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A05789 A prymer in Englyshe with certeyn prayers [et] godly meditations, very necessary for all people that vnderstonde not the Latyne tongue. Cum priuilegio regali.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church.; Marshall, William, fl. 1535. aut; Joye, George, d. 1553. Ortulus anime. aut 1534 (1534) STC 15986; ESTC S105505 141,102 352

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sake and for thy glory therin to set vp thy worde againe make it be knowne which of so longe tyme hath ben darkened with mennes dreames and thruste downe with mennes wordes and mennes lawes so that throughe thy worde nowe at the last we myght knowe thy wyll from mennes pleasures and fynally to beleue onely thy worde and do thy wyll by thy Sonne our lorde Iesu. Amen ¶ The Complene ¶ Conuerte nos TUrne vs to the O god our sauiour And turne thy wrathe from vs. O god bende thy selfe in to my helpe Lorde haste the to pelpe me Glory be to the father to the sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyng as it is nowe and euer shall be Amen Prayse ye the lorde ¶ Usquequo psalmus .xiij. Howe longe lorde wylte thou tarye wylte thou forget me for euer how longe wylte thou turne thy face fro me How longe shall I thus studye musynge with my selfe fyllynge my herte dayly full of sorowe How longe shall myne enemye be thus exalted ouer me Beholde and answere me lorde my god● kepe me wakyng least the slumbre of deth cume vpon me Ye leaste perauenture myne enemye may say I p̄uailed agaynst hī for yf I fall my troubelers wyl reioyce But I trust in thy mercy my herte shal be glad of thy helpe I shall gyue thankes to my lorde for he hathe rewarded me ¶ Iudica me AUenge me o God and defende my cause from thungodly folke delyuer me from the decey●efull and naked man For thou art my God and my strengthe wherfore hast thou put me awaye wherfore go I thus mornynge my enemye oppressynge me Make thy lighte and thy faithfulnes to shyne vpō me let these thynges lede me vnto thy holy hyll and let thē lede me to thy tabernacles That I might ons come to the altare of God euen the god of gladnes author of my ioye to prayse and to magnifie the with herp god my god Wherfore art thou deiecte my soule thus trobled in me trust in God for yet wyll I magnifie hym for the helpe wherwith he hathe made glad my face and shewed hym selfe to be my god Sepe expugnauerunt psalmus C.xxix GReuouslye haue they vexed me euen frō my yonght now let Israell speke Greuously haue they vexed me euē fro my yonght but yet they p̄uaile not against me Upon my bak these ploughmē ploughed and haue cut forthe theyr long vorowes But the ryghtwyse lorde hathe cut away the bondes of these vngodlye They shall be shamed and put to flyghte who so euer hateth Syon They shall be as grasse that groweth vpō the house rygges whiche is withered before it be pulled vp With the whiche neyther the reaper fylleth his handes nor yet the gatherer fylleth his armes Neyther the goers foreby so regarded them as to saye ones god blesse you or we wyll wysshe you in the name of the lorde Domine non psal C.xxxj LOrde my herte is not proude neither loke I a lofte I take not stoughtly vpon me in greate maters nether presume I in meruelous thynges aboue my estate But verelye I repressed and put my soule to scilence lyke a weanlynge from the mothers teare euen lyke a weanlynge in very deade Let Israell wayte and truste vpon the lorde from this tyme in to euerlastynge Glory be to the father c. ISraell in scrypture betokeneth the electe chyldren of god whiche when they are in the moste extremeste affly●cion lykely to be forsakē of god and man then haue they goddes helpe moste present yf theyr faith ra●le not The chap. ij par ij WHen we are driuen to suche an harde straynie that we can not tel what to do then only is there left vs this last shyfte present helpe to lyfte vp one tyes vnto the lorde Thankes be to God ¶ The hymne WOrshype we the spirite purely which moued Simeon the sage In his armes to take reuerently Our sauiour yet tender of age When his father and his mother Presented theyr yonge chylde Iesus Simeon amonge al other praysed the lorde sayenge thus ¶ Nunc dimittis NOW lettest thou thy seruant departe o lorde accordynge to thy promyse in pece For myne iyes haue sene the sauiour sent from the. Whom thou haste set forthe in the presens of all people To be a lyghte lyghtynge the Gentilles and to be the glory of thy people Israell Glory be to the father c. As it was c. ¶ The Antheme AH how fearefull a iudgment is it to be reiecte and caste from the lorde not to be called his people which iudgmēt is now fallen vpon the Iewes which somtyme were called his people of Israell The versicle Kepe vs Iesu confirmed in thy worde Thanswere Holde vs to thy trouthe cast vs not from ye. Amen ¶ The Prayer O Lorde Iesu restore Israell we praye the ye restore the hoole worlde teachyng vs which the spirit of thy trouth that we allwith one mynde and one assent myght rūne af●er the gloryfie thy name Graūte vs o mercifull sauyour that we myght se the gloriouse takinge vp againe of Israel whiche shall be to the worlde as a new rysynge agayne from death to lyfe that thus all the hooll worlde myght lyue vnder the alone moste perfiteste herdman and thou moughtest raygne in vs all to whom with the father with the holy ghoste be glory honor impery and rule into the worlde of worldes Amen ¶ Salue Rex HAyle Iesu Christe kynge of mercye our lyfe our swetnes and our hope we salute the vnto the we crye whiche are the banysshed chyldren of Eue vnto the we syghe sobbynge and wepynge in this ●ale of wretchednes haste the therfore our mediator turne vnto vs those thy mercyfull eyes O Iesu all prayse worthy shew vs the presence of thy father after this out larie O gentle O mercyful O swete Iesu Christe ¶ The versicle In al our trouble heuenes Thanswer O Iesu our helthe and glory succoure vs. ¶ The prayer O Iesu Christe the sonne of god our redemer which deiectedest hūbledst thy selfe from the gloryous state and shape of thy godhed vnto the shape of oure vyle seruytude because thou woldest reconsyle vs the chyldren of wrathe vnto thy father and so make vs the chyldren of grace we beseche the graunte vs that we moughte euer fele euen the thy very selfe to be oure presente medyator before our father for all ghostly gyftes whom we knowledg with perfite faith to be our sauiour whiche art the lyuely God with the Father and the holy ghoste leuynge and raygnynge in to the worlde of worldes Amen ¶ Here foloweth the seuen Psalmes in Englysshe Domine ne in furore the fyrste Psalmus sextus AH lorde rebuke me not in thy wrathe nether chasten me in thyne anger But deale fauourably with me o lorde for ful sore brokē am I heale me lorde for my bones are all to shaken My soule trēbleth sore but lorde how longe Turne the Lorde and
