Eagle cherisheth her young and fluttereth ouer her Birds and taketh them and carrieth them on her wings Euen so doth God cherish and make of his people and Church Deut. 32.11 Obed. 1.4 2 As naturall Fathers and Mothers are mooued with pittie and compassion towards their Infants when they are in any distresse Euen so our heauenly Father is mooued with much greater compassion towards vs his children when wee are in miserie or suffer affliction Psal 103.13 3 As the Apple of a mans eye is the tenderest thing about all his body and therefore most duly and carefully preserued from any thing which may hurt it Euen so God doth protect defend and care for those that are his Deut. 32.10 God heareth our complaints AS parents are ready to giue their children good things when they begge or craue them Euen so much more God our Father will not denie any thing to his children when in a true faith they doo begge or craue it of him Math. 7.9 10 11. God 1 AS the Husbandman or Vine-dresser cutteth off euerie braunch that bringeth not foorth fruite and letteth it wither and maketh a fire of it So God dooth cut off fruitelesse Christians and throwe them into hell Iohn 15.1 2 3 4 5 6. 2 As the Vine-dresser doth purge the fruitfull braunches that they may bring foorth more fruite So God by diuers meanes doth purifie and clense his children that they may be more fruitfull 3 As they which trie a vessell first put water into it to see whether it will hold water then they commit Wine vnto it Euen so first God giueth vs one grace if wee vse that well then he giueth an other and after that an other Luk. 8.18 Math. 25.23 4 As the diuell is not dead in those which are his but worketh still to their damnation So is not God dead in them which be his but worketh still to their saluation 5 As from the Sunne which we doo behold proceedeth to the world both light heate and beames whereby all things are quickned and nourished So from God who is an inuisible Sunne to his Church there proceedeth both light that is a cleare knowledge of God and heate that is the burning affections of hope faith and loue and also the beames which are the manifolde consolations wherwithal the soules of the faithful are quickned nourished and made merrie 6 As a wise maister of a family desiring to knowe the disposition of his seruants hideth himselfe in a corner or behinde a cloath and there both beholdeth the vnrulinesse and misdemeanour of some and also perceiueth the vertues of others of them the which they would neuer haue shewed in his presence So God doth in a manner absent himselfe from the world that both the faith of his seruants and the outrage of sinne in the wicked ones may be made manifest 7 As a shaddow doth protect vs from the beames and heate of the Sunne So God doth protect vs from daungers Psal 91.1 8 As in high and defenced Towers wee are safe from the enemie So God doth set vs in safetie Psal 91.2 The Good of our brethren must be regarded 1 AS the parts of a mans body euery one hath his proper function yet not so much for himselfe as for the Good of the whole body Euen so in like manner in the Church and common-wealth euery man must haue his particular calling not so much for himselfe as for the common Good and weale-publike 2 As the Stagges when they swimme ouer a great water to feede in some Meadowe they swim on a rowe and lay their heads one ouer an others backes carrying the weight of one an others hornes and when the first is wearie an other taketh his roome and so do it by course Euen so must we doo helping and doing Good one to an other till we haue passed the troublesome waues of this
cattes and dogges which haue bene brought vp any long while in their houses Euen so much more they ought to loue and fauour their seruants that haue done them long and faithfull seruice 3 As it is vnpossible that he that hath no skil in Musick can make an other man a Musitian Or as it is hard for a Scholler to learne that thing well that his Maister teacheth ill Euen so it is vnpossible that a Maister that is naturally negligent should make his seruant diligent Marriage euer esteemed for encrease of the Common-wealth AS he is counted no good Gardiner that being content with things present dooth diligently proine his old trees and hath no regard either to impe or graffe yong fettes because the selfe-same Orcharde though it be neuer so well trimmed must needes decaye in time and all the Trees dye within fewe yeares Euen so he is not to be accounted halfe a diligent Citizen that being content with the present multitude of Citizens hath no regard to encrease the number by lawfull Matrimony Mercie LIke as he that is without compassion in beholding an other mans wounds shall haue no bodie to pitie him if at any time he be hurt himselfe Euen so he that with pitie doth raise vp his neighbour being fallen shall haue many to relieue and comfort him if he himselfe fall into any calamitie Iam. 2.13 Mat. 5.7 Rom. 12.8 Prou. 3.3 4. 14.22 31. 