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A77762 The great doctrines of the gospel of Christ owned, believed and asserted in several declarations or sermons preached in London, by sundry servants of Christ of the society of Christian Quakers. Budd, Thomas, 1648-1699. 1694 (1694) Wing B5358A; ESTC R227790 110,751 214

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under a Divine preparation as many are 〈◊〉 our Days who are ready to say Lord hav● mercy upon us among so many Religions 〈◊〉 would to God we knew how to chuse tha● which is right these are under a Heavenly preparation that earnestly enquire after the tru● way and worship of the Lord wherein they may seek and serve him and find acceptance It is left upon record concerning Christ He gave his life a Ransom for many to be testified in due time If you speak of a Ransom to one that is a liberty he will not regard it being unconcerned but come and tell a poor captive in Algiers that he shall shortly be discharged from his slavery and sore bondage and set at liberty and that a noble Friend in England will pay his Ransom for him ●and his Heart will melt and leap for joy and he will be transported and greatly affected to hear such glad tidings As the Captives in Babilon when they sat down by the Rivers there and hanged their Harps upon the Willows and wept when they remembred Zion when they that carryed them away Captive required of them mirth saying sing us one of the songs of Sion They said How shall we sing the Lords Song in a strange land So it hath pleased the Lord in our Days to make Thousands sensible of their woful Captivity by reason of sin and to say after this manner alas I am where I would not be I am under bondage to sin and Satan I would be at liberty I am confined and shut up in a dark Dungeon I would be Discharged I am in Darkness and would have the light of Gods Countenance lifted up upon me and he refreshed with the Rays of the Sun of Righteousness I am labouring under weakness and I would receive strength and strugling under my many Infirmities I would receive Power from on high to do the will of God and never be a weary of well doing I am now at a distance from my Fathers House and as a stranger on this Earth I would have my conversation in Heaven and live unto Christ here that I may live with him hereafter and sit with him at Gods Right Hand in Heavenly places Now those that are made sensible of their state of Captivity and darkness and how they have been under the very region and shadow of Death to such as sit in darkness and as it were under the shadow of Death God hath caused light to spring up whereby the Soul comes to perceive that God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself not imputing their Trespasses to them Christ gave his life a Ransom for many to be testified in due time The Soul hath its lodgment under fears and doubts questioning whether ever it shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living we have all sinned and come short of the Glory of God and we are all Children of wrath by nature as well as others the first step of quietness and comfort is like that of the Fathers running to meet his Prodigal Son when he saw him afar off It is when the Soul se● and apprehends that God is in Christ reconciling the World unto himself the Lord saith I have found a Ransom I have laid help upon one that is mighty that is able to save to the uttermost Now after we perceive there is a Ransom that there is mercy with the Lord that he may be feared then the light of that prophecy opens to us Isa 55.6 7. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is near Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon Then the Soul begins to perceive this Morning of the Day of God and will say with the Psalmist return to thy rest O my Soul for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee Until the Soul comes to behold and tast of this Passover and to believe the record that God hath given of his Son it cannot be unlocked and unchained from its bondage and Captivity He that believeth not is condemned already and the wrath of God abideth on him because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son The believing this record and embracing the promise of God is that whereby we feel a spark of Divine hope kindled in us So that I say the greatest comfort that can be enjoyed in this life is to be assured by the spirit of God that we are saved from the wrath to come we must begin and go on gradually ●●d work out our own Salvation with fear and ●embling till it appear to thee and thou art ●●tisfyed that thy Faith stands not in the Wis●om of men but in the power of God and ●hat thy sins are remitted Psal 32.1 2. