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A00831 A very fruitfull exposition of the Commaundements by way of questions and answeres for greater plainnesse together with an application of euery one to the soule and conscience of man, profitable for all, and especially for them that (beeing not otherwise furnished) are yet desirous both to see themselues, and to deliuer to others some larger speech of euery point that is but briefly named in the shorter catechismes. By Geruase Babington. Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610. 1583 (1583) STC 1095; ESTC S108401 209,221 568

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déede but ●ead blotted out and quite extingui●hed Sée nowe howe guiltie I am e●en of the first thing that is commaun●ed mee in this commaundement The seconde thing is that I should ●eare thée aboue all the thirde is Feare of God ●hat I should pray to none but to thée ●he fourth to acknowledge thee the ●uider and gouernour of all thinges ●f whome I receiue all the benefites ●hat I haue and therefore that I trust ●nd stay vpon thée alone Fiftly that 〈◊〉 should labour to knowe thée out of ●hy worde so fully and perfectly as ●hou hast reuealed thy selfe therein ●ecause of knowledge all these other ●●llowe And lastlie that I should for ●ll benefites giue thankes onely to ●●ee and in such full manner and ●easure of féeling as any way is due to that blessing which I receiue In which points as in other moe which might yet be named O merciful father I here before thée confesse I am no better than in the first I dare not cleare my selfe I cannot I ought not O Lord giue me eyes to sée my wants for I haue feared men and their threates more than I ought I haue feared the losse of their fauour more than I ought I haue feared the losse of worldely commodities more than I ought and haue not as thy blessed Apostle taught me by this example Philipp 3. accounted those thinges that were vantage vnto me losse very doung for the excellent knowledge sake of Iesus Christ my Lorde Sometimes Satan hath rocked this soule of mine in the chayer of securitie that I haue euen slept as it were a dead sléepe and not considered of thy iudgements against sinne as I ought neyther taken the profite by thy extraordinary works in the ayer in the earth in the bodies of men and beasts that I should but passed them ouer with a litle woonder or motion for a short time When my sinnes haue béene touched or appeared vnto me I haue flattered my ●wne soule and put vpon them honest ●ames as clokes to hide them withal The plaine pride of my heart and mere ●anitie I haue iudged clenlinesse or necessary for my estate Miserable coue●ousnesse haue I iudged lawful care for ●hings necessary and so forth a manifest token of a dead heart within and ●oide of tasting any horror in sinne By ●ll which and many more thinges that my minde may easily sée it is apparant ●o me that I haue euen broken this ●oint also of thy Lawe in not fearing ●hee so as I ought Alas Lorde what ●hall I say of the rest of the braunches ●f this commandement named euen nowe Am I any perfecter in them ●han in these No no I haue sinned against thée in them all and that most grieuously so that if there were no mo ●f thy commandements but euen this ●ne the first of al yet doth my conscience ●ell me I am before thée guiltie good Lorde most fearefully to bee touched But there are nine moe spreading out their braunches to all sinceritie and holinesse both in bodie and minde toward God and man with threatened cu●●es to all flesh that shall doe contrarie And therefore when I viewe my cou●se euen at the first to bee so crooked O deare Father what shall I thinke i● 〈◊〉 appeare when I shall bee iudged in them all Shall I boast of merites and kéepe no fyttle of thy commaundementes Shall I challenge saluation for my workes and euerie braunche of thy lawe doeth call mee cursed because I haue so fowlie and often broken the same No good Father no this little viewe of my obedience to thy hestes doeth plainely tell mee I haue no merites or good workes to come before thée withall much lesse am I able to doe workes of supererogation that is more than I neede to doe but of sinnes and euill workes alas I see a number With Dauid may I crie Psal 34. They are more than the haires of my ●eade and my heart hath failed mee I ●ay truely saye with the prodigall Sonne I haue sinned against heauen ●nd against thee and I am not worthie 〈◊〉 bee called thy childe I may say ●ith the Publican God bee mercifull 〈◊〉 mee a sinner and adde thereunto a ●reat and grieuous sinner I may say ●ith Ieremie O Lorde though mine ●●iquities testifie against mee yet deale ●hou with mee according to thy name ●or my rebellions are many And with 〈◊〉 I haue sinned Iob. 7. what shall I doe to ●●ee O thou preseruer of men Yea ●ell may I say I lye downe in my con●●sion and my shame couereth mee ●or I haue sinned against the Lorde my GOD from my youth vp tyll this ●ay and haue not obeyed his voyce ●o conclude I may looke about mee ●nd from a wounded soule crie vnto ●●ose that can giue mée counsell In re●●ect of my sinnes men brethren what ●●all I do And sée how neuer the Lord ●●rsaketh those that want his helpe aide ●oe I not euen nowe remember what he aduiseth me and all sinners in my case to doe Prou. 28. Hee that hideth his sinne saith the Lorde by Salomon shall not prosper but he that confesseth his sinne and forsaketh it shall haue mercie And sée in Dauid the proofe and tryall of it For when I helde my tongue saith hee my bones consumed Psal 32. or when I roared all the day For thy hande is heauie vpon me daie and night and my moysture is turned into the drought of sum●mer Then I acknowledged my sin vn●to thee neither hid I mine iniquitie For I said I wil confesse against my selfe and thou forgauest the punishment o● my sinne Therefore O Lorde I hearken to thy counsell and though I ha●● sinned aboue the number of the sand o● the sea as plainely I sée I haue if I 〈◊〉 charged with euery branch of thy com●maundements how I haue kept them though my transgressions be multipli●ed and are excéeding many so that I am not worthie to beholde the heigh● of heauen for the multitude of m● vnrighteousnesse yea I say thoug●● I haue prouoked thy wrath and doone euill before thee and not kept any ●ot of thy commaundementes so fully as I ought yet knowing Thou desirest ●he death of no sinner but rather that he should repent and be saued and hast ●hewed the trueth thereof in forgiuing Dauid and manie mo confessing truely ●heir sinnes before thee Therefore O good Lorde and sweete refuge full of mercie pitie and compassion I bow the ●nees of my heart with king Manasses ●nd all sorrowfull sinners and begge ●hy mercie I haue sinned O Lord I ●aue sinned and I acknowledge my ●ransgressions but I humbly beseech ●hee forgiue me O Lorde forgiue me ●nd destroy me not as I haue deserued ●e not angrie with me for euer by re●eruing to me euil neither condemne ●e into the lower partes of the earth For thou art the God euen the God of ●ll them that repent and on me thou ●●ilt shewe mercie My sorrowe good
