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B16254 The path-way to please God Which way whomsoeuer walketh, especially in the time of anie worldly affliction, shalbe defended against all temptations. Wallis, Thomas, fl. 1583. 1617 (1617) STC 24991.5; ESTC S106290 15,317 128

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me ah vile wretched sinner almost in despaire desperate of Mercy but thy sweete and louing promises do encourage me with assured hope and vndoubted Faith that at what time soeuer I euen I a most wretched and abhominable sinner shall from my heart heartily and not with Wordes alone outwardly crie vnto thee for mercie remission of my sinnes and Fauour that then euen at that instant thou wilt haue compassion vppon mee and pardon and release mee of all my sinnes and iniquities To thee therfore O Lord God with most humble and harty Repentance I cry for mercy for my sins past and beseech thee of thy grace and holy Spirit to gouerne me euer heereafter and truely to guide mee in all truth and righteousnesse and in the perfect knowledge of thee thy holy lawes so long as I shall heere continue in this vale of misery euē for thy deerely beloued sonne Christ his sake So in most assured hope faithfull trust to thy mercies cleauing vnto thy promises laying my heauie burden vpon thy most mightie shoulders and prostrating my selfe before thy heauenly throne from the very bottome of my hart I cry vnto thee saying O our Father which arte in heauen A praier for grace wherin is declared the weakenesse of man ALmighty eternall and euerlasting God grant that thy holy Spirit may alwaies remaine in our hearts and that through the inspiration of thy most Heauenly grace we may euer-more performe the effects of thy holy Lawes and liue according to thy blessed commandements And although man is alwayes more prone readie to transgresse agaynst all thy precepts generally then any thing at all able to performe the least iotte of thy Diuine pleasure yet O most mercifull lord GOD of thy great and tender Mercie grant vs grace and willing mindes and obedient hearts diligently to reade thy Holye Scriptures for our learning and so to follow thē in our liuing that fruites thereof may spring out to thy glory and to the profit of our Neighbors Alwayes confessing and affirming with the holy Apostle that when we haue done al that wee can doe yet then wee are vnprofitable seruants Graunt vs thus thy grace O louing GOD that wee may liue in thy feare and leaue this transitory life in thy fauour and after this life remaine with thee in thy heauenly habitation amongest thy blessed Angelles singing to thee with heauenly melody O holy holy holye Lord God of Sabbath To whom be all laude praise and thankes for euermore Amen A prayer to our Sauiour Christ for remission of sins O Christ my Redeemer only sauiour vouchsafe of thy great clemency to haue regarde vnto mee whom thou hast redeemd who am nowe most miserably wrapt in so vnmeasurable a number of greeuous sins as nothing may ridde me from the heauie wrath of my heauenly father due for my deserts vnlesse thou bee mine aduocate and Peace-maker for me And I doe knowe assuredly that the Holie Spirite sent from my heauenly father thorough thy mediation and being thorough his bountifull goodnesse poured into my sinfull heart is the onelie and cheefe medicine salue and precious Oile which cureth and comforteth my wounded Conscience and wretched soule Haue mercie vppoa me O Christ and now beholde with thy Glorious eyes the Sorrowes and hearty greefes wherewith I am oppressed and as I am of a vile peece of earth made and constituted to the likenesse and shape of thine owne image thou hast also breathed life into me endued mee with reason So likewise I humbly beseech thee to shewe thy louing countenance vnto mee to grant that thy grace may euermore remaine with me to pardon and release me of al my sins and iniquities and whē thy good wil and pleasure is to dissolue this flesh in me and to take me out of this miserable life to thy mercie And in the meane time graunt vnto mee the perfect gift of patience and humblenesse of heart meekly to hear and suffer all those thy crosses and afflictions of bodye mind where-with it hath pleased thee in mercy thus loungly to visit me Strengthen me O my Sauiour that I despaire not and weaken the force of my ghostly enemie that hee haue no power to subdue my soule by any manner of temptation so shall my tongue hart and soule with full consent yeelde lawde and prayses to the high and glorious maiesty of thy heauenly father and to thee mine only sauiour with the holy Ghost with full assured trust by thine onely merites and bloudshedding O christ to haue full remission of my sins and so finally to obtaine a resting place in thy heauēly habitation for euer and euer world without end So be it Other prayers for remissin of sinnes and remedie against temptations TO thee O heauenly father king of all kings and most mighty Creator Gouernour of all thinges I thy most wretched creature presume with al humblenesse of heart to make my complaints vnto thee Hearken O God to the prayers which my sinfull soule doeth poure out before thy Diuine maiestie with assured confidence to be releeued at thy merciful hands Out of thine heauenly throne and Glorious habitation vouchsafe to behold the greeuous affliction of mee thy poore wretched seruant Make me strong by thy mightie Power to withstand al temptations and assaults of all mine Enemies both bodily ghostly least they preuaile against mee and ouercome mee Assist me alwaies with thy grace and renue in me an humble spirit and willing mind to performe my duty towards thee and my neighbour Increase in me true contrition of hart to confesse bewail lament my sinnes past and grant me grace to amend my life hereafter and persist onlie in those thinges which may please thee and be acceptable before thee Strengthen mee good Lord with thy power and grant perfect patience and meeknes vnto mee humbly and wilingly without grudging to suffer and obey thy louing corrections sith with my heare I doe acknowledge my selfe to haue deserued much greater punishments if thou shouldest deale with mee according to mine offences wherein O Lorde vouchsafe to spare mee grant vnto me thy fauour and louing countenaunce for thy deere sonne Iesus Christ his sake In whom with thee and the holye Ghost resteth my true perfect and onely saluaon which from my hart I confesse saying I beleeue in God c. Waken mee O my louing father from my sluggish sleeping in sin lighten my hart with thy heauenlie grace and shew thy bountiful mercie toward mee Asswage the rigour of thy heauie displeasure whiche I haue deserued Giue me diligence to hear and receiue thy holy word and let the same take such deepe root in my hart that I may truely learne to know thee and be diligent and carefull in dooing my dutie towards thee daily endeauouring my selfe to leade this my mortall life according to thy Godlye holy precepts Lorde let not any vile temptation worldlie desire or fleshly lust preuaile against me
nor be of force to draw my mind hart or Soule from thee Let not my sinnes further increase which are alreadie so innumerable that I feare thy wrath and heauy displeasure Neuerthelesse with the holy prophet I trust and confesse saying In thee O Lorde GOD doe I put my trust let me not be confounded Saue thou my soule which putteth her trust in thee Receiue the same O Lorde into thy merciful tuition Bee thou O God my readie helpe and comfort whē any temptation doth assayle mee and suffer me not to be tempted beyond my power but shewe thy louing countenance vnto me now and euer Amen A praier declaring the vnthankfulnesse of man for the manifolde benefites of our heauenly Father O Eternall and omnipotent GOD who doth rule and gouern al things by thy power to whome all creatures in the world as wel man in what state or degree soeuer thou of thy goodnes hast constituted or placed him or also all Beasts of thr field Fishes of the sea and fowles of the ayre are subiect Which creatures thou by thy diutne wisedome hast not onely created in his kind but also hast limited and appointed vnto euerie one of them a certaine knowledge order wherby each Creature in his kind doth obey thee Sauing man to whom thou hast beene most beneficiall whome thou hast endued with Reason discretion Wisedome besides a number of thy heauenly blessings and hast also placed him in this world as chief aboue al other creatures and hast ordained and appointed all Fowles of the Ayre fishes of the sea and fruites and beastes of the earth for his sustenance necessity Notwithstanding O most gracious and louing Father we are altogether vnthankfull for thy great and manifolde giftes so largely plentifully and abundantly bestowed vpon vs and careles of our duties towards thee not regarding thy goodnesse and Louing fauour as wee ought but abusing misvsing those good Vertues and gifts which thou hast bestowed vpon vs nether