16.6 19.17 The Miserie of worldlings 1 LIke as we see the Mules of Princes go all the day long loaden with treasure and couered with faire cloathes but at night shaken off into a sorrie stable much brused and gauled with the carriage of those treasures Euen so rich men that passe through this world loaden with gold and siluer and do gaull greatly their soules in carriage thereof are dispoyled of their burthen at the day of death and are turned off with their wounded consciences to the loathsome stable of hell and damnation 2 As we be iustly moued to pitie by beholding the momentany miseries of men and the distressed state of their bodies being consumed with sores and sicknesse and euen at deaths doore Euen so much more ought we to be grieued at the most fearfull state of worldlings for the eternall miserie of their soules not dying but being alreadie cleane dead in sinne and yet liuing in that state which leadeth to vnspeakable torment and the hotte burning furnace of the wrath of God Mercies of God 1 AS a riuer continueth running still Euen so the Mercies of God do daily light on the faithfull 2 As the ryuer hath a swift course So the Mercies of God helpe at a pinch Psal 46.1 c. 3 As a ryuer is deepe Euen so the Mercies of God are great neither can the bottome of them be sought out of any man 4 And as the ryuer hath this propertie as hath also all other water to binde and therfore doth not the earth dissolue because as the Phylosopher saith the water bindeth it in Euen so the Mercies of God do bind vs vnto himself or else we should dissolue and become Sathans sinke and puddle 5 As a begger will neuer goe foorth a begging vntill such time as hee can haue prouision or maintenance at home So wee will neuer come to Christ for Mercie so long as we see any goodnesse in our selues Psal 32.4 6 As a sparke of fire is in comparison able to drie vp all the water in the Sea Euen so no more is all the wickednesse of man vnto the Mercies and mercifulnesse of God 7 As no man is so thankfull for health as he that hath beene in continuall sicknesse So no man feeleth the Mercie of God that is not truly humbled in his owne sight Mans nature to be mortified 1 AS the seede of right Artichoke if the point of it bee not broken bringeth foorth the prickley Artichoke or Thistle So the best Mans child if his corrupt nature be not mortified wil bring forth nothing but vngodlinesse 2 Knecholme growing of it selfe bringeth forth fruit but being planted it bringeth foorth none But Mans nature if it bee suffered to grow of it selfe is vnfruitfull but beeing planted in Christ becommeth fruitfull in good workes 3 The superfluous moysture of Elecampane beeing dried vp it commeth fittest to his full vertue and is hot in the third degree but though the superfluitie of euill bee mortified in vs yet wee our selues will neuer come to our first perfection except we be quickned by Gods spirit c. A Mind troubled 1 LIke as a great and deepe wound cannot bee touched with ones hand thogh neuer so softly but with some griefe to the partie Euen so a troubled wayward Mind hard to please thinketh scorne of euery thing and is offended with the least word spoken 2 As the sicke-man cannot away with the sight of his wife blameth the Physition is grieued at his friend that comes to visite him yet being gone is displeased againe at their departure Euen so is the wauering way and trade of life and the wandering and inconstant mutabilitie of the Mind which seldome doth arriue at the quiet and desired port and hauen 3 Euen as they are queasie stomacked and are disquieted with vomiting doo leape from one Ship to an other that they might find some ease thereby vntill they perceiue themselues nothing the better but yet doo the same still that they did before carrying their vomite as we may say still about with them where euer they goe So in like manner they which euer anon choose now one and now an other trade of life doo rather entangle themselues in cares troubles of a discontented Mind then be discharged and rid there from 4 As it sometime falleth out that one receiueth an iniurie is grieued and studieth to reuenge an other beeing author of a wrong reioyceth at other mens harmes and fecks to keepe him stil vnder whom he hath once opprest Euen so is the Minde it selfe at warre with it selfe and through contrarie repugnant affections is rent and in a manner torne in peeces Magistrates dutie to their subiects 1 AS that medicine is more to bee allowed which healeth the parts of a mans body then that which vtterly burneth away the same So is that Magistrate more to be praysed which by correction causeth euill doers to amend then hee which by death and execution vtterly taketh the same away 2 As God is aboue all men the soule more excellent then the body and the kingdome of heauen more precious then earthly treasures So likewise doth the chiefe principall end of the Magistrates charge and office consist in the establishing and maintaining of the puritie of doctrine in the holy ministerie seruice of God the holy administration of the sacraments the inuocation of Gods name the order of Ecclesiasticall Discipline Rom. 13.4 1. Chro. 15.1 22.6 2. Chro. 14.3 c. 15.8 c. 17.6 c. 29.1 c.