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven and ●hose Sin is covered Blessed is the Man unto whom the Lord imputeth not Iniquity and in whose Spirit there is no guil When you come ●o perceive the Benefit which you have received by Christ Jesus and that by a true belief in his name you receive Remission of Sins this kindles in your Souls a love to God and you will be ready to say What hath he paid my debt that I might be discharged from Prison Paid that debt which I could not pay I was in Captivity from which I could not Ransom my self and hath God given his Son and hath his Son Jesus Christ given himself to be a Ransom for me I was under a strange King as the Israelites of old under great slavery in the land of Egypt and house of Bondage hath the Lord brought me out from thence by a mighty Hand and out-stretched Arm and brought me as it were through the Red-Sea as on dry land hath he destroyed those Enemies that designed my Destruction and wrought a great deliverance and Salvation for me What shall I render to the Lord for all his Benefits Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me bless his Holy Name who forgiveth all thine Iniquities who healeth all thy Diseases who Redeemeth thy life from Destruction and crowneth thee wi●● lovingkindness and tender mercies When we apprehend that our sins are rem●ted and that God is in Christ reconciling t● World to himself not imputing their trespass● to them then we have quietness and peace Rejoyce and beglad O Daughter of Zion th● Lord that is Righteous will bring Salvation and he will send forth thy Prisoners out of th● Pit where there was no Water Methinks I hear a sound in a Disconsolat● Soul saying I believe that God is mercifu● the Night is far spent and the Day is at hand yet notwithstanding this is my trouble that ● do not yet feel any Power to live to Christ tha● died for me and to walk worthy of my vocation the Soul may therefore cry out
Way After you have proved all things and come to know that which is good that wherein your Peace with God and Comfort doth consist hold it fast let none beguile you the Enemy of your Souls will labour to lay something in your Way If the Lord had not been very merciful to us we might many of us long since have turned aside we might have fainted in our Minds and been weary of well-doing I do not question but many of you in your Pilgrimage-State do meet with many things in your way to everlasting Life Some put one thing into your Minds and some another let it be your Care that as you have received the Gift from above and by the Holy Scriptures are come to know what is good hold it fast How hold it fast By patient Watchfulness and Diligence taking heed to the Grace of God that hath appeared and brought Salvation to our Souls I pity those Souls that are in an unsettled State which are tossed to and fro that are sometimes for one thing and sometimes for another a double-minded Man is unstable in all his ways You are happy if you are come to that Settlement in your Minds as to be stable and fixed that when you have proved all things you hold fast that which is good As you have received an Understanding from the Lord let it be your Care in the Exercise of your Minds to live in obedience to the Lord in what you know to be the holy good and acceptable Will of God and not hold the Truth in Vnrighteousness Rom. 1.18 The Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all Vngodliness and Vnrighteousness of Men who hold the Truth in Vnrighteousnes● What hath your Care been to hold fast tha● which is good You must hold it fast by living according to what you know all profession of Godliness will stand Men in no stead if they do not live according to their Light and Knowledge Therefore I greatly pity many in our Days to whom the Lord hath been pleased to give a large measure of his Grace that they certainly know their Duty towards God and how to live and carry themselves among Men but they are like those mentioned by the Apostle In Words they profess Christ but in Works they deny him There are many in our Days that have more Words to speak than a great many that can speak a great deal but live not answerably I speak not this to upbraid any but in pity to their Souls and that every one of us may be excited and stirred up to live according to what we have received What will it profit a Man if he know never so much and run to and fro till Knowledge be increased The Lord is about to seek out a People in all Places that may try all things and hold fast that which is good This I shall leave to your Consideration and I would ask every one of you that are before me What do you know of that which is good I hope none of you will say That you do not know that which is good for that person speaks contrary to what the Holy Ghost hath declared Micah 6.8 He hath shewed thee O Man what is good and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love