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A16497 God and man. Or, a treatise catechisticall wherein the sauing knowledge of God and man is plainely, and breifely declared, whereby such as are ignorant may be helped, to heare sermons with profit, to reade the Bible or other bookes with iudgement, to receiue the Lords Supper with comfort, to discerne betweene truth and error, with vnderstanding, and to giue an answere to their minister, or any other that shall aske them a reason of their faith, with readinesse. Collected out of the sacred Scriptures, and the most orthodoxe and best approued diuines ancient and moderne, for the good of such as desire to be made wise to saluation, and heires of eternall life. By I.B. preacher of the Word. Boughton, John, preacher of the word. 1623 (1623) STC 3410; ESTC S106544 88,185 194

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Ioh. 5. 16 17. pardonable l 1 Tim. 5 2 4. some for euer u Mat. 12.31 Marke 3.28 29. Luke 12.10 Heb. 6.6 1 Ioh. 5.16 17. vnpardonable namely the sinne against the Holy Ghost I. Are all actuall sinnes of equall or alike guilt c B. No. But some are x Ezek. 16.47 Mat 5.22 7.3 4 5. Iohn 15.24 Iohn 19.11 1 Tim. 5.8 2 Pet. 2.20 21. greater some smaller some in a higher degrée offensiue and more hainous before God some lesse Yet so as that the least that can be committed or named is y Rom. 6.23 Gal. 3.10 Ezek. 18.20 mortall and damnable of it owne nature if it bee not pardoned through Christ I. You said that actuall sinnes were such as are committed against the Commandements of God tell mee therefore which are those Commandements you speake of B. They are those ten recorded in order in the twentieth Chapter of Exodus 1. Thou shalt haue none other gods before mee 2. Thou shalt not make to thee any grauen image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in Heauen aboue c. I. Haue you sufficient power perfectly to keepe and fulfill all the commandements of God as you ought B. No z Eccles 7.22 Psal 19 12. Iames 3.2 in no wise neither any man liuing bee hee neuer so holy but euen the most righteous that are doe breake them euery day in thought word and deede yea in the most a Nehem. 13.22 Esay 6 4.6 Reuel 8 3. perfect and holiest performances that procéede from them they grieuously offend against them I. What punishment doe they make themselues lyable vnto which breake any of these Commandements B. To b Gen. 3.17 18 19. Leuit. 26.14 15 c. Deut. 28.15 c. all the miseries woes crosses plagues and calamities of this present life to c Rom. 5.12.14 1 Cor. 15.55 5 6. death of body in the end of this life and to d Deut. 27.26 Ezek. 18.20 Rom. 6.23 euerlasting and inconceiuable torments both of body and soule after this life in Hell fire All this and no lesse is the deserued punishment of euery euen the lest breach of any of these Commandements though it be but in wish desire or thought and that but once onely and no more during the whole time of our soiourning here in this world I. How can this be B. Because the author and giuer of these Commandements is an e 1 Tim. 1.17 eternall f Gen. 18.14 omnipotent g Psal 139 7.8 c. 147.5 infinite and h Psal 145.3 incomprehensible Maiestie euen God the high i Gen. 14.22 possessor of Heauen and earth the King of k 1 Tim 6.15 Kings and Lord of Lords I. Yea but God is most mercifull gracious and full of compassion he will not nay he cannot therefore punish sinne so extreamely B. It is true indéede God is excéeding l Exod. 34.6 Psal 103.8 Psal 145 9. mercifull yea infinite in mercy and compassion but it is also as true that he is excéeding m Exod 34.7 Iob iust and as infinite in iustice as in mercy and therefore cannot punish sinne with a lesse then an infinite and eternall punishment For this iustice requires that the punishment bee proportionable to the offence which takes it greatnesse not from the person by whom it is done neither from the thing about which it is conuersant nor yet from