good part and doo of his owne free will although shee had spoken nothing thereof and when shee knoweth what her husbands will is in things shee gladly talketh with him thereof and accordingly as shee seeth him disposed to doo shee will often desire him to doo it Euen so the godly Christians which vnfainedly loue God in that they know his wisedome and will is best cannot forbeare but often pray and talke with him and desire him to doo that which he knoweth is best and which they know also he would do if none should aske or pray for the same 8 As Rebecca when two twinnes stroue in her wombe was troubled and said why am I so Wherefore she went to aske the Lord namely by some Prophet So when we feele this inward fight betwixt the fleshe and the spirit the best thing is to haue recourse to God by Prayer Gene. 25.22 9 As the children of Israel by compassing the Citie of Ierico seuen dayes by sounding Rams hornes ouerturned the walls thereof So by serious Prayer and inuocation of Gods name the spirit is confirmed and the Turrets and Towers of the rebellious flesh battered Ios 6.34 Math. 26.41 1. Pet. 4.7 10 As the preaching of the word serues to declare and to conuey vnto vs Gods graces Euen so in Prayer wee come to haue a liuely feeling of the same in our hearts for it is the key whereby we open the treasures of God and pull downe his mercies vpon vs. Psal 106.23 Ephe. 6.18 11 Like as if a man be to come before an earthly Prince he will order himselfe in apparell gesture and word that hee may doo all things in seemelinesse and dutifull reuerence Euen so much more are Christians to order themselues when they are to appeare before the liuing God in Prayer Eccle. 5.1 12 As a child cannot without blushing call him Father whom he cares not continually to displease through his lewd conditions neither can his Father delight in such a child Euen so with what face dare any man in Prayer call God his Father whome hee makes no conscience to offend and displease most rebelliously by word and deed 13 As that Citie which is not fenced with Wals may be easily brought vnder subiection of the enemie because it wanteth that which should withstand the force and encounters of the enemie So likewise the diuell will easily bring our soules in subiection vnto him and with no great paines lead them to all kind of lewdnesse vnlesse they be fenced by often and feruent Prayer vnto God 14 Like as the Sunne giues light to the body So Prayer giueth light to the mind for as it is daungerous for a man neuer to see the Sunne So it is much more perillous for a Christian man neuer to pray 15 As trees bring foorth no fruit vnlesse they receiue Sap and nourishment from the rootes Euen so wee can neuer increase in godlinesse vnlesse we bee continually watred by our Prayers 16 As theeues and robbers beholding a man florish his sword about his eares will not then set vpon him Euen so the wicked spirits seeing vs fenced by our Prayers will straightway giue backe and leaue vs vnassaulted 17 As waues of water are tossed and carried away by force of wind So likewise hee that prayeth without faith must needs be carried of euery forcible affection therefore cannot looke to obtaine his petitions Iam. 1.6 7. 18 As women preuaile with men in their suits by great importunitie Euen so godly Christians by Prayer without ceasing do obtaine their requests of God Luk. 18.3 7. 19 Like as the poore Captiue is alwayes creeping to the prison doore often labouring to get off his bolts and fetters and to escape out of prison So likewise must wee alwayes creepe to the Lord for his spirit by Prayer to free vs out of this bondage and prison of sinne and corruption and euerie day come nearer the prison doore looking when our blessed Sauiour will vnbind vs of all the fetters of sinne and Sathan and fully erect his kingdome in vs. 20 As a Mother that carrieth her child in her armes if it crie for the Dugge and suckes the same it is aliue but beeing obserued many dayes together if it neither crie nor stirre it is dead So in like manner it is an vnfallible note of a true child of God to crie to his Father in heauen by Prayer but hee that neuer crieth nor feeleth himselfe stirred vp to make his mone to God is in a miserable case and he may well be thought to bee but a dead child 21 Like as we see green wood lying in the fire sobbing and smoaking long before it wil burne Euen so no doubt all Gods children doo feele a strife and combat in their spirits in many of their Prayers Esay 38.41 c. 22 Like as euery Fencer or florisher proueth not a valiant and couragious man when hee commeth to fight in good earnest Euen so no more are those Prayers found effectuall neither can such men speake a word to the purpose when affliction hath laid hold on thē in deed wheras a true Christian neuer sheweth his manhood nor his cunning in this weapon of Prayer more then when he is to fight for life and death and the greater the daunger is with so much the stouter courage is he endued Psal 32.6 23 As he that truly loueth delighteth in nothing more then in the often talking conference with him whom he loueth Euen so where there is true and vnfained loue vnto God there is a burning desire by often Prayer to talke with God so as no perill nor danger no not of losse of life can stay or hinder it as may appeare by Daniel Dan. 6.10 24 As the more wood is laid on the fire the greater is the flame So likewise is the continuall talking with God by Prayer a great increasing of our loue towards him as on the contrarie the seldomer we common with him by Praier the more doth our loue towards him from time to time abate slake vntil in the end it be cleane quenched 25 As a certaine kind of Serpent when hee commeth to drinke doth vomit vp al his poyson So a godly Christian when he commeth to pray must banish and cast away all anger malice and hatred of his heart 26 Like as the Ship with prosperous wind is speedily carried in her course So our Praier is more profound and is better hard when our minds are feruent with some desire Psal 17.1 27 As Elizeus did cast salt into the waters of Iericho to make them sweete So must wee salt and season our Prayers with teares to make them fauorie and delightsome to God 2. King 2.21 28 Like as if men of great and loftie spirits who to God are as silly wormes creeping on the earth stand so much vpon their reputation that as it is recorded of the Senatours of Rome in old time they thinke it a great disgrace vnto them that any man
