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A13630 The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 23913; ESTC S101270 292,240 350

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as all the Lords blessings so especially these of the greatest value descende vnto the ●aithful only by gift and what is so free as gift and flovv meerely from the full fountaine of the Lordes most free and vndeserued mercy in Christ and not from themselues and their owne merites All haue sinned saith the Apostle and are deprived of the glorie of God Rom. 3. 23. but are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus And againe the wages of sinne i● death but everlasting life Rom. 6. 23. is the gift of God through IESVS CHRIST our Lord. ●astly by grace yee are s●ved through faith and that not of your selues it is the Eph. 2. 8. gif●e of GOD not of vvorkes least any ●an shoulde b●ast himselfe The which with the like testimonies being so evident for our iustification salvation bestowed vpon vs freely in Christ haue as it may be thought forced the childrē of the church of Rome to devise a double iustification the first proceeding from Gods free mercy in Christ the second from our own merite and deserts But this distinction they learned not of the Apostle who affirmeth that not only at the first we are brought into favor with God by Christ and freely iustified by his blood but also that much more wee are brought to the end of our salvation and to our full and final glorification by the same free vndeserued mercy of God in Christ For so is the Apostles ●llation God saith hee setteth out his lo●e rewards Rom 5. 8. vs seeing whose we were yet sinners Christ died for vs Much more then being now iustified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath by him For if when we were enemies we were reconciled vnto God by the death of his sonne much more being reconciled we shall bee saved by his life By vvhich wordes it is evident not that the faithfull which are at the first ●ustified by Christes blood are made able to iustifie themselues aftervvard by their ovvne vvorkes and to procu●e their ovvne salvation by their owne merites but much more saith he shall they bee preserued in the same grace and broughte to their salvation by CHRIST and by his life And verily if our first iustification by Christ bee sufficient vvhat neede vve seeke for a second iustification by our ovvne vvorkes And if our title vvhich vve haue to the kingdome of heaven by our Saviours death be good enough vvhat neede haue we to speake for any other title Can that vvhich is once iustly mine be made Quod semel 〈…〉 potest mihi ●…quiri pluribus causia by any other title mor● mine Either can a man haue many ●ust titles to one thing Surely there bee tvvo heavens and tvvo salvations as vvel as there be tvvo iust●fications For hovvsoeuer it be avouched in the vvord of truth that God will rewarde our vvorkes vvith the inheritaunce of his heauenly kingdome yet vve must not thinke that so great a revvarde being bestovved vpon so sory a service doth proceede from the merit and worthines of our owne vvorkes but from the meere mercy of him that doth so accept of vs and of our vvorks in Christ as that he doth crowne them with eternall glory The which being bestowed vpon our workes of charity is yet still called an inheritaunce Came yee blessed Mat. 25. 34. of my Father inherite the kingdome prepared for you before the foundation of the worlde that we may still knowe and acknowledge that it is not a purchase made by our owne workes but an inheritaunce freely bestowed vpon such as are adopted into the number of the sons of God by faith in Christ For as for the straitest of our workes if they were squared by the levell of the law they would be foūd in some respect crooked and those things which seeme in vs to carry most weight if they were weighed in the ballance of Gods iustice they would appeare too light our best righteousnes being in some force vnrighteous and our greatest perfection stayned vvith imperfection Our knovvle●ge saith the Apostle is vn 1 Cor. 13. 9 perfect and our charity is vnperfect and therefore to be done away in the place of perfection not that the invvarde graces themselues are then vtterly abolished for they followe vs in death and Apo. 14. 13. neuer faile vs when all earthly treasures b●dde vs adevv but that the imperfections vvhich remaine in the greatest graces of the most perfect heere in this vvorlde are to bee done avvay in the vvorlde to come and the foundation of the kingdome of GOD vvhich is begunne to bee laide heere in this life to bee made perfect in the life to come The perfection sayeth Sainte Hierome of all the iust in Hie. l. 1. c●… Pelag. this life is imperfecte perfection yea all our righteousnesse as faith the prophet is as a menstruous cloth and therefore the most Esa 64 6. holy that liue here should wash themselues with snow water and make Iob. 9. 30. August de tempore ●erm 49. themselues most cleane yet their owne cloathes would make them fil●hy In the resurrection as saith an ancient father we beleeue that we shall fulfill all righteousnes in respect whereof all that we doe in this life is but very dounge Our humble righteousnes saith Bernard of vve haue Bern. serm 5 de verb. Es They of the Councell of Trēt haue thought themselues better then these fathers cursing al such as be of their iudgment Ses 6. c. 16. c. 25. any at all is perhappes sincere but not pure except perchaunce vve imagine our selues to be better then our fathers who affirmed no less truely then humbly that alour righteousnes was a● a stained cloth for how saith he can that righteousnes be pure which cānot be without faulte Where first we may obserue that he tearmeth our righteousnes which we attaine vnto here in this life humble secondly he thinketh it to be so small that he seemeth to doubt whether there be any such thing at all thirdly he calleth it sincere perhaps fourthly no● pur● without all doubt fiftly he affirmeth this even of the best lastly hee avoucheth it to be a meere impossibility to be otherwise hovve can that be pure VVherefore it may not seeme st●ange that vvhich Gregorie teacheth that the holy man doth see his very vertuous worke to bee vicious if it come to bee scanned of a iust iudge And that Austin threatneth vengeance and woe against the same VVoe worth the commendable life of man if God should iudge it without mercy Now if Greg. in Iob. l. 9. c 1. Aug. l. 9. Confes c. 13. our very perfection be imperfect and our purity impure our righteousnes as a menstruous cloth and as very dounge if our vertue be vicious and our commendable life deserue a Woe thē when the Lord doth reward his faithfull servantes he doth not the same for the worthines of their
in his seruice The bondslaues of Satan seeme sometimes to drawe nigh vnto God to seeke the advaūcemēt of his honor glory but it is either afflictiō that forceth thē to cry that they might be delivered Psal 78. 34. Hos 7. 14. Ioh. 6. 26. out of the hād of the oppressor or they howle vpō their beds for corne wine and follow Christ for more bread the gratious gifts of God already receiued do not allure them to come in sincerity to God For they say not in their heartes O let vs feare the Lord which giueth vs raine ●arely late in due season and reserveth Ierem. 5. 24. for vs the appointed weekes of harvest Neither doe they say vvhere Iob. 35. 10. is the God that made vs that giveth vs songes in the night vvhich teacheth vs more then the beastes of the earth and giveth vs more wisedome then the fowles of the heavens But the sincere servantes of Thankfulnes for benefits already received bringeth the faithfull to God wheras hope of profite to come and their owne necessities force hypocrites sometimes to flie vnto him 2 Reg. 5. 17 Is 38. 20. The contemplation of Gods mercies our owne defectes vnworthines is the proper cause of all sincere devotion especially the manifestation of the endles loue of God in Christ is the peculiar cause of faith by faith of all other parts of piety godlines Christ knowing that God hath advaunced them with honour aboue al the residue of his creatures seeke to advaunce his honour aboue al other yea they most duly weighing with thēselues how deeply they are endebted vnto his divine maiesty for his gracious gifts already receiued desire rather to discharge some of the billes of their former debtes then more more stil to grow in arearages Naaman the Syrian being al his life long brought vp in most grosse blindnes Idolatry when he was cured of his leprosy by the goodnes of the God of Israel that is by the goodnes of the only true God Now saith he I know that there is no God but only in Israel therfore wil I not hēceforth offer any burnt offring or sacrifice to any other God saue to the Lord. So whē Ezechias had obtained of God a great deliverance frō his most dangerous disease howe doth he sing vnto the Lord reioice in his goodnes vow vnto God perpetual homage service The graue saith he cānot cōfesse thee death cānot praise thee but the liuing shall cōfesse thee as I doe this day the father to the children shall declare thy truth The Lord was ready to saue me therfore wil I sing my songs in the house of the Lord all the daies of my life The like may be said of al the residue that haue vnfeinedly given themselues vnto God For how were they drawen therevnto but by the linkes of his loue by the chaine of his blessings Devotion saith Aquinas is a special act of religion importing nothing else but the devoting of a mans hearte