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B08142 A most godly and vvorthy treatis of holy signes sacrifices, and sacraments instituted of God, euen since the beginning of the world. Very necessary for Christian understanding. ; Seene and allowed by authority.. Worseley, Edw. 1609 (1609) STC 23434.5; ESTC S95424 138,496 398

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sight what are our sins then neuertheles his goodnes and his pittie is more then al our wretchednes and therefore with all humblenes and lowlines and with a reuerent dread in a full trust and confidence of his great mercy let him goe vnto him for his worthines shall make him worthy let him offer himselfe in humble and hartie prayer vnto God committing vnto him both his body soule to be made by his grace and through the working of the holy Ghost in his heart a worthy partaker of this holy Sacrament that together in by and with the same hee may receiue and bee partaker of the reall naturall holy flesh and bloud of Christ through which hee may be purged of all his sinnes and receiue grace of good life For why for that cause amongst other was this holy Sacrament ordeined that a man through offering of his praiers to God and partaking of this Sacrament should aske pardon and forgiuenes of all his sinnes and grace of good life and should obtaine it If time therefore doe suffer before the receiuing of the blessed sacrament let him meditate or say on this manner Lord all things bee thine that are in heauen and in earth I desire to offer my selfe vnto thee in a free perpetuall offering so that I may be perpetually with thee in singlenes and simplicity of heart I offer mee this day to be thy seruāt in thy seruice and although I am vnworthy to serue thee yet art not thou vnworthy to haue my seruice make mee therefore worthy of that which thou art worthy of so shall I be worthy of that which now I am vnworthy of make mee as thy will is to cease from sinne that as my dutie binds mee I may serue thee I offer also vnto thee O Lord all my sinnes and offences that I haue committed before thee from the day that I might first offend vnto this day that thou vouchsafe through thy great goodnes to put away all my sinnes out of thy sight and remembrance and to cleanse my conscience of all mine offences restoring mee againe to that grace that I through sinne haue lost and that thou forgiue me al things past receiuing me mercifull Lord into the blessed kissings of peace and of forgiuenes for what may I doe but meekly confesse and bewaile my manifold sinnes continually crauing mercie of thee for the same forgiue mee merciful Lord now I beseech thee for al my sinnes disp●ease mee much and by the helpe of thy grace I will neuer cōmit them againe but sorrow for them and be readie to dopenance and satisfaction before thy congregation Church to the vttermost of my power and abilitie for all the iniuries that I haue done to the offence of thy Church or to th● hinderance and hurt of any my Christian brethren or sisters by any the offences I haue committed Forgiue me Lord forgiue me my sinnes and for thy holy name saue my soule that thou hast redeemed with thy precious bloud I commit my selfe wholly to thy mercie I resigne mee into thy hands doe with me after thy goodnes and not after my wicked deseruings I offer also vnto thee al the good works which through thy grace haue beene wrought or done by me which because they are few and very imperfect through my frailtie and great wretchednes I beseech thee to amend them and sanctifie them and make them liking and acceptable vnto thee alway make them better better bring me though I be a slow vnprofitable seruāt to a blessed happy end I offer also vnto thee my prayer peaceable offering for all them that haue hindred me greeued me and wrought me sorrow and also for all them whom I haue at any time made heauy troubled grieued or iniured in thought word or deed wittingly or ignorantly that thou forgiue vs altogether our sinnes offences against thee and of each of vs against other and that thou Lord take from our hearts all enuie suspicion wrath variance pride indignation and contention and whatsoeuer may let charity or diminish fraternall loue that each of vs should haue to other Haue mercy Lord haue mercy on all them that aske thee mercy and giue vs grace that wee may receiue thy precious bodie and bloud which thou really and truly offerest vnto all and giuest vnto all thy children the true beleeuers in this blessed Sacrament that through the liuely power of this thy holy body receiued by vs in a true stedfast and vnfained faith by and through the operation of the holy Ghost wee and all thy whole Church may receiue remission of sin and obtaine euerlasting life And after this meditation let him vow and promise purpose also with himselfe through the grace of God by the working of the holy Ghost ●uer after more diligently to serue God for seeing a man is busie to serue