same Prouidence of God 5 As Philip the Father of Alexander the great being reprooued for that he slept too long in the Morning considering the multitude of those affaires which he had dayly to dispatch answered that hee might safely sleepe so long as his Lieutenant Antipater was awake So in like manner may wee rest at our ease so long as the heauenly eye of the Poruidence of God which seeth all things is open and carefull to guide vs our affaires whensoeuer we commit them into his hand Psal 3.3 4 5. 6 As Gods Prouidence doth first worke and bring to passe good things Secondly it permitteth euill things to bee done but then thirdly it directeth and ordereth all things both good and bad in his owne glorie and to the saluation of his children So God turned Adams fall to the manifesting of his owne glorie and to Adams good for by this meanes had Adam experience of Gods great and infinite mercie and might say By this I know that thou fauourest me because thou forgauest me and didst not suffer the Diuell to triumph against me Psal 41.11 So all the slips and falls of Gods children are turned to their good in as much as by them they are made more fearefull of sinne and more watchfull ouer their wayes as the child is fearefull of the Candle when he hath once burnt his finger in the flame Rom. 8.28 Poperie AS a sticke that hath lyne long in water will very hardly burne when it commeth to the fire So likewise those that are plunged in the dregs of Poperie will hardly be set on fire with the zeale of Gods spirit Faith and Gods Promises must be ioyned LIke as the Speare and shield sword helmet and dagger are not profitable weapons vnto him that cannot vse them or wil not when good occasion is offered Euen so the Promises of God doo nothing profit them that cannot rightly applie them and wil not beleeue thereon or will not vse them Papist craft in composing their Prayer AS Rat-catchers vse to take good bread cheese and butter and to mingle the same with poyson or Rats baine the good bread cheese and butter is nothing else but to allure the Rats to eate the secret and hidden poyson to their destruction Euen so the Papists in the beginning of al their Prayers they say Almightie and euerlasting God and at the latter end of their Prayers they say Through Iesus Christ our Lord but betweene the beginning and ending there is set in the merites passions sufferings intercessions and meditations of Saints that through through them their sufferings bloud-sheddings merites and holinesse we should obtaine heauen and life euerlasting to our saluation c. Parents 1 AS arrowes are an excellent weapon of defence to a strong and a mightie man that can shoote them with courage Euen so children godly brought vp are a speciall protection defence to their Parents Psa 127.4 2 As the strong mans quiuer the better it is furnished with chosen shafts the better defence hee hath So likewise the moe godly children that Parents haue the greater is their ioy and happinesse 3 As arrowes are at the commaundement of the owner to be vsed Euen so children are at the commaundement of godly Parents Peace and prosperitie AS a building set vp with vntempred morter the morter crumbleth and washeth away with euery storme Euen so is the Peace and prosperitie that false Prophets promise the people and preach vnto them out of their owne hearts when God hath not sent them Ezech. 13.10 11. Eternall Punishment AS there is no comparison betwixt the painted fire and the true fire So there is none betwixt the Punishments of this present life and that to come for the torments of the life to come are eternall and vnspeakeable Lying Prophets AS Dawbers that dawbe walls with morter which was neuer tempered cannot make those walles continue for that the morter crumbleth away Euen so false and lying Prophets that speake in the name of the Lord that which he neuer commaunded them cannot make their words true or to come to passe as they haue promised Ezech. 22.28 The Pride of Idolaters 1 AS the morning deawe soone after the Sunnerysing vanisheth away Euen so the strength glorie prosperitie Pride of the Idolaters is by God soone brought to nought Hose 13.3 Papists 1 AS the Iewes alleaged that they had plentie of all things when they serued the Queen of heauen Euen so likewise our Papists say and alleadge that it was a merrie world when yet they were plunged ouer head and eares in Idolatrie and then they had 24. Egges for a penny Iere. 44.17.18 2 As the Philistines when they had put out the eyes of Sampson did then lead him whither they would So likewise the Papists when they had subtilly put out the eyes of the people in taking frō them the light of Gods word and the Gospell of Christ they brought them where they listed made them beleeue what they would Iud. 16.21 3 Euen as Vipers doo eate out and teare in peeces the b●llies of their