loude syghes that my bones cleued to my skynne I am lyke an destrege of the wyldernes made lyke an owle in an olde forlaten house I lye wakynge am left alone lyke the sparowe in the thacke Myne enemyes reuyled me all daye they that chide me vsed my name opprobriously I eate erthe in stede of brede lycken my teares in stede of drynke And all is for thy indignation and thy wrathe for when I was a lofte thou thruest me downe My dayes are vanysshed awaye lyke a shadowe I my selfe am whytherd lyke hay But thou Lorde syttest styll for euer thy memoriall endureth from age to age Thou shalt ryse and haue pyty on Syon for it is tyme for the to fauour it thy daye apoynted is now come For the stones of it please thy seruantes verely and they fauour her soyle Euen the hethen also shal worshyp the name of the lorde and all the kynges of therthe shall knowlege thy gloryous beauty The lorde verely shal buylde spō he shall be sene in his beautiful glory And he shall haue respect vnto the prayer of the poore forsaken his praier shall he not despyse This thyng shall be wryten for the worlde to come and for this cause the people whiche are yet vnmade shall praise the lorde For he shall loke forthe of his hyghe holye place the lorde shall beholde therthe euen from heuen To heare the syghes of them that are in bondes and to lose the chyldren iudged to death That they myghte preache the name of the lorde in Syon and his prayse in Ierusalem When the people and the kyngdomes shall be gathered together to worshyp the lorde He abated my courage in my iourney and hathe cut of my dayes I saye my god take me not away in the miooꝭ of my dayes for thy yeres endure throughout all ages In the begynnyng thou layedste the foundacyon of therthe and the heuens are thy handy worke They shal perysshe when thou shalt staude faste and all thyngꝭ shal wax olde lyke a garment thou shalt dresse them agayne lyke a garment they shall be chaūged But thou art euen thy very selfe and thy yeares shall neuer be ended The chyldren of thy seruantes shal dwell styll and theyr posterite shall lyue prosperously and blessedly in thy presence FRo my moste depest paynfull troubles called I vpon the lorde Lorde heare thou me and let thy cares be attente vnto my deape desyre If thou sholdest loke narowly vpon our wyckednesses o lorde lorde who might abyde the But there is mercy with the and therfore art thou worshypped I abyde the lorde my soule abydeth hym I tary lokyng vp alway for thy ꝓmyses My soule wayteth for the lorde as desyrously as do the watche men desyre the daye sprynge Let Israell wayte for the lorde for with the lorde is there mercy and plentuous redemption It is he that shall redeme Israell from all theyr wyckednesses Domine exau the .ij. psal C.xliij O Lorde heare my prayer lysten vnto my feruēt besechyng for thy trouthes sake graunt me for thy ryghtwysenes Haue thou not to do with thy seruant in iudgement for in thy presence no man lyuynge is reputed ryghtwyse A cruell enemy verely persecuted my soule he hath caste downe my lyfe in to therthe he hath set me in darknes lyke as men iudged to dethe My spirite is sore troubled within me and my herte wexeth colde in my brest But at last I remembred the dayes paste I consydered all thy workes and pondred in mynde the dedes of thy handes I stretched forth my handes vnto the my soule desyrously panted and breathed for the I gaped for the lyke thyrsty earthe Haste the to graunt me o lorde for my spirite faynteth hyde not thy face fro me on lesse I be lyke mē goyng downe in to theyr grakes Make me shortly to heare of thy mercyable goodnes for in the do I truste shewe me the way wherin I maye go for vnto the haue I lyfted vp my soule Delyuer me fro myne enemyes o lorde my god for vnder the do I hyde my selfe Teache me to do thy pleasures for thou art my god thy good spirite moughte lede me in to the ryght way For thy names sake lorde restore me for thy ryghtwysnes leade my soule out of this strayte anguyshe Ye and for thy mercyes sake all to destroye my enemyes and shake away all that trouble my soule for I am thy seruāt Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holye Ghoste As it was in the beginnyng as it is now and euer shall be AMEN ¶ The commendacyons The argumente in to the C.xix psalme ¶ This psalme declareth in howe greate pryce and reuerence the sayntes or holye men haue the lawes of god how ernestly they are occupyed in them howe they sorowe to se them broken and sayde agaynst of the vngodly how they pray to be taught them of god and to be acqueynted and accustomed with them and to be short how they desyre those mē to be destroyed what so euer they be whiche breake and saye agaynste them ¶ Beati immaculati BLessed are they which lyue pure innocently euē them I meane which lyue after the lawe of the lorde Blessed are they whiche obserue his testimonies and serche theym with all theyr herte For they shal do no wyckednes that thus trede his wayes Thou hast cōmaunded that thy cōmaūdemētes sholde be kepte with earnest diligēce wolde god that my lyfe were so instructe that I might obserue thy ordinaunces Then sholde I not be disapoynted when I shall haue all thy cōmaūdemētes before myne eyes I shall magnifie the with a pure herte when I shall learne thy ryghtwise iudgemētes I shal obserue thy ordinaūces forsake me not at ony time How shold the yong mā amēde his liuyng he shal wel amende it in obseruyng thy pleasures with all my herte haue I sought the suffre me not to swarue frō thy cōmaundemētes In my herte haue I hyd thy wordes to th entēt I wolde not offend ye. Lord thou art praise worthy teache me thy ordinaūcꝭ with my lyppes shal I shewe forth all the pleasures of thy mouthe I shall reioyse of the way whiche thy testimonies teache as vpon al maner of rychesse Upon thy cōmaundemētes shal I set al my mynde shall set thy pathes before my eyes In thy ordinaūces shal I delight I shal not forget thy wordes Rewarde thy seruāt that I maye lyue obserue thy pleasures Uncouer my eyes that I maye perfitly se the meruelous thynges in thy lawe I am but a stranger in the earthe yet hyde not thy cōmaundemētes fro me My soule is broken with desyre to know at all tymes thy pleasures Thou shalt sharply rebuke the vngodly cursed are they the erre from thy cōmaūdemētes Take away fro me obprobry ignominy for I shal obsue thy testimonies Euen the chyef rulers sit speake against me but yet thy seruant is occupied euer in thy ordinaūces Also
