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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13988 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into Englysh metre by T. Starnhold, I. Hopkins, & others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to synge the[m] with al ; faithfully perused and alowed according to thordre appointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions ; very mete to be vsed of all sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tende only to the norishing of vyce, and corrupting of youth.; Whole book of psalms. 1562 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1562 (1562) STC 2430; ESTC S1798 175,161 470

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For I haue spied their citie full of rapyne stryfe and wronge verse 11 Which things bothe night day throghoute doo close her as a wall In middes of her is mischif stoute and sorow eke with all verse 12 Her priuie partes are wicked playne her dedes are muche to vyle And in her stretes there doth remayne all crafty fraude and guile verse 13 If that my foes did seke my shame I might it well abide From open enmies checke and blame some where I coulde me hide verse 14 But thou it was my fellow dere which frendship didest pretend And diddest my secrete counsell here as my famillier frende verse 15 With whom I had delight to taulke in secret and abrode And we to gether oft did walke within the house of God verse 16 Let death in hast vpon them fall and send them quicke to hell For mischief rayneth in theyr hall and parloure where they dwell verse 17 But I vnto my God doo crye to him for healpe I flee Ohe Lorde doth heare me by and by and he doeth succour me verse 18 At morning noone and euening tide vnto the Lorde I praye When I so instantly haue tryed he doth not say me naye verse 19 To peace he shall restore me yet though warre be now at hande All though the number be full greate that would against me stande verse 20 The Lord that first last doth raigne bothe now and euermore will heare when I to him complayne and punish them full sore verse 21 For sure there is no hope that they to tourne will once accorde For why they will not God obey nor doo not feare the Lorde verse 22 Upon their frends they laid theyr hands whiche weare in couenaunt knitte ▪ Of frendship to neglect the bandes they passe or care no whyt verse 23 while they haue war within their hart as butter are theyr wordes Although his words wer smothe as oyle they cut as sharp as swordes verse 24 Cast thou thy care vpon the Lorde and he shall nourish thee For in no wise wyll he accorde the iust in thrall to see verse 25 But God shall cast them deepe in pit that thirst for bloud alwayes He will no guilefull man permit to lyue oute halfe hys dayes verse 29 Thoughe such be quite destroyde gon in the O Lorde I trust I shall depende thy grace vpon with all my hart and luste Miserere Psalme Lvi I. H Dauid being broughte to Achis the kinge of Gath Saum complayneth of hys enemyes demaundeth succoure putteth hys trust in God and hys promisses and promiseth to performe hys vowes whyche he had taken vpon hym Wherof thys was the effecte to prayse God in hys Churche HAue mercy Lorde on me I pray for man woulde me deuoure Sing this as the. li. Psa. He fyghteth with me day by daye and troubleth me eche houre verse 2 Myne enmies dayly enterprise to swalowe me outeryghte To fyght agaynst me many ryse O thou moste hygh of myghte verse 3 When they would make me most afraid with boast and bragges of pryde I trust in thee alone for ayde by thee will I abyde verse 4 Gods promise I doo minde and prayse O Lorde I sticke to thee I doo not care at all assayes what flesh can doo to me verse 5 What thinges I eyther did or spake they wrast them at theyr will And all the counsell that they take is how to worke me ill verse 6 They all consent them sealues to hyde close watche for me to laye They spie my pathes snares haue tred to take my lyfe awaye verse 7 Shall they thus scape on mischef set thow God on them will frowne For in his wrath he doth not let to throwe whole kingdomes downe verse 8 Thou seest how oft they make meflee and on my teares doest looke Reserue them in a glas by thee and wryte them in thy booke verse 9 When I doo call vpon thy name my foes awaye doo starte I well perceaue it by that same that God doeth take my parte verse 10 I glory in the worde of God to prayse it I accorde with Ioye will I declare abrode the promise of the Lore verse 11 I trust in God and yet I saye as I afore beganne The Lorde he is my healpe and stay I doo not care for man verse 12 I will performe with hart so free to God my vowes alwayes And I O Lorde all times to thee will offer thankes and prayse verse 13 My soule frō death thou dost me defēd and keepe my feete vpright That I before thee may ascend with suche as lyue in lyght Miserere Psalme lvii I. H Dauid being in the deserte of Ziph where the in habitauntes did betraye hym and at length in the same Caue with Sauil. Calleth most earnestly vnto God with full confidence that he will perform his promis and take his cause in hand Also that he wil shew his glory in the Heauens and the earthe agaynst hys cruell enemyes Therfore doth he render laude and prayse TAke pitie for thy promise sake haue mercy Lorde on me For why my soule doth her betake Sing this as the. ill psal vnto the helpe of thee verse 2 Within the shadow of thy winges I set my selfe full fast Till mischief malice and lyke thyngs be gon and ouer paste verse 3 I call vpon the God moste hye to whom I sticke and stand I meane the God that will stand by the cause I haue in hand verse 4 From heauen he hath sent hys ayde to saue me from theyr spighte That to deuoure me haue assayed his mercy truth and myght verse 5 I leade my lyfe with Lyons fell all set on wrath and ire And with such wicked men I dwell that freate lyke flambes offyre verse 6 Theyr teeth are speares arrowes lōg as sharpe as I haue seene They wound cut with theyr quick toūg like swerdes and weapons kene verse 7 Set vp and shew thy selfe O God aboue the heauens bryght Exalt thy prayse on earth abrode thy maiestie and myghte verse 8 They lay theyr net and doo prepare a priuie caue and pitte Wherin they thinke my soule to snare but they are fallen in it verse 9 My harte is set to laude the Lorde in hym to ioye alwayes My hart I say doth well accorde to syng hys laude and prayse verse 10 Awake my ioy awake I saye my lute my harpe and strynge For I my sealf before the daye will rise reioyre and syng verse 11 Amonge the people I will tell the goodnes of my God And shew hys prayse that doeth excell in Heathen landes abrode verse 12 His mercy doeth extend as farre as heauens all are hie His truthe is highe as any starre that standeth in the skye verse 13 Set fourth and shew thy self O God aboue the heauens bryghte Extoll thy prase on earthe abrode thy maiestie and might Siuere vtique Psalme lviii I. H He describeth the malyce of hys enemyes the flatterers of Saule who bothe secretiye and openly sought hys dystruction