an earthly Lord with all his diligence much more should wee be diligent to serue our Lord God and to lift vp our hearts vnto him and to consider the g●eatnes of God and the wretchednes of our selues how great and how worthy God is how little how vnworthie our selues are consider also the great loue of God that would take to himselfe that is so worthy the fraile weake estate of mankind not for any cause of his own but for the great loue hee bare vnto vs consider also his vnspeakable and rich mercy towards miserable and wretched sinners who not onely offered himselfe to death for vs on the crosse but also giueth himselfe to vs in the Sacrament to be our spirituall meate ann drinke and to bee fully with vs and in vs. Wherfore let euerie Christian man if hee haue time before the receiuing of the blessed Sacrament say thus in his heart Lord I know well that al workes and deserts of men be they neuer so holy are not worthy to receiue thee how much more am I vnworthy that each day sinne and as a man vncorrigible dwell still therein O Lord why do I such de pite vnto thee for to cast thee my precious Lord into the foule pit of my conscience for surely there is no d●●g more stincking then my soule is O Lord what shall I doe shall I lay thee in that foule place surely Lord I durst not but in hope of thy mercies but I beleeue and am assured that thy mercies are endlesly more then all my sinne and therefore in full trust of thy goodnes I offer my selfe to receiue thee as a sicke man receiueth a medicine thou art the most soueraine salue and I am sore sicke therefore I take thee to bee made whole through thee and the sicker that my soule is the more desire I haue to be healed and the more need I haue of thee for why in healing of my deadly sicknes shall well bee shewed and commended the greatnesse of thy goodnesse that wil● helpe and heale so wretched a creature and bring mee to the possession of
euerlasting life through the merits of thy percious death and passion And thus must wee that are sicke in sinne receiue this healthfull medicine of the holy Sacrament the body and bloud of Christ and when we feele through it any comfort to our soules let vs ascribe that comfort not to our selues but to the goodnes of God which so comforteth and refresheth our soules by feeding vs with his own flesh and bloud of his own great mercy grace let vs thus thinke with our selues loe thus doth our Lord vnto vs to shew vs our wretchednes and miseries wherein we lie intāgled vnles we be loosed by him and to ouercome our wickednes with the plentie of his goodnes for he maketh vs that are dead in sinne to feele life and being rotten and stincking wormes to tast heauenly sweetnes O Lord God sith thou art so mercifull to vs that now liue in sinne as to feed vs with the heauenly bread of thy owne flesh and bloud in this holy sacrament by which foode through the working of the holy Ghost wee are nourished and cherished in body and soule vnto life euerlasting let our hearts from henceforth in this most cherefully reioyce that our God our spouse and our loue is made vnto vs our spirituall meate and drinke to strengthen our bodies and soules that wee may grow vp to life euerlasting the blisle of Saints the ioy of Angels the sonne of the highest father maketh himselfe our spirituall nourishing the light of the world the sonne of righteousnes the wisedome of God is made the foode of our soule the redeemer of man the brightnes of heauen the matter of all mirth and the Lord of ioy vouchsafeth for to feed vs with himselfe what kindnes what courtesie what tokē of loue might bee more Wherefore since wee haue him let vs not from henceforth suffer our hearts to delight in any creature for it were a great vnkindnes and vile wretchednes of vs after the receiuing of so worthy a meate so precious and sweete as it is to s●ttle our selues to the liking and iust againe of the world and of the flesh Keepe vs therefore sweet Iesus from such wretchednes and vnkindnes and be thou our meate and our foode our lust and our liking and make vs continually to hunger after thee and to feede on thee with greedie desire for thy sweetnes sufficeth vnto all the world why vouchsafest thou merciful Lord to feed vs with this heauenly bread and with this so precious foode of thine owne flesh and bloud what seest thou in vs or what findest thou in vs or what profit shalt thou haue of vs surely none but thy great loue constraineth thee to doe thus vnto vs since therefore thou which art the soueraigne goodnes the whitenesse of endles light and mirror without spot vouchsafest thus louingly to come to vs to dwell in vs and to feede vs how is it that wee stincking wretches desire not most earnestly to welcome thee deuoutly to receiue thee it is great shame to vs but Lord we beseech thee to take away our shame and to make vs to amēd Giue vs daily this heauēly bread make vs daily to receiue the precious body bloud of thy son