haires 〈◊〉 her head kissed them annointed them ●ith precious ointment and what was 〈◊〉 which that woman thought too much for such a friende True it is therefore that the lesse we sée the goodnesse of our God the lesse we loue him but great is the affection of them to whom many sinnes are forgiuen Knowing this then that remembraunce of hard estate before will stirre the heart vp to him in loue that hath made it happie and that sight of ougly sinne lodging still in mée and cleauing to my soule and flesh will make mee praise his name who yet in mercie imputeth not the same vnto mée Vse indéede often with your selfe and especially when you féele your heart most prone and fit thereunto to viewe your sinnes against euery commaundement howe many and monstrous they are in thought worde and deede sit and thinke with your selfe what is commaunded sometimes in one sometimes in another what woonderfull perfection is required in euerie one what braunches and members euerie one hath what terrible iudgements are due to the breakers therof how far from the full absolute perfourmance of any tittle of any one of them you your selfe are therefore in what case you stand for the same euen sure of eternal destruction both of bodie soule in hel fier Yet notwithstanding how you are released of mercie not of merite that with the preciousest ransom that euer was the heart bloud of Iesus Christ the sonne of God both God man so that heauen earth may perish but you cannot perish Que. The examination of the conscience touching this commaundement Ans As for example I set view this cōmandemēt wherof now we haue spokē Thou shalt haue none other gods but me Considering what things are biddē●r forbidden vnto me in the same And ●s alreadie now hath béene prooued first I sée I am commanded herein to wor●hip the Lord my God and him onely to ●erue not ioyning any fellowes to him ●t all of which worship many points ●here bee but they may bee reduced ●nto a fewe First I sée I am bound to ●oue him aboue all that is in my heart and soule to make more account of him than of all the worlde or any creature in heauen or earth to cleaue faster vnto him and his wil than to any thing to estéeme him and preferre him yea euen aboue mine owne saluation if they could come in comparison together for Hee that loueth father or mother Matth. 10.28 sister or brother wife or childe or any thing more than me is not worthie of me Secondly I am commaunded to feare him aboue all that is with a godly reuerence to stande more in awe of him and his worde than of any thing else whatsoeuer to be more loath not for feare onely but euen for loue to displease him grieue him and offende him than any or all the creatures in heauen or earth beside in respect of that which he is able to lay vpon mee if I forsake him to account nothing of any thing that any man can doe vnto me mindefull euer of this saying Feare not them that can kill the bodie and are not able to kill the soule Matth. 10. but feare him that can cast both bodie and soule into hell fire Thirdly I sée that in this commaundement I am charged to make my prayers to none but to God onely for the reasons aboue in their place alledged Fourthly I sée I am commaunded not to thinke that things goe by fortune and chaunce or that any thing is done which GOD knoweth not of or could not let but that I acknowledge him to be the guider and gouernour of all things and that what good soeuer I receiue I haue it from him and therefore that I trust and stay vpon him alone at all times and in all my matters whatsoeuer And for so much as neither I nor any can either loue him or feare him pray to him or trust in him vnlesse we knowe him therefore I sée also that I am in this commaundement straitely bound ●o long as I liue to labour and trauell by all meanes appointed to knowe the Lorde and his trueth out of his worde and looke howe much I want of knowing any thing that is reueiled in his worde so farre am I guiltie of the breache of this Lawe And if it please the Lorde to blesse me with knowledge of his trueth or any thing else whatsoeuer I sée that in this commandement I am charged to giue thankes to him for it in such full manner and measure of féeling as any way is due to that benefite For if I forget to be thankefull I forget that the Lorde in that thing is my good God And if I ascribe the praise and thankes to any thing else whatsoeuer otherwise than as to the instrument of God I make my selfe another GOD beside the Lorde euen that thing wherevnto I giue the thankes and I breake this commaundement These and many such other things I sée are laide vpon me and al men and women in this first commandement then I thinke or say with my self vnto the Lord O my good God and gratious father O my swéete Lord guide most righteous what doe I sée euen in this but one law of thine against my selfe my soule and bodie why I should neuer come in thy kingdome nor lift vp mine eyes to heauen in hope of any comfort This is but one Lawe of ten and contayneth but a fewe dueties in respect of all that I owe to thée and my brethren yet ah Lorde with wailing woe I speake it so guiltie I sée my selfe so fowle and ouglie before thy face and so full of breaches euerie way euen of this one commandement that I am ashamed and confounded to ●ift vp mine eies vnto thée my God For mine iniquities are increased ouermine ●ead my trespasses are growen vp to ●he heauen to me belongeth nothing but ●hame confusion it is thy mercie that ● am not vtterly destroied yea euē thy ●ercie maruellous that the earth as ●eary of so wicked a burden shrinketh ●ot from vnder my féete and hellish pit 〈◊〉 gulfe of endlesse woe receiueth me ●ot into it For what pleasure is ●ere in that seruaunt that being bid 〈◊〉 his master doe diuers thinges yet ●ot in any one obeyeth or perfourmeth 〈◊〉 maisters will Can hée like him ●ill hee loue him No no full soone euen I my selfe would loath and cast off such a one Ah Lorde then for my selfe what should I say Is there any seruaunt so bound vnto his master as I am bounde to thee Is there any master that can and will so quitte his seruaunts paines as thou in mercie my obedience Or can any mortall man so iustly challenge the obedience of his hireling as thou my God maist challenge the seruice of me thy creature first made of nothing by thy hande and then most dearely bought againe with precious price No no my bodie my life my heart
