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A03507 The safegard of the soule Declaring sundry soueraigne salues tending to the comfort and saluation of the same: very necessarie to bee learned and obserued of all men, and at all times, but chiefely in the extremitie of sicknes, and grieuous pangs of death. Composed by Lawrence Bankes, preacher of the word of God: and parson of Staunton, in the county of Glocester. Bankes, Lawrence. 1619 (1619) STC 1363; ESTC S114914 78,218 435

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lose by rigour For like as too great noise hurteth the eare too much meate hurteth the body too much raine hurteth the ground euen so weake wits and fearefull consciences may soone bee surcharged and oppressed with ouer-hard questions especially when the minde is disquieted with troubles and the body grieued with sicknesse The second Dutie of the Pastor THe second Dutie of the Pastor is to vse faithfull and hearty prayer for the sick For as he is the mouth of God vnto the people euen so hee is the mouth of the people vnto God by his zealous sute and by powring out pure prayers vnto his Maiestie in their behalfe Therefore Saint Iames saith Is any Iam. 5. 14. man sicke among you Let him call for the Elders of the Church and let them pray for him and anoint him with oyle in the Name of the Lord and the Prayer of Faith shall saue the sicke and the Lord shall raise him vp and if he haue committed sinnes they shall bee forgiuen him I will not take vpon me simply to prescribe any man a forme of Prayer but as the Spirit of God shall mooue him and according as time and occasion shall serue so let him with ● groning Spirit frame his prayers vnto him that is able to helpe and can saue both bodie and soule Neuerthelesse I haue thought good to set down a forme of some for the further instruction of the vnlearned But before Prayer I think it not amisse to reade any one of these three selected Psalmes as preparatiues to Prayer which I haue collected receiued at Dauids own mouth most meete for that purpose The first Psalme OVt of the deepe haue Psal 130. I called vnto thee O Lord Lord heare my voice O let thine eares consider well the voice of my complaint If thou O Lord straitly markest iniquities O Lord who shall stand or who shall be able to abide it For sure and certaine it Psal 1. is that the vngodly shall not bee able to stand in iudgement neither the sinners in the Congregation of the righteous O Lord rebuke me not Psal 6. therefore in thine indignation neither chasten me in thy displeasure Haue mercie vpon mee O Lord for I am weake O Lord heale mee for my bones are vexed My soule also is sore troubled but Lord how long wilt thou punish me Turne thee O Lord and deliuer my soule O saue mee for thy mercies sake For in death no man remembreth thee and who shall giue thee thankes in the pit I am wearie of my groning euery night wash I my bed and water my couch with my teares My God my God looke Psal 22. vpon mee why hast thou forsaken mee and art so farre from my health and from the words of my complaint O my God I crie in the day time but thou hearest not and in the night season also I take no rest But thou art hee that tooke me out of my mothers wombe thou wast my hope when I hanged yet vpon my mothers brests I haue beene left vnto thee euer sithence I was borne thou art my God euen from my mothers wombe O go not from me then for trouble is hard at hand and there is none to helpe me I am powred out like water all my bones are out of ioynt my heart also in the middest of my bodie is euen like melting Wax My strength is dried vp like a pot-sheard and my tongue cleaueth to my gummes Turne thee therefore Psal 25. vnto mee O Lord and haue mercie vpon me for I am desolate and in misery The sorrowes of my heart are inlarged O bring thou me out of al my troubles Looke vpon mine aduersitie and miserie and forgiue me all my sinne How long wilt thou forget Psal 13. me O Lord for euer How long wilt thou hide thy face from me How long shall I seeke counsel in my soule and be so vexed in my heart The paines of hell came Psal 18. about mee the snares of death ouertooke me But in my trouble will I call vpon the Lord and complaine vnto my God So shall hee heare my voice out of his holy Temple and my complaint shal come before him it shall enter euen into his eares O Lord let it be thy pleasure Psal 40. to deliuer mee Make haste O Lord to help me For innumerable troubles are come about mee my sinnes haue taken such hold vpon mee that I am not able to looke vp yea they are more in number then the haires of my head and my heart hath failed mee For thine arrowes sticke Psal 38. fast in mee and thy hand presseth mee sore There is no health in