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A06743 [The flour of godly praiers] [most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard, health, and comforte of all degrees, and estates / newlie made by Thomas Becon]. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1550 (1550) STC 1719.5; ESTC S1782 124,086 356

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promyse blesse our laboures and bring thē vnto a fortunate ende For we O Lorde Psal. xcv feede not oure selues but we are the shepe of thi pasture Thou feedest vs. Thou geuest meat to the hungry Psa. cxlvi Thou prepareste manne hys corne and prouydeste for the earthe Thou watrest her forrowes Psal. lxv thou breakest the harde clods thereof thou makeste it softe with the droppes of raine and blesseste the encrese of it Thou crowneste the yeare wyth thy bountifulnesse and thy footesteps drop fatnesse Thou also makest the dwellyng of the wildernesse fatte that they droppe wythall and the litle hilles makest thou pleasāte on euerye side Yea thou makest the valleies to stand so thick with corne that they laugh and synge Psal. ciiii Thou causeste the wels to springe vp among the valies and the waters to runne amonge the hylles that all the beastes of the fylde maye haue dryncke and that the wylde Asses may quenche their thryste Thou waterest the hyls frō aboue the earth is filled with the fruts of thy workes Thou bringest forth gras for the cattel grene herbs for the seruice of mē Thou brīgest foode oute of the earthe wyne to make gladde the hearte of man oyl to make hym a chereful countenaunce and breade to strength mannes hearte O Lorde howe manifolde are thy works ryghte wyselye hast thou made them al yea the earth is ful of thy riches It is thy blessynge Pla. cxiiii● that our garners are full and plentous wyth al manner of store that our shepe brynge forth thousandes hundred thousandes in our vyllages and fyeldes that oure oxen be ●ustye and fatte that we haue all thynges plenteouslye for the sustentacyon of oure bodyes Psalm● v. For whē thou openest thy hand thou fylleste euerye lyuynge creature wyth thy blessing but when thou hydest thy face thei are sorowfull mourne and dye for honger Forasmuch then O moost mercyfull father as we receiue of the alone all good thynges Psal. l●● vouchesafe we moost hertely besech the to shew vs thy face to lyghten thy continuance vppon vs to blesse vs to make the erth frutful and to preserue the fruits of the same that we ▪ thi creatures receiuing at thy merciful hād al things necessary for this our nedy beggerli lyfe may liue and magnifi thy blessed name both in this world and in the worlde to come thorow Iesu Christ thy sōne our lord Amen A prayer that we maye haue the feare of God before our eyes in all our doings O Almighty and euerlastynge God Mala i. thi holi worde teacheth vs that thou arte not onlie a father but also a Lorde not onlye a forgeuer but also a reuenger not onlye a sauioure but also a Iudge And as thou beeinge a father a forgiuer a sauiour dost pardon shew mercye so thou beinge a Lord a reuenger a Iudge punysheste and condempneste Neyther dothe thy holye scripture onelye set fourth vnto vs a gospelle whyche comforteth vs quyckenethe vs sheweth vs mery tidings forgiueth our sinnes quyeteth our conscience and brīgeth vnto vs euerlastynge lyfe but also a lawe whych reproueth accuseth condemneth vs ii Cor. iii. woundeth and sleath oure conscyence yea and throweth vs down headlonge into the deepe dongeon of helle And as the Gospell lyfteth vs vp and maketh vs merie with the hope of remissiō and forgiuenes of our sīnes so doth the law plucke vs down and almost driue vs vnto desperacyon for feare of the plages and euerlastynge punishementes whyche thou haste prepared for them that despise thi holy ordynances so that we may not onelye loue the as a father a forgeuer a sauioure but also fere the as a Lord a reuēger a iudge Forasmuche therefore O moost gentel sauyoure and moost righteous iudge as nothynge doeth so myghtelye put awaye synne and maketh vs to walke in the wai of thy cōmaundements ●ccle i. as reuerentelye to feare the to stande in awe of thy iudgement and heuye displeasure we most entirly pray the to geue vs that feare whyche thou requireste of vs in thy holye scriptures 〈◊〉 xxxiiii ●●ii.cxxviii and whereunto thou haste promysed so manye large boūteous benefites that we may not only loue the as a sauiour honor the as a father but also reuerence the as a Lord fear the as a iudge O Lord all thynges are open vnto thy eyes neyther is any thynge hid from the which seeste the verie secretes most inward thoughtes of oure heartes geue vs therfore grace that in all oure enterprises Hebru iiii Ieri xvii we euer set thy feare before our eies so stand in awe of the and of thy righteous iudgements that we attempt nothing wherby we shuld prouoke thi heauie displeasure against vs but so walke in thy feare and in thy holie ordinances that we may at all tymes loue the as a sauioure honour the as a father reuerence y● as a Lorde feare the as a iudge So shal it come to passe that we reuerentelye fearynge the as the chylde dothe his father shall not onlye auoide all suche euilles as might make the oure heauy Lord and ferce iudge but also embrace those vertues whyche shall both euidentelie declare oure faithfull loue true honour vnfained reuerence and humble feare towarde the and also make the our louing father and moost mercyfull sauioure thorowe Iesu Christe oure Lord. Amen A prayer for ffayth VUe are taughte by thy holye Apostle O mooste louynge Rom. xiiii sauioure that what soeuer is not of faith is synne and that it is impossible to please the with oute fayth 〈◊〉 xi and therfore they that come vnto the must beleue that thou art God yea and such a God as is both able and also wil abundauntelye rewarde all them that with true faieth seke the. Ieremy v. For thy eyes O Lorde looke vpon faythe and thou doest appere and shewthi selfvnto them Sapien. i. that haue faith in the Ose. iii. yea thorowe fayeth thou beinge the kinge of glory art maryed to the souls of the faithful and makest them partakers of thy deuine nature thorow the wonderful working of thy blessed spirite Thorow faith so many as beleue ar iustified Roma iii. iiii and .v. Gal. ii iii.iiii and .v. Ephe. ii Marke xi made the sonnes and heirs of God haue euerlasting lyfe By faith we obtein of god al good thīgs euen whatsoeuer we axe ī thy name Seīg y● faith is so precyous a iewel in the sight that wtout it nothing is acceptable vnto thy deuyne maiestye and we of oure owne nature can not haue thys moost synguler treasure excepte thou geuest it vnto vs frō aboue and doest breath it into our herts by thy holie spirite for we of oure selfs are blynd ignorant folysh i. Corin. ●● by no meanes can perceiue the thinges that perteine to the spirit of God we moost hertely besech the to take awai frō vs al infideliti
with broyded hea●e other gold or pearles or costly araye but wyth such as becommeth weme● that professe the worshippinge of God thorow good workes ▪ that the hid mā of the hert be vncorrupt with a meke quiet spirit which spir●t is before God a thynge much set by Againe graunt O Lord that both the husbandes and the wyues may so walk in thy feare and in thy holy lawe that thou maiste haue a plesure in them blesse thē prospere theyr enterpryses make them frutfull ioyful parentes Finally the children that thou sēdest thē giue thē grace so to bring vpin thy nourter doctryne Ephe. vi that they liuing together many years doth ioyfully quietly maye with one voice with one mind gloryfy thi blessed name for euer amē A prayer for women with childe THou O Lord art wonderful in al thy workes and whatso euer thy good plesure is that doest thou easly bryng to pas Psa. cxv nether is ani thing impossible with the that thou wylte haue done Mathe. xix Mark x. And albeit thys thine almyghty-power sheweth it self abundantlye in al thi workes Luke xviii yet in the cōce●nyng forming and bryngyng forthe of m●n it shineth no●te e●ydentlye At the begynnynge o heauenly father when thou m●deste manne and woman thou co●maundest them to encrease multiply and replenish the earth If thorow the subt●le entisemēte● of Satā Ge● i.ix. they had not trāsgressed thy cōmaūdement by eatyng the forbyddē fruite the woman whom thou haste appoyncted the organ 〈◊〉 iii. i. Tim. ii instrument vessel to cōceiue norishe bringe forth man thorow thy wond●rful workmāshippe had without any la●oure paine or trauayle brought forthe her fruite But that whych● thy goodnesse made easye syn disobedience hath made hard painful daūgerous if thy helpe wer not impossible to be broughte to passe Gen. iii. so that now al womē bring forth their children in great sorowes paines troubles Psa. xlviii Notwithstanding y● shewest thi selfe vnto thi creatures a father of mercy Ecl. xlvii● ▪ God of all consolacion For that which thorow their own inperfeccion fiblenesse thei are not able of them selfes to bringe to passe ●saye xiii Ier. vi xxx E●ech ●xx thou thorow thyne vnspeakable power makest easye in thē Ose. xiii bringeste vnto a fortunate ende We therfore beinge fully perswaded of thy bente and redy goodnesse Miche i ii Iohn xvi of thy present helpe of thy swete co●fort in al miseryes and necessities knowyng also by the