I further whether with any outwarde thing else whatsoeuer not warraunted by the word I haue thought or sought to serue and please the Lorde being by reason thereof brought asléepe with an imagination of my well doing and so carelesse to séeke or practise the dueties of the word If I haue this also knowe I to be a breach of this commandement Then from things not warraunted I came to things commanded as the hearing of the word prayer conference profitable with my brethren and such like knowing that if euen in these by the Lorde ordayned as thinges wherewith he is honoured and pleased I haue otherwise vsed my selfe than I should in stead of perfourming the Lordes appointment I haue brought before him mine owne inuention walking vnwittingly in mine owne wayes fearfully broken this precept of my God Which when I consider I néede no further shewe of grieuous guilt to cast me down from height of all supposed soundnes in this law Mine eyes do sée my heart acknowledgeth my conscience crieth my sinne is great Stand O soule before the Lord the iust and vpright Iudge whose pearcing eyes discouereth al thy waies set thy selfe more in his sight while mercie may be had whose voyce shall sound thy lasting woe if sight of sinne procure not true remorse And say now soule before the Iudge of trueth hast thou alwayes vsed as hee hath willed thée the hearing of the worde Did neuer desire of worldlie praise prouoke thée to this seruice Neuer diddest thou thinke to day such shall I sée and againe of them be noted if I goe Did neuer feare of worse opinion to be bred of thée in worldlie states by thy absence drawe thée out No fleshlie thought or earthly liking of the speaker hath there béene within thée to pricke thée to his hearing Hath painted pride and newe or straunge attyre neuer saide secretly in thée to daie goe heare the Sermon Lie thou maiest not the Lord being Iudge cleare thy selfe thou canst not O my so●le thy selfe being iudge Therefore that which the Lord appointeth as a seruice to himselfe and for our endlesse comfort by this corruption beginneth a seruice of thine own to thy iust damnation For to heare the Lorde biddeth but not for these ends Thus seruing the Lord in a thing commanded not as he commandeth I serue him with mine owne inuention and guiltie most grieuously I am before him O that I were any better in the duetie of prayer Am I neuer negligent colde and frosen Burneth the fire within me before or whilest I speake with my tongue Shaketh my flesh with the vehemencie of my spirite Neuer straieth my heart from present praier Neuer hast I to an ende or wearilie wishe the voice I heare to cease it is too long Ah wretch howe dare I say it Conscience cryeth and will not be bribed this duetie of prayer thus corruptly perfourmed the Lorde acknowledgeth not as a seruice by him commaunded but as mine own inuention and a breache of this his precept My conference with others in shewe so good in words so faire tasteth it neuer of liking of my selfe or vaine delight to heare mine owne discourse of pride to séeme and to be knowen a man indued with such and so good gifts Tendeth my heart in trueth to the praise of my God and the comfort of my hearers whensoeuer I speake of fruitfull things without all vaine respect and hidden euill whatsoeuer If it doe not then the thing that in it selfe the Lord hath commanded as I perfourme it he vtterly abhorreth and it is wilworshippe of mine owne not prescribed dutie by my God therefore a breache of this commaundement What should I say The more I searche the more I sée and I am not as I thought concerning the kéeping of this Lawe Mo things yet in it are commaunded and moe thinges well by these I sée I haue not perfourmed Thus much serueth to sound damnation to me and witnesse sufficient in dreadfull day shall this my guilt exhibite against me beside a curse vpon my posteritie to many generations But O Lorde thy mercie reacheth vnto the heauens Psal 36.5 and thy faithfulnesse vnto the cloudes Nehem 9.17 Gratious art thou O gratious God and full of compassion slowe to anger and of great goodnesse Were my sinnes as crimsin Esa 1.18 thou canst make them as white as snowe though they be as red as scarlet soone canst thou cause them to be as the wool Deare father haue mercie vpon me and burie in the bottome of the sea that they neuer more appeare before thée all my sinnes and by name my breaches of this commandement O my God as thou hast vouchsafed mee a Sauiour to quit mee from this curse so due vnto me for my disobedience so in that Sauiour of mine thine owne déere sonne looke vpon me He was borne for my sake he liued for my sake he died for my sake then let his birth his life his death good Lord profite mée in winning pardon of thée for my faults and direction of thy spirite for the time to come that better daily I may knowe to serue thée and euen in trueth as thou hast prescribed perfourme the same vnto thée Amen good Lord heare me The third Commaundement Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine c. Question WHAT is the meaning of this commaundement Your Booke Ans God chargeth vs in this third commaundement these thrée thinges First that we vse with most high reuerence the name of God whensoeuer we either speake or thinke vpon him Secondly that wee neuer blaspheme the name of God by coniuring witchcraft sorcerie or charming or any such like neither hy cursing or banning Thirdly that we neuer sweare by the name of God in our common talke although the matter be neuer so true but only where the glorie of God is sought or the saluation of our brethren or before a Magistrate in witnessing the trueth when we are thereunto lawfully called In which causes we must onely sweare by the name of God But as for Saintes Angels Roode Booke Crosse Masse or anie other thing we ought in no case by them to sweare Que. What is meant by the name of God here Ans Not only anie one word vsuallie giuen to him in scripture as Iehouah or such like Philip. 2 9. but also his maiestie and excellencie with such attributes as declare the same as his wisedome his iustice his prouidence his mercie and so foorth Againe his lawe and commandements or his doctrine and worde are vsuallie signified by it Leuit. 22.31 1. Tim. 61. to make vs more carefull to attende vppon them as things wherupon depend the honour glorie and name of God Que. What is it to take his name in vaine Ans Surelie either to speake or thinke of it without most high reuerence and especiallie to sweare by it otherwise than we ought Also to cast behind vs the diligent care of his commaundementes