to the prompt service of the almighty God the cause wherof is the contemplation meditation of the Lords benefits of our owne defects For if we would duly weigh cōsider with our selues the Lords most bountiful largesse towards vs which are vnworthy of the leasts of his mercies deserue nothing but vengeance and wrath especially if we would religiously record that one invaluable gift of God who so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne that whosoever beleeved in him should not perish but haue life everlasting it would not otherwise be but that we should be wounded and pricked at the very hearte for our former contempts disloyalties and rebellions against so good and gratious a GOD and should also be made more careful for the time to come to looke better vnto our steppes and to be more respectiue serviceable vnto our God For so wrought this heavenly phisike in Peter Paule with al the residue of the servants of Christ it purged a way the putrified humours of corrupted affections recovered thē to spiritual health life It is sufficiēt saith St. Peter that wee haue spēt the time past of our life after the lustes of the Gētiles walking in 1. Pet. 4 2. Our defectes Gods loue Our dutie or devotiō vvantonnes lustes drunkennes and in abominable Idolatries But nowe seeing we knowe that Christ hath suffered for sinne we ought also to suffer in the flesh and to cease from sinne and henceforward to liue as much time as remaineth in the flesh not after the lustes of men but after the vvill of God So likewise the Apostle St. Paule Wee also our selues vvere in Tit. 3. 3. Our defectes Gods loue times past vnwise disobedient deceiued serving d●verse lustes and v●l●ptuousnes living in malitiousnes and e●vy hatefull and hating o●… another but when the bo●…t●fulnes and loue of God our Saviour toward man appeared he not onely saved vs from the guilte of our sinnes by giving himselfe a ransome for our soules but also hee destroyed the power Our dutie or devotiō of sinne in vs and so raysed vs vp to newnes of life For albeit the wicked turne the grace of God into wantonnes saying let vs sinne that grace may abound yet the saying grace of God teacheth the godly another lesson even to deny vngodlines and worldly lustes and to live Tit. 2. 11. iustly soberlie and godly in this present world looking for the blessed hope appearing of the mighty God and of our S●viour Iesus Christ vvho gaue himselfe for vs that he might redeeme vs from all ●…iquiti● and purge vs to be a peculiar people to himselfe zealous of good workes So likewise albeit the LORDES temporall blessinges are to the wicked as thornes choaking vp the good seedes of pietie and godlines and as baites to snare them and to drawe their heartes from God and as chaines to binde them fast vnto the varities of this wicked world yet to the godlie they are as sweete sauce to make them ●eede more eagerly vppon the foode of their soules and as spurres to make them runne more readilie in the way of Gods commaundementes and as ladders to lifte them vp vnto GOD that so they may come to the fruition of his greater blessinges For to the pure all thinges are pure in so much that their verie sinnes make them to hate sinne the more and the little tast of the LORDES mercies causeth them more vehemently to thirst after a full cuppe of the same mercies yea the more they see their owne wantes and the LORDES fulnes the more they are stirred vp to renoūce themselues to cleaue Eph. 5. 8. Our de fectes Gods loue Our duty or devotiō vnfainedly vnto the Lord. Yee were darknes saith the Apostle but now yee are light in the Lord Walke as children of the light as if he should haue said vnto them Remember your
this wrathfull countenance of God of al other calamities crosses is most grievous burdensome vnto them and doth aboue al other miseries vexe and torment their tender harts casteth thē downe to the gates of hell Then in anguish of soule and bitternes of spirit they powre forth whole streames of complaine● crying out and saying Will the Lord absent himselfe forever and will he be no more entreated Is his mercy cleane gone for ever Psal 77. 7. and is his goodnes come vtterly to an end far evermore ● hath God forgotten to be gracious hath he shut vp his loving kindnes in displeasure Thē said I this is my death againe O Lord how long wilt thou be angrie Psal 80. 4. with thy people that praieth Thou hast fed them with the bread of teares and hast given them plent●…snes of teares to drinke thou haste made vs to be a very strife vnto our neighbours our enemies laugh vs to scorne Turne vs againe O God of hosts shew vs the light of thy countenance and we shall be safe And yet in truth when the Lorde most sharply chasteneth his God is nearest to his servants in their asstictions albeit he seemeth to be then farthest of he sheweth then most of all the effect of his loue allthough they for the present feele it not Psa 119. 71. 75 ver own deare children he is not in wrath offended with them but in great loue most of all then tendreth their good his grace and favour is not absent but then especially is present with them albeit they for the very instāt feele not the same For what is it that in and by their afflictions worketh in them humility repentāce patience obedience an earnest desire to feele the Lord gracious and favourable vnto them aboue all things to behold the light of his countenāce Are not al these the most evident effects of the favourable presence of God with thē of the most neere assistance of his grace Doth he not herein shew thē the light of his coūtenance make manifest vnto them his loue to their great benefit good Surely David did most thākfully acknowledge so much saying It is good for me that I haue beene in trouble that I might learne thy statutes And againe I know O Lorde that thy iudgements are righteous and that thou not of wrath but of very faithfulnes hast caused me to be troubled And therfore Ieremy praied for the Ier. 10 24. same as for a thing beneficiall and good Correct vs O Lord ye● in thy iudgement not in thy fury For God chastiseth his children in loue albeit he punisheth the wicked in wrath And therfore both Iob. 5. 17. Iob David iudge not that the godly when they are afflicted are in a bad but in a right good and blessed estate Blessed is the man say they whom thou chastenest O Lorde and teachest in thy lawe that thou maiest giue him patience in time of adversitie vntill the ●it bee digged vp for the vngodly And therefore the Apostles did reioice in Rom. 5. 3. tribulations knowing that tribulations bring forth patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God is shedde abroade in our heartes by the holy Ghost The loue of God then apprehended by faith not only engendereth Hope Patience Confessiō in vs loue towardes God but also hope that maketh not ashamed and patience that maketh vs to reioice in tribulations and to be couragious and constant in the confession of his truth albeit all manner of crosses accompanye the same For out of the aboundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and therfore if vvith the hearte wee beleeue to righteousnesse wee will bee ready vvith the mouth to confesse vnto salvation I beleeved saith David Rom. 10. 10 Psal 116. 10 2. Cor. 4. 13 and therefore haue I spoken so vvee also saith the Apostle beleeue and therefore speake And verily if wee doe beleeue that GOD from everlasting hath acknowledged vs and hath written our names in the booke of life howe can it bee but that wee shoulde thankefully acknowledge him before the greate congregation and willingly confesse him before the whole worlde Yea how can it bee but that wee shoulde continually make our resorte to Praier him by praier in all our necessities and craue his gracious aide to assiste and strengthen vs in all those afflictions and crosses which vvee endure for his most holy name sake The vnfaithfull vvho vvill not bee persvvaded of the fatherly loue and favour of God towardes them cannot come with any cheerefulnes to make their praiers vnto God for howe can they call vppon him Rom 10. 14 on whom they haue not beleeved but the faithfull that beleeue that God is become their loving father in Christ that by him they haue such interest in God in al his blessings must needs cōe to him with great cōfidēce hope powre out their whole harts continually before him and present vnto him all their petitions and requests And verily they need not to be ashamed to come into his presence seeing they are cloathed with the most precious garments of Christ their elder brother and haue him to bee their continuall advocate solliciter to pleade their cause In deed the more they behold their owne nakednes and shame take a true view of the rotten ragges fained garments of their owne righteousnes and the more deepely therewithal they meditate vpon that strange and admirable goodnesse of God that would cast the eies of his loue vpō such loathsome wretches they haue great cause as to be ashamed of their abominable corruption so to be waile and lament their intollerable vnthankfulnesse And so the prophet Ezechiel hath testified that the faithful shal Eze. 16. 63. be confounded in themselues and hange downe their heads never open their mouthes for shame when they shal behold the loue of God towards them in Christ which hath freely pardoned all their iniquities and sinnes when I say they shal see on the one side how gracious God is to them on the otherside how grievous they themselues haue bin vnto God An ensample wherof In the praier of Manasse affixed at the end of the bookes of the Chronicles we haue in Manasse king of Iudah vnto whō when the Lorde had given a little taste of his promise of mercy and had givē him some assurance of the remission of his sinnes and of his receiving into favour how doth he debase and cast himselfe downe as if he were the only offender among all the servants of God and all other were as it were no sinners in comparison of him And how doth he exaggerate and amplifie his own transgressions as if they were more then the sande of the sea and togither withall so odious and abominable that he was not worthy to behold the heavens for the same