my flesh because of thy displeasure neither is there any rest in my bones by reason of my sinne For my wickednesses are gone ouer my head and are like a sore burthen too heauie for me to beare I am feeble sore smitten I haue rored for the verie disquietnesse of my heart Lord thou knowest all my desire and my groning is not hid from thee My heart panteth my strength hath failed mee and the sight of mine eyes is gone from mee Take thy plague away Psal 39. from mee O Lord I am euen consumed by the meanes of thy heauy hand For when thou with rebukes doest chasten man for sinne thou makest his beautie to consume away like as it were a moth sretting a garment euery man therefore is but vanitie O spare mee a little O Lord that I may recouer my strength before I goe hence be no more seene O tarry thou the Lords Psal 27. leisure be strong he shal comfort thine heart put thou thy trust in the Lord. Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the c. The second Psalme O Lord God of my saluation Psal 88. I haue cryed day and night before thee O let my prayer enter into thy presence incline thine eare vnto my calling For my soule is full of trouble and my life draweth nigh vnto hell Vp therefore O Lord Psal 44. why sleepest thou Awake and be not absent from vs for euer Wherefore hidest thou thy face and forgettest our misery and affliction Rise vp for our succour and redeeme vs for thy mercies sake My soule is athirst for Psal 42. God yea euen for the liuing God when shall I come to appeare before the presence of God O remember not the sins Psal 25. and offences of my youth but according to thy mercie thinke vpon mee O Lord for thy goodnes For thy name sake O Psal 69. Lord bee mercifull vnto my sinne for it is great Hide not thy face from thy seruant for I am in trouble oh haste thee and heare mee Thy rebuke hath broken my heart I am full of heauinesse I looked for some to haue pitie on mee but there was no man neither found I any to comfort mee Therefore I will cry vnto Psal 77. God with
my voice and hee shall hearken vnto me When I am in heauines I will thinke vpon God when my heart is vexed I wil complaine Will the Lord absent himselfe for euer and will he bee no more intreated Is his mercy cleane gone for euer and his promise come vtterly to an end for euermore Hath God forgotten to be gracious and will hee shut vp his louing kindnes in displeasure Heare me O Lord hide Psal 102. not thy face from me in the time of my trouble Incline thine eares vnto mee when I call O heare mee and that right soone For my dayes are consumed away like smoke and my bones are burnt vp as it were a fire-brand My heart is smitten down and withered like grasse so that I forget to eate my bread For the voice of my groning my bones will scarce cleaue to my flesh But they that sow in Psal 126. teares shall reape in ioy Hee that now goeth on his way weeping and beareth forth good seed shall doubtlesse come againe with ioy and bring his sheaues with him For the Lord is full of Psal 103. compassion and mercy long suffering and of great goodnes Hee will not alwayes be childing neither keepeth he his anger for euer Hee hath not dealt with vs after our sinnes nor rewarded vs according to our wickednes For looke how high the heauen is in comparison of the earth so great is his mercy also toward them that feare him Looke how wide also the East is from the West so farre hath hee set our sinnes from vs. Yea like as a father pitieth his own children euen so is the Lord mercifull vnto them that feare him For he knoweth whereof wee be made hee remembreth that we are but dust The dayes of man are but as grasse he flourisheth as a flower of the field For as soone as the winde goeth ouer it it is gone and the place thereof shall know it no more But the mercifull goodnes of the Lord endureth for euer euer vpon them that feare him and his righteousnesse vpon childrens children Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the c. The third Psalme BLessed is he that considereth Psal 41. the poore and needy the Lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble The Lord comfort him when hee lyeth sicke vpon his bed make thou all his bed in his sicknes I said Lord be mercifull vnto mee heale my soule for I haue sinned against thee O hide not thou thy face Psal 27. from me nor cast thy seruant away in displeasure Thou hast beene my succour leaue me not neither forsake me O God of my saluation Heare me therefore O Psal 69. God in the multitude of thy mercy euen in the truth of thy saluation In thee O Lord haue I Psal 31. put my trust let me neuer be put to confusion deliuer me in thy righteousnes Bow downe thine eare to me make haste to deliuer me And be thou my strong Rocke and the