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A08598 The harmonie of Holie Scriptures vvith the seuerall sentences of sundry learned and vvorthy vvriters : collected for the comfort of all such as are desirous to seeke after theyr soules health / by I.B. Bentley, James. 1600 (1600) STC 1891.5; ESTC S1177 217,904 567

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remaineth sure and hath this seale The Lord knovveth vvho are his And the Almightie himselfe talking with his seruant Moises saith * Thou hast Exod. 33. 17 found fauour in my sight I know thee by name Likewise vnto the Prophet Ieremie in the very beginning of his booke hee vseth these words * Before I formed thee in thy Ierem 1 5. mothers wombe I knew thee and before thou cammest out of the wombe I sanctified thee ordained thee to be a Prophet vnto the Nations §. 5. Now as by these few former places wee finde it most apparantly prooued that the freends and seruaunts of Almightie God are alvvayes knowne vnto him so may we likewise by this ensuing example speech of the Prophet to Senacharib certainly assure our selues that the Lord God knoweth vvho are his enemies also For when that proude-daring King of 2 Reg 18 28. 29 30. ● the Assvrians sent Rabsaketh his foule-mouthed messenger to blaspheme the Holie one of Israell the Almightie returned him this aunswere by the mouth of Esay saying * I knowe thy dwelling yea thy 2. Reg. 19 27 28. going out and thy comming in thy furie against mee And because thou ragest against mee and thy tumult is come vp to mine eares I will put my hooke in thy nostrils and my bridle in thy lippes and will bring thee backe againe the same way thou cammest Moreouer the Lord our God as Esdras affirmeth knoweth all them that sinne 2 Esd 15. 26 against him and therefore deliuereth hee them vnto death and destruction For there is as Iob sayth no darknesse Iob 34 22 nor shadow of death that can hide the wicked dooers from his sight Hee declareth the things past and the Ecclꝰ 42 19 things that are to come he also discloseth the path of those things that are secrete Hee searcheth the ground of the deepe 2. Esd 16. 49 and the treasures thereof hee hath measured the Sea and knoweth what it containeth §. 6. Let all men therefore as Cicero vvell sayth in this be truly perswaded that God ● Cite●s is the onely moderator gouernour of all things and that all things also be done by his power and appoyntment And that he it is which most cleerely beholdeth euery man both what hee doth what he admitteth in himselfe with what minde and godlines he doth loue fauour Religion and that hee hath also a respect to the proceedings both of all godly and wicked men Yea the Lord our God onely as Siluius Siluius saith by his eternall wisedom hath made all by his euerlasting prouidence hee preserueth all and by his most absolute vnderstanding he knoweth all For of him and through him and for Rom 11 36 him as the Apostle saith are all thinges to him be glory for euer Amen ¶ Of the great mercie and louing kindnesse of God §. 1. THE Lord our God according to Nehe. 9. 17 the confession of the Leuites in the ninth of Nehemiah is a GOD of mercies gracious and pittifull of long suffering and of great mercie Hee is as Dauid saith good to all and Psal 145 9 his mercies are ouer or aboue all the rest of his workes Yea hee is full of compassion mercy Psal 103 8 9. slow to anger and of great kindnesse Hee will not alway chide neither will he keepe his anger for euer Hee hath not dealt with vs after our sins nor rewarded vs according to our iniquities verse 10 11 12 13 For as high as the heauen is aboue the earth so great is his mercie toward thē that feare him and as far as the East is from the West so farre hath he remoued our sinnes from vs. * As a Father hath compassion on verse 14. 15. his children so hath the Lord compassion on them that feare him For hee knoweth whereof we be made hee remembreth that wee are but dust §. 2. Where saith Micah is there anie God Micah 7 18 like vnto the Lord our God that taketh away iniquitie and passeth by or winketh at the transgressions of the remnant of his heritage He retaineth not his wrath for euer because mercy pleaseth him Hee is as Salomon saith gracious and Wisd 15 1 true long suffering gouerneth al things by mercy Hee is as Sirach saith kinde pittiful Ecclus 2 12 hee pardoneth and forgiueth sinnes hee saueth in the time of trouble hee is a defender of all thē that seeke him in the truth And * as his greatnes is so is his mercy Ecc●us 2 21 Cyrill For he can no more cease to be mercifull then he can cease to be God The mercie that a man hath saith Sirach Ecclꝰ 18 12 reacheth vnto his neighbour but the mercy of the Lord is vpon all flesh He is the Father of mercies the God 2 Cor 1 3 of all comfort His mercie reacheth vnto the heauens Psalm 36 5 his faithfulnesse vnto the clowdes His mercie is euerlasting and his truth Psal 100. 5. endureth from generation to generation §. 