and not in truth Only the spirit of Christ that so greatly sanctified his death and so mightely wrought his resurrection being received by the due consideration and medi●…tion and by the religious embracing of his death and resurrection is able to destroy sin indeede and to raise vs vp to newnes of life 〈◊〉 is only of sufficient might to withstand Satan and all the powers of the kingdome of darknes and to worke in vs faith and loue and all the residue of the fruits of the spirite And if by this ●…nes 〈…〉 ●…ned to God then are we indeed truly converted Ioh. 12. 32. for Christ is the only loadstone that hath sufficient vertue at 〈◊〉 to draw vp to himselfe our harts of yron And if by this 〈…〉 be slaine and the life of righteousnes be wroughte in vs then haue we part in Christs death and fellowship in his resurrection but if by any other meanes sinne be put to flight it is but in shew and not in truth it is but a retire made by Satan that he may draw vs further and further into his snares Thus haue I Gentle Reader according vnto the direction of my skilfull guide set downe some few places of the first Chapters of the gospell of S. Iohn wherein this foode of our soules is commended vnto vs. There be many other also observed by the same author vpon the same book but these may suffice to teach those that are the Lordes stewardes what manner of foode they ought especially to set before the residue of the Lords family what they also ought principally to feede vpon if that they desire to haue their spirituall health and strength encreased and to be further and further enabled to do the Lords worke Now it ●…ineth that both in our publike private praiers we most in●…ly beseech the Lorde both with the woman of Samaria saying Lord giue me of this water that I may not thirst and with the Iewes Ioh 4. 15. Ioh. 6. 34. Lord giue vs ever more this bread Lord make this heavenly foode to taste better and better vnto vs that we may more and more hunger after the same and hasten our passage more readily and swiftly vnto that great and glorious banquetting house where we shall feede therevpon even to the full The which the Lorde for his owne mercies sake graunte vnto vs. Now vnto this our most gracious and glorious Lord and God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost be rendred all honour and glory praise and power maiesty and might for ever more Amen FINIS Faultes escaped in printing the first part Leaue out in the preface f. 1. l. 3. read conversation for conversion f. 5. v. 32 In the principal vses of the treatise put in my v. 31. in the treatise it selfe read members for number f. 4. l. 13. speaketh for seeketh f. 10. l. 26. right for might f. 20. l. 36. put in not f. 33. l. 6. omnipotēt for omniscient f. 35. l. 11. Iustifieth for Instilleth f. 38. l. 14 the revelation for relation f. 41. l. 14. sufficient for alsufficient f. 49 l. 11. speak for seeke f. 53 l. 3. impossible for invisible f 65. l 16. offrings for suffrings f. 64. l. 19. also for else f. 87. l. 11. put in his f 117. l. 26. speaking for seeking f. 123. l. 23. wil for wel f. 147. l. 18. put in 666. f. 159. l. 24. Faultes escaped in this second part Pag. 36. lin 27 for then allowed read then allowing in the marg for Rom. 14. 26. read 24. 27. item p. 41. in the marg for pf 26. 3. read 26. 3.
and mercies vpon them Iudge me O Lord saith David according vnto my righteousnes and according vnto the innocencye that is in mee and againe Iudge mee O Lorde for I haue vvalked innocently c. and verse the eight of the same Psalme O Lorde I haue loued the habitation of thy house and the place vvhere thine honour dwelleth O shut not vp my soule with sinners nor my life with the blood-thirsty in whose hands is wickednes their right hand is ful of gifts and cōcerning the assurāce that he had of his own faith the spring foūtaine of al good works he likwise testifieth saying Haue mercy vpō me O God haue mercy vpō me for my soule trusteth in thee vnder the shaddowe of thy winges shal be my refuge vntill this tirannie bee over Isa 38. 3. past So Ezechias Remember now O Lorde how I haue wa●ked before thee with an vpright hearte and haue done that which is acceptable in thy sight Remember me saith Nehemiah O my God in go●dnes according Ne● 5. 9. 13 22. to all that I haue done for this people And againe Remember me O God concerning this and pardon mee according vnto thy great mercie Pray for vs saith the Apostle for we are assured that wee haue a good Heb. 13. 18. conscience desiring to liue honestly in all things And in truth how could the actions of the faithful haue beene pure and good except they had beene done in faith and in obedience to God and vpon an assured knowledge that they were wel pleasing vnto him How otherwise could they haue beene so bold and that in lue of that service which then they performed vnto him to haue required at the Lords hands that reward which he hath promised to his faithful servāts Or if they thēselues were not fully perswaded of their most comfortable faith godly life of the sincerity of an vpright conscience how came it to passe that the light therof was so great that their most deadly malicious enimies were forced to giue testimony thereto with these or the like words These be they which speake as they liue and liue as they speake this is assuredly an holie profession which bringeth forth so holie a conversation this is a ioyfull and comfortable faith which yeeldeth such ioy and comfort amidst so great and grievous torments and in the very terrors of death it selfe O truely great is the God of these christians Their light did so shine before mē that they did see their goods works and glorifie their father which was in heaven and therefore they did much more assuredly see them themselues Wherfore to conclude this first question A true a faithful christian man is not ignorant of the estate of his own soul nor standeth in feare of al his actions he ●s not in doubt of the purity of his cogitations nor yet vncertaine of his obtained grace he cleerely beholdeth the light of his owne holy life and conversation and both by the markes fruits of his christian faith groweth into a stedfast assurance thereof being thereby enabled to make an vndoubted profession of the same according vnto the direction of this our christian creede I beleeue Novv the first question being thus determined the second follovveth whether a faithfull christian knowing assuredlie that hee hath obtained a true saving and iustifying faith may know also assuredlie that ●e is in the favour of God hath remission of sinnes and a iust title to the inheritance of the kingdome of heaven Andradius the maintainer of the Tr●dentine faith seemeth to yeeld thus much that if we could assuredly knovv that we had faith repentance loue we might also assuredly knovv that vve vvere in the favour of God had al our sins remitted vnto vs. But of the former he greatly doubteth nay he boldly avoucheth with * Duraeus li. 8. de paradoxi● other of his fellovvs that we cannot attaine to any stedfast and certaine assurance of the same Now thē seeing that the mēbers of the church of Rome know not assuredly whether they beleeue or no or belong to the nūber of the faithful servāts of Christ it is no mervaile that they know not that they are in the favor of God neither acknovvledge the great mercy of Christ tovvardes themselues in remitting vnto them their iniquities and sinnes Whereas no doubt the faithfull servauntes and children of GOD feeling his lavv written in their Heb. 8. 10. 1 Ioh. 5. 20. heartes and knovving that he hath giuen them a minde to knovv him aright and to perfourme in some measure the vvell deserved duety of obedient servauntes and loving children and that according vnto his ovvne prescription in his most sure and vndoubted vvord do knovv also assuredly thereby that they themselues are vnder the covenant of mercy and in the estate of grace that God is become their loving father in Christ hath cast al their sinnes into the bottome of the sea This question then concerneth not the vnfaithfull and vnbeleeuers whether such may knovv whether they are in Gods favor for doubtlesse they may perswade themselues the cleane contrary but the faithful beleeuers only vnto whō for the better strēgthning of their stedfast assurance diverse helpes are ministred by the Lord in his word For as in the cōveianc● of earthly lands possessions vvhen any thing is to passe from man to man the graunt is set dovvne in vvriting and signed and sealed vvith the hand and seale of the party that maketh the graunte and subscribed vvith the handes or markes of the vvitnesses present for the same purpose that so the party to vvhome the graunte is made may haue good security for those landes vvhich are after this manner passed over vnto him and as in those evidences the cause of the graunte is sometime signified for the better confirmation of the conveiance even so our most gracious and mercifull GOD purposing of his infinite and endlesse mercy in Christ to giue assuraunce to the faithfull of remission of sinnes and euerlasting life hath caused not only the graunt thereof to be set dovvne in the holy scriptures vnder the handes of diverse as it vvere publike Notaries but also the cause of the saide graunt as So GOD loved the vvorlde not so and so had vve deserued and such or such a summe had vvee giuen but So Ioh. 3. 16. God loved the vvorlde that hee gaue his only begotten sonne vvho is the onely purchaser and price of the purchase also that vvhosoeuer beleeueth in him shoulde not perish but haue life everlasting And that vve might bee most throughly persvvaded of the vnchaungeable vvil of the LORDE concerning this his grant he commaunded it to be proclaimed not in Iurie alone nor any one corner of the world nor to one people onely but gaue in charge to his embassadors to publish the same throughout the vvhole vvorld and to entreate thereof vvith every creature Goe yee saith our Saviour