our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ either ghostly or both ghostly and sacramentally through a true liuely vnfained faith so that thou maist continually be with vs and we with thee for thou hast so limed vs with thy loue and so glewed vs with thy grace that we may not depart from thee grant therefore thy grace that Christ in vs and wee in Christ may dwell perpetually and that we may worthily beare this name sith of Christ wee are called Christen By this which hath been shewed it appeareth how Christs reall naturall holy flesh and bloud is receiued in by and with the Sacramēt wherin as hath beene also shewed there is not any consubstantiation nor transubstantiation It hath beene shewed also what preparation must bee vsed that wee receiue not this holy Sacrament vnworthily whereby Christ is refused and cleane shut out from vs and wee refused and cleane shut out from him to the eternal damnation of our owne soules From which danger God of his great mercy deliuer vs and giue vs grace that wee may at all times be made thankfull and worthy receiuers to the praise of his name and the attainement of euerlasting life through his onely sonne our Lord Iesus Christ to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all honour glory and praise now and for euer Amen LAMENTATIONS mournings and woes pronounced by the Prophet Isaiah against impenitent sinners HEare O heauens and harken Esay against impenitent sinners cap. 1. O earth for the Lord hath said I haue nourished and brought vp childrē but they haue rebelled against me A sinfull nation a people laden with iniquitie a seede of the wicked corrupt children They haue forsaken the Lord and prouoked the holy one of Israel to anger They are gone backward for they fall away more and more The whole head is sicke and the whole heart is heauie from the soule of the foote vnto the head there is nothing sound therin but woundes and swellings and sores full of corruption When you come to appeare before the Lord who requireth this at your handes to tread in my Courts and when you shall stretch out your hands I will hide mine eyes from you and though you make many praiers I will not heare for your hands are full of bloud Wash you make you cleane take away the euill of your workes from before mine eyes cease to do euill learne to do well seeke iudgement releeue the oppressed iudge the fatherles defend the widow If you consent and obey you shall eate the good things of the land but if you refuse and be rebellious you shall be deuoured with the sword for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it How is the faithfull citie become an ha●lot it was full of iudgement and iustice lodged therein but now they are murtherers thy Princes are rebellious and companions with theeues euery one loueth gifts and followeth after rewards they iudge not the fatherles neither doth the widdowes cause come before them Therefore saith the Lord God of hosts the mightie one of Israel ah I will case me of mine aduersaries and auenge me of mine enemies and the strong shall be as tow and the maker thereof as a sparke and they shall both burne together and none shall quench them Enter into the rocks and hide thee in the dust from before the feare of the Lord and from the glory of his maiestie The high looke of a man shal be humbled and the loftines of men shall be abased and the Lord onely shall be exalted in that day For the day of the Lord of hosts is vpon all the proud and haughtie and vpon all that is exalted and it shall be made low The people shall bee oppressed one of another and euery
portiō saith my soule therefore wil I hope in him The Lord is good vnto them that trust in him to the soule that seeketh him It is good both to trust and to waite for the saluation of the Lord. It is good for a man that he beare the yoke in his youth for the Lord wil not forsake for euer but though hee send affliction yet wil he haue compassion according to the multitude of his mercies for he doth not punish willingly nor afflict the children of men in stamping vnder his feete all the prisoners of the earth Wherefore then is the liuing man sorrowfull man suffereth for sinne Let search trie our waies turne agai● to the lord Let vs lift vp our hear● with our hands vnto God in the he●uens Wee haue sinned and haue rebe●led therfore thou hast not ●pared tho● hast couered vs with wrath and perse●cuted vs thou hast slaine not spare● Thou hast couered thy selfe with cloud that our prayer should not pas●● thorow thou hast made vs as the of scouring and refuse in the middest o● the people al our enemies haue opene● their mouth against vs. Feare and snare is come vpon vs with desolatio● and destruction the ioy of our hear is gone our dance is turned to mourning therefore our heart is heauie for these things our eyes are dimme The crowne of our head is fallen woe now vnto vs that we haue sinned O thou sonne of man behold they shall put bands vpon thee and shall