Mercy and to walk humbly with thy God since the Lord hath been so merciful as to shew us what is good and what he doth require at our Hands it concerneth every one of us to know whether we live and act according to what God requires and do not sin against our own Light Knowledge and Conscience The Lord may bear with us a great while and his Patience and Long-suffering may be lengthned out a great while the Time will come when God will bear no longer it will be as it was with the old World and with Sodom and Gomorrah when Noah went into the Ark a Deluge of Wrath came upon them When Lot went out of Sodom it was destroyed by Fire The Lord sent a Flood to drown and destroy the old World And he sent Fire from Heaven to burn the Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because they sinned against him And saith the Apostle 2 Cor. 5.10 For we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his Body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad Knowing therefore the Terror of the Lord we persuade Men. When I consider these awakening Words and Sayings I think with my self How can sinful Men and Women go on in such a course when they must certainly appear at Christ's Tribunal and give an Account of their Deeds of whatever they have done in the Body whether good or bad If Men would take this into their Thoughts they would consider We must die and as Death leaveth us Judgment will find us and take hold of us Consider your Ways repent and turn to the Lord that you may appear before him with Joy at the great day of his Appearing Let your Religion be what it will I mind not for any Man 's private Persuasion or Opinion Prove all things prove Men's Words prove Men's Sayings and that which is of greatest concernment of all let us prove our own Ways and examine our own Actions how we have lived and what we have done if we have lived according to what we have received and done according to what we have known to be our Duty we are in a good condition but if we have lived contrary our own Consciences will condemn us if we be like those mentioned by the Apostle to Titus Chap. 1.10 That profess that they know God but in Works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and to every good Work reprobate I do greatly pity every Soul that is found in such a state and condition because he is in the broad Way that leads to Destruction Our Lord Christ's Saying was after this manner Matth. 7.13 14. Enter ye in at the strait Gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to Destruction and many there be which go in thereat because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto Life and few there be that find it The Lord is pleased to afford a Day of Visitation to all sinful Men and Women a day of grace and mercy a day wherein he is seeking of them ●y his dear Son Jesus Christ our Lord to ●ring them out of their sinful state that they may be saved from the Wrath to come So often as thou findest any thing in thee ●eproving and condemning thee for any evil thing that is the gift of God the spirit of Truth the holy Spirit the spiritual Appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ who is come to seek and save that which is lost Let me entreat you all that desire the salvation of your Souls that you will be careful to enter into the Examination of your Selves after this
in Christendom is not the true Faith Why Because they have not these Fruits Love is a Fruit of the Spirit where is Love amongst them Where Love is there will not be Backbiting Heartburnings Jealousies Surmises and uncharitable judging one another No where Love is these things will not be but Love Joy and Peace Peace with God and Peace with one another and nothing but Peace and good will even towards all Then our Swords will be beaten into Plowshears and our Spears into Pruning-hooks and Men will learn War no more That there is so much strife and contention in Christendom it is because true Lov● is wanting among Men and true Faith is also wanting But there are a Remnant that have tru● Faith that worketh by Love but this noble Faith and Love and the rest of the Fruits o● the Spirit are greatly wanting amongst the generality of the Professors of Christianity I● is by Faith that we come to be ingrafted into Christ the true Vine and abide in him and bring forth much Fruit. It is by unbelief that Men are severed from Christ and not abiding in him they are cast forth as Branches that are withered and then cast into the Fire and burned O great is the hurt of unbelief and great is the benefit of true Faith He that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit Eph. 4.10 11. saith the Apostle Christ when he Ascended upon high he led Captivity Captive and gave Gifts unto Men. He that first descended into the lower parts of the Earth is the