testimonies of thy holy woorde howe greatand intollerable the paines of women are the trauail of childe if thorow thy tēder mercies they be not mitigated and eased most humbly pray y● for Iesu Christes sake thy sonne and our lord that thy louyng kyndne●se may make that easye tollerable which sin hath made hard and paynefull Ease ▪ o lord thou paines which thou moste ryghteouslye haste put vpon al women for the syn and dysobedience of our graund mother Eue Genesi iii. in whom al we haue sinned and geue vnto al such as haue cōceiued be wyth chylde strength to brynge forth that whiche thou wōderfully hast wrought in thē Be present with thē in their trouble helpe them and deliuer thē Let thy power be shewed no lesse in the safe bringing forth thē in the wonderful fashioning of the child the that whiche the haste begun in them mai come vnto good successe Make them glad ioyfull mothers that they thorow thy goodnesse being safely delyuered and restored to theyr old strenghthes maye lyue and prayse thy blessed name for euer Amen ¶ A thankesgeuynge vnto God for theyr delyueraunce AMong other thy benefytes yea and those innumerable which thou dayly bestowest vpō vs thi nedy pore creatures this is not the least o most merciful father that thou of thi tender goodnes doest vouchsafe for the conseruacion of mākynde to preserue the women that are wyth child and to geue thē safe deliueraunce of theyr burden by thys meanes makyng them glad and wyfull mothers For this thy benefyt and good wyl towarde vs we so hartely thanke the as hert canne thynke besechinge the to worke suche thākefulnesse in the harte● of al mothers by thy holy spyryte that they beynge not vnmindeful of this high benefyt of theyr safe deliueraunce wrought only by the the sauiour of al man kynde maye shewe them selfes thankefull vnto the for this thy goodnesse ▪ and neuer forget that thy presēt helpe and moste swete comforte which thou mercyfully shewedst vpon thē in theyr great trauayles Psalme l. Pro. xviii labours and paynes whē thei fled vnto thy holy name for succour as vnto a strōge bulwarke and holy defēce Go forth o Lorde Psa. cxiiii to make them the ioyful mothers of many childrē Endue them with lōge life Ps. cxxviii that thei may se then childres children And the chyldren that thou geueste vnto thē Luke i ii make thou as in age so likewise in wisedome in the abundaunce of thy holye spirite to encrease that they may haue fauor bothe with the and with all good men vnto the glorye of thy moste blessed name Amen A prayer for Fathers and Mothers FOR asmuche O heauenlye father Ps● xviii as thou haste dealte wyth the chyldren of menne more nobly then with brute beastes and with other thi creatures by geuing them not only an amiable body ▪ but also a mynde whiche is immortall and neuer shall dy Gene. i. Sapi. ii and for the garnyshyng of the same that it mai be made like vnto the similitude like nes and Image of the hast in thy holy law commaūded all fathers and mothers Deu. iiii xi Eccle vii ● xxx xl.ii Ephe. vi Tit ▪ ii whome thou haste blessed with the gifte of chyldren to take diligēt care for the vertuous bringyng vp of theyr sōnes doughters that they maye learne euen from theyr very cradels to know the theyr Lorde God to beleue in the to feare and loue thee to call vpon thi blessed name to be thākfull vnto the and to walke in thy holye commaundementes al the daies of their life We knowing how frowarde euil disposed ▪ and vntoward the harte Gene. viii wyt and disposicion of manne is euen frome his very youth if it be not restrained with the byt of thy most blessed lawe hertely pray the to geue al fathers and mothers grace after the example of Abraham Gene. xviii ii Reg. ii Tob. i. ●iii i. Math. ii Dani. ●iii Actes xxi ii Tim iii. Dauid Tobi Mathathias the parētes of Susan Philip the Euāgelist and suche other to brynge vp theyr chyldren euen frō theyr very infāci in thi feare in thi nourture and in the knowledge of thy most healthful word that they sekyng no lesse the garnishinge of their childrēs myndes with learning vertue thē the preseruīg of their
moste of al wisheth but to exercise try their faith to proue their cōstaci in this their cōstict to occasion thē bi herti praiers to 〈◊〉 vnto thi holi name Pro. xvi●i ▪ which is a strōg tower mighty fortres for so many as repayre vnto it the thei getting ayde at thy hande maye not onli enter battel with this their great immortal enemy but also by the power of thy myghte ouer come hi● and put him to flyght And as thou hast geuē satā thys liberti to tempt to exercise Iob. i. proue and try vs whether we be costāt in thy faythe and word or not so dooth he take thy profer And althoughe thou sufferest hym thus to do for our great profit singuler commodity for we know that all thyngs worke for the beste vnto theym that loue God Rom. v● euen that we of oure selfes beynge weake shuld haue a gloryous triumphe and noble vyctory ouer hym thorowe the myghty puissaunce of the our grande captain yet herof taketh he an occasiō to seke our destruccion And that he may bring this to passe besides the innumerable companye of hellishe spyrites he taketh vnto hym .ii. other our moost cruel ennemies i. Ihon. ii ●●lath v. Ps● cxxiiii the world the flesh The one with his vain pleasures the other with her carnal lustes so compasse vs round about that if thy presēt help wer not we must nedes perish O louyng Lorde and most gentle sauyoure thou seest our weaknes myserye i Re xxvii ●ccl xlvii and no strength Thou knoweste againe the valeaunte myght and power of oure aduersaries Our strēgth is no more to be compared wyth theyr mighte then the strength of lytle Dauid with the mightye power of great Goliah oure speare oure swerd oure shielde wyll do nothynge in thys behalfe Notwythstandyng Lord we do not despayre For al thoughe there bee not so greate strengthe in vs ii P● xiiii that we may be able to resyst this greate company that cōmeth against vs yet haue we this one refuge and succour euen to lift vp our eyes Psal. cx●● vnto the to saye our help commeth frō the lord our god whych made heuen and earth If God be on our syde who canne be againste vs Rom. viii i. Reg. vii The battel O lord God is thine oure faythe therfore is that thou wylte geue oure ennemyes into our handes Math. ● Thou taughtest vs to pray that we maie not be ledde into temptacion and hast promised vs that thou wilte not suffer vs too bee tempted aboue oure strengthe i. Cor ● but wylte in the middes of the temptacyon make a-away for vs to escape Thou art fayt●ful Psal. ●●lv Ti●● i ▪ 〈…〉 ●ii ●● Tim. ii fulfyl therefore thy promise And forasmuch as thi good pleasu●e is that we shal manfully fyght with these our enemies for what is the lyfe of manne in this world ▪ but a continual warfarre and no man is crowned excepte he stryue lawefullye we wyth our very heart dyspairinge of oure owne strengthe corage moost humblye beseche the to be our captayne and valeauntelye to defende vs agaynst oure enemyes ▪ that they may not preuaile agaynste vs. Make vs strong in the O Lord and in the power of thy mighte Putte on thy holy armour vpon vs that we may stād stedfast against the crafty as●autes of the deuyl Ephe●● vi For wee wrastle not against the flesh and bloud but agaynst rule agaynste power and against worldly rulers of the darknes of thys world agaynste spyrytual wyckednes in heauenlye things For this cause O mooste sweete sauiour put vpon vs thy holy armour that we mai be able to resist in the euil day and stand perfect in all thynges Gyue vs grace therfore to stand to gird our loynes aboute wyth veritye hauyng on the brestplate of righteousnes and shoed with shooes prepared by the Gospell of peace But aboue al graūt that we may take vnto vs the shilde of faithe wherw t we may be able to quēch al the fyry dartes of the wycked to put on the helmete of saluacion and the swearde of the spirite which is thy blessed word Graūt also that we being thus godly en armed may thorow thy puissāce might and strength not onely enter battel with our enemyes but also valeauntly fyght with them coragiously put them to flyght tryumphantly cary away a glorious vyctory ouer them So shall it come to passe that we being valeaunt conquerours thorow thy help shal receiue at thy hānd accordyng to thi promyse Manna to eat that is hyd Ap●c● ii a white stone in the stone a new name wrytten which no man knoweth sauyng he that receiueth it Lorde for thy mercies sake grant vs these our peticions So shal we praise and magnyfye thy blessed name for euer euer Amen A prayer for remission of synnes IF we wretched synners O Lord God hadde not louīg promises of thy tēder mercy in the holye scriptures for the comfort of our weake conscyences and sorowful herts we se none other reamedy so great infinit are our sinnes but that we must nedes despayre But for asmuch as what soeuer thynges are wrytten Roma x● are wrytten for oure learninge that thorowe pacience and the comfort of scriptures we mai haue hope our sis although neuer so mani abhominable do not so muche make vs sadde as thy louynge kindenes and tēder mercyes make vs gladde Oure syns we confesse are innumerable but thi mercies are also infynyte Ezec. xviii Thou art that most gentle Lord whych wylt not the deathe of a sīner Say●e xi but rather that he turn and lyue Mathe. i. Thou for repentaunce sake dissemblest and wylt not se the sinnes of men Luke ii Thou confessest that thou cammest into thys world to saue sīners i. Timo. ii to cal not the righteous Mathe. ix Luke xvi but sinners vnto repētaūce and to seke vp that which was lost Mathe. xi Thou callest vnto thee al them that ar diseased and ladē wyth the heauy burden of synne Luke xix Math. xi and promysest that thou wilt ease them E●aye i. Yea by thi prophet thou saiest ▪ if we will washe make clene our selfs put awai our euil thoughts out of thi sight cese frō doīg of euil violēce learn to do right apply our selfs to equitie deliuer the oppressed help the fatherles to his right heare the widows cōplaint though our sis wer as red as scarlet yet shal they be made whiter thē snow And thogh they wer like purple yet shall they bee made like white wolle Yea thou saiest more ouer that for thy own sake euē for thy mercie name sake thou wilt be good vnto vs fauour vs so cast away al our sins behind thy back Esay xliii that thou wilt neuer remēber thē more O lord thou arte the