blessed Virgin shee vvas not annointed nor yet appointed to bee thy Saviour The vniversall company of all those that are made partakers of the kingdome of heaven doe take their crovvnes of glorie from their ovvne heades and cast them dovvne at the Lambes feete acknowledging thereby of vvhome they holde them giuing the glorie of their salvation onely to GOD and the Lambe saying Salvation is of GOD that sitteth vppon the throne and from the lambe VVith the vvhich catholike consent of all the holy Apoc. 4. 10 saintes vvee may content our selues and satisfie our consciences sufficiently hovve many and hovve mightie soever they be here in this vvorlde that vvill not subscribe to this holy and heavenlie confession And verely vvee being built vppon CHRIST our immoueable rocke vvee neede not seeke for the stay and strength of any other foundation being possessed vvith the maintenance of this most bountifull Founder vvee neede not begge for an exhibition of any other benefactor being furthered in all our suites by his mediation vve neede no other letters of commendation hauing re●aued from him our satisfecit and quiet●… est vvee neede not greatly care for the Popes indulgence and pardon being clensed from all our sinnes by his blood vve neede not make any reckoning of our purging in purgatory being cloathed with the most odoriferous garmentes of his obedience we neede not adde thereto the patches and ragges of our ovvne righteousnesse being enriched vvith his treasures vve neede not make much account of our ovvne trash and hauing his sufferinges and death for the warrant of our right to the kingdome of heaven we neede not seeke for any further assurance or for any other title to that happy and heavenly inheritance Neither indeede doth the true church the spouse of CHRIST seeke for the same to any other then to her kinde and louing bride-grome shee contenteth her selfe vvith his loue and satisfieth her selfe vvith his sufficiency it is enough to her that shee is flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone even the bodie and fulnes of him that filleth all in all VVherefore if Iesus Christ be our whole entire only and sufficient Saviour if there be no other name power where by we may be saued as the greatnes of that raunsome which he only gaue for our redēption doth sufficiently declare if the death of Gods dearest saintes come shorte of that price the vvhich being endured for the confession of the faith of CHRIST is the very crowne of all their vvorkes if they vvere not vvorthy of the least of the LORDES mercies but were made partakers of them all most frankely and freely in CHRIST IESVS if through him they vvere not onely at the first reconciled vnto GOD and receaued into favour but also preserued in the same and brought to their full and finall glorification lastly if their vvorkes vvere rewarded vvith eternal glory not for the merite and worthines of the same in that the best of them examined in iustice deserued a curse rather then a blessing but for the mere mercy of him vvho so vvell accepteth of them and of their doinges in his vvel-beloued sonne then vvee may conclude that not the best vvorkes of the LORDES dearest saintes but the obedience and death of his dearly beloued sonne is the onely meritorious cause of eternall salvation And therefore that the church of Rome by ioyning the saintes to CHRIST in the vvorke of our saluation and by making them by their owne merites their owne Saviours in parte and others also and so by robbing of him vnto vvhome all is due of the vvhole and entire glorie thereof is iustly by all the faithfull members of CHRIST dispossessed of the name of the true church and rightly charged to be the verie throne of that enimy of Christ the great Antichrist Div. 8. That Christes soule descended not into Limbus Patrum to deliver the Fathers THere vvas one place for all the faithfull after their death vvhich departed before the coming of Christ in the flesh He descended into hell 2. Reg. 2. 11. Luc. 16. 22. But Elias at his departure was carried vp into heaven and not downe into Limbus and Lazarus was carried into Abrahams bosome which can be no part nor region of hell as it may appeare by these circumstances First these two places where Lazarus the rich man were are said to be farre off one from the other to haue an huge distance set betweene them which is not so likely to be betweene two places which both as they say are situated vnder the earth Secondly it is saide that there is no passage from the one place to the other whereas the devils themselues passe higher even to those that liue here vpon earth Thirdly it is called a place of comforte where Lazarus vvas refreshed and comforted wheras in all likely-hoode there is verie colde comforte in any coast or region of hel Moreover CHRIST vvas in the ●ore knowledge of GOD alambe slaine from the beginning of the vvorlde Apoc. 13. 18 his death vvas then as effectuall to the Fathers to open to them the kingdome of heaven as it is novve to vs seeing hee is yesterday and today and the selfe same for ever and therefore Heb. 13. 8. the selfe same Saviour and opener of heaven to them as to vs they receauing the same end of their faith as vvee 1. Pet. 19. doe even the salvation of their soules For the Fathers vvere the children of God by faith in Christ as wel as the faithfull since the ascension of Christ and therefore heauen as their inheritance was due vnto them at their departure out of this life and therefore they vvere not debarred from the same And vvhat shal we say that they vvalked in the broad way that leadeth to hell or in the narrovv way that leadeth to heauen And therefore at the ende of their life being the end of their vvalke vvere they not placed in rest in that their long longed for and desired countrey which was prepared for them of God And vvas not this present life to them Heb. 11. 16. as it is to vs a time of sowing and a place of warfare and fight and the next life a time of reaping and haruest and a place of crowning and triumphing Now there is no reaping nor triumphing out of heauen and therefore the fathers after their seede time and vva●fare ended here in this life were doubtles brought to heauen being the place appointed for their ioyfull harvest and glorious triumph And certainely as all those vvhom Christ hath novv reconciled are either in heauen or in earth as the Apostle testifieth euen so they were also in the first ages of the church Col. 1. 20. vnder the fathers and therefore as there are none now in purgatory fire so there were none then in Limbus Patrum So Saint Aust hypog lib. 5. Austine the first place the catholike faith by the warrant of divine scripture beleeveth to
it came to the full So that albeit the spouse of Christ remained a pure virgine whiles the Apostles Euseb l. 3. Cap 32. Niceph. l. 3. Cap 16. liued yet assoone as they were dead shee began to be corrupted and wicked erroures beganne then not onely to be sowen but also to take roote in the Lordes fielde The which erroures albeit they were sometimes withstoode and for a time repressed by the learned and religious fathers that liued in those dayes yet being countenanced out by the blinde zeale and superstitious deuotion of the multitude and by the cunning plots and pollicies of their autors and abettors at the length beganne to be receaued for catholike as it may in particular more evidently appeare by the historicall observation of the rising encreasing and growing to the full of that one presumptuous heresie of their Papal supremacy Whereas the strange and wonderfull prevailing of the gospell of Christ as at the first publishing thereof by the Apostles themselues even so at the renevvinge of the same in these last times albeit it vvas vvithstoode vvith all the learning of the greate Rabbyes and Doctors through out all nations and persecuted by the sword of such as were in authority and defamed also with all manner of shameful and ignominious reportes doth manifestly declare that it is the most powerfull doctrine of the almighty ●…b 4. ●4 ● Esd 4. 4● GOD and that strong and puissant trueth that must prevaile according as it vvas most liuely set foorth in the prophesie of Daniell by the little stone cut out vvithout handes vvhich ●…n 2. 