strength my tonge it cleaueth fast Unto my iawes and I am brought to dust of death at last verse 16 And many dogges doo compas me and wicked counsell eke Conspire against me cursedlie they pearse my handes and fete verse 17 I was tormented so that I might all my bones haue folde yet styll vpon me they doo loke and still they me beholde verse 18 My garments they deuided eke in partes amonge them all And for my coate they did cast lottes to whom it might be fall verse 19 Therfore I pray thee be not farre fro me at my great nead But rather sith thou arte my strength to helpe me Lorde make speade verse 20 And frō the sword Lord saue my soule by thy might and thy powre And kepe my soule thy darlyng deare from dogges that would deuoure verse 21 And from the Lions mouth that would me all in sunder shiuer And from the hornes of Unicornes Lorde safely me delyuer verse 22 And I shall to my brethren all thy maiestie recorde And in thy church shall praise the name of thee the liuyng Lorde The thirde parte verse 23 All ye that feare hym prayse the Lorde Thou sede of Iacob honor hym And with al reuerence possible thou sede of Israell worship him verse 24 For he despiseth not the poore he tourneth not awrye His countenaunce when they doo call but graunteth to theyr crye verse 25 Among thy flocke that feare the Lorde I will therfore proclayme Thy prayse and kepe my promise made for settyng forth thy name verse 26 The poore shall eate and be suffised and those that doo theyr deuer To knowe the Lorde shall prayse hys name theyr hartes shall lyue foreuer verse 27 All costes of earth shall prayse the Lorde and tourne to hym for grace The Heathen folke shall worship hym before his blessed face verse 28 The kingdome of the Heathen folke the Lorde shall haue therfore And he shalbe their gouernor and kyng for euermore verse 29 The ryche men of his godly gyftes shall feede and fast also And in hys presence worship hym and bow their knees full low verse 30 30 And all that shall go downe to dust of lyfe by him must tast My seed shall serue and praise his name whyle any world shall last verse 31 31 My seed shall plainly shew to them that shalbe borne hereafter His iustice and his rightuousnes and all his workes of wonder Dominus regit me Psalm xxiii TS Because the prophet had proued the great mercies of God at diuers times and in sundry manners he gathereth a certayne assuraunce fully perswadyng hym selfe that God wil continue the very same goodnes towardes him for euer My shepehard is the liuing Lorde Nothing therfore I nead Sing this as the. xxi psalme In pastors fayre with waters calme he set me for to fead verse 2 He did conuert and glad my soule and brought my minde in frame To walke in pathes of rightuousnes for his most holy name verse 3 yea though I walke in vale of death yet will I feare non ill Thy rod thy staffe doeth comfort me and thou art with me styll verse 4 And in the presence of my foes my table thou shalt spread Thou shalt O Lord fill full my cup and eke annoynt my head verse 5 Through all my lyfe thy fauour is So frankly shewde to me That in thy house for euermore my dwelling place shalbe Domini est terra Psalme xxiiii I. H. Because the grace of God was then to be vttered in the temple more glorious then before it had ben in the tabernacle Dauid geueth it a more glorious title and with exclamation setteth forth the honor therof styring vs to the consideration of the eternall mansions prepared for vs in the heauens wherof this was a shadow and figure THe earth is all the Lordes with all Sing this as the. xxi psal ▪ her store and furniture Yea hys is all the worlde and all that therin doo indure verse 2 For he hathe fastly founded it aboue the sea to stand And layd alow the liquid flouds to flow beneathe the land verse 3 For who is he O Lorde that shall ascend into thy hyll Or passe into thy holy place there to continew styll verse 4 Whose hāds are harmles whose hart no spot there doth defyle His soule not set on vanitie who hathe not sworne no guyle verse 5 Him that is such a one the Lorde shall place in blisfull plight And God his God and sauior shall yelde to hym his right verse 6 This is the broode of trauelers in sekyng of hys grace As Iacob did the Israelite in that time of his race verse 7 Ye princes open your gates stand open the euerlastyng gate For there shall entre in thereby the king of gloryous state verse 8 What is the kynge of glorious the strong and mighty Lord The mightye Lorde in battailes stoute and tryall of the sword verse 9 Ye princes open your gates stand open the euerlastyng gate For there shall entre in therby the king of Glorious state verse 10 What is this kinge of glorious the Lorde of hostes it is The kingdome and the royaltie of glorious state is hys Ad te domine leuaui Psalm xxv T. S The Prophet touched with the consideration of his sinnes and also greued with the cruell malice of his enemies prayeth to god most feruently to haue his sinnes forgeuen especially suche as he had committed in his youth He beginneth euery verse according to the Ebrue letters two or three except I Lift mine hart to the my god guide most iust Now suffer me to take no shame for in thee do I trust Let not my foes reioyce nor make a scorne of me And let them not be ouerthrowē that put their trust in thee But shame shall them befall whyche harme them wrongfully verse 3 Therfore thy pathes thy rightwaies vnto me Lorde descry verse 4 Direct me in thy trueth and teache me I thee pray Thou art my God and sauiour on thee I wayte alway verse 5 Thy mercyes manifolde I pray thee Lorde remember And eke thy pitye plentifull for they haue ben for euer verse 6 Remember not the fautes and frailtie of my youth Remembre not how ignorant I haue ben of thy trouth Nor after my desertes let me thy mercy fynde But of thyne owne beningnitie Lorde haue me in thy mynde verse 7 His mercy is full swete hys truthe a perfect guyde Therfore the Lorde wyll sinners teach and suche as go asyde verse 8 The humble he will teache hys precepts for to kepe He wyll direct in all hys wayes the lowly and the meke verse 9 For all the wayes of God are trueth and mercy bothe To them that kepe hys testament the witnes of his trouth The seconde parte verse 10 Now for thy holy name O Lorde I thee intreat To graunt me pardon for my sinne for it is wondrous great verse 11 Who so doeth feare the Lorde True felicitye standeth in the feare of God
of all prayeth feruently for delyueraunce Somtimes rehearsing his miseryes somtymes the mercyes receyued desiring also to be enstructed of the Lord that he may feare hym also and gloryfye his name He complayneth also of his aduersaryes and requyreth to be delyuered from them LOrde bow thine eare to my request Sing this as the. lxxxi Ps. and heare me by and by With greuous payn and gref opprest full poore and weake am I. verse 2 Preserue my soule because my waye and doinges holly bee And saue thy seruaunte O my Lorde that puttes his trust in thee verse 3 Thy mercy Lord on me expresse defend me eke with all For through the day I doo not cease on thee to crye and call verse 4 Comfort O Lorde thy seruaunts soule that nowe with payne is pinde For vnto thee Lorde I extoll and lift my soule and minde verse 5 For thou arte good and bountifull thy giftes of grace are free And eke thy mercy plentifull to all that call on thee verse 6 O Lorde lyke wise when I doo pray regarde and geue an eare Mark well the words that I doo say and all my prayers heare verse 7 In time when troble doth me moue to thee I doo complayne For why I know and well doo proue thou answerest me agayne verse 8 Among the Gods O Lorde is none