bind thee with them and thou shalt not goe out amongst them and I will make thy tongue cleaue to the roofe of thy mouth that thou shalt bee dumbe and shalt not bee to them as a man that rebuketh for they are a rebellious house but when I shal haue spoken vnto thee I wil open thy mouth and thou shalt say vnto them Thus saith the Cap. 5. Lord God hee that heareth let him heare and hee that leaueth off let him leaue off for they are a rebellious house Therefore thus saith the Lord God because your multitude is greater then the nations that are round about you and ye haue not walked in my statutes neither haue you kept my iudgements behold I euen I come against thee and will execute iudgement in the midest of thee euen in the sight of the nations For in the middest of thee the fathers shall eate their sonnes and the sonnes shall eate their fathers and I will execute iudgement in thee the whole remnant of thee wil I scatter into all the winds the third part of thee shal die with the pestilence with famine shall they be consumed in the middest of thee and another third part thereof shal fal by the sword round about thee and I will scatter the last third part into all windes And I will draw out a sword after them neither shall mine eye spare thee neither will I haue any pitie Thus shall mine anger bee accomplished I will cause my wrath to cease in them I will be comforted they shal know that I the lord haue spokenit in my zeale whē I haue accōplished my wrath in them Moreouer I will make thee wast abhorred amōgst the nations that are round about thee and in the sight of all that passe by so shalt thou bee a reproch and shame a chastisement and an astonishment vnto the nations that are round obout thee when I shall execute iudgement in anger in wrath and in sharpe rebukes I the Lord haue spoken it and they shall know that I am the Lord and that I haue not said in vaine that I will doe this euill vnto them Hee that is farre off shall die of the pestilence and hee that is neere shall fall by the sword and hee that remaineth and is besieged shall Cap. 7. die by the famine Thus will I accomplish my wrath vpon them so will I stretch my hand vpon them and make the land wast and desolate in all their habitations and they shall know that I am the Lord. Crueltie is risen vp into a rod of wickednes none of them shall remaine nor of their riches nor of any of theirs neither shall there bee lamentation for them An end is come the end is come it watcheth for thee behold it is come now I will shortly powre out my wrath vpon thee and fulfill mine anger vpon thee I will iudge thee acording to thy waies and I wil lay vpon thee all thine abominations The sword is without and the pestilence and famine within he that is in the field shall die with the sword and he that is in the citie famine and pestilence shal deuoure him all hands shal be weake and all knees shal fall away as water They shall cast their siluer in the streets and their gold cannot deliuer them in the day of the wrath of the Lord they shall not satisfie their soules neither fill their bowels for this ruine is for their iniquitie when destruction commeth they shall seeke peace but shall not haue it Calamitie shall come vpon calamity and rumor shal be vpon rumor then shal they seeke the vision of the Prophet but the law shall perish from the Priest and counsel from the ancient The king shal mourne and the Princes shal be clothed with desolation and the hands of the people in the land shal be troubled I wil doe vnto them according to their waies and according to their iudgements wil I iudge them and they shal know that I am the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God Woe vnto the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit and haue seene nothing because with your lies you haue made the heart of the righteous sadde whom I haue not made sad and strengthned the hands of the wicked that hee should not returne from his wicked way by promising him life Therefore thus saith the Lord God because you haue spoken vanities seene lies therfore behold I am against you saith the Lord God and my hand shall be vpon the Prophets that see vanities and diuine lies they shal not bee in the assembly of my people neither shal they be written in the writings of the house of Israel neither shal they enter into the land of Israel for I wil deliuer my people out of your hand and you shal know that I am the Lord. And the word of the Lord came vnto mee Cap. 22. saying sonne of man say vnto her thou art the land that is vncleane thou hast offended in thy bloud that thou hast shed thou hast caused thy dayes to draw neere and art come vnto thy terme In thee haue they despised father and mother in the middest of thee haue they oppressed the stranger in thee haue they vexed the fatherlesse and widdow in thee are men that carrie tales to shed bloud Thou hast despised mine holy things and hast polluted my sabbaths in thee haue they taken gifts to shed bloud thou hast taken vsurie and the increase and