3. Oh how excellent as Dauid saith is the Psalm 36 7 mercy of the Lord our God! therefore the chyldren of men saith he put theyr trust vnder the shadow of his winges The very remembrance of Gods mercie Bernard saith Bernard maketh glad the harts of all the godly and the hope of heauens helpe is comfortable to euerie penitent person The tongues of all men liuing saith Marlorate Marlorate cannot tell out Gods mercie nor the pennes of all the VVriters in the vvorld sufficiently expresse the same His wrath as Erasmus saith is alvvaies Erasmus giuen by weight but is mercie is infinite without either end or measure Besides if wee aske yet further after the Augustine seuerall workes of Gods mercy wee shall finde as S. Augustine saith that they passe all number as there can be no nūber made of our miseries and daily necessities For what man liuing saith Becon can Becon tell how often through frailtie he hath offended or truely reckon how many waies he hath been preserued frō perrill through the onely mercy of the Almightie extended towards him Also If the sinnes of all the world were as S. Chrisostome saith in one man yet Chrisostome would they be nothing to the mercy of the Almightie but the burthen of them in comparison of his mercie woulde seeme like the Spyders webbe before the boysterous winde Yea the multitude of all mens offences ● Fulgentius in respect of Gods mercie is like a small drop of raine to the greatest Sea §. 4. Furthermore the mercy of the Lorde Chrisostome our God is as S. Chrisostome saith both generall and speciall It is generall in supplying the present wants both of the iust and vniust It is speciall in succouring the iust onely It is likewise temporary saith he in sparing the wicked for a time and it is euerlasting concerning the
euerlasting saluation of the godly not only in choosing but also in regenerating in iustifying and in glorifying them Also King Salomon as we reade in his booke of Wisedome after some mention made of Gods almighty power vttereth these speeches following in praise of his loue and mercie saying Thou ô Lord Wisd 11. 20 21 22 23. hast mercy vppon all for thou hast power ouer all and makest as though thou sawest not the sinnes of men because they should amend For thou louest all the things that are and hatest none of them whō thou hast made For thou vvouldest haue created nothing that thou hadst hated And how might any thing endure vnlesse it were thy will or howe coulde any thing be preserued except it were called of thee But thou sparest all for they are thine ô Lord which art the louer of soules And * for that thou Wisd 12 16 art Lorde of all thinges it causeth thee to spare all things And not much vnlike to this saying of Salomon is the confession of Esdras vnto the Angell which was sent to instruct him where hee saith I knovve Lord that the 2 Esdr 7. 62 63 64. c. most High is called mercifull in that hee hath mercy vppon them which are not yet come into the world And that he hath pittie on those that walke in his Lawe And that hee is patient for hee long suffereth those that haue sinned as his creatures And that hee is liberall for hee will giue as much as needeth And that he is of great mercy for hee ouercōmeth in mercy those that are present those that are past them that are to come For if hee were not aboundant in his mercies the world coulde not continue nor they that haue the possession thereof He pardoneth also for if he gaue not of his goodnesse that they which haue doone 2 Esdras 7. 68 69 70. euill might be releeued from their wickednesse the ten thousand part of men should not remaine aliue And if hee beeing Iudge forgaue not those that be healed with his word tooke away the multitude of their sinnes there should be very fewe people left among an innumerable multitude §. 5. Moreouer the Lorde our God is so full of pitty and compassion that as Gueuara Anth. Gueuara saith hee neuer sendeth downe his wrath vpon any people as a punishment for their offences but hee first seeketh rather by admonishment to bring them to his mercy and fauour through their true humilitie and vnfained repentance And many also are the testimonies which we finde in holie Scripture concerning the great kindnesse and compassion of Almighty God to the penitent but among sundry other I suppose for breuities sake that this one example following may sufficiently serue to instruct vs. Ionas beeing sent of God to preach and Ionas 3 4 5 6 7 c. denounce his iudgements against Niniuie the cheefest Citty of the Assyrians entred into the same a dayes iourney saith the Text and he cryed and sayd Yet fortie dayes and Niniuie shall be ouerthrowne Whereupon the King beleeuing the speech of the Prophet descended from his princely throne and speedily caused thys Proclamation to be made that neither man nor beast should taste any foode nor drink any water but let man beast quoth he put on sackcloth and cry mightilie vnto God yea let euery man turne from his euill wayes and from the wickednesse that is in their hands And * when the Almightie verse 10. saw theyr workes that they repented turned from theyr euill waies hee repented himselfe of the euill that hee had saide hee would doe vnto them and he did it not Which thing as the Text saith displeased Ionas exceedingly and hee was angry Notwithstanding he prayed vnto the lord and said I pray thee ô Lord was not this my saying when I was yet in my countrey Therefore I preuented it and fledde vnto Tarshish for I knew sayth hee that thou art a gracious God and mercifull slowe to anger and of great kindnesse repenting thee of the euill c. After this Ionas went out of the Cittie Ionas 4 1 2. and sate him downe vnder the East side thereof expecting what should bee doone vnto the same And the Lord in one night caused a Gourde to spring vp ouer Ionas that it might be a shadow ouer his head a defence for him against the heate of the Sunne but the next morning hee prepared a Worme also which smote the Gourd and it withered Then Ionas perceiuing himselfe bereft Ionas 4 5 6 7 8 c. of