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A95926 The spirit of prayer, or, A discourse wherein the nature of prayer is opened, the kinds of prayer are handled, and the right manner of praying discover'd, several cases about this duty are resolved from Eph. 6, l8 ... : unto which is added a direction for the attaining the gift of prayer, that family-duty may not be omitted, nor secret duty discouraged through inability of utterance and expression / by Nathanael Vincent. Vincent, Nathanael, 1639?-1697. 1674 (1674) Wing V421; ESTC R26350 87,998 210

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nothing too hard for thee The living God the everlasting King who dost what thou wilt in Heaven above and in the Earth beneath The high and lofty one inhabiteth Eternity whose name is Holy who dwellest in the high and holy Place and yet with him also that is of an humble Spirit to revive the Spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the Contrite ones The God in whose hand our Breath is and whose are all our Wayes Thou madest the Earth by thy Power and hast established the World by thy Wisdom and stretched out the Heavens by thy Discretion Thou art very great thou art cloathed with Honour and Majesty and coverest thy self with light as with a Garment Thou only hast immortality and dwelleth in the light that no man can approach unto To thee belongeth Power and Glory and Majesty for all that is in the Heaven and in the Earth is Thine thine is the Kingdom O Lord and thou art exalted as Head above all Thou madest the Heavens and all their Hosts the Earth and all the things that are therein the Seas and all that therein is and thou preservest them all and the host of Heaven Worshippeth thee Thou art wise in Heart and Mighty in Strength who ever hardned himselfe against thee and prospered A God glorious in holiness of Purer eyes then to behold evil with delight and canst not look upon iniquity with any approbation The Devils tremble before thee and the Angels cover their Faces and cry out Holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts Heaven and Earth are full of the majesty of thy Glory Thou art the Lord God merciful and gracious long suffering abundant in loving kindness goodness and truth keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity transgression and sin Thou delightest not in the death of sinners but hadst rather they should turn from their evil wayes and live The God and Father of Jesus Christ and in him the Father of Mercyes the God of all Grace and Comfort A God ready to forgive and plenteous in Mercy unto all that call upon thee thou hearest Prayers unto thee shall all flesh come Thy eye is upon them that fear thee and upon such as hope in thy Mercy a very present help in time of trouble Thy Mercy is in the Heavens and thy Faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds As a Father pittyeth his Children so thou pittyest them that fear thee Thou wilt not always chide neither wilt thou keep thine anger for ever Thy mercy is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear thee and thy righteousness unto childrens children Thou art the hope of Israel and the Saviour of them in the time of trouble thou keepest truth forever The heavens shall vanish away like Smoak and Earth shall wax old like a Garment but thy Salvation shall be for ever and thy righteousness shall not be abolished Who is a God like unto thee that Pardonest Iniquity and passest by the Transgression of the remnant of thine heritage thou wilt not always chide neither wilt thou keep thine anger for ever because thou delightest in mercy Thou wilt turn again thou wilt have compassion upon us thou wilt subdue our Iniquities thou wilt cast all our Sins into the depth of the Sea A God to whom vengeance belongs who wilt reward them that hate thee whose power and whose wrath is against all that forsake thee A jealous God who canst not be deceived who wilt not be mocked Thou wilt ease thee of thine adversaries and avenge thee on thy enemies Who can stand before thine indignation who can abide in thy sight when once thou art angry Can our hearts endure or can our hands be strong when thou shalt deal with us let the potsherds strive with the potsherds of the Earth wo be to him that contendeth with his Maker Thou searchest the heart and triest the reins and hast pleasure in uprightness There is not any creature that is not manifest in thy sight but all things are open and naked unto the eyes of that God with whom we have to do Oh that thou wouldst bow the heavens and come down draw night to us while we draw nigh to thee Thou humblest thy self to behold things don in Heaven the heaven of heavens is not able to contain thee and yet thou wilt dwell with Men. Thou art nigh unto us