34. brake that goodly and glorious image in pieces and became it selfe a great mountaine so that it filled the vvhole earth wherefore if quicke and speedy prevailing be an argument of the miraculous power of God giuing thereby testimony vnto the truth according vnto Augustines opinion and Bellarmines also then is the doctrine 〈◊〉 22. de 〈◊〉 dei c. 5. of such as embrace the gospell the very truth and the doctrine of Popery a fardell of lyes for that the one prevailed with speed and the other crept in by little and little Opposit 6. The powerfull trueth of the gospell breaketh of all familiar vse vvith the Devill and stoppeth the course of his Satanicall illusions vvhich haue great foorth in his kingdome of darkenesse hee being very familiar with his familiars IN the night Lyons Beares and other savage beastes with the venemous serpentes doe bestirre themselues seeking their pray but when the day appeareth they hide themselues in their dennes and holes and so man hath the safer passage to betake himselfe to his labour euen so in the night of ignoraunce and errour the roaring Lyon redde Dragon and subtile Serpent beareth the svvay and the spirites of darkenesse mightely bestirre themselues to establish and strengthen their kingdome of darkenesse but when the lighte of the gospell beginneth to breake foorth and the day-starre of righteousnesse once ariseth then the powers of the kingdome of darkenesse are shaken and the captaines thereof put to flight For Satan is no vvay able to vvithstande Christ Dagon cannot stand before the arke nor superstition endure the strength and power of true religion So that vvhere the trueth openeth her mouth and teacheth there the Devill is driuen out of the chaire and put to silence VVhen CHRIST sent foorth his seuenty disciples to preach the gospell vnto the Iewes hee testifieth of the effecte thereof saying Loe I savve Satan lik● Luk 10. 18. lightning fall downe from heaven So vvhen the Apostles vvent foorth to preach the gospell to euery creature the oracles of the Deuill vvere stroken dumbe and his common apparitions restrained and hee vvas bounde for a thousande yeares Likevvise Apoc 2. 1. vvhen Paule had preached two yeares at Ephesus the vvorde of Act. 19 19. GOD so mightely grewe and prevailed that many that vsed curious artes brought their bookes and burned them before all men After the same manner vvhen the gospell beganne to bee preached againe in these last daies the apparition of spirites hath ceased and the arte of coniuring hath decayed vvhich was so common in former ages vnder the popish kingdome that the bookes of that blacke science lay open in some libraries publikely to bee reade and the mysteries thereof vvere almost knowen and practised also of euery priest that was but meanely learned And vvhat ordinary apparitions of spirites then were vvhat familiarity with Robin-good-fellovve the Faires and the like all olde mens and womens tongues can yet testifie sufficiently VVhereby it is evident that it was the truth of God that was first taught by the Apostles amongst the Gentiles and nowe renewed againe in these last daies and that both Gentilisme and Papisme are the very proppes and pillars of the Devils kingdome and the professours thereof his great familiars and friendes Opposit 7. The faithfull haue their fierce and furious affections cooled and softned by the Lords most meeke spirit and milde word and of tygers beares wolues are turned into doues lambes and sheepe but the vnfaithfull delight in cruelty and blood WHē the Samaritans refused to entertaine Christ Iames Iohn said vnto him Lord wilt thou that we commaunde Luk. 9 54. fire to come downe frō heauen to consume them as did Elias but Iesus rebuked them saying yee know not of what spirite yee are for the son of man came not to destroy mens liues but to saue them And the wisedome that is from aboue euen frō the spirit of wisedome is first pure ●ac 3. 17. then peaceable gentle easie to bee entreated full of mercy c. yea so ful of mercy that it mooveth the righteous to shewe mercy to his verie Pro. 12. 10. beast whereas the very bowels of the wicked are cruell And therefore as Salomon discerned the true mother from the false for that she chose rather to loose her deare childe then that her childe should ● King 3. ●3 loose his life so may we discerne the church the true mother of the faithfull from the false church their cruell hard harted stepmother For in that the church of Rome when shee ruled the sworde among vs spared neither age sexe nor calling but brought al to the fire that defied her impieties yea many also that relented frō the truth cōsented with her in her Idolatries as it is to be seene in diverse places of the Actes and Monumentes of the church of England in that her associats yet for al this yea for all their deep dangerous conspiracies treasons so often attempted against our Prince country enioy both life liberty also amōg vs all that haue eies may easily discerne who resemble the savage and blood ●hirsty wolues who the milde meeke sheepe who the tigerlike hardhearted stepmother who the natural kinde mother of the faithfull who the cruell and mercilesse whoore of Babylon embrued with the blood of
to trye ● Pet. 1. 6. their obedience and patience and to humble them for their manifold infirmities and sinnes or when Tyrantes persecute them for their most holy faith But as for all voluntary tortures and tormentes they leaue the same to infidels and heretikes vvho thereby seeke after a greater opinion of godlines and devotion before men THe Gentiles did offer vp their sonnes in fire vnto Idols and did ● Reg. ●… 28. ●…v 21. 5. cutte and launce themselues vntill the bloode followed the which voluntary tortures the Lord precisely interdicteth his owne people Contrary to the which interdiction the dearest darlinges of the church of Rome as likewise such among the Turkes as would seeme most devout vse to scourge and to whippe thēselues diverse waies tormenting their owne bodies and not sparing their ovvne flesh Whereby it is evident that they haue ●…ol 2. 23. not onely sorted themselues with the Gentiles and some of the olde heretikes but also with these of the last times who through hipocrisie hunte after a shewe of most rare holines in these outvvard ● Tim. 4. 1. thinges preferring these their wil-worshippes and voluntary devotions before faith repentance and the fruites of the spirit imagining thereby to ascende to the highest degree of the greatest perfection and to be esteemed the only religious of all other Opposit 12. The faithfull souldiers of Christ furnish themselues against their ghostly enimies with such weapons as are taken out of the Lordes armoury whereas the counterfeite christian furnisheth himselfe with such as are framed in the devils forge and in the shoppe of mans invention THe faithfull which fight vnder the banner of Christ even al the members of the militant church knowing the greate force of their fendish foes seeke according vnto the exhortation of the Apostle to be strong in the Lorde and in the power of Eph. 6. 10. his might putting on to that purpose all the armour of God that so they may bee able to stand against all the assaultes of the Devill they stand and their loines girded about with verity hauing on the breastplate of righteousnes and their feete shodde with the preparation of the gospel of peace aboue all they take the shield of faith whereby they may quench all the fiery dartes of the wicked and the helmet of salvation and the sworde of the spirite which is the word of God praying alway with all manner of praier and supplication in the spirite and watching thereunto withall perseverance VVhereas the souldiers of Satans companies are forbidden for the most parte to enter into the Lordes armory wherein are the weapons of all the Lordes worthies wherevvith they prevailed against all their enemies and to fence their soules with that armour of proofe whereby they may be preserued from Chrys in Math. hom 43. Hier. in Mat. ca 23. Num. 9. 11. Tert. de Idola Lact. instit l. 6. ca. 2. all deadly woundes it is enough for them to arme themselues with holy bookes tyed at their girdle but not laid vp in their hartes with holy reliques such as defiled those that touched them vnder the law with holy candle lighted at noone-day to driue away belike spiritual darknesse with holy breaede to put away the famine of the soule with holy water to wash away the spots of the spirit with holy bell to fray the hell-hound with that sacred sound with crossing and crossing againe this and that member and with anoyling the instruments of the fiue wits with holy creame holy salt holy spitile with as holy exorcismes and coniurations as were vsed by the seven sonnes of Sceva the priest with holy graines agnus deies crucifixes with buriall in an holy cloister in a Monkes coule or a Friers frocke with Act. 19. 13. a pardon cast into the graue with the body for the safer passage of the silly soule albeit it had passed and receiued iudgement before with other such furniture of their owne framing as if those things which are without could sanctisie a man and fence him from the woundes of sinne as if the subtile serpent were some silly foole that could be driuen away with such scarre-crowes or some weake and feeble foe that could be overturned with such bulrushes Opposit 13. The faithfull are not puffed vp with pride in respect of Gods graces but rather hang downe their heades in respect of their owne infirmities ascribing to God the glory of all good things IF when wee haue done all that is commanded vs we must say that ●uc 9 54 we are vnprofitable servantes then when we faile more or lesse in all what iust occasion haue we with the humble Publican to stande aloofe and to hange downe the heade and to beate the brest being ●zr 9 6. ●zech ●6 33. ●an ● 7. full of confusion in regarde of our ovvne iniquities Nowe as the faithfull thus cry out shame and confusion against themselues so they ascribe righteousnes to God in all his corrections and endles mercy in all his blessinges magnifying and extoling his glory in both And verely he that seeketh the glory of him ●oh 7. 