the time in which it is finished but from the quality dignity and eminency of the person against whom and whose lawes it is committed and by this is to be measured Moreouer God is most n Deut. 32.4 Num 23 19 20 Iohn 14.6 true of his Word yea o truth it selfe hee therefore hauing said that the fore recited punishment all and euery part of it shall be the reward of euery sinne it is as impossible that it should receiue any easier recompence as it is that he p 1 Sam. 15.29 Tit. 1 2. should lie or denie himselfe Of Mans estate of grace by Iesus Christ I. BVt is there no remedy for vs who by the sinne of our first parents and our owne personall originall and actuall transgressions which are innumerable are subiect to all this woe and misery you haue mentioned whereby wee may be deliuered from this dreadfull and damnable condition B. In q Exod 34.7 Ps 49 6 7 8 9. Mich. 6.6 ● Mat. 16.26 1 Pet. 1.18 our selues or any méere creature in Heauen or in earth or ought that wee or they can doe none at all Howbeit God out of his infinite loue to mankind r Iohn 3.16 1 Iohn hath ſ Ephes 1.4 1 Pet. 1.20 appointed and in his Word reuealed a most effectuall meanes which whosoeuer make right vse of they shall not onely be saued from all their sinnes and the eternall and infinite wrath of God due vnto the same but also be possessed of a farre more happy estate then euer in t Psal ●30 7.8 Luke 20.36 Iohn 10.10 Rom 5.17 Adam they were created in Mat. 20.28 Iohn 14.6 10 10. Acts 4 10. 20 28. Rom. 3.23.24 Gal. .13 Ephes 2.14 15. Col 1.14.20 1 Tim. 1.15 I. What is that meanes which God hath appointed for this purpose B. Iesus Christ and his merits I. What is this Iesus Christ B. Hee is the u Iohn 1.14 3.16 onely begotten sonne of God the x Mat. 28.19 1 Iohn 1.7 second person of Trinity who of y Gen. 3.15 Luke 1.31 the séede of the z Esay 7. ●4 Mat. 1.20.21 c. Virgin Mary a Mat 1.20 Luke 1.34 35. sanctifyed by the Holy Ghost b Heb. 2.16 17. Phil. 2.6 7 8. assumed and the same personally vnited vnto his Deity a true humane c Iohn 1.14 Heb 10.15 body indued with a reasonable d Mat. 26.38 Marke 14 34. soule and so in e Iohn 3.13 1 Tim. 3.16 one and the same person became true f Esay 7.14 Iohn 1.1 God and true g 1 Cor. 15.21.47 1 Tim. 2 5. Man in all things h Heb 2.17 4.15 like vnto vs i 2 Cor. 5.21 Heb. 4.15 1 Pet. 2.22 sinne onely excepted I. How are the two natures of Christ his Godhead and Manhood vnited together B. In such sort as the one cannot be l Iohn 3.13 Ephes 4.10 11. seuered from the other neither is m Rom. 1.3 4. 9.5 1 Tim. 3.16 1 Pet. 4.1 Luke 2 52. Marke 13.32 Iohn 4.6 10 17 18 21.17 Acts 3.21 2 Cor. 13.4 mixed nor confounded with either conuerted into the other but so as both remaine really and truly distinct one from the other both in essence properties wils actions and operations I. Was it necessary that our Redeemer should be thus God and Man in one person B. Yes altogether for otherwise he could neuer haue wrought the worke of our redemption I. For what cause was it
m Rom. 14 1. 1 Thes 5 14. receiue the weake in faith and with all louing affection to tender them c. Himselfe therefore whose n Exod. 34.6 Esay ●9 15 Psal 36.5 compassions infinitely surpasse all mens in the world cannot be lesse gracious c. I. May one then that hath but a small measure of faith content himselfe therewith and rest in it B. No by no meanes but must heartily be o Marke 9.24 grieued for the weakenes and infirmity of it vnfainedly p 1 Pet. 2.2 Marke 9.24 desire increase and earnestly labour in the vse of all good q 1 Pet. 2.2 Luke 17.5 Acts meanes ordained of God to get it strengthened and augmented Yea whosoeuer hath in truth attained to the least dramme or graine of this sauing grace hee will doe all these things as also be changed and renewed both in r Acts 15.9.26 18. 2 Cor. 5.17 Iames 2.18 Tit. 3.8 heart and conuersation I. Is it not the duty of euery man to prooue and examine himself whether he be endued with this gift of faith or no B. 1 Cor. 11 28. 