am the waye truth and lyfe he is the very truthe of whom all truthe is named in heuen and in earthe this is it that thou haste loued and in it only haste thou delyted for thou dydeste fynde it pure and with out spotte and woldeste that it shulde dye for synners Kepe therfore Oh god this truthe beholde I am a greate synner in whome thou mayste kepe it to whome thou mayst forgeue many synnes whome thou mayste purifye in the bloude of thy Chryste and whome thou mayste redeme through his passion why Oh Lorde hast thou geuē me this knowlege of thi sonne and this fayth of hym Because I sholde se my redempcyon and not to attayne it that I myght by that meanes be the more vexed with sorowe God forbyd But rather that I maye perceyue the remission of my synnes purchased by Christes bloude and so by his grace maye obteyne it Purge me therfore redeme me oh lorde for thou hast vttered vnto me the vnknowne and secret poyntes of thy wysdome that this knowlege maye helpe me and brynge me vnto health for truely the Phylosophers neuer knewe these thyngꝭ they were vnknowne vnto them yea and vtterly hyd frō them And no man knewe these thynges excepte a fewe whom thou louedste entyrelye before thy sonnes incarnacyon ¶ The moste curious serchers of the worlde I meane the wyse men of this worlde lifted vp theyr eyes aboue heuen yet coulde not fynde this thy wysdom for thou haste hyd these thynges from the wyse and prudente and haste opened them vnto babes that is to hūble fysshers and thy holy propehtes which also haue vttered them vnto vs. And so hast thou vttered the vnknowne and secrete thynges of thy wysdom and of thy scryptures vnto me why do I knowe them in vayne I knowe theym surelye in vayne if they profyt me not vnto my helth and saluacion For the philosophers when they knewe god by his meruelous creatures they gloryfied hym not as god neyther were thankefull but vexed full of vanities in theyr imaginacyons and theyr folysshe hertes were blynded When they counted them selues wyse they became foles Wylt thou suffer me lorde to be of theyr numbre God forbyd For thou arte euen mercye it selfe which doth neuer vtterly forsake any man Fauoure therfore lorde fauour and spare thy seruaunt and cōmaunde hym to be of the numbre of thy babes that the vnknowne secretes of thy wysdom whiche thou haste opened to hym maye leade hym vnto the fountayne of wysdome whiche is an hye that thou mayste be praysed in the worke of thy mercye whiche thou doste exercyse towardes thy seruante Lorde whiche neuer forsakest them that truste in the. Sprynkle me Lorde with ysope and so shall I be clene thou shalt washe me and then shall I be whytter then snowe ¶ Because lorde that thou haste loued the truthe and haste opened vnto me the vnknowne secretes of thy wisdom I am wel counforted and I trust that thou wylt not cast me out of thy fauoure but thou wylte sprynkle me with ysope and soo shall I be clensed Ysope is a lowe herbe it is hote and of a good sauour whiche sygnyfyeth nothynge els but thy onely sone our lord Iesu chryst which humbled hym self vnto deth euen vnto the deth of the crosse Which with the hete of his feruent charyte loued vs and washed vs from our synnes in his bloude Which with the redolent sauoure of his beneuolence and ryghtuousnes replenyshed the hole worlde Therfore with this ysope shalte thou spryncle me when thou poureste vpon me the vertue of his bloude when Chryste thrughe fayth shall dwell in me when thrughe loue I am ioyned with hym when I shall countrefayte his humylyte and passyon then shall I be clensed frome all myne vnclennes Then shalte thou washe me with myne owne teares which flowe out of the loue of christ then shall I syghe vntyll I be werye I shall water my bed euery nyght with my teares so that it shall swymme in them then shalte thou wasshe me and I shall be whytter then snowe Snowe is whyte and colde but lorde yf thou spryncle me with ysope I shall be more whyter then snowe for I shall be thrughly endued with thy splendent light whiche passeth all bodelye wytnesse And when I am enflamed with that lyght I shall forsake all my carnall cōcupiscences colde vnto worldly thigꝭ ēflamed vnto heuēly Unto my hearynge shalte thou geue ioye and gladnes my brosed bones shall be refreshed ¶ Then lorde shall I pray vnto the erly that is in the begynnyge of thy lyght shalt thou heare my voyce and I shal heare what the lorde god shall speake in me for he shall speake peace for his people and shall geue me peace Lorde thou shalte geue me peace for I haue trusted in the vnto my hearyng shalt thou geue ioy and glagdnesse when I shall heare that confortable wordes that marie herde And what herde marie I speake of that marye which sate at the fete of Iesus mat xxvj what herde she Thy fayth hath saued the go thy wayes in peace Let me also heare that the thefe herde this daye shalte thou be with me in paradyse then shall I haue ioye for the remyssyon of my synnes and gladnesse for thy bounteous and lyberall promyses shall I not reioyce and be glad when thou shalt gyue me two folde for all my synnes then shall I begynne to taste how swete the lorde is then shall I lerne to be cōuersant in heuenly thīgꝭ and shall saye with the prophete how great and copious is that swetenesse lorde which thou haste layde vppe for theym that feare the. Then shall I reioyse and be glad and my brosed bones shall be refresshed What are the bones whiche sustayne the flesshe but the powers of oure soule and reason that bere vp the fraylte of oure flesshe that he runne not hedlonge in to all vyces that a man fall not hole in to vanite and so consume awaye These bones I saye are sore brosed for the reason is very weake and the wyll is prone ready to all myschyef for euen nowe the fleshe obeyeth not reason but reason muste obaye the flesshe so that I can not resist vyce for my bones at brosed And why are they brosed for they haue forsaken the the fountaine of liuyng water and haue dygged for them selues cesterns full of chynnes whiche can holde no waters for they are not filled with thy grace withoute whiche no man can lyue well for without the we can do nothyng They trusted in theyr owne power which is no power and therfore decayed they in theyr owne folysshnesses Therfore let thy power come oh lorde and then shal these brosed bones be refresshed let thy grace come that faith which worketh through loue Let thy powers and giftes assist me and then my brosed bones shall be refreshed for my reason shall be mercy my memorye glad and my wyll full of ioye And thus shall they all
