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A16859 The Christians guide For his better, and more comfortable passage through the wildernesse of this troublesome world, vnto that promised rest in that heauenly Canaan, the kingdome of glory. Consisting of diuers holy meditations and prayers seruing to that purpose. Alliston, Joseph. 1614 (1614) STC 376.7; ESTC S115949 163,621 588

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with him that is tumbling downe from an high and a steepe hill how hee cannot possibly stay himselfe till he come vnto the bottome and by that fearefull downe-fall be quite depriued of life so that he can rise no more but lyeth groueling on the earth as a dead man not able to stirre hand or foote so is it with those that once giue themselues to the committing of any sinne or to delight in any wicked and vngodly course they fal daily more and more and that very dangerously neuer staying till in the end if the Lord be not the more mercifull to holde forth his hand to keepe them from that danger and to saue them they fall right downe into the bottomlesse pit euen into the depth of hell the place of vvoe and torment to the endlesse perdition both of their soules and bodies O Lord order my wayes aright grant that I may auoide all occasions and prouocations vnto euill and that I may walke wisely and circumspectly all my dayes that so I may not onely be preserued from that vvofull downe-fall of the vvicked but also liue in peace and safetie vnto the end and in the end hauing escaped the danger of this euill and sinfull world may liue with thee in glory for euer Amen Sinne committed presently to be repented of HEe that hath taken downe poyson wil labour as soone as hee can possibly to cast it vp againe or else to procure some remedie for it least otherwise it proue his bane and the sooner hee doth this the better it will be for him Euery sinne that any one committeth is poyson to his soule if hee seeke not to be cleare of it hauing once drunke it downe it vvill be his ruine his death How carefull therefore ought euery one to be when he hath fallen into any sinne to seeke for a present remedy against it to purge and cleare himselfe of it by casting it vp againe by a true and vnfained confession of it and to take heed that hee endeuour by all meanes to abstaine for euer after from it least otherwise hee perish with it Good Lord let me alwayes consider how dangerous sinne is vnto my soule how that if I lye in it if I keepe it in me vnrepented of it must needes be my destruction and therefore whensoeuer through frailtie or infirmitie I shall be ouer-taken with any sin and drinke downe that deadly poyson vvhich Sathan offereth vnto mee in a golden Cup and vvhich my corrupt nature doth exceedingly desire and long after Iob. 15.16 thinking that there is great sweetnesse in that which indeede is as bitter as death Ier. 2.19 graunt that I may haue an inward loathing of it and finding my soule surcharged with it presently empty my selfe of it and be more careful for euer after to refraine from it that so I may not dye but liue and prayse thee Sinne truely deciphered that being once knowne it may be euer loathed and abhorred of all A Strange thing it is that men should delight in any sinne yea that they should not lothe and abhorre vtterly abandon it for euer if they eyther consider the vile and cursed nature of it or the wofull and damnable fruits and effects of it First it is the most vile and abhominable thing in the world the stincke and noysome smell of it hath infected heauen and earth and made all those glorious Creatures the Sunne the Moone the Starres subiect vnto vanitie so that they must be purged by fire in that great day of the Lord. Rom. 8.20 2 Pet. 3.10 In Scripture besides many other names which set forth vnto vs the filthinesse thereof Ezek. 16. Ierem. 13.27 Psal 51.2 it is compared to the most loathsome disease in the world euen the filthy and contagious Leprosie a disease so much abhorred that hee that was infected therewith among the Iewes by Gods owne ordinance was to be excluded and shut out from all company Numb 5.2 2 Kin. 15.5 as vnmeet to liue and conuerse amongst men and yet this was but a type and a shadow of the filthinesse and vncleannesse of sinne If wee had seene the Iewes Leprosie it vvould haue seemed very loathsome to vs we would haue wondred at it for the contagion of it was such that it did not onely infect the vvhole man who was tainted with it but his garments also which vvere about him Leu. 13.47 and sometimes also the very wals of his house 14.34.45 so that it was faine to be broken downe and to be cast out of the Citie into an vncleane place But if we had eyes to see this spirituall Leprosie of the soule it would seeme much more loathsome vnto vs wee vvould vvonder at it at our selues that we should once euer giue our selues in any sort to delight in it yea it would humble vs and cause vs to blush Rom. 6.21 and to hang downe our heads for shame nay with holy Iob Iob 42.6 euen to abhorre our selues and to abase our selues vnto the dust and to thinke of our selues as most vile and more loathsome then any Lazar that lyeth by the way full of blaines and sores vnworthy euer to come into Gods presence or to partake of his holy things who are so vnholy our selues and so exceedingly polluted and defiled from top to toe Isa 1.6 from the crown of the head to the sole of our feete with that inbred corruption and actuall pollution yea wee would neuer be quiet or at rest in our selues till wee had procured that grace and mercy of the Lord whereby we vvere washed and cleansed from the filthinesse of our sinnes and iniquitie Psal Heb. 10.22 vvith the sprinckling of the bloud of that immaculate Lambe and the pouring out of those cleane vvaters of his sanctifying Spirit Ezek. 16.25 Zach. 13.2 which flow out of that heauenly Sanctuarie and so found the vncleane Spirit departed from vs. Such is the filthy and loathsome contagion of sinne nay surely it is so ougly so vile and so loathsome that neyther I nor any else is able fully to decipher or to expresse the ouglinesse and loathsomenesse thereof if wee vvere able to paint it forth or to lay it open in it true colours there is no man but vvould euen be flaited and affrighted at the very sight and appearance of it there is none but vvould hate and abhorre it more then the most loathsome Toade the most venemous Serpent or the ougliest Creature in the vvorld For there is no toade so loathsome no Serpent so venemous no creature so ougly as sinne is nay if a man if it were possible should make a confection of all the Spiders Toades Snakes Adders Serpents Vipers and all the most filthy things in the world it vvould not be halfe so vile and infectious as Sinne is That this may appeare yet more clearely thinke with thy selfe what is the most detestable and execrable thing besides sinne that possibly
my selfe to be a sinfull man d Rom. 7.24 laden with many sins and iniquities full of frailte and infirmities The good which I would d Rom 7.19 I cannot doe and the euill which I would not that do I. Many waies doe I continually sinne against thee both in omission of the good which thou hast commaunded and in commission of the contrarie euill sinne cleaueth e Heb. 12.1 Rom. 7.17 24 vnto me in my best actions and performances wherein I desire most to please thee and to approue my selfe vnto thee yea it compasseth me about on euery side and holdeth me in a kinde of bondage and thraldome vnder it so that my soule mourneth many times secretly vvithin me and panteth f Psal 119.131 after thee desiring to bee loosed from this bodie of sinne and to inioy that perfect libertie and freedome and that full enlargement from this misery vvhich thou hast promised vnto thy Saints and seruants Haue mercy vpon me O most mercifull Lord haue mercy vpon me and according vnto thy free and gracious promise looke downe vpon me with the eye of thy fatherly compassion accept my vveake and inperfect desires as if I vvere able to performe that perfect obedience vnto thee vvhich thy law requireth Deale vvith mee as thou vsest to deale with thy children Behold I desire thy commaundements g Psal 119 40 accept me according to that which I haue and not according to that vvhich I haue not Let the truth of my inward affection be as the perfection of action before thee my desire to serue thee as if I did tēder much better seruice to thee then I do or can doe Heale my infirmities I humbly pray thee and quicken me euery day more and more vvith thy grace and spirit that so I may vvalke before thee in all thy vvaies with more cheerefulnesse and sinceritie and howsoeuer I haue cause to be discouraged in regard of my selfe and my manifold im●erfections vvhen I enter into thy presence yet hauing respect to those sweet and gracious promises vvhich thou hast made vnto me in thy Christ in vvhom thou lookest alwaies vpon me and in vvhose righteousnesse thou wilt now and euer accapt mee couering all my infirmities vvith that perfect obedience of his Let me alwaies approach vnto the throne of thy grace with comfor and boldnesse being assured that I shall find grace mercie of thee vvho neuer faylest in any thing vvhich thou hast promised but shewest thy selfe to bee abundant in goodnesse and truth aboue that vvee are able to aske or thinke To thee be prayse for euer Amen True loue of God how it may be discerned from that which is counterfeit and hypocriticall MAny there be that in word professe they loue God but few that loue him indeed and in truth Wilt thou know therefore vvhether his loue be in thee or no whether thy heart be rightly affected towards him Consider then what I shall say vnto thee yea vvhat God himselfe vvho is the truth it selfe speakes vnto thee vnto mee vnto all of vs. They that loue him doe first finde that they are loued of him a 1 Ioh. 4.19 And this loue of his shed into their hearts causeth them to loue him againe and their loue towards him manifesteth it selfe First by a care and delight to keepe his commaundements So he sayth If ye loue mee keepe my commandements b Ioh. 15.14 And againe c 1 Ioh. 5.3 This is the loue of God that we keepe his commandements They are not grieuous or burdensome vnto them but they delight in them concerning the inner man d Rom. 7.22 yea they are an easie yoke and a light burden vnto them e Math. 11 30 Although they oft faile and cannot but faile in the performance of them in regard of the reliques and remainders of sinne and corruption vvhich are in them and vvill be in them vnto death f Heb. 12.1 cleauing as fast vnto them as their skinne doth vnto their flesh yet as farre as they are regenerate and renued by grace their hearts are set vpon them g Psal 119 40. Hebr. 13.18 they finde much sweetnesse in them they desire and indeuour with all their soules to keepe and obserue them not one but all of them h Psal 119.6 yea it is their full resolution and their constant endeuour to yeeld themselues flexible and pliable thereunto in all things They make holy vowes and enter into couenant vvith themselues yea they bind themselues as it vvere by a solemne i Psal 119.106 oath and promise to performe them to the vttermost of their strength and power Their heart k Psal 119 vers 20. breaketh in a manner for the earnest desire and feruent aff●ction they haue thereunto yea like the chased and vvearied Hinde they l Vers 131 pant after them Thus they that loue the Lord delight in all his Commandements both in knowing them and in keeping and obseruing them and therefore they are carefull in vsing the meanes whereby they may be furthered herein as reading the Word hearing the same preached godly conference receiuing the Sacraments Prayer c. they ioy herein and make much account of these and all other blessed ordinances of the Lord they are pretious in their eyes they esteeme more of them then of their appointed food m Iob 23.12 And hereby it doth appeare indeed that their hearts are toward the Lord that they doe loue him truly and sincerely Againe their loue to him sheweth it selfe by a hatred n Psal 97.10 of all euill which they know to be hatefull and displeasing vnto him aboue all things Hauing a sense and feeling of his loue and fauour towards them yea of the exceeding riches of his grace and kindnesse towards them in CHRIST IESVS they burne in loue againe towards him and this loue of theirs towards him in a speciall manner restraineth them from all sinne and draweth yea forceth and constraineth them to the contrary vertues For they iudge it a meet o 2 Cor. 5.14.15 1 Pet. 4.1.2 and most equall thing that seeing Christ in loue to them hath died for their sinnes that therefore they euen in loue towards him should be dead vnto sinne for which hee died and that as hee rose againe to manifest his victory and triumph ouer sinne and Sathan and to raise them out of the graue of sinne to the life of righteousnesse and holinesse so that they also should liue no more vnto themselues and to their sinnes but to him who so loued them that he died for them and gaue his pretious bloud to wash and cleanse p Tit. 2.14 them from all sinne and iniquitie and to make them a righteous seed q 1 Pet. 2.9 a holy nation a peculiar people that they should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called them out of the darkenesse of sinne death into that maruailous light both of his