house of defence that thou mayst saue me Into thy hands I cōmend my spirit for thou hast redeemed me O Lord thou God of truth I will be glad and reioyce in thy mercy for thou hast considered my trouble and hast knowne my soule in aduersitie And therefore like as the Psal 42. Hart desireth the water-brookes so longeth my soule after thee O God Haue mercy vpon mee Psal 51. therefore O God after thy great goodnes according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences Wash mee throughly from my wickednes and clense me from my sinne For I acknowledge my faults and my sinne is euer before me Turne thy face O Lord from my sinnes and put out all my misdeeds Make me a cleane heart O God and renue a right spirit within mee Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy Spirit from me O remember not our old Psal 79. sinnes but haue mercy vpon vs and that soone for wee are come to great miserie Heare my prayer O Psal 143. Lord and consider my desire Hearken vnto mee for thy truth and righteousnes sake And enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shall no man liuing be iustified I stretch forth my hands vnto thee my soule gaspeth vnto thee as a thirstie land Heare me O Lord and that soone for my spirit waxeth faint hide not thy face from me lest I bee like vnto them that goe downe into the pit O remember how short Psal 89. my time is wherefore hast thou made all men for nought For what man is he that liueth and shall not see death and shall he deliuer his owne soule from hell Lord what is man that Psal 14. 4. thou hast such respect vnto him or the sonne of man that thou so regardest him Man is like a thing of nought his time passeth away like a shadow For when thou art angry Psal 90. all our dayes are gone we bring our yeeres to an end as it were a tale that is told The dayes of our age are threescore yeeres and ten and though men bee so strong that they come to fourescore yeeres yet is their strength then but labour and sorrow so soone passeth it away and we are gone Teach vs therefore O Lord to number our daies that wee may apply our hearts vnto wisedome Lord let me know mine Psal 39. end and the number of my dayes that I may be certified how long I haue to liue Behold thou hast made my dayes as it were a span long and mine age is euen as nothing in respect of thee and verily euery man liuing is altogether vanity For man walketh in a vaine shadow and disquieteth himselfe in vaine hee heapeth vp riches and cannot tell who shall gather them And now Lord what is my hope Truely my hope is euen in thee One thing haue I desired Psal 27. of the Lord which I will require euen that I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the dayes of my life to behold the faire beauty of the Lord and to visit his holy Temple For I should vtterly haue fainted but that I beleeue verily to see the goodnes of the Lord in the Land of the liuing Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the c. When the Minister or any other good Christian that visiteth the Sicke hath read one of these Psalmes Then let him with all dutifull reuerence pray and say as hereafter followeth Let vs pray Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Our Father which art in heauen c. The mighty God of Iacob bee our defence both now and in the houre of Death And let vs not bee ouercome by any euill temptation O Lord saue this thy Sicke seruant Which putteth his full trust in thee Send him help O Lord from thy holy place And euer more most mightily defend him Let
all things therein contained as Angels Archangels Men Women Children the beasts of the field the fishes in the Sea the Fowles of the Ayre and the Fruits of the Earth which all were made at thy Word and are subiect to thy power to vse at thy good will pleasure as seemeth best to thy Maiesty whether it bee to honour or dishonour saluation or condemnation We entirely beseech thee of thy goodnes O Lord and that with sorrowfull hearts trickling teares watery cheekes and groning spirits to be mercifull vnto vs all here assembled and to all thy people vexed with woe throughout the wide world but especially at this present we heartily desire thee to looke downe from heauen with the eyes of compassion and pitie vpon this thy creature and workmanship of thy hands who is now grieuously vexed and tormented in mind O Lord enter not into iudgement with thy seruants for then no flesh can be saued in thy sight We acknowledge O Lord that wee are miserable sinners vnworthy to lift vp our eyes to heauen or to gather vp the crums which fall from thy table Yet notwithstanding wee humbly beseech thee O deare Father not to deale with vs according to our deserts which is euerlasting death vtter shame and confusion