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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13694 The follovving of Christ Diuided into foure bookes. Written in Latin by the learned and deuout man, Thomas a Kempis, canon-regular of the order of S. Augustine. Whereunto also is added the golden Epistle of S. Bernard. And also certaine rules of a Christian life, made by Iohn Picus the elder, Earle of Mirandula. Translated into English by B.F.; Imitatio Christi. English. Hoskins, Anthony, 1568-1615.; Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.; Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153. Epistola de perfectione vitae. English.; Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 1463-1494, Regulae duodecim portim excitantes portim dirigentes hominem in pugna spirituali. English. aut; Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471, attributed name.; Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555? 1615 (1615) STC 23988; ESTC S111535 135,170 483

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and my body naked for thy sins so that nothing remained in mee that was not turned into a sacrifice for the appeasing of the diuine wrath so oughtest thou also to offer vp thy self willingly vnto me daily in the Masse as a pure and holy oblation with thy whole force and desire in as heartie a manner as thou canst What doe I require of thee more then that thou resigne thy selfe wholy vnto mee Prou. 23. Whatsoeuer thou giuest besides thy selfe is of little account in my sight for I seeke not thy gift but thee 2 As it would not suffice thee to haue all things whatsoeuer besides me so neither can it please mee whatsoeuer thou giuest if thou offerest not vp thy selfe Offer thy selfe vnto me and giue thy selfe all that thou art for God and thy offering shall be gratefull Behold I offered vp my selfe wholy vnto my Father for thee and gaue my whole body and bloud for thy food that I might be wholy thine and thou remaine mine But if thou abidest in thy selfe and doest not offer thy selfe vp freely vnto my will thy oblation is not entire neither shall the vnion betweene vs be perfect Therefore a free offering vp of thy selfe into the hands of God ought to goe before all thy actions if thou wilt obtaine freedome and grace For this cause so few become inwardly illuminated and enjoy true liberty of heart for that they do not resolue wholy to deny themselues My saying is vndoubtedly true Vnlesse one forsake all hee cannot bee my Disciple Ioh. 14. If thou therefore wish to bee mine offer vp thy selfe vnto mee with thy whole desires CHAP. IX That we ought to offer vp our selues and all that is ours vnto God and to pray for all The voice of the Disciple THine O Lord are all things that are in heauen in earth Ps 23. I desire to offer vp my self vnto thee is a free oblation and to remaine alwaies thine O Lord in sincerity of my hart I offer my self vnto thee this day in sacrifice of perpetuall praise to be thy seruant for euer Receiue mee with this holy oblation of thy precious body which in the presence of the Angels inuisibly attending heere vpon thee I offer vp this day vnto thee that it may be to the health of my soule and the saluation of all thy people 2 I offer vnto thee O Lord al my sins and offences which I haue committed in the sight of thee and thy holy Angels from the day wherein I first could sin to this houre vpon thy holy Altar that thou maist consume and burne them all with the fire of thy charity wash out all the stains of my sins and clense my conscience from all offence and restore to me againe thy grace which I lost by sin forgiuing me all my offences and receiuing me mercifvlly in the kisse of peace 3 What can I do for my sins but humbly confesse and bewaile them and intreat alwaies for mercy without intermission Psal 31. I beseech thee heare me in thy abundant mercy whē I stand before thee my God All my sins are very displeasing vnto me I will neuer commit them any more but I am sory and will be sory for them as long as I liue am ready to do penance and to satisfie for them to the vttermost of my power Forgiue me O God forgiue mee my sinnes for thy holy names sake saue my soule which ●●ou hast redeemed with thy precious bloud Behold I commit my selfe vnto thy mercy I resigne my selfe ouer into thy hands Do with me according to thy goodnesse not according to my wickednes and manifold iniquities 4 I offer vp also vnto thee all whatsoeuer is good in me although it be very little and imperfect that thou mayest amend and sanctifie it that thou mayest make it gratefull and acceptable vnto thee and alwaies perfect more and more that which thou hast begunne and bring me also who am the slouthfull and vnprofitable