breeders that themselues may get out So not the Iewes onely but the Papists also doo mangle and teare in peeces the lawe of God and do rent and corrupt the words doctrine of the holy Prophets of God euen as it were a belly bowels that they may creepe out and escape from a liuely perfect and a sauing faith and that they may be confirmed in their errours heresies and infidelitie 4 As the Iewes haue from time to time slaine the gracious and wise Prophets of God Euen so the Papistes now where they beare any sway of rule and authoritie doo most cruelly torment and murther the Saintes of God 5 As Mice will be still in the house but neuer be acquainted with the maister of the house Euen so such are Papists for they will drawe neare vnto Christ with their lips but deny him with their deeds they will kisse Christ with Iudas and giue him gentle outward entertainment but it is for thirtie pence or thirtie pound vantage or money more or lesse 6 As the children of Israel grudging and murmuring against God in the wildernesse whē any temptatiō arose and would goe backe againe into Egypt died in the wildernesse and were not suffered to enter into the land of Canaan Euen so such are all Papists vnfaithfull and fleshly liuers who are superstitious and cannot abide to haue their Idolatries and lewd lusts restrained and reprooued by the word of God to worship him according as hee hath appointed but would goe after straunge Gods worshipping him after their own inuentions all these vnlesse they repent and bee conuerted shall not enter the kingdome of God but shall lie in the wildernesse that is a place of euerlasting trouble and vexation Numb 11.1 c. Psal 78.24 c. 7 As the Gentiles fashioned their Gods with what figures they listed So doo the Papists to declare God to be strong they
the first dash Regenerated but this Regeneration riseth by degrees and being once begun then it proceedeth faire and softly and by little and little encreasing euerie day till we come to euerlasting life in the heauens 2 Euen as that begger which hath but a patched or an ouerworne robe had euer need to be carefull in peecing and mending the same least otherwise his nakednesse appeare vnto all So surely this Regeneration or righteousnesse of ours beeing in respect of our selues but a torne and tottered robe wee had need euerie houre to labour and exercise our selues in the repayring thereof least our filthinesse breake foorth and euen to sigh and to groane vntill we be with our house which is from heauen 2. Cor. 5.3 Reue. 3.18 16.15 Righteousnesse not in vs. 1 AS an euill tree cannot bring foorth any good fruit nor a rotten or worm-eaten seed can engender any thing but like it selfe So we for so much as our thoughts our affections our words our actions and generally our whole life and nature being examined it shall bee found that in vs there is nothing but vanitie and the verie matter of death and damnation and that we neither doo nor can doo any thing that may be able to abide the Righteous examination of the iustice of God but onely to flie to him for mercie Math. 7.17 18. 12.33 Psal 51.7 53.2 3. Ose 2.3 Luk. 15.18 18.13 14. Rom. 3.10 11 12. 2 As they that are sicke of the Dropsie who by reason of the grosenesse of their bodies seeme to bee in good estate notwithstanding they be ful of nothing but water and euil humors which in the end are the cause of death Euen so such as are arrogant presumptuous and puffed vp with a vaine conceite of their owne Righteousnesse though they be in great credit reputation in the world yet before God their state is miserable and abhominable Luk. 16.15 3 As Marchants who praise and esteeme their wares and marchandise more then they are worth and as olde Images newe gilded ouer which outwardly hath some glistering and shew but within are nothing but dust and durt or as counterfeit money which is naught how goodly a print so euer it hath Euen so all our Righteousnesse vertues and good workes when they shall be examined and prised by those which knowe them as by the spirit of God and his word they are altogether iudged as old ragges torne tied together and patched vp againe Esa 64.6 Dan. 9.5 c. Phil. 3.8 4 Like as if a man would boast of his strength health and yet were subiect to a thousand diseases Or of his knowledge and yet were ignorant of all good learning Or of his riches and yet were indebted and endaungered to the whole world would not one mocke him as an Idiote and a foole Euen so wee as well shew our ignoraunce and what slender vnderstanding we haue when wee will attribute any Righteousnesse to our selues and boast our selues in it be it neuer so little Iere. 9.23 5 As the basest Gold though it bee rayed with some durt is alwayes more precious then the brightest Copper or Lead that a man can find Euen so the Righteousnesse of a Christian man though it bee defiled through many infirmities and imperfections yet notwithstanding is more to be esteemed then all the Righteousnesse of hypocrites and Infidels 6 As there is no man so hard to be healed as hee that thinketh himselfe to be hoale For as much as he alwayes refuseth counsell of the Physition and will take no remedies nor keepe any good diet or gouernement of himselfe which should be meete and healthfull for him Euen so likewiset here is no man farther off from the Righteousnesse of God then he that hath some opinion of himselfe