fygure of Chryste Wherfore fyrste of all he syngeth and expresseth his great deiection and downe fall and anone after his exaltacyon his encrease and purchasynge of his kyngdome euen to the vttermost partes of the lande and the contynuaunce therof vnto the worldes ende ¶ Deus deus meꝰ respice Psal. xxij MY god my god lo wherfore forsakest thou me how farre is thyne helpe from myne out cryenge My god shall I thꝰ crye and call vpon the all daye and yet wylt thou not heare shall I crye all nyght and neuer cease Ueryly yet art thou that holy one whiche dwellest in Israell extollynge the with prayse Our father 's trusted vpon the they trusted vpon the and thou delyuerdest them They cryed vnto the and were delyuered they trusted vpon the were not shamed But as for me I am but a worme and no man euen the very opprobrye of the men and an abiecte from the vylest folke All that se me made but a laughyng stock on me they mocked me with theyr lyppes and wagged theyr heddes at me Sayinge this vyleyn referred all thynges to the lorde let hym now delyuer hym yf he wyll for he loueth hym well But yet thou arte he whiche leddest me out of my mothers wombe myne owne refugy euen from my mothers teates As soone as I came in to this worlde I was layde in thy lappe thou art my God euen from my mothers wombe Go thou not farre from me for my trouble draweth nygh neyther is there any man that wyll helpe There are beset me rounde aboute greate sturdy steares ye the fatte bulles of Bashan haue hedged me in Lyke a rorynge lyon pantynge and gapynge for his proye theyr mouthes are open vpon me naked before them I sanke awaye lyke water all my bones shoke out of ioynte my hert within me melted away lyke waxe The moystur of my body was dryed vp and I was lyke a potsherde my tung cleued to the sydes of my mouth thou hast drest me to my graue For euen lyke dogges they came aboute me the chyrche of noyous men hedged me in they dygged thorowe my handes fete A man myght haue tolde all my bones they gasyng vpon me thus pytyles entreated toke theyr pleasure They parted my ouer clothes to them self and for my other cote they casted dyce But thou oh lorde be not farre o my strengthe haste the to cōme helpe me Delyuer my lyfe from the deth stroke and my deare soule from the woodnes of these dogges Saue me from the mouthes of these lyons and defende my poore simplenes from the hornes of these vnicornes I shall sprede thy name among my bretherne in the myddes of the congregacyon I shall prayse the. I saye ▪ ye that feare the lorde se that ye prayse hym all ye of the sede of Iacob gloryfye hym all ye of the progeny of Israel feare hym For he hath not despised nor abhorred the troublous affliction of the poore in no maner of wyse turneth he his face from hym but whan he cryed vnto hym he herd hym I shall prayse the in the greate congregacyon I shall ꝑforme my vowes before his worshyppers The meke men shall eate be satisfyed they that seke the lorde shall prayse hym theyr herte shall lyue and ioye for euer The dwellers in thextreme partes of the erth shall remembre themselues and be turned to the lorde and all hethen nations shall fall downe before the. For the kyngdome is the lordes and he is lorde ouer al nations All the ryche men of the erth shall eate and do hym homage they shal be bowed downe before hym and descende in to theyr graues for they may not prolonge ony lyfe to thyyr soules But theyr postertie shall serue hym shall be nombred to the lorde for euer And thus theyr chylders chylderne shall shewe the ryghtwisnes whiche he hath gyuen to the people whiche is yet to be borne ¶ Dn̄s regit me Psal. xxiij THe lorde is my pastoure and feader wherfore I shall not wante He made me to feade in a full plentuous batle groūde and dyd dryue retche me at leyser by the swete ryuers He restored my lyfe and led me by the pathes of ryghtwisnes for his names sake Ye yf I shold go thorowe the myddes of deth yet wolde I fere none euyll for thou art with me thy staffe and thy shepe hoke conforte me Thou shalt sprede garnysshe me a table ye and that in the syght of myn ennemyes thou shalt souple my heed with oyntment and my full cuppe shall laugh vpon me Ye and thy mercy and gentylnes shall folowe me al my lyfe I shall syt in the house of the lorde a longe tyme. ¶ Dīn est terra Psal. xxiiij THe erth is the lordes and all that is conteyned in it the rounde worlde and all that inhabyte it For in the see hath he set her foūdacyons hath buylded her aboue the flodes Who shall clymme in to the hyll of the lorde or who shall abyde in his holy place An innocent in his dedes and he that is pure in herte that hath not extolled hym self proudly vnto vanite neyther hath sworne for ony disceyte This mā shal be fed with the blessyng of the lorde with the mercy of god his sauyour This is the nacion gyuē all vnto hym seketh hī this is the very ryght Iacob Selah Oh ye gates lyfte vp your selues ye gates euerlastynge be ye opened this gloryous kyng shall inentre Who is this kyng that is so gloryous it is the myghty valyaunt lorde noble in power a lord excellēt ī strength to wage batayle Oh ye gates lyfte vp your selfe ye gates euerlastyng be ye opened the gloryous kyng shall inentre Who is this kyng that is so gloryous it is the lorde of hostes it is he that is this gloryous kyng Sela. ¶ Ad te dn̄e leuaui Psal. xxv UNto the oh lorde I lyfte vp my mynde my god I trust in the let me not be shamed lest myne ennemyes reioyse vpon me For they shall not be shamed who so euer depēde vpon the but they shall be shamed that wrongfully hurt innocentes Shewe me thy wayes lord and wonte me to thy pathes Lede me forth for thy faythfull truthes sake acquaynte me with the for thou art god my sauyour of whome I depende perpetually Lorde remembre thy mercy thy gracyous fauour for in these thynges thou excellest euen frō the begynnynge But the synnes of my youthe with my vngodlynes also remēbre thou not remembre me accordynge to thy goodnes for thy mercyes sake oh lorde Good and ryghtwyse is the lorde wherfore he wyll instructe and teche synners the waye He wyll make the lowlyones to go in ryghtly and in good ordre and wyll teache meke men his waye All the pathes of the lorde are mercy and faythfulnes to those men whiche kepe touche and conuenaunte with hym For thy names sake oh lorde forgyue me my wyckednes for it