with thee to be comparde And none can doo as thou alone the lyke hath not ben harde verse 9 The Gentils and the peoples all whiche thou didst make and frame Before thy face on knees will fall and gloryfye thy name verse 10 For why thou art so muche of might all power is thine owne Thou workest wonders still in sight for thou art God alone verse 11 O teache me Lorde thy way and I shall in thy truth procede O ioyne my hart to thee so nye that it thy name may dreade verse 12 To thee my God wil I geue praise with all my hart O Lord And gloryfie thy name alwayse for euer through the worlde verse 13 For why thy mercy shewed to me is great and doth excell Thou settest my soule at libertie out from the lower hell verse 14 O Lorde the proude against me ryse and heapes of men of might They seeke my soule and in no wise will haue thee in theyr sight verse 15 Thou Lorde art mercyfull and meeke full slacke and slow to wrath Thy goodnes is full greate and eke thy truth no measure hathe verse 16 16 O turne me and mercy graunt thy strength to me apply O help and saue thine owne seruaunte thy handmaides sonne am I. verse 17 On me some signe of fauour shew that all my foes may see And be ashamed because Lorde thou doest helpe and comfort me Fundamenta eius Psalm lxxxvii I. H The holy Ghost promiseth that the condicion of the Church whiche was in miserye after the captiuitie of Babilon shoulde be restored to great excelency so that there should be nothing more comfortable thē to be nombred among the membres therof THat city shall full well endure Sing this as the. lxxxi Ps. her ground worke still doth staye vpon the holy hilles full sure it can no time decaye verse 2 God loues the gates of Sion best hys grace doth there abyde He loued them more then all the rest of Iacobs tents beside verse 3 Full glorious thinges reported be in Sion and abrod Great thinges I say are sayd of thee thou citie of our God verse 4 On Rahab I will cast an eye and beare in minde the same And Babilon shall eke applye and learne to know my name verse 5 Loe Palestine and Tire also with Ethiope likewise A people oulde full longe agoe were borne and there did rise verse 6 Of Sion they shall say abrod that diuers men of fame Haue there sprong vp and the hie God hath founded fast the same verse 7 In their recordes to them it shall through Gods deuise appere Of Sion that the chefe of all had his beginning there verse 8 The trumpetters with such as syng therin great plenty be My fountayns my pleasant springs are compast all in thee Domine deus salutis Psalme lxxxviii I. H Agrieuous complaynt of the faythfull sore afflicted by sicknes persecution and abuersitie being as it were left of God without any consolation yet he calleth on God by fayth and striueth against desperation complayning him selfe to be forsaken of all yearthly healpe LOrde God of health y e hope staye thou art alone to me I call cry throughoute the daye and all the nighte to thee O let my prayers sone ascende vnto thy sight on hyghe enclyne thyne eare O Lorde entend and herken to my cry verse 3 For why my soule with wo is filled and doth in trouble dwell My lyfe and breath almost doth yelde and draweth nye to hell verse 4 I am estemd as one of them that in the pit doo fall And made as one among those men that haue no strength at all verse 5 As one amonge the dead and free from things that heare remayne It weare more easy for me to be with them the whiche are slayne verse 6 As those that lye in graue I saye whom thou hast cleane forgot The whiche thy hand hath cut away and thou regardst them not Yea like to one shut vp full sure within the lower pit In places darke and all obscure and in the depth of it verse 8 Thyne anger and thy wrathe like wise full sore on me doth lye And all thy stormes agaynst me ryse my soule to vex and trye verse 9 Thou puttest my frends far of frō me and makst them hate me sore I am shut vp in prison fast and can come forth no more verse 10 My sight doth faile through grefe wo I call to thee O God Throughout the day my handes also to thee I stretche abrode verse 11 Doest thou vnto the dead declare thy wondrous workes of fame Shall dead to lyfe agayne repayre and prayse thee for the same verse 12 Or shall thy louing kindnes Lorde be preached in the graue Or shall with them that are destroyd thy truth her honor haue verse 13 Shall they that lye in darke full lowe of all thy wonders wotte Or there shall they thy iustice knowe where all thinges are forgot verse 14 But I O Lorde to thee alwaye doo crye and call apace My prayer eare it be daye shall come before thy face verse 15 Why dost thou Lorde abhorre my soule in grefe that seeketh thee And now O Lorde why dost thou hide thy face awaye from me verse 16 I am afflicte as dying still from youthe this many a yere Thy terrours whiche doo vexe me ill with troubled minde I beare verse 17 The furies of thy wrathfull rage full sore vpon me fall Thy terrours eke doo not asswage but me oppres with all verse 18 All day they compas me aboute as water at the tide And all at once with streames ful stoute beset me on eche side verse 19 Thou
to thy moste blessed will not for the worthines thereof but for the merites of thy dearelye beloued sonne Iesus Christ our only Sauior whom thou hast already geuen an oblation and offering for oure sinnes for whose sake we are certenlye perswaded that thou wilte denie vs nothing that we shall aske in his name according to thy will For thy spirit doth assure our consciences that thou art our mercifull father and so louest vs thy children through hym that nothing is able to remoue thy heauēly grace and fauoure from vs to thee therfore O father with the sonne and the holy Ghoste be all honor glory worlde without ende Sobeit ☞ A Prayer to be sayde before a man begin his worke O Lorde God most mercifull father and Sauiour seyng it hath pleased thee to cōmaūd vs to traueil that we may releue our nede webeseche thee of thy grace so to blesse our labour that thy blessing may extend vnto vs without the whiche we are not able to continue and that this great fauour may be a witnes vnto vs of thy boūtifulnes assistance so that therby we may know the fatherly care that thou hast ouer vs. Moreouer O Lord we beseche thee that thou woldest strengthen vs with thine holye spirite that we may faithfully trauaill in oure estate and vocation without fraude or deceit that we maye indeuour our selus to folow thine holy ordinance rather then to seke to satisfye our gridie affectiōs or desire to gayne And if it please thee O Lorde to prosper our labour geue vs a mind also to help thē that haue nede according to that abilitie that that thou of thy mercy shalte geue vs and knowing that all good things come of thee graunt that we may humble oure selues to our neyghbours not by any meanes lift our selues vp aboue them whiche haue not receyued so liberalla portion as of thy mercy thou haste geuen vnto vs. And if it please thee to try and exercise vs by greater pouertie and nede then our flesh would desire that thou woldest yet O Lorde graunt vs grace to knowe that thou wilt nourish vs continually through thy bountifull liberalitie that we be not so tempted that we fall into distrust but that we may paciētly wayte tyll thou fill vs not only with corporall graces and benefites but chiefly with thine heauēlye and spirituall treasures