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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68474 Appello Cæsarem A iust appeale from two vniust informers· / By Richard Mountagu. Montagu, Richard, 1577-1641. 1625 (1625) STC 18031; ESTC S112844 144,688 352

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Church Hic rhodus hic saltus These are those Passages at which IEPHTHA'S souldiers are to try the lisping EPHRAMITES in their Sibboleth If heer I be concluded with that absolute Decree of Predestination I yeeld If no such Prescription or Tye be imposed then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by your leave ringantur the Faction I minde I may so doe to continue in the opinion I am of YOUR DIVINES as you stile them concerning Predestination beleeve and teach That in the order of the causes of salvation and damnation Almighty GOD primarily and absolutely and IRRESPECTIVELY did from all eternity decree and resolve and semblably brought it so to passe in time concerning genera singulorum and singulos generum to make them vessels of honour or dishonour to bring them unto life or cast them off into death to crowne them with glory and immortality or plunge them into destruction and hell-fire for ever To bring this his Decree and unchangeable purpose to passe it was necessary he should and so hee did purpose and so effect the creation of man and all mankinde necessarily also unto life or death So that the major part of mankinde by farre perishing everlastingly from GOD did so perish because GOD had decreed irreversibly and irrespectively that they should so perish and indeed made them that they might so perish inevitably For the will of GOD is the necessity of things say YOUR Masters out of S. AUGUSTINE mis-understood This is no malicious relating of the doctrine of YOUR Side that delight to be stiled Calvinists The first counsell purpose and decree of GOD was thus Before the works of his hands of old meerly and irrespectively to declare his power I cannot say his justice and what hee might and would doe upon his creatures for his glorie sake hee made the wicked AGAINST nay FOR the day of vengeance The meanes to bring this his purpose to passe was Creation and the cause of his creating man was to effect it Praedestinationem vocamus aeternum DEI decretum quo apud se constitutum habuit quid de unoquoque homine fieri vellet Non enim PARI conditione CREANTUR homines sed alijs vita aeterna alijs DAMNATIO aeterna PRAEORDINATUR Itaque prout in alterutrum finem quisque CONDITUS EST ita vel ad vitam vel ad MORTEM PRAEORDINATUM dicimus Hanc Deus non modò in singulis personis testatus est sed specimen ejus edidit in totâ ABRAHAE sobole Vnde palàm fieret in ejus arbitrio esse qualis cujusque Gentis futura sit conditio Thus the Founder of your fancies in expresse words Can you find this so ruled so taught so prescribed in our Church or articulated unto our Teachers Predestination unto life saith the XVII Article is that everlasting purpose of GOD whereby before the foundation of the world was laid he hath constantly decreed by his counsell secret unto us to deliver from curse and damnation those whom he hath chosen in CHRIST out of mankinde and to bring them BY CHRIST unto everlasting salvation as vessels made to honour In which the Church speaketh onely unto Election toucheth not upon Rejection Reprobation or Desertion and Dereliction rather and in that also goeth no further than ad Esse rei First that there is a Predestination by GOD unto life Secondly that it was an Act of his from everlasting Thirdly that he founded it and resolved for it in the Man and Mediatour CHRIST both for the purpose and performance Fourthly that it is and was of some speciall ones alone elect called foorth and reserved in CHRIST and not generally extended unto all mankinde Fiftly the which purpose and counsell of his is like himselfe unchangeable done according to the counsell of his will This is all that I can finde touching that Purpose and Decree of GOD. Then ensueth concerning the putting it in practice and execution in their calling by grace justification freely and adoption of sons in conformity to Christ study of good works and then when these are done to finall consummation in glory All which I constantly professe and beleeve and I adde that according unto this Doctrine a curse is presupposed a state of damnation and wo intended out of which they are delivered whom hee electeth in CHRIST into which how they came how they were plunged the ARTICLE doth not speak YOUR Teachers declare expressely it was GOD'S positive peremptory prime irresistable Act they