dangerous pathes Giue mee eyes to discerne of the true good that vvhereunto I was created and let my heart be wholy set vpon the same let mee not be led as the bruite beast is vvith those things which are sensible and carnall but as in mercy and goodnesse thou hast stamped thine owne Image in mee and set my face to thee-wards so Lord let me alwayes be looking vp vnto thee and meditating of those things vvhich are spirituall and heauenly Psal 119.148 that so after a few dayes spent heere below on this sinnefull earth in these earthly cottages where there is nothing but miserie and vanitie I may liue with thee aboue in those coelestiall mansions and enioy that glory and happinesse vvhich is endlesse and vnspeakeable and that onely through the merits of thy Sonne my blessed Sauiour and Redeemer who hath purchased so great things for me to whom vvith thee and thy gracious spirit be all prayse and glory both now and euermore Amen The end of the Preface Election WHY the LORD hath elected vs vnto life and suff●red others to vvalke in the way vnto death and euerlasting perdition there can no reason bee giuen but onely this that it was his owne good will and pleasure Rom. 9.11 11.5 Gal. 4.9 2 Tim. 1.9 Ephes 1.5 Iam. 1.18 it is so because it pleased him it should bee so Oh then how infinitely are the Lords chosen bound vnto him in that he hath taken them vnto himselfe and let goe thousands of others who deserued this fauour at his hands as much as they did How should their harts be inflamed towards him for that so free vnspeakeable loue and kindnesse towards them How should it euen inforce them to seeke by all meanes to testifie their vnfained loue and thankefulnesse vnto him for the same Rom. 15.36 Ephes 1.6 Col. 1.12 O blessed Lord how vvonderfull is thy goodnesse towards me how vnsearchable are the riches of thy free grace which through thy Christ thou hast vouchsafed vnto me denying the same vnto others who might haue made as good claime vnto it as I. Thou hast written my name in th● booke of life when thou mightst haue suffered mee to haue my part and portion amongst those that being reiected and forsaken of thee and cast out of thy presence shall perish and be damned for euermore Thou hast chosen me vnto life and saluation before all worlds without any merits or deserts of mine euen because it pleased thee O Father and because thou hadst a loue vnto me thou hast chosen me to be one of that small number that little flocke of thine Luk. 12.32 fo● whom thou hast prepared a kingdome and in whom thou wilt make the riches of thy grace and glory to appeare in most glorious manner Oh what shall I returne vnto thee Psa 116.12 answerable vnto this marueilous loue and goodnesse of thine towards me O doe thou affect my heart with it continually let the remembrance thereof constraine mee to loue thee to reuerence thee to sing praises vnto thee yea to seeke by all meanes to glorifie thee being feruent in the duties of pietie and holinesse vvhich thou hast commanded and fruitfull in all those good workes vvhich thou hast prepared for mee to walke in Graunt this I beseech thee for thy mercies sake and for the merits of thy deere Sonne my blessed Lord and Sauiour in whom thou imbracedst mee from euerlasting with so great loue and fatherly compassions and to whom with thee and that good spirit of thine which hath sealed the assurance hereof vnto mee be ascribed as due is all honour 2 Cor. 1.22 glory prayse Maiestie dominion both now and for euer Amen Those that are elected vnto life and saluation are elected also vnto the meanes whereby to attaine vnto the same IF GOD hath ordayned mee vnto life saith the carelesse and secure wretch I shall be saued doe I what I will or liue I how I list and if otherwise I must needes be damned doe I what I can or what course soeuer I take and therefore soule liue at ease Eccl. 11.9 sport thy selfe in the pleasures and delights of sinne walke in the wayes of thy heart and in the sight of thine eyes let all griefe be put farre from thee take no thought for the time to come for howsoeuer thy life be thou shalt surely come vnto the end which is appoynted for thee and whereunto thou art destinated and ordayned of olde O vaine man how hath Sathan deluded thee yea how wilfully and foolishly doest thou deceiue thy selfe and beguile thine owne soule whilest thou reasonest after such a fond and strange manner thereby laying a snare with which if thou bewarest not in time thou art sure to be intangled to thy vtter confusion Deut. 29.19.20 See thy folly If God hath decreed that thou shalt liue any longer thou shalt liue till the date of that time be expired which hee hath appoynted though thou neyther eate nor drinke nor vse any meanes to preserue thy life and if he hath decreed that thou shalt die shortly thou must needs dye then what meanes soeuer thou seekest to continue and prolong thy life wilt thou therefore hereupon refuse thy meate and neglect the meanes whereby thy life should be maintained and preserued reasoning with thy selfe in this wise if God hath appointed that I shall liue then I shall liue without the vse of these and if otherwise I must dye of necessitie all the world cannot helpe mee would not thine owne reason conuince thee of great senslesnesse herein and would not all that should heare of thee condemne thee for thy simplicitie yea extreame folly in that as one destitute of all vnderstanding thou vvouldest through such a sottish opinion breake in sunder the thread of thy life before the time and euen wilfully hasten thine owne destruction and in a desperate moode digge a pit for to bury thy selfe in before thou wert dead yea when as thou mightst yet see many dayes in the Land of the liuing Good Lord although the foolish and vngodly perish in their vaine and vvicked imaginations yet let not any of thy seruants fall into their snares but giue true wisedome and vnderstanding vnto all those that loue and feare thy Name Grant that as wee desire the end which vvee hope for euen life and glory in thy Kingdome so wee may be alwayes carefull to vse those meanes duely Ephes 1.4 1 Pet. 1.2 whereby vve may attaine vnto the same working out our saluation with feare and trembling and that as wee are desirous to escape death and destruction so wee may be as carefull to shun those things which are the cause and procurers thereof and to auoid those paths which lead directly to the congregation of the dead and damned Thus doing vvee shall not dye but liue and be saued eternally The Booke of Nature NExt vnto the Booke of Bookes the sacred and holy Scriptures which
now shine so clearely so comfortably vpon vs in the face of Christ Iesus our Lord seeing that we being holden vnder sinne and Sathan and sitting in the shadow of death vvere neuer able in any wise by any meanes whatsoeuer procured by our selues or others Angels or any creature else to haue recouered our selues but should haue lyen rotting in that vvoful and damnable estate and so haue perished eternally if God of his meere loue had not vouchsafed speciall grace and fauour vnto vs and that vvhen vve were his enemies Rom. 5.10 Isay 49.9 Luke 1.79 and freed and redeemed vs from that miserable bondage and thraldome yea from the power of darknesse euen death and destruction it selfe and translated vs into that glorious libertie of his Saints in light and this by no smal or ordinarie meanes 1 Pet. 1.18 but by the shedding of the precious blood of Christ his deare son our blessed Sauiour who loued vs and according to the determinate counsell and decree of God gaue himselfe to be crucified slaine for vs euen for vs that had dealt most treacherously and rebelliously against him made our selues altogether vnworthy of the least mercy and fauour of his O mercifull God heauenly father giue me to see vvhat and how great this benefit is which I haue receiued from thee in and through thy Christ Let me euer be mindfull of it and vnfainedly thankefull vnto thee for it yea as this bountifull and inestimable goodnesse of thine towards me so sinfull a wretch and so vnworthie a creature as I am and haue beene deserueth all praise so let mee indeuour by al meanes to set forth and to publish the same vnto the glory of thy grace whereby in the riches of thy loue through thy beloued thou hast done so great and wonderfull things for me for which I can neuer be sufficiently thankefull nor returne that praise which is most due vnto thee Oh that thou wouldest draw me yet neerer vnto thee cause me euen to melt in loue towards thee my God and Sauiour and with heart voyce and life to magnifie and extoll thy name yea to giue vp my selfe both body and soule and all that is within me vnto thy seruice and to the aduancement of thy glory both now and euer Amen Thankefulnesse to God for all his fauours towards vs especially that wonderfull loue of his in our redemption IF GOD had giuen vs nothing but our being wee ought to be stirred vp with the remembrance of that alone to be thankeful vnto him and to acknowledge his mercie and goodnesse towards vs herein But now seeing that hee maketh vs Lords of all these senselesse and vnreasonable creatures Psal 8.6 whereas hee might haue made vs bruitish and voyd of sense and reason like vnto them 21. for wee were all made of the same common matter vvith them and were in his hands as the clay in the hand of the potter to bee wrought to what forme and fashion it pleased him the Creatour of all things 42. seeing he hath preferred vs before all these visible creatures making them to serue vs whereas he might haue subiected vs vnto them and in euery creature both in heauen and earth doth sparkle towards vs his loue with innumerable benefits yea which is the summe of all in Christ vpon the Crosse casts forth the flame of perfect charitie and of his infinite vnspeakeable mercie and kindnesse towards vs sure our hearts are frozen and euen dead within vs if vvee be not moued to loue him with an entire and vnfained loue How should vvee bee affected vvith these things O blessed LORD touch my heart with a true and liuely sense and feeling of the riches of that endlesse incomprehensible loue of thine towards me inlarge this narrow heart of mine that I may be able in some measure with all thy Saints to comprehend the bredth Eph. 3.18.19 length depth and height of that wonderfull and vnspeakeale kindnes of thine towards me in thy Christ which passeth all knowledge Inflame my affections with the meditation thereof and let mee be constrained thereby to loue thee with all my heart with all my soule with all my strength euer to acknowledge thy free grace and marueilous goodnes towards me and for the same to sing prayses vnto thee continually who onely art worthy to be praised and magnified now and for euer Amen Who are the redeemed of Christ THey that are Christs are led by the spirit of Christ that dwels in them rules them Rom. 8.9.14 gouernes sanctifies them thorowout It freeth them from the law of sinne and death and causeth them to liue the life of grace and holinesse Rom. 8.2 they are crucified with Christ in regard of their corrupt and fleshly nature and the sinnefull lusts and affections thereof Gal. 2.19 5.24 1 Cor. 3.16.17 2 Cor. 6.16 so that they liue not now as they did before but Christ liueth in them maketh them a mansion and a holy temple fitted and prepared for the blessed and glorious God to rest and to abide in for euermore This is a truth that the Scriptures of God haue sealed and therefore cannot be denied or once doubted of except we will giue the lie vnto the spirit of truth it selfe who hath spoken it Whose then are they that are led altogether by the spirit of the vvorld euen that vvicked spirit that worketh in the hearts of the children of disobedience by the spirit of enuie Ephes 2.2 maliciousnesse vncleannesse prophanenesse c. walking after their owne lusts following the sway of their owne corrupt and sinnefull nature and delighting in fulfilling the will of the flesh and of the minde resisting the spirit of grace and rebelling against Christ Luk. 19.14 and that light which hee hath reuealed vnto them in his word so that they will not haue him to rule ouer them Surely Luk. 19.14 1 Ioh. 3.8.10 they are exceeding blinde and marueilous full of selfe-loue and vaine presumption if they can thinke that they are Christs redeemed by his bloud and iustified by his grace nay if they can once imagine themselues to be otherwise then of Satan the god of this world such as if they continue in that estate wherein they are he will cause to be slaine before his face Luk. 19.27 Rom. 8.13 when hee shall appeare in the brightnesse of his glorie yea Psal 2.9 2 Thes 1.8 Matt. 25.46 bruise and crush them in pieces as it vvere with a rod of yron and cast them into hell where they shall be kept for euer in chaines of darkenesse with the rest of those damned spirits because they haue taken part with Sathan against Christ and shewed themselues to be enemies to him in refusing to beleeue obey his blessed Gospell Let not therefore their owne hearts which are very deceitful nor Sathan who hath beene a lyar a murtherer from the beginning deceiue delude
him desirous to be vnloosed and to finde ease comfort and refreshing in him but their hearts are euen dead vvithin them and they are strangers from this life of grace and y Gal. 2.20 faith which is in Christ Iesus And no maruell then that there appeares in them so little or no loue of him so small desire to please him and to testifie their loue and thankefulnes vnto him by their new obedience and carefull and conscionable walking in his commandements seeing they neuer tasted fully of the sweetnesse and the exceeding ioy and comfort arising from that wonderfull benefit and vnspeakable mercie which is sealed vp to the soules and consciences of true penitent sinners and such as haue receiued Christ by a sauing faith to be their wisedome z 1 Cor. 1 30. their righteousnesse their sanctification and redemption O mercifull LORD how great is thy goodnesse and mercy towards mee that whereas thou sufferest many yea the greatest part of the world still to wander in the wayes of wickednesse and to sit in the shadow of death and darknesse eyther not seeing their misery and wofull and most wretched estate and condition or else seeing it to be so secure so carelesse and so hard-harted as not to regard it and to labour to come out of it being beguiled through the deceitfulnesse of their owne harts and the craft and delusion of Sathan yet in the vnsearchable riches of thy abundant grace and a 1 Tim. 1 14.17 mercy towards mee in Christ Iesus hast opened mine eyes vvhich before were shut vp as well as others and turned me from darkenesse to light and from the power of Sathan vnto thee my blessed Lord and Sauiour raising mee out of the graue vvherein I was dead and buryed deliuering me from the Kingdome of darkenesse and translating mee into the Kingdome of thy deare Sonne giuing me assurance of the forgiuenesse of my sinnes and a comfortable hope and expectation of that ioyfull inheritance prouided for thy Saints and chosen ones in the highest heauens What shall I returne vnto thee answerable vnto so great loue vnto such fatherly compassions and vnspeakeable mercies of thine towards me Thou mightest haue suffered mee to continue in my blindnesse and ignorance as well as others to haue beene as carelesse as secure and as hard-harted as any others and so to haue perished with them dreaming that all had beene well with me whiles I lay rotting in my naturall and corrupt estate For what am I or what haue I beene that thou shouldest respect me more then others Thou mightst for my sinnes so many and so grieuous iustly haue forsaken mee as thou hast done them But thou hast not so dealt with mee Blessed be thy name both now and euermore O touch my heart with the due meditation of this thy gracious goodnesse towards mee And teach mee daily to labour to feele this worke of thine more and more effectuall in me by renuing my repentance for my sinnes whereby I haue and doe daily and hourely displease thee in the breach of thy righteous lawes and commaundements Let me see my sinnes and transgressions and the misery vvhereunto they make me subiect and seeing them let me bewaile them yea lament and mourne for them and be truely humbled with the consideration of them Let me freely and vnfainedly confesse them vnto thee and that vvith shame and sorrow of heart And let them cause me wholly to renounce my selfe to iudge and condemne my selfe yea to abhorre my selfe and to flie vnto thee in the name of thy Sonne my blessed Sauiour in whom there is mercy and plentifull redemption b Psal 130.7 Let me hunger and thirst after his righteousnesse more then after any thing else vvhatsoeuer yea let me highly esteeme of it and make more precious account of it then of all the riches and treasures of this world desirous though with the losse of all other things to winne Christ and to be found in him clothed and couered with those precious robes of his And let me by the hand of a true sauing faith apply vnto my selfe the merits of his death and passion his righteousnesse his obedience and his full and perfect satisfaction being certainly assured that all the promises of the Gospell belong vnto me And let the knowledge and full perswasion hereof cause me to reioyce yea to glorie in thee and in this vvonderfull and vnspeakeable mercy of thine towards me euen with that ioy of thy spirit which is most glorious c 1 Pet. 1.8 and fill my heart and soule with that peace which passeth all vnderstanding And with all let it stirre me vp continually to walke before thee in all holy obedience desiring and endeauouring in all things to please thee and to approue my selfe and all my actions vnto thee dying daily more and more vnto sinne and liuing vnto righteousnesse and labouring by all meanes to bee cleansed from all filthinesse both of flesh and spirit and to grow vp to full holinesse d 2 Cor. 7 1 in thy feare that thus I may haue good euidence that I am thine that thou hast wrought thy gracious vvorke in me and wilt perfect it daily more and more till thou bringest me vnto that glory which thou hast prepared for me in thy heauenly kingdome through the merits of thy Sonne my blessed Lord and Sauiour to whom with thee and thy Spirit be all praise power and dominion both now and euermore Amen The godly man is alwaies blessed neuer miserable THe godly cannot but be alwaies blessed * Iob. 5.17 yea then when he seemes to be most miserable in the eye of the vvorld and to sense and carnall reason For when he is at the worst hee hath those things vvhich hee would haue being contented with any a Phil. 4.11 estate which the wise and gracious disposer of all things seeth fittest for him yea he cannot haue better things in regard of his present estate in this life then those things vvhich he hath and enioyeth euen then when he is laden and oppressed vvith many miseries Is he humbled through afflictions this is that which he vvould haue b Ier. 10.24 Iames 1.2 10 he had rather be continually vnder the Crosse then destitute of those excellent graces of c Rom. 5.3 patience humility d Mat. 11.29 Ioh. 12.26 without which he cannot be the disciple of Christ nor approued of God e Psal 4.6 119.13.5 of vvhom aboue all things he desires to be accepted and fauoured Is he poore he is vvell contented therewith seeing he is largely recompensed with the greater supply of those better riches * Phil. 4.19 those heauenly treasures both of grace and glory Hee would not change his portion with the greatest and richest Monarch in the world that aboundeth in worldly wealth f Psal 4.6.7 and wanteth those spirituall and heauenly treasures which he enioyeth and which shall neuer be taken from him vvhereas the
are written with the finger of the Spirit of God and wherein the manifold and vnsearchable vvisedome of God and those great and glorious mysteries are most clearely reuealed to them that haue eyes to behold them Ephe. 3.9.10 Next vnto this the heauens are the clearest and fayrest Booke that vve can open or reade in Thence wee may learne what profound and excellent knowledge yea hee that hath skill of neuer a Letter may herein read distinctly the magnificence ●●b 37.23 ●●al 19.1 the power the wisedome the glory and maiestie of the Almightie Lord and Creator of all things ●●m 1.20 Hee is altogether inexcusable that hath no skill no desire no endeuour to gather instruction vnto himselfe out of it or that hauing it so long open before him shewes himselfe to be a Non-proficient one that is nothing at all bettered by it in regard of his knowledge and vnderstanding of those things vvhich concerne GOD and his Worship and Seruice Lord let that Booke of thine be neuer closed or sealed vnto me neyther let mine eyes bee so dimme that I should not bee able to reade those things which thou hast written therein in such great and Capitall Letters and vvith such a cleare and legible hand but giue mee the right vnderstanding of the same and grant that from thence I may learne to feare to loue to praise and extoll thy great and glorious Name vvho art so exceeding vvonderfull in all thy workes Gods marueilous workmanship in the frame of the world IF thou seest a stately Palace or some rare and exquisite frame wrought by the hand and by the curious Art of man thou dost presently vvonder and admire at it and vvithall giue large commendations of him whose workemanship it was Loe thou beholdest euery day that most exquisite and glorious frame of heauen and earth the worke of Gods owne hand Psal 8.3 and 135.6 the roofe vvhereof is bespangled and adorned vvith those celestiall creatures Eccle. 3.11 those glorious Lights the Sunne the Moone and all those bright and glittering Stars in vvhich the wonderfull glory and vvisedome of the Creator shineth forth so clearely Psal 104.24 111.2 that euen the blinde Heathen could not but see and acknowledge it yea the vvhole building whereof euen euery part of it is most admirable such as that it sheweth plainely that it had no other to be the Maker and builder of it then GOD himselfe Iob 38. and yet thou neuer or seldome lookest vpon it vvith an holy admiration thou art neuer moued with the serious consideration of it to acknowledge the great and vvondrous vvorke of God therein and to magnifie the Creator of all things O the blindnesse and senslesnesse nay Psal 92.5.6 brutishnes of man Lord doe thou raise vp my thoughts to the due meditation of thy vnspeakeable wisedome power goodnes mercie in those things which thou hast created and made for thine owne glorie and for the vse and benefit of man euen those wonders of thine in the heauen the earth the sea and all places Psal 107.12.24 Rom. 1.20 Let me in them see the inuisible things of thee who art God and Lord of all euen the infinite power and glory of thy eternall and incomprehensible Deitie Iob. 26.14 Let me acknowledge thy goodnesse and mercie towards mee a worme of the earth for whose sake thou hast made heauen and earth yea let mee neuer cease to praise and glorifie thee vvhose name is so excellent in all the vvorld who art Creator and Gouernour of all things holy and blessed for euer Amen The creatures prouoke man to serue his Creator ALL creatures serue their Lord and maker The birds of the ayre by their pleasant notes and cheereful melodie sing praise vnto their Creator Psal 104. the fishes of the Sea the beasts of the field by seruing for the vse of man according to the ordinance and appointment of God Euen the creatures without sense and life the Sunne the Moone the Starres all these keepe their places their motions which he hath assigned vnto them al these declare the glorie of God their maker and shew forth his power and wisedome Psal 145.10 Man only is found disobedient vnseruiceable nay rebellious against his Creator who of all should chiefly be seruiceable and obedient vnto him since all things were made for his sake euen to draw him to loue to duetie and obedience that so he might glorifie his Creator vvho had so highly honoured and aduanced him Ierem. 