vsing Wisedome Reason nor Discretion or any other endeauor to such purpose as may tende to the performance of thy godlye pleasure but contrariwise in all our doings actions trade of life and vngodly thoughtes wee dailie and howrly commit most abhominable and heynous offences transgressions against thy diuine Maiestie whereby we prouoke thy Wrath and greeuous displeasure against vs for our iust punnishmentes which woorthily shoulde fall vppon vs were not thy manifolde mercies about our infinit offences and thy great loue toward vs more then our deseruing according to thy louing and fauorable kindnes manifested vnto vs by those most comfortable declarations of thy fauor towardes vs affirming that thou wilte not the death of a sinner but rather that hee may returne from his wickednesse and liue Neuerthelesse O most comfortable Sauiour such is the frowarde mind and vile condition of Man that he is alwayes more readie to transgresse and rebel against thee and thy helye Lawes then at any time shewing his due Obedience rather stubbornely striuing agaynst thy mightie power that reasonable submitting of himselfe vnto thy fatherly and louing corrections knowing in our consciences how many wayes we daily doe offend thee and how iustly we do deserue thy heauie wrath Lorde God of thy louing mercie and accustomed clemency and bountifull grace take thy greeuous wrath from vs correct vs not in thy heauy displesure deal not with vs according to our iniquittes spare vs good Lord yea spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed Bee gracious and fauourable vnto vs. Pull out of our hearts minds and thoghts ●hose Subtile slights iniuring Duties and vaine affections which eyther the world through vanity the deuiil through policie or the flesh through filthy desire haue rooted in vs to the end to draw vs away from thee Receiue vs O Lorde GOD into thy fauour againe renue the right spirite of grace in our hearts purge cleanse our soules from the most filthie and foule spots of pride gluttony enuy fornication drunkennes and al other abhominable sins wherein we haue long wallowed to the vtter confusion and damnation of our owne soules if that thou O Lord be not mercifull Plant and ingraffe in vs all lowlinesse meekenesse Obedience loue charitie pati●nce and al other gif●s of vertue which may subdue and ouer-come vice in vs. This O lord we be seech thee in mercie grauntvnto vs for the Loue of our Lord and onely Sauiour Iesus Christ To whome with thee and the holy Ghost be all praise honour and glory amen An humble confession of sins I Most humblie beseeche thee O Christ the true and onely son of our heauenly Father that for thy mercy sake thou wilt haue pitty and compassion vppon mee that thou wilte with thy fauourable eyes behold the great affliction of minde and harty greefe of me thy poore Seruant whom thou hast redeemd Vnto thee are all my sins and offences knowne and I humblie confesse that it is not in the power of anie creture on earth or worke of anie mans hande that the intercession nor praier of anie S. Apostle or angell in heauen that may releeue mee or helpe mee But onelie thou who by thy precious blood-shedding hast purchased ful redemption and perfect saluation for so many as do trust in thee and withvnfaigned heart do confesse their sins vnto thee doe call vpon thee to intreate for mercy thee to intreate for mercy to our heauenly and almightie father Euen nowe therefore O Christ my Redeemer I doe confesse vnto thee my manifolde sinnes and with my heart I am inwardly sorry that I haue beene so vnthankefull for the sundrie inumerable benefits which thorough thee I haue receyued of my Heauenly father And it doeth greeue my wretched Soule that I haue bene so negligent a Laborer in the Lords vineyard where is much plenty and great aboundance of all good things and so great store of pleasant and most sweet mirth whereof we vnthankfull and disobedient creatures of al others most wretched receiue the whole increase and profit to the releeuing of our necessities All which notwithstanding so subiect vnto our weake and frayle flesh so led by the desires and affections of the world and so blinded with the subtle sleights of our aduersarie the deuill that we do altogether fall from thee and doe not in any wise seeke the Honour and Glorie of our Heauenly father but do rather purchase to our selues Death and vtter Damnation if thou O Christ of thy continuall Mercie didst not intreat for the mittigation of the iust punnishment due for our offences Refuse not O most gentle and louing Aduocate mine humble suite which nowe I make vnto thee for that I haue beene so longe a sluggish loyterer carelesse seruant and negligent workeman in the seruice of my Lorde God The remembrance wherof my louing sauiour and the horrible feare of his heauy displesure do make mee to consume my daies in sorrow and to abhorre this wretched life wherin man so many waies
