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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06667 A rule how to bring vp children A treatise wherein is declared, how the father apposeth his sonne in the holy Scripture, whereby all parents may be taught a rule how to bring vp their children, briefelie collected into a short volume.; Rule how to bring up children. Lyster, John, fl. 1588. 1588 (1588) STC 17122; ESTC S104942 107,568 287

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aduocate to obtaine mercie for vs what saiest thou then to thē that say that the saints departed and the blessed Virgin Mary doe that and not hée Sonne I say the diuell hath alwaies some shift to drawe men from a stedfast faith in Christ Iesu otherwise his kingdome should decay but ther is none that is a meane for our sinnes Mediator but onelie Iesus Christ the onelie Sonne of God that vndefiled Lambe which hath payed our ransom 1. Tim. 2. Thus saith Saint Paull there is one God and one mediatour betwéene God and man euen the man Christ Iesus which gaue himselfe a ransom for all that it should be testified at his time Io. 17. This is eternall life that we know the one onelie true God and Iesus Christ which thou hast sent Gal. 3. A mediatour is not a mediatour of one but God is one Heb. 9. He is a mediatour of the new Testament that through death which chanced for the redemption of these transgressours that were vnder the first Testament they which are called might receiue the promisse of eternall inheritaunce wherby you may sée none to be any meane to the father for our sinnes but onelie Iesus Christ his owne natural sonne fitting on his right hand Father Shew mée what mercie we may looke for at the hand of God and how mercyfull the Lord is Sonne God is most mercifull Ezech. 18 and would not the death of a sinner but rather that hée should conuert and liue The Lord God was mercifull Exod. 34 gracious long suffering and abundant in goodnesse and truth and kéeping in store mercie for thousands forgiuing wickednesse vngodlynesse and sinne The Lorde is mercifull vnto Israell Iudg. 10 and his soule had pittie vppon their miserie Euen as a father is mercifull vnto his Children Psal 103 euen so is the Lorde mercifull vnto them that feare him Eather What must we do to be deliuered from the curse of the lawe and so obtaine mercie of our God through Iesus Christ séeing that we are all sinners Sonne Acts. 2. Consider what answere Saint Peter gaue to them that demaunded what they should doe to be saued he saide repent of your sinnes Repentāce and be baptised euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes ye shall receaue the guift of the holie ghost Math. 3. R●pent said Iohn Baptist for the kingdome of God is at hand prepare the way of the Lord make his pathes streight Math. 4 Iesus began to preach and saide repent for the kingdome of heauen is at hand Mark 1 And in the first of Saint Lukes gospell repent and beléeue the gospell Father Repētance What is this repentance wherevnto we are exhorted by Iesus Christ and his messengers Sonne defined It is a sorrowing and continuall mourning of the heart conscience because of sin ioyned with faith and amendemēt of life Father Let me héere how we must sorrow which some call contricion Sonne The Lord by the Prophet Ioell saith Contricion turne you vnto me with all your hearts Ioel. 2. with fasting wéeping and mourning rent your heartes and not your garments and turne vnto the Lord for the Lord is merciful gracious longe suffering and of great goodnesse and compassion and redy to pardone wickednesse Gyrde thée about with sacke cloth Ieremi 6 sprincle thy selfe with ashes mourne and wéepe bitterlie weepe bitterly for the destruction else shal sodenlie fall vppon you When Ahab hard that the Lord would destroy him and his house 3. king 21 hée rent his clothes and put on sackcloth and fasted and went bare foote and the Lord saide because he submitteth himselfe before me I will not bring this euil in his daies but in his sonnes daies Dauid saide Psal 102 my heart is smitten downe and withered like grasse so that I forget to eate my bread for the voice of my groning my bones will scarce cleaue to my flesh Psalm 6. Euerie night wash I my bed and water my couch with my teares Esay 30. In repentance and in rest shalt thou be safe in quietnesse and sure confidence shall ye put your trust Ieremi 31 Repentāce a guift of God Conuert thou me and I shal be conuerted assone as thou turnest me I shall reforme my selfe and when I vnderstand I shall smite vppon my theigh Ezech. 