8.7 O blessed Lord farre be it from me to be more senselesse then the bruite beasts yea the insensible creatures themselues O let it be farre from me to be so vnkinde so vndutifull so ingratefull so stubborne and disobedient towards thee my God my Creator my Father my Soueraigne to whom I owe all seruice and homage yea let me passe the beasts in dutie and obedience or else euen they those dumbe and vnreasonable creatures shall be witnesses to testifie against me and cause thee to proceed in iudgement Psal 8.4.5 and to giue sentence with more rigour and seueritie to my deeper condemnation The greatnesse of the benefit of the redemption of mankind by Christ and how much we are bound vnto God for the same IF any one of vs were taken by his enemy put into a darke prison or deepe dungeon where he could see no light of the Sun or of the Moone not any of the Starres for a long season and besides this were laden also with many heauy chains and yrons and no waies able to helpe himselfe out of that misery yea in regard of any meanes which himselfe could vse were cleane out of all hope euer to bee deliuered sure to rot and perish would he not thinke himselfe much beholding and greatly indebted vnto him that should freely of his owne loue and voluntary accord seeke to bring him out of that wofull estate vnto light life and libertie especially if so bee that hee that did him this fauour were one of whom hee neuer deserued any thing yea to whom hee had beene a professed and open enemie 1 Tim. 1.17 Reuel 4.10.11 O then how much more ought wee euen all such as are the chosen of God and the redeemed of Christ Iesus to magnifie the grace and the tender mercie of God our Sauiour towards vs how deepely are we to acknowledge our selues to be indebted vnto him for the exceeding riches of his loue and vnspeakable kindnesse towards vs how are we to praise his name and to extoll his infinite goodnes and bounty so graciously vouchsafed and so manifestly declared vnto vs seeing that no prison no darknesse no bondage no miserie is Isai 42.6.7 Zach. 9.11 or can be like vnto that vvherein vve were inclosed and shut fast vp vvithout all hope of euer enioying the light of that glorious Sunne of righteousnesse or once beholding the bright beames of that rich grace mercie of God which
them any longer Iere. 17.9 Iohn 8.4 Let them know what they are and whose they are and let them as they haue cause feare and tremble whiles they thinke of it and labour by all meanes to dispossesse that euill spirit that heretofore hath had the rule sway ouer them and in stead therof to haue the holy sanctifying spirit of God dwelling and abiding in them crucifying and mortifying their wicked and corrupt nature quickening them vnto a spirituall life and leading them forward continually to the constant and conscionable practise of all the duties of righteousnesse and holinesse required of them that hereby they may haue the Lords seale set vpon them Rom. 8.14 and be marked out for the redeemed of Christ Iesus those whom he hath bought from this world and Sathan to liue with him in glorie for euer Gratious LORD as it hath pleased thee of thy free and vndeserued grace to redeeme me by the bloud of Christ my Sauiour to vnite me to him by a true sauing and iustifying faith apprehending and laying hold of his merits and absolute satisfaction for my full reconciliation vnto thee so vouchsafe also in the riches of thy mercies and for thy promise and couenant sake Ier. 32.40 Ezek. 36.26.27 made with mee in that beloued One to indue me with the spirit of Christ vnto true sanctification and holinesse both of heart of life and of conuersation poure out those cleane waters vpon my soule which may purge and cleanse me from all iniquitie let me finde the flesh daily more and more crucified in mee with the sinnefull lusts and affections thereof and let mee feele the spirit powerfull and effectuall in mee yea mightily preuailing within me to the mortifying and abolishing of the olde man of sinne and to the subduing of euery corruption especially those which heretofore haue bene the strongest in mee and had the greatest hand ouer mee as also to the quickening and increasing of euery sauing grace in mee faith loue hope ioy peace long-suffering gentlenesse goodnesse meekenesse sobrietie temperance patience godlinesse and the rest that so not onely liuing but also walking in the spirit yea hauing the spirit of thy Christ ruling and raigning in me I may be more assured daily vpon good euidence that I am not of the world nor of Sathan but that I am a true and liuely member of the mysticall body of the Lord Iesus redeemed by his pretious blood shed for mee that I am his and he is mine Cant. 2.16 Ioh. 17. ver 10.23 24. Ephes 2.6 4.10 Ioh. 14.2.3 and that together with him after a while I shall be raised vp vnto those heauenly places into vvhich hee is already ascended and where I shall enioy that blessed fellowship and communion of thee the euer-liuing God in the fulnesse of ioy and blessednesse lauding and praising thee vncessantly with all thy chosen Saints and elect Angels for euermore and that onely through the merits of my blessed Sauiour to vvhom with thee O Father and thy gracious Spirit three distinct persons but one most wise ●●d glorious God be ascribed as due is all honour might and maiestie dignitie and dominion both now and euermore Amen Hypocrisie the vanitie and danger of it HOW great is the folly of those that chuse rather to serue God in hypocrisie then in truth and sinceritie to seeme to be holy then to bee so indeed They please not God yea rather they are an abhomination vnto him Psal 5.6 his soule loaths them because they make the outward badge and cognizance of his children a cloake of their impietie and wickednesse They want that vvhich is the life of a Christian true spirituall comfort and constant and heauenly ioy Iob 20.5 They lose that blessed reward vvhich is promised vnto them and them onely that walke in vprightnesse and singlenesse of heart before him Gen. 17.1 Prou. 10.9 and that vizzard which through vanitie they haue put vpon them to delude the world withall shall at length be plucked off from their faces to their shame and perpetuall reproach and infamie For that vvhich is fained and counterfait cannot stand long Mat. 21.19 and it is a true saying Hee that begins Religion in Hypocrisie ends in Apostasie O blessed LORD let my heart be alwayes vpright before thee Let it be my desire euer rather to bee more then I seeme to bee then to seeme to bee that vvhich I am not for alas what will it auaile mee to dissemble before thee my God who art of so cleer● eyes that nothing can be couered or hid from thee Iob. 26.6 who art the seer and the searcher of the very heart and reines Heb. 4.13 Pro. 15.11 and discernest the secretest thoughts and intents of the minde and soule yea long before they are O farre be it from me to turne aside into crooked wayes vvith those that are workers of iniquitie Psal 125.5 Iob. 15.34 27.8 Matth. 24.51 23.27 whom thou hatest and to whom thou hast threatned endlesse and euerlasting destruction and confusion without recouery but let it be my continuall care and endeuour to serue thee in spirit and in trueth all my dayes and to walke continually as in thy presence seeking to please thee and to increase more and more in all the fruites of righteousnesse and perfect holinesse that so my vvhole course may bee acceptable vnto thee I may bee filled vvith the ioyes of thy spirit heere Iob. 8.21 15.11 those sweet and heauenly refreshings which the hypocrite may talke of but neuer soundly tasted of and bee crowned vvith glory heereafter in thy kingdome for euermore Amen God beareth with the frailties and weakenesses of his Children PARENTS delight in their Children not onely vvhen they are come to mans estate but also vvhen they begin first to creepe on the ground and to speake some few words in an imperfect manner And vvill GOD our heauenly Father despise the poore endeuours of his vveake and little ones Psal 119.5 vvho cry vnto him continually for strength and abilitie to performe that which hee requireth of them Rom. 7.24 and grieue yea mourne vncessantly that they are not able to walke with more stedfastnesse and sinceritie in his wayes Farre be it from vs once to thinke or imagine this for what were this else then to make the Lord lesse pittifull Psal 86 15 and 145.8 lesse tenderly affected and compassionate towards his then earthly Parents are vnto theirs the very thought whereof is no small sinne but exceeding displeasing vnto him whose loue towards his children doth infinitely surpasse and exceede the naturall affection of any Parent whatsoeuer Psal 27.10 euen as farre as the heauens exceede the earth Psal 103.11.13 their loue being but a shadow of that which is in him in an infinite and vnspeakeable manner yea what were it else then to call his truth and faithfulnesse into question and to deny
him to be that which he hath declared and reuealed himselfe to be and bound himselfe by promise Exod. 34.6.7 Mal. 3.17 to shew himselfe to be vnto his whom he hath chosen vnto himselfe and vpon vvhom his delight is set yea it were to derogate from his glory seeing he will be glorified as well in the acknowledgement of his goodnesse and mercy towards his children that feare him Pro. 8.31 as of his iustice and seueritie towards the vvicked and vngodly that know him not Blessed Lord and gracious Father thou knowest the desire of my heart Psa 119.40 thou seest vvith how many weaknesses and infirmities I am compassed about continually how many lets and hinderances are cast before me in the way of godlinesse which leadeth vnto life and saluation thou discernest perfectly vvhat I am made of Psa 103.14 how fraile and feeble my nature is euen as the dust or as the withering hay into what forme and mould I am cast yea that I am nothing without thee and thy quickening and strenthening grace ready to sinne against thee euery houre euery moment O be thou mercifull vnto me spare me as thou hast promised as a Father doth his little ones in vvhom hee delighteth Pardon my sinnes heale my infirmities accept my weake and imperfect endeuours giue me a continuall supply of thy heauenly grace and a greater measure of strength and abilitie to walke before thee vvith a perfect heart and to serue thee with chearefulnesse and alacritie and in truth and sinceritie all my dayes vntill I come at length vnto that perfection both of grace and glory whereof I shall be made partaker in thy Kingdome for euer Amen Good Motions EVery good motion arising at any time in the heart of any one is the voyce of God himselfe Isay 30.21 speaking inwardly vnto the soule and conscience of man and therefore neuer to be lightly accounted of much lesse to be smothered or wilfully resisted and gainsaid for that is a most fearefull thing Ierem. 