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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15092 Two sermons the former deliuered at Pauls Crosse the foure and twentieth of March, 1615. being the anniuersarie commemoration of the Kings most happie succession in the Crowne of England. The latter at the Spittle on Monday in Easter weeke, 1613. By Iohn VVhite D.D. White, John, 1570-1615. 1615 (1615) STC 25392; ESTC S119891 49,617 84

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when a sheepe seemed to them as big as an oxe in the late Queenes dayes publisht in print that * Answer to the libel of Engl iust pag. 176. 185. By the vncertainty of the next heire our Countrey was in the most dreadfull and desperate case in the greatest miserie and most dangerous termes that euer it was since or before the Conquest and in farre worse then any Countrey of Christendome by the certainty of most bloudy ciuill and forrein warres all our wealth and felicitie whatsoeuer depending vpon a few vncertaine dayes of Queene Elizabeths life and such as hoped otherwise he calles common persons and thriftlesse yonkers And this was the generall cry and expectation of them all that what we now see to the contrarie through Gods infinite mercie against their conspiracies may seeme a dreame and our meeting this day to celebrate this mercie may seeme a fancie or delusion of our senses And indeed for men to be thus mistaken in their sleepe it is ordinarie For Esay 29. 8. A hungry man dreames and behold he eateth a thirstie man dreames and lo he is drinking and yet when they wake their soule is empty Chrysost For such is the nature of dreaming 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is full of deceit and will set vs a playing with monsters 2 But that which we are about is neither dreame nor delusion nor are you asleepe but waking and you really enioy vnder your hands all that you thinke on and see a wonder beyond any euer dreamt of and it is day euen cleare day-light one of the lightsomest that euer shined on our nation the Sunne is vp and hath shewed vs the vnspeakeable mercies of our God Psal 118.24 This is the day which the Lord hath made we will reioyce and be glad therein And long may this day endure like the day of Iosuah when the Sunne stood still in Gibeon and the Moone in the valley of Aialon Let the tender mercies of God euermore enlighten it with the day-spring from aboue let eternitie embrace it and claspe it round about that it may be ioyned with the daies of heauen and measured together with eternitie let clouds nor mists nor stormes nor tempest nor the smoke of the bottomlesse pit euer ouershadow it nor the darke night tread vpon it let it shew the paths of righteousnesse and the wayes of God to all people in the light thereof let vs see long peace and the continuance of true religion the amendment of our liues and the downefall of Antichrist Write this day as a Ep. ad Magnes Ignatius saith of another day the Lady and mistris of all other dayes the blessed day which the Lord hath made therein to shew the riches of his mercies to the vnworthiest nation that euer was God grant we may be able to reioyce b Tertul. apol Conscientia non lasciuia not lasciuiously but righteously c Euthym. in Psal 117. vt celebrem Deo ac splendidam solemnitatem agamus that we may make our solemnity such as the goodnesse and greatnesse of God requireth 3 To which purpose the words of my text do fully instruct vs. They are an admonition touching the matter of prayer wherein the Apostle requires that without limitation we pray and giue thankes for all men but namely for Kings and publike Magistrates and such as are eminent in the State that the Gospell may be propagated peace vertue and iustice may be maintained For Prou. 29. When good men are in authoritie the people shall reioyce but when the wicked beare rule the land mournes And Esay 49. Kings shall be thy nourishers and Queenes thy nurses when God will put his Church into the hands of the Magistrate as it were to nurse let thankes be rendred to him for his ordinance and supplication and prayers and intercession be made for their continuance in well doing that the State vnder them may be in peace and be gouerned iustly and religiouslie He complaines immediatly before of some that lately by their apostacie from their religion had hindred the Gospell and in dammaged the Church had there bene a Christian zealous Emperour a Constantine a Theodosius a Iouinian a Iohn Fredericke this either had not fallen out or had not done so much hurt now in this want all that could be done was to excommunicate which being too little for the remouing of so great a mischiefe he exhorts and requires that principallie aboue all things a care be had in the Church that prayer and thanksgiuing be made for all men that no man fall from faith and a good conscience and namely for Kings and Magistrates that such as fall being suppressed by the secular power the peace and quietnesse the pietie and honestie of Church and State may be preserued This is the sense and connexion of the text 4 Wherein our Apostle affirmes three things First the exercise that he would haue vsed Secondly the matter of this exercise Thirdly the end why we should thus exercise The exercise is prayer The matter of this prayer for all men and namely for Kings and Magistrates The end why that we may leade a quiet and calme life in godlinesse and honestie In handling whereof you will soone perceiue me to omit many points that are incident but I must attend vpon the time and will aime onely at the occasion 5 First the exercise commended is prayer and thanksgiuing For 2. Cor. 10.4 the weapons of our warfare are not carnall but mightie where Saint Chrysostome notes vpon that place not our wealth or power or flattering of our selues can saue vs but the power of God This duty is expressed in foure termes supplication prayer intercession thanksgiuing The streame of Doctors and expositors old and new commonly distinguish these as foure seuerall kindes of prayer albeit they scarce agree in defining thē The most receiued distinction is that supplications are for the pardon of our sins Prayers the vow and promise that we make to God touching the amendment of our life Intercession when we pray for others Thanksgiuing when we praise his Name for the graces he bestowes vpon vs. Others who seeme to come nearer the point expound them thus when we pray God to turne away euill this is supplication when to giue vs the good we need this is prayer when we simply craue any thing whatsoeuer this is intercession when we blesse God for his mercies this is thanksgiuing For my owne part I thinke it more probable and easier to defend that the Apostle intends no such diuision in regard of the matter of Prayer but onely to commend the same thing in diuerse words according to the custome of the Scripture for howsoeuer prayer and thanksgiuing may be distinguished yet the rest either cannot by reason they do all of them essentially include each other or are not in this place by reason the definitions assigned will not so aptly sute with the Text. I will therefore follow * In