of my soule He hath shewed thee O man what is good and what the Lord requireth of thee surely to doe iustly and loue mercie and to humble thy selfe to walke with thy God Are ye the treasures of wickednes in the house of the wicked and the skant measure that is abominable The good man is perished out of the Cap. 7. earth and there is none righteous amongst men they all lie in waite for bloud euerie man hunteth his brother with a net to make good for the euil of their hands the Prince asked and the Iudge iudgeth for rewarde so they wrap it vp The best of them is a bryar and the most righteous of thē is sharper then a thorny hedge the day of thy watchmen and of thy visitation commeth then shal be their confusion Trust you not in a friend neither put your confidence in a Counsailor keepe the dores of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosome for the son reuileth the father the daughter riseth vp against the mother the daughter in law against her mother in lawe a mans enemies are the men of his owne house therefore will I looke vnto the Lord I will waite for God my sauiour my God wil heare me I wil beare the wrath of the Lord for I haue sinned against him vntill he pleade my cause and execute iudgemēt for me then wil he bring me forth to the light and I shall see his righteousnes Who is a God like vnto thee that taketh away iniquitie and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage he retaineth not his wrath for euer because mercie pleaseth him hee wil turne againe and haue compassion vpon vs he wil subdue our iniquities and cast all our sinnes into the bottom of the sea thou wilt performe thy truth to Iacob and mercie to Abraham as thou hast sworne to our fathers in old time The Lord is slow to anger but he is Naham against impenitent sinners cap 1. great in power wil not surely cleere the wicked the Lord hath his way an the whirlewinde and in the storme and the clouds are the dust of his feete The Lord is good and as a strong hold in the day of trouble and he knoweth thē that trust in him God is iealous and the Lord reuengeth the Lord reuengeth euen the Lord of anger the Lord will take vengeance on his aduersaries and he reserueth wrath for his enemies who can stand before his wrath or who can abide in the fiercenes of his wrath his wrath is powred out like fire and the rocks are broken by him O Lord how long shall I cry and Habacuck against impenitent sinners Cap. 1. thou wilt not heare euen cry out vnto thee for violence thou wilt not help why dost thou shew me iniquitie and cause me to behold sorrowe for spoyling and violence are before me and there are that raise vp strife and contention therfore the lawe is dissolued iudgement doth neuer go forth for the wicked doth compasse about the righteous therefore wrong iudgement proceedeth Then shall they take courage and transgresse and doe wickedly imputing this their power vnto their god Thou art of pure eies and canst not see euill thou canst not behold wickednes wherefore dost thou looke vpon the transgressors and holdest thy tongue when the wicked deuoureth the man that is more righteous then he O Lord thou hast ordeined them for iudgemēt and O God thou hast established them for correction Art not thou of old O Lord my God my holy one I shall not die but I wil reioice in the Lord I wil ioy in the God of my saluation The Lord is my strength he will make my feete like Hindes feete and he wil make me to walke vppon mine high places The Lord is in his holy Temple let all the earth keepe silence before him The great day of the Lord is neare it Zephaniah against impenitent sinners Cap. 1. is neare and hasteth greatly euen the voice of the day of the Lord the strong man shall cry there bitterly that day is a day of wrath a day of trouble heauines a day of destruction and desolation a day of obscurity and darknes a day of clouds and blacknesse a day of the trumpet and alarum against the strong cities against the high towers in the same day also wil I visit all those that daunce vppon the threshold so proudly which fill their masters houses by cruelty and deceipt and I will bring distresse vpon men that they shal walke like blinde men because they haue sinned against the lord and their bloud shall be powred out as dust and their flesh as dung neither their siluer nor their gold shal be able to deliuer them in the day of the lords wrath but the whole land shal be deuoured by the fire of his iealousy for he shal make euen a speedy riddance of all thē that dwell in the land Gather your selues euē gather you O nation not worthy to be loued before the decree come forth ye be as chaffe that passeth in a day and before the fierce wrath of the Lord come vpon you and before the day of the Lords anger come vpon you seeke you the lord all the meeke of the earth which haue wrought his iudgement seeke righteousnes seeke holines if so