For such commonly are obstinate and cannot without great difficultie bee brought from the perswasion which they haue conceiued of their owne Righteousnesse 7 As newe Wine with the strength of the working thereof will breake old Bouels so that if it should be put into them it should bee but spilt and lost Euen so they who haue placed Righteousnesse in the outward exercises of Religion cannot sauour taste or receiue the doctrine of Righteousnesse by faith onely in Christ Math. 9.17 The Righteousnesse of Iesus Christ which is one onely may be distributed to all the faithfull 1 AS the soule of man is wholly throughout the whole body and euerie part alike Euen so is the Righteousnesse of Iesus Christ wholly in the body of the whole Church as the soule to giue it life and to mantaine it So that it is altogether in euerie of the particular members to make them strong whole stout and of courage to doo all their Offices and duties Or as the voice of a man which beeing heard of a great many persons is in such sort receiued of euerie one of thē prouided that they be attentiue that the same is wholly vnderstood without being diuided or sundred in any respect And as the face of a man may bee receiued in many Glasses and wholly represented to all without any diuision or seperation of the same 2 As an old rotten tattered garment cannot be comely peeced with newe whole and sound cloath Euen so they that plant and place their Righteousnesse in fasting and other externall exercises cannot admit that Righteousnesse that commeth onely and wholly by Christ Math. 9.16 3 As the Israelits were forbidden to cloath themselues with Linnen and Wollen made in one garment So likewise must all true Christians at this day put vpon them the Righteousnesse of Christ Iesus onely not mingling it with their owne merits Deut. 22.11 4 As the Sunne when hee riseth obscureth and darkneth the light of the skies dismisseth scattereth them Euen so the Righteousnesse of faith which for Christ his sake is imputed vnto vs doth vanquish the darknesse and as it were driueth away the night of the glorie of mens workes 5 As the sinne of Adam was the cause of condemnation vnto eternall death So in like manner the Righteousnesse of Christ is the cause of iustification vnto eternall life Rom. 8.1 2. Religion LIke as in labour or worke he that begunne last ought with the more diligence to redresse his slacknesse and recompence his late comming So he which lately began to professe and imbrace Religion vertue or godlinesse ought with the more feruentnesse and zeale to endeuour to attaine the same Reading of Bookes 1 AS they which be thirstie first doo drinke and at leisure doo behold the fashion of the cup if it bee engrauen or bee marked So ought we first to Read things that be most profitable then if leisure will serue vs wee may note and consider things elegant and trim 2 As it is more profitable oft to dung the ground then much and that at one time So is it more for one vtilitie to Read with moderatnesse dayly then at one time and that greedily 3 As a
so is the Resurrection Remitting of trespasses LIke as if we see one eate or drinke a great deale we say he was hungrie or thirstie because we see him eate o● drinke so much or so greedily So doo we say that one is hotte because we see him sweate yet do we not say 〈◊〉 his eating or drinking is the conditionall cause of his hunger or thirst nor yet the sweate the cause of his heate but contrariwise we say hunger thirst and heate are the causes of eating drinking and sweate Euen so the turning from iniquitie and Remitting of trespasses are not the causes of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes but the fruits thereof and tryall of our estate Ezech. 18.21 Math. 6.24 Reading of Authours 1 EVen as amongst healthfull and medicinable hearbs there springeth forth some weedes vnprofitable and venemous but the hearbes meete for medicines the wise Physition onely doth gather So in Reading of Authors although there be some things contained being not only vnprofitable but also wicked yet it is the part of good students not to neglect them but rather to collect such sentences and doctrine as may be profitable for them 2 As dastard and cowardly Dogs doo barke at home at the skin of the wilde beast but in hunting they will not come neare the same So some student will piuishly prate of things vaine and foolish leauing the effect of learning vnlaboured for Reprobate 1 LIke as a man vpon a Racke crieth and roreth out for very paine yet cannot desire his tormentor to ease him of his paine Euen so the Reprobate when he repenteth he cannot come vnto God and seeke vnto him hee hath no power no not so much as once to desire to giue one little sob for the remission of his sinnes if hee would giue all the world hee cannot so much as giue one rap at Gods mercie gate that hee may open to him Math. 7.7 Gene. 4.4 1. Sam. 31. 