this succour and wexing faint through the extreame heate of the Sunne wished in his hart to die and sayd It is better for me to die then to liue But the Lord God called vnto him and said Ionas doost thou well to be angrie Thou hast pitty on the Gourde for which thou hast not laboured neither madest it to grow which came vp in a night and perished in a night and should not I sayth the most merciful spare Niniuie that great Cittie wherein are six-score thousand persons that cannot discerne betweene theyr right hand and their left and also much cattle By the which speech of the Almightie and example of his clemencie most plainlie it is approued that the Lord our God as S. Iames saith * is very pittifull mercifull Iames 5 11 And that as Ieremie saith * hee dooth Lam 3 33. not punish willingly Nay more so prone is the Almighty to pardon and so much inclined to mercie that although through mans vnrighteousnesse he be highly prouoked to anger and euen ready as it were to execute his fierce wrath vpon the vngodly yet notwithstanding it sometimes pleaseth him to spare a great company of wicked offenders by reason that some fewe righteous persons haue theyr habitation among them As may for example be seene in the eighteene of Genesis where we finde that according to the sixe seuerall peticions of the Patriarch Abraham hee was content to graunt first that if fiftie secondly that if fortie-fiue thirdly that if fortie fourthly Gene. 18. that if thirtie fiftly that if twentie lastlie that if but tenne righteous men coulde bee founde in all Sodome the whole Cittie shoulde bee spared for those tenne mens sake §. 6. Thus proue we our God to be as Dauid saith a pittifull God and mercifull slowe Psal 86 15 to anger and great in kindnes and truth Yea such a God whose compassion also is of no short cōtinuaunce but as the Psalmist saith * endureth for euer euer vppon Psal 103 17 them that feare him and his righteousnesse vppon theyr childrens children Shewing mercy vnto thousands of them Deut. 5. 10. that loue him and keepe his commaundements All yee therefore that worshippe the Dan 3 90. Lord blesse the God of Gods praise him and acknowledge him for his mercy endureth world without end And onely by the reason thereof all men liuing are
which giueth to all men liberallie and reprocheth no man and it shall bee giuen him For it is he that leadeth vnto Wisedome Wisd 7 15 16. and teacheth howe to vse the same aright In his hand are both wee and our wordes yea all our wisedome our vnderstanding and the knowledge of all our workes §. 4. If riches saith the Wiseman bee a possessiō Wisd 8 5 6 to be desired in this life what is richer then Wisedome that worketh all thinges For if Wisedom worketh what is it among all things that worketh better then shee If a man loue righteousnesse her labours verse 7 are full of vertue for shee teacheth sobernesse prudencie righteousnes strength which are the most profitable thinges that men can haue in this lyfe If a man desire great experience she can verse 8. tell the things that are past and discerne the things that are to come shee knoweth the subtilties of words and the solution of dark sentences she foreseeth the signes wonders or euer they come to passe the successe or end of all times ages to ensue Who so awaketh vnto her betimes shall Wisd 6 14. haue no great trauaile in seeking her for he shall finde her sitting at his doores To think vpon her is perfect vnderstanding verse 15 and who so watcheth for her shall be soone without care For shee walketh about seeking such as verse 16 bee meete for her and sheweth herselfe cheerefully vnto them in theyr wayes and meeteth them in euery thought Shee is an infinite treasure vnto men Wisd 7 14 which who so vse become pertakers of the loue and freendship of Almighty God are accepted for the gifts of knowledge vnderstanding All Gold is but grauell in respect of her Wisd 7 9 and Siluer shall be counted but clay before her She is more worth then precious stones Prou 8 11. yea all things that thou canst desire are not to be compared vnto her She hath her dwelling with knowledge verse 12 and prudent counsell is her owne By her Kings doe raigne and Counsellers Prou 8 15 16 make iust lawes through her doe Princes beare rule and all the Iudges of the earth execute iudgement By her also wee may be preserued from Solon the many perrils of this world and through her wee may attaine vnto a happy end §. 5. To conclude Of all the giftes that euer Plato God gaue vnto man saith Plato Wisedom is the most excellent For shee is the defence of the soule and the mirrour of reason she is the ground roote of all good endeuours she ordereth the mind of man and instructeth his vnderstanding she directeth his life and ruleth the works thereof shee teacheth what ought to be doone and what to be left vndone and vvithout her saith he no man liuing can be safe Also this likewise knew Salomon a far better Diuine then Plato to be most true as appeareth in his prayer which he so earnestly made vnto the Lord for wisedome and where vvithall in the same place hee plainely confesseth that * although a man Wisd 9 6 be neuer so perfect among the chyldren of men yet if the wisedome of GOD be not with him he shall be nothing regarded For the wisedome of this world is foolishnes 1 Cor 3 19 with God Because as the Apostle saith it is earthlie Iames 3 15 sensuall and deuilish But the vvisedome that is from aboue verse 17. is first pure then peaceable gentle easie to be intreated full of mercie good fruites without iudging and without hipocrisie ¶ Of the knowledge of Almightie God §. 