2 Cor. 13.5 Yes surely and it greatly concernes euery man to haue an especiall care so to doe I. May a man then know whether he haue saith or no B. Acts 8.37 1 Cor. 2.12 2 Tim. 1.12 Yea surely euery true beléeuer knowes he doth beléeue I. What are the markes or notes whereby one may know and bee assured that he is a faithfull person B. Rom. 5.1 Rom. 8.15 16. Gal 4.6 First true beléeuers haue peace of Conscience Secondly the Spirit of God testifieth to their spirits that they are his children Thirdly Rom 7.23 24. Gal. 5.17 Acts 2.21 9.11.14 Rom. 8.16 10.14 Iob. 2.3 27.8 9 10 Psal Reu. 22.17.20 Rom. 8.23 2 Tim. 4.8 they féele a conflict within themselues betweene the flesh and the spirit corruption and grace Fourthly they religiously exercise themselues in prayer Fifthly they continue to feare loue obey and serue God in aduersitie as well as in prosperitie Sixtly they desire the comming of Christ to iudgement Seuenthly they desire and indeauour to bring ſ Esay 2 3. Luke 22.32 Iohn 1.41 42.45 46. others especially those vnder their t Gen. 18 19. Iosh 24 1● A s 10.2 Iob 17.9 Iohn 15.2 2 Thes 1.3 charge to the faith knowledge and seruice of God and to further the saluation of others as well as their owne Eightly they grow and increase in grace Ninthly they heartily and vnfainedly loue the u Psal 15.4 Act 4.34 35. c. Gal. 5 6. 1 Iohn 3.14 15.23 Col. 1.4 children the x Psal c. 1 Pet. 2.2 word and faithfull y Mat. 10.41 Acts 16.15.33 Rom. 1● 4 Ministers of God Tenthly their constant care study Psal 119.94 Iohn 15.5 Iam. 2 18 19 20 and labour is to keepe all the Commandements of God being fruitfull in all good morkes Rom. 8.1 1 Iohn 1.7 to the praise of his great and glorious name I. Is faith then alwayes accompanied with good workes B. Yea certainely they are euer inseparable companions Acts 9.36 Luke 23.40 41 42. Luke 19.8 so as the Sun can no more bee without light or the fire voyd of heate or a good trée in the season thereof destitute of fruit then faith can be without workes Of good Workes I. VVHat doe you call good Workes B. They are actions z Deut 12.32 Esay 29.13 Mat. 15.9 commanded of God and done by persons a Gen. 4.4 Mat 7.18 Iohn 15.4 5. regenerate and ingrafted into Christ in b Rom. 14.23 Heb. 11.6 faith c 1 Cor. 13.1 2 3. 1 Tim. 1.5 loue d Luke 17.10 18. 11. humilitie e 1 Sam. 15.22 obedience to God and for his f Mat. 5.16 1. Cor. 10.31 glory I. Are any able to doe good workes of themselues B. 2 Cor. 3.5 Phil 2 13. Iohn ●5 5 No. Wee cannot so much as thinke one good thought but by the grace of God I. Are the good workes done by the faithfull in this life perfect and without blemish B. No Eccles 7.20 Esay 64.6 but euen the best and holiest that proceede from them are full of infirmities and greatly defiled with sinne I. How comes this to passe B. Because their regeneration Rom. 7.23 24. Gal. 5.17 Marke 19.24 Mat. 14.31 1 Pet. 2.2 c. faith and loue of God and their Neighbours which are the rootes from whence all good workes doe spring and grow are euer imperfect in this world I. If the workes of the faithfull bee so imperfect and defiled with sinne how then come they to bee acceptable and pleasing to God B. Through Christ Mat. 3.17 17.5 1 Pet. 2.5 with whose righteousnesse as with a Mantle all their imperfections and defilements are couered and for his sake are fully pardoned and remitted them I. Doe good workes iustifie B. No. Rom. 3.20.28 4.4 5. Phil. 3.9 A man is iustifyed by faith onely without the déedes of the Law I. Why cannot workes iustifie B. First Ephes 1.6 7. 