6.16 18.12 euen rebellion against God and the voyce of his spirit vvhich speaketh in them and vnto them but alwaies diligently to be harkened vnto and by all meanes to be imbraced and cherished that so it may become effectuall and not die and vanish away without fruit or profit to the hardening of the heart and the making of it the more vncapable of grace and goodnesse the ordinary and most fearefull iudgement which the Lord vsually bringeth vpon men for so great a wickednesse Rom. 1.28 Psal 106.15 81.12.13 1 Thes 5.19 Good Lord suffer mee not at any time to quench thy spirit to resist that heauenly voyce of thine speaking vnto me according vnto thy word least thou giue me ouer to hardnesse of heart Cant. 5.2 but whensoeuer thou doest knocke at the doore of my heart and soule Reue. 3.20 let me be ready presently to open vnto thee and to giue thee the best entertainment that I can by yeelding my selfe euery-waies pliable and flexible vnto thee vvhensoeuer thou doest inspire me with any good motion or holy desire grant that I may vse all meanes whereby the same may be quickened and increased that so thine owne worke may daily be more and more perfected in me Yeelding to the wicked motions and desires of the heart THe vaine and wicked desires of the heart can neuer be satisfied yea Isa 57.20 the more that any doth feed them the more insatiable shall he find them He can neuer be filled neuer haue enough of them Who seeth not this most clearly in the couetous the voluptuous the ambitious yea in all such as giue the reines vnto their owne sinfull and inordinate affections It is as it were a fire in their bones which will neuer be quenched till the fewell which ministreth continually new matter vnto it be quite taken away It is as it were the flame of hell kindled by Sathan himselfe to the scorching of the conscience which is drowned in these earthly these sinful these sensuall delights It is like a greedy worme which continually lies gnawing vpon the soule and in time will eate out the very heart intrals if the euil be not timely preuented O blessed Lord withdraw my heart I beseech thee daily more and more from these lying and deceitfull vanities which can neuer yeeld me any true contentment but rather be a cause of torment and vexation vnto me robbing me not onely of thy grace but of my peace also seeing my minde can neuer bee satisfied with them And grant that the desires of my heart may be set wholly vpon thee who art the fountaine of all goodnesse of all true blisse and happinesse that so I may be satisfied and replenished with the plentifulnesse and abundant riches of thy grace and heauenly blessings Rom. 2.10 Gal. 6.6 and haue thy peace and mercy resting vpon me and abiding vvith me all my daies Amen How fearefull a thing it is for a man to be left vnto himselfe and to his owne desires THere can no greater euill befall any man in this world then to be left vnto himselfe Psal 81.12 Isai 1.5 63.17 vnto his owne will and waies and to the corrupt desires and affections which are most pleasing to his wicked heart and vnsanctified nature Of all iudgements which the Lord doth suffer to come vpon men in this life it is the greatest and most dangerous though thorow the marueilous blindnesse and sottishnesse that is in men least eyther discerned or feared of the most Better were it for them by any meanes to be restrained from those things which their corrupt nature is prone vnto yea better were it for them to bee held downe continually with some painefull sicknesse and grieuous disease or to be laid fast vp in close prison all their liues long and to endure the greatest outward misery that can be vnto their dying houre O blessed Lord giue me not ouer vnto the waies of mine owne heart an insensible but of all iudgements the most fearefull leaue me not vnto my selfe suffer me not at any time to wander and goe astray from thee by following those things which are good in mine owne eyes and pleasing vnto carnall and corrupt reason O let me neuer fall into so great an euill but be thou mercifull vnto me to order and dispose all my affections to guide and gouerne me with thy spirit and to direct my steppes according vnto the rule of thy holy and blessed word that so being kept and preserued by thee from those sinnes vvhereunto of my selfe I am prone and inclinable and established in euery good vvay and vvorke I may glorifie theein my life and find ioy and comfort in my death and after death liue and raigne with thee eternally in fulnesse of all glory and happinesse through the merits of Christ my Sauiour The many differences betweene a naturall and a spirituall man one that is truely sanctified VVHat difference
and vvound them for so bloudy a crime yea that they reioyce and glory in it many of them and make a sport and pastime of it O horrible impietie Pro. 10.23 and 14.9 How are the consciences of such seared and their hearts hardened yea how like are they vnto Sathan their father who was a murtherer from the beginning Ioh. 8.44 and delights in nothing more then in hunting after the precious life of man and wounding his soule vnto death by entising and drawing him vnto wickednesse O blessed Lord farre be it from me at any time to commit so great a sinne against thee against my neighbour against the life and soule of any vvhich ought alwayes to be most deare vnto me Let me not be a meanes to wound the conscience of my brother by giuing him any iust offence by walking before him in any scandalous course let me neuer be an occasion of death vnto the soule of any by seeking to draw him to the commission of any sinne or to the practise of any kinde of vngodlinesse by any meanes whatsoeuer O farre be this from mee yea O Lord let me be as much afraid of this as much abhorre it as the murthering and destroying of the body of any which is so horrible a sinne that euen the Heathen themselues by the light of nature haue seene and iudged it to be worthy of the sharpest and most cruell death And let me seeke by all meanes rather to saue and preserue the liues and soules of men yea Iam. 5.20 of mine enemies by keeping them as farre as in mee lyeth from sin which is the cause of destruction and by turning their feete out of the waies of death and shewing them the path which leadeth vnto euerlasting life and happinesse and walking therin before them that so we may at length reioyce together Luke 15.9 10. and be made partakers of that glory of thy Saints in the highest heauens Amen What ought to be the maine care of euery one in this life THe Heathen Orator could say that none is so foolish Demosth so sloathfull as to neglect his owne safetie This is true indeed of the safetie of the body He is a monster in nature that doth not seeke by all good meanes the preseruation of it there be but few that may be complained of in this regard But the eternall saluation of the soule who seeth not how little it is regarded of the most how strangely neglected how faintly sought after yea of many scarce thought vpon O folly of follies and desperate sloathfulnesse yea extreame madnesse of men vvho are so sottishly carelesse of that which of all things most nearely concernes them For what would it aduantage them to game the vvhole vvorld Mat. 16.26 and to hazard the losse of their owne soules yea of soule and body for euer O blessed Lord let the counsell of the vvicked seeme foolishnes vnto mee and preserue me and all thine from the same both now and euer Let mee euer be most carefull of that vvhich is most necessary Luk. 10.42 more solicitous of the eternall saluation of my soule then of the safetie and preseruation of this mortall and corruptible body vvhich is shortly to be turned into the dust and made foode for the crawling wormes or baser vermine Aboue all cares let mee be carefull of this to seeke by all means and to vse all diligence to make my Calling and Election sure 2 Pet. 1.10 that so I may haue comfort in this that I am ordayned to life and shall be preserued by thy mighty power 2 Tim. 4.18 1 Pet. 1.5 vnto that glorious saluation vvhich is prepared to be shewed in the last time vvhen thou shalt be glorified in thy Saints 2 Thes 1.10 and made marueilous in them that beleeue yea that so soone as the earthy house of this tabernacle is dissolued 2 Cor. 5.1 and this vveake and fraile body turned into the earth out of vvhich it vvas taken I shall be receiued into those heauenly habitations those celestiall mansions and be made partaker of that rich that immortall vndefiled and neuer-fading inheritance purchased vnto mee by the bloud of thy Son and reserued for mee in the highest heauens vvhere thou raignest in endlesse and vnspeakable glory blessed for euermore Amen Christians often ill Iudges of themselues and their owne estates THe Children of God who are marked out by GOD himselfe vnto life and saluation are oft-times ill Iudges of themselues they discerne not aright of their owne estate because they measure themselues by an vncertaine and deceiueable rule viz. not by the Word of GOD which is of infallible trueth but by sense and feeling and by present apprehension of things offered vnto their thoughts vvithout due consideration of the wise and gracious dispensation of the Lord in his dealings with his children Sometimes hee filleth their hearts with ioy Psal 30.5.11 Isai 66.11 2 Cor. 1.3.4 1 Pet. 1.6.8 and causeth them to feele the sweetnesse of his diuine and heauenly consolations that so they may haue a taste of his goodnesse yea of the exceeding riches of his grace and mercy wherewith he imbraceth them in Christ Iesus Psal 10.1 13.1 2. 119.82.143 1 Pet. 1.6 2 Cor. 6.10 Sometimes againe he seemeth to hide his countenance from them for a while and vvithdraweth those comfortable and glorious feelings vvherewith they vvere before vvonderfully refreshed and wherein their soules reioyced in vnspeakable manner that thus they may be the more humbled in themselues knowing that all is from him and not from themselues and become the more earnest suiters vnto him for the enioying of that Psal 34.4 wherein they see their blessednesse consisteth as also that he might vveyne them the more from this wretched vvorld and cause them to aspire vnto that heauenly life where these comforts shall be alwaies present with them in more excellent manner Psal 16.11 6.8.9 without any intermission or alteration O blessed Lord teach me alwaies to iudge rightly of my estate not according to feeling or the present disposition of my vnsetled minde but according to the rule which thou hast giuen vs in thy vvord which neuer fayleth Though thou dost not alwaies cause me to taste of that heauenly Manna Reuel 2.17 vvherewith sometimes thou dost refresh me though thou dost not alwaies looke vvith a cheerefull face and vvith a smiling countenance vpon me causing thy light to shine in my heart but makest as though thou vvert angrie and much displeased vvith me and gauest no eare to my humble supplications which I powre out in silence before thee yea Psal 22.2 sufferest me to be exercised with many and grieuous temptations and to indure many a hard and doubtful conflict with that deadly enemy and aduersary of mine who thereby seeketh to make a prey of me yet let me alwaies lift vp my heart vnto thee Psal 27.14 Iames 1.2 and
comfort my selfe in thee continually knowing assuredly that thou art present vvith me when thou seemest to be farthest absent from me that thy gracious hand sustaineth and vpholdeth me Psal 34.18 Gen. 42.7 45.1 and that thou louest me dearely when thou seemest to deale most roughly vvith me and that thou vvilt neuer leaue me till thou hast through many changes brought me through the vvildernesse of this world to the possession of that heauenly Canaan vvhere after I haue been exercised heere for a while for the triall and increase of thy graces in me I shall be satisfied vvith the pleasures of thy house Rom. 5.3.4 Iames 1.3.4 and drinke the vvaters of comfort out of the vvell of saluation yea vvhen I shall see thee face to face continually and reioyce vvith that ioy before thee which shall neuer haue any change nor can euer be taken away from me Sathans pollicie in making the faithfull to distrust God in his promises SAthan when he cannot otherwise preuaile with the children of God seeketh to cast many doubts into them of Gods mercy goodnesse and truth in the performance of those rich and gracious promises vvhich he hath made vnto them 2 Cor. 2.7 11. and to disquiet their consciences with restlesse feares that so seeing hee can by no meanes depriue them of that glory and happines which hereafter they shall enioy for euer in the heauens yet he may bereaue them of those inward spirituall comforts and heauenly refreshings wherwith their soules should bee cherished their hearts strengthened 2 Cor. 5.6.7 and their liues vpholden vvhiles they continue here as pilgrims strangers vpon earth absent from the Lord and in hope and expectation only of the fulnesse of that glory and blessednesse which hereafter they should haue the fruition and possession of for euer O mercifull and gracious Lord stablish my heart I beseech thee vvith thy grace Iohn 8.44 Let me neuer giue eare to Sathan that lying spirit who enuies at that blessed estate vvhereunto in the riches of thy vnspeakable mercies thou