1. THe Lord looketh downe from heauen saith Dauid and beholdeth all Psalm 33 13 14. the children of men From the habitation of his dwelling hee beholdeth all them that dwell vpon the earth Hee facioneth the harts of euery one of verse 15. them he vnderstandeth all their works For hee is as Hannah saith a God of 1 Sam 2 3 knowledge by him enterprises are established Yea from the beginning of the world Acts 15 18 saith S. Iames the Lorde our God knoweth all his workes He also vnderstandeth and seeth both Pet. Lomb. the deedes and the thoughts of all men liuing in the world and frō his knowledge no secrete can be hid For his eyes as Sirach saith are ten thousand Ecclꝰ 39. 19 times brighter thē the Sun beholding all the waies of men and the ground of the deepe considereth the most secret parts * Hee knewe all things or euer they vvere verse 20. made after they be brought to passe also hee looketh vpon them all The works of all flesh are before him Ecclꝰ 39 19 20. nothing can be hid frō his sight Hee seeth from euerlasting to euerlasting and there is nothing wondeful or hard vnto him For his wisedome is great he is mightie Ecclꝰ 15 18 in power and he beholdeth all things continually So that nothing can be doone in heauen Caluine earth or hell without his prouidence Neither is there any creature which is not Heb 4 13 manifest in his sight but all thinges are naked and open to the eyes of him concerning whom we speake For his eyes are vpon the wayes of man Iob 34 21. he seeth all his goings * His eyes in euery Prou 15 3 place behold the euill the good And hee onely knoweth the harts of all 1 Reg 8 39 the chyldren of men §. 2. Behold saith Esdras the Lord our God 2 Esdr 16 46. knoweth all the workes of men their imaginations their thoughts their harts Yea hee knoweth our inuentions and verse 55. what we think or imagine in our hart whē we sinne and would hide our selues No thought may escape him neyther Ecclꝰ 42 20 may any word be hid from him For he * vnderstandeth euery hart Ecclꝰ 16 20 Hell with her paine saith Salomon is Prou 15 11 knovvne vnto the Lord hovve much more the harts of all the sonnes of men The graue likewise is naked before Iob 26 6 him and destruction cannot bee couered from him The wayes of all men in the worlde are Bernard knowne to him the words of all mouthes in the world are heard of him and the thoughts of all harts in the world are plainly perceiued of him There is nothing so secrete but he seeth P. Melanct. the same nor any purpose so priuilie practised but it is openly knowne vnto him The righteous and the vnrighteous are Bullenger both in their doings of him regarded and hee discerneth the counterfeite Christian from the faithfull professor §. 4. Saint Paule the Apostle writing vnto his Scholler Timothie in his second Epistle and second chapter both for his confirmation comfort against the doctrine of false Teachers telleth him That * the 2 Tim 2 19 foundation of God
Deut 32 4. the mightie GOD For all his waies are iudgement God is true saith he without wickednes iust and righteous is he If thou sinne against him and prooue Osorius truly penitent hee will be found readie to graunt thee forgiuenesse but if thou persist in euill and presume vpon his mercie the path thou walkest in is very perrillous and thou daily standest in danger of his heauie wrath and iudgement For although it sometimes please God Mar. Aur. as Marcus Aurelius affirmeth to forbeare the sinnes and transgressions of diuers persons that persist in theyr euill liuing a great while yet notwithstanding wee ●ften see by example that hee dooth not s●are at length suddainly and vnawares to chastise such offenders vvith so much the greater chastisement according to the measure of theyr many iniquities For God is in his corrections saith he like vnto a man that giueth a blowe to another body the higher that hee lyfteth vp his hande vvith the greater force falleth downe the stroake semblably the more yeeres that the Almightie forbeareth our sinnes the more will he afterward afflict vs with punishment for them vnlesse we repent §. 6. It is not as Melancthon saith the great Phil. Mel. wealth of worldly rich men that can cause theyr Creator to with-hold his wrath from the wicked neyther is it the magnificence of mighty men that can procure him to proue partiall in iudgement For there is no iniquitie with the Lorde 2 Chro. 19 7. our God saith Iehosaphat neyther respect of persons nor receiuing of reward Hee being Lord ouer all will spare no Wisd 6. 7 person neyther shall he feare any greatnes For he hath made the small and great and careth for all alike Hee hath no respect vnto the persons of Iob 34 19 Princes neither regardeth he the rich more then the poore for they be all the vvorke of his hands Hee as Tobie saith is iust and all his Tob 3 2 workes and all his vvayes are mercie and truth and he iudgeth truly and iustlie for euer For his eyes are vpon all the wayes of the Iere 32 19 sonnes of men to giue to euery one according to his wayes and according to the fruite of his workes Whosoeuer he be therefore as Vincentius Vincentius saith that walketh in the vvay of the wicked and yet notwithstanding looketh for the reward of the righteous foolishlie flatters himselfe with a false hope and hath more neede of good counsaile to reclaime him from error then hee hath of badde encouragement to cause him continue his course §. 