2.7 8. because then Christ should be but an imperfect Sauiour Psal 143.2 Phil. 3.8 9. Secondly because the Saints of God haue renounced their workes in the matter of Iustification 1 Kings 8.46 Pro. 20.9 Acts 15.10 Ioh. 15.2.4 5. Gen. 4 4. Mat. 3.17 Thirdly because no man can perfectly fulfill the Law Fourthly because we must bee iustifyed before wee can doe any good worke at all I. Doe the good workes of regenerate persons or beleeuers merit euerlasting life B. No in no wise I. What are your reasons B. First because no workes of the most sanctified can bee absolutely good Esay 64.6 Eccles 7.20 Iames 2.10 but euen the best they doe haue many wants and faylings in them néeding mercy and forgiuenesse Luke 7.10 1 74 75. Rom. 8.12 Ephes 2.10 Iob. 22.2 35.7 8. Psal 16.2 Rom. 8.18 2 Cor. 4.17 18. Secondly what good workes soeuer they doe or possibly can doe are due to God from them Thirdly they can be no way profitable or beneficiall to God Fourthly there is no proportion at all betwéene them and eternall life or saluation I. But hath not Christ merited that our workes might merit B. Hee hath merited to make our g Ephes 1 6 2 ●● 14 ●5 16.18 persons and h ● Pet 2.5 workes acceptable to God his Father but that hee should merit to make our i Rom. 4.4 11 6. Gal. 2.21 5.3 4. workes meritorious is a brainesicke conceit and new-found deuice of such as be enemies to him and his merits I If good workes can neither iustifie nor merit ought at Gods hands why then should we doe them Leuit. 19.2 Mat. 5 16 48. 1 ●et 1.15 16.17 B. First because God commands them Secondly that thereby wee may testifie our thankefulnesse to him for his
himselfe performe this duty of prayer as he ought Zach 12.10 Rom. 8.15 26. B. No none of what gifts or graces soeuer can pray as he ought without the help and assistance of Gods Spirit I. To whom must we direct our prayers B. Neither to l Col 2.18 Reuel 22.9 Angels nor m Esay 63.16 Iohn 14.6 Saints nor any other n Deut 4.19 2 Kings 21.2 3. Esay 42.18 creature whatsoeuer but onely to o Psal 5.2 3. 77.2 3. A s 10.2 God the p Mat. 6.9 Iohn 16.24 Father q Acts 7.59 Reuel 1.5 Sonne and Holy r 2 Cor. 13.14 Reuel 1.4 Ghost I. Why must we pray onely to God B. Because hee onely is ſ 1 Kings 8.27 Psal 139.7 8. euery where present to heare vs all t Gen. 18.14 Ephes 3.20 sufficient omnipotent and u Psal 24.6.9 10.15.18 50 15. Mat. 7.7 8. willing to helpe and giue vs what we craue also he onely knowes our x 1 Chro. 28.9 Psal 139.1 2. hearts and is alone to be y Iohn 14.1 Rom. 10.14 Ier 17.5 beléeued in I. In whose name are wee to offer vp our prayers vnto God B. Onely in the name of z Iohn 14.13 14. Col. 3.17 Iesus Christ who is the onely and perpetuall a Iohn 14.6 Rom. 8.34 1 Tim. 2.5 mediator betwéen God and Man not of redemption and propitiation alone but also of intercession I. What is it to pray in the name or mediation of Iesus Christ B. To intreate God to vouchsafe vnto vs the things wee pray vnto him for not for any b Dan. 9 7.8.18 Ezra 9 6 7.15 merit or worthinesse in our selues or any other creature in heauen or in earth but onely for the worthinesse intercession and merits sake of c Dan 9.17 Heb. 10.19 20 c. Rom. 8 32. Iesus Christ his Sonne in and through whom alone he is well d Mat. 3.17 17.5 pleased I. What things are we to pray for B. Onely for such as are agréeable to the e Psal 19.14 1 Iohn 5.14 Will of God reuealed in his Word which are of thrée sorts First such as concerne the f Mat. 6.9 10. Luke 11 2. glory of God Secondly the g Mat. 6.12 13. Luke 11.9 saluation of our soules Thirdly our h Mat. 6.11 Pro. 30. corporall good and well-fare in this present lise I. How are wee to pray for these things B. The two first kindes namely the things belonging to the i Mat. 6.9 10.33 Psal 51.1 2 7. glory of God and our saluation are principally and in the first place to be craued of vs as also absolutely without any condition or limitation at all but the last to wit the things of this life with condition of k Mat. 6.10 Mat. 26.42 Rom. 1.10 Gods will their making for his l Mat. 6.33 1 Cor. 10.31 glory and our owne and brethrens good and m Pro. 30.8 Mat. 16.26 saluation I. For whom must we pray B. For all men of what qualitie n 1 Tim. 2.1 Ephes 6.18 rancke or condition soeuer either now liuing or hereafter for to o Iohn 17.20 21. Psal 90.16.1 liue such only excepted who are