were cast into it by GOD irrespectively because he would doe it they were thereunto appointed by himself for himselfe and his own pleasure and being so appointed by his will were ABSOLUTELY NECESSITATED thereunto that they could not possibly resist his will alter his purpose prevent his Decree nor avoid the effects of his pleasure For aditum vitae PRAECLUSIT exitio DEVOVIT Sect. 7. Now what inferences and hideous consequences will ensue the Papists and Lutherans doe not spare to speak and presse to purpose and you cannot avoid to my poor understanding their conclusions The Church of England is not heerto liable cannot bee charged with it must not for YOUR sakes be put to avow or justifie it which in wise moderation sitteth downe by this Temper To have GOD'S promises in such wise received as they be GENERALLY set forth to us in holy Scripture and doth not insolently presse into GOD'S Secrets CHAP. V. Dangerous consequences brought by Others upon the Irrespective Decree INFORMERS IN this point he hath these words That PETER was saved because God would have him saved Absolutely and resolved to save him so Necessarily because hee would doe so MOUNTAGU IT is true in this point I have these words indeed not as mine but as yours For relating the doctrine briefly of YOU Calvinists as you are and would be called I propose it exemplified as you use it so but withall I added which is also your Doctrine and I go no further there that IUDAS was damned as necessarily because that GOD as absolute to decree as omnipotent to effect his decree did primarily so resolve concerning him and finally so conclude as touching him WITHOUT RESPECT of any thing but his owne will Is not this the manifest direct plain and expresse doctrine of Him whom you professe to follow of whom you glorie to be denominated Nothing is by me ascribed unto your Side and YOUR Doctors but an absolute and irrespective necessitating Decree concerning man in utramque partem and concerning all the effects of Predestination I brought no inferences to presse you withall such as are commonly and odiously made against you by Opposites Papists Lutherans Arminians or if there be any else whose virulent invectives and strange though too true imputations I like not I used not I did not charge you with making GOD the AUTHOR OF SIN nor that GOD who calleth himselfe as he is the Father of Mercies made the greatest part of mankinde with intent and purpose to PERISH eternally to DAMNE
them for ever into and in Hell fire That every man is as he is Predestinate a Sinner or Beleever NECESSARILY unavoideably That the Reprobate are incited on and PROVOKED to sinne by GOD. That GOD was the Author of IUDAS treason and the like None of these dropped out of my pen against you therefore that Depravation of YOUR Doctrine or odious relating of it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That which I relate is confessed by your selves That PETER could not perish IUDAS could not but perish Whether this be good Catholick doctrine I did not touch CHAP. VII Lutherans averse from the doctrin of Calvinists The moderation of the Church of England in these great and unsearchable mysteries The Author's submission thereunto The doctrine of Predestination Man the Author of his owne destruction and not GOD. The doctrine of Antiquitie contemned by Novellers The Synod of Dort no obligation to us The saying of DEODATE The Articles of Lambeth forbidden by Authority Forraine Doctrine maintayned to bring in forraine Discipline The Church of England no Patronesse of Novell opinions INFORMERS BUt I make the world beleeve that the Church of England doth oppose the doctrine of absolute and irrespective Election which the SYNOD of DORT concluded upon and determined and that it agreeth with the Lutherans in this point MOUNTAGU DOE I make men Beleeve it How can you tell that the world is so perswaded through my words It is probable enough that the world thought so and Beleeved so before that my name or the Gaggers came into play among you or were heard of in the world And for the Lutherans this is all I say The Lutherans abhorre it It that is That opinion as I then spake indefinitely not imposing it on you or YOUR Divines as gently as I could as tenderly as was possible And I pray you for the Lutherans is it not so out of your knowledge or heare-say doe not they detest it as horribiliter in DEUM contumeliosum generi humano perniciosissimum and that so farre with such vehemency as their custome is in every thing to be vehement and violent that they sticke not to professe they will rather come off roundly unto Poperie againe than joine with