hell fire perpetuall paine and damnation But according to thy accustomed clemency take from vs all ignorance hardnes of heart desperation and all the wyly suggestions and grieuous temptations of Satan our old enemy Let not the Diuell O Lord nor any hellish hound spoile thine inheritance which thou hast bought with the price of the precious bloud of thy deare Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ Thou onely O Lord reignest in heauen in glory in earth in mercy and in hell in iudgement Thou onely art the author of life death sicknes and health ioy and paine It is thou which castest downe to hell and raisest vp againe to heauen yea it is thou and none other which giuest thy holy Spirit to bee a comfort to thine elect people and sometimes troublest their minds with illusions and vanities suffering Satan the roring Lyon and his Ministers to haue dominion for a time ouer them as appeareth at this present by thy iust iudgement declared and inflicted vpon this comfortlesse cay●ife thy poore prisoner and afflicted creature vnto the great anguish and torment of his soule and body to the discomfort of his wife friends and kinsfolke and to the terrour and feare of all that euer heare or see him in this wofull case O Lord thy iudgements are deepe and thy counsell vnsearchable and vnworthy are wee to know the counsels and secrets of the Highest much lesse ought wee curiously to search to vnderstand the causes of this woe and the occasion of this thy plague and grieuous crosse laid vpon this miserable man Notwithstanding whether thou hast thus visited him for his former sinnes and by that meanes to call him to repentance and amendment of life or to exercise his faith by the tryall of thy iustice or for the terrour and warning of all those that see or heare of him that they may therby feare thy name acknowledge thy power auoid thy heauy displeasure repent their sinfull liuing and call to thee betimes for mercie and grace or else to the end to shew thy great might glory vpon him and so to signifie vnto all people that thou art God alone that rulest both heauen and earth that stayest the madnes of the people and the furiousnes of the Fiend or for what cause so euer it bee that thou hast laid thy heauy hand of iudgement vpon him Yet wee humbly beseech thee O Lord God not of our selues or for our selues but in the bowels of thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ whom thou hast made the Redemption of the world to mitigate thy sury by tender mercy asswage thy wrath and stay thy heauy hand already begunne and continued in fraile flesh Let not the Diuell nor all the powers in hell tempt him aboue that which hee shall be able through Christ his Sauiour to beare O Lord restore in him of thy goodnes whatsoeuer hath been decayed by the malice or suggestion of Satan or by his owne frailtie and wicked disposition or by any his enemies the flesh world Diuell or sinne We confesse vnto thee O Lord that sinne is rife in vs the flesh is fraile the world is wicked and the Diuell is most malicious O Lord God among these so many and mischieuous enemies what shall we deuise to do Whithershal we fly There is no way with vs but one wee must lift vp our eyes our hands and our hearts vnto thee O Lord Our help is from aboue our victory proceedeth from thy grace and Throne of thy Maiestie To heauen therefore wee lift vp both heart hands eyes and all our powers and vnto thee O gracious Lord we call and cry for helpe Breake the heauens come down O Lord let our prayers pierce thine eares Arise O God and scatter thine enemies and ours stay the race of Satan thon that art the glory of Sion and strength of Israel take from him his weapons and harnesse wherewith he goeth about to spoile thine Inheritance Bruze and breake the head of Leuiathan that subtill Serpent which seeketh nothing but our destruction Weaken his force disperse and confound all his politique practices whereby hee dayly goeth about to ouerthrow thy seeble flocke Let not this ramping and roring Lyon deuoure vs but chain him vp and tye him short halter and bridle his cruell deuices wherewithall hee worketh woe vnto thy seruants and Saints for he can doe nothing without thy permission thou which rulest the raging of the Sea that it cannot passe her bounds and hast Satan fettered and fast bound in chaines so that he cannot doe what hee would but what pleaseth thee for thy mercy hath conquered his cruelty to our great comfort Thou hast commanded vs to call vpon thee in the day of our trouble and thou wilt deliuer vs and we shall glorifie thee Thou hast also promised in thy holy Word to grant our godly Petitions saying vnto vs like a most louing Father Aske and you shall haue Seeke and you shall finde