souldiers or but at home vnder a Boner and a Winchester or a Spanish Inquisition our taste would returne vnto vs and we should better know what we haue 24 Touching Religion and the gouernment of our Church established by his Highnesse there be many complaints made by our Brownists their fauourers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Simocatt Hist for discontented mindes are alway whining and vpon small occasions vse to multiply mountaines of complaints and fill the world with their importunity A contemptible generation they are and vnworthy answer yet I will say no more then is true Religion is as purely taught maintained in England this day as in any Church or nation in Europe as much liberty allowed to preach it and touching the Ecclesiasticall gouernment by Bishops which they so vellicate I protest before God and man it amaseth me to see such as can reade either the Scripture or Antiquity to carpe at it when the Christian world for 1400 yeares after Christ neuer saw any other gouernment I will flatter times ouer thrise with his weight in siluer twise in gold once in pearle and vnions and yet could not obtaine it Oh that there had beene but one dram of his Highnesse clemencie in those hearts that were so inexorable who hath saued pardoned more then possible hath stood with his owne safety What can I speake of his Learning Eloquence and gifts of Nature worthy of the same wherein I presume his greatest aduersaries will not deny him to parallel if not exceede all Princes liuing to be equall to the learnedst that haue gone before him We haue heard him heretofore and saw him now lately in our Vniuersities in the middest of the learnedst in all Professions speaking discoursing with no lesse iudgement and readinesse of vtterance and conceit then if it had bene his ordinary Profession How much adoe had many to refraine verie teares for ioy to see a mightie and potent King and Gods vicegerent vpō earth to bring al his State Roialty with him into the schooles of the Prophets there with such humilitie and meeknesse to sit him downe among his poore subiects and conuerse with them in their owne facultie Neuer was there in the world a greater Patron to Learning and learned men there being few that excell in Learning and zeale for the Gospell euen in forreine parts but he hath some way made them beholding to him his owne writings of all sorts but principally in the cause of Religion against Antichrist are such as haue ennobled his Kingdome for euer and haue giuen more life and courage to vs all then I may well with modesty expresse and time shall shew those writings will worke scuh effects against the enemies of the truth that the ages to come shall him Blessed And for his constancy in the maintenance and propagation of religion both at home and abroad I am not the word and sacrament that scarce any priuate man heares more Sermons then himselfe that in this respect as much may be said of his Court as was said of the Court of Theodosius that it was turned into an Oratorie for the daily seruice of God And to assure vs of his entire heart he hath giuē the dearest pledges that he possibly could against the Pope and his band he hath exposed his Crowne dignity children life all he hath what would we more We know well enough how he hath bene laboured at home and abroad for toleration of Papistry and how the Recusants and their Patrons haue negotiated the businesse yet could they neuer nor shall they euer stirre him That day he gaue the Noble Princesse that gracious Ladie his daughter to the Palatine he sealed vs an instrument of his hand to testify his loue to religion and make his affection thereunto known to all men Go we yet forward to the rest How religiously and vertuously hath he caused the Prince his sonne to be brought vp whose education is such that I make a question whether any Bishop in our kingdome be so religious and carefull in the education of his child This we are sure of his Maiestie cannot in all that is vnder his hands more gratifie the State and the Church of God and his poore subiects therein then in this one thing if the consequence thereof be well considered and compared with the contrary Let carping spirits and medling tongues that hold it their chiefest libertie to scan Kings and take into their actions containe themselues these his vertues and this loue which he hath shewed to State and Church shall bind all godly hearts vnto him and make them the tabernacle of his honour when Papists and factions haue spet out their venime whom I could charme wel enough if they were not deaffe Adder Dauid commended Saul the Spirit of God Dauid the ancient Church could neuer satisfie it selfe in extolling Constantine Theodosius Valentinian Gratian and yet if I listed I could picke quarrels to the best of them and charge euery one of them with some particulars that his Maiestie cannot be touched with 26 Let vs haue an eye to the text When God by his gouernent vpholds vnto vs Peace Tranquillitie Religion Godlinesse praise God for the King and ye praise him for all these things Loue and serue the King and ye loue and serue God that hath giuen you all Let vs sing a song of thanksgiuing to God for his mercies Holy holy Lord God of hoasts heauen and earth are full of thy goodnesse thou hast visited thy people and shewed them thy saluation thy bountie and thy mercie hath crowned them with gladnesse and turned away the punishment of their sinnes and let vs say with the people at the inauguration of Solomon o 1 Reg. 139. God saue the King that vnder him we and our posteritie may leade a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie Vnto whom our God one glorious gracious and immortall God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost be rendred againe and againe all honor and glory now and euermore Amen A SERMON PREACHED AT THE SPITTLE in London vpon Easter Monday 1613. 1. TIM 6.17 Charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high minded nor trust in vncertaine riches but in the liuing God who giues vs richly all things to enioy That they do good that they be rich in good workes readie to Distribute willing to Communicate Laying vp in store for themselues a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold on eternall life IN which words the blessed Apostle instructs Timothy the Bishop of Ephesus how to preach to great and wealthy men and how to exhort them touching the vse of their riches that they may be saued For it is to be supposed that as the poore imbraced the Gospell so many rich alst For Act. 2.45 we reade of diuers that had faire possessions and much wealth and 19.31 of some that were of the chiefest of Asia