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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07983 Meditations concerning praiers to almighty God, for the safety of England, when the Spaniards were come into the narrow seas, August 1588. As also other meditations concerning thanksgiuing, for deliuering Englande from the cruelty of the Spaniards, and for their meruailous confusion and ouerthrow. / By O.Pygge. ; With a spirituall song of praises by P. Turner Doctor of Physicke.. Pigg, Oliver, b. ca. 1551.; Turner, Peter, 1542-1614. Spirituall song to the praise of almightie God, for deliuering England from the Spaniards. 1589 (1589) STC 19916.3; ESTC S94725 23,900 73

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bene gratiously performed of the Lord accordingly they be acknowledged in the thāksgiuing to assure vs as was said before that praiers specially ioined with true fasting be not in vaine but to singular purpose And yet J desire not to be so mistaken as if J arrogated any thing to my poore and weake praiers made by me in my publike ministerie or priuate exercise No I doe vnfainedly from my heart acknowledge mine owne vnworthinesse to bee hearde crying for my selfe much more for the Church and this state J am persuaded that the things which I then meditated and which the Lord directed me to write were also thought vpon and remembred with more feruencie of spirite and singlenesse of heart by other the faithfull seruants of God Preachers and professours of our owne Nation and of other Countries They stoode vp in the gap they cried to the Lorde Exo. 17.11 they helde vp their handes and England hath preuailed They in deede were chariots horsemen and forces by sea and land as to that purpose Elisha spake of Elias Ioash of him 2. Reg. 2.12 13.14 Their praiers made in the bitter mourning of their soules for their owne and our sinnes did the Lorde heare blessing the worthy seruice of our valiant Countrimen imploide in those affaires and without meanes doing wonderfully for vs not for any worthinesse in themselues or in their praiers but for the worthinesse of Christ Iesus and for the honor of his owne name Jt doth remaine that thou thy selfe bee carefull wiselie to applie the fearefull warning of the Lord in the enemies comming against vs and his vnspeakable mercie in our wonderfull deliueraunce to stirre thee vp to vnfained conscience of pleasing him in thy selfe and such as be of thy speciall charge As also to praie that whatsoeuer is amisse in the land and so displeaseth our most mercifull God may bee amended Whatsoeuer thou art I exhort thee earnestlie to call vpon the Lorde that the controuersies risen vp amongst our selues may christianlie and brotherlie bee compounded That so the peace of our worthie Church beeing procured we may all whether we be Preachers or professours proceede one waie according to the truth to bestowe whatsoeuer gift wee haue to the rooting out of all sinne and to the establishment of the kingdome of Christ Iesus in the hearts of all those that bee vnder any of our charges Specially because the haruest is great Math. 9. and the labourers in comparison bee but few praie the Lorde of the haruest that such men whome he hath sanctified in life learning so as it were separating them Gal. 1.15 from their mothers wombes to the worke of the ministerie may bee thrust out into his haruest and continue in the same with much comfort to doe their dutie As also that such as bee altogether vnfit for so great a burthen may haue nothing to doe in the most holie ministerie of the Lord. Those whome these causes doe anie waie concerne most humblie and with all reuerence vppon the knees of heart euen in the bowels of Christ Jesus I doe intreate to shewe their zeale to his honour which shed his most precious bloud for their sins and their compassion vpon their dere brethren Countrie men his members in many places of the Realme yet wallowing in ignorance other sins in doing what they can that all the people of the land may be instructed in the euerlasting truth of God that so they may walke in the obedience of his blessed maiestie and in all dutie to our gratious Prince and all such as vnder her gouerne the state If these causes of so great importance be not loked vnto as they ought but that iniquitie be still suffered to grow and to abounde notwithstanding all that which the Lord hath said to vs from his worde and wonderfullie done for vs I will wish to weepe in secrete and that mine eies may drop downe teares for what els may we looke for but the captiuitie of the Lordes flocke And thus doe I commend thee Christian Reader to the Lorde and my selfe to bee remembred of thee in thy most earnest praiers March 7. 