20. Condemne your selues You shall iudge your selues worthie to be destroyed for all your wickednesse that you haue done Luke 7 Teares of repētance A woman stoode by Christ at his féete wéeping and began to wash his féete with teares and did wipe them with the haires of her head Luke 23 And he saide manie sinnes are forgiuen thée for thou loued much VVept bitterly The Lord looked vppon Petter and Peter remembred the Lordes words and went out from amonge the wicked Iewes and wéept bitterlie wherby you may perceiue father that he which trulie repenteth he is sorrowful for al his sinnes as Petter was and wéepeth bitterlie Father What other thinge shall wée finde in him that truelie repenteth Confession Sonne A confessing No auriculer confession an acknowledging of his iniquities to the Lord and not in the eare of a sinnefull man Dauid saide Psalm 32. I will confesse my sinne vnto the Lord and so he forgaue me the wickednesse of my sinne The people of Israell cryed vnto the Lorde and saide Iudg. 10. we haue sinned agaynst thée and haue forsaken our owne God and serued Balam Esdras kneeled downe on his knées and spred out his handes vnto the Lord Esdras 9 Kneeled downe and saide my God I am ashamed and dare not lyft vp mine eyes vnto thée my God for my wickednesse is gone ouer my heade and my trespasses are exalted to heauen oh Lord we haue forsaken thy commaundements and made the lande full of vncleanenesse on euerie side I will saith Dauid confesse my wickednesse and be sorie for my sinne Psalm 38 Daniell saide Daniel 9 oh Lord vnto vs our kinges and princes belongeth nothing but open shame and confusion we haue sinned O Lord against thée yet Lord let thy face shine ouer the sanctuarie Many that beléeued came and confessed and shewed their workes Father Prayer Are there other qualities to be founde in him that truelie repenteth Sonne Psalm 51. Yea Father hartie and deuout prayer vnto God for pardon Dauid when he had sinned praied thus haue mercie vpon mée O God after thy great goodnesse and according to the multitude of thy mercies doe away mine offences ● Cro. 21. Dauid saide I haue sinned excéedingly in dooing this thing but now I beséech the Lord doe away the sinne of thy seruaunt for I haue done wickedlie Daniel 9 Oh Lord we haue sinned and done wickedlie against all thy righteousnesse yet O Lord let thy wrathfull displeasure be turned away I beséech
before mée saith the Lord Esay 66. and they shall goe foorth and looke vpon the carrions of them that haue transgressed against mée Amos. 9 They shall not flée away there shall not one escape nor be deliuered though they were buried in hell my hande shall fetch them from thence though they clime vppe to heauen yet shall I cast them downe though they hide themselues on the toppe of Carmell yet shal I séeke them out and bring them from thence though they créepe downe from my sight into the depth of the Sea I shall commaunde the Serpent there to bite them Math. 25 Iesus Christ shall sende his Angells with the great voyce of a Trumpet and they shall gather together his chosen from the foure windes euen from the highest parte of heauen till the endes thereof Thus father you may sée that this iudgement cannot be secaped Father Sonne the Lord comforte vs. What saiest thou shall there be no warning before the Trumpet bée sounded Sodenly and all summoned to iudgement but shall it come vnwares and sodainely Sonne Christ saith if we shall not watch Reuel 3 hée will come as a théefe and we shall not knowe what houre he shall come on vs. The day of the Lord shall come as a théefe in the night 1. Thes 5 for when they shall say peace then shall sodaine destruction come vpon them euen as sorrowe vpon a woman in traueile and they shall not escape Of that day and houre saith Christ Math. 24 knoweth no manne but my Father onelie for as it was in the daies of Noa they eate and dranke married and were married builded and planted vntil Noa went into the Arke and the floude came and tooke them all away So shall the comming of the Sonne of man bée Watch therefore for ye knowe not what houre the sonne of man will come Father The Lord giue vs grace to be watchfull What shall the Lorde doe when all people kinredes and tongues and nations are set before him Sonne Partition Math. 25 He shall seperate the good from the bad euen as a shepperd parteth the shéepe from the Goats Ezech. 