7. Beholde saith the Almightie all soules Ezech 18 4 20. are mine both the soule of the Father and also the soule of the sonne are mine The same soule that sinneth it shall die the sonne shall not beare the iniquitie of the Father neyther shall the Father beare the iniquity of the sonne but the righteousnes of the righteous shall be vpon him and the wickednes of the wicked shall bee vppon himselfe For euery man shall beare his own burden Gala 6 5 And as his workes are founde so shall Luther his reward be giuen Also It is most certaine saith Iob that Iob 34 12 the Lord our God will not doe wickedlie neither will the Almightie peruert iudgement Hee will not cast away an vpright man Iob 8 20. neither wil he take the wicked by the hand For as he is called the * God of iudgement Esay 30. 18 So hee is termed the rightfull * Iudge of Gene 18 25 all the world And therefore hee will vndoubtedly as Dauid sayth * iudge the worlde in righteousnesse Psalm 9 8. and the people with equitie §. 8. Diuers examples also may bee collected from the Scripture concerning the iustice of almighty God and the expressing of his punishments vpō offenders but these few folowing shew proofe enough to perswade vs. As namely how he punished * Achan Iosua 7. the sonne of Carmi for his theft Nadab and Abihu for presuming to offer Leuit 10 1 * strange fire before him The two sonnes of Eli * for abusing the 1 Sam 4 Priestes office King Saule * for his disobedience in sparing 1 Sam 15 Agag Gehazi the seruaunt of Eliah * for his 2 Reg 5 couetousnesse Ananiah and his wife Saphira for * lying Acts 5 vnto the holy Ghost By which examples and the like we may coniecture that as the mercy of the Lorde is meruailous great to those that feare and loue him so is his punishment also vppon such as walke in wickednesse and wilfully presume to offend him For as the Angell said vnto Esdras there 2. Esdr 7 19 is no Iudge more iust then God nor anie more wise then the most High ¶ Of the wayes of Almighty God §. 1. THE * vvay of the Lorde or God 2 Sa. 22. 31 as Dauid sayth is vncorrupt And * all his pathes are mercie Psal 25. 10. and truth Vnto such as * keepe his couenaunt Psal 103. 18 thinke vpon his commaundements to doe them §. 2. God hath not as Caluine saith made Caluine manifest vnto man one way onely but he hath shewed vnto vs all his wayes that is all that is needful to make vs walke aright so that wee can neuer goe amisse if we followe the direction which hee in his holie Word hath set downe before vs. §. 3. The wayes of the Lorde our God as S. Augustine Augustine saith are to bee taken for all manner of his dooings and how soeuer it pleaseth him at any time to remoue things first to one side then to another yet his wayes therein are alwaies righteous and he best knoweth wherefore he doth so Besides It is not to be doubted saith he that God doth well yea when soeuer hee suffereth to be done whatsoeuer things are euill done for hee doth not suffer this otherwise then by iust iudgement and surelie all that is iust is good Although therefore those things that be euill inasmuch as they bee euill be not good yet it is good that there should be things not onelie that are good but also that are euill For except it were good that there should bee thinges that are euill the Almightie goodnesse woulde by no meanes suffer them to bee For it is no doubt as easie a thing to him not to suffer that thing to be which hee woulde shoulde not be as it is to doe that which he is willing to doe Therefore whatsoeuer happeneth heere at any time against our wills wee ought to vnderstande that it hapneth not but by the will of God by his prouidence by his decree by his commaundement and by his Law And although wee know not vvhy and wherfore it is done yet we must consider it is done according to his wisedome that gouerneth all things and that it is not done without some speciall cause For the Lord our God is righteous as
20 31 followeth the Lord is better then hee that gouerneth his life without the Lord. And our light affliction which is but for 2. Cor. 4. 17. a moment causeth vnto vs a far more excellent and eternall waight of glory while we looke not on the thinges that are seene but the things which are not seene For the things that are seene are temporall verse 18 but the things which are not seene are eternall For vvee are saued by hope but hope Rom. 8. 24. 25. that is seene is no hope for howe can a man hope for that which he seeth But if wee hope for that we see not we doe with patience abide for it Likewise the Spirit of God also helpeth Rom 8 26. our infirmities for we know not what to pray as we ought but the Spirit it selfe maketh request for vs with sighes vvhich cannot be expressed But he that searcheth the harts knoweth verse 27. what is the meaning of the Spirit for hee maketh request for the Saints according to the will of God Also wee knowe that all things worke verse 28. together for the best vnto them that loue GOD. And I count saith the Apostle that the Rom 8 18 afflictions of this present time are not worthie of the glory which shall be shewed vnto vs. Neyther may the many yeeres of thys World be any way comparable vnto the length of dayes in the life to come * For Eccl●s 18 9. as drops of raine are vnto the Sea and as a grauell stone is in comparison of the Sand so are a thousand yeeres to the dayes euerlasting Of the manifold blessings and fauours of Almightie God extended vnto the godly heere in this life with the promises of theyr euerlasting felicitie in the World to come PROVERBS 21. verse 21. Hee that followeth after righteousnes mercy shall finde life righteousnes and glory §. 