1588. the meruailous yeere in respect of the Lorde his wonderfull deliuerance of vs and the confusion brought vpon our enemies and the enemies of his Church he make vs alwaies thankfull Amen Oliuer Pygge Meditations concerning Praiers to almightie God for the safetie of England when the Spaniards were come into the narrow Seas August 1588. O Lord God almightie terrible and fearefull God thou Lorde of Hostes iudge of the worlde which hatest sinne and visitest the transgressions of the Fathers vpon the children to the thirde and fourth generation of them that hate thée Wée most miserable sinners doe in most humble manner throwe our selues downe before thy maiestie acknowledging that wee are not worthy of the least of thy mercies no not so much as to goe vpon the ground or to looke vp vnto heauen much more vnworthy are wée to haue this fauour to call vpon thy name with anie hope to be heard and to find fauour in thine eies for the obtaining of our requests for our selues and the rest of thy people for whom wee are bounde to pray Psa 50.15 Yet because it is thy commaundement that we should call vpon thée in our troubles Psa 145.18 and further thou hast promised to bee néere those that call vppon thée in truth In some measure of conscience to obey thy commaundement and trusting vnto thy great mercie we do humble our selues before thée Praying thée that wée may not be of the number of them whose praiers bee abhominable in thy sight according as it is with them that regarde wickednes in their harts and turne their eares from thy law Psa 66.18 but that we may so pray vnto thée in sorrow for our sins past Pro. 28.9 in vnfained desire to please thée for the time to come in a true persuasion of thy fauour to vs in Christ and in such a loue of thy Church that our seruice may be allowed of thée and our selues all they for whom we are to make sute may receiue much comfort of our performing this dutie euen to the honour of thy name And because it is our sinnes onely Jsa 59.2 that make separation betwéene thée and vs kéeping away the good blessinges which thou else wouldest giue and pulling vpon vs the plagues which thou art not easily drawne to powre vpon thy children We doe first of all in most humble maner confesse that as we were conceiued in sinne and brought forth in iniquity so we haue besides yéelded most cursed fruits of that our corrupt nature in rebellion against thée and breaking thy commandements in our thoughts words and déedes in doing euil and leauing good things vndone and doing good things very weakely and imperfectlie And that not onely in the daies of our youth and in the time of our ignoraunce but also since
that thou shalt be most iust if thou giue vs and our kingdome ouer into their hands Notwithstanding because thou art a God ful of mercie and infinite in compassion Ezec. 18.23 and hast alwaies shewed thy selfe so to bée not delighting in the destruction of sinners but rather desiring their repentance that they might liue and inioy thy fauour Jere. 18.7.8 Who hast said by thy seruant Ieremie that when thou speakest against a nation threatning to root it vp and to destroie it yet thou wilt spare it if they turne from their wickednesse according as wée sée it in the example of the Niniuites Jonah Trusting vnto these and such other promises in thy worde that we doe iudge our selues and our nation woorthie of all misery do notwithstanding pray thée for our Lorde Iesus Christ his sake to haue mercie vpon vs to forgiue vs our land all the sins whereof we be guiltie before thée O pursue vs not with thy iudgements as wee haue giuen thée cause for then we must néedes perish eternally Among other plagues from the which we praie thée to bée deliuered preserue vs we beséech thée from the handes of the Spaniards other idolaters which haue conspired against our nation to root out thy religion from hence to place Papistry again and to dispossesse vs of that parte of the earth which it séemed good vnto thée to allowe vs to dwell in where also through thy goodnes we and our forefathers haue inhabited now many yeres We confesse that for our vnwoorthie walking of thy Gospell and ill behauing of our selues in this pleasant lande it may iustly spue vs out and thou maiest suffer the enemies to preuaile But remember O Lord that these men be not behind vs in sinnes for they be a most wicked generatiō neither is it our sinnes that they do so much looke vnto in comming against vs as thy religion among vs professed and our renouncing the man of sinne the Bishop of Rome thine