apparantly knowne to haue committed the vnpardonable sinne against the p Iohn 5.16 1 Sam. 16.1 2. Ier. 7.16 Holy Ghost I. May wee not also pray for the dead B. No in no wise I. Why so B. Because we haue no warrant so to doe either by commandement from God Rom. 14.5.23 or approoued example of any of the faithfull recorded in Scripture which haue done it or by promise to be heard if we doe it or threatning to be punished if we doe it not I. VVhat other reason can you render against praying for the dead B. It is a méere vaine and friuolous thing to pray for any departed this life they being either such as dyed in the faith and are consequently for euer r Reuel 14.13 2 Cor. 5.1 2. Phil. 1 23. blessed in heauen and therefore néed not our prayers or such as dyed in their sins and so are irrecouerably damned in ſ Luke 16.23 24 c. Reuel 21.8 Hell to whom our prayers can doe no good neither for procuring their full and finall redemption nor so much as the least t Luke 16.23.24 c. intermission or mitigation of their torments VVhat conditions are required in our prayers that they may be acceptable to God and graciously heard of him B. Vnfained u Iob 11.13 14 Psal 26.6 Iohn 9.31 repentance x Mat. 5.23.24 1 Tim. 2.8 loue y Gen. 18.27 Psal 5.7 Heb. 12.28 reuerence z Dan. 9.3 Mat 14.23 mindes purified from all cares carnall worldly and wandring thoughts a Nehem. 9.34 34 35. Dan. 9.4 5 c. confession of sinnes b Psal 17.1 Heb. 10 22. sincerity c Gen. 32.10 Luke 18.13 humility d 1 Cor. 14 15. vnderstanding e Phil. 1.4 wisedome f Phil. 1.4 ioy g Ezra 9.6 7. Mat. 11.28 Psal 86.1 Esay 26.16 liuely féeling of our sinnes and wants h Col. 4.12 Iames 5.16.17 feruent desires to haue them supplyed crauing things for righteous and holy i Iames 4.3 Mat 6.13 ends namely the glory of God the furtherance of our owne and brethrens saluation Moreouer k Heb. 11.6 Rom. 10.14 sauing faith l Marke 11.24 Iames 1.6 confidence to be heard m Luke 18.1 Ephes 6.18 perseuerance in case wee haue not present audience humble n Psal 51.18 Lament 3.26 Mat. 6.10 Luke 22.42 Psal 78.41 Psal 40.1 submission to the good pleasure of God both for the things themselues we sue for as also their quantity quality manner and time how and when it shall please him to bestow them on vs neither conditioning with nor limmiting him to any circumstances but méerely referring all to his most wise and fatherly dispose who knowes what is best for vs a religious o Pro. 2 3.4 Nehem. 4.9 care to frame our practise according to our prayers ioyning thereunto the vse of all sanctifyed meanes for obtaining the things we pray for Lastly all our prayers must euer bee accompanied with our p 1 Tim. 2.1 Phil. 4.6 heartiest praises and thankesgiuings for blessings receiued not being like the nine but that one Leper Luke 17.12.18 as ready euer to glorifie God for his mercies obtained as forward to begge the obtaining of them I. Is it necessary that these conditions be obserued of vs in perfection No neither can they so bee of any Psal 80.40 Esay 64.4 Rom. 8.26 Reuel 8.3 4. how holy soeuer but of all that desire a blessed successe of their prayers they must bee obserued in sincerity and truth with sorrow repentance desire of pardon for faylings with earnest striuing also to their vttermost power to come as néere perfection as possibly they can which whosoeuer doe all blemishes infirmities and imperfections