Knocke and it shall be opened vnto you We aske of thee with pensiue soules and would gladly obtaine mercy and forgiuenes of all our offences We seeke and would gladly finde that which wee haue lost by our vnthankefulnes and sinne we knock at the gate of Grace and will neuer cease knocking vntill thou open vnto vs the bowels of compassion and pitie and grant vs the feeling of thy good graces to the full satisfaction and quieting of our troubled spirits carefull consciences Therefore O God the Father God the Son and God the holy Ghost heare our prayers and grant our humble requests which with sobbing sighs contrite hearts cry vnto thee for succour O Lord haue mercy vpon vs haue mercy vpon vs most mercifull Father and for thy Sonne Iesus Christs
sake destroy not this afflicted creature in thy fury suffer not this troubled and tormented person to perish euerlastingly Take away from him good Lord this euill spirit and vilde affection wherewithall he is grieued and turmoiled and indue him with thy holy Spirit which may comfort his afflicted Spirit and frame his disposition heereafter to leade a godly conuersation and a quiet life So that after the tryall and sharpe taste of this thy fearefull iudgement he may make a godly and quiet end and be deliuered from euerlasting damnation and destruction O Lord the mo and the greater his sinnes be so much the more shall thy might and mercy appeare in his deliuerance and restauration Thy mercy O Lord is aboue all thy workes and thy power is wonderfull and inuincible Thou diddest command Mat. 3. 28. the Diuels which were very fierce in two persons yea and so terrible that no man might goe by that way where they were to goe out of them into the Herd of Swine insomuch that they were quiet at thy commandement where before they were bound with chaines and fetters and no man could tame them but night and day they cryed in the Mountaines and in the Graues and strooke themselues with stones Thou diddest also deliuer Mat. 9. 32. a man which was dumbe and possessed with a Diuel so that the people maruelled thereat Thou O Lord with the eyes of compassion and pitie diddest looke vpon the Woman of Canaan who cryed saying Haue mercy on mee O Mat. 15. 22 Lord the sonne of Dauid my Daughter is miserably vexed with a Diuell and her Daughter was made whole the same houre Thou also haddest mercie on the man that kneeled Mat. 17. 14 downe to thee and said Master haue on pitie my Mar. 9. 18. Sonne for hee is Lunatike and sore vexed for oftentimes hee falleth into the water and oftentimes into the fire and wheresoeuer the dumbe spirit taketh him hee teareth him and hee fometh and gnasheth with his teeth and pineth away and as soone as the spirit saw thee O Lord he tare him and he fell down to the ground wallowing and foming But thou incontinently diddest rebuke the vnclean spirit and saidst vnto him thou dumb and deafe spirit I charge thee come out of him and enter no more into him and presently he departed and tooke his vltimum vale of him And many other times O Lord thou hast shewed as well thy might as mercie in deliuering the halt the maymed the dumbe the blinde the furious the sicke the Lepers and the lunatike and those which were possessed with Diuels by the ministery of thy Apostles and true Disciples And thou hast moreouer commanded vs saying Go into al the world preach the Gospell heale the Sicke comfort the Weake raise the Dead clense the Lepers and cast out Diuels Grant vnto vs thy deare children and faithfull seruants who are most earnest suters vnto thee at this present that we may in like maner finde fauour in thy sight so farre forth as we may obtain our request at thy gracious hands and haue our Petitions heard and that by the power of thy Word hearty Prayer and a true Faith in Christ Iesus thou wilt put Satan to flight destroy his Kingdome and vtterly extinguish all his suggestions and dangerous temptations and so restore vnto this afflicted person heere present his former health senses and vnderstanding for thy deare Son Iesus Christ his sake Create O Lord a new heart and reuiue thy holy Spirit in him that he do not blaspheme thy holy name but rather take thy visitation patiently and bee content to submit himselfe to thy good will and pleasure So that come life come death come sicknes come health come ioy come pain both he and wee and the whole world may magnifie and extoll thy blessed Name in all actions and as our bounden duty is dayly and hourely giue thee honour and praise for thy great goodnes and mercies towards vs through our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen A fruit full Prayer in time of any common sicknes or Plague O Lord God of Hosts most mighty and terrible our guide and gracious Gouernour