same that ascended up far above all Heavens that he might fill all things And he gave some Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists and some Pastours and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edifying of the Body of Christ till we all come into the unity of the Faith and the knowledg of the Son of God unto a perfect Man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ that we henceforth be no more Children tossed to and fro and carryed about with every Wind of Doctrine by the sleight of Men and cunning craftyness whereby they lie 〈◊〉 wait to deceiave Hence observe the manner of the Speech and Phrase used by the Holy Ghost all these are for edifying the Body of Christ till we come unto the unity of the Faith and knowledg of the Son of God to a perfect Man All Believers make up one perfect Man where Christ is the Head and Believers are the Members Let thy progress be never so great thou canst not come to equality with Christ he hath the fulness of the God-head dwelling in him Bodily we can come only to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ unto every one of us is given Grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ now the greatest and higest measure is but a measure Consider what is Written Rom. 11.24 The Jews that were natural branches were cut off from Christ the good Olive Tree through unbelief What was their unbelief They did not believe in Christ Jesus the Son of Man they did not believe in him that was born of a Virgin to be the Prophet that God promised to his People they did not believe the Man Christ Jesus to be the true Messiah that God had promised to send to put an end to the Types and Figures and shadows of the Law and to their new Moons and solemn Feasts and to Circumcision and to the Passover and to put an end to the offering up of outward Sacrifices and the shedding of the Blood of the Sacrifices that so their Sins might be forgiven them for without shedding of Blood there is no Remission It was not the Blood of Beasts that wer● offered in Sacrifice could take away Sin Why Because these were only Representations and Symbols to help the People's weakness and to present Christ to their Eyes and suited to their weak State which is compared to the state of a Child This was the Reason they received not Christ outwardly and the Unbelief of the Jews was great in that because they did not receive Christ into their Hearts in his Spiritual Appearance but they received him neither inwardly nor outwardly Whosoever reject Christ outwardly they reject him inwardly and whosoever receive Christ inwardly and sincerely they also receive him outwardly to be the great Sacrifice for their Sins they own his priestly Office for the Remission of Sins through the Blood of the Covenant they do admire the wonderful Design and Contrivance of the Wisdom of God in the great Work of Man's Redemption they adore and admire the Mercy and Love of God his Power and Justice Holiness Wisdom Goodness Faithfulness and Truth in that glorious Contrivance that he should send his Dear Son to die for the Sins of Men and take our Nature and Sin upon him and be made a Curse for us and take the Curse from us and to be made Sin for us who knew no Sin that we might be made the Righteousness of God in him He was wounded for our Transgressions bruised for our Iniquities the Chastisement of our Peace was upon him and with his Stripes we are healed Isa 53.5 Who his own self bare our Sins in his own Body on the Tree that we being dead to Sin should live unto Righteousness He was made Sin for us saith the Apostle 2 Cor. 5. How was Christ made Sin for us Sin that is a Sin-offering He became an Offering for Sin They that are Branches in the true Vine and grafted into Christ receive heavenly Sap and Moisture from him We must believe that Christ died for our Sins we must believe that he was made a Curse for us and that he shed his Blood for the Remission of our Sins We must believe this weighty Testimony This is a faithful Saying and worthy of all Acceptation That Christ Jesus came into the World to save Sinners of whom I am chief saith the Apostle 1 Tim. 1.15 This is a faithful Saying and worthy of all Acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the World to die for Sinners and to shed his Blood for Sinners as well as inwardly to appear in the Hearts of Sinners A Work that was a most necessary Work for the Redeeming Renewing Sanctifying and Cleansing of us from all Sins So my Friends true Faith in Christ receives him with all his Benefits receives him both in his outward and bodily Appearance as manifest in the Flesh and also in his Spiritual Appearance and coming into our Hearts and by true Faith in him we come to be ingrafted into him and receive Sap and Moisture and heavenly Influence from him who is the true generous and Noble Vine Our blessed Lord here holds forth a wonderful Mystery in these few Words I am th● true Vine and my Father is the Husbandman every Branch in me that beareth not Fruit he taketh away and every Branch that beareth Fruit he purgeth