shall bee graciously passed by and forgiuen of God in Iesus Christ I. How many wayes doth God heare the prayers of men B. Two wayes first in mercy and fauour as when hee giues them such things as be x 1 Sam. 1.17.20 Luke 1.13 14. good for them Secondly in y 1 Sam. 8.5 6. c. Psal 78.29 30 31. Mat. 27.25 wrath and indignation as when hee sends the euils and mischiefes which they sinfully wish vpon themselues I. How many wayes doth hee heare the prayers of his children B. Two wayes also first by giuing them what they z 2 Kings 20.2.5 Exod. 14 15 16 c. desire according to his will Secondly in not giuing them that but a better a Mat 26.39 Heb 5.7 2 Cor. 12.8 9. and more expedient for them hearing them according to their weale although not according to their will I. Why doth God many times deferre to heare the prayers of the faithfull B. First to try them Secondly to exercise their faith and patience Mat. 15.22 23 c. Marke 10.46 47. Psal 22.1 2. 69.3 Thirdly to cause them to be more frequent and feruent in their prayers Fourthly to conuince them more throughly of their owne disabilities to helpe themselues that so he may kéepe them from sacrificing to their owne Nets and make them acknowledge that the blessings they receiue come wholly and solely from the hands of his prouidence Fiftly to prepare the heartier welcome and more thankefull entertainements for his benefits at their hands Sixtly because he sees it expedient for vs to delay the granting our Petitions or finally for some other reason best knowne to himselfe I. Why doth God many times not heare mens prayers at all B. Either because they aske such things as they b Acts 8.19 Mat. 20.20.21 ought not to aske or though good in themselues yet hurtfull to them or els because they aske c Iames 4.3 1 Iohn 5.14 15 Esay 1.15 59.1 2 3 c. amisse not in that manner nor for those ends nor with that religious obseruation of the due conditions and circumstances of holy prayer spoken of before as they ought I. May we vse a prescript or set forme of prayer B. Yea doubtlesse for as much as such prayers are not onely d Mat. 6.1 2. c. Psal 92. Obserue the Title of it and the Title of Psal 102. 2 Chron. 29 30. Luke 11.1 approued of but also e Num. 6.23.24 25 c. Luke 11.2 Hosea 14.2 enioyned and commanded in the Word of God Howbeit euery Christian ought to labour to get himselfe so furnished with the f Zach. 12.10 Spirit of supplication as that hee may be able to deliuer his owne Ambassages and preferre his owne petitions to the Lord in g 1 Kings 8.22 23 c. Ezra 9.7 8 c. Iacob Gen. 32.9 10 c. 1 Sam 1.10 c words of his owne conceiuing I. How many kindes of prayers bee there B. Two h Luke 2.37 Acts 3.1 publike which is performed in the publike assemblies of Gods children in which the Minister or Pastor in a i 1 Cor. 14. knowne tongue with plainnesse of spéech and an audible voyce is to goe before as the mouth of all the rest and the whole Congregation with silence in their hearts and affections to follow and in conclusion with conioyned voyces by saying k It is a fault in many Congregations Let the Minister pray neuer so loud the people are mute to say Amen contrary to the laudadle practise of the Primitiue Church whose Amen was like a clap of thunder as Hierom witnesseth Amen to testifie their communion in their prayers their assent vnto the same their earnest desires to haue them heard and assured confidence that they shall so bee through Iesus Christ Secondly Priuate which is performed either by l Mat 6.5 6. 1 Kings 14.42 our selues alone or together with m Act. 1.13.14 12.12 16.25 others in any priuate or secret place I. Are Christians bound to vse both these kindes of prayers publike and priuate B. They are neither the n Psal 35. Mat. 21.13 Luke 2.37 one nor the o Mat. 5 6. 14.23 Acts 1.13 14. other may bee neglected of any that desire to liue like Christians and men fearing God especially the publike which is most to bee p Psal 26.8 84 1 2. c. Acts 3.1 set by and esteemed of euery man I. Is the vse of the voyce necessary to prayer B. To publike prayer it is which q 1 Cor. 14. alwayes ought to be vocall that the people in whose name they are conceiued may answer Amen but in priuate prayer it is not simply r Exod. 1 4 15 1 Sam. 1.13 Rom. 8.26 necessary so that the ſ Psal 25.1 Lam. 2.19 Iohn 4.24 heart and affections be lifted vp to God howbeit it is helpefull for the t Psal 130.1 3. 