to the intent that we maye alwayes haue more ample occasion to geue thee thankes and so wolly to rest vpon thy mereyes Heare vs O Lorde of mercy through Iesus Christ thy Sonne our Lorde Amen A Prayer for the hole state of Christes church ALmyghtye God and most mercifull father we humbly submit ourselues and fal downe before thy Maiestie beseching thee from the botome of oure hates that thys sede of thy worde nowe sowen amongest vs may take suche deepe rote that neyther the burning heat of persecution cause it to wither neither thorny cares of thys life choke it but that as sede sowen in good ground it may brynge foorth thirtie sixtie and an hundreth folde as thy heauenly wysdom hath appointed And because we haue nede cōtinually to craue many thyngs at thy handes we humbly beseche thee O heauenly father to graunt vs thy holy spirite to directe our petitions that they may procede frō suche a feruente minde as may be agreable to thy most blessed will And seing that our infirmitie is hable to doo nothing withoute thy helpe and that thou art not ignorant with how many and great temptations we poore wretches are on euery syde enclosed and compassed Let thy strength o lord sustayne oure weaknes that we being defended with the force of thy grace may be safely preserued against all assaults of Sathan who goeth about continually like a roring Lion seking to deuoure vs. Encrease our fayth o merciful father that we do not swarue at any time frō thy heauenlyword but augment in vs hope and loue with a carefull keping of all thy commaundements that no hardnes of harte no Ipocrisie no concupiscence of the eyes nor inticements of the world do draw vs away from thy obedience And seyng we liue now in these most perilous times let thy fatherly prouidence defend vs againste the violence of our enemies whiche doo seke by all meanes to oppres thy truth Furthermore for as much as by thy holy apostle we be taught to make our prayers and supplication for all menne We pray not only for oureselues here present but beseche thee also to reduce all such as be yet ignorant from the miserable captiuitie of blindnes and errours to the pure vnderstanding and knowledge of thy heauenly truthe that we all with one consent and vnitie of mindes may worship thee our only God and sauior And that all pastors shepeheards ministers to whō thou hast committed the dispensation of thy holye worde and charge of thy chosen people may both in theyr lyfe doctrine befound faythfull setting onely before theyr eyes thy glory and that by thē all poore shepe which wander and go astray may be gathered and brought home to thy folde Moreouer because the hartes of rulers are in thy handes We beseche thee to direct and gouern the harts of all kinges princes and maistrats to whō thou hast committed the sword especially O lord according to oure bounden dutye we beseche thee to mainteine and encrease the honorable estate of the Queenes maiestie and all her most noble coūsellers and maiestrates and all the whole bodye of thys commune weale Let thy fatherly fauor so preserue them and thy holy spirit so gouerne their harts y t they may in such sort execute theyr office that thy relygion may be purely mainteined maners reformed and sin punished accordynge to the precise rule of thy holy word And for that we be all members of the mistical body of Iesus Christ we make our requests vnto thee O heauenly father for all suche as are afflicted with any kind of cros or tribulation as warre plage famyne sicknes pouertie imprisonmente persecution banishment or any other kinde of thy rods whether it be calamitie of body or vexatiō of mind that it wold please the to geue them pacience and constancye til thou send them full deliuerance of all theyr troubles Rote out from hence O Lorde all rauening wolues which to fyll theyr bellyes seke to destroy thy flock And shew thy great mercyes vpon those our brethren in other countreis which are persecuted cast into prison and daily condemned for the testimony of thy truth And though they be vtterlye destitute of all mans aide yet let thy swete cōfort neuer depart from them but so inflame theyr hartes with thy holy spirit that they may boldlye and chearfully abyde such triall as thy godly wisdome shall appoynt So that at length as wel by theyr deathe as by their lyfe the kingdome of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ may increase and shine throughe all the worlde In whose name we make hurt humble peticions to thee as he hathe taught
kepe me for I trust in thee and doo confesse in dede Sing thisas the xiiii psal Thou art my God and of my good O Lorde thou hast no nede verse 2 I geue my goodnes to the sainctes that in the worlde doo dwell And namely to the faithfull flocke in vertue that excell verse 3 They shall heape sorowes on their heds which runne as they were mad To offer to the Idols gods alas it is to bad verse 4 As for theyr bloudy sacrifyce He would neyther by outeward professiō nor in hart consent with Ido latryes and offringes of that sort I will not touch nor yet therof my lippes shall make report verse 5 For why the Lorde the portion is of mine in heritaunce And thou art he that doest mainteyne my rent my lot my chaunce verse 6 The place wherin my lot did fall in beauty did excell Mine heritage assigned to me doth please me wondrous well verse 7 I thanke the Lorde that caused me The faithfular sure to perseuer to the ende to vnderstand the right For by hismeanes my secreat thoughtes do teache me euery nyght verse 8 I set the Lorde still in my sight and trust in him ouer all For he doth stande on my ryght hand therfore I shall not fall verse 9 Wherfore my hart and tong also doeth bothe reioyse together My fleshe and body rest in hope when I this thyng consider verse 10 Thou wilt not leaue my soule in graue for Lorde thou louest me That is to say hys lyfe Nor yet will geue thyne holy one corruption for to see verse 11 But wilt teache me the way to lyfe Where god fauoreth there is perfit felicitie for all treasures and store Of perfect ioy are in thy face and power for euermore Exaudi domine iustitiam meam Psal. xvii T. S Here he complayneth to god of thecruel pride and arrogancye of Saule and the rest of his enemies who thus raged withoute anye cause geuen on his part therfore he desireth God to reuenge his innocency and deliuer him This Psalm ought diligently to be noted of sucheas receiue euell for well doyng O Lorde geue eare to my iust cause Sing this as the. xiiii psalme attend when I complaine And heare the prayer that I put forth with lippes that doo not fayne verse 2 And let the iudgement of my cause procede alwayes from thee And let thyne eyes beholde and cleare thys my simplicitie verse 3 Thouhast well tryed me in the night and yet couldst nothyng fynde That I haue spoken with my tonge that was not in my minde verse 4 As from the workes of wicked men and pathes peruerse and ill For loue of thy most holy worde I haue refrayned styll verse 5 Then in thy pathes that be most pure stay me Lorde and preserue That from the way wherin I walke my steppes may neuer swerue verse 6 For I dou call to thee O Lorde surely thou wylt me ayde Then heare my prayer way right wel the wordes that I haue sayde verse 7 O thou the sauiour of all them that put theyr trust in thee Declare thy strength on thē that spurn against thy