manner Am I one that hath lived as without God in the World and walked after the imaginations of my own Heart And do I find my Conscience reproving me in my sinful course and requiring me to forsake it Let it be thy Souls care and concern to leave off sinning against God for the time will come when God's Patience and Long-suffering towards thee will cease and come to an end this is the day of God's Visitation The Lord affords thee a day of Grace wherein he is pleased to call upon thee to turn and live Ezek. 33.11 Thus saith the Lord by the Prophet Say unto them As I live saith the Lord I have no pleasure in the death of the Wicked but that the Wicked turn from his way and live turn ye turn ye from your evil ways for why will ye die O house of Israel God's love is universal to all the Sons and Daughters of Men. God hath so loved the World all Me● rhe worst of Men that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him shou●● not perish but have everlasting Life for G● sent not his Son into the World to condemn th● World but that the World through him migh● be saved We know there is Election and Reprobation but where is the Election It is in Christ of them that come to believe in Christ they that do not believe in the Lord Jesus Chris● are in a reprobate State The Lord hath not reprobated any from Eternity but for Sin and final Impenitency he hath not appointed any to Destruction The Lord hath been so abundantly merciful and gracious as to afford a way and means whereby all may come to the knowledge of the Truth and be saved I do not say that all shall be saved for they will not come to Christ that they might have Life and therefore their destruction is of themselves God hath appointed a way whereby all Men may obtain eternal Salvation What is that way That they believe on him whom God hath sent This is Life Eternal to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent John 17.3 Let every one of us be sensible of the great love of God to us we have all great cause to say That the Lord hath been merciful to us in that the day of our Visitation is continued The Lord hath sent his Son the Lord Jesus Christ in his spiritual Appearance as he appeared sometimes in his prepared Body and was crucified without the Gates of Jerusalem ●nd he is ascended into Heaven into the pre●ence of God and liveth for ever to make ●ntercession for us Let it be our care to ●orsake our evil Ways and turn to the Lord who is pleased to hold out the Scepter of Mercy to us The Invitation is That we will come unto Christ whom God hath exalted to be ● Prince and a Saviour to give us repentance ●nd remission of sins Luke 13.1 2. We read in the New Testament That when some told our Saviour of the Galileans whose Blood Pilate had mingled with the Sacrifices Jesus answering said unto them Suppose ye that these Galileans were Sinners above all the Galileans because they suffered such things I tell you nay but except you repent ye shall all likewise perish Or those eighteen upon whom the Tower in Siloam fell and slew them think ye that they were Sinners above all that dwell in Jerusalem I tell you nay but except you repent ye shall all likewise perish And again John 8.21 Our Saviour tells the Jews I go my way and ye shall seek me and shall die in your s ns whither I go ye cannot come These are searching Doctrins and should put us upon a Proving all things and holding fast that which is good that we may believe in our Lord Jesus Christ and have an ●bundant entrance into his everlasting King●om My Friends I desire that you may all be in ● good state and condition and keep close to the gift of God and the measure of Grace given to you and prove all things that are o● a religious Concern and so come to be Christians indeed Israelites indeed like Nathaniel in whom there is no Guile that you may set a Watch before the Door of your Lips Saith the Apostle James If any Man among you seem to be Religious and bridleth not his Tongue but deceiveth his own Heart this this Man's Religion is vain Jam. 1.26 You must watch over your Words and be true in your Words that your Religion may not be in vain that when you prove all things you may hold fast that which is good If I should put the Question to the most ignorant Man or Woman among us Friend What dost thou think hast thou a Soul to be saved What dost thou think will become of thee Such a one would answer I have a Soul that may be saved But I would put the Question further What assurance hast thou that thou shalt be saved I am in some doubt I have not assurance of