1. BLessed is the man saith Dauid that Psal 1. 1. 2. doth not walke in the counsell of the wicked nor stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the seate of the scornefull But hath his delight in the lawe of the Lord and in that lawe doth exercise himselfe both day and night For he shall be like a tree planted by the verse 3 waters side vvhich will bring foorth her fruite in due season whose leafe shall not wither or fade away and looke what-soeuer hee doth it shall prosper Blessed saith Ieremy is the man that trusteth in the Lord and whose hope is the Iere. 17. 7. Lord himselfe For hee shall be as a tree planted by the water which spreadeth out her rootes by the riuer and shall not feele verse 8 when the heate cōmeth but her leafe shall be greene shall not care for the yeere of drought neither shall cease from yeelding fruite Yea blessed is the man saith Sirach Ecclꝰ 14 21 that doth meditate honest things by vvisedome and exerciseth himselfe in iustice reasoneth of holy things by his vnderstanding Which considereth in his hart the wayes verse 22. 23. of VVisedome and vnderstandeth her secrets and goeth after her and continueth in her wayes For he shall looke in at her windowes Ecclꝰ 14. 24 25 and harken at her doores hee shall abide beside her house and shall fasten a stake in her walles Hee shall pitche his tent nie vnto her verse 26. 27. hand and in his lodging shall good things rest for euermore Hee shall sette his children vnder her couering he shall dwell vnder her branches By her hee shal be defended from the heate and in her glory shall hee rest For life is in the way of righteousnesse Prou 12 28 and in that path-way there is no death §. 2. Blessed therefore is the man that feareth Psal 112. 1. the Lord and delighteth greatly in his commaundements Yea blessed is he that maketh the Lord Psalm 40 4 his trust and regardeth not the proude nor such as turne aside to lies For his seed shal be mighty vpon earth Psa 112. 2 3 and his generation shall be blessed Riches and treasures shall be in his house and his righteousnes shall endure for euer Though he fall hee shall not be cast off Psal 37. 24 for the Lord putteth vnder his hand Surely hee shall neuer be mooued but Psal 112. 6. shall be had in euerlasting remembrance For the Lord loueth iudgement forsaketh Psal 37. 28. not his Saints they shall be preserued for euer-more §. 3. If saith the Almightie vnto Israel yee Leuit. 26. 3. 4. 5. walke in mine ordinaunces and keepe my commaundements and doe them I will then send you raine in due season and the Land shall yeeld her increase and the trees of the fielde shall giue their fruite your threshing shall reach vnto the vintage and the vintage shall reach vnto the sowing time and you shall eate your breade in plenteousnes dwell in your land safely For I will haue respect vnto you and Leuit 26 9 make you increase and multiply you and establish my couenaunt or promise with you Also I will walke among you I will Leuit. 26. 12 be your God and yee shal be my people §. 4. Yea all these following blessings ô Deut. 28. 2. Israel saith Moises shall come vpon thee and ouer-take thee if thou shalt obey the voyce of the Lord thy God Blessed shalt thou be in the Cittie and verse 3 4 blessed also in the fielde Blessed shall be the fruite of thy body and the fruite of thy ground and the fruite of thy Cattell the increase of thy Kine and the flocks of thy sheepe Blessed shal be thy basket thy dough verse 5 6 Blessed shalt thou be when thou commest in and blessed also when thou goest out §. 5. The Lorde likewise shall cause thine Deu. 28. 7. enemies that rise against thee to fall before thy face they shall come out against thee one way and shall flee before thee seauen wayes The Lord shall commaunde the blessing to be with thee in thy store-houses and in Deut 28 8. all that thou settest thine hand vnto will blesse thee in the Land vvhich hee giueth thee The Lord shall make thee an holie people verse 9 vnto himselfe as hee hath sworne vnto thee if thou shalt keepe the commaundements of the Lord thy God and walke in his wayes Then all people of the earth shal see that verse 10 the Name of the Lord is called vpon ouer thee and they shall be afraid of thee And the Lord shall make thee plenteous Deut 28 11 in goods in the fruite of thy body and in the fruite of thy cattell and in the fruite of thy ground in the land which the Lorde sware vnto thy fathers to giue thee The Lord shall open vnto thee his good verse 12. treasure euen the heauen to giue raine to thy land in due season and to
