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B11989 Vade mecum. = Goe vvith mee deare pietie, and rare charitie. VVhose flame is stirred vp, to dispell the cold out of the minde. By Otho Casmanne, preacher at Stoade. Translated out of Latine, by H.T. minister. The contents appeare in the page following.; Vade mecum. English Casmann, Otto, d. 1607.; Tripp, Henry, d. 1612. 1606 (1606) STC 4769; ESTC S107899 102,540 274

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gods grace conuerted after thou didst turne mee I repented The grace of God saieth Prosper is aboue all iustifications or instructions perswading by exhortations warning by examples terrefieng by dangers inticing by miracles guiding by vnderstanding inspiring by counsel illuminating the hart it selfe and induing it with affections of faith Now the grace of God in turning man from sinne vseth two meanes Two means of Auersion from sinne First the knowledge of sinne Next the Consternation of the minde Thou maist come to the knowledge of thy sinne by the Lawe of God For by the Lawe is the knowledge of Sinne For the Lawe is the rule of righteousnesse shewing what is iust and what is vniust 1 The knowledge of sin Rom. 3. Whatsoeuer therefore is either in vs or is done by vs which is not agreeable to the rule of Gods Lawe that same is sinne By this rule try both thy Internal and Externall actions and thereby iudge of thy life And that thou be not deceiued in the vse of this rule Obserue these two things Whatsoeuer is contrary to the Law of God and our neigbour is forbiden by 1 Two Rules whereby to know sinne the Law of God and is repugnant to the rule of iustice And contrariwise whatsoeuer agréeth with the Law of God and our neighbour is cōmanded by the Law of God and consonant to the rule of iustice Although by expresse wordes it seeme to be neither commanded nor forbidden The Lawe is spirituall requiring a pure perfect spirituall and perpetuall obedience whereby thou maist vnderstand that al men are guilty before Gods tribunall as transgressors of his holye Lawe Thus then thou wilt acknowledge thy selfe a Sinner 2 Then learne to know how Sinne is conceaued and fashioned in the hart and How Sinne is cōceaued afterward brought forth in worke 1 Foure manner of waies sinne is conceaued and framed in the hart by Suggestion In the hart foure waies delectation consent and defence The Suggestion is wrought by the aduersary delectation by the flesh consent by the will bould defence by pride whiles the fault which ought to terrifie the minde doth lift it vp but the more it swelleth the more it supplanteth it 2 Foure manner of waies also is sinne performed in worke First we are ashamed In worke foure waies to sinne openly After a while we can let our faults be knowne without blushing Héerevpon sinne groweth to a custome and at the last it is confirmed eyther by a false hope of mercy or by a desperate feare of misery Finally learne to know the haynousnesse of sinne for sinne is an iniury offred The hainosnes of sinne by the sinner to God A contempt of his high Maiestie while we despise his will preferring the loue of our selues and the creaturs Sinne is a most heauy burden depressing a man in the basest manner and casting him headlong except he repent from one wickednesse to another Submitting him to the Tiranye of the diuell and last of all throwing him down to Damnation This mischiefe was so vnrecouerable by any humane wisedome vertue and Aremedie strength that it was necessary that the Sonne of God should become man to be Crucified and die that we might be deliuered from it 2 After the knowledge of sinne followeth Cōsternation or compunction Two fould Psal 88. a consternation or casting down of the minde sorrowing for the sinnes committed and trembling at the wrath of God and punishments due for sinne heareof thou shalt say with Dauid Thy wraths are gone ouer mee and thy terrours haue troubled me And againe Mine iniquities are risen aboue my head and are like a Psal 38. sore burthen to heauy for mee to beare This consternation or sorrow or sense of Gods wrath wil be stirred vp the more How it is stirred vp in thee Yf thou thinke on the Lawe giuen to our first parents in Paradice In what day so euer thou shalt eat of this tree Gen. 2. thou shalt die he death If thou call to mind that Thundering of God in mount Sinai Cursed is he that abideth not in all things which are written in the Lawe to doe it If thou looke to the hand writing of thy Conscience testifieng of thine owne hart both the sinne and sentence of damnation pronounced by God If thou view the signes of gods wrath whether thretned or executed as plague famine sword c. or such as prognosticate punishment iminent or neare hand Heereof riseth feare and and sorrow Feare is thrée fould as Bernard saith Two effects of the Law Feare to be depriued of the grace of God Feare to be excluded from the vision or 1 Feare three fould sight of God and feare to to be tormented in hell This feare doth Bernard