in all that we call upon thee for Let us find favour in thine eyes suffer us not to seek thy face in vain Lord hear my voice and let thine car be attentive unto the voice of my Supplication I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord Jehovah who am but dust and ashes what is man that thou art mindful of him whose dayes are as a shaddow whose breath is in his nostrils and wherein is he to be accounted of Oh quicken us that we may call upon thy name and have a gracious regard unto us though we are prodigal children unprofitable Servants of polluted lips and hearts uncircumcised 2. Confession of Sin is to follow by which God is honoured our selves humbled and abased Original corruption is thus to be acknowledged What is man that he should be clean or he that is born of a woman that he should be righteous thou mightest abhor the sight of us and we have infinite reason to loath and abhor our selves Thou madest man upright but he hath sought out many inventions We were at first planted a noble Vine a right seed but now our fruit is evil the root bitter our grapes are grapes of Sodom and clustters of Gomorrah Our first Parents were created in thine Image which does consist in Righteousness and true Holiness but they were beguiled by the Serpent and forsock the Lord and we being in their Loyns sinned in them and fell with them in their first transgression Behold I am shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me We are born the children of VVrath the sons of Death the heirs of Hell and are dead in trespasses and sins There is a Law in our Members that warrs against the Law in our mindes and is quite contrary unto the Law of God And whensoever we would or should do good evil is present with us Our carnal mindes are enmity against God they are not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can they be VVe are wise to do evil but to do good we have no knowledge the blindness that is in our minds does alienate us from the Life of God Our Consciences are sleepy and unfaithful where is their tenderness and Authority they seldom check us and if they do such is our eagerness to sin we do not mind but disobey them Our hearts are the worst part in us they are deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know them As a Fountain sendeth forth water so our hearts without intermission are casting forth their wickedness from hence proceed those evils that defile the man Our hearts are disobedient and unto every
the Spirit may move unto more then ordinary plying of this work of Prayer And the Iron is by all means to be struck while 't is thus hot An extraordinary motion of the Spirit raised David out of his bed at midnight Psal 119. 62. At midnight I will arise to give thanks unto thee because of the righteous judgments So Act. 16. 25. at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God and the prisoners heard them But here you must have a caution lest Satan get an advantage When the Spirit of God thus extraordinarily moves to pray he does sweetly and strongly incline the heart to comply with his motion there is a quickning heat goes along with his perswasions But Satans motions to pray at unwonted times come with a perplexing violence and burthensomeness upon the spirit but there is no disposing or enlarging of the heart unto supplication Thus the Egyptians of old required the tale of Bricks from the children of Israel but allowed not straw to make them with 4. We must Watch for all manner of Encouragements in Prayer and truly the Lord is not backward to give if we are heedful and forward to take encouragement The Lord encourages to prayer various wayes 1. By making us sensible what a priviledge access to the Mercy-seat is He causes us to be satisfied and delighted in his Presence and our hearts cry out Oh how good is it for us to be here This is none other then the Throne of Grace and this is indeed the Gate of Heaven 'T is good for me to draw nigh to God sayes holy David Psal 73. ult 2. The Lord encourages to Prayer by melting of the heart for sin he thaws the ice by the beams of his love Sense of unkindness and unsuitable carriage towards the Father of mercies causes plenty of Godly Sorrow and the heart hereby is exceedingly alienated from its iniquity 3. The Lord encourages to Prayer by enlarging the desires after himself makeing the Soul enamoured of him and altogether unsatisfied till it tast and see his goodness 4. By Intimations of audience The Lord said unto Daniel at the close of his Prayer O man greatly beloved Dan 9. 23. Christ answers the Woman of Canaan Great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt Mat. 15. 