maiestie verse 8 O kepe me Lord as thou wouldst kepe the apple of thine eye And vnder couert of thy winges defend me secretly The seconde parte verse 9 From wicked men that trouble me and dayly me anoy Ind from my foes that go about my soule for to destroy verse 10 10 Whiche wallow in their worldly wealth so full and eke so fat That in theyr pride they do not spare to speake they care not what verse 11 They lye in wayte where we should passe Meaning himself and his cōpanyons with craft me to confounde And musing mischief in their mindes to cast me to the grounde verse 12 Muche lyke a Lyon gredely that would hys praye embrace Or lurking like a Lyons whelpe within some secrete place verse 13 Up Lorde with hast preuent my foe and cast hym at thy feete Saue thou my soule from the euil man and with thy sworde him smite verse 14 Deliuer me Lorde by thy power out of these tyrantes handes Whiche nowe so longe time raigned haue and kepe vs in theyr bandes verse 15 I meane from worldly men to whom all worldly goodes are ryse That haue no hope nor part of ioy but in this present lyfe Thou of thy store theyr bellies filst with pleasures to their minde Theyr children haue inough and leaue to theirs the rest behinde verse 16 But I shall with pure conscience beholde thy gratious face So when I wake I shalbe full with thine image and grace Diligam te domine psal xviii T. S. This Psalme is the fyrste beginnyng of Dauids saluation and thancks geuing in the entring into his kingdome wherin he extolleth and praiseth most highly the maruelous mercies and grace of God who hathe bothe preserued and defended hym he setteth forthe the Image of Christes kingdome painted in hys kindom that the faithfull mai be assured that Christe shall alwayes conquere and ouercome by the vnspeakable power of hys father though all the whole world shuld say there against O God my strēgth and fortitude of force I must loue the Thou art my castell defence in mine necessitie My god my rock in whō I trust y e worker of my wealth my refuge buckler my shield y e horn of al mi health verse 3 When I sing laud vnto the Lorde most worthy to be strued Then fro my foes I am right sure that I shalbe preserued verse 4 The panges of death did compas me and bounde me euery where The flowing waues of wickednes did put me in great feare verse 5 The slie and suttell snares of hell were round aboute me set And for my death there was preparde a deadly trapping net verse 6 I thus beset with payne and gryef did pray to God for grace And he forthwith did heare my playnt out of his holy place verse 7 Suche is hys power that in his wrath he made the earth to quake Yea the foundation of the mounte of Basan for to shake verse 8 And from his nostrels came a smoke When kindled was his ire And from his mouth came kindled coles of hote consuming fire verse 9 The Lorde descended from aboue and bowde the heauens hie And vnderneth his fete he cast the darknes of the skye verse 10 On Cherubs and on Cherubins full royally he rode and on the winges of all the windes came fliyng all abrode The second parte And like a denne most darke he made his denne and secret place With waters black and ayrie cloudes enuironed he was verse 12 But when the presence of his face in brightnes shall appeare Then cloudes consume in their stead come hayles and coales of fyre verse 13 These fiery dartes and thunder boltes disperse them here and there And with his often lightninges he puttes them in great feare verse 14 Lorde at thy wrath and threatenings and at thy chyding cheare The springes and the
the Lorde doeth him direct To leade his lyfe in suche awaye as he doeth best accept verse 12 His soule shall euermore in goodnes dwell and stande His seede and his posteritie inherite shall the lande verse 13 All those that feare the Lorde know hys secret intent And vnto them he doth declare hys wyll and testament verse 14 Mine eyes and eke my hart to hym I wyll aduaunce That pluckt my fete out of the snare of sinne and ignoraunce verse 15 With mercy me beholde to thee I make my mone For I am poore and desolate and comfortles alone verse 16 The troubles of mine hart are multiplyed in dede Bring me out of this misery necessitiy and nede verse 17 Beholde my pouertie mine anguish and my payne Remit my sinne and myne offence and make me cleane agayne verse 18 O Lorde beholde myfoes how they doo styll increase Pursuing me with deadly hate that fayne would lyue in peace verse 19 Preserue and kepe my soule and eke deliuer me And let me not be ouerthrowne because I trust in thee verse 20 Let my simple purenes me from mine enemies shend Because I loke as one of thyne that thou shouldest me defend verse 21 21 Deliuer Lorde thy folke and send them some relief I meane thy chosen Israell from all theyr payne and grief Iudica me domine Psalme xxvi I. H Dauid oppressed with many iniuryes finding no helpe in the worlde called for ayde from God and assured of his integritie toward Saul desireth God to be his iudge and to defend his innocency causeles afflicted Finally he maketh mention of his sacrifice whiche he will offer for his deliueraunce and desireth to be in the company of the faithfull in the congregation of God whence he was banished by Saule promisyng integritie of life open praises and thankes geuingr LOrde be my iudge and thou shall see Sing this as the. xviii psalme My pathes be right and plaine I trust in God and hope that he will strength me to remaine verse 2 Proue me my God I thee desire my waies to searche and trie As men do proue theyr gold with fire my reines and hert espie verse 3 Thy goodnes laide before my face I durst be bold alwaies For of thy trueth I tread the trace and will doo all my dayes verse 4 I doo not lust to haunt or vse with men whose dedes ar vayne To come in house I doo refuse with the deceiptfull trayne verse 5 I muche abhorte the wicked sort their dedes I doo despise I doo not once to them resort that hurtfull thinges deuyse ▪ verse 6 6 My handes I washe and doo procede in workes that walke vpryght Then to the aulter I make spede to offer there in sight verse 7 That I may speak preache the prayse that doth belonge to thee And so declare how wondrous wayes thou hast ben good to me verse 8 O Lorde thy house I loue most deare to me it doeth excell I haue delight and would be neare wher as thy grace doeth dwell verse 9 Oh shut not vp my soule with them in sinne that take their fill Nor yet my lyfe amongst those men that seke much bloud to spill verse 10 whose hands ar heapt with craft guile their life therof is full And their right hand with wrēch wile for bribes doth pluck and pull verse 11 But I in rightuousnes entend my time and daies to serue ▪ Haue mercy Lorde and me defende so that I doo not swarue verse 12 My fote is stayed for all assayes it standeth well and right Wherfore to God will I geue prayse in all the peoples sight Dominus illum inatio Psal. xxvii I. H. Dauid maketh this Psalme being deliuerth frō great pearsts as appeareth by the prayses and thankesgeuyng annexed wherin we may see the constant fayth of Dauid against the assaults of all enemies and also thende wherfore he desireth to lyue and to bedeliuered only to worship God in his congregation Herby he promiseth hymself assuraunce though father mother forsake hym he teacheth this to be the only way to to see the good thinges