whose iudgements and mercy are dayly and diuersly shewed vnto vs heere on earth whose praise the Angels and Saints aboue extol and magnifie whose power the Diuels themselues are forced to acknowledge and feare whose voice both windes and raging Seas do obey Thou most mighty and eternall God from whom proceedeth blessing and cursing mercy and iudgement health and sicknes Mercy to the penitent and godly iudgement without mercy to the Reprobate and wicked Thou it is which renuest thy plagues against man when hee offendeth whose vengeance from heauen is so sodaine and fearefull towards the rebellious and disobedient that for one sinne in Dauid thou diddest destroy with the lothsome disease of the Pestilence many thousands of his people Cast thine eyes of mercy vpon vs O thou preseruer of men which languish in this Land with the same diseases and sicknes Where not Dauid onely hath offended in trusting to his strength but euery Congregation and euery houshold hath not one way but many wayes prouoked thee to plague so vngodly and vngracious a people and now that the doore of thy store-house is open and thy plagues appeare wee see we haue offended and wee sorrow at the sight of our sinnes Now wee consider wee haue offended grieuously we haue done amisse wee haue dealt wickedly wee haue liued vngodly wee haue swarued from the way of Truth without any godly feare or remorse of conscience Thy benefits of peace health and wealth haue brought too too many of vs to such securitie and contempt of Religion that we abuse thy blessings as fast as thou powrest them vpon vs Our thoughts words and workes are vaine carnall and diuelish The fruits of the flesh haue ouergrowne the force of the Spirit Faith faileth sinne hath gotten the vpper hand and our reason is so ouer-ruled with affections that few are found settled in a dutifull forme of vpright and spirituall obedience Wherefore we confesse thou mightest iustly forsake vs as wee forsake thee and not only proceed to sting the whole body of this Land with sundry Plagues and Diseases but also for our sins condemne vs most iustly to eternall death whose consciences are so guilty that they condemne our selues And yet for all this thy mercy is vnmeasurable towards the humble and penitent though once thou spakest to Ieremy against thine owne people being disobedient to thee saying Though Moses and Samuel Ier. 15. 1. stood before mee yet haue I no heart or affection vnto this people Cast them out of my sight and let them depart some vnto Death some to the Sword some to Famine and some to Captiuitie This people was in a pitiful case and we are more miserable and sinfull and haue deferued a more heauy hand of thy iudgement to bee laid vpon vs. Notwithstanding O Lord wee
the enemy haue none aduantage of him Nor the wicked once approch to hurt him Be vnto him O Lord a strong tower From the face of his enemy Grant that hee may dye the death of the righteous And be made partaker of thine inheritance Receiue his soule O Lord into thy holy hands And place it with thy Saints in heauen Lord heare our prayers And let our cry come vnto thee A pithy Prayer for a Patient being pained with Sicknes IT is thou O Lord onely to whom all power and praise belongeth It is thou that raignest in heauen in glorie in earth in mercy in hel in iudgment It is thy voice O Lord whereunto both the seas and windes are obedient It is thy name O Lord God of Hosts that maketh all the Diuels in hell to tremble and quake and they can doe nothing without thy permission Thou bringest downe to hell and raisest vp againe Thou pluckest downe the mighty from their Throne and exaltest the humble and meeke Thou makest both poore and rich strong weake Thou sendest sicknes and restorest health againe in thy good time Thou giuest life and takest it away at thy pleasure O Lord whose maiestie and might no creature is able to withstand neither in heauen earth or vnder the earth Thou that hast made the Sea and the dry land and all things therein contained Thou that knowest our weaknesse and what metall wee bee made of haue regard vnto the workmanship of thy hands Pierce the heauens O Lord and giue eare vnto our prayers which with sorrowfull hearts trickling teares bowed knees and vnfained lips we powre out before thy presence We acknowledge O Lord our owne frailetie and vnworthinesse and how that all men liuing are but vanitie euen as the grasse in the field which to day flourisheth and to morrow withereth away as the smoke in the furnace the bubble in the water or the could that swiftly passeth away and is no more seene So soone also fedeth away our time and our yeeres come to an end Thou onely O Lord knowest the number of our dayes and appointest vs our bounds which