stirre vp in his owne hart in this wise Way well How it is stitred vp Bern in Cant 16 Oh my soule what a fearefull and horrible thing it is to haue contemned thy maker to haue offended the Lorde of Maiestie Maiestie is to be feared Lord-ship is to be feared especially such a Maiestie such a Lordship Hee euen he is to be feared who after he An enumeration of terrible things al to be feared of impenitent sinners hath killed hath power to cast downe headlong in to Hell I tremble at hell I tremble at the Iudges countenance which maye make euen the Angels heauenly powers to tremble I tremble at the wrath of his power at the thought of the violent ruine of the World at the flaming of the Elements at the mighty tempests at the voice of the Arch-angell and the sharpe worde I tremble at the teeth of the Infernall beast at the belly of Hell at the roaring beasts prepared for a pray I am affraid of the gnawing worme the scorching fier the smoke the vapour the sulphur the Spirit of stormes the outward darknes Who will giue water to my head and a fountaine of teares to mine eyes that I may preuent by teares weeping wailing gnashing of teeth and hard manacles and fetters and weight of Cheynes pressing downe binding burning and neuer consuming Wo is me O my mother why diddest thou beare me a sonne of sorrow bitternes indignation and eternall weeping 1 Sorrow two fould 2 Sorrow of compunction which ariseth out of the consideration of the heinousnes of sinne is two fould 1 The first sorrow is for the punishmēts Sorrow of punishmēts deserued it is called worldly sorrow or a sorrow to death The efficient cause of this sorrow is 2. Cor 7 Eficient cause euen the holy ghost who in this case is called the Spirit of Bondage to feare who testifieth vnto vs our seruile and miserable estate while we are straungers Rom. ●pirit of bondage from Christ and therefore doth strike a feare and horror into vs. Now the Instrument where●● the holy ghost doth worke this sorrow in our Instrument hearts is the preaching of the Lawe the some
vp by hardnesse of heart Giue me grace therefore O Lord spéedily to returne to thée for what is the certaintie of my life Or who knoweth the day and hower when thou wilt come to iudgement Blessed is that seruant whom the Lord when he commeth shall find watching Verily he shall be crowned with immortall glory with Christ Iesus our Lord. Amen A prayer not to faint or go backward fitting the argument of the second Member Ne defice Faint not nor goe backward O Almightie God and most mercifull The second mēber father forasmuch as through thy grace I haue in some sort attained the knowledge of the way of life and haue also by thy grace entred the same giue me encrease of thy grace that I may walke in it For there are many stumbling blocks many snares many temptations in the Temptations in the way of godlines By God way so that we had néede of thy helpe to stay vs that we faint not or fall away 1. If it be thy good will to tempt me O Lord I know it is for my good not to cast me downe but to drawe me from the loue of this present world to stirre me vp to the loue of our heauenly country and that I might know from whence I haue power to resist temptations Giue me grace therefore by faith and patience to humble my selfe vnder thy mightie hand 2. If sathan tempt me I know it is to ouerthrow me yet thogh he be very strōg By Satan giue mestrēgth to resist him though he be very subtil giue me wisdom to beware of him though he be cruell giue me courage to triumph ouer him through Christ our Captaine who hath spoiled him cast him out and led him captiue 3. If the flesh doe tempt me it is so much the more troublesome as it is By the flesh Memorie of sinne with sorrow more domesticall 1. For sometimes the memorie of my former sinnes hath recourse with sorrow which maketh me to doubt of my true reconciliation with thée which though it be troublesome yet it is not vnprofitable That I might thereby consider the heynousnesse of sinne whereby I haue prouoked thée that thereby I might conceiue a feare and sorrowe for the same that I might blush and be ashamed before thée our father be stirred vp to loue thée so much the more who hast pardoned our sinnes by thy mercie in Iesus Christ 2. Sometimes the memorie of my Memorie of sinne with delight former sinne hath recourse with delight whereby it appeareth that there remaineth some remnant of the olde wounds which memorie is dangerous because it bringeth with it a certaine heauinesse whereby I am excluded from the sweetnesse of my conuersion to thée by delighting in the former lusts of the flesh before my conuersion Giue me therefore O Lord thy speciall grace that I may remember my former sins with sorrowe and not with delight with detestation and not with desire with condemnation and not with iustification Purge my memorie from vncleane phantasies drawe out that filthy sincke Make the purpose of my minde constant in good Grant me to detest inconstancie ydlenesse and sloth As soone as