is very moche Who so euer that man be that feareth the lorde he shall teache hym the chosen ryght waye His mynde shall enioye good thinges and his posterite shall possesse the lande as ryght herytage The lorde is a secrete sure thynge to them that feare hym and them shall he make to knowe his conuenaunte and promyse Myne eyes shall be euer vpon the lorde for he wyll drawe my fete out of the nette Beholde me and haue mercy vpon me for I am alone forsaken full of affliction The sorowfull syghes of my herte encrease more more lede me out of myne anguysshe Beholde my poore state and my heuynes forgyue me all my synnes Consyder my ennemyes for they are full many and with furyous hatred they pursue me Kepe my soule and delyuer me leest I be shamed for I haue put my trust in the. Defende me that I may lyue ryghtly hurtynge no man for of the do I depende Redeme and lose Israell oh god from all his aduersytees ¶ Iudica me dn̄e Psal. xxvj BE iudge for me lorde for I am purposed to lyue innocently and whyles I trust in the lorde I shall not wauer Proue me lorde and serche me trye my reynes and my herte lyke as metall with fyre For thy mercy is euer before myne eyen I lede my lyfe in thy faythfulnes I haue not delyghted in the company of vayne men neyther haue I associated my selfe with these holowe subtyle men I hate the chyrche of hurtfull and noyous men neyther haue I conspyred with the vngodly I shall endeuer my handes to be pure voyde all disceyte thy altare oh lorde shall I go aboute To synge thy prayse to shewe forth what so euer wonderfull dede thou hast done Lorde dere beloued is thy house vnto me the seate of thy beautefull tabernacle also Take not away my soule with the vngodly neyther yet my lyfe with these blody men In whose handes disceyte is turned canuast theyr ryght hande is full of brybes But I lyue harmeles and innocently redeme me and haue mercy vp●n me My fote is fastened in a place well worthy for me in the cōgregacions I shall magnifye and prayse the lorde ¶ Dn̄s illuminatio Psal. xxvij THe lord is my light my sauīg helth of whome than shall I be afrayde The lorde is the stronge defence of my lyfe of whome than shall I be afrayde Whan the noyous harmefull men which were myne aduersaryes fall vpon me to deuour my flesshe than shall they smyte them selfe agaynst the rocke and fall Ye and yf they pytche felde bende theyr ordynaunce agaynst me yet shall not my herte feare Yf batayle be bente agaynst me yet shall I trust to the promyse of god One peticyon asked I of the lorde whiche I wyll folowe vpon that is I myght syt in the house of the lorde all dayes of my lyfe Where I myght beholde the beautefull regaltye of the lorde and visyte his holy temple For he hath hydde me as though I were in his tabernacle in tyme of persecucion he shall hyde me in the preuy place of his tente and shall lyfte me vp in to a rocke He shall gyue me the ouer hande of myne ennemyes whiche haue compassed me in and I shall offre ioyfull sacryfyces I shall synge playe the psalmes before the lorde Lorde heare my voyce I call vpon the haue mercy vpon me and answere me My herte thought vpon the I sought to se the it is the lorde that I seke Turne not thy face from me suffer not thy seruaunt to slyde in thy wrathe hytherto hast thou ben my helper cast me not now awaye neyther forsake me oh god my sauyoure For where my father and my mother fayled me there the lorde gathered me to hym Lorde teache me thy waye and leade me forth in the ryght pathe from theym that laye awayte for me Let them not take theyr pleasure vpon me whiche are my troublous ennemyes lyenge wytnesses stode togyder styffe agaynst me Whose violence had greuously oppressed me had I not beleued to enioye those thynges whiche are good amonge the lyuynge men Depende and wayte thou vpon the lorde be thou strōge it is he that shal strengthen thy herte depende vpon the lorde ¶ Ad te dn̄e clamabo Psal. xxviij UPon the lorde do I call whiche art my stronge defence despyse me not neyther forsake thou me oneles I be lyke men let downe in to theyr graues Heare my prayer whyles I crye vnto the and lyfte vp my handes vnto thy holy temple Plucke me not in to vengeaunce with the vngodly with those whiche study for shrewednes spekyng peasably with theyr neyghbours whyles they nourysshe euyll in theyr hertes Gyue them as they deserue and after theyr malycyous study gyue them after theyr dedes acquyte them theyr deseruynge For they regarded not the workes and dedes of the lorde he shall therfore destroye them and not edyfye them Praysed be the lorde for he hathe herde the depe desyres of my mynde The lorde is my strengthe he is my buckler in hym trusted my hert and I was holpen wherfore my hert reioyseth and I shall magnyfye hym in my songe The lorde is theyr strengthe and a sauyng power to preserue his anoynted Saue thy people do good to thy heritage fede and gouerne them and lyfte them vp for euermore ¶ Afferte dn̄o filij dei Psal. xxix GYue vnto the Lorde ye that excell in myghty power gyue ye vnto the lorde honour and the prayse of his power Gyue the lord worshyp worthy his name honour the lorde in his holy kynges hall The voyce of the lorde is in the watery cloudes god whose maieste is to be feared with reuerence thondreth the lorde is declared vpon great waters The voyce of the lorde is passynge stronge the voyce of the lorde is full of maieste The voyce of the lorde smyteth togyther ceder trees the lorde breaketh togyther the ceders of Libani He maketh the mountaynes of Libani and Hireion to leape togyther lyke calues they ranne togyther lyke the calues of vnicornes The voyce of the lorde casteth and cutteth forth fyry lyghtenynges The voyce of the lorde maketh the deserte to quake the lorde made euen the deserte of Kades to tremble The voyce of the lorde maketh hartes and does to grone to braye vncouereth the thycke wodes whiche all maketh for his prayse to be sayd in his temple The lorde ruleth ouer the vniuersall flode the lorde there kepeth residence a kyng euerlastyng The lorde mynystreth strength to his people the lorde is benefycyall to his people gyuynge them prosperous peace ¶ Exaltabo te dn̄e Psal. xxx I Shall exalte the lorde for thou hast exalted me hast not made my ennemyes to reioyse vpon me Oh lord my god I haue called vpon the thou hast healed me Lorde thou hast led my soule forth of my graue thou hast restored my lyfe lest I sholde haue gone downe in to the pyt