YOUR Divines upon any termes in these Questions of Prescience Perseverance Election and Reprobation wherein they say that by your Tenents Non Diabolus sed DEUS erit AUTHOR mendacij GOD not the Divell is made AUTHOR of sinne But concerning the Church of England's consenting with the Lutherans your Glosse corrupteth my Text. I say no such matter That which I say is this The Gagger objecteth unto us as held by us that which you call the Doctrine of YOUR Divines My answer thereto is Negative Absque hoc no such matter For the Lutherans in Germany doe detest and abhorre it the Church of England hath not taught it And yet this is not enough to inferre that we consent with the Lutherans eyther in their Abhorring and Detesting of it or in those Opinions which they hold against it except there could be given Nihil tertium I adde The Church of England doth not Beleeve it and why may I not say so except you shew the contrary or bring me forth a Creed a Canon a Conclusion in being for Beleeving it in the Church of England What our Church resolveth touching this is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 resolved in the XVII Article the very words of that Article being expressed in termes as farre as concerned that Decree But touching the execution of that eternall purpose both for inchoation by Grace here and consummation in Glory hereafter thus much is tendred in the selfe same place and Article Therefore they that be endowed with so excellent a Benefite from GOD be called according unto GOD'S purpose by his Spirit working in due season They through GOD'S grace obey that calling they be justified freely they be made sonnes of GOD by adoption they be made like unto the Image of his only begotten Sonne IESUS CHRIST they walke religiously in good works and at length by GOD'S mercy attaine unto everlasting felicity In all which passage both containing GOD'S Decree and execution of that Decree is not one word syllable or apex touching your absolute necessarie determined irresistable irrespective Decree of GOD to call save and glorifie S. PETER for instance infallibly WITHOUT any CONSIDERATION had of or REGARD unto his FAITH OBEDIENCE REPENTANCE and to condemn IUDAS as necessarily without any RESPECT had at all unto his SINNE which say I there and I say truely is the private fancy of some particular men and as I conjecture you are professedly of those SOME And whereas you would make the World beleeve that Ecclesia Anglicana Calvinistat as if he were the father and founder of our Faith as if our Beleefe were to be pinned upon his sleeve and absolutely to be taught after his Institutions shew mee good warrant for it and I yeeld I may rather say that the Church of England hath opposed this doctrine because that many of the Learned your selves will not denie in that Church and most conformable unto the Discipline and Doctrine of the Church have mainly opposed it and the Church it self hath directly and in EXPRESSE words overthrown the ground therof in teaching thus that a Iustified man and therefore Predestinate in your doctrine may Fall away from GOD and therefore become not the Child of GOD. The truth is our Church in these deepe and high points hath in great Wisedeme and Prudence gon on warily and suspensely not presuming 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as you and YOUR Divines have done and doe to conclude upon GOD'S Secrets not straightning narrowing of mens consciences by determining specially in those Mysteries at which that great Apostle stood at gaze with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Would you and your Party bee advised I would counsaile you that which I desire to follow in this particular my selfe Ne curiosus quaere causas omnium Quaecunque libris vis Prophetarum indidit Afflata caelo plena veraci DEO Nec operta sacri supparo stlentij Irrumpere aude sed prudenter praeteri NESCIRE VELLE QUAE MAGISTER MAXIMUS DOCERE NON VULT ERUDITA EST INSCITIA I must confesse my dissent thorough and sincere from the Faction of novellizing PURITANS men intractable insociable incompliable with those that will not aedificare ad dissensiones but in no one point more than in this their desperate doctrine of Predestination In which as they delight to trouble themselves and others in nothing more so I professe I doe love to meddle nothing lesse I have not I did not desire nor intend to declare my owne opinion in that point evermore with reservation of my dutifull consent with and unto my Mother for I needed not doe it being not forced so to do in following of the Gagger but because I am challenged for Dangerous Doctrine therein