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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03718 The brutish thunderbolt: or rather feeble fier-flash of Pope Sixtus the fift, against Henrie the most excellent King of Nauarre, and the most noble Henrie Borbon, Prince of Condie Togither with a declaration of the manifold insufficiencie of the same. Translated out of Latin into English by Christopher Fetherstone minister of Gods word.; P. Sixti fulmen brutum in Henricum sereniss. Regem Navarrae & illustrissimum Henricum Borbonium, Principem Condaeum. English Hotman, François, 1524-1590.; Fetherston, Christopher.; Catholic Church. Pope (1585-1590 : Sixtus V). Declaratio contra Henricum Borbonium. English. 1586 (1586) STC 13843.5; ESTC S117423 154,206 355

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and blood of Christ And in like number Ambrose in the booke of the sacraments acknowledgeth onely two baptisme and the Lords supper But the papacie addeth ouer and besides these fiue more Order Confirmation Vnction Trident. con sess 6. c. 14. sess 14. c. 1. seq Penance and Matrimonie The holie scripture teacheth vs that matrimonie is not onely comly and honorable for al men but also that it is in a maner necessarie to Heb. 13. 1. Cor. 7. auoid fornication * Therfore we read that Peter the apostle had a wife * where mention Mark 1. Matt. 8. is made of Peters wiues mother Moreouer Chrysostom * saith The Apostle Ad Tit. hom 1. stoppeth the mouth of heretiks which slander mariage shewing that it is not a detestable thing but so honorable that with it they may go vp into the holie throne euen of bishops To what end should I vse many words The pope himselfe saith * If any man shall teach In decret dist 28. a priest to despise his owne wife vnder colour of religion let him be accursed Also * Bicause it Dist. 31. is prouided that single life might not be fostered and that he should be sequestred from the communion of the faithful which doth separate himselfe from his wife bicause of ecclesiastical orders Also dist 3. c. si quis nuptias But the same pope doth in the Tridentine Councel so forbid his clerks and nunnes to marrie that he doth euen inforce them when they enter his holie orders to take an oth that they will liue in perpetual single life which Paul sheweth to be a sure 1. Tim. 4. Titus 3. marke of Antichrist The scripture teacheth that we must acknowledge that wée haue saluation and iustification by Iesus Christ from the alone mercie of God Ies 43. I I am he saith the Lord which blot out your iniquities Also Matt. 9. That you may know that the sonne of man hath power to forgiue sinnes vpon earth I say to the sicke of the palsie Arise take vp thy bed and go home But the pope saith thus in Bernardin Rosetus We can demerit eternall life with works Serm. 20. Therefore we ought to presume and hold for a certaintie that after this life we shall assuredly haue eternal life for the reward of good works Also in the Summarie de grat sanct Good works demerit three things namely eternall life increase of grace remission of punishment As if either the chastitie or holines of our flesh could be so great that we should not alwaies be accounted vnprofitable seruants or that we can do those works for our Lord and patron besides those that we of duty owe that we can merit any thing But let vs sée the rest The scripture teacheth that in the Lords supper as wel the bread as the wine must be giuen to those Mat. 26. Mark 14. 1. Cor. 11. that come thereto * But the pope will suffer the people to haue no more saue onely the bread and forbiddeth them the receiuing Concil Const. sess 13. of the cup and wine * Which inhibition we may so much the more wonder at De consecrat dist comperimus bicause the pope in his Decrées * hath left this in writing We find that certaine hauing taken onely a portion of the holie bodie do abstaine from the cup of the holie blood who vndoubtedly let them either receiue the whole sacraments or else let them be kept from the whole bicause there cannot be a diuision made of one and the same mysterie without great sacrilege The same scripture commandeth all to take eate and drinke But in poperie onely the priests take eate and drinke which notwithstanding is manifestly forbidden in the same decrée * in these words When De cons dist 2. c. peracta the consecration is ended let all communicate which will not want be put from the bounds of the Church for both the Apostles did thus decree and also the holie church of Rome holdeth this The same holie scripture doth appoint that in the Church and assemblie of the godly all things be vttered in the common language that the multitude may easily vnderstande what euery one saith and addeth a reason bicause if anie thing should be vttered in a strange and vnknowen toong the multitude could not giue their consent and answer Amen But in poperie not onely the priests but also the multitude and silly women which mumble vp certaine forms of praiers do say all in latin The scripture teacheth vs that Christ is the onely bishop and priest who did once sacrifice his bodie for mankind according to that * Christ was once 1. Tim. 2. offered that he might take away the sinnes of manie And We are sanctified by the offering vp of the bodie of Christ once made And againe Ephes 5. Heb. 9. 10. By one oblation hath he consecrated for euer those that are sanctified But the pope hath made infinite priests whom he hath commanded that so often as they say masse they should so often sacrifice the bodie of Christ both for the liuing and also for the dead Whervpon commeth that forme of Canon in the masse We pray that thou wilt accept and blesse these gifts these rewards these sacrifices which we offer vp to thee for thy Church Also vpon Easter day in the secrets of the masse Receiue the praiers of thy people with the oblations of the hosts Also out of the masse for the dead The sacrifices we offer vnto thee for the soules of thy seruants and handmaids Also O Lord we offer to thee sacrifices for the soule of thy seruant Also in the booke of the Conformities * As frier Fol. 65. Iohn was at masse and in the eleuation of the Lords bodie as he offered it for the soules of the dead to God the father he saw an infinite number of soules go out of purgatorie as a multitude of sparkles out of a firie fornace and fly to heauen for Christs merits who is daily offered in the most holy host for the quicke and the dead But let these things hitherto be spoken touching the corrupt polluted defiled and filthy religion of the popes only for examples sake For séeing this crime of the papacie hath in many and great books for the space of more than fiftie yéeres togither béen most plentifully declared and handled by the Diuines of Germanie Heluetia France and England and by others also it séemeth more commodious to come vnto the fourth crime of the papacie The crime of Sacrilege HItherto haue we spoken of the second crime of the papacie Hereafter order doth require that we intreate of sacrilege and of that wickednes which commonlie they all Simonie of Simon Magus For it is manifest that at Rome the pope kéepeth two simonie markes of those thinges which they call spirituall One is that wherein benefices are openly sold without any dissimulation and that is the most gainefull