be that ye may be hid in the day of the lords wrath I said surely thou wilt fear me thou wilt receiue instruction so their dwelling should not be destroied howsoeuer I visited them but they rose earely and corrupted all their workes she heard not the voice shee receiued not correction shee trusted not in the lord she drew not neere vnto her God her Princes within her are as roaring lyons her Iudges are as wolues in the euening which leaue not the bones till the morrow her Prophets are light and wicked persons her Priests haue polluted the sanctuary they haue wrested the lawe The iust lord is in the middest therof he wil do none iniquitie euerie morning doth he bring his iudgement to light he faileth not but the wicked will not learne to be ashamed therfore waite vpon me saith the lord vntill the day that I rise vp to the pray for I am determined to gather the nations and that I will assemble the kingdomes to powre vpon them mine indignation euen all my fierce wrath for all the earth shall bee deuoured with the fire of my iealousie Sure then will I turne to the people a pure language that they may call vpon the name of the lord to serue him with one consent In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy workes wherein thou hast transgressed against me For then will I take away out of the middest of thee them that reioice of thy pride and thou shalt no more bee proud of my holy mountaine thē will I leaue in the middest of thee an humble and a poore people and they shall trust in the name of
and 3. verse and 5. of the 2. to the Corinth and 21. verse God sending his owne sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and for sin condemned sinne in the flesh For hee made him to bee sinne for vs which knew no sinne that wee should bee made the righteousnes of GOD in him By which words the Apostle meaneth not that the holy bodie of Christ was defiled with any the sinnes of mankinde but that he was the true sacrifice propitiatorie vnto God for the sinnes of mankinde hauing borne away and taken vpon himselfe all their sinnes in his own reall naturall bodie flesh and bloud as if he himselfe were the particular persō of euerie of them and had committed their seuerall sinnes and as though hee himself were the selfe same bodily person flesh and bloud in essence and substance nature quality of euery of the faithfull being sinners transgressers of the Law of God guilty of the wrath iudgement eternall damnation curse of God from which punishments our Sauiour Christ hath acquitted euery of them by his death passion suffering and all that haue or shall hereafter truly beleeue in him By which their faith through the working of the holy ghost as Christ is apprehended and conuerted into them hath borne a way their sinnes vpon himselfe and the punishment due for the same so are they also and euerie of them conuerted into Christ and are made partakers of the righteousnes of God in him according as before hath been remembred wherin the infinite iustice mercy of God most liuely appeareth to the eies vnderstanding taste and feeling of all the faithfull infinite in iustice for that no satisfaction could or can satisfie the iustice of God for the recompence or redemption of the least sinne in mankind but that the same must bee fully punished for the satisfaction of Gods infinit iustice in the true reall naturall flesh of man which satisfaction our Sauiour Christ made for mankinde who came downe from heauen and was made man of the substance of his mother that in the fraile flesh of mankinde hee might take vpon himselfe and suffer all the punishment due vnto sinners that as manie as beleeued or should to the end of the world beleeue in him might not perish but haue euerlasting life For christ in the power of his diuine nature to which hee ioyned our flesh suffered the wrath curse punishment of God due for sinne which no mortall creature beeing only man was or could bee able to beare or ouercome for which cause the sonne of God made himselfe flesh to the end that according to gods infinit iustice the sinnes of the faithfull might be borne away and fully punished in his flesh wherein his infinite Iustice did most brightly shine apeare His infinite mercie herein appeareth that where the sinnes of the faithfull be fully punished through the sufferings of Iesus Christ for the satisfaction of Gods iustice it appeareth plainly vnto them that they are freely forgiuen pardoned because in them as in their owne persons their sinnes are not nor shall euer be punished nor any satisfaction made or to be made vnto GOD by themselues Christ hauing borne the wrath and full punishment of God due vnto them for sinne and quite freed discharged them so that neither their sinnes shall be laid to their charge nor any punishment nor purgation due for the same required at their hāds Which plainly setteth forth and declareth vnto all the faithfull Gods infinite and vnspeakeable mercie whereof this