141.1 142.1 kindling of our affections stirring vp and continuing our deuotion kéeping our mindes in order and restraining them from wandring In which respects it is vere fit and conuenient to vse the voyce euen in priuate prayer as also because in so doing wee doe in a specall manner consecrate our u Iame. 3.9 Psal 51.14.16 145.21 tongues to the end for which God gaue them vs namely to honor and glorifie him withall I. In what place is this duty of prayer to be performed of vs B. Iohn 4.21 1 Tim. 2.8 In x any without difference or exception yet for order sake it is fit that publike prayers bee made in y Esay 56.7 Psal 134.2 Acts 3.1 publike places appointed for the publike worship of God and priuate in places z Dan. 6.10 Mat. 6.6 Acts 10.9 priuate as our houses chambers c. I. Ephes 6.18 Col. 4.2 1 Thes 5.17 When are Christians to pray B. At all times and vpon all occasions I. What especiall times are there in which euery one ought to giue himselfe to set and solemne prayer B. Ordinarily euery a Psal 88.13 92.1 2. Marke 1.35 morning after our rest before wee enter vpon the duties of our personall callings Secondly at all our b 1 Tim. 4 5. Acts 27.35 Marke 6.41 repasts when we are comforting ourselues with the good creatures of God Thirdly euery c Dan. 6.10 Psal 55.17 Psal 92.2 night when we betake our selues to sléepe d Rom. 12.12 Ephes 6.18 Extraordinarily at all other times whensoeuer occasion is offered especially in the e Psal 50.15 Iames 5.13 14. Psal 18.6 time of trouble and affliction I What helpes of prayer are there B. f Luke 21.36 Ephes 6.18 Watchfulnesse g 1 Pet. 4.7 sobrietie h gestures and i Mat. 17.21 Acts 10.30 fasting The thrée first whereof are to bee vsed at all times the latter especially vpon extraordinary occasions I. What gestures must wee vse in prayer B. There are
conueyed by the damned infernal spirits into Hell Luke 12.20 and 16.22 23. there to abide in most insupportable and inconceiuable torments I. You haue told mee what becomes of the soules of men tel me likewise how it fares with their bodies after death B. The bodies of all sorts of men both godly and wicked returne to the dust out of which they were made Eccle. 12.9 Gen. 3.19 Of the Resurrection I. BVt shall they for euer abide in this estate B. No but they shall all of them be raised a●aine out of their graues Dan. 12 2. Iohn 5.28.29 1 Cor. 15. to life and be reunited to their soules neuer to be seuered more I. How shall they be raised B. They shall all both Elect and Reprobate be raised by the u Iohn Math. 22.29 1 Thess 4.16 omnipotent voyce and power of Christ but the Elect by vertue of his x 1 Cor. 45. 1 Thess 4.14 resurrection hee being their head they his members the Reprobate by his y Ioh. 5.25 c. iudiciary power and the z Gen. 2.17 Dan. 12.2 curse and execration of God also the Elect to euerlasting life but the Reprobate to ignominie shame and euerlasting contempt I. Shall the very same indiuiduall bodies in which we liue here in this world be quickened and raised to life againe B. Yes assuredly the very selfe same bodies in number Iob 19.25 26 27. 1 Cor. 15.53 54 and for substance which euery man had and carried about with him in this life and none other shall againe be reunited I. But shall our bodies arise againe with the same qualities too which they had in this world as well as the same for substance B. No but maruellously altered for the bodies of all the faithfull shall be b 1 Cor. 15.53 54 55. immortall c 1 Cor. 15.42.52 53 54. incorruptible d 1 Cor. 15.44 Math. 22.30 spiritual most e 1 Thess 4.7 nimble f 1 Cor. 13.10 Gen. 2.25 perfect g Math. 22 30. Reu. 21.4 impassible of admirable h 1 Cor. 15.43 Math. 22.30 power i Dan. 12.3 Math. 13.43 maiestie brightnesse and glory euen like the k 1 Cor. 15.47 48 49. Phil. 3.20 21. glorious Body of Christ I. VVith what qualities shall the bodies of the Reprobate and wicked bee raised B. Their bodies shall bee l 1 Cor. 15.52 immortall and incorruptible too as well as the faithfuls but wholly m Dan. 12.2 Esay 66.24 Reu. 22.15 Math. 13.41 42. and 25.41.46 destitute of all glory power and spirituall dignitie and most vile abiect contemptible and deformed ful of ignominy and most hatefull vncomelinesse euen vgly and abominable to behold they shall be also passible that they may for euer suffer the deserued punishment of their sinnes Of the last and finall Iudgement I. VVHen shall this Resurrection you speake of be B. At the day of Iudgement I. Shall there then be a day of Iudgement B Yea most certainely for God hath n Act. 10.42 17.31 decréed it his o Eccle. 