doth fall from thee But euen for thine owne agony and passion sake I beseeche thee to intreate my Heauenly father for me to release and pardon my former negligence and wretched carelesse vnthankfulnes and to forgiue my great transgressions and offences Through which I haue spent so long a time without calling for Grace receiue my humble Petitions and heartie submission accept my repentance which my hart mind and soule doe yeelde vnto thee and with perfect consent agreement do earnestly sue vnto thee for thy fauour and louing countenaunce with assured hope that thou wilte intreat for me and strengthen me and that thorow thee I may obtaine grace frō aboue wherby I may euer hereafter truly serue my Lord God and neuer fall from him againe Suffer thou not my mercifull Redeemer that sathan and his wily Ministers and subtile spirits who according vnto theyr kinde can craftily change themselues into Angelles of light bearing or rather counterfeting the countenance of truth by their practises and sundry temtations are able to ouerthrow and deeeiue so manie ouer whome thou giuest them power to preuaile and generably ouer all creatures whose force is ouer-weake if thy grace and holy Spirit be not assistaunt or rather a defendant in the behalfe of vs miserable wretches against the assaultes and allu●ements of so great mighty aduersaries Wherefore O Christ in thy might defende vs keepe vs vnder thy protection bee thou our continuall mediatour vnto our Heauenlie Father for vs his prodigall children the straying sheepe from his folde and the widdowes lost groat Bee thou our aduocate that he may receiue vs againe as obedient and penitent children confessing our Sinnes against him with most harty repentance Our onelie hope and trust of saluation O Christ resteth in thee and our vtter and euerlasting Damnation commeth thorough our own manifold transgressions nothing can helpe vs nor other remedie wee haue none but this that it pleased our heauenly father to send thee to be our redeemer and Sauiour euen so many as doe faithfully beleeue through thy Death for vs to haue receiued full free redemption and remission of sins Such O Christ haue euerlasting life and shall not come vnto damnation but are escapt from death vnto life Bee thou therefore continually with vs i● grace faith and hope comforte vs in all distresse affliction and troubles accept and receiue our lamentable and greeuous complaints for our sins past Mollifie these our stome hearts that we may truly hartily and sincerelie cry vnto our heauenly father for mercy that we may serue him with all our hearts mindes and strength and diligentlie search the holy scriptures for in them we haue eternall life and they are the Testimonie and witnesse bearers of our Heauenly Father Deny not O most deere Christe thy mercie to vs penitent and sorrowfull sinners Let vs that seeke thy fauour and heartily repent vs of our wicked liues find release and forgiuenesse at thy pittifull hand Open vnto vs O Christ euen vnto vs that do earnestly knocke with the heauie Teares of our hearts at the still gentle gates of thy tender mercy those gracious gates frō which all Mercie doth abound according to that heauenly and gladde proclamation commanding vs to aske and wee shall obtain mercy to seek and wee shall finde fauour to knock and it shall be opened vnto vs what euen all aboundance of Grace plentie of mercy fauour free remission and forgiuenesse of sinnes yea and all ioy blisse and life euerlasting If we return from this worlde vnto thee if wee leaue following the desires thereof and cleaue vnto thee thou art the only peacemaker betwixt vs and our Heauenly father To whome with thee the holy Ghost bee all praise honor and glorie for euer Amen A praier to bee said going to bed Thankes be giuen to thee O Lord God for all thy mercies Hallowed be thy name for all thy wonderfull workes Vouchsafe this night to preserue me in thy safe custody as thou hast this day past defended me Make me strong thorough thee to vnderstand all maner of temptations illusions dreams and fantastes