my Salvation but I hope to be saved Then I might ask again Why hast thou not Assurance of Salvation there is something that is the cause of it My Sin saith such a one lies at the Door there is something within that will let thee know that it is some allowed Sin or Iniquity that thou livest in There is an awakened Conscience the gift that God hath given to Men that will reprove Men for Sin though sometimes they may get over it yet sometimes or other there will be an awakening of Conscience that will make them cry out and say Lord I am a sinful Man ● am not fit to die I am not prepared for my ●atter end So David cried out Lord cleanse ●e from my secret sins What is it that keeps Men in doubt of their Salvation but some secret sin or other When a Man comes to be awakened and the Book of Conscience is opened and a Man readeth therein that he hath done this and the other evil thing lived ●o and so Then humble thy self under the mighty hand of God and he will exalt thee in due time and speak Peace to thy Soul If thou wilt prove all things and hold fast that which is good live according to what thou knowest to be the mind of God if thy own Conscience condemn thee God is greater than thy Conscience and knoweth all things We must direct Men to look to the Witness of God in their own Souls Thus saith the Psalmist Psal 4.4 Stand in Awe and sin not commune with your own hearts upon your Bed and be still If you will come to consider your Ways and commune with your own Hearts you may know how it is with you the Lord hath lengthened out your time a little longer therefore he would have you come to bring forth Fruits meet for Repentance and amendment of Life and be concerned for the Salvation of your Immortal Souls Ask your self this Question Am I fit to
die when-ever the Lord shall be pleased to call for me out of the World Am I prepared for my latter end Who are they that are prepared for a dying hour But those that know Evangelical repentance for Sin and Faith in Christ Jesus Now what is Repentance 1. Wherein doth it consist In a Knowledge of Sin Contrition and Sorrow for it and a Hatred of it There is first a Knowledg of Sin we must know that we are Sinners that we have sinned against the Lord. This is but a common thing all can come so far as to say we are Sinners and have gone astray like lost Sheep 2. But there is something more in true Repentance There must be a Godly Sorrow for Sin as it was with those to whom the Apostle Peter preached Acts 2.37 Let all the House of Israel know assuredly that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye have Crucified both Lord and Christ Now when they heard this they were pricked in their Hearts and said unto Peter and unto the rest of the Apostles Men and Brethren what shall we do We are troubled and distressed we know not what to do What shall we do to he saved And thus in a deep sense of sin David cryes out against thee thee only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight that thou mightst be justifyed when thou speakest and clear when thou judgest When he was awakened to a sorrow for his Sin he came to a good condition after he had cryed to the Lord in the beginning of that Penitential Psalm Have mercy upon me O God according to thy loving kindness according unto the multitude of thy tender mercyes blot out my transgressions wash me throughly from ●ine Iniquity and cleanse me from my Sin for acknowledg my transgressions and my Sin is ●er before me 2. There must not only be a knowledge of ●n and a sorrow for it but a forsaking of 〈◊〉 and a Hatred of it that we may not re●rn unto folly Every one of us that hope 〈◊〉 Salvation must be sensible of the evil of ●in be sorry for it and then depart from 〈◊〉 happy are you that are come so far as to ●e convinced of your Sin and pricked at the ●eart and to whom the Lord hath been so ●erciful as to give you hope of Pardon and ●emission This is the happy state of a Poor ●eking Soul that is come so far as to have ●s Sins washed and blotted out and when ●n is done away there is no more Living there● Then as the Apostle saith Hebr. 12.1 ●e shall lay aside every weight and the Sin ●hich doth so easily beset us Some have one ●●n and some another that is near to them ●hich the Apostle here calls that Sin that doth ●asily beset thee Persons may part with many ●ins and yet keep this one Sin This is a ●ate and condition wherein Men may fall short ●f Mercy therefore we must be purged from ●ll Sin redeemed from all Iniquity This should make every Man and Woman ●ake warning and be always watchful and ●ake heed lest there should be some Bosom ●in which like a Snake or Viper may sting 〈◊〉 and Destroy us If any Sin prevail over ●s there is great cause of shame trouble and ●rrow But there is a great difference between sinning willfully and falling