him as with a shielde The wicked shall see the same be angry Psal 112. 10 hee shall gnash with his teeth and consume away §. 12. Feare the Lorde therefore yee that be Psalm 34 9. his Saints for nothing vvanteth to them that feare him The Lyons doe lacke and suffer hunger Psal 34 10. but they that seeke the Lord shall want no manner of thing that is good Neither shall any euill happen vnto the Ecclꝰ 33. 1. man that feareth him but when hee is in tentation the Lord will deliuer him and keepe him from harme For his eyes are ouer the righteous and 1 Pet 3 12 his eares are open vnto theyr prayers Hee knoweth the dayes of vpright men Psal 37 18 theyr inheritance shall be perpetuall §. 13. Hee also preserueth the state of the Prou 2 7 righteous is a shield to them that walke vprightly They shall not be confounded in the Psal 37 19 perrillous time and in the dayes of famine they shall haue enough For his eye is vpon them that feare him Psalm 33 18 19 and vpon them that trust in his mercy to deliuer theyr soules from death to preserue them in the time of dearth Yea his eyes haue respect vnto them Ecclꝰ 34 16 that loue him hee is theyr mightie protection and strong ground a defence from the heate and a shadow for the noone day a succour from stumbling and a helpe from falling §. 14. They that put theyr trust in him shall Psal 125. 1. be euen as the mount Sion which cannot be remoued but remaineth stedfast for euer They shall florish like a Palme tree and Psal 92. 12. shall spread abroade like a Cedar in Lebanon They shall inherite the land and dwell Psal 37 29 therein for euer They shall still bring forth fruite in their Psal 92. 14. age and shall be fat and florishing §. 15. The man that serueth him shall be accepted Ecclꝰ 35 16 with fauour and his prayer shall reach vnto the clowdes His prayer shall pierce thorowe the Mart. Bucer clowdes and preuaile mightily in the presence of his Maker That which a wicked man feareth shall Prou 10 24 come vpon him but GOD will grant the desire of the godly For a good man getteth fauour of the Prou 12 2 Lord but a man of vvicked imaginations will the Almightie condemne He respecteth not the speech of vngodly Iohn 9. 31 persons when they pray vnto him but if any man be a vvorshipper of him and obedient vnto his will him he will heare For as hee himselfe is all goodnes so loueth Plato hee all those that loue goodnes and as hee can haue no euill in himselfe so can he not away with the workers of iniquitie §. 16. They that trust in the Lord shall vnderstand Wisd 3. 9. the truth and the faithfull shall remaine with him in loue for grace mercie is among his Saints and hee regardeth his elect His secrete is reuealed to them that feare Psal 25. 14 him and his couenaunt to giue them vnderstanding Hee is euer-more mindfull of those men Theophilact that make his Word the guide vnto theyr waies and neuer ceaseth to succour his seruants which through faith confidence continually cleaue vnto him For he alwaies loueth them that loue his Lyra. law and bestoweth many benefites on the man that maketh his cōmaundements his daily meditation §. 17. Hee highly regardeth euery one that beleeueth Origen in him and will in time performe what-soeuer hee hath promised vnto the faithfull Hee will most certainly graunt vnto the Euagoras godly all things that are needfull for theyr life present And at his pleasure hee will make the Virgilius penitent to reioyce greatly in his loue and mercie He will also be fauourable to the righteous Eugenius in the time of theyr affliction And be ready to heare the cry of the confident Hillarius when-soeuer they call vpon him Yea before they call hee will aunswere Esay 65. 24. and whiles they speake or whiles they are thinking what to speake hee will heare them By all vvhich former speeches most plainly according to the saying of the Psalmist it appeareth That * they which Psalm 119. 165. loue the lawe of the Lord shall haue great prosperitie and shall haue no hurt That they vvhich obey and serue him Iob. 36. 11. shall end theyr dayes in prosperitie and theyr yeeres in pleasures And that the man that is faithfull shall Prou. 28. 20 abound in blessings §. 18. Taste yee then and see how gracious Psal 34 8. the Lord is blessed is the man that trusteth in him Yea blessed is the man whose strength Psal 84. 5 is in the Lord and in vvhose hart are the vvayes of God Blessed is euery one that feareth the Psal 128 1. Lord and walketh in his wayes For to them that thinke on good things Prou. 14. 22. shall be mercie and truth And as many as in this world endeuour Phil. Mel. to liue vprightly shall after death be receiued of God into euerlasting glory §. 19. A booke of remembrance saith Malachie Mala. 3. 16. is written before the Lord for all them that feare him and that thinke vpon his Name Many sorrowes shall come vnto the vngodly Psal 32 10 but hee that trusteth in the Lord shall be compassed with mercie He will honour them that honour him 1. Sam 2 30 but whosoeuer despiseth him shall of him be despised Hee hath alwayes a speciall respect vnto Pet. Lomb. the godlie and will neuer suffer any that serue him to want theyr reward For the righteous Lord loueth righteousnes Psalm 11 7 his countenaunce doth behold the iust VVhen they cry hee heareth them Psal 34 17 deliuereth them out of all theyr troubles So that theyr hope shall neuer come to Gregory confusion but prosper euen in the time of perrill and lay sure hold on heauen as the cheefest harbour of theyr perfect happinesse §. 20. Hee that walketh in iustice saith Esay Esay 33 15 and speaketh righteous thinges refusing gaine of oppression shaking his handes from taking of gifts stopping his eares from hearing of blood and shutting his eyes from seeing euill Hee shall dwell on hie his defence shall verse 16. be the munitions of Rocks breade shall be giuen him and his waters shall be sure Hee shall receiue a blessing frō the Lord Psalm 24 5 and righteousnesse from the God of his saluation For the Lorde preserueth all them that Psal 145. 20 loue him Hee delighteth in them that feare him Psal 147. 11 Hee careth for all those that haue confidence 1. Pet. 5. 7 in him And no good thing will hee with-hold Psal 84 11 from them that walke vprightly §. 21. Hee that walketh in his integritie is iust Prou 20.