of the night through the deceits wherof a number of wretched souls haue faln from thee Ah my Lorde God I do heartily beseech thee that I may not onely receyue quiet rest of body but that my mind may also be quiet and my soul safely preserued from all perils and dangers Saue mee for Christe his sake in thy blessed tuition and lightē in me the bright flames of thy grace Wee miserable sinners O Lord God euen all the nūber of earthly creatures haue no power of our selues to withstand the assaults temptations of our bodilie and Ghostly aduersaries but through thee Againe such are the fierce temptations subtil baits and craft● fl●ights of our Enemies that if thou bee not our defender our soules cannot escape the snares which day and night are laide to catch vs and bring our soules vnto confusion Louing father all this thou knowst and doost not wish the death of a sinner remember vs how weake wee are and defend vs sithe in thee is all our trust Let not our enemies by night or day preuayle against vs for if thou bee our keeper no euill can subdue and ouercome vs vnlesse thou O Lord God doest permit and suffer it Into thy hands commend I my Soule beseeching thee to receiue the same into thy blessed tuition Shew vnto me thy louing Countenance and make me thy true seruant strengthen me in all good things that may make me able to serue thee Let thy peace and grace remayne with me at all times and that the loue of thy blessed sonne Christ shewed towardes all creatures in redeeming vs may euermore continue towards vs to the comfort of our souls and let the comfortable fellowshippe of thy holy spirite direct all my thoughtes and workes assuring my Life in this vale of wretchednes that in my life I may serue thee and at my death glorify thee Through Christ our Lord Amen A prayer to be said in the time of sicknes Through the extremity of this thy gentle louing correction O Lord I am put in remembrāce of my greeuous sinnes through which I haue falne from thee I acknowledge to haue deserued more sharper scourge But such is thy mercie to chastice me so gently for which I hartily thank thee am hartily sorrie that I haue so much displeased thee Lord haue mercy vpon me and regard mine humble submission and reiect me not because I haue bene stubborne heretofore In thee alone resteth al my hope comfort consolation I trust through our Lord Iesus Christ thy deere son to haue remission and free pardon of all my sins and offences which are in numerable and which do deserue great punnishment if thou shouldest reuenge in thy wrath or deale with me according to my worldly actes but I do firmely beleeue that through the onely merits of christ al my
THE Path-way to please GOD. Which way whomsoeuer walketh especially in the time of anie worldly affliction shal be defended against all temptations Thy Word O Lord is a lanterne to my feet a light vnto my pathes Printed by W. Iaggard The Path-way to please God A godly Prayer O Almightie God and Heauenly father direct our steps in thy word and leade vs into the Path of thy commandements for thou art the GOD of our saluation so wee loue the habitation of thy house greatly do wee delight in the Companie of such as feare thee therefore will we worship and fall down and kneele before thee O Lord our ●aker for wee are the people of thy Pasture and the sheepe of thy handes O God heare vs in the truth of thy saluation Amen Godly prayers to be saide at all times For the morning O Heauenly Father I giue thee most heartie thankes land and praise for a number of thy blessings bestowed vpon mee and amongst the rest this is not the least that thou hast not only preserud me from my youth vp hitherto from mine enimies and aduersaries in this world but for that also thou hast defended and kept me this night past from all perils and dangers of the same and hast giuen mee q●●et rest and sleepe and hast safely brought mee to the beginning of this day I beseech thee of thy abundant mercy and kindnes so to direct and gouern me in this day and euer with thy holy spirit that all my thoughts words deeds may only be in thy seruice faith feare loue to the glory of thy holye Name Amen For mercy and grace HAue mercy on mee O Lord remember not my faultes which deserue no fauor at thy hands nor any part of these thy benefits but mitigate thy anger which I haue deserued Bestow thy grace on me let thy holy Spirite euermore abide with mee so serue thee in holinesse and righteousnes of Life to the honor and glorie of thy holy