4. Math. 27.5 2 Like as if a man that hauing made to himselfe a great burden to carrie should assay it on his backe and for that it sat and lay vneasily and pressed him much should cast it downe againe and put a great deale more vnto it and then beginne to lift it againe but when hee felt it more heauie then before hee should fall into a great rage and adde twise as much more to it thereby to make it lighter Euen so doo the children of this world who finding it somewhat loathsome and vnpleasant to resist one or two vices in the beginning doo deferre their conuersion and Repentance and doo adde twentie or fortie moe vnto them thinking to find the matter more easie afterward 3 Like as a man hauing tasted a good peece of Wine making shew as if hee would buy it vnderstanding the price and not willing to giue so much leaueth if there without buying or drinking of it any more Euen so the Reprobate hauing tasted the heauenly good things finding them good and praysing them exceedingly after they vnderstand the price that is that they must renounce themselues and beare the Crosse of Christ to goe to take possession of the kingdome of heauen which hath purchased for them with his precious bloud they will none of it at this price and so renounce these good things without drinking or enioying them Hebr. 6.4 4 As those that haue their stomackes charged with euill humours cease not to eate sometimes for all that yea and to finde taste in some good meates but are constrained after through the euill disposition of their stomacke to cast it vp againe and to vomit So some Reprobates hauing with in them an euill conscience may well taste the good heauenly giftes but this euill conscience not being able to agree with the true and sure faith of the heart stoppeth that these giftes take no roote to fructifie to saluation so that finally they cast it off or let it wither and come to nothing On the contrary those who haue faith are assured that though the graces of the holy Ghost are often weake in them and like fire couered with ashes and trees in the Winter yet can it neuer come to nought nor die but rather they recouer strength at the last whereby they are certaine to bee and to continue the children of God and heyres of euerlasting life 5 As those whome God hath chosen before all times in time hee calleth and that of purpose to Christ Iesus his Sonne and whome thus hee calleth he iustifieth and that more and more vntill that flesh and the corrupt affections thereof beeing mortified they attaine to their glorie So by the contrarie bee the Reprobate either left altogether in blindnesse neuer called to the light and knowledge of Gods free mercie or if they be called they either doo condemne it or else suddenly fall from the same and so abiding in their corruption do still heape sinne vppon sinne till at the last their measure being full God executeth his most iust iudgement against their continuall rebellion 6 Like as the assured trust of the mercie of God promised for Christes sake which followeth straightway the hatred of vice and sinne with full intent and purpose to liue after the will of God wh●rein so long as a man dooth remaine and continue hee may bee sure that hee is the elect childe of God Euen so the loue to liue vngodly to wallow in all kinde of vice and to lie still in impuritie of life declareth to him that is such a one for that same season that hee is nothing else then a Reprobate the child of wrath cursed of God hardned as was Pharao Reading of Scripture or word AS hee which knoweth his letters perfectly and can spell cannot but Read if he be diligent and as hee which hath cleare eyes without impediment or let and walketh thereto in the light and open day cannot but see if he attend and take heed Euen so a man hauing the profession of his Baptisme onely written in his heart and feeling it sealed vp in his conscience by the holy Ghost cannot but vnderstand the Reading of the Scripture because hee exerciseth himselfe therein comparing one place with an other and marking the manner of speech and asking heere and there the meaning of a sentence of them that be better exercised then himselfe for he feeleth in his hart and hath a sensible experience of that inwardly which the spirit of God hath deliuered in the Scriptures So that he findeth his owne feeling as a good commentarie vnto him Resurrection 1 AS a cunning Gold smith knoweth what difference is betwixt a peece of earth digged out of a Golde myne and other common earth but aske an ignoraunt man and hee will say there is no difference at all betwixt them Euen so at the day of iudgement God will knowe the dust of mens bodies from common dust which men cannot discerne 2 Like as if a Gardiner mingle diuers seedes together and cast them into the ground yet they will
he both can and will helpe him after this he comes to his former health againe So in like manner euerie man is wounded with the deadly wound of Sinne at the very heart and he that would be saued and escape damnation must see his Sinne be sorrowfull for it and vtterly dispaire of his owne strength to attaine saluation thereby Furthermore hee must see himselfe to stand in neede of Christ the good Phisitian of his soule and long after him and crie vnto him with deepe sighes and grones for mercie after this Christ Iesus wil come with a plaister of his own heart blood which being applied he shall finde himselfe reuiued and shall come to the assuraunce of the forgiuenesse of all his sinnes Psal 51.1 3 8 12 17. 