34. I will saith the Lord put a pertition and make a difference among the shéepe among the weathers and Goats Math. 25 Hée shall sette the shéepe on his right hande and the Goates on the left hand Father Christ helpe vs but howe shall the Lorde Iesus among all the people of the worlde knowe which are good to set them on his right hande and the euill and place them on his left hande Sonne Father the Lorde séeth and knoweth all thoughts words and workes of all men hee séeth from euerlasting to euerlasting there is nothing hid frō his eyes and besides they shall all bée marked the faithfull and good with the marke of the Lambe Iesus The wicked shall haue in their handes or foreheades the Beastes marke The Lord saide to one that had a linnen rayment vpon him Ezech. 9 and a writers Incke-horne by his side goe thy way through the Cittie of Ierusalem sette a marke vpon the foreheades of them that mourne and are sorie for all the abhorcions that are done therein And to an other he saide goe after him through the Cittie slay ouer sée none spare none kill and destroy both mē and young maides children and wiues but as for those that haue the marke vpon them sée thou touch them not An Angell hauing the seale of the liuing God in his hande Reuel 7 and he cryed to the foure Angels that haue power ouer the Earth and sayde hurte not the Earth neyther the Sea neyther the Trées till I haue sealed the seruaunts of GOD in their foreheads The names of the good are written in the Booke of life of the Lambe Reuel 3 They haue his name Eod. and his Fathers name written in their foreheads When the Lorde woulde smyte the firste borne in Egypte Exod. 12 and delyuer his owne people he commaunded that all his owne people euerie householde shoulde kill a Lambe late at night and sprinckle the doore chéekes and postes of the doore with the bloud so that when the destroyer should come he might sée the bloud and might passe by that house and not smite it So in like manner whosoeuer haue their hearts and consciences sprinckeled with faith in the bloud of the Lambe Iesus the destroyer in the day of vengeance shall not hurt but destroy the Egiptians that is the wicked that haue receaued the beasts marke Father Not pacified The Lord our God sprinckle our hearts with that bloud Sonne I haue brought thée a little from the purpose but turne againe to it and tell mée if the Lord will not be a mercifull God at that time and soone entreated Sonne Pro. 6. Mercifull no Father not mercifull but iust full of wrath and indignation Salomon compareth the Lord to a Iellious husbande the Ielousie and wrath of the man will not be intreated no not though thou wouldest offer him great giftes to make amends he will not receaue them There is no daise-man betwixt GOD and man Iob. 9. When he is wrath the earth shaketh Ieremy 10 all the Gentiles may not abide his indignation Heauen and earth shall remoue in the wrath of the Lord of hosts Esay 13. and in the day of his fearefull indignation Neither their siluer nor their gold shal be able to deliuer them in that wrathfull day of the Lord Sophony 1. but all the whole lande shall be burned with the fier of Ielousiie Beholde Amos. 2 I will crash you in sunder like as a waine crasheth that is full of sheaues so that the swift shall not escape neyther the strong doe any thing no the Gyant shall not be able to saue his owne lyfe I will not spare because he persecuted his brother with the sworde destroyed his mothers wombe bare hatred verie long and so kept indignation alway by him Who may abide his wrath Nah. 1. or who is able to abide his grymme displeasure his anger taketh on like fier and the hard rockes are clouen asunder He shall be like a Beare that is rauished of her whelpes euen full of wrath and indignation shall the Lord be in that day Father Good God what shall we doe séeing there is no mercie but that Clausae sunt ianuae the gates of all mercie are shutte vppe and iustice drawen out Cognoscetur dominus iuditia faciens The Lorde shall bée knowen to execute iustice and iudgement Procéede to tell mée when all people kinreds and tongues are araigned before this terrible iudge Plead guiltie or not guiltie and pleade guyltie or not guiltie what shall the iudge obiect or lay to their charge what will he saye to the faithfull on his right hande Sonne Math. 25 He shall say Oh ye blessed children of my Father when I was hungrie you gaue mée meate when I was thirstie you