I am prouoked with wicked cogitations grant me earnestly to withstād them that with a cleane heart I may receiue thy holy spirit 3. Some times euen in the entry of the way of life my minde is troubled to The cares of a Christian life thinke how many cares and troubles Christian life is tossed with which it séemed to be voide of while I gaue the raines to my lusts whereby the way of godlinesse séemeth hard and difficult Giue me grace therefore O Lord according to thy cōmandemēt to denie my self and to take vp my Crosse followe thée Deniall of our selues Thou O Christ our guide and standard-bearer hast gon this way This way haue all the Saints troden The way of life is not so hard and difficult where Christ is our guide where hée is our spéede Thou hast promised that thou wilt giue vs a newe heart and a new spirit that we may walke in thy precepts giue vs that thou commandest and command vs what thou wilt 4 If the world either by allurements would drawe me to his loue or by contempt By the world would driue me from my profession with a certaine shame thereof Giue me grace to despise the world and not much ●● care to be despised for how transitorie is the felicitie of this world how many troubles is it mixed with Giue me grace to remember that shortly we shal all be presented before the tribunall of Christ of whom whosoeuer shall be ashamed before men of him will Christ be ashamed before his holy Angels Grant me grace therefore neuer to be ashamed of any good but to be ashamed of sinne which bringeth shame and confusion from which vouchsafe to deliuer vs through Iesus Christ Amen 5. Moreouer for as much as all relapse into sinne is dangerous least our last be worse than the first Both in respect of Danger of Relapse God into whose fauour to returne it is harder after we haue despised his grace than God into whose fauour to returne it is harder after we haue despised his grace than before we haue receiued it Secondly in respect of the diuell who returneth with seauen worse spirits Thirdly in respect of our selues who by custome engender wicked habites hardly to be cured Grant me therefore grace O Lord that I returne not as a dogge to my vomit least I may seeme to despise thy Maiestie whose mercie I haue so often begged that I might obtaine pardon Least I giue opportunitie to the vncleane spirit to enter againe with seuen worse spirits Least by custome of sinne I growe to an hardnesse of heart to commit sinne with gréedinesse without repentance From those so dangerous euils of relapse stay me O Lord by thy mightie hand through thy mercy in thy sonne Iesus Christ Amen A prayer to profit and goe forward fitting to the Argument of the third Member Profice seu pergredere The third Member Profit or goe forward O Almightie God and most mercifull Ourbackwardnesse in profiting father I acknowledge that it is not in a mans power to direct his owne waies or to reforme his owne life But either we sticke in the beginning of the race or we goe not forward so well or so fast as either we ought or desire Graunt me therefore O Lord according to the riches of thy grace that I may be strengthned by thy spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in my heart by faith that I being rooted and grounded in loue may goe forward in the way of saluation First in denying of my selfe and Next in practising righteousnesse And because all sinne be it neuer so small doth make vs guiltie of punishment Care of lesser sins and defileth the soule doth diminish the seruor of Charitie and weaken the force of
the spirit doth dispose to great sinnes and hinder encrease of graces doth spoile vs of spirituall gifts and depriue vs of glory c. Graunt me grace O Lord to withstand the first motions of sinne and diligently to examine euery corner of my heart and by spéedy repentance and faith to purge euery sinne séeme it neuer so small that I may not onely cut off all occasions of sinne but also pul it vp by the root through Iesus Christ Notwithstanding O mercifull father forasmuch as through thy long suffering Care of grieuous sinnes thou dost not onely as it were winke at our lesser sinnes but art also wont through thy mercie to pardon our more grieuous sins so that though they be as purple or scarlet by repentance they become as woole or snowe Graunt me grace so to profit in the way of godlinesse that I may daily more and more deny my selfe By mortifying the loue of my selfe By taming the appetites of the flesh By refraining the affections of the minde or will But especially in rooting out all wicked habites Both in the Superiour and Inferior faculties of our soule Mortifie O Lord in my vnderstanding Wicked habites in the vnderstanding Curiositie Rashnes the vice of curiositie whereby I am too curious to search those things which excéede my capacitie or which appertaine nothing vnto me The vice of rashnesse whereby I presume to iudge of other mens liues and manners besides the rule of charitie either by vncertaine and doubtfull coniectures or