28. When God after we have been earnest for pardon for Sanctification for grace to honour and to please him causes a peace and calmnesse in our Spirits and we have an hint that our petitions are according to his will and will be granted here is great encouragement in Prayer Now such encouragements should be watched for and laid hold on with the greatest thankfulness 5. We must watch for the returns of Prayer The Psalmist had been praying and he resolves he would hearken what God the Lord would speak that is by way of answer Psal 85. 8. In like manner the Church concluding that the Lord would at last hear resolves to wait for him Mic. 7. 7. Therefore will I look unto the Lord I will wait for the God of my Salvation my God will hear me If you watch not for returns of prayer you do not consider what you do or with whom you have to do in Prayer when you pray you take the name of God into your mouths and shall that be taken in vain when you pray you engage in an ordinance of God and shall that be used in vain What do ye imagine that Gods hand is shortned or his ear heavy and his bowels straitned Not looking after your Prayer dishonours him more then you are aware of He speaks to you and does for you in vain And this is the ready course to provoke him to keep silence and to shut his hand You are therefore with the prophet to stand upon your watch tower and to observe what God sayes to you Hab. 2. 1. Here one grand case of conscience is to be proposed and resolved How we shall know whether prayer be answered Ye or No and the blessings we have begged given as a return to our requesting for them I answer that Blessings are of two sorts Those that are peculiar to Saints those that are commune to the ungodly 1. There are blessings that are peculiar to the Saints Such as the sense of Gods love strength against corruption righteousness and true holyness peace of conscience power to run in the wayes of Gods commands without weariness and to walk without fainting If such blessings as these are prized and earnestly desired in prayer and after prayer are bestowed they may be concluded the fruit of Supplication In the day when I cryed thou answeredst me sayes David and strengthned'st me with strength in my Soul Psal 138. 3. he prayed for grace and spiritual strength and had it and concludes his prayer was answered Onely the Children of God long and beg for such blessings and if the Lords hand be open gives the blessings beg'd we may also conclude that his ear was open to the begging 2. There are Blessings that are commune to the ungodly as health food raiment relations prosperity removing afflictions and mercies of the like nature 'T is more difficult to know when these are given or continued as a return to Prayer but yet this-may be known in these particulars 1. Temporal Blessings are the fruit of prayer when they were begged not only of God but for God that they might be employed in his service and to his praise Joshua begged for victory over the Cananites but he had an eye to Gods great name which he knew would be dishonoured if Israel were overthrown Josh 7. 9. When we desire some estate that we do good with it and honour the Lord with our substance when we desire health and strength that we may be the more usefull and serve our generation arcording to the will of God and what we desired is bestowed surely Prayer is heard 2. Temporal blessings are the fruit of prayer when they are begg'd with an humble and holy submission and not asked as the principal things When we pray for daily Bread and the meat that perishes in such a measure as the Lord sees meetest to deal forth to us but our greatest hunger and thirst is after higher things even that meat which endures to everlasting Life and the waters of that Fountain that is alwayes flowing yet ever full 3. Temporal blessings are obtained by Prayer when they prove as cords to draw the heart neerer to God and effectually engage unto obedience David was brought very low the sorrows of Death compassed him he cals upon the Name of the Lord for deliverance Psal 116. 3 4. well deliverance is granted and what effect had it it makes him admire divine Mercy it strengthens his Faith it makes him cry out truly I am thy servant and resolve to walk before God in the Land of the Living Surely this deliverance came by Prayer and so himself was perswaded v. 1 2. I love the Lord