in the land of the liuing and after his example he exhorteth to faith and to attend vpon the Lorde THe Lord is bothe my health and light Sing this as the. xviii psalme shall man make me dismayde Sith God doth geue me strength why should I be afrayde verse 2 While that my foes with all their strēgth might begin with me to brawle And thinke to eate me vp at length themselues haue caught the fall verse 3 Thoughe they in campe against me lye my hart is not afrayd In battell pight if they will trye I trust in God for ayde verse 4 One thing of God I doo require that he will not denye For whiche I pray and will desyre till he to me applye verse 5 That I within his holy place my lyfe throughout may dwell To see the beauty of his face and vew his temple well verse 6 In time of dreade he shall me hide within hys place most pure And kepe me secret by hys syde as on a rocke most sure verse 7 At length I know the Lordes good grace shall make me strong and stoute My foes to foile and cleane deface that compasse me about verse 8 Therfore within his house will I. Geue sacrifice of prayse With Psalmes and songes I will applye to laude the Lorde alwayes verse 9 Lorde heare the voyce of my request for whyche to thee I call Haue mercy Lord on me opprest and send me helpe withall verse 10 My hart doth knowledge vnto thee I sue to haue thy grace Then seke my face sayste thou to me Lorde I will seke thy face verse 11 In wrath turne not thy selfe a way Nor suffer me to slide Thou art my helpe still to this day be still my God and guide verse 12 My parentes both theyr sonne forsoke and cast me of at large And then the Lorde himselfe yet toke of me the cure and charge verse 13 Teache me O God the way to thee and leade me on forth ryght For feare of suche as watche for me to trap me if they might verse 14 Do not betake me to the will of them that be my foes For they surmyse against me styll false witnes to depose verse 15 My hart would faint but that in me this hope he fixed fast The Lorde Gods good grace shall it see in lyfe that aye shall laste verse 16 Trust still in God whose whole thou art His will abide thou must And he shall ease and strength thy hart if thou in hym doo trust Ad te domine clamabo Psal. xxviii I. H Being in great feare and pensiuenes to see God dishonoured by the wicked men he desireth to be rid of them and cryeth for vengeaunce against them and at length assureth hym selfe that God hath hard his prayer vnto whose tuition he commendeth all the faithefull THou art O Lord my strength and stay Sing this as the. xxi psal the succor
settest far from me my frendes and louers euery one Yea and mine oulde acquaintance all out of my sight are gone Miserecordias domini Psalme lxxxix IH With many words doth the prophet prayse the goodnes of God for his testament and couenaunt that he had made betwene him and his elect by Iesu Christ the sonne of Dauid Then dothe he complayne of the greate ruine and desolation of the kingdome of Dauid so that to the outward aperaunce the promis was broken Finally he prayeth to be delyuered from his aflictions making mention of the shortnes of mans lyfe and confirming him selfe by Gods promises TO syng the mercyes of the Lorde Sing this as the. lxvii my tounge shall neuer spare And with my mouth from age to age thy truthe I will declare verse 2 2 For I haue sayd that mercye shall for euermore remayne In that thou dost the heauens stay thy truth appeareth playne verse 3 To myne elect sayth God I made a couenant and be hest My seruaunt Dauid to perswade I swore and did protest verse 4 Thy seede for euer I will stay and stablish it full fast And still vphoulde thy throne alway from age to age to last verse 5 The heauens shew with ioy and mirth thy wondrous workes O Lorde Thy saincts within thy church on earth thy faith and truth recorde verse 6 Who with the Lorde is equall then in all the cloudes abrode Amonge the sonnes of all the Gods what one is like our God God in assemble of the sainctes is greatly to be drad And ouer all that dwell about in terror to be had verse 8 Lorde God of hostes in all the worlde what one is lyke to thee On euery side most mighty Lorde ▪ thy truthe is sene to be verse 9 The raging sea by thine aduice thou rulest at thy wyll And when the waues therof aryse thou makst them calme and still verse 10 And Egipt thou Lord hast subdued and thou hast it destroyed Yea thou thy foes with mighty arme hast scattred all abrode verse 11 The heauens thine and still haue ben lykewyse the earth and laude The worlde with all that is therin thou foundest with thy hand verse 12 Both north and south with est and west thy selfe didst make and frame Both Tabor mount and Hermon reioyse and prayse thy name verse 13 Thyne arme is strong and ful of power all might therin doth lye The strength of thy right hand eche houre thou liftest vp on hie verse 14 In righteousnes and equitie thou hast thy seate and place Mercy and truthe are still with thee and go before thy face verse 15 That folke is blest that knoweth a right thy present power O God For in the fauoure of thy sight they walke full safe abrode verse 16 For in thy name throughout the daye they ioy and muche reioyce ▪ And through thy rightousnes haue they a pleasaunt fame and noyse verse 17 For why theyr glory strength and ayde in thee alone doth lye Thy goodnes eke that hath vs stayed shall lyfte our horne on hye verse 18 Our strength that doth defend vs well the Lorde to vs doth brynge The holly one of Israell he is oure gide and kyng verse 19 Somtime thy will vnto thy sainctes in visions thou didst show And thus then didst thou say to them thy mind to make them know verse 20 A man of might haue I erect your king and gyde to be And set vp him whom I elect amonge the folke to me verse 21 My seruaunt dauid I appoynte whom I haue searched oute And with my holy oyle anoynte him king of all the route verse 22 For why my hand is redy still with him for to remayne And with mine arme also I will him strengthen and sustayne verse 23 The ennemies shall not him oppres they shall him not deuoure Ne yet the sonnes of wickednes of him shall haue no power verse 24 His foes likewyse will I destroy before his face in sighte And those that hate him I will plage and stryke them with my mighte verse 25 My truth and mercy eke with all shall still vpon him lye And in my name his horne eke shall be lifted vp on hye verse 26 His kingdome I will set to be vpon the sea and sand And eke the running flouds shall he embrace with his right hand verse 27 He shall depend with all hys hart on me and thus shall saye My father and my God thou arte my rocke of health and staye verse 27 As one first borne I will him take of all on earth that sprynges His might and honour I shall make aboue all worldly kynges verse 29 My mercy shalbe with him styll as I my sealfe haue toulde My faythfull couenaunt to fullfill my mercy I will houlde verse 30 And eke his seede will I sustayne for euer strong and sure So that his seate shall still remayne whyle heauen doth endure verse 31 If that his sonnes forsake my lawe and so begin to swerue And of my iudgements haue none awe nor will not them obserue verse 32 32 Or if they doo not vse aryght my statutes to them made And set all my commaundments light and will not keepe my trade verse 33 Then with the rod will I begin theyr doinges to amend