else by enuious or malicious rumors The vice of pertinacie whereby I doe stand so stifly in my Pertinacy presumed opinion that I will admit no mans counsel or perswasion aboue mine owne Frée my vnderstanding O Lord from Cogitations all ydle worldly vncleane and curious cogitations in stead whereof giue me grace that necessarie spirituall holy and profitable cogitations may occupie my minde That I may contemplate heauenly things laying a foundation for the time to come that I may obtaine eternall life Mortifie O Lord in my will whatsoeuer The will is repugnant to thy wil that I may neither wil nor desire any thing but that which is agréeable to thy will reuealed in thy word and is acceptable to thée And because in the inferiour faculties Wicked habites in the appetites of our soules in our appetites and senses many wicked habites doe preuaile which without a mightie force of the spirit cannot be subdued As Gluttony and Drunkennesse Luxurie Auarice Enuie Anger Pride Slothfulnesse in godly exercises Cowardlinesse or Pusilanimitie in temptations Grant me O Lord by thy grace to ouercome all these euills whereunto either al or to some one more than the rest either by nature I am enclined or by custome subdued that being deliuered out of the snares of sinne and Sathan I may serue thée in such righteousnesse and holinesse as is acceptable with thee through Iesus Christ our Lord. Prayers against each particular euill habite as euery man shall thinke most befitting his owne estate O Almightie God and most mercifull 1. Against Gluttonie or drunkennesse pray thus father I confesse and acknowledge that thou hast forewarned vs to take héed of surfeting and drunkennesse and hast threatned by thy holy word to exclude Gluttons and Drunckards out of the kingdome of heauen Giue me grace to auoide this sinne by a moderate abstinence by flying ydlenesse by Restraints of gluttonie a meditation of heauenly things by a practise of Christian vertues by an imitation of Christ in hungring thirsting and praying Graunt me grace that in eating and drinking I be not carried too farre beyond the boundes of naturall necessitie And that I may come to take my foode as to take a medicine that I may represse in féeding a new appetite stirred by varietie of dishes that I may receiue my corporal foode with praier and thanksgi●ing and with a desire of spirituall foode that being refreshed with bodily foode I may returne more chéerefully to the offices of my calling through Iesus Christ Amen O Almightie God and most merciful father forasmuch as the vice of luxurie or Against Luxury pray thus Riotousnesse is neuer alone but is carrier as it were in a Coach on foure wheels vz. Pampering of the belly and lusts of the flesh Nicenesse in apparell and lastnesse of sleepe And is drawne as it were with two horses equally matched vz. Prosperitie of life and aboundance of wealth whereon also doe sit as it were two driuers Slothfull dulnesse and Enuious securitie Giue me grace O Lord to profit day by day in the mortifying of this vice or rather vices By humble prayer crauing continencie of thée By withdrawing from the fire of lust the fewell of wine and delicates By a watchfull eare expelling out of my heart all euill cogitations forthwith as they rise And by kéeping my senses least death enter by them as by the windowes Graunt that by thy grace I may warily auoide whatsoeuer is beautifull to the eye whatsoeuer is swéete to the tast whatsoeuer is pleasant to the eare whatsoeuer delighteth the smell whatsoeuer is soft in touching That at length by thy grace I may so profit in mortifying Luxurie the though I féele the prick of the flesh yet I may suppresse it without sinne and may perceiue lust to be so abated in me that though it cannot wholly bée taken away yet it may bée subdued Through Iesus Christ Amen O Almightie God and most mercifull ● Against couetousnesse pray thus father forasmuch as thou hast forewarned thy children to beware of couetousnesse which is an vnsatiable desire to possesse more and more and is accompanied with many mischiefes Giue me grace to expell and expulse this vice by a godly contentment depending alwaies vpon thy prouidence and promise and setting before our eyes the example of our Sauiour Christ who when he was Lord of all became poore for vs Grant me therefore in whatsoeuer estate I am therewith to be content either in plentie or want in fulnesse or penurie Remembring that riches cannot helpe in the day of temptatiō nor giue tranquilitie or rest to the soule but rather doe wrap their possessors in many snares Grant me therefore to cast all my care vpon thee c. Through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O Almightie God and most mercifull 4. Against Wrath pray thus father forasmuch as thou hast forbidden vs to be angry rashly and doest make it as murther to be in danger of iudgemēt I beséech thée by thy grace to frée me from this sinne which extinguisheth the light of reason disguiseth the countenance and changeth a man into a Monster Grant me by thy grace to ouercome this sauage beast by remouing the procurers of anger which are Enuie Pride Curiositie Suspition Credulitie loue of our selues By restraining by the wisdome of the spirit the first assaults of anger By Christian patience suffering wrongs and not séeking to reuenge our selues That obseruing thy