THE SPIRIT of PRAYER OR A DISCOURSE WHEREIN The Nature of Prayer is Opened the Kinds of Prayer are Handled and the Right Manner of Praying Discover'd Several Cases about this Duty are Resolved From EPH. 6. 18. Praying Alwayes with all Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit and Watching thereunto with all Perseverance and Supplication for All Saints Unto which is Added A Direction for the Attaining the Gift of Prayer That Family-Duty may not be Omitted nor Secret Duty discouraged through Inability of Utterance and Expression BY Nathanael Vincent M. A. Minister of the Gospel London Printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers Chappel and at the Bible on London-Bridge near the Gate 1674. To the Truly HONOURABLE LADY Hester LADY BLOVNT Mercy and Grace and Peace be Multiplyed Much Honoured Madam WHen I had the happiness to belong unto your Noble Family the Favours I received were Weighty ones and have left too deep an impression upon me ever to be worn off I never lived more free from Care Trouble then when I lived with your Ladyship Your Civility your Bounty your being so much concerned when I went away I must Remember while I have Memory 'T is very pleasing to me to reflect upon the Opportunities I had when I lived at Tittenhanger your Stately House not only of studying but of performing those Secret duties of Prayer and Meditation wherein Communion with God is so exceeding sweet that all sensual delights and pleasures are contemptible in comparison At that time the World was presented to me in the Gayest dress Your House Large and bravely Furnished your Gardens Delighful your Park and Walks hardly to be Matched your Table abundantly sumptuously Furnished Yet I must needs tell You That God was ten Thousand times more to me than all this When I sought him with my whole Heart and found him when I begg'd his Grace and had the Grace I begg'd for This This was it which made my life happy This made me Cheerful indeed onely I was sorry to see others take up and be so much transported with lower Pleasures Believe me Madam nay believe the Lord himself Religion and Joy are not inconsistent The wayes of Wisdom are wayes of Pleasantness and all the paths thereof are paths of Peace Though David had a Crown of pure Gold on his Head though he was Lord of such a Country which was then the glory of all Lands yet we find that God was his Joy and that was his Language Whom have I Heaven but Thee and there is none on Earth that I desire besides Thee Whereas Solomon his son indulging his Fl●sh and too much forgetting God did but hereby contribute to his own disquiet He made him great Works he built Houses and planted Vineyards he made Gardens and Orchards and planted Trees in them of all sorts of Fruit he made Pools of Water that the Trees might be the more Flourishing He had Servants Maidens Possessions of great and small Cattel above all that were before him in Jerusalem He gathered Silver and Gold and the peculiar Treasure of Kings and of the Provinces He had Men-singers and Women-singers and the Delights of the Sons of Men and Musical Instruments of all sorts Nay whatsoever his Eyes desired he kept not from them neither did he withold from his Heart any Joy How large an Inventory is here of what is gratifying to the Senses Yet in the midst of all he cryes out Behold all is Vanity and Vexation of Spirit and there is no Profit under the Sun Eccles 2. 4 11. Madam I earnestly desire your Eternal welfare and also your present Joy And truly there must be Godliness not in the Form only but in the Power also or else you will be a Stranger to the pleasure of Christianity God is the Souls centre Rest is elsewhere in vain expected The more you acquaint your self with Him the more perfect your peace will be thereby good will come unto you These ensuing Sermons concerning Prayer I hope through the blessing of God may be a means to make Devotion much more servent And 't is not in vain to seek Him that is so willing to be sound and whose Sufficiency is such that he can satisfie your desires when they are most Enlarged That the Lord of Heaven would bless You and all the Branches of your Illust●ious Family and make all eminent for Piety and Holiness which will be your truest Honour and greatest Dignity is the Prayer of Madam Your Ladiships most humble and most obliged Servant Nathanael Vincent To the Readers especially them that were Hearers of these Following Sermons Beloved Brethren BEing about to Read a Book concerning Prayer how convenient is it you should begin with Prayer that you may read with profit Lift up therefore your hearts unto God and desire Grace to do what is made known to be your duty Gods Precepts are for your profit He is not capable of being advantaged for he is infinitely and eternally self-sufficient but you your selves will be benefited by your Obedience He requires you to come to the throne of Grace that he may impart his Grace and Mercy unto you that so much stand in need of it 'T is the property of Good to be communicative of it self And the Lord who is the Summum Bonum highest and chiefest Good does give most of all liberally Prayer is an Ordinance that He has appointed and 't is a great priviledge we are allowed to pour out our Souls before him His Hand is not shortned His Ear is not