creature to a good and blessed end 5 I offer vp also vnto thee all the godly desires of deuout persons the necessities of my parents and friends my brethren and sisters and of all those that are deare vnto me and that haue done good either to my selfe or others for thy loue and that haue desired mee to say Masse and pray for them and all theirs whether they be yet aliue or already dead that they all may receiue the help of thy grace and comfort protection from dangers deliuery from paine and being freed from all euils may joyfully giue worthy thankes to thee 6 I offer vp also vnto thee my prayers and sacrifices especially for them who haue in any thing wronged grieued or slaundered mee or haue done mee any domage or displeasure and for those also whome I haue at any time grieued troubled and scandalized by words or deeds wittingly or at vnawares that it may please thee to forgiue vs all our sinnes and offences one against the other Take O Lord from our hearts all jealousie all indignation wrath and contention and whatsoeuer may hurt Charitie and weaken brotherly loue Haue mercie O Lord haue mercie on those that craue thy mercie giue grace vnto them that stand in need thereof and grant that wee may bee worthy to enioy thy grace and attaine to life euerlasting Amen CHAP. X. That the holy Communion is not lightly to be forborne The voice of the Beloued THou oughtest often to haue recourse to the Fountaine of grace and of diuine mercy to the Fountaine of goodnesse and of all piety that thou mayest bee cured of thy sinnes and passions and deserue to be made more strong and vigilant against all temptations and deceits of the Diuell The enemie knowing the greatest profit and remedy to consist in the holy Communion endeauoureth by all meanes and occasions to withdraw and hinder faithful and deuout persons from it 2 Some when they purpose to receiue the sacred Communion suffer greatest assaults of the Diuell For that wicked spirit as is written in Iob commeth amongst the Sonnes of God to trouble them with his accustomed malice and impiety or to make them ouer fearefull and perplexed that so he may diminish their affection or by his subtile assaults take away their faith to the end they may either altogether abstaine from this diuine foode or at least come vnto it with lesse deuotion But there is no heed to be taken of his frauds and malicious suggestions be they neuer so filthy and hideous but all is to be turned backe vpon his owne head Wee ought to contemne and scorne him miserable wretch and not to omit the sacred Communion for his assaults and the troubles which he raiseth 3 Oftentimes also an excessiue care for the obtaining of deuotion and a certaine anxiety for the making of our Confession hindreth vs. Follow in these occasions the counsell of the wise and put away all anxiety and scruple for it hindereth the grace of God and ouerthroweth deuotion Omit
plunged that we can seldome contemplate the things of heauen doe minister vnto vs matter of most just sorrow and hartie contrition 5 If thou didst thinke more diligently of thy death then of liuing long thou wouldest without doubt be more careful in the amendment of thy life Eccles 7. And if thou wouldest consider within thy selfe the paines of hell or of Purgatory Mat. 25. I am perswaded it would moue thee to endure any labour or paine whatsoeuer in this world and not to feare any kinde of austerity But because these things enter not to the heart and wee still loue that which delighteth vs therefore we remaine cold and void of spirituall vigour 6 Oftentimes our want of spirit is the cause that our wretched bodies do so quickly complaine Pray therefore with all humility to our Lord that he will vouchsafe to giue thee the spirit of contrition and say with the Prophet Feed me O Lord with the bread of tears giue me to drink with teares in measure Ps 79. CHAP. XXII Of the consideration of humane misery MIserable thou art wheresoeuer thou be whithersoeuer thou turnest if thou turnest not thy selfe to God Why art thou troubled when things succeed not as thou wouldest and desirest Who is there that hath all things as he wil Eccls. 7. Neither I nor thou nor any man vpon earth There is not any man in this world without some tribulation or affliction though he be a King or a Pope Who thinkest thou then is in best case Truely he that willingly suffereth something for God 2 Many weake and feeble men say Behold how well such a one liues hovv rich hovv povverfull hovv beautifull how great a man he is but lift vp thine eyes to the riches of heauen Luk. 12. and thou shalt see that al temporal prosperity is as nothing full of vncertainty and which rather oppresseth then otherwise for it is neuer had vvithout solicitude and feare The felicitie of man consisteth not in hauing abundance of temporall riches a meane sufficeth Prou. 19. Iob. 14. It is truely misery enough to liue vpon earth How much more a man desireth to bee spirituall so much the more distasteful is this present life vnto him for hee better perceiueth and seeth more clearely the defects of humane corruption Eccls. 