hast freely called me but let me beleeue thee who art the God of trueth and faithfulnesse and rest vpon thy word and promises which abide sure and stedfast for euermore 1. Pet. 1.25 when all other things faile and come to nothing Farre be it from me that I should receiue the witnesse of man vvho is subiect to error and deceit and not much more giue credit vnto that inward testimony which thou who neuer deceiuedst any that trusted in thee 1 Iohn 5.9 scalest vnto my soule and conscience by the effectuall working and operation of thy holy and blessed spirit yea hauing receiued so many pledges of thy loue so many and so cleare euidences of thy goodnesse thy trueth thy power and thy wonderful prouidence which worketh in all things so that they that are dimme-sighted may behold the but same a farre off let me shake off all infidelity vnfaithfulnes and rest euer assured of thy mercie that so my life may be comfortable my death ioyfull yea in life and death I may be satisfied vvith the sweetnesse of thy grace and so at length be filled with the riches of thy glory in that heauenly kingdome of thine which thou hast promised vnto me Dispaire or distrust of Gods promises a great sinne TO doubt of Gods promises to dispaire of his mercies is a grieuous sin and a most hainous offence in the eyes of God For therby men rob God of his glory Rom. 4.20 they doe him great iniurie making his infinite mercy lesse then their sinnes Psal 51.1 103.11.12 108.4 whereas the multitude of his mercies are as a bottomlesse depth able to swallow vp the greatest offences that are committed against him if they be truely repented of yea Act. 3.19 1 Ioh. 5.10 they call his truth and faithfulnesse into question Isai 57.15 16. Math. 11.28 and make him a lyar seeing he hath promised forgiuenesse to all those that being truely humbled sue vnto him for mercy Lo such is their faithlesnesse they vvill not beleeue him of his word who is the God of trueth nor giue credit to the trueth vvhich he who neuer failed any hath sealed Exod 34 6 Ierem. 10.10 Deut. 7.9 Iosh 21.45 whereas they will credit a man who may deceiue them No doubt ought once to bee made thereof of those vvho know vvhat God is Num. 23.19 2 Cor. 1.20 and how firme and stable all his promises are or if any doubt shall arise from the corruption of that euill and vnbeleeuing heart which is in man Heb. 3.12 Luk. 9.41 or the suggestion of Sathan who being a maine enemy as to all grace so especially that of faith which is as it were the life and the anchor of the soule seeketh continually to cast many doubts and vaine feares into the minde it is not to be yeelded vnto by any meanes Psal 42.11 Iames 4.7 Mat. 8.26 but to be checked presently resisted and driuen backe as it were vvith strong hand knowing that the testmony of the Lord is true more certainty in it then in the warrant of any mortall man yea then in all the writings Euidences Seales Indentures and witnesses which al the men in the world can afford vs. O Lord make me now and alwaies such as to whom thy promises belong and hauing wrought this gracious vvorke of thine in me strengthen my faith that I may haue full assurance and confidence in thee through thy Christ and apply vnto my selfe all those gracious promises vvhich thou hast made vnto me in thy word vvhich shall stand for euer O keepe mee from doubting of thy trueth and faithfulnesse at any time Ier. 17.13 Heb. 10.38.39 least it displease thee and cause thee to vvithdraw thy selfe from mee The small number of them that shall be saued THat there are but few that shal be saued many damned is a truth which the word of God hath sealed yea which Christ who is the trueth it selfe with his owne mouth hath ratified vnto vs Mat. 7.13 Luk. 13.24 calling the way to life a strait gate and narrow way which is found but of a few but the way to death and destruction a wide gate and broad way in vvhich most vvalke VVhat neede we other proofe How can vve once doubt of it How dare we euer call it into question or enter into dspute of it But because many through Sathans suggestion and the peruersnes of their owne wicked disposition are hard of beleefe euen of those things vvhich in Scripture are most cleare and euident vnto vs Loe therefore a plaine demonstration of it that so if thou beest so faithlesse that thou wilt not beleeue it with thy heart thou mayest see it in a sort with thine eyes and confesse it with thy mouth when thou art so manifestly conuinced of it To calculate therefore as it were the number of those that walke in this narrow way to
louing thee inwardly in heart soule and manifesting my loue towards thee by the fruits effects of it in my life and conuersation I may euerie day haue more full assurance of thy especiall loue towards me and comfortable experience of the riches of thy grace and mercy sealed vnto my soule conscience yea I may see by the fruits and pledges of thy loue that thou louest me and delightest in me and wilt cause thy gracious countenance to shine vpon me all my daies yea that thou wilt refresh my soule in the midst of my troubles and cause my fainting spirits to reuiue within me when death shal be ready to seize vpon me and assoone as death shall put an end to this fraile and sinfull life wilt stretch forth thy hand to imbrace me with thy armes and to translate me immediatly by the ministery of thy Angels h Luk. 16.22 into that blessed and glorious kingdome of thine where I shall enioy thy presence see thee face to face and haue the bright beams of thy louing countenance shining alwaies most clearely and comfortably vpon me to thy endlesse praise and glorie and my vnspeakable felicitie and happinesse for euermore and all this through the merits and mediation of thy blessed Sonne my onely Sauiour and Redeemer in whom it hath pleased thee graciously to respect me and to whom with thee O Father and the spirit of grace and loue three persons and one most glorious God be all praise dominion and thanksgiuing from this time forth and for euer Amen Loue of the children of God IT is impossible to loue God and to hate his image to loue Christ who is the head and to hate Christians who are his members Nay the more that any one loues the one the more must he of necessitie loue the other and the more his affection increaseth toward God the more also it will increase towards those that are the children of God resembling him in their measure in the inward graces and vertues of their mindes puritie righteousnesse holinesse and the rest of those diuine a Mat. 5.43 perfections wherein he hath set himselfe as a patterne and president to be imitated and followed of them He loues them intirely and vnfainedly because hee seeth that he is nearely tied vnto them by many and strait bonds as being members b 1 Cor. 12.27 of one bodie children of one father c Math. 5.45 Ephe. 4.6 brethren d Mat. 12 50 Heb. 2.12 of one Sa●●our fed e 1 Cor. 10 17. at one table where they haue mutuall communion and fellowship in one f 1 Cor. 12.13 Ephes 4.4 and the same spirit nourished with the same meat in the word and Sacrament liuing together in one and the same familie which is the visible Church g Heb. 11.31 1 Pet. 2.11 stangers togither in this world and trauelling as pilgrimes towards the same countrey that heauenly Canaan h 2 Tim. 4 7. souldiours fighting together vnder the same banner the profession of the same faith i Ephe. 4.5 and against the same common enemie the deadly enemie of all mankinde Sathan and his complices and confederates partakers of the same grace of Gods holy and sanctifying spirit and ioynt-heires with Christ of the same glory reserued for them and all the Saints in the highest heauens Being so nearely allied and so straitly vnited mutually each to other by so many bands so many Obligations how can it be but that they should loue one another with an entire and Christian affection in truth and sincerity without vanity and flatterie Shamelesse k Iohn 4.20 lyars therefore they are who glory in word that they are of God and yet shew forth by their deeds that they haue no loue to his children but hate and despise them or at least make little reckoning of them If there were nothing else this were enough to conuince them that they are not yet admitted into this fellowship called to this brotherhood but remaine still as they were bred and borne Ioh. 8.44 1 Ioh. 3.27 the bastardly brood of Sathan vnto whom and to his impes they are ioyned in the same league of friendship and familiaritie m Pro. 29.27 1 Pet. 4.4 hating and iniurying them who vvill not be n Gen. 49.5 brethren with them in iniquitie and vanitie O Lord knit my heart daily more vnto thee in an vnfained loue of thee my God who hast loued me so dearely and in an entire and Christian loue and affection vnto thy children to whom thou hast linked and fastened me with so many bonds let me loue them not in tongue or in vvord onely o Iohn 3.18 but in deed and in truth as it becommeth me and manifest my loue towards them in seeking by all meanes to the vttermost of my strength and power to procure their good euery way yea the more that they doe appeare to be thine the more thy graces doe shine in them the more let my loue and affection increase towards them the more let me seeke to doe them good Hereby shall I haue a certaine proofe and a sure euidence that I loue thee vnfainedly seeing I loue thine for thy sake yea hereby my heart shall assure me before thee that I p 1 Ioh. 3.19 am in the truth I shall haue a comfortable assurance that I am one of thine one of that small number of thy adopted chosen children indued with thy grace and heire together with all thy Saintes of the riches of that glory which thou reseruest for them in that heauenly kingdom which thou hast purchased so vs by the death of thy onely Sonne and our alone Sauiour in whom thou hast graciously accepted vs and to whom with thee and thy blessed spirit of grace and comfort be all praise and glory both now and euer Amen How the hatred of the world is to be esteemed of the godly IF the world hate vs what marueile is it seeing that it a Ioh. 15.88 hated and persecuted him to the death by whom the world was made b Heb. 1.2 and who is the Lord of the world and all things therein euen Christ Iesus our blessed Sauiour Shall he that is the king of glory be content for our sakes to indure the crosse and to be c Psal 24.7 crowned with shame and dishonour d Mat. 27.29 and shall we sinfull wretches wormes of the earth shall we be vnwilling to haue shame and reproch fastened vpon vs for his sake yea rather how ought wee to account it our e Mat. 5.10 11. 1 Pet. 3.14 blessednesse when men reuile vs disgrace vs and say all manner of euill against vs for his sake falsly how ought we to reioyce and be glad vvhen vvee suffer such things at the hands of the world vvhich alwayes hath and euer will be in irreconciliable enmitie and in flat opposition vnto Christ our blessed Lord and Sauiour vvho vvilleth vs to follow