expresse his example in the actions of our life God doth shew himselfe a father vnto vs Surely we are too vnthankfull if we shewe not our selues as children to him Christ hath clensed vs by the lauer of his bloud let vs shame to defile our selues with new staines or filthines He hath also inserted vs into his mysticall body let not vs fall away from that bodie by sprinkeling our selues with foule blots The holy Ghost hath dedicated vs to God as holy temples let vs by his helpe who dwelleth in vs make Mat. 5. our light so to shine before men that they may see our good works that our heauenly father may be glorified We haue the Angels our guides and watchmen let vs not by the filthie stinke of our sinnes driue them from vs. Our soules and bodies are destined to heauenly glory and mortalitie Let vs labour earnestly to keep them pure and vndefiled against the day of our Lord Iesus Christ What is therefore for to be done by vs I haue with a good meaning for our mutuall edification in Christ gathered like a Bee and framed out of all the best Authors this fire of Christian Pietie and Charitie that stirring vp one an other brotherly and enflaming one an other in the way of a godly conuersion and holy conuersation we may attaine to the true felicitie of eternall life Take ye this of me your vnworthie Minister with all fauourable countenance reade it with me with a minde desirous of Christian holinesse Let it goe with me and you all our life long He alludeth to the title Vade Mecum Fauour with good will the labours of your seruant studious of your saluatiō tending to Gods glorie Well then ye reuerend men and beloued brethren let vs enter the way of true happinesse by a true conuersion and godly conuersatiō Let vs not faint in the way for any difficultie or burthen of temptations but let vs goe forward in a continuall studie of continencie and obedience vnto righteousnes and by righteousnes vnto the glorie of eternall life And afore all things let vs do our endeuour to learne to denie our selues O how hard and difficult a matter is it for a man to forget and forsake himselfe A hard thing to forsake our selues and to apply his whole soule to the obedience of God How vnpleasant a thing is it for a worldly man not to seeke his owne but by doing all things according to Gods wil to seek the glorie of God Let vs by denying our selues patiently beare the crosse that God doth late vpon vs that we may be conformed to Christ and by humilitie acknowledge our owne infirmitie and begge the grace and helpe of God When we haue thus forsaken our selues let vs not neglect our neighbors From our selues to our neighbours From both to God but rather preuent them with honour and in good earnest imploy our selues wholely to procure their commoditie From our selues and our neighbors yea and from all things let vs cast our eyes vpon God and resigning our selues and all that is ours to his will Let vs yeelde all the affections of our mindes to be subdued by him If any thing fall out prosperously let vs ascribe it to God not to our selues If any thing succeed not according to our wish let vs not be dismayed with impatiencie but if any euil happen vnto vs let vs not therefore recken our selues vnhappie neither let vs complaine against God for our estate Almightie God graunt that by his holy spirit working effectually in our hearts and minds we may with carefull industry search out the way of Truth and Charitie with ardent desire long to come to our heauenly Father and hauing found out knowne the way we may with good courage enter it and with godly care walke in it fleeing the vanitie and inconstancie of the world that we neither goe backward nor decline either to the right hand or to the left The God of mercy and sanctification so frame the course of our liues in the vse of earthly things that we pamper not our selues too much but that we vse the world as if we did not vse it That 1. Cor. 7. we may learne no lesse to beare penury meekly than abundance moderately That we may restraine Luxury our deadly enemy least we turne the helps of our life into hinderances Let vs remember that these earthly things are by the goodnes of God appointed for our commoditie that they might be as pledges wherof we must one day yeeld an account In all the actions of our life let vs carefully looke vnto the speciall calling To looke to our calling wherevnto God hath called vs to do those things which beseeme it and to shunne whatsoeuer is vnseemely for it To conclude the eternall Father grant vs to cōtemne this wicked world whatsoeuer appertaines vnto it and as is meete to meditate on the life to come and the incorruptible