with others as you reade them Stand therefore in strength serue with comfort slippe not from your calling for want of rewarde if other abilitie serue to continue The Lords worde is past him his promise is out he wil consider and recompence all true seruants feare it not doubt it not but cleaue to the Lord and when euer anie snubbes and checkes in worde or countenaunce vndeserued arise say in your heart with Dauid chéerefully Psalm 84. O Lord blessed is the man that putteth his trust in thee Que. What say you of parentes in respect of benefites Ans I must néedes say they are greatlie to bee honoured and truely loued agayne whose loue and affection hath broken out in fruites to vs ward· For ingratitude before God and man is hatefull Proueb 17 1● And hee that rewardeth euill for good euill shall neuer depart from his house saith Salomon Que. Howe prooue you that vnder the title of Father and Mother old men and olde women be meant and to bee honoured Ans The wordes of Paul to Timothie teacheth it 1. Tim. 5.2 For rebuke not an elder saith hee but exhort him as a Father and the elder women as mothers Leuit. 19.32 And touching the honouring of them the lawe is plaine Thou shalt rise vp before the horeheade and honour the person of the olde man and dreade thy God I am the Lorde Iob. 32.6 And in Elihu wee sée the practise who stayed his speach that his auncients might speake before him Que. Let all towne officers consider this and become parents not spoilers of the towne Howe then may we conclude this matter Ans Thus for this thing we may note end That if the scripture to Magistrates ministers maisters such like superiors haue giuen the name of parents thē ought they al and euerie one of them in heart affection and action be aunswerable to the same Que. Nowe then to proceede heere is a promise added to the keepers of this commaundement that their dayes shall bee long in the land Ephe. 6. And to the Ephesians it is saide that this is the first commaundement which is a promise yet was there one added to the seconde if you looke on it howe then aunswere wee this Ans We aunswer ethat the promise annexed to the seconde commaundement belonged to all but this belongeth particularlie to this and therefore it is the first with anie speciall promise Que. What might be the reason of this promise Ans This may séeme to bee some reason of it Naturall parentes are the instrumentes of life other parentes as Magistrates Ministers and benefactors are the instrumentes of good and comfortable life Nowe it pleased the Lord to giue them for a blessing long life who duetifullie behaue themselues to the instruments of life Que Why but is long life such a blessing Ans Surely mans life is full of trouble and griefe it can not bee denied Yet I answere first that notwithstanding euen to liue and haue a béeing is of it selfe a mercie of the Lords yet to continue liuing to serue and praise the Lorde to increase his kingdome by anie abilitie in vs is a greater mercie For a good nature reioyceth in oportunitie giuen to shewe himselfe thankefull though it he to his trouble and cost and so must we Secondlie I answere that al these miseries of mans life haue come of man himselfe and not of God and therefore we ought no lesse to accompt of Gods blessing for the thing which we ourselues haue béene cause of Thirdlie it may be answered the god doth not promise barelie long life in this place but good with it also either in respect of outward prosperitie or inwarde comfort Que. Howe prooue you that Ans By hauing recourse to Pauls wordes who repeating this blessing vpon them that honour Father and Mother doth not say onely that thou maist liue long on earth but that it may bee well with thee and thou maist liue long vpon earth Therfore though mans life be full of miseries yet as God promiseth continuance of it it is a blessing a great blessing Que. Howe can this promise respect vs seeing it nameth particularly Canaan saying that thy dayes may be long in the lande which the Lorde thy God giueth thee meaning it Ans Paul againe doth answere this who boldly putteth for those wordes these on the earth therefore by his interpretation it is not to bee restrayned to Canaan onely Que. Doe alwayes they that honour Parentes liue long and contrariwise againe Ans Wée may not say so For all thinges fall out alike to the good and euill iust and vniust saith Salomon meaning of outwarde thinges as life is and it is the wisedome of the Lord it shoulde bee so that good things as wee call them may not be too gréedilie sought for because they are common to the wicked neither euill thinges be vnlawfullie eschewed because they are incident to the good Que. Howe then is God true in his promises Ans So farre as long life may be a benefite to his children so farre hee euer giueth it but if in wisedome he knowe it better for them to be gathered to their fathers then hee taketh them away and recompenceth want of temporall life with eternall Que. Yea but that is not his promise then for his promise is long lyfe heere Ans He that promiseth monie and giueth golde breaketh not his promise hee that promiseth little and giueth much breaketh not his promise but so doeth the Lorde with vs and therefore who is hee that vnthankefully pleadeth against his mercie Que. What fruitfull notes nowe gather you of th●se wordes Ans First wee may note that the Lorde ioyning a promise of mercie to this commaundement and not dealing so with anie thing which he liketh not greatlie pleasing out of question in his sight is the kéeping of this law namelie when euerie man doeth dutie where dutie is due and in loue we allow cherish and maintaine one an other Secondlie if long life bee a blessing promised to such as obey their parents and this obedience procéedeth greatly of good education then they that careleslie and vngodlily neglect the same in their children doe asmuch as lyeth in them shorten the dayes of their poster●tie Lastlie wee also in this promise annexed note that if long life be a gift of God then commeth it not by nature or good constitution of body further or longer than it pleaseth the same GOD to blesse the meanes and graunt it And thus much briefely of this commaundement The Application NOwe remaineth it to applie these thinges to our selues euerie one disclosing his life and inward thoughtes before the Lord and before our selues as néere as we can to the ende that sight of sin if it be foūd in vs may bring foorth sorowe and giuen grace in some strength to stande if wee can finde we haue had it may increase our thankes to the Lord our God who did so assist