thou offerest thyself vnto hym as a most gētle father to his deare sonne and by temporall punyshment ●uttest away eternall paynes whych both he and all we thorow our synfull liuing haue most ryghtouslye deserued and by makyng the outeward man weke thou comfortest and makest strōg the inward mā which is made like to thi glorious image We most entirely besech the mercifully to behold this our weke brother and as that piteful Samaritane to poure wine and oyle into his woundes to bynde them vp that is to relieue hym to cōfort hym and to cherysh him wyth thy holy spirit to make him stronge in his inwarde man that in the middes of his syckenes he may not only ●ere the crosse that thou haste layed on hym pacyently and so shewe hym self conformable to thy blessed wyll but also thanckfully praise thy holy name for thy fatherly correccion with vnfayned and stronge fayth say The lord gaue me my health the Lord hath taken it away agayne As it hath pleased the lord so it is come to passe now blessed be the the name of the Lord. Oh it is for my great profyt that the lord hath thus visited me euen that I shulde learne to forsake myne own wyl and to walcke in hys holye ordynaunces I am his creature a shepe of his pasture let him deale wyth me as semeth good in hys godly syghte For whyther I liue or dye I am the Lordes Hys wil therfore be done and not myne Gyue hym grace O swete Iesu thus to be perswaded of thy good wyll towarde hym euen in the myddes of hys moost bytter agonyes that he faynt not vnder the crosse but paciently and thanckefully abyde thy good plesure and wyth earnest fayth cal on thy blessed name which is a strong tower for all them that fle vnto it Moreouer forasmuch O Lord as it is not thy property alway to chyde alway to be angry alwaye to punyshe neither to deale wyth vs accordyng to oure sinnes nor yet to reward vs after our iniquities but as thou takest awaye so geuest thou againe as thou bryngest downe to the graue so liftest thou vp agayne as thou makest weake so makest thou stronge agayne We most humbly beseche the if it be thy godly pleasure the rather at the contēplaciō of these oure prayers to restore vnto oure weake brother after this his long sicknes the confortable benefyte of ioyfull healthe And as thou haste broughte him low wyth la●ing thy heauye crosse on hym so we moste hartely beseche the if it be thy godly wyll rayse hym vp agayne by restoryng vnto hym his former healthe that he may lyue and contynue here among vs vnto the glorye of thy name and the comfort of vs hys neyghbours But if thy godly pleasure haue otherwyse determyned that by thys hys sycknes thou wylte call hym from this vale of miseri and place hym in thy gloryous kyngdome which alone is the true ioyful and greatly longed for contre of al thy chosen and faythful people we most entierly pray the in the meane whyle to geue hym grace paciently and thankfully to beare hys crosse diligently to cal on thy holy name valeauntly to fight agaynst al the tentacions of the deuyll the flesh and the worlde and faithfullye to beleue that the merits of thi blessed passiō precious bloud are the full satisfaccion for all hys synnes and haue made a perfect atonement and frendlye reconciliaciō betwene god the father and hym Graunt O mooste merciful sauioure that his whole hart and mynde may so be set vpon the that at what soeuer houre thou callest hym out of this wretched world he mai be willing and glad to depart from it and to cōe vnto the. O let the remembraūce of the ioyes of heauen bee so feruent in hys brest that all wordlye thynges may waxe vyle in hym and a perfect desyre found in him to be losoned out of this bodi and to be with y● in glory And when the time commeth that he shall gyue ouer to nature and depart out of thys miserable world though the paynes of deathe take awaye the vse of hys tonge and speache yet graūt that his heart may cry vnto the and saye O Lorde I commende my soule into thy hādes Lorde Iesu take my spirite vnto thee Graunt also most louyng Lord that when death hath shut vp the eyes of his bodye he maye wyth the eyes of hys soule beholde and looke vpon thy gloryous maiestye in thy heauenlye kyngdome where thou wyth the father and the holy Ghoste lyuest and reignest one true and euerlasting God in al honour and glory worldes wythout ende Amen A prayer to be sayed for all suche as lye at the poynt of deathe O Moste louynge Sauioure and gentle redemer whyche cammest into this world to call synners vnto repentance to seke vp that was loste thou seest in what case thys oure brother lyeth here visited with thy mercyful hand al weake feble sick and ready to yeld vp his soule into thi holi hands O loke vpō him most gentle sauiour with thy merciful eie pitie him and be fauorable vnto him He is thy workmanshippe despise not therefore the work of thine owne handes Thou sufferedst thy blessed body thy precyous bloud to be shed for his sins and to bring hym vnto the glory of thy heauenlye father let it not therefore come to passe that thou shuldest suffer so great pains for him in vaine He was baptised in thi name and gaue himself wholy to be thy seruaunt forsakynge the deuyl the world and the flesh confesse hym therefore before thy heauenlye father and hys blessed aungels to be thy seruaunt Prou. xvi Hys synnes we confesse ar great for who is able to sai mi hert is clene and I am fre from synne but thy mercyes o Lord are much greater Ma●h ix And thou cāmest not to cal y● ryghteous but synners vnto repentance M●th● xi To them that are disesed and ouerladen wyth the burdē of sin doste thou promyse ease Thou art that god Ezec. xviii which willest not the death of a synner but rather that he shoulde turne lyue Thou art the sauioure which wishest all men to be saued i. Timo. ii and to come to the knoledge of thy truth Withdraw not therfore thy merci frō him because of his sins but rather lay vpon hym thy sauynge health that thou maist shewe thy self toward hym to be a sauioure What greter praise cā ther be to a phisiciō thē to he le the sick Nether cā th●r be a gr●ter glori to the being a ●auiour then to saue siners saue hī therfore o lord for thi nāe sake Agaī let the law b●●o ●orsiffe to his consciēce but rather giue hī grace euen in this extreme agoni cōflict of deth to be fully persuaded that thou by thy death hast takē away al his sīs Ro●● ▪ i. fulfilled the law for him bi this means deliuered
hym from the cursse of the lawe Galath iii and paied his ransome that he thus being fully perswaded may haue a quiet herte a fre conscience a glad wil to forsake this wretched world and to go vnto the his lorde god Moreouer thou hast conquered him that hadde rule of death euē satā Hebru ii suffer him not therfore to exercise hys tirranny vpō this our sycke brother nor to disquiet his cōsciēce with the errours of sin and pains of hell Gse● xiii i. Cori. xv Lette not Satan nor his infernall army tempt him further thē he is able to bear but euermore gyue hym grace euen vnto his last breath valeantly to fight against the deuil witha a stronge fayeth in thy precyouse bloud that he may fyght a good fight and finish his course with ioy vn the to glorye of thi name and the health of his soul. O lord so work in him by thy holy spirite that he wyth al his hert may contempne dispise al worldly thyng●s and set his minde who●ly vpon heauēly thynges hopyng for thē with a strong vndouted fayth Agayn let it not greue him o swet sauior to be lo●oned frō this vile wretched carcase which is now so full of sorowe trouble anguysh sickenes and paine but rather let h●m haue abent and readye wyll thorowe thy goodnesse to putte it of yea and that wyth this faith ▪ that he at the last daye shall receyue it agayn in a much better state then it is now or euer was frō the daie of hys byrthe Phil. iii. euen a bodye vncorruptible immortal and like to thy glorious body Let hys whol hert and mynde be set only vppon the· Let the remēbraunce of the ioies of heauē be so feruent in his brest that he may bothe pacientlye and thanckfully take his deathe ii Cori. xv and euer wish to be with the in glory And when the time cōmeth that he shall gyue ouer to nature and depart from this miserable world vouchesafe we most humblye beseche the O Lorde