Crowne in heauen These things ye Reuerend men and brethren I wish to you and my selfe which my wishes and studies if I shall perceiue not altogether to bee vnpleasing vnto you I shal seeme to haue reaped sufficient and plentifull fruite for my labour in this Booke and peraduenture shall be stirred vp to performe some greater matter The Lord Iesus blesse you all and euery one aboundantly from heauen Amen Fare ye well and liue ye happily At Stoade Idibus Octob 1604. Seneca Epist 116. YE commaund vs say they too hard matters We are fraile men we cannot abridge our selues of all things Hee Answeres Because we loue our vices we defend them And we had rather excuse them than excusse Shake thē off them we pretend we cannot the truth is we will not Epictetus Lib. Dissert Cap. 31. Of Diog. Cyn. I haue no guard no swords nor pompe nor outward terrors In stead of those A good conscience giues me boldnes armes me with power I esteeme Honestie for very loue without lawe or penaltie Other men are harbowred within walles doores or couertures I liue vnder the broad skie and wide world in the eyes and viewe of euery one I desire onely to please God And yet whiles I do thus it falls out that I am railed on yea and beaten but what maruell Of boyes and fooles that cannot abide to be rubd on the gaule yet wil I neither chaunge my minde nor leaue my manner And euen those that beate me I loue as a father or as a brother A Synopsis or viewe of this little booke whose Title is Vade mecum Goe with me Deere Pietie and Rare Charitie This little booke hath six parts 1. A Prologue sententious Foure members 1. Incipe Beginne 2. Ne Defice seu regredere Faint not or goe not backward 3. Sed profice Go forward or profit 4. By denying vnrighteousnes and By following of righteousnes An Epilogue sententious 1. The summe of the Prologue All men desire to Knowe and Liue. LEt vs
God giuinge him such humilitie as is due to him Submit and subiect thy selfe reuerently to the Maiestie of God both in mind and body and confesse thy selfe vnworthy of his benefits Thou shalt be humbled to God ward if thou consider him to be thy Creator thou his creature Him to be immortall and thy selfe mortall Him to be the Lord and thou his seruant Him to be the best and thy selfe the worst Humble your selues saith S. Peter vnder the mightie 1. Pet. 5. hand of God and hee will exalt you in due season Say with Iacob the Patriarch Lord I am lesse or vnworthy of all the benefits and truth which thou hast shewed vnto thy seruants Gen. 32. This humilitie will bréede in thée an obedience towards God for it is not enough Obediēce to knowe the will of God except thou doe obey him and endeuour to put in practise the commandements of God which thou hast learned He that doth the will of God endureth for euer And 1 Ioh. 2. if ye know these things saith our Sauiour happie are ye if ye doe them Not Ioh. 13. euerie one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdome Mat. 7. of heauen but hee that doth the will of my father who is in heauen euen hee shall enter into the Kingdome of heauen Yéelde vnto God a due feare acknowledging Feare the mercy and Iustice of God Feare to offend God whom to offend is the chiefe euill Conceiue a terror of sinne and the punisher thereof and yet so feare God as that thou loue him as a child doth his father for we must both feare God as our Lord and loue him as our father The Lord hath a delight Psal 147. Psal 112. in them that feare him and yet put their trust in his mercie Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord and hath great delight in his commandements Yet haue ye not receiued the spirit of Rom. 8. bondage to feare vz. such a feare as cannot stand with the loue of God 1 Ioh. 4. Render therefore to God the loue that Loue. is due vnto him that is In acknowledging the goodnesse and loue of God towards thy selfe loue thou God againe aboue all things Loue the Lord your Esay 28. God and serue him with all your hart and with all your minde He that loueth father or mother more than me saith Christ is not worthie of me 6. The loue of God is verie diligent in working This is the loue of God that ye keepe his commaundements 1. This loue doth vnite the louer and 1. Ioh. 5 The properties of the loue of God the thing loued so that we say with Dauid Like as the heart desireth the fountaines of water so longeth my soule after thee o my God It bringeth a mutual coniunction with it for God is loue and he that abideth in loue abideth 1. Ioh. 4. in God It so rauisheth a man with the loue of God that forgetting himselfe bee séeketh not his owne but the things that are Iesus Christs 2. This loue maketh vs cōtinuallie to cast the eyes of our mind vpon God Man by loue setteth his affection vpon God because the minde thinketh on nothing else this loue is strong as death it ouercomes all things and is ouercome of nothing 3. It so féedeth the minde that it is neuer satisfied it neuer thinketh or séeketh anie thing but God and him the more it findeth