sacramēt communion of his precious bodie bloud is a plain declaration resēblance perfect seale of assurance vnto all the faithful But the Church of Rome with her followers as by the Doctrine of transubstantiation they do denie the truth of the manhood of the sonne of God so by the same doctrine they denie also and abolish the truth of the Sacrament and the end of the institution of the same which was to put the faithfull in mind of the great loue of God and sufferings of Christ for thē for so saith the Apostle You shall shew the Lords death till hee come It serueth also to put them in mind of all the benifits receiued by his precious body and bloud who gaue his body to bee broken and his bloud to bee shed for their sinnes and by this holy sacrament giueth to all true beleeuers his reall naturall flesh and bloud to bee their spirituall meate drinke to preserue and nourish their bodies and soules vnto life euerlasting and to declare testifie and assure vnto them their vnion that they haue with him as members making one body distributing vnto all and euery member the spirituall graces and vertues of his most excellent reall naturall holy body which spirituall and immortall foode of their bodies and soules is receiued from their head Iesus Christ who distributeth and sendeth it downe to the nourishment of all his members euen as the foode of this mortall life is receiued by meanes of the head and sent downe to the nourishmēt of all our earthly members whereof these outward elements are a full declaration and a perfect seale of assurance to all the faithfull being by the institution of God made a holy sacrament to represent the same vnto them and by his holy ordinance appointed to carrie the very name of his body which is signified by these elements offered vnto all and giuen to the true beleeuers wherein God of his infinite goodnes and mercy applieth himselfe to the dulnes of the capacities of his children who without these outward pledges being signes tokens and remembrances of his great mercy would neuer haue conceiued and would haue beene ready also to forget the infinite benefits mercies of God purchased for them by the death and passion of his beloued sonne which God in his excellent wisedome hath so liuely declared and set forth in these Sacramentall elements because the reall naturall bodily presence of Christ did not so plainely make the same knowne and and open to the vnderstanding of his disciples and the Church For which cause our Sauiour did institute command and celebrate this holy Sacrament whiles hee was yet bodily present amongst his disciples both for that his bodily presence was not long to continue but to depart away from them whereof this Sacrament was to keepe a remembrance amongst them as also of all the benefits receiued and to be receiued by all and euery of the faithfull by his most precious bodie bloud giuen vp to bee crucified broken and shed for their sinnes whereof these sacramentall elements did and would make a more liuely declaration to the senses and vnderstanding of his Disciples and the Church through the grace of his holy spirit working in euery of their hearts then by his bodily presence they were able to conceiue For which cause it pleased our Sauiour to giue to this Sacrament the name of his bodie because in this Sacrament the
and trespasses Quest Haue you an earnest desire and stedfast purpose through the power of Gods grace to amend your sinfull life past and to lead a new life according to Gods holy will and commandements all the rest of your daies that God shall grant you life Ans I do earnestlie desire it and I beseech God who is the giuer of all goodnes to direct me by his grace so to do Qu. Do you truely vnfainedly and stedfastly beleeue that Christ the Son of God and sauiour of the world hath died and sh●d his bloud for you and hath by his death and the shedding of his most pre●●ons bloud washed and cleansed your soule from sinne giuen vnto the same by his gracious imputation perfect wisedome righteousnes sanctification redemption through himselfe that your body and soule may be deliuered through the merits of his death from euerlasting damnation and obtaine euerlasting life Ans I beleeue and I beseech God of his mercie to helpe mine vnbeleefe and to increase and strengthen this faith in me vnto my liues end Quest Do you stedfastly beleeue that there is no help comfort nor saluatiō for your soule or body but through the pretious death and passion of Iesus Christ the sonne of God who knowing no sinne was made to be sinne for vs that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him according as the Apostle declareth in the 5. of the 2. to the Corinths and last verse For he made him to be sin for vs which knew no sin that wee should bee made the righteousnes of God in him he alone being as the same Apostle affirmeth our wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption An. I doe stedfastly beleeue it