many troubles and afflictions we are to enter into thy kingdome let it not seeme d 1 Pet. 4.12 strange vnto me though I be oft and diuersly thus exercised let mee not faint e Prou. 24.10 though I be stung vvith those fiery Serpents Sinne and Sathan or any other aduersary enmitie but let me euer lift vp mine eyes and looke vp vnto thee my Sauiour that so I may be healed and comforted yea O Lord set mee patiently cheerefully and thankefully suffer all those things vvhich it hath pleased thee to appoint vnto me in this world for the humbling and exercising of mee knowing that hereafter I shall receiue from thee that exceeding great reward that most excellent and eternall weight of glory in comparison of vvhich all these light and momentary afflictions are to be esteemed as nothing and no wayes worthy of it Afflictions from whence they come THE LORD many times striketh vvhen men feele indeed the rod a Mica 6.9 and complaine much of the smart of it yea grow impatient but neuer see nor acknowledge the hand of a Iob 5.6 Psa 32.4 Mica 6.9 God that smiteth them for sin eyther in Iustice if they bee his enemies to scourge and punish them b Mica 6.13 those light and temporarie punishments being the beginnings and fore-runners of such as are farre more grieuous and eternall or else in Mercy if they be his children either for their c 1 Pet. 4.12 triall or for d Psal 119.67.71 Hebr. 12.10 Iob amendment or both O mercifull Father though my sinnes so many and grieuous deserue that thou shouldest deale with me in iustice and iudgement yet I know and am perswaded such is thy goodnesse towards mee that euen of Loue and Mercy thou doest correct and chastise mee euen because thou hast a fauour vnto mee and wilt cause all these light afflictions wherewith thou exercisest mee to worke together for the best euen for the increase of thy grace in mee in this life and of my e Rom. 8.17 glory vvith thee in thy kingdome after this life O therefore let mee in all thy chastisements in all my afflictions see and acknowledge thy hand that striketh me that so I may be obedient patient f Amos 5.13 and vnfainedly thankefull Afflicting of the minde with needlesse distraction for things to come vnknowne MAny trouble themselues in vaine about their future estate and condition in this world building Castles in the Ayre and needlesly distracting their mindes and disquieting themselues vvhiles they forecast such things in their intended purposes and proiects as eyther shall neuer come to passe or at least not in that manner that they expected and hoped O Lord I know that the vvayes of man are in thy a Prou. 16.1.9 19.21 Ier. 10.23 hand they may purpose and determine but it is thou that rulest orderest and disposest of all things as it seemeth best vnto thy heauenly vvisedome O let me euer b Psal 37.5 Prou. 16.3 commit my vvorkes and my vvayes vnto thee resting vvholly vpon thee for the end and issues thereof and then I know I shall be directed aright I know that thou vvilt bring that to passe vvhich shall be most for thy glory and my good The life of the wicked full of sorrowes and distractions THose that doe swimme and euen bathe themselues continually in their sinfull pleasures and carnall delights haue many sorrowes a Psa 32.10 Isay 57.20 21 Eccles 2.23 with them Much gall and sowrenesse is mingled with their sweetest and daintiest delicates much bitternesse vvith their sweetest and most beloued sinnes euen those wherein they are most delighted and vvhich they are b Iob 20.12 13 most loath to forgoe Yea I doubt not but that it may be truely said that the vngodly haue more inward griefe more anguish and vexation of minde oftentimes in their greatest prosperitie and chiefe delights then the righteous haue in the greatest of their worldly sorrowes in the greatest of their outward miseries and afflictions For vnto the godly and vpright man euen out of darkenesse there doth arise light c Psa 97.11 out of sorrow ioy out of bitternesse sweetnesse Sampsons Riddle d Iudg. 14.12 may not vnfitly be applyed vnto them Out of their strongest afflictions there comes much sweetnesse much comfort vnto them Euen in sorrow their hearts are ioyfull e 2 Cor. 1.4 6.10 Psal 94.19 and when they seeme to mourne yea to haue nothing but cause of continuall heauinesse and mourning yet then oft-times they are very chearefull yea euen filled vvith inward and spirituall reioycing such as none know but they that haue tasted of it But it is farre otherwise with the vngodly Euen f Pro. 14.13 Eccles 2.2 Iob 20.5 in laughter their heart is sorrowfull and the end of their mirth is heauinesse and vvhilest they are tickled with the pleasures of sinne and drowned in the vanities of this life they haue many priuie and secret nips and stings vvithin them although they seeke to conceale them and keepe them close as it vvere a poyson vvhich lyes fretting in their bowels An euill Spirit doth haunt them as it did Saul g 1 Sam. 16 14 wheresoeuer they goe so that they are faine to seeke for merry company or delightfull Musicke or such like meanes to driue it away if it vvere possible The Lord doth oft-times strike their mindes with sadnesse with great anguish and much heauinesse hee sends euill Angels and casts his darts euen fearefull terrours among them h Psal 79.49 Iob 27.20 so that their consciences are sore vvounded and pierced through when as outwardly i Iob 20.22 23 all seemeth to goe well with them they being vnwilling that their griefe should be knowne which they carry continually about with them smother in their brests till the venime thereof drinketh vp their spirits yea little doe others thinke of that bitternesse k Pro. 14.10 which they taste in their soules and of that hellish spirit vvhich doth oft-times so vexe and molest them that they can finde no peace no quietnesse yea nothing but horror and a dreadfull amazement l Iob 15.20 21. 18.11 and astonishment within themselues I appeale to the conscience of wicked and vngodly men themselues euen those that make it their pastime and recreation to doe wickedly and that commit sinne daily with greedinesse m Ephes 4.19 and delight whether they haue not experience of this whether they finde not that within them vvhich many times is such sowre sawce vnto their sweet meat that although it be pleasant in their mouth n Prou. 20 17. yet it is as bitter as gall or Wormewood in their belly and causeth them to finde small comfort in their liues yea to become euen a burthen vnto themselues O● else whence commeth it which we haue both seene and heard of in the wofull experience of many that euen those who haue
other shall corrupt g Iames 5.2 and be cankered with rust and age and consume and come to nothing h Psal 119 96 he reioyceth in his greatest infirmities and weakenesses knowing that vvhen he is weakest Christ is strongest in him as also that his power is perfected in his weakenesse and that his grace is sufficient for him i 2 Cor. 12 9. 12.4 i 2 Cor. 12 9. 12.4 and that euen this infirmitie of his is the mother and nurse of many graces and vertues in him Is he basely esteemed of vile and contemptible amongst men or not had in that account and estimation which he seeth others to be in * Psal 131 1 Alas of al things it is his desire he might not be ambitious or haughty minded which he knoweth is a thing vvhich the Lord so much abhorreth * Pro. 6.16 and then which nothing is more vnbeseeming those that are Christians He is willing to let go the honour of the Court k Heb. 11.25.26 and the sweetest pleasures of sin which he knoweth last but for a season rather then to leaue following of Christ or to follow him more faintly and heauily He seekes not for the honour that is from men l Ioh. 5.44 but that which commeth from God He knoweth that it is his dutie to go before others m Rom. 12 10 rather in giuing then in taking honour and to esteeme better of others then of himselfe n Phil. 2.3.5 framing himselfe to that patterne which Christ hath giuen vnto him in his owne example which to imitate hee accounteth as it is indeed his greatest honour Yea he reioyceth and is exceeding glad when he is contemned reuiled hated Math. 5. and persecuted of the world because hereby he is made conformable vnto Christ his head o Rom. 15 2 Heb. 12.2 blessed whiles others curse him and that his reward shall be the greater in heauen by how much the more he is contemned despised and molested on earth for the profession of Christ and his Gospell What should I say It is his vnfeined desire with the blessed Apostle to be crucified vnto the world and to haue the world crucified vnto him q Gal. 2.19 20. 6.14 that so Christ may liue the more in him r 2 Cor. 13.4 whiles he liueth in this world and he may liue for euer with Christ in the greater glorie when he shall depart out of this world And in this regard hee takes it not to heart as others doe how it fares with him in this world Hee as willingly vndergoeth shame contempt and reproach for Christ as others eagerly seeke to fasten it vpon him Againe is he cast downe with griefe and mourning he is both blessed in his mourning s Mat. 5.4 and assured of comfort after his mourning t Psal 126 5. 97.11 Isai 61.10 65.14 Ezech. 9.4 yea that according vnto the measure of his griefe and mourning u Ioh. 16 20.21.22 so shal be his comfort and reioycing The darknesse of the weather and the ouercasting of the clouds which hinder that comfortable light from him for a time is but a meanes and a preparatiue for that gracious raine of Gods graces and mercies vvhich will afterwards descend and showre downe vpon him in more plentifull and abundant manner To say no more The godly and truely religious man is alwaies blessed x Psal 1. yea and then many times most blessed y Eccles 8 12 Isai 3.10 vvhen he seemes to others yea and to himselfe also sometimes most miserable and furthest off from blessednesse Lord this is that which thou hast reuealed in thy word to be the estate of thy chosen and holy ones O Let me now and alwaies beleeue it and haue comfortable experience of it that so I may neuer enuie z Psal 37.1 at the seeming-prosperitie of the wicked nor be danted nor discouraged by meanes of any crosse or affliction whatsoeuer shall or may befall me at any time but knowing thy promises and my priuiledges bee comforted when as outwardly I shall haue cause of the greatest discomfort being assured and fully perswaded seeing thou hast said it that it is and shall alwaies be well a Eccl. 8.12 with me yea that euen in miserie I shal be blessed and happie and at length hauing all teares wiped from mine eyes liue with thee in fulnesse of glory for euer in that coelestiall kingdome of thine where there shall be no more any of those changes vnto which I am now daily subiect and shall bee till I am perfected and translated into that resting place of thy Saints and chosen The wicked man is alwaies m●serable neuer blessed THe wicked is miserable when he seemeth to others to be blessed and happie yea then oft times most miserable when he seemeth to be most happie both in his owne eyes and in the eyes of others that haue not a right discerning of things that differ Marueile not at this but weigh and consider it well and thou wilt find and canst not but acknowledge it to be most true For suppose he hath riches pleasures honours friends fauour all that can be desired in this world who doubts but that hee hath great sorrow Psal 30.10 much perplexednesse and vexation as it were sowre sauce mingled with these delicates which his greedie appetite so much longed for and yet now that he enioyes them cannot be satisfied therewith a Eccle. 1.8 nor finde contentment therein but hath the fire of hellish inordinate lust more kindled in him then before so that no water can quench it A hungry and greedy worme continually lies gnawing vpon him so that he neither hath nor can haue any true peace b Isai 40.22 or sound ioy He that makes question of this I will send him to no other to learne this lesson then to wise Solomon who hath proclaimed it c Eccles 1. to the whole world as a most certaine and vndoubted truth Besides these things wherein he thinkes to finde happinesse and contentment they become ranke poyson vnto him bringing the curse d Deut. 28 20 of God in more fearefull manner vpon him then euer before and being the occasion e Hose 2.8 13.6 Iames 4.3 of the increase of sinfulnesse in him and so of wretchednesse and miserie f Hose 13 7 Rom. 2.4.5 vvhich alwaies followes the same as an vnseparable companion thereof O therefore vvho would euer delight in the estate of a wicked and vngodly man except he were an enemy to his owne happinesse and longed to make himselfe wretched and miserable and that continually O Lord giue me a right vnderstanding cause me euery day more clearely to see and consider the exceeding foolishnesse of the wicked who wander from the waies of peace and happinesse and make me wise to withdraw my selfe more and more from the things that they delight in Let me be careful alwaies