the more it wisheth Viewe the creatures all are yours saith the Apostle viewe thy selfe thou art Christs viewe Christ hée is Gods So by loue thou ascendest to God Fixe thy hope vpon thy God as is meete calling to minde his loue and Hope truth in thinges past and expect with patience his presence and helpe for things to come Cast thy care vpon God and hope in Psal 37. him and hee will bring the matter to passe Item Tarrie the Lords leisure Psal 147 be of good courage expect the Lord and hee shall comfort your heart The Lord hath a pleasure in them that put their trust in his mercie Hope confoundeth not But hope Obiects of our hope thou from God such things as fall vnder a Christian hope to wit eternall happinesse all things that are necessarie and profitable to further vs in the attaining of that blessed felicitie hope for Gods Mercie with his effectual blessing in all things and that by thy Sauiour Christ Iesus Yea hope manie times contrary to hope and striue against the spirit of distrust and desperation And hope thou strongly constantly chéerefully Rest thy confidence vpon God as thou Confidence art bound Acknowledging the power and mercie of thy God and firmely repose thy selfe therein against whatsoeuer dangers happen Blessed is he saith Ieremie that trusteth in God and Ierem. 17 whose confidence is in the Lord. And the sonne of Syrach In all thy Syrach 33 actions put thy trust in God for so shalt thou also fulfill his commaundements 2. Bee thou also religious towardes God giuing him due worship In adoring Adoratiō or Inuocation of God him and calling vpon his name Call vpon him religiously acknowledging him to haue all power all knowledge and to bée present euery where But call thou vpon God with a present intention of minde with an Rules of Inuocation acknowledging of thine owne vnworthinesse with a true affection of heart with a desire of Gods blessinges submitting thy will to Gods will with hartie repentance with a consideration of Gods commandements with a meditation of the diuine promises with assured faith to be heard with confidence in Christ the Mediator These things being thus prepared intreate the mercie and fauour of God both to obtaine things necessarie for soule and body and to turne away all euill Now the best forme of prayer for euery Christian man is the Lordes praier taught by the sonne of God to his Disciples containing all things briefly which are to be praied for When néede requires giue God the A religious oath honor of a religious oath and call God himselfe to be a witnes of thy spéech as the onely searcher of the heart and if thou doe wittingly deceiue or lye ●et him reuenge the lye or deceit Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God and shalt sweare by Deut. 6. his name Thou owest vnto thy God a reuerend Gratitude thankfulnes waie therefore Gods benefits with an admiration and ioy rehearse them commend them celebrate them extol them Acknowledge all good things as receiued from him onely both spirituall and corporall and therefore giue him only the glorie Say with the Psalmist I will praise the Lord at all times his Psal 34. praise shall alwaies bee in my mouth Offer vnto God the sacrifice of thanksgiuing and say Praise the Lord ô my Psal 103. soule and forget not all his benefits Be not thou either ashamed or wearie Exercise of the word
redéemer and Iudge And thou O my soule as often as thou sinnest so often by faith and repentance be thou renewed Take hold by faith on Gods grace acknowledge the loue of Daily repentance Christ embrace the comfort of the holy spirit who is the earnest of our inheritance whereby it will come to passe that thou comming with confidence vnto the Throne of Gods grace shalt finde comfort against temptations in due season Through Iesus Christ c. Amen Prayers framed to the Argument of the fourth Member Proceede further to attaine Righteousnesse The fourth Member and Vertue O Almightie God and most mercifull Gods long suffering father I acknowledge thy infinite grace and mercie towardes me who hast bene hetherto so patient and long suffering towards me that thou hast not onely endured me hauing all my life long prouoked thée by my many and great sinnes but also hast now at the last preuented me by thy grace that I might come to the knowledge of my sinnes and turne from them and returne vnto thée by hartie repentance and deniall of vnrighteousnesse So that I séeme in some sort to haue procéeded in forsaking the loue of my selfe In moderating my carnall desires In mortifying the Affections of my mind In rooting out euill habites But because I must not stay here but from the deniall of vnrighteousnesse I Grace to proceede m●st procéede further to the attaining of righteousnesse which I cannot doe except thou O Lord doe giue grace and power therefore I come vnto thee O Lord beseeching thée to giue me grace both to attaine to vertues and to kéepe them being attained And because they be best both attained and kéept by frequent vse of godly prayer By