crueltie and hearde dealing with our brethren for euen this the Lorde abhorreth also Deutr. 2● The lawe that was made of fortie stripes to be giuen to an offender and not aboue did euidentlie drawe to some pitifull feeling our cruell raging and fierce affections The ●awe for widowes that they should not be wronged and for the fatherlesse that they should not be forsaken shotte at the same marke So did the forbidding of vsurie to the poore the taking of his rayment to pledge the detayning of his hire such like thinges All were to worke some mercie in vs towardes others and to tell vs plainely that the Lorde abhorreth cruelty towardes anie Que. Thus then if you thinke good let it suffice to haue spoken of these three sortes of murther to wit of the hande the tongue and the heart together with their branches and nowe a litle of the affirmatiue part of this commandement if you will Ans The affirmatiue part of it easily may be knowen by the negatiue For who seeth not that if generally all hurting or taking away of life vnlesse it be by the Magistrate lawefullie be forbidden then generally also is commaunded all care and preseruation of the same Deutr. 19.20 and if in specialitie the bitternesse of the tongue bee forbidden then is the swéetenesse the softnesse and the comfort of the same commaunded If anger be forbidden gentlenesse is commaunded if misliking hatred enuie and ioying at other mens harmes be forbidden then is an heart well thinking and accepting of others commaunded then is loue and a true reioycing at the good happes of our brethren commended and to conclude if all crueltie rigor and extremitie bee forbidden then is all lenitie mercie and pitie commaunded All which are vertues of great praise and afording large perswasions vnto our heartes to loue and like them to embrace and followe after them But so shoulde I dwell too long in this commaundement The blacknesse of their opposite vices I hope doeth make their beautie and brightnesse great before our eyes Onelie I wishe vs to the ende wee may abounde in all mercie that wee would often consider that comfortable spéech of the Lorde by his prophet Esay 58.10 If thou refresh the hungrie and troubled soule then shall thy light spring out of darkenesse the Lorde shall satisfie thy soule in drought and make fatte thy bones and thou shalt be like a spring of water whose water faileth not As also that sentence which at the daie of dayes shall be pronounced vppon it Come come yee blessed of my father and possesse the kingdome prepared for you Math. 25. for when I was hungrie yee fedde me when I was thirstie you gaue me drinke when I was naked yee clothed mee when I was sicke yee visited mee and so foorth Both which places with manie moe to the same ende beeing often thought vpon will soften our heartes in all dealinges with our brethren and make vs profitable to them euer to our powers And yet which I had almost forgotte it is not ynough for vs to doe good to be kinde and to shewe mercie but wee must doe it also spéedily readilie and fitlie that is when the néede of our brethren requireth it obseruing carefullie all occasions For as it is sayde of guiftes that qui cito dat bis dat he that giueth a thing quickly giueth it twise so is it of all thinges we doe to helpe in time is a double helpe and a benefite hauing lost the oportunitie of our brothers néede looseth his welcome Wherefore Iob professeth that he had not caused the eyes of the widowe to faile in long looking for his helpe Iob. 31.16 And Mardocheus requireth of Hester not only helpe but present Hester 4. a singular example for all estates Que. What punishment hadde the breach of this commandement Ans The spirituall punishment of it as of all other sinnes is eternall damnation both of bodie and soule For without shall be dogges Apoc. 22.15 inchaunters whoremungers murtherers c. sayeth S. Iohn the temporall punishment of it was amongest the Iewes by the lawe of God bloud for bloud Gen. 9. Leuit. 24. and before the lawe by expresse wordes vnlesse in such cases as the cities of refuge were ordayned for And euen as it were aboue all other sinnes it is worthie marking howe euer the iudgement of GOD hath not suffered this sinne to lie vnknowen or vnpunished All stories be full of examples Phocas Boniface 7. Alexander 6. Ethelbert Richard 3. and euerie man almost in his owne dayes hath knowen some experience Hotte is the wrath of the Lorde against this sinne and his mercie therefore euer kéepe vs from it The Application WIth what wordes nowe should I wish euerie one to descende into themselues and to take a view of their estate before the Lorde touching this commaundement Manie branches of it haue béene layde before vs and what branch is it which we haue not broken being narrowly sifted by the Lorde The murther of the hande I knowe wil be our instance but alas howe many thinges make men guiltie in this If euer in seruice against the enimie wee haue passed the bounds of a Christian heart in cruelly murdering concerning the maner who yet might haue died respecting the matter we are guiltie and spotted before the Lorde If women and children aged and impotent sicke and diseased that caried no weapon against our cause haue not so farre foorth béene regarded of vs and spared yea defended by vs from our féercer felowes as by right we might our handes haue faulted our loue hath wanted to the life of our brethren If cruellie wee haue wished but in our inwarde heartes any disorderlie and vnmercifull spoyle of our foes in féelde we haue sinned certainly in so doing For euen the spoyle that a Christian souldier maketh of his enimies in the warres should sauour of the mercifull nature so néere as he can of that God whome he professeth If we haue béene euer as you hearde but any occasion of the death of any either present or spéedier than otherwise it wold haue béene or of the shortening of our owne health life and abilitie by intemperancie incontinencie or anie meanes whatsoeuer the iustice of our vndefiled God doth find it out and we haue sinned against him in this thing Where thē is our righteousnes but euē in this branch of actual hand murder for the tong what should I say Doth no mans hart accuse him of vnrighteousnes Haue we neuer passed any spiteful slander to the hurt of thē whom we should haue loued Deniall of it can neuer hide it but confession of it hath mercie promised The name peraduēture of slander is odious to vs we hardly can accuse our selues of so foule a vice Slander Well then let him change his cote but remaine the same mōster stil Haue we neuer reported any vnknowē thing to the harme of our brethren Neuer whispered that