name amen From all perils and dangers ONely in thee O mercifull Lorde lyeth all power and might to defend me from all perrilles dangers of this worlde and in my selfe is all disabilitie to doe any thinge which may please thee so that I am altogether subiect to the Worlde by the flesh wherin I was created to all other thinges else which may draw mee from thee if thou in mercy doe not defend mee that neither sathan sinne hel nor death haue the dominion vpper hand of mee Endue my heart O Lord with the true vnderstanding of thy holye worde that I may be redy manfully to fight vnder the standart of thy deare son Iesus Christ to whome with thee the holy ghost be praise now and for euer Amen To withstand all temptations MAke mee able O heauenly father through thy power to with stand all temptations whereby I may bee drawne from thee and ouer-throwe all those thine enemies who are too strong for me and to whom through sin and flesh I am become thral So shall I O Lord be able to liue in the world yeelde thee praise worlde without end At our vp-rising O Lord GOD and heauenly Father I humbly beseech thee that this my vp-rising thou wilt vouchsafe to looke vppon me and blesse me so bountifuly with thy grace that I may spend this day the rest of my life in thy Seruice that all my trauailes and endeuors may please thee and that I do not in anie thing swarue or fall from thee we most humblie beseech thee that thine eyes may attend vppon vs daily defend vs in sorrow succour vs cherrish comfort and gouern all our Counsels studies and labours in such wise that we may so spend this day according to thy most blessed will without hurting of our neighbor that wee may diligently warily auoide all things that should displease thee vnto the praise of thy most holy name through Christ our Lord Amen To the glorious and blessed Trinity Saue mee O Father my Creator through thy power O God the sonne haue pity vpon mee and bee thou mine aduocate to intreate for mee O holie Ghost I humbly beseech thee to remaine with me and gouerne me O blessed and glorious trinity three persons and one GOD strengthen mee comfort me and defend me for euer more amen Prouerbs chap. 21 WOnderfull are thy works O Lord God thine Omnipotency most meruailous thy wisdome most in searchable thy power more then any Creature can cōprehend Ther is O Lord no power in earth that may contend or striue against thee or is able to abide the lest stroke of thy mighty hand If in thy power thou Correcte our Iust deseruings no wisedome no Counsaile nor policie may preuayle against thee O Lord. Therefore O God I am affraide of thy displeasure and my soule doeth tremble to think vpon my manifolde sinnes and iniquities and contrarywise mine assured hope trust and confidence in thee do thoroughly perswade mee of thy goodnesse and mercie and doe as it were conuert that feare which I haue of thy displeasure in respect of my sinnes into loue honor and obedience of thee in respect of all thy manifold beneuolences which I haue receiued at thy most bountifull hands thorough thy deere sonne Iesus Christ our Lord Amen That we may forsake the worlde and the vanities thereof LEt mee not O mercifull Lord and heauenly Father fall from thee to fal vnto the world and the vanities thereof Let not thy Grace nor feare fall from mee least mine enemies catch me in theyr snares Let mee not through the alurement of the world be drawn from thee and from the care of thee lest I forget to loue honor and obey thee as I ought To the glory of thy most holy name through thy deere son Iesus christ our Lord Amen A prayer to God for forgiuenesse of sinnes and offences O Lorde of thine infinite Mercy haue compassion vpon me Lay not to my charge my former offences but to graunt as thou hast hitherto vouchsafed to defend and proserue me through thy power so likewise I humbly beseech thee my Lord and Redeemer euermore hereafter to keepe me safe in thy protection against all perils and daungers of this world For in thee O louing father is all my hope in thee is my sure trust and confidence in thee alone resteth all my comfort ioy blisse happinesse and felicity of the world to come So be it ¶ A prayer declaring the Omnipotent power of God and the miserable estate of man O God whose mercy is most manifold whose goodnes is most excellent whose power is omnipotent and whose fauour is more then any Creature can deserue and contrariwise man a manifold sinner excelling al creatures in naughtines most weak and yet striuing agaynst thy power most sinneful and yet insteed of crauing thy fauour for pardon of our sins a thousād wayes deseruing thy heauie displeasure These thinges considered with my selfe my louing sauiour make