Iesu to take his soule into thy handes and to place it among the glorious company of thy holy angels and blessed Saynctes and to kepe it vnto that mooste ioyfull daye of the general resurrecciō that both his bodye and soule thorow thyne almyghty power being knit againe togither at that daye he maye for euer and euer enioy thy glorious kindom and sing perpetuall praises to thy blessed name Amen ☞ A thankesgeuynge vnto God for the departure of the faythful out of thys world O How can we most louing father render vnto the sufficient thanks for thine in estimable goodnes toward thi faithful seruauntes whome thou calling out of this wretched worlde vouchestsafe to place in thy heauenly kingdō amonge the gloryous company of thy holy aūgels and blessed saintes Psal. cxv O full precyous is the death of the faithful in thy sighte Blessed are the deade that dye in the O Lord Apoc. xiiii For they are at reast frō their paynful trauails and labours The souls of the righteous are in thy hand Sapi. iii. O God and the payne of death shall not touch them In the syghte of the vnwise thei appere to die but they are in peace They shine as the sparckes that runne thorowe the reed bushe Danie xii They glyster as the shining of heauen Thei are as the stars world wythout ende They ar as the angels of God Math. xx●i Apoc. iiii They are clad with white garmentes haue goldē crownes vpon their heads They do seruice day nyght before the glorious throne of thi diuine Maiesty Apoca vii They nether honger nor thirst anye more neyther doth the sun or any heat fal vpon them for the lambe which is in the mids of the thron gouerneth thē and ledeth them vnto the lyuing foūtains of waters They folow the lābe whithersoeuer he goeth They haue such ioies ▪ E●ay lxiii i. ●or iii. as eie hath not sene nor eare hath herd neyther is th●r any hert able to thīck them Infinite and vnspeakable are the tresures O Lord whych thou haste layed vp for them that depart in thy fayth For these thy fatherly benefyts toward the souls of the fayethful for that it hath pleased the to cal our Christē brethren and sisterne from this vale of misery vnto thy heuenly kingdome we geue vnto the most herty thanks humbly beseching the that thou wylte take lyke care for vs and so gouern vs wyth thy holye spirite both in sycknes and in health that we maye lyue a good and godlye lyfe in thys preas●nte world and whensoeuer it shal be thy good plesure to call vs hence we may with strong faith in the and in thy sōne Christe Iesu our Lord commēd both our bodies soules into thy mercifull handes and thorowe thy goodnes be placed in thy gloryous kyngdome among thy faythfull chosē people and so for euer and euer praise magnify the our heauenli father to whome with thi derely beloued son Iesu Christ our Lord and sauior and the holy gost that moste swete comfortour be al glory and honor worlds without end Amē Finis ❧ The Letanye and Suffra●●s O God the Father of heauen haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinn●rs O God the Sonne redemer of the world haue mercye vpon vs miserable synners O god the holy ●ost proceding from the father the sōne haue mercy vpon vs miserable sīners O holy blessed glorious tryniti thre persons one god haue merci vpon vs miserable sīners Remember not Lord our offences nor the offences of our forefathers neyther take thou vengāce of our synnes spare vs good lord spare thy people whom thou hast redemed with thi most precious bloud and be not angri with vs for e●er Spare vs good Lo●d● From al euil and mischiffe frō sin frō the crafts and assaults of the deuil from thy wrath from euerlastyng damnacion Good lorde deliuer vs. ❧ From blindnes of hert from pride vainglory hypocrisy from enuye hatred and malice and all vncharitablenes Good lord delyuer vs. ❧ Frō fornicacion and all other d●adly sin ▪ from all the deceites of the world the fleshe the deuyl Good lo●de del●u●r vs. ☞ Frōlightning tempest from plage pestilēce famē frō battel murther from sodaine death Good lorde delyuer vs. Frō al sedicion and pryuy conspiraci frō the tiranni of the Bishop of Rome al his detestable enormities from al false doctrin heresy frō hardnes of hert cōtēpt of thy word commandemente Good lorde delyuer vs. ❧ By the misterye of thy holy incarnacion by thy holy natiuity cyrcumcysyon by thy Baptysme fasting and temptacyon Good lorde delyuer vs. By thine agonye and bloudye sweat bi thi crosse and passion bi thy precious death and buriall bi thy glorious resurrecciō ▪ ascēcion by the cōming of the holi gost Good lorde delyuer vs. In al time
of our tribulaciō in al time of our wealth in the hour of death in the day of iudgment Good lorde delyuer vs. ❧ We sinners do besech the to here vs O Lorde God and that it maye please the to rule and gouern thy holy church vniuersal in the ryghtewaye We be●ech the to heare vs good lord That it may please the to kepe Edward the sixt thy seruāt our king and gouernoure We b●se●h the to heare vs good lorde ❧ That it mai please the to rule hys heart in thy fayth feare and loue that he may always haue affiance in the and euer seke thi honour and glory We beseec●e th● to ●eare vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please y● to be his defēdour and keper geuyng him the victory ouer al his ennemies We b●s●●ch● th● to heare vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please the to illuminat al bishops pastors ministers of the church with true knowlege vnderstāding of thy word and that both by theyr preaching and liuing they may set it forthe and shew it accordyngly We beseeche the to ●●are vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please the to endue the Lords of the counsayle al the nobilitie with grace wysedome and vnderstandyng We beseeche the to heare vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please the to bles and kepe the magistrats geuing them grace to execute iustice and to mayntayne truthe W●●es●che the to heare vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please the to bles and kepe thy people We besech the to hear vs ▪ c. ❧ That it maie plese the to geue to all Nacions vnytye peace and concorde We besech the to heare vs ▪ c. ❧ That it may plese the to geue vs an hert to loue and dread the and diligently to liue after thy cōmaundementes We beseche the to heare vs. c. ❧ That it my please the to geue al thy people increase of grace to heare mekely thy word and to receiue it with pure affecciō and to bring forth the fruts of the spirit We besech the to heare vs ▪ c. ☞ That it mai plese the to bring into the waye of truth al such as haue erred and are deceiued We beseche t●e to hea●e vs. c. ❧ Tha● it may please the to strēgthē such as do stand to cōforte help the weke herted to rayse vp thē that fal and finalli to beat doun Sathā vnder our fete fete We beseche the to heare vs good Lord. That it mai plese the to succour helpe and cōfort al that be in danger necessity and tribulacion We beseche the to here vs good Lorde That it maye please the to preserue al that trauail by land or by water all women labourynge of childe all sicke persōs and yonge children and to shew thy pity vpon al prysoners and captyues We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde That it may plese the to defend and prouide for the fatherles childrē and widows and al that be desolate and oppressed We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde That it maye pease the to haue mercy vpon al men We besech the to heare vs good Lorde That it may plese the to forgeue our enemies persecutours slāderers and to turne their herts We besech the to heare vs good lord That it may please the to geue preseru● to oure vse ▪ the kindly fruites of the ear●he ▪ so as in due time we may enioye them We besech● the to heare vs good Lorde That it may please the to geue vs true repētāce to forgeue vs al our sins neglygences ▪ and ignorāces to endue vs with the grace of thy holye spirit to amend our liues according to thy holy word We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde Sonne of God we besech the to heare vs. Sonne of God we beseche the to here vs. O lābe of god that takest away the synnes of the worlde Graunte vs th● peace O Lābe of god that takest awai the synn●s of the worl●e Haue mer●y● v●●n vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christ heare vs. Lorde haue mercye vppon vs. Christ haue mercye vpon vs. Lorde haue mercye vpon vs. Our father which art in heuē c. And lead vs not into tēptacion B●t ●●lyuer vs from euil O Lord deale not with vs after our synnes Nether reward vs after our iniquities ☞ Let us ●ra● O God mercyefull father that despisest not the sighinge of a contrit hert nor the desire of such as be sorowful mercyfullye assist oure prayers that we make before the in al our troubles aduersitis whensoeuer thei opresse vs And grac●ouslie here vs that those euils which the craft subtelty of the deuil or man worketh against vs be brought to nought and by the prouidēce of thy goodnesse they may be dispersed that we thy seruaunts being hurte by no persecucions maye euermore geue thankes vnto the in thy holie churche throughe Iesu Christe oure Lorde O lorde aryse healpe vs and delyuer vs for thy name sake O God we haue herd with our ears our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble woorckes that thou didst in their days and in the old tyme before them O lorde aryse help vs and delyuer vs for thy honoure Glory be to the father the sōne and to the holye gost As it was in the begynnynge is nowe and euer shal be worlde wythout ende Amen From oure ennemies defēd vs O Christe Gracyouslye loke vpon our a●fli●cyons Pytifully behold the sorowes of our hearte Mercifullye forgeue the syns of thy people Fauorably wyth mercy here oure prayers O sonne of Dauid ha●e mercye vpon vs. Both now and euer vouchsafe to heare vs Christe Gaaciously heare vs O Christ. Gracious●y heare vs O lorde Chr●ste O Lord let thy mercy be shewed vpon vs. As we do put our trust in thee Let vs praye ▪ VE humblye beseche thee O father mercyefullie to looke vpon oure infirmytyes and for the glory of thy name sake turn frō vs al chose euils that we most righteouslye haue deserued and grant that in all our troubles we may put our whole truste confidēce in thy mercy and euermore serue the in holines purenes of liuing to thy honour glory through our only mediatour aduocate Iesus Christ our Lord. Amē A prayer of Chrisostome ALmyghtye GOD whyche haste geuen vs grace at this tyme with one accord to make oure common supplicacyons vnto thee and doeste promyse that when .ii. or .iii. be gathered togetherin thy name thou wilt grant their reques●s fulfil now O lord the desyres and petycyons of thy seruantes ▪ as mai bemost expedi●nt for thē gra●tynge vs in thys worlde knowledge of thy truthe in the worlde to come life euerlastinge Amen 〈◊〉 ●yue if the time require O God heauenly Father which by thy sonne Iesus Christe hast promised to al them that seke thi kingdome and the righteousnes therof al things ne●●ssary to their bodelye sustenaunce Send vs we beseche the in thys oure necessytye suche moderate rayn showers that we maie receiue the fruites of the erth to our comfort to thy honour through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen For fayre wether O Lord god which for the syn of man dyddest ones drown al the world except .viii. persons and afterward of thy great mercie diddeste promise neuer to destroye it so agayne we humbly besech the that althoughe we for our iniquityes haue worthely d●serued thys plague of rayne and waters yet vpon our true repentance thou wilt send vs such wether wherby we maie receiue the frutes of the earth in due season and learne both by thy punyshement to amend our liues and for th●●●emencye to geue the prayse and glory throughe Iesu Christe our Lorde Amen In the tyme of dearth and famyne O God heauenly father whose gift it is that rayne doth fal the earth is frutfull beastes encrease and fishes do multiply behold we besech y● the afflicciōs of thi people ▪ grant that the scarcetie dearth whych we do now most iustlye suffer for our iniquitye maye throughe thy goodnes be mercifullye turned into cheapnes and plenti for the loue of Iesu Christ our Lord to whō wyth the and the holy ghost c. Amen Orthus O God mercifull father which in the tyme of Heliseus the Prophet diddeste subdeinlie turne in Samaria great scarcity and death into plenty and cheapnes extreme ●amine into abūdance of victual haue pitie vpon vs that now be punished for oure synnes wyth like aduersytye encrease the fruites of the earth by thy heauenly benedyccyon And graunt that we receiuing thi boūtiful liberalitie may vse the same to thy glory our comforte relief of our nedy neighbours through Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen In the time of warre O Almighty God Kynge of all Kynges and gouernoure of all thinges whose power no Creature is hable to resyste to whom it belongeth iustlye to punyshe synners and to be mercyfull to theim that trulye repente saue and deliuer vs we humblie besech the from the handes of our enemis abat their pride aswage their malice and confound theyr deuyses that we beynge armed with thy defence may be preserued euermore from al periles to glorify the which art the only geuer of al victory through the merytes of thy onelye sonne Iesu Christ our lorde Amen In the time of any common ▪ plague or sickenesse O Almighty God which in thy wrathe in the tyme of kynge Dauid diddest ●lea with the plague of Pestilence thre skore and ten thousand and yet remēbring thy merci didst saue the rest haue pitie vpon vs miserable sinners that now are visited with greate sickenes and mortalitie that like as thou diddest then commaund thyne Aungell to ceasse from punishing so it may now plese the t● withdraw from vs thys plage and greuous sic●●nesse through Iesus Christ our ●ord Amen ¶ Imprinted at London by Ihon Day dwell●ng ouer aldersgate a lytle beneth S. Martins These bokes are to be solde at hys shop by the 〈◊〉 Cunduite 〈◊〉 Ch●pesyde 〈◊〉 pr●●ileg●o ad imprimendum solum
●oth dishonoure to the spirite of grace Oh it is a fearful thynge to ●all into the handes o● the lyuynge God Psalme ●● ▪ For vpon the vngodlye wyl he raine snares fyre brymstone and tempest thys rewarde shall the wycked haue to dryncke God haue mercye on vs gyue vs al grace to ●eare hym a ryght to repente and amende ●ure lyfe to embrace hys blessed gospel and to ●ryng forthe the frutes thereof What shall I speake of the myghtye Monarchies or Empyres of the Assyryans and Greekes The Assiri● and Greke● whiche florished not only with al kinde of temporall ry●ches but also wyth moste excellent and learned wyttes Lyue they not nowe in most myserable captiuity vnder that cruell tiraunt the great Turke that mortall ennemye of Christes religion Howe came it to passe Verelye they were disobediente to Gods word vnthanckefull one to another and led a lyfe more lasciuious and wāton than that effeminate king Sardanapalus God stirred vp preachers to exhorte them vnto repentaunce They laughed theym to scorne It came to pas that God for thei● engratytude and churlyshnes gaue them into suche an ennemies hande as none could be founde more hateful neyther concerning Christ nor Christes religion whych at that tyme bothe kylled soulde an infynyte number and euen at this presente oppresseth them wyth most miserable seruitude and houldeth them down in most vile slauery vnto the great decaye of the christen faythe vnto the vnspeakeable sorow of al godly people Howe came it to passe that the Rhodes euen in our tyme is subdued also of that most cruell Tyraunte the Emperoure of Turckye The 〈◊〉 tourned frome Christ vnto Mahomet from the christen religiō vnto the Turkish profession Was not superstycyon I●olotry fayned holynes colored chastitye that is to say fylthy whoredom stinking fornication dyssoluteliuing vsury such lyke abhom●nable vyces causes hereof God hold his holye hād ouer vs. To spe●e much of Germany sometime a deare mother ● louynge Nurse and frendelye Patronesse of all learnynge and a sure Sanctuarye for godlye learnned men to ●lee vnto from Antichristes tirannye Germ●nye a coūtry sometime rychely endued wyth all spiritual ble●synges of god ●rom whome also braue● out the comfortable lyghte of Chri●●es Gospell that nowe shineth here among vs in thys rea●me ve●y sorowe wi●l not 〈◊〉 me O nowe 〈◊〉 a thynge is it so noble fre and famous a cont●ye to be brought into ●lauery yea and that wor●e is godly and Christe● preache●s to ●e banishe● and wicked papi●tes to enter in the preachynge of Christes Gospell ●oo be dryuen out o● the churches and the popy●he seruice ●o be vsed the supper of the Lord to be taken a way and that moost Idolatrous ●●ynckyng and abhominable masking Masse to be receiued as a God What christen hearte l●menteth not too consyder the●se thynges Of the plage that is nowe fallen among them ▪ the men of God I meane the prea●hers told them ful o●r to fore and exhorted them vnto repentaunce But all in vayne For re●ay●e godlye Magis●rates and learened men excepted wyth a few other the greater parte of Germanye euen as in the Popes kyngedome walcked styll in the woordes of darkenes They talked muche of Chri●●es Gospell but lyued no parte thereof They abused the spyrytual● lyber●ye of the Gospell and tourned it to Carnall ●●edome makynge the Gospell a clooke of theyr wyckednesse Theese abho●ynacyons ●oulde no● God su●fer seynge that before all othe● nacyons he had ●euen them the knoweledge of hys holye word Notwithstanding I doubt not but that God for hys mercyes sake and for the loue of hys electe whome that countrye nourysheth Psal. lxxxx wyl shortlye tourne away hys anger from theym ▪ and lyghten hys chereful and louynge countenaunce agai●e vpon them ▪ as he sayth by the Psalmographe If they breake my ordynaunces kepe not my commaundements I wyll ●iser theyr o●fences ●i●h the rod and theyr sins wyth scourges Neuertheles my louinge kindnes wil I not vtterly take from him nor suffer my truthe to f●il The Lord is full of compassion and me●cye ▪ longe su●●erynge and of great e goodnes ▪ ●e wyl not ●e●le wyth is after our sins Psalm ciii nor ●ewarde ●s a●cor●yng to oure wyckednes For looke howe hye the hea●en is in compary●on o● the earthe so greate is his me●cye also to wa●●e theym that feare hym Loke howe wy●e the 〈◊〉 is from the we●t so far wy● he sette ou● sy●nes ●rom vs. yea like as father p●●teth his owne children euen ●o is the Lord mercyful to them that fear him For he knoweth wherof we be made ▪ he remembreth that we are but ●ust ▪ that a man in hys tyme is out