12.14 Math. 12.36 Iude 14.15 Word so testifieth his p 1 The. 1.6 c. Luke 16.25 Iustice and mercy requires it and otherwise the q 1 Cor. 15.19 Psal 73.5 c. 14. godly and such as haue most care to glorifie him should of all men be most miserable I. But why should men bee againe brought to Iudgement since they receiue their iudgements at the time of their death B. Because that Iudgement concernes onely the r Luke 12.20 16.22.23 soule this ſ 2 Cor. 5.10 both soule and body Secondly that God may make it t Rom. 2.5 1. Cor. 4.5 apparant to the whole world that the Iudgement he passeth vpon euery man is most righteous and according vnto equitie I When shall this day be B. The precise day wéeke moneth or yéere neither Man nor any of the Angels can tell yea our Sauiour Christ himselfe as man was ignorant of it Math 24.36 37 c. Acts 1.7 1 Thess 5.1 2. in the dayes of his flesh I. Why would God haue this day vnknowne vnto vs B. To bridle our u Acts 1.7 curiositie to try and exercise our x 1 Thess 5.8 conferre with preced faith y 1 Thess 5.8 hope and z Iames 5.7 patience to feare vs from a Math. 24.42 43 c. Mat. 13.34 c. carnall securitie to make vs watch and prepare for his comming continually hauing our loynes girt our Lampes trimmed with the Oyle of faith and good workes not deferring and procrastinating our repentance I. But though God for the reasons you haue alleadged bee pleased to conceale the day of Iudgement yet he hath in his Word reuealed some signes to forewarne and admonish vs of the approaching of it hath he not B. You say true he hath indéed I. Which be these signes B. They are of two sorts some whereof procede and goe before it others concurre and are ioyned with it I. Which are the preceding or foregoing signes B. First the b Math. 24.14 Mark 13.10 preaching of the Gospell to all Nations of the world Secondly a c 2 Thess 2.2 3. 1 Tim. 4.1 generall Apostacie or defection of the greatest part of men from the Faith and Religion of Christ Thirdly the d 2 Thess 2.3 4 reuelation or discouery of Antichrist Fourthly a e Luke 18.8 Math. 24.12 maruellous decay of faith and loue with an vniuersall corruption of mens manners Fiftly a f Mat. 24.38 39 generall securitie and minding onely the things of this world a wonderfull sencelesnesse and deadnesse of heart among all sorts of men that liue vpon the earth Sixtly g Math. 24.6 7 8 c. dreadfull calamities and horrible persecutions of the Church and people of God Seuenthly h Mat. 24.11.24 arising of false Christs and false Apostles Eightly the i Reu. 18.8 c. burning k Rom. 11.25 26 c. finall subuersion vtter ruine and desolation of Rome the throne of Antichrist that man of sinne and sonne of perdition Ninthly the calling and conuersion of the Iewes to the Christian faith I. Are not most of these signes already accomplished and fulfilled B. It is apparant that they are euen all of them the finall ruine of Rome and the Kingdome of Antichrist and the conuersion of the Iewes excepted both which also are vndoubtedly very néere at hand and to be euery day exspected and therefore the day of Iudgement cannot be farre off Iames 5.8 9. 1 Pet. 4 7. Reu. 22.12 but of necessitie must come vpon vs very spéedily The Iudge stands at the doore I. What are the signes concurring and ioyned with the day of Iudgement B. The darkning of the Sunne and Moone the falling of the Starres from Heauen the shaking of the powers thereof the lamentation of all the Nations of the world and the dreadfull burning and dissolution