Ye sayntes of the lorde synge vnto hym a prayse se that ye sprede his holy memoryall For it is but a moment that his wrath endureth but lōge is the lyfe that cōmeth of his beniuolence Wepyng waylyng cōmeth in at the euen tide but anone after gladnes aryseth with the mornyng Whan all thingꝭ were ꝓsperous about me I thought with my self that I shold neuer slyde Lorde of thy good wyll thou stablysshdest my kyngdom lyke an hyll for as soone as thou hadst turned away thy face I was astonyed troubled The lorde called I vpon to the lorde did I make my prayer I said with my self what ꝓfyteth my lyf yf I be put now in to my graue shall the dust of my karcas magnyfye the or yet declare thy faythfulnes Heare lorde haue mercy vpon me lorde be thou my helpe Thou hast turned my mournyng in to ioye thou hast shaken me out of my mournyng sacke and clothed me with gladnes Wherfore my tunge shall synge thy prayse and shall not cease lorde my god I shall magnyfye the with prayse in to euerlastynge In te dn̄e speraui Psal. xxxj IN the oh lord haue I trusted let me neuer be shamed for thy ryghtwisnes sake delyuer me Bowe downe thyne eare vnto me spede the to delyuer me be thou my stony rocke whervpon I myght syt fast be thou my strōge defēced castell wherin thou mayst p̄serue me For thou art my rocke my bulwarke wherfore lede thou me forth for thy names sake take the charge of me Lede me forth of the nette whiche they haue set so p̄uely for me for thou art my strēgth I betake my spiryte in to thy handes for thou shalt redeme me lord my god whiche kepest true promyse at all tymes Prayse ye the lorde ¶ The prayer of the prophete Ionas delyuered out of the whales bely IOnas prayed vnto the lorde his god in the whales bely sayinge in my affliction I cryed vnto the lorde he answered me Euen from the bely of hell I cryed and thou herdest my voyce for thou haddest throwen me forth in to the myddes of the depest of the see and the waters closed me aboute all thy great waues flodes wente ouer me And I thought sayinge with my selfe I am cast out of thy syght I shall neuermore se thy holy tēple for waters haue compassed me in euen vp to my soule The darke depthe closed me in the foule stynkynge wedes of the see couered my heed I sanke downe vnder the foūdacyons of the hylles so that the waters barred me out from therthe for euer but thou madest my lyfe to aryse from dethe O lorde my god whan my soule fayled me yet I remēbred the lorde and my prayer came vnto thy holy temple They that are gyuen to vanite and lyes haue lost theyr mercy from god but I shal offer vnto the lowde prayse and shall perfourme my vowes to the lorde whiche is a sauyour for the lorde cōmaunded the fysshe anone she cast out Ionas vpon the drye lande ¶ A Dialoge Wherin the Chylde asked certeyn Questions answereth to the same The question SPeke my deare chylde what art thou The answer As concerninge my fyrste byrthe I am a creature of God endued with wytte reason the sonne of Adam as towchinge my newe secunde byrthe I knowlyge my selfe to be a Christiane The question Wherfore sayst that thou art a christiane The answere Because I am christened in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy goste The quest what is Baptysme the ans It ia called of Paule the lauer or water of rygeneration by the which euery one that beleueth is receyued cōsecrated in to the felawshyp of Christes church to be partaker of lyfe euerlastynge Quest. In whom beleuest thou Answ. I beleue in god the father almyghty and so furthe as it standeth in my Crew Quest. What is Fayth Answ. Fayth as sayth Paule is a sure cōfidence of thynges whiche are hoped for and a certayntie of thynges whiche are not sene that is to saye an ernest and a fast cleuyng to the worde of the lyuyng god with an vndoubtynge trust of his ꝓmesses and no lesse feare of his thretenynges Quest. How many goddes are there Ans. There is but one god alone for all sufficient which hath his beyng of hym selfe al creatures haue their being of him Quest. How many ꝑsons then ar there in the godhed Ans. There are thre parsons whiche are god the father god the sonne and god the holye ghoste thre parsons in Trinite one god in essence Quest. what is god Ans. God is he of whose goodnes and by whose power I am perswaded and assured through my faith to receiue al that good is vnto whō also I flee in all aduersities and perelles as vnto a present and al alone suffecient helpe for me he paciently a bydeth our turnynge from synne full of mercy gentle goad redye alwayes to forgyue and suffreth no synne to be vnpunyshed and that in to the thyrde and fourthe generatiō vntyll none of that synful stocke be lefte alyue Quest. In whom beleuest thou I pray tell me agayne Ans. I beleue I say in god the father almyghty maker of heuen and erathe in Iesu Christ his only sonne our lord c. as it stōdeth in my Crew Quest. What meaneste thou by this fyrste article A. I beleue y● he is my god mercyful father vnto me tēderyng me as his dere beloued chylde and to be euermore vnto me an almighty helper Quest. what meanest thou by the seconde thyrde fourthe c. articles Ans. I beleue that Christe was conceyued borne and suffred for my synnes that he went downe to hel for my sake to delyuer me thense al them that truely beleue that he rose to make me ryghtwyse Quest. What thynge worketh this faythe in the Ans. It worketh in me loue to god to my neyghbours as to my selfe and so chaūgeth me in to a newe man that nowe I beleuynge and knowynge god to haue shewed so excedyng loue for me studye to do his cōmaundemētes and am full heuy in my herte that I can not fulfyll them Quest. Why what ar his cōmaūdemētes Ans. These are his cōmaundemētes fyrste thus saith god Exo. xx I am the lorde thy god Thou shalt haue none other goddꝭ in my syghte The .ij. cōmaundemēt Thou shalt make the no grauē or carued image nether ony similitude that is in heuen aboue either ī therthe beneth or in the water that is benethe therthe Se that thou nether bowe thy selfe vnto them nor yet serue them for I the lorde god am a gelows god punishe the synne of the fathers vpon the chyldren vnto the thyrde fourth generaciō of thē that hate me yet shewe I mercy vnto thousādꝭ amōge them that loue me kepe my cōmaundemētꝭ ¶ The thyrde cōmaundement Thou shalt not take the name of the lorde thy god in vayne