as grasse ▪ and florysheth as a ●●oure o● the feyl●e For as sone as the wynde goeth ouer it ▪ it is gonne and the place therof knoweth it no more But the merciful goodnes of the Lorde endureth ●or euer and euer vppon them that fea●e him and his ryghteousnesse vppon theyr children suche as kepe his couenaunte and thinke vpon the commaun●ements to do them Moreouer as I maye let passe dyuers other hystoryes whyc●e be leafte he●e amonge vs as monumentes of Goddes vengaunce agaynste the churlish ●nd vnthanckeful and as they say come nere home Rede we not that god stirred vp Gildas to prech vnto the olde Britannes a●d too exhorte theym vnto repentaunce and amendemente o● lyfe Bryttayne and afore wa●ne theym of the plages to come ▪ if they repente not Wha● 〈◊〉 it Gildas was laughed to scorne and taken for a false Prophete and a malycyous Preacher The Bretannes wyth lustye courages whorishe faces and vnrepentaunte hea●tes wente forth to synne and to offende the Lorde theyr God What folowed God sente in theyr ennemyes vpon them on euery syde and dystroyed them and gaue the lande vnto other nacions And sente that ryme God hathe ●laged thys real●e full ofte for they re synne and dys●bedyence Not manye yeares past God seinge Idolatry supe●st●cion Hipocrisye and wycked l●uynge vsed in thys realme raysed vp that godlye lea●ened manne Ihon Wyclyfe to preache vnto oure fathers rep●ntaunce and too exh●rte them to amende theyr lyues to forsake theyr Papistrye and Idolat●ye Wicleffe with his bokes condempned brent for an heretike af●er his deth theyr Hyprocrisye supersticion and to walke in the feare of God Hys e●hortacions were not regarded He with his sermons was ●espysed Hys bookes and he him self al●o after hys deathe were bre●te What folowed They slewe theyr ryghte kynge and sette vppe .iii. wrong Kynges arowe vnder whome all the noble bloude was slayne vppe and halfe the commones therto what in F●aunce and what with theyr owne ●werd ●n fyghtynge amonge them selues for the crowne and the cytyes and tow●es decayed and the Land● broughte hal●e to a wildernes in respecte o● that it was before O extreame plages of gods vengaūce Sence that time euen of late yeres God once again hauynge pytye on
good men Giue vs also that the most plesaunt dew euē the dew of thy heuēlye grace which may cause vs thorow thi holi spirit to florish with the abundaunce of al good works prouoke euery one of vs quietlye and peaceably to do our own besines to liue according to oure calling ii Tim. ii the magistrate godly to gouern the subiect humbly to obey Romay xi the preachers of thy word diligētly to attend vpon hys offyce ps● cxxxiii So shall it come to passe that wee as brethren quietly dwellyng together in this vnitie and concorde shal haue that thou haste promysed euen thy blessinge that is in this world abūdaunce of all good things pertaining ether to the body or to the soul and after our departure from thys vale of misery euerlasting life Lord let it so cōe to passe Amen ¶ A praier to be preserued from the plage and orher dyseases AH Lorde as thou haste sette forthe in thy holy scriptures plenty of blessinges to them that feare the Leuit. xxvi De. xxviii ▪ Esaye c. v. xxiii xxx xi Ier. ix.xvi. and .xxix. Ezechi vii xiiii.xvii●.xxxiii.xxxviii and wyth al diligēt obedience obediente dylygence walke in thy holy statutes ordynaunces so lykewise in the same haste thou set●orth innumerable curses plages to such as liue with oute all feare of the transgres thy blessed commandements Among other thy greuous punishmēts thou hast thretned the vngodlye to sende the plage and such other mortal diseases vpō them and so to roote them oute from the face of the earth because of theyr disobedyence and rebellyon agaynst the theyr Lorde God ii Re. xxiii i Par. xxi Examples herof we haue manye in thy holy worde Ah good Lorde who can be fre from these and such other thy plagues Psa. cxxix if thou shouldeste dele with vs according to oure iniquites We are al synnefull Roma iii. The best of vs all are vnprofitable seruantes Luke xvii so that we cā fynd nothynge in ourselfs wherwith we maye worthelye eyther pacify thy wrathe styrred vp agaynst vs for our manifold wickednesse or turne awaye from vs those thy plages whyche we most iustelye haue deserued Notwythstāding there are whyche supersticiously for the appeasyng of thy anger for the dipsatch of corporal puni●hmentes cal vpon dead creatures and flee vnto domme Idolls as thoughe most present helpe wer to bee looked for of theym when in dede they canne do nothyng at all vnto our health neither concerning the bodi nor the soul. With suche Idolatours O good Lord haue we nothing to do although neuer so greuous synners For we are taughte by thy holy word nether to truste in Roche nor in Apoline neither in Agasse nor in Annes nether in Erkēwald nor in Grimbald nor yet in ani other creature eyther in heauen or in earth but in thy greate mercyes set forth in the precyous bloud of thy most dear sonne Iesu Christ for whose sake alone for whose merytes and good deedes alone thou art wel pleased with mā fauorest him delighteste in hym as a louing father in his dereli beloued sonne O mooste merciful God we fyndynge in our selfes a iust deserte of al those thy plages which thou art wonte to caste vpon the chyldren of men for theyr wyckednes so great and manifold is the nūber of our synnes and nothynge at all wherew●th we may in any parte be able to tourne aw●y thy heauye dyspleasure fro● vs are co●e at thys presente vnto the throne of thy mercie moost humblie beseching the in the name of Iesu Christe thy sonne and oure alone Mediatour and aduocate not to weyghe our sinnes wyckednesses ▪ but to cōsider thy gret mercyes and louynge promyses and for Christes sake to putte away frome vs al such plages 〈◊〉 iii. and ▪ ●vii Mark ●ii Luke iii. i● ii Peter ● as we moost iustelye haue deserued and to preserue vs in suche state of bodelye healthe that we maye liue and glorify thi blessed name Ah Lorde Psal. xxx Es xxxviii may dust giue thanks vnto the or shall that declare thy faithfulnes The graue praiseth not the death doth not magnifye the. They that go down into the graue prayse not thy truthe but the lyuynge yea the the lyuynge knowledge prayse and magnify the. Defende vs therefore O Lorde from the terrible plagues of thy fearful dyspleasure but aboue al thinges remoue from vs y● dyseases of our mynde that we beynge whole in soule maye beholde the wyth a pure faythe and serue the with a clean hert Giue vs also the health of our body vnto our laste dayes that we enioyinge the healthe bothe of bodye and soule thorowe thy syngular benefite maye leade a quyet and healtheful life vnto thy honoure and glorye Amen A prayer to preserue the frutes of the earthe ▪ AT the beginning thou commaundest the earth O Lord to bringe forthe grene gras herbs Gene. i. and trees with their sedes and frutes ▪ that they myghte be meate to thy creatures lyuynge on the earthe both to manne and beaste After that depe and great floud wherin all liuing creaturs perished excepte Nohe and suche as were with him in the arck ▪ Gene. vii ii Peter ii not onelye herbes sedes and fruites gauest thou vnto man for to eat Gen. ix but also all other thy creatures that moue or lyue on the earthe whether it be fysh or foul Acte● ● Titus i. Rom xiiii i. Corin. x. i. Tim. iiii so that al thynges are pure to them that are pure nether can ani thing be comon or vnclene that thou hast made pure and cleane For al thy creatures O Lord god are good and none of them are to be refused if they be taken wyth thanckes geuynge For they are sāctified by thi word and by prayer and were ordeined of the to be receiued with thanks geuynge of the faythfull of thē that knowe the truth Seing thē that thou alone art the creatoure and maker of al thyngs and hast prepared hearbes seedes fruits fyshe and fleshe to be meate for manne seynge also that without thy blessīg al these thy creatures prospere not nor yet come vnto a fortunate ende but growe out of kynde wyther awaye perysh dye and come to nought wee mooste humbly besech the to blesse vs al the frutes of the earth wyth al other thy creatures whych thou hast made for mans vse and profit i. Cori. iii. And forasmuch as neither he that plāteth nor he that watreth is anye thynge but thou O God which geuest the encrease graūt we pray the psal lxvii that the earthe maye geue forth her fruit prosperously and plenteously that we may enioy the same in due and conueniente tyme vnto oure greate ioye and comfort Let not the labors of our handes which we haue taken in thy name and accordinge to thy worde be found vaine and frustrate but accordynge to thy