there be any praise thinke of these thinges c. Againe 1. Petr. 2.12 S. Peter in his epistle I beseech you deerely be●oued as pilgrimes and strangers abstaine from fleshly lustes which fight against the soule and haue your conuer●ation honest among the Gentilles that ●hey which speake of you as of euill doers may by your good workes which ●hey shall see glorifie God in the day of visitation What is this but euen plainely ynough haue a care of your dooinges that your good name may neuer iustly bee touched and stained of anie And a number mo such pithie perswasions in this behalfe hath the worde But I passe them ouer and remember vnto you that pretie saying of the godlie father S. Chrysostome Chrysost de communi sermone so fitly at this time confirming my perswasion There are two thinges sayth hee necessarie for thée as thou art a Christian man and woman to wit a good conscience and a good name the former for thy self the later for thy neighbour But alas saith an other Plures famam Plin. lib. 3. pauci conscientiam verentur Manie are afraide of the touch of their fame but fewe of the hidden breach of their conscience Adde vnto these if you list also the iudgementes of the heathen and first of him whose words be these Cic. offi 3. there is nothing so great neither any commoditie in the worlde so of thée to be estéemed and desired as that for it thou shouldest blemish the beautie and brightnesse of the good name of a good man For desire euer sayth an other rather to heare well than to be rich yea preferre it in thy heart to leaue vnto thy posteritie an honest report and name before heapes of anie riches whatsoeuer For riches are ficle and soone dispersed but a good report is permanent and neuer dyeth Againe by a good name may wealth bee gotten but not againe by wealth a good name Lastly riches are common to the good and bad but a good report is proper onely to the good Que. And howe may a man or woman best breede a good report of them Ans Agesilaus was once asked the same question and he made this aunswere If thou speakest euer what is the best and doest the thing that is most honest Socrates thus if from thy heart thou indeuour in all truth to be as thou desirest euer to be thought to be For a fame that is gotten by giftes or hypocrisie will neuer indure but perishe Wherefore nowe if the worde of God the testimonies of his children and the ●erie light of nature in heathens haue euer so commended a good name iudge we heereby if we wil be taught what a sinne it is to be a false witnesse against this preciouse treasure and iewell of my neighbour his good name Iudge we what a monster before the face of God he is that for the satisfaction either of his owne or other mens cursed natures séeketh to depraue to bite and slander any man wrongfully be the discredite he worketh neuer so small And thus much for my first reason The seconde I drawe from the punishment which hath vsually hapned vnto this vice either by gods expresse commaundement amongest the Iewes or secret working in the heartes of magistrates in other places For verie effectually haue I euer thought bewrayed by these thinges the foulnesse of false witnesse bearing The lawe of God sayde thus Deut. 19.16 c. If a false witnesse rise vp against a man to accuse him of trespasse Then both the men which striue together shall stande before the Lorde euen before the priestes and the iudges which shal be in those daies And the iudges shall make diligent inquisition and if the witnesse be founde false and hath giuen false witnesse against his brother then shall ye doe vnto him as he hadde thought to doe vnto his brother so thou shalt take euel away forth of the middest of thee And the rest shall heare this and feare and shall henceforth commit no more anie such wickednesse amongest you Therefore thine eie shall haue no compassion but life for life eie for eye tooth for tooth hande for hande foote for footh A meruelous lawe if the spirite of féeling worke withall to print in vs for euer a true conceite of the perfect hatred wherewith God abhorreth false witnesse bearing Beside which lawe marke what Salomon sayeth Prou. 19.5 A false witnesse shall not be vnpunished and he that speaketh lies shall not escape For howsoeuer the lande of the Lorde which is euer full of mercie and long suffering euen towardes the wicked may spare them for a time yet in the ●nde with sharpenesse of his rodde will ●e recompence the long differring of it And what maruell if we marke the na●ure of the sinne For doeth not a false witnesse abuse the iudge hurt his neighbour make the place of iustice and right the nurcerie of sinne and gréeuous wronges doth he not cause the Lorde to set in the eies of men the crowne of innocencie vpon the offenders heade and to put the halter about the iust mans necke Than the which dishonor what can be greater against the Lorde of life and louer of right to pul vpon vs his heauie hande Pericles an heathen man could say we must be a friende to our friende no further than the altar That is no further than GOD and a good conscience guided by his worde may warrant vnto vs. But wee in these daies estéeme not a strawe of that man or woman that will sticke to lend vs an othe at anie time when we stand in néede be the matter neuer so false and foule For hee is no friende which is not euer a friende to féede our filthie humour with all wicked and wrongfull vsage of himselfe But woe vnto vs wicked wretches for so great and gréeuous sinne against the Lorde and also our selues For doe I not tremble and shake euerie ioynt of mee to pre●erre anie mortall man in loue before ●ny God and so to become vnworthie of him for euer Yet this I doe when I ●are doe for him what God forbiddeth me to doe for him and I thinke not of ●t Should an earthly bonde of earthlie mindes together worke a fearefull fi●all confusion both of bodie and soule ●n the flashing flame of bottomlesse hell ●or euermore without regarde Yet ●his it doeth to speake vntrueth for my ●riendes fauour when committed sinne ●hould reape a iust punishment in this worlde that bodie and soule might both ●emaine in comfort hereafter I stay ●he rest of gods reuenging iudgementes ●ppon false witnesses till I come to ●he ende of the commaundement and ●hus for this time passe ouer this ●oint The next thing that your booke lay●th downe is lying an other foule ●reache of this commaundement con●emned of God improoued by reason ●nd eschewed euer of all gods children 〈◊〉 some measure Scripture Cast off saith the Apostle lying and speake the trueth euerie man to his