7 saith Salomon and blessed shall his children be after him The path of the righteous is to decline Prou 16 17 from euill and hee keepeth his soule that keepeth his way The way of the wicked is abhomination Prou. 15. 9 vnto the Lord but he loueth him that followeth righteousnes And better is the poore that walketh in Prou. 28 6. his vprightnes then he that peruerteth his wayes though hee be rich For there can be no greater gaine then Bullenger the good that commeth by godlinesse nor any sweeter comfort then the inward solace of an vnpolluted soule §. 22. The way of the righteous shineth as the Prou. 4. 18 light which shineth more and more vnto the perfect day And vnto them ariseth light in darknes Psal 112 4 Through his religious knowledge and Pacuuius vnderstanding the godly man shal diuers wayes be helpfull to others by his own vertues hee shall be able to withstand many vices For the righteousnes of an vpright man Prou 11 5 ordereth his way It preserueth him in his life * And causeth Prou. 13. 6 Prou 14 32 him to haue hope in his death It also deliuereth from death Prou 11 4 And defendeth the faithfull from eternall Pet. Mar. destruction For hee that walketh or continueth to Prou 28 18 the end in his vprightnes shall be saued And there is no confusion vnto them Dan 3 40 that put theyr trust in God §. 23. Doubtlesse saith Marlorate diuers are Marlorate the fauours and many the mercies which almightie GOD sheweth vnto the godly heere in this life but most vnspeakeable are the sundry consolations which through fayth they feele in conscience at the verie houre of theyr death Marke as Dauid saith the vpright man Psal 37 37 behold the iust for the end of that man is peace And the last houre of his life is the first Cyrill houre of his soules entrance into endlesse felicitie §. 24. Thus much in effect Balaam the lucrelouing Prophet could confesse to be true vnto the comfort of other men though hee himselfe walked in the way of wickednes when hee saide * Oh that my soule Num 23 10 might die the death of the righteous and that my last end might be like his For as many as in this life beleeue in Christ and keepe his doctrine * they shall Iohn 8 51. neuer see death Nor come into condemnation but haue Iohn 5 24 euen as it were alreadie passed frō death vnto life They finde by experience that the true seruice of GOD giueth inward testimonie Mar. Bucer of eternall saluation vnto theyr soules vvhere-vnto all worldly wealth is not worthy to be compared and that the peace of conscience excelleth al earthly possessions Death vnto them is no death but rather Erasmus a long-desired releasement from their many molestations in this life a most pleasant passage into the Paradise of GOD. VVhere with a number more then may bee numbred of Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Saints and holy Martyrs they shall be made partakers of euer-during happinesse and continue alwayes in the company of Christ Iesus theyr most mercifull Protector VVherfore if thou desire to prosper in Origen thy life and to speede well at thy death bestow thy studie in the lawe of the Lord practise to please him according to his precepts For it is a pleasure full of profit a solace Plotinus voyde of all sorrow for a man to giue his minde to godly meditation §. 25. Light saith the Psalmist is sowen for Psal 97 11 the righteous and ioy for the vpright in hart To euery man that doth good shall be Rom. 2. 10. glory and honour and peace And to the righteous God will recompence Prou. 13 21 good For GOD greatly esteemeth vertuous Socrates people though in this worlde they be little set by For them are good things created from Ecclꝰ 39 25 the beginning and euill thinges for the vvicked For them is euerlasting rest and glorie 2. Esdr 8 59 made ready but thirst and paine is long since prepared of God for the vngodly Yea the Lord himselfe hath promised 2. Esdr 8. 39. that he wil reioyce in the wayes of the righteous and that hee will remember the pilgrimage the saluation and the revvard that they shall haue For glorious is the fruite of good labours Wisd 3 15 and the roote of wisedome shal neuer fade away §. 26. Theyr first felicitie after this life is the Iust Mar. sweete rest quiet peace that their soules possesse in Christ But the second shall be the immortalitie and glory both of theyr body and soule together at the day of generall iudgement when with triumphant ioy they shall in the sight of all their enemies receiue openly theyr portion in the kingdome of perpetuall blessednes For they shall liue for euer their reward Wisd 5. 15. also is with the Lord and the most High hath care of them Therefore shall they receiue a glorious verse 16. kingdome and a beautifull crowne at the Lords hand for with his right hand shall he couer them and with his arme shall hee defend them Their recompence or reward consisteth Constantiu● not onely in Gods grace and fauour towards them during this life but also in his most mercifull receiuing them into eternall felicitie and safe preseruing them frō the danger of damnation which is the second death of the vngodly So that heauen is not onely the seate of Erasmus Gods glory and the habitation of his holie Angels but it is also the resting place of the faithfull and the inheritance of all his Saints §. 27. The certaine truth vvhereof is further vvitnessed vnto vs by the words of Christ himselfe where among many other petitions made vnto his Father both for himselfe and the faithfull in the end hee concludeth his speech with this saying * Father Iohn 17 24 I will that they which thou hast giuen mee be with mee euen where I am that they may beholde my glory vvhich thou hast giuen mee Also in another place he sayth * If any Iohn 12 26 man serue mee let him followe mee for where I am there shall also my seruant be and who-soeuer serueth mee him will my Father honour And what honour receiued from anie Tertullian Prince in this vvorld be it neuer so great is worthy any way to be compared vnto the least honour vvhich the seruaunts of GOD shall receiue from theyr Creator in the kingdome of Heauen VVhere life shall not be limitted vnto Beda them by number of monthes or yeeres nor theyr pleasures appointed at certaine times and seasons but as God himselfe is without any ending so shall theyr life be euerlasting And as his power endureth perpetually so shall their pleasures last continually §. 28. For it is a thing agreeable to reason that