god which cā not lie Titus i. Iohn ▪ xv thou art the self truth thou art faithful in thy words holy in al thy works Psal ▪ cxlv For accordyng to these thy louinge promises haste thou euer dealt with the children of men whensoeuer they repented turned vnto the. Whē they forsaked their sinful liuing called vpō thi holi name thou forgauest al theyr sīnes and he alest al theyr infyrmytyes Psal. cxx● ▪ Thou sauedst their life from destrucciō and crowned them with merci louing kindnes For thou O Lord God art ful of compassion mercy lōg sufferīg and of great goodnes Thou wilt not alwaye be chydynge neither wilt thou kepe thi anger for euer Neyther wylt thou deale with vs after our synnes nor yet reward vs accordyng to our wyckednes For loke how hye the heauē is in cōparysō of the earth so great is thy mercy toward them that fere the. Loke howe wyde the East is from the West so far doest thou sette our synnes from vs. Yea like as a father pytyeth hys own children euen so art the mercyfull vnto them that feare thee For thou knowest whereof we be made thou remembrest that wee are but duste Esaye lx Eccle. xiiii Iacob i. ● Pet●● i. That a man in hys tyme is but as a grasse and florisheth as a flour of the field For as soone as the wynd goeth ouer it ▪ it is gone and the place therof knoweth it no more But thi merciful goodnes o lord ēdureth for euer and euer vpon thē that fear the. Of this thy louynge kyndenes tender mercy who at anye time hath not tasted if he sought it with al his hert Forgauest thou not Dauid both hys whoredome and manslaughter whē he repēted confessed hys syn Psa lxxxiii ii Reg. xii How oft didst thou call backe the plages of thy vengeaunce Iudi. x. ii Par. xii Iudi● iiii when the chyldrē of Israel lamented theyr syns and turned vnto the How mercyful dyddest thou shew thy self to the Niniuites Ionas iii. when they repented humbled them selfs in thy sight Howe louynglye spakest thou to that synneful woman in thy gospel Luke vii and forgauest her al her sins because she repēted and beleued Peter thy disciple although most cowardly denying the Mat. xx●i after that he had bytterly wept and lamented his sins thou dyddest behold with thy merciful eye and fauorably receiuedst him again into the number of thi holi Apostles Luke xxiii One of thē that died with the beīg both a theif a murtherer after he had called vnto the for grace thou placest in Paradise and makest him partaker of thine eternall felicitye Mani other notable examples of thy greate mercyes fynde wee in the holy scriptures whyche wyll not suffer vs to despair of thi clemency and goodnes be our syns wickednesses neuer so manye but they rather do encourage vs boldely to come vnto the throne of thy grace ●●bru iiii that wee maye receyue mercy and find grace to helpe in time of nede O most gentle sauiour thou art that moost louynge shepperd which diligētly soughtest vp the wandering sheepe louyngely laydest it vpon thy shulders and tenderlye broughtest it home agayne Luke xv Seke vs vp which haue so long runne astraye laye vs vpon thy merciful shoulders and bryng vs home agayne vnto the companye of thy faythefull Thou arte that mooste mercyful Samaritan Luke x. which beholdīg the miserable state of the woūded mā with thy pitifull eie cāmest vnto him madest clene his woūds pouredst in wine oil boūdedst them vp laydst the sick Samaritā vpō thi beast caridst him into the inne and neuer leaftest him til he was perfectly whole O most louynge sauyour vouchsafe also with thy merciful eie to loke vpō our wretched state whiche wythoute thy helpe muste nedes peryshe Oure woundes are deadly woundes not able to be healed of anye eyther in heauen or in earth but of the alone which art the true Phisicion and alone healest thē that are contryte in herte Mathe. Esaye Luke ● Esaye i. Oure hole head is syck and the heart is veri heauy Frō the sole of the foote vnto the head ther is no hole part in al our bodi but al are woūds botches sores and stripes which can neither be helped bounde vp molified nor eased with any ointmē except thou puttest to thy helpyng hand Let it therfore please the of thy great goodnes to make clene our wounds to poure in the wine and oyl of spirituall gladnesse to binde them vp and neuer to leue vs til thou hast made vs perfectlye whole and broughte vs into thy heauenly kyngedome Heale thou vs o Lorde and we shall be healed 〈◊〉 xvii saue thou vs and we shal be saued 〈◊〉 ●v Thou arte that mooste tender father whyche receiuedst home agayne wyth embracynge armes that lost sonne which had wasted all hys goodes wyth ryotous liuyng So soone as he returned vnto the repented him of hys dysorder confessed hys sinne and hūbled himselfe in thi sight thou haddest compassion on him and ranne and fel on hys necke and kyssed hym Thou commaundedst thy seruaunts also to bryng forth that beste garment and put it on thy sonne and to put a ryng on hys hande and shooes on hys feete Thou gauest cōmaūdemēt agayne to fetche a fatte calfe and to kyll it and sayedst let vs eate and be meri for this mi sōne was dead and is a liue againe he was lost and now is founde Shewe thys thy fauour O most gētle father to vs thy chyldrē also which haue vngodly bestowed the godly and vertuous gifts which thou both frendly and liberally gauest vnto vs. Thys our prodigall and licencious lyuīg sore greueth vs and we be hertely sory that we hau● so greuously offended thy fatherly goodnes Notwythstandynge acccordynge to thy old wonte we moste humbly besech the for thy names sake to haue merci on vs Psal. xxv to forgeue vs our synnes to receiue vs againe into thi fauoure Take awai frō vs al oure old begerly ragges put on vs the newe garmēt of innocēcy that precius rīg of fayth wherwith we ar maried vnto the Ose. ii those most godly shooes of the euangelike peace that wee maye walke from henceforthe in the wayes of thy holy commaundemēts Ephe. vi do that which is plesāt in thy sight Gyue vs grace so vnfaynedlye to repēt and to amend our lyfe Luke xv that the aungels of heauen maye reioyse at oure conuersion Psalms li. And so washe vs from oure syns more and more that at the laste we maye be cleane and appeare beautyfull in thy heauenlie fathers syght thorow the our onlye sauiour which wyth the same thy father and the holy ghoste lyuest and reignest one true euer lastynge God worldes wythoute ende Amen A prayer for a conpetente and necessarye lyuynge
day night blesse theyr Christen brethrē speke wel of all mē yea of theyr very ennemies that so many of vs as profes thi holi name Roma xv may with one mind with one mouth glorify the our heuēly father thorow Iesu christ our Lord. Amen A generall prayer for the auoidinge of all kynde of synne AH lord that most puisāt god we in baptisme geuing ouer our selfs vnto the and vnto thy holi religion protested openly in the face of thy holy congregacion to forsake Satan with al his pompes and worckes to renoūce the world and all the vayne pleasures therof to mortyfy the flesh and al the lustes of it Roma vi and frome hēsforth to dye vnto sinne to liue vnto righteousnes Gala. iii. and to lead a new lyfe Thys our couenaunt bargayne made with the O Lord god we keepe not but to muche wretchedly we breke it trāsgres thy holye commaundemente In stead of our seruyce due vnto the we serue Satan Leuing the fulfyllyng of thi commaundements we obey our own wil. The world and the flesh so rage and raignin vs that we can scarcely breath toward any godlynes Titus i. By mouthe we profes the but with our deds we denithe We promyse to work in thy vyneyarde but we loytour and worke not Mathe. xx● In name we are Christians but in dede we are satans bondmē the worlds slaues and the fleshes most vile seruāts and drudges Ah Lorde to muche wretched is our state and excepte thou shortlye helpest we are lyke vtterly to perysh so greatly haue the ragyng floudes of al kinde of synne brast in preuayled almost ouerwhelmed vs o most gētle sauior we haue a wil such as it is Rom●● vi● to do good but we find no power no strēgth in our selfs to perform it That good thīg which we wolde we do not but the euil do we which we wold not for we know that in vs that is Rome vii in our flesh dwelleth no god thīg No maruel For we ar bi nature the childrē of wrath Ephesia ii we are begottē cōceiued borne in sī Our sēces Psalm ii wits deuises ar euil euē frō our yong age vpwarde Oure hert is vnclene Gene. viii wicked froward lewd vnserchable We ar not able to thīk a good thought of our selfs Prou. xxii we ar vnprofitable seruantes Iere. xvii ●i Cor. iiii hipocrites flesh al the nought is yea we ar the very bōd slaues of sin Luke ●vii Esay● ●x For euery one the cōmitteth sin is the seruaūt of syn O most swete sau●or ▪ help vs for the glori of thy name Ioh. iii vii Luke xix Thou cāmest doun frō the righthād of thi father into thys vale of misery to saue that which was lost Saue vs therfore good lord which wander abroade lyke shepe destitute of a shepherd Mathe. ix psalm cxix suffer not thi blessed bodi to be brokē thy precious blud to be shed for vs in vain Hebrus ii i. Cori. xv Thou bi thi deth most valeātly conquerest him that had power of death Ose. xiii Deliuer vs therfore frō his raging tirranye and make vs thy faythfull obedyent seruantes Iohn ii Suffer vs not to loue the world nether the things that ar in the world seing that al that is in the worlde as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eies the pryde of life is not of the o father but of the world And the world vanisheth away and the lust thereof but he that fulfilleth the wil of god aby-death for euer Suffer vs not to be ouercome wyth the boylynge concupiscēcis of the flesh whych euer lusteth agaynst the spirite Rom. viii is not obedient to the law of god nether can be but geue vs grace to crucifye and to kyll the fleshe wyth the appetites lustes therof Galath v. that we may lyue and walk in the spirite and become new creatures Let not sinne reign in our mortal