enemie the enemie of thy Christ So as now whatsoeuer we be that do defend it or howsoeuer we do defend it the cause is thine owne therfore looke vnto it we desire thée for the glorie of thy name and for Iesus Christs sake O why should such wicked men as these blaspheme thy name Psal 79.10 saying where is their God and the religion they haue so long professed As though the religion were not good which we haue receiued from thy word or as if thou wouldest not defende those that professe the same O remember thy auncient mercies shewed to this Nation manie yéeres breake not off till thou hast finished them by giuing yet further helps to thy Church and religion here for the better subduing of all the people vnder thy gouernment Deliuer vs O Lorde wee pray thée at this time Trie vs yet once more that our magistrats and ministers may in their callinges reforme whatsoeuer is amisse and indeuour to bring the whole lande into better order that thou maiest delight to fauor vs for euer That these thy blessings may bee obtained O driue away from our hearts the meruailous securitie wherin we haue slept these many yéeres imagining that our waies did please thée and that no plague should come néere vnto vs when we liued verie sinfully in all sorts and states and so prouoked thée to displeasure Grant that by these thy fearefull warnings we may at length be moued to confesse our sinnes to lament them to humble our selues before thée in fasting and praier to turne from our wicked waies to enter into a newe course and to make a sure couenant for euer hereafter in our callinges to doe our dueties better that thou maiest spare vs and staie thy hande from our destruction And howsoeuer we haue meanes for our defence by sea and lande Psa 20.7 yet kéepe vs wée pray thée from trusting in them though others put their trust in their horses Psal 6.4 1. Sam. 17 45. in their ships and multitude of men O shew the light of thy countenance vpon vs and graunt that in thy name onely trusting to thy mercie in thy strength we may come forth against these our aduersaries And as for them that thus boile in malice against thy religion and vs thy most vnworthie seruants O turne their hearts if they belong to thée open their eies to sée thy trueth that they may with vs depart from that Antichrist of Roome loue thy Gospell our nation and all the professors of thy truth Or else Lord as thou hast begun for the which we do in most humble manner giue thanks vnto thée so we pray thée to goe forward to curse them in all their actions by sea and by lande Let their table be a snare before them Psal 69.22 23 their prosperitie their ruine Let their eies be blinded that they may not sée and make their loines alway to tremble Strike thē with such feare that the sound of a leafe shaken may make them to quake that as wicked men they may flie Leuit. 26.36 when no man pursueth them Pro. 28.1 Scatter their counsels ouerthrowe their forces turne their owne swords one against another and so prouide by thy mightie power that the things which they haue prepared for our destruction may be vsed in thy iustice for the execution of thy long deserued wrath vpon themselues And so bring them to naught that they may not anie longer trouble vs and other of thy Churches as a long time they haue done euen nowe doe Psal 79.10 O let the bloud of thy Saints which they haue cruelly shed come before thée to pull vengeance vppon them Heare the cries of the womē whom they haue made widowes and of the children whom they haue made fatherlesse Hearken to the pittifull complaintes of such as they kéepe in prison for thy truth and deliuer such as they haue appointed to death Let them bee vppon the seas Exo. 14. as was Pharao and his companie pursuing thy Israell let them bee vpon the lande Jud. cap. 4.7.8 as Sisera and Iabin as the Madianites Oreb Zeb Zebah and Zalmana the enemies of thy people whom thou destroyedst in the time of the Iudges O make them like a whéele Psal 83.13 and as the stubble before the wind as the fire burneth the forrests so persecute them with thy tempests and make them afraid with thy stormes Fill their faces with shame that they may séeke thée O Lord. Let them be confounded and troubled for euer Fight against them from heauen Jud. 5.20 and render into their bosome seuenfolde al the reproches and iniuries which they haue done to thy Church that they may knowe that thou art God and that it is thy truth which we haue learned from thy worde though we haue walked most vnworthy of the same Concerning our selues we doe first of all praie thée for our soueraigne Prince that notwithstanding all the trecheries of