2. To eat to drink to watch to sleepe to labour to repose and to bee subiect to all other necessities of nature is doubtlesse a great misery to a deuout minde that would gladly be free and deliuered from all sinne 3 The inward man is much oppressed with these corporall necessities whilest he is in this world And therefore the holy Prophet prayeth with great deuotion to be deliuered from them saying Deliuer mee O Lord from my necessities Psal 24. But wo bee to them that know not their misery and much more to them that loue this miserable and corruptible life For some there bee so dotingly affected vnto it that although with labor and begging they scarce get bread to eate yet if they might liue heere alwaies they would care but little for the kingdom of heauē 4 O senselesse creatures and infidels in hart who lie buried so deep in earth that they haue no taste nor feeling but of sensuall things Rom. 8. But miserable wretches they shall in the end feele to their cost how vile of no esteeme was that which they loued The Saints of God the deuout seruants and friends of Christ respected little what pleased their naturall inclinations or what flourished in this life but with their whole hopes and intentions they sought after the riches of heauen 1. Pet. 51. Heb. 11. Their whole desire was carried vp to those euerlasting treasures which are inuisible lest they might haue bin drawne to base affections by the loue of visible things Lose not thy hope to profit in spirituall matters there is yet time the houre is not yet past Rom. 13. 5 Why wilt thou defer thy good purpose Rise vp in this very instant and beginne and say Now is the time to worke the time to fight novv is it a fit time to amend my selfe When any tribulation or affliction doth befall thee then is the time to merit Thou must passe thorovv fire and vvater before thou come to rest Psalm 65. Vnlesse thou vse violence to thy selfe thou shalt not ouercome thy euill inclinations As long as vvee carrie about vvith vs this fraile bodie of ours vvee can neuer bee vvithout sinne nor liue vvithout tediousnes and griefe We vvould gladly enjoy quietnesse and bee deliuered from all miserie but for that vvee haue by sinne lost our innocencie wee haue together with it lost also our happinesse Rom. 7. Gen. 3. and therefore it behoueth vs to haue patience and to expect the mercie of God till this iniquity haue an end and that which is mortall be swallowed vp of life 2. Cor. 5. 6 O how great is the frailety of man alwaies inclined to euil Gen. 6 To day thou confessest thy sins and to morrow thou committest againe the same which thou didst confesse Now thou proposest to take heed and within an houre thou doest as if thou haddest made no purpose at al. We may therefore with great reason humble our selues and neuer admit any thought of our owne esteeme being so weak as we are and subiect to euery change 2. Mach. 9. Full soone God-knowes is that lost by negligence which with much labour was hardly gotten by grace 7 What will become of vs in the end that doe so timely beginne to wax cold Woe be vnto vs if wee will now giue our selues to ease as if all were already in peace and security when as yet there scarce appeareth so much as any signe of true sanctity in our conuersation It were needfull that we were taught good manners againe like children if so perhaps there might be some more hope of our amendment and profit in spirit CHAP. XXIII Of the consideration of death THe houre of death will quickly ouertake thee and therefore looke how thou liuest To day a man is liuing and to morrow he doth not appeare and being once out of sight he is also quickly out of minde Iob. 9. 14. Luk. 12. O dulnes and hardnes of mans heart who thinketh only on that he seeth and foreseeth not that which is to come Hebr. 9. Thou shouldest alwayes so order thy thoughts and actions as if this very day thou wert to depart this life If thou hadst a good conscience thou wouldest not much feare death Luk. 12. It is better to auoid sin then to flie death Sap. 4. If thou be not prepared to day how wilt thou be prepared to morrow Mat. 24. 25. To morrow-day is vncertaine and whether thou shalt see it or no thou knowest not 2 What doth it auaile vs to liue long when we do so little amend A long life doth not alwaies make vs better nay rather it oftentimes heapeth vpon vs a greater load of sins O