into Sin throug● weakness and infirmity Heb. 10.26 If 〈◊〉 Sin willfully after we have received the kno●ledge of the Truth there remains no more S●crifice for Sins but a certain fearful looki● for of Judgment and fiery Indignation which sh● devour the Adversary Thus it will be if we give our selves to Sin when we know it is a Sin and yet will do it this is sinning willfully and presumptuously as some Persons Sin willfully so others do Sin through weakness and infirmity and ar● surprized by a Temptation This was the case of Peter who was Zealous for his Lord and Master Christ Jesus and said If all shoul● forsake him yet he would not Yet when i● came to the tryal he was overcome with the Temptation and he denyed his Lord Luke 22.56 c. A certain Maid beheld Peter as he sat by the Fire and earnestly looked upon him and said this Man was also with Jesus and h● denyed him saying Woman I know him not And after a little while another saw him and said thou art also of them And Peter said Man I am not And about the space of an hour after another confidently affirmed saying of a Truth this fellow also was with him for he 〈◊〉 a Galilean and Peter said Man I know not what thou sayest and Immediately while he yet spake the Cock Crew and the Lord turned and looked upon Peter and Peter remembred th● Word of the Lord how he had said unto him Before the Cock Crow thou shalt deny me thrice And Peter went out and wept bitterly In the 20th Chapter of John we read how ●hrist did reason with Peter and brought his ●in to his remembrance he had denyed Christ his Lord three times and our Saviour did ●hree times put the Question to him Simon ●on of Jonas lovest thou me more than these He saith unto him Yea Lord thou knowest ●hat I love thee he saith unto him Feed my ●ambs And put the same Question to him a ●econd time Lovest thou me And he also said ●nto him the third time Simon Son of Jonas ●●vest thou me Peter was grieved because he ●●id unto him the third time lovest thou me And he said unto him Lord thou knowest all ●hings thou knowest that I love thee Jesus saith unto him Feed my Sheep Peter began ●o be troubled and exceeding sorrowful when he remembred what large Promises he had made to his Lord and Master that he would not deny him or forsake him Our Saviour ●old him of it before-hand and said to him I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not ●nd when thou art converted strengthen thy ●rethren There must be a dependance upon the Lord Jesus Christ who ever lives to make Intercession for us If any Man sin saith the Apostle we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous and he is the Propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but ●lso for the sins of the whole World if they will ●elieve in him If the Righteous be scarcely sa●ed saith the Apostle where shall the Sinner ●ppear There is no safety nor shelter out of Christ it is he that appears in the presenc● of God for us that is for all that lay hold 〈◊〉 him and make it their care to live to hi● and to live according to what he hath mad● known to us Christ hath loved us dost thou love him again Wherein consists our love to him b● in keeping his Commandments As the F●ther hath loved me so I have loved you co●tinue ye in my love Christ hath loved us an● laid down his Life for us he hath taste● Death for every Man the Lord
the Lord I have found such strength and power given in that the Enemy hath given back When I awake in the morning and come to a Meeting I am in distress till I receive Bread from Heaven and Hony out of the Rock and Consolation from those precious Promises I will cause them to lie down and none shalt make them afraid and they shall have Bread in their own Houses and Water in their own Cisterns The more you wait upon the Lord the more you will find of supply from his heavenly helping-hand certainly God is carrying on the Work of your Redemption till you appear before him in Zion tho' at present it causeth trouble and exercise as it was with the Spouse when she was seeking after her Beloved with desires and breathings Cant. 6.8 I charge you Daughters of Jerusalem if you find my Beloved that ye tell him That I am sick of love To be sick of Love is a groaning mournful Exercise but when thy Saviour ●●mes and opens his Mouth in blessing thou ●ilt be abundantly satisfied as with Marrow ●nd Fatness and sit under his shadow with ●●●t Delight and his Fruit will be sweet un●● thy taste Thus it was with David When thou hidest thy face O God I am troubled and I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living One that is earnestly seeking after Christ will speak of his Excellencies as the Spouse did and thereby excite and stir up others to seek him also my Beloved is white and rudy the chiefest of ten thousand his Mouth is most sweet yea he is altogether