that most earnestly toward the setting forth of thy glorie Lengt he nand prolong his happy daies graunt vnto him a long quyet and prosperous raign many yeares to indure continue eu●n for thy trueths sake Blesse his Grace with the heauenly influences of thy Grace and holy spirit and euermore preserue and keepe him from all his enimies This O Lord wee beseech thee graunt for the loue of thy son Christ Iesus Amen A godly Prayer for Byshops and ministers of the word of God INflame and enure the hearts mindes and liues of all Byshops Pastors Ministers and professors of thy holye worde with perfect Loue and feruent zeale and affection toward the setting forth of thy glorious Gospell Giue them O Lorde aboundance of learning effectually to serch and finde out the hidden secrets and mysteries contained in the Scriptures and Letters containing and comprehending thy holye Worde Gospell and trueth written by the blessed Apostles Euangelists Prophets and left to them by Christ himselfe declaring his old and new Testament first written bythe finger of Gods owne hande as true and certaine testimonies of his great loue and Fauour towards vs and of his wonderfull workes and myracles wrought in the creation redemption and saluation of all vs wretched and sinfull People Lorde giue vs grace to be thankfull Let thy heauenly grace O Lord God cast out her bright beames of godlines into their harts and grant them true vnderstanding and perfect knowledge so that they may rightlie interpret set foorth and declare thy holy Scriptures to the edifying of weake simple and vnlearned people and that each one in his degree and calling may bee painfull Pastors and diligent shepheardes ouer the flocke committed to them Lord let their Doctrine liues agree in all vertuous and godly conuersation Grant that the dilligent trauels and carefull ouersights of all Byshops and cheefe Pastors bee examples to interior Ministers whereby they may bee approued faithfull members of thy glorious and most precious word and that of all parts the people may be truly taught sin abolished Idolatry rooted out Antichrist ouerthrown sathan trodden downe hel may be conquered the gospel may flourish and righteousnes may shine that God may haue due praise Thankes and glorie for euermore Amen A Godly Prayer for loue and obedience ALmightie God of thy manifold great mercies vouchsafe to poure into the hearts of all thy People earnest loue and true affection towards thy most holy Gospell make them dilligent and wiling hearers of thy worde and obedient followers and performers of thy heauenly will and pleasure in all their liues to the setting forth of thy glorye and the attainment of the onely true Saluation of their soules Establish also in theyr hearts true subiection vnto our most vertuous King faithfull obedience toward his lawes and iust dealing one with another that so all the whol nation of this English Flocke or Countr●y may agree and consēt to and in one vnity and agreement of one perfect religion and doctrine vtterly reiecting all sects schismes and erroneous Opinions whatfoeuer Lord thou hast promised by the holie Prophets that thou wilt giue to thy people a New heart that thou wilt deliuer to them a new Spirite that thou wilt take away their stony hearts and giue vnto them hearts of flesh that so they may walke in thy precepts that they may keepe thy iudgements and performe them that they shal be thy people and thou wilte bee their God O Lord let it so come to passe for thine only names sake to whom bee all honor and Glory both now and for euermore Amen A Prayer for the Church for daily encrease of Gods holy word LEt thy holye Worde O Lord daily increase let thy true church triumphe and thyne infallible trueth florish let vs forsake our old blindnes and ignorāce and cleaue onely vnto thee In thee O Sauiour resteth our hope and confidēce Giue vs grace therefore to reioice onely in thy trueth and holy worde which testifieth thy great mercy towards vs. Giue vnto vs one heart one mouth and one spirite and that of one truth by and through the which wee may rightly agree in all things that may please thee Lord let vs perseuer in the same and we shall be saued Confirm and strengthen our heartes in faith Grant likewise that we being iustified by faith may haue peace