shal cast out all drousye sluggyshnes and false confydence and be hooly enflamed and made perfayte with the burnynge fyer of goddes loue Then shall the bysshoppes and preachers put calues vpō thyn altare for after they ar cōsummate in al kynde of vertue replenysshed with the holye spiryte they shal not feare to geue theyr lyues for theyr sheepe What is thyne altare swete Iesu but thy crosse where vpon thou wast offered What signifyeth a wanton calfe but our bodye Therfore then shall they put calues on thyne altare when they shal offer their owne bodies vnto the crosse that is vnto all afflyctions and euen vnto the verye deathe for thy names sake ¶ Then shall the churche floryshe and dilate her coostes then shall thy prayse be noysed from the laste ende of the worlde then shal ioye and gladnes fulfyll the hole worlde Then shall thy sayntes reioyce in glorye and shal make myrth in theyr mancyons waytynge for vs in the londe of the lyuynge Accomplyshe in me euen nowe Lorde that then whiche I so ofte name that thou mayste haue compassion on me accordīg to thy great mercy y● thou mayst receyue me for a sacryfice of ryghtwysnes for a holy oblacyon for a brente sacryfyce of good lyuynge and for a calfe to be offered on thyne altare or crosse by the which I maye passe from this vale of miserye vnto that ioye whiche thou hast prepared for them that loue the. Amen ¶ To fyll vp the lefe we haue touched certeyne places whiche we thought most necessary to edefye the congregaciō of Christ. ¶ Of faythe FIrst dere bretherne ye ought to geue dylygent hede that you maye purelye vnderstonde what faythe is and what frutes procede out of her And to conclude the summe in fewe wordes fayth is a sure perswasyon and full knowlege that god for his truthe and ryghtwysnes sake wyll fulfyll suche promyses as he hathe made vnto vs of his mercye and fauoure which sure perswasion must be geuen from god 1. Corin. xij For it can neither be goten by mannes power nether yet retayned therfore with feare and tremblynge performe that helthe whiche is begonne in you for it is god that worketh in you both the wil and also the dede euen at his owne pleasure And se that with all mekenes ye submyt your selues vnto the vocacion of god not seking the lyberty of the fleshe nether yet despysyng good workes for faith doth mortefye the fleshe and her workes the spirite of god whiche resteth in a faythfull man helpeth our ins●irmitie and fyghteth without intermission agaynste synne the deuyll and the worlde ¶ The power of faythe The power of fayth is to iustefye vs that is to dispoyle vs frome all our vices and laye them on Christꝭ backe whiche hathe pacefyed the fathers wrathe towardes vs and to endue vs with an others ryhtwysnes that is Christꝭ so that I and all my synnes are Christes Christ with all his vertues are myne for he was borne for vs and geuen vnto vs. Esaye ix Roma viii To obteyne this ryghtwisnes god the father requireth nothing of vs but that we beleue in hym and make hym no lyar He that beleueth that god of his mercye hath made vs these promises that for his truthes sake he wil fulfyl them he setteth to his seale that god is true But he that beleueth not or doubteth of this as much as in him is he maketh him a liar .i. Iohn̄ v. for why sholdest thou doubte in hym excepte thou thoughtest that he were a lyar wold not kepe his ꝓmesse which he made Now yf thou counte God whiche is the verye truthe to be a lyar arte thou not worthye a thousande dampnacyones ¶ The worke of faythe FAyth worketh by charite for when my ragyng conscience which fealeth her syn̄e is pacefied set at one with God thrughe fayth then remembrynge the feruent loue of god towardes me I can not but loue my neyghboure agayne for there is no man that hertelye loueth the father and can hate the sone and althoughe the sonne be naught and unthriftye yet for his fathers sake he wyll helpe to better hym and euen lament and be sorye for y● sonnes wyckednesse Lykewyse yf we hertely loue god for his infinyte benefytes done vnto vs then can we not hate that creature which he hath made after his own lykenes whō god the father loueth so tenderly y● he gaue his owne sonne vnto the death to redeme him yea whom he hath adopted thrugh Christe to be his sonne and heyre Nowe all be it we se no kyndenes in this man for whiche we sholde loue hym yet hath god shewed vs kyndnes ynough for the which we ought to loue hym socoure hym at al tymes Let vs therfore loue hym for y● loue that god his creatoure hathe shewed vs beare his infyrmitye yf he faule let vs lyft hym vp agayne and endue hym with our wysdome all our workes euen as Christ hath done with vs and this is an euydent token that thou louest god when thou louest thy brother .i. Iohn .iiij. and seakest al meanes to helpe hym these are the good workes that folow fayth and are euydent tokens that thy faythe is ryght and pure Thus seest thou how good workes flowe out of faythe through charite charite or loue is the fulfilling of the hole lawe Ro. xiij ¶ Good workes AMonge good workes the chyef art to be obedyente in all thynges vnto kynges prynces Iudges and suche other offycers as farre as they cōmaunde ciuyle thynges that is ●o say such thynges as are indyfferente and not contrarye vnto the cōmaundemētes of god for then must we rather obaye God then men actes in the fyrst chapitre although we shold lese both our substaūce and lyfe therto To honour rulers To promote peace To praye for all comynaltyes And to applye al our studyes to profyte them ¶ The nexte are to be obedyent vnto father mother To prouyde for our householde both nouryshyng our famylye with bodelye sustenaunce and also to enstructe them with the worde of god and so to be theyr gouernour carnall and spirituall ¶ Then muste we loke howe we oughte to behaue ourselues towardes our neyghboures knowlegynge that al the gyftꝭ which are geuen vs of god are not geuen vs for our owne selfe but for the edefyenge o● the cōgregacyō .j. Corynth xij yf we bestow them not on that maner we shall surelye geue a rekenyng for them before the lorde Emonge these ought we to haue respecte vnto the preachers and mynesters of the worde that they maye be had in honoure and well prouyded for And aboue all thinges good bretherne addresse your selues unto that necessary worke prayer Remembre to praye for all estates for that is a worke that Chryst his apostles full dylygently exhorted all men vnto promysynge them that they sholde obtayne theyr petycyons Iohn̄ xvj also .j. Iohn̄ iij. yf they be accordynge to the wyll of god and for his glorye .j. Iohn̄ v. ¶ Here endeth the exposition vpon the lj Psalme called Miserere mei deus Imprented at Londō in Flete strete by Iohn̄ Byddell dwellynge next to Flete brydge at the sygne of our lady of pytye for Wyllyam Marshall Cum priuilegio Regali