Lovely This is my Beloved and this is my Friend O Daughters of Jerusalem whither is thy beloved gone they said whither is thy beloved turned aside that we may seek him with thee When thou art seeking after Christ he is not far from thee Rev. 3.20 Behold I stand at the Door and knock if any man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come unto him and will sup with him and he with me Some honest Country men will say one to another where is the Door Christ comes to It is the Door of the Heart What is this knocking of the beloved at the Door How shall I know when he knocks at the Door when the Spouse comes to have acquaintance with her beloved I sleep but my Heart waketh it is the Voice of my beloved that knocketh saying Open to me my Sister my love my dove my undefiled for my Head is filled with dew and m● locks with the drops of the Night My belov●● saith she put in his hand by the hole of 〈◊〉 Door and my Bowels were moved for him I 〈◊〉 up to open to my Beloved and my hands droppe● with myrrh and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh upon the handles of the lock I opened to my Beloved but my Beloved had withdrawn himself and was gone my Soul failed when he spake When the Lord is pleased to give a tast of his love then after a dark Night of sorrow and affliction the Day will break and the shadows flee away then at the dawning of this blessed Morning Christ will come to the disconsolate enquiring Soul and his reward is with him and his work before him then there shall be joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall fly away Then saith the humble Soul I am sensible of the goodness of the Lord sensible of mercy and supporting and preserving power but I am still under trouble and disquietness of mind and I am as David when he cryed out Lord make hast to help me for the Waters are come unto my Soul great distress and trouble are come into my Soul now though I have believed in Christ and obtained mercy and assistance from divine power against my Spiritual Enimies yet I have not kept my watch and my adversary the Devil by his subtilty and wiles hath ensnared me and given me a snap at the Heel and I have relapsed ●nto sin sinned presumptuously nay I am afraid I have sinned the unpardonable sin the 〈◊〉 against the Holy Ghost for I have been enlightened and tasted of the Heavenly gift 〈◊〉 have been made a partaker of the Holy Ghost and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the World to come The Apostle saith It is impossible for such if they fall away to be renewed again by Repentance I am affraid to die for I cannot triumph over Death as the Apostle did and say 1 Cor. 15.55 O Death where is thy sting O Grave where is thy victory the sting of Death is sin the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to God who giveth us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ I Answer Notwithstanding all thy doubts and fears thou art still to hope in God who is merciful and gracious forgiving transgression and sin and who hath promised that if we confess and forsake sin we shall find mercy and if we forsake sin and turn from our evil ways he will abundantly pardon Remember for thy encouragment the words of the Apostle 1 John 2.12 My little Children these things write I unto you that ye sin not And if any man sin we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole World If thou dost believe in Christ thou wilt be in a capacity to resist the Devil thy grand Enemy and to repel his temptations when he comes as an accuser to make shipwrack of thy Faith consider the tenderness and compassion of Christ toward broken and contrite sinners in 11 Mat. 28. in that sweet invitation Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest And also in that charge he giveth to Peter John 21 15. Simon Son of Jona● lovest thou me He answered Lord thou knowest all things thou knowest that I love thee then saith he feed my Lambs feed my Sheep c. Stephen when they were stoning him to Death did look unto Christ and had strong consolation triumphing over Death and the rage and fury of his Murderers Acts 17.55 He being full of the Holy Ghost looked up stedfastly into Heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the Right hand of God and they stoned Stephen calling upon God and saying Lord Jesus receive my Spirit And he kneeled down and cryed with a loud Voice Lord lay not this sin unto their Charge Thus look up unto Jesus when thy Adversary the Devil doth accuse thee and by believing thou wilt overcome him and go on conquering and to conquer till all thy enemies be utterly subdued Believe in the Lord Jesus who hath all Power in Heaven and Earth committed to him who is able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him and those that come unto him he will in no wise cast out