18. that sent him is true and there is no vnrighteousnes in him But in Aug in ●oh Tract ●9 Antichrist saith Austine there is vnrighteousnes and hee is not true because hee will not seeke●… he glory of him that sent him Let vs all then which pertaine to the body of Christ beware lest we fall into the snares of Antichrist and let vs not seeke our owne glory Chrys in Math. Hom. 19. If one cover saith Chrysostome a wolfe with a sheepes skinne how may another know him but by his voice or by his action The sheepe bleateth looking downe ward the wolfe looketh vpwarde and howleth against heaven He then that vttereth the voice of humility and confession according vnto God is a sheepe but hee that howlethout blasphemies against God and against the truth is a wolfe Nowe howe the doctrine of the church of Rome teacheth to lay aside the humility of a sheepe and to take to our selues the pride of the wolfe to advaunce our selues and not to giue the glory of all thinges onely to GOD see before in the preface to the Christian roader Opposit 14. The faithfull Christian as in generall he giueth the glory of all good things onely to Gods mercy and goodnes so especially of his eternall salvation resting onely vpon the mediation and merite of Christes passion for the obtaining thereof and not vpon his owne or other mens workes VVHat worthy thing do we that thereby we may be Wal●ensis contra Wicle●um made partakers of heavenly glory whereas the Apostle saieth I thinke that the passions of this time are not worthy of the glory that shal be revealed Therefore I recken him to be the more sounder divine the more saithfull catholike and more agreeable to holy scriptures who doth flatly deny any such merite And verely our Saviour Christ
respect of the other they ought not to be lifted vp to glorie in themselues and in their ovvne righteousnes Let vs end with Bernard My merite is the LORDES mercye And so O LORD graunte vnto vs appealling vpon this ti●…e to the Bern. in cā Serm. 61. throne of grace to enioy the benefite of grace and mercy and let the members of the church of Rome if they list plead the merite of their ovvne vvorkes and trie the title of their ovvne deseruinges at the barre of iustice and soe proue vvhether they shall stande in iudgemente or fall And so to conclude this treatise concerning the articles of our Christian creede seeing that the members of the church of Rome teach so many contradictions against these groundes of ●…a●…re ●…ely ●…ikes ●…th●…e ●…tho ●…d a●…ike of the catholike faith let all the vvorlde iudge what iust cause they haue to boast that they themselues only are the true catholikes and inheritors as it vvere of the apostolike faith and that their Popes faith cannot faile not bee over-come by the gates of hell The vvhich thinge if it vvere so vvhat neede were there vvith so greate travaile and studie to seeke for the decision of all doubtes and the determination of all controversies in matters of faith from GOD himselfe opening the same in the sacred bookes of the canonicall scriptures what neede vvere there so greatly to seeke after the knovvledge of the artes and tongues as beeing the keyes that open the dores into the secrete chambers of these holy mysteries Yea what neede vvere there to craue the helpe of all the god●…●earned of all ages and their directions set dovvne in their private vvittinges or else at their publike meetinges and assemblies in their provinciall or generall councels Certainely this vvere then to goe the nearest vva●e about and as vvhen one knovveth aslu edly vvhere the game is lodged not to goe directly to the same place but to traise it out by a trouble-some tracke For if the Popes faith cannot faile if hee cannot pronounce sentence against the truth the nearest vvay to holde a right faith and to side vvith the truth is in all matters of faith to looke to his determinations and to rest our selues vpon his oracles And therefore also needles are the greate ●…ue ●…pe ●…s in●…e cen ●…ay 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for ●…ole ●…e of ●…stes abours and travailes of many of the children of the church of Rome about the opening and iustifying of diverse points of their superstition and idolatry VVhereas if they could vvith all their endevoures proue sufficientlye the integritye and infallibili●ye of their Popes faith they had vvonne the fielde and gotten the full conquest they needed not to strike one stroke more for the further clearing of any other pointe of their doctrine Neither shoulde they onely by this meanes provide verie vvell for their owne securitie in matters of faith but also greatly strengthen themselues in their temporalities and mightely establish their earthly kingdome as they may easily gather by that greate succesle they had therein vvhen this maine pointe of theirs vvas generally helde by the most part in former times for sound and catholike For then whosoever woulde be taken for a member of the catholike church were he king or Keazer or whatsoever This newe ar icle of faith concerning the Popes autority necessary subiection to be giuen thereto is s●b nefici all t the church of Rome that her fiends would condemne her of great f●ly i● that shee would leaue it fer al the articles of the Apostles creede he were he was vpon the necessity of his salvation to bee builte vpon that Romish rocke and to settle his safety vpon his triple crowne who was the greate commander in earth purgatory and heaven he was wholy to be ruled by him vvho had both svvordes temporall and spirituall and to commit all into his handes And albeit by this meanes CHRIST himselfe vvas almost forgotten for vvhat neede vvas there to seeke to him vvhen his Viceroy coulde doe all yet this his Vicar generall vvith all his vnder officers vvere veri● vvell remembred And albeit fevve sought for entrance into heaven at the right doore yet manye came farre and neare and brought all kinde of keies of gold and silver landes and luelyhodes to open that doore whereof Peter and his successors vvere thought to bee the onely or at the least the cheife porters For they ver●ly thought that if their pasport had beene signed by the Pope and subscribed with SEENE AND ALLOWED CHRIST would in no case haue disalovved thereof but that they had beene thereby most safe and sure and out of all manner of perill and danger Hereby grewe that high and royall state to the kingdome of Antichrist hereby vvere gathered into his store-houses the riches and treasures of Kinges and Princes and Saint Peters patrimonie vvas in most ample manner encreased nothing beeing thought to much that vvas bestovved vpon his holines albeit it vvere with the robbing spoiling and vtter vndoing of the party himselfe and of all his posteritie In so much that although the spirituall kingdome of CHRIST was not hereby erected in al holines wisedome and righteousnes yet an earthly kingdome was obtained for themselues in worldly wealth pompe and glory But now behold the hand of the Lord what is become of this great Babylon which was a terrour to all the kings of the earth her walles already are wel battered and downe shee must to the very ground yea to the bottomles pit of hel when the sounde faith of al sincere Christians contained in these articles of our Christian creede as an immoueable rocke in deed shall remaine vnshaken and shal giue testimony of their engraffing into him by whose grace they continuested fast and immoueable and by whose power they are preserued vnto that eternal and everlasting kingdome which he himselfe hath purchased for them with his owne blood Now to this our almighty and all sufficient king and Saviour be all honour and glory praise and thankes both now and euer Amen CHAP. 7. Div. 1. That the right sence of the word of God is alwaies agreeable to his most holy law being the most exact rule of all true piety and godlinesse AS the true sence interpretation of Gods 〈◊〉 holi●… of the of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God ●…eanes ●…scerne ●…ight ●…e of di●… scrip●… from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wrong most holy worde and the pointes of faith drawne out of the same are alwaies agreeable to the articles of the creede which are the maine groundes of our christian faith and no way thwarte and contradict the same for that God himselfe the author thereof it true and alwaies true and evermore like vnto himselfe so they are holy pure iust and righteous altogither even as God himselfe and his sacred law is holy and righteous altogither And therefore it is an over-ruled case that when the litterall sence of any