10 As a man that hath lost wife goods and children should be much grieued So hee that hath committed great Sinnes ought to bee as a man brused betweene the wall and the doore 11 Like as a man is more to bee blamed which goeth out of his way in the cleare Sunne at nonetide then hee that misseth his way by night with a candle Euen so are men more to be punished for such foule Sinnes as they commit in the cleare light of the Gospell then in the time of the Law 12 As of clouds when they be vanished away there is nothing seene Euen so the Sinnes of God people when hee forgiueth them are clearely put both out of sight and remembrance Esay 44.22 13 As Opium Hennebane and other things extreamely cold hide not paine but make the body so astonied for a time that he feeleth not the paine but afterward when it commeth to it feeling the disease and paine is commonly more grieuous then before So Sinne and want of zeale c. hide not from torment of conscience but make the soule so astonied for a time that it feeleth not the torment yet afterward when it commeth to his feeling againe the torment is more desperate then before 14 As it would not auaile or profit a Citie diligently to watch at one gate and keepe it shut against the enemie if in the meane while al the rest stood wide open to him So likewise it is to no purpose to keepe ourselues from one Sinne or vice vnlesse we make account and conscience to abandon our selues from all other vices 15 Like as Surgions when they must cut off any part of the body vse to lay playsters to it to mortifie it that being without sense and feeling it may bee cut off with lesse paine Euen so in like manner we are to vse all helpes and remedies prescribed in the word which serue to weaken or kil Sinne that in death it may be abolished 1. Cor. 9.27 Gal. 5.24 Col. 3.5 2. Timo. 2.21 16 As a debt doth binde a man either to make satisfaction or else to goe to prison So likewise our Sinnes binds vs either to satisfie Gods iustice or else to suffer eternall damnation 17 As we see by experience that a ship which leaketh is more easily emptied at the beginning then afterward Or as a ruinous house the longer it is let runne the more charge and labour will it require in the repairing Or as we see that if a man driue a naile with a hammer the moe blowes hee giueth to it the more hard it is to plucke it out againe Euen so that man that committeth Sinne vppon Sinne and by perseuerance therein thinketh to finde the redresse thereof more easie hereafter then now is greatly deceiued 18 As a riuer that glideth and runneth very swiftly vntill there bee a damme or beame put ouertwhart then it makes a swelling and a roaring neither by any meanes will be quiet So mans Sinfull life doth passe quietly without any noyse till the beame of Gods iustice ouertwhat him 19 As a round bowle throwne downe a steepe hil neuer ceaseth or stayeth till it come to the foote bottome thereof So likewise mans corruption of it selfe as prone to Sinne as a bowle to runne downe a hill neuer ceaseth to sinne till it receiue the reward thereof which is death Rom. 6.23 20 As Gun-powder and a rotten tree fired at the roote neuer ceaseth burning till they bee all consumed So the wicked will neuer giue ouer their Sinning till all hope of eternall life be vtterly taken away 21 As Tinder catcheth the least sparke and is kindled thereby So likwise out corrupt nature is easily prouoked and drawne to Sinne. 22 As the Viper conceaueth her young to her owne death So also man admitteth Sinne into his heart but to his owne great hurt 23 Like as the Midwife is busie about a woman in trauaile to bring forth the child into the world So busie also is Sathan vntil he hath brought forth the monstrous birth of Sinne in mens conuersations 24. As huge as the Sea is yet one may taste the faltnesse of it in a drop So likewise in one Sinne we may see how ill fauoured the rest be Rom. 13.13 25 As the forbidden nee when it promised our parents knowledge tooke their knowledge from them So euerie Sinne giueth other wages then it promiseth Gene. 3.6 26 Like as if a man passe by some high daungerous place in the night when he cannot see hee is not afraid but if yee bring him backe againe in the day and let him see what a steepe and daungerous way he came hee will not bee brought the same way againe for any thing So it is in Sinning for men liuing in ignoraunce and blindnesse practise any wickednesse and doo not care for Gods iudgements but when God of his goodnesse bringeth them backe and openeth their eyes to see the downfall to the pit of Hell and the iudgements of God due to their Sinnes then say they they will neuer Sinne as they haue done but become new men and walke in the way to eternall life 27 As it is the nature of a Canker or Gangreene to runne from one ioynt to an other from toe to the foote from the foote to the legge from the legge to the thigh till it haue wasted and destroyed the life of the body Euen so we giue Sinne but an entrance it will soone ouer if spread the whole man and if the diuell may bee suffered but to put one talent in our hearts he will presently wind himselfe into vs his head his body and all 28 As men which worke in mynes and coale-pits vnder the earth are troubled with nothing so much as with dampes which make their candle burne darke and somtimes put it quite out Euen so euerie mans Sinnes are the dampes of his heart which when they take place doo dimme the light of his iudgment and cast a myst ouer his mind and darken his vnderstanding and reason 29 Like as if a man should commit such an heinous offence as that he could no other way escape death but by the Princes pardon he neither would nor could be at rest til by one meanes or other