3.13.14 and treasures farre aboue Siluer Gold Pearle or whatsoeuer else the world can afford vnto them and the continuall hope and expectation of that future and promised glory h Ephes 1.18 which maketh their soules to i 1 Pet. 1.3 blesse thee vncessantly who art so rich in grace k Eph. 2.7 and mercy towards them besides those many other priuiledges vvhich thou hast vouchsafed them concerning their temporall life and outward estate viz. Protection of Angels those glorious Ministers which thou sendest forth to be Attendants l Psal 91.11 Heb. 11.14 on them Promise of thy especiall Prouidence m 2 Chron. 2.5.8 4.10 Heb. 11.13.5 ouer them and a n Mat. 6.26 32.3 7.11 continuall and fatherly care for them from whence necessarily followeth a remouall o Rom. 8.28 of all euill from them and a supply of all good p Psal 23.1 84.11 euen of all outward and earthly blessings vnto them which thou in thy wisedome seest to be conuenient or necessary for them for their comfortable and safer passage through the Wildernesse of this world till they come to that promised rest that heauenly Canaan that thus hauing mine eyes enlightened to behold those things which thy word so clearely teacheth and my heart rightly seasoned with the serious consideration of them I may daily be drawne nearer vnto thee with that sweetnesse which I finde in thee in comparison of which all other things are bitter and distastfull to such as haue true vnderstanding and their senses rightly exercised q Heb. 5.14 to discerne betweene good and euill The frequent meditation of Death how necessary HE that hath Death alwayes before his eyes will neuer haue his thoughts set vpon any thing vvhich is base sordide and seruile or desire any thing in this vvorld excessiuely and inordinately This will make him to haue a very meane esteeme of all these earthly vanities this will cause him with an equall minde to vse prosperitie and aduersitie a Psal 90.12 and to be rightly disposed in either being neither too much lifted vp vvith the one nor too much cast downe vvith the other considering how short and momentarie eyther the benefit and pleasure which is inioyed by this b 1 Cor. 7.29 Heb. 11.25 or the paine which is feared by that will be This will be a bridle to curbe and restrayne him from all things that are vnlawfull and to make him vse those things which are lawfull if rightly vsed with more moderation and with lesse excesse wherein many doe much offend which I am perswaded they would not doe if they once acquainted themselues with this wholesome and necessary Meditation whereunto many are meere strangers yea enemies c Isa 28.19 Amos 6.3 they cannot abide to heare of it or to call it to remembrance nay they shew themselues to be afraid to thinke on it deliberately euen then when it puts it selfe vpon them as being that whereby they suppose they are brought to meete their greatest enemy in the face whom they most dread and flye from and the sight of whom though a farre off they imagine would be very hurtfull and dangerous vnto them damping them in their resolued courses d Lu. 12.19 and scaring them from those sinnefull and pleasing vanities wherein they now delight themselues in excessiue manner O blessed LORD as Death is alwayes euery where present and imminent ready continually to seize vpon me so grant that I may haue mine eyes open to see it standing neare vnto mee and that I may continually present the serious meditation thereof vnto my minde and all my thoughts that thereby I may be brought to suffer the greatest miseries vvhich shall befall mee in this world patiently quietly and contentedly knowing that they will come quickly to an end e Heb. 10.37 and to make the right vse of prosperitie if it shall please thee to send it not being too much addicted to the profits pleasures and delights of this beguilefull and deceiueable world Especially let me with the due meditation hereof be wholly with drawne from the loue and liking the affecting and desiring of all those things which are vile and sinfull seeing the remembrance of these in death will be bitter the sting painefull the smart grieuous and intollerable The resurrection of the good and bad in the last day how different it shall be OH how glorious will the day of the Resurrection be how comfortable to the godly how terrible to the wicked The godly they shall rise by the mighty power of Christ their Sauiour a 1 Cor. 6.14 Hee who is the Head b Eph. 5 23 being raised all they being his c 1 Cor. 6.15 Members and vnited vnto him in a mysticall manner d 1 Cor. 15 13.20.23 c. 1 Thes 4.14 shall be raised with him in their appointed time by reason of that vnion which is betweene him and them But the wicked they shall rise by the terrible and dreadfull e Iohn 5.28.29 1 Cor. 15.52 voyce of Christ their Iudge summoning them to make their appearance before him that sentence may be pronounced against them like as when a Malefactor is brought out of the Iayle to the Barre that hee may receiue his deserued doome and be hastened to his execution Againe the godly they shall come out of their graues wherein they haue beene a long time held as prisoners and captiues vnder death f 1 Cor. 15 54.55 they shall come forth with great ioy and triumph looking vp vnto their blessed Sauiour whom they haue so long expected and desired g Rom. 8.23 Luke 21.28 Reu. 22.20 Oh what a comfort and refreshing h Act. 3.19 shall this be vnto them who can expresse it But the wicked on the contrary they shall start vp like men scared and sodainely affrighted waking out of some fearefull dreame but it shal be no dreame As soone as they beginne to looke out of their graues they shall behold the heauens on a flaming i 2 Thes 1.8 2 Pet. 3.12 fire round about them and Christ as a mighty GOD and a most seuere and dreadfull Iudge with a fiery eye and a frowning countenance looking downe vpon them from aboue euen out of that great Throne k Mat. 25.31 which shall haue streames of fire issuing out from it on euery side l Dan. 7.9.10 so that they shall be amazed and euen at their wits end m Mat. 24.30 at the very appearance of him and wish with all their harts that the very hils and Mountaines would fall vpon them and n Reu. 6.16 couer them from his presence and from the fiercenesse of his wrath which shall seize vpon them in most o Luke 19.27 fearfull manner Furthermore that it may yet appeare how great a difference there shall be betweene them in that day the godly shall rise in a glorious manner being made incorruptible p 1 Cor. 15
2.3 Psa 31.19 how sweet and how gracious the Lord is vnto his chosen and beloued ones Their hearts shall reioyce and glory in him And no marueile that they shall haue such peace and ioy in the presence of God For if they finde now such inward spiritual ioy in their soules and consciences in the place of their exile and banishment yea in their prison as it were euen this valley of teares when God letteth some bright beame of his gracious countenance shine vpon them through the thicke clouds of many temptations and afflictions wherewith they are continually exercised when by his word and spirit he giueth them but a droppe of that diuine and heauenly comfort as they alone know what a refreshing this ioy is vnto them who haue truly tasted of it e Pro. 14.10 others are strangers to it how great then must their ioy needs bee when being taken vp into heauen the place of their glory those celestiall mansions God shall cause the light of his countenance to shine fully vpon them when he shall reueale himselfe perfectly vnto them when he who is the God of all true comfort and consolation shall powre out himselfe vnto them and open wide as it were all the fountaines of his rich grace and mercy towardes them in Christ Iesus and cause them to tast of the plenteousnesse of his house f Psal 36.1 and to drinke downe abundantly the vvaters of his diuine and heauenly comforts If the poore distressed Saints of God whiles they indure many miseries and afflictions in the world and of the world yet notwithstanding haue that peace g Phil. 4.7 which passeth all vnderstanding a continual feast * Pro. 15.51 and reioyce with that ioy which is vnspeakeable and glorious as the Scripture testifieth h 1 Pet. 1.8 euen whiles they are absent from Christ not seeing him with bodily sight * 2 Cor. 5 7 but only belieuing in him looking vpon him with the eyes of faith in the promises of the Gospell how great then and wonderfull shall their ioy be vvhen being freed from all these miseries whereunto they are now subiect they shall be present with Christ their Sauiour whom so long before they expected and desired see him with their eyes i 1 Ioh. 3.2 Iob. 19.25 26 yea liue and conuerse with him in familiar manner and be made partakers with him of the same glory k Ioh. 17.1 22.24 into vvhich he is exalted that in his time appointed he may draw them vp vnto him l Ioh. 14.3 make their hearts to reioyce in him and in his saluation If their ioy wherewith they now reioyce euen in this valley of misery this place of mourning be vnspeakeable and glorious passing all vnderstanding as the word of truth teacheth and the Saints by comfortable feeling and experience doe well know and thankefully acknowledge what then I beseech you consider of it what shall it be in that place of triumph that Paradise of pleasures that glorious and celestiall kingdome where they shall keepe a continuall Sabbath and being clothed arrayed with the rich robes of holinesse righteousnesse glory and shining as Starres yea as the Sun in the brightnesse therof shall haue their hearts filled with reioycing and their mouthes with himnes ioyfull Haleluiahs euen heauenly ditties of praise thanksgiuing vnto him that sitteth on the throne O that we had harts to conceiue aright of these things And to all these adde yet moreouer the time which they shal liue in so blessed an estate in that glorious place If this blessednesse and glorie of theirs were mutable and changeable as all things here below are it were not so great and so much to be admired as it is for nothing is perfectly happy that is not permanent and euerlasting But it is otherwise it admits no change no alteration All things which any can enioy in this life m Eccle. 1. 1 Cor. 7.31 1 Ioh. 2.17 are transitory and fading riches pleasures strength health beauty honour or whatsoeuer else in this world is most made account of and seemeth to haue the greatest perfection in it n Psal 119.96 but that happinesse and felicitie of the Saints in light shall neuer fade It 's an inheritance immortall o 1 Pet. 1.4 2 Cor. 4.18 vndefiled and euer continuing in the heauens The measure of it shall bee in a manner infinite the continuance of it infinite altogether The time thereof shall be without time for time then shall be no more there shall be neyther daies moneths nor yeares as now there are There shall be no end of it no decaying of it no diminishing or abating of it But it shall continue as long as the heauens yea as long as God himself shall indure without any ceasing or intermission any change or alteration or the least shadow of change of the excellency of that estate vvherein they shal at the first be As the hell of the wicked so the heauen of the godly shall be perpetuall O blessed and happy estate where there shall be nothing but peace ioy glory happinesse and felicity and that not for a time but for euer euen as long as eternity it selfe lasteth O life to be desired farre aboue this corruptible this vaine and transitorie life which the most doe so much make of yea preferre it before the other loath to leaue this that they may attaine vnto that O the brutishnesse and sottishnesse of the men of this vvorld that are so strangely and so fondly affected as to neglect so great saluation so glorious a life for the enioying of the vaine and sinnefull pleasures and profits of this life which last but for a season How hath the Deuill bewitched them How doe their owne wicked and corrupt hearts blinde and deceiue them that they should euen preferre a dunghill of earth as it were before the glory of that heauenly pallace or that they should bee vnwilling to forgoe the earth and to forsake their pleasing or gainefull trade of wickednesse that they may enioy Heauen and the happinesse of Gods Saints and chosen ones Oh these things are hid from their eyes p 1 Cor. 2.9 Luke 19.42 they perceiue no more vvhat the glorious life of the Saints is then a bruit beast discernes of the life of a man or if they know them in some measure yet are regardlesse to seeke after them how great is their folly and madnesse who vvould not wonder at them yea vvho is not amazed to thinke of them Assuredly such as haue wisedome and vnderstanding to discerne of these thing● aright and faith to beleeue them as they ought vvill not be kept backe from them with a thousand worlds q 2 Cor. 4.18 if there were so many they were offered vnto them seeing all glory pleasures profits and commodities of this world are nothing comparable thereunto But whence is it that if the estate of the life to come be