Q. Are you hartily glad and thankfull for this great mercie bestowed vpō you An. I am and I pra●e God giue me grace so to be Be of good comfort then and while your soule is in you be thankfull vnto God for this his great mercy bestowed vpon you and in the precious death passion of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ put your whole trust commit your selfe vnto him and with his precious body bloud couer your soule and infold and wrap your selfe wholly in it and say vnto him after this maner O my sweet Sauiour for this thy names sake be it vnto me according to this thy name looke vpō me a sinful wretch calling vpon thy holy name and O sauiour bee vnto mee a sauiour for thy names sake For surely there is no man iust in the earth that doeth good and sinneth not neither any that can say I haue made my heart cleane I am cleane from my sinne Thou onely art the holy of all holiest and I am the filth of all sinners but Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane say thou also vnto my soule I wil be thou cleane Who can tell how oft he offendeth O clense thou me from my secret sinnes Thou Lord hast said also in the gospell that the whole neede not the Physition but they that are sick and hast also most gratiously bidden vs to come vnto thee when we feele our selues trauailed and heauie loaden saying in most sweete and comfortable words Come vnto mee all ye that trauaile and are heauie loaden and I w●ll refresh you I come therefore vnto thee because of thy sweet bidding sore trauailed and loaden with the burden of my sinnes which are so heauie vpon me that I am not able to looke vp yea they are more in number then the haires of my head and my heart hath failed me but Lord let it bee thy pleasure to deliuer me make hast O Lord to help me for I am sore charged and cumbred with many euil temptations my heart is also intangled and oppressed with many euil passiōs which come of my flesh of the world and of the diuell and there is none that can help me or deliuer mee nor that can make mee free and safe but only thou my Lord God my onley sauiour to whom I commit me Refresh me which am so trauailed lighten me which am so burdened thou art the most soueraigne physition and my soule is also sore sick in sinne heale mee which come to bee made whole through thee the sicker that my soule is the more desire it hath to be healed and the more neede hath it of thee Turne not thy face away therefore from me neither cast thy seruant away in displeasure leaue me not neither forsake me O God of my saluation for why in healing the deadly sicknes of my soule shall well be shewed and commended the greatnes of thy goodnes that wilt helpe and heale so wretched a creature if thou receiue me into the large bosome of thy mercy the place wil not be the more straitned or lessened by me It is true Lord that I haue sinned and in the whole course of my life haue multiplied many offences and no repentance or punishment of my selfe may suffice to satisfie thy iustice But I humbly beseech thee to forgiue me O Lord forgiue me destroy me not with my transgressions bee not angry with me for euer by reseruing euill for me neither condemne me into the euerlasting damnation of hell darknes and paines prepared for the Diuel and his angels for thou art the God euen the God of them that repent and in me thou wilt shewe all thy goodnes for sure it is that thy mercies are endlesly more then mine offenses and though my transgressions are infinite yet more infinite are thy mercies Therefore if thou shalt enter into iudgement with me thy poore and vnworthy seruant I wil lay before thee the rich righteousnes of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ my sauiour which hee hath purchased giuen vnto me by his precious death I will lay his righteousnes giuen vnto me betweene my soule and thy iudgement otherwise Lord I may not nay I dare not contend with thee for thine angry threatnings towards sinners are importable but thy mercifull promises are vnmeasurable and vnsearchable for thou art the most high Lord of great compassion long suffering and most mercifull Thou Lord according to thy great goodnes hast promised repentance and forgiuenes to them that sinne against thee and for thine infinit mercies hast appointed repentance vnto sinners that they may bee saued I therefore a most wretched sinner bewaile my manifold sinnes earnestly repent me of my former wickednes and vngodly behauiour towards thee and all my christian brothers sisters gone before me or remaining still in this present worlde for I haue sinned against heauen and against thee and I am no more worthy to be called thy sonne though for min● vnworthines I am not able of my selfe to purchase thy pardon hauing beene thy prodigal wastful childe which haue wasted all the substance of my life in sinne am fallen to great wretchednes yet I beseech thee blessed Lord to looke vpon mee with the eies of thy pitie and receiue me in the