should we escape and yet God be iust too It is euen the wisedome we extoll in others and that we striue continually to attaine vnto our selues to haue neither ●rue eie true heart nor true tongue but onely to séeme to haue all to euerie one whose worde wealth or authoritie may gaine vs anie thing in this cursed worlde And so man is our strength our pollicie is our GOD flesh is our arme and what Paul so reioyceth in we laugh at as vile and too sily simplicitie Dauid assureth himselfe the Lorde will defende them that are true of heart Psalm 7.11 Psalm 32.11 Psalm 36.10 Psalm 64.10 we verily thinke if we be true of heart wee cannot nor shall not be able to liue in the worlde we must Critisare cum cretensibus that is we must smooth it and sooth it and carie two faces vnder one hoode or else wee are not so wise as we might be Thus sinne we I am sure of it some more and some lesse and the reward of the least sinne is eternall death But it is the Lordes great mercie to moue vs from anie sinne For dull are our heartes to feare any iudgement till it be vpon vs. 1. Iohn 1.7 And therefore to him I commende vs to open our eies that we may euen earnestly sée and consider effectually howe impossible anie feloweshippe is euer to be had for me holowe subtill guilefull hypocriticall and s● foorth with a God all trueth sinceritie simplicitie and open assured faithfulne●● it selfe For the seconde which was telling of tales wee haue heard it before shewed and our owne knowledge doth assure vs it is a branch of the breach of this commandement which shall burne both bodie and soule in the fire of hell And yet sée do we feare it or flie it Alas we knowe I am sure of it we haue béene too too secure in this point and our securitie not séeing and weighing the wickednesse of the vice hath stayned both heart and tongue horriblie Looke about the worlde and veiwe the generall course of all Feareth anie man to discredite his neighbour priuily and to whisper vpon hearesay or his owne imagination what tendeth to the blemish of his name whom he speaketh of Feareth any woman when shee hath mette with her gossippe to tittle tattle to the slander of an other this thing and that thing which yet hath no certaintie and which full both she would haue saide of her selfe vpon like coniectures No ●o we sée to much the cursed course of lawlesse tongues in euerie place though the Lorde in mercie giueth some consciences and a thousande times I begge that we would sée our sinne confesse our sinne and rippe vp our guilt in this respect Why should wee be so dull and without féeling If it be a vertue thus to prittle and prattle of euerie bodie vncertaine tales but most certaine discredites then prooue it so and vse it but if it bee a branch of false witnesse that doth truly witnesse gods wrath to hang ouer vs for it good Lorde shall we still be polluted with it Shall hell haue vs without anie helpe Will not the dread of dolefull day strike such a filthie fault into the waning and by litle and litle cut quite the throte of it and make it bléede to death in vs I hope the best and I wish the best the Lorde in his mercie set a watch before our mouthes and kéepe the dore of our lippes for euer hereafter Next commeth hearing and beléeuing to be considered of faultes in necessitie also if telling false tales hath before béene iustly blamed For there is nothing that so nurceth and nourisheth vp a tale teller as doth the credulous heart and attending willing eare of the hearer And therefore if the one be a vice the other certainely is no vertue Nowe howe guiltie are we in this againe howe stayned howe blotted before our blemishlesse God if he shoulde enter into iudgement with vs For Christ his sake let vs weigh it let vs viewe it and euen earnestly thinke of it and fearing to be damned let vs feare to sléepe soundly in the sinne that ●eadeth to damnation We doe not discountenance the whispering carper we doe not eschewe the reportes of péeuish pratlers but we itch to heare and take pleasure in hearing what true charitie in our heartes towardes our brother ●hould make vs abhorre to heare and wéepe to haue it true And for beléeuing marke and consider if you dwell amongest neighbours whether you haue ●ot gréeuously offended towarde many ●f them in this respect Howe haue you ●uffered a false tongue to fire your ●eartes with beléefe of your neighbour ●hat could neuer yet bee extinguished ●●nce you heard it and yet you doe not ●nowe it Alas is this charitie which who so wanteth wanteth God Is this to loue thy neighbor as thy selfe When full sore it offendeth mee that any man should credite a surmise of me if it be not true O eies O heartes where is their sight and féeling What loue can my neighbour beare me or with what heart can a seruant serue me when he séeth whisperers still about me and findeth my nature so credulous of them as that all his faith and trueth all his traueile and labour all his affection and loue were it neuer so sincere and vpright and euen flowing from the rootes of his heart and the verie bottome of his soule yet is in hazarde euerie houre of vniust condemnation of vnkinde regarde and most vndeserued reproofe Truely as I haue said before it is the verie tried cutthrote of all amitie friendshippe or faithfull louing seruice to haue a listening eare and a credulous heart without maruelous good discretion And I am most assured o● it there is no plague nor infection gréeuous in the worlde comparable to this poyson in estranging alienating and in the end quite driuing awaie from me those heartes that were mine owne with bodie and all worldly abilitie in trueth in honestie in alleadgeance in God in Christ and in all good meaning to the death Who loueth for gaine and serueth for hire he is a slaue to the thing that he gapeth for and to make vp his mouth he will carie any thing but to whome loue is gaine and due regarde of his poore true heart an abundaunt rewarde the deniall of it discourageth his meaning grindeth his soule in sunder and raketh him vp in dust by vntimely death And therefore since it offendeth God hurteth our brother and verie greatly indamageth our selues O that we would sée it consider it and as God by grace shall strengthen our fraile natures scoule vppon the spéeche that practiseth manies harme and couenant with our heartes to knowe before wee credite so would God blesse vs manie report well of vs and true hearts of neighbour friende seruant or whosoeuer neuer leaue vs. Passing then on in this examination further wee may not forgette the publishing of our brethrens priuate offences a displeasing thing vnto the Lorde