haue beene the e●ormities of prince people in this church of Rome that they haue poisoned after a sorte the very aire where they liued and haue caused those who in some respectes were their favorites friends thus to haue cast their own dunge in their owne faces and to haue dashed over their mishapen ●eatures with the blacke coale of euerlasting ●nfamy ●herefore small cause hath the viperous brood of this venimous generation thus to hisse against vs and to spet out their poison against our persons for albeit we bee not angels without spot yet we be not Englishmen J●alianate that is Devils incarnate much lesse against our most The holy doctrine of the gospell vniustly charged to be the seed of all wickednes and sinne Luk 10. 20. The certainty of faith the assuraunce of election no hinderer but a fu therer of p●ety godlines holy and pure doctrine as if that were the seede of all wickednes and sinne The certainty of our election to eternall life and the assurance that we are the childrē of God haue our na●nes written in heaven which is the most forcible inducement of all other to cause vs to reioice in the Lord and to walke as the children of God and to haue our cō●ersation in heauen they accuse to be the mother of pride pr●tumptiō and of carnal socurity and dissolutenes of life What is it credible that when J continually cal to my remembrance and set before mine eies that God to assure me that hee is my gracious God and louing father hath created mee and sustained me from my mothers wombe hath preserved me from these and these dangers and hath bestowed vpon me these these blessings hath made these these his creatures to serue to my vse that I might the better serue him yea and hath caused these mine affections to haue beene good and profitable vnto me is it credible I say that the assurance of this so great kindnes loue should breed in mine hart vnkindnes to God and the neglect of his honor of mine owne good Either is it credible that when I continually call to my remembrance set before mine eies that God to assure me of my reconciliation vnto himselfe and of my receiuing into his fauor hath reuealed vnto mee his sonne Iesus Christ the pledge of his loue and the meanes of my reconciliation hath opened vnto me his perfect obedience to the whole lawe not for himselfe but for my righteousnes and his invincible patience euen thē when he dranke so deeply of that so bitter cup of his painfull passion that it caused him to sweat water blood not for his owne but for my sins when I say this is revealed by Culpamea culpa mea culpa mea maxima God to be done for me by so worthy a person who according to his manhood receiued the spirit without measure and according vnto his godhead was infinite holines purity and pe●fection it selfe that so I might bee assured of so absolute a righteousnes and so full a satisfaction for all my sins as might stand before the most exact iustice of God is it credible I say that the assurance of so great kindnes loue should breed vnkindnes in mine hart and a carelesnes of embracing and holding fast so great mercy and of continuing in such loue Either is it credible that when I continually cal to my remembrance and set before mineeies that God to assure me of mine adoption into the place number of his children hath sealed me with the spirit of adoption and hath by him sanctified mine vnderstanding with the knowledge of his most exact iustice in punishing my sins with such severity vpon my surety that I might be assured of mine acquitting from the same and of his endlesse and vnspeakeable mercy in sparing not his own sonne to spare me and of his wisedome in making his iustice and mercy so to conspire togither for my fuller assurāce of my salvation wrought thereby when heereby also my iudgement and affections are so rectified and sanctified that I esteeme to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified and account all other things as losses and dong that I might win Christ and be found in him and be made partaker of the fruit of his death and of the benefire of his resu●…ection is it credible I say that so great kindnes should breed vnkindnes in mine hart and cause mee to prophane and to treade vnder foote this holy blood and to bee grievousome to this so comfortable spirit Lastly is it credible that when I cal to my remembraunce and set before mine eies that God to certifie mee of his fauour and loue hath opened vnto mee in his worde that greate charter and graunt of remission of sinnes and of eternall life in Christ Iesus and for my further assuraunce thereof hath written his gracious promises as vndoubted evidences thereof in mine hart that I might no more doubt of my most assured obtaining of these so great giftes then I neede of the admitting and allowing of these evidences that hee hath given me to shew for the ●ame when I come to appeare before the throne of grace is it I say credible that this so great security for mine everlasting blessednes should with ●raw mine hart from the loue of my blessednes and cause me to wa●ke in cursed and damnable waies which tende to eternal miserie and woe Sure I am that the goodlier our temporal possessions are the better evidences we haue to shew for the same and the kinder our parents were that bestowed them vpon vs with charge not to passe them away in any case the more careful we shal be to keepe the same both for the loue of our most kinde parents and also for our owne welfare and good and shal the assurance of the most glorious inheritance of the kingdome of heaven given vnto me by mine heavenly father whose kindenes so much surpasseth the kindnes of any earthly parentes as God himselfe surpasseth man make me carelesse to keepe so goodly and glorious an inheritance to performe the wil and commandement of mine heavenly father VVhere Matth 6. 22. your treasure is saith our Saviour Christ there will your hart be also And therfore if this wil not moue me throughly to set mine hart and affections on heavenly things that I haue so good evidence for them that they are assuredly mine and that I shal vndoubtedly reape by them such an huge harvest of vnspeakable blisse what wil then moue perswade me therto yea if hereby I am allured drawen vnto sinne what is able to induce me to piety and godlines But this argument hath beene touched in the former is more fully handled in the latter part of this treatise therfore omitting now to wade further therin let vs come to examin whether that other maine point of the Gospel I meane Iustification by faith without works
I haue provoked thy wrath saith he and haue done evill before thee I did not thy will neither kept I thy commaundements I haue set vp abominations and multiplied offences I haue sinned O Lord I haue sinned I acknowledge my transgressions O Lord forgiue O Lorde forgiue me and destroy me not with mine iniquities And verily vntill we haue some sight and sense assurance of the mercy of God in Christ pardoning our sins the ougly sight of our owne deformities will driue vs more and more from God and wrappe vs faster and faster in the bands of sinne and be ready to drowne vs in the gulfe of despaire as it may be seene in Caine Iudas the like But when Christ shall once looke vpon vs with the eyes of his mercy shall giue vs some assurance of the remission of our sinnes as he did vnto Peter whome he mercifully forewarned not only of his fall but also of his pardon of his recovery and of his duety in regard of the same I haue praied for thee Peter Luk. 22. 31. that thy faith faile not and thou being converted strengthen thy brethre this favourable aspect of Christ the Sunne of righteousnesse will cause vs with Peter to loue him the more and not only to single out some solitary place that we may bewaile our vnthankfulnes with bitter teares but also to be more feareful and careful for the time to come least we be overtaken againe with the like offence For a reverent regard and feare least we offende so good a God Feare whom we can never endevour sufficiently to please is caused also by the due apprehension of the Lordes mercies There is mercy Psal 130. 4. with thee O God saith David therfore shalt thou be feared For as the naturall and kind child reverenceth his father and feareth to offend him not so much for dread of the rod or for hope of the inheritance as for that he hath had already manifold experience of his fathers kindnes and care for him even so the deare children of God having had in former times very good experience of the Lords loue do reverence feare him from the very bottome of their harts and are thereby made watchfull and wary not to offend Behold saith S. Iohn what loue the father hath shewed vs that 1 Ioh 3. 1. we should be called the sonnes of God Now we are the sonnes of God but it doth not appeare what we shall be but this we know that when he doth appeare we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is And he that hath this hope purgeth himselfe even as he is pure In which words it is manifest that hope rising out of faith and the expectation of future blessednes out of the apprehension of former loue doth cause the faithfull to purge clense their harts least they offend their holy and pure God with their impurities Though we sinne say all Sap. 15. 2. the godly as it were with one voice that is though wee sinne through infirmity which cannot be avoided in these daies of infirmity yet we are thine for we know thy power but we sinne not that is presumptuously or we giue not over our selues to sinne knowing that we are thine for to know thee is perfect righteousnes and to know thy Ioh 3. 