And so with scourging for theyr sin when that they doo offend verse 34 My mercy yet and my goodnes I will not take him froe Nor handle him with craftines and so my truthe forgoe verse 35 But sure my couenaunte I will hould with all that I haue spoke No word the which my lippes haue told shall alter or be broke verse 36 Once swore I by myne holynes and that performe will I With Dauid I shall kepe promise to him I will not lye verse 37 His seede for euermore shall rayne and eke his throne of might As doeth the sonne it shall remayne for euer in my sight verse 38 And as the mone within the skye for euer standeth fast A faythfull witnes from on hie so shall his kingdom laste verse 39 But now O Lorde thou dost reiect and now thou chaungest chere Yea thou art wrothe with thine elect thine owne anoynted dere verse 40 The couenant which thy seruaūt made Lorde thou hast quite vndone And downe vpon the ground also hast cast his royall crowne verse 41 Thou pluckst his hedges vp with might his walles doest thou confounde Thou beatest eke his bulworkes downe and breakst them to the ground verse 42 That he is sore destroyed and forne of commers by throughoute And so is made a mocke and scorne to all that dwell aboute verse 43 Thou their right hand hast lifted vp that him so sore annoy And all his foes that him deuoure loe thou hast made to ioy verse 44 His swerds edg thou doest take away that should his foes withstand To him in warre no victorye thou geuest nor vpperhand verse 45 His glory thou dost also waste his throne his ioy and mirth By thee is ouerthrowne add cast full
frute of all theyr strength and might With gold and siluer he them brought from Egipt land to passe And in the number of their tribes no feble one there was Egipt was glad and ioyfull then when they did thense depart For terrour and the feare of them was fallen vpon theyr hart To shroude them frō the parching heat a cloude he did display And fire he sent to geue them lyght when night had hid the day They asked and he caused quayles to rayne at their request And fully with the bread of heauen their hunger be represt He opend then the stony rock and waters gushed out And in the drye and parched groundes lyke riuers ranne about For of his holy couenant ay myndefull was he thoe Which to his seruant Abraham he plighted long agoe He brought his people forth with mirth and his elect with ioy Out of the cruell land where they had lyued in great anoye And of the heathen men he gaue to them the frutefull landes The labors of the people eke they toke into theyr hands That they his holy statutes might obserue for euermore And faithfully obey his lawes prayse ye the Lorde therfore Confitemine domino Psal. Cvi N. The people dispersed vnder Antiochus doo magnifie the goodnes of God emonge the iust and repentant Desiring to be brought agayne into the lande by Gods mercyfull vysytacion And after the manifold meruayles of God wrought in their deliueraunce forth of Egipt and the great ingratitude of the people rehearsed they doo praye and dedesier to be gathered from among the Heathē to the entent they may prayse the name of the God of Israell PRayse ye the Lod for he is good Sing this as the. lxxxxv his mercye dures for ay Who can expresse his noble actes or all his prayse display They blessed are that iugment kepe and iustly doo alwaye With fauour of thy people Lorde remember me I pray And with thy sauing health O Lorde vouchesafe to visite me That I the great felicytie of thine elect may see And with thy peoples ioy I may a ioyfull minde posses And may with thine inheritance a glorying hart expres Bothe we and eke our fathers all haue sinned euery one We haue committed wickednes and leudly we haue done The wonders great which thou O lord hast done in Egipt land Our fathers though they saw them al yet did not vnderstand Nor they thy mercies multitude did kepe in thankfull mind But at the sea yea the red sea rebelled most vnkind Neuertheles he saued them for honor of hys name That he might make his power knowne and spred abrode with fame The red sea he did then rebuke and forthwith it was dryed And as in wildernes so through the depe he did them guide He saued them from the cruel hand of their despitefull soo And from the enmies hand he did deliuer them also The second parte The waters their oppressors whelmd not one was left alyue Then they beleued his wordes praise in song they did him geue But by and by vnthankefully his workes they cleane forgat And for his counsell and his will they did neglect to wayte But lusted in the wildernes with fond and gredy lust And in the desert tempted God the stay of all theyr trust And then theyr wanton mindes desire he suffred them to haue but wasting leannes ther withall into their soule he gaue Then when they lodged in the tentes at Moses they did grutch Aaron the holy of the Lorde so did they enuie muche Therfore the earth did open wide and Dathan did deuoure And all Abrams companye did couer in that houre In their assemblie kindled was the whote consuming fyre And wasting flame did then burne vp the wicked in his ire Upon the hill of Horeb they an idole calf did frame And there the molten image they did worship of the same Into the likenes of a calfe that fedeth on the grasse Thus they their glory turnd and all their honor did deface And God their only sauiour vnkindly they forgot Which many great and mighty things in Egip land hadt wrought The third parte And in the land of Ham for them most wondrous works had done And by the red sea dredfull things performed long agone Therfore for their so shewing them forgetfull and vnkind To bring destruction on them all he purposde in his minde Had not his chosen Moses stoode before them in the breake To turne his wrath lest he on them with slaughter should him wreke They did despise the pleasant land that he beheght to geue Yea and the workes that he had spoke they did no whit beleue But in their tents with grudging hart they wickedly repined Nor to the voyce of God the Lorde they gaue a harkning mynde Therfore against them lifted he his strong reuenging hand Them to destroy in wildernes ere they should see the land And to destroy theyr sede among the nations with his rod And through the contrees of the world to scatter them abrode To Baal Peor then they did adioyne themselues also And eate the offringes of the dead so they forsoke him tho Thus with theyr owne inuentions his wrath they did prouoke And in his so inkindled wrath the plage vpon them broke But Phineas stoode vp with zeale the sinners vile to stay And iudgement he did execute and then the plage did stay The. iiii parte It was imputed vnto him for righteousnes that day And from thenceforth so compted is from race to race foraye At waters eke of Meribah they did him angry make Yea so far fourth that Moses was then punisht for theyr sake Because they vext his sprite so sore that in impatient heate His lippes spake vnaduisedly his feruor was so greate Nor as the Lorde commaunded them they slew the people thoe But were among the heathen mixt and learnde their workes also And did their idoles serue whiche were their ruine and decay To feends their sonnes daughters they did offer vp and slay yea with vnkindly murdring knife the giltles bloud they spilt yea theyr owne sons daughters bloud without all cause of gilt Whom they to Canaan idoles then offerd with wicked hand And so with blood of innocents defyled was the land Thus wer they stayned with the works of their owne filthy way And with their owne inuentions a whoring did they stray Therfore against his people was the Lordes wrath kind led sore And euen his owne in heritance therfore he did abhorre Into the handes of heathen men he gaue them for a prey And made theyr foes the lords whō they were forced to obey The v parte Yea and their hatefull enemies opprest them in the land And they were humbly made to stoope as subiectes to theyr hand Full oftentimes from thrall had he deliuerd them before But with their counsels they to wrath prouoked him euermore Therfore they by their wickednes were brought full low to lye yet when he saw them in distres he harkned to theyr crye He calld to