an ardent loue of vertue and by continuall exercise Giue me grace O Lord neuer to faint Meanes in prayer with hartie affection to embrace vertue and not to hide my Talent but that occupying with the same I may make a good account to thée thereof And that I may grow from vertue to A purpose to perseuere vertue Grant that I may haue a firme will and purpose not onely to enter but also to perseuere in well doing that no storme of temptation may remoue mée that being in loue with vertues I may chéerefully doe the offices due to her yet not for any other respect than for thy glory Alwaies beholding our Maister Iesus Christ as the perfect patterne of life and death Amen We must begin at Iustice O Almightie and most mercifull father A prayer to attaine Iustice who art iust in all thy waies and holy in all thy workes I acknowledge that I am infinite waies bound vnto thée for thine vnspeakable benefits which I can no way recompence but by glorifying thée according to the rule of Iustice which thou hast prescribed to vs that as thou art iust so should we be iust also By giuing to euery one that which is due to them To thée that which is due to thée To men that which is due to men Giue me grace therefore O Lord to worship thee according to the prescript 1. Towards God rule of thy word that is to call vpon thy name with a true affection of heart and a liuely faith To submit my selfe obediently to thy Maiestie In a true feare of thy iudgements auoiding effences And in an earnest loue of thy promises embracing thy mercies To rest vpon thee by a firme hope and constant trust To testifie my thankfulnes by a chéerefull obedience of thy will Neuer to be ashamed of thy truth but to professe it constantly To endure the crosse with an inuincible courage Looking for that blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the great God euen thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord Amen O Almightie God and merciful father 2. Towards our selues thou hast allowed vs to loue our selues to haue a moderate care of our selues by maintaining those good things which thou eitheir in soule or body hast bestowed on vs. Giue me grace therefore to be chiefly 1. The soule careful for the good of my soule by repairing reforming both the superiour and inferiour faculties of my soule Grant me grace therefore O Lord to Superior faculties The mind Wisdome apply my mind to the knowledge of Diuine humane things which either may further me to the life celestiall or make me profitable to humane felicitie Which is wisedome Graunt me Prudence to choose that Prudence which is verily good and to refuse that which is verily euill to marke what is to be desired and what is to be shunned Graunt me discretion which is the cōpanion Descretiō of true Prudence that I may discerne truth from falsehood certainties from vncertainties that which is profitable from that which is vnprofitable that which is seasonable from that which is vnseasonable things honest from vnhonest things pleasant from vnpleapleasant and to conclude good from euill And among these what is moore or lesse good what is conuenient for time place and persons Giue me grace O Lord to remoue all The conscience impediments whereby my conscience may be wounded and grieued which are onely my sinnes which bring sorrow and inflict wounds Graunt that I may so restraine my conscience Knowledge of the law by the knowledge of thy law and awe of thy iudgements that I may not dare any thing contrary to thy will And if my conscience chaunce to be A remedie wounded that I may spéedily seeke my remedie which onely is the redemption by the bleed of Iesus Christ apprehended by a true and liuely faith whereby our consciences are secured before thee if therewithall we abstaine from our sins and serue thée with a pure minde Giue me grace O Lord to will nothing but that which is agréeable to thy will reuealed in thy word that cleauing onely thereunto I may both will and doe those things which are good and acceptable to thée which grace we obtaine by the assistance of thy holy spirit who worketh in all men the power both to will and to performe according to thy frée grace Through Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour Amen Giue me grace also O Lord to rule Inferiour faculties The Irascible part the inferiour faculties of my soule Anger and Lust And that I may moderate Anger graunt me fortitude whereby my soule may bée strengthned stirred vp and armed to endure labour and danger yea of death for Christs sake with a good courage that I may bee able to moderate and subdue my affections and not bee subdued of them That I may despise worldly honour and seeke the glory of God and eternall felicitie that I may patiently beare all troubles and aduersities and crosses which cannot with godlinesse and honestie be auoided Graunt mée constancie that I may perseuere in honest and godly purposes Constancie retaining one tenure of minde will that I be not puffed vp in prosperitie nor cast downe in