heavy we shall not be straitned in Him if we are not straitned in our own Bowels You that never have pray'd with any seriousness of Spirit should cry now with the greater fervency You have not one Sin pardoned not one Corruption mortified not one saving Grace wrought in your Hearts you have not the least part of your main work don no provision at all made for Eternity and another World It concerns you therefore to begg as for your Lives that God would recon●cile you to himself in Christ and make you new Creatures and become a Father and a Portion to you Now is the accepted time Now the Father of Mercies is upon the mercy Seat Now the Lord Jesus is willing to be your Advocate and to intercede for you Now the spirit of Grace is ready to help our infirmities Now forgiveness of sin and life and Immortality are freely offer'd nay you are intreated to accept them But it will not be thus alwayes shortly God will be inexorable the Advocate will be a judg to condemn and the spirit will withdraw for ever and the day of grace will be ended Oh therefore pray now for then 't will be to late to pray And for you that make conscience of this duty wrestle still with greater Vigour Those are the strongest Christians that are mightiest in praier He that prayes well will do all wel besides for by
pray one for another because God has commanded it it maintains love among them and the Strongest need the prayers of the Weaker How earnestly does the Apostle Paul beseech the believing Romans that they would strive together with him in their prayers to God for him Rom. 15. 30. But not a word of prayer directed to any departed Saint in Scripture And when Jacob was in distress and the Angels of God met him and he said this is God's Host but he begg'd nothing of them but wrestles with God himself and as a Prince prevailed 'T is a silly Objection that we use the mediation of great men when we have to do with Princes and therefore the Mediation of Angels and Saints is to be used when we have to do with God for the Lord grants free access unto all if they use Christ as a Mediatour and therefore the Mediation of Angels and Saints is needless We must pray you see in the Name of Christ and there are four things which we are to have an eye to 1. The satisfaction of Christ he has been wounded for Transgression he bare the Curse so that we may beg with confidence to be delivered from it He has made Peace by the blood of his Cross we have encouragement to beseech the Lord to be reconciled and that he would no longer be a Foe but a Father to us 2. We are to eye the purchase of Christ He has purchased all the blessings of the new Covenant Heaven it self is called a purchased Possession Eph 1. 14. Christ payd a price for it that it might be ours 'T is not only an act of Grace but an act of Righteousness in God considering what Christ has paid for to forgive Sin and to give Salvation 3. We are to eye the intercession of Christ Heb. 7. 25. He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them Our great high Priest is passed into the Heavens and his work is there to pray for Believers and his Father hears him always How can prayers miscarry that are backt with the intercession of such a one 4. We are to eye the strength of Christ and his assistance Rightly to pray is a matter of difficulty Christ by his Spirit is ready to help the infirmities of Believers so that notwithstanding all discouragement and opposition from within and from beneath they shall make something of this duty of prayer and obtain the blessing 7. In prayer there must be Thanksgiving for what has been already received Praise is the sublimest part of prayer Praise is a debt and how vast is the debt if we consider the multitude greatness freeness and continuance of mercies Praise sweetens prayer nothing more pleasing to God nothing more pleasant to our selves And to give thanks for benefits received is as effectual a way to prevail for more mercy as the most vehement and strongest cryes Oh therefore that all who pray would also praise the Lord for his ●oodness and for his wonderful works to the Children of men Psal 107. 8. Thus have I explained the definition and opened the nature of prayer to you In the second place I am to inform you what 't is to pray always this I have touched upon already but shall more fully speak to in these particulars 1. To pray always implies being always in a disposition and frame to pray when God requires it The heart must be reconciled to this duty and fall in love with it go to the Throne of Grace with alacrity much may be gotten at the mercy seat the unsearchable riches of Christ are unlocked and we may take as much as the hand of faith can grasp without being checked or upbraided The God whom we have to do with gives liberally and like himself Jam. 1. 