14. power is the roote of immortality For as the childrē of Is●ael were healed of the sting of fierie serpents by looking vp to the brasen serpent even so the faithful looking vp vnto CHRIST crucified are cured of al their spiritual maladies and haue their sinne slaine in them and are raised vp to newne● of life Zache desiring but to see CHRIST was immediatly converted and made a Christian Olde father Simeon beholding Christ desired presently to departe out of this life thinking that hee had lived long inough seeing hee had liued to see his Saviour with his bodely eies All the faithfull that haue had some true view of our Our whole conversion to God is wrought by his loue in Christ apprehended by faith Ioh. 17. Saviour Christ do more more desire to behould him still and that not without very great cause For the more they see him the more they loue him and the more they feele themselues to liue in him and by him This is everlasting life saith the auctor thereof to knowe the onely true God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ For rightly to know faithfully to embrace the endles vnspeakable lo●e of God in Christ who hath consecrated himselfe both in his life and death to the working of our deliverance out of the hands of sin death damnation doth worke in the faithfull the death of sin and life of righteousnes and so layeth the foundation of that life heere which shal be made perfect in the world to come Now saith the Apostle I liue not but Christ liveth in me and the life that I now liue I liue by the faith of the sonne of Eph. 6. 15. The loue of God revealed in the Gospel is as shoes wherby we are enabled to walke on readily in the Lordes waies be they never so full of sharpe stones and pricking thornes God who hath loued me given himselfe for me The Apostle lived not he was dead in himselfe but Christ by hi● spirit word lived and raigned in him and that because he beheld with the eies of faith that great endles loue of Christ who both had lived and died for him And hereof it is that the Gospel of Christ the powerful instrumēt ordained by God both to begett strēgthen faith is compared to shoes is part of that furniture wherwithal the souldiers of Christ haue neede to bee armed in their most hard daungerous fight against al the powers of the kingdome of darknes And verely there are so many thorns pricks of worldly cares and so many sharpe stones of crosses and persecutions lying so thicke in that straight and narrow way that leadeth to life that the passage of the faithful would be greatly stayed if not altogither stopped therin were they not al well shodde with the preparation of the Gospel of peace and had not that gladsome ioyful tidings of their recōciliation with God made them most resolute to passe on along for al those sharpe stōes to endure al withal patience Now then by these things that haue bin delivered it is evident and cleare that not onely faith ariseth out of the true apprehension of the inestimable loue of God in Christ but also loue hope patience confession praier repētance feare a religious care both to liue to die vnto God to devote our selues wholy to his service And yet we must not so conceaue heereof as if this one blessing All the Lords gratious giftes and blessings are furtherers of faith obedience in the godly Ier. 14. 20. of our redemption wrought by CHRIST did not onely
out of the same The spirit of God sendeth him not to a second table of penance to t●ke holde thereof that by the power th●rof he might be deliuered but remember saith he how tho● hast received and hearde and holde fast and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 3 3. repent Now no doubt but he had receiued and heard a●d therefore was to hold fast that to the penitēt humble sinner Christs blood is the purgation of all his sins that by the mediatiō of his death he doth obtaine remission of thē not only when he is received into favor at the first but even to his liues end being thereby still p●e●erued in the same grace obtaining the forgiuenesse of hi● day●y offences For so S. Iohn setting downe the meanes whereby the faithfull themselues are continually cured of their dailie infirmities If any man sinne saieth hee vvee haue Iesus Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 5. ●0 our Advocate and hee is the propitiation for our sinnes So the Apostle Saint Paul sheweth that not onely when wee were enemies we were reconciled at the first by the death of Christ and obtained the release of our grosser offences but much more beeing once reconciled and made the children of God by CHRIST wee are still preserued in the same grace and obtaine the forgiuenesse of ou●…maller offences by the same meanes The trueth is that none are cured of their sinnes by Christ vvhich continue stil in the same and doe not dayly fight against them vvith dayly repentaunce but yet the physicke is one thing vvhereby the soule is cured and the disposition of the soule another thing vvhereby the soule is prepared that so the physicke may effectually vvorke The preparatiue is one thing and the physicke is another thing the physicke is onely the physicke and nothing else Our Saviour CHRIST is our onely physicke and physition also Repentance after a sort may bee called the preparatiue and the Minister of the vvorde may be to vs in steede of the Apothecarie or as ●he physitions man that is sent to vs vvith the purgation The purgation it selfe is made of none other ingredientes but of the most bitter panges of our Saviours owne passion not of the rootes of our hearty repentaunce neither yet of the fruites of our christian faith that is vvhatsoeuer our sinnes bee and vvhensoeuer they bee committed we obtaine not the forgiuenesse of them by our owne merites nor by the satisfactions of any other but onely by the free and vndeserued mercy of GOD and by the most precious satisfaction of the death of CHRIST All haue sinned saith the Apostle and are deprived of the glory of GOD but are iustified from their sinnes freelye Rom 3. 23. by his grace through the redemption that is in CHRIST IESVS And in trueth otherwise our case were most miserable For in the parable of the debtour the summe of one thousande Mat. 18 24. talents declaring the infinitenesse of our debt doth openly proclaime our insufficiency and inabilitie to discharge the same as also the wordes annexed vvhen he had nothing to pay and I forgaue Psal 130. 3. Iob. 93. Psa 143. 2. thee all thy debt For verily if God should marke what were done amisse vvho vvere able to abide it And if hee shoulde call vs to an accounte vvho vvere able to aunsvvere one for a thousande And therefore our best plea is Enter not into iudgement with thy servants O Lord cal vs not to reckoning put not our billes in suite for we are no way able to make payment we are no way able to make satisfaction Div. 10. That Purgatory is no article of the Christian faith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 resur●…on of ●…sh IF the deliverance of the soules out of Purgatorie had beene an article of the christian faith as it is iudged to be by the church of Rome then it had beene convenient that after mention made of the resurrection of the body out of the custodie of the graue there shoulde haue beene adioyned the deliveraunce of the soule out of the prison of Purgatory the tormentes there being so greate as they say they be the deliverance from thence being as great a blessing at the lest as the raising of the bodies out of their graues should not haue beene altogeather vnremembred especially sinne verie much abounding before the day of the generall resurrection and the Popes pardons nothing so much regarded and his charitie without a fee being not vsual and ordinary Purgatory then must needes be well filled and so the deliverance from thence a great benefite to many Div. 11. That everlasting life is the free gifte of God through CHRIST and noway purchased by the merite of our owne vvorkes 〈◊〉 ever ●…ng IF any thing be bestowed vpon vs by free gift frō God thē surely everlasting life is so bestowed as the greatest gift proceeding frō the most boūtifull giuer the most excellēt effect from the most excellēt cause And why is God else accoūted a most liberall bountifull free franke and gracious benefactor but that most liberally bountifully frankely and freely he bestovveth vpon his faithfull servantes the most precious crovvne of eternall glory VVhen that bountifulnes saith the Apostle and that loue of GOD our Saviour tovvardes man appeared not by the vvorkes of righteousnes vvhich wee had vvrought but of his ovvne mercie he Tit. 3. 4. saued vs. And verely the glory of this greate bountifulnes must needes haue beene much dimmed if vvee had attained to salvation by our owne merites and not by the LORDES onely mercy The vvages in deede of sinne is death but everlasting life is the gifte of GOD through IESVS CHRIST our Lorde Rom. 6. 23. For our evill vvorkes are perfectly evill and therefore deserue eternall death but our good workes are not perfectly good and therefore eternall life is the free gift of GOD through CHRIST and not a vvages due to the merite of our vvorkes Othervvise vvhy did the Wiseman say Beholde the righteous are here recompenced vpon earth hovve much more the vvicked and the sinner VVhat doth not the LORD as well loue righteousnes Pro 11. 31. to recompence it as he hateth vnrighteousnesse to punish the same Yes verely but this is heere spoken to this end by the VViseman that vve shoulde vnderstand that the sinner most iustly deserueth this punishment vvhereas the righteous deserueth not the revvard And therefore it is not without cause that iust Iob thus speaketh of himselfe If I haue done evill vvoe vnto mee if I haue done righteously yet vvill I not Iob. 10 15. lifte vp my heade being full of confusion because I see mine affliction And vvhy The evill vvorkes of the best are in an higher degree evill then their good vvorkes are in themselues good and therefore in respect of the one they may be rustly cast dovvne vvith the feare of eternall confusion and vvoe but in