knowledge sake of Christ Iesus his Lorde and did iudge them to bee doung that he might win Christ And certainely what heart of man or woman soeuer knoweth God indéede what he is in himselfe and to all men and particularlie to it many thousande wayes as impossible it is it should not loue God againe aboue all and euen grone that it can loue him no more as it is vnpossible fier should want heate or water moysture Que. What braunches hath the loue of God springing out of it Ans Whosoeuer loueth God loueth also his worde Psal 119. vers 103. Luke 10. 1. Thess 5. 1. Iohn 3.17 Psal 15.1 the ministers of the worde the poore and all that feare God for these with such like are the braunches of the loue of God which if they be not in man and woman certainely neither is the other in them it selfe And as these all are commaunded so are the contraries forbidden and condemned ●y this Lawe What the contraries ●re beside that by these they may bée ●nowen they are expressed more fully 〈◊〉 the examination of conscience tou●hing the same annexed at the ende of ●his commaundement Que. What is the second duetie that ●olloweth of the knowledge of God Ans To feare him aboue all Que. What feare is meant here Ans Indéede in the Scripture the ●eare of God doeth vsually signifie all Religion but here it signifieth onely a ●art of the worship we owe vnto God Que. And what is it Ans This feare is a reuerent awe ●f God whereby we are loth to offende ●im both because we loue him and be●ause he is able to punish vs. Que. This seemeth to import some ●ifference of feare Ans Verie true it is For there are ●wo kindes of feare of God one a ser●ile feare dreading punishment ano●her ioyned with loue of God called a ●●nlike feare and this is meant here Que. Howe may we knowe whether this true feare of God be in vs or no Ans Truely as we knowe there is fire by the smoke and that a man liueth by his breathing so we may knowe by the effects that the feare of God doeth bring forth in them in whom it is whether it be in vs or no Que. Why what be the effects Ans As the banke doeth kéepe the water from ouerflowing so doeth the feare of God in man or woman kéepe out sinne that it spred not as otherwise it would We sée it in practise prooued before our eyes For when Pharaoh king of Egypt Exod. 1.17 commaunded them to kill euery male childe that was borne of the Israelites women what kept out this cruell murther both from hand and heart but this banke the feare and awe of God more than man for so saith the text the midwiues feared GOD and therefore did not as the King commanded them The like may we sée in Iob who saith Gods punishment was fearefull to him Iob. 31.32 therefore he oppressed not 〈◊〉 fatherlesse In Ioseph also verie no●●blie whose heart nor bodie filthie a●●lterie with his mistresse could staine Gen. 39. ●●cause this banke of the feare of God ●as so strong and good in him Lastly ●●e scripture prooueth it plainely to vs ●hen in seuerall places it ioyneth to ●●e feare of God a departing from euill 〈◊〉 an inseparable effect thereof Iob. 28. For ●ost assuredly it is so If wee nothing ●●part from our olde sinnes and yet say ●e feare God we lie and there is no ●●ueth in vs. Que. If then in this viewe of the ef●●cts of it we finde that either it is not in 〈◊〉 yet at all or at the most but verie li●● howe may we obtaine it or in●●ease it Ans First a verie good way to bréed 〈◊〉 increase this reuerent awe and ●are of God in our selues Howe the feare of God is gotten is an often ●●d earnest meditation of Gods power 〈◊〉 he is able to deale with vs to pu●●sh vs and plague vs if we doe not ●are him and this we learne by these ●ordes of Christ Feare not them that can kill the bodie Math. 10.16 and then can doe no more but feare him that can cast bodie and soule into eternall fier For they sound vnto me as if Christ had saide thus marke howe farre Gods power excéedeth mans power and howe much more fearefully he is able to punish you than man can and let this great power of the Lorde ouer bodie and soule to ca●● them both into hell for euer make yo● feare the same God aboue all and stan● in awe of his maiestie And assuredl● if we had grace to thinke of his powe● indéede effectually it would maruelou●sly profite our soules to this ende Se●condly another good way and meane● is a due meditation of the great mer●cies of God prooued by the Psalme With thee there is mercie Psal 130. therefore shal● thou be feared And lastlie by diligen● learning the worde of God preached o● read vnto vs. For so we reade in th● Lawe Gather the people together men women and children the straun●ger that is within thy gates that they may heare and learne to feare the Lord Sée howe he saieth by hearing men learne this feare of God and bréede it or increase it Que. When is the feare of God to be learned Ans At all times but especially when oportunitie either of teaching or learning doeth serue vs. For that we ought to take oportunitie of teaching our sauiour Christ himselfe affirmeth saying Yet a litle and the light is with you walk while you haue the light And that we should then learne when we our selues are able and apt to learne the wise man sheweth in these wordes Remember thy creator in the daies of thy youth Ecclesi 12.1 before the euill daies come and thy yeres approche wherein thou shalt say I haue no pleasure in them Also the often and sodaine losse of hearing and séeing by sundrie occasions doth vehemently admonish vs to take time while time is and learne to feare God while we may For to day we can reade per aduenture our selues if not yet at least heare others but to morow who is sure hee shall eyther haue eies to sée to reade himselfe or sense of hearing to heare others Therefore againe take time when we may Que. What is contrarie to the feare of God Ans Too much to stande in feare of men and their threats so that by them wee are driuen to any vnlawfull things Too much to feare God himselfe and his iudgements as desperate men doe which nourish no hope of his mercie and goodnesse Thirdly securitie and too litle feare of God with many such moe All these are contrarie to that true feare of God which we speake of and are as well forbidden here as the other is commaunded Que. What is the third duetie of this commaundement Ans Thirdly we are here commaunded to make our prayers to none but to God Que. Howe may it bee prooued that onely God