5. The heart should be forward to pray and be weary of and through grace subdue move and more that evil which alas is present when good is about to be performed Rom. 7. 21. 2. To pray always implys laying hold of all opportunities to pray that are graciously vouchsafed to us Whenever there is a meet season and a motion to pray we should catch such an occasion by the fore-lock for when once 't is past 't is past recalling Stated times of prayer ordinarily should in no wise be neglected and when there are extraordinary calls to this duty they should by all means be heeded But here you must take heed of being imposed upon by Satan He is clearly for wearying you by spiritual extortion and pressing you to more of the external part of duty then God requires 'T will not be amiss to shew you the difference between Satans motions to pray and the Lords calling you thereunto 1. Satans motions are unseasonable when God calls to other duty When we in obedience to the Divine command are diligent in our calling of a sudden Satan will move to pray but by the unseasonableness of the motion we may discern whence it comes but the Spirits motions are regular 2. Satans motions to pray are unmerciful he would fain have Sinners not pray at all but if they will needs fall upon the duty he urges them to over doing and exacts so much as is apparently to the wasting and expending and destruction of nature and his design is to render prayer burthensome and at last to make it totally neglected But the Lord is merciful in his motions he requires that which is infinitely beneficial to the Soul and destructive austerities towards the body he no where requires 3. Satans motions to pray are commonly followed with some direful injections if they are not obeyed and what he injects has no Scripture-foundation He tells souls that they are Reprobate and will be damned if they do not what he unreasonably perswades whereas the word of God speaks no such matter Well then Satans motions are not to be minded 3. To pray always implies praying in every state and condition in Sickness in Health in Prosperity in Adversity prayer is to be used without prayer Sickness will be unsanctified and an uncomfortable load and if it be taken off 't will be in anger without prayer Health will be a judgment and only serve to encourage a neglect of the soul and another world Without prayer Adversity will be intolerable and Prosperity will be a snare and occasion forgetfulness of God and a daring to rebel against him No condition should cause a cessation of prayer for the Apostle says Pray without ceasing 1 Thes 5. 17. 4. To pray always implies Not to let fall any holy suite till it be granted We must not faint in prayer nor give over though we do not presently speed Luk. 18. 1. He spake a parable to them to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint Impor tunity prevailed with an unrighteous Judge surely then 't will be prevalent with the Father of mercies God does not presently grant
eye of dependance for all their expectation of Grace and Peace and Life is through Him alone 3. They that have the Spirit of Prayer are earnest for the fruits and graces of the Spirit that Love ●oy Peace Long suffering Gentlenesse Goodness Faith Meck●●sse Temperance All which the Apostle enumerates Gal. 5. 22. 23. may be in them and abound and they are restless in prayer for the mortification of the deeds of the flesh for they consider what is said Rom. 8. 13. If ye live after the flesh ye shall dye but if ye through the Spirit mortify the deeds of the body ye shall live 4. They that have the Spirit of prayer are enabled to go unto God as unto a Father Gal. 4. 6. And because ye are Sons God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts crying Abba Father Not but that doubts and fears may be in those that have the Spirit witnesse the Psalmist who cryed out will the Lord cast off for ever and will he be favourable no more is his mercy clear gon for ever And doth his promise fail for evermore hath God forgotten to be gracious hath he in anger shut up his tender mercyes Psal 77. 7. 8. 9. But at length and truly it may be long first ●aith gets the better of unbelief Many that are the Children of God cannot always call him Father yet even then they go to him and are no●quite beat off from him and there is a Secret Trust that he has some gracious respect to them and by this they are encouraged still to persist in prayer Use 3 of Exhortation Prize and value the Spirit of Prayer as without his help you cannot pray to any purpose so he can make prayer mightily pravailing The Spirit will create an holy boldness in your accesse to the throne of grace he will enlarge your hearts in this duty which enlargements are not without sweetness and great satisfaction The Spirit will draw up and indite such petitions for you as will not be denyed and give some encouraging intimation of your being accepted and answered in the beloved Now if you would have the Spirit of Prayer follow these directions 1. Rest not in the bare gift of Prayer let it not satisfy you that you have a praying tongue and no more all your Supplications are but a flattering the Lord with your lips and a lying unto him with your tongues while your hearts are not right with him Psal 78. 