bodies that we shuld ther vnto obey in the lusts of it Neither suffer thou vs to geue oure members as instruments of vnrighteousnes vnto syn Roma vi but to gyue our selues vnto God as thei that are a liue from death and to giue our mēbers as instruments of ryghteousnes vnto god And as heretofore we gaue oure mēbers seruaunts to vnclennes and to iniquyti from iniquiti to iniquiti so let vs now from hensforth gyue our mēbers seruaūts vnto righteousnes that we may be sātyfyed Kil in vs the deds of the fleshe whyche are these Gala. v. aduoutrye fornicacion vncleannes wātonnes Idolatrye wytchcrafte hatred varyaunce ●ele wrathe stryfe sesedicion sects enuying murther dronkennesse glottōny and such lyke and plante in vs the fruites of the spirit loue ioy peace longe sufferinge gentlenes goodnesse faythfulnes mekenesse temperācye Ephe. iiii As concerning the conuersacyon in times past geue vs grace to laye awaye from vs that olde man which is corrupt thorow the deceiuable lustes and to be renued in the spirit of our mynds and to put on that new man whyche after the image of god is shapen in ryghteousnes true holynes Suffer vs not to lye but speake euery man truth vnto his neighbour for asmuch as we are members one of another Suffer vs not so to be angry that we sinne Let not y● sun go doune vpō oure wrathe neyther let vs giue place vnto the backbiter Graunte that he which afore hath stollen maye from henceforth steale no more but rather labour with his hands some good thīg that he mai haue to geue vnto hī that nedeth Let no fylthy cōmunycacyon procede out of our mouths but that whyche is good to edifye withal whē nede is that it may haue fauoure with the hearers Let all bytternes fearsnes and wrath roryng and cursed speking be put awaye from vs wyth al maliciousnesse Make vs courteous one to another and merciful forgeuing one another euen as god for thy sake forgaue vs. Ephesi v. As for fornicaciō al vnclēnes or couetusnes let it not be once named amōg vs as it be cōmeth saints nether filthi thīgs neither folish talking nether iesting which are not comly but rather geuing of thākes Put vpon vs tender mercy kindnes humblenes of mynd mekenes longe sufferīg for bearing one another forgeuing one another Collos. iii. But aboue al these things put vpō vs loue which is the bond of perfeccion graūt that the peace of god may euer more rule in our herts that we be thākful for al thy benefits Finalli whatsoeuer thīgs are true whatsoeuer thinges are honeste whatsoeuer thinges are iust whatsoeuer things are pure whatsoeuer thynges pertayne to loue whatsoeuer thinges are of honest reporte if ther be any vertuous thing Pp●il iiii if ther be any laudable thing grāt that we may haue those same in our mind and practise thē in
Many other notable workes also cōpiled by thy faythfull seruauntes for the auauncement of thy glorye and for bryngyng of the simple people vnto the knowledge of thy truth they cru●llye burnte and destroyed after the exāples of the wycked kyngs Ioachim and Antiochus 〈◊〉 xxxvi And as for the authors of thē some those bloudy Edomits brent i. ●ath i. some thei murthered preuely some thei emprisoned flocked cheyned putte to shame al euen so mani as thei could get they cruelly and moost tirantlike entreated after the exāple of their predecessors the high priests of Iewry 〈◊〉 ●xvii which sought al meanes possible both wyth tyrany and brybes to kepe downe thy sonne Christe and hys gloryous gospel that thei alone might reygn O most gētle god whē these belly●d hipocrites chaplens of Baal had brent thy holye Bible so that we the simple people might not read the word of oure soule healthe in our owne mother tonge agayne whē these false annointed shauelinges had killed put to flyghte thy true ministers and godly prechers mat xxiiii thē made they vs to beleue as they woulde to walke to do to speke as they lusted to honoure worshippe the Math. xv not after thy holye law but after the tradycions and doctrins of men to do works not commaunded of the but suche as their idle braines fāsied wythout authority of thy worde O Lorde thou longe sufferynge God with how greate blyndenesse were we ouerwhelmed of these antichristian monstures when they taught to run a Pilgrimage to thys and that Idol to paynt thys tabernacle and to gyld that Maumet to pray to this he Saint and to that she Sainte to bie other mennes merites and to seke saluacion in them to put our truste in water salte breade palmes ashes wax oile creme bels pardons rotten reliques such other peltīg pedlarye to beleue that our souls after this present life shuld be boiled perboiled in antichristes fornace ther to lie piteously yellīg puling crying til they were redemed with Diriges Masses trētals ladyes Psalters ▪ c. to beleue that our sins could not be forgeuen tyl we had whyspered oure synnes into the Priests eare and to receiue absolucion at his hand to beleue that after the wordes of cōsecracion as they cal them ther remain no more breade nor nomore wine in the sacrament of Christes bodye and bloude but that the breade is changed into the natural flesh of thy deare sonne Christ Iesu and the wyne into his moste precious bloude ☞ that was shedde for oure sins vpon the aulter of the crosse when notwithstandinge the Papistes them selfs do many tymes keepe the breade so longe that it both mouldeth stynketh and bredeth ful of worms and afterward they burne it accordynge to theyr owne law Ah Lord thus wer we to much wretchedly mocked and led captiue of antichriste and hys disciples The darknesses wherin we walked wer so gret that they mighte be felte i. Pet●r i But thanckes be vnto the o most merciful father which haste called vs oute of the darcknes of mennes tradycyons into the glorious light of thy gospell We haue nowe learned that Antichriste and his mēbers haue longe deceyued vs taughte vs theyr owne drowesye dreames in stede of thi blessed word We now know that thou requireste not of vs that we shuld runne gadding to stocks and stones Math. xx● but that we shuld visit suche as are sicke and in prysonne and comfort thē We nowe knowe that thy wyll is not that we shuld paynt tabernacles and gyld ymages but rather that we shuld cloth the pore and helpe the nedi 〈◊〉 lviii We now know that it is vaine to pray to this or to the saynt seyng they nether here vs nor yet canne helpe vs. We haue lerned of thy blessed word 〈◊〉 ●iii 〈◊〉 vii that Christ the son is our alone intercessour mediatour and aduocate We nowe knowe 〈◊〉 ii that no saluacion is to be loked for in any ceremonys but only in thy great mercies set forthe frely to al penitente sinners thorow faith in Christs bloude We now know that Christes bloude is the alone Purgatorye of oure soules ● Iohn i. whiche purgeth maketh vs clene from all sinne We now know that whē soeuer we repent confesse our sinnes vnto the and beleue to haue remission of al our synnes Iohn i. Ephe i. Collos. i. thorow Christes bloude we shall surely be forgeuen Yet despise we not but rather hertely de●yre the counsell of godlye and learned preachers ☞ whiche with the comfortable words of the gospel may raise vp strengthen and confirme our weke cōscience against Satan sinne death hel and desperacion We now knowe that the Masse mongers haue without al shame lyed vnto vs when they taught vs to beleue that the Mas which they mumbled was a propiciatorye sacrifice of as greate vertue strengthe power as the gloryous passion of our sauioure Iesu Christe and that it was necessarye bothe for the quycke and dead Ad salutem We nowe knowe also that the sacrament of Christs bodye and bloude is not the very selfe real and naturall bodye and bloude of Christe but an holye signe Note figure and tokē of his blessed bodye and precyouse bloude For thys worde sacramente is as muche to say as a signe of an holye thynge Nowe that whyche is the signe of a thyng cānot be the thynge it selfe And thoughe thy sonne called the bread hys bodie and the wine his bloude because the disciples should the better remēber the breaking of hys bodye and the sheddynge of hys bloude as he likewise called him selfe a vine a dore Iohn xv a rock whē not with standing he was nether naturall vine Iohn ● Math. vii ●nd .xvii. material dore or stony rock but onlye lykened vnto them for certain properties which he hath with the vine dore ▪ and rocke yet is neyther the bread hys naturall bodye nor the wyne hys naturall bloud as diuers of the aunciente Doctours doe declare and proue but onelye a fygure of hys bodye and bloude ☞ The breade is called Christes body because it visibly● preacheth bryngeth to oure remēbrance the brekīg of Christes bodye The wyne also is called Christes bloud because it putteth vs in remēbrance of the sheddīg of Christes bloude Of such phrases and manners of speakynge thy holye scriptures are full But as in many other thyngs so lykewise ī this blessed sacramēt haue the Papistes for the mayntenāce of their Idle and beastli life most foulye deceyued vs makynge vs to worshyppe a wafer cake and a sponeful of wyne myngled wyth water in stead of our sauiour Iesu Christe God and manne And thys Idolatrus erroure is yet so rustered and cākered in the hertes of many bothe learned vnlearned whose myndes ii Cor. i●ii iudgements senses and wyts the God of thys world euē the deuil hath blinded that the light