with God thorough our Lord Iesus Christ to whom with the father and the holy Ghost be all praise honour and glorie both now and euermore Amen A fruit●full Prayer that God of his mercie woules stop the mouthes of all the wicked that rise vp against his trueth STop and shut vp O lord the mouths of al papists Anabaptists sectaries and scismatickes thorough whose erroneous and superstitous Doctrines thy people haue beene and yet are daily blinded in ignorance and the Glorious light of thy holye Gospell dimmed and almost vtterly extinguished if of thy mercy thou haddest not in time turned thy wrath away from vs restoring vs to thy louing and fauourable countenance againe sent vs a most godlye and gracious prince by whom thy vndoubted true church hath bene●●dified and thy true and sincere Doctrine restored amongst vs God make vs to shew our selues thankfull therefore Plant in thy Church godly ministers and painfull preachers which are able by true and sound doctrine to stir vp thy people to the loue of thee and thy most holy word Such as are the true salt of the erth Mat. 5 13. And such as are the light of the world who hold forth the true Gospel of Christ to all the worlde Let them O Lord bee true fishers of men by whome we may be won vnto thee broght to thy folde By whom we may be carefully and truly taught our duties towardes thee in this worlde that after this life we may remaine and dwel with thee in thy heauenly Kingdome thorough our Lorde and onely Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen Godly prafers to our heauenly father for continuall grace and assistance to auoide the temptations of the world the deuil and flesh our monstrous enemies GRant vs O heauenlie father our humble petitions which we thy sinfull creatures destre of thee and vouchsafe of thy great mercie to send thy holy spirit into our hartes which may gouerne direct lead vs into al good things and defend vs from al manner of temptations Lord for thy manifolde mercies let thy Heauenlie grace alwaies remain with vs. Let thy truth be euermore with vs and make vs constant in the same that we n●uer be affraid of any thing that lieth in man ouer our bodies confessing that if thou be with vs in grace and truth man cannot preuaile against thee Encrease faith loue charity and fear of thee in the hearts of all people Let not the desires of the world draw vs from thee throgh the frailty of the Flesh which causeth our daylie fall from thee whereby sathan doth ouerthrow and triumph ouer vs who by all meanes seeks our vtter confusion both of body and soule Defend vs from all temptations of the Worlde the flesh and the deuill least we fall into them for to such as follow the world and flie from thee followe their owne destruction in this mortall life and euerlasting damnation in the world to come O mercifull God of thy goodnes and louing kindnesse strengthen vs be fauourable vnto vs and also blesse vs. Let thy holy spirite bee with vs for euermore and that by the operation of thy grace in vs wee may serue thee in all humblenesse and obediēce due to thy glorious maiesty and that we may with all our harts acknowledge thee to bee the true Messias the offered Lamb euen our Sauiour and Redeemer Christ Iesus through whose death and merits a● people shall receiue saluation and thorough whose mediation the wrathe of our heauenly Father for our iniquities is appeased Before whō as our chiefe and high iudge wee shall rise to iudgement who as the most high steward wil call vs to account of our trauels in this our pilgrimage render euery one their iust reward eyther with punishment or mercy Receiue vs O Lorde into thy mercifull tuition and protection and be our continuall Gouernour in the whole race of this our life Be thou also our defender and grant vnto vs thy countenance make vs strong against all temptations Weaken the strength of our great enemy Sathan Let not him and his ministers haue power ouer vs for that hee is but thy bondslaue whose power cannot preuail against vs without thy sufferance whose snares can take no hold vpon vs if thou direct our steps wherefore euen for thy mercie sake vouchsafe to consider our weakenes and grant that wee may do al things to please thee and finde fauour at thy hands who alone art our defender against Sathan and a●l his sleightes To whom be al praise honor and glory for euer and euer Amen FINIS London imprinted by W. Iaggard and are to bee folde by Iohn Hammon dwelling in Angell-alley in Aldersgate street 1617.