36 37. 2. Be sensible of your need of the Spirit light and liberty life and liveliness are the effects of the Spirit good motions holy affections are his off-spring without him you will be like Pharaohs Chariots when the wheels were taken off and drive on heavily but he can make your Souls like the Chari●ts of Amminadib Cant. 6. 12. 3. Part with every thing that grieves the Spirit foster not any lust or inordinate affection that may render your hearts an unpleasant habitation to him 4. Frequently beg for the Spirit and Especially in secret this will be a sign that you indeed desire him Plead the promises which you find Luk. 11. 13. If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts to your Children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the holy Spirit unto them that ask him And what God has promised Christ died that he might purchase nay Christ has prayed that the Spirit might be bestowed Joh. 14. 16. And therefore you may pray with the greater encouragement and assurance Thus concerning that third doctrine that Prayer when rightly performed is Supplication in the Spirit D. 4. In Prayer Watching is a necessary ingredient Watching is a duty which the great Prophet Christ himself frequently pressed and the injunction is general What I say unto you I say unto all Watch Mar. 13. 37 He knew that a Spiritual Lethargie is a disease most incident But if at any time surely in holy duties this heedlesness and sleepyness does discover it self we had need therefore to rouse up our Spirits that are so sluggish naturally Deborah speaks to her self four times Awake awake Deborah Awake awake utter a Song Judg. 5. 12. We have need thus again and again to call upon our Souls to Awake and be Watchful when about to utter a prayer Watching and praying are joyned in Scripture and not only so but Watching is required in Prayer Col. 4. 2. Continue in Prayer and Watch in the same with Thanksgiving so 1 Pet. 4. 7. But the end of all things is at hand be ye therefore Sober and Watch unto Prayer In the handling of this doctrine I shall first shew what we are to Watch against in Prayer Secondly What we are to Watch over Thirdly What we are to Watch for Fourthly What manner of Watching is required in Prayer Fifthly Give the reasons why Watching is so necessary Lastly make Application In the first place I am to tell you What we are to Watch against in Prayer 1. We must watch against indwelling corruption There is a Law in our Members that wars against the Law of our minds and this Law in our members commands quite contrary to the Law of God This Law says pray not at all but especially forbids seriousness and fervency in Prayer and if not watchful this Law will sway and over-rule us and bring us into captivity to the Law of sin VVe had need look to our selves for when we have thoughts of doing good evil will be present with us Rom. 7. 21. and if care be not taken the evil will hinder our doing of the good Oh how deep is the corruption of our Nature How desperat●ly wicked is the heart of man How great are the remainders of sin in those that are most renewed And since the remaining Flesh still does lust against the Spirit this Flesh is to be narrowly eyed that it may be weakned checked else 't will spoil all our services 2. When praying we must watch against the evil One. Satan likes not to see us at the Throne of Grace because he knows has felt the sufficiency of that grace that believers obtain there I besought the Lord says the Apostle when buffeted by the messenger of Satan 2 Cor. 12. 8. and the power of Christ so rested upon him that Satan had no power unless it were full sore against his will to keep him humble and to hinder his being exalted above measure The Devil therefore might and main withstands us in Prayer and how many are his wiles that he may keep us off from this most advantagious Duty Sometimes he objects the difficulty of Prayer somtimes he says 't is needless to spend so much time therein sometimes 't is fruitless and that little comes of all our Cryes and Tears sometimes he proposes other business to be don that we may be diverted sometimes he threatens to appear to us that he may affright us from the Mercy Seat How busy is our adversary the Devil we should be acquainted