delyuer my soule saue me for thy mercys sake For they verely that ar in this dedely anguysshe can not thynke vpon the in this helly paynes who may prayse the I am wery with synghyng I shal water my bed euerynyght with my teares so that it shal swymme in them My face is wrinkled dryed vp with care anger my enemyes haue made it full thynne with trouble Auoyde fro me ye workers of wyckednes for the lorde hathe herde my complayntes poured out with wepynges The lorde hath herde my depe desyre the lorde hath receyued my petition All myn enemyes shall be shamed and astonyed they shal be put to flyghte and confounded sodenly Beati quorum psal xxxij BLessed is he whose vngodlynes is for geuen and whose synnes are couerd Blessed is the man to whom the lorde rekeneth not his synne neither is there in his spirite ony dessemlynge defayte Whiles nowe I helde my peace dayly musinge with my selfe other whiles cryed oute my bones wasted for sorow For day and nyghte thy hande pressed me downe my moister was dried vp lyke as one tosted in the myddes of somer Selah I shall knowledge my synne shall not hyde my wyckednes I thought sayeng with my selfe I shal cōfesse my vngodlynes which is agaynste me to the lord thou euen strayght forgauest me my wickednes which openeth her selfe by my outward synne Selah For the whiche euen euery saynte shal praye vnto the in tyme of besechynge then yf afflyccion come vpon hym lyke a great swellynge floude yet shall it not touche hym Thou arte my defender from tribulation thou shalt kepe me shalte make me glad excedyngly for my delyueraunce Selah I shall instructe the and teache the the way wherupon thou may ūgo I shal coūsell the se for the right well Se that ye be not as horse or mule whiche are vnreso●able whose chawes muste be refrayned with bye brydle lest they stryue agaynste the. Many so●owes fal vpon the vngodly but hym that trusteth in the Lorde mercy closeth rownd aboute ●e glad t●erfore in ●he lorde and retoyse ye ryghtwise make ye mery all faythfull and vpryght in her●e ¶ Domine ne the seconde PUnysshe me not lorde of indignation nether chasten me in thy wrathe For thy arrowes are sore smyten in to me and the desease whiche thou hast cast vpon me presseth me downe sore There is no healthe in my flesshe for thy wrath there is no rest in my bones for my synnes For my synnes haue pressed downe my heade lyke an heuy burden they are heuyer then I maye beare My olde preuy sores festred within now are they broken forthe for myne owne folysshnes I am depressed and sore broken I walke in contynuall mornynge For a foule botche occupyeth all my thyghes so that there is no helth ī my flesshe I am feble sore broken I gnasted with my tethe for sorow of my herte Lorde al my desyres are before the and my sorowful syghes ar not vnknowne vnto the. My herte trembeleth and panteth for sorowe my strengthe fayleth me and euen the very syght of myn iyes ceasse from theyr offyce My frendes and my felowes stode agaynst my wounde and my nyghe kynsfolke stode all a farre In the meane season they that soughte my lyfe made snares for me they that hūted for my faute spoke desaite why speringe to desayue me contynually But I as it hadde ben one deffe herde nothynge at al and as a dumme man opened not ones my mouth I was as one that herde not and as one that had not a worde in his mouthe to answere for hym selfe For the Lorde do I abyde thou shalt answere for me lorde my god For I sayd with my selfe these men parauenture wyll reioyse vpon me and as soone as my fote begynne to slyde thy shal runne vpon me For I am but an haltynge creple redy euer to fall my sorowe neuer goeth fro me I confesse my vngodlines I sorow for my synnes But in the meane ceason my enemes lyue were stronge euen they whiche persue me falsely ar encresed in power Whiche acquite me euell for good and are agaynste me because I soughte studeously to profyte them Forsake me not lorde be not farre fro me my God Spede the to helpe me lorde my sauynge helthe Miserere mei deus psal li. HAue mercy vpon me God for thy fauourable goodnes for thy great mercyes sake wype away my synnes And yet agayne washe me more fro my wykednes make me cleane fro my vngodlynes For my greuous synnes do I knowledge my vngodlynes is euer before myne iyes Agaynste the agaynste the one●y haue I synned and that that sore offendeth the haue I done wherfore very iuste shalte thou be knowne in thy wordis pure when it shal be iudged of the. Lo I was fashoned in wyckednes and my mother conceyued me polluted with synne But lo thou woldest trowthe to occupye rule in my inwarde par●es thou shewedste me wysdom which thou woldest to sytte in the secretes of my herte Sprinkle me with ysope and so shall I be clene thou shalt wasshe me then shall I be whytter then snowe Poure vpon me ioye and gladnes make my bones to reioyse which thou hast smite Turne thy face fro my synnes and wype awaye all my wyckednes A pure herte create in me o lorde and a stedfaste ryghte spirite make a new within me Cast me not away thy holy ghost take not fro me Make me agayne to reioyse whyle thou bryngest me thy sauynge healthe and let thy chyef gouernynge fre spirite strengthen and lede me I shall instructe cursed and shrewed men in thy waye and vngodlye men shall be conuerted vnto the Delyuer me from the synne of murdther o god o god my sauyour and my tongue shall triumphe vpon thy mercy wherwith thou makest me ryghtwyse Lorde open my lyppes and then my mouth shal shew forthe thy prayse For as for sacrifices thou delyghtest not in them or els I had offred them and as for brent sacrifices thou regardest them not Acceptable sacrifices to god is a broken spirite a cōtrite and a deiected herte thou shalte not despyse O god Deale gētly of thy fauourable beniuolence with syon let the walles of Hierusalem be edified preserued Then shalt thou delyghte in the very sacrifices in the ryghte brente sacrifice and in the oblacion of ryghtwysnes then shall they laye vpon thy altare the very oxen Domine exaudi psal c.ij. LOrde heare my prayer and suffer my depe desyre to come vnto ye. Hyde not thy face fro me in tyme of my trybulation bowe downe thyn eare vnto me in the day when I call vpon the haste the to graūt me For my dayes verely are vanysshed awaye lyke smoke my bones ar dried vp lyke a stone My herte is smyttē thrugh lyke grasse and is wythered awaye in so muche as I forsoke to take myne owne meate I was so dried vp with my sorowful