we cannot passe We confesse O most mercifull God that wee haue sinned against heauen and against thee and are no more worthy to be called thy children no nor to tread vpon the earth or to haue the light of the Sunne to shine vpon vs but rather to bee burned with fire drowned in the waters swallowed vp of the earth ouerwhelmed with mountaines or deuoured with wilde beasts fowles of the ayre Our transgressions and sinnes are so great so grieuous and many in number wherewithall wee haue and doe dayly offend thy Maiestie both in thought word and deed that our weake consciences being loden and burthened with the remembrance of them are afraid to approch into thy presence for feare of thy wrath and iust iudgement Yet O Lord forsomuch as thy mercy is aboue all thy workes and because thou art a gentle pitifull God long-suffering and full of compassion and wouldest not the death of a sinner but rather that hee conuert and liue We are therefore the bolder not of our selues but in the name of thy deare Son Iesus Christ with whom thou art well pleased to call vpon thee for mercy and comfort That it would please thee of thy gracious goodnes to forgiue and blot out of thy remembrance all our sinnes and wickednes and neuer hereafter to impute them vnto vs. Regard not good Lord our deserts which is death and damnation but be mindfull of thy louing promises in Iesus Christ our Sauiour who in all temptations of the Diuell the World and the Flesh is our onely Rocke and sure stay and defence and neuer shrinketh from those which be wrapped in woe and misery Comfort O Lord this thy Seruant vpon whom thou hast laid the scourge of sicknes and rod of visitation as a sure token and pledge of thy loue and fatherly good wil towards him for whom thou louest those thou correctest not to destruction but to amendment and saluation Thou hast promised that wheresoeuer two or three are gathered together in thy name thou wilt grant their requests We therefore thy humble seruants here assembled according to thy blessed commandement doe cry and call vpon thee with feruant hearts to be mercifull to this thine afflicted creature that it would please thee eyther to release his smart and pain in thy good time and so to restore him to his former health or else to grant him aboundantly the graces of thy holy Spirit that with patience and meeke mind he may abide such tryall as it shall please thy godly Maiestie to lay vpon him That neither the tyrannie of Satan griefe of sicknes loue of the world terrour of hell infirmitie of the flesh remembrance of sinne or feare of death withdraw him from thee and thy sweet promises in his Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ who came not for the iust but to call sinners to repentance So guide him good Lord by thy blessed Spirit in his great and last iourney that passing quietly all troubles of this transitorie world and this painefull pilgrimage once ended he may safely by thy mighty power bee conducted to the Hauen of continuall quietnes and rest which is the Kingdom of Heauen there reigne with Abraham Isaac and Iacob and all the holy company of Angels and Saints in perpetuall ioy and safety which thou hast prepared and promised for all thine elect children and faithfull seruants from the beginning of the world Grant this O heauenly Father which wee haue prayed for in the behalfe of this thy poore and pensiue prisoner and all other things necessarie for our saluation and thy glory through our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ In whose holy name wee beseech thee from the bottome of our hearts saying Our Father which art in Heauen c. A comfortable Prayer against desperation O God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ continue thy goodnes towards vs vnworthy wretches which do heere with contrite hearts and bowed knees appeale vnto the height of thy mercy Beseeching thee O Father ●o to remember the contempt and iniury thou hast receiued at our hands but pardon our passed faults and accept the pitifull Passion of thy deare Sonne in full satisfaction of our transgression Let his precious bloud wipe away and wash all our filthines Let his wounds heale the sores of our sinnes and let the holy oblation of himselfe present our prayers acceptable and blamelesse before thy Maiestie Let no sinne bee so great and grieuous in our eyes that it plucke away hope of pardon No offence so ponderous that it may be ●●le to ouercome thy goodnes All haue sinned and haue neede of thy mercy which thou offerest aboundantly to euery one that faithfully asketh the same of thee Our wickednes O Lord cannot exceed thy merits The greater the sinner is on whom thou bestowest thy compassion so much the greater is thy glory And therefore