mind his couenant which he to them had swore And by his mercies multitude repented him therfore And fauour he them made to finde before the sight of those That led them captiue from their land when erst they were their foes Saue vs O Lorde that art our God saue vs O Lord we pray And from among the Heathen folke Lorde gather vs away That we may spred the noble prayse of thy most holy name That we may glory in thy prayse and sounding of thy fame The Lorde the God of Israell be blest for euermore Let all the people say Amen prayse ye the Lord therfore Confitemini domino Psalme Cvii VV. K. The Prophet exhorteth all those that are redemed by the Lord and gathered vnto hym to geue thankes for this mercyfull prouidence of God gouerning all thynges at his good pleasure sending good and euill prosperitie and aduersitie to bryng men vnto him Therfore as the righteous thereat reioyce so shall the wicked haue their mouthes stopped GEue thankes vnto the Lorde our God Sing this as the. xxix Psal. for gratious is he And that his mercy hath none ende all mortall men may se. verse 2 Suthe as the Lorde redemed hathe with thanks should prayse his name And shew how they from foes wet fred and yow he wrought the same verse 3 He gathered them forth of the landes that lay so farre about From East to west from north to south his hand did finde them out verse 4 They wandred in the wildernes and strayed from the way And founde no citie where to dwell that serue might for theyr stay verse 5 Whose thirst and honger was so great in these desertes so voyde That faintnes did them sore assalt and eke their soules anoyde verse 6 Then did they crye in their distres vnto the Lorde for ayde Who did remoue their troublous state according as they prayde verse 7 And by that way which was most right be led them like a guide That they might to a citie go and there also abide verse 8 Let men therfore before the Lorde confes his goodnes then And shew the wonders that he doth before the sonnes of men verse 9 For he the emptie soule sustaynde whom thirst had made to faynte The hungrie soule with goodnes fed and did them eke acquainte verse 10 Suche as doo dwell in darkenes depe where they of death do wayte Fast bound to tast such troublous storms as yron chains doo threate The second parte verse 11 For that against the lords owne words they sought so to rebell Esteming light his counsels high which doo so farre excell verse 12 But when he humbled them full lowe they then fell downe with grief And none was found so muche to helpe wherby to get relief verse 13 Then did they crye in their distres vnto the Lorde for ayde Who did remoue their troublous state according as they prayde verse 14 For he from darknes out them brought and from deaths dredfull shade Bursting with force the yron bandes which did before them lade verse 15 Let men therfore before the Lord confes his kindnes then And shew the wonders that he doth before the sonnes of men verse 16 For he threw downe their gates of bras and brake them with strong hand Theyron barres he smote in two nothing could him withstand verse 17 The foolish folke great plagues do fele and cannot from them wend But hepe on me to those they haue because they doo offend verse 18 Their soule so much did lothe all meat that none they coulde abyde Wherby death had them almost caught as they full truly tryde verse 19 Then did they crye in theyr distres vnto the Lorde for ayde Who did remoue their troublous state according as they prayde verse 20 For he then sent to them his worde whiche health did sone restore And brought them frō those dangers depe wherin they were before The thyrde parte verse 21 Let men therfore before the Lorde confes his kindnes then And shew the wonders that he doeth before the sonnes of men verse 22 And let them offer sacrifice with thankes and also feare And speake of all his wondrous works with glad and ioyfull cheare verse 23 Suche as in shippes or brittell barkes into the seas descend Their marchandise through fearful flods to compas and to ende verse 24 Those men are forced to beholde the Lordes workes what they be And in the dangerous depe the same most marueilous they see verse 25 For at his worde the stormie winde ariseth in a rage And stirreth vp the surges so as nought can them asswage verse 26 Then are they lifted by so hygh the clouds they seme to gayne And plunging downe the depth vntill theyr soules consume with payne verse 27 And like a drunkard to and fro now here now there they reele As men with teare of wit bereft or had of sense no feele verse 28 Then did they cry in theyr distresse vnto the Lorde for ayde Who did remoue their troublous state according as they prayde verse 29 For with his word the Lord doth make the sturdie storme to cease So that the gret waues frō their rage are brought to rest and peace verse 30 Then are men glad when rest is come which they so muche doo craue And are by him in hauen brought which they so fayne woulde haue The forth parte verse 31 Let men therfore before the Lorde confes his kindenes then And shew the wonders that he doth before the sounes of men verse 32 32 Let them in presence of the folke with prayse extoll his name And where the elders doo conuent let them there doo the same verse 33 For running floods to dry desertes he doeth oft change and turne And dryeth vp as it were dust the springing well and burne verse 34 A frutefull land with pleasures deckt full barren doeth he make When on their sinnes which dwell therin he doeth iust vengeance take verse 35 Againe the wildernes full rude he maketh frute to beare With pleasant springs of water cleare though none before were there verse 36 Wherin suche hungrye soules are set as he doeth freely chuse That they a citie may them buylde to dwell in for theyr vse verse 37 That they may sow theyr pleasant lād and vineyardes also plant To yelde them frutes of suche increase as none may seme to want verse 38 They multiplye exceadingly the Lord doeth bles them so Who doeth also their brut beastes make by numbers great to growe verse 39 But whē the faithfull are low brought by the oppressors stoute And minish do through many plagues that compas them about verse 40 Then doeth he princes bring to shame which did them so oppres And likewise caused them to erre within the wildernes verse 41